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Java Course 4: Exceptions & Collections

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Lecture 4 from the IAG0040 Java course in TTÜ. See the accompanying source code written during the lectures: https://github.com/angryziber/java-course
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Exceptions, Exceptions, Collections Collections Java course - IAG0040 Java course - IAG0040 Anton Keks 2011
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Java course - IAG0040Java course - IAG0040

Anton Keks 2011

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Java course – IAG0040Anton Keks


● All objects in Java extend java.lang.Object

● It provides the following methods:

– toString() - returns a String representation of an object, by default it returns getClass().getName() + “@” + hashCode();

– equals(Object o) – checks for equality with another Object, by default just compares references: return this == o;

– hashCode() - returns a (possibly) unique and uniformly distributed int value for the object internal state. Used in hash tables.

– getClass() - returns the Class object, representing its runtime class.

– wait() and notify() - used for synchronization of threads

– clone() - can be overridden to allow cloning (copying) of objects

● equals, hashCode, toString, and clone are overridden quite often

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ExceptionsExceptions● Exceptions exist to separate real code from error checking

● Exceptions are special classes, instances of which can be thrown:

– throw new Exception(“Hello!”);

● Thrown exceptions can be caught:

– try { } catch (Exception e) { } finally { }

● Hierarchy:

Throwable(base class)

Error(system or fatal errors)

Exception(regular errors)

RuntimeException(unchecked exceptions)

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Exceptions (cont)Exceptions (cont)

● Exceptions automatically collect stack trace on creation

● A method must declare all checked Exceptions it throws:

– public void hello() throws IOException {...}

– then compiler forces you to either declare 'throws' too or catch the declared exception – forced error checking

● Unchecked exceptions (extending RuntimeException) can be thrown without declaration, like NullPointerException

● Errors are never thrown from the code manually, they are fatal like OutOfMemoryError, NoClassDefFoundError

● Any Throwable can contain a nested Throwable, which caused it

– can be obtained using the getCause() method

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System propertiesSystem properties

● Provide a mean of configuration

● Handled by java.util.Properties class

● Each property is a dot-separated name-value pair:

– java.io.tmpdir=c:\\temp

● Can be read using System.getProperties() and similar methods

● Additional properties can be specified on command-line:

– java -Dproperty.name=value

● Can be stored in files with .properties extension

– load() and store() methods provided

– files are always in ISO-8859-1 (other encodings allowed in 1.6)

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Introduction to collectionsIntroduction to collections

● A Collection is a container of Objects, it groups many Objects into a single one

● Arrays are too static (but can also be considered collections)

● Arrays have very few built-in features

● Initially, Java contained a few collection classes, like Vector, Hashtable (and Properties), Stack, etc

● Java 1.2 introduced the Collections Framework

● Another example of a collections framework is the STL (Standard Template Library) in C++

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What is a Collections FrameworkWhat is a Collections Framework

The Java Collections Framework consists of:● Interfaces – abstract data types representing various

collections. Allow collections to be manipulated independently of their implementations.

● Implementations – these are the concrete implementations of the interfaces. They are reusable data structures.

● Algorithms – these are able to perform useful computations, like searching and sorting, on the implementations of the interfaces. So, the algorithms are polymorphic and therefore are reusable functionality.

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Benefits of CollectionsBenefits of Collections

● Reduce programming effort● Increase program speed and quality● Allow interoperability among unrelated APIs● Reduce effort to learn and use new APIs● Reduce effort to design new APIs● Help to reuse the code

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Here are the core Collections interfaces:

Note: Collection is at the root, Map is separate

All Collections interfaces and implementation classes reside in the java.util package.


ListSet Queue




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Collection interfaceCollection interface● Is the root and the most generic one, no direct

implementations provided

● A Collection contains elements, nothing else is defined

● Operations on a Collection:

– add(...) - adds an element

– contains(...) - checks if the specified element exists

– remove(...) - removes an element

– clear() - removes all elements

– size() / isEmpty() - for checking the number of elements

– toArray() - converts the Collection to an array

– Some of the methods also operate on other Collections rather than on single elements, like addAll(...), removeAll(...), etc

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Iterator and Iterable interfacesIterator and Iterable interfaces

● Collections can be iterated using Iterators.

● Collection interface extends Iterable, therefore any Collection can be used in 'for each' loops

● Collection provides the iterator() method, which returns the specific Iterator implementation.

● Iterator's methods:

– boolean hasNext() - returns true if there are more elements available

– Object next() - returns the next available element

– void remove() - removes the current element (optional)

● Iterators are fail-fast, they may throw ConcurrentModificationException

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Set interfaceSet interface

● Is a mathematical set

● Contains no duplicate elements

● Some implementations may accept null element

● Set doesn't add any new methods to the Collection

● equals(...) checks for contents, implementation independent

● contains(...) is the most common use case of Sets

● SortedSet provides methods: first(), last(), headSet(), tailSet() and subSet()

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Set implementationsSet implementations

● HashSet – the fastest implementation based on a hash table. Iteration order is not guaranteed. Addition of many new elements may be expensive due to resizing.

● TreeSet – a SortedSet, based on a red-black tree. Iteration returns elements in ascending order. Elements must be Comparable or a separate Comparator must be provided.

● LinkedHashSet – same as HashSet, but backed with a linked list and guarantees the order of iteration (defined by the insertion).

● EnumSet – specific Set for enums, implemented using bit masks, very fast and memory-efficient.

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Set taskSet task

● Write a program, which removes all duplicate elements from an array of Strings– Name your class DuplicateRemoverImpl and put

into your own package.– Implement the

net.azib.java.collections.DuplicateRemover– Pay close attention to the javadoc– Write a main() method, which demonstrates that

the program works● Which Set implementation will you use?

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List interfaceList interface● List is an ordered and indexed sequence of elements

– Positional access: get(...), set(...) and others

– Search: indexOf(...) and lastIndexOf(...)

– Iteration: ListIterator, which can iterate in both directions, return indexes and replace objects.

– Range-view: subList(...) returns a 'view' of a portion of the list as another List, doesn't copy. All operations on a sublist are reflected in the parent list

– add(...) appends to the end, remove(...) removes the first occurence, equals(...) checks for contents and order

● List may contain duplicate elements

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List implementationsList implementations

● ArrayList – a List, backed by an array

– Insertions and deletions can be ineffective due to array resizing or copying of elements.

– Index based access is very effective● LinkedList – a classic linked list with the List interface

– Effective insertions, deletions and iteration– Ineffective index based access– Additional Queue, Stack or Deque functionality: addFirst(), getFirst(), removeFirst() and the same for the last element

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Queue interfaceQueue interface

● A collection for holding elements prior to processing● Typically, a FIFO queue (but can be LIFO as well)● Implementations specify the ordering properties● New methods:

– offer() - adds the element if possible (returns false otherwise)

– poll() - retrieves and removes the element from head

– peek() - retrieves the element from head without removing it

● Java 1.6 added Deque – double ended queue

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Queue implementationsQueue implementations

● There are many in java.util.concurrent package● LinkedList – also implements the Queue interface

– nulls are allowed

– offer() inserts at the end (tail)

– poll() and peek() operate with the first element

● PriorityQueue – a queue with prioritized elements– Only permits Comparable elements or a specific Comparator

– Head is the least element according to the comparison

– Backed by an array, nulls are not permitted

● ArrayDeque – array-backed Deque and Queue

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Map interfaceMap interface

● Map maps keys to values (aka associative array)

● Doesn't extend Collection, but provides similar methods

– put(), get(), remove() operate with single key-value pairs

– containsKey(), containsValue() check for existense

– Collection views: keySet(), values(), entrySet()

● Map.Entry interface is for elements of a Map (key and value container)

● SortedMap is a Map with sorted keys, has analogous methods as SortedSet

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Map implementationsMap implementations

● HashMap – the fastest implementation based on a hash table.

● TreeMap – a SortedMap, based on a red-black tree. Keys are in the ascending order.

● LinkedHashMap – a HashMap with guaranteed key iteration order.

● EnumMap – specific Map for enum keys, implemented as arrays, very fast and efficient.

● IdentityHashMap – same as HashMap, but uses '==' for equality tests instead of the equals() method, slightly faster

● WeakHashMap – very specific, holds references to keys as 'weak references', allowing garbage collector to destroy these objects while in the Map (prevents memory leaks)

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Map taskMap task

● Write a program that calculates word frequency table in text– Text is represented by a String

● Use the s.split(“\\s”) method for parsing

– Program should output words in alphabetical order– Name your class WordFrequencyCalculator and put

into your own package– Write a main() method, which demonstrates that

the program works● Which Map implementation will you use?

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Legacy collectionsLegacy collections● Vector

– now implements List, substituted by ArrayList

● Enumeration

– substituted by Iterator, which has shorter methods

● Stack

– now implements List, substituted by LinkedList

● Hashtable

– now implements Map, same as HashMap

● BitSet

– doesn't implement Set, a bit vector implementation, no direct substitutes in the Collections framework, but sometimes EnumSet will do the job better

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More on implementationsMore on implementations

● Implementation classes have been discussed● There are many abstract implementations, like

AbstractCollection, AbstractSet, AbstractList, AbstractSequentialList, etc, provided for writing new custom Collections

● Special helper classes Arrays and Collections provide additional functionality and algorithms (static methods)

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Arrays helper classArrays helper class

● Arrays class provides operations on arrays

– asList() - provides a view of an array as a List

– binarySearch() - searches for an element from a sorted array

– equals() - checks two arrays for equality

– fill() - fills an array with the specified element

– sort() - sorts an array (using a tuned QuickSort algorithm)

– toString() - can be used for displaying of arrays

– deepToString() - the same for multidimensional arrays

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Collections helper classCollections helper class

● Provides constants and operations on Collections

– EMPTY_XXX or emptyXXX() - immutable empty collection

– sort(), binarySearch(), fill(), copy(), min(), max(), shuffle(), replaceAll(), rotate(), swap()

– singletonXXX() - immutable collection with one element

– enumeration() - for support of legacy classes

● Wrappers

– checkedXXX() - a dynamically typesafe view

– unmodifiableXXX() - an unmodifiable view

– synchronizedXXX() - a synchronized view

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● Program to interfaces

– List list = new ArrayList();

● Copy (or conversion) constructors

– Set set = new TreeSet(map.values());

● Checking if the Collection is empty

– collection.isEmpty()

– collection.size() == 0 may be very expensive

● Remove all nulls (or other elements):

– collection.removeAll(Collections.singleton(null))

● Convert to arrays

– String[] s = c.toArray(new String[c.size()]);

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Tips (cont)Tips (cont)

● Iterate Maps with Map.Entry if you need both keys and values

– for(Map.Entry e : map.entrySet()) {}

● Initial capacity in case of HashSet, HashMap, and ArrayList

– new ArrayList(512)

● Operations on sublists are reflected in the main lists

– list.subList(15, 16).remove(object);

● All collections implement toString()

– useful for displaying the contents quickly
