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Javascript, Do you speak it!

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JavaScript Do you speak it! Tuesday, August 2, 2011
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JavaScriptDo you speak it!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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“The world’s most


programming language”

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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We’ll talk about

why JavaScript is the most misunderstood programming language

Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript

function scope, closures, circular references

making the web a little faster

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aka Mocha

aka LiveScript

aka JScript aka ECMAScript

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Java... Script?

somehow related to Java?

maybe a subset?

less capable interpreted version of Java?

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Java... Script?

developed by Netscape in 1997 (vs. 3.0 in 1999)

Java prefix intended to create confusion

JavaScript is not interpreted Java

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Design errors

overloading “+” means both addition and string concatenation with type conversion

error-prone “with” statement

reserved word policies are much too strict

semicolon insertion was “a huge mistake”

1 + “1” = ?1 + +”1” = ?

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Bad implementations

earlier implementations were buggy

embedded horribly in browsers

did not respect the ECMA standard

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first versions of JavaScript were quite weak

no exception handling, inner functions

in its present form, it’s a full OOP language

ECMAScript 5.1

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types and operators, core objects, methods

does not have classes, but this functionality is accomplished with object prototypes

functions are objects (and can be passed around as parameters)

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(Loosely) TypesNumber



Object (Function, Array, Date, RegExp)




Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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Lisp in C’s clothing

C-like syntax (curly braces, for statement...)

appears to be a procedural language

it’s actually a functional language!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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Haskell vs. JSpalindr :: [Int] -> Boolpalindr [] = Truepalindr [x] = Truepalindr xs = (head xs == last xs) && palindr (tail (init xs))

function palindr(xs) { var i, len = xs.length; for (i = 0; i < len / 2; i++) if (xs[i] !== xs[len - i - 1]) return false;

return true;}

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JavaScript is fundamentally about objects

usually implemented as hashtables

objects are created using constructors

use a namespace for them (don’t modify objects you don’t own)

use JS sugar: var obj = {}; and var arr = [];

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class Dog { public string name = “”; public int yearsOld = 0;

void bark(int times); void bark(float volume); void sleep();}

class Pudel : Dog { public int cuteness = 5;}

Dog pinky = new Dog();Dog leyla = new Pudel();

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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Objects in JavaScriptMyNamespace.Dog = function(){ this.name = “”; this.yearsOld = 0;};

MyNamespace.Dog.prototype = { bark: function(param){ }, sleep: function(){ }};

var pinky = new Dog();var leyla = new Dog();leyla.cuteness = 5;

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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Objects in JavaScriptMyNamespace.Dog = function(){ this.name = “”; this.yearsOld = 0;};

MyNamespace.Dog.prototype = { bark: function(param){ }, sleep: function(){ }};

var pinky = new Dog();var leyla = new Dog();leyla.cuteness = 5;

no private members?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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Closuresfunction foo(a, b){ function bar() { return a + b; }

return bar();}

function foo2(a, b){ function bar(c) { return a + b + c; }

return bar;}

var res1 = foo(5, 2);var res2 = foo2(5, 2);

var res3 = res2(3);

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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Private membersMyNamespace.Dog = function(){ var name = “”; var yearsOld = 0;

this.bark = function(param){ if (“Number” === typeof param) { } else { } }; this.sleep = function(){ };};

var pinky = new Dog();

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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Private membersMyNamespace.Dog = function(paramName, paramYearsOld){ var name = paramName; var yearsOld = paramYearsOld;

this.bark = function(param){ }; this.sleep = function(){ };

get nrYearsOld(){ return yearsOld; };};

var pinky = new Dog();console.log(pinky.nrYearsOld);

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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Why is JavaScript slow?

Bad compilation?

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Why is JavaScript slow?

No compilation!*

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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Why is JavaScript slow?

No compilation!*

*yes, interpreters are a lot smarter these days, but..

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Scope chainsfunction scope1(){ var elem2;

function scope2(){ var elem2; function scope3(){ var elem3; var func = window.alert;

return { something: elem4, somethingElse: elem5 } } }}

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Memory leaks

function leakMemory(){ var elem = somethingThatOccupiesLotsOfMemory; function inner(){ }; return inner;}

var res1 = leakMemory();var res2 = leakMemory();

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Circular references

function leakMemory(){ var elem = document.getElementById(“someId”); elem.onclick = function(){ };}

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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Circular references

function dontLeakMemory(){ var elem = document.getElementById(“someId”); elem.onclick = function(){ };

elem = null;}

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Circular references

function leakMemory(){ var elem = document.getElementById(“someId”); elem.onclick = function(){ };

return elem;}

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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Circular references

function dontLeakMemory(){ var elem = document.getElementById(“someId”); elem.onclick = function(){ }; try { return elem; } finally { elem = null; }}

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Scope bindingfunction scopeBinding(){ this.elem = {}

function addMemberToElem(){ this.elem.newProperty = 5; // fail };


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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Scope bindingfunction scopeBinding(){ this.elem = {};

function addMemberToElem(){ this.elem.newProperty = 5; };


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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Scope bindingfunction scopeBinding(){ this.elem = {}

function addMemberToElem(propertyValue){ this.elem.newProperty = propertyValue; };

addMemberToElem.call(this, 5);}

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Scope bindingfunction scopeBinding(){ this.elem = {}

var addMemberToElem = function(propertyValue){ this.elem.newProperty = propertyValue; }.bind(this);


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“But why should I do OOP with JavaScript?”

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

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“But why should I do OOP with JavaScript?”

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