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Jforflfern ufecotisin Sttoertiser....the Padus schoolinSubDistrict No....

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A Jforflfern ufecotisin Sttoertiser. O. <;. HIMLEY, PUBLISHER. WABENO. FOREST COUNTY. WISCONSIN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1901. VOL. 4, NO. 15. SOCIETY WABENO CAMP. No. 0113, M. W. A Me.*ts on the first and third Friday evening 1 of each month, at the M. YV. of A. Mall, at 7:30 p. m. Visiting neigh- hors are cordially invited. M. I). Joses. Comiauin Jj-.cki.ix. V. C. Clerk. C. & N. W. R’y. Local Time Card. North Bound. tPassenger 7:58 a. m. Mixed train 2:55 p. m. South Bound. f Passenger 9:ob u. m. Mixed train 4:50 p. m. fWednesday and Fn :y only. V. H. Joh , Agent. Post-Office. Mail arrives at 2:55 p. m. Mail closes at 4:80 p. in. Office hours from 7:00 a. m. 'to 9:00 p. m. Sundays from 9:00 a m. to 2: 00 noon. 'V. H. .Johns, Postmaster, O. G. Himley, Deputy. TOWN OFFICERS. John Mc Guire Chairman F. O. Rusch Supervisor Ernest Martin 1 C. G. Himuey dlerk M. J. Dickinson Treasurer A. J. Johnson Assessor A. L. Burg an Justice P. Mielke M. Boland O. E. Lutz A. G. Russell Constable Win. Griffin. .......... CHRist GantnEr Frank Farrell C. Q. HIMLEY, Notary Public WABENO, WISCONSIN. FOR SALE! FOR SALE—The Palmer House at Laona. Good two story, hotel building with modern im- provements, well located, includ- ing two lots, for sale cheap. For terms apply to Lewis Palmer, Laona, Wis. Notice. I hereby give notice that I have the agency for selling the Chicago & North-Western Rail- way Company lands for Crandon and vicinity. For further par- ticular.-. and terms call on or ad- dress, A. E. Himley. Crandon, Wis. Home Seekers. It Will Pay You to Look Up Lands in Northern Wis- consin. The Xorth-Western Line has Jarge tracts of land for -■ in along ‘is iF.es la Northern Wiscon.-in ;a v .■■’■•ccs and easy terms of payu If you are looking , : anew location where gtiod land i- >■ this yoar op- portunity and now is the time to buy. Markets near are: Minneapolis, St. l’aul, Duluth, Superior. Milwaukee, Ch'eago. The land is well timbered with a mixed hardwood growth, the soil fertile and easy of cultivation, and there is a great abundance of pure cold water. Remember the above points when you are looking for land. For Illustrated Folder and futher free information address Geo. W. Bell, Land Commissioner, Hudson. M > .or 0. H. Macßae. As- sistant General Passenger Agent. St. Paul. Minn. If You Are Going to Californ'a Apply to agents Chicago & North-M est- em liy, about the through Tourist Sleeping Car service tp Los Angeles and ■fan Francisco. Round trip tourist tiek- < on sale daily. M. J. DICKINSON WABENO, WIS. -DEALER IN- Dry Goods, Groceries, i Clothing, Footwear, Hardware, Lumbermens Supplies. Hay, Flour and Feed. Notice for Publication, department of interior, La.vh Office at Wausau. Wisn November 1, 1901. Notice is hereby given that the fol- lowing-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in sup- port of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the Clerk of Cir- cuit Coun fit Oconto Wisconsin, on De- cember 13, 1901, tfi: Georoe Chawford of Lakewood, Wisconsin, who made 11. E. No. 9884. for the N. E. N. EL, bee. 2. Tp. 33. N.. R. Hi E. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said lund. viz: Gustav Ilagen. Fredrick Marks, CarpThlcnfehlt and George Langley all of Lakewood, Wisconsin. John W. Miller, Register. Notice. Jos. Trompczyhski will be at the Palmer House at Laona every Wednesday with a full line of drugs. J. T's. twenty years ex- perience in the drug line empow- ers him to treat any kind of sick- ness with good success. Home Seekers’ Excursions to the Northwest, West and Southwest Via the North-Western Line. Home Seekers' Excursion Tickets at greatly reduced rates will be sold on the first and third Tuesdays of each month through the year 1901 to the territory indicated above. Standard and Tour- ist Sleeping Cars. Free Reclining Chair Cars, and “The Best of Everything.,, For full particulars apply 'to agents Chicago & North-Western R'y. Very Low Rates to International Live Stock Exposition at Chicago. 111., i Via the North-Western Line. Tickets will be sold at one fare, plus $3.00, for round trip December 2,3 and 4. limited to return until December 8. inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago A North-West- ern R'y. Notice. Tl’c first five deer heads re- ceived this season I Will mount I * *• f V* for $8.50 each. This price will not include polished oak or wal- nut shield. A. G Russell, The Taxidermist. FOR BALE—Good House aud Lot in village of Wabeno. For terms apply to Advertiser Office. Id leave my happy home and oross the dark blue sea, Rather than be without Charley and tny Rocky Moun- tain Tea. Ak your druggist. Brings attractiveness to list less, unlovable girls making them handsome, marriageable women. That's what Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 85c. Ask your drug- gist LOCAL LI Mi IC. Now, for the turkey. The hunting season is on. A. G. Russell has finished build* ing a commodi is woodshed. A. L. Burgan transacted bv.si- ness at Johnson's Siding Tues- j day. Hon. Henry Johnson ofSuring was seen returning from a trip up the the Klonkyke branch Friday. Charles Symes came up from Manitowoc Wednesday to spend the winter with his brother. Win. J. Wag.staff, the success- ful lumber dealer of Oshkosh did business here last week. Postmaster Delamater of La- on a circulated among friends in town Wednesday. Mrs. W. L. Boehm and grand- son Willie visited with the form- er's sons at the Manitowoc House this week. T. A. Richardson returned from a week's cruising and esti- mating in the the vicinity of Arm- stong Creek. President Rodibaugh of* the Indiana Lumber Company of Pa- dus did business in Wabeno Tues- day. J. B. Scory of Padus was in town yesterday. He has just re- turned from au extended trip in Brown and Langlade counties Ben. Slow returned Friday from Conover where had been as- sisting a Michigan lumbering con- cern in looking over a large tracf of timber land. Messrs. A H. Btrohm, Geo. Boehm, Peter Schaeffer and P. Kopesky have all gone to work for the Wabeno Lumber &. Mfg. Cos. Chus. Rietz has practically completed the addition to his dwelling on Forest Ave. The Rietz family now have a pleasant and commodius home. J. A. ChrUrtnacht of Alienton, this state, Secretary and Tieas- i : i urer of the Wabeno Lumber and Manufacturing Company looked after business interests here Wed- nesday. John Rice of Laona was a Wa- beno caller yesterday. He re- ports that 17 new buildings have been built in that village this f year. Surely, our sister village is getting to the front. O. S. Reeves of Marinette, who was foreman of the construction crew at the time the Klondyke branch was extended north from here two years/ago is spending a few days in the village renewing acquaintances. A social hop was given to our citizens by Conradin Jecklin, the j proprietor of tho Modern Wood- i men Hall Saturday evening. A large crowd was iu attendance and the result was a good, socia- ble time. C. S. Pierce, Gen'l Land Agent | for the North-Western Company j and ox-County Treasurer McAl- | lister of Oconto looked after real estate business in this . village I Wednesday. Mr. McAllister is 1 also in the insurance business and I handles about a dozen of the best | fire insurance companies in this I country. Special Sale. . Here is a bargain for you: Men's fine wool undershirts at S 30cts. each. M. J. Dickinson. Look Here! For the next 80 days we will sell Hour at die following prices: Pat-White Lily $1.15 persolt> sk. Gold Leaf sl.lO Str’t Best 'Money .90 M. J. Dickinson. Shot at Padus. Convin Slento, Geo. Karstteter and Marion Slentx returned yes- terday from near Pr.dus, Wis., where they had been hunting deer. The first named had his left, hand badly injured by the accidentia! discharge of his rifle. He was standing on a log near a runway, and slipping from the log his rillo was discharged, the ball passing through his hand and passing up through the wrist, coming but near ths elbow. It is thought that he lose two lingers. Karst teter shot at ti deer which was but a short distance from him but missed it.— The Bamboo Netvs. Colpofrtets are urgently needed by the Bible Institute Colportago Association, (D. L. Moody, found- er,) 250 La Salle Auenue, Chi- cago. The work is agreeable and renumeration liberal. This par- ticular plan has been in operation six yeai's, and is adopted for all communities. Previous experi- ence is not essential. Part time may be devoted to the work with good results. Earnest men and women should address at once, A. P. Fitt, Supt., 250 La Salle Ave.,' Chicago. idfc For a hunting license call on Himley at the Post-office. Read notices of Dickinson’s special sales in this paper. It will pay you to see him. Deputy game warden McGee of Oconto spent several days in town this week. a Emil Welter, Win. Bumalman and Hefiry Warner are working for H, B. McNab. James Moore and family have moved into the Newton KitcheJl dwelling on Forest Ave. A Thanksgiving ball will be given oy Jecklin, our hardware man at the Woodman Hall. All are cordially invited. A. L. Burgan, the butcher will give a turkey shoot on Thanks, giving day. Call around and try your luck. Hustle around and take advan- tage of Taxidermist Russell’s re. ducod rates; he aleady has four deer heads to mount. ( * ' f Fred Blurne came up from Mountain this week to do jsorne work for Landlord Moore in the rear of the Advertiser building. Gus. Fosdick and family came up from Ableman, this stale last week to visit the former’s father, Frank Fosdick, west of this vil- lage. A pleasant surprise was got ton up on Albert Rusch by Mesdanaes ; F. O Kusoh and Charley Wctts- j stein at the Woodmen Hall Wed- nesday night. Dancing was the principal feature of amusement. Light refreshments were served at 12 o’clock. All report having had a good time. School Board Proceedings, j Special Meeting, Wabeno, Wis., Nov. 2, 1901. Board of School Directors of j the Town of Wabeno met at the office of the Secretary for tlh>| purpose of authorizing contracts j for teachers and such other busi- I ness as may legally come before the board at said meeting. Meet- ing called to order by President i M. J. Dickinson at 10 o'clock a. j m. All members present. On motion George Hall was en-' gaged as principal of the Laona school in Sub District No. 2, and G. Rolla Dickinson as teacher in the Padus school in Sub District No. 1, and tlie Secretary instruct- ed to draw up contracts to that effect. On motion the following bills wore allowed by the board and the President and Secretary wore instructed to draw orders in pay- ment of same Martin Bros. Hughes contract SMIL -.’l •T. 11. Baker wood io.oo A. J. Johnson work on school house 4.00 M. J. Dickinson meeting 2.00 John McliiiirO meeting aud niitesgo 3.20 T. F. Moore on contract 30.00 C. G. llimley meeting 2.00 Pat. McHugh wood 12.00 Paul McDonald placing scuts etc. 7.30 Win. Traynor drayage 4.00 Wm. Rabbitt meeting and mileage 2.00 A. J. Johnson placing seats etc. 2.00 Connor 1.. AL. Cos. Hughes con. 10.57 Miner Bros, supplies 8.15 Emma Rice teaching 40.00 James McHugh wood. 7.00 Or. motion board adjourned sine die. C. G. Himley, Secretary. An Oklahoma editor feels that when a newspaper is called upon to publish tributes to deceased persons, lo candidates, and to notoriety Seekers, in language that strains the truth, itought to charge extra for wear and tear of conscience, etc. ' Imagine the bill of extras any of us could bring in, brethern, on this basis, for tributes paid some of “our most prominent citizens” during the past throe years! Tilt Oklahoma reformer suggests the following rates for deliberately printing tilings that “ain’t so:” For calling a man a successful citizen when everyone knows he is lazier than a government male, $2.75; referring to a deceased citi- zen as one who is sincerely mourn- ed by the entire community when we know he will only be missed by the poker circle, $1.08; refer- ing to some gali vanting female us an estimable lady whom it is a pleasure to meet, when every business man in town had rather * / see tho devil Coming, hoof, horns and all, than to see her coming towards him, 88.19; calling an or- dinary pulpit pounder an eminent divine, 90 cents; sending a tough citizen to heaven, $5. FOR BALE—-A row boat, in good condition, dirt cheap for Cash; cause for selling, dead broke and need money. Apply to Himley at the Advertiser Of- fice. A thousand things by i are done Lr better than most things do one. We refer to Rocky Moun- tain Tea made bj Madison Medi- cine Cos. 85c. Ask your drug- git Stop At Hotel Wabeno T. F. MOORE. Proprietor. Sample Room In Connection. WABENO, WIS. First-Class. "" 1 11 . A. L. Burgan, —Dealer in Groceries, Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats. Wabeno. wis J. W. PINCH. Physician and Surgeon. (IILLETT, wis. Special attention paid to calls along the Klondyke Division , of the C. & N. W. R’y iind: | | rTMrri|| \ S. 0. FRENCH. Physician and Surgeon, Mountain, Wis Emil Birkle, Tonsorial Artist; Workmanship First-Class; Haircutting, shaving and sham- pooing done in the best manner (Shop in Manitowoc House.) 1 Patronize- Manitowoc House W. L. Boehm, Prop. ALSO DEALER IN—- WINES, LIGUORS and CIGARS. Good Accoumdnlions. Reasonable Hates. WABENO win . i H. (I. IIREIER, Attorney at Law Fire and Life Insurance. [ 4Jf I, Money tci Loan on Real Estate. Shawano, Wik. * FRANK LACKNER M. D Physician and Surgeon, Laona. WIS. Will be at the Hotel Wabeno at Wabeno. every Wednes- day and Friday. —r. CHET STARKS, Cruiser and Estimates , r Treaspaswur looked after and esti mates .nade promctly and at reasonable rates. hEI ERRNCH II dEMRMI . t* l ■>£. ) AON A MW
Page 1: Jforflfern ufecotisin Sttoertiser....the Padus schoolinSubDistrict No. 1,andtlieSecretaryinstruct-edtodrawupcontracts to that effect. On motionthe following bills wore allowedbythe

AJforflfern ufecotisin Sttoertiser.O. <;. HIMLEY, PUBLISHER. WABENO. FOREST COUNTY. WISCONSIN, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 21. 1901. VOL. 4, NO. 15.

SOCIETYWABENO CAMP. No. 0113, M. W. AMe.*ts on the first and third Fridayevening 1of each month, at the M. YV. ofA. Mall, at 7:30 p. m. Visiting neigh-hors are cordially invited.

M. I). Joses. Comiauin Jj-.cki.ix.

V. C. Clerk.

C. & N. W. R’y.

Local Time Card.North Bound.

tPassenger 7:58 a. m.Mixed train 2:55 p. m.

South Bound.f Passenger 9:ob u. m.Mixed train 4:50 p. m.fWednesday and Fn ■ :y only.

V. H. Joh , Agent.

Post-Office.Mail arrives at 2:55 p. m.Mail closes at 4:80 p. in.

Office hours from 7:00 a. m. 'to9:00 p. m.

Sundays from 9:00 a m. to 2:00 noon.

'V. H. .Johns, Postmaster,O. G. Himley, Deputy.

TOWN OFFICERS.John Mc Guire ChairmanF. O. Rusch SupervisorErnest Martin .... 1 “C. G. Himuey dlerkM. J. Dickinson TreasurerA. J. Johnson AssessorA. L. Burg an JusticeP. Mielke “

M. Boland “

O. E. Lutz “

A. G. Russell ConstableWin. Griffin. ..........“CHRist GantnEr “

Frank Farrell “




House at Laona. Good two story,hotel building with modern im-provements, well located, includ-ing two lots, for sale cheap. Forterms apply to Lewis Palmer,Laona, Wis.

Notice.I hereby give notice that I

have the agency for selling theChicago & North-Western Rail-way Company lands for Crandonand vicinity. For further par-ticular.-. and terms call on or ad-dress, A. E. Himley.

Crandon, Wis.

Home Seekers. It Will Pay You toLook Up Lands in Northern Wis-

consin.The Xorth-Western Line has Jarge

tracts of land for -■ in along ‘is iF.es laNorthern Wiscon.-in ;a v .■■’■•ccs andeasy terms of payu ■If you are looking , : anew locationwhere gtiod land i- >■ this yoar op-portunity and now is the time to buy.

Markets near are: Minneapolis, St.l’aul, Duluth, Superior. Milwaukee,Ch'eago. The land is well timberedwith a mixed hardwood growth, thesoil fertile and easy of cultivation, andthere is a great abundance of pure coldwater.

Remember the above points when you

are looking for land.For Illustrated Folder and futherfree

information addressGeo. W. Bell, Land Commissioner,

Hudson. M > .or 0. H. Macßae. As-sistant General Passenger Agent. St.Paul. Minn.

If You Are Going to Californ'aApply to agents Chicago & North-Mest-

em liy, about the through TouristSleeping Car service tp Los Angeles and■fan Francisco. Round trip tourist tiek-< on sale daily.



Dry Goods,Groceries,



Lumbermens Supplies.

Hay, Flourand Feed.

Notice for Publication,department of interior,La.vh Office at Wausau. Wisn

November 1, 1901.Notice is hereby given that the fol-

lowing-named settler has filed notice ofhis intention to makefinal proof in sup-port of his claim, and that said proofwill be made before the Clerk of Cir-cuit Coun fit Oconto Wisconsin, on De-cember 13, 1901, tfi: Georoe Chawfordof Lakewood, Wisconsin, who made 11.E. No. 9884. for the N. E. N. EL, bee.2. Tp. 33. N.. R. Hi E.

lie names the following witnesses toprove hiscontinuous residence upon andcultivation of said lund. viz: GustavIlagen. Fredrick Marks, CarpThlcnfehltand George Langley all of Lakewood,Wisconsin.

John W. Miller,Register.

Notice.Jos. Trompczyhski will be at

the Palmer House at Laona everyWednesday with a full line ofdrugs. J. T's. twenty years ex-perience in the drug line empow-ers him to treat any kind of sick-ness with good success.

Home Seekers’ Excursions to theNorthwest, West and Southwest

Via the North-Western Line. HomeSeekers' Excursion Tickets at greatlyreduced rates will be sold on the firstand third Tuesdays of each monththrough the year 1901 to the territoryindicated above. Standard and Tour-ist Sleeping Cars. Free Reclining ChairCars, and “The Best of Everything.,,

For full particulars apply 'to agentsChicago & North-Western R'y.

Very Low Rates to International LiveStock Exposition at Chicago. 111.,


Via the North-Western Line. Tickets

will be sold at one fare, plus $3.00, forround trip December 2,3 and 4. limitedto return until December 8. inclusive.Apply to agents Chicago A North-West-

ern R'y.

Notice.Tl’c first five deer heads re-

ceived this season I Will mountI * *• f V*

for $8.50 each. This price willnot include polished oak or wal-nut shield. A. G Russell,

The Taxidermist.

FOR BALE—Good House audLot in village of Wabeno. Forterms apply to Advertiser Office.Id leave my happy home

and oross the dark blue sea,Rather than be without

Charley and tny Rocky Moun-tain Tea. Ak your druggist.

Brings attractiveness to listless, unlovable girlsmaking themhandsome, marriageable women.That's what Rocky Mountain Teawill do. 85c. Ask your drug-gist


Now, for the turkey.The hunting season is on.

A. G. Russell has finished build*ing a commodi is woodshed.

A. L. Burgan transacted bv.si-ness at Johnson's Siding Tues- jday.

Hon. Henry Johnson ofSuringwas seen returning from a trip upthe the Klonkyke branch Friday.

Charles Symes came up fromManitowoc Wednesday to spendthe winter with his brother.

Win. J. Wag.staff, the success-ful lumber dealer of Oshkoshdid business here last week.

Postmaster Delamater of La-ona circulated among friends intown Wednesday.

Mrs. W. L. Boehm and grand-son Willie visited with the form-er's sons at the Manitowoc Housethis week.

T. A. Richardson returnedfrom a week's cruising and esti-mating in the the vicinity of Arm-stong Creek.

President Rodibaugh of* theIndiana Lumber Company of Pa-dus didbusiness in Wabeno Tues-day.

J. B. Scory of Padus was intown yesterday. He has justre-turned from au extended trip inBrown and Langlade counties

Ben. Slow returned Fridayfrom Conover where had been as-sisting a Michigan lumbering con-cern in looking over a large tracfof timber land.

Messrs. A H. Btrohm, Geo.Boehm, Peter Schaeffer and P.Kopesky have all gone to workfor the Wabeno Lumber &. Mfg.Cos.

Chus. Rietz has practicallycompleted the addition to hisdwelling on Forest Ave. TheRietz family now have a pleasantand commodius home.

J. A. ChrUrtnacht of Alienton,this state, Secretary and Tieas-

i : iurer of the Wabeno Lumber andManufacturing Company lookedafter business interests here Wed-nesday.

John Rice of Laona was a Wa-beno caller yesterday. He re-ports that 17 new buildings havebeen built in that village this

fyear. Surely, our sister villageis getting to the front.

O. S. Reeves of Marinette, whowas foreman of the constructioncrew at the time the Klondykebranch was extended north fromhere two years/ago is spending afew days in the village renewingacquaintances.

A social hop was given to ourcitizens by Conradin Jecklin, the jproprietor of tho Modern Wood- imen Hall Saturday evening. Alarge crowd was iu attendanceand the result was a good, socia-ble time.

C. S. Pierce, Gen'l Land Agent| for the North-Western Company

j and ox-County Treasurer McAl-| lister of Oconto looked after realestate business in this . village

I Wednesday. Mr. McAllister is1 also in the insurance business and

I handles about a dozen of the best| fire insurance companies in this

I country.

Special Sale.. Here is a bargain for you:

Men's fine wool undershirts at

S 30cts. each. M. J. Dickinson.

Look Here!For the next 80 days we will

sell Hour at die following prices:Pat-White Lily $1.15 persolt> sk.“ Gold Leaf sl.lO “ “

Str’t Best 'Money .90 “ “

M. J. Dickinson.

Shot at Padus.Convin Slento, Geo. Karstteter

and Marion Slentx returned yes-terday from near Pr.dus, Wis.,where they had been huntingdeer. The first named had hisleft, hand badly injured by theaccidentia! discharge of his rifle.He was standing on a log near arunway, and slipping from thelog his rillo was discharged, theball passing through his handandpassing up through the wrist,

coming but near ths elbow. It isthought that he lose two lingers.Karst teter shot at ti deer whichwas but a short distance fromhim but missed it.— The BambooNetvs.

Colpofrtets are urgently neededby the Bible Institute ColportagoAssociation, (D. L. Moody, found-er,) 250 La Salle Auenue, Chi-cago. The work is agreeable andrenumeration liberal. This par-ticular plan has been in operationsix yeai's, and is adopted for allcommunities. Previous experi-ence is not essential. Part timemay be devoted to the work withgood results. Earnest men andwomen should address at once,A. P. Fitt, Supt., 250 La SalleAve.,' Chicago.

idfc For a hunting license callon Himley at the Post-office.

Read notices of Dickinson’sspecial sales in this paper. Itwill pay you to see him.

Deputy game warden McGeeof Oconto spent several days intown this week.

aEmil Welter, Win. Bumalman

and Hefiry Warner are workingfor H, B. McNab.

James Moore and family havemoved into the Newton KitcheJldwelling on Forest Ave.

A Thanksgiving ball will begiven oy Jecklin, our hardwareman at the Woodman Hall. Allare cordially invited.

A. L. Burgan, the butcher willgive a turkey shoot on Thanks,giving day. Call around and tryyour luck.

Hustle around and take advan-tage of Taxidermist Russell’s re.ducod rates; he aleady has fourdeer heads to mount. (

* ' f

Fred Blurne came up fromMountain this week to do jsorne

work for Landlord Moore in therear of the Advertiser building.

Gus. Fosdick and family cameup from Ableman, this stale lastweek to visit the former’s father,Frank Fosdick, west of this vil-lage.

A pleasant surprise was got tonup on Albert Rusch by Mesdanaes ;F. O Kusoh and Charley Wctts-

jstein at the Woodmen Hall Wed-nesday night. Dancing was theprincipal feature of amusement.Light refreshments were servedat 12 o’clock. All report havinghad a good time.

School Board Proceedings, jSpecial Meeting,

Wabeno, Wis., Nov. 2, 1901.Board of School Directors of j

the Town of Wabeno met at theoffice of the Secretary for tlh>|purpose of authorizing contracts jfor teachers and such otherbusi- •


ness as may legally come beforethe board at said meeting. Meet-ing called to order by President iM. J. Dickinson at 10 o'clock a. jm. All members present.

On motion George Hall was en-'gaged as principal of the Laonaschool in Sub District No. 2, andG. Rolla Dickinson as teacher inthe Padus school in Sub DistrictNo. 1, and tlie Secretary instruct-ed to draw up contracts to thateffect.

On motion the following billswore allowed by the board andthe President and Secretary woreinstructed to draw orders in pay-ment of sameMartin Bros. Hughes contract SMIL -.’l

•T. 11. Baker wood, io.oo

A. J. Johnson work on school house 4.00M. J. Dickinson meeting 2.00

John McliiiirO meeting aud niitesgo 3.20T. F. Moore on contract 30.00C. G. llimley meeting 2.00Pat. McHugh wood 12.00

Paul McDonald placing scuts etc. ’ 7.30Win. Traynor drayage 4.00Wm. Rabbitt meeting and mileage 2.00A. J. Johnson placing seats etc. 2.00Connor 1.. AL. Cos. Hughes con. 10.57Miner Bros, supplies 8.15Emma Rice teaching 40.00James McHugh wood. 7.00

Or. motion board adjourned sinedie. C. G. Himley,


An Oklahoma editor feels thatwhen a newspaper is called uponto publish tributes to deceasedpersons, lo candidates, and tonotoriety Seekers, in languagethat strains the truth, itought tocharge extra for wear and tear ofconscience, etc. ' Imagine the billof extras any of us could bringin, brethern, on this basis, fortributes paid some of “our mostprominent citizens” during thepast throe years! Tilt Oklahomareformer suggests the followingrates for deliberately printingtilings that “ain’t so:”

For calling a man a successfulcitizen when everyone knows heis lazier than a government male,$2.75;referring to a deceased citi-zen as one who is sincerelymourn-ed by the entire community whenwe know he will only be missedby the poker circle, $1.08; refer-ing to some gali vanting femaleus an estimable lady whom it is apleasure to meet, when everybusiness man in town had rather

■ * /

see tho devil Coming, hoof, hornsand all, than to see her comingtowards him, 88.19; calling an or-dinary pulpit pounder an eminentdivine, 90 cents; sending a tough

citizen to heaven, $5.

FOR BALE—-A row boat, ingood condition, dirt cheap forCash; cause for selling, deadbroke and need money. Applyto Himley at the Advertiser Of-fice.

A thousand things by i aredone Lr better than most thingsdo one. We refer to Rocky Moun-tain Tea made bj Madison Medi-cine Cos. 85c. Ask your drug-git

Stop At

Hotel WabenoT. F. MOORE. Proprietor.

Sample Room In Connection.


First-Class."" 1 -

11 .

A. L. Burgan,—Dealer in


Fresh, Salt and SmokedMeats.

Wabeno. wis

J. W. PINCH.Physician and Surgeon.

(IILLETT, wis.Special attention paid to calls

along the Klondyke Division

,of the C. & N. W. R’y iind:

|._ | rTMrri|| \


Physician and Surgeon,



Emil Birkle,Tonsorial Artist;Workmanship First-Class;

Haircutting, shaving and sham-pooing done in the best manner

(Shop in Manitowoc House.)1

Patronize-Manitowoc House

W. L. Boehm, Prop.ALSO DEALER IN—-

WINES, LIGUORS and CIGARS.Good Accoumdnlions.

Reasonable Hates.WABENO win. i


Attorney at LawFire and Life Insurance.

[ 4Jf I,Money tci Loan on Real Estate.

Shawano, Wik.*

FRANK LACKNER M. DPhysician and Surgeon,


Will be at the Hotel Wabenoat Wabeno. every Wednes-

day and Friday. —r.

CHET STARKS,Cruiser and Estimates

, rTreaspaswur looked after and esti

mates .nade promctly and atreasonable rates.

hEI ERRNCH II dEMRMI. t* l ■>£.

