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in Jesus

Based on the tr ue s�o�y of Sar �h G��en, as �old by Ann�ma�ie Tr ank

w�th Ruth Rose�

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A Jewish girl talks about faith in Jesus

Lea d er s Gu id e

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Section One: Finding Faith

1. It can be hard for Jewish people to believe in Jesus . . .

Why was Sarah so upset when her mother announced she believed in Jesus?

What did Sarah’s mother think about Jews believing in Jesus before she became a believer in Him?

Did either of them have issues based on what the Bible says about Jesus?

2. Wanting to know the truth is a huge help when we are confused.

Jeremiah 29:13 helped Sarah’s mother when she was confused about what to believe that Jesus. The verse says: “ You will seek me and find me, when you seek me with all your heart.”

What do you think it means to seek God with all your heart?

What difference do you think it would make in your life, whether you seek God or don’t seek him? Why?


New Mercies: a Jewish girl talks about faith in Jesus—Leaders Guidebased on the true story of Sarah Gruen, as told by Annamarie Trank with Ruth Rosen

©2015 Cover design and illustration by David Yapp

All rights reserved. Nothing in this book shall be reprinted or reproduced, electronically or in any other manner, without express written permission.

For more information, including reprint permission, write to:

60 Haight StreetSan Francisco, CA 94102USAjewsforjesus.org

ISBN 10: ??ISBN 13: ??

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for understanding that this is hard for me. Please help me see your worth so I’ll want you in my life. Please help me to seek you with my whole heart, to include you in my choices, and to have the joy of knowing you.”

No one can have a personal relationship with Yeshua for you. That’s between you and the Lord. If your parents and friends know that Jesus is the Messiah and they love and follow Him, that’s a real gift that many Jewish people do not have. Maybe that’s not your situation, but you want to know Yeshua. Either way, if you don’t yet have that relationship with Yeshua and would like to, you can pray something like this:

Dear God, I know that at times, what I want and what I do is wrong. I am truly sorry. I believe that you love me, and that Yeshua came, died and rose from the dead to take the full punishment for everyone’s sin, including mine. I believe and want to receive your offer of forgiveness from the wrong things that separate me from you. Please help me live my life with Yeshua leading the way.

Section Two: Finding Transforming Power

When we receive the forgiveness and life God offers us through Yeshua, He promises to transform our lives in wonderful ways. As you think about how this happened for Sarah and her mom, think about how it has happened (or how you’d like it to happen) in your life.

1. Everyone has a problem with guilt . . .

Even at 9-years-old, Sarah sometimes felt guilty. Does that surprise you? Why or why not?

How would you describe your sense of right and wrong? Do you usually know when you’ve messed up before someone points it out?

3. What is faith?

The Bible says without faith, it’s not possible to please God. Which of these statements about faith do you think are true?

Faith is when you believe something that you can’t see.

Faith is when you believe something that you can’t prove.

Faith is when you don’t have any reason to think something is true but you believe it anyway.

Faith is different for different people.

Faith is something that God wants to give you.

4. God reaches out to us . . .

What ended up changing Sarah’s mind about Yeshua?

How was this the same and how was it different from how her mom came to believe?

If you already believe in Jesus, how is your story similar or different from Sarah’s? Her mom’s?

If you’re not sure whether you believe in Jesus, what do you think it would take for you to believe?

Talk to God about it:Many things can stand in the way of wanting to know God. If we admit when we are having trouble seeking God with all our heart, He’ll bless us for that truthfulness. He’ll grow the part of us that wants to know the truth, if we ask Him.

Here’s a prayer that may star t you on that path:

“God, I want to know the truth about you and how to have you in my life, but I want other things that sometimes compete for my heart. Thank you

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Do you talk to God about your fears? If yes, how does that work? If not, are you ready to try?

Talk to God about it:God does not want us to be afraid, and if we trust His promises, His peace will fill us so there’s no room for fear—but that does not mean that we won’t have to face scary or painful situations.

Here’s a prayer that may help:

“God I hate it when I’m afraid and I don’t want fear to hold me back. Please help me trust your promises and your perfect love for me. Please show me that I can count on you for the courage I need in life. And then help me remember what you’ve shown me next time I am afraid.

Here’s a “go to” verse to memorize: Isaiah 41:10: “Fear not, for I am with you; Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.”

3. Depression—ever feel that way?

Depression means different things to different people: sadness, loneliness, isolation, hopelessness, emotional heaviness or emptiness. There’s also a big overlap between depression and anxiety. Just about everyone has these feelings at some time.*

Why do you think Sarah’s mom told her to read and journal about the Bible verses of her choice, instead of giving her specific reading assignments from the Bible every day? What does that tell you about how you can approach the Bible?

Sarah tells how God’s Word brought her out of her depression and gave her a huge appreciation for the Bible. She also tells how, during her depression, she asked God to show her if He cared. Do you feel free to ask God questions like that? Do you think He wants you to? Why or why not?

When you know you’ve done something wrong, what do you usually do?

If you memorize certain “go to” verses, God will help you remember them when you need help to deal with all kinds of situations. For example, here’s a Bible verse that reminds us that when God invites us into a relationship, He already knows all the ways we’ve messed up, and wants to forgive us.

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Messiah died for us.” (Romans 5:8 says)

And God promises that when we agree with Him about our sin, He’ll always forgive us: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9).

Here’s a prayer that may help:

“God you know everything about me, the good and the bad, and I’m so thankful that you love me and want to forgive me when I mess up. Would you help me to see and admit when I am wrong? And please, let me care more about what you think than what my friends might say when I have to make hard choices. Help me turn away from what is wrong and turn toward what is right. Please help me trust your promise that when I agree with you about my sin and ask forgiveness, you do forgive me, and take away my guilt.”

Here’s a “go to” verse to memorize: “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” (1 John 1:9)

2. Everyone is afraid sometimes, but you don’t have to worry . . .

What was 9-year-old Sarah’s fear and how did she and her brother try to deal with it before and after she gave her heart to Yeshua?

Can you remember any attempts to deal with your fears in ways that didn’t work or made it worse?

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Talk to God about it:God made us, knows us, and understands better than anyone what we need to have a life that is full of meaning and purpose.

Here’s a prayer that might help:

“God I want to be the kind of person who makes a difference to other people. I hope to use the gifts and talents you’ve given me in ways that please you and help others. Will you show me what I can do—what I’m already capable of, as well as what I’ll need to learn to serve you and help others? Will you help me recognize and take the opportunities you give for me to have the most meaningful life possible?”

Here’s a “go to” verse to memorize:Exodus 9:16: “But indeed for this purpose I have raised you up, that I may show My power in you, and that My name may be declared in all the earth.”

Section Three: Finding Help in the Hardest Times

Maybe you’ve already gone through times of terrible suffering and loss. Everyone goes through very hard times at some point in life. God wants to be with us through the hardest times, and He can help us get through them in ways that ultimately make us stronger and more joyful.

1. Who you’re with matters

Being with other believers and being real with them puts you in a place of receiving help when you really need it.

When Sarah was heartbroken that her father was dying, it was hard for her to sit through songs about God’s goodness. She didn’t try to hide how she felt. What do

Would you be willing to commit to reading God’s Word every day this week for at least ten minutes? If you do, you might be surprised by what you find!

Talk to God about it:It may not seem important to tell God things He already knows, but if you talk to him about what’s bothering you, it can draw you closer to Him and open up a channel for you to receive help.

Here’s a prayer that may help:

“God right now I feel alone, unhappy, (or numb . . . or fill in whatever you are feeling) and unable to see much that’s good in my life; sometimes everything feels heavy and dark, and I don’t want to get trapped in those feelings. If the Bible can help me the way it helped Sarah, I want that help. Will you help me to see what your Word has to say to me? Will you shine your light on me and help me to know that you care? Will you pull me out of this pit?”

Here’s a “go to” verse to memorize: “Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path.” (Psalm 119:105)

* While some amount of depression is common to most people, if you feeldepressed to the point of despair, and not wanting to live, it’s really important totalk about it with an adult that you trust.

4. Purpose—we all need it!

Many people live as though the whole point of life is to have as much fun and avoid as much difficulty and discomfort as possible. That kind of life lacks purpose—and a life without purpose is not satisfying for very long. It’s good to enjoy life, but purpose comes when we put effort into something that serves someone besides ourselves. There are many meaningful ways to serve other people, including helping them to know Yeshua.

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2. There’s power in praise

Sarah is not the only one to experience the power of praise in the midst of a really painful situation. Praising God is not easy for most of us when we are hurting, but pushing ourselves to do what does not come naturally can have great benefits. Praise is not a magic button we can press to make pain go away, but it can definitely change how those most painful situations affect us.

Why do you think Sarah talks about how God had the children of Israel send the “praisers” out to the front of the battle?

In what way(s) might praising God help you win your own personal battles?

What is your usual response when you are in the middle of difficult or painful situations? Does it usually help or not help?

Sarah found Lamentations, especially Lamentations 3, as her “go to” passage of Scripture. She hung onto it through the hardest of times. Does that passage speak to your heart? If not, how would you go about finding your own verse or Bible passage that you can cling to for support like Sarah has?

Talk to God about it: Genuine praise is all about remembering the good things about who God is and what He has done. Any time you don’t feel like doing this is probably the time that it would help you the most if you did. Telling God when you find it hard to praise Him can be a good thing, if you also tell Him that you want to be able to praise him.

Here is a prayer that might help when you are struggling:

“Dear God, I’m struggling with why you are allowing this painful situation and that makes it hard for me to see that you are good, or that you care for me. I know in my head that I still have a lot to be thankful for. I know that you’ve done so much for me in the past. I just don’t feel it. God, please help me genuinely appreciate who you are and what

you think would have happened if Sarah had got up to sing in chapel and was just pretending to praise God so no one would see how she really felt?

Sandy asked Sarah to stand up, even if she couldn’t sing, to recognize that God is sovereign (in charge of everything). Do you think Sarah felt judged? Why or why not? Are you surprised by how Sandy’s advice worked out? How do you think advice like that would work out for you?

Do you have a friend like Sandy who might be able to help you in a similar situation? If not, how would you look to build a friendship like that?Are you a friend like Sandy to someone else? If not, what would it take for you to be that kind of friend?

Talk to God about it: He wants to be your number one support, but He understands that we need other people to help us and to receive our help. That’s why he’s put us in community and not on a desert island. He wants you to have that kind of support!

Here is a prayer that might help:

“God, I want to have and to be the kind of friend who can see when someone is hurting and offer truth in a loving way. Help me develop/keep close to friends who know you so they can encourage me and remind me of truths that can get me through hard times. Give me wisdom and compassion to be able to do the same for my friends.”

Here’s a “go to” verse to memorize:1 Thessalonians 5:14-15 “Now we exhort you . . . warn those who are unruly, comfort the fainthearted, uphold the weak, be patient with all. See that no one renders evil for evil to anyone, but always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for all.”

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you’ve done in the past so that I can move toward trusting you no matter what is happening in my life, or the lives of people I care about.”

Here’s a “go to” verse to memorize: Lamentations 3:21-23 “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lo r d never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”

3. Peace that passes understanding

How in the world is it possible to experience peace when you or someone you love is horribly sick? How can you be calm when it seems like the worst thing you can imagine either happened or is about to happen? Everyone faces situations where it’s not “natural” to feel peace. Yet, believers can feel peace that goes beyond our ability to understand, even in the hardest of times.

Sarah said, “When life is uncertain and I’m hurting, I find security and peace in His [God’s] goodness.”

A lot of what we hear from many celebrities or from TV, movies, magazines and books tells us that we can find the goodness, strength and peace that we need within ourselves. Is that true? Why or why not?

When people don’t know God and they can’t find peace within, what are some of the things they might do?

Have you ever felt the peace of God in a hard situation? What was it like?

Have you wanted to feel God’s peace in a hard situation, but were unable to? Looking back, what could you have done differently?

Talk to God about it: Even though God knows your fears and concerns, when you talk to Him about them, maybe through journaling or just talking, you will not feel alone with the problem.

Here’s a prayer that may help:

“God, you know what is going on with (your situation) but I want to bring it to you and tell you how I’m feeling about it. I really need your peace. Will you help me to focus on what I need to see in order to experience that peace?”

Here’s a “go to” verse to memorize: “You [God] will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3
