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Jeep Club SA Newsletter Q4 2014

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Please open and read the latest update on events taking part in Jeep Club SA at the end of 2014
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NEWSLETTER / NUUSBRIEF DECEMBER 2014 P.O. Box 36086, ANNLIN 0066 Fax: 086 505 0484 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.jeepclubsa.co.za The Jeep Club South Africa caters for what we believe in - family fun in our Jeeps! Page 1 Bridgestone 4x4 Club Challenge 2014. The road to the finals. Hi to all the” Jeepers “out there that might be interested to hear about the 2014 Bridgestone Club Challenge final that took place at the Doornrivier 4x4 route, approximately 13km outside of Zeerust over the past weekend, from my perspective. About 13 months ago I purchased a toy for myself (dads present to himself). A 98 XJ 4lt Country as a project, to eventually bring it back to its former glory. The intention was to first get the XJ to a presentable position before joining the Jeep Club SA and hopefully partaking in events offered. IN THIS ISSUE WOLWEKLOOF (GP) MARKUS KRAAL(WP) NON STOP ADVENTURES (KZN) VITA NOVA CHARITY DAY (GP) BRIDGESTONE FINAL (NATIONAL) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For more information and photos see www.jeepclubsa.co.za Or visit us on Facebook, Jeep Club South Africa
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P.O. Box 36086, ANNLIN 0066 Fax: 086 505 0484 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.jeepclubsa.co.za

The Jeep Club South Africa caters for what we believe in - family fun in our Jeeps!

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Bridgestone 4x4 Club Challenge 2014.

The road to the finals.

Hi to all the” Jeepers “out there that might be interested to hear

about the 2014 Bridgestone Club Challenge final that took place

at the Doornrivier 4x4 route, approximately 13km outside of

Zeerust over the past weekend, from my perspective.

About 13 months ago I purchased a toy for myself (dads present

to himself). A 98 XJ 4lt Country as a project, to eventually bring

it back to its former glory. The intention was to first get the XJ to

a presentable position before joining the Jeep Club SA and

hopefully partaking in events offered.









For more information and photos see www.jeepclubsa.co.za

Or visit us on Facebook, Jeep Club South Africa

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When registration opened for the Bridgestone Cub challenge I started getting calls from a certain Mr

Muller to join the club and come enter the challenge. With no tyres to speak of and no recovery points

fitted to the XJ, I kept saying that this is a project and therefore the XJ was not ready for events. Alas, the

persistence won through and I then duly joined the club and entered the event, (just to make the numbers)

after hastily fitting recovery points and fitting new tyres. To be honest the arm did not have to be twisted

too much as I was dying to see what the XJ was all about.

On to registration and scrutineering on

the Friday afternoon, being very

nervous as I had no idea what to expect.

On arrival I was pleased to see a few

familiar faces I had met on days I had

accompanied Neil to fun events, and

was soon introduced to all present.

These guys made me feel part of “The

Family” from the get-go, with

assistance and advice that I have never

experienced before. Thanx guys!

The Saturday sees us all meet at Outrek

Pad for an awesome day of obstacles

and being impressed with what the XJ

is capable of. My son Michael as

navigator and I had no idea of the penalty system used and in our first obstacle were trying to decide what

would lose us less points, going over a pole or stopping, reversing and retrying that gate, In the end we

killed the pole only to discover after the obstacle that it would have been better to stop and reverse. So one

learns. Then to score our first 100 points on an obstacle, we could not believe our luck, to be totally

deflated at the next obstacle by having to be recovered. Hero to zero in one obstacle. At the end of the day

we must have been the most surprised team to discover we had placed second overall, because remember

we were only filling slots to make the numbers and have some fun. The fun part we had in bucket loads. A

big thanks to all assisting in the event to have made it that awesome, and I take my hat off to the marshals,

having to stand there all day, doing their thing and still have a smile on their faces in greeting, even at the

last obstacle of the day.

On the way home that evening the

thought turned to the problem of

trying to explain to the missus that

we now had to go to JHB for the

finals as this was never in the thought

pattern. We were only making up the

numbers remember.

Neil was appointed as club captain

and started discussions with the team

members about the logistics of

getting the vehicles and team

members to Zeerust. Eventually

everything was sorted with the

vehicles being transported to JHB and

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the teams flying up picking the vehicles up then driving to Doornrivier 4x4 approximately 13 km from

Zeerust on the road to Gaborone on the Friday afternoon.

On arrival we were warmly greeted by the

organisers and fellow competitors alike and

invited to braai with them that evening, with a

cash bar available. We were all very impressed

with the venue, with camping facilities under

the shade of trees ( what type? I have no idea,

but they have thorns) a huge roofed area that

housed the bar and kitchen and tables and chairs

to seat everyone.

07:00 Saturday morning we had drivers briefing

then documentation and scrutineering in order

of teams allocated, Jeep team were 7th

out of the

ten teams, after which the teams moved off to

obstacle one. At scrutineering the wheelbase

and chassis height of the vehicles were

measured and a formula was applied to

determine a score (normally to the negative)

which was then added to scrutineering score plus your bonus score (for having Bridgestone/Firestone tyres

etc) and your score at the respective challenges (your score at challenge divided by 10.ie:750 scored gave

you 75 bonus points). This total was then the score you started with.

Mark Hutton Brown and Johannes Pienaar (Jody) in their TJ started with 42 points

Kim Kelly and Sean Kelly in their Sahara started

with 10 points, John and Michael Ramshaw in XJ

started with 40 points

Off to obstacle one, with a scenic drive to get there.

We eventually started this obstacle at

approximately 13:10. The whole team (plus

captain) were allowed to walk the obstacles

together and discuss how to drive them, thereafter

the captain had to stand to one side and the crews

had to remain at their vehicles until called to start

the obstacle. Here I would like to say a huge thanx

to Mark and Neil for all the invaluable knowledge

shared with us on the walkthrough and throughout

the day.

Obstacle 1 & 2 were steep decent and assent

respectively with loose rock surface, this was a bit

intimidating for me, as I have never driven on this type of surface before and the angles seemed incredible

to me, but the advice given by Mark and Neil got us through.

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After obstacle 2 there was a

lunch spot with boerewors rolls

and cool drinks/water available

to all. The drinks went down

very well as the temperature

was hovering around the 31

degree mark. Then off to

obstacle 3 and the surprise of

the event. From the start of the

event to the start of obstacle 3

we travelled approx. 22km

through this beautiful farm

seeing some wildlife on the

way, with a giraffe as the


Arriving at obstacle 3 we were a bit disappointed to discover

we now had to use the Ford Ranger Oddesy vehicles at each

of the following obstacles, bar the 10th

obstacle, where we

would drive our own vehicles again, to level the playing

field? This is where the wheels came off for us as we were

used too

much smaller

and nimbler


At obstacle 6

it started to

rain lightly

and we ended

up sliding a

bit in the


obstacle, but

we managed

to complete

it. Arriving at

7 conditions had deteriorated to the point that the rest of

the obstacles were cancelled as one could not control the

vehicles anymore. Just walking was a experience as one

would “grow” by about 10mm with each step taken, with

the mud sticking to the bottom of your shoes. Getting the

vehicles out of the route and back to the campsite became a

complete obstacle in itself.

So only 5 obstacles were scored as that was the last obstacle to be completed by all teams before the rain

came. That evening all were treated to a spit braai with a cash bar running again. The Sunday morning

09:00 was the prize giving with a breakfast, after which we all said our goodbyes and headed back to JHB

to drop the vehicles at the respective collection points for transport back to Cape Town, then to the airport

and home again.

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I think we all still had a fun weekend, other than having to drive those barges, and I would like to thank the

rest of our Jeep team for being such awesome people.

A big thanx must go to Bridgestone, Opposite Lock and Conqueror for their involvement in this awesome

Hobby? Pastime? Maybe lifestyle? of ours, and to the folks that assisted the organisers in any way. Once

again these special folks we call marshals need to be commended for their welcoming and friendly

disposition towards us folk that come from the big flat rock as we were called.

Somehow Michael and I managed 7th

overall, with Mark and Jody 8th

and Kim and Sean 29th


Kim really struggled with those big Fords, but never once let that get her down. You go girl!

The scores were as follows :

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KZN Region November 2014 Outing

In November we went to Non

Stop Adventures near Thornville,

just outside Pietermaritzburg. We were greeted by the owner

Piet at the front gate, and he

gave us permission to go wild

and drive where we wanted on

his property. The farm offered a

small river crossing, some nice

decent inclines and declines as

well as a few sand pits for us to

play around in. It was another

great way to spend a Sunday,

with Jeeps and friends.

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Wolwekloof – Gauteng Outing

The Gauteng Jeepers went to a

new venue, Wolwekloof which

is situated in the Reyton area.

Met by a friendly host the Jeeps

set out for a fun filled “Rocky”

day. Wolwekloof is also home

of Trompie Off-road Academy

where some of us had some fun

on the academy track.

Wolwekloof proofed to be a bit

of a challenge with the

numerous rocky climbs, but as

always, everyone had an

awesome day doing what they

love most, driving their Jeeps.

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We pride ourselves on being Nature lovers and this fact was proven again when one of the vehicles

noticed a nest with new-born chicks in laying on the side of the road. Our heroes stopped their vehicles

and rescued the babies.

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Markus Kraal – Western Cape Outing.

It was a hot Friday

afternoon with a temp of

33 degrees as the Jeep

Club members quietly

arrived and set up camp

on the luscious green

grass. By night fall all

had arrived and settled in

as François casually

attended to the chicken

potjie he was preparing

for some of the members.

After dinner we all

settled around the fire to

chat about the route and

our expectations of the


We had a good turnout of

13 vehicles. After an evening of socialising on the Friday, we all met at 9am in the parking area by

Christies’ house for a debriefing of the day’s plans. Craig and Neil welcomed and thanked all for attending

and Christie was more than happy to debrief all of us on the trail and what could expect.

It was stunning sun

shining day to view

the spectacular

views of the


Mountains, fynbos

and flowers that

were in bloom. We

set off from the

parking area and

started with a gentle

climb which wound

through the


There were a few


obstacles with the

first one being a 40degree incline with lots of loose rocks. The drivers could feel the loose rocks being

thrown out from under the vehicles but with steady momentum and accurate guidance from Ian Newton

and few others, we succeeded in conquering the first grade 4 obstacle. On reaching the summit, we all

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gathered for a Jeep

group photo, where

we then continued

down to the

midpoint of the route

to meet Christie at

the bush camp. He

had some fires ready

for us to braai. This

was the time to tell

jokes, stories and

reflect on excitement

so far and what was

still ahead.

On route to

Dwarsrug, rated a

grade 5 obstacle, we

were blessed with

more views of

blooming flowers

across open fields

only to be met with a sand and mud pit which managed to distract us long enough before

summiting Dwarsrug which

rewarded use with

spectacular views of the

orchards, farm house and

camp site in the valley

below the cliffs.

Shortly thereafter, we were all back

at our campsites. We cleaned up in

preparation for the feast prepared

by Christie and his wife and

family, starters, roast lamb, salads,

homebacked bread and jam, and to

finish off chocolate pudding and

ice cream. With all stomachs filled

we all gathered back to the fire.

Till late the fire was burning with

bouts of laughter from various

groups as we all mingled together.

In conclusion, a hearty thank you to Christie for an enjoyable and super trail at Marcuskraal, with

outstanding camping and chalet facilities, with many of us vowing to return in the near future. Thanks to

all for attending, yet another well organised Jeep club SA Cape Town event organised by Neil Muller and

Mark Esterhuizen.

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VITA NOVA (Gauteng)

When the Gauteng Jeepers

had their monthly event at

Wolwekloof in October 2014,

the owner asked us if we

would be interested in helping

out at his Annual Fund Raiser

for the “Vita Nova” home for

Individuals with Down

Syndrome and Cerebral Palsy.

We always try and give back

to the community and we are

happy to say that 60 Jeeps,

laden with goodies, showed

up to help this worthy cause.

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The Residents arrived shortly after Nine and

were helped to the various vehicles where

they were taken out on the route and had a

wonderful time assisted by various members

of the community.

A large donation (cash and goods) were received and on

behalf of the Jeep Club South Africa, we would like to

thank each and everyone who played a part in making this

day a roaring success. Thank you also to everyone who made donations, these were greatly appreciated by

everyone at the Vita Nova Centre.

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Disclaimer: The Jeep Club South Africa has no connection with the website www.jeepclubrsa.co.za and dissociate itself from any publications on this web site.

Please scan our website for other interesting information!


OR FAX ON 086 505 0484 OR SMS ON 084 542 8869 with any suggestions, news, comments, readers from abroad, etc.


Your enthusiasm, participation, support and positive attitude will ensure that the Jeep Club SA grow as a family orientated pleasure club catering for the “loves” in our lives - our families, friends, outdoor adventure and needless to say - our Jeeps!

The Jeep Club SA caters for what we believe in - family fun in our Jeeps!

Please print this Newsletter in colour and distribute it amongst your friends and family without access to Internet facilities.

Thank you for your participation and support.

Make sure your companion, kids and friends also read the newsletter and know what we are up to next!

