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jARKSBTTRG Jj JVest ;tfQrnnp JV.UU1 Hint From The Bosi BY ... · j colored men from the diamond. In...

Date post: 18-Aug-2020
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" *' / |' '! ; - Jj JVest Virg SISTBRSVILLE: Dennis O'Day. said to have been the oldest resident of Tyler county, is dead at his home hear here, aged 99. He was born in Ireland, MARTFNSBURG: The Polish Immigration Society, of Xcw York, is considering the establishment of a large Polish colony in this section, according to Thooaore F. Irabaclis, the well known orchardist. SISTERSVILLE: Oscar Billerer. aged K>, is dead of tetanus, which set in after he had accidentally shot himself while out hunting:. PARKiERSBURG: Mothers of this city are planning to send numerous Christmas gifts to West Virginia guardsmen on the border. FAIRMONT: Voters of this city ratified a bond issue of ?760.l»00 for construction of bridges arid improvement of streets. GRAFTON: The Business Men's Association nf this city is seeking an extension of the Monongahela Valley Traction Company's interurban lines from Clarksburg to Grafton. I p . SPORTO (By "G ; V . ~ . Another Great Ballad. Againthis newspaper lias scored a tremendous beat upon its-contemporaries in being able to publish for the first time the words of the most pathetic ballad ever written. Sung to the air of the "German Hymn of male," it will bring tears to every eye. All ready? Let 'er fo, professor: "I didn't raise my boy to be a boxer," Says a sad and weeping mother to her son. But the wicked kid only Jeers and mocks 'er. And says he, "I'm going to get the easy nion." He was brought home that night upon a stretcher, And he murmurs, as he gives his in a a hug. "I'll heed your words hereafter, you can betcher, For you didn't raise your boy to be a pug." * $ s m At the meeting of the executV/c committee ol" the L'niied States National Lawn Tennis Asociation. sched'I* 'I* 4-4.1' | Mother - Made, QuieJz * Acting Cough Syrup | 4* x* B ^ Should he Kept Handy In Erery 4* Home.Eaally I'rcpnrrd and J 4* Coats bit tie. X Y Mothers, you'll nevof know what you arc missing until you make up this inexpensive, quick-acting cough syrup and try it. Children love its pleasant taste arid nothing else will loosen^ a cough or chest cold and heal the inflamed or swollen throat membranes with such ease and promptness, t It's equally good for grown-ups as for children. This splendid cough syrup is made by pouring 2-V£ ounces of Pinex (50 cents worth), into a pint bottle and filling the bottle with plain granulated sugar syrup. This gives you a iull pint.a family supply.of much better cough remedy than vou could buy ready-made for $2.50.a clear saving of $2.# The moment it touches the inflamed, cold-congested membrttne3 that line the throat and air pusaages, the healing begins, the phlegm loosens, soreness leaves, cough spasms lessen and soon disappear altogether, thus ending a cough quicker than you ever thought possible. Hoarseness and ordinary coughB are conquered by it in 24 hours or less. Excellent for bronchitis, whooping cough, spasmodic croup, bronchial asthma or winter coughs. Pinex is a highlv concentrated compound of genuine Norway pine extract, combined with guaiaeol and is famous the world over for its quick healing elFcct on the membranes. Beware of substitutes. Ask your druggist for "2V" ounces of Pinex" with directions and don't accept any thins else. Guaranteed to trive absolute satisfaction or money refunded. The Pinex Co., Ft. Wayne, Ind. I "FATT&T" § 1 By the Marcato Choral § I Club | AT THE MASONIC < § AUDITORIUM | | Thursday Etvening, 8:30 I 1 Now is the time to or- | | dcr your suit and oyer- I I coat for Christmas. You 8 | can have a tailored-to- j ® I your-ordcr Suit, for that a joyous day. if you will I | gi\*eus your oraer now. | I j Genteel Shop 1 I "ItMust Right" 8 sa'iif-If#Wife {SYYltZ^K Cleaning French1 and Dry Steam <3,12 N. 5th St. 19-prk cnJIoti fur and Delivered THE OI dnia Briefs GRAFTON: The First Regiment. West Virginia National Guard, will l>e mobilized soon for service on the Mexican border, according to the belief held by military men here. i ELK INS: Del Gainer, first baseman of the Boston Red Sox. "world's champion baseball team, may conch the lias- ketball team of the local young Men's Christian Association. CHARLESTON: Compensation is not payable to guards employed by a private corporation, according to the workmen's compensation department. The decision was in the case of Mrs. j F. D. Wvatt and J. C. Bragg; of Winding Gulf. CHARLESTON: Rates will bo in' creased by the People's United Tele-! ! phone Company operating in Lewis. Upshur, Harrison and Doddridge couni ties, permission having been granted ; by the public service commission. WHEELING: J. F. Miller, one of the larger employers of stogies makers, has signed a scale granting an increase t ol' ?1 per thousand to the stogie rollers. This is the first break in the strike of stogie makers which has been in prog- i ress a month. GRAPfSY it - rnvey") 1 j i . G . ultd for tomorrow, many opinions will be heard as to what shou'd be done for or to the fool fau't rule. William A. Larned. former national champion, believes in the retention of the present rule, so modified as to give the umpire discretionary power to call a foot fnult a let. thus making it possible to equalize the penalties during a match. Larned's view is that the foot fault umpire be permitted, but not required, to call the first < foot fault on any first, or second ser- j vice at let. If the service be good in other respects.if you get what wc j mean. j ** » Gloomy (ius Says: It always makes me shudder to see baseball fans eating nuts.it's so much like cannibalism. s; .> « They're Off In Havana. ! They're off in Havana.in Havana 1 the gay.yes, the gee-gees are run- e ning In Cuba today. And in fancy we j see. in Old Sol's brilliant light, the wild, cheering populace of black, tan B and white, eaeb one tinwlinc the U ' name of his favorite steed, some for I j love of the sport, and some mad with c the greed of the gold that they hope £ by good fortune to win. O, Havana. |! Havana, fair city of sin! We cry out against you, bright Havana the gay. and we're sorry' you are so darned far I away! » * * Football's Dusky Hero, That, football is not exclusively a white man's game has been demon- strated in the past by Thorpe and oth- j er Indian gridiron stars, and now j comes Fred Pollard, the negro halfback of Brown University, with a record that cannot be overlooked by the dopesters of the inevitable all-America n elevens. In almost every line of |j athletics, Amateur and professional, the black man has won a place for himself. In the old days Moses Walki er, a catcher, and Frank Grant, a second baseman, were stars in league | ball, until the unwritten law barred j colored men from the diamond. In ' pugilism there have been scores of great boxers of African descent, starting with Tom Molineaux, who was really the first world's champion, although tricked out of his honors; and including such names as Peter Jackson, George Dixon, .Toe Gans, Jack Johnson. Sam Langford and Joe Jeanetto. Cuba lias today several colorded ball players who are said to compare favorably with big leaguers. The name of Howard Drew, the sprinter, will live long in athletic annals. Fred Pnllnrd. the Intent ii'ildl- 1 tion to /the roll of negr® athletic i stars, was born In Chicago twenty-one years ago. He is only five feet six and one-fourth inches in height, and weighs 155 pounds. He is a great j hurdler as well as a football player. | He expects to become a physician, and 1 is laying at Brown the foundation for 1 : a future course in medicine. « » * * Ohio Pennsylvania and Massachusetts fans have doped out some strong ; "native son" baseball clubs, but there are others. F'rinstancc: ; Georgia: Tyrus Cobb. 1 Texas: Tris Speaker. [ * 1 t j A strong team composed of Buckeye talent would be: Sisler, p.: Sisler, c.; Sisler, lb.; Sisler, 2b.; Sisler, 3b.; Sisler. ss.; Sisler, cf.; Sisler, If.; Sisler, rf. Father Gander. Peanuts and pop. peanuts and pop. | When winter comes fans smoke pennant hop; When summer comes their hopes go ker-flop; Peaifuts and pop, peanuts and pop.! ] s # » s Pleasant thought for a wintry day: , St. Louis or Washington bleachers J with the temperature a hundred In ] the shade,, and no shade. | * * * a j Today In Pugilistic Annals. ! John L. Sullivan pulled a big surprise party on the sporting world twenty-eight years ago today by call- ins at a New York newspaper oflicc I and depositing $5,000 as a financial | backing for his challenge to Jake Kilrain. John Lr. had long refused to fight Jake, although Kllraln had issued repeated challenges, and the impression had gone abroad that the P.ostonian was afraid of his rival. The c previous year Kilrain's admirers had presented him with a belt said to be t emblematic of the world's heavy- \ weight championship. Jem Smith. t the English champion, then chal- \ lenged Jake, and .they fought 106 rounds In France. Kilrain having the a best of it. although it was called a c draw. Even after John L. had put up the money many sports thought he was blufllng, but earjy the following January a- meeting was held . in « Toronto and the arrangements for r . jARKSBTTRG DAILY TE ;tfQrnnp THK CUI JV.UU1 RKPORTF r^f°^ cn . (f ' i i \ F I II SATURE of our FREE of all raw ma be able to gn We offer we guarantee I Every ga Our great iro cedented in 1 I stands pre-er NATl | Clarksburg w he great battle were completed. They net in July, 1SS:>. at Ricliburg, Miss.. ihd Sullivan won after seventy-six ounds of terrific bare knuckle fightng. IF^Irf ST. If S High School Basketball Team Will Play_ St Augustine Team hriday Wight The St. Mary's high school basketiall quintet will play tlie first homo ;ame of the season at'S o'clock Friday J1STRESS LAHT5 FOR THREE YEARS 3ut Nerv-Worth Brought C. T. Martin, of First Street, Back to Health. This endorser is known all over the :ounty and what he says has. weight: Burke's Drug Store.I have been akiug Ncrv-Worth for soreness in the jack, side and /chest and I am glad to ell you the soreness Is all gone.* for v'bich I have suffered for three years. I was stopped up in my chest and .t times I could hardly breathe and I an praise Nerv-Worth for the relief. C. T. MARTIN, 126 First Street. Your dollar hack at'the Burko Drug itore, Clarksburg, if Nerv-Worth does tot benefit YOU..Advertisement. I'tjf » A ' III 'f I fl ' "1 LEG-RAM. THURSDAY, D ^ Just A Gentle Xort scoop . >. [ ^<00 DROPPED ] A \XOOR Hanky .j ^ ¥F% A VR1W LAS |g PAIR t AY and MONDAY i pants sale. On ace terial that enters in re you this FREE oft 1000 STYLE you over lfiOO STY] » to give perfect sati STRICTLY ONI >uit»s -- A rment is made to m< n-clad guarantee of 'he annals of mere ninent as the greate SATURDAY t, W. Va. night when the fast St. Augustine high school team of Grafton will clash with the locals. Although the St. Mary's boys were t defeated by a onesided score at Wal- g lace last Friday night they arc not. ( discouraged and after a week of hard i practice following the Wallace game, j many of the errors made at Wallace i have been overcome and the team is c playing much better basketball at present. " The Grafton team, while light, has a t reputation of being one of the fastest j teams in this section of the state and * is out to win from the St. Mary's team Friday night. Mil ; t Quintet Will Play First Game fi Friclav Niaht anainst the I Shinnston High Five. * t The Washington Irving high school I basketball team will play its first a game of the 3916-17 season Friday I evening at the Washington Irving 1 gymnasium with the Shinnston high school five. The game will start at i 8:15 o'clock. £ The Shinnston team has boon play- 9 ing for several weeks and are in good i condition, while the local boys have a not played a game yet and have had t only a week of practice but it is <J thought that the class of the material t of the local team will show and Wash- i ington Irving should win the game. a Morrison, Peck, Thorn, Carter, McNarry and many of the old stars of last -1 year's team will be on the team again c this season. £ EOEMBKR 7, 1916. , Weli-Intentioned ^TSANKS 'X 7" VB05S .J I ' ; -'^'.C.'i December 9th and ount of the recent to the make-up of ; !er again. :s OF CHOICE LES of choice wool istaction or we refu £ PRICE U Overcoa easure and tailored "Satisfaction or M :hant tailoring-. A pt of all values. IND MONDAY \ DATE CHANGED. /. Announcement Is made that the late for tlie special meeting of the tockholders of the Gorwig Oil and Jas Company has been changed from Thursday, December 2}, to Saturday, December 23. The meeting will be leld in the company's ofllcos 111 the Joff building. iiow to Be Rid of Disgusting Dandruff The only way to be ncrmarienUv rid if disgusting, untidy dandruff is to cor-j ect its cause- Shampooing merely rlcuns.cs the scalp for a few days, then he scales form again as thick as ever. To destroy the dandruff germ and ret rid of dandruff for good, part the tair and apply a little of the genuine Parisian Sage directly on the bare icalp, and rub it in with the finger ips for a few minutes until absorbed >y the scalp. You will surely be imazed at the re*",,t r*: *""**> n?io ap)licatio' Jo r your hair and scalp will ook and feel lOu Only a few days's massage with Par- sian Sage are needed to destroy the rerms that cause the dandruff to form. Che scalp becomes healthy, the hair vill grow better; and show more life .nd vitality, -j and* you heed never be roubled by dandruff again. Faded; Lull or lifeless hair is quickly restored o beauty by this simple process, which s absolutely,,harmless, and will .not tain the hair, or.make, it greasy. ; Parisian Sage can be obtained'from Veils-Haymaker Co. r and dnigglsts iverywhere. It is not expensive.. vdvortlsement. Hint From The Bosi OH SCOOP-Yoo cropped) / ^fOOR. PENCI U f Y" Ahank$\ ( ^ ^ J | WWWi^...m H.WM^|. > *m Tr.ee llth are positively un looked for advai \ suit or overcoat w WOOLENS ens from which tos nd your money. its ^ J Bamuammmmmaamm by expert UN 10! oney Refunded" a i NATIONAL suit r LAST DAY LEN M VM. FRICKER Iff PETITION REJECTED. The county court In special term refused late Wednesday afternoon the petition of the Pittsburg and West Virginia Gas Company for permission to lay a pipe line in the public highway at Enterprise. Spain has erected a new wireless station at Cape Juby, on the Atlantic coast of Africa. . r - - iB MaMnrtrtifiiafifcni I. MIS ESiCKLE an PHOTO GH Announce tlic < STI Suite-8 an'd-9, Artistic PI in all its Hojjie P< ai Child £ Espe: , PAGE SEVEN ill BY HOP" ! '\A/HV OONT \ "YOU CARRY \ » A ROLL OF ] t AM ^ ^ | l | the last days ' ice in the cost I e may never . select. These HUBBUB ^ n N TAILORS. \ lands unpre- g ; or overcoat I 199 9 C I A small pocket light has, no bat Ij tery; The current is, generatedlD^B small dynamo concealed in. thvep|aa5!ffl die and worked by ono finger. g When the nervousness is caused by constipation, as is ofteniJtheibasi^you will get quick relief, by taking|Glw^aB berlain's Tablets. These tablebifaS^^ improve the digestion. Obtatnalil^ffi everywhere..Advertisement. gj d MOSKEY J I
Page 1: jARKSBTTRG Jj JVest ;tfQrnnp JV.UU1 Hint From The Bosi BY ... · j colored men from the diamond. In ' pugilism there have been scores of great boxers of African descent, starting

" *' / |' '! ; -

Jj JVest VirgSISTBRSVILLE: Dennis O'Day.

said to have been the oldest resident ofTyler county, is dead at his home hearhere, aged 99. He was born in Ireland,

MARTFNSBURG: The Polish ImmigrationSociety, of Xcw York, is consideringthe establishment of a largePolish colony in this section, accordingto Thooaore F. Irabaclis, the wellknown orchardist.

SISTERSVILLE: Oscar Billerer.aged K>, is dead of tetanus, which setin after he had accidentally shot himselfwhile out hunting:.

PARKiERSBURG: Mothers of thiscity are planning to send numerousChristmas gifts to West Virginiaguardsmen on the border.

FAIRMONT: Voters of this cityratified a bond issue of ?760.l»00 forconstruction of bridges arid improvementof streets.

GRAFTON: The Business Men'sAssociation nf this city is seeking anextension of the Monongahela ValleyTraction Company's interurban linesfrom Clarksburg to Grafton.Ip .


; V . ~ .

Another Great Ballad.Againthis newspaper lias scored a

tremendous beat upon its-contemporariesin being able to publish for thefirst time the words of the most patheticballad ever written. Sung tothe air of the "German Hymn ofmale," it will bring tears to everyeye. All ready? Let 'er fo, professor:"I didn't raise my boy to be a boxer,"

Says a sad and weeping mother toher son.

But the wicked kid only Jeers andmocks 'er.

And says he, "I'm going to get theeasy nion."

He was brought home that night upona stretcher,And he murmurs, as he gives his

ina a hug."I'll heed your words hereafter, you

can betcher,For you didn't raise your boy to be

a pug."* $ s m

At the meeting of the executV/ccommittee ol" the L'niied States NationalLawn Tennis Asociation. sched'I*

'I* 4-4.1'

| Mother - Made, QuieJz *Acting Cough Syrup |

4* x*B ^ Should he Kept Handy In Erery 4*Home.Eaally I'rcpnrrd and J4* Coats bit tie. X4» Y

Mothers, you'll nevof know what youarc missing until you make up this inexpensive,quick-acting cough syrup andtry it. Children love its pleasant tastearid nothing else will loosen^ a cough orchest cold and heal the inflamed orswollen throat membranes with suchease and promptness, t It's equally a»good for grown-ups as for children.

This splendid cough syrup is made bypouring 2-V£ ounces of Pinex (50 centsworth), into a pint bottle and filling thebottle with plain granulated sugarsyrup. This gives you a iull pint.afamily supply.of much better coughremedy than vou could buy ready-madefor $2.50.a clear saving of $2.#The moment it touches the inflamed,cold-congested membrttne3 that line thethroat and air pusaages, the healing begins,the phlegm loosens, sorenessleaves, cough spasms lessen and soondisappear altogether, thus ending acough quicker than you ever thoughtpossible. Hoarseness and ordinarycoughB are conquered by it in 24 hoursor less. Excellent for bronchitis, whoopingcough, spasmodic croup, bronchialasthma or winter coughs.Pinex is a highlv concentrated compoundof genuine Norway pine extract,

combined with guaiaeol and is famousthe world over for its quick healingelFcct on the membranes.Beware of substitutes. Ask your

druggist for "2V" ounces of Pinex" withdirections and don't accept anythinselse. Guaranteed to trive absolute satisfactionor money refunded. The PinexCo., Ft. Wayne, Ind.

I "FATT&T" §1 By the Marcato Choral §I Club| AT THE MASONIC <

§ AUDITORIUM || Thursday Etvening, 8:30 I

1 Now is the time to or- || dcr your suit and oyer- II coat for Christmas. You 8| can have a tailored-to- j

® I your-ordcr Suit, for that

a joyous day. if you will I

| gi\*eus your oraer now.

| Ij Genteel Shop 1I "ItMust Right" 8



French1 and Dry Steam<3,12 N. 5th St.

19-prk cnJIoti fur and Delivered


dnia BriefsGRAFTON: The First Regiment.

West Virginia National Guard, will l>emobilized soon for service on the Mexicanborder, according to the beliefheld by military men here.

iELKINS: Del Gainer, first baseman

of the Boston Red Sox. "world's championbaseball team, may conch the lias-ketball team of the local young Men'sChristian Association.

CHARLESTON: Compensation isnot payable to guards employed by aprivate corporation, according to theworkmen's compensation department.The decision was in the case of Mrs.

j F. D. Wvatt and J. C. Bragg; of WindingGulf.

CHARLESTON: Rates will bo in'creased by the People's United Tele-!! phone Company operating in Lewis.Upshur, Harrison and Doddridge counities, permission having been granted

; by the public service commission.WHEELING: J. F. Miller, one of the

larger employers of stogies makers,has signed a scale granting an increase

t ol' ?1 per thousand to the stogie rollers.This is the first break in the strike ofstogie makers which has been in prog-

i ress a month.


rnvey") 1 ji

. G

. ultd for tomorrow, many opinionswill be heard as to what shou'd bedone for or to the fool fau't rule.William A. Larned. former nationalchampion, believes in the retentionof the present rule, so modified as togive the umpire discretionary powerto call a foot fnult a let. thus makingit possible to equalize the penaltiesduring a match. Larned's view isthat the foot fault umpire be permitted,but not required, to call the first <foot fault on any first, or second ser- jvice at let. If the service be good inother respects.if you get what wc

j mean. j * * »

Gloomy (ius Says:It always makes me shudder to see

baseball fans eating nuts.it's somuch like cannibalism.

s; .> «

They're Off In Havana. !They're off in Havana.in Havana 1

the gay.yes, the gee-gees are run- ening In Cuba today. And in fancy we jsee. in Old Sol's brilliant light, thewild, cheering populace of black, tan Band white, eaeb one tinwlinc the U

' name of his favorite steed, some for Ij love of the sport, and some mad with cthe greed of the gold that they hope £by good fortune to win. O, Havana. |!Havana, fair city of sin! We cry outagainst you, bright Havana the gay.and we're sorry' you are so darned far

I away!» * *

Football's Dusky Hero,That, football is not exclusively a

white man's game has been demon-strated in the past by Thorpe and oth- jer Indian gridiron stars, and now jcomes Fred Pollard, the negro halfbackof Brown University, with a recordthat cannot be overlooked by thedopesters of the inevitable all-American elevens. In almost every line of |jathletics, Amateur and professional,the black man has won a place forhimself. In the old days Moses Walkier, a catcher, and Frank Grant, a secondbaseman, were stars in league

| ball, until the unwritten law barredj colored men from the diamond. In' pugilism there have been scores ofgreat boxers of African descent, startingwith Tom Molineaux, who was

really the first world's champion, althoughtricked out of his honors; andincluding such names as Peter Jackson,George Dixon, .Toe Gans, JackJohnson. Sam Langford and JoeJeanetto. Cuba lias today several colordedball players who are said tocompare favorably with big leaguers.The name of Howard Drew, thesprinter, will live long in athletic annals.Fred Pnllnrd. the Intent ii'ildl-

1 tion to /the roll of negr® athletici stars, was born In Chicago twenty-oneyears ago. He is only five feet sixand one-fourth inches in height, andweighs 155 pounds. He is a great jhurdler as well as a football player. |He expects to become a physician, and 1is laying at Brown the foundation for 1

: a future course in medicine.« » * *

Ohio Pennsylvania and Massachusettsfans have doped out some strong ;"native son" baseball clubs, but thereare others. F'rinstancc:

; Georgia: Tyrus Cobb. 1

Texas: Tris Speaker.[ * 1t

j A strong team composed of Buckeyetalent would be: Sisler, p.:Sisler, c.; Sisler, lb.; Sisler, 2b.;Sisler, 3b.; Sisler. ss.; Sisler, cf.; Sisler,If.; Sisler, rf.

Father Gander.Peanuts and pop. peanuts and pop. |When winter comes fans smoke pennanthop;When summer comes their hopes go

ker-flop;Peaifuts and pop, peanuts and pop.!

] s # » s

Pleasant thought for a wintry day: ,

St. Louis or Washington bleachers Jwith the temperature a hundred In ]the shade,, and no shade.

| * * * a

j Today In Pugilistic Annals.! John L. Sullivan pulled a big surpriseparty on the sporting worldtwenty-eight years ago today by call-ins at a New York newspaper oflicc Iand depositing $5,000 as a financial |backing for his challenge to Jake Kilrain.John Lr. had long refused tofight Jake, although Kllraln had issuedrepeated challenges, and the impressionhad gone abroad that theP.ostonian was afraid of his rival. The cprevious year Kilrain's admirers hadpresented him with a belt said to be temblematic of the world's heavy- \weight championship. Jem Smith. tthe English champion, then chal- \lenged Jake, and .they fought 106rounds In France. Kilrain having the abest of it. although it was called a cdraw. Even after John L. had putup the money many sports thought hewas blufllng, but earjy the followingJanuary a- meeting was held . in «

Toronto and the arrangements for r




r^f°^cn .





II SATUREof our FREEof all raw mabe able to gn

We offerwe guarantee

I Every gaOur great irocedented in 1

I stands pre-er

NATl| Clarksburgwhe great battle were completed. Theynet in July, 1SS:>. at Ricliburg, Miss..ihd Sullivan won after seventy-sixounds of terrific bare knuckle fightng.IF^Irf

ST. IfSHigh School Basketball Team

Will Play_ St AugustineTeam hriday Wight

The St. Mary's high school basketiallquintet will play tlie first homo;ame of the season at'S o'clock Friday


3ut Nerv-Worth Brought C. T.Martin, of First Street,

Back to Health.This endorser is known all over the

:ounty and what he says has. weight:Burke's Drug Store.I have been

akiug Ncrv-Worth for soreness in thejack, side and /chest and I am glad toell you the soreness Is all gone.* forv'bich I have suffered for three years.

I was stopped up in my chest and.t times I could hardly breathe and Ian praise Nerv-Worth for the relief.

C. T. MARTIN,126 First Street.

Your dollar hack at'the Burko Drugitore, Clarksburg, if Nerv-Worth doestot benefit YOU..Advertisement.

I'tjf » A ' III 'f Ifl

' "1 I«


^ Just A GentleXort scoop . >.[ ^<00 DROPPED ] A\XOOR Hanky .j ^

¥F% A



PAIR tAY and MONDAY ipants sale. On aceterial that enters inre you this FREE oft

1000 STYLEyou over lfiOO STY]

» to give perfect satiSTRICTLY ONI

>uit»s -- A

rment is made to m<n-clad guarantee of'he annals of mereninent as the greateSATURDAY t,

W. Va.

night when the fast St. Augustine highschool team of Grafton will clash withthe locals.Although the St. Mary's boys were t

defeated by a onesided score at Wal- glace last Friday night they arc not. (discouraged and after a week of hard ipractice following the Wallace game, jmany of the errors made at Wallace ihave been overcome and the team is cplaying much better basketball atpresent. "

The Grafton team, while light, has a t

reputation of being one of the fastest jteams in this section of the state and *

is out to win from the St. Mary'steam Friday night.

Mil ;t

Quintet Will Play First Game fiFriclav Niaht anainst the I

Shinnston High Five. *t

The Washington Irving high school Ibasketball team will play its first agame of the 3916-17 season Friday Ievening at the Washington Irving 1gymnasium with the Shinnston highschool five. The game will start at i8:15 o'clock. £The Shinnston team has boon play- 9

ing for several weeks and are in good i

condition, while the local boys have anot played a game yet and have had tonly a week of practice but it is <Jthought that the class of the material tof the local team will show and Wash- iington Irving should win the game. aMorrison, Peck, Thorn, Carter, McNarryand many of the old stars of last -1

year's team will be on the team again cthis season. £

EOEMBKR 7, 1916.

, Weli-Intentioned^TSANKS 'X 7"VB05S .J I

'; -'^'.C.'i

December 9th andount of the recentto the make-up of ;!er again.:s OF CHOICELES of choice woolistaction or we refu£ PRICE

U Overcoa

easure and tailored"Satisfaction or M:hant tailoring-. Apt of all values.IND MONDAY



Announcement Is made that thelate for tlie special meeting of thetockholders of the Gorwig Oil andJas Company has been changed fromThursday, December 2}, to Saturday,December 23. The meeting will beleld in the company's ofllcos 111 theJoff building.

iiow to Be Rid ofDisgusting Dandruff

The only way to be ncrmarienUv ridif disgusting, untidy dandruff is to cor-ject its cause- Shampooing merelyrlcuns.cs the scalp for a few days, thenhe scales form again as thick as ever.To destroy the dandruff germ and

ret rid of dandruff for good, part thetair and apply a little of the genuineParisian Sage directly on the bareicalp, and rub it in with the fingerips for a few minutes until absorbed>y the scalp. You will surely beimazed at the re*",,t r*: *""**> n?io ap)licatio'Jo r your hair and scalp willook and feel lOuOnly a few days's massage with Par-

sian Sage are needed to destroy thererms that cause the dandruff to form.Che scalp becomes healthy, the hairvill grow better; and show more life.nd vitality, -j and* you heed never beroubled by dandruff again. Faded;Lull or lifeless hair is quickly restoredo beauty by this simple process, whichs absolutely,,harmless, and will .nottain the hair, or.make, it greasy.; Parisian Sage can be obtained'fromVeils-Haymaker Co. r and dnigglstsiverywhere. It is not expensive..vdvortlsement.

Hint From The BosiOH SCOOP-Yoo cropped) /^fOOR. PENCIU f

Y" Ahank$\(




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The county court In special termrefused late Wednesday afternoonthe petition of the Pittsburg andWest Virginia Gas Company for permissionto lay a pipe line in the publichighway at Enterprise.

Spain has erected a new wirelessstation at Cape Juby, on the Atlanticcoast of Africa.

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