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JCI Belgium 2015 - Action Plan, Budget and Board - Presentation at General Assembly @ NCN2014 Liège

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2015 Beleidsplan Plan d‘actions Gregor Velz & crew 20/09/2014

Gregor Velz Kandidaat Voorzitter 2015 Candidat Prsident 2015

2015BeleidsplanPlan dactions

Gregor Velz & crew20/09/2014

Goeden avond, bonsoir, guten Abend and hello everybody.Its a pleasure and an honour for me, to stand here and now in front of you, and to get the chance to present you my general policy plan and my candidature as National President 2015.First, lets have a look to a short movie to get in the mood1



takes you further!

So, thats the topic Ive chosen, and all the local presidents who have read the 7 pages my policy plan know more or loss why Ive chosen this topic, but still I want to explain it for everybody and in a slightly different way4



So, WHY Ive chosen this thopic? Where does it comes fromWe just have to take a look at the names of the United Star Ships!So, lets see where the nerds are? ;-) Who knows a name of a Star Trek Star Ship?I gonna help you ;-)5

USS DiscoveryUSS VoyagerUSS EnterpriseBreaking new grounds& Expanding boundariesCrew on a shipThe Next Generation Good music & Science Fiction ;-)Why Starship?

Because there are many thoughts and links related to it:USS Discovery: JCI is a perfect tool to discoverDiscover the world, other nations and cultures,To discover new people and opportunitiesTo discover oneselfAnd I hope that in 2015 everyone is discovering a little bit more JCI and ist countless opportunitiesUSS Voyager: we are all voyagers and pioneers in exploringin our personal development, in our carreer, in our private and social lifeWe dont stay at the same place, we want to evolve, and therefore we are voyagingUSS Enterprise:we are entrepreneurswe love to actwe have the spirit to make things happen!The Starships are breaking new grounds, explore new worlds boldly go where no man has gone before.Lets step out of our comfort zone and expand our boundaries (the topic of the WC in Bruxelles): I like the idea of beeing a crew on a ship, only if we are working together we learn from each other and we can go further. If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to far, go togetherTNG: Im born in 1981, so Generation Y is taking over control ;-)And last but not least ;-) I just like the Music and Science Fiction in general

Summarizing all this brings us to my vision


My Vision:JCI Belgium is a Starship which offers us to

Make use of opportunitiesDevelop ourselves and discover new skillsImpact the worldExpand our boundariesBoldly go where no man has gone before


My Vision:The crew of the Starship JCI are

Committed and responsible young peopleActive CitizensEntrepreneursGreat leaders and those who want to become itExplorers


My Vision:The crew of the Starship JCI are

people who want to Reach The Stars


The Aim:By January 2016, I want that

every Belgian JCI member & candidate

has profited from at least ONE unique and extraordinary opportunity

can say: JCI took me further in 2015!


The Aim:at least ONE unique opportunity for everyone, ok, but which kind of opportunity?

Personal developmentBusinessInternationalismCommunity

Doesnt mind! Because: Diversity is our trump!


The Way (1):Play these 4 aces in 4 steps! (4x4)

Open mindThinking CommunicationMotivation


The Way (2):How to make it unique?

Make it specialThink out of the boxBe inspiredTry the impossible


The ResultUnique opportunities


in many action fields



What can JCI Belgium do?Direct:


Indirect (via the regions)

Personal DevelopmentBusiness


What can JCI Belgium do?Inspiration (1/3)

Programs & Partnerships Manager

Projects with IMPACT and ADDED VALUE

Proactive Active Citizen Framework AmbassadorJCI Programs and Partnerships (Awards, UN MDG, UN Global Compact, TOYP,)


What can JCI Belgium do?Inspiration (2/3)

Know-How Transfer: Project Gallery on jci.cc

Active Citizen Day

National and International Awards


Magazine, NCN,


What can JCI Belgium do?Inspiration(3/3)


What can JCI Belgium do?2) Communication (1/2)

Communication Manager

Improvement of communication by clear guidelines and other means


What can JCI Belgium do?2) Communication (2/2)

NewsletterSocial mediaPresidents blogContent about projects on websiteVisibilityUpdate website


What can JCI Belgium do?3) Internationalism(1/3)

Promotion of delegation lead

Analyse & workshops


What can JCI Belgium do?3) Internationalism(2/3)

Promotion of international opportunities(events & positions)

Motivation &Internationalism workshop


What can JCI Belgium do?3) Internationalism(3/3)

National and international twinningsNOM-2-NOM twinningEuropean EconomicExperts Forum


What can JCI Belgium do?4) Administration & Procedures:

Leading by example

JCI Belgium should be best practice reference and knowledge base for administration matters


ThE Budget


The Commando CrewThese people will guide the #StarshipJCI in 2015

President Captain Gregor VELZSecretary Officer Valrie de GROOTETreasurer Officer Cindy CRUCIFIXEVP Internationalism Lieutenant Sarah LAMMERSEVP Vlaanderen Lieutenant Arne VANESEVP Belgium Wallonie BruxellesLieutenant Alexis FARYImmediate Past PresidentCommander Peter ANCKAERTCommnication ManagerRadio Operator Sylvie MICHOLTPrograms and PartnershipsCounselor Jeroen HUYLEBROEKManager


Officer Valrie de GROOTE

Secretary 12/09/1978JCI Gent * 2006Energy AdvisorHiking, mountains, runningEntrepreneur, Engineer, Energy-Freak, BRYO, JCI. Trying to change the worldBest JCI experience: The European Academy: Great international vibes!Lets have impact an make the world a better place

Energy Advisor, making industrial processes more energy-efficient

3-4 characteristics that describes you the best (i.e. 3 positives and 1 point to improve):27

Officer Cindy CRUCIFIX

Treasurer 01/12/1979JCI Arlon * 2008Private BankerBadminton / RunningPositive mind, dynamic, hard worker Sometimes going too much into details Best JCI experience: my first weekendof training, in France, really dynamicown project/ideas with a crew with a diversity of personalities


Lieutenant Sarah LAMMERS

EVP Internationalism 23/01/1976JCI Hasselt * 2004Regional Manager (VANERUM)My twins, travelling, food & drinksExtremely extravert, social &empathicFrom time to time people tend to thinkIm a little chaotic ;-)Best JCI experience: year as local president.Learned a lot, so much in returnIf you want a job to be done, ask a busy woman

Without any doubt my year as president of my local chapter JCI Hasselt. In my 11 years as a member of JCI I believe the year of my presidency is the year I have learned the most valuable lessons Trying to be a perfect mother, an ideal partner, a classy career-woman AND taking the leading role in one of the biggest and most active Chapters of Belgium was a challenge from time to time, but I am so happy to have made that decision. It has given me so much in return ! Forever grateful for the many experiences and opportunities JCI gave me in general. 29

Lieutenant Arne VANES

EVP Vlaanderen28/11/1976JCI Mechelen * ?sign of the saggiatarius, & more importantlythe Chinese sign of the Dragon.independent Project & Change ManagerCooking, Wining & Dining, history, reading3+ points: Achiever, motivator, team player1- point: no good small talkerMy best experience lies of course in the future. Anything else would imply theres no more room for improvement.


Lieutenant Alexis FARY

EVP Belgium Wallonie Bruxelles12/10/1975JCI Verviers * 2007Agent SPF Financesreading, have cultural, geographical, historicalinterests, Shooting, fitness, travels, Green profile: values, empathyFrom Verviers: stubbornHate We ever do it like thisBest JCI Experience : UN-JCI Partnership Summit / Feeling that together we can change the world

Birthday a snowy day I hate the snow !The sexiest job on the world lets say secret agent (or not) SPF Finances


Radio Operator Sylvie MICHOLTCommnication Manager14/08/1977JCI Brugge * ?LawyerDaughter Nikita, Ski/Snowboard, travellingand discovering other culturesAssertive, empathic, open to changeNo patience.. ;-)Best JCI experience: BLACLets rock with starship!


Counselor Jeroen HUYLEBROEKPrograms and Partnerships Manager22/03/1982JCI Aalst * ?Business Transformation Consultant Hobbies: BoardgamesEnergetic, positive, flexibleSlightly chaotic sometimesAs newbie being master of ceremony at the global village party on the WC 2011 in Brussels: amazing fun, met many peopleTalk to me concerning whatever, Im always in for interesting conversation


Commander Peter ANCKAERT

Immediate Past President

Didnt had time to send me his slide.... :-(


Commander Peter ANCKAERT

Immediate Past President15/12/1977JCI Gent Artevelde * 2006x Trui & proud dad to Caspar,Babette & Cyrielaccount managerdedicated, loyal, pragmaticwhiskey, SVZW, Dr Martens


Captain Gregor VELZ


Didnt had time to send his slide neither... ;-)


Captain Gregor VELZ

President04/02/1981JCI St. Vith Eifel-Ardennen * 2005Communication AgentDark electro & rock musicEmphatic, open-minded, conscientiousChaotic perfectionistBest JCI experience: my whole evolutionsince the beginning... Thanks to JCI!Welcome on board and thank you for flying with #StarshipJCI!


Thank you!

#StarshipJCI 2015

Lets go for the stars!


