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Jay O'Callahan Storytelling Workshop at Thinkers' Lodge

Date post: 17-Jul-2015
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“Thinker’s Lodge is a grand place at the most humble scale. It is an honour to be working on the property. It is equally a comfort. It was perfect for the kind of creativity and sharing if a storytellers’ workshop.” Valerie Spencer from Halifax.

“I can’t believe I stayed in the Thinkers’ Lodge. It has been part of what I know about amazing things that happened in my own province. The workshop was completely uplifting and inspiring and getting to know each participant just a little was a joy. “ Elinor Benjamin from Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

“A remarkable weekend in an exceptional location The workshop has opened a door for me into another way to give form to my inner images. Creative story telling for me represents a way to share our humanity with one another. “ Beaty Popescu

“Thinkers’ Lodge --what an appropriate name for this most wonderful place. The peace that it brings is nothing short of magical.” Clara Dugas from Pleasantville, Nova Scotia

“The big living room gathering place – not only is it large enough to hold people, but for me the amplification that the ceiling made for our voices when we sang together is also very profound. I just had the feeling of the history of those rooms – the other people who had been in those rooms and their intentions.” Mandy Kujawa

Walking into Pugwaash and enjoying the hospitality of the townspeoplegenerates trust and allows us to open our minds and hearts..

From laughter and tears bubble out stories. Cathy Eaton, Bedford, NH

It’s so beautiful. Even these chairs where we sat] and the lawn chairs speaks of this graciousness of time to reflect. Look, a pair can sit here, a group can sit here so the very layout invites small conversations and large conversations.” Mandy Kujawa

The lawn chairs allowed us to practice stories and reflect on the peace generated by the Thinkers’ Lodge.

The Northumberland Straights is a perfect backdrop to this gathering.

It has been an honour to work and live in this place of peace. Mandy Kujawa (Banff, Alaberta) coleader of workshop.

Thinkers' Lodge is a gem. The restoration has gone beautifully and everyone loved the grass, the space, the rooms, the beautiful furniture, the views, on and on. So the main thing is it was a rare and wonderful time.Jay O’Callahan (workshop leader)

The Herring Shed by Jay O’Callahan

• “I believe that Jay became the kind of storyteller that he is by being here in Pugwash and working with Maggie and Charlie. That having the time and space in Pugwash to play with all these characters. It was his first long story. It launched his career as a storyteller. He touched the lived of these people, this ordinary people so deeply and profoundly of the community because of course people here would have heard the story [from Maggie Thompson and Charlie Robinson]. Just respecting their efforts. It is a story of peace. [The Herring Shed] is about all of those survivors of war finding whatever level of peace so that they were able to carry on in their lives.” Mandy Kujawa
