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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation The Eighth Heaven NAME : Yap Kar Juen (Jason) STUDENT ID :0313737 FNBE APRIL 2013 INTAKE ELEMENT OF NATURAL BUILT ENVIRONMENT [FNBE 0115] PROJECT TWO : BUILT ENVIRONMENT THE FUTURE CITY REPRESENTATION Yap Kar Juen (Jason) | 0313737 | Group d | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University 1
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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

The Eighth Heaven

NAME : Yap Kar Juen (Jason) STUDENT ID :0313737


Yap Kar Juen (Jason) | 0313737 | Group d | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University1

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation


1. INTRODUCTION……………………………………………………3

2. A CITY………………………………………………………………..4

3. INVESTIGATION & DATA COLLECTION- The Ancient City…………………………………………………….6

4. INVESTIGATION & DATA COLLECTION-The Present City……………………………………………………..12

5. INVESTIDATION &DATA COLLECTION-The Future City………………………………………………………16

6. THE “X” CITY………………………………………………………18

7. THE NEW “X” CITY- Underwater Spider Web City………………………………………..22

8. THE PROCESS AND PROGRESS…………………………………..23

9. THE CONCLUSION…………………………………………………..34

10.REFERENCES LIST……………………………………………………35

1. Introduction:

Yap Kar Juen (Jason) | 0313737 | Group d | FNBE April 2013 | Taylor’s University2

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ENBE | Final Project | Part A – Report | The Future City Representation

The title for ENBE final project is, Project Two, Built Environment – “The Future City Representation”. For Part A (individual component) in this final project, students will need to pretend as the mayor of the new “X” city. As a mayor, students will need to propose a new layout of the city due to some reasons that causes “X” city no longer livable. The types of choices for the new city are underground, underwater, floating on water, in the air, or enhance the existing city. Students are also allowed to combine any two types of the city.

Data and information about ancient cities, present cities and future cities should be collected and students have to do some research on the component and element of city. The purpose of this is to allow students to understand and produce a sustainable and livable city .The new “X” city has to be established in certain conditions and rules and the citizens are Malaysian. The population is between 150,000 – 500,000 and new city should be smaller than Subang Jaya (70km2).

This project helps us to actually understand more about the city and also very much related to the nature. Not only that, students also get a better understanding on the component and elements of a city. Therefore, it is very much related to the subject Element Of Natural Built Environment

2.The City :

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2.1 The city definition : The word ‘city’ comes from the Latin “Civitas”, which describes a well organized community like the city-states of Ancient Greece. A city has no exact definition of its boundaries, where it starts and end. City can be defined as a center of population, culture and commerce. City is also a huge and wide place with lots of people. All cities have different design in their layout and also functions. Cities also consists complexity of road systems, transportation, building laws, markets, food distribution, educational systems and others. Moreover, the city is also the center of communication for the community.

2.2 What is the brief history:Although there are a lot of arguments on whether any particular ancient settlement can be considered as a city, towns and cities have a long history. A city was formed as a central place for trading to benefit the members living in close proximity to other facilities interaction. However, these interactions provides both positive and negative. Benefits include huge local markets, increase in development, reduce in transport cost, exchange of ideas, growth in economy, sharing of natural resources and others. As everything is improving, there comes the negative. The negatives are higher rate of crime, higher mortality rates, high living cost, bad traffic, worse pollution, bad in health and more. In 1950, Gordon Childe defined a historic city with general metrics. Firstly, in a city, the size and density of the population should be above normal and also differentiation of the population, every citizen will have their own career to work on. Citizens are also required to pay taxes to the deity or the king and there will be a rapid development of symbolic art. Moreover, there will be a huge trade and import of raw materials, which is required to build buildings. Last but not least, specialist craftsmen of course.

2.3What makes a city:Basically cities are made up of high population of people, buildings, landmark, the different zonings and others. In the city, consists of transportation system, the services provided for the citizens, the function of the city, utilities, land usage, residential area, public spaces and a lot more. Every little thing has to be included and considered.

2.4 What makes a good city:A city must be in mixed neighborhoods to ensure that the city is in density. A great neighbor attitude can also make a strong sommunity spirit The transportation linkage also plays an important role and citizens will have to travel from one place to another without doubts. As the cost of living in a city is high, a good and solid economy is very much needed. A city will need affordable housing, tax base, social services, sanitation and others. The security level must be high to keep the image of a city and

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also allows citizen to live peacefully. These includes police protection, fire protection and others. Furthermore, education is also very important as it help to produce a better generation. Therefore, a city needs to have good and affordable schools.

2.5 What is the future city:Future city is a place for human to live in, which might exist after dacades. The creation of the future city can be because of the present city is no longer liveable or facing war. The types of future cities can be at any places such as in underwater, underground, floating in the air, floating on water or also possibly in the space. The professionals nowadays are working on it to create a better future city, which is sustainable. A future city includes oriented technologies, services and schemes. Not only that, compact township is also very important, that means less car dependency, which leads to lower emissions and reduced energy consumption, great public transport services, reuse of infrastructure and a lot more.

2.6 Etc:

3.Investigation & Data Collection in Ancient Cities

China – The Forbidden City

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3.1 Brief of The Forbidden City: The Forbidden City is known as the heart of Beijing and also the largest and most complete imperial palace. Construction began in 1406 and was completed 14 years later, has a history of about 585 years. 24 emperors from the Ming and Qing dynasties lived and ruled China there from 1644 to 1911.

3.2 Ancient chinese city:The Forbidden City is truly a great city where emperors live and rule the country there. It is made up of Chinese cultures and also unique Chinese architecture design, which you cannot simply find these kind of designs.

3.3 Details of The Forbidden City :

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During ancient time, The Forbidden City is an imperial palace where emperors from the Ming and Qing dynasties live and rule the country there. The shape of the city is rectangular, which is made up of 753 meters from east to west and 961 meter from north to south, that covers a total of 720,000 square meters. Most of the buildings in the city were built with wood and is roofed with yellow glazed tiles and built on blue and white stone foundations, looking solemn and brilliant. Three stories towers are also placed at each corner of the wall.

3.31. The Five Marble Birdges

The Five Marble Bridges symbolize the five cardinal virtues of Confucianism

3.32. Decorative Wall

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The Forbidden city is China’s most magnificent architectural complex. The palace is a compendium of imperial architecture and is the symbolic centre of the Chinese universe

3.33 The Gate of Supreme Harmony

The Gate of Supreme Harmony is the place where emperor held his court to handle the state affairs, emperor would sit in the gateway and accept documents from ministers and make the final decisions.

3.34. Big Cauldrons

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There are also big cauldrons for storing water for fire protection.

3.35. Roof Guardians

There are always several Roof Guardians in top of the roofs of buildings. The Roof Guardians are animal figures, they are and important part of traditional Chinese architecture. The Roof Guardians represents the owners status in the feudal hierarchy. The first figure is a God riding a phoenix and leads the flock and it’s believed that the God has supervision and hearing so he can perceive evil spirits from far away and therefore lead the beasts to fend them off.

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3.36. Palace door with lucky numbers on studs

The palace doors are also designed with lucky numbers on studs. The odd numbers represent yang and the harmonious principle of yin and yang is the key to Chinese design. The doors for imperial use usually contain 81 brass studs.

3. 4 Conclusion for The Forbidden City : The Forbidden City is a truly amazing city which shows the culture of the Chinese and also the unique architecture design. It also shows the life of the emperors, the place they live in and the style. The architecture design of The Forbidden City is not only unique but also presents the country’s culture.

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3.5 Element that can be used in my future city:

3.51 Palace door with lucky numbers of studsSome of the elements that can be used in my future city is the palace door with lucky numbers on studs. I personally thinks that it is a very good design as nowadays, numbers are everywhere, from 1-9, people just loves numbers. With the numbers on the door, it can bring a cool and modern door and also brightens the building eventually.

3.52 Long Pathway

Not only that, I also like how the pathways in The Forbidden City are, especially the middle pathway. It is a long and straight pathway to the landmark of the city. It is a great way to actually outshine your city’s landmark.

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4.Investigation & Data Collection in Present Cities:

Hong Kong :

4.1 Brief of Hong KongHong Kong is a very small and compact city but is well organized. Tall buildings can be seen everywhere in Hong Kong as the land is very limited. After a century and a half of British Colonial administration, Hong Kong became a Special Administration Region (HKSAR) of People’s Republic of China on July 1, 1997. It is located at the mouth of the Pearl River Delta in Southern China and is within few hours’ flight from major cities in the East and Southeast Asia. It is eight hours ahead of GMT and has a sub-tropical climate. The population is about 7 million, therefore the cost of living is very high and competitive. As land is very limited, the price of houses in Hong Kong is very high. The official languages of Hong Kong are Cantonese and English. There are also severe weather phenomena, for example tropical cyclones, strong winter, monsoon winds and thunderstorms, normally most frequent from April to September. The legal tender is the Hong Kong dollar (HK$)

4.2 Compact Living CityAs mentioned, Hong Kong has limited land to fit about 7 million people. Therefore, it is a very compact living city. As there are too many people in that compact city, the

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cost of living eventually becomes higher and more competitive. In Hong Kong, the people usually use up most of their time on their work. Hong Kong people are busy everyday and the roads are always flooded with people walking.

4.3 Details of Hong Kong

4.31 Public Transportation Service

The public transportation service in Hong Kong is very good and therefore, most of the people in Hong Kong doesn’t even own a car, they travel by walking and public transport to work everyday. The public transportation service is so good that the people doesn’t require a car to travel. Research has shown that there are only 380,000 private vehicles for a population of about 7 million. There are underground tramway, railway, big buses, little buses, ferries and others.

4.32 Mega Convenient Convenience Store

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Hong Kong is also great for the mega convenient convenience stores, people can simply get anything from the convenience stores wherever they are. Hong Kong has the highest density of 7-Elevens in the world and also a density of one store per 1,380 square miles as of 2007.

4.33 Octopus Card

The people in Hong Kong also uses the Octopus Card for all public transportation, KFC meals, vending machine sodas, 7-Eleven impulse buys and a lot more. This makes people in Hong Kong much more convenient and does not have to carry loads of cash around everyday, a card is enough.

4.4 Conclusion for Hong Kong :Although Hong Kong is a compact city with tall buildings and people everywhere, it is very well organized as people have no problems travelling around the city

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everyday. The public transportation service is just so good that even the people doesn’t need to buy a private vehicle. It is very convenient and they can get from one place to another easily. Everything is just convenient in Hong Kong, 7-Elevens everywhere, good public transportation service and good playing method using Octopus Card. However, the air in Hong Kong is bad as it is trapped by lots of tall buildings.

4.5 Element that can use in my future city:

4.51 Underground TramThe underground tram is definitely something cool and convenient. The future city should make the citizens more convenient. One of the elements that can be used in my city is the good public transportation service, underground tramway is everywhere but hidden underneath, people can get from one place to another easily. These good public transportation like underground tramway does not only prevent traffic jams on the road but also reduce the air pollution.

4.52 ConvinientThe mega convenient convenience stores is also good as it is very convenient, my future city is to make the citizens more convenient and live peacefully. The Octopus Card is a must in my future city as it is very convenient and especially when my city is more on public transportation, an Octopus Card for every citizen would be great and they don’t have to carry loads of cash around.

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5.Investigation & Data Collection in future cities :

City In The Sky

5.1. Brief of City In The Sky‘City In The Sky’ is created by London-based architect, Tsvetan Toshkov, it is an architectural concept that features a sky-high, lotus-shaped oasis. City In The Sky was developed as part of Megatropolis where lots of architects and artists were invited to share their vision and idea for the London’s future. The oasis is the definition of the architectural utopia. Toshkov’s concept isn’t realictic in terms of engineering or real life environment. The flower symbolizes perseverance and optimism.

5.2. A City In The Sky‘City In The Sky’ by Tsvetan Toshkov is a city in the sky, which I huge and is a shape of lotus. The concept of this city is to give people an opportunity to escape from the everyday noise, stress and dirt.

5.3. Details of ‘City In The Sky’The aim of ‘City In The Sky is to give an opportunity for people to escape from the pollution, busy life, stress, noises and a lot more. It is built high in the air so that no noise can affects.The ‘City In The Sky’ features glass and steel structures, which support reflective ponds and sprawling lawns, the design is modern and class.

5.4. Conclusion of ‘City In The Sky’‘City In The Sky’ is an absolute amazing city, which can bring life to another level. People gets to live in peace in the City In The Sky, get away from the noises, busy

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life, pollution and a lot more. It would be great to actually live high up in the air where you can get away from the chaos far below. The design is very modern and classy, absolutely amazing.

5.5. Elements that I can use for my cityOne of the elements that I can use for my city is that the materials. The ‘City In The Sky’ is made up of glass and steel structures, that is very modern and won’t get outdated easily. The design has the class in it and that makes everyone wants to live in there.

6. The “London” City:

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6.1 Brief of “London” city:

London city was just forests and marshes. It is said that London was founded by Brutus the Trojan, around 1070BC, which is about 1000 years before the Roman invasion. Brutus is a Trojan prince who was one of the few survivors after the Greeks burnt Try to the ground. According to a 12th century monk named Geoffrey of Monmouth, Brutus was inhabited by a race of giants led by God and Magog when he landed in Britain. Brutus then chained them to the doors of his palace after wrestling them into submission. There are also wooden statues of Gog and Magog standing as guards outside the entrance of the Guidhall till being destroyed oin an air raid in 1940. Gog and Magog are then considered as the traditional guardians of the City of London. London is made up of two ancient cities which are now joined together, the City of London and also the City of Westminster. The City of London is the business and financial heart of the United Kingdom and is also known as the Square Mile. However, the City of Westminster is where Parliament and most of the government offices are located.The Queen and the Royal family are located at the Buckingham Palace, which is in the City of Westminster. With two of the combination above, they make up a region known as Greater London. The tallest building in London is the Canary Wharf Tower.

6.2 People in London

6.21. Population

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Residents in London are called Londoners. London is the largest city in Britain and also Europe as it occupies over 620 square miles with a population of 7,172,036 as of year 2001 and was thought to have been about 7,518,000 in year 2005. The population of London peaked in 1951 when the census of that year recorded about 8,346,000. Research has shown that almost one third or 32 per cent of Londoners were born outside the United Kingdom. With 12 per cent of overall Britain’s population living in London, London now has the highest population density in Britain, with 4,699 people per square kilometre. Not only that, London is located in the southeast of England and is the seat of central government in Britain. Londoners are also very open minded.

6.22. Religion

6.22.1. ChristianAs of year 2001, the largest religious groupings are Christian, with 58 percent. King Henry VIII has set up the Church of England in 1534 and it is the country’s official church with many London members. The London city has also three great Anglican churches, which are St Paul’s Cathedral, Southwark Cathedral and the Westminster Abbey.

6.22.2. JewishOne of the other religions in London is Jews, The population of Jewish is also heavilily concentrated in London, with 56 percent of the Jewish population of Great Britain living in London. The Jewish community in London grew in the 19th century, the time when refugees came from Nazi Germany.

6.22.3. HinduNot only that, Hindu is also one of the religion in London, with 52 percent of Britain’s Hindu population living in London., most of the Indians living in London are Hindus. A magnificent place of worship is also built in the north-western suburb of Neasden in the year 1995.

6.22.4. MuslimsThere are about 38 percent of Muslims living in London. Most of the members of London’s large Islamic community are Bangladeshis and Pakistanis while Arabs and Turks belong to smaller minority groups.

6.22.5 SikhsThere are 31 percent of the Sikh population living in London.

6.22.6 BuddhismThere are 149,000 Buddhists living in Britain as of the year 2001 and 36 percent lives in London.

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6.3 Culture and needs in LondonLondon is a multicultural city as it has been since the Roman times. Today, about 25 percent of the capital’s inhabitants are members of the ethnic minorities. London is definitely a city that reveres and loves culture and arts.

.6.4 Details of London

6.41 London Underground ( Subway ) – Tube trains

The quickest way to get around London is the Tube, the London’s version of the subway. It is the world’s first underground network, which is opened in 1863. The tube is made up of 12 lines. Each bearing a traditional name and colour on the Tube Map. Research has also shown that about 2.5 million passengers use the tube daily. The Tube is the oldest metro system in the world. There are about 1 billion journeys made each year. The Tube will get one to the destination quicker than bus or taxi. There are now 275 stations on 12 lines with 253 miles of route, which 20 miles are in shallow tunnels and 93 miles in deep tunnels.

6.42. Public SpacesLondon has a lot of green and open space. The London city has 1,700 parks in an area of around 70 square miles. The parks are normally located near the Houses of Parliament.

6.43. AdvantagesThe public transport in London has to be something which is very good and convenient for the citizens. Public transport in London is cheaper and more convenient that in other parts of the country. That would help Londoners to save money to buy cars. Not only that, the city life in London is vibrant. As the centre of

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economy and financial of the United Kingdom, London provides plenty of economic opportunities. London was the first city in the world to have an underground railway, which is called the ‘Tube’. There are over 100 theatres in London including 50 theatres in the West End.

6.44. DisadvantagesSome of the people working in central London don’t choose to live there. This is because of the high living cost, London is one of the most expensive cities in the world, with house price increasing rapidly over time. The council tax and other housing related costs are also high. The compact and crowded city can lead to a feeling of claustrophobia.

6.5. A good future city for LondonersAlthough London city is a great city and many people loves to live in there but it can be better. Research has shown that people dislike to live in an overcrowded and compact city and they personally prefers to live in suburbs rather than the city to get themselves a day off and escape from the pollution, noise and a lot more negatives. A good future city for Londoners would be a not so compact city and less crowded, that’s how Londoners can live in peace. Governments should also reduce on the tax and also the cost of living. The main reason people prefers the suburbs is because of the cost of living, everything is expensive in London, as it is the most expensive city to live in. Therefore, a good future city for Londoners should be more on less crowded and a lower cost of living.

6.6 ConclusionLondon is obviously a great city to live in as the architecture is great yet unique, great transportation service, convenient and a lot more. Of course nothing is perfect, there are always pro and cons. No matter what, this city is somehow like Hong Kong city, it’s crowded, compact and also a high living cost. I think that London should improve on their population wise and also the living cost.

7. The New “ The Eighth Heaven” City

7.1. Solution to create the “The Eighth Heaven” city

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The reason I named my sky city The Eight Heaven is because in English, ‘Seven Heaven’ means that someone is very happy. Therefore, I named my city The Eighth Heaven because it’s above the seventh’s heaven and so the citizens in my city will be very happy to live in there. According to the research on the London city, I found out that one of the disadvantages of the city is overcrowded and Lodoners dislike to live in such a place full of noise, pollution and more. Therefore, I have decided to plan my new city with residential area away from the crowded city.

7.2 City in the airThe reason I chose city in the air is because it looks cool to live high up above everyone. Building city in the air can also avoid from pollution, stress, noise from the normal city on the ground. Moreover, as the land is getting more limited, building a city in the sky is a very good option, it helps to save the usage of land.

7.3 ElementsThe bullet train in the Eighth Heaven city is supported by solar energy. The solar energy converts the sunlight into electrical energy. Not only the bullet train, all the citizens in the city also uses the solar energy. People in the new city can enjoy a peaceful live as there are public spaces around, they can also get to live in cool and quite places away from the chaos. The rubbish collecting system used is underground sucking system, which the waste is sucked away to a place underground. The water system is NEWater, it can be reused again. Police stations and hospitals are located at the south and north so people can reach them easily.

7.4 ConclusionThe ‘Eighth Heaven’ City is definitely a good place to live in. It reduces pollution by using solar and also the underground rubbish collecting system, this brings good image to the city. The city will look much more cleaner. It is a very convenient city with high technology. Lets live in peace and stay away from the chaos.

8. The Process and Progress

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9.ConclusionI really learnt a lot from this project. It was not easy to manage my time properly, I had a poor time management and has a hard time in the end. The videos from Ms.D are also beneficial and I could actually how to draw. It was a really good experience and I learnt a lot from this project. Creating a city is just something not easy at all,

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everything has to be done earlier and also every detail has to be included as well. I would like to thank for giving me such a good experience, really learnt from this project.

10.Reference Links

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1. https://www.google.com/search? um=1&hl=en&q=types+of+water+systems&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.48705608,d.aGc&biw=1517&bih=741&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=rqfkUc3tHaebigfX0oDQAg

2. http://grahamscutt.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Waste-Water- Treatment2-770x547.jpg

3. http://www.completelylondon.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/ CitySketch1.jpg

4. http://www.yelp.co.uk/topic/london-pros-and-cons-of-living-in-london-other- english-cities

5. http://www.skyscrapercity.com/showthread.php?t=220583 6. http://www.londonguestguide.com/ 7. http://www.travelchinaguide.com/cityguides/beijing/forbidden.htm 8. http://www.lonelyplanet.com/china/beijing/sights/historic-site/forbidden-city 9. http://www.discoverhongkong.com/login.html 10. http://www.discoverhongkong.com/eng/index.jsp 11. http://www.mymodernmet.com/profiles/blogs/tsvetan-toshkov-city-in-the-sky

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