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Jei?£:dh. 'd' '.i^^mP( 9ft m mfK^^^^^lr< SM^^^^^B SHERMAN...

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GENERAL INFORMATION j BABYLON POST OFFICE MaiU Close FOR WEST-7.10, O.in, 11.3 A. M., 4.45 ' .?/i V. M. Foit EAST-8.15, 9.10 A. M* 1.15, 7.:if> P. M. Mails Open FROM WEST—8.00, 9.00, 10.15 A. M.; 4.15, 5.45 7. 00 P. M. FROM EAST-9.00 , 10.15 A. M.; 12.00 M.: 4. 15 5.45 P. M. Sunday Mail for ' ' •ev: York closes at 6.00 P. M. Postmaster —Joseph A. I*VjUKlas. Assistant Postmaster—William H. Mott. Lobby upen from 0*30 A. M. to 11=03 P. M. Genera] windows open from 7:li0 A. M. to 8:00 P. M. Reifiwtry division open from 7:00 A. M. to 8:00 P. M. Money order division ope n from 8:00 A. M. to 1:00 P. M. Posta l savings depository is open from 8 :00 A. M. to 6:00 I' . M. Money order and posta l savings d epartments are not open on holiday* . Rural Free Delivery Route Carrier Francis K. Bockefmann. Mail closes at 8:00 A. M. FRATERNAL SOCIETIES SAMPAWAMS LODGE, 104. 1. 0. 0. 1*7, Unstitu- ted l- ' .Ti . meets in Odd Fellows' Hall every Friday evening. ANCHOR LODG E, 173, K. of 17 . (instituted 18S2), meets in Odd Fellows' Hall every Tuesday evening. ROYAL ARCANUM COUNCIL, --1 . (instituted ISSo), "i"*!* -. ;n '''id Fellows ' " ''I every lirst and thin) Thursd ay evenings. BAP.YLON LODGE. 703, I V- M., (instituted 1--7I . ¦ *... -*• * * in Masonic 1. * . in tbi- second and fourth Wednesday eveningi PYTHIAN SI. * n*: i. *S. Rabylc. Tim].I.*. N' o. L'l , meets on li- i ntnl 3rd W«ln«sdays at . * o' cloc k ir. Otill Fellows' Hull . PRIDE UK COURT BABYLON, Nn. PK2, Com- panions ofthe Foresters of America, meets in Odd Fellows ' Hall on 2nd and 4th Wednesdays at 8o'clock. GOLDEN GLO W REBEKAH LODGE, No. 403 , (Insti tuted June 22, 1U08) , meets in O.Id Fellows ' Hall on second and fourth Monday evenings of each month. BABYLON COUNCIL , 4, American Knights of Protection , meets 1st Monday night in each month. BABYLON ('AMI' , 3 , 300, Modern Wootlmen ol America , (instituted llml) . meets in Odd Fel- lows ' Hal every lirst and third Monday even- ings. COURT BABYLON , 405, F. of A., (instituted 1902) , meets in Odd Felllows' Hall every second and fourth Thursday evenings. L. C. Ii. A.. BRANCH BSS, meets th.* second and fourth Wednesday evenings of each month in the basement of St. Joseon ' s church. SANCTUARY LONG ISLAND, No.88, Shepherds of America, meets the first and third Wednesdays of ... -n li month in the Seaman block, Main street BABYLON CHURCHES METHODIST EPISCOPA L CHURCH . Deer I Park uvviim; corner James street . Rev. William M. Warden, Pastor. Sunday services: Class Meeting. D:30 A. M. Preaching. 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 1' . M. Sunday ) school at 12 M. I Mid-week service: Prayer meeting, Thursday, I 7.30 I' . M. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH , Main street. Kev . Robert IL Merrill, pastor. Sunday services: Preaching at 11:00 A. M. and 7:7. n 17 M. Stinday-schcol at 1H:00 A. M. Bible class al ' . " A. M. Mid-week service: Thursday evening at 7:30 ' P. M. FIRST BAPTIST CT HJ RCH, Main street , corner Carll avenue. Rev . S. I' r.ul Jefferson, pastor. Sunday sen ices : Preaching, l"::' * 11 A. M. and 7. 1. ' . I- . .M. Sunday school , 11:15 A. M. B. Y. I' . 17. S:15 I' . M. Miil-wcib ieivices; Thursday, prayer meeting. S. IN ) P. M. CHRIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Merrick rnad , West Islip. Rev. Edward .1. Bu rlingham. rector. . Sunday services* . First Sunday of month, com- nunion at the chapel at 7.30 A. M. Litany and Communion at church 11:00 A. M. Morning prayer and sermon .-very other Sunday at 11:00 A. M. Sunday school . 9:30 A. M. Second S u n d ay of of month , Communion at the church at 8:00 A. M.; third Sunday of month . Communion at chapel at 7:30 A. M.; fourth Sunday of month . Communion at church at S:IMI A. M. Evening prayer, at 7:45 o ' clock at lhe chapel. ST. JOSEPH'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH. Grove Place . Rev. James 1*7 Biggins, rector. Sunday masses , fe. r.o A. M.. 7::«) A. M.. 9:00 A. M.. 10:30 A. M. Benediction services, 3:30 P. M. Week day mass, daily ul " - .GO A. M. Confessions, Saturday, 4:00 P. M. Eves of Feasts, first Friday of each month . AFRICAN M. K. CHURCH, Cooper sireet. Rev. G. 17 Murcherson , pastor. Simil. -i* . services: Preaching at 11:00 A. M. and 7:00 P. M. Class meeting, 12:30 1 '. M. Sunday schiK.t . 3- . no P. M. Mid-wo k services: Blue ribbon social club every Thursday ni *. '" I* . M. Prayer meeting, Friday eveniiu: al 8:110 I' - M- BABYLON FIRE DEPARTMENT Chief. William II. Mott; l-t assistant. .lames 17 K. *ni: 2nd assistant , .1.7 n 17 Stanton: secretary, K. Cl. Thorpe: t reasurer. 17 S. Thorpe: Board of Wardens . Harry Van Weelden , Clinton Youngs, F. S Thorpe. .1 . W. Eaton, 1*7 C Thorpe, Clarence Young. Willinm Tcrriere Clarence Johnson , II. 17 Hendrickson. David C. Kicketts. I' .ivin K. Smith , Joseph Harnett. The departmen t includes one engine, one hook and ladder ami five hose companies. The Board of Wardens meets on the thin! Tues- day of each mon;. 1 * . at head i larters on Grove Place. Fire Districts and /' arm Signals 2nd Dislriet South side \I**..I street south lo bay, east side Fire lslaml and Crescent avenues, east to creek. 3rd District—South side Main street south to bay, west side Fire Island and Crescent avenues , west to creek. 4th District—North side Main street north to railroad tracks , east side Deer Park avenue, east to brook. 5th District North side Main street north to railroad tracks , west side Deer Park avenue, west to Asn'le lake: 6th District—North side railroad tracks , north to village line , cast side Deer Park avenue, east tii briHik . 7th District-North side railroad tracks , north to village line , west side Deer Park avenue west to Southard' s brook. -ith District -West Babylon, north of railroad tracks. 9th District- South side railroad tracks , south to bay, west side of west creek and Argyle lake to village limits. The alarm* for the respective districts arc given by the sounding ofa round of strokes cor- responding lo the numbe r of the district . live such rounds being run- * - upon lhe boll. Lo*>k fer the Light. Learn to look for the light. Posi- tively re fuse io harbor shadows and blots, nnd the deformed , the disfig- ured , the discordant. Hold to those things thai Kive pleasure, that arc helpful and Inspiring, and you will change your whole way of looking at things, will transform your character ln a very short time. —Orison Swett Marden. For rheumatism yon will find n< ' . ' .. ' .ng bet- ter than Chamber ' Vs Liniment Try ii Slid see how qi ' ¦ ¦ ' > il g ives relief. Foi - ¦ale bv nil deak-rs. LEGAL NOTICES ASSESSORS' NOTICE. The Assessors of the Town nf Habylon for thc purpose of making out ar. < ; .. .rri'i ting the Assess- ment Roll of said Town f. r lhe yt ar 1912 will meet on Monday. April 15 , li'.' . e, e,l William Wilmanh , Amityville. Tuesday, April ' . ¦ ' . lown Clerk' s office , Linden- hurst. Wednesday, April 17, Office of Henry Oakley, Babylon. Thursday, April ' . - . Kirchner s . -'o re , Wyan- danch. l' i Ma*. * . April 19. II. Ibock 's Hotel. Pinelawn. Saturday, April 20, Ollice of Adam Molle Amity- ville . Monday, April 17.1 , Terry Building, Babylon. Tuesday, April 23. Town Clerk' s Ollice , Lind.in- burst. Wednesday, April 21, Brighton Arms, Deer Park. Thursday, April 25, Terry Building, Babylon. Friday, April 20, Office of Griffin & Briegel , Amityville . Saturday, April 27, Town Clerk' s Office , Linden- hurst. Monday, Apri l 29. G. W. Arnold' s store , Wist Babylon. Tuesday. April 30, Post Ollice , Copiague. Wednesday, May 1, Town Clerk' s office , Linden- hurst . At two o'clock p. m. each day. Wednesday, May S, and thereafter to July 1, 1912, every Wednesday al 2 p. m. in Town Clerk' s office , Lindenhurst. All persons having made any changes in their property or who consider their assessments or descriptions erroneous on last roll , are requested to meet said Assessors and make statement there- of. Persons wishing to communicate with the Board ean do so by addressing any of the under- signed. WILLIAM F. BECIIT, Lindenhurs t P. O. CARI . I. J ACKSON, Babylon P. o. CHRI STI A N Mm. I . I : , Amityville P. O. Assessors Town uf Babylon. Daled April 2, 1912, 30tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In pursuance of an order of Hon. WILLIAM G. NICOLL , Surrogate of the Couniy of Suffolk NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, according to law , to all persons having claims against CLARENCE CARMAN. late of the Town of Babylon , deceased , that they arc required lo exhibit the same with the vouchers thereof , to the subscribers at theii plae,. *,f transacting business, at the office ol Lc Roy M. Young, Babylon , Suffolk County. New York , on or before the 1st day of Octobe r next. Dated . Babylon . N. Y.. March 22. 1. 1912. CLARENCE A. CARMAN, FREDERI CK E, CARMAN , Administrators. LE HOY M. YOUNG, Attorney for Administrators, Babylon , N. Y. 2S-Cmo NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In pursuance of an order of Williain 0. Nicoll , Surrogate of lhe County of Sulfolk , Notice is hereby given , according to law . to all persons having claims against L' AUI . A.C LKMONS, late ..f ihe County of Suffolk , deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same , wilh the vouchers th. reof , lo the subscriber at her place of transacting business ut the store of Jeremiah Robbins, Main street, Babylon, in the County of Suffolk. N. Y.. on or before the 21st day of Scpt- cmber , 1912. Dated . March -. 1912. CONSTANCE G . CLEMONS, Executrix. James W . & Charles .1. McDcrmott . Attorneys for Executrix . 2 Rector street. New York Citv. 27-Omo LEGAL NOT ICES -Continued THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. To Clarence Wicks , George H. Wicks , William Wicks . Mabel Fetter . John D. Oakley. Ann Eliza Baylis , Henry W. Southard , John V. P. Wicks, Anna A. Shanback . Dorothy Shanback , Walter Shanback . Eugenie Wicks , Milton Wicks , Nellie Dollard , Ella Wicks , Everett Wicks , Lulu Barrie, Fred R. Wicks , Charles Wicks , Frank Brower, Lillian Brower . Lawrere Brower, Elizabeth Gould , Fannie Tomp kins , Liia Dawson , Minnie Udall , Leon Scudder, Aubrey Scudder , Myrtle Scudder, Hodney Scudder, Sylvia Scudder and Hazel Scudder, persons interested in the estate as heirs at law and next of kin of THOMAS PRIOR WICKS late of the Town of Babylon. County of Suffolk , deceased , SEND GREETING: WHEREAS. HENRY W. SOUTHARD, the Executor named in the Will of said deceased , lately applied to our Surrogate 's Court of the County of Suffolk to have a certain instrument in writing bearing date the Sth day of January, 1909, relating to both real and personal property, duly proved as the Last Will and Testament of the said deceased. THEREFORE, You and each of you are cited to appear be fore our said Surrogate at theSURRO- GATE'S OFFICE IN THE VILLAGE OF BABY- LON, and Town of Babylon , in the County of Suffolk , on the TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF JUNE , 1912, at l'i o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to attend the probate of thi- said Last Will and Tes- tament. Ami such of you as are hereby cited as are under the age Of twenty-one years are required to appear by yuur guardian , if you have on*. - , or if you have none, to appear and apply fa r one to be appointed , or , in the event of your neglect or failure to do so, a guardian will be appointed by the Surrogatt to represent and act for you in the proceeding. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF We have caused the Heal of the Surrogate' s Court of said County of Suifolk to be hereunto affixed * WITNESS, HON . WII . MAM G. N ICOLL. Surrogate of our said County, at Baby- lon , this 2 ith (lay of April , 1912. (SEAL) N ATHAN O. P ETTY . Clerk of the Surrogate' s Court , To CLARENCE WICKS , GEORGE H. WJCKS . WILLIAM WICKS . MABEL FETTER , LILLIAN UROWER , LAWRERE BROWER and FRANK BROWER: The fore^ojng Citation is served upon you by publication pursuant to an order of Honorable Williain G. Nicoll , Surrogate of the County of Sulfolk , dated the 20th day of April , 1912, and filed with the Petition for the probate of the Will of Thomas Prior Wicks , deceased , in tho ollice of the Surrogate at Riverhead , Suffolk County, N. Y- }] AFF & FAI !HINM; TON , Attorneys for Petitioner , 360 Fulton street , Jamaica, N. Y. :tt-7w At a Special Term for Motions , of the Supreme Court of the State of New York , held in the County of Kings , at the County Court House, in the Borough of Brooklyn , City of New Y' ork , on the -th day of April , 1912. Present: HON. SAMUEL T. MADDOX , Justice. In the Matter of : The Application of a Majority of the ' Trustees of the Short Beach Club , a ' . corporation , for its voluntary dis- 1 I solution. On reading and filing the petition and Schedule j thereto annexed, duly verified March 2^th , 1912, ' of Horace Havemeyer, Harry B. Hollins , Jr., Harry T. Peters and Charles A. Van Rensselaer. ; a majority of the Trustees of the Short Beach i Club , a non-stock corporation , to wit: a member- ship corporation* , duly created under the laws of 1 this Staty . located in the Town of Islip, County of Suffolk, praying for a final order dissolving the corporation , as prescribed in Article 9 of thc Guneral Corporation Law, and it appearing from such petition to the satisfaction of this Court that j the case thereby presented is one of those specifi- ed by Section 170 of said Law; and that there are : reasonable grounds to believe that it will be bene- . licial to the interests of the members that the corporation be dissolved; anil on reading and liiing i the notice of this application , dated thu 28th day ! of March , 1912, with proof of due service thereo f and of said petition and schedule thereto annexed , I as well as of a copy of this order as proposed to be submitted , on the Attorney-General of the j State of New York. I NOW. after hearing Julien T. Davies , Jr., Esq., I of counsel for the petitioners, and representing the Attorney-General, I it is, on motion of Davies , Auerbach, Cornell & j Barry , attorneys for the petitioners, hereby ! ORDERED, that all persons interested in the i said corporation show cause before this Court at ] a Special Term for Motions hereof , to be held at j thc- County Court House, in the County of Kings, on the 22nd day of May, 1912, at in o'clock in the forenoon , why the said corporation should not be ¦ dissolved; and it is further i ORDERED, that a copy of this order be publish- ed at least once in each of the three weeks im- mediately preceding said 22nd day of Maj- . in Tht ' South Side Signal and Patehogue Advance, news- papers published in the County of Sulfolk. Enter in Suffolk County, S. T. M. GRANTED J.S. C. ! April 8, 1912. CHAKI.ES S. DEVOY, clerk. Endorsed filed April 13, 1912, at 12 M. W . F. K. Clerk. DAVIES, A UEHBACII , CORNELL & BARRY , Attorneys fur tin 1 Petitioners, ::| Nassau street, lUirough of Manhattan, Citv .if Wu- York CITATION IN REAL PROPERTY PROCEEDING. The People of the Stan- of New York ., To .MARTHA J. VAN HORN, MARY (or MALLIE ) L. PERRY . ALVIN A. VAN HORN. ANDREW N. VAN HORN. GARRETT A. VAN- HORN, ROS E M. ALBERT. GEORGE M. VAN HORN , MILTON R. LANNING. LEVI C. DRAKE . DELILAH C. T1TMAN and CHARLES M. WOODRUFF, executors of the will of JAMES P. . T1TMAN. deceased , WILLIAM C. HOWELL, A. H. SMITH. MARTHA E. MAYBERRY and to all creditors generally of said deceased , widow, heirs at law , devisees and creditors of JACOB C. VAN HORN, late of the town of Blairstown in the County of Warren and State ol New Jersey, deceased, intestate: You are hereby cited to appear be fore our Surro- gate of the County of Suffolk , at the Surrogate's oflice in Babylon in Suffolk County, New York , on the 2-Sth day of June , 1912, at 9 o'coek in the fore- noon , and show cause why a decree should not be made directing the disposition of the real property of the said decedent by mortgage, lease, or sale, or so much thereof as may be necessary for the pay- ment of his debts and funeral expenses: and that if any of the persons interested are under the age of twenty-one years, they are required to appear by their guardian , if they have one, or if they have none to appear anil apply for one to be ap- pointed , and in the event of their neglect or fail- ure to do so a guardian will be appointed by the Surrogate to represent and act for them in this p roceeding. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF we have caused the Seal of Ollice of our said Surrogate to be here- unto affixed. d.. s. ) WITNESS , WILLIAM G. NICOLL, (SEAL) Surrogate, at his office at River- head , in said county, this 2nd day of May. 1912. N ATHAN O. PETTY . Clerk of the Surrogate ' s Court. H AFF &. F,\KRiNr,TtvN. Attorneys for Petitioner , ;J*' .n Fulton street , Jamaica , N. Y. 35-6W LEGAL NOTICES-Continued NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. STATE OK NEW YORK ' . Office of the State Commission of Hi ghways. Albany N. Y. Pursuant to thc pro visions of Chapter .111 , Laws of 1919, an.l Chapter '6(6. Li* . * . ' ** of l!,* .l , sealed proposals will be received by the undersigned at their offic* . No. 55 Lancaster street , Albany, N. Y.. at one o' clock 17 M on Tuesday the Ith day of June 1912. for the improvement of the following highways: Suffolk County Road Nr . Name nf Road Approx. Length .ynl Bay Shore-Brook Haven 12.02 On Thursday, Jnne 6th lui* Srnithtown-For' Solonga a.sg and on Friday. - Juno 7th 5232 Smithtown~Po« Jefferson n.2n 5299 Babylon Village 1.32 5300 Amityville Village 1. 01 After May 20th, maps , plans, specifications and [ estimates may be seen and proposal forms obtain- ud at the offiee af the Commission in Albany, N .I Y. , and also at the office of Division Engineer j Spencer J. Stewart . Realty Building, White Plains , N. Y. The especial attention o! bidders is called to "Information for Proposals " on pages ] to 10 in* elusive of the speculations. Proposals for each road must be presented in a I separate sealed envelope endorsed on the outside with the name and number of the road for which the proposal is made. Each proposal must be | accompanied by a New York draft or certified j check payable to thc order of the State Commis- > sion of Highways for an amount e<,ual to at least live per.cent. of thc amount of the proposal which such draft or check accompanies. This draft or check will be held by lhe Commis- sion until the contract and hind are duly executed . The successful bidder will hc required to give a bond for lifty per cent, of thc amount of the con- tract: such bond tu be executed by a Surety Com- pany to be approved by thc Commission , or a bond secured by the deposit of collateral securities to be approved by the Commission. The right is reserved to reject any or all bids. C. GulUHiN HEEL , Superintendent of Highways . J OHN A. BENSEL, State Engineer. DUNCAN W. PECK , ,16-lw Superintendent of Public Works . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In pursuance of an order of WILLIAM G. NICOLL. Surrogate of the County of Suffolk: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN , according to law, to all persons having claims against MARY S. ' STRONG lale of the Town of Babylon , deceased , that they are required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof , to EGllERT V. STRONG . ; one of the subscribers , at his residence in th Village and Town of Baliylon , Suffolk County, New York , on or before the loth day of November , 1912- Dated May 2. 1912. HERBERT L. FOUDHAM, Attorney, 111 Broadway, New York City, N. Y. EGBERT v . S TRONG and J OHN* J. BARTLETT, | Administrators, &c. of Mary I S5-6mo S. Stronir. deceased. SHERIFF'S PROCLAMATION. Whereas a term of the Supreme Court with [ a Grand Jury in attendance is appointed to be ) held at the Court House, in Ri verhead . in and for the County of Sull' olk on the 3rd day of June , . 1912, proclamation is therefore hereby mad e in ' conformity toa precept to me directed and de- livered by the District Attorney of Suffolk County on the sth day of May. 1912, to all persons bound lo appear at the said Court by recognizance or otherwise, to appear thereat and all Justices of the Peace. Coroners and other officers , who have taken any inquisition orthe examination of any prisoner or witness, are required to return such recognizance, inquisition nnd examination to said '• ' " ni'' ¦ '" It pelting thereof on tie * firs! day of its sii tim- . Given under my hantl at the Sheriff' s office in the Villag ' Riverheail , on the 9th day of March, 1912. M .I7 I' .RUSH , ' ' ¦ ' ¦ - ' •• ' •* Sheriff of Suffolk- County. N. Y. NOTICE TO CREDITORS . In pursuance of an order of WILLIAM G. NICOLL. Surrogate of the County of Suffolk: NOTICE IS HEREBY (II VEN , according to law , to all persons having claims against JOHN MA HANKY , lateof the town of Islip. deceased, that they are required to exhibit the same , with the vouchers thereo f , to the subscriber at her residence at East Islip, Suffolk County on or be- fore the 2:* rd day of November , 1912. Dated May 15, 1912. E LIZABETH H AI . I .EUON , Executrix. ELLIOTT J. SMITH . Attorney for Executri x , Islip, N. Y. 3u-6mo REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS j Babvlon Town. Bauer , P to A G Chartier . lots 23-26, block T,7, sheet 2; and lots 23, 21, block I' s sheet , Linden- hurst , nominal. Booth , A E to H Voelker , lots 17. 4S, block lu , sheet IJ , Lindenhurst . nominal. Diets, J J to R Steiger, lots 2-J-28, block X shee t ' ¦' , Lindenhurst , nominal. Haab, G to J P Fisher, lot east side Little East Neck road , adj lining Locust avenue, Babylon , nominal. Johnson , W S to G W Johnson , lot south side new road leading west from Great Neck road , ad- joining land of P Johnson , Babylon , nominal. Ketcham , S to L K Bennett. lot east side Ocean avenue , adjoining land of A Melick , Amityville , nominal. Percival , W to F Karles , lot east side Little East Neck road , adjoining land of W T Smith , West Babylon , nominal. Baldwin , G IS to P A Baldwin , lot on Bay View avenue, adjoining land of Starks , Amityville nominal. -Ireland , J E to R J Ireland, lot west side Birch avenue, adjoining Greene avenue , Amityville, nominal. Reeve, H A to J L Terry, iot south side Union avenue , adjoining land of J E Wilmarth , Amity- ville , nominal . Thomas , G H to E W DeLeRee, lot north sid e Mill street , adjoining laml of II Albrecht , Amity- ville , nominal. Wise , D to G Landes, lots 5 99-908 and lot 318, Amityville Heights , $200, Baldwin , P A to W McDonald , lot west side street leading south from Avon place, adjoining land of G B Baldwin, Amityville, nominal . Comparetto, A to A Solanto, lots 34, 35. block 9, property of Buonsignore Realty Co, Amityville, Sin , Dadson , A to M A Grapes , 9. 5o* acres west side Broadway, adjoining land of A Foster, Amity- qille , nominal. Donkin , McK to M Miller, 3 acres west side G reat East Neck road , adjoining land ofP John- son , Babylon , nominal. Huntineton Town. Avolin , A M to J D Melville, lots 21, 22 and east part of lots 21-28, block 13 , map 2S of New York &. Brooklyn Suburban Investment Co, Wyandanch , $200. Brush , D E to T H Brush , 25.675 acres on Clay Pits road , adjoining land of C Wilson, near Green- lawn , nominal , Belle Claire* Realty Corporation to P W King, lots 135-139, Huntington Plaza , nominal. Brush , L. M to J G Campbell , 7 acres on road from Huntington to Little Plains , adjoining land of F Sammis, Huntington , nominal . The New Home Realty Co to M Judge, lots -120, 422, map 2, New Home Realty Co, Deer Park , nominal. Taylor. E F to G T Rollings, lot 428 . map of New Home Realty Co, Deer Park , nominal . Wood, A J to W W Wood . Jr, lot west side Wall street , adjoining land of J Riggs, Huntington , nominal. Murray, J to L Murray, lot adjoining land of J W Platt and S Gardiner , Huntington, nominal. N Y and N J Investment Co to A Smith , lot 2, bloc k 72, Wyandanch Park , 5160. Daliquist , V to A Ralmon , lot 127, Northport Manor, nominal . Islip Town. Groh , P to A Ayre , lot 13 , property of P Groh and J J Stenger, Sayville , nominal. Jones, A C to E F Jones, lots 3 D, 32 , 34, 36 , 38 , block 28, New Colonial Manor , Islip, nominal. Hurst , A to N V Foley, 2 acres on Brook avenue, ad joining land of W Eaton , and lot on Forks road , adjoining other land of Hurst , Bay Shore, nomi- nal. Johnson , J to M Jerome, Jot on Champlin street , adjoining land of K Howard , East Islip, nominal . Kearns , M E to J Sehenck , lot east side Fifth avenue, adjoining land of E Keams, Bay Shore, 510. Tri pp. E Z to T B Ackerson. Co, lot 3152, block 101, b right waters, nominal. Thornhi.l , S to A H GHjotfn , lot east sideCandec avenue , adjoining land of Gi let to avenue , Say- ville . nominal, T \ Ackerson Co Vo W C Diane , lot 1"" .. block 29, P.rightwaters , nominal. Same to J L P-uford, lot 172 1. block - ' ' . ' , Bright- waters, nominal. Broad beck, F J to L Haupt , lot 722, Saxon Park , Islip, nominal. Brightwaters Building Co to T B Ackerson Co, lot 5289, blook 16tf, section D, Brightwaters, nomi- nal. Same to same, lot 1759, block 69, section C, same map, nominal. Foley, N V to A Hurst , 2 acres on Brook avenue, adjoining land of W Eaton , and lot on Forks road , adjoining other land of Hurst , Bay Shore, nomi- nal. Qroehl , M to Prudence Realty Co, lots 14, 17, block . , Grammercy Park , Bay Shore, $100. Wm. Smith , 98 Williams street , Rochester, says that the sample of Foley Kidney Pills did him so much good that he bought a bot'le and kept on taking them. "Foley Kidney Pills cured me of a case of kidney trouble that had hung for two years. Now I have no more pain and am well and strong. " Smith & Salmon. I CARPENTIER COMING IN MAY. ' French Middlewei g ht Champion Will Visit America Ir Search of Matches. George Carpentier, the eighteen- I rear-old Frenchman who won the Eu- j 1 ropenn middleweight championship re- j ¦ cently by knocking out Jim Sullivan ! In two rounds at Monte Carlo , is corn- ing to America . Carpentier has r<-- celved a big offer to box in Xew York . ' nml it Is relieved that fie will sail ; about May 1. He will be matchi-d with MtUe Oiblions , Frank Klaus and nthfr topnot-rhers. Hawaiian Swimmer In Ol ympics, p-iko Kahanamoku . the Hawaiian ¦ swimmer , who may make T IR- Aiiicri- » cnn 0!' . "2ipic i" . -':' . 'ii . is being instructed in starting fruni "go" in Ihe dashea i bv George Klstler. coach ol the Cnl- versitv ol Pennsylvania. I Don 't be surprised if you have an attack of rheurifcltsm this spring. Just rub the affected parts freel y irith Chamberlain ' s Lin- iment and itwill soon disappear. -Sold by I all dealer*. | BABYLON TOWN TOPICS Continued from Page 5. Thomas Dail y, brother of Supervisor Edward Daily, last week sold his res- taurant business in Jamaica to John Baccadoro and Angelo Foppiana , two Italians , who for years have conducted a bootblack stand in front of the Daily place and other large hostelries in Ja- maica. The purchasers have by h ard work and saving and then investing their savings become wealthy, and their rise in fortune is the general top ic of conversation in Jamaica. The building where Mr. Daily 's restaurant is located is about one hundred years old , and Mr. Daily has made a success of the business since he opened it in 18-87. Mr. Dail y was born in Baby lon in 1854. He has been a widower for about ei gh teen years. His wife was a descendant of Francis Scott Key, the author of the "Star Spangled Banner. " He may- live in Babvlon. William W. Hulse and daughters , the Misses Martha , Bertha and Mabel , of Bay Shore , are visiting in Washington. Mr. Hulse and his daughter . Mabel , are to spend the summer at Grant , Herki- mer countv, N. Y . The new Surf hotel at Ocean Beach west of Point o' Woods , was burned with several small buildings on Sunday night. The cause of the lire is un- known . The loss i.s placed at about 840 ,000. Reginald Martin , who has been assist- ing at the Smith and Salmon drug store for some time , has purchased the drug store of the late E. A. Clark at Center Moriches and took possession on Satur- day last. The Pythian Sisters will hold a bread and cake sale , and will also sell aprons , kimonos and children 's clothes, in the Dondero block , Deer Park avenue and Grove place , on May 23, 24 and 25. Supervisor and C. Milton Roge rs are to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of their wedding at their home in Say- ville on May 24. John Byrns and family, of New York , returned to their cottage on Park ave- nue this week , to remain for the sum- mer season. Pau l Bassett , son of the Rev. and Mrs. E. D. Bassett , has been ill at his home in Spring/ield , with scarlet f ever , but is getting better. Strange as it may seem , some infill* r*al men have recently taken to rec- ommending the smoky parts of Shef- 1eM. England , for sufferers from .isthma. Woman ' s Costly Fit of Temper. In a fit of temper , during a heated discussion with her brother recently, a farmer ' s daughter, of Plouvorn , Brest . Northern France , cu " . off her right hand. Seems Queer Cure for Asthma. * JL ¦ - \Jei?£:dh. 'd' ' .i^^mP( 9ft m ^ mfK^^^^^lr< SM^^^^^B S c. Ciga r 4a H. NEWINS 6. SON, MwiurAcxuwMt RIVERHEAD, N. Y. NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF AS- SESSMENT ROLL. TAKE NOTICE-The Assessment Roll of the village of Babylon. Suffolk County, New York for the year 1912 has been finally completed , and was filed in the oflice of the village clerk on the seventh day of May, 1912, where the same will remain open to public inspection for fifteen days after the dale of this notice. Dated, May 10 , 1912, EDWARD S. ALLEY, CARLL J ACKSON, DAVID C. R ICKETTS, Trustees ami Assessors of the Village of Baby- Ion. N. Y. 35-2w NOTICE OF MEETING. The annual meeting ot the stockholders of the Lindenhurst Shoe company, for the election of seven directors and two inspectors of election for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting, will be held at the otBcc of the factory on West Broadway, in the village of Lindenhurst , on the 20th dny of May, 19 '2 . at S o 'clock in the even ing. Dated at Lindenhurst. N. Y*. May 9, 1912, G. W. lkMISOL Secretary . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In pursuance of an orderof Willinm (1. Nicoll , SurroKUte of tho Counts* of SutT.tlk , notice is here- by Riven, according to law . to all persons havinK claims against WILLIAM H. CARROLL, late of the Countyof Suffolk, deceased , that they ore required to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof , to the subscriber, Anna C. MacWha. at the office ot her attorney. Wilmot L* Mi r*huuse . No. 2>i Court street, Brooklyn, N. Y. on or before the l*5th day of June . *' . »I*J. Iiuted . rK -cemberl. 1912. A NNA C. MACWHA, Administratrix. Ll-t* mo NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In pursuance of an order of William G. Nicoll , Surrogate of the County of Suffolk , notice is here- by given , according to law . to all persons bavins claims against MARY E. TUTHILL, late of the Town of Babylon , deceased, that they are requir- ed to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof , to the subscriber, Artelyea Mergell , at her resi- dence in Amityville , in the Town of Babylon, Suffolk county, N. Y- , on or before the 10th day I ,»f August , 1912- Datwl January 26, 1912. A RTELYEA M ERGELL. Administratrix v. ith will annexed. IN ANY REAL ESTATE TRANSACTION V OU WILL FIND IT TO YOUR ADVANTAGE to list your [ Y offerings and your wants with this Company. Famil. iarity wt V"")"f and conditions in the field covered en- ables us to serve Doth buyer and seller in a satisfactory manner. If you desire to buy, sell, rent , exchange or negotiate a loan on real estate in Nassau or Suffolk Counties , ortc in sure your property, consult FRANK C. HICKS, Manager, / (~ )fj\ Naaaau-Suffolk Department, \^J QUEENSBORO CORPORATION 366 Fifth Ave . Cor. 35th St. New York City. Babylon , N. Y. Dear Sir: Will you give your Arith- metic class—and Algebra class—this problem? If average paint is worth $1.G0 a gallon , and goes two-thirds as far as Devoe , and wears half as long, what is Devoe worth put on , painters ' wages being $3.50 a day and a day 's work a gallon of paint. The answer is $11 .SO a gallon; but don ' t tell 'em that. Yours trul y, F. W. D EVOE & Co. 43 New York. P. S. Dowden Bros, sell our paint. Letter to Wm. Lisk. DELICATE CHILDREN Made Strong by Vinol »* IiT t ! Q°m ina <«- *e every moth- er who has a dp]icate ]r chnd > t0 Vinol 01 "" dol Wo US cod ' liver ' iron tonic. "It restored ow Httle daughter to health and strength after everything Wto S1 63 - Jt tas^Tso ,ood she K^'^ a Mt ot cod tlw on taste. -Mrs. c w ^^ canton . <n T £M? aS011 Vip -°1 Is so successful In bu,l- i ing p p Hnr ; 8 de B ° c3te, ailinu CoT t ' h^ be Cause i tSacombina- !cs- ln ll most world-famed ton- ments of I' CinaI bodybuilding ele- ments of cod liver oil aided by the bfood-making and r ^^reatlng properties of tonic . ^ D ^ ot Ttool " , '"""8 « " to"^ W "! r^vj srs s. - "Ill return yon, J* a " we / rin ru i V r tt °ney on demand. Carles E . \Vi nega , y B ° ab , lo n. N. Y. Too Candid. -Miss Higtiiip i ,[, * * . Miss Globetrot ought to be *IS !I:,* II I of herself* She snys she fmin.i U«. j>»toHngs ot the old musters dreiuifully stl]pid Miss Way- up—So do tnaii . v others Miss Uughup -Yes. hut she hilrs so T 'the friends ol" Frank Chance V ** [* and Johnny I' .vrrs nt the (Jhica- -j - X e . n Cubs sue t. -lli** . ** . suine stm-ies V •j- ut their expense t apt i- .us that ¦^- T when i h*i ::i* |. l.,n led i.i New < n- ' . ' , 4" leans fur Uie l.y spring iraiti 3. in:, trip hf saw a Ian:.; youth . » . -f [iitehiiit; i:i pitn-lit-e ami noted y ' X. that lie had a "lot of stuff" nn X ± the ball. Ile thought the p itcher jr *]- was one uf his new recruits.an I . ' . 3" Ills fa ce brightened, bin only for V -j* aii instant. ;. r on asking ihe -j* T \' i> ' .i ngs ' ,t'i' ' s name he ilisenvi'i*ed V •|> I hat i; v. ns Venn ' Ire: :_. the -!• X brilliant pitcher of the "ievel i:ai Y •- learn, who was working mil *.\i;a y ' d. the Cubs before lhe arrival of " X " Ills own teammates. y S' .efore the players were thruuuli J. » t T laughing at the mistake of their y ~ manager Johnny Evers furnish- *|. y ed a withe r opportunity fm- i y .. haw-haw. doing up to au out- -j . •" fielder, who was pulling down y .. Hies in a most amazing way. lie 4. "" inquired carelessly if he hoped X « to make the team . "I' m not try- -j* ' ,[ ing for this team ," came the an- X •• swer. "Oh ," responded Evers . ¦{• Ii "just a home boy getting a little X •• exercise. " The smiling rejoinder y ' . ' . almost threw Evers Into another X " attack of nervous prostration , T .. for the "home boy " replied. "I' m J. X Joe Jackson of the Cleveland y 3. team. " •!- v v . ¦ ¦ ' -T_T_T.. ¦ ¦. ¦ ,. ' ¦.¦ ' ./_t_ ! _t_I_l_l_ . _. . . _J_ . _I. . .' . ¦ ^ ! -i *-*- : " ; -- M"i">i"i-:"!" ! " H-:-H-:-:-w-:-5- ^ X JACKSON AND GREGG FOOL jr J. CHANCE AND EVERS. 3. HARRY P. FISHEL FREDER1CTJ. WOOD FISHEL AND WOOD ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS !AT LAW MONEY TO LOAN ON BOND AND MORTGAGE j FISHEL BLOCK - BABYLON . N. Y people are sick people. ' They Jack vitality and resistive power. Scott ' s Emulsion brings new life to snch people- it gives rigor and vitality to mind and body. ' Alt Druggist *. Scott & Bownt. liloomfirlii. N. J 12-9 H —M***** ».**--JIMIllllllHHI-«illll.ll*. ¦ HIM ¦ ¦ ¦ THE SEYMOUR ORCHESTRA Engagements For All Social Parties Addre.i* LYNN SEYMOUR BABYLON, L. I. Tel. 86 HARRY W. THOMAS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE HEFFLEY BLOCK . DEER PARK AVE. GILT EDGE SIX PER CENT. TAX EXEMPT MORTGAGES FOR SALE LE ROY M. YOUNG ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW BABYLON. N. Y. CHARLES W. BURTON CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER BA BYLON , N. Y. Jobbing p -omptly' attcndwl to. Beach work a specialty, DR. WM. HERBERT DEALE SURGEON and MECHANICAL DENTIST Painless Extraction CROWN and BRIDGE WORK Fishel Block Babylon N. Y Office Hours 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. CHARLES DARLING CIVIL ENGINEER Bank Building, AmilyvilV , N. Y . Tel . 69 L Kclcham BuildiiiB Babylon , N. Y. tcle-phonr Connection Municipal Engineering, Sub-Diviaioni and Real Eilate Surveying, Specialtiei F. E. SAXTON SUCCESSOR TO JAMES E. ALBIN DEALER IN COAL, WOOD and KINDLING WOOD A trial order i.s respectfully solicited Carll Ave., BABYLON , N. Y. P. 0. Box 702 DR. A. C. ST. AMAND SURGEON DENTIST Formerl y 171 Broadway, New York Dondero Block , BABYLON Crown and Brid ge Work's Specialty Office Hours 8.00 A Mm 12.00 M LOO P M to 5.00 P M Babylon Sunday! at Lindenhunl Painless Extraction EDWARD DAILY GENERAL FURNISHING UNDERT AKER MAIN STREET, BABYLON and VAIL BLOCK , (SLIP, N. Y* Caskela , Burial Caws, Coffin*. Chun nd all FuQets a Requisites at reasonable prices.Orders received (or tomb- tones and monuments of all kinds. Full charge lalcen o fjnerali. JONATHAN WOOD SALE and EXCHANGE STABLES AMITYVILLE , L. I. Always on ham!, ten to thirty horses " Butted ' to all purposes. Prices reasonable antl satisfaction guaranteed SHERMAN HOUSE STABLES BABYLON , N. Y. LIVERY. BOAKPING AND SALE TSTABLEU Horses for sale or exchanee— Horsea'boarded li' ms fo r hire by the month , week , daylor hour. SlIKRMAN ' TWEKDY . 'PrOP. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In pursuance of an order of HON. WILLIAM j G. NICOLL, Surrogate of the County of Suffolk: NOTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN, according to law, to all persons having claims against EDMUND , SMITH BAILEY, late of the County of Sulfolk , deceased, that they are required to exhibit the . same, wilh tho vouchers therefor, to the sub- scriber at its place of transacting business. No. 22 ¦ William street, Boroujrh of Manhattan , in the City | I of N' . -w Yuri; , on or before the 7th day of October , | j 1812. Dated .New York, Marc h 2Sth, 1912. THE FARMEUS ' LOAN & Tuusr COMPANY , Executor. WiNTimor it S*mi.so.v , At lorneys for Executor, 32 Liberty street , New York, N. V. :' ,o-iliiio t
Page 1: Jei?£:dh. 'd' '.i^^mP( 9ft m mfK^^^^^lr< SM^^^^^B SHERMAN ...nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031038/1912-05-17/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · general information j babylon post office maiu



MaiU Close

FOR WEST-7.10, O.in, 11.3 A. M., 4.45'.?/i V. M .

Foit EAST-8.15, 9.10 A. M * 1.15, 7.:if> P. M.

Mails OpenFROM WEST—8.00, 9.00, 10.15 A. M.; 4.15, 5.45

7.00 P. M.FROM EAST-9.00, 10.15 A. M.; 12.00 M.: 4.15

5.45 P. M.Sunday Mail for '• '•ev: York closes at 6.00 P. M.

Postmaster —Joseph A. I*VjUKlas.Assistant Postmaster—William H. Mott.Lobby upen from 0*30 A. M. to 11=03 P. M.Genera] windows open from 7:li0 A. M. to 8:00

P. M.Reifiwtry divis ion open from 7:00 A. M. to 8:00

P. M.Money order division ope n from 8:00 A. M. to 1:00

P. M.Postal savings depository is open from 8 :00 A.

M. to 6:00 I' . M.Money order and postal savingsdepartmentsare

not open on holiday *.

Rural Free Delivery RouteCarrier Francis K. Bockefmann.Mail closes at 8:00 A. M.


S A M P A W A MS LODGE, 104. 1. 0. 0. 1*7, Unstitu-ted l- '.Ti . meets in Odd Fellows' Hall everyFriday evening.

ANCHOR LODGE, 173, K. of 17 . (instituted 18S2),meets in Odd Fellows' Hal l every Tuesdayevening.

ROYAL ARCANUM COUNCIL, --1 . (institutedISSo), "i"*!*-. ;n '''id Fellows' " ''I every lirst andt h i n ) Thursd ay evenings.

BAP.YLON LODGE. 703, I V- M., (instituted1--7I . ¦*...-*• * * in Masonic 1.* . in tb i - second andf o u r t h Wednesday eveningi

PYTHIAN SI.* n*:i.*S. Rabylc. Tim].I.*. N'o. L ' l,meets on li- i ntnl 3rd W«ln«sdays at .* o'cloc k ir.Otill Fellows' H u l l .

PRIDE UK COURT BABYLON, Nn. PK2, Com-panions o f t h e Foresters of America, meets inOdd Fellows ' Hal l on 2nd and 4th Wednesdaysat 8o'clock.

GOLDEN GLOW REBEKAH LODGE, No. 403,(Insti tuted J u n e 22, 1U08) , meets in O.Id Fellows'Hal l on second and fourth Monday evenings ofeach month.

BABYLON COUNCIL , 4, American Knights ofProtection , meets 1st Monday n ight in eachmonth.

BABYLON ( 'A M I ' , 3,300, Modern Wootlmen olAmerica, (instituted l l m l) . meets in Odd Fel-lows' Hal every lirst and third Monday even-ings.

COURT BABYLON , 405, F. of A., (ins t i tu ted

1902) , meets in Odd Felllows' Hall every secondand f o u r t h Thursday evenings.

L. C. Ii. A.. BRANCH BSS, meets th.* second andf o u r t h Wednesday evenings of each month in thebasement of St. Joseon 's church.

S A N C T U A R Y LONG ISLAND, No.88,Shepherdsof America, meets the first and third Wednesdaysof ...-n li m o n t h in the Seaman block, Main street



Park uvviim; corner James street . Rev. Wi l l i am

M. Warden, Pastor.Sunday services: Class Meeting. D:30 A. M.

Preaching. 10:30 A. M. and 7:30 1'. M. Sunday )school at 12 M. I

Mid-week service: Prayer meeting, Thursday, I

7.30 I' . M.PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH , Main street. Kev .

Robert I L Merrill, pastor.Sunday services: Preaching at 11:00 A. M. and

7:7.n 17 M. Stinday-schcol at 1H:00 A. M. Bibleclass al '." "» A. M.

Mid-week service: Thursday evening at 7:30 'P. M.

FIRST BAPTIST CTHJ RCH, Main street,cornerCarll avenue. Rev. S. I'r .ul Jefferson, pastor.

Sunday sen ices: Preaching, l"::'*11 A. M. and

7. 1.'. I - . .M. Sunday school , 11:15 A. M. B. Y. I' .

17. S:15 I' . M.Miil-wcib ieivices; T h u r s d a y , prayer meeting.


West Is l ip . Rev. Edward .1. Burlingham. rector.

.Sunday services*. First Sunday of month, com-nunion at the chapel at 7.30 A. M. Li tany andCommunion at church 11:00 A. M. Morningprayer and sermon .-very other Sunday at 11:00 A.M. Sunday school. 9:30 A. M. Second Sunday of

of month, Communion at the church at 8:00 A. M.;

th i rd Sunday of month . Communion at chapel at

7:30 A. M.; fourth Sunday of month . Communion

at church at S:IMI A. M. Evening prayer, at 7:45

o'clock at lhe chapel.ST. JOSEPH'S ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.

Grove Place. Rev. James 1*7 Biggins, rector.Sunday masses, f e .r.o A. M.. 7::«) A. M.. 9:00 A.

M.. 10:30 A. M. Benediction services, 3:30 P. M.Week day mass, daily ul "-.GO A. M.Confessions, Saturday, 4:00 P. M. Eves of

Feasts, first Friday of each month.A F R I C A N M . K. CHURCH, Cooper s i r ee t .

Rev. G. 17 Murcherson , pastor.Simil.-i* . services: Preaching at 11:00 A. M. and

7:00 P. M. Class meeting, 12:30 1'. M. SundayschiK.t. 3-.no P. M.

Mid-wo k services: Blue ribbon social clubevery Thursday ni *.'" I* . M. Prayer meeting,Friday eveniiu: al 8:110 I ' - M -


Chief . William I I . Mott ; l - t assistant. .lames 17

K. * n i : 2nd assistant , .1.7 n 17 Stanton: secretary,K. Cl. Thorpe: t reasurer. 17 S. Thorpe: Board of

Wardens. Harry Van Weelden , Clinton Youngs,

F. S Thorpe. .1 . W. Eaton, 1*7 C Thorpe, ClarenceYoung. Willinm Tcrriere Clarence Johnson , II. 17

Hendrickson. David C. Kicketts. I'. i v i n K. Smith ,Joseph H a r n e t t .

The departmen t includes one engine, one hook

and ladder ami five hose companies.The Board of Wardens meets on the t h i n ! Tues-

day of each mon;.1*. at head i larters on Grove

Place.Fire Districts and / ' arm Signals

2nd Dis l r ie t South side \I**..I street south lobay, east side Fire lslaml and Crescent avenues,east to creek.

3rd Distr ic t—South side Main street south tobay, west side Fire Island and Crescent avenues ,west to creek.

4th Dis t r ic t—North side Main street north torailroad tracks, east side Deer Park avenue, east

to brook.5th District Nor th side Main street north to

railroad tracks, west side Deer Park avenue, west

to Asn'le lake:6th District—North side railroad tracks, north

to village line, cast side Deer Park avenue, east tii

briHik .7th D i s t ri c t - N o r t h side railroad t racks, north

to village l ine , west side Deer Park avenue west

to Southard's brook.-ith District -West Babylon, north of railroad

tracks.9th District- South side railroad tracks, south

to bay, west side of west creek and Argyle lake to

village limits.The alarm* for t h e respective distr icts arc

given by the sounding o f a round of strokes cor-

responding lo the numbe r of t h e d i s t r i c t . live

such rounds being r u n -*- upon lhe boll.

L o *>k f e r the Light .Learn to look for the light. Posi-

tively re fuse io harbor shadows andblots , nnd the deformed , the disfig-ured , the discordant. Hold to thosethings thai Kive pleasure, that archelpful and Inspiring, and you wi l lchange your whole way of looking atthings, will transform your characterln a very short time.—Orison SwettMarden.

For rheumatism yon will find n< '.'..'.ng bet-ter th an Chamber' Vs Liniment Try iiSlid see how qi '¦¦•' > il gives relief. Foi-¦ale bv nil deak-rs.



The Assessors of the Town nf Habylon for thcpurpose of m a k i n g out ar. < ; .. .rri'i t ing the Assess-ment Roll of said Town f. r lhe yt ar 1912 will meeton

Monday. April 15, l i '.'. e, e,l Wil l i am Wilmanh,Amityville.

Tuesday, April '.¦'. l o w n Cle rk' s office , Linden-hurst.

Wednesday, A p r i l 17, Office of Henry Oakley,Babylon.

Thursday, April '. -. Kirchner s .-'o re , Wyan-danch.

l ' i Ma*.* . April 19. II . Ibock 's Hotel. Pinelawn.Saturday, A p r i l 20, Ollice of Adam Molle A m i t y -

v i l l e .Monday, April 17.1, Terry Building, Babylon.Tuesday, A p r i l 23. Town Clerk' s Ollice , Lind.in-

burst.Wednesday, A p r i l 21, Brighton Arms , Deer

Park.Thursday, Apr i l 25, Terry Building, Babylon.Friday, Apr i l 20, Office of Gr i f f in & Briegel ,

A m i t y v i l l e .Saturday, Apr i l 27, Town Clerk' s Office , Linden-

hurs t .Monday, Apri l 29. G. W. A r n o l d ' s store , W i s t

Babylon.Tuesday. Apr i l 30, Post Ollice, Copiague.Wednesday, May 1, Town Clerk' s office , Linden-

h u r s t .At two o'clock p. m. each day.Wednesday, May S, and the rea f te r to Ju ly 1,

1912, every Wednesday al 2 p. m. in Town Clerk'soffice , Lindenhurs t .

Al l persons having made any changes in theirproperty or who consider the i r assessments ordescriptions erroneous on last roll , are requestedto meet said Assessors and make statement there-of. Persons wishing to communicate with theBoard ean do so by addressing any of the under-signed.

WILLIAM F. BECIIT, L indenhurs t P. O.CARI.I. JACKSON, Babylon P. o.CH R I STI A N Mm. I .I :, A m i t y v i l l e P. O.

Assessors Town uf Babylon.Daled A p r i l 2, 1912,



In pursuance of an order of Hon. W I L L I A M G.N I C O L L , Surrogate of the C o u n i y of SuffolkNOTICE IS HEREBY G I V E N , according to law ,to all persons hav ing claims against CLARENCEC A R M A N . late of the Town of Babylon , deceased ,tha t they arc required lo exh ib i t the same w i t ht h e vouchers thereof , to the subscribers at theiip lae,. *,f t ransact ing business, at the office olLc Roy M. Young, Babylon , Suffolk County. NewYork , on or before the 1st day of October next .

Dated . Babylon . N. Y.. March 22. 1. 1912.CLARENCE A. CARMAN,FREDERICK E, C A R M A N ,

Administrators.LE HOY M. YOUNG,

A t t o r n e y for Adminis t ra tors,Babylon , N. Y. 2S-Cmo

NOTICE TO CREDITORS.In pursuance of an order of Wil l ia in 0. Nicoll ,

Surrogate of lhe C o u n t y of Su l fo lk ,Notice is hereby given, according to law . to all

persons having claims against L'AUI . A.C LKMONS,la t e ..f i h e County of Suffolk , deceased, tha t theyare required to exhibit t h e same , w i l h t h evouchers th . reof , lo t he subscriber at her place oftransacting business ut t he store of JeremiahRobbins, Main street, Babylon, in the Coun ty ofSuffolk. N. Y.. on or before the 21st day of Scpt-cmber, 1912.

Dated . March -. 1912.CONSTANCE G. CLEMONS,

Executrix.James W . & Charles .1. McDcrmott .

At to rneys for Execut r ix .2 Rec to r street. New York Ci tv . 27-Omo



To Clarence Wicks , George H. Wicks , WilliamWicks. Mabel Fetter. John D. Oakley. A n n ElizaBaylis, Henry W. Southard , John V. P. Wicks,Anna A. Shanback . Dorothy Shanback, WalterShanback. Eugenie Wicks, Milton Wicks, NellieDollard , Ella Wicks, Everett Wicks, Lulu Barrie,Fred R. Wicks , Charles Wicks, Frank Brower,Lillian Brower. Lawrere Brower, ElizabethGould , Fannie Tompkins, Liia Dawson, MinnieUdall , Leon Scudder, Aubrey Scudder, MyrtleScudder, Hodney Scudder, Sylvia Scudder andHazel Scudder, persons interested in the estate asheirs at law and next of kin of THOMAS PRIORWICKS late of the Town of Babylon. County ofSuffolk, deceased , SEND GREETING:

WHEREAS. HENRY W. SOUTHARD, theExecutor named in the Will of said deceased ,lately applied to our Surrogate's Court of theCounty of Suffolk to have a certain instrument inwriting bearing date the Sth day of January, 1909,relating to both real and personal property, dulyproved as the Last Will and Testament of thesaid deceased.

THEREFORE, You and each of you are citedto appear before our said Surrogate at theSURRO-GATE'S OFFICE IN THE VILLAGE OF BABY-LON, and Town of Babylon , in the County ofSuffolk , on the TWENTY-FIRST DAY OF J U N E ,1912, at l ' i o'clock in the forenoon of that day, toattend the probate of thi- said Last Will and Tes-tament.

Ami such of you as are hereby cited as are underthe age Of twenty-one years are required to appearby yuu r guard ian , if you have on*.-, or if you havenone, to appear and apply f a r one to be appointed ,or , in the event of your neglect or fa i lure to do so,a guardian wil l be appointed by the Surrogatt torepresent and act for you in the proceeding.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF We have causedthe Heal of the Surrogate's Court of said Countyof Suifolk to be hereunto aff ixed *

WITNESS, HON. W II .M A M G. N ICOLL.Surrogate of our said County, at Baby-lon , th is 2 ith (lay of April , 1912.

(SEAL) N A T H A N O. PETTY.Clerk of the Surrogate's Court ,


The fore^ojng Citation is served upon you bypublication pursuant to an order of HonorableWi l l i a in G. Nicoll , Surrogate of the County ofSulfolk , dated the 20th day of April , 1912, and filedwith the Petition for the probate of the Will ofThomas Prior Wicks , deceased , in tho ollice of theSurrogate at Riverhead , Suf fo lk County, N. Y -

}] A F F & FAI!HINM;TON,Attorneys for Petitioner,

360 Fulton street, Jamaica, N. Y.:tt-7w

At a Special Term for Motions, of the SupremeCourt of the State of New York , held in theCounty of Kings , at the County Court House, inthe Borough of Brooklyn , City of New Y'ork , onthe - th day of April , 1912. Present:


In the Matterof :

The Applicat ion of a Majori ty of the 'Trustees of the Short Beach Club, a '.corporation , for its voluntary dis- 1

I solution.

On reading and f i l ing the petition and Schedulej thereto annexed, duly verified March 2^th , 1912,' of Horace Havemeyer, Harry B. Hollins, Jr.,

Harry T. Peters and Charles A. Van Rensselaer.; a majori ty of the Trustees of the Short Beachi C lub , a non-stock corporation , to wi t : a member-ship corporation*, duly created under the laws of

1 t h i s Staty . located in the Town of Islip, County ofSuffolk, praying for a f ina l order dissolving thecorporation , as prescribed in Article 9 of thcGuneral Corporation Law, and it appearing fromsuch petit ion to the satisfaction of this Court tha t

j the case thereby presented is one of those specifi-ed by Section 170 of said Law; and that there are

: reasonable grounds to believe that it wil l be bene-. licial to the interests of the members that the

corporation be dissolved; anil on reading and l i i ingi the notice of this application, dated thu 28th day! of March , 1912, with proof of due service thereof

and of said petition and schedule thereto annexed ,I as well as of a copy of this order as proposed tobe submitted, on the Attorney-General of the

j State of New York.I NOW. after hearing Julien T. Davies, Jr., Esq.,I of counsel for the petitioners, and

representing the Attorney-General,

I it is, on motion of Davies, Auerbach, Cornell &

j Barry , attorneys for the petitioners, hereby

! ORDERED, that all persons interested in thei said corporation show cause before this Court at] a Special Term for Motions hereof , to be held at

j thc- County Court House, in the County of Kings,on the 22nd day of May, 1912, at in o'clock in theforenoon , why the said corporation should not be

¦ dissolved; and it is f u r t h e ri ORDERED, that a copy of this order be publish-

ed at least once in each of the three weeks im-mediately preceding said 22nd day of Maj- . in Tht

' South Side Signal and Patehogue Advance, news-papers published in the County of Sulfolk .

En te r in Suffolk County,S. T. M.

G R A N T E D J.S. C.! Apri l 8, 1912.

CHAKI.ES S. DEVOY, clerk.Endorsed filed A p r i l 13, 1912, at 12 M.


Attorneys fur t in 1 Petitioners,::| Nassau street, lUirough of Manhattan,

C i t v .if Wu- York


M A L L I E ) L. P E R R Y . A L V I N A. V A N H O R N .A N D R E W N. VAN HORN. GARRETT A. VAN-HORN, ROSE M. ALBERT. GEORGE M. V A NHORN , MILTON R. L A N N I N G . LEVI C.D R A K E. DELILAH C. T1TMAN and CHARLESM. WOODRUFF, executors of the will of JAMESP.. T1TMAN. deceased , WILLIAM C. HOWELL,A. H. SMITH. MARTHA E. M A Y B E R R Y and toall creditors generally of said deceased , widow,heirs at law , devisees and creditors of JACOB C.V A N HORN, late of the town of Blairstown inthe County of Warren and State ol New Jersey,deceased, intestate:

You are hereby cited to appear before our Surro-gate of the County of Suffolk , at the Surrogate'soflice in Babylon in Suffolk County, New York , onthe 2-Sth day of June, 1912, at 9 o'coek in the fore-noon , and show cause why a decree should not bemade directing the disposition of the real propertyof the said decedent by mortgage, lease, or sale, orso much thereof as may be necessary for the pay-ment of his debts and funeral expenses: and thatif any of the persons interested are under the ageof twenty-one years, they are required to appearby their guardian , if they have one, or if theyhave none to appear anil apply for one to be ap-pointed , and in the event of their neglect or fail-ure to do so a guardian wil l be appointed by theSurrogate to represent and act for them in thisproceeding.

IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF we have causedthe Seal of Ollice of our said Surrogate to be here-un to affixed.

d.. s.) WITNESS, W I L L I A M G. NICOLL,(SEAL) Surrogate, at his office at River-

head , in said county, th i s 2nd day of May. 1912.N A T H A N O. PETTY .

Clerk of the Surrogate's Court.HAFF &. F , \KRiNr ,T tvN.

Attorneys for Petitioner,;J*'.n Fulton street , Jamaica, N. Y. 35-6W



STATE OK NEW Y ORK'. Office of the StateCommission of Highways. Albany N. Y.

Pursuant to thc pro v isions of Chapter .111, Lawsof 1919, an.l Chapter '6(6. Li*.*.'** of l!,*.l , sealedproposals will be received by the undersigned attheir offic* . No. 55 Lancaster street , Albany, N.Y.. at one o'clock 17 M on Tuesday the Ith day ofJune 1912. for the improvement of the followinghighways :

Suffolk County

Road Nr. Name nf Road Approx. Length.ynl Bay Shore-Brook Haven 12.02

On Thursday, Jnne 6th

l u i * Srnithtown-For' Solonga a.sgand on Friday. -Juno 7th

5232 Smithtown~Po« Jefferson n.2n5299 Babylon Village 1.32

5300 Amityville Village 1.01After May 20th, maps , plans, specifications and [

estimates may be seen and proposal forms obtain-ud at the offiee af the Commission in Albany, N . IY., and also at the office of Division Engineer jSpencer J. Stewart . Rea lty Building, WhitePlains , N . Y.

The especial a t t en tion o! bidders is called to"Informat ion for Proposals" on pages ] to 10 in*elusive of the speculations.

Proposals for each road must be presented in a Iseparate sealed envelope endorsed on the outsidewith the name and number of the road for whichthe proposal is made. Each proposal must be |accompanied by a New York draft or certified jcheck payable to thc order of the State Commis- >sion of Highways for an amount e<,ual to at leastlive per.cent. of thc amount of the proposal whichsuch d ra f t or check accompanies.

This draft or check will be held by lhe Commis-sion unti l the contract and hind are duly executed.

The successful bidder will hc required to give abond for l i f ty per cent, of thc amount of the con-tract: such bond tu be executed by a Surety Com-pany to be approved by thc Commission , or a bondsecured by the deposit of collateral securities tobe approved by the Commission.

The right is reserved to reject any or all bids.C. GulUHiN HEEL ,

Superintendent of Highways.JOHN A. BENSEL,

State Engineer.DUNCAN W. PECK ,

,16-lw Superintendent of Public Works .


In pursuance of an order of WILLIAM G.NICOLL. Surrogate of the County of Suffolk:

NOTICE IS H E R E B Y GIVEN , according to law,to all persons having claims against M A R Y S.

' STRONG lale of the Town of Babylon , deceased ,that they are required to exhibit the same, withthe vouchers thereof , to EGllERT V. STRONG.

; one of the subscribers, at his residence in thVillage and Town of Baliylon , Suffolk County,New York , on or before the loth day of November,1912-

Dated May 2. 1912.HERBERT L. FOUDHAM, Attorney,

111 Broadway, New York City, N. Y.EGBERT v. STRONG andJOHN* J. BARTLETT,

| Administrators, &c. of MaryI S5-6mo S. Stronir. deceased.


Whereas a term of the Supreme Court with[ a Grand Jury in attendance is appointed to be) held at the Court House, in Riverhead . in and

for the County of Sull'olk on the 3rd day of June,. 1912, proclamation is therefore hereby mad e in'conformity toa precept to me directed and de-

livered by the District Attorney of Suffolk Countyon the sth day of May. 1912, to all persons boundlo appear at the said Court by recognizance orotherwise, to appear thereat and all Justices ofthe Peace. Coroners and other officers , who havetaken any inquisition o rt h e examination of anyprisoner or witness, are required to r e t u r n suchrecognizance, inqu i s i t ion nnd examination to said

'•'"ni ' ' ¦'" It pelting thereof on tie * firs! day ofi t s sii t im- .

Given under my hantl at the Sheriff' s office inthe Villag ' Riverheail , on the 9th day of March,1912.

M .I7 I'.RUSH ,'•'¦•'¦-'••'•* Sheriff of Suffolk- County. N. Y.

NOTICE TO CREDITORS .In pursuance of an order of W I L L I A M G.

NICOLL. Surrogate of the County of Suffolk:NOTICE IS H ER E B Y (I I VEN , according to law ,

to all persons having claims against JOHNMA H A N K Y , la teof the town of Islip. deceased,that they are required to exhibit the same, withthe vouchers thereo f , to the subscriber at herresidence at East Islip, Suffolk County on or be-fore the 2:*rd day of November, 1912.

Dated May 15, 1912.ELIZABETH H AI .I .EUON ,

Executrix.ELLIOTT J. SM I T H .

Attorney for Executri x,Islip, N. Y. 3u-6mo


Babvlon Town.

Bauer , P to A G Chartier . lots 23-26, block T,7,sheet 2; and lots 23, 21, block I' s sheet, Linden-hurs t , nominal.

Booth , A E to H Voelker, lots 17. 4S, block lu ,sheet IJ , L indenhurs t. nominal.

Diets, J J to R Steiger, lots 2-J-28, block X shee t'¦', Lindenhurst, nominal .

Haab, G to J P Fisher, lot east side Little EastNeck road , adj l in ing Locust avenue, Babylon ,nomina l .

Johnson , W S to G W Johnson , lot south sidenew road leading west from Great Neck road , ad-joining land of P Johnson , Babylon , nominal.

Ketcham, S to L K Bennett. lot east side Oceanavenue, adjoining land of A Melick , A m i t y v i l l e,nominal.

Percival , W to F Karles, lot east side L i t t l e EastNeck road , adjoining land of W T Smith , WestBabylon , nominal.

Baldwin, G IS to P A Baldwin , lot on Bay Viewavenue, adjoining land of Starks, Amityvil lenominal.

-Ireland , J E to R J Ireland, lot west side Birchavenue, adjoining Greene avenue, Ami tyv i l l e,nominal.

Reeve, H A to J L Terry, iot south side Unionavenue, adjoining land of J E Wilmarth , Amity-ville , nominal .

Thomas, G H to E W DeLeRee, lot north sid eMill street , adjoining laml of I I Albrecht, Amity-ville , nominal.

Wise, D to G Landes, lots 599-908 and lot 318,Amityville Heights, $200,

Baldwin, P A to W McDonald , lot west sidestreet leading south from Avon place, adjoiningland of G B Baldwin, Ami tyv i l l e, nominal .

Comparetto, A to A Solanto, lots 34, 35. block 9,property of Buonsignore Realty Co, Amityvil le,Sin ,

Dadson , A to M A Grapes, 9.5o* acres west sideBroadway, adjoining land of A Foster, Amity-qille , nominal.

Donkin , McK to M Miller, 3 acres west sideG reat East Neck road , adjoining land o f P John-son , Babylon , nominal.

Huntineton Town.

Avolin , A M to J D Melville, lots 21, 22 and eastpart of lots 21-28, block 13, map 2S of New York &.Brooklyn Suburban Investment Co, Wyandanch ,$200.

Brush , D E to T H Brush , 25.675 acres on ClayPits road , adjoining land of C Wilson, near Green-lawn , nominal ,

Belle Claire* Realty Corporation to P W King,lots 135-139, Hunt ington Plaza , nominal.

Brush , L. M to J G Campbell , 7 acres on roadfrom Hunt ington to Litt le Plains, adjoining landof F Sammis, Hunt ington , nominal .

The New Home Realty Co to M Judge, lots -120,422, map 2, New Home Realty Co, Deer Park,nominal.

Taylor. E F to G T Rollings, lot 428 . map ofNew Home Realty Co, Deer Park , nominal .

Wood, A J to W W Wood . Jr, lot west side Wallstreet , adjoining land of J Riggs, Hunt ington,nominal.

Murray, J to L Murray, lot adjoining land of JW Platt and S Gardiner, Huntington, nominal.

N Y and N J Investment Co to A Smith , lot 2,block 72, Wyandanch Park, 5160.

Daliquist, V to A Ralmon , lot 127, NorthportManor, nominal .

Islip Town.

Groh, P to A Ayre, lot 13, property of P Grohand J J Stenger, Sayville, nominal .

Jones, A C to E F Jones, lots 3D, 32, 34, 36, 38,block 28, New Colonial Manor , Islip, nominal.

Hurs t , A to N V Foley, 2 acres on Brook avenue,ad joining land of W Eaton , and lot on Forks road ,adjoining other land of Hurst, Bay Shore, nomi-nal.

Johnson , J to M Jerome, Jot on Champlin street ,ad jo in ing land of K Howard , East Islip, nominal .

Kearns, M E to J Sehenck , lot east side F i f t havenue, adjoining land of E Keams, Bay Shore,510.

Tri pp. E Z to T B Ackerson. Co, lot 3152, block101, b right waters, nominal .

Thornhi . l , S to A H GHjotfn, lot east sideCandecavenue, adjoining land of Gi let to avenue , Say-v i l l e . nominal,

T \\ Ackerson Co Vo W C Diane , lot 1"" .. block29, P.r ightwaters, nominal .

Same to J L P-uford, lot 172 1. block - '•'.', Bright-waters, nomina l .

Broad beck, F J to L Haupt , lot 722, Saxon Park ,Islip, nominal.

Brightwaters Bui ld ing Co to T B Ackerson Co,lot 5289, blook 16tf, section D, Brightwaters, nomi-nal.

Same to same, lot 1759, block 69, section C, samemap, nominal.

Foley, N V to A Hurst , 2 acres on Brook avenue,adjoining land of W Eaton , and lot on Forks road ,adjoining other land of Hurst , Bay Shore, nomi-nal.

Qroehl , M to Prudence Realty Co, lots 14, 17,block ., Grammercy Park, Bay Shore, $100.

Wm. Smith , 98 Williams street, Rochester, saysthat the sample of Foley Kidney Pills did him somuch good that he bought a bot'le and kept ontaking them. "Foley Kidney Pills cured me of acase of kidney trouble that had hung for twoyears. Now I have no more pain and am well andstrong." Smith & Salmon.


' French M iddlewei g ht Champion W i l lVisit America Ir Search of Matches.George Carpentier, the eighteen- I

rear-old Frenchman who won the Eu- j1 ropenn middleweight championship re- j¦ cently by knocking out Jim Sul l ivan !

In two rounds at Monte Carlo , is corn-ing to America. Carpentier has r<--celved a big offer to box in Xew York .

' nml it Is relieved that fie wil l sail ;

about May 1. He wi l l be matchi-dwith MtUe Oiblions, Frank Klaus andnthfr topnot-rhers.

H a w a i i a n Swimmer In Ol ympics ,p- iko Kahanamoku . the Hawaiian ¦

swimmer , who may make T IR- Aiiicri- »

cnn 0!'."2ipic i" .-':'. 'ii . is being instructedin starting fruni "go" in Ihe dashea ibv George Klstler. coach ol the Cnl-versitv ol Pennsylvania.


Don't be surprised if you have an attackof rheurifcltsm this spring. Just rub theaffected parts freely irith Chamberlain's Lin-iment and itwill soon disappear. -Sold by Iall dealer*. |


Continued from Page 5.

Thomas Daily, brother of SupervisorEdward Daily, last week sold his res-taurant business in Jamaica to JohnBaccadoro and Angelo Foppiana , twoItalians, who for years have conducteda bootblack stand in front of the Dailyplace and other large hostelries in Ja-maica. The purchasers have by h ardwork and saving and then investingtheir savings become wealthy, and theirrise in fortune is the general topic ofconversation in Jamaica. The buildingwhere Mr. Daily 's restaurant is locatedis about one hundred years old , andMr. Daily has made a success of thebusiness since he opened it in 18-87.Mr. Dail y was born in Baby lon in 1854.He has been a widower for about ei ghteen years. His wife was a descendantof Francis Scott Key, the author ofthe "Star Spangled Banner. " He may-live in Babvlon.

W i l l i a m W. Hulse and daughters , theMisses Mar tha , Bertha and Mabel , ofBay Shore , are visiting in Washington.Mr. Hulse and his daughter. Mabel , areto spend the summer at Grant , Herki -mer countv, N. Y.

The new Surf hotel at Ocean Beachwest of Point o' Woods , was burnedwith several small buildings on Sundaynight. The cause of the lire is un-known . The loss i.s placed at about840,000.

Reginald Martin , who has been assist-ing at the Smith and Salmon drug storefor some time, has purchased the drugstore of the late E. A. Clark at CenterMoriches and took possession on Satur-day last.

The Pythian Sisters will hold a breadand cake sale, and will also sell aprons,kimonos and children 's clothes, in theDondero block , Deer Park avenue andGrove place , on May 23, 24 and 25.

Supervisor and C. Milton Roge rs areto celebrate the thirt ieth anniversaryof their wedding at their home in Say-ville on May 24.

John Byrns and family, of New York ,returned to their cottage on Park ave-nue this week , to remain for the sum-mer season.

Pau l Bassett , son of the Rev. andMrs. E. D. Bassett , has been ill at hishome in Spring/ield, with scarlet f e ve r,but is getting better.

Strange as it may seem , some infill*r*al men have recently taken to rec-ommend ing the smoky parts of Shef-1eM. England, for sufferers from.isthma.

Woman 's Costly Fit of Temper.In a fit of temper , du r ing a heated

discussion with her brother recently,a farmer's daughter, of Plouvorn,Brest . Northern France, cu ". off herright hand.

Seems Queer Cure for Asthma.

* JL ¦ -

\Jei?£:dh. 'd''.i^^mP(9ft m̂ mfK ^^^^^lr<

SM^̂ ^̂ ^BSc. Cigar

4a H. NEWINS 6. SON, MwiurAcxuwMtRIVERHEAD, N. Y.



TAKE NOTICE-The Assessment Roll of thevillage of Babylon. Suffolk County, New York forthe year 1912 has been f ina l ly completed, and wasfiled in t he oflice of the village clerk on the seventhday of May, 1912, where the same will remainopen to public inspection for f i f t e en days af ter thedale of th i s notice.


Trustees ami Assessors of the Village of Baby-Ion. N . Y. 35-2w


The annua l meeting ot the stockholders of theLindenhurst Shoe company, for the election ofseven directors and two inspectors of election forthe ensuing year and for the transaction of suchother business as may properly come before themeeting, wi l l be held at the otBcc of the factoryon West Broadway, in the village of Lindenhurst,on the 20th dny of May, 19 '2 . at S o'clock in t heeven ing.

Dated at Lindenhurst. N. Y * . May 9, 1912,G. W. lkMISOL Secretary .


In pursuance of an orderof Wi l l i nm (1. Nicoll ,SurroKUte of tho Counts* of SutT.tlk , notice is here-by Riven, according to law. to all persons havinKclaims against WILLIAM H. CARROLL, late of theCountyof Suffolk, deceased, that they ore requiredto exhibi t the same, wi th the vouchers thereof , tothe subscriber, Anna C. MacWha. at the office other attorney. Wilmot L* Mi r *huuse. No. 2>i Courtstreet, Brooklyn, N. Y. on or before the l*5th dayof June . *'.»I *J.

Iiuted . rK -cemberl. 1912.A N N A C. MACW HA, Administratrix.

Ll-t* mo


In pursuance of an order of William G. Nicoll ,Surrogate of the County of Suffolk , notice is here-by given , according to law. to all persons bavinsclaims against MARY E. TUTHILL, late of theTown of Babylon , deceased, that they are requir-ed to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof ,to the subscriber, Artelyea Mergell, at her resi-dence in Amityville, in the Town of Babylon,Suffolk county, N. Y- , on or before the 10th day

I ,»f Augus t, 1912-Datwl January 26, 1912.

A RT E L Y E A M E R G E L L.Administratrix v. ith will annexed.


VOU WILL FIND IT TO YOUR ADVANTA GE to list your [Y offerings and your wants with this Company. Famil.

iarity wtV"")"f and conditions in the field covered en-ables us to serve Doth buyer and seller in a satisfactory manner .

If you desire to buy, sell, rent , exchange or negotiate aloan on real estate in Nassau or Suffolk Counties, ortc in sureyour property, consult

FRANK C. HICKS, Manager,/(~)fj\ Naaaau-Suffolk Department,

\̂ J QUEENSBORO CORPORATION366 Fifth Ave. Cor. 35th St. New York City.

Babylon , N. Y.

Dear Sir: Will you give your Arith-metic class—and Algebra class—thisproblem?

If average paint is worth $1.G0 agallon , and goes two-thirds as far asDevoe , and wears half as long, what isDevoe worth put on , painters ' wagesbeing $3.50 a day and a day 's work agallon of paint.

The answer is $11.SO a gallon; butdon 't tell 'em that.

Yours trul y,F. W. D EVOE & Co.

43 New York.P. S. Dowden Bros, sell our paint.

Letter to Wm. Lisk.


»* IiT t ! Q°m ina <«-*e every moth-

er who has a dp]icate ]r chnd> t0

Vinol01"" dol Wo US cod'

liver'iron tonic.

"It restored ow Httle daughter tohealth and strength after everything

WtoS163- Jt tas^Tso ,ood she

K^'^a Mt ot

codtlwon taste.-Mrs. c w ^^ canton.


aS011 Vip-°1 Is so successfulIn bu,l-iing „p pHnr;8de

B°c3te, ailinu


beCause it S ac om b i n a-

!cs- ln l l 7° most world-famed ton-

ments of I'CinaI bodybuilding ele-ments of cod liver oil aided by thebfood-making and

r ^^reatlngproperties of tonic .^


ot Ttool",'"""8«

"to"^W"!r^vj srss.-"Ill return yon, J * a" we/ rinru i V r tt°ney on demand.Carles E. \Vinega,

yB°ab,lon. N. Y.

Too Can d id .-Miss Higtiiip i ,[, * „ *. Miss Globetrot

ought to be *IS !I: ,* II „I of herse lf * Shesnys she fmin.i U«. j>»toHngs ot the oldmusters dreiu ifully stl]pid Miss Way-up—So do tnai i.v others Miss Uughup-Yes. hut she hilrs so

T 'the friends ol" Frank Chance V**[* and Johnny I'.vrrs nt the (Jhica- -j-X e.n Cubs sue t. - l l i * * . * *. suine stm-ies V•j- ut their expense t ap t i-.us tha t ¦̂ -T when i h*i : : i* |. l.,n led i.i New < n - '.',4" leans fur Uie l . y spring irait i3. in:, t r ip hf saw a Ian:.; y o u t h .».-f [iitehiiit; i:i pitn-lit-e ami noted y'X. tha t lie had a "lot of stuff" nn X± the ball. I le thought the p itcher j r*]- was one uf his new recruits.an I .'.3" Ills fa ce brightened, bin only for V-j* a i i instant . ;. r on asking ihe -j*T \' i> '.i ngs ',t 'i' ' s name he ilisenvi'i*ed V•|> I hat i; v. ns Venn ' Ire: :_ . the -!•X brilliant pitcher of the • "ievel i:ai Y•- learn, who was working mil *. \ i ; a y'd. the Cubs before lhe a r r i v a l of "X" Ills own teammates. y

S'.efore the players were thruuuli J.» tT l a u g h i n g at t h e mistake of their y~ manager Johnny Evers furnish- *|.y ed a wither opportunity fm- i y.. haw-haw. doing up to au out- -j .•" fielder, who was pulling down y.. Hies in a most amazing way. lie 4."" inquired carelessly if he hoped X• « to make the team . "I'm not try- -j*',[ ing for this team ," came the an- X•• swer. "Oh," responded Evers. ¦{•Ii "just a home boy getting a little X•• exercise." The smiling rejoinder y'.'. almost threw Evers Into another X" attack of nervous prostration , T.. for the "home boy" replied. "I'm J.X Joe Jackson of the Cleveland y3. team." •!-v v.•¦¦ '-T_T_T..¦.¦•¦... ¦•,.'¦.¦'./_t_!_t_I_l_l_._...._J_._I. .•..'.


•!-i*-*-:";--M"i">i"i-:"!"!"H-:-H-:-:-w-:-5- ^







people are sick people. ' TheyJack vitality and resistive power.

Scott's Emulsionbrings new life to snch people-it gives rigor and vitality tomind and body. ' Alt Druggist *.Scott & Bownt. liloomfirlii. N. J 12-9

H —M*****».**--JIMIllllllHHI-«illll.ll*. ¦ HIM ¦¦¦


Engagements For All SocialParties











Jobbing p -omptly'attcndwl to.

Beach work a specialty,


DENTISTPainless Extraction

CROWN and BRIDGE WORKFishel Block Babylon N. Y

Office Hours 9 A. M. to 5 P. M.


Bank Building, AmilyvilV , N. Y . Tel . 69 LKclcham BuildiiiB Babylon, N. Y.

tcle-phonr ConnectionMunicipal Engineering, Sub-Diviaioni and Real Eilate

Surveying, Specialtiei




A trial order i.s respectfully solicited

Carll Ave., BABYLON, N. Y.P. 0. Box 702


Formerly 171 Broadway, New YorkDondero Block , BABYLON

Crown and Brid ge Work's SpecialtyOffice Hours

8.00 A M m 12.00 MLOO P M to 5.00 P M Babylon

Sunday! at LindenhunlPainless Extraction



Caskela, Burial Caws, Coffin*. Chun nd all FuQets aRequisites at reasonable prices.Orders received (or tomb-tones and monuments of all kinds. Full charge lalcen ofj nerali.



Always on ham!, ten to thir ty horses"Butted'toall purposes.

Prices reasonable antl satisfaction guaranteed



Horses for sale or exchanee— Horsea'boardedli 'ms f o r hire by the month, week, daylor hour.



In pursuance of an order of HON. WILLIAM jG. NICOLL, Surrogate of the County of Suffolk:NOTICE LS HEREBY GIVEN, according to law,to all persons having claims against EDMUND ,SMITH BAILEY, late of the County of Sulfolk ,deceased, that they are required to exhibit the .same, wi lh tho vouchers therefor, to the sub-scriber at its place of t ransacting business. No. 22¦ Will iam street, Boroujrh of Manhat tan , in the City |I of N'.-w Yuri; , on or before the 7th day of October, |j 1812.

Dated .New York, Marc h 2Sth, 1912.THE FARMEUS' LO A N & Tuusr COMPANY ,

Executor.WiNTimor it S*mi.so.v,

A t lorneys for Executor,32 Liberty street, New York, N. V.

:',o-iliiio t
