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Jfk assassination unit plan

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JFK Assassination Unit Plan Casandra Goodwin

JFK Assassination

Unit PlanCasandra Goodwin

Abstract Overview for Unit

After implementing all of the tools that I require for each day, ranging from Web 2.0 tasks to posting their comments on Blogs, Twitter, Facebook, etc, my students will put on a presentation of their findings of who they think killed JFK.

Going through each of these tools will allow them to process all of the information in several different ways. As they split into teams, they will formulate a presentation using PowerPoint supporting their claim of The Lone Gunman Theory and The Grassy Knoll Theory. They will have an audience and the audience will decide whose information was the most conclusive.



A- Analyze Learner

7 male and 11 female high school senior English Honors class with appropriate research skills for their grade level. No mental or learning disabilities are in the classroom since it is an Honors program.

S- State Objectives

My senior English Honors class will be placed into the teams by the end of this class corresponding to their beliefs as to who killed JFK. Prior to this week, they read a book called JFK Assassination Logic and have developed a decent understanding. To decide which team they will belong to, they will use the following tools in the computer lab to see where they stand. First, there will be a simulation of the assassination as it has been told in Second Life and they will create an avatar and go to the scene that was created by me and watch it virtually. Then, they will get on the discussion board that I created on Facebook and write who they think killed JFK. While I read this and collaborate who will go with who, they will create a Voki reflecting what they look like and have it say who they think killed JFK and email it to me. This will be completed by the end of the class period with 100% accuracy.

S- Select Methods, Media, & Materials

First, they will need access to computer; therefore we will be in the computer lab.

Secondly, they will need to create an account and an avatar on Second Life. To the left is an example of what their avatar would look like; my avatar.

S- Select Methods, Media, & Materials Third, they will need to post on our

Facebook page-that they already have access to. Below is the link to the pageMs. Goodwin's English Class Discussion Board

Lastly, they will need to create a Voki of themselves and have it say which theory that they believe in. Below is a link to the Voki of myself.Ms. Goodwin's Voki

Utilize Media & Materials

Once we gain access to the computer, we will begin first with the Second Life assignment.

The reason that Second Life will be used is so that the students can have a virtual view of what happened. After they create their account and their avatar, I will give them directions on how to get them where I want them to go to watch the virtual assassination simulation.

Once they have seen the quick simulation, they will pull up the Facebook page that we have and post a comment in the discussion board as to who which Theory they believe in.

Once that is completed, I will access the page to fit them into two groups while they create a Voki to say who they think killed JFK. The Voki will not be directly related to the presentation that they will give at the end of the week, but implements media materials that they may use in the future and can even use in their presentation if wished.

They will then email this Voki to me so that I can see if they completed the assignment or not and I will give them a grade based on completion.

I will then post the groups on the discussion board.

R- Required Learner Participation:* This is a class period lesson. Each Class Period is an hour long*

5 minutes: I will instruct the students on how to create an account on Second Life.

10 Minutes: The Students will create an avatar. 10 minutes: I will explain to the student how to get to the

simulation of the assassination. 5 minutes: The Students will watch the simulation. 10 minutes: The students will access the Facebook account

and state which theory that they believe in based on the video. 15 minutes: Students will create Voki that looks as close to

them as possible and make it say which theory they believe in and email it to me.

5 minutes: I will announce which students are in The Grassy Knoll Theory team and which students are in The Lone Gunman Theory team.

E- Evalute:

The students will be evaluated on whether or not they posted on the discussion board so that I can place them in a team. Although no grade goes along with that specific assignment, I will make sure that it is completed. A grade based on completion of the Voki created will be implemented.

DAY TWOTuesday

A- Analyze Learner

7 male and 11 female high school senior English Honors class with appropriate research skills for their grade level. No mental or learning disabilities are in the classroom since it is an Honors program.

S- State Objectives

My senior English Honors class will have been placed into their teams the day before and will now begin their research and make a declaratory statement on why their theory is right on our class Blog page with a PodCast and a picture of JFK with their theory name edited onto it. They will use Photoshop, a Podcast website, and one person per group will download a QR reader app on their phone to pull up the page that I want them to get their information for their declaratory statement from. They will do this by the end of the period with 100% accuracy.

S- Select Methods, Media, & Materials

First, they will need access to computer; therefore we will be in the computer lab.

Secondly, they will need access to our Blog page which is listed below. http://chsengclass.blogspot.com/

They will then access Photoshop and edit the name of their theory onto this picture:

S- Select Methods, Media, & Materials

They will then go to this Podcast site and declare their statement and save it to a flash drive or to the computer to put onto our Blog. This is what their Podcast maker will look like.

S- Select Methods, Media, & Materials

Lastly, they will download a QR Reader and access the website that I provide for each group through a QR. Below are the QR’s.

Grassy Knoll Theory: For Lone Gunman Theory:

U-Utilize Media and Materials:

Using Photoshop will make them think critically on how to use it. They can look up tutorials, or perhaps they have members of their group that know how to use it. Once they create the photo that I provided they will put it on the Blog.

The Blog is a way for each team to be able to view each other’s statement and image so they know how the other group is doing. It allows healthy competition in the classroom.

The QR will allow the students to access a website that I need for them to get their information from in a way that is fun for them. They are allowed to use their phones to find the URL and that will gain their attention.

Lastly, them created the Podcast is a fun way for them to make their point without just typing it. Once they have it recorded and saved to their flash drives or computer, they will put it on the Blog as well.

R- Required Learner Participation:

* This is a class period lesson. Each Class Period is an hour long* 5 minutes: I will give an overview of everything that needs to be

accomplished that day. 15 minutes: Editing name onto the picture provided with

Photoshop. 5 minutes: Downloading QR app and accessing website

provided for each group. 15 minutes: Evaluating source and deciding on a declaratory

statement. 15 minutes: Creating and saving Podcast of statement. 5 minutes: Posting what they have created on Blog page.

E- Evaluate:

They will be evaluated based on whether or not they posted what I asked onto the Blog page within the class period and receive a grade accordingly.

DAY THREEWednesday

A- Analyze Learner

7 male and 11 female high school senior English Honors class with appropriate research skills for their grade level. No mental or learning disabilities are in the classroom since it is an Honors program.

S- State Objectives:

My senior English Honors class will be in the last stages of their research by the end of today’s class and begin to formulate their presentation. They will do this by creating a Pinterest account and following my account, then looking up ideas on how to give classroom presentations, begin their WebQuest in preparation for Friday’s presentation, and accessing my Twitter account to see if there are any extra assignments for homework. They will have these assignments completed at the end of the period with 100% accuracy.

S- Select Methods, Media, & Materials

First they will need access to a computer; therefore, we will be in the computer lab.

Second, they will create a Pinterest account and follow my Pinterest account below as well as explore.

S- Select Methods, Media, & Materials They will also begin the WebQuest that is

provided below which outlines resources and what they need to do. http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=215719

Lastly, they will need to begin checking my twitter account for new assignments or tips that I provide them. https://twitter.com/MsGoodwinsClass

U-Utilize Media and Materials: With using Pinterest, it allows student’s to have access to

plenty of pins which can link to sites of ideas to giving classroom presentations and access to my page while I have repinned things that will be useful to them.

The WebQuest that I have created for them has a step by step process of what their preparing should be like and look like. It also has what their presentation will be graded on so that they will know how to prepare.

Since the presentation day is so close, using Twitter for them to check for updates is a smart tool because they are generally on their anyways, and they can look to see if they missed anything rather than emailing me.

R- Required Leaner Participation: * This is a class period lesson. Each Class Period is an hour

long* 5 minutes: I will give an overview of everything that

needs to be accomplished that day. 5 minutes: Each member will create their own Pinterest

account and follow my account. 20 minutes: Explore Pinterest and see what ideas that

they would like to use in their presentation and tips for giving them.

30 minutes: Exploring the WebQuest to see where they are in their preparation.

The Twitter part will not take place inside of class. It is to help them at home.


The only actual grade that will be given is for if they followed me on Pinterest. It is just an easy grade booster. The rest will be only in their benefit to giving a good presentation.

DAY FOURThursday

A- Analyze Learner

7 male and 11 female high school senior English Honors class with appropriate research skills for their grade level. No mental or learning disabilities are in the classroom since it is an Honors program.

S- State Objectives:

My senior English class will create a poster based on their theory that I will print off and hang up around the school and be almost completely prepared for their presentation. They will do this by creating their poster on either Word or PowerPoint. Their presentation will require a PowerPoint to be made with their information. For homework, they will finish their PowerPoint with their groups and watch a YouTube video on classroom debates to implement what I expect. They will complete the poster by the end of the class period with 100% accuracy.

S- Select Methods, Media, & Materials:

They will need access to the computer; therefore, we will be in the computer lab.

For the poster, they will need access to Word or PowerPoint. An example of what it should look like is below of a poster for a conference that I would like for them to attend if they were to have time.

S- Select Methods, Media, & Materials: For their presentation, they will need access to

PowerPoint. They can look up examples of PowerPoint presentation on this website: How to make a good presentation

For YouTube, they can, but do not need to access this in class but will watch the following video: Example classroom debate

U-Utilize Media & Materials

By making a poster, it allows the students to get the word out to all of the students in the school that they will be giving a presentation in their class. It allows the students to feel a sense of pleasure knowing that others will know about their hard work.

By creating a PowerPoint, it allows the students to get all of their information down in an organized manner that they can use during their presentation and allow the audience to follow along with.

By having them watch a YouTube video, it will allow them to see a real life experience of what their day will be like the following class and may trigger them to work harder or decide that they have completed their preparation.

R-Require Learner Participation:* This is a class period lesson. Each Class Period

is an hour long* 30 minutes: Creating their poster. 30 minutes: Finalizing their presentation.

For homework, they will watch the YouTube video.


They only thing that they will be graded on during this class will be the poster that they made. The poster must have the theory name, what the main belief is of their theory, and the time & date of their presentation along with pictures. They will be graded accordingly. The other assignments will only benefit them in their presentation.


A- Analyze Learner:

7 male and 11 female high school senior English Honors class with appropriate research skills for their grade level. No mental or learning disabilities are in the classroom since it is an Honors program.

S- State Objective:

My senior English Honors class will give a presentation to an audience of teachers and myself about their theory of who killed JFK and one group will win. This will be completed with the use of a PowerPoint and a SmartBoard or Computer Projector. Concluding the class, for homework they will write a relfection paper and create a Wiki to put all of their tools that they used throughout this assignment because it will be the same process as future assignments. They will complete this presentation by the end of the class period will 100% accuracy.

S- Select Methods, Media, & Materials:

They will need the use of a SmartBoard or Projection screen to show their PowerPoint presentation.

They will also need Word at home for their reflection paper.

They will need access to Wikispace.com at home. An example of what their Wiki tool bar should be close to is to the right.

U-Utilize Media & Materials: The use of a SmartBoard or

Projection screen is necessary because the students need to be able to show their PowerPoint and findings on a big enough screen for the audience to see.

R- Required Learner Participation:

* This class period will be an hour long* 25 minutes: The Grassy Knoll Theory will

present their findings. 25 minutes: The Lone Gunman Theory will

present their findings. 10 minutes: The audience will decide on a

winner and it will be announced.

For Homework they will write a one page reflection and put all of their tools into pages

on a Wiki.


The group that the audience chooses as a winner will receive extra credit. As for the grade for the presentation, a rubric is provided on the WebQuest Page and a copy of it will follow this page. They will also receive a grade for putting their information on their Wiki over the weekend.

After all of this project is finished, the student’s assignment for over the weekend will be a one page reflection paper on the assignment letting me know what they liked, what they didn’t like, and what they would change. This will allow me to know how to revise the assignment for next time.

The total score will be multiplied by five. Therefore, the total points that can be earned is 80/80.

