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SOCIETY OF AMEBICAN ABT1STE TENTH B HI DICION. t* A lew brilliant performances, much clever painting Bone with considerable nest and foire, and tncrch work whleh ls limply tentative, may be foupd In the exhlM- llon Of the Society of Ameilcan Artists, which will be opened to the public tomorrow at the Yandell Gallery, Flfth-ave. and Nineteenth it. The wllllngnesa of the Academy to accept example* of all schools ot art haa removed the original reason for the society's exhibi¬ tions, and the latter no longer have tho distinctive character of half a doaen years ago. Two ot the aoclety'i founders, Messrs. Warner and Rt Gaudens, keve contributed nothing, although they are repre- aented at the Acadomy, and other members. Including the president, may be fairly Judged by their work at the Academy exhibition. Yet the society gallery will be found a pleasant place to visit, for lt contains roany aaiurancee si f^K,vs' 'n xhe mastery of techniques, and If experimental work ls sometimes over-prominent, there li promise of more (substantial achievements in the future. Tbe exhibition contains many portrait*, as usual. Mr. Sargent's full length portrait ls not the kind of work upon which lasting reputations are founded, lt has almost the effect ot a hasty tketch, cleverly dashed off, with much enjoyment of the showy arrangement of pink and blick, the draping of the mantle, and pose of the head, but without any attempt at Ibo aelcejuate expression of thc form throughout, or at truthful draw¬ ing In the bands or elsewhere. Beside this piece of pyrotechnics ls Its opposite, a quiet, restful, substan¬ tially painted, sympathetic portrait of a mao with a violin, by Mr. Wyatt Eaton, an admirable picture. On lim* other side of Mi. sargent li a portrait by Mr. TH)noho, which pretends to be nothing more than a sketch, and yet If a portrait ls to Interest us In the sub¬ ject as well as In the artist's dexterity. Mr. Donoho, laking his 6ketch for what lt ls. hardly need fear compar¬ isons. Mr. Chase's charming full length painting of a mother and child, the former in a Japanese tea-gown, her face barely seen, and his clover study of " Mr. Cheeks," aro only to be noted In our limited space. Mr. fa. \\. Henson's out-door portrait of a young lady Id white, with a sunny, green Held beyoDd and a Kar¬ den In the background, may safely be numbered among the brilliant things of the exhibition, and this exhibi¬ tion of delicate perception, Iinunes9 and self control lu expression stamps the new-comer as a painter of muoh promise. Elsewhere we find Mr. Beckwiths assimila¬ tion of Whistler, In his portrait of two little orphan girls standing bandin band; Mr. Cox's portrait of Mr. Ht. GauUen* at work; portraits by Messrs. Weir and Rice and Miss Brewster, who seem to have boon haunted by a ile-»iro log something "effective" In color; a porn alt by Mr. Tarbell, who falls to live up to his last year's work: portraits by Miss blade and Mr. turi an, and an excellent fketch head by Mr. Dannat. The liiruro paintings show an increase In " Ideal sub¬ jects ¦ which ls entitled to all legltimale encourage¬ ment, even though there may be nothing here which can be praised without reserve. Ai one end of the gallery ls Mr. Tiffany"* large memorial design, tho chief flgure excellent In color, but strangely plain and drawn, the children apparently portraits. Beneath this ls Ur. A. Ii. Thayer's " An Angel," the face beautiful In ita simple devoutness as lu Its delicate execution and refined color, but tho neck and arms strangely slurred, aud the shadows turbid. At the opposite end of the gallery ls Mr. .Maynard's embodiment of " Civilization," . figure of cuiisiuerei.le ellen.ty, injured by chalkiness aud absence of ...lui. Mr. Cox, who continue* to paint a mo.L-l of ai.normal brawn, exhibits a study of r* Jacob Wrestling with the Angel," which ls an unusual piece of norh In these days, whon exact. OXfClalOB of mtiaoiiUi- action In tho nude figure ls so seldom seriously attempted. lin-, ls a creditable example of earnest, endeavor, and yet the artist falls to convey a real sense of the play and teusloi. of straining muscles, and thus loses much of the contrast with the angel's calm. Mr. Cox also exhibits a nude figure, " September," the drawing sonni* exaggerated, but the coarseness of tho figure relieved l.y better effects eif color than Banal Mr. Wyatt Baton exhibits an " Ariadne," miiA Mr. Lrow- liur an " allegorical Uguie," the tao* curiously neg¬ lected, but tho Japanese robe and background forming a delightful ' arrangement In green." Mr. Denman, who has become a classicist for the nonce, exhibits a painting of u Ci reck maiden making an offering to Aphrodite, a pletura of reSaoaaeal and technical ex- c*elle>nce, all lu.ugh the fi'*h ci,luring ls not above ro- uri.aeli. ct hers of tho flgure paintings are Mr. Walker*! '. bloc," a picture of much mwlt In color and aetion; Mr i haee'a black and white .. Hide and beek," false In perspective and drawing, superllcally suggest¬ ive it Mr, .^aigc'it. and yet piquant and engaging. Mr. Bruah*! embod menl ol savagery and aestheticism, In his " Indian and l-ily." better than usual In drawing, although th*- straining figure ls anything but pictorial, a email flt ire I. >lr. .sui ia.*. who is belier r-epre-eiit-d by bia " Westward," a head l.y Mr. Fits, and another arhieh sin.v.- tba exoellenl work of M. lcenouf. Nothing among the pa ..tugs ol land or waler scapes equals Mt. George lill ihcock'i " inn. ii Tulip Garton," which .will be lound to deaerve the praise bestowed upon lt lu laal year's Salon. Suefe expression ol atmosphere sur- unndmg every object la a taro thing even in this day ol clu-ri lOsphoric eflccMi. The trying colin-, of ,the I ulipa, so garish In c.emma's painting of this subject, keep their place here, the liars ll firiniv painted, and Ihe background with all Its details lg fait lifully worked out Altai thia bright, airy example nf an m-f-i - tari in Interpretation comes a variety of landscape work, some, like rho pictures of Messrs. Chase, Roger! ai,-I t i,Hi ti, shoeing much freshness ind dellca. j ole treerv at ion. Mr. CL FI. Davis's opaque " Evening* seems disappointing, but tbe picture has been wretchedly hung. Mr. Tryon exhibits a large uOetober Evening" and two smaller pictures, and lhere aie several Interesting studies in gray by Mr. "lui htman. Mr. Murphy brings "Gloom" and little els.-. Mr. Palmer thoura unod work, tho Messrs. Jones have* lukas np tbe painting of snow, and there ls a very promising winter scone by Mr. Elchllberger. M»s'crs. sawyer. Host, Harrison. Middleton, Hoeber. flatt and 'leggin ace muong the other painters of landscapes, .'nu of the exhibition's surprises ls liirnished by Mr. Simmons's " Lay ol Kt. Ives at Even¬ ing," u picture ol mao! subtlety of color, although the point of view and certain questions of comparison are nor readily explained. Mr. Horatio Walker's '.Pigsty," a blt ol admirable color, and pictures by Messrs. Loomis. V lilttredgc, Tlggiu and Host. Tho sculpture is of b ss consequence than usual. Mr. Trench exhibits a design for a frter.e, awkwardly com¬ posed, and laeklng ease and grace. Mr. Doongin.> shows an unremarkable bust of Mr. John Boyla O'Kellly, and there ts work by Messrs. Elwell, Hart¬ ley and Hoy la Rem pnUUotiant. It EAD america; ' The New Weekly Piper, PU II LI KU ED EVERY BATU RD AT. Devoted to the idvancement of American ideas ind tho Upholding md preserving ot American Institution* TIIE INITIAL NUMBER KOW OUT!, CONTAINS AMERICAN PATRIOTISM, HON. SETH LOW. AN AMERICAN, CHARLES DUDLEY WARNER. A NEW POEM, JAMES RUSSELL LOWELL. jue ADscnrnocs experiences of amos KILBRIGHT, J-RANK R STOCKTON. tiimsr: an ocean story, W. CLARKE RUSSELL A humorous sketch, ECG eke FIELD. LITERATURE IN MASQUERADE JULIAN HAWTHORN Bk london correspondence; CLEMENT BOOTI. NEW-YORK CORRESPONDENCE, JOS. HOWARD, JR. POLITICAL, LITERARY, DRAMATIC AND MU¬ SICAL GOSSIP, ETC POR SALE BT ALL N KWSKjj^LBRa, PRICE, 10 CmKumTkW -J YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION. M Ms ROI AMERICAN PUBLISHING CO, 180-181 MONROE-8T., CHICAGO. [JKAKh'S MAGAZINE. Mark Twain. Hill Nye. lt. 1. Btinlotto, Charles B Lewis tugene *';ai<l. Ales. K. ^waot anel othor Amartean hutnoriiu U April number. Sold by all mtw».*oal»ro. TMlCE, 10 tK.NU PARASOLS. FMRCissiu MATIN riHHM ALL HIIADEH, FANCY STICK* 11.07. EXTRA QrALITY Mt I IN WITH FANCY HTRIPES, CHECK* AM) POLKA DOT. 19.49 to $«.*©. SHADED MILK PARASOL*, ALL SHADES, lti 19 to $:i..i7. A FULL ASSORTMENT Ol'CAMMO! PARASOLS, IN PLAIN AM> LACE nnill- lft.48 to $.1.13. BROADWAY, 8TH AND 9TH STS., N. Y. ISav Publications. Just published. AGATHA PAGE; A PABABUft A new novel. Hy ISAAC HTN !»FR.'«r>N. anther of "The Prelate." 12mo. With a beautiful fTontLpIeeo, photograi.hed T:y HENEY DIXON A, KO.V e.f London, from tho relonratert pnlntlns by Eellx Mo«rheles, and Imported by tho publisher* ex|.rrs«ly fur this work. Ul M. ANCIENT LEGENDS OF IRELAND. By LADY WILDK (" Sj»-r:in/a"). Wll* a chapter on tho aiicirnt, rare-, of Ireland by the Into fclr William Wilde. New and chea)»-r edition. 2 vols, la ono. Crown Svo. Gilt top. $2 .10. LITERARY LANDMARKS OF LONDON. By Lai vu.scu HUTTON. lViuii edition. 1 roi. 12mo. »0 75. New and cheaper revised edition. Prof. W. J. Rolfe says in the " Literary World." '* Mr. Hutton's b....k is Ike keel puid** to 1/nAnn localities connected with literary u.en that has yet appeared." TSII>R\. By WILLIS STEELE. ' '-'"">. .* 2'- ¦ An extremely I BMWei lng and lifo.Uko utory of Mesleo during tin- BerolutlOa. lt ll evldeutty written by one who h.'is igea and known the j.Imea and the p*-..;>le ivheissif he writes, and the akaiueteta ar.- both \i\id and unusual. Something nf the torin reminds one cf .Ramona,' arni yal the story ls net at all 1'k.-.'* TI' K NOB A CO., Boston. fHE AMERICAN' MAGAZINE FOR APRIL. 42 illustration*. A superb number. Among the many attractive features ls the beginning of a powerful serial by MARY AGNES TINCKEO. c.ultl.-d. " TWO CORONETS," whleh ls the strongc.?t story yet produced by this well- known writer. For silo by all dealers. Price 25 cents, $3 i year. THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE, 719 Broadway, N-w-Yorlt. JnetrurUon. For Bovs and Youri? Men.City. A.CIRCULARS OF GOOD SCHOOLS fim . Stat* whether for boy* or glrl*,and locality preferrcL K.E.AVERY.Amerlcan behool Bureau.;! W. 14th tat.N.Y. UNIVERSITY 1tH.-VM.MAR SCHOOL, 1.473 Uroadway, noai 42d-el Hat fear. Primary, cum- murcia! and tl anl ral l> ¦r»rtmi*nts ;insrru"tlon thorough. M. M. HOBBY. W. I. AKIN N. 0 ll ENDRICKBON Trina WTOoDURlDiiK m. IIikil, \i-t u.Ast -i.-jth'-atT Ir flcleaUH er Classical. Two hundred ftudeiit* hava been prepared for Columbia School of Mines. For Young- Ladies.City. 1SS CHISHOLM'S SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. ir, Fa«t r,5'l. su. New-York. Will reopea september 20. Boys' Claasea_ REV. DR. and MRSTGARDNER'S SCHOOL Knit QIRL9, 107 Itb-ara Mrs. Uardnor author of ..Hialory in Rhyme." M For Both Sexes.City. A BUSINE8S EDITA HON..Bookkeeping, mt*, writing-, arithmetic. Oorrospourtoaco, IjMlling, gra.nBi«r aieDosrai.br. Tri>*«nt n/ 1.4.1.es' liep,rlms.il day and »»enin.'. PAINK'tl BC MINKS* lOIXEOK 02 Muwerr, coniat i'an»i.»i.- uptown. 107 Wait 34th-au, cor. BreadwaT; M LI ST K RSC HA FT SCHOOL OF LAN- Ol AtiEs, 17 Weat 4'Jd-st., evpoalte Ileserroir. EDMOND OASTIN KA C. A. M., Parla, I'.mrlpal. The language* most quickly Ipokea by tlie Melslsrschaft Sy«t«*m. Ppacilil aliaiaa for latondtng traTd>ii to Europa. Nally, teachers. Terms new beginning. SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND AND TYPE- Wlll I.Mi, .tS7 Wost a3d.ll. lur aid evauiugctass.s. Leam now to br, rsa.lT for Pall positions. TwK BERLITZ SCHOOLOP L ANGO AG ES, 23 We<i v:i st. Conformational knowledge in shortest time torus, $10. Send Int- circular ol sumtssr schools. Musical Instruction. NEW-YORK CONSERVATORY of MUSIC I, .i-aiod only ai 6 KAST HTHHI.. 8 ' Door East of OTU AVE. Chat lot cl lo ll At this FAMnrs SI Hi.e.r. OP '..IAI. AND INSTR!*. MENTAL M'.'sir. Bommy aad OampoeitMi Elocution. Eereign lArgtiaces, Drawini; aad " ,,:, ns il « rtr»t rn*.*. Ized aaM best api.olntol lu the country I, Sm,leola rsceire nneo.all.ri advantages. KtW PUPILS RECEIVED Day and Evening, $500 Brooklyn. TIIE CRITTENDEN'. ENCiHsll rilhi -a RATO RY, FRENCH BCHOOL and Kindergarten foi buMi sexes. 67 Hlcks-st., comer of Pln*ai;nls. SECOND YEAR September 22 M<*i II bl. WHEELER ! Principal Eight years connected with the l'ackor Celle,;. late Institute. f\raxtn term biotins April ll. Boys and Young Men.Country. BRYANT SCHOOL, Roslyn, L. I., H. Y.. Bosrdlnp School of tne his heit clasa for boya; Pit mary, Interuiedute. Academic; Military orifaril/aiion. (jku MIL fi! CURTr.l.VOL*. Principal FREEHOLD INSTIT!'Tl.. Freeh .1*1. N. J.- l'oriy-f«.nilli jeal for here and roana n,»n. Address Re*. A. (J. CHA.MiiEHh, A. M., Principal. ELMWOOD SCHOOL FOR hOVS.-At Mil- lord. Coi,h. Parents «im ne unfortunate n.e maa. afement of theirsuns will do well to pi..flt l.y tho advant*s*.s (Tered liy this i-ehnul. AdQresa 1 HANK M. HOWE. Sui?t. HIGHLAND .MILITARY ACADEMY, Wor¬ cester, blaaa.42d year. Koallah, Scientific 0. lt. MBTOALF, a. m., tapertotendeoi, IRVING INSTITUT^. larrvte.Tn-oii-Hiid- X won.orT-rs ui!ii>u..i advantages to i_.»*-»-i.e- seeking Um t.'-st li.'tructloii for their L..3-a. Address A. ARMAGNAC, I'll I). A YEAR Koli BOYA. aWIXHXN C.SliuPai.iDUE,A.M.,(Harvard.) Media ti'cnn.; Airwietuy. For Tounar Ladies.Country. OME and DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. '.THE BLUB," Springfield, Mass. Min Pc. I'rlnrlpal I'lij.ile admitted lo Yass»r, Wellesley and Smith on our cert!llcate, Quincy method r... ii_Mi.-,i CTAMFORD, CONN. Miss Alkea*! School for Young Ladles and Chll. Oren; commences Oct A, le£8. After July 1 uddrebS CATHERINE Al KEV, _ s,,u!h Varinouih, Mas*. ^rRrKiTY"flAi;L7Rcv,.rlr. N. J. - A BatabUahad 1-67. A thorouirh heme school for twenty young ladled. Varied idvantatres of the h ghost order. Careful tralnln? la manner, mind and heart. Solid culiuro In I.iiRllsh.Music. Art and Tingun;,*, a pnoortmt course for students preparing for any college. Spring term uennik tttruaiy 2. l-'or clr^alur address tht priucipal. RACHELLE GIBBONS HINT. WEST WALNUT STREET BOARDING .SCHOOL for young Ladle* ,»nd little Glrla; eighth year; terms modctate. Addi.-s-. Mlaa J- TRA CT MANN ? liol Walnut -st., i'l;iladel|ihia, linn. 3D" QUARTER.--KOCKLAN'D COLLEGE' NYAi K, tt. T.j will open April 3 for Dgllsh IlUklnesa, Culver ->':-, Preparatory Course for Ladiea, Mu. sic and Art. Send fer .mal ,cue. W. il. BANN lott.H. A. M.. PrlnclpaL H teachers. A OAT" TIIE ROT, from Paris, Ortiiie-r . d a. intern,,.. Piefessor of Ereneh. IM West tad st. Uigoestr«isi«*.,(_e*. __^_^ AN EXPERIENCED ELOCU riONlST iild Oi'i.N Tu AN h.NO a GI. Ml. I. Addreaa OX KI KOH, Tribune Offlco. "a LADY TEACHER OF THEGERMAN AND e*W Vreoth lai.guagea *ltl» b*.-«t my rrt.-rii.r, and suc- eeaafnl experience wishea position as Uovernuns, ...nipan- lon or In a school._ Addr»*» k. E.. Tribune office. A BEST TEACHERS, Tvton and OoTem- *x\m ems*** supplied, no charge. Tl. AL li Kita registered tree- vacancies always on hand foim for mamp R. E. AVERT, American Behool Bur»*n. 8 St. llU-sc. N. T. AllfcUlCAN AND FOREK.N TEACHERS on AGENCY supples Professors. Tetiehers. Tutors Ooy. . rneaae. At., to < olleee*. Schccls and Families. Apply U MltS. M. J. Y'it S*. fl [/ION. U3 Colon Hijuare._ HE-SK'S TEACHERS' AOESCY, I I7eh»r. savellaa cu«a leatleaeaora aad aaeeraoa^a luau braael.rs I.n-ll«l.. Oei ¦**, tienrti. SpaBHk spoken suprr.or loalrectors ol '.Unary tactics ..s;..e» IV ANTED.- Supc'iicrr K«>vc-rnc*ss. Ellflilh, ff frsi.tli. music. Oernian snd Errs, h governsssss with aa.l wlthost n.nelc; Kronen, 'ierrosu, vocal music UKSSJC'S TEACHER^- AGENCY. 12 Kail l?Ulk Zcatticxb. npEACHERfl W ANTEIWLadies t Natural A Hclenr.sand Fre.oh, Pr.shytetlaii Natural 8oences and Wait.HiuHtlrs; r.reek and .Maths...stirs, Cirrwsn, French ami English for fatnlr. Itut.an OatMUei Vocal Music: Oern.au »ud Voca. .Music; ii.rnmu. I r«neh. Plano aod Drawinpc; Tomi Haste, l.i cition an.l .*) nu. attics German (naurel for SreLclaas school expeneaoel housekeeper for cltv taiiilly. >.entle»en Experienced Vale gradaata Math- emeries; experl.iH-e.l Val. sradaste. Intermediate work. Air sci.nol uailsh and Drawing; English. Mathematics and Penmanship Miihem.it.cs and Drawing Msth»ma.ics and Nhturai Science*. Knis.o .allan expenonoe.l Military In- .truer..r. Ai.plr l<> Mrs. M. I. TOONO-Ft i. n>N. Americas and lorelrn tttutttg* -Xe, nev, 'li luton -..puru._ AVANT}'.!). l-nlies: iiiiishing Re.verne?s California: Fren-h and Connan governess, city snd countrr ; ABMrieaa te.cher; history lind calisthenics; companion; teachers in Brooklyn; French te:., ir rs, hero ind weal rnasleal tsient f..r conservatory. Gentlemen Professor e.r modern lan».ui»c*, American preferred; teach.! ol rii . eaglneerlng. eonuusneter military ¦chool; musical talent eonwrratory. TF. Ar il erm' AGENCT, MIRIAM i.VKIhRE, 81 Fast 17th-st., ba¬ tu- n dth-ave. .nd Broadway_._ IVANTET)..Teachers, governesses for ten- X* shore; companion, expsriin.el hou«»k»»|>ers, $50 n-onlhlT. Ke'com-usn.ls t-uc-iers, governesses, eoinpanloiia, niatnuis. h'.iisek-ep-s i.'<l*tiit<. MI*<-< DH .'VAN -.1 KA'* II K RS' ni'RKAl .JA A Ut*\mXm. WANTED..A positiOB ns QovenMM by a lad* ha\lng I reata' cx|>crlcti<-e. ls comr**- Instruct li, ill En«lish hrsnehes Er-nrh. Latin sud music Addr." M Tt ei.. No. 11 East 24t)i-aL WOMAN'S EXCHANGE TEACHERS' BU- "f Kl Al* (foi Loth i*e\es) supplies Profess,,rN Teach¬ ers. (Invernesses, Musicians. Il^usekeei_ers. Companions, ftc. to c.,ll.-ges. schools and fUBlllee; also llookkeepera, Stenographers snd C.pvlsts tn nuslness firm. MUS A I). CULVER, 829 Sth-ave.. New Tork City. ^nrtion Qalte of Krai Cstate. _ JAMES L. WELLS, Auctioneer" ~ win gen nt .iction Wedeeoder, spni 11. ISSN, aeoa at Real i.sut» f.ic'.uugt. bl Ll beru st.. two rery HANDSOME COTTAGES. 1 nnirr. ive N,.». !C«« tad '".te. east «i le. opposite lH4th-st.. 2.CI \\ ard. eaeii KttiiS IS roaaa i »x»rx im toemem ana convenience li.-st .<r pin,nb.ss built br dav's W >rk in most pertHrt insnaer; ea., plot .ViilOO: Unaly I. ital on hl'h greund; ebola. ..eKhie.'-liooil conr-nlent to L station: lu.uses romp.st* in »eerr respect *n I wm Wonk liispaction. Also, sasie time an I D's, s. Forest sre.. w. st «ids. '.119 feet snarl, of Mf.tiist.. .erg .lesli shu lot 25xlOU. Maps and ram, niara with auotli.nenr, 69 Llberty-sL, aud 3d-av*. and 1IQtlis t.___ JAMES L. WELLS, Auctioneer, WILL BELL IT All" NOH TV BOAT. M'RIL 10, KOON, AT REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE, Nu. 39 LIB- 23D WARD RESIDENCES. Fjst im,,, ... Kee, 7to, 72'j. 721 mel i.2, near Wllils- ave., 2-stol j uni basement high .p bricks, each I7x4.*>*c loo, well built, in splendid order, all Improvement^ excel- lent neighborhood, wit I. sta Hou. a;-.. r>:.,nn nUr*. xx Kide, 90 i-i south of 184th-st, 2 choice lora, .-a, h 25 100. Title guaranteed by policy of Lawyers' Title In- surani t i la r new- Sm i,. Particulars w.th ADAMS, LAT ft COMSTOCK, Atfys No Ai Wall «t.. sud Auctioneer, No. BO Llberty-al and JAMES L. WELLS. Auctioneer, ¦WILL SELL AT AUCTION, THUIIMIAY, APHIL 19, yt,ns, ai Ren! Estate Exchange. 59 LlbcrtysW, TWO COSEY COTTAGES. TNIOV-AVE. Nos MSMi tBt, west s.de. 100 fe.taorth of !61st si.. SM *var.l. each -j..'orr frame, 7 ruums, ciotsa and gas, lull ultra deep .'.ls., splendid '.isT LOT, southside, 1 ti'-' feet eas; -t. Anu'sare., ClilO.l. all well loo .ted good aelghborhe -t, urn I. station and horse cara Maps with a.. UoBear, .'.Ll I.ibertr-sL and lll-lTe. and . JAMES L. WELLS. Auctioneer, WILL SELL AT AUCTION. TC ESCAT, APRIL 17, Nu. >N. at Beal Estate Exahange, .".:> I.iberty-it, the r.iy desirable 23D WARD HOMES. PAST H2U ST.. n.s. MM, .*>o:t. SI.', and 507. near Horns- are.. 'J and story tm nr dw.lllnfa, '.' io 1". r«o-ns. improre- meDls, stable With Na, 601, lou -fl nnd 50 tr»nt. sold sena. rat. J essy terms; excellent location, only J blocks troio L Slitti.D. Maps with Auctioacei, 59 I.lbcrly-sL, sod 3!-are. mag Ulai, ot._ I KKK JOHNSON, .lr.. Auctioneer. er will Mall re r sell t AnetlM at Thins,ur, April 13, In the Ki.Al, KHTATI KXCRANOI AM) AUCTION BOOM, 51) tuii.'. Liberty st.. N.w-Verk, TO CLOSE A PABTNEBSBir. VALVABLX EA -T RIVBB PROPERTY SITUATE AT ORENNPOINT, 17tn W.rd. Broonlya, L. I. KNIIHI. BLOCK, t.n'i.de.l br Newtown e'reeW, centre of Betlan Pinkett asd C.mmercUl sL liuUliead '.'ti'l feet long and valnal.l* ;,.er prlTUag Im in cpa i«r ..« at. | trtlcaiirs apply ti JHKI-'. lOEIN*. BON. Jr., Bl Lib«riv st.. N.w.TOTE, anl HO.i Fulton st.. liroolclrii or i»11a J" 1-* A BLAUVELT, Attorneys, 229 hroadwiiy, New-Vork. RICH VKDV. UARNETI vV CO..Auctioneers, WILL SELL Al AUCTION, MONDAY, APBIL 0L Ai l-o'i eek boom, ai t ie icsai K<> <t« Exchange an Aucti-ei r..,..n!. .Vi le US l.iOirty-St, : KE ii" 'I'.- -Al.l.. b1~ RCDSON-KT.-4 storr '"ii 'M AN I) M il UV- 1 I s I. w., 5 st.rr brick tea.mentl. i.i AM'''I BIVI8ION-8T..Pram, nlldtuga. \\ M. u. :m.: c.ii IB A. ii.c'iiii i.ic, es.ia, EiKutora III «i> AV. A I'lt IL 10. 4n3»alOTH-AVE..4-story ten.mout. with storfc WEI' BBOAT, APBIL IL 71 BAST i'.'Ht 11 3 story and basement hrowmaiis resi '.enc. 10x54 2tl 00.S. II WEST 13 'Tn sr., 3story ead bas-ment hrowastani aad brick reiMeia ISaA4al0t.lL Bethfla.ly Balshed in natural wooiis, and eenplel »uii a n.r.r.iv,' - . KELLI B MACRAE,etta., Atfys. '.'IT Urosdway. 1531) LEXlN'lTON-AVK.-U-stnrT brownstone, lSx45x70. THCRMDAY, APRIL ll fil AND71 WK.sl 7i-l - 1 .-4 store resi ience.% EIVEICNIHK I) lt I VE. Bear Ili4th»t,2f,xl0a I IAY. APRIL 17. 239 EA«T11STHHT. :c stsrr ni.iw. .tone dwelling, SA2 EAST BUTE ..Sl.-4-stjry brown-Uue list. WEONESOAT, APRIL 18. 68, r,fli% 71). 7!i. 74 W(Ki-li:n>l'. .nd 87 fl HEINE ST., near lu,.,,,.:.. st., Ire .,is«» .coupled by Archer ,t l'an. oaaal m.'l*. * ., 5-storv betel and iron l.-til tlnirs ant lots. lf)-..y_.10O on Wooster st, -rnx. .On ou ..reenest; 13,390 s.|uar. feet. A liber.il .11.11 tan--- ma. ranisla at 1 per .eat. 117 BKOAU ST.- 4 storr brh-W I.nilling. TiuhsdaV, APBIL 1^. ALLEN AND DELANCY STS. -Northwest corasr. 4 Bud A storr ten*.ii. nts. 26XSS 4 M WEST50TU-ST.-4 tory .iweiiing leasshsld. ilaps at anciioueers, 73 l.iberty-st._ SDK WALLTKAKss. Auctioneer, . Oflll ¦*. 171 Uroa.twiy. Will .all ai a,ici,ni aa WEDNESDAY, APBIL li. ISM, At 12 o'clock, noon, artie REAL K-r.AIi: KX'CnAN'QE, .'¦'j t,. 6.1 l.oertT sr.. Till: ELEGANT Til RE - ri RY III'. iWNSTON^ ll gk I' rtlc. ;,. 1 :rsr-i- ..ss -.weiiiu.-s, I.',- AN U 163 WEST I:'-.-" Hill Bill in every raepeel 19 Hii311'.19.ll. AU modern tm;,nm marti. THE _POCB DESIRABLE THBEB-8T0BT AM' R ISKME T. ie[(iU STOOP, Rriek amt Itr.iwii-tone Uirel! n^s 310, '.Ul, tils SND.'JO A|>T 141 T-ST.. IB.SiSoxM.1L fins ..I for two families. '.U Ber rent rna*' remain on Mer tig*. Mi. ps. ei,- nt Am on e.-* s attlee. IfEW-HAHBURG-ON-THE-MUDSOIf, 7 MILES B 'ITU OF POCOHKE1 Peremptory suction sale nt r mri Donal In Poughkeepsie, Nen V,,r;-.. on Tuesday, april IO, Je-e*e, it " o'clock p. bl, i'V order ..f tbe N. Y. Supreme ,,nr*, of ,i )¦¦ mtfully i taste ] cott..,u^-, leas tlrii s Billa rr m R R s-.-:,,n, with extensions, barn, sim,ie. hothouse, cirrlage-boose, fa me Be. with .'.') 1 .._* lews ol land In high «st» .,f enlttrstlon; .i!p ilropcrtTi tDontrb. A BUILDER wants to lim city lots to ex- ChaogefaCBeW Bud elegast houses. Address A. c. 'Ir.buso .IBce. 4 .WANTED.A Hood nice* of honing U\* praaerty dewa-tews, frew SM.O00 t, tinoooofor m.in.diat. issU putthase, that will pay ti per ceat L«t. V. K. STEVENSON .t ( o inn l'r.._..iwar. CANTED, r.iv.iti' dwelling SOfoetwklei '¦'lb sis neat :. h .ire. ;. TrlSan. i>tsw-, ..ffl.-e, l.i.s Broadway. A> O BntttUta }3ropcrtn Soy iiult and iio La ALARQE live-story building to lot in 1 runl su uesr f'ek slip. EULA M)A WrHITIN-l._B_Bj.fcy,.tt FFlt'ES TU LE F in 1'eniple Court. Apnir" «m preruse. to I'.LLaND A WllITINcj _6 Beekiian .*. rp0 LF.T..Store in W >rth-.«t. st a low rent_^ A 'Tbe daahl, store, iroa lr..nt, lire slorte. aad basemaal . e^rn i.ipsa an ra.li.wr. sas and ass nunrss. oin elenior sml .mine, iM.Uer, rullmv Ire .hultsis. ',.**;k wain,t racks sl.elrei, eleno taad rear port.on sf nist n. ,,r inrtitio.eii lot,, w.. p,.r.... ns a t, i»ek wainui sn t l»r-, plate g sst via* dows manioc to eillni and erery ri .,,r rs.UssJ lb. hu.I,lin?, one of tn. ,,.,1 built and strongest lu the city and IS m eirrii»nt Ml III ior aarttcaleea ttypty on the premises, 14a and 144 ^ orih-st. nPO LET.-OfBoe, No- 25T Broadway, or, B- floor ov r tam. gil, i*r month. K c" ATWOOD. 5TH-AVK , N'o. 7»J. in the rioinity of l*ih~- st-A floesutrs toleasa lo*, tmal dosp. with larg* rrea: plate glass shew wmdews ; .sc.llent ilciu Bu air oa frml. DJtk an side .n.u.le for ii.M..-ial or otl.«r higucla»s kusi' asst; rsnt oalr tc.rxK). Applr on pren,:. . ttexir. ruraished bnsiaos purt-ooM. il If! WKsr l.-li-M'.-I'arl.ii- 1 I ll or Bl ll .111.shed Suitable for Applr i.t i ;>, Ae»i ,m .|. kr 1"^.")'" s' ¦*.* BUmve.j two new stoma, "* '.mo. MN ..i.i. .47 Waal u.ithat. l~rVt HKOAI)WAY.-Si.,r.' to l<*t loTli I . lt gig ir-m, of T#ar, Wf<t hMr u.mT ¦,,,*.. .eo<. light, largo window, lnquu. M. J, WAlllli SHou!. 1, Xii liroaawsy. QlitC propcrtp for Sole. WE8T 8IDE HOUSES 1. >ll BALM .ll TO LET. JHA8.J,,,SCHUYLER.,4 Mb, A . PAKTII-.S eicsiriiiK lo purni.i.-ce* first clares residences can obtain same hf communicating with V. K. STEVENSON A co., __ lol nrosdway. ar Obi 5th-sr..__ Tn'o^FTJ wanted fora superb f"H size re*- i\ id.-nceadjoiBluK MliAve.. cr.wu of Murray Hill; el.- ganny decorate _ _ STEVENSON A CO.. inn liroadway anl 003 itnare._ pl. 1 WKKN st. N-.e-li.ilasaii'l 10thaves.,north Dani. Urth't. .1 lots; |*nce lo*, little cash; quickly . ».«ible l.y elereied expres* tralus and eaMO cara Ilo.ni 12-i. Ill Broadway._ HIXOW r»7nf-ST.. nem ")tli-ave. A fonr-srory hens, built m the most tl orongh and care- fnl rasnser an .vc-ntinnsl oppertuailf lo secure a dist nctlre and very attr.ctiro resld.i... iu this lestrable lorstl<>n. Ll. CamPEXTEB, __41 Llb, ny.st..sad 1,1*1 M ar«._ UYKRS will do well to examine the ele¬ gant new 4-storr brownstone, lot stoop, ablnet nnlshed bouses 48. 50, bl West gJlh-st.. entrano- U> Park. JAM BS A. I K A M I, owner. (LIN ION PLA I E. Ni. SK Til-A VE. Threes-..ry high Keep dwelling; lot SftxtS.ll; Sailors* Snug Hail,,.. I, .1 I \HPKNTKU. 41 Llhertr-st and 1.1-1 Jil ave. 1/0Ii SALK. , I Nos. IMHO. l.OCS Madison sve., between 80tls and Blst sra.; No. 1,0 East .'.'tb sr., 25x102; als,, nerthweel corner Madison-are. ..ni Miti-st.. pine* leasonable; eau bo seen sny time walmul permit. I KU.PATRICK. Hnililer. MSB I ;. Il ; h-M. mill £9 l.»st «v)th-st. I/OR SALK..T wo eleinilt brownstone houses, No IM iud IM Wee*. H'.'d-st. Address MI BAN DA, 02 Llb.rtrsu_ CX)R SALE..An elegant I story private resi- J dance, latest issprorei*..nts, So. 1 0 >\-st i*4th st., aad 46 Eau 74th st. I'r c«s extrs'iiety low. Alwrsn-.en. CHARLES w. VAN DOBBN, 44 Broadway. _ HARKKM RIVER WATER P :<>N I'. About 2d ids. n.-sr foot ef 14,'hst. 21!.*. Wiri!, ex. fonding U, sew bul.head Hue, f»r sale at a bargain, by JAMI-.S I.. WEI.I.s ,t DO¬ SS Llbertr-sL sad 11.1 are aad H'.'th-st. _ ONE LEFT.a bargain; 275 West L32d-st .Thrsestorr high-stoop brownstone dwelling, near Rth a-.-. I. station puce reduced, $11,1100. Teiy liberal terms; eau be sees to-day. I...I C'AKPF.VTKK. _ 41 Tlberlr.it. and 1 Hil :c.l-ave._ in -i_i: \c I.- icm RALE, One of tho handsrimest |.ii\j' ..n Columbia College cr,,mils, in New-Tork il lui ted on the t** sud within f,,iir doors ..f .".ti; av all newly ami magnlll. centi.v decorated; the .bave res loi *¦¦ ll be mid "in, "r without fnrnltnre; fun,'tur,* ;.n new, lii-luding cut Klaus uni china; possession th,- i-t i.r May, I ll Al 1.1> MIC ll AK. :,.: ,i, ave., Nen Vorlt. S\\'\: $5,000..EleiTBDt houses; Alexander^ ara. ISSth aad lSSth.ta, Worth N'.w-Vork; sptende.i 1., .- n, elentel aad snrfac.ars. \x"*r ear S3.S00 m.re tn Harlem Do not fail le l«ok al " ower Block." iiAitnv oveiiin'o rov. 2.sn 3d »*.«._ VTLLASand FINK RESIDENCES for ssl* r iio.".)') te S2S.0OO la the haadsoma suburb*- .jnartcr BEDFORD PARK in the cltr of New-Vorlc Ollloo 111 Broad".ty. Loom 00. "\VKST KND-AVK. .inil h'JD-S I", .'northwest XX c..i ipr.. A decided Imrsala, with ease terms; four elegant caliiner-rrl-umed Q.n.eii Anne dwella..* in.prored Si.nitarr arra-ig. MM nts ann cmrenlent for .low.town con- verarn-es. Apidr to owners and builders, MCKINLAY A, tic ss,... preialeoe, WEST KND.-AVF... Corner 70tii-str-3Ttorj "tiueeu Anne" fer sa'e, verv low. <*r will r.nt. OWNEB, A', West 49th.st f/M'H-.ST.. NEAR 5TH-AVE. <><; I'our-storv dwelltns. Ill f.et wide and three rooms deep; T>"-y han-ixunely decorated and Uriisned tn hard wool: pric. .uly **».0tia I CARPENTER, _41 Libertr-stsad i.ihi :u-ar»._ .) I III 3D-AVE. (West .*u\c. nfi-r 117th-->t). mme* I *~tl * .iionhle house, .n. store .hak-ry), 2Si8dil00. (.....I Inrestment ls ina' jrriwlr.g lerallly. C VII. 1.1.i-; CABREAC, nK»nt. fir.vidst. ant Kow.-ry. dtp DropniD Zo let. AT RENTS ranging hom$1,800to$5,000 j\ weh»realar<n anabel »f tirst-olais private r.*si ton. sd lo rant on aad a joining Sth. MadiMM asl Park aves. Per- auls furuisaed upon ippl allon st »H'ier ofti -e, lo.'. llt.Md.iar oi (j'il Stli-cre. V. E. STEVENSON Bett A3-ST0RI bigh-basement brownstone dwell* lng os East 3.-ctb..st., near LaxlngMn-B... In.mire of _.1.1 ELLISON, it) XX i.uarn-st._ 23-FOOT DINING IMOM Extension resi- dene*, u4:,.;n og ith ave. Bad B7lh-aV, will bc rented rery low to desirable pst iv. V h'. STEVENSON .<. cu.. 100 Broadway aad SSS 6th ev*. \ BEAUTIFUL Small House elegantly i\ Cr.,,-,-ri s.'.i'i SI ncai .MIi nve.. '., orlrate family only. tl.-r«. nil localities HIBAM I'HU'.I.V. Vii Weet 'lAl.xl. ll.INION PLACE. NEAB»TH-ATE. reu-'*:. - .' I welling; lol iilxSAll f.t; Ssll- .r>' riling Harbor !n..seho..l. I.. .1 < AHPENTI.il. di I.lberivst. audi ldl 'r* _ DESIRABLE ROUSES, nnfuraishedand tur- nl<hol lu ml n ns .. i'i Kui.hom u hu mr, km, 51 r-.iit 13th st.. near Broadway. w IIMFTH-AVE. -Opposite Park..To lease al 5 percent..n Its rains-ion, . ISMrt cabinot tlnished n pMrre.-i glnmolng; mar ,le ba-ti room, hnrelar a'.arsi; newly daeorate.l; p.rfeci -n .ll raepeota, Apply to Owacr, care .I Munn Ala. ngl Broad » .. _ OFFICES TU r.l'.r in tin* fracl House, cor- mi of Na-s-in an-1 Kora s sts. newlr remodell.*.', with rlers ir.elaotrtt ghi, (Uara i.e.tt ai. t Jau.tor's set rico freo. I j.eesslon '.-ifen immeOlal .!.. i mlT. NICHOLAS-AVE.. 847, near L52D-ST. ki | '.« eiejani hrick and brownstone .i «l.,rT n..,l liasem.nt hnaae I9x50xler0; cabinet trimmed, ml nspior.ru.uta; box ,-,,,. eoe rea >.ni to otb are. i, ku, $i,;.oo, tina is ih. i. ii mt. f.. I io. a'.l..n mi th . a\i ni-. PLBMINU. owner. 43 West dOth-at. Cl. KICHOLASTaVE . m. w. corner 153D-8T. J3 llousr .ad ri-.nm,h. ln0iJ2l): elefant lawn an I shade ; .rorements,. a met irtiumad, a-i cosr..i.iont io titi), av.-. I. I'., i..; to m desirable pany, $-'.0'i»., ibis ls tue most boau. If ul location on the avenue. r. i. FLEMIXO, owner, AS W.t SStlvat rTt> KKT-riiinMic.l: No. I IO East 34th-st.| * house In beal ,,t ord. r. i, si ¦¦¦ time. rpo LET..The blehljr eli-sir.tlilo four-story 1 hlgtistoop. brownstone .iwelllti_ts. Nos. 13, 'l*t and ii 1- a»l 81-t-st LlSO Ma i.,n-i»». and 111 Kast 7'id st. Ap¬ ply u Alt.NuI.l). CONSTABLE i c.*o. l'.itast. and Jtl-are. rro LET.From Mut 1..Four -story boase in 1 Welt 7 J l.t., b.twt.eu '.'th aid inti, ares. Cabinet linlsh. E. CJ. Bot' SHE. Aeent, _aa wost aad-at. ^O LET..Furnished 3-story brownstono B- honse, i..i,.'.-,,i ly decorated: splendid neighbor- li> -rt on 111 three ulm ea froni Enlton st. ele\*ated road. Addreaa ll. xx RENTON, 43 Uslsey-st,, Brooklyn. T^O RENT..Brownstone honse j N'e-». 1-17 Baatdsu-at Apply iiIcanna, 1,471 Broadway. rpo I.KT..Tl," thr-e-sieii v, brownstone dwell- ¦*. lng, Na ISO Lenox ive., net I37th-efc Anplv to 8 ll AW tr. t i.. N'o. di Wee tj 25th-St_ ^ VACANT TOTS to LEASE for IO or 20 yiars, w.u'.d suit msnuficturn'.s wart-rooms. Hou 1*. vard. aban WIS ai Price, Interest airl taxes. WooM allow 2-3 valuation o* any lmprov-ni* nts at termination. Any propeelUss eesaMtofod. Apply to _D.vcii'Mix, 1,471 Broadway. *V\\ MAD1W0N-AVE. nu:. \'M)->T._ 11^ tjttp I laii-or penlan ..r st«aB-hsat.d, faralsbed corser «.,- Ute an sr re-.rrn ¦. .. ra n l to let (rom Mar l. Apply on -y.e.krk (rem .' ril na uy\ LKXINGTON-AVE., near iTrh-st.- t-t*"'r l-l" c .ut 4 story an. bisemsnt bre .! stone house Ire rooms, in-idendid i-..nd'1'..ii Bil modem improv-m.-nrs | I.e. n' il ii inirr >;s. ii ami el ier i. tine Babto.l work i.usse-slon M .r I renlfl.HOO; ca-i im le.u ai any lim.. A.l.tsss cam lt. 149 W»si lath-st urooKisn flvopntu ior Sale anb Zo Cft \\\'\ OR RENT A HOME IN BROOKLYN^ AJ ..--. * I locations tnrestiiieats uariuir 10 ta '.-.. p.l cen' cu .lars fr-e WILLIAM H. URACE i orn.1 Wi longhby a..¦: Jar ste llrooklyn. VDU 8ALE.-Great I'ai-.-un. on thi* Heights, ¦I ind al ,..f 14 roooM |. .Clout; ha. et ;v Improvement: a fl no opp) rtunity t* get a dot '..,, Banra. Thi* pi party must be sold Def. re Mm. ,* ,,.Mi.-r in obliged to 'Mil be rented te . .trictly prlvau family. Apply to LEON ABU .Moo UV. tO Covrt-at, and 978 i ai-. """' CH)R SALK.-He,us... $ ic;.;,(»,», Clinton-st.. ?i,^*,,.t?,4 , ;.*rl.r. ,li.in..reem ki'Clien o.. llr-t tioor house , Oil km.,, ,,, t,. hall.) lula «|7. « worthSUjM^ aujaaad. Umarata. ,.sa.loa at aoJtSX I HA..I. S A. HmtXMOVH A. i'i, Ml Mouurue-sl brooklyn * * LOTS POR HALE..Large or small plots on linos of stor.Mil randa; ta .-.*¦ \ .> ;. i.ooer lots l,.i;etuer that will show s o*..! ipMO alien. [A V I'ABI.l.N.i A .).. .11.-,,,irt si., Hro.klyn. est mkWFrx In the Foli¬ ates m heat, rro LET.-FLAT8-THE LOWES in Brooklyn for aqaal »¦ toa I ra, MIMI of tliiitoii-st. ind A'in.iil. ave. , . elevator, atteadaaee, Oled halla, hard wood Cnish every convenience: ; rooms and beth, within ave minutea' ».ik of \\ali_st and South ferries; rent ».V)0 and up- .ard, two benuUful earner liars remaia unrented send ter a seeeripava uamphiet. ( mari.Ks a. SsKymouh. A ea)., agents, op fi Mental.".- >i |.,,. .;v.. llnfnrmoljfb tjauors ^o Cit A-CHANCE TO LEASE * ie.idence_u lb'2 and .,4 WI ^| IV", VI VI'., liciaes'ii Lanni md .tn aves. F<.ur-*.ory sud baannani moAAotmly n'uished. Lease 2 or A yeara ai »1.»00. Fnij*. lew._ POUR-STOR)! brownstone hi»fh-8toop dwell- A lng, 61 East j-jtk-st Ap,, y to I'- JWHNMON. 71 WbIIsL 'TO LET-UNFURNISfiED * Hmm v.. | li*.laaaaea i-i.e. i? rooms, si.soo 'Rt* No .i Uvlngstoo l'l,. e. 17 room., *! *s<ie> ind ro. Wi -ether. l..r permit sui parti, ular*, apply to il. M1 ItlllTT. _*. 93 fr<> LET-UNFURXISHm H- '.ll r.,oms, rent 11.100 sui -- No ill 1 i.r 13thst., 10 rooms, rem (1 00 and Croton; Uouw Na '.'"-J i'.s»t Kd st. rant »0O0 and t i.n n linus.* No, 2Ut Uah lltli-»t.. 12 rooms, ten' »l,40o ai. Croton, for per- rj.it sod parucuUr*. muir to ii. Mi-MUIT, No. 6S 84-1 Vfc Unfnmioljcb fjotiBC tOantc&. U'HPPER PART OF HOUSE, tu'ht roomsTln a good neighborhood. HOI;SE. Soi 13. Tribune Office. Coantrn flropertg fox Bale anil Co Ul. BOSCOBEL. The Country -eui and I arni .1 ibo late HENRY WARD BEECHER, located upon th- heights, 1 1-2 miles east of Peeksklll. on Hudson, lr contains 3d acre» under I high st.ie ,,f ciilth.iUon, rommanding an elegant view of the HuSeoB ami surrounding country; Uric ernaialal shide trees In gieat rariety, great abundance of UM choicest varieties of fruit, BbnnasBOa of soring water, eic. The malu 1 .Hiding 1* of brick, double walls, granite basement, aud slaie loot; modi-rn In every particular, and contain, uxer twenty rooms, exclusive of three baili-roonis, laundry, and servants' rooms; stoam beaus!; has 14 bedrooms, llso UM Hoaeeteed or Cottage, containing about 16 rooms; ¦tauea, earnage-hoiuea, barns, and omer outbuilding* ju gr,*at ibundan.-.*; also extensive gre* n-houses fully ft..k,*d. lt I* one of tho perfect gems, equalled by f. xx snd excelled by norm. lt will be soil lo qui. :g purcha-u-r al a bargain. Kuli particular* with WILL¬ IAM il. lin VP k CO., 5 Vinderbilt ive., opposite Orand Central Depot, New-York City._ A complete directory of de- SI Bl'UBAN HOMES sirahlo |.iac.s for i.slisi.ce. al.ag ihe I.ri- Hallway withlu on tho llftr miles of New York con- la.ii.ng illustial.d plaus ol 1'ICTl KKSOI F. ERIE, houses, price ol land, popula¬ tion non.ber of aeb.ols aad ehnrrh.a, methods by which one can boonie his owu land or am otn-r valuable information. Thia beek eas ie nuts ned at any ticket odie, ot ti." I.ns Ccmps.y tor .". rents, or hy application io L P. KABUKI!, 21 L'ortlandl-lt., with the aiiuunt la stamp._ A HKAK'ITFUL Country Home witniii the Jin cur limits io let; lar.e boase, bavins ssodern mn- Tameness and partially furbished, sia.1*. Ac-, h acive in garden au lawn plenty of ti un and sh* le trees, cow and ohicsens wini ihe ptae. hon. ears from 3d ar*. " I. road p inti. <i. *, r.at lusd.-rar. to approved teua.t. Apply li lliiAAKlrei. luliULIV, TS wall-st.. or T1I0S. ilL'H FOB ll, uw.er, lui Wali-»t,_. Al POMFRET STREET, COXN.-Wc offer "^*- for nie in this unquestionably healthful, socially . ttractive; and picturesque locality, a choice pl.t of about to acre*, with now houso of 14 rooms, at a bargain. (Folio 3,143, PHILLIPS £ WELLS, Trlouue Building. at Montclair, on orange aiouK- "'**¦ TAIN'S -Ijrge handsome residence with all modem cutiveiil.'ii,tai; c.minindi,.us stable; 5 Lt acres, about one- third In grove; line inland and water views, from 11-11 I. .te to Sui Iv Hook; no nalasncea; perfectly healthful; anrroonded by handsome residences; few minute, to two depots. (Folio '1.(122., PHILLIPS 4 WELLS, Tribune Betiding. A T CQRNWALL-ON-HUDBON.-Gothic ot- ¦**¦ tafe; les moma; Mabllngj twa acres weil improved; fruit, lawn and shade. [Folio iMA.) rill I.I.I I'S, R WELLS, Tritium* Building. A -ri)];" SAI.E~OR LEASK.-Suitablo for **¦ Behool li..--cnn lon or Summer Bearding..A modern residence, containing 29 room*, ittaated on lin.* af Bria Ballway, anions tho pietnreaana hills of itockiani ounty, V. Y.. eight, minute.1 walk fn.m expreas train depot; ..ne hom from N.W-Torki house ha* hoi and cold wa'.-r. bath, ll l-v, rurnae.- In cellar, and 1* In |»-if.*ct order and re adv f.,i inatani occupancy the ground, border on a jsrsa rapid mountain brook; contain a tine aaaartaant of fr au. good ¦hade and kitchen gardes; the whole win bo sold for half C.ht Of linus.* (folio 3 2-7.1 rilli,I.H'S i WKLI.S, Tribune Building. M HUDSON MYER COUNTRY SKAT, or A j abundance; romantic gleu;"flne shade"; large hou*e, 15 rooms, from which flne river and Inland view-* can l»e had; necesaary outbuildings; dc.~irai>io healthy section. il-ollo 8,286) PHILLIPS t- WELLS, _Tribune Building. ATM K KI DEN, Conn..For 8ale.-1 testable il ro'imrr scat and tarni, 133 acres abuclauc. fruit; nn- telling maning watar I resi.lenco 14 rooms with m.,,'..-rn len- aroraiaaataI rarni.r*» hmise; commodious outbuilding*: h .mis..me groun ts will reut residence and Immediate grounds, furnished for the season, Koli,* 3.3H7.) PHILLIP* .v WELLS. Tribaa. Bttlldiag.^ KKK ITV COTTAGE, 12 rooms, with stables and 3 .ci ss 'ru.t tad .haste; situated In wend. New.York t:tiy rent oalr $1100; will ne pru In nice ord.r. Apply to HOW VllD G. HA DUI.EY, 72 Wall-st. A HUDSON RIVES COUNTRY SKAT with J\ three acres, w.ll improved huns. .A tmmt, with ali moderu coBvei.le.cles I.r.. barn .ood tis!.in. and boating fa. Ulttet. una rlrer and Inland news sold to close a. estate. Photographs. iK.liol.lti4.) PHILLIPS 4 WELLS, Tribune Building._ AT NORWALK-ON-800ND..Modern resi- deao.*, lti r... na large gT.un.ts .Unsted on Main.st.; hmyrtcA si t.walk anl street r.r to depot all ,: ly un, rove- ment.; Hrst-el.iss neighborhood 11.e » hoots, churcues, ItOrea, Ac: frail and shade tl«hie. t.o.itin. and saihug within walkin* distance. A perfect hom*. I»Olio 3.230.) _ Pilli.LIPS A WELLS ruben. Building. \ COUNTRY SEAT with 8 acree in Fairfield i V e ouuty. Conn., two horns ouu House 12 r.n*rna. all Improre.ieni. citru. stabling. Ac,, abnn.laucn trait*; good loi ul and e.lncat ona! ..Wantage*. (Kelk, 1,044.) phi i.LIM * wm.i.s. frlbua. Bnlldlas. _ ASHORE COTTAGE, ono aid one-ejuartcr hours out. Nsw Have. Itali way; three minute, fn.m it,*i.it. new. medan, ll room house; three ead half acres; b.tnhonseoo b«sch: oit.nMv. now ,,f fl.und; architect', plau.here; only fie*. no<> Folio 14..!'.) PHILl.IP-e* \l 1 i.i -, Tribune Building. "\ COI'N IKY SKA C. with Xl ac rps. JO ni ilea ^ a o.r. Just .evnn.l tho liran.es; fruit, shade. st*rt«»«; moder, house, ll" room*; gardener's house; outh.nilling.; aleaaaat, b.-althrui seou.u; sold to closo uu estate; mice, fl J,o«0. (Polio 1(767.) ph 11.1.ti's wki.i.-c. Tri'.tioa Balldlag. A N oTTl) KS rAIU.l^llKOpapcTTiKfucVwTn rt operation ami d.tnc good bu»ln*«s; also 10 ajres. just t»-r ttl the Oraugos, Beal .tallon; suitable for subdivision. [l.n. J100.) PHILLIPS A WKI.LS. Tribune Building. A FEW desirable cottages t<» rent st i erse, n u ii ami POI r lookoit xUact-nt lo the tam.,.i* Len. Hedi and P.nut l.oak.ut ho¬ tels, lor particulars apnlv lo JOHN i. DEV INC, Uanager, 113 lir,.-nwar. IT NI.W-I.ONDDN, Cnn..To ron) fur . \ .nnim.r or rear, B tt«« house, fuhr and well farnlabl lellghtlui siiuai.on. 12 rooms, 1 batli-i.e.m . a.i mudera Murellie.ic-s j.,nm 'lug perfect; t.leph.00 po»»»-.s|.-in glTea aa loon aa wau tod. L. <*. n'liNnn. 19 Chaaibera.it. ii' ORKENVILLE.- 20minntes frmn city, Xl r;i Jcriey .ntral. ulce 3 srory and extenslen hon*e* all improTemeuts near station 9Ao. Vf. H. ABMsTBOXO, ij Vesey st. _ _ 4 BARGAIN ET MONTCLAIR, N. J.-For Ja sale .r to ler. an attractive residence on Moniilalu-are.; 1. loom., nil luiproremeut*. luclodlug town wat.r, stahl., 1 acre in lawn and card.. all lo tine cnlttion. CLABKNCB li. Tl'BBi. 0 Uankmao-.t, W, V. AT ROSELLE. N. J..A hanelsomw modern house erery Improvement, newly psperedand aaiBtad fruit lu season; near dep.t oonv.nteut io city A.plrto A. H. HO PK. 121 l.lliertr-st.oruE'i I' I I'.ANK.fO U aler st VCCE88IRLE, elegant manuonis resiiioncen. farms, hotels, faoiori.-s. Western an.l coal and Mineral lauds, water (roots: thousands, ail dire, tl.ns. for sale, si Change, rea;. J. A. VAN AUK KS A CO., Ti Pr.sdway. A STATEN ISLAND WATER-FRONT\ JA l.nno le.t: ocan tw HOOaaiM fine lasd good build¬ ings, fruit, sis).; near depot: il minute, from New. York City; eau be bought at a bargain. J. A. VAN AL KEN" A cc., ll Broadway. A LOVELY HOME of 20 acres within on« hour by frequent an 1 fast train*. Moder. r...-nr Quean Ann. home, and eutbutl.lin.s; .bun-tauce i non e fruit; ranld ¦uonotaln brook; larseahadei ea,y walk irom depot, adjoin- iiiR tewo or li'.ninj; lind rapidly grow.ng ni ralui, cunno. I nu i-j compel owner to reluctantly pan with il. New-York n..rel. nita' fa ml.e* largely compose tho neighborhood a* allyr.r re»l.le.is. 8 .nil Bard of rasiatared cattle. Imple¬ ment, and -nt nis.imeiits of h.uso cn oe had A choice spot. (Foilo3,33Sj PHILLIPS A WELLS. Tnhauo BniUlBg._ IT PLAINFIELD, N. J.-Modern Queen J\ Anne reiideBces large c.ra.r plot: 5 minutes' w.i. liy good sidewalks to depot most deslrabl. part ot villa..; a har... In to prom, t purchaser, (folio J.itJS) PHILLIPS* wells Trihao. iJii.idiug. ii' MOUNT VKKNON.-An onportnnitj to . \ leal *.jo MiOC); about 12 acres rorer 50o eily lots) i.scw f«.-t fre-n new ueyot al W.shin tourilie, 24 minutes from Qrand Central Depot p r.stments soch a. this ma,le tr.- la- ¦ena. lortun.s of old New-Yorker*: rare i-natie*. (Folio I, ,*'. PHILLIPS A Vi KUA. TrlnnsoBnildiug. A FAMOUS Stink and Dairy Farm ot 4<M> acre, in clnneest part of Cir.n.o e-ounty, N*. Y.. '."-j limns nut; three .juirier* *f a mil. from itepot first.c.as* build. lone; o. cent .nally Well waters. lin* trull goiel neigh- lier ...od. (lol.o 1.361) PHILLIPS *B WfcLLM. Tnbuue ICiill.iu.._ 4 MORRIS COUNT), H. J.. FARM, 68 seres; i\ .each orchard, springs ; hoise 7 room, j outbuilding. ; lei. 200. (Polio IA IS) PHILLIPS A v, ELLS. Tribune Building. A RESIDENCE* 12 rooms and 47 seres, near New H..ren, .'.nn. In fie highest state of feitllllfl .*> be s.i.t lo oio*e ootato ahnndaaoa af fruit aod running wat.r; con.try leal ml farra cou»bi,i«,t. (Poll. 761.) PH .L1.IP-* A V\ KL'.-. Tribune tiuuding. V GENTLEMAN'S Country Seal and Farmj se, acres .'..io j ards (rom yiliag,-en Lon. Hiaucti IUU- i, iv, una in.,ir out; a perle. I glac. tn highest st .te nt finil¬ ly aad r«|>air -, will take city prop.riy or small nearby place n part payment, Polio l.dol.) PHILLIP-* B MTKLLS, Tribune Building.^ pRANFORDi N. J.-45 minnies Cen. BL K. of Kj s. 1 new house. 9 room.; water, rurnace, range, eli..-- .*, lot SSslStfl 99k rn m.nth; f.ui ohurche*. gr* led icuools, gent buailagaad n.lnng. II. S. CIIA.NLLEU. Ill Bmadwiiy, .r ll. B Ai WATER, Cranf.r'. BEAUTIFUL COTTAOE8 on Lonjj Island -ouDd, with |i.o bench, an h..ur fr.m cur, from SlSn to l.t. io the sea sou. OrfOKTuMTY. Hot 10, Inbune cjuic. I70R BALE.$15,000, at .Mountain >t;.ti,.n, 1 nraiige, N J. Ai uilnuie. Hom theeuy M,> tern r.*i.teii<-., 1 h.. ir,,, in*, ru.iusg wat.r .nd gs*; (tads and poultry iou*. aa acre lawn; fla. ITM., shurbb.ry and car 'eu ..ar nation. Addre*. "WNliK, _P. O. Boi 9.C.. Nsw Yor.. VV\{ SALE or RENT..At Roseville*, N. ,1 ; I d.tirable r«»:<ieoo», ll room., mod.r-i lmproy.mnt.; arc. plat: higli**t gr.u.0; Un. rl.ws, good .tabla, eirel- .i.l ue.ghberii.M.d. L»tr eutWn owner weet most .Hs os. ,; pi«p.rlr. KOKEtll APPLETON, JK^ Srick Chorea. I/O Ii "SALlfor TO L E A S K. -Valuahle water I (rom, K.LSt Uiver, nest Whitestone 21 .cres .( laud luilabia lor business |.uroo»e* or building site*. Apply to BE/TON' W1SSMAVV. _19 cedarst POR SALE or TO LET fora torin of years. 1 Ciiand Yi.w, Loclport. N. Y.-Thu nu. r..lden«e i* Hied up wita ererr ino-t.r. convenience »pleuild bern srg. _rruarKi* and iin*urp»s*ed oatlo ¦'* would eichaage for .Vettori, lsuitsorf rm. the loller within 200 an!** of Ch., a.o Apply I. WciLFENDEN, lloi.l W or Iii. WaahlagUn Uoul.r.r.f. Chicana IN THE iliplilantU of tho Hudson dc-nirstile res den e. 14 tor 60) .ere*, .dlotaia. rillara n..r et .binni.ore pare mountain s .ring w it nr ^rarity wm sall 'or SlUOOC) tuna-third nf rust* to c|.*ee estate .Iso plot 40 i, ros. with oue of th. mott cli.rinlns rl.w. mt tli. i irer. (Ko¬ lo .1. ino.'. PH LI IP- .t WKLI.S. Inbune t'..il.ilng. Af ILL8M OU1 OF-TOWN REAL ESTATE ."I OATALOOUB '*l..*ii 1 -..hi properties for .al. .ud SaS Kea.ly Mou.lav. Malled fra*. _ K. ». MILL-. JR 957 Rro..lway. Po LET..At Iiiwoocl-oii-liudsoii (West * MM PL, New Yorlt citri, 'hou.e. ll rooms, all neidera lmpio\eruent.; Croton, gs. and garden, reut. SSC Apply w il. E. oHBWIb ttomttrp proprrtg .for Hale anb to Let* MORRIS PARK, L L, TUK POPULAR ANO KAVOItlTK. NFW KHBCRB. A 8LT1LI.MKM OF WI LLPLKA8KD PCB- ll ISBBS 30 MINI Tf> MUSES CITY On Atlantic v. MTtaBM Ia.ng I il.ind Railroad. | FRKQCIM THAIN-.. LOW COMMUTATION. The rapid afafTaaa now l^inc made >,,ward tbo early <<.ii pl-tl'.n and operation of the NEW ELEVATED RAILROADS In Brooklyn, Lrir._. iv to the notice ol horan* aaaketa im low expected fuinimer.t of UAPIOTl\\Sir mmi THK KA-.T KIVKIt TO HORMM PAHK, and call* renewed attention to the convenience and esubll»h.d merin of this oeautlful property aa a Dlace of realSen*., LOTS *!?j AMi UPWARDS, .sn LU ON A PAT. MENT OF "NII-TKI ll IN tslf, IUM AINnEB 8rF%ra»AJ9 PB*CKNX- 10»¦¦ Mlle, gunranteed by iho OKRlHNAlls.HU IN TitLl I.I HUNTER CO. COTT'i; S WITH ASH wituimt IMPROVE. MINTS ON -mil.Mt TAMMI ANO To K,nt. The properly I. leetlletoi, and mana.'d with a view to meeting tM wm s if fi-iidinus and -rder loving people, and a- a locution f, r a how parties i ly respecting, Healthfulness and Accessibility, cannot bc excelled myahtm In tho vicinity ol the TWO CITIES. Tax"* nominal. ChsiSfeM tatoola and Sfirea nearby. To imrchAMi/s of Loll "ho d, no 11 tuild vu extend FINANCIAL AID. RORI NIDI.WAI.K-v STRF.F.T LAMPS. We are i re| and o kent* desirable parties SMS very fauirabi.* terms. A einall auu/Unt down as evidence o| good faith, and M__baoa.tMnt riuaneriy payment, thal would otherwise go f,.r reut, will mano you your own Lindi,,rd Parti, i de .Iring to own their homei should c.nf- r with n* and rtolt the property. lor par*!-ulara, maps, »ch.:dul* of prices, otc, ad¬ dress or apply to F. XS. LINTON*. PKF.ST.. 115 BROADWAT, N. Y. or to GEORGE MAURE, SUPT.. MORRIS MAMBA, tm L. LILY POND. One mil. from lag Battas, long Island. Th'., complete and charming con ii ire eOtt, which we mist ..ll at o.c. to cl.se an *»tar>>, :s absolutely th. gr* aie*t bargain In tba rn siker. I .** tuan I-ll .alu. on easy terni* will Uko lt. 1 l-r,,n' Manatoo roa.orv.iery, em*, waree, st*.rn heat, all convenleo.es; uini-hcd r.ropleteiT ..rdeuei'a c.tta..| Urge sml,I.*.; TC term et Un ii a comio.mllug .ltustloni eoel, health'til. pictures.iee boaiitirul lawns, tenni* court JOnat park, romantic walk, an drive*; hue hunting a.q fishtneon the plaee gar lens. ore.ar'. <fcc: near «.it watw b.ihm., lishtn. ann oihk, evety comfort, luxury aad ad- vantage that money, ililli and tasto can procure. HIHIimKVK. CLOYD A BAYLISS. Attorney*. 170 Broadway. .N'ew-Y.rk Cltf. ARVFRNE " BY-THE-8EA." ACCESSIBLE, Qe'll-.T. BLEOABT. Thirty minute* bv rai. d.r-.-tlv on tho menin front ad. joining tlie Wave Crest of i.r flt* kawav. Long Land. Handsomely fiirni<hed ,-nttage. tn r. nt, with bath. ga*. An. .tahiti,?. Two mlle, ol booen hoi..-, i.t* aud co.iago, tm .ala, ber vice and oi.-nl* li .le.ircd from the now ABVEBBE 110TKL Apply Boom OOfl. Mutual Life, 32 s s»».m ; or Rooti 34, Do¬ mestic Buddie*, 893 B.eadway, cer. Uthst New.York. TOPEKA AND ITS ADVANTAGES."" Popnlatloni 1680, i". IBS; ISSSt 45,oex>. Important Information to linties aeeklnit . h.,ow In tM Weal ur proSUbll Beal Estate aud Manufacturing In- re.Unenta, ai**.. Lxcuralon lute* to thc city, wm bo sent freC on aiijiliction to the _ci:;. 09 rR A DE, Topalta, Kansai T STAMFORD, ("NN., on "Richmond Hill." on. Ol tba healthiest te.idence. wlihla SJ mlnut.1 * -Handsome house, st a bargain, fbotograpba, Ac. with J. A. YAN ACKEN * CO.. 71 Broadway. AGENCY FOR MONTCLAIR..Bantam* ra bandaomi redden es and building s'.to.; houae. to I.t, CLARENCK B. TUBBS. 6 Beekmanat., N. T. 4 T MONTCLAIR, N. J., CHEAP..To let. in rose* atone cotia.e or 8 rooms, furuac., tanto. Ac, 9 tere* in fr'ii-, .ardon «nd lawn larg. si.be aad beanery. CLARK Ne E IC. TUBBS, 5 Beek-uaa-st.. Iloein 103, N. Y. POR .SAL1*:.. I" wo villainlotC Nch. 1 aad 2 *" in Block 1. at tho village of Franklin Park N. J., ad joining tlie 1'. nnsvlvanla IX. R- station In that village. Apply In tho OOOBtlng-rooni et The Tribune. FOR BALE..One ol the best hertel properties at W *. r *H Ul LL, een-isilugof 'lill; PLYMl'IiiN BOI SB, Till'. DH KINS nocaKand l:\X Yr KU* AN NI l.Y ES. All completelr furn'she 1 a .plo 1 lld dock whero st.tm.r. land, and .bani two nod 000-hnH er... of .rou.) eic.ll*ally located for ci tag» ste. Thoowner h.i* ipeot or.r $33,001 In Improving rr.ls properly and outtiug .verrthing In flrst- cia*, shape during the list var l h. prose it tooan t's lea. .soiree with the oomin. utieti. ¦nd Un. proprietor lu* b»er. etf-i.-.l V>,i)t)0 rent for tb. prep- ertv. but irelors to se,I. Watch Hill ls the co.alng seoaido intry, iud at tbl p-.'Sint tims thor, it n.t suit,ci,-nt hotel ic,-,,.|i .....l.ir.ion, and at th. price the owa.r would uk. 'or ll.is pi . lortj -mr tlr.t-cia** hotel mau.boald he aldo lo mako a Io: tune in a tow year* by buying lt. CHABLIS MAO RAE. blA bib-ire., New-Tork. ^ FOR SALE OR TO LET.-Orest Neck, L. lt a. l-'oi-eat ..ro'..-1 ti acree, l".-\nf|f-.llr .Hasted on Maa lue.n Bar hon.e. - room., furnished all modern Improve nni.ts. Apply to JOH. B. HplXN BT, CW. Pinora. EXjRSALK.-ai Glen Ridge, N. J., 25 min^ 1 ute*'ru. New.York. .n "lagBBl thirteen (13) room cottage; all modern liaproeeatoalei iii*'..st of w*i.r, rino vi*w-. iiOo drain./, sar (inn ted by grand old forest tree. c,,uv nieut to (lotion i oaooptloaal nenhborho-id; .004 nhool.. cliurc'ies ..nd m-iikri* poainatoa April 14 .1*0 .mailer oottagl In v.c n.ty. Inij.u. *f a.eut at .tatloa, Oise Bulgo. N I-_ LX)R s.\I.!¦:.-*-),.loo j Ratherford, N. J.. 30 1 minite.. Kr..- Hall waf, S very desirable, well.baili hou*., 10room.and uath. fre-c..*d inddocorat^L mot.rn Improve. ¦oata, fnrmie*. healer, rm.-i. doo bl. w;u-l -te .lishe*, attic, cemented collara, BrtlSclal Mona ga den walk lor C!8xlUS| Ou. location il.ino ce.sii, baian-e to suit al 5 per cont. Ad res* lim Al. _ICnttierford. .V. J. I WI.MI to soil at onoc< mv beautiful nearby counter house, eoatalalaa I acre*, .lee.nt lawns, .hale andr: ult. li lO.'S'.'i.e urou'id*. Ac. lu rb,* est perfect cou. dillon. I NT liv kw ONLY. TriOnn. uMoo._, LONG BKANCH.-TO let, handsomely fur- lishe house Vi rosins: plenty »hade; all liniTove- u,,-.,ts .11. bio, k fro'ii ..< «»n. thr, * t. ,K.-k* from We.i Kail Hotel; be<t cofan" it. Iii...eli fer the price. Addre*. Box 119, P. ei.. Long Branch, M. 1. ________________ 10NG BRANCH, Elberon, Monmouth Hesoh J aad vietaity..To lot, elegant (arni.h«i iott.re«. ocean aid river fronts all c 11,.ni'uo.l. WILLIAM LANE, Lon. Branch. IUONTCLAIB, N. J..SPE( lAL'l Y-HeautH Iv I fnl ni*'er r. silences, ,ml* and rent. RABSONS.* TAYLOB. racceedlaa Bowe <v fareosa, TX Cedar at, M. Tr. \i;ak CAKE WarAMANO. . DestrsMs i-s luriiMhel hou*o for -ie. ic ro re.it with or wlthont board fr tie sj ni,ier Bioutb. Ior p«rtl.:ulari addro.. HENRI M. BOLLSS, Mow-Proateo, cons. OKANIrK. N. .1.-Mount.un Clift. arceTsTbleT 1 I. ni .,f indorarlooklegl Xow-Y.r. COO f.et el.va Bon.naonaatlouably hoalthi, for aalo, $H.'.00), to close a*- tate; .pa. i..u< i»*. -lea, e. «ub*ta.tia m. .ru. 9 * ere*, il*. Hiug. KIiffAltU P. HAM 1.TCJ.N A CO.. 90 Broad way. __ K08EV1LLE, N. J.-I lu- bo.tutiful suburb o! Newark, near Knit Oran.e P<> f**t ibo*, title water verr healthy looatlon iowi rs ; iiei.iwsre. Ls. kawanna and WO*loro Itailr.M.I il tia:n* ea li war dailv miuuto. fionicitr. foe tent. snl.,.mau r**i.lonee* all m.d.rn con. Tt'Uiences reut, $3b0 to $6iK). .MUN I). TOPTIV. Ko.eviile. N.wark. ti. J. KENT, |500..Stone cottefe, furnished; 10 room, i natl, |,ii no. 'i.. Be.i aorth shore of Lons Iaiand; one hour and b**. on iriiu*. \ .1 ire*. JAMI'; K. bb Lib.ny st., N.w.Yorfc. GHORT HILI.S.-To rent, fe- four or fivo *^ i- May 1, fully furnished houso with . il nmdern ronvenlence.; running water, bath, Udephone. burglar alarm, Si Mobla, with uso of family boras »n| p..a.*..,n price IJOO pei month. tddrea. "H.". Boom ll Tribune Ilullding, where photograph may be *«-ea. CUORT HILL8, N. Y. 17 Fonr aero*, exeer.iit k,, i.e an.' ttsV.e^ all In xyortor.9 orier. liwn. ero;,;,.' and tennis ground*; aband.nc .1 eboioe trait: elev .ted ocatloa with tine view: price S14.00*. Address A. tl. I>ANMAN*. Own. Ne«.,rk. N* J._ rPO IJ-:T, FURNISHED, in Watertown,Conn.. widenee ol belate! I CsrMaa; Sanaa eealslss IS re ima; bath ind (of ~rvai.ts; parlor, library. slitliig-ro.uii. dining-room, kitchen with Que range mtii, laundry with iel tuba on Hrs; door; nursery and elx diam- bera on iee ind door; -. ... m.-n eervant. in a .mall h. m-c \«r:u.las oe two sile* of h,,.i>»; stables contain until-, for four horaea; fruit of ma nv kinda, Kor key. and parUeolya apply to l i:. DICBEBMAN, Watertown, t ,,tui. Nta'.oti at 12, noon, every day but Sunday. rp> I.;*. I (>|{ POR SALE..Great Neck, h. it t loriaer resl.lt-iice o lion. BooJ.Wendi Urge kou.e. 8 aerM; nexr denoi. eniirclie. and .cbools. Apply lo J Uti. n !«FIN- NKY, '164 1-ii.e-sU rro LET At Beriren !'uitir, tf. J. 9000~S I SSSS oneh 1 Son... lo M wtth ail the moie.i. ts.itsry .. mw. ,~K«,,. s-vatamio. I. rio'U.i »ieo o»r». w J it ti Isndi to a good ien.nl * .CK) oaf v.ar Inquire or m. as. ill' un. Plaiafleld, N. J., or l.i KtOOIBB Xii WiUiam- *[., Ne» 'Vork_ I.XtK liKNT.- vi I'ortchestenhoweifraoM ¦ four f.,.i,h.,i. .),»,.«. trait, An.1 eeirtasahosaoasS .Uble : boating and baton ir rent. SLchMC Apoly »B prom- l»o* or to A. J. Bllltlili-.N*. li-. Ht l.iW'f .'._ , r|\> LKT.-In ihehcaithv vills^of M«tawsn, I N. i.. adesirabecoiiairool il room*, aalt water b.tB- lo. on .reu.dv KSSdwiTS shad. aeh^a "d ohnriaji within le) mtonte.' walk ot l»ou..i r*«t tito par raac. aa. ilr**s M., Trlbuna eifflc_ r\\> UKNl'.-ll!,. niiwrdcsiiahlo oottajje in 1 Har H,r',or; beuntlfully .«."l'* *'," 'r,'!^Vjff* r.e.rtk. vnl.ee. on ih,. ocean trout- tUOA B. Ml Sit KAU rn, 'io Piua-.t. New-York. ___,_-r.. To i ET .in I vinr, Conn* ii«i»r Shore Lins I it Vt ,!,;. s,!.,'n,i ,' tal .""«. WT«£ Lona,.,,, a. .iiriilliil COl«.« '¦'¦'¦"" '_f''|'.' [y^-U tlD X*1 . table. Ac. terms,,.,. .tl I -,m .1 I I" >r. tlc X lill i-_ WASHINGTON. CO S.N.-A iurnirtlied heiUM* ,nre'1Vrer,.,l.s,,.,me;. 1 .e* *. - "^£...1 J^; SSW ISMS S-iE** A dins P. V. Roi ttl. Waahiaswa. Cobbi
Page 1: JHA8.J,,,SCHUYLER.,4 U'HPPER PARK, L, · SOCIETYOFAMEBICANABT1STE TENTHBHIDICION. t* Alew brilliant performances, muchclever painting Bone with considerable nest and foire, and tncrch


TENTH B HI DICION.t* A lew brilliant performances, much clever paintingBone with considerable nest and foire, and tncrch work

whleh ls limply tentative, may be foupd In the exhlM-

llon Of the Society of Ameilcan Artists, which will be

opened to the public tomorrow at the Yandell Gallery,Flfth-ave. and Nineteenth it. The wllllngnesa of the

Academy to accept example* of all schools ot art haa

removed the original reason for the society's exhibi¬

tions, and the latter no longer have tho distinctive

character of half a doaen years ago. Two ot the

aoclety'i founders, Messrs. Warner and Rt Gaudens,keve contributed nothing, although they are repre-

aented at the Acadomy, and other members. Includingthe president, may be fairly Judged by their work at

the Academy exhibition. Yet the society gallery will

be found a pleasant place to visit, for lt contains roany

aaiurancee si f^K,vs' 'n xhe mastery of techniques, and

If experimental work ls sometimes over-prominent,there li promise of more (substantial achievements in

the future.Tbe exhibition contains many portrait*, as usual.

Mr. Sargent's full length portrait ls not the kind of

work upon which lasting reputations are founded, lt

has almost the effect ot a hasty tketch, cleverly dashed

off, with much enjoyment of the showy arrangement of

pink and blick, the draping of the mantle, and pose of

the head, but without any attempt at Ibo aelcejuateexpression of thc form throughout, or at truthful draw¬

ing In the bands or elsewhere. Beside this piece of

pyrotechnics ls Its opposite, a quiet, restful, substan¬

tially painted, sympathetic portrait of a mao with a

violin, by Mr. Wyatt Eaton, an admirable picture. On

lim* other side of Mi. sargent li a portrait by Mr.

TH)noho, which pretends to be nothing more than a

sketch, and yet If a portrait ls to Interest us In the sub¬

ject as well as In the artist's dexterity. Mr. Donoho,laking his 6ketch for what lt ls. hardly need fear compar¬

isons. Mr. Chase's charming full length painting of a

mother and child, the former in a Japanese tea-gown,her face barely seen, and his clover study of " Mr.

Cheeks," aro only to be noted In our limited space.Mr. fa. \\. Henson's out-door portrait of a young ladyId white, with a sunny, green Held beyoDd and a Kar¬

den In the background, may safely be numbered among

the brilliant things of the exhibition, and this exhibi¬tion of delicate perception, Iinunes9 and self control lu

expression stamps the new-comer as a painter of muoh

promise. Elsewhere we find Mr. Beckwiths assimila¬tion of Whistler, In his portrait of two little orphangirls standing bandin band; Mr. Cox's portrait of Mr.

Ht. GauUen* at work; portraits by Messrs.

Weir and Rice and Miss Brewster, who seem to haveboon haunted by a ile-»iro log something "effective" In

color; a porn alt by Mr. Tarbell, who falls to live up to

his last year's work: portraits by Miss blade and Mr.

turi an, and an excellent fketch head by Mr. Dannat.The liiruro paintings show an increase In " Ideal sub¬

jects ¦ which ls entitled to all legltimale encourage¬ment, even though there may be nothing here whichcan be praised without reserve. Ai one end of the

gallery ls Mr. Tiffany"* large memorial design, tho

chief flgure excellent In color, but strangely plain and

drawn, the children apparently portraits. Beneath this

ls Ur. A. Ii. Thayer's " An Angel," the face beautiful In

ita simple devoutness as lu Its delicate execution andrefined color, but tho neck and arms strangely slurred,aud the shadows turbid. At the opposite end of thegallery ls Mr. .Maynard's embodiment of " Civilization,". figure of cuiisiuerei.le ellen.ty, injured by chalkinessaud absence of ...lui. Mr. Cox, who continue* to

paint a mo.L-l of ai.normal brawn, exhibits a study ofr* Jacob Wrestling with the Angel," which ls an unusualpiece of norh In these days, whon exact. OXfClalOB ofmtiaoiiUi- action In tho nude figure ls so seldom seriouslyattempted. lin-, ls a creditable example of earnest,endeavor, and yet the artist falls to convey a realsense of the play and teusloi. of straining muscles, andthus loses much of the contrast with the angel's calm.Mr. Cox also exhibits a nude figure, " September," thedrawing sonni* exaggerated, but the coarseness oftho figure relieved l.y better effects eif color than BanalMr. Wyatt Baton exhibits an " Ariadne," miiA Mr. Lrow-liur an " allegorical Uguie," the tao* curiously neg¬lected, but tho Japanese robe and background forminga delightful ' arrangement In green." Mr. Denman,who has become a classicist for the nonce, exhibits a

painting of u Ci reck maiden making an offering to

Aphrodite, a pletura of reSaoaaeal and technical ex-

c*elle>nce, all lu.ugh the fi'*h ci,luring ls not above ro-

uri.aeli. ct hers of tho flgure paintings are Mr.Walker*! '. bloc," a picture of much mwlt In color andaetion; Mr i haee'a black and white .. Hide and beek,"false In perspective and drawing, superllcally suggest¬ive it Mr, .^aigc'it. and yet piquant and engaging. Mr.Bruah*! embod menl ol savagery and aestheticism, Inhis " Indian and l-ily." better than usual In drawing,although th*- straining figure ls anything but pictorial,a email flt ire I. >lr. .sui ia.*. who is belier r-epre-eiit-dby bia " Westward," a head l.y Mr. Fits, and anotherarhieh sin.v.- tba exoellenl work of M. lcenouf. Nothingamong the pa ..tugs ol land or waler scapes equalsMt. George lill ihcock'i " inn. ii Tulip Garton," which.will be lound to deaerve the praise bestowed upon lt lulaal year's Salon. Suefe expression ol atmosphere sur-

unndmg every object la a taro thing even in this dayol clu-ri lOsphoric eflccMi. The tryingcolin-, of ,the Iulipa, so garish In c.emma's paintingof this subject, keep their place here, the liars ll firiniv

painted, and Ihe background with all Its details lgfait lifully worked out Altai thia bright, airy examplenf an m-f-i - tari in Interpretation comes a varietyof landscape work, some, like rho pictures of Messrs.Chase, Roger! ai,-I t i,Hi ti, shoeing much freshnessind dellca. j ole treervat ion. Mr. CL FI. Davis's opaque" Evening* seems disappointing, but tbe picture hasbeen wretchedly hung. Mr. Tryon exhibits a largeuOetober Evening" and two smaller pictures, andlhere aie several Interesting studies in gray by Mr."lui htman. Mr. Murphy brings "Gloom" and littleels.-. Mr. Palmer thoura unod work, tho Messrs. Joneshave* lukas np tbe painting of snow, and there ls a

very promising winter scone by Mr. Elchllberger.M»s'crs. sawyer. Host, Harrison. Middleton, Hoeber.flatt and 'leggin ace muong the other painters oflandscapes, .'nu of the exhibition's surprises lsliirnished by Mr. Simmons's " Lay ol Kt. Ives at Even¬ing," u picture ol mao! subtlety of color, althoughthe point of view and certain questions of comparisonare nor readily explained. Mr. Horatio Walker's'.Pigsty," a blt ol admirable color, and pictures byMessrs. Loomis. V lilttredgc, Tlggiu and Host. Thosculpture is of b ss consequence than usual. Mr.Trench exhibits a design for a frter.e, awkwardly com¬

posed, and laeklng ease and grace. Mr. Doongin.>shows an unremarkable bust of Mr. John BoylaO'Kellly, and there ts work by Messrs. Elwell, Hart¬ley and Hoy la

Rem pnUUotiant.

ItEADamerica; '


Devoted to the idvancement of American ideas ind tho

Upholding md preserving ot American Institution*








jue ADscnrnocs experiences of amosKILBRIGHT,


tiimsr: an ocean story,W. CLARKE RUSSELL

A humorous sketch,ECGeke FIELD.


london correspondence;CLEMENT BOOTI.







[JKAKh'S MAGAZINE.Mark Twain. Hill Nye. lt. 1. Btinlotto, Charles B Lewistugene *';ai<l. Ales. K. ^waot anel othor Amartean hutnoriiuU April number. Sold by all mtw».*oal»ro.

TMlCE, 10 tK.NU





lft.48 to $.1.13.


ISav Publications.Just published.

AGATHA PAGE; A PABABUftA new novel. Hy ISAAC HTN !»FR.'«r>N. anther of

"The Prelate." 12mo. With a beautiful fTontLpIeeo,photograi.hed T:y HENEY DIXON A, KO.V e.f London,from tho relonratert pnlntlns by Eellx Mo«rheles, and

Imported by tho publisher* ex|.rrs«ly fur this work. Ul M.

ANCIENT LEGENDS OF IRELAND.By LADY WILDK (" Sj»-r:in/a"). Wll* a chapter on

tho aiicirnt, rare-, of Ireland by the Into fclr WilliamWilde. New and chea)»-r edition. 2 vols, la ono.

Crown Svo. Gilt top. $2 .10.

LITERARY LANDMARKS OF LONDON.By Lai vu.scu HUTTON. lViuii edition. 1 roi.

12mo. »0 75.New and cheaper revised edition.Prof. W. J. Rolfe says in the " Literary World."

'* Mr. Hutton's b....k is Ike keel puid** to 1/nAnn localitiesconnected with literary u.en that has yet appeared."

TSII>R\.By WILLIS STEELE. ' '-'"">. .* 2'-¦ An extremely IBMWei lng and lifo.Uko utory of Mesleo

during tin- BerolutlOa. lt ll evldeutty written by one

who h.'is igea and known the j.Imea and the p*-..;>le ivheissif

he writes, and the akaiueteta ar.- both \i\id and unusual.

Something nf the torin reminds one cf .Ramona,' arni yalthe story ls net at all 1'k.-.'*

TI' K NOB A CO., Boston.


42 illustration*. A superb number. Among the many

attractive features ls the beginning of a powerful serial

by MARY AGNES TINCKEO. c.ultl.-d.


whleh ls the strongc.?t story yet produced by this well-

known writer.

For silo by all dealers. Price 25 cents, $3 i year.


719 Broadway, N-w-Yorlt.

JnetrurUon.For Bovs and Youri? Men.City.

A.CIRCULARS OF GOOD SCHOOLS fim. Stat* whether for boy* or glrl*,and locality preferrcL

K.E.AVERY.Amerlcan behool Bureau.;! W. 14th tat.N.Y.

UNIVERSITY 1tH.-VM.MAR SCHOOL, 1.473Uroadway, noai 42d-el Hat fear. Primary, cum-

murcia! and tlanl ral l> ¦r»rtmi*nts ;insrru"tlon thorough. M.M. HOBBY. W. I. AKIN N. 0 ll ENDRICKBON Trina

WTOoDURlDiiK m. IIikil, \i-t u.Ast -i.-jth'-atTIr flcleaUH er Classical. Two hundred ftudeiit* havabeen prepared for Columbia School of Mines.


ir, Fa«t r,5'l. su. New-York.Will reopea september 20. Boys' Claasea_

REV. DR. and MRSTGARDNER'S SCHOOLKnit QIRL9, 107 Itb-ara Mrs. Uardnor author of

..Hialory in Rhyme."


For Both Sexes.City.A BUSINE8S EDITA HON..Bookkeeping,

mt*, writing-, arithmetic. Oorrospourtoaco, IjMlling, gra.nBi«raieDosrai.br. Tri>*«nt n/ 1.4.1.es' liep,rlms.il day and»»enin.'. PAINK'tl BCMINKS* lOIXEOK 02 Muwerr,coniat i'an»i.»i.- uptown. 107 Wait 34th-au, cor. BreadwaT;

M LISTKRSCHAFT SCHOOL OF LAN-Ol AtiEs, 17 Weat 4'Jd-st., evpoalte Ileserroir.EDMOND OASTINKA C. A. M., Parla, I'.mrlpal.

The language* most quickly Ipokea by tlie MelslsrschaftSy«t«*m.

Ppacilil aliaiaa for latondtng traTd>ii to Europa. Nally,teachers. Terms new beginning.

SCHOOL OF SHORTHAND AND TYPE-Wlll I.Mi, .tS7 Wost a3d.ll. lur aid evauiugctass.s.

Leam now to br, rsa.lT for Pall positions.

TwK BERLITZ SCHOOLOP LANGOAGES,23 We<i v:i st. Conformational knowledge in shortest

time torus, $10. Send Int- circular ol sumtssr schools.


I, .i-aiod only ai6 KAST HTHHI.. 8 ' Door East of OTU AVE.

Chat lot cl lo llAt this FAMnrs SI Hi.e.r. OP '..IAI. AND INSTR!*.

MENTAL M'.'sir. Bommy aad OampoeitMi Elocution.Eereign lArgtiaces, Drawini; aad " ,,:, ns il « rtr»t rn*.*.Ized aaM best api.olntol lu the country I, Sm,leola rsceirenneo.all.ri advantages.KtW PUPILS RECEIVED Day and Evening,



ENCiHsll rilhi -a RATO RY, FRENCH BCHOOLand Kindergarten foi buMi sexes.

67 Hlcks-st., comer of Pln*ai;nls.SECOND YEAR September 22 M<*i II bl. WHEELER

! Principal Eight years connected with the l'ackor Celle,;.late Institute. f\raxtn term biotins April ll.

Boys and Young Men.Country.BRYANT SCHOOL, Roslyn, L. I., H. Y..

Bosrdlnp School of tne his heit clasa for boya; Pitmary, Interuiedute. Academic; Military orifaril/aiion.

(jku MIL fi! CURTr.l.VOL*. Principal

FREEHOLD INSTIT!'Tl.. Freeh .1*1. N. J.-l'oriy-f«.nilli jeal for here and roana n,»n. Address

Re*. A. (J. CHA.MiiEHh, A. M., Principal.

ELMWOOD SCHOOL FOR hOVS.-At Mil-lord. Coi,h. Parents «im ne unfortunate i» n.e maa.

afement of theirsuns will do well to pi..flt l.y tho advant*s*.s(Tered liy this i-ehnul. AdQresa 1 HANK M. HOWE. Sui?t.HIGHLAND .MILITARY ACADEMY, Wor¬

cester, blaaa.42d year. Koallah, Scientific0. lt. MBTOALF, a. m., tapertotendeoi,

IRVING INSTITUT^. larrvte.Tn-oii-Hiid-X won.orT-rs ui!ii>u..i advantages to i_.»*-»-i.e- seeking Um t.'-stli.'tructloii for their L..3-a. Address A. ARMAGNAC, I'll I).

A YEAR Koli BOYA.aWIXHXN C.SliuPai.iDUE,A.M.,(Harvard.)

Media ti'cnn.; Airwietuy.

For Tounar Ladies.Country.OME and DAY SCHOOL FOR GIRLS.'.THE BLUB," Springfield, Mass. Min Pc.

I'rlnrlpal I'lij.ile admitted lo Yass»r, Wellesley andSmith on our cert!llcate, Quincy method r... ii_Mi.-,i

CTAMFORD, CONN.Miss Alkea*! School for Young Ladles and Chll.

Oren; commences Oct A, le£8.After July 1 uddrebS CATHERINE Al KEV,


s,,u!h Varinouih, Mas*.

^rRrKiTY"flAi;L7Rcv,.rlr. N. J. -

A BatabUahad 1-67.A thorouirh heme school for twenty young ladled. Varied

idvantatres of the h ghost order. Careful tralnln? la manner,mind and heart. Solid culiuro In I.iiRllsh.Music. Art andTingun;,*, a pnoortmt course for students preparing forany college. Spring term uennik tttruaiy 2. l-'or clr^aluraddress tht priucipal.


WEST WALNUT STREET BOARDING.SCHOOL for young Ladle* ,»nd little Glrla; eighth

year; terms modctate. Addi.-s-. Mlaa J- TRA CTMANN? liol Walnut -st., i'l;iladel|ihia, linn.

3D" QUARTER.--KOCKLAN'D COLLEGE'NYAi K, tt. T.j will open April 3 for Dgllsh

IlUklnesa, Culver ->':-, Preparatory Course for Ladiea, Mu.sic and Art. Send fer .mal ,cue.

W. il. BANN lott.H. A. M.. PrlnclpaL



A OAT" TIIE ROT, from Paris, Ortiiie-r. d a. intern,,.. Piefessor of Ereneh. IM West tad st.

Uigoestr«isi«*.,(_e*. __^_^


Addreaa OX KI KOH, Tribune Offlco.

"a LADY TEACHER OFTHEGERMAN ANDe*W Vreoth lai.guagea *ltl» b*.-«t my rrt.-rii.r, and suc-eeaafnl experience wishea position as Uovernuns, ...nipan-lon or In a school._ Addr»*» k. E.. Tribune office.

A BEST TEACHERS, Tvton and OoTem-*x\m ems*** supplied, no charge. Tl. AL li Kita registeredtree- vacancies always on hand foim for mamp R. E.AVERT, American Behool Bur»*n. 8 St. llU-sc. N. T.

AllfcUlCAN AND FOREK.N TEACHERSon AGENCY supples Professors. Tetiehers. Tutors Ooy.. rneaae. At., to < olleee*. Schccls and Families. Apply U

MltS. M. J. Y'it S*. fl [/ION. U3 Colon Hijuare._HE-SK'S TEACHERS' AOESCY, I

I7eh»r. savellaa cu«a leatleaeaora aad aaeeraoa^aluau braael.rs I.n-ll«l.. Oei ¦**, tienrti. SpaBHk spokensuprr.or loalrectors ol '.Unary tactics ..s;..e»

IVANTED.- Supc'iicrr K«>vc-rnc*ss. Ellflilh,ff frsi.tli. music. Oernian snd Errs, h governssssswith aa.l wlthost n.nelc; Kronen, 'ierrosu, vocal music


Zcatticxb.npEACHERfl W ANTEIWLadies t NaturalA Hclenr.sand Fre.oh, Pr.shytetlaii Natural 8oencesand Wait.HiuHtlrs; r.reek and .Maths...stirs, Cirrwsn, Frenchami English for fatnlr. Itut.an OatMUei Vocal Music:Oern.au »ud Voca. .Music; ii.rnmu. I r«neh. Plano aodDrawinpc; Tomi Haste, l.i cition an.l .*) nu. attics German(naurel for SreLclaas school expeneaoel housekeeper forcltv taiiilly. >.entle»en Experienced Vale gradaata Math-emeries; experl.iH-e.l Val. sradaste. Intermediate work. Airsci.nol uailsh and Drawing; English. Mathematics and

Penmanship Miihem.it.cs and Drawing Msth»ma.ics andNhturai Science*. Knis.o .allan expenonoe.l Military In-.truer..r. Ai.plr l<> Mrs. M. I. TOONO-Ft i. n>N. Americasand lorelrn tttutttg* -Xe, nev, 'li luton -..puru._AVANT}'.!). l-nlies: iiiiishing Re.verne?s

California: Fren-h and Connan governess, city sndcountrr ; ABMrieaa te.cher; history lind calisthenics;companion; teachers in Brooklyn; French te:., ir rs, heroind weal rnasleal tsient f..r conservatory.

Gentlemen Professor e.r modern lan».ui»c*, Americanpreferred; teach.! ol rii . eaglneerlng. eonuusneter military¦chool; musical talent eonwrratory. TF. Ar il erm'AGENCT, MIRIAM i.VKIhRE, 81 Fast 17th-st., ba¬tu- n dth-ave. .nd Broadway_._IVANTET)..Teachers, governesses for ten-X* shore; companion, expsriin.el hou«»k»»|>ers, $50

n-onlhlT. Ke'com-usn.ls t-uc-iers, governesses, eoinpanloiia,niatnuis. h'.iisek-ep-s i.'<l*tiit<.MI*<-< DH .'VAN -.1 KA'* II K RS' ni'RKAl .JA A Ut*\mXm.

WANTED..A positiOB ns QovenMM by a

lad* ha\lng I reata' cx|>crlcti<-e. ls comr**-Instruct li, ill En«lish hrsnehes Er-nrh. Latin

sud music Addr." M Tt ei.. No. 11 East 24t)i-aL

WOMAN'S EXCHANGE TEACHERS' BU-"f Kl Al* (foi Loth i*e\es) supplies Profess,,rN Teach¬

ers. (Invernesses, Musicians. Il^usekeei_ers. Companions,ftc. to c.,ll.-ges. schools and fUBlllee; also llookkeepera,Stenographers snd C.pvlsts tn nuslness firm.MUS A I). CULVER, 829 Sth-ave.. New Tork City.

^nrtion Qalte of Krai Cstate._

JAMES L. WELLS, Auctioneer"~

win gen nt .iction Wedeeoder, spni 11. ISSN, aeoa at Reali.sut» f.ic'.uugt. bl Llberu st.. two rery

HANDSOME COTTAGES.1 nnirr. ive N,.». !C«« tad '".te. east «i le. opposite lH4th-st..

2.CI \\ ard. eaeii KttiiS IS roaaa i »x»rx im toemem anaconvenience li.-st .<r pin,nb.ss built br dav's W >rk in mostpertHrt insnaer; ea., plot .ViilOO: Unaly I. ital on hl'hgreund; ebola. ..eKhie.'-liooil conr-nlent to L station:lu.uses romp.st* in »eerr respect *n I wm Wonk liispaction.Also, sasie time an I D's, s. Forest sre.. w. st «ids. '.119 feetsnarl, of Mf.tiist.. .erg .lesli shu lot 25xlOU. Maps andram, niara with auotli.nenr, 69 Llberty-sL, aud 3d-av*. and1IQtlist.___


23D WARD RESIDENCES.Fjst im,,, ... Kee, 7to, 72'j. 721 mel i.2, near Wllils-ave., 2-stol j uni basement high .p bricks, each I7x4.*>*cloo, well built, in splendid order, all Improvement^ excel-lent neighborhood, wit I. staHou. a;-.. r>:.,nn nUr*.xx Kide, 90 i-i south of 184th-st, 2 choice lora, .-a, h25 100. Title guaranteed by policy of Lawyers' Title In-surani t i la r new- Sm i,.

Particulars w.th ADAMS, LAT ft COMSTOCK, AtfysNo Ai Wall «t.. sud Auctioneer, No. BO Llberty-al and


yt,ns, aiRen! Estate Exchange. 59 LlbcrtysW,


COSEY COTTAGES.TNIOV-AVE. Nos MSMi tBt, west s.de. 100 fe.taorth

of !61st si.. SM *var.l. each -j..'orr frame, 7 ruums, ciotsaand gas, lull ultra deep .'.ls., splendid

'.isT LOT,southside, 1 ti'-' feet eas; -t. Anu'sare., ClilO.l. all wellloo .ted good aelghborhe -t, urn I. station and horse cara

Maps with a.. UoBear, .'.Ll I.ibertr-sL and lll-lTe. and.


Nu. >N. atBeal Estate Exahange, .".:> I.iberty-it,

the r.iy desirable

23D WARD HOMES.PAST H2U ST.. n.s. MM, .*>o:t. SI.', and 507. near Horns-

are.. 'J and story tm nr dw.lllnfa, '.' io 1". r«o-ns. improre-meDls, stable With Na, 601, lou -fl nnd 50 tr»nt. sold sena.

rat. J essy terms; excellent location, only J blocks troioL Slitti.D.Maps with Auctioacei, 59 I.lbcrly-sL, sod 3!-are. mag

Ulai, ot._I KKK JOHNSON, .lr.. Auctioneer.

er will Mall re r sell t AnetlM at Thins,ur, April 13,In the Ki.Al, KHTATI KXCRANOI AM) AUCTION

BOOM, 51) tuii.'. Liberty st.. N.w-Verk,TO CLOSE A PABTNEBSBir.


KNIIHI. BLOCK, t.n'i.de.l br Newtown e'reeW, centre ofBetlan Pinkett asd C.mmercUl sL liuUliead '.'ti'l feetlong and valnal.l* ;,.er prlTUagIm in cpa i«r ..« at. | trtlcaiirs apply ti JHKI-'. lOEIN*.

BON. Jr., Bl Lib«riv st.. N.w.TOTE, anl HO.i Fulton st..liroolclrii or i»11a J" 1-* A BLAUVELT, Attorneys, 229hroadwiiy, New-Vork.

RICH VKDV. UARNETI vV CO..Auctioneers,WILL SELL Al AUCTION, MONDAY, APBIL 0LAi l-o'i eek boom, ai t ie icsai K<> <t« Exchange

an Aucti-ei r..,..n!. .Vi le US l.iOirty-St, :

KE ii" 'I'.- -Al.l..b1~ RCDSON-KT.-4 storr '"ii'M AN I) M il UV- 1 I s I. w., 5 st.rr brick tea.mentl.i.i AM'''I BIVI8ION-8T..Pram, nlldtuga.

\\ M. u. :m.: c.ii IB A. ii.c'iiii i.ic, es.ia, EiKutora

III «i> AV. A I'lt IL 10.4n3»alOTH-AVE..4-story ten.mout. with storfc


3 story and basement hrowmaiis resi '.enc. 10x54 2tl 00.S.II WEST 13 'Tn sr.,

3story ead bas-ment hrowastani aad brick reiMeiaISaA4al0t.lL Bethfla.ly Balshed in natural wooiis, andeenplel »uii a n.r.r.iv,' - .

KELLI B MACRAE,etta., Atfys. '.'IT Urosdway.

1531) LEXlN'lTON-AVK.-U-stnrT brownstone, lSx45x70.THCRMDAY, APRIL ll

fil AND71 WK.sl 7i-l - 1 .-4 store resi ience.%EIVEICNIHK I) lt I VE. Bear Ili4th»t,2f,xl0a

I IAY. APRIL 17.239 EA«T11STHHT. :c stsrr ni.iw. .tone dwelling,SA2 EAST BUTE ..Sl.-4-stjry brown-Uue list.


68, r,fli% 71). 7!i. 74 W(Ki-li:n>l'. .nd 87 fl HEINE ST.,near lu,.,,,.:.. st., Ire .,is«» .coupled by Archer ,t l'an.oaaal m.'l*. * .,

5-storv betel and iron l.-til tlnirs ant lots. lf)-..y_.10O onWooster st, -rnx. .On ou ..reenest; 13,390 s.|uar. feet.A liber.il .11.11 tan--- ma. ranisla at 1 per .eat.

117 BKOAU ST.- 4 storr brh-W I.nilling.TiuhsdaV, APBIL 1^.

ALLEN AND DELANCY STS. -Northwest corasr.4 Bud A storr ten*.ii. nts. 26XSS 4M WEST50TU-ST.-4 tory .iweiiing leasshsld.ilaps at anciioueers, 73 l.iberty-st._

SDK WALLTKAKss. Auctioneer,. Oflll ¦*. 171 Uroa.twiy.Will .all ai a,ici,ni aa

WEDNESDAY, APBIL li. ISM,At 12 o'clock, noon, artie REAL K-r.AIi: KX'CnAN'QE,

.'¦'j t,. 6.1 l.oertT sr..Till: ELEGANT Til RE - ri RY III'. iWNSTON^

ll gk I' rtlc. ;,. 1 :rsr-i- ..ss -.weiiiu.-s,I.',- AN U 163 WEST I:'-.-"

Hill Bill in every raepeel 19 Hii311'.19.ll. AU moderntm;,nm marti.

THE _POCB DESIRABLE THBEB-8T0BTAM' R ISKME T. ie[(iU STOOP,Rriek amt Itr.iwii-tone Uirel! n^s

310, '.Ul, tils SND.'JO A|>T 141 T-ST..IB.SiSoxM.1L fins ..I for two families.

'.U Ber rent rna*' remain on Mer tig*.Mi. ps. ei,- nt Am on e.-* s attlee.


Peremptory suction sale nt r mri Donal InPoughkeepsie, Nen V,,r;-.. on Tuesday, april IO, Je-e*e, it" o'clock p. bl, i'V order ..f tbe N. Y. Supreme ,,nr*,of ,i )¦¦ mtfully i taste ] cott..,u^-,leas tlrii s Billa rr m R R s-.-:,,n, with extensions,barn, sim,ie. hothouse, cirrlage-boose, fameBe. with .'.') 1 .._* lews ol land In high «st» .,f enlttrstlon;

.i!p ilropcrtTi tDontrb.

A BUILDER wants to lim city lots to ex-ChaogefaCBeW Bud elegast houses. Address A. c.

'Ir.buso .IBce.4 .WANTED.A Hood nice* of honingU\* praaerty dewa-tews, frew SM.O00 t, tinooooform.in.diat. issU putthase, that will pay ti per ceatL«t. V. K. STEVENSON .t ( o

inn l'r.._..iwar.CANTED, r.iv.iti' dwelling SOfoetwklei

'¦'lb sis neat :. h .ire.;. TrlSan. i>tsw-, ..ffl.-e, l.i.s Broadway.



BntttUta }3ropcrtn Soy iiult and iio La

ALARQE live-story building to lot in1 runl su uesr f'ek slip.

EULA M)A WrHITIN-l._B_Bj.fcy,.ttFFlt'ES TU LE F in 1'eniple Court. Apnir"«m preruse. to I'.LLaND A WllITINcj

_6 Beekiian .*.

rp0 LF.T..Store in W >rth-.«t. st a low rent_^A 'Tbe daahl, store, iroa lr..nt, lire slorte. aad basemaal

. e^rn i.ipsa an ra.li.wr. sas and ass nunrss. oin eleniorsml .mine, iM.Uer, rullmv Ire .hultsis. ',.**;k wain,t rackssl.elrei, eleno taad rear port.on sf nist n. ,,r inrtitio.eiilot,, w.. p,.r.... ns a t, i»ek wainui sn t l»r-, plate g sst via*dows manioc to eillni and erery ri .,,r rs.UssJ lb.hu.I,lin?, one of tn. ,,.,1 built and strongest lu the city andIS m eirrii»nt Ml IIIior aarttcaleea ttypty on the premises, 14a and 144

^ orih-st.

nPO LET.-OfBoe, No- 25T Broadway, or,B- floor ov r tam. gil, i*r month. K c" ATWOOD.

5TH-AVK , N'o. 7»J. in the rioinity of l*ih~-st-A floesutrs toleasa lo*, tmal dosp. with larg* rrea:

plate glass shew wmdews ; .sc.llent ilciu Bu air oa frml.DJtk an side .n.u.le for ii.M..-ial or otl.«r higucla»s kusi'asst; rsnt oalr tc.rxK). Applr on pren,:. .

ttexir. ruraishedbnsiaos purt-ooM.

il If! WKsr l.-li-M'.-I'arl.ii-1 I ll or Bl ll .111.shed Suitable forApplr i.t i ;>, Ae»i ,m .|. kr

1"^.")'" s' ¦*.* BUmve.j two new stoma,"* '.mo.

MN ..i.i. .47 Waal u.ithat.

l~rVt HKOAI)WAY.-Si.,r.' to l<*t loTliI . lt gig ir-m, of T#ar, Wf<t hMr u.mT ¦,,,*.. .eo<.

light, largo window, lnquu. M. J, WAlllli SHou!.1, Xii liroaawsy.

QlitC propcrtp for Sole.


JHA8.J,,,SCHUYLER.,4 Mb,A .PAKTII-.S eicsiriiiK lo purni.i.-ce* first clares

residences can obtain same hf communicating with


__lol nrosdway. ar Obi 5th-sr..__

Tn'o^FTJ wanted fora superb f"H size re*-i\ id.-nceadjoiBluK MliAve.. cr.wu of Murray Hill; el.-ganny decorate _ _ STEVENSON A CO..

inn liroadway anl 003 itnare._pl. 1 WKKN st. N-.e-li.ilasaii'l 10thaves.,northDani. Urth't. .1 lots; |*nce lo*, little cash; quickly. ».«ible l.y elereied expres* tralus and eaMO cara Ilo.ni12-i. Ill Broadway._HIXOW r»7nf-ST.. nem ")tli-ave.

A fonr-srory hens, built m the most tl orongh and care-fnl rasnser an .vc-ntinnsl oppertuailf lo secure a dist nctlreand very attr.ctiro resld.i... iu this lestrable lorstl<>n.

Ll. CamPEXTEB,__41 Llb, ny.st..sad 1,1*1 M ar«._

UYKRS will do well to examine the ele¬gant new 4-storr brownstone, lot stoop, ablnet nnlshed

bouses 48. 50, bl West gJlh-st.. entrano- U> Park.JAM BS A. I K A M I, owner.

(LIN ION PLA I E. Ni. SK Til-A VE.Threes-..ry high Keep dwelling; lot SftxtS.ll; Sailors*

Snug Hail,,..I, .1 I \HPKNTKU.

41 Llhertr-st and 1.1-1 Jil ave.

1/0Ii SALK. ,I Nos. IMHO. l.OCS Madison sve., between 80tls and Blstsra.; No. 1,0 East .'.'tb sr., 25x102; als,, nerthweel cornerMadison-are. ..ni Miti-st.. pine* leasonable; eau bo seen

sny time walmul permit.I KU.PATRICK. Hnililer.

MSB I ;. Il ; h-M. mill £9 l.»st «v)th-st.

I/OR SALK..Two eleinilt brownstonehouses, No IM iud IM Wee*. H'.'d-st. Address

MIBANDA, 02 Llb.rtrsu_CX)R SALE..An elegant I story private resi-J dance, latest issprorei*..nts, So. 1 0 >\-st i*4th st., aad46 Eau 74th st. I'r c«s extrs'iiety low. Alwrsn-.en.

CHARLES w. VAN DOBBN, 44 Broadway._

HARKKM RIVER WATER P :<>N I'.About 2d ids. n.-sr foot ef 14,'hst. 21!.*. Wiri!, ex.

fonding U, sew bul.head Hue, f»r sale at a bargain, byJAMI-.S I.. WEI.I.s ,t DO¬

SS Llbertr-sL sad 11.1 are aad H'.'th-st._

ONE LEFT.a bargain; 275 West L32d-st.Thrsestorr high-stoop brownstone dwelling, near Rth

a-.-. I. station puce reduced, $11,1100. Teiy liberal terms;eau be sees to-day.

I...I C'AKPF.VTKK._41 Tlberlr.it. and 1Hil :c.l-ave._

in -i_i: \c I.- icm RALE,One of tho handsrimest |.ii\j' ..n Columbia

College cr,,mils, in New-Tork il lui ted on the t**sud within f,,iir doors ..f .".ti; av all newly ami magnlll.centi.v decorated; the .bave res loi *¦¦ ll be mid "in, "r

without fnrnltnre; fun,'tur,* ;.n new, lii-luding cut Klausuni china; possession th,- i-t i.r May,

I ll Al 1.1> MIC ll AK.:,.: ,i, ave., Nen Vorlt.

S\\'\: $5,000..EleiTBDt houses; Alexander^ara. ISSth aad lSSth.ta, Worth N'.w-Vork; sptende.i

1., .- n, elentel aad snrfac.ars. \x"*r ear S3.S00 m.re tnHarlem Do not fail le l«ok al " ower Block."

iiAitnv oveiiin'o rov. 2.sn 3d »*.«._VTLLASand FINK RESIDENCES for ssl*r iio.".)') te S2S.0OO la the haadsoma suburb*- .jnartcr

BEDFORD PARKin the cltr of New-Vorlc Ollloo 111 Broad".ty. Loom 00.

"\VKST KND-AVK. .inil h'JD-S I", .'northwestXX c..i ipr..A decided Imrsala, with ease terms; four

elegant caliiner-rrl-umed Q.n.eii Anne dwella..* in.proredSi.nitarr arra-ig.MM nts ann cmrenlent for .low.town con-verarn-es. Apidr to owners and builders, MCKINLAY A,tic ss,... preialeoe,

WEST KND.-AVF... Corner 70tii-str-3Ttorj"tiueeu Anne" fer sa'e, verv low. <*r will r.nt.

OWNEB, A', West 49th.st

f/M'H-.ST.. NEAR 5TH-AVE.<><;I'our-storv dwelltns. Ill f.et wide and three rooms deep;

T>"-y han-ixunely decorated and Uriisned tn hard wool: pric..uly **».0tia I CARPENTER,

_41 Libertr-stsad i.ihi :u-ar»._.) I III 3D-AVE. (West .*u\c. nfi-r 117th-->t).mme* I *~tl * .iionhle house, .n. store .hak-ry), 2Si8dil00.(.....I Inrestment ls ina' jrriwlr.g lerallly. C VII. 1.1.i-;CABREAC, nK»nt. fir.vidst. ant Kow.-ry.

dtp DropniD Zo let.AT RENTS ranging hom$1,800to$5,000j\ weh»realar<n anabel »f tirst-olais private r.*si ton. sd

lo rant on aad a joining Sth. MadiMM asl Park aves. Per-auls furuisaed upon ippl allon st »H'ier ofti -e,

lo.'. llt.Md.iar oi (j'il Stli-cre.V. E. STEVENSON Bett

A3-ST0RI bigh-basement brownstone dwell*lng os East 3.-ctb..st., near LaxlngMn-B... In.mire of

_.1.1 ELLISON, it) XX i.uarn-st._23-FOOT DINING IMOM Extension resi-dene*, u4:,.;n og ith ave. Bad B7lh-aV, will bc rented

rery low to desirable pst iv.V h'. STEVENSON .<. cu..100 Broadway aad SSS 6th ev*.

\ BEAUTIFUL Small House elegantlyi\ Cr.,,-,-ri s.'.i'i SI ncai .MIi nve.. '., orlrate family only.tl.-r«. nil localities HIBAM I'HU'.I.V. Vii Weet 'lAl.xl.

ll.INION PLACE. NEAB»TH-ATE.reu-'*:. - .' Iwelling; lol iilxSAll f.t; Ssll-

.r>' riling Harbor !n..seho..l.I.. .1 < AHPENTI.il.

di I.lberivst. audi ldl 'r*_

DESIRABLE ROUSES, nnfuraishedand tur-nl<hol lu ml n ns .. i'i

Kui.hom u humr, km, 51 r-.iit 13th st.. near Broadway. w

IIMFTH-AVE. -Opposite Park..To lease al 5percent..n Its rains-ion, . ISMrt cabinot tlnishedn pMrre.-i glnmolng; mar ,le ba-ti room, hnrelar

a'.arsi; newly daeorate.l; p.rfeci -n .ll raepeota, Apply toOwacr, care .I Munn Ala. ngl Broad » ..


OFFICES TU r.l'.r in tin* fracl House, cor-mi of Na-s-in an-1 Kora s sts. newlr remodell.*.', with

rlers ir.elaotrtt ghi, (Uara i.e.tt ai. t Jau.tor's set rico freo.I j.eesslon '.-ifen immeOlal .!..


mlT. NICHOLAS-AVE.. 847, near L52D-ST.ki | '.« eiejani hrick and brownstone .i «l.,rT n..,l liasem.nthnaae I9x50xler0; cabinet trimmed, ml nspior.ru.uta; box,-,,,. eoerea >.ni to otb are. i, ku, $i,;.oo, tina is ih.i. ii mt. f.. I io. a'.l..n mi th . a\i ni-.

PLBMINU. owner. 43 West dOth-at.

Cl. KICHOLASTaVE . m. w. corner 153D-8T.J3 llousr .ad ri-.nm,h. ln0iJ2l): elefant lawn an I shade ;

.rorements,. a met irtiumad, a-i cosr..i.iont io titi),av.-. I. I'., i..; to m desirable pany, $-'.0'i»., ibis ls tue mostboau. If ul location on the avenue.

r. i. FLEMIXO, owner, AS W.t SStlvat

rTt> KKT-riiinMic.l: No. I IO East 34th-st.|* house In beal ,,t ord. r. i, si ¦¦¦ time.

rpo LET..The blehljr eli-sir.tlilo four-story1 hlgtistoop. brownstone .iwelllti_ts. Nos. 13, 'l*t and ii

1- a»l 81-t-st LlSO Ma i.,n-i»». and 111 Kast 7'id st. Ap¬ply u Alt.NuI.l). CONSTABLE i c.*o. l'.itast. and Jtl-are.

rro LET.From Mut 1..Four-story boase in1 Welt 7 J l.t., b.twt.eu '.'th aid inti, ares. Cabinet

linlsh. E. CJ. Bot' SHE. Aeent,_aa wost aad-at.

^O LET..Furnished 3-story brownstonoB- honse, i..i,.'.-,,i ly decorated: splendid neighbor-

li> -rt on 111 three ulm ea froni Enlton st. ele\*ated road.Addreaa ll. xx RENTON, 43 Uslsey-st,, Brooklyn.

T^O RENT..Brownstone honse j N'e-». 1-17Baatdsu-at Apply iiIcanna, 1,471 Broadway.

rpo I.KT..Tl," thr-e-sieii v, brownstone dwell-¦*. lng, Na ISO Lenox ive., net I37th-efcAnplv to 8 ll AW tr. t i.. N'o. di Weetj 25th-St_^ VACANT TOTS to LEASE for IO or 20

yiars, w.u'.d suit msnuficturn'.s wart-rooms. Hou 1*.

vard. aban WIS ai Price, Interest airl taxes. WooMallow 2-3 valuation o* any lmprov-ni* nts at termination.Any propeelUss eesaMtofod. Apply to

_D.vcii'Mix, 1,471 Broadway.*V\\ MAD1W0N-AVE. nu:. \'M)->T._ 11^tjttp I laii-or penlan ..r st«aB-hsat.d, faralsbed corser

«.,- Ute an sr re-.rrn ¦. .. ra n l to let (rom Mar l.Apply on -y.e.krk (rem .' ril na

uy\ LKXINGTON-AVE., near iTrh-st.-t-t*"'r l-l" c .ut 4 story an. bisemsnt bre.! stone houseIre rooms, in-idendid i-..nd'1'..ii Bil modem improv-m.-nrs |I.e. n' il ii inirr >;s. ii ami el ier i. tine Babto.l work i.usse-slonM .r I renlfl.HOO; ca-i im le.u ai any lim.. A.l.tssscam lt. 149 W»si lath-st

urooKisn flvopntu ior Sale anb Zo Cft\\\'\ OR RENT A HOME IN BROOKLYN^AJ ..--. * .« I locations tnrestiiieats uariuir 10 ta'.-.. p.l cen' cu .lars fr-e WILLIAM H. URACE

i orn.1 Wi longhby a..¦: Jar ste llrooklyn.VDU 8ALE.-Great I'ai-.-un. on thi* Heights,

¦Iind al ,..f 14 roooM |..Clout; ha. et ;v Improvement: a fl noopp) rtunity t* get a dot '..,, Banra. Thi*pi party must be sold Def. re Mm. ,* ,,.Mi.-r in obliged to

'Mil be rented te ..trictly prlvau family. Apply to LEONABU .Moo UV.tO Covrt-at, and 978 i ai-."""'

CH)R SALK.-He,us... $ ic;.;,(»,», Clinton-st..?i,^*,,.t?,4 , ;.*rl.r. ,li.in..reemki'Clien o.. llr-t tioor house , Oil km.,, ,,, t,. hall.) lula «|7. «

worthSUjM^ aujaaad. Umarata. ,.sa.loa at aoJtSXI HA..I. S A. HmtXMOVH A. i'i, Ml Mouurue-slbrooklyn * *

LOTS POR HALE..Large or small plots onlinos of stor.Mil randa; ta .-.*¦ \ .> ;. i.ooer lotsl,.i;etuer that will show s o*..! ipMO alien.[A V I'ABI.l.N.i A .).. .11.-,,,irt si., Hro.klyn.

est mkWFrxIn the Foli¬atesm heat,

rro LET.-FLAT8-THE LOWESin Brooklyn for aqaal »¦ toa

I ra, MIMI of tliiitoii-st. ind A'in.iil. ave. , .

elevator, atteadaaee, Oled halla, hard wood Cnish everyconvenience: ; rooms and beth, within ave minutea'».ik of \\ali_st and South ferries; rent ».V)0 and up-.ard, two benuUful earner liars remaia unrented sendter a seeeripava uamphiet. ( mari.Ks a. SsKymouh.A ea)., agents, op fi Mental.".- >i |.,,. .;v..

llnfnrmoljfb tjauors ^o CitA-CHANCE TO LEASE

* ie.idence_ulb'2 and .,4 WI ^| IV", VI VI'.,liciaes'ii Lanni md .tn aves.

F<.ur-*.ory sud baannani moAAotmly n'uished.Lease 2 or A yeara ai »1.»00.Fnij*. lew._POUR-STOR)! brownstone hi»fh-8toop dwell-A lng, 61 East j-jtk-st Ap,, y to


* Hmm v.. | li*.laaaaea i-i.e. i? rooms, si.soo'Rt* No .i Uvlngstoo l'l,. e. 17 room.,*! *s<ie> ind ro. Wi -ether.

l..r permit sui parti, ular*, apply to il. M1 ItlllTT._*. 93

fr<> LET-UNFURXISHmH- '¦ '.ll r.,oms, rent

11.100 sui -- No ill 1 i.r 13thst., 10rooms, rem (1 00 and Croton; Uouw Na '.'"-J i'.s»tKd st. rant »0O0 and t i.n n linus.* No, 2Ut Uahlltli-»t.. 12 rooms, ten' »l,40o ai. Croton, for per-rj.it sod parucuUr*. muir to ii. Mi-MUIT, No. 6S84-1 Vfc

Unfnmioljcb fjotiBC tOantc&.U'HPPER PART OF HOUSE, tu'ht roomsTln

a good neighborhood.HOI;SE. Soi 13. Tribune Office.

Coantrn flropertg fox Bale anil Co Ul.

BOSCOBEL.The Country -eui and I arni .1 ibo late

HENRY WARD BEECHER,located upon th- heights, 1 1-2 miles east of Peeksklll.on Hudson, lr contains 3d acre» under I high st.ie ,,fciilth.iUon, rommanding an elegant view of the HuSeoBami surrounding country; Uric ernaialal shide trees Ingieat rariety, great abundance of UM choicest varietiesof fruit, BbnnasBOa of soring water, eic. The malu1 .Hiding 1* of brick, double walls, granite basement, audslaie loot; modi-rn In every particular, and contain, uxer

twenty rooms, exclusive of three baili-roonis, laundry, andservants' rooms; stoam beaus!; has 14 bedrooms, llsoUM Hoaeeteed or Cottage, containing about 16 rooms;

¦tauea, earnage-hoiuea, barns, and omer outbuilding* jugr,*at ibundan.-.*; also extensive gre* n-houses fullyft..k,*d. lt I* one of tho perfect gems, equalled byf. xx snd excelled by norm. lt will be soil lo qui. :gpurcha-u-r al a bargain. Kuli particular* with WILL¬IAM il. lin VP k CO., 5 Vinderbilt ive., oppositeOrand Central Depot, New-York City._

A complete directory of de-SI Bl'UBAN HOMES sirahlo |.iac.s for i.slisi.ce.

al.ag ihe I.ri- Hallway withluon tho llftr miles of New York con-

la.ii.ng illustial.d plaus ol1'ICTl KKSOI F. ERIE, houses, price ol land, popula¬

tion non.ber of aeb.ols aadehnrrh.a, methods by which one can boonie his owu land or

am otn-r valuable information. Thia beek eas ie nuts nedat any ticket odie, ot ti." I.ns Ccmps.y tor .". rents, or hyapplication io L P. KABUKI!, 21 L'ortlandl-lt., with theaiiuunt la stamp._A HKAK'ITFUL Country Home witniii theJin cur limits io let; lar.e boase, bavins ssodern mn-

Tameness and partially furbished, sia.1*. Ac-, h acive in

garden au lawn plenty of ti un and sh* le trees, cow andohicsens wini ihe ptae. hon. ears from 3d ar*. " I. roadp inti. <i. *, r.at lusd.-rar. to approved teua.t. Apply li

lliiAAKlrei. luliULIV, TS wall-st.. or T1I0S. ilL'HFOBll, uw.er, lui Wali-»t,_.Al POMFRET STREET, COXN.-Wc offer

"^*- for nie in this unquestionably healthful, socially. ttractive; and picturesque locality, a choice pl.t of aboutto acre*, with now houso of 14 rooms, at a bargain.

(Folio 3,143, PHILLIPS £ WELLS,Trlouue Building.

at Montclair, on orange aiouK-"'**¦ TAIN'S -Ijrge handsome residence with all modemcutiveiil.'ii,tai; c.minindi,.us stable; 5 Lt acres, about one-

third In grove; line inland and water views, from 11-11I. .te to Sui Iv Hook; no nalasncea; perfectly healthful;anrroonded by handsome residences; few minute, to two

depots. (Folio '1.(122.,PHILLIPS 4 WELLS, Tribune Betiding.

A T CQRNWALL-ON-HUDBON.-Gothic ot-¦**¦ tafe; les moma; Mabllngj twa acres weil improved;fruit, lawn and shade. [Folio iMA.)

rill I.I.I I'S, R WELLS, Tritium* Building.A -ri)];" SAI.E~OR LEASK.-Suitablo for

**¦ Behool li..--cnn lon or Summer Bearding..A modernresidence, containing 29 room*, ittaated on lin.* af BriaBallway, anions tho pietnreaana hills of itockiani ounty,V. Y.. eight, minute.1 walk fn.m expreas train depot; ..ne

hom from N.W-Torki house ha* hoi and cold wa'.-r. bath,ll l-v, rurnae.- In cellar, and 1* In |»-if.*ct order and re advf.,i inatani occupancy the ground, border on a jsrsa rapidmountain brook; contain a tine aaaartaant of fr au. good¦hade and kitchen gardes; the whole win bo sold for halfC.ht Of linus.* (folio 3 2-7.1

rilli,I.H'S i WKLI.S, Tribune Building.



jabundance; romantic gleu;"flne shade"; large hou*e, 15rooms, from which flne river and Inland view-* can l»e had;necesaary outbuildings; dc.~irai>io healthy section.

il-ollo 8,286) PHILLIPS t- WELLS,_Tribune Building.

ATM K KI DEN, Conn..For 8ale.-1 testableil ro'imrr scat and tarni, 133 acres abuclauc. fruit; nn-

telling maning watar I resi.lenco 14 rooms with m.,,'..-rn len-aroraiaaataI rarni.r*» hmise; commodious outbuilding*:h .mis..me groun ts will reut residence and Immediategrounds, furnished for the season, Koli,* 3.3H7.)

PHILLIP* .v WELLS. Tribaa. Bttlldiag.^KKK ITV COTTAGE, 12 rooms, withstables and 3 .ci ss 'ru.t tad .haste; situated In wend.

New.York t:tiy rent oalr $1100; will ne pru In nice ord.r.Apply to HOW VllD G. HA DUI.EY, 72 Wall-st.

A HUDSON RIVES COUNTRY SKAT withJ\ three acres, w.ll improved huns. .A tmmt, with alimoderu coBvei.le.cles I.r.. barn .ood tis!.in. and boatingfa. Ulttet. una rlrer and Inland news sold to close a. estate.Photographs. iK.liol.lti4.)

PHILLIPS 4 WELLS, Tribune Building._AT NORWALK-ON-800ND..Modern resi-

deao.*, lti r... na large gT.un.ts .Unsted on Main.st.;hmyrtcA si t.walk anl street r.r to depot all ,: ly un, rove-

ment.; Hrst-el.iss neighborhood 11.e » hoots, churcues,ItOrea, Ac: frail and shade tl«hie. t.o.itin. and saihugwithin walkin* distance. A perfect hom*. I»Olio 3.230.)_

Pilli.LIPS A WELLS ruben. Building.

\ COUNTRY SEAT with 8 acree in Fairfieldi V e ouuty. Conn., two horns ouu House 12 r.n*rna. allImprore.ieni. citru. stabling. Ac,, abnn.laucn trait*; goodloi ul and e.lncat ona! ..Wantage*. (Kelk, 1,044.)

phi i.LIM * wm.i.s. frlbua. Bnlldlas. _

ASHORE COTTAGE, ono aid one-ejuartcrhours out. Nsw Have. Itali way; three minute, fn.m

it,*i.it. new. medan, ll room house; three ead half acres;b.tnhonseoo b«sch: oit.nMv. now ,,f fl.und; architect',plau.here; only fie*. no<> Folio 14..!'.)

PHILl.IP-e* \l 1 i.i -, Tribune Building.

"\ COI'N IKY SKA C. with Xl ac rps. JO ni ilea^ a o.r. Just .evnn.l tho liran.es; fruit, shade. st*rt«»«;moder, house, ll" room*; gardener's house; outh.nilling.;aleaaaat, b.-althrui seou.u; sold to closo uu estate; mice,fl J,o«0. (Polio 1(767.)

ph 11.1.ti's .» wki.i.-c. Tri'.tioa Balldlag.A N oTTl) KS rAIU.l^llKOpapcTTiKfucVwTnrt operation ami d.tnc good bu»ln*«s; also 10 ajres. justt»-r ttl the Oraugos, Beal .tallon; suitable for subdivision.[l.n. J100.)

PHILLIPS A WKI.LS. Tribune Building.

A FEW desirable cottages t<» rent sti erse, n u ii ami POI r lookoit

xUact-nt lo the tam.,.i* Len. Hedi and P.nut l.oak.ut ho¬tels, lor particulars apnlv lo

JOHN i. DEV INC, Uanager, 113 lir,.-nwar.

IT NI.W-I.ONDDN, Cnn..To ron) fur. \ .nnim.r or rear, B tt«« house, fuhr and well farnlabllellghtlui siiuai.on. 12 rooms, 1 batli-i.e.m . a.i muderaMurellie.ic-s j.,nm 'lug perfect; t.leph.00 po»»»-.s|.-inglTea aa loon aa wau tod. L. <*. n'liNnn. 19 Chaaibera.it.

ii' ORKENVILLE.- 20minntes frmn city,Xl r;i Jcriey .ntral. ulce 3 srory and extenslen hon*e*all improTemeuts near station 9Ao. Vf. H. ABMsTBOXO,ij Vesey st.

_ _

4 BARGAIN ET MONTCLAIR, N. J.-ForJa sale .r to ler. an attractive residence on Moniilalu-are.;1. loom., nil luiproremeut*. luclodlug town wat.r, stahl., 1acre in lawn and card.. all lo tine cnlttion.

CLABKNCB li. Tl'BBi. 0 Uankmao-.t, W, V.

AT ROSELLE. N. J..A hanelsomw modernhouse erery Improvement, newly psperedand aaiBtad

fruit lu season; near dep.t oonv.nteut io city A.plrtoA. H. HO PK. 121 l.lliertr-st.oruE'i I' I I'.ANK.fO U aler st

VCCE88IRLE, elegant manuonis resiiioncen.farms, hotels, faoiori.-s. Western an.l coal and Mineral

lauds, water (roots: thousands, ail dire, tl.ns. for sale, si

Change, rea;. J. A. VAN AUKKS A CO., Ti Pr.sdway.

A STATEN ISLAND WATER-FRONT\JA l.nno le.t: ocan tw HOOaaiM fine lasd good build¬ings, fruit, sis).; near depot: il minute, from New. YorkCity; eau be bought at a bargain.

J. A. VAN AL KEN" A cc., ll Broadway.

A LOVELY HOME of 20 acres within on«hour by frequent an 1 fast train*. Moder. r...-nr Quean

Ann. home, and eutbutl.lin.s; .bun-tauce i non e fruit; ranld¦uonotaln brook; larseahadei ea,y walk irom depot, adjoin-iiiR tewo or li'.ninj; lind rapidly grow.ng ni ralui, cunno.I nu i-j compel owner to reluctantly pan with il. New-Yorkn..rel. nita' fa ml.e* largely compose tho neighborhood a*

allyr.r re»l.le.is. 8 .nil Bard of rasiatared cattle. Imple¬ment, and -nt nis.imeiits of h.uso cn oe had A choice spot.(Foilo3,33Sj PHILLIPS A WELLS. Tnhauo BniUlBg._IT PLAINFIELD, N. J.-Modern QueenJ\ Anne reiideBces large c.ra.r plot: 5 minutes' w.i. liy

good sidewalks to depot most deslrabl. part ot villa..; ahar... In to prom,t purchaser, (folio J.itJS) PHILLIPS*wells Trihao. iJii.idiug.ii' MOUNT VKKNON.-An onportnnitj to

. \ leal *.jo MiOC); about 12 acres rorer 50o eily lots) i.scwf«.-t fre-n new ueyot al W.shin tourilie, 24 minutes fromQrand Central Depot p r.stments soch a. this ma,le tr.- la-¦ena. lortun.s of old New-Yorker*: rare i-natie*. (FolioI, ,*'. PHILLIPS A ViKUA. TrlnnsoBnildiug.

A FAMOUS Stink and Dairy Farm ot 4<M>acre, in clnneest part of Cir.n.o e-ounty, N*. Y.. '."-j limns

nut; three .juirier* *f a mil. from itepot first.c.as* build.lone; o. cent .nally Well waters. lin* trull goiel neigh-lier ...od. (lol.o 1.361) PHILLIPS *B WfcLLM. TnbuueICiill.iu.._4 MORRIS COUNT), H. J.. FARM, 68 seres;i\ .each orchard, springs ; hoise 7 room, j outbuilding. ;

lei. 200. (Polio IA IS)PHILLIPS A v, ELLS. Tribune Building.

A RESIDENCE* 12 rooms and 47 seres, nearNew H..ren, .'.nn. In fie highest state of feitllllfl

.*> be s.i.t lo oio*e ootato ahnndaaoa af fruit aod runningwat.r; con.try leal ml farra cou»bi,i«,t. (Poll. 761.)

PH .L1.IP-* A V\ KL'.-. Tribune tiuuding.

V GENTLEMAN'S Country Seal and Farmjse, acres .'..io j ards (rom yiliag,-en Lon. Hiaucti IUU-

i, iv, una in.,ir out; a perle. I glac. tn highest st .te nt finil¬ly aad r«|>air -, will take city prop.riy or small nearby placen part payment, Polio l.dol.)

PHILLIP-* B MTKLLS, Tribune Building.^pRANFORDi N. J.-45 minnies Cen. BL K. ofKj s. 1 new house. 9 room.; water, rurnace, range, eli..--

.*, lot SSslStfl 99k rn m.nth; f.ui ohurche*. gr* ledicuools, gent buailagaad n.lnng.

II. S. CIIA.NLLEU. Ill Bmadwiiy, .rll. B Ai WATER, Cranf.r'.

BEAUTIFUL COTTAOE8 on Lonjj Island-ouDd, with |i.o bench, an h..ur fr.m cur, from SlSn to

l.t. io the sea sou. OrfOKTuMTY. Hot 10, Inbune cjuic.

I70R BALE.$15,000, at .Mountain >t;.ti,.n,1 nraiige, N J. Ai uilnuie. Hom theeuy M,> tern r.*i.teii<-.,1 h.. ir,,, in*, ru.iusg wat.r .nd gs*; (tads and poultryiou*. aa acre lawn; fla. ITM., shurbb.ry and car 'eu ..arnation. Addre*. "WNliK,

_P. O. Boi 9.C.. Nsw Yor..

VV\{ SALE or RENT..At Roseville*, N. ,1 ;I d.tirable r«»:<ieoo», ll room., mod.r-i lmproy.mnt.;arc. plat: higli**t gr.u.0; Un. rl.ws, good .tabla, eirel-.i.l ue.ghberii.M.d. L»tr eutWn owner weet most .Hs os.,; pi«p.rlr. KOKEtll APPLETON, JK^ Srick Chorea.

I/O Ii "SALlfor TO L E A S K. -Valuahle waterI (rom, K.LSt Uiver, nest Whitestone 21 .cres .( laudluilabia lor business |.uroo»e* or building site*.


_19 cedarst

POR SALE or TO LET fora torin of years.1 Ciiand Yi.w, Loclport. N. Y.-Thu nu. r..lden«e i*

Hied up wita ererr ino-t.r. convenience »pleuild bernsrg. _rruarKi* and iin*urp»s*ed oatlo ¦'* would eichaage for.Vettori, lsuitsorf rm. the loller within 200 an!** of Ch.,a.o Apply I. WciLFENDEN, lloi.l W or Iii. WaahlagUnUoul.r.r.f. Chicana

IN THE iliplilantU of tho Hudson dc-nirstileres den e. 14 tor 60) .ere*, .dlotaia. rillara n..r d« et

.binni.ore pare mountain s .ring w it nr ^rarity wm sall'or SlUOOC) tuna-third nf rust* to c|.*ee estate .Iso plot 40i, ros. with oue of th. mott cli.rinlns rl.w. mt tli. i irer. (Ko¬lo .1. ino.'. PH LI IP- .t WKLI.S. Inbune t'..il.ilng.Af ILL8M OU1 OF-TOWN REAL ESTATE."I OATALOOUB '*l..*ii 1 -..hi properties for .al. .udSaS Kea.ly Mou.lav. Malled fra*.

_K. ». MILL-. JR 957 Rro..lway.

Po LET..At Iiiwoocl-oii-liudsoii (West* MM PL, New Yorlt citri, 'hou.e. ll rooms, allneidera lmpio\eruent.; Croton, gs. and garden, reut.SSC Apply w il. E. oHBWIb

ttomttrp proprrtg .for Hale anb to Let*



30 MINI Tf> MUSES CITYOn Atlantic v. MTtaBM Ia.ng I il.ind Railroad. |


The rapid afafTaaa now l^inc made >,,ward tbo early<<.ii pl-tl'.n and operation of the

NEW ELEVATED RAILROADSIn Brooklyn, Lrir._. iv to the notice ol horan*

aaaketa im low expected fuinimer.t ofUAPIOTl\\Sir mmi THK

KA-.T KIVKIt TO HORMM PAHK,and call* renewed attention to the convenience and

esubll»h.d merin of this oeautlful propertyaa a Dlace of realSen*.,


8rF%ra»AJ9 PB*CKNX- 10»¦¦Mlle, gunranteed by iho


MINTS ON -mil.Mt TAMMI ANO To K,nt.The properly I. leetlletoi, and mana.'d with a view

to meeting tM wm s if fi-iidinus and -rder lovingpeople, and a- a locution f, r a how parties i ly respecting,

Healthfulness and Accessibility,cannot bc excelled myahtm In tho vicinity ol the

TWO CITIES.Tax"* nominal. ChsiSfeM tatoola and Sfirea nearby.

To imrchAMi/s of Loll "ho d, no 11 tuild vu extend

FINANCIAL AID.RORI NIDI.WAI.K-v STRF.F.T LAMPS.We are i re| and o kent* desirable parties SMS very

fauirabi.* terms. A einall auu/Unt down as evidence o|good faith, and M__baoa.tMnt riuaneriy payment, thalwould otherwise go f,.r reut, will mano you your ownLindi,,rd Parti, i de .Iring to own their homei shouldc.nf- r with n* and rtolt the property.

lor par*!-ulara, maps, »ch.:dul* of prices, otc, ad¬dress or apply toF. XS. LINTON*. PKF.ST.. 115 BROADWAT, N. Y.


LILY POND.One mil. from lag Battas, long Island. Th'., complete

and charming con ii ire eOtt, which we mist ..ll at o.c. tocl.se an *»tar>>, :s absolutely th. gr* aie*t bargain In tbarn siker. I .** tuan I-ll .alu. on easy terni* will Uko lt.1 l-r,,n' Manatoo roa.orv.iery, em*, waree, st*.rn heat, allconvenleo.es; uini-hcd r.ropleteiT ..rdeuei'a c.tta..|Urge sml,I.*.; TC term et Un ii a comio.mllug .ltustlonieoel, health'til. pictures.iee boaiitirul lawns, tenni* courtJOnat park, romantic walk, an drive*; hue hunting a.qfishtneon the plaee gar lens. ore.ar'. <fcc: near «.it watwb.ihm., lishtn. ann oihk, evety comfort, luxury aad ad-vantage that money, ililli and tasto can procure.

HIHIimKVK. CLOYD A BAYLISS. Attorney*.170 Broadway. .N'ew-Y.rk Cltf.


Thirty minute* bv rai. d.r-.-tlv on tho menin front ad.joining tlie Wave Crest of i.r flt* kawav. Long Land.Handsomely fiirni<hed ,-nttage. tn r. nt, with bath. ga*. An..tahiti,?. Two mlle, ol booen hoi..-, i.t* aud co.iago, tm.ala, ber vice and oi.-nl* li .le.ircd from the now

ABVEBBE 110TKLApply Boom OOfl. Mutual Life, 32 s s»».m ; or Rooti 34, Do¬mestic Buddie*, 893 B.eadway, cer. Uthst New.York.

TOPEKA AND ITS ADVANTAGES.""Popnlatloni 1680, i". IBS; ISSSt 45,oex>.

Important Information to linties aeeklnit . h.,ow In tMWeal ur proSUbll Beal Estate aud Manufacturing In-re.Unenta, ai**.. Lxcuralon lute* to thc city, wm bo sentfreC on aiijiliction to the

_ci:;. 09 rRADE, Topalta, Kansai

T STAMFORD, ("NN., on "RichmondHill." on. Ol tba healthiest te.idence. wlihla SJ mlnut.1

* -Handsome house,

st a bargain, fbotograpba, Ac. withJ. A. YAN ACKEN * CO..

71 Broadway.

AGENCY FOR MONTCLAIR..Bantam* rabandaomi redden es and building s'.to.; houae. to I.t,CLARENCK B. TUBBS. 6 Beekmanat., N. T.

4 T MONTCLAIR, N. J., CHEAP..To let.in rose* atone cotia.e or 8 rooms, furuac., tanto. Ac, 9tere* in fr'ii-, .ardon «nd lawn larg. si.be aad beanery.CLARK Ne E IC. TUBBS, 5 Beek-uaa-st.. Iloein 103, N. Y.

POR .SAL1*:.. I"wo villainlotC Nch. 1 aad 2*" in Block 1. at tho village of Franklin Park N. J., adjoining tlie 1'. nnsvlvanla IX. R- station In that village.Apply In tho OOOBtlng-rooni et The Tribune.

FOR BALE..One ol the best hertel propertiesat W *. r *H Ul LL, een-isilugof

'lill; PLYMl'IiiN BOI SB,Till'. DH KINS nocaKand

l:\X Yr KU* AN NI l.Y ES.All completelr furn'she 1 a .plo 1 lld dock whero st.tm.r.

land, and .bani two nod 000-hnH er... of .rou.) eic.ll*allylocated for ci tag» ste. Thoowner h.i* ipeot or.r $33,001In Improving rr.ls properly and outtiug .verrthing In flrst-cia*, shape during the list var

l h. prose it tooan t's lea. .soiree with the oomin. utieti.¦nd Un. proprietor lu* b»er. etf-i.-.l V>,i)t)0 rent for tb. prep-ertv. but irelors to se,I. Watch Hill ls the co.alng seoaido

intry, iud at tbl p-.'Sint tims thor, it n.tsuit,ci,-nt hotel ic,-,,.|i .....l.ir.ion, and at th. price the owa.rwould uk. 'or ll.is pi . lortj -mr tlr.t-cia** hotel mau.boaldhe aldo lo mako a Io: tune in a tow year* by buying lt.

CHABLIS MAO RAE.blA bib-ire., New-Tork.


FOR SALE OR TO LET.-Orest Neck, L. lta. l-'oi-eat ..ro'..-1 ti acree, l".-\nf|f-.llr .Hasted on Maalue.n Bar hon.e. - room., furnished all modern Improvenni.ts. Apply to JOH. B. HplXN BT, CW. Pinora.

EXjRSALK.-ai Glen Ridge, N. J., 25 min^1 ute*'ru. New.York. .n "lagBBl thirteen (13) roomcottage; all modern liaproeeatoalei iii*'..st of w*i.r, rinovi*w-. iiOo drain./, sar (inn ted by grand old forest tree.c,,uv nieut to (lotion i oaooptloaal nenhborho-id; .004nhool.. cliurc'ies ..nd m-iikri* poainatoa April 14 .1*0.mailer oottagl In v.c n.ty. Inij.u. *f a.eut at .tatloa,Oise Bulgo. N I-_LX)R s.\I.!¦:.-*-),.loo j Ratherford, N. J.. 301 minite.. Kr..- Hall waf, S very desirable, well.baili hou*.,10room.and uath. fre-c..*d inddocorat^L mot.rn Improve.¦oata, fnrmie*. healer, rm.-i. doo bl. w;u-l -te .lishe*, attic,cemented collara, BrtlSclal Mona ga den walk lor C!8xlUS|Ou. location il.ino ce.sii, baian-e to suit al 5 per cont.

Ad res* lim Al._ICnttierford. .V. J.

I WI.MI to soil at onoc< mv beautiful nearbycounter house, eoatalalaa I acre*, .lee.nt lawns, .hale

andr: ult. li lO.'S'.'i.e urou'id*. Ac. lu rb,* est perfect cou.dillon. I NT liv kw ONLY. TriOnn. uMoo._,LONG BKANCH.-TO let, handsomely fur-

lishe house Vi rosins: plenty »hade; all liniTove-u,,-.,ts .11. bio, k fro'ii ..< «»n. thr, * t. ,K.-k* from We.i KailHotel; be<t cofan" it. Iii...eli fer the price. Addre*. Box119, P. ei.. Long Branch, M. 1.


10NG BRANCH, Elberon, Monmouth HesohJ aad vietaity..To lot, elegant (arni.h«i iott.re«. ocean

aid river fronts all c 11,.ni'uo.l. WILLIAM LANE,Lon. Branch.

IUONTCLAIB, N. J..SPE( lAL'l Y-HeautHIv I fnl ni*'er r. silences, ,ml* and rent. RABSONS.*TAYLOB. racceedlaa Bowe <v fareosa, TX Cedar at, M. Tr.

\i;ak CAKE WarAMANO. . DestrsMsi-s luriiMhel hou*o for -ie. ic ro re.it with or wlthontboard fr tie sj ni,ier Bioutb. Ior p«rtl.:ulari addro..HENRI M. BOLLSS, Mow-Proateo, cons.

OKANIrK. N. .1.-Mount.un Clift. arceTsTbleT1 I. ni .,f indorarlooklegl Xow-Y.r. COO f.et el.va

Bon.naonaatlouably hoalthi, for aalo, $H.'.00), to close a*-

tate; .pa. i..u< i»*. -lea, e. «ub*ta.tia m. .ru. 9 * ere*, il*.Hiug. KIiffAltU P. HAM 1.TCJ.N A CO.. 90 Broadway.


K08EV1LLE, N. J.-I lu- bo.tutiful suburb o!Newark, near Knit Oran.e P<> f**t ibo*, titlewater

verr healthy looatlon iowi rs ; iiei.iwsre. Ls. kawanna andWO*loro Itailr.M.I il tia:n* ea li war dailv 3» miuuto.fionicitr. foe tent. snl.,.mau r**i.lonee* all m.d.rn con.Tt'Uiences reut, $3b0 to $6iK). .MUN I). TOPTIV.

Ko.eviile. N.wark. ti. J.

KENT, |500..Stone cottefe, furnished; 10room, i natl, |,ii no. 'i.. Be.i aorth shore of Lons

Iaiand; one hour and b**. on iriiu*. \ .1 ire*.JAMI'; K. bb Lib.ny st., N.w.Yorfc.

GHORT HILI.S.-To rent, fe- four or fivo*^ i- May 1, fully furnished houso with. il nmdern ronvenlence.; running water, bath, Udephone.burglar alarm, Si Mobla, with uso of family boras »n|p..a.*..,n price IJOO pei month. tddrea. "H.". Boomll Tribune Ilullding, where photograph may be *«-ea.

CUORT HILL8, N. Y.17 Fonr aero*, exeer.iit k,, i.e an.' ttsV.e^ all In xyortor.9orier. liwn. ero;,;,.' and tennis ground*; aband.nc .1eboioe trait: elev .ted ocatloa with tine view: price S14.00*.Address A. tl. I>ANMAN*. Own. Ne«.,rk. N* J._rPO IJ-:T, FURNISHED, in Watertown,Conn..

widenee ol belate! I CsrMaa; Sanaa eealslss ISre ima; bath ind (of ~rvai.ts; parlor, library.slitliig-ro.uii. dining-room, kitchen with Que range mtii,laundry with iel tuba on Hrs; door; nursery and elx diam-bera on iee ind door; -. ... m.-n eervant. in a .mallh.m-c \«r:u.las oe two sile* of h,,.i>»; stables containuntil-, for four horaea; fruit of ma nv kinda, Kor key. andparUeolya apply to l i:. DICBEBMAN, Watertown,t ,,tui. Nta'.oti at 12, noon, every day but Sunday.rp> I.;*. I (>|{ POR SALE..Great Neck, h. itt loriaer resl.lt-iice o lion. BooJ.Wendi Urge kou.e. 8 aerM;

nexr denoi. eniirclie. and .cbools. Apply lo J Uti. n !«FIN-NKY, '164 1-ii.e-sU

rro LET At Beriren !'uitir, tf. J. 9000~SI SSSS oneh 1 Son... loM wtth ail the moie.i. ts.itsry

.. mw. ,~K«,,. s-vatamio. I. rio'U.i »ieo o»r». w J it tiIsndi to a good ien.nl * .CK) oaf v.ar Inquire or m. as.

ill' un. Plaiafleld, N. J., or l.i KtOOIBB Xii WiUiam-*[., Ne» 'Vork_I.XtK liKNT.- vi I'ortchestenhoweifraoM¦ four f.,.i,h.,i. .),»,.«. trait, An.1 eeirtasahosaoasS.Uble : boating and baton ir rent. SLchMC Apoly »B prom-l»o* or to A. J. Bllltlili-.N*. li-. Ht l.iW'f .'._,

r|\> LKT.-In ihehcaithv vills^of M«tawsn,I N. i.. adesirabecoiiairool il room*, aalt water b.tB-

lo. on .reu.dv KSSdwiTS shad. aeh^a "d ohnriajiwithin le) mtonte.' walk ot l»ou..i r*«t tito par raac. aa.ilr**s M., Trlbuna eifflc_r\\> UKNl'.-ll!,. niiwrdcsiiahlo oottajje in1 Har H,r',or; beuntlfully .«."l'* *'," 'r,'!^Vjff*r.e.rtk. vnl.ee. on ih,. ocean trout- tUOA B. Ml Sit KAU rn,

'io Piua-.t. New-York. ___,_-r..To i ET .in I vinr, Conn* ii«i»r Shore LinsI it Vt ,!,;. s,!.,'n,i ,' tal .""«.WT«£

Lona,.,,, a. .iiriilliil COl«.« '¦'¦'¦"" '_f''|'.' [y^-U tlD X*1. table. Ac. terms,,.,. .tl I -,m .1 I I" >r. tlc X lill i-_

WASHINGTON. CO S.N.-A iurnirtlied heiUM*,nre'1Vrer,.,l.s,,.,me;. 1 .e* *. - "^£...1

J^;SSWISMS S-iE** Adins P. V. Roi ttl. Waahiaswa. Cobbi
