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JC 1997-02-09 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In ... · PDF fileholy and undefiled...

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1 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman 9th February 1997 Forest Hills, New York “Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase” [Singing: “Draw Me Nearer”] Oh praise God. Let us just pray. Our Heavenly Father, Lord, as we heard Your Prophet, Lord, bringing a consecration after speaking those squirrels, Lord, and telling that little fishy, ‘I give you your life,’ and he was looking for the Third Pull to break out there. And the first thing he called for was a consecration. And Lord, we’re looking for the Third Phase to break out here. And the first thing we’re calling for is a consecration. So Father, we consecrate ourselves this morning, tonight, and down in Pennsylvania, and those that will hear this tape, Lord God Almighty. Father, may You sanctify us and consecrate us to Thy service. And we on our own dedicate ourselves, we present a sacrifice, a living sacrifice holy and undefiled before Thee, Lord, offering up to You the praise as the fruit of our lips. Praise God. Lord God, may You Fire break forth upon us and consume us. Burn every demon out of our souls. Lord God, we want the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire this day. Lord, I consecrate myself to Thee in front of these people, Lord, and the elders and their wives and my wife, and Lord, and the deacons and the officers and all of their wives and the people; we stand before You today. My God. Hallelujah, praise God. Now Father, may the Holy Ghost come down and make that clarion call. Oh hallelujah. May there be a mighty outpouring of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire this day. Anoint Your servant, Lord. And when You tell me to stop, I’ll stop, praise God, and turn it over to the Holy Ghost. Bless the reading of the Word, bless the Word. My God. May You pour out the Holy Spirit. We pray for Jim Kovalenski in the hospital in Bellevue. My God. May you compare, repair, complete heal his heart. We pray for Sister Nadine, my God, may You heal her eyes. And anyone

1 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

9th February 1997 Forest Hills, New York

“Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The

Third Phase” [Singing: “Draw Me Nearer”] Oh praise God. Let us just pray. Our Heavenly Father, Lord, as we heard Your Prophet, Lord, bringing a consecration after speaking those squirrels, Lord, and telling that little fishy, ‘I give you your life,’ and he was looking for the Third Pull to break out there. And the first thing he called for was a consecration. And Lord, we’re looking for the Third Phase to break out here. And the first thing we’re calling for is a consecration. So Father, we consecrate ourselves this morning, tonight, and down in Pennsylvania, and those that will hear this tape, Lord God Almighty. Father, may You sanctify us and consecrate us to Thy service. And we on our own dedicate ourselves, we present a sacrifice, a living sacrifice holy and undefiled before Thee, Lord, offering up to You the praise as the fruit of our lips. Praise God. Lord God, may You Fire break forth upon us and consume us. Burn every demon out of our souls. Lord God, we want the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire this day. Lord, I consecrate myself to Thee in front of these people, Lord, and the elders and their wives and my wife, and Lord, and the deacons and the officers and all of their wives and the people; we stand before You today. My God. Hallelujah, praise God. Now Father, may the Holy Ghost come down and make that clarion call. Oh hallelujah. May there be a mighty outpouring of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and Fire this day. Anoint Your servant, Lord. And when You tell me to stop, I’ll stop, praise God, and turn it over to the Holy Ghost. Bless the reading of the Word, bless the Word. My God. May You pour out the Holy Spirit. We pray for Jim Kovalenski in the hospital in Bellevue. My God. May you compare, repair, complete heal his heart. We pray for Sister Nadine, my God, may You heal her eyes. And anyone

2 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

9th February 1997 Forest Hills, New York

else standing in the need of prayer. My God. May the Holy Spirit, hallelujah, go out to the people. Now Father, lest we want a old-fashioned, sky blue, backwoods, my God, meeting today. May the Fire of God fall in here, Lord. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Praise His wonderful Name. We pray, Almighty God, and ask the blessing in Jesus’ Name. Amen and amen. Would.... Amen. Church say amen? Well, praise the Lord. Alright. Open your Bibles, Psalms 91. Everybody ready? Praise the Lord. Everybody has a understanding? You know what you’re looking for now? Amen. Praise God. Psalm 91, Psalm 81:7. And St John 15. Psalm 91. Psalm 91:1-4 1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide

under the shadow of the Almighty. 2 I will say of the L ORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in

him will I trust. 3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of th e fowler, and from

the noisome pestilence. 4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt

thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckl er. Psalm 81, verse 7. Psalm 81:7 7 Thou calledst in trouble, and I delivered thee; I answered thee in the

secret place of thunder: I proved thee at the water s of Meribah. Selah.

St John 15. Amen. Verse 7. St John 15:7 7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye

will, and it shall be done unto you. May the Lord add a blessing to the reading of His Word. Amen. Praise our God. Well, hallelujah, praise God, God be praised, God be praised. God be praised. You may be seated. Amen. My, well you’re feeling good today? Amen? Feel like having church? Yes sir.

3 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

9th February 1997 Forest Hills, New York

OK, my title, Brother Norman, for a few moments, I don’t know how long; I’m tired already: “Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase.” My subject is from Psalm 17:8. Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings in the secret place. Amen. And now, we’re living in the shadows of time. And we all know that. It can happen any time. When we see all the signs of the end, and time taking place, predicted to happen in the Scriptures for our day. And then I’d like to read somewhere, just to put the Word there, this is back to the Bible. St Luke, if you want to join me, St Luke 21 here. So you know what I’m talking about here. St Luke 21, verse 25: 25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and .. the moon, and in the

stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity... Which means no way out – perplexity. They can’t figure out how to get out of here. Amen. ...and the sea and the waves roaring;

26 Men's hearts failing them for fear, ... for look ing after those... things coming which ...things which are coming on the earth... They have fear in the movies and TV and everything, even on the internet, and now coming on your computers. Fear. And for horror movies, all these things. ...for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.

27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.

28 And when these things begin to come to pass, the n look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.

In this very hour. Verse 34: 34 And take heed to yourselves, lest ... any time y our hearts be

overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and c ares of this life, ... so that day come upon you unawares. You’ve already been warned by the six-point Star of David, so it can happen anytime, anywhere. Amen.

35 For as a snare shall it come upon all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.

36 Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come t o pass, and to stand before the Son of man.

37 And in the same day ... he was...

4 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

9th February 1997 Forest Hills, New York

I cut it off there. ...and stand before the Son of man. Well, praise God. So now we understand what we’re talking about now here? And all these things taking place right in front of us? The very wickedness of the enemy, and the very powers of Satan, and loose on the earth. We see all these demons and things walking up and down. Those are signs of hell. Hell itself. Hell has enlarged its mouth, and it emptied up on the earth. The spirits that was down in hell have come up on the earth in people. Praise God. Rock stars and all the rappers and the... That’s from hell. Praise God. You might as well know where it’s coming from, young people. Amen. It’s taking place right in front of you. You have no excuse to want to still go back in the world. There’s no excuse! And God will not forgive you for any excuse, because He showed it to you, He preached it to you. Praise God. There’s no one in this Church that is without an excuse. You have none. Did you walk up Golgotha’s Hill? Of course not. Praise God. What is your excuse? Hallelujah. Praise God. Glory to God. Amen. Yes sir. You may be seated. It’s taking place right in front of you; the very wickedness of the enemy. The very powers of Satan is loosed on the earth. And we look at all these snow storms and weather conditions and everything happening, and all the diseases and pestilences and plagues and all the different things. Then we know that is time to get a hiding place. Brother... Lord, hide me in the cleft of the Rock. Run into a mighty Tower, where I’m safe from everything going on. Praise God. It’s time for us to get to a hiding place. You may be seated. Look for a secret hiding place, a strong Tower for safety. The psalmist David said in Palms 27:5: For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in a pavilion. A pavilion is a shelter. Praise God. In the secret of His Tabernacle. And tabernacle means tent. Praise God. Will God stretch forth His Tent, Jesus Christ, back to the earth again? He stretched it down to Malachi 4 with a Shout. Will He stretch His Tent again for the Voice of the Archangel? Hallelujah. Brother, we’re going out of here. Praise God. No more playing around. In the secret of His Tabernacle, His Tent – you may be seated – shall He hide me. He shall set me upon a Rock. Praise God. [Brother Coleman starts singing.] He brought me out of the miry clay. He set my foot on a

5 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

9th February 1997 Forest Hills, New York

Rock to stay. He put a song in my heart, and a praise on my lips. I will always praise Him. I’ll never stop praising God. Hallelujah. I was born to praise God. I was raised to praise God. My mother said, ‘Joseph.’ Praise God. And you can’t praise the Lord. Huh? All you young men in here, praise God. Up there, downstairs. Praise God. Glory to God. Hallelujah. You may be seated. We’re a shadow. Glory! I’m looking for the Holy Spirit to come forth today. Let that God That wrote that Word come forth and prove that Word. That He’s the same yesterday, today and forever. Amen, Brother Griffin. Praise God. Hallelujah, glory, glory, glory! Sha! He is here! Glory to God. You may be seated. We’re a shadow for three and a half years for time of trouble and blackness. Amen. Praise God. Amen. Yes sir. Said: The rainbows flashed on the walls seven times, then stayed fixed. Amen. It is now flashing. [Brother Coleman asks, ‘This wall?’] It’s flashing around here. Oh, I see. OK, well prai... [The rainbow is shown.] Oh, there it is. Well, praise God. You see it, huh? Then praise the Lord. Praise God, amen. Oh hallelujah. About to [?] get ready to go to Israel. Huh? Praise God. I don’t mean on one of those trips either. Praise God. I mean... Praise God. Hallelujah. You may be seated. We’re a shadow for three and a half years for a time of trouble and blackness, amen, in the shadow of it. Praise God. What is happening? The Light is coming on. The Resurrection Light is pressing in, and is pressing, congealing the darkness together. It’s getting blacker and blacker, darker and darker. You can’t stay here. You’ve got to go out of here. Praise God. You were born, praise God, predestinated from the foundation of the world to get out of here, to be raptured out of here, praise God, to be perfect. Hallelujah! Yes sir. Glory. Glory! Glory. Amen. You may be... You may be seated. We’re also the Bride... We are also the Bride that is under the shadow. The world is under the shadow of a pitch black for three and a half years, of hell. And we’re under the shadow of the Coming of the Lord. My God. We’re under the shadow now of the Almighty, has His wings over you. And every feather is a promise of God. Hallelujah. Hook your beak into a promise. Praise God. Hallelujah. Amen. You may be seated.

6 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

9th February 1997 Forest Hills, New York

For we’re also the Bride that’s under the shadow of the Coming of the Lord in the secret place. Amen. Question: What is the shadow of His Coming? And where is it at? Amen. Brother... Brother Guido sent me a Quote here, amen, January 5th. And he said, “Looking At The Unseen”, Jeffersonville: 58-1003 LOOKING.AT.THE.UNSEEN_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN FRIDAY_ 120 ... The shadows of His coming is cast upon the earth: trouble, distress, perplexed of times. And the shadow of His coming is placed over His church. And these things that we do in His Name are just a shadow of what He

will do when He comes.

Now watch: When we see a child... This is 1958. When we see a child laying

there dying with leukemia, straighten back to life in five minutes, that's a shadow of when He comes.

You mean April 7th was a shadow, and Sister Anne Perez leg, that was a shadow of His Coming? What will He do when He drops down here on that Third Phase? Oh halle... The sick will be healed, the blind’ll see, the cripples’ll raise up. Praise God. The Word of God will be in the Church, the Authority of the Living God will strike the Church. Hallelujah. Glory to God. Glory. You may be seated. When we see a child laying there dying with leukemia, straighten back to life in

five minutes, that's a shadow of when He comes. That’s the dust that's in the

earth shall rise into beauty of youth again. That’s just a shadow, but it's to

make you know that He's coming.

This happened Easter last year at your meetings in Harrisburg and the July meetings when you spoke the Word for me. I testified... test about it... testified about it and precious people didn’t even give an answer. And all these people claim to believe that we have come to a point that God is speaking again through the people. And when it’s fulfilled before their eyes, they can’t believe it. But He did also speak to a rabbi and I have it on tape, and the rabbi received it and says, ‘This is the Presence of God.’ See, it’s going to the Jews. Praise God. So now you mean to tell me that last April 7th, that was a shadow, a sign? Oh my. I didn’t know what happened. I said, ‘Lord, what was that?’ And He said, ‘That’s a shadow of when it comes. It’s a sign of a shadow.’ Oh my. Yes sir. Is that why

7 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

9th February 1997 Forest Hills, New York

we’re saying, ‘Time is short. Time is short. Get in there.’? Praise God. Huh? And the shadow of His coming... is around and over His Church... is placed

over His church. And these things that we do in His Name are just a shadow of what He will do when He comes.

When we see a child laying there dying with leukemia... Amen. I just said it. And here we... That’s a shadow of when He comes. The dead raised five times, healings, living under the sh... the shadow of His coming. Do you understand that there? Nelly Brisbane, all that was a shadow of His Coming to New York City, ‘I’m coming.’ Keep coming in there. Praise God. “Who Is This?” Praise God. Amen. “Who Is This?” You may be seated. “Who Is This?”, Clarksville, 1959. 59-1004M WHO.IS.THIS_ CLARKSVILLE.IN SUNDAY_ 67 Why, it's a foretaste of glory Divine. It's a power. It's the Holy Spirit

that's here on earth representing Christ... Did you get it? It’s the Holy Spirit that’s on earth, representing Christ ...just a shadow of His coming. The Holy Spirit doing these things, baptising you, healing leukemia, raising the dead; is a shadow of His Coming. That’s the Holy Spirit among you. Oh... And all these things was prophesied taking place...


N-3 THURSDAY_ 12 And we believe that we are living in the last days, in the shadow of His


Oh my. Praise God. My, my. It’s the Holy Spirit here on earth representing Christ, a shadow of His Coming. Then if the Holy Spirit is here as the shadow of His Coming; hide me under the shadow of Thy wings in the secret place. Oh, question: Where is the secret place at? Where is it at anyway? Praise God. Amen. And “What Is The Holy Ghost?” Where is it at? “Spiritual Food In Due Season”. Amen. We find out where it’s at. Jeffersonville. 65-0718E SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_

8 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

9th February 1997 Forest Hills, New York

36 ... He does nothing until ... He reveals it to His people, and He

always reveals it by His servants. 37 But now Elijah, during this time, had a secret place that God had ordained

for him to go... That's the thing we want to know now just before we have the

prayer line. Elijah had a secret place provided by God Himself. Amen. Now, the

church never provided it for him, the king never provided it for him, he didn't

provide it for himself, but God provided a secret place for Elijah to be fed all the

time during the drought, where his food was provided day by day. He didn't

need to wonder what's going to happen tomorrow or wonder if the supply would run out. God said, "I have commanded the ravens and they'll feed you." What a

wonderful thing, a type of our secret place in Christ.

Where is the secret place at? In Christ. How do you get in there? By one Spirit we’re all baptised into the secret place, to abide under the shadow of the Almighty. And every feather on His wing is a promise of God that He will bring to pass. If these things are only a shadow, praise God, what will He do when It comes, hallelujah, and breaks forth on this Third Phase? Oh my God, my God. May be seated. Praise God. 65-0718E SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-8 N-7

SUNDAY_ 95 Remember, he went into his secret place by the plan of God, by the call of

God, and by the Word of God. Elijah entered into his secret place by God's

foreknowledge (plan), ... call upon his life...

And that’s how you get in there. You cannot be here unless God predestinated you, praise God, to be baptised into Jesus Christ. Hallelujah. Can’t a devil keep you out. No lust, no nothing can keep you out of there. Once God has elected, predestinated you, you shall be filled, you shall be filled. Glory to God. Who said so? God said so. While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost can fall upon you now. Now! Now! I’m nailing it down, nailing it down on the Third Phase. That’s right, sister, shout, receive the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah. Glory to God. God is in this place here. Amen. Hallelujah. Yes sir. You may be seated. That’s how we got in there. Elijah entered into his secret place by God’s foreknowledge, by His plan, amen, and call upon his life. And you the same way.

...and according to the Word. If that ain't the way we entered in, I don't know

why we got there.

9 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

9th February 1997 Forest Hills, New York

96 And notice, before the drought began, Elijah went into this place of secret

for his living. A very type ... before the judgment starts to strike the earth, the

Church is already called out, the Bride is already chosen...

And then getting ready to strike, and here come that Third Phase moving in. And there up in the sky, there’s the six-point Star of David shining over New York City, telling New York City, ‘There’s something about New York City.’ Prai... Can’t no devil stop it. They come against it. They cursed, they lied, praise God, but they can’t stop it. The Presence so great last Saturday, spirit had to walk out of there. Praise God. Hallelujah. Hey! Glory to God. Amen! Praise God, praise God, God be praised. Amen. You may be seated. ...before the judgment starts to strike the earth, the Church is already called out, ... Bride ... already chosen, ... just waiting before the judgment strikes.

Already waiting, eating the Food of God... eating the Thunders, Hidden Manna, my God ...enjoying the blessings of God. Any man in his normal mind

knows that we're headed straight, we're right in the hour of judgment.

65-0718E SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 126 We notice here again, if the Word is in us and has come to us, as It did Elijah in that day, It'll do the same thing that he did, he would feed on the

secret Things of God which is hid from the world. Oh! Again, it makes the Message and the messenger as one. The spiritual Food is ready, and It's in the season now. And each one of you can have this Food if you wish ..., if you are

willing to steal away from all of the unbelief ..., if you are ready to come into

Christ, into His promise. There it is, there’s the secret place. And remember His promises, in Malachi 4, St Luke 17:30, ... Saint John 14:12,

and ... many more Scriptures, ... Joel 2:38, ... 2:28, ... what ... would He do in

these last days. And how the prophet said ... it would be ...It shall be Light in

the last days, how will It work, what shall It would do, all the Scriptures

pointing to this last days. And that is Christ! If you ... hide away in That now, in

the secret Place, you can eat and see the goodness and mercy of God. If you're

sick, there is healing there.

The hard cases will be healed. The cripples will walk. Praise God. They’ll get up. The tumours, the blindness, the diabetes. Every demon shall leave on this Third Phase, praise God. Hallelujah. Oh glory, glory. Amen. Yes sir. Glory. So there you are. Amen. May be seated. You can hide away. Amen. The secret place is Christ, the anointed Word of the hour. St John 15:7. You’re promised: If you abide in Me and My Words abide in you, you shall ask what you will, and it shall be done

10 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

9th February 1997 Forest Hills, New York

unto you. But there’s a condition, you must remain in Him, and His Word in you. Not be here Sunday, go out in the world, come back again Wednesday. Not that. Remain. Abide. Abiding. Abiding. Not going out and coming back, in and out, up and down; but abiding in the Shekinah, rip down the self-will curtain and put that curtain behind you. And you don’t even hear the wails, the screaming outside. You’re in there with the Shekinah Glory. You’re eating a spoonful of Golden Manna. Praise God. The Cherubim wings are tipped and the Blood is being sprinkled seven times to the East. And Aaron’s rod is budding, praise God, and blossom blossoms. Praise God. Oh hallelujah. My God. Abiding under the shadow of the Almighty God in the secret place on the Third Phase. Then if you do that, you shall ask what you will. Amen. Abiding under the shadow of the... of the Almighty in the secret place on the Third Phase. You may be seated. Shadow of the Almighty. Under the shadow, the defence, protection, of the Almighty will be one... you’ll be safe. Now His wings are... His wings are your protection. And every feather’s a promise of God. Now where is this secret place and what goes on in there? Amen. Yes sir. We want to find out there what goes on in this secret place. Here we are. Amen. Now... Now he goes into the aroma on here. I just spoke about the Anointing Oil and he went inside Aaron’s beard and went on inside. He went passed the court yard, that’s justified believers out there. Went passed the holy place with the seven golden candlesticks, ‘I’m in the Message.’ Sometimes it goes on, sometimes it goes out. But there’s another curtain. That curtain is the veil, that’s your self-will. That must be ripped down before you can go on to the Holiest of Holies. That’s what’s wrong in the Church, in the Message. They have been ripped down their self-will, because you cannot enter in there with self. It must be ripped. Amen. And then go inside inside. And then you get the Holy Ghost. Yes sir. Then he went... taken before him the blood. And as he went by... And we’re taking the Seven Thunder Blood. ‘Lord, I’m approaching You today. I’m on the Third Phase. I’m a predestinated seed of God. I’ll rip down my will. What I want to do. I don’t want it no more. Praise God. I want the Holy Ghost.’ Praise... Amen. Praise God. And I’m approaching; holy, holy unto the Lord; holy, holy unto the Lord. I’m approaching for my husband; holy, holy unto the Lord. I’m approaching for my children; holy,

11 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

9th February 1997 Forest Hills, New York

holy unto the Lord. I’m approaching for my babies; holy, holy unto the Lord. Praise God. That’s the way I’m coming, Lord. You may be seated. 55-1006A A.HIDDEN.LIFE_ CHICAGO.IL THURSDAY_ E-28 ... Then he went asking before him the blood, and ... went behind the

curtain to the third room, there was a veil that dropped behind him, and the

outside world could not see him no more. Amen. And every man, or boy, or

woman, or girl, that ever is anointed of God and walks behind that temple, the

Veil of God, the Holy Ghost, puts him in a secret place. Amen. The Veil drops

behind him, and the world and all the things of the world are cut off...

Cut the world off of you, praise God! Cut it off! Dominion of sin is cut off and thrown into the Red Sea. When you’re ready to do that, then you’re ready to get the Holy Ghost. Until you do that, you will not get the Holy Ghost. Amen. 55-1006A A.HIDDEN.LIFE_ CHICAGO.IL THURSDAY_ E-38 Now remember, only believers... You may be seated. ...only believers,

only the elect comes into that, that God has chosen you. I believe ... in Revelations 2 said, "He that overcometh." So it's promised to overcomers.

You said, "I’m overcoming smoking." That ain't what He's talking about.

There's a whole lot more that goes to Christianity besides ... smoking cigarettes

and drinking whiskey. "He that overcometh shall inherit all things, and he will be

My son; I will be his God, and (listen) I will give him of the hidden manna.

(Amen.) I will hide him away, and... I will give him the hidden things of the world on the outside, outside the curtain... ...I will give him the hidden

things the world on the outside of the curtain don't know nothing about it."

Hallelujah! Though they did... Though they eat manna, but they don't know

about this. "I will give ... him the hidden manna.

He don’t mean the one that falls there fresh and the next day is stale. Uh-uh, this is the golden... this is Golden Honey, amen, in the pot. Praise God. You get what I mean: entering into... Now hear what he says... Hallelujah! Though they eat manna, but they don't know about this. "I will give

to him the hidden manna. I will give him a stone with his name on it." You get

what I mean... Now watch ...entering into the adoption or the hidden place

with God.

Now we’re talking. Third Phase, well, I just told you what it was. Adoption time, the hidden place. Amen.

12 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

9th February 1997 Forest Hills, New York

55-1006A A.HIDDEN.LIFE_ CHICAGO.IL THURSDAY_ E-40 ... Have you entered into that place, my dear brother? Have you come

into that place where you don't care what anyone says, not to go out and act

smart, but still the love of God is so anchored into you, that you can't see

nothing else, your whole motive is to do the will of God, love for everybody,

flowing free from everywhere? What a place to live. That's the hidden place. That's the place where we got to come to, my brethren. That's the place where

God reveals His secret things. That's the place where God does the placing and

the calling. You see what I mean?

In the secret place is where He does the placing and the calling. But let him... Oh praise God. He’s speaking about when you get up in the morning, and you smell the flowers and everything, the fragrance, the honeysuckles and all like that; he’s speaking on. 55-1006A A.HIDDEN.LIFE_ CHICAGO.IL THURSDAY_ E-45 ... And let a man be out fussing, fighting, stewing, ... you'll never get

much of aroma from that ... gospel... that kind of church, amen, fighting around ...but let him get alone one time in the stillness of God. Amen. Let him get alone in the stillness of God. Every man that comes to the pulpit ought to dwell alone first. Then comes the fruits, yielding forth it's fruits. Every man that stays in the Presence of God, into

this great secret place, hid away will yield ... fruits of righteousness, peace, love, joy, longsuffering, goodness, gentleness, patience. Don't fuss about these other

things. Get that in your life, and you'll never get it until you hide away with God into that land of adoption.

So there we are, friends. The Land of Adoption. My, my, my, my. Are you ready to enter into the Land of Adoption? Yes sir. I won’t be long; I’m tired. Amen. So therefore, “Hidden Life”, he that overcometh. It’s only promised to overcomers. Get what I... Get what I mean? Enter into the Adoption or the hiding place with God. There’s your part 1 of the Third Phase. Part 1: Dynamics, Seven Living Voices, bringing it back to you. Returning in the Power of the Spirit, harder trials, hidden. Have you entered into that place, my dear brother? What a place to live. That’s the place where God does the placing and the calling. You get what I mean? Amen. See, in the secret hiding place you are in part 1 of the Third Phase where God does His calling and His placing and adopting. Then part 2 is the actual Adoption itself, speaking the Word. But what have you been

13 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

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doing? You’ve been staying in the Presence of God, amen, the secret place, until you and your Message become one. That’s what I’ve been doing for twenty-two years. I’m not moving here or there. I don’t care what anybody says. I’m staying under them Thunders until the Message and I become one. When you see me, you’ll see the Message, the written epistles. How will you know? The signs will follow. The Life will be there. Love, and Peace, and Joy, and Temperance. Written epistles. That’s how you’ll know. You’ll eat the fruit thereof. Glory to God. Don’t settle for nothing less than that. 65-0718E SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 68 Then when a man comes with THUS SAITH THE LORD... you may be seated ...he and the Message are one. ... Elijah come with THUS SAITH THE

LORD, he and his message is one. Amen. Jesus and His Message was One, the Word. Amen. In “Spiritual Food”: 65-0718E SPIRITUAL.FOOD.IN.DUE.SEASON_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-8 N-7 SUNDAY_ 70 Now do you see where I'm trying to get to? I spoke with you pretty

plain this morning. Don't you see the authority of the living God in the living Church, the Bride? The sick are healed, the dead are raised up, the cripples

walk, the blind see, the Gospel goes forth in Its power, for the Message and the messenger are the same. The Word is in the Church, in the person.

Unquote. It’ll be another Book of Acts like Peter. In his very shadow. He had a perfect shadow. Not a shadow, Luther, Wesley, Pentecostals; but he had the perfect shadow of the Sunlight itself. My God. Praise God. But you never get until you hide away in the secret place, eating secret Food, Hidden Manna, amen, on the Third Phase part 1, hid away with God in that Land of Adoption, the place where He does His calling and choosing. Amen. “God Keeps His Word”: 57-0407M GOD.KEEPS.HIS.WORD_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN SUNDAY_ 54 ... But there is a hiding place: "The Name of the Lord is a mighty

strong tower; the righteous run into it and are safe." How glad we are to hide in this hiding place at the end time.

14 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

9th February 1997 Forest Hills, New York

Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings. Oh, shadow of the wings of the Almighty. What is that anyway? OK, “Time-tested Faith”, New York, 1958: 58-0530 TIME.TESTED.FAITH_ NEW.YORK.NY FRIDAY_ E-62 New York--just takes one. They got a bomb that'll blow a hundred and seventy-five feet deep, a hundred and something miles square. Where you

going to hide at? You couldn't dig deep enough: the concussion would get you hundreds and hundreds of feet below the ground.

But there's a hiding place. It's made out of feathers; under His ... wings we hide... we abide. Amen. And remember, if the end time could come before

morning, ... anyone knows the church goes before that happens, how close are we to His coming?

“Handwriting On The Wall”, Greenville, South Carolina, 1958: 58-0618 HANDWRITING.ON.THE.WALL_ GREENVILLE.SC WEDNESDAY_ E-23 But I want to tell you something. I'll correct that. There is no bomb

shelter for this bomb they got now. It'll blow a hole in the ground a hundred and seventy-five feet deep, a hundred and fifty square miles. If you went a thousand

feet in the ground, the concussion of that would break every bone in your body.

There's no place to hide down there.

But I want to assure you... assure this church tonight, that there is a place for

the Church, and a shelter. It's not made out of steel beneath the ground, ... it's

made out of feathers: Under His wings, the Church will safely take her place and her position.

And every feather is a promise of God. Amen. That’s where we are. The bombs can fall to the left and to the right; it won’t make a difference to you, if you’re in that secret place. Praise God.

So that's the only hiding place there is. God has ... made it, and there's nothing

materially we can lay our hands on. It's either trust or perish.

Oh my. You may be seated. Well, praise God. Thank you, my brother. Amen. So we thank God. Amen. I’m looking for something here. Oh, here we are, OK. Ephesians. I’m almost finished. OK. Ephesians “Paradox”... I mean, “Paradox”, Phoenix, 1965: 65-0117 A.PARADOX_ PHOENIX.AZ V-19 N-1 SUNDAY_ 89 But we're promised, according to Revelation 10, and according to Malachi 4, ... Saint Luke 22:17, and so forth, that there is got to come a--an

Ephesians to this. There it is promised..., friends. There must come an

Ephesians, that the sevenfold mysteries of the Word of God must be unfolded.

15 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

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And it's in the Laodicean church age that this takes place. I believe that we're--

we're there. 90 I believe we're right in the shadows of the Coming of the Son of God. And as Joshua, just before the Ephesians raised up, so did John the Baptist raise up just before the next Ephesian. And we're promised ... another Ephesians. It's

predicted here in the Scripture, therefore we think that we are living in the

Ephesians again. Back again ... We are promised that what was left off during those seven ages.

And we are here. Oh my. An Ephesians. Praise God. “What Is The Holy Ghost?” I’m almost finished. Amen. Well, praise God. Just want to nail something down. OK. I’m trying to keep this short. “What Is The Holy Ghost?” Well, you know about Luther, Wesley... 59-1216 WHAT.IS.THE.HOLY.GHOST_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-4 N-2 WEDNESDAY_ 78 Then along come Pentecost... page 18 ...with the baptism of the Holy

Ghost and narrowed it down ... by receiving the Holy Ghost. That's right. And

then it begin to shake down. And the gifts, and the restoration, ... the Spirit of

God has come in, in the fullness of signs and wonders into the church and has

shook Pentecost.

Did you get that? Pentecost had signs and wonders, but when Malachi 4 come, 1946, it shook Pentecost. Why? Because he had the fullness of signs and wonders of Book of Acts. Amen. And it shook ‘em. What is it? We're so close to coming of the Lord Jesus, until the very Spirit that

was in Him is working in the church, doing the very same things that He did when He was here on earth. It's never been anywhere, back from the time of

the apostles till this time.

Do you see what he’s saying? He’s going back to the apostles and bringing what they did back and he’s doing... And he was doing it. And bypassed Pentecost. Why? Why? See? ... narrows, narrows, narrows. What is it? Just like your hand coming

to a shadow, the negative... Luther ...negative... Wesley ...negative...


A shadow. And you cannot have a shadow unless you’ve got a light in you. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I’ll fear no evil. Praise God. He’ll set a table in front of my enemies. My God. All full of Thunders and Perfection and Adoption, and healing and everything else. A shadow of a shadow of a shadow of a shadow until

16 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

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you break out into a marvellous piercing Light that almost blinds you, praise God. Hallelujah. Brother, we’re coming there, we’re going there, we’re there. Yes sir. ...negative, negative, negative. ... what is it? ... reflection. You may be seated. What was Luther? A reflection of Christ. ... Wesley? A reflection ...

Pentecostals, reflection. Amen. But now it’s different. 59-1216 WHAT.IS.THE.HOLY.GHOST_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-4 N-2 WEDNESDAY_ 85 Now, the Spirit of God ... worked under justification... and so forth

...and now here It is in the last day performing ... the very same things that He did when It was in Christ. ... The church and Christ has become One. And as

soon as They connect together, the last link, she'll go through the sky shouting.

Up will come Wesley, Luther, all the rest of them back in those days ... He that's first will be last; he that's last will be first; ... there'll come the resurrection.

We're at the end time. Listen. That's what the Holy Ghost does: the Holy Ghost by justification ..., just a light shadow ...; the Holy Ghost by sanctification, a little deeper shadow of It; the Holy Ghost by the baptism of It, a deeper

shadow; now the Holy Ghost by the restoration of Its very Person being in here...

And we have experienced here for twenty-two years the raising of the dead, signs of His shadow coming. Amen. Shadow of His Coming. Praise God. And then what are we looking for? We’re looking for ...now

the Holy Ghost by the restoration of Its very Person being in here...

You mean you’re looking for the restoration of the very Person that was in William Branham to be in you? Yes. Shadow, shadow, shadow. And it break out into that Light. Praise God. Whew, whew, whew. Amen! Yes sir. You may be seated. ...restoration of Its very Person being in here, forming signs and wonders like He

did at the beginning. Whew. Glory. Going to call me a holy-roller anyhow; you

might as well ... get started now, he said. Oh praise God. “God’s Word Calls For A Total Separation From Unbelief”: 64-0121 GOD'S.WORD.CALLS.FOR.A.TOTAL.SEPARATION.FROM.UNBELIEF_ PHOENIX.AZ V-3 N-20 TUESDAY 220 This ministry will end soon, and the expected Son will appear, Himself. The Church has come from justification, through the Lutheran; santification, through the Wesleyans; into the baptism of the Holy Ghost, through the Pentecostals;

17 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

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and now winding up to the Headstone ministry, typing all the time right into that Perfect; negative shadow becoming positive...

A positive shadow. All Light. Jesus Christ. It had little reflections of it coming up to that perfect, perfect, perfect. Oh, positive. Perfect positive. And when it comes from negative to becoming positive, which will be the Lord, the Voice of the Archangel. My God. The Lord Himself shall descend from Heaven with a Shout and a Voice. My. Amen.

...then Jesus will come to catch His Church away, those who believe. 221 Separate yourself from unbelief, and believe, tonight. Will you do it?

Oh hallelujah. Glory. My God. We’re somewhere. Just trying to get you to understand. Do you understand now about the Holy Spirit here being a sign of His shadow of the... as a shadow, a sign, which is a sign of His Coming? Amen. Amen. Forming signs and wonders and so forth on the Third Phase. Amen. You will break from a negative shadow to that perfect negative shadow becoming positive. Phew. My. Peter had a positive shadow. The shadow was over Peter, positive. Amen. And if I could just get under that shadow over Peter. That’s the shadow I’m talking about. Amen. Not negative. Everybody that got under there was healed. Every one of them was healed. Every hard case will be healed. Hallelujah! Glory to God. Then Jesus will come. Amen. Now, if you... You may be seated. If you’re abiding under the shadow of the Almighty in the secret place on the Third Phase. OK. Ezra 9:8.

...give us a nail in his holy place The Amplified:

...has given us a secure hold in His holy place... What is this nail? Amen. Let’s strike the nail; I’m almost finished. OK? Yes sir. Amen. Oh, here it is, right here. “God’s Only Provided Place Of Worship”. Amen. Page 6: 65-1128M GOD'S.ONLY.PROVIDED.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP_ SHREVEPORT.LA V-7

N-4 SUNDAY_ 40 I believe the church is beginning to hear the Message, and beginning

to understand It. But friend, listen, we've got to lay in the Presence of the Son, we've got to be ripened. Our--our faith isn't ripe.

18 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

9th February 1997 Forest Hills, New York

We’ve got to lay in the Presence of the Dynamics that’s coming on the Third Phase. Did you get it? Amen. When you lay under there, see?

...we've got to get ripened. Our--our faith isn't ripe.

Well, just look around. He says: Seven Thunders give Faith. Where’s it at? So it must not be ripe. Amen. He said it. Amen. Intellectually we're hearing the Message that God has give us, and seeing the signs that He showed us, and proving it by the Bible, it's there, but, oh, how the

church needs to lay in His Presence till it tenders up, you know, and gets sweet in the Spirit so that it can bathe down.

And that’s what we’re talking about on that Third Phase. Amen. Sometime in speaking the Message, you get harsh, have to break ... in like that,

because you've got to clinch a nail to make it hold.

And that’s what I’m doing. I’m nailing it down. Praise God. Now watch: ...when the Church once gets It, the Elected is called out...

You see what he’s saying there? In this whole Message, there’s coming a time when the Elected ones are going to get it. Then they will be called out of the Message. Hope you get it. Intellectually we're hearing the Message that God has give us, and seeing the

signs... Sometimes... Oh OK. ...when the Church once gets It...

A Revelation. That group over there on Page 304. Amen? Wait till them Thunders utter its Voices to that group that can hand the Word of God there. They got it. Then that group will be called out. And brother, they’ll speak the Word of God. It’ll shake the Heavens, close the Heavens and everything else. Do you know what I’m talking about? We’ve been sitting around here intellectually for thirty years, but brother, the hour is come. Praise God. Hallelujah. When the Holy Spirit want to call you out, baptise you with the Holy Ghost, and signs and wonders and miracles shall be in this place here. There’s going to be. Amen. May be seated. And now watch. Hey! Glory to God, amen, amen.

19 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

9th February 1997 Forest Hills, New York

...when the Church once gets It, the Elected is called out... You may be seated. Now watch: ...the Elected is called out and separated, then they’re in

the Presence of God...

Where’s that? The secret place. Whew. Those that are elected to be Calebs are called out on this Third Phase and placed in the secret place, and the curtain drops behind you. Huh? Separated then in the Pr... Then you’re in the Presence. Now watch. Then in this Presence that you’re going to be in... Now he just finished speaking about seeing Hope and Sharon in Heaven. Hear what he said:

I know it'll be something like the people was there... meaning when he was over there ...when it takes its Rapture.

Perfect Love will be here in order to take that Rapture. Oh hallelujah. Praise God, God be praised. Brother Coleman, you’re nailing it down? Yes, I am. Where’s Sister Iris at? She gave me this Quote here, amen, the other day. Sister Iris Goyco. “Presuming”, Cleveland, 1962: 62-0408 PRESUMING_ CLEVELAND.TN SUNDAY_ E-30 ... Ain't got too much time. We're facing a holiday, and that holiday's

called Easter. This American people ... call themselves Americans... I mean Christians...

I hope I don't act like a know-it-all. ... you forgive me, will you? But how in the world ... If you drive a nail in that tabernacle, and let it stay halfway loose, you might as well not put it in there.

So that’s why on my Second Phase I wasn’t making no half loose nails. I was driving them nails down for twenty-two years. Praise God. Whether they like it or whether they didn’t like it. They walked out; well, walk on. Tell your story walking. Praise God. But this is my story, this is my song. Praise God. I’m here to nail it down. Sha! I’m not playing with nobody. I nailed down that First Phase, nailed down the Second One. No loose nails to tear up your... shred all your suit, praise God, and your dresses. But nailing it down. Praise God. Amen. Oh. You may be seated. Now watch where the pressure goes at.

... If ... those nails are drove like that... half-way loose, you well, might as well not put it in there. But if all ... nails are drove like that, I'm scared to

20 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

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stand under it. You've got to drive it down and clinch it, put the pressure on the hammer.

And I’ve got the hammer. Pow! Praise God. Ting... Poop... [Brother Coleman imitates someone slightly hitting a hammer.] What kind of thing is that? Poop. The nail won’t go down. Well, you didn’t hit it hard enough, you fool. Nail that thing down! Praise God. Don’t be afraid. Hallelujah. Glory! Yes sir. You may be seated. You've got to drive it down and clinch it, put the pressure on the hammer. ...

We’re building the House of the Lord. We’re driving the nails in there, praise God. Now you’re going to find out why. You may be seated. Sienta se. Yes sir. You find out now why.

Drive the nail all the way in.

‘But Brother Coleman, that was hard.’ I’m driving the nail in. Here’s why. You may be seated.

Drive the nail all the way in. Why? Clinch it on the other side by a proof of it.

If it’s sticking out, then it’s not plumb through the other side. But if it’s on the other side and the proof of it...

"Upon this rock I'll build My church"... There’s the proof. ...(See?), the

spiritual revealed truth of God. "Upon the rock I'll build My church." Oh, she'll

stand forever, 'cause it's Gospel nails that you're driving.

God clinches it on the other side... If I nail it down on the other side, He clinches it ...by confirming the Word...

And I’m telling you: If he tries, and if he tries, and he tries again, he’ll hit the nail on the head. Praise God. And God will confirm it with signs, wonders, miracles, outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Sha! Brother. Hallelujah. Driving the nail down, man. Yes sir.

God clinches it on the other side by confirming the Word, making it prove what it

said it would do. Amen. That's when you got it. The Word says so, ... God

stands right here before you, and proves ... it's so. Amen.

So I’m going to... we’re going to drive the nail on the Third Phase down. And God will be here. Who’s He? Dynamics. To make it so. To baptise you with the Holy Ghost. Hallelujah. To bring in your family. The cripples

21 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

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will walk. The blind will see. Hallelujah. The hard cases will be healed. Glory to God. You understand me now? Clinch that nail, man. You abide in me... Amen. Abiding... You may be seated. Oh my. Praise God. Finish. Whew. How will He do it? A question. By consecrated vessels, praying always, and totally dedicated to God. Question: How will He maintain it? By Adoption after Birth. Because a Birth cannot whip the Philistines. I don’t have the time, but read your Bible in Joshua. When they took the land, you didn’t hear anything about no Philistines. You heard about those denominational spirits, the Giggerites, and Jiggerites, the Zebusites, and Jezebites. Those are all denominations. When they got over to Joshua 13, then you heard about Philistines. Now Joshua, you’re getting old, and there’s much land to be possessed. So therefore, before you go up, now I’m going to first give you your Inheritance, the Authority to drive the Philistines out. Caleb, you’re an old man. He said, ‘I’m just as strong as I was forty years ago.’ He said, ‘Give me my mountain.’ Alright, Caleb. I’m going to give you the hardest one, with the... with the giants of Gath. And they’re up there. He said, ‘Well, I’m...’ He said, ‘I’m able to do it.’ And he was the only one who drove the Philistines off. Nobody else did. Yes sir. So praise God. So how will He will maintain it? By Adoption after Birth, because a Birth cannot whip the Philistines. The Seven Thunder Revelation places the Bride under expectation for a Seven Thunder Manifestation. And that’s what you’ve been under for twenty-two years. And you’re still here. Amen. With that six-point Star coming out on January 23rd pointing to the seven-coloured Rainbow which flashed around here on the wall here... Glory! Amen. I felt that, Brother Garcia. Amen. Glory. Shook down to my toes. Amen. ...by hanging over New York City. Seven-coloured Rainbow and the Jews by hanging over New York City and Jerusalem. Amen. At the very same hour, how can I doubt that... How can I doubt God that He won’t send the Dynamics to start the Bride’s Third Phase? How can you doubt it? He’s going to send it. As a matter of fact it’s already here. Hey! Glory to God.

22 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

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The Bride starts a revival, not the minister. You may be seated. We don’t start no revival; you start it. Amen. By her life, in her home, job, forgiveness, prayers, consecration, dedication, King Lamb worship, not the forsaking of gathering ourselves together as She sees that day approaching, already shown by a sign in the Heavens January 23rd, six-point Star of David. Praise God. It’s already here. What are you waiting for? My God, my God. What are we waiting for anyway? Huh? Praise God. Yes sir. I’m under expectation for the Dynamics. Are you? I’m expecting the Holy Ghost. Are you? To come down and set the Church in order. Are you? A Church that’ll go to meet Him, abiding in the secret place, filled with the Power, amen, over in that Land of Adoption, ready for the Resurrection and the Rapture, and the Wedding Supper, and the Millennium. I’m expecting it. Why? Because God said so. That’s why. And He showed me up in the Heavens, ‘I’m ready to go to the Jews.’ And before that Anointing really strikes home, praise God, I’m going to call My people out of there and put them in the hiding place and abide under the shadow of the Almighty God. Every feather in that wing is a promise of God. Amen! Glory! I’m expecting it because God said so. But you have to be convinced that He is the Absolute... He is the Absolute... that this is the absolute finish. That you will be conc... Then you will be concerned. Do you hear what I’m saying? You have to be convinced that this is the finish of the world. There’s nothing left. The six-point Star of David to you, New York City, to let you know it’s finished. Amen. Then when you do, then you will be concerned about your condition. If you, today on, whoever hear this tape, if you are convinced that all these things I took time to lay it out and preach it to you, if you are convinced, then you will be concerned about the way you’re living. You will be concerned about the way you’re praying. Amen. Hallelujah. You’ll be concerned about your worship. Praise God. You’ll be concerned about your family, your wife, your husband, your children. You’ll get on fire for God. Your hair will be set on fire. Praise God. Halle... Glory! You will be

23 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

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concerned, your family. You’ll be concerned for the lost sheep out there. You won’t be thinking about yourself. There is the situation today. We’re right there in 1 Samuel 17, Goliath and the Philistines. Goliath with big head knowledge, and the Philistines, demon powers. And they were binding God’s people. And yet it seemed like nobody in the Message is concerned. Maybe the people are not convinced that Malachi 4 has restored back the Faith. Maybe they’re not convinced. Maybe they’re not convinced that the Bride is the anointed Word of God for this hour. Maybe they’re not convinced, I don’t know. Amen. Maybe they’re not convinced that all the Seven Seal Seven Thunder Mysteries have been revealed. Maybe they’re not convinced that we are to be adopted and perfected according to Ephesians 4. Maybe they’re not convinced that they are to be filled with Charity, 2nd Peter 1:4 through 7. Maybe they’re not convinced that we are perfect... going to be a perfect man, a perfect Bride that’s standing upon this earth. Maybe you’re not convinced, huh? That the Messiah is on the earth now, praise God, the anointed Word. Maybe you’re not convinced that there will be an Adoption of the overcomers who will become morning stars, amen, to herald the Coming of the Lord. In the Book of Acts, praise God, they said, ‘Repent and be baptised. This is the acceptable year of the Lord.’ But when we become overcomers, become a morning star with that oncoming Resurrection approaching us, and we are morning stars hanging there, flashing perfect Light, we will herald the Coming of the Lord. The Lord is coming. Get next to yourself, empty out here, repent. Praise God. He’s here. Signs, wonders and miracles are vindicated. I’m abiding under the shadow of the Almighty God in the secret place for the Third Phase. Amen!. Maybe you’re not convinced that there will be an Adoption of the overcomers. Maybe they’re not convinced that the Seven Thunders is the Bride’s revival. I don’t know. Maybe they’re not. Maybe you’re not, I don’t know. Maybe you’re not convinced that they are... They are not convinced that God is with them. A lot of you in here are not convinced that you’re God’s child. You’re fearful. Amen. But when you walk out of here today, you won’t be fearful

24 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

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no more. I’m telling you in the Name of Jesus Christ. The God that called you, praise God, that God is able to seal you, hallelujah, fill you right now, praise God, with the Holy Ghost and Fire. Glory to God. Amen. All that He justified, He sanctified, already glorified. If God be for you, who could be against you? If... I mean, who can be against you? God is the Judge, God is the Attorney. You stand there. He pleads your case. And he plead a perfect case for you. ‘Father, I dropped the Blood for them.’ Then He run... Then God... Jesus leaves there as your Attorney, comes behind the desk there, takes the gavel, ‘Not guilty!’ He dropped the charges. Praise God. You’re not guilty. You’re pardoned. So what’s your fear? You’re going to receive the Holy Ghost. You’re going to be sealed. Hallelujah. There’s not enough devils in hell to stop it. What we need is the Davids to come on the scene. Oh! Hallelujah. Glory to God. That’s what’s the matter today in the Message. People are not convinced by receiving the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Right in here, you are not convinced. But I tell you this morning, praise God, hallelujah, may God give you a Faith that’ll surge into your soul to make you convinced that you are His child. I don’t care what you done yesterday, what you’re going to do tomorrow. Hallelujah, glory to God. It makes no difference. Halle... Hey! Lord God, pour out the Holy Spirit. Hallelujah. You’re here now, Lord. Let that God that wrote that Word, in that balcony, downstairs, He’s here. Raise your hands. Praise Him. Glory to God. He’s here. In the Name of the Lord, receive ye the Holy Ghost. Praise God. Hallelujah. That’s it. I am convinced that He’s here. Now I’m concerned that you receive the Holy Ghost. Praise God. I’m convinced that Elias is already come. I’m convinced. That’s why today we need... Hallelujah, glory to God. If you are convinced, then you will concerned. Then God will be concerned to take care of you in His secret place. So we stand here today just like in David’s day. Praise God. Hallelujah. Give Him praise. Thank Him. Praise Him. The Holy Spirit is here. Man, get ready to shout. He took your burdens and rolled them into the sea. I don’t know what else to say. Hallelujah. He is here. Lord God, send forth a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit on the Third Phase right now, Lord, to make these people know that what I’m telling

25 Abiding Under The Shadow Of The Almighty In The Secret Place On The Third Phase Brother Coleman

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them, I have told them the Truth. In Jesus’ Name, may they know that. Glory. Keep praising. Come on up over here, minstrel. Glory to God. Can’t preach no longer. That’s it. Hallelujah. Glory to... glory to... glory, glory. Glory to God. Thank You, Lord. Father, I thank You, hallelujah, for every promise in the Bible. I thank You, Lord, for these people here to believe this Message. I thank You for those who staggered in, staggered out. But Lord God, here they are, believing, holding on, holding on, holding on. Praise God. Glory. Now receive ye the Holy Ghost. Receive ye the Holy Ghost. Receive It, brother. Glory to God, amen. I’m convinced. I’m concerned. Glory. Keep praising. Keep thanking Him.
