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JEREMY FREESE Department of Sociology 2011 1 JEREMY FREESE Department of Sociology Northwestern...

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March 2011 1 JEREMY FREESE Department of Sociology Northwestern University 1810 Chicago Avenue Evanston, IL 60208 (847) 467-3985 (office) (847) 491-9907 (fax) [email protected] EMPLOYMENT 2007-present Professor, Department of Sociology, Northwestern University (Department Chair, 2010-present; Faculty Fellow, Institute for Policy Research, 2007-present) 2007 Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin±Madison 2005-2007 Fellow, Robert Wood Johnson Scholars in Health Policy Program, Harvard University 2005-2007 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin± Madison 2001-2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin± Madison EDUCATION Ph.D. 2000, Indiana University, Sociology Special Concentration: Survey and Experimental Methodology Minor: Social Semiotics of Language 'LVVHUWDWLRQ 7LWOH ³:KDW 6KRXOG 6RFLRORJ\ 'R $ERXW 'DUZLQ" Evaluating the Potential Contributions of Sociobiology and Evolutionary 3V\FKRORJ\ WR 6RFLRORJ\´ Committee: Brian Powell (chair), Arthur S. Alderson, Thomas F. Gieryn, J. Scott Long, Sheldon Stryker M.A. 1995, Indiana University, Sociology 7KHVLV 7LWOH ³3URVRG\ LQ &RQYHUVDWLRQDO 1HZV 'HOLYHULHV´ 0DVWHU¶V &RPPLWWHH 'RXJODV : 0D\QDUG :LOOLDP $ &RUVDUR B.A. 1993, with Honors and with Highest Distinction, University of Iowa,

March 2011



Department of Sociology Northwestern University 1810 Chicago Avenue

Evanston, IL 60208 (847) 467-3985 (office)

(847) 491-9907 (fax) [email protected]

EMPLOYMENT 2007-present Professor, Department of Sociology, Northwestern University

(Department Chair, 2010-present; Faculty Fellow, Institute for Policy Research, 2007-present)

2007 Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin Madison 2005-2007 Fellow, Robert Wood Johnson Scholars in Health Policy Program,

Harvard University 2005-2007 Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin

Madison 2001-2005 Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin

Madison EDUCATION Ph.D. 2000, Indiana University, Sociology

Special Concentration: Survey and Experimental Methodology Minor: Social Semiotics of Language

Evaluating the Potential Contributions of Sociobiology and Evolutionary

Committee: Brian Powell (chair), Arthur S. Alderson, Thomas F. Gieryn, J. Scott Long, Sheldon Stryker

M.A. 1995, Indiana University, Sociology

B.A. 1993, with Honors and with Highest Distinction, University of Iowa,

Freese - 2


Sociology Minor: English

RESEARCH AND TEACHING INTERESTS Social Psychology / Sociology of Cognition Sociology of Health, Illness, and Medicine Sociology of Science and Technology Quantitative and Qualitative Methodology PUBLICATIONS Forthcoming Hanna Grol-

Anchoring Vignettes to Assess Group Differences in General Self-Rated Journal of Health and Social Behavior.


Anssi Peräkylä and Marja-Leena Sorjonen (eds). Emotion in Interaction Cambridge University Press.


Jack K. Martin, Jane McLeod, and Ann Rogers (eds.) The Handbook of the Sociology of Health, Illness, and Healing.

Forthcoming Maynard, Douglas W., Nora Cate Schaeffer, and Jeremy Freese.

Charles Antaki (ed.) Applied Conversation Analysis. Palgrave Macmillan. 2010 Douglas W. Maynard, Jeremy Free

Participation: Requests, Blocking Moves, and Rational (Inter)action in American Sociological Review 75(5):791-814.

2010 Lei Jin, Felix Elwert, Jeremy Freese, and Nicholas Christakis.

nary Evidence Regarding the Hypothesis that the Sex Ratio at Demography 47: 579-

86. 2010 Sara Shostak and Jeremy Freese. "Gene-Environment Interaction and

Medical Sociology." Pp. 418-434 Chloe E. Bird, Allen M. Fremont, Stefan Timmermans, and Peter Conrad (eds.) Handbook of Medical Sociology, 6th Edition.

Freese - 3


2010 Jeremy Freese and Eszter Hargittai. Cache Me If You Can. Contexts 9(4): 66-68.

2009 Annual

Review of Sociology 35: 107-128. 2009 -

261 in Eszter Hargittai (ed.) Research Confidential. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.


Pp. 94-114 in Peter Hedström and Peter Bearman, Oxford Handbook of Analytic Sociology.


Politics of the Gene: Social Status and Beliefs about Genetics for Social Psychology Quarterly 72: 79-93.

2009 The Limits of Evolutionary Psychology and The Open-

Sociologia 3. 2009

Society 46:45-48. 2008

American Journal of Sociology 114: S1-S35. 2008

Applications of Evolutionary Reasoning to Intergenerational Transfers: Pp. 45-78 in Alan Booth, Ann C. Crouter,

Suzanne Bianchi, and Judith A. Seltzer (eds.) Caring and Exchange Within and Across Generations. Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press.


Southern Medical Journal 101(6): 626-630. 2007 -Source Social Science.

Sociological Methods and Research 36: 220-226. 2007

Sociological Methods and Research 36:153-172. (Reprinted in W. Paul Vogt [ed.], Data Collection, Sage Benchmarks in Social Research Methods.)

Freese - 4


2007 Evaluating Risk Preference as an Explanation of Sex Differences in

-230 in Shelley J. Correll (ed.), Advances in Group Processes: The Social Psychology of Gender. Oxford: Elsevier.

2007 Jeremy Freese, Sheri Meland, and William Irwin Expressions of

Positive Emotion in Photographs, Personality, and Later-Life Marital and Health Outcomes. Journal of Research on Personality. 41:488-497.


Social Science and Medicine 64: 314-325.

2006 Kathryn E. Flynn, Maureen Smith, and Jerem

Adults Turn to the Internet for Health Information? Findings from the Journal of General Internal Medicine

21:1295-301. 2006 Kristen W. Springer, Robert M. Hauser, and Jeremy Freese.

In -Factor Model of Well- Social Science Research 35: 1120-1131.

2006 Jeremy Freese, Salvador Rivas, and Eszter Hargittai Cognitive Ability

and Internet Use among Older Adults. Poetics. 34: 236-249. 2006 The Analysis of Variance and the Social Complexities of

Genetic Causation. International Journal of Epidemiology 35: 534-536. 2005 J. Scott Long and Jeremy Freese. Regression Models for Categorical

Outcomes using Stata, Second Edition. College Station, TX: Stata Press. 2005

Fundamental Causality: Socioeconomic Status and Health in Treatment American Journal of Sociology 110:1326-1372.

2004 ces and Gender Differences in

Religiousness: Review of Religious Research 46: 88-91.

2003 Who are Feminists

and What Do They Believe?: The Role of Generations American Sociological Review 68: 607-622.

Freese - 5


2003 Jeremy Freese, Jui-Annual Review of Sociology 29:

233-56. 2003 Dean Krahn, Jeremy Freese, Robert M. Hauser, Kristen Barry, Brian

-Life: The Importance of

Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 27: 1162-66. 2003 ing at Twindmills: Rethinking

Journal of Health and Social Behavior 44: 130-135.

2003 ?: Television Viewing and

Evolution and Human Behavior 24: 65-69. 2002

and Change in the Waist-to-Hip Ratios of Playboy Centerfold Models and Journal of Sex Research 39: 133-138.


Contexts 1(3) 44-49. 2001 J. Scott Long and Jeremy Freese. Regression Models for Categorical

Outcomes using Stata. College Station, TX: Stata Press. Revised first edition, Stata Press, 2003.


Null Findings and the Trivers- American Journal of Sociology 106: 1776-1789.

2000 re,

Neither, Nor: Black-White Differences in Beliefs about the Causes and Social Forces 72: 1101-1132.


Investment in Sons and Daughters: Testing the Trivers-Willard American Journal of Sociology 106: 1704-43.


American Sociological Review 64: 207-31.


-94 in The Social Worlds of

Freese - 6


Higher Education, Bernice A. Pescosolido and Ron Aminzade (eds.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Pine Forge Press.

1998 Je

Language in Society 27: 195-219. WORKING PAPERS 2010 Hanna Grol-Prokopczyk, Jeremy Freese and Robert M. Hauser. Anchors-

A Way? Using Anchoring Vignettes to Assess Group Differences in Self-Rated Health

2007 James A. Yonker, Robert M. Hauser, and Jeremy Freese. The

Dimensionality and Measurement of Cognitive Functioning at Age 65 in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study.

2007 James A. Yonker, Dean D. Krahn, Jeremy Freese, and Robert M. Hauser.

Alcohol Consumption and Later Life Cognitive Ability: The Effects of Correcting for Baseline Cognition

2006 Jeremy Freese and Salvador Rivas. Cognition, Personality, and Individual

Response to Technological Change: The Case of Internet Adoption. 2006 Jeremy Freese. Cognitive Skills and Survey Nonresponse: Evidence from

Two Longitudinal Studies. BOOK REVIEWS 2006 The Just Meritocracy: IQ,

Class Mobility, and American Social Policy. Contemporary Sociology 35: 250-252.

2006 Ecological-Evolutionary

Theory: Principles and Applications. Social Forces. 2003 What It Means To Be 98%

Chimpanzee: Apes, People, and Their Genes. Social Forces 81: 1054-1056.


The Blank Slate. Contexts 2 (2): 63-65. 2002 Jeremy Freese. Statistics with Stata.

Stata Journal 2: 223-225.

Freese - 7


2002 Jeremy Freese. The Evolution of Human Sociality Contemporary Sociology 31: 358-59.

2001 Jeremy Freese.

Science Under Siege: Interest Groups and the Science Wars. Contemporary Sociology 30: 266-67.

1998 Born to

Rebel: Birth Order, Family Dynamics, and Creative Lives. Contemporary Sociology 27: 57-58.

1996 Jeremy Freese. Re Ordinary Social

Occasions, Sandcastles, and Structural Reproduction: A Sociology of . American Journal of Sociology, 102: 272-73.

SOFTWARE 2002 in regression models for

Stata Journal 2(3): 227-231. 2001

Stata Journal 1(1): 51-57. 2000 Stata

Technical Bulletin 58: 19-25. 2000

Stata Technical Bulletin 57: 27-34.

2000 s of Fit for Regression

Stata Technical Bulletin 56: 34-40. INVITED PRESENTATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS AT PROFESSIONAL MEETINGS 2010 Taq1a and Education and Political Outcomes: Evidence

ited Colloquium, Conference on Integrating Genetics into Social Sciences, University of Colorado-Boulder.


Cautionary Tale of Taq(Nuffield).

Freese - 8


2010 Cautionary Tale of Taq


Colloquium, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 2010

Cautionary Tale of Taq -Lincoln.


Cautionary Tale of Taq -Boulder.


Cautionary Tale of Taq 2009 o Social Science: Evidence

American Studies, Academia Sinica, Taiwan. 2009

rsity of Wisconsin-Madison.


Technology. 2009

Genomics Symposium, Department of Epidemiology, University of Bristol.

2009 Genotypic Data and

Colloquium, Ohio State University. 2009 Genotypic Data and

Colloquium, University of California at Berkeley. 2008 Douglas Maynard, Jeremy Freese, and Nora Cate Schaeffer. Requesting as

a Social Action: Implications for Non- -in the Survey Interview. Presentation at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Boston.

Freese - 9


2008 Jeremy Freese. Cognitive Ability and Promoting Choice in Health Policy Innovation: The Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit. Presentation at the Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Boston.


Population Association of America, New Orleans. 2007 Jeremy Freese. Cognitive Differences and Choices about the Medicare

Prescription Drug Benefit. Presentation at the Annual Meetings of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco.

2007 Hanna Grol-Prokopczyk, Jeremy Freese, and Robert M. Hauser. When

: Can Anchoring Vignettes Help Us Understand Subjective Ratings in Surveys. Presentation of the Annual Meetings of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco.

2007 James M. Raymo Deborah S. Carr, Jeremy Freese, Robert M. Hauser, and

Megan Sweeney. Planfulness across the Life Course and Preparation for Retirement. Presentation of the Annual Meetings of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco.


Choice in Health Policy: Considering the Medicare Prescription Drug


Cornell University. 2007 ation, and the Promotion of

Choice in Health Policy: Considering the Medicare Prescription Drug Meetings of the Robert Wood Johnson Scholars in Health Policy

Research Program, Aspen, CO. 2007 lanation of

2007 Freakonomics to Quantitative

2007 Jeremy Freese, Sara Shosta

Eastern Sociological Society, Philadelphia

Freese - 10


2006 Internet Use among Society of America, Dallas.

2006 James Yonker, Dean Krahn, Jeremy Freese, and Robert M. Hauser.

ontological Society of America, Dallas.


Meetings of the Gerontological Society of America, Dallas.

2006 e Modern Stone Age Family:

Issues, Pennsylvania State University 2006 the Helping Hand?:

An Experimental Survey of Attitudes Toward Government Assistance to the ual Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Montreal.

2006 Jeremy Freese and Salvador Rivas. Cognitive Ability and Internet Use

among Older Adults. gs of the American Sociological Association, Montreal.


Annual Summer Workshop, University of Wisconsin-Madison. 2006

Presentation at the Academy for Health Services and Health Policy Annual Research Meeting, Seattle.

2006 Jerem -Related Social

Policy Research Program, Aspen, CO. 2006 James A. Yonker, Dean D. Krahn, Robert M. Hauser, Jeremy Freese,

Kristen Barry. cohol Use and Cognition at Age 64: The Effects of Poster presentation, Annual Meetings

of the Research Society on Alcoholism, Baltimore

Freese - 11


2006 Science: Methodology Conference, University of Connecticut 2006 Jeremy Freese, Robert Hauser, and Hanna Grol- Anchoring Vignettes Improve Self-Reports of Health Status?: Evidence from Colloquium, Rutgers University 2006 Jeremy Freese and Jui-

Invited presentation at conference on Genetics and Social Structure, Columbia University


Meetings of the Eastern Sociological Society, Boston. 2005 Jeremy

Memorial Lecture, University of Wisconsin-Madison   2005

Department of Sociology, Harvard University  

2005 Occupational Explanations for Educational Differences in Home Internet

Sociological Association, Philadelphia. 2005

Invited Presentation, International Conference on the Future of Cognitive Aging Research, Penn State University.

2005 Devah Pager and Who Deserves a Helping Hand:

Attitudes about Government Assistance for the Unemployed by Race, Incarceration Status, and Worker History.Conference on Time Sharing Experiments in the Social Sciences, University of Pennsylvania.

2005 Dean Krahn, Kristen Barry, Jeremy Freeese, and Robert Hauser.

-65 Years of Age.presentation, Annual Meetings of the Research Society on Alcoholism.

Freese - 12


2005 the Sociology of Response to Cognitive Change: The Case of Internet

2004 ology, and the Digital Divide: Internet

Sociology, University of Iowa. 2004

the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study: Overview and Three Swift

Course, and Health, Indiana University. 2004

Attitudes about Government Assistance for the Unemployed by Race, Annual Meetings of the

American Sociological Association, San Francisco. 2004 cademic Performance and Later Life Nonresponse in

the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study Retention in Longitudinal Surveys, Bureau of Labor Statistics, Washington, DC.

2004 Jeremy Freese. Plenary Address regarding the Wisconsin Longitudinal

Study. Annual Meetings of the International Association of Social Science Information Service and Technology, Madison, WI

2003 Jeremy Freese. Plenary Address. Conference on Genetics and Social

Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan 2003 Dean Krahn, Robert M. Hauser, Jeremy Freese, Kristen Barry.

the Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Atlanta


Memorial Alumni Lecture, University of Iowa 2002 The Perils of Provenance: Evolutionary Psychology,

Presented at the Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Chicago

2002 Toward a New Sociology

Meetings of the American Sociological Association, Chicago

Freese - 13


2002 Who's a Feminist and What Does S/He Believe?: Age, Ideology, and Feminist Self-

Sociological Association, Chicago


psychology: Specialized Adaptations for Social Exchange and the Future of Using the Past to Explain the PresentChicago

2002 Who's a Feminist

and What Does S/He Believe?: Age, Ideology, and Feminist Self-

Society, Baltimore 2001 Discussant, session on Biosocial Interaction, Meetings of the American

Sociological Association, Anaheim. 2001 -estimation Commands for

p, Boston. 1998

Nurture: Black-White Differences in Beliefs about the Causes and

American Sociological Association, San Francisco. 1998

Meetings of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco.

1998 Jason Schnittker an

Social Problems, San Francisco. 1997

Meetings of the Midwest Sociological Society, Des Moines.


San Diego.

Freese - 14


1993 of Computer-Mediated

Salt Lake City. RESEARCH SUPPORT 2010-2011 Principal Investigator (with Laura Beth Nielsen and Jill S. Weinberg).

American Bar Foundation. $288,720.

2009-2011 -Sharing Experiments

Foundation (#0818839). $2,323,508.

2006-2008 Co-investigator (with Douglas W. Maynard [PI] and Nora Cate Schaeffer).

Recruiting Respondents to the Survey Interview. National Science Foundation. $360,000.

2002-2007 Co-i

(R01-AG09775), National Insitute on Aging. $9,800,000. 2002-2007 Co-investigator. The Wisconsin Longitudinal Study: Tracking the Life

(P01-AG21079-01). $8,220,000. 2002-2007 Co-i

P01-AG21079-01) $1,076,000. 2002-2003

Graduate School Research Competition. Amount awarded: $17,072 2001-2002 oblem: Confronting the Potential Relevance of Our

Wisconsin Graduate School Research Competition. $23,796 2001-2007 Vilas Young Investigator Award, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

$50,000.   HONORS AND AWARDS 2010 Invited Member, Sociological Research Association 2005 William H. Sewell Memorial Lecturer, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Freese - 15


2004 Co-winner, Special Competition for Projects for Time-Sharing Experiments in the Social Sciences (with Devah Pager)

2003 Robert and Clarissa Rees Memorial Alumni Lecturer, University of Iowa 2003 Co-winner, Special Competition for Projects for Time-Sharing

Experiments in the Social Sciences (with Devah Pager) 2001 American Sociological Association Doctoral Dissertation Award 2001 Esther L. Kinsley Ph.D. Dissertation Award for the Most Outstanding

Dissertation, Indiana University 2001 Outstanding Young Investigator Award, College of Letters and Sciences,

University of Wisconsin-Madison 2000 Dissertation Grant-in-Aid, Indiana University 1999-2000 Predoctoral Fellowship, Training Program in Social Psychology, National

Institute of Mental Health 1999 Alfred Lindesmith-Elizabeth Ione Mullins Fellowship for Excellence in

Research, Department of Sociology, Indiana University 1999 Karl F. Schuessler Award for Graduate Research in Sociology, Indiana

University (with Jason Schnittker) 1998 Outstanding Graduate Paper, National Opinion Research Center/General

Social Survey Graduate Paper Competition (with Jason Schnittker) 1998 Outstanding Graduate Paper, Division of Health, Health Policy, and

Health Services of the Society for the Study of Social Problems (with Jason Schnittker)

1998-99 Fellowship, Department of Sociology, Indiana University 1997 Clifford C. Clogg Award, Methodology Section of the American

Sociological Association and the Inter-University Consortium on Political and Social Research


Indiana University 1996 Honors on Ph.D. qualifying examination in Ethnomethodology and

Conversation Analysis

Freese - 16


1996 College of Arts and Sciences Travel Grant, Indiana University 1994-98 National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship 1994 Jacob K. Javits Fellowship, United States Department of Education

(declined) 1993-94 Fellowship, Indiana University College of Arts and Sciences 1993 E. R. Johnson Prize for Highest Grade Point Average by a Graduating

Senior in the College of Liberal Arts, University of Iowa 1992-93 Stevens Scholarship for Most Outstanding Member, Phi Beta Kappa,

University of Iowa 1992 Manford Kuhn Award, Most Outstanding Undergraduate Paper, Annual

Meetings of the Iowa Sociological Association 1989-93 National Merit Scholarship COURSES TAUGHT Undergraduate/predominantly undergraduate courses: Individual and Society, Northwestern University Introductory Social Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison Survey of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison Statistics for Sociology, Indiana University Society and the Individual, Indiana University Graduate courses: Introduction to Quantitative Data Analysis, Northwestern University Quantitative Analysis of Social Data, Northwestern University Research Methods in Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison Categorical Analysis, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) Summer Program in Quantitative Methods, University of Michigan Advanced Categorical Data Analysis, Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) Summer Program in Quantitative Methods, University of Michigan DISSERTATION AND THESIS COMMITTEES Doctoral dissertation committees

Freese - 17


2010 Elizabeth Weathersbee, University of Wisconsin-Altruism, and the Case of Human Tissue DonatiChair)


of the Trivers-Willard Hypothesis of Differential Parental Investment on

Meyer and Hannah Brueckner, Chairs) 2008

Chair) 2007 the

Oliver, Chair) 2006

Elections, 1962- Kristen Springer,

- (Robert Hauser, chair) Lisa Wade, (Myra Marx Ferree, chair)

2005 Cheng- otechnologies:

Nowak and Frederick H. Buttel, chairs) -Country

Political Process, Economy, and Protest in Mexico,

1999-2000: An Event-Centered Quantitative Analysis of Collective Action in a Structural-Adjustment Society

2004 Alair Maclean The Varieties of Veteran Experience: Cold War Military (Robert Hauser, chair) 2002 Eric Grodsky TConstrained opportunity and student choice in American higher education T (Adam Gamoran, chair) TThe stability and regulation of achievement goals : the role of competence feedback T (Judith Harackiewicz, chair)

2008 t

Freese - 18



Alfred Charles Camic, chair)

(Mark Suchman, chair)

(Robert Hauser, chair) 2004 (Douglas Maynard, chair) Shamus Khan riment Assessing the Effects of Deliberation on Decision- Hui- Discourse Development of the South Korean Anti- Eviction Movement, 1983-1991 (Pamela Oliver, chair) 2003 Jonathan Courtney on of Atmosphere in a (Douglas Maynard, chair) Dork and Proud: Negotiating a Subordinated

(John DeLamater, chair) School Beliefs and Work Behaviors: Exploring the Connections between Educational Expectations and Adolescent (Gary Sandefur, chair) 2002 Maxim-izing Manliness: Representations of Masculinity in Sheri Meland Objectivity in perceived attractiveness: Development of (Nora Cate Schaeffer, chair) PROFESSIONAL AND UNIVERSITY SERVICE 2010 Invited Participant, National Science Foundation advisory workshop for

Genes, Cognition, and Social Behavior 2009-10 Committee for Lazarsfeld, Goodman, and graduate student paper

competitions, American Sociological Association section on Methodology.

2008-11 General Social Survey Board of Overseers

Freese - 19


2008-10 National Science Foundation, Panel on Measurement, Methodology, and Statistics, Division of Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences

2008-present Executive Committee, Institute for Policy Research, Northwestern

University 2009 Chair, Nominations Committee, Section on Medical Sociology, American

Sociological Association 2008-9 Research Subcommittee, Research and Administrative Computing

Committee, Northwestern University 2008-present Editorial Board, Social Psychology Quarterly 2007 Organizer, Symposium on the Social Psychology of Work and

Retirement. Annual Meetings of the Gerontological Society of America, San Francisco

2007 Presider, Thematic Session on Aging and Life Course, American

Sociological Association Meetings 2007-10 Council member, Section on Social Psychology, American Sociological

Association 2006 Presider, Session on Health Policy, Eastern Sociological Society

Meetings 2005 Discussant, Session on Psychological Health and the Life Course, Annual

Meetings of the Gerontological Society of America 2005-7 Executive Committee, Department of Sociology, University of

Wisconsin-Madison 2004-5 Faculty Senate, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2005-7 Editorial Board, American Sociological Review 2005 Presider and Discussant, Session on Integrating Qualitative and

Quantitative Methods, Annual Meetings of the American Sociological Association

2005 Organizer and Presider, Sessions on Biosocial Interaction, Annual

Meetings of the American Sociological Association 2004-7 Consulting editor, American Journal of Sociology

Freese - 20


2004 Presider, Session on Biosocial Interaction, Annual Meetings of the

American Sociological Association 2003 Hacker-Mullins Paper Award Committee, Section on Science Knowledge

and Technology, American Sociological Association 2002-5 Organizer, Social Psychology and Microsociology area, Department of

Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison 2002-5 Web Committee, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-

Madison 2002 Organizer, Regular Sessions on Social Theory, Annual Meetings of the

American Sociological Association 2002 Robert K. Merton Book Award Selection Committee, Section on Science,

Knowledge, and Technology 2002 Cooley-Mead Award Selection Committee, Section on Social

Psychology, American Sociological Association 2001-2 Social Committee, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-

Madison 2001-4 Publicity Committee, Department of Sociology, University of Wisconsin-

Madison 2000-present Member, Human Behavior and Evolution Society 1998-present Reviewer, American Sociological Review, American Journal of

Sociology, Social Forces, Sociological Theory, Sociological Methodology, Sociological Methods and Research, Social Psychology Quarterly, American Journal of Political Science, Evolution and Human Behavior, Acta Sociologica, The Sociological Quarterly, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Sociology of Religion, Human Nature, National Science Foundation

1997-present Member, American Sociological Association

Current section memberships: Aging and the Life Course Ethnomethodology and Conversational Analysis Evolution, Biology, and Society Medical Sociology Methodology

Freese - 21


Science, Knowledge, and Technology Social Psychology

1997-99 Executive Committee, Department of Sociology, Indiana University 1996-97 President, Sociology Graduate Student Association, Indiana University
