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JBean Thermionic

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  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic



    University of Notre DameDepartment of Electrical Engineering


    Jeffrey A. Bean

    EE666 – Advanced Semiconductor Devices

  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame



    Types of refrigerationTypes of refrigerationApplication of eac type in electronicsApplication of eac type in electronics

    !y te "fuss# a$out cooling%!y te "fuss# a$out cooling%

    Termionic refrigeration &T'() in detailTermionic refrigeration &T'() in detail

    *urrent Devices*urrent Devices


    +ossi$le uses+ossi$le uses

  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame


    Types of Refrigeration


    Utili,es a refrigerant fluid and a compressorUtili,es a refrigerant fluid and a compressorEfficiency- /01203 of *arnot valueEfficiency- /01203 of *arnot value


    Utili,es materials 4ic produce a temperatureUtili,es materials 4ic produce a temperaturegradient 4it potential across devicegradient 4it potential across device

    Efficiency- 21503 of *arnot valueEfficiency- 21503 of *arnot value


    Utili,es parallel materials separated $y a smallUtili,es parallel materials separated $y a smalldistance &eiter vacuum or oter material)distance &eiter vacuum or oter material) 

    Efficiency- 501/03 of *arnot valueEfficiency- 501/03 of *arnot value

    Saouri7 A. and Bo4ers7 J. E.7 8eterostructure 'ntegrated Termionic (efrigeration7 56t 'nt. *onf. on Termoelectrics7 pp. 6/67 599:



    T ∆=η 

  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame


    Compressive Refrigeration

    5) (efrigerant fluid is compressed &ig5) (efrigerant fluid is compressed &igpressure – temperature increases)pressure – temperature increases)


  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame


    Thermoelectric Refrigeration (TER)

    A temperature difference $et4een teA temperature difference $et4een te

    >unctions of t4o dissimilar metal 4ires>unctions of t4o dissimilar metal 4iresproduces a voltage potentialproduces a voltage potential&no4n as te See$ec Effect)&no4n as te See$ec Effect)

    +eltier cooling forces eat+eltier cooling forces eatflo4 from one side to teflo4 from one side to teoter $y applying anoter $y applying ane=ternal electric potentiale=ternal electric potential

    Termoelectric generationTermoelectric generationis utili,ed on deep spaceis utili,ed on deep spacemissions using a plutoniummissions using a plutoniumcore as te eat sourcecore as te eat source


  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame


    Thermionic Refrigeration (TIR)

    'nvestigation into termionic energy'nvestigation into termionic energy

    conversion $egan in te 5920sconversion $egan in te 5920sUtili,es fact tat electrons 4it igUtili,es fact tat electrons 4it ig

    termal energy &greater tan te 4ortermal energy &greater tan te 4or

    function) can escape from te metalfunction) can escape from te metal@eneral idea-@eneral idea-

    A ig 4or functionA ig 4or function

    metal catode in contactmetal catode in contact4it a eat source 4ill4it a eat source 4ill

    emit electrons to a lo4eremit electrons to a lo4er

    4or function anode4or function anode

    φm8 φm*

    *atode Anodeacuum


  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame


    Impact of Each Type on Electronics

    *ompressive*ompressive+ros- efficient7 ig cooling po4er from am$ient+ros- efficient7 ig cooling po4er from am$ient

    *ons- $uly7 e=pensive7 noisy7 po4er consumption7 scaling*ons- $uly7 e=pensive7 noisy7 po4er consumption7 scaling


    +ros- ligt4eigt7 small footprint+ros- ligt4eigt7 small footprint*ons- lousy efficiency7 lo4 cooling po4er from am$ient7*ons- lousy efficiency7 lo4 cooling po4er from am$ient7

    can#t $e integrated on '* cips7 po4er consumptioncan#t $e integrated on '* cips7 po4er consumption

    TermionicTermionic+ros- integration on '*s using current tecnology7 lo4 po4er+ros- integration on '*s using current tecnology7 lo4 po4er

    *ons- only support locali,ed cooling7 lo4 cooling po4er*ons- only support locali,ed cooling7 lo4 cooling po4er

    from am$ient temperaturefrom am$ient temperature

  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame


    Why the ‘fuss’ about cooling

    +o4er dissipation in electronics is+o4er dissipation in electronics is

    $ecoming a uge issue$ecoming a uge issue


    +rocessor *ip +o4er Density

  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame


    Under an applied $ias7 "ot#Under an applied $ias7 "ot#

    electrons flo4 to te ot sideelectrons flo4 to te ot sideof te >unctionof te >unction

    (emoving te ig energy(emoving te ig energyelectrons from te cold side ofelectrons from te cold side of

    te >unction cools itte >unction cools it

    *arge neutrality is maintained*arge neutrality is maintained$y adding electrons$y adding electronsadia$atically troug an omicadia$atically troug an omiccontactcontact

    Amount of eat a$sor$ed inAmount of eat a$sor$ed incatode is total current timescatode is total current timeste average energy of electronste average energy of electronsemitted over te $arrieremitted over te $arrier

    !o" Thermionic Refrigerators Wor#

    φm8 φm*

    *atode Anode

    Structure under termal eCuili$rium

    Structure under $ias






    e1 flo4




  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame


    TER vs$ TIR 

    Termoelectric (efrigerationTermoelectric (efrigerationElectrons a$sor$ energy from te latticeElectrons a$sor$ energy from te latticeBased on $ul properties of te semiconductorBased on $ul properties of te semiconductor

    Electron transport is diffusiveElectron transport is diffusive

    Termionic (efrigerationTermionic (efrigeration

    Electron transport is $allisticElectron transport is $allistic

    Selective emission of ot carriers from catodeSelective emission of ot carriers from catode

    to anode yields iger efficiency tan TE(to anode yields iger efficiency tan TE(

    Tunneling of lo4er energy carriers reduces efficiencyTunneling of lo4er energy carriers reduces efficiency

  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame


    Thermionic Refrigeration

    Termionic devices are $ased on (icardson#sTermionic devices are $ased on (icardson#s

    eCuationseCuationsdescri$es current per unit area emitted $y a metaldescri$es current per unit area emitted $y a metal

    4it 4or function4it 4or function φφ and temperature Tand temperature T

    *atode $arrier eigt as a function of current*atode $arrier eigt as a function of current

    )(*),( 12 η φ    F T  AT  J  E    =

    aan7 @. D.7 Termionic (efrigerationF7 J. Appl. +ys7 ol. :6 &:) 7 pp. G/6;7 599G.



      =   )ln(




     I T k qm


    T k  I T    B Bcπ 


    [ ])()(2*),( 122 η η η φ    F  F q

    kT T  AT  J Q   −=




    k qm A

      π =



    φ η  =

  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame


    +ractical termionic refrigerators sould emit at least+ractical termionic refrigerators sould emit at least

    5 A?cm5 A?cm;; from te catodefrom te catode

  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame


    Thermionic Refrigerator IssuesIo4ering te $arrier eigt to provide for roomIo4ering te $arrier eigt to provide for room

    temperature coolingtemperature coolingetal1acuum1etal termionic refrigerators onlyetal1acuum1etal termionic refrigerators only

    operate at ig temperatures &:00H)operate at ig temperatures &:00H)

    Anode?*atode spacingAnode?*atode spacing

    Uniformity of electrodesUniformity of electrodes

    +ro=imity issues+ro=imity issues

    Space carges in te vacuum regionSpace carges in te vacuum region

    'mpedes te flo4 of electrons from te anode to te'mpedes te flo4 of electrons from te anode to tecatode $y introducing an e=tra potential $arriercatode $y introducing an e=tra potential $arrier

    Termal conductivity &in semiconductor devices)Termal conductivity &in semiconductor devices)

  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame


    !eterostructure Cooling o"er

    Effective mass affectsEffective mass affects

    te cooling performancete cooling performance$y canging te density$y canging te density

    of supply electrons andof supply electrons and

    electrons in te $arrierelectrons in te $arrier

    Tis cooling po4erTis cooling po4er

    reduces at lo4erreduces at lo4er

    temperatures $ecausetemperatures $ecause


  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame


    !eterostructure Refrigeration

    Electron mean free patElectron mean free pat λλ atat/00H is assumed to $e 0.;/00H is assumed to $e 0.;µµmm

    Barrier ticness I must $e MBarrier ticness I must $e M λλ




    Saouri7 A. and Bo4ers7 J. E.7 8eterostructure 'ntegrated Termionic (efrigeration7 56t 'nt. *onf. on Termoelectrics7 pp. 6/67 599:

  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame


    ultilayer (*uperlattice) !eterostructuresLverall termal conductivity reduced to 503 of teLverall termal conductivity reduced to 503 of te

    individual materials tat compose itindividual materials tat compose it

    Efficiency increases 2150 times over single $arrier structuresEfficiency increases 2150 times over single $arrier structures

    aan7 @. D.7 J. L. Sofo7 and . Barto4ia7 ultilayer termionic refrigerator and generatorF7 J. Appl. +ys.7 ol. / No. 97 pp. G6/7 599

    Efficiency of a single $arrier T'( 4ere

    T8O/00H and T*O;60H as a function of φEfficiency of a multiple $arrier T'( 4ere

    T8O/00H and T*O;60H as a function of φ

  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame


    *i+e,*i icrocoolers

    ;00 repeated layers of /nmSi?5;nmSi;00 repeated layers of /nmSi?5;nmSi


    0.;20.;2 superlattice &/superlattice &/µµm tic)m tic)

    @ro4n on Si@ro4n on Si0.0.@e@e0.;0.; $uffer layer on Si su$strate$uffer layer on Si su$strate

    esa etc to define devicesesa etc to define devicesSaouri7 A. and Pang7 Q.7 Ln1*ip Solid1State *ooling for '*s Using Tin1

  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame


    *i+e,*i icrocoolers

    Lptimum device si,e- 20=20 60=60Lptimum device si,e- 20=20 60=60µµmm;;Autor reports ma=imum cooling of ;01/0R* andAutor reports ma=imum cooling of ;01/0R* andseveral tousands of !?cmseveral tousands of !?cm;; cooling po4er densitycooling po4er density4it optimi,ed Si@e superlattic structures4it optimi,ed Si@e superlattic structures

    Saouri7 A. and Pang7 Q.7 Ln1*ip Solid1State *ooling for '*s Using Tin1

  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame-

    -&vantages of !eterostructure TIR 

    *ompared to $ul termoelectric*ompared to $ul termoelectric

    refrigeratorsrefrigerators5) very small si,e and standard tin1film5) very small si,e and standard tin1film

    fa$rication 1 suita$le for monoliticfa$rication 1 suita$le for monolitic

    integration on '* cipsintegration on '* cips+ossi$le to put refrigerator near active devices and+ossi$le to put refrigerator near active devices and

    cool ot spots directlycool ot spots directly

    ;) iger cooling po4er density;) iger cooling po4er density

    /) transient response of Si@e?Si superlattice/) transient response of Si@e?Si superlatticerefrigerators is several orders of magnituderefrigerators is several orders of magnitude

    faster &50faster &5022 for tese Si@e?Si microrefrigerators)for tese Si@e?Si microrefrigerators)

  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame-

    .urther Improvement(educe termal(educe termal

    conductivity &materials)conductivity &materials)Te current limitation inTe current limitation insuperlattice coolers issuperlattice coolers iste contact resistancete contact resistance

    $et4een te metal and$et4een te metal andcap layercap layer

    Lmic contacts to aLmic contacts to atermionic emissiontermionic emissiondevice &$allistic transport)device &$allistic transport)

    4ill ave a non1,ero4ill ave a non1,eroresistance due to >ouleresistance due to >ouleeating from te largeeating from te largecurrent densitiescurrent densities

    a=imum cooling for

    contact resistance of-

    0 Ωcm;

    501 Ωcm; 

    501: Ωcm; 5016 

    Ωcm;Ulric7 . D.7 +. A. Barnes7 and *. B. ining7 Effect of contact resistance in solid1state termionic emissionF7 J. Appl. +ys.7 ol. 9; No. 57 pp. ;G27 ;00;

  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame-

    ore Improvements

    +acaging is also an important aspect of+acaging is also an important aspect of

    te device optimi,ationte device optimi,ation

    Addition of a pacage $et4een cip and eatAddition of a pacage $et4een cip and eat

    sin adds anoter termal $arriersin adds anoter termal $arrier

    Use of Si or *u pacages aided in reducing tisUse of Si or *u pacages aided in reducing tistermal resistancetermal resistance

    Lptimi,ing lengt of 4ire $ondsLptimi,ing lengt of 4ire $onds

    Tese improvements ave resulted in aTese improvements ave resulted in ama=imum cooling increase of 5003ma=imum cooling increase of 5003

  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


  • 8/9/2019 JBean Thermionic


      University of Notre Dame


    Small area7 locali,ed cooling7 can $eSmall area7 locali,ed cooling7 can $e

    implemented 4it current '* fa$ricationimplemented 4it current '* fa$ricationtecniCuestecniCues

    !it optimi,ation7 current devices could!it optimi,ation7 current devices could

    provide-provide-*ooling of ;01/0R* for 20=20*ooling of ;01/0R* for 20=20 µµmm;; areasareas

    Several tousands of !?cmSeveral tousands of !?cm;; cooling po4ercooling po4erdensitydensity
