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Jfort? 77im $500,000,000 Automobile...

Date post: 05-Nov-2019
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Jfort? 77im $500,000,000 Years Automobile Sales Cgr? s,.ld in 12 Months Up to July 1 Exceed 700,000, So There Are More Than 2.000,000 in Use. INCREASE OP 86 PER Cmnu-- i demand for MM oara in ,.f gl MMri ind abroad hat brought "f , ggBarka ii. i:i nam, the u.rt r p ' ri ,.i jan mnnunced b) Alfred floavag. ' (Cr or ,ne svaiionai AUtO- - (W - "1 .'ommeive showing .f,P:edu.-- Imv. Int- .- ran.. ..:' i ' i.MM, which ,,n adyai a 01 it poi cent In Ih rr DVr l"" ""'"' ' ara;h cut WtUt tlx werlng ol prices rtaaltlnt , ... . oroduttlon an.i ..i. "- - sella- on " ' !:. logelhOI with H omrni a coal upbeoo f auto-ii- v lea, h rome , demand t ha a grer dreamed by the areateat optl-ni- few .,: iM Tlie .all for the MJ, Iiix'it im.s .r ronllntMO, althouah aa araateai ralea during the tmt yrar a been in me rural daMricta, where pa autotnobil, ' value aa a time aaver la lajraclaled the h;aheet iearee m i ol pleaaure or PMorncoro rata WAR WILL STIR UP TRUCK TRADE HERE hl. WidcsprPiiii 1 w in KllMina Tfitohcs wi Lpskoh of o Ctlllty. th. QBEATKR M sRKKT IN" I . Q . Iw he I w n. R, ill mi President h. K. Taylwe t oepoeattwai, I I Soropeaa b lalneaa men have r been as t Srvt. is , ale. to appreciate and j awt invantave of tlie mc han.i al cantons of the We - ' e been celebrated for the Improve I merits we h.. n.,,le in nil lines of me-- i ,v" i , i .. " i the II for a aa in Limousine CENT. SHOWN Industry, Im.oooooi registration. telephone GILBERT COMES BACK. ........... ronaplcu- - prominent development comparatively substantial Idorn marlcana DRIVER SPEED "lv"'""' klnrl-Ka- r the! Krai conttndlnf did falls Km- - themselves many across tour m.uor hold Up year that soon appreciate! from le's San tatt aaventaen ami ptaaaani tolmlnutea. This ITS equipment, and some somatning imperatlvel) nooeaoarj malm nanoa big, successrui tr.T' Bm! Ha.ilB HBkr Lm! gfl r BR nKrffjTjgnT uCjBp'rBBlOnril HB gSaaaaaaa-aa- J The I the eaaaolt tmtlie.. still supreme jo 1 iransjsirtation agent foi mutt hauling do. vldit) which Euro-p'- 1 Uenerali leiaed upon the motor tfgpi, th( abaoluta solution Sll their pr.il.lems IWOV rr ;' ' us and oommlaagry s:orrs wake . i ilng raallaa that in the " a. Amerl ana have - f lha meal no- - .' i. eompllnhmon! r ! makes OWOOrt ;.. tn vagaries rst mule, the eacesolve in i Thorofopt i look for i ll the trucks for Vhal ;.o.,m-- the sale Blou hileg Will seem trite tain I lo,,l aea the day come, and e motor moi , .. lha car-l- a ihn now use. especially loea i both marchgndjug and j i e adoption ti,.. motor ""irk . service lieirjimihg all ever and soon mere will be! running at regular I an1 i will 'Irrv . riuua m ii, Its,' the con-- j suti. dspei mails edg. entering i I , i ami i know will Inc. rned t" hat lug tru. k take leae , el, lied-- i w.u hwW ever . iiotll this vu-e- ti,,. da i Motor i . mg out- - Put i send trucks autd b var soon ' so great few product poaalhly meet it Ai-e- 1 lha ordt e fI Boon j For Ihe Mini ' lha ' men aid lb" ' .... H thai ied the muto,-- o i are atlrrlng and '"'I ilneed Hint tha ' aiske ure gionoy s rshlsa ma more 'Oarfordg'' ttt.r - r.g. IS ti types tu June. N, irMcli and the vear in the ware IfMSd, "r. ',,l'h lh turers received Ha- "a or menial veh, 1.., all t in at liT.Tcn. value I ,,. ; . '' T.i,. flaure. fo, twelve maullui nde I Ju, ,,,, w sengcr " ' w than n inn ui, noi.M that tht mm VallM , , ir .. ' the eat fr value the IWIkara have boon ..... E.mJ M . . . . nil.. .1, M. ......a... t tever change,, in . ,e. . ronal ton. Mora than l.aeg.MI ,Br, ,. ,.,, registered in the fn'm.l . r 'lo:U .,f the States :e.,u re The OUttOOg bljr Inerrn-- e the hmand for Iht MUM) Aim: I an motor vehicle! Which raotorg In every day .,,. rp , ,: ., moai common the I other Utilities, 'it.... - Tire l Dtrerlnr A move of intere.i ,.. .i. ... le industry whs mail.. week whe," M Hilhe tl e:e,:e1 We- - ... l"" "f o' ",e re tr i R ibb, , r .mpan) One neat nnown men the automo- bile worn. Ullbrii has been oulv ICtlva the tlr. end the busi- ness He was the Hon and direction of the States Tire t'oinpanv lie niaile move In ;l ...II . ....-- . .. iiusiness. but hta Vocation and real Ultereatl w.-r- wrapped m tire and de. ..led to throw In his :th the youtui company of which .limes fjlbney the head Ollbert, who tikes ,ner a .i. urnwAW S ,,f ,h""' l:n" ti Klna en Her 'ie sat war broke out . thing nallona lr Anita Kmc tn drive her ...li e for as ,.Kr all wa the continent latest modola In trucks aa aha haa hung up a record arom tii.i could aet "f. to a on may not be;,;e!i- - a ao motor truck, while I drive Angolan to Kran- - b country to a limited anient, mi riro in hours fifty.five lski upon ., addition is a distance mllea I .. horta truck and not at of the roads are exceed .nitly jr of a j j "a I I R O, KjE .edO yjaajyaj pj I jpP horse peo-P- i, 'li' 'be are of 'r a n ,ns n ti. ics a a. tie It til- - of i. i. nt of the of rr,r-- '' r, iu ,in rail-"- '! ri ice In for r of all 't in it ,n w trick al- - place or the fy in In of I. Is th e hours which Hs ii ha r ui tho or The I lice, w li we e a motor and or oh a, ,, We gai set 1'., n I, Tr 10 Its a "' oonii'ig t ra i,e it ilneea wa a b d" n the " ft " ,ne s; om- - ..f ,,. S7 .; llllU ,, mora in -,- - In g r.t .1. made uc; St .. haaed w in h la m a ta aa of wai ",r T ,.ie in in of in a ui ui up lot w I. Is its fr I tie the I of w-- - tl,. of us sto-- in aesnnn his (lut es an of the win di. ay rOCt the entire sales nt tlie f tr.e (!.hne Tire ami in. .t. -. . . .. ..... . ' ' ,or e : ". the whole s .: s oraanlration he will have tt centre. . or dangeroua, ii.e cltlea aiona Miss on Cole Hijzl.t Cylinder route aie Sa r.cin , :. 1'.. no Salt Lak Cheyenngi and Cetlar RapMl at Chicago, her New Vork will ! re- - a i ranged. N Wireless Sets Car Motor Going T the Indiana i Fair the of a S'i Overland was sturteil five minutes by a wlrtlgfJ the Overland hcadquai ters I in Indianapolis, five The cur on exhibition at the fair ground! was up with it re- ceiving apparatus and the noctg-sai- y automatic switches uml fur throwing on and off the olggtrie of the and magneto. An automatic was reg- ulated so as to the car to run for forty-fiv- e seconds, the magneto was cut off. The operation of starting thd car I was repeated at five minute in- tervals. ' Tin! operation wgl ac- complished without the aid of a human A time switch, in- stalled in connection 'he wireless in the con trolled the operation. the time Knlston of Indiana pul the car in operation I the ti"!t time touching a kev nt Mie landing station, the laal day of th,- fan the starting and slopping of the car were enro of automatically. ""B"l "I HJIJPl H ' ia lining .av a IM, a li oar. the mile by in 4; !( 28. This a new for the Zip and cars. i... lis I. oral lata New York s effort to make ,he path if the a safe ana at 'lie "f lie,v streets is prov- - ii,f m. .! tr yon have orca. sion to travel arross Kifth avenue a, Th.rt fourth stre!. or at !r.ei .,u wil! have the foot strewn the treat batween lane where anil how to , r..s It ., niple atom anil 's ,io , i k i ,. ten, Ami i.ot only for t'le maii afoot you have no about it t on Hie man who a ear. but I,. hail h! In alona tho Imo ti t The same is in .ffe,-- , in ,e- - ,r"" K whn the in thla tiacb of the who haa jus, frorn of tha value the or rrom tlie "f " haa In as Mi Maw out. and ha fldent that it will ii the same In Now York NOW thO to a fair what t.. from the pad eat ti an at and just ns the knows what be has to from Hie car driver "Such as the aiie of an- the Jut as as man tl,.- aald Mr li - ' ll is lo do a atrial deal k H for body. for tha who now i. traffic to iiii.lv that uill an nvul ,1,1.1 as for Ih mail at the who can gauge Pis p w :li li think it is one ul tha beal iiafT,.- stums "fi and wl li a lot f radii ' IN Hloo i r mi.. Hnm ; S;t-.- l.y Mi km I f Ro li ill, ftcrooo i1"' .it tin Itork Ihlai'il rocoOi .Mim- - I IvoH hr .ih nn Aral on es'.ia- In 'IH 'MIHlUli tMlt S(t (1 ovoiil ilt- pool loll pOOf 'Ilif r;i'f in Ml 01 lioo tho woo a tw miif ovont. onv oiS 1,1 ,h' nia If loo i '' H t'uir miio in 4k iq in of Iho Tact (hoi tho titrnta im iho I rock are tint ami thi nak iist'lf im only nmrt- hlUI a half milf Th oonrif Mihh i ! kUoo won iii ton milt avoiu at lho iri- - ttv mool in 4 ond Mf flu hum Ii ni r f one of tin bool d vor tlo I nR won t tho hoi tli Ki Mli & Waft v of in tin- of ami In hi of olilco o t by thai mr win i of hiM tlmo i tin of tin Tiro and Com pan) f wnoao 1,1 ih ba t hrou?1 tha ami I tin.: of iii'- - Com T' form r tC Mr M.t. M.i ii iit i main With I"'" In t'l' MOW "t- - and thw will no nd in flic -- t urn' tic than i'Tait Pact of in.i, wljp will bo arl llrsl of Ihe line of ear OU tile , has. In in tile flulit in on si tie , grMOh ) last at Iho 'or tale cur. ta nf mis is its sent-- , in for six in Ike rear t of II ar. ft,, was i.i to will, people up. Rlowly "" express, demand hauling purposes akortlj hurt r..r lr 'if.... ta schedule fetppsnli deliver Inserted, a regular tile woudon ford longer Its uubltng being ractor, all vast easiest ru ie, to ntanufiu an, public laleO. l..e,h nut, forma- - United intresi. officer company output Hahher rmniuM (llbney Among larger ICIng'g CRy, Omaha Arriving schedule to recent State motor Moilel every spark from miles away. fitted current starter switch allow after which entire hand. with outfit city, entire Prom Gov. by until taken IHH1.I ftTaa re- lays NEW MODELS ANNOUNCED Maxwell Night Riding Champion rvKI speiial racing Arthur Klfin turned Cleveland track lamplight Mcondi AiiKu-- t tstabllthti rtcord nijfht racing. Klein iefeatud .Simple other s speed LIKE DETROIT'S SYSTEM. Ili'ltnlatloii I'rnlseil Dealer. podOOtlian Inter-OSltO- tfWiflr aacceaaful further uptown Korty-secnu- il tioti.etl flanl Imprints accoaa diraettng pio.mc Maybe thooahi drtVOa alwavs problems trai'ellma ayetefll handler Hupmoblle w...His. returned Detroit, speaks glowingly alalea safety almplinad driving problems Detroit, found here drlVOC bftouro COrtUlPt) expect buay rroaalngn governs nimseir cordlngly, pedestrian egped traffic regulations Chassis safdy helping much tin- ii, street," toward makli easier every. certatnK blueeoat. lean control human bettor kn.iuintr surely whool, surety, pulled vei natalled cer- tainly deaeryea WOMAN WINS RACE SAXON. Kathloon Korh lolootli Dofoffti Rlvol, llltOfl roo4otor, diivfti ICothloan lsimti flaahod 'lit winner ploioo woman tlrivor Withlll which ipMnt'i honofo Dafort hollongfa Urovt aooontlo, aplto bonkod Il0hUV rooUoioc whloh IpllutoU oinatour opood mlnutofl aocondo IoTOHOVTi Thoodoro afoMonui Dotfolt known lUtomobllo Unllod Ktoiooi Jttlnail CoiVpOny Chicago rapaoliy pharii Dotr6H tbltohod owipaii) Macalanufl dovota eonild aroblo oorllon advor tltlnii rampaisni Qoodyoar Rubbor Akron, Ohlo( idvortlilaW ruturo placod 'hloain offlcoa Rrwln U'aaoj pony. HaopUtOl lanloatloni aovorol diiionai it. Wood clonal. diii'ftnr. closed ggWdola ilerllni- arrived t'o4tktwMtwu logagawy, Raalern dlalrlbatera latgortawt feature llmuutalaio ihroo dteoppeaHng auallliiri orkiloh erkoa poaltloa ullwai tomfortahle seatlaa adalta reaagai partmeal isinoaa express unaert demand overwhelmed. present driver going THE SUN, SUNDAY, REO i 1MB i ' iii 'I i iaii ilA 'V' r ), ' I ' , . T" ' " I ! , 'II I'he sl eyllwder Nea i, Iwele mi es t raorill mi r ) prlei for the mine, FURTHER CHANGES IN STUDEBAKER FORCES HodtrkiiiN MmnKpr f Sdi Willnutti'd Joli Uso Rxpandi. Tha recei , ... nnol ion Louis .f Ofllrf to bu a dire' tor and a .,r the rtludehaker CortMMrae tton made necoagar) other changoa within tn.- organlaatlntr, nga of winch was to advance it T HadaTkina to lie su.ceed oilier as manager of sai llodakir w as for tea e.rs a mem- ber of the New Vork Naval Mil Ua Kor dve yeari or that tlmo he was r.i i e oiticer on the command ng officer'! staff of the Se-m- Battalion The groater t,rt or Ins t.us ireer lias boon piss.i ;,, New Vor'.. but h yol his titt atari in the Weal Aftet get. ina a aegree ;n mecm- teal eniritieeriig .....j it the Iowa State I'olb-p- :n lT. Mr Hod ;klns span two isnr. in ing snoi ... or the Allla-C- I .inn rs , pmpany and tl 1 uicaK". M:ltt:iliee d Paul Rallara .,t miiw us.-,- . ai d the chl- cago an i Northareate Raiiurgy al e. Hnie la L iter he ta n c :ier f the Aei Motor Hompany-'- branch st Lincoln, Neb, Vars-Moobu- mpans was h - ext employer, nnd he was put n charge of i, pttiartrhH tna The v.iie ti Towns Manufacturing :.. Company "f x a- York selected him .! for a manager for ita boiaing ma chlnery department, atuPURer tha Amer- ican - dupply 'Ud Machlneri Manufao tureri Aaaoclatlon, made him chair, man of its executive coiutpittee The Htudeitakai t'ognorattott later Invlud ii him to become branch managtf of its Now Vork .vehicle diviklun. This car- - . nes with it nupervlglon of toe ntire .ti et(i,.rt buei es rim vghjole dlvlaion t'u a veur ago he was tranaferr .1 to (: Utudebaker agtumoble dlvuftof at De- - troll and made aaslatam manager of (field sa Us.. , TIM work' formerly done b) Mr Hudgklna w,ll be divided between two a- -- :.'- - Pol tlo-s- places vj L Will" I p if tn ' I ' nu m ul .1- - BBgaaaaaCBaaW ' jjj H. 1 . II n- - man and William T Push hgVI beer geleeted Wtllman iwis been advertla. lug manager of the autgamoblhi dictator gnd Will eontlnu to have aupvrvlalor or Huh work Duett has b en munagoi of Ki ipleb altrt s IiHro.t bimnch W , :t a gradince ..r , '.i rr. College and Harvard, Ha iirat went to POtrOll for The Hell Telephone I'oni- - panv. and later war with the vYarren Motor Company. Ai attaawagg manager i.r the Hetroit Hnird of i 'nm, mire Wlllman soorod a surcess. A year ago lie Joint d ihe tttUdebaker forces us ad- vertising manager Hli in iiuit capaolt) has played an lmportnnt part in bringing about the present prosperity eujoitii at proaont by the automobile division a assistant manager or sales Wlllman win have "burge or ail terri- tory weal ol Detroit. Hush, whose .ntire bualnaas car or Itai been With t 'el roll llldustnes. will iissin Iiarge of territori east of De- troit Ih r.l luu III, I, I . n I lull William Ittcket llir.linK h.s been appn tit, aaalatant secretary or the Motor Club of HrnohU'li. w.tb headquai i era il tin- cinbHouse. gag Bedford i lit- - tine Harding Is well knowi to automobiltsta having been for . long t'me ponnet'lad with, one of the lirgesl I aulomobik) concarni In the rn iropolU I. in d slrli t The Motor Plub of Brooklyn is tinw sell -- t .neil on its wai to sueci l'he dally lunch ta patronlssd by an In. rrusiiig number of tnembrra. SEPTEMBER 12, 1915. m 1 tl I I h li rn r fr I m al 11 in 1 1 r m iipmrn nir nml HOME MARKET TO FEEL STIMULUS, SAYS DEALER I'm Kuril MffUBircr A Hatl.VBfHI i oiiditfonn and mt Bright outlook Ahrad. W'ltn p - Mty of a bat ik be- - IWeel the l ured Slates and (leruiany virtuoll) lemoied American iruek mn-ui- a, iniera look tor a mora aotlvg domaa o let f.T Ihoir product within the neat fea montha and for i leai tgoroua e.ve.. e of the caution Visible In indus- trial an,. ii slncfl the uagotiatlotui were i. gun While the" War atlfnuaiel the foreign market lot trucka beyond ail bupoa and Kiectittlona, It h is e..rted .ii .rcirent f atagnatlon on the home market. li to K I' Jackson ,.f the I'ack- - ;.ttor Car Company of New fork, ., ,kS ne, l.sol, ,.f these i. tin. ., tit ,,e :lv t- benefit or the rianufacturera Tiie gomaatb gRgatlogi, Itowevor, haa iieeo marttodi) reHOiree) from iw,, snurcVs, both orwmeh are d. !i- traceabfi to t.e war. The first 'f th. . enniterni a 'ea ry rocsl U able d mand for trucks from tmotlcai machMterj anjl munltlono iHtfast urera, who have cotfpled an ex 'i a. thell plants to cjie i war lets v ih a obrnrspondlgg in. !.. n :'ii.,- transportation faclUtleg Theother ir-- . tangtble, but 4 eegteeted eyehtu-ai- ij to prove of much .!' ilei uoivit. and ",as .' io with the performance of Acioeledn trucks in actual aeivlco sand i. ..vrs conditions Thd truck builders ieei thai he war.hes givyn.tha mot .r t la V'hknce ItavttMI- - at ', thai ilia has i.een made of tane, the ,ie capadtyi t.t real si-- c has i ,ii' pruveJ at.d tiia it- - faciiit; and I Ue advaritdgea In any ol tranaportatran have , brought Awiorl 't tniottiwai man u ran ino r ni lo wo potman m lly gifii IrftMrl M ,T.. i - m M.tvn Hm- - Immadiirto t i ! - t. .i rr fur ;t fi irodO'tO tin- ItOjBaO I i't is rf thi h lldayti t a rrn l h ' l"fdT .'I. .(I'll Ulell tllldatH ' .b ih. rollovlni 'f th lanalou ihal cnatlotial oltn illtfli WW h n.lta l h t mtllotad IiflU"! il n irke' Wwr aslonoioni ami additlona the j Can. ar,i him: hov onablb-- l tttoi i6mJ . ha cr R, M to I ll .i WO i f j on i id to Inihira laoo6ttaM? niri (.f ivvriai tn olrtilath all modal ha Packard full Una, m i lapM nr .. i - iht poll(j nf i he iVu li i I iiaiv ft .ii.- to- - 'Ta hnma inArttdt fltot" - ffl . ,a- uaO ' a i MrVOlkaHl I't 'lillt t ''1.4 h m 'i ) aorvo tit dontootU tiia nroi orb ni all t moo. M m II s ! i M '2' nrk h l . fha Maxwell Monnr Compnh) h gr dally from lu nttn.t? nlnntn a iw t.ii nf j "in '.it of He a w I via typo -- 1 nn nn ni I.i hl mi raaaa ovor t bt l': titi.';..i ii I lie lit tv fllllfil Andrew L, Riker a a gpatulntOil to rei.r-.ei- it tic S.m letv t.r a.iitombblle Kragfi ra he Naval a.i- - ; oory Mo;irii Mr. Rlkor 'ni- f the I fore mool automobllo en0lnora in thia rOuniry, Mf wai tin flrbi ucealiant tin- s a'lety nf AutomoiiHe tdhilpaari nnd wrK prnmlu "! !' th' nctiyjtlaa of the moihnnlco't branch of, iho aitMpty ai lolconaeo an1 nnol i h M.i mif n rum, Hi- ilisiRhi4'! and " liit tha flint Ainai ;. ran mr to win lha VniidtrbUl Clifi rai-i- .''' ! i i km i o viae ftreeldcm and eowThaer or thai iMoimiinitj Cotnpaaiy of AiiiarhjaV 1 Japanese to See Motor Speed '"P WO Mercer raceahouts wefc 'recenhy sold by the Paoific coast distributer, (ieorfte R. Ben-te- l, to Fred J, Fujioka of l.os An- geles. This Japanese "Bill Fickenn" bought the Mercers to head an automobile racing stable which f"'lTTMtTMHUul .alfto, drat he will soon take to Japan, where, a circuit of speed contests hax been arranged for. The Mercers are to be piloted by Japanese drivers. W. T. Watanalie Htid II. Sakamoto. GOOD LOOKS ENHANCE GOOD PERFORMANCE llHIit Sils Hip Nfw Hudson B-- 3 1 I Dw4dedlj I 'ar if This Order. of tha IMd Hudson Whi'-- is now on Mew In the Hudson salesrooms In the Circle Bdlldtng at Mioadw i i nd Sixtath street " irr H"Upt sm It is a car that will partlculdrl appeal to motorists who n and drive h.gb claaa oars as ex cept in the matter of price, i believe it will compare more than favorably with tlie Ave or six leader oarg whose names are svmmvmous with ihe tiest In me- dian, ii ronetruction and tin.sh Tins ia the fourth year of the Hudson 'gig-Fift- y, four' and the new model embraces the lal'-s- meclvatiical wrinkles. The plsaaura of owning in sut,-mobl- that s mechanical aatlafac Hon is wonderfully enhanced if on.- can take pride in lie beaut) as well " i Movie ' 1 ' Thi a u U I i 1 " llri- - unit ia itt a ml M it It' ON Oi ACCEPTING THE TWELVE." I.I m it iim ii t Iwaloal t h la I ir tl Motor. Hay a I'lirriinr. "Tha ivh pyllndai r it thr tlmt Impuii hona Inirudm i In thr hU Inn of lhi lOiliiMli I hail haiai n met rutnniv in io j ii h i wiiiioitT .i t iri iiati or doilbt " M' Willi nn C POOftnOTa New Vdrk tiiHti iiHit ii fin i hi Matlu nl com- pany, bulldoffl tif tho N r ii ol Ta t h " "Iftvon Httch morltorloui foaturov 01 tha Mlf-M.- i i mid olactrlu HvhtO re- - (iutfd ji lot of ovptalnlnf and inloa maiinhlp lb ki l th public t" accopt thow Thai tho public tiai I'baolutoly accoptadi without orarumant, the iwolvo hh anotUar ar at dvnncvmontl ' a rara conipllmfrtii to tha coticofnv thai have Introduced Iwolvc ryllndar care t hla ataaofi " in' new najionoi n.otii m arc o.iia.i il i'.a i. ami ar U ina hinli m imih x and twolV" cylinder rara Theao now Katlonali war tiint announced at iho time a thi Indlanapolle ftOfl mile race kghtpmentl f the "HiRhw.iv" tnole1i are now be tna wade In gfood quontltlao from tha Nat lor, .il factory, ori h Is bah k oierated t" oaueolt) LARGEB SMALL TIRES t.nodienr atali Ra ya lle'a Prottd of (be i.ittie aiaoa, "We cannot help bragging Just i, little about the suocaaa thai hua arreted our new tire In the SoxS gnd IOxHU M.e." aaya J, Wilbur n obs. hrancii niarugar of lbs Hood) ear 'rue and itui-ite- r compati) The owuera .,r aari uaiiii ih. .so a res and t i'c type lira ara just as nun ii cm died to freedom from tire trouble as UBOrR of fctrgrr tires, and Qoodyaar bai spared no palng in work- ing QUI an ideal lire for tho particular , , , ,.,..., ,',. ."' '." ' "' ' " ' ,,''", ,; teali ,11 lltnea bus and similar service. ami fouml th.it t tin iiku.i1 lie t roubloa had boon ovoroome, "Tha new in Q r pent, l unar ihM forniarlp and tha lOat tiro li ppr cent !sni There in aKtii ni. of fahrh- ai oumi thi head, and eitra rubber abovo the hHit, in inv.nt WHier from wimUmik int' Mi1 lir fhi ' ma f,,n, , ,. nf r.ii,i(.. th' it ron i em during kind that ffoee into our t.n yer urae." OVERLAND OUTPUT BREAKING RECORDS Shipments Ait ClOM to 00 n Hky Murk Protnlnid Uy Willy. EXPORT m slNKss OKOWH Sin. Iht liPRinntnn ff the irtar ihlpfnctiti f th Wlllyivtr- - IhuiJ '(tmpany have hat if retl prarti- - ally BVtry Itttllli tp Ofd LNVVtOlMl) ttigJMlshtd by niftnufftclurtfi f rm limn or higli prlOtd iir The pTOdllC- - I ton focllltloi t Uif iiia Tototfo oomm iinvt boon stood I ty Inrrooood until now Ihi ihlnmonti f a iinvl dv omouni to moro thon th yoorly outpul t Ovor land com olshi yoon in laoon thon two vnonthii tho ovorafc dnih Rtilpmontu reoetiod th 4"t morn ui! A'ik'jm nO pom Vforo anlpfietl Ttto oifofoojo Ik new boooHnfj ofound tho IMlO pnm! With foitf month' ntltl ro- - itiii tni no. inv prpwni raiv m imiim in oJiipmontM will moro Mian oqtiol iht prodlrtlon modo by' John n IVItlyo, prooidoni f th OwrlRraJ rhmponyi In Jonuory, that th" iv rLiml fa tr would be sbtppitiK ' d.iv bOfbCO Ihe ploot of th yar in rofbrrlni lo 1 - trorndndoun d mrtnd (jar OwrloM eoro, Mr nut iht ronnnootly KrowlBji rot Hgll bllOlnoOO ol hla Miipnny, "Our oKport ohfpntonM btwoon Joti u.ry I Ohd AttpTUtl M of Ihli tr oMbuntod to 1,009 euro," dot'tnroil Mi WHlya "Tb'fi n an IflPfOOP if more thHn III po? (oni ovor tho ron'ton Milp metiia modo duiino th eol aanondllioT j pprioii of tlmo a yoor ofOi irhon i v Pftfl VfOfO oimionnd 10 fiHi 'ptTi CO 1 lea ' Whih- ur oxpoH btHflnoon for ih CUlTOnl yOOr KM hown a Roarkeil ovor protrtoui yar?. th remorH aid iiart f nur u ' - nhro(il d h largely to the fact thai Orerkuid cars I mee, im leipnreiuenis VI siiioni ' I buyers on the other side of the Atlantic ,s well , hr.se In America, nnil Is not the lesuit or Blllng war or.iets from I am of !he foreian aovernmenta "A numbor of American mr maim- - facturers huve boosted their exp.,,-- sb1'- by taking large contracts placed ! nts the various nations at ws iirectii witii the factory, Bui the d- found f'.r the Uverlainl lias neen on tirelv from legitimate dealers Hone- Overland cars wer ICnmalMtCCrOd ,tt beginning of the war and undoubi le,.,. r, ,ir jaina service ,. the different armies, but .any such have round their wav to fb front onlv after Koinic through the hands overlaid dealers. .i "Moreover, the demand for overland ars abroad Is not conHnsd to Europe our snles In South Africa and the Khi have tieen even greater than we I anticipated When th- - buyers It, those ' countries found they could not obtain . urn from the KuroDean mnimfa' l in- Who had formerly supplied a large pro portion "f the demand I hey nnturallv ...... ... ,... . -- a ImimIm 1'1 r. tt.ilt that more American made rant have l n ahll I Into fo.e.gn terr.tory than ever before I lander. Hack at lle.k. Art. it a vacation spent in Florida atid St ll."-- Mich. gall Welter K. Klan- - dsra, pragtdcnf and aenei.,1 manager of he Magwell Motor Oompanv, la hack at b.s iiesk at tne corporation's Detroit hegdQuatU rs. Star Is a Mitchell Driver eatwaWI I i't- ttln ri til II Mil. I,. 11 ui TKADE NOTES p ,n- - "W 'h0 'i't- - ii tn Rai'iad .iti the edvertUtaa of ih Hupp Motor Oof ''ompooji for h poi t t ... ti moat hi h'" ban nppaint "d n iri ,r .. i vv . r Praka, prealdi ttl of I i hi Hupp company Ntoa laaumtd hi i ihrii hi1 aaak upon hie roturo fr--- .i toonih'i in thi Coedtan aooUe i i" 14 an ship, who f irra y road hie I'ih tiij 'i latere ' the Mai well m wtr Oalee I 'iraoi Hihio'e faciorr In peiroit, Mi- J it m tu-- i it'M made eftaleiini atanaaer of J ihe company e Nee Vurk rat oil branch II a 11 rr lia Har rn 100(01 i.r tht branch Heoehlp h.iH had wide ea perlenra m ' t utiim..i.u- - i.- - one ni hi u i' ' in p rai alto 'iii Mu welt. i ' pel A Pons, 111 of l.'erle h . pia n ueder r K.aaO Mrrlpa'Wooth I Tt dellevered Wit bio h I ' W at lOoothw Petare a 0one Lid . Iiara I ho. r yii buldere i Ibi KlOta t 126 ;i ra i'i'i naM'i.i run ei iari anu thi auatln '1 ne- - ! rfftssn Oakliinil .in thlrieen read-vr- a nnd two touring cars have'loei bean cm iblnsen UakUad roadatera ar'r to bt uaadl lj me dlatrlil nr.- rhlefa ,.f si i on- - i Th- - rara nr.. nil ..r in., regular Oakland I .ar- - is. fur ihe use ,.r lamsa a linuka, I 't r , . r pin. ii null, ,ea ins niaer lull the ll rare X. .'!.;er;.ir,,,'r''' If i 'pi It ti f it m.il kiM Iflrnflon on ui'ikr t ItiK teltv'ted t.; "I ' 'N'l .iiii- - ll' ". I ' ur ti... tea,:-- eUh im rare for ihe die lriii ,flre hir-f- ver romph'te. loHmliiia r.iatf . Kparlniante ll IHii I Uf i s i 'h.t iii h. r iii iti. ii't'ompaoloij i i It a ill tea . H ,rrli,..l a. Vs... tf... t. ... r Hficrnoon havlni .ti tiiiiifvi in. tirst piaitrk tour ittninpiri) van Bull i i VOrK M .1 l(l Mn, i "ll iiuhi rittl ,.i 11 in i.. i at w i I I in. n n ti t W lipfle' .i v. il tl.t ti: tii'l ii ' ,vt I ii Ihal Ihottrfuima of tin Povriiiei '.r far iompany, tit - a. . :i. I, 11 T . Vri- - proving rooaluevely thm ihi eVevertev kairlci le adapted lor poi oni) loan ie 'i' fo. lurloa iniriioipw h eeiL Thi Uletaai'e iravereed LV0I nilleean1 he i nrrn ienti-- i ioi-(i- hllowttt ho ma rair-a- t ttiy 4 of ati thii. .01.. ieai 'n- - tor iht die km r phe .nt a rotilppetl in ita rtnu.air an Inrludlne t' ti euulpmenl irireitofie ruahten iei OnutOj riatier) i'i,.iii! lain p ma , l IHM. 10 Huff. no at )r - line to tt- ',,. "inrrt.w Hi" iir K hroi evhiMied il ramponi at VrWdwoy "a.ld viiis ,u.h etrttt. . 1 17 BIG PLANS FOR i SPEEDWAY OPENINQ Parade i Nhcppuhfiwl nny. Mkelj in Attract TJion-gnnd- s nf Mutorixtn, SPEKH Tiii.vi.s AT nn: BAtTu Mttpopolltan motornom is sh.minr it- self miirhtilv IntertSttd In the formal oiietiii,a or the Hheepahaad it., spesd- - wsv for practice on Heptembei IV for the Astor cup race on tfctotief I, M the latest me'tinn of the parade com. mtitee of the Motor '". iii rf Nevi York,.- which is managing the affair. , from doatorn wrre IIm tffeci that more t'uiti 10,001 entr) blanka had al- ready turn dlotrjouted amona owners. . Brooklyn and Now Jaraoy s,e cos onoMtlni w;ii, Men Vork and predict divisions in the parade ttiat will mm' pare favorably in number! with t turnout from Manhattan, Richmond and The Hrii,. i i. farpentonj Harr) Unwin rilfford Biokop, w v. Hello, i gnd otkei members of iho poradg committee ,r tne Moi r Cluk of Brooke Ijrlt are Confident Utat Lone Island a iinan'ie In tiie t roc aa n will number1 nt least I.UOO autns. II A Bunnell and V. J. Muraat, of the X laragy Auto. mobile and Motor Club ta) that they- are already agnurod thai no less than 101 cars will cross the Hudson flora .i itk Tim parade will form atom kevegfkj ." ii;e and In tlie cu ss stir. between Fifiv-t- l -- d ii'd llftynlnth streets, mora d un r'lftk avonue, crnae Wills lamaburg Itridae and proceed to ths Bpaedway i the Ocean Parkway, . All lil .i 111 parading. rkra will adn ftee, Non-p- ar tlClpajltS W lif liirgM MfmiSslAn. prouimei.'t . 1 i, or he Vator cun race will sp, nd re ird 'r.s'.i among them Ralph lie Palma and l'ario Redta In all pruhul t tlx rlosi of th, r !i u thete lu d tnclng on tlie hom-etretf- h. wrhoN sn.,,o,:i board aurfgea will be id.-a- for tins purpoad, In the com-- , petition for priaea there will he fl'e divisions: l'i.:sio-- i A. decorated g,o- - lane touring cars and runabouta: ill- usion It, decorated oti'i undororatadj' runabouta tuvli in C de iratod cie trie oars: Division l, a rneaO,uel) de.o. rated cars tuviai B advertising oo Hon : Division K, miscellaneous. Sot oily is th- - nheepshead Ra rrpeedway Corporation givint priaea hut ,ie trade as wen. msianrw in- - .i- -'. , Ball Hearing Com inj dan pill ip one si'.i.r tro h f : the i imboUt , olaM The f- -r "- -. - ' - - e "d seats st th. Shee;,-,- , ad Has :"-!'- , wav uornoration a uptown nine- - ni i""i Broadwai is ateadlh increasing Iho. Motor Club "t Brooklyn hai opened ticket bur, ,u .,! Ita clubhouse il ld- - ford avenue and Pulton atreet nnt only f"r ra bul fot '.: hr....- tea ( aa w ell. The s. .1 rse) Automobile land Motor Club si elan eatabllahed a. iniroiu for Nowarkor Jooepl the apeodwa) s : ikcl manager, ia also arranging for similar bureaus at th- - Hartford, New Havei Pat arson!, and other clubs vrc Automobile '''uij of America Is also s. ema to It that its members secure u i 1. ng eg- - p uiiiish ,1 a ticket buronu or its own. 'in i ii ii ! ii al SKIDDINti IS TO BLAME. I lit- - niirii i oo4iuard oner nl No ri on , HttOd id n i the , .i always nsaigned In many road acci- dents. T ie tenden haa been to lay-- hear smaaltupa to Imiierfecl stee, inf.. mechanisuii faulty brakes or other de tlcleni'lra in Hta makeup "f tha raratij but often uneapected sk 1.1 c bad apota on the macadam i n tlw perceni tga of auton a ., Tlie chairman ol tha eat uih of t v. a w.i. im uatgnoa, recently a victim of one of these smosha fups, dip to aklddiiig although a- rjrgt the gecldent a" attributed to faulty' steer, ng k u Thos w mve frga uuentli- in di vlmllar cupe leiu-ag- teatlf) I" the I'o t tna: '.: .kldd ' thai oocurrod u ia not ti" ' ori fain II ..r I, ark wheel si, el. bul the s. pplll. ..; tiia fr.u.t Wheels, Which 'utised , .. par! eitiiei- to overturn or i,i.,.i with imaah- - mg force aaalnsi some toad graph Pole 01 in ,h" Pp"" " " "' '" d ' ger. many vutolata are lak ud t uautlon of using tiro chs ia on III,, with m y satlafai'tory results nnd ..me in moutt-- 1 tuinous se. tioi . aie .... i, u .1 '" ' ' ' l''r'"'!' ' ' w rnri rii .i on "allpDOl V t To the Hixih1 laocari lli.a a.iiiintu k.i .a, li am bW' ,m 1,1 Wl ,,M ' ' oatfomalj mounte noun dtetrlcte hai thnMp w ho have ii tod tin I i tuf .if imintr tiro oho Ina h .til noattiori i nut i ii.- h aei i th ir full mllea no Tna i Ueor, .K thin T,5 t ' rw not a tlraa, i pull at them every fine at tr.a 1K,I,I ,.! t'l.'V ii.vs. a. irt. tf.tif reap' avoid i itio rat Un And In Vtetld, till lake ' ho bl UUl Of t he tv 1. m ami aura better grip when in emeroen y re - 111 1. uppllr it ion ,'r II .1. ( tha brakait frenuenl navitrrence in broken iHiuntry. Tho .'ha inn do nol dir into im aurface of tho t!-- '.o muoh na would tha ei mee elona a fair roadayay ; nod thoaa 0 i oi'ata th;M avery datf ii.,ii rlatm hi t .". vtrr jj, afmor aval mil road imporfeotioiia which Woul nthorwleo badly Uruiao and nit tha free. Hut even ware nu- t u'rtitr( th ia lira' d frtv front whoM Bnln woul1 Juatlfjr thot uee. t
Page 1: Jfort? 77im $500,000,000 Automobile Saleschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83030272/1915-09-12/ed-1/seq-17.pdf · Jfort? 77im $500,000,000 Years Automobile Sales Cgr? s,.ld in 12

Jfort? 77im $500,000,000Years Automobile Sales

Cgr? s,.ld in 12 Months Up to July 1 Exceed 700,000,So There Are More Than

2.000,000 in Use.


Cmnu-- i demand for MM oara in ,.f

gl MMri ind abroad hat brought "f, ggBarka ii. i:i nam, theu.rt r p ' ri,.i jan mnnunced b) Alfred floavag.

' (Cr or ,ne svaiionai AUtO- -(W - "1 .'ommeive showing.f,P:edu.-- Imv. Int- .- ran....:' i ' i.MM, which,,n adyai a 01 it poi cent In Ih

rr DVr l"" ""'"' 'ara;h cut

WtUt tlx werlng ol prices rtaaltlnt, ... . oroduttlon an.i ..i."- -

sella- on " ' !:. logelhOI withH omrni a coal upbeoo f auto-ii- v

lea, h rome , demand t ha agrer dreamed by the areateat optl-ni-

few .,: iM Tlie .all for theMJ, Iiix'it im.s .r ronllntMO, althouahaa araateai ralea during the tmt yrar a

been in me rural daMricta, wherepa autotnobil, ' value aa a time aaver lalajraclaled the h;aheet iearee mi ol pleaaure or PMorncoro rata



WidcsprPiiii 1 w in KllMina

Tfitohcs wi Lpskoh ofo




w n. R, ill mi Presidenth. K. Taylwe t oepoeattwai, I


Soropeaa b lalneaa men have r been ast Srvt. is , ale. to appreciate and j

awt invantave of tlie mc han.i alcantons of the We - '

e been celebrated for the Improve I

merits we h.. n.,,le in nil lines of me-- i

,v"i ,

i .."


theII for

a aain









ronaplcu- -





Idorn marlcana DRIVER SPEED"lv"'""'klnrl-Ka- r

the!Krai conttndlnf did falls Km- -

themselves many acrosstour m.uor

hold Up year that soonappreciate! from le's San

tatt aaventaen amiptaaaani tolmlnutea. This ITS

equipment, and somesomatning imperatlvel) nooeaoarj

malm nanoa big, successrui

tr.T' Bm!

Ha.ilBHBkr Lm!

gfl r BR

nKrffjTjgnT uCjBp'rBBlOnril HB

gSaaaaaaa-aa- J

The I



tmtlie.. still supremejo 1 iransjsirtation agent foi mutt

hauling do.vldit) which Euro-p'-1

Uenerali leiaed upon themotor tfgpi, th( abaoluta solutionSll their pr.il.lems IWOV

rr ;' ' us and oommlaagry s:orrswake

. i ilng raallaa that in the" a. Amerl ana have

- f lha meal no- -

.' i. eompllnhmon!r ! makes OWOOrt

;.. tn vagariesrst mule, the eacesolve

in i

Thorofopt i look fori ll thetrucks for

Vhal ;.o.,m-- the saleBlou hileg Will seem tritetain

I lo,,l aea the day come, ande motor

moi , .. lha car-l- a

ihn now use. especiallyloea i both marchgndjug and j

i e adoption ti,.. motor""irk . service lieirjimihg allever and soon mere will be!

running at regular I

an1 i will'Irrv . riuua m ii, Its,' the con-- jsuti. dspei mails

edg.entering i

I , i amii know will Inc.

rned t" hat lugtru. k take leae


el, lied-- i

w.u hwW ever.

iiotll this vu-e-

ti,,. da i Motori

. mg out- -Put i send trucks

autd b var soon' so great few product

poaalhly meet it Ai-e- 1

lhaordt e fI Boon

j For IheMini ' lha

' men aid lb"' .... H thai ied the muto,--o

i are atlrrlng and'"'I ilneed Hint tha' aiske ure gionoy s

rshlsa ma more 'Oarfordg''ttt.r - r.g.


ti types tu June. N, irMcli andthe vear in the ware IfMSd,

"r. ',,l'h lh turers receivedHa- "a or

menial veh, 1.., all t inat liT.Tcn. value I ,,. ; . ' 'T.i,. flaure. fo, twelve maullui nde IJu, ,,,, wsengcr " '

wthann inn ui, noi.M that tht mm

VallM , , ir .. 'the eat fr value the IWIkara

have boon .....E.mJ M. . . .nil.. .1, M. ......a... ttever change,, in . ,e. .ronal ton.

Mora than l.aeg.MI ,Br, ,. ,.,,registered in the fn'm.l .

r 'lo:U .,f the States :e.,u reThe OUttOOg

bljr Inerrn-- e the hmand for IhtMUM) Aim: I an motor vehicle! Whichraotorg In every day .,,. rp , ,:., moai common theI other Utilities,

'it.... - Tire l

DtrerlnrA move of intere.i ,.. .i. ...le industry whs mail.. week whe,"

M Hilhe tl e:e,:e1 We- -

... l"" "f o' ",ere tr i R ibb, , r .mpan) Oneneat nnown men the automo-bile worn. Ullbrii has been

oulv ICtlva the tlr. end the busi-ness He was theHon and direction of the StatesTire t'oinpanv lie niaile move In

;l ...II . ....-- ... iiusiness.but hta Vocation and real Ultereatl w.-r-

wrapped m tire andde. ..led to throw In his :th the

youtui company ofwhich .limes fjlbney the head

Ollbert, who tikes ,ner a

.i. urnwAW S,,f ,h""' l:n"

ti Klna en Her'ie sat war broke out .thing nallona lr Anita Kmc tn drive her...li e for as ,.Kr all wa the continent

latest modola In trucks aa aha haa hung up a record aromtii.i could aet "f. to a on may not be;,;e!i- - a

ao motor truck, while I drive Angolan to Kran- -b country to a limited anient, mi riro in hours fifty.fivelski upon ., addition is a distance mllea I

.. horta truck and not at of the roads are exceed .nitly

jr of a

j j



.edO yjaajyaj pj





'li' 'beare

of'r a n


ti.ics a

a.tie It til- - of

i. i. nt ofthe ofrr,r-- '' r, iu ,in rail-"- '!

ri ice In forr of all

't init

,nw trick al- -

place or thefy in In

ofI. Is

the hours

whichHs ii ha

r ui tho orThe

I lice,w li we e

a motorand or

oh a,,,


set1'., n I,Tr



"' oonii'igt ra

i,e it


a bd"

n the

"ft " ,ne s; om- -

..f ,,.S7 .;

llllU ,,mora

in -,--

In g

r.t .1.


St .. haaedw in h


ata aa



T,.ie in

in ofin

aui ui

uplot w

I. Is







tl,. of


sto-- in aesnnn his (lut esan of the win di. ay

rOCt the entire sales nt tlie ftr.e (!.hne Tire amiin. .t. -. . . .. ..... .

' ' ,or e: ".the whole s .: s oraanlration hewill have tt centre.



dangeroua,ii.e cltlea aiona Miss

on Cole Hijzl.t Cylinder

route aie Sa r.cin , :. 1'.. noSalt Lak Cheyenngi andCetlar RapMl at Chicago,her New Vork will ! re- -

a i ranged.


Wireless SetsCar Motor Going

T the Indianai Fair the of aS'i Overland was sturteilfive minutes by a wlrtlgfJ

the Overland hcadquai tersI

in Indianapolis, fiveThe cur on exhibition at the fairground! was up with it re-

ceiving apparatus and the noctg-sai- y

automatic switches umlfur throwing on and off the

olggtrie of theand magneto.

An automatic was reg-

ulated so as to the car torun for forty-fiv- e seconds,

the magneto was cut off.The operation of starting thd car I

was repeated at five minute in-



Tin! operation wgl ac-

complished without the aid of ahuman A time switch, in-

stalled in connection 'hewireless in the controlled the operation.

the time Knlston ofIndiana pul the car in operation I

the ti"!t time touching a kevnt Mie landing station, thelaal day of th,- fan the startingand slopping of the car were

enro of automatically.

""B"l "I HJIJPl H ' ia lining



IM, ali oar.

the mileby in 4; !(

28.This a new

forthe Zip and


i... lisI. oral lata

New York s effort to make ,he path ifthe a safe ana at 'lie

"f lie,v streets is prov- -ii,f m. .! tr yon have orca.sion to travel arross Kifth avenue a,Th.rt fourth stre!. orat !r.ei .,u wil! have

the foot strewnthe treat batween lane

where anil how to , r..s It ., nipleatom anil 's ,io , i k i ,.

ten, Ami i.ot only for t'le maii afootyou have no about it

t on Hie man who a ear. butI,. hail h! In

alona tho Imo ti tThe same is in .ffe,-- , in ,e- -

,r"" K whnthe in thla tiacb of

the who haa jus, frornof tha value

the or rrom tlie"f " haa

In as Mi Mawout. and ha fldent that it

will ii the same In Now YorkNOW thO to a fairwhat t.. from the pad eat tian at

andjust ns the knows

what be has to from Hie cardriver

"Such as the aiie

of an- the Jut asas man tl,.- aald

Mr li - ' ll is lo do a atrialdeal k H forbody. for tha who

now i. trafficto iiii.lv that uill an nvul ,1,1.1

as for Ih mail at the whocan gauge Pis p w :li lithink it is one ul tha beal iiafT,.- stums

"fi and wl lia lot f radii '


Hloo i r

mi.. Hnm; S;t-.- l.y

Mi km I f Ro li ill,ftcrooo i1"' .it tin

Itork Ihlai'il rocoOi .Mim- - I IvoH hr.ih nn Aral on

es'.ia- In 'IH 'MIHlUli tMlt S(t (1 ovoiililt- pool loll pOOf 'Ilif r;i'f inMl 01 lioo tho

woo a tw miif ovont.onv oiS 1,1 ,h' nia

If loo i '' H t'uir miio in 4k iqin of Iho Tact (hoi tho

titrnta im iho I rock are tint amithi nak iist'lf im only nmrt-

hlUI a half milfTh oonrif Mihh i !

kUoo won iii ton milt avoiu atlho iri- - ttv mool in 4


Mf flu hum Ii nir f

one of tin bool dvor tlo I nR won t tho hoi

tli Ki Mli & Waft v ofin tin- of

ami In hi of olilco ot by thai

m r win i

of hiM tlmo i tinof tin Tiro

and Com pan) fwnoao 1,1 ih ba

t hrou?1 tha ami I

tin.: of iii'- - Com

T' form r tC Mr M.t.M.i ii iit i main With I"'" In t'l' MOW "t- -

and thw will no ndin flic -- t urn' tic than i'Tait

Pact of in.i, wljp will boarl

llrsl of Ihe line of ear OU tile , has. In in tile flulit in on si tie , grMOh) last at Iho 'or tale cur. ta

nf mis is its sent-- , in

for six in Ike rear t of II ar.

ft,, was

i.i towill,

people up. Rlowly



demandhauling purposes



lr'if....ta schedule

fetppsnli deliverInserted,

a regulartile



longer Its


ractor,all vast

easiestru ie,to


an, public



forma- -United

intresi.officer company

outputHahher rmniuM


Among larger

ICIng'gCRy, Omaha

Arrivingschedule to

recent Statemotor Moilel


frommiles away.


current starter





outfit city,entire

Prom Gov.








Maxwell NightRiding Champion

rvKI speiialracing Arthur Klfin

turned Cleveland tracklamplight Mcondi

AiiKu-- ttstabllthti rtcord

nijfht racing. Klein iefeatud.Simple other s



Ili'ltnlatloii I'rnlseilDealer.

podOOtlian Inter-OSltO-


further uptownKorty-secnu- il

tioti.etl flanl Imprintsaccoaa diraettng


Maybe thooahidrtVOa

alwavs problemstrai'ellma


handler Hupmobllew...His. returned

Detroit, speaks glowinglyalalea safety

almplinaddriving problems Detroit,found

heredrlVOC bftouro COrtUlPt)expect

buay rroaalngn governs nimseircordlngly, pedestrian


traffic regulations


safdy helpingmuch tin- ii, street,"

toward makli easier every.certatnK blueeoat.

lean control human bettorkn.iuintrsurely whool,


pulled vei natalled cer-tainly deaeryea


Kathloon Korh lolootliDofoffti Rlvol,

llltOfl roo4otor, diivftiICothloan lsimti

flaahod 'lit winner

ploioo woman tlrivor

Withlllwhich ipMnt'i honofo

Dafort hollongfaUrovt

aooontlo, apltobonkod


rooUoioc whlohIpllutoU

oinatour opoodmlnutofl aocondo


Thoodoro afoMonui Dotfoltknown lUtomobllo

Unllod KtoiooiJttlnail CoiVpOnyChicago rapaoliy

pharii Dotr6Htbltohod owipaii)

Macalanufl dovota eonildaroblo oorllon advortltlnii rampaisni Qoodyoar

Rubbor Akron, Ohlo(idvortlilaW ruturo

placod 'hloainofflcoa Rrwln U'aaoj


lanloatloni aovoroldiiionai it.

Wood clonal.diii'ftnr.

closed ggWdola ilerllni-

arrived t'o4tktwMtwu logagawy, Raalern dlalrlbatera latgortawtfeature llmuutalaio ihroo dteoppeaHng auallliiri orkiloh erkoa poaltloa ullwaitomfortahle seatlaa adalta reaagai partmeal











i 1MB i ' iii 'I i iaii ilA 'V' r ),'

I ' , . T" ' "I !

, 'III'he sl eyllwder Nea i, Iwele

mi es t raorill mi r ) prlei for the mine,



HodtrkiiiN MmnKpr f Sdi

Willnutti'd Joli Uso


Tha recei , ... nnol ion Louis .fOfllrf to bu a dire' tor and a

.,r the rtludehaker CortMMraetton made necoagar) other changoawithin tn.- organlaatlntr, nga of winchwas to advance it T HadaTkina to liesu.ceed oilier as manager of sai

llodakir w as for tea e.rs a mem-ber of the New Vork Naval Mil Ua Kordve yeari or that tlmo he was r.i i eoiticer on the command ng officer'!staff of the Se-m- Battalion Thegroater t,rt or Ins t.us ireer liasboon piss.i ;,, New Vor'.. but h yolhis titt atari in the Weal Aftet get.ina a aegree ;n mecm- teal eniritieeriig .....jit the Iowa State I'olb-p- :n lT. MrHod ;klns span two isnr. in ing snoi ...or the Allla-C- I .inn rs , pmpany andtl 1 uicaK". M:ltt:iliee d PaulRallara .,t miiw us.-,- . ai d the chl-cago an i Northareate Raiiurgy al e.Hnie la L iter he ta n c :ier fthe Aei Motor Hompany-'- branch stLincoln, Neb, Vars-Moobu- mpanswas h - ext employer, nnd he was putn charge of i, pttiartrhH tna

The v.iie ti Towns Manufacturing :..

Company "f x a- York selected him .!

for a manager for ita boiaing machlnery department, atuPURer tha Amer-ican


dupply 'Ud Machlneri Manufaotureri Aaaoclatlon, made him chair,man of its executive coiutpittee TheHtudeitakai t'ognorattott later Invlud iihim to become branch managtf of itsNow Vork .vehicle diviklun. This car- - .

nes with it nupervlglon of toe ntire .tiet(i,.rt buei es rim vghjole dlvlaion t'ua veur ago he was tranaferr .1 to (:

Utudebaker agtumoble dlvuftof at De- -

troll and made aaslatam manager of (fieldsa Us.. ,

TIM work' formerly done b) MrHudgklna w,ll be divided between two

a- -- :.'- - Pol tlo-s- places vj L Will"I p





numul.1- -

BBgaaaaaCBaaW '


H. 1 . II n- -

man and William T Push hgVI beergeleeted Wtllman iwis been advertla.lug manager of the autgamoblhi dictatorgnd Will eontlnu to have aupvrvlaloror Huh work Duett has b en munagoiof Ki ipleb altrt s IiHro.t bimnch

W , :t a gradince ..r , '.i rr.College and Harvard, Ha iirat wentto POtrOll for The Hell Telephone I'oni- -

panv. and later war with the vYarrenMotor Company. Ai attaawagg manageri.r the Hetroit Hnird of i 'nm, mireWlllman soorod a surcess. A year agolie Joint d ihe tttUdebaker forces us ad-vertising manager Hli in iiuitcapaolt) has played an lmportnnt partin bringing about the present prosperityeujoitii at proaont by the automobiledivision a assistant manager or salesWlllman win have "burge or ail terri-tory weal ol Detroit.

Hush, whose .ntire bualnaas car orItai been With t 'el roll llldustnes. williissin Iiarge of territori east of De-


Ih r.l luu III, I, I . n I lullWilliam Ittcket llir.linK h.s been

appn tit, aaalatant secretary or theMotor Club of HrnohU'li. w.tb headquaiiera il tin- cinbHouse. gag Bedford

i lit- - tine Harding Is well knowi toautomobiltsta having been for . longt'me ponnet'lad with, one of the lirgesl

I aulomobik) concarni In the rn iropolUI. in d slrli t

The Motor Plub of Brooklyn is tinwsell -- t .neil on its wai to suecil'he dally lunch ta patronlssd by anIn. rrusiiig number of tnembrra.

SEPTEMBER 12, 1915.

m 1 tl I I h li rn r fr Im al 11 in 1 1 r m iipmrn nir nml



I'm Kuril MffUBircr A Hatl.VBfHI

i oiiditfonn and mt Brightoutlook Ahrad.

W'ltn p - Mty of a bat ik be- -

IWeel the l ured Slates and (leruianyvirtuoll) lemoied American iruek mn-ui- a,

iniera look tor a mora aotlvg domaao let f.T Ihoir product within the

neat fea montha and for i leai tgorouae.ve.. e of the caution Visible In indus-trial an,. ii slncfl the uagotiatlotui were

i. gunWhile the" War atlfnuaiel the foreign

market lot trucka beyond ail bupoa andKiectittlona, It h is e..rted .ii .rcirent

f atagnatlon on the home market.li to K I' Jackson ,.f the I'ack- -

;.ttor Car Company of New fork,., ,kS ne, l.sol, ,.f these i. tin.

., tit ,,e :lv t- benefit or therianufacturera Tiie gomaatb gRgatlogi,Itowevor, haa iieeo marttodi) reHOiree)

from iw,, snurcVs, both orwmeh are d.!i- traceabfi to t.e war.

The first 'f th. . enniterni a 'ea ryrocsl U able d mand for trucks from

tmotlcai machMterj anjl munltlonoiHtfast urera, who have cotfpled an ex

'i a. thell plants to cjie i warlets v ih a obrnrspondlgg in. !.. n

:'ii.,- transportation faclUtleg Theotherir-- . tangtble, but 4 eegteeted eyehtu-ai- ij

to prove of much .!' ilei uoivit.and ",as .' io with the performance ofAcioeledn trucks in actual aeivlco sand

i. ..vrs conditions Thd truckbuilders ieei thai he war.hes givyn.thamot .r t la V'hknce ItavttMI- -

at ', thai ilia has i.een made oftane, the ,ie capadtyi t.t real

si-- c has i ,ii' pruveJ at.d tiiait- - faciiit; and I Ue advaritdgea In any

ol tranaportatran have , broughtAwiorl 't tniottiwai man u ran

ino r ni lo wo potman m lly gifiiIrftMrl

M ,T.. i - m M.tvn Hm- - Immadiirto t i ! -

t. .i rr fur ;t fi irodO'tO tin- ItOjBaO I

i't is rf thi h lldayti t a rrn l

h ' l"fdT .'I. .(I'll Ulell tllldatH '

.b ih. rollovlni 'f th lanalou ihalcnatlotial oltn illtfli WW h n.lta l

h t mtllotad IiflU"! il n irke' Wwr

aslonoioni ami additlona the j

Can. ar,i him: hov onablb-- l tttoi i6mJ. ha cr R , M to I ll .i WO i f j

on i id to Inihira laoo6ttaM?niri (.f ivvriai tn olrtilath all modalha Packard full Una, m i lapM nr

.. i - iht poll(j nf i he iVu li i I

iiaiv ft .ii.- to- - 'Ta hnma inArttdt fltot"- ffl . ,a- uaO ' a i MrVOlkaHl I't 'lilltt ''1.4 h m 'i ) aorvo tit dontootUtiia nroi orb ni all t moo.

M m II s ! i M '2' nrk h l .

fha Maxwell Monnr Compnh) hgr dally from lu nttn.t? nlnntn a iw

t.ii nf j "in '.it of He a w I via typo -- 1

nn nn ni I.i hl mi raaaa ovor t bt l':titi.';..i ii I lie lit tvfllllfil

Andrew L, Riker

a a

gpatulntOil to rei.r-.ei- it tic S.m letv t.ra.iitombblle Kragfi ra he Naval a.i- - ;

oory Mo;irii Mr. Rlkor 'ni- f the I

foremool automobllo en0lnora in thiarOuniry, Mf wai tin flrbi ucealianttin- s a'lety nf AutomoiiHe tdhilpaari nndwrK prnmlu "! !' th' nctiyjtlaa of themoihnnlco't branch of, iho aitMpty ailolconaeo an1 nnol i h M.i mif n rum,

Hi- ilisiRhi4'! and " liit tha flint Ainai ;.ran mr to win lha VniidtrbUl Clifi rai-i-

.''' ! i i km i oviae ftreeldcm and eowThaer or thaiiMoimiinitj Cotnpaaiy of AiiiarhjaV 1

Japanese toSee Motor Speed

'"P WO Mercer raceahouts wefc'recenhy sold by the Paoific

coast distributer, (ieorfte R. Ben-te- l,

to Fred J, Fujioka of l.os An-

geles.This Japanese "Bill Fickenn"

bought the Mercers to head anautomobile racing stable which




he will soon take to Japan, where,a circuit of speed contests hax

been arranged for. The Mercersare to be piloted by Japanesedrivers. W. T. Watanalie Htid II.Sakamoto.



llHIit Sils Hip Nfw HudsonB-- 3 1 I Dw4dedlj I 'ar

if This Order.

of tha IMd HudsonWhi'-- is now on Mew In the Hudsonsalesrooms In the Circle Bdlldtng atMioadw i i nd Sixtath street " irrH"Upt sm It is a car that willpartlculdrl appeal to motorists who

n and drive h.gb claaa oars as except in the matter of price, i believe itwill compare more than favorably withtlie Ave or six leader oarg whose namesare svmmvmous with ihe tiest In me-

dian, ii ronetruction and tin.sh Tins iathe fourth year of the Hudson 'gig-Fift- y,

four' and the new model embraces thelal'-s- meclvatiical wrinkles.

The plsaaura of owning in sut,-mobl-

that s mechanical aatlafacHon is wonderfully enhanced if on.- cantake pride in lie beaut) as well "



'1 '

Thi a u U I i 1 " llri- -

unit ia itt a ml M it It' ON Oi


I.I m it iim ii t Iwaloal t h la I irtl Motor. Hay a I'lirriinr.

"Tha ivh pyllndai r it thr tlmtImpuii hona Inirudm i In thr hUInn of lhi lOiliiMli I hail haiai n met

rutnniv in io j ii h i wiiiioitT .i t iri iiati ordoilbt " M' Willi nn C POOftnOTa NewVdrk tiiHti iiHit ii fin i hi Matlu nl com-pany, bulldoffl tif tho N r ii olTa t h "

"Iftvon Httch morltorloui foaturov 01tha Mlf-M.- i i mid olactrlu HvhtO re- -

(iutfd ji lot of ovptalnlnf and inloamaiinhlp lb ki l th public t" accoptthow Thai tho public tiai I'baolutolyaccoptadi without orarumant, the iwolvohh anotUar ar at dvnncvmontl ' arara conipllmfrtii to tha coticofnv thaihave Introduced Iwolvc ryllndar caret hla ataaofi "

in' new najionoi n.otii m arc o.iia.iil i'.a i. ami ar U ina hinli m imihx and twolV" cylinder rara Theao now

Katlonali war tiint announced at ihotime a thi Indlanapolle ftOfl mile racekghtpmentl f the "HiRhw.iv" tnole1iare now be tna wade In gfood quontltlaofrom tha Nat lor, .il factory, ori h Isbah k oierated t" oaueolt)


t.nodienr atali Ra ya lle'a Prottd of(be i.ittie aiaoa,

"We cannot help bragging Just i, littleabout the suocaaa thai hua arretedour new tire In the SoxS gnd IOxHUM.e." aaya J, Wilbur n obs. hranciiniarugar of lbs Hood) ear 'rue and itui-ite- r

compati) The owuera .,r aariuaiiii ih. .so a res and t i'c type lira arajust as nun ii cm died to freedom fromtire trouble as UBOrR of fctrgrr tires, andQoodyaar bai spared no palng in work-ing QUI an ideal lire for tho particular

, , , ,.,..., ,',. ."' '."' "' ' " ',,''", ,;

teali ,11 lltnea bus and similar service.ami fouml th.it t tin iiku.i1 lie t roubloahad boon ovoroome,

"Tha new in Q r pent, l unarihM forniarlp and tha lOat tiro lippr cent !sni There in aKtii ni.of fahrh- ai oumi thi head, and eitrarubber abovo the hHit, in inv.nt WHierfrom wimUmik int' Mi1 lir fhi 'ma f,,n, , ,. nf r.ii,i(.. th' it ron i emduring kind that ffoee into our t.n yerurae."



Shipments Ait ClOM to 00 n

Hky Murk Protnlnid Uy



Sin. Iht liPRinntnn ff theirtar ihlpfnctiti f th Wlllyivtr- -

IhuiJ '(tmpany have hat if retl prarti- -

ally BVtry Itttllli tp Ofd LNVVtOlMl)

ttigJMlshtd by niftnufftclurtfi f rmlimn or higli prlOtd iir The pTOdllC- -

I ton focllltloi t Uif iiia Tototfo oommiinvt boon stood Ity Inrrooood until now

Ihi ihlnmonti f a iinvl dv omounito moro thon th yoorly outpul t Ovorland com olshi yoon inlaoon thon two vnonthii tho ovorafcdnih Rtilpmontu reoetiod th 4"t mornui! A'ik'jm nO pom Vforo anlpfietlTtto oifofoojo Ik new boooHnfj ofound tho

IMlO pnm! With foitf month' ntltl ro- -

itiii tni no. inv prpwni raiv m imiimin oJiipmontM will moro Mian oqtiol ihtprodlrtlon modo by' John n IVItlyo,prooidoni f th OwrlRraJ rhmponyi InJonuory, that th" iv rLiml fa trwould be sbtppitiK ' d.iv bOfbCOIhe ploot of th yar

in rofbrrlni lo 1 - trorndndoun dmrtnd (jar OwrloM eoro, Mr

nut iht ronnnootly KrowlBji rotHgll bllOlnoOO ol hla Miipnny,

"Our oKport ohfpntonM btwoon Jotiu.ry I Ohd AttpTUtl M of Ihli troMbuntod to 1,009 euro," dot'tnroil MiWHlya "Tb'fi n an IflPfOOP if morethHn III po? (oni ovor tho ron'ton Milpmetiia modo duiino th eol aanondllioT j

pprioii of tlmo a yoor ofOi irhon i v

Pftfl VfOfO oimionnd 10 fiHi 'ptTi CO 1 lea' Whih- ur oxpoH btHflnoon for ih

CUlTOnl yOOr KM hown a Roarkeilovor protrtoui yar?. th remorH

aid iiart f nur u ' - nhro(il d hlargely to the fact thai Orerkuid cars I

mee, im leipnreiuenis VI siiioni ' I

buyers on the other side of the Atlantic,s well , hr.se In America, nnil Is notthe lesuit or Blllng war or.iets from I

am of !he foreian aovernmenta"A numbor of American mr maim- -

facturers huve boosted their exp.,,-- sb1'-

by taking large contracts placed !

nts the various nations at wsiirectii witii the factory, Bui the d-

found f'.r the Uverlainl lias neen ontirelv from legitimate dealers Hone-Overland cars wer ICnmalMtCCrOd ,tt

beginning of the war and undoubile,.,. r, ,ir jaina service ,. thedifferent armies, but .any such haveround their wav to fb front onlv afterKoinic through the hands overlaiddealers. .i

"Moreover, the demand for overlandars abroad Is not conHnsd to Europe

our snles In South Africa and the Khihave tieen even greater than we I

anticipated When th- - buyers It, those 'countries found they could not obtain. urn from the KuroDean mnimfa' l in-Who had formerly supplied a large proportion "f the demand I hey nnturallv...... ... ,... .-- a ImimIm 1'1 r. tt.iltthat more American made rant havel n ahll I Into fo.e.gn terr.tory thanever before

I lander. Hack at lle.k.Art. it a vacation spent in Florida atid

St ll."-- Mich. gall Welter K. Klan- -

dsra, pragtdcnf and aenei.,1 manager ofhe Magwell Motor Oompanv, la hack

at b.s iiesk at tne corporation's DetroithegdQuatU rs.

Star Is a Mitchell Driver

eatwaWI I

i't- ttln ri til II Mil. I,. 11 ui


p ,n- - "W 'h0 'i't- - ii tnRai'iad .iti the edvertUtaa ofih Hupp Motor Oof ''ompooji for h poit t ... ti moat hi h'" ban nppaint "d niri ,r .. i vv . r Praka, prealdi ttl of I

i hi Hupp company Ntoa laaumtd hii ihrii hi1 aaak upon hie roturo fr---

.i toonih'i in thi Coedtan aooUe

i i" 14 an ship, who f irra y road hieI'ih tiij 'i latere ' the Mai well m wtr Oalee I

'iraoi Hihio'e faciorr In peiroit, Mi- J

it m tu-- i it'M made eftaleiini atanaaer ofJ

ihe company e Nee Vurk rat oil branchII a 11 rr lia Har rn 100(01i.r tht branch Heoehlp h.iH had wide eaperlenra m ' t utiim..i.u- - i.- -

one ni hi u i' ' in p rai alto 'iii Muwelt.


pel A Pons, 111 of l.'erle h .

pia n ueder r K.aaO Mrrlpa'Wooth I

Tt dellevered Wit bio h I' W at lOoothw Petare a 0one Lid . Iiara I

ho. r yii buldere i Ibi KlOta t 126;i ra i'i'i naM'i.i run ei iari anu

thi auatln '1 ne- -!

rfftssn Oakliinil .in thlrieen read-vr- a

nnd two touring cars have'loei bean cm

iblnsen UakUad roadatera ar'r to bt uaadllj me dlatrlil nr.- rhlefa ,.f si i on- - i

Th- - rara nr.. nil ..r in., regular Oakland I

.ar- - is. fur ihe use ,.r lamsa a linuka, I

't r , . r pin. ii null, ,ea ins niaerlull

thell rare X. .'!.;er;.ir,,,'r'''

If i 'pi It ti f it m.ilkiM Iflrnflon on ui'ikr t ItiKteltv'ted t.; "I ' 'N'l .iiii- - ll' ". I '

ur ti... tea,:-- eUh im rare for ihe dielriii ,flre hir-f- ver romph'te.loHmliiia r.iatf . Kparlniante ll

IHii I Uf i

s i 'h.t iii h. r iii iti. ii't'ompaoloij i i

It a ill tea . H ,rrli,..l a. Vs... tf... t.... r Hficrnoon havlni .titiiiiifvi in. tirst piaitrk tour ittninpiri)

van Bull i i VOrK M .1 l(lMn, i "ll iiuhi rittl ,.i 11 in i.. i at w

i I I in. n n ti t W lipfle' .i v.il tl.t ti: tii'l ii ' ,vt I ii Ihal Ihottrfuima

of tin Povriiiei '.r far iompany, tit-

a. . :i. I, 11 T . Vri- -

proving rooaluevely thm ihi eVevertevkairlci le adapted lor poi oni) loan ie'i' fo. lurloa iniriioipw h eeiL

Thi Uletaai'e iravereed LV0I nilleean1he i nrrn ienti-- i ioi-(i- hllowttt

ho ma rair-a- t ttiy 4 of ati thii. .01..ieai 'n- - tor iht die km r phe .nt arotilppetl in ita rtnu.air an Inrludlne t'ti euulpmenl irireitofie ruahten ieiOnutOj riatier) i'i,.iii! lain p ma ,

l IHM. 10 Huff. no at )r - line to tt- ',,."inrrt.w Hi" iir K hroi evhiMied ilramponi at VrWdwoy "a.ld viiis ,u.hetrttt. . 1



Parade i Nhcppuhfiwl nny.Mkelj in Attract TJion-gnnd- s

nf Mutorixtn,

SPEKH Tiii.vi.s AT nn: BAtTu

Mttpopolltan motornom is sh.minr it-

self miirhtilv IntertSttd In the formaloiietiii,a or the Hheepahaad it., spesd- -

wsv for practice on Heptembei IV forthe Astor cup race on tfctotief I, Mthe latest me'tinn of the parade com.mtitee of the Motor '". iii rf Nevi York,.-which is managing the affair. ,

from doatorn wrre IIm tffeci thatmore t'uiti 10,001 entr) blanka had al-

ready turn dlotrjouted amona owners. .

Brooklyn and Now Jaraoy s,e cos

onoMtlni w;ii, Men Vork and predictdivisions in the parade ttiat will mm'pare favorably in number! with t

turnout from Manhattan, Richmondand The Hrii,. i i. farpentonjHarr) Unwin rilfford Biokop, w v.

Hello, i gnd otkei members of iho poradgcommittee ,r tne Moi r Cluk of BrookeIjrlt are Confident Utat Lone Island a

iinan'ie In tiie t roc aa n will number1

nt least I.UOO autns. II A Bunnell andV. J. Muraat, of the X laragy Auto.

mobile and Motor Club ta) that they-

are already agnurod thai no less than101 cars will cross the Hudson flora

.i itkTim parade will form atom kevegfkj

." ii;e and In tlie cu ss stir. betweenFifiv-t- l -- d ii'd llftynlnth streets,mora d un r'lftk avonue, crnae Willslamaburg Itridae and proceed to thsBpaedway i the Ocean Parkway, .

All lil .i 111 parading.rkra will adn ftee, Non-p- ar

tlClpajltS W lif liirgM MfmiSslAn.prouimei.'t . 1 i, or he Vator cunrace will sp, nd re ird 'r.s'.iamong them Ralph lie Palma and l'arioRedta In all pruhul

t tlx rlosi of th, r !i uthete lu d tnclng on tlie hom-etretf- h.

wrhoN sn.,,o,:i board aurfgea willbe id.-a- for tins purpoad, In the com-- ,petition for priaea there will he fl'edivisions: l'i.:sio-- i A. decorated g,o- -

lane touring cars and runabouta: ill-

usion It, decorated oti'i undororatadj'runabouta tuvli in C de iratod cietrie oars: Division l, a rneaO,uel) de.o.rated cars tuviai B advertising ooHon : Division K, miscellaneous. Sotoily is th- - nheepshead Ra rrpeedway

Corporation givint priaea hut ,ietrade as wen. msianrw in- - .i- -'. ,Ball Hearing Com inj dan pill ipone si'.i.r tro h f : the i imboUt ,olaM

The f- -r "- -. - ' - - e"d seats st th. Shee;,-,- , ad Has :"-!'- ,

wav uornoration a uptown nine- - ni i""iBroadwai is ateadlh increasing Iho.Motor Club "t Brooklyn hai openedticket bur, ,u .,! Ita clubhouse il ld- -

ford avenue and Pulton atreet nnt onlyf"r ra bul fot '.: hr....- tea

( aa w ell. The s. .1 rse) Automobileland Motor Club si elan eatabllahed a.

iniroiu for Nowarkor Jooeplthe apeodwa) s : ikcl manager, ia

also arranging for similar bureaus atth-- Hartford, New Havei Pat arson!,and other clubs vrc Automobile '''uijof America Is also s. ema to It that itsmembers secure u i 1. ng eg- -


uiiiish ,1 a ticket buronu or its own.

'in i ii ii ! ii al


I lit- - niirii i oo4iuard oner nl No

ri on , HttOd id n i

the , .ialways nsaigned In many road acci-dents. T ie tenden haa been to lay--

hear smaaltupa to Imiierfecl stee, inf..mechanisuii faulty brakes or other detlcleni'lra in Hta makeup "f tha raratijbut often uneapected sk 1.1 c badapota on the macadam i n tlwperceni tga of auton a .,

Tlie chairman ol tha eat uihof t v. a w.i. im uatgnoa,

recently a victim of one of these smoshafups, dip to aklddiiig although a- rjrgt

the gecldent a" attributed to faulty'steer, ng k u Thos w mve frgauuentli- in di vlmllar cupe leiu-ag-

teatlf) I" the I'o t tna: '.: .kldd 'thai oocurrod u ia not ti" ' ori fain II ..rI, ark wheel si, el. bul the s. pplll. ..; tiiafr.u.t Wheels, Which 'utised , .. par!eitiiei- to overturn or i,i.,.i with imaah- -mg force aaalnsi some toadgraph Pole 01 in

,h" Pp"" " " "' '" d '

ger. many vutolata are lak ud t

uautlon of using tiro chs ia on III,,with m y

satlafai'tory results nnd ..me in moutt-- 1

tuinous se. tioi . aie .... i, u .1

'" ' ' 'l''r'"'!' ' 'w rnri rii .i on"allpDOl V t To the Hixih1 laocarilli.a a.iiiintu k.i .a, li am

bW' ,m 1,1 Wl ,,M ' '

oatfomalj mounte noun dtetrlcte haithnMp w ho have ii tod tin I i tuf .ifimintr tiro oho Ina h .til noattiorii nut i ii.- h aei i th ir full mllea noTna i Ueor, .K thin

T,5 t ' rw not atlraa, i pull at them every fine

at tr.a 1K,I,I ,.! t'l.'V ii.vs. a. irt. tf.tifreap' avoid i itio rat Un And In

Vtetld, till lake ' ho bl UUl Of t he tv1. m ami aura better grip when in

emeroen y re - 111 1. uppllr it ion ,'r

II .1.


tha brakait frenuenl navitrrence inbroken iHiuntry. Tho .'ha inn do nol dirinto im aurface of tho t!-- '.o muoh nawould tha ei mee elona a fair roadayay ;

nod thoaa 0 i oi'ata th;M avery datfii.,ii rlatm hi t .". vtrr jj, afmoraval mil road imporfeotioiia which Woulnthorwleo badly Uruiao and nit tha free.Hut even ware nu- t u'rtitr( th ialira' d frtv

front whoM Bnln woul1 Juatlfjr thotuee.t
