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Ji XXIV. WASHINGTON. TUESDAY, JULY · 2017. 12. 18. · r V2i. XXIV. WASHINGTON.D. C.....

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r V2i. XXIV. WASHINGTON. D. C.. TUESDAY, JULY 19. 1864. 3.554:' AUCTION SALES. Fl'Tl'RE PAYS. iKAVELERS' directory. Hy RAILROAD FROM PHILADELPHIA FROM WALNTT STREET PIER,1 > IA WEST JERSEY KAIL HOAD \X (, a. m., accommodation due At 1"}* a. m. At 10 a. ID., express du« at 1 J, p. ra. At4>s a. m , express due at 8 p. m. Returning, leave Cape May. 6 a. m. express due at 9% a. m. U 46 ac^ommodstioB doe at i% p. m. i.l" p. ra. express due At 81« p. m. Through without chantre of cars op DAgS&gC. Kfw PAr«. And averythingflrst-flAjs. »e 2r 3m J. VAN RBNSSELAER,Supt. BALTIMORE AHA OHIO RAILROAD. On and after Sunday, Juae l>Hh, 18«4, Daily Trains will be ran betwean Washington and New York and W**>>inrton and the West, as follow* : FOR PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK AND BOSTON. Leave Washington at 7.30 a. m., 11.15 a. m., And p :«¦ p m daily, except Sunday. On Sunday at 8 .30 p. m. only. FOR BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA. Leave Washington at 3 p. m. daily, except 8ua- day. , Passengers will note that this train runs as far as Philadelphia only. FOR NE W TORE. Leave Washington dAily At 6.Wp m- , , Ton train is/or Neu> York ixchuivtly. EOR BALTIMORE. Lesv# Washington at 6J)a. B..11.U a. tn.,Jp. in.. 4.46 p. m., 7.20 p. m , And 8.3" P- m.,except Sun- Ou Sunday at 7.30 m'< %n<^ S*®" 101 FOR ALL PARTS OF THE WEST. Leave Washington at 6.3^ a.m. and 3,4.43 and 8 JO V m. daily. ?und»y. On Sunday at 3 and 8 30 p. m Trt-kets koM to all points WEST, and ba$gagi khuMtd tkro-th. FOR ANNAPOLIS. Leave Washington at 6.30 a. in. and 4.45 p. m. daily, except Sunday. No train for Annapolis on Sunday. Trains leaving Washington at 7.3'> a. m. ant f .311 p. in. go through to Mew York without chant* itf tats. Sle^pin*carson6.,T>and8.3f>|>. in. trains. Berths ©An be secared until 5 p. m. daily At the ticket of¬ fice. After that honr they must be secured of taa sleeping car conductor. The hrst and fifth trains stop at all way points. The 3 p. m. train stops only at Bladensburg, IWltsville. L&arel, Annapolis Junction aad Relay House daily, except Sunday. On Sunday it stowi At all way points. PARTICULAR notice. Pa^FfTieprs will picas® obs6rv6 that the 3 p. n. train mn« only as fat aS Philadelphia daily, txrtpX Sun/fau On Sunday it run« to Balttmor$oniy. A1 §o% ifcat the 6.30 p. m. train takes New York paatngtrs mfoT farther information, tickets of Any kind, Ac., apply to GEO. 9. KOONTZ, Agent atWash- itfiton. or atthe Ticket Office. W P. SMITH. Master of Transportation. L M COLE. General Ticket Agent. >e2l>-tf ( -«R*AT PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE J TO TBI NORTHWEST AND SOUTHWEST. ON AND AND AFTER NOVEMBER 15TH tra;ns will leave Baltimore from the North Cal- vert 8tation as follows: Past Mail at . £ *[. Harriebnrg Accommodation 3."" P. M. Lightning Express.. ».Ji» P. M. THE ?> no A. M. TRAIN PROM WASHINGTON connects with the 9.20 a. m train from Baltimore r Pittsburg and the West, and for Elmira, Eaff- ato, Rochester, Dunkirk, Canandaigua, and Ni¬ agara Falls, and for New York city. THE 5.20 P. M TRAIN FROM WASHINGTON connects with the 9.3f> p. m. train from Balti¬ more for Elmiraand the North and Pittsburg and the West, SLEEPING CARS ON NIGHT TRAINS. SoirtFA"' Ticxsts at Govbkvwb^t Ratks. ONE THROUGH TRAIN ON BUN DAY. LOW FARE AND QUICK TIME. g^-por tickets and any information apply at tha cflice or the Great Pennsylvania Route, corner Penn. aveaue and 6th street, nnder NattoaalHotal, Wutisntoo. t*k. E. J. WILKINS, Pass and Ticket Agent, cor. 6th it. and )e 9 tf Penn. avenue. |MPORTANT TO SUTLERS SUTLERS WILL FIND H. A. DOWNING fc CO.'S CONCENTRATED CLAM TO BE A MOST VALUABLE ARTICLE TO THEIR TRADE, It sells very rapidly, and is the most economical article of d'.n Tor the officer's mess. It is prepared in one minute, and makes a most delicious Soup or Chowder. It ia highly recommended by Arm Sargeocs. The profits are large. H. A. DOWNING * CO.. Manufacturers of Concentrated Food No. 111 East 18th st., New York. Fc-r fate by BAKhOUR A SEMMES, Sole Agents, hi Louisiana Avenue, sel-ly Washington, D. 0 jyj A3SE* 00 Lit INS * 00.8 PHILADELPHIA DRAUGHT ALE AND FOETEE. 1 am now receiving large quantities or DRAUGHT ai m and PORTER from this eslebratad Brewery which 1 am prepared to furnish on short aotiee to a'i persons who will favor ma witk their orders. Satisfaction guarantied. Orders given to my drivers will b* promptly it- lupdyi to. Goods delivered in all parts of Waahiagtoa aad Georgetown, free of charge. TermsChJ/k .* d»iwtr^. RILEY A. BHINN, Agent, Isms Bottlmg Dtpet. #T Green St., a* ft-t Georgetown, D. 0. TI APPiN K»» OK MISERY 1. THAT IS THE H C UESTION..The proprietors orthe "PARI- gl AI» CABINET OP W<5nJ5ERS, ANATOMY, and MEDICINE." have determined.regardless or ex- pentta. to issue,free,(for the benefit of sunenng humanity.) four of their most instructive and in¬ teresting Lectures on Marriage and its qualifica¬ tions Nervous Debility, Premature Decline, In¬ digestion. Weakness, Depression, or ignoranss of Physiology and Nature's Law These invaluable lectures have been the means of enlightening and saving thousands .and will be forwarded free on the receipt of four stamps, by addressing Sterttary £ emtio* Cabinet of Anatomy and Utdtctne, roadway. New York *n 13-ly nPRIESEMAR. Protected by Koyal letters fat- JL ent or Englaad, and secured by the seals or the Ecole de Pharmacie de Paris, and the Imperial College or Medicine, Vienna. Triesmar No. 1 is the effectual remedy ror Relax ation. Spermatorrhoea, and Exhaustien orthe Sys¬ tem. Triesmar No. 2 has entirely superseded the nauseous use of Copavia, Cubebs, Ac. Triesmar No. 3 is the infallible remedy for all Iro parities and Secondary Symptoms, thus obviating the use of mercury and all other deleterious ingredients. Each preparation is in the form of a most agrsa- able Lozetige. Secured from effects of climate and changes of atmosphere, in tin cases, at $3 each, or four U eases in one for f9,andin $2? cases, thus having |9. Divided in separate doses as adminis¬ tered c>y Valpeau, Sallemande, Roax. Ac., Ac. Wholesale and retail by Dr. BARROW, No. liJd PIeecker street. New York. f o be had also of 8. O. FORD, No. 4"0 Pa. ava, corner 11th street^ m*r9-3m ^ARLYLE-S FREDERICK THE GREAT, vol. Guida#Boak of the New Jersey Central Railroad, Kavage Africa, by Winwood Rsade.l1.8o North American Review for July. $l.i5 hlackvood s Magazine for June,2ic Denis Ouval, by ThackerBy, fi*W . Sabbath Readings, by Rev. Gardiner Spring, 3 TCM^«a. by the author of".Beulah»1SO The Bock of Days. 2 vol.., AYLOR. ¦ WEB B A BIVIUDG lOjl groosisoas to Hlfl 0HARLB8B. POWLER A CO. ¦¦ IMPORTERS, _ ¦¦ WFOLSB A LB ABD BBT All. DBAt-BEfl CHINA.GLAE8 AND EARTHEN WARE. P'.oa Cntlerr, Platad Wars, Roll Metal Goods, lea 1 tchere. Block Tin Goods, Tin Chamber Bats. Japanned Waiters. Water Coolers, Ethenal and Solar Lamps. Coal OU Lamps, Lan¬ terns, Stone Ware, to.. As., Ac. eoo£s Packed and Delivered in this City aal OeorgetoWB free of cbargs. 504 Odd Fellows* Sail) Sevaath St., my 1 eciTy Washingtaa^ .I Hls» IS TO «.1YE NOTICE, That the s,l,-cri- I o r Ua<i obtained frora the Orphun,' Conrtof Washington couuty, in the Di>tri< t of 4;ol«Dil»ia. )e"«'r!< iff ailnini-tration oit tn«, p,,r*onal nutate of Charle* J. I'hlBsn.late ot Washington city. DC, deceai-vd. All person* having claiu^ the wd ueceas.-!, «re hereby w arnod to exhibit the .aaM. with the voucher" thereof. .he snbscn- Iwr.on «.r before the 9th dsy of .?ul2.nf,x,; »nay «th<-r»i*e by law be excluied trom all b'-neht of the said estate. . «.V. I, under my band this .»«!i day of Jnlv . L ?y >.. MINA LHLMA3I. nnms IS to GIVE NOTICE. TV»t the snWri- a te r has obtained from the Orphans Court ca ^Va«hiUKtoa County, in the District of Colnmbia. letU-rs testamentary «o th« p-jrtOCHt estate «f John SiouKra. late of Wa"bi'isten City, D. C., deceased. All persons having <-laim« asrainstthe said decased, are hereby warned to exhibit the rttme. with the vouchers thereof, to the subscrib.*, en or before the mh Jay of July next; they mgy otherwise bylaw be ex<-ladel from all benetit of the said e«tate. biv-n tnde» any hand this9th dty of Julv. l'iO*. .> 12 lawJw'^ MAKY SIOCSSA^ AUDUBON'S BIRDS OF N0BTH AMERICA, ta five* vols., royal setava of tart, aad oaa mafniftcent folio yolameot" piatas, (sisaZT by 40 rneaes. ? in One Madia#. Far sals ona eoyy oaly arMsIf«. by FKAECl TAYLOR* AUCTION SALES. FUTURE OATS. '. C, Mo6Ul£X A CO., Auctioneers. TRUSTEE'S BALI Ol^VALCABLI BUILDING ?,f f decree of the Supreme Court of M p'^SS-.i'S 10 ".wJJ ?r wJt. betwV«i£Vi?i?V<5£ «'«* 7 inches on H street, *ni 19tI> streets, opposite the publio Miemtion on the south side ofFeiD8tlTtni«H«- ^.^rnnniB, back 1S3 feet. ,**T" ana «*«.»« I9 frn.fi!:1 p&rt10?[ Ltot *?°- M. adjoining Lot No. K&kffi.gs sss*"«6 "**».."> "»¦ th*< part of Lot No. 14. lying immedi- 5*^*?,^® *h® «ar of that part of Lot No. 18, last ESi i»fi wiuohJ *. now« and for many years has «fi?w ^ UBed M . gard«ii with the said S^Lot i^'.and Lo} N»- 19-the said portion inches being 37 feet 6 inches by 14 feet 3 &n **reeable and improving £M sity',n Vlew »' the avenue, and very well located for residences. »»""". ^ T<"> Purchaser? *iU ** BnbdiTW#4' if desired, to suit On the foliowin* day, TUESDAY the 12th >t&« «# Ju}j- £** » further execution or said decrM thi 11 setl.at the Auction Room* of Jas C. McGuire A Co.. at six o clock p. m. the follow¬ ing vacant Lots lying east of the Capitol- in nn. ui 1,1 PiJ3' and 14< '? 8r-^*re *938, lying In one body, at the corner of north D and 1<*S air wis 6tst. lots Non.1,5. 1% and 16. in Square 9fi?. lying in one body, at the corner of north C and llth streets LotsNcb. 1,J, y and 4, in Square l,f>J5, fronting nt'hud'uth S&s ,5f C",M »"*-5 ner of 16th street east. Lots Nos. 7 15,16, and 17, in 8<jnare 1,110, front- ingon Bast Capitol and south A streets, between If h and lyth streets fast. Lots Nos. 1 and 2, in Square 1,112, lying at the comer of sonth C and 19th streets east Many of these are corner Lots, situated on the widest streets, on high ground Ac. The teims of rale prescribed by the decree are as follows; One third of the purchase money to be paid mra»h.and the residue in two equal install- ments.at si* and twelve months from the day of Ule.vitli interest, to be secured by approved notes or bona*. The Trustee reserves the right to resell any oor- tion of the property, in case the terms of sale are not complied with within ten days from the dav of sale, at the risk of the defaulting purchaser, on ten days' noti<-e in the National 1 nteflig«n<*er Conveyances and stamps at the cost of the 'pur- eha*er A. B.HAGNEB, Trustee, je lb-2aw4ds J. C. McGUIRE A o6., Aucts. *f~TH* above salt; ts unavoidably ffimvSni i,1 ^D4\^nd FRIDAY AP- pia-e ' * 1 &n'^ same hour and . ... , <-B..HAG NER, Trnstee. -.*> 18 ** J. C . MiGHBK A Co., Aucts, *. V. MoGUIBE A_Co.. Auctioneers. TBUSTEE'S SALE OF EXCELLENT vrnvi TURF AND HOUSEHOLD EPt'KrT? *" On THURSDAY MORNING, July jfst'Vt 10 oj lock at bolide No. 26 Louisiana arenae, be- tween 4 « and oth streets we«t. formerly the resi- ?"rtWi& >Swaun Ksq..byvirtueofadeed of « i K l.^M^aud duly recorded *S Liber N O. T, No. 25. rol.os «3, et sea of Becords for Washinictop county. I shall sell all the exi-ellent furniture »nd household ef fects, compriKin* in part. ex Superior Rosewood Case I'iano Forte Pair o' French ptote Mant-1 Mirrors52x7S 1 rrench plat^f Pi^r Glass, i7\lD7 HaD'iBomeBosewood brocatelle car\ ed Sof^s. Arm Kasy, and Parlor Chairs ooiHs,j»rin, Boxwood and ,l"ack Walnut Marble top Centre mJ ruDcy f»»8 Brocatelle aud Lsl^ CurtaiDs an J Fi' tares H hAtnot^. R^^ption Chulrs Superior Velvel, Brussell, and Ingrain Carpets throughout Number of fine Engravings Extension Dining Table. Sideboard China, Crfcss, and Crockery Ware Silver-plated v**re. Table Cutlery Bed and Table Linen, Towels, Napkins VN alnut and'MahovaDy R«dsteads, Bureaus, Ward- robes,and Wsfhstands Hair and llusk Matres«ea, Roisters, and Pillows Biaskitts. Comforts, Spreads Looking-Kla-tnes. Toilet S»-tts, Shades Heating Stovs of various kin'?s, lire Irons Together with the unual assortment of Kitchen Beqni-.ites- Terms cash. EUOENE CAR1SI. Trustee. .iy U-d J. C. McGUIRK & CO.. Aucts. B Y J. C. McGUIRE A CO., Auctioneers. PEBEMPTORY SALE OF A FINE SQUARE OP GROUND. On FRIDAY AFTERNOON, July 22.1, at 6 o clock, at the Auction Rooms, we shall sell the whole of Square No. 8ts), lying on north 11 street, between 7th and 8th streets east. The sale of this equare entire affords a fine op¬ portunity for investment or speculation. It lies well with the graoe in a rapidly improving part of the city, has pavement, Ac., laid on the H street front Terms- One half cssh; the remainder in (Sand 12 months, with interest, secured by deed of truat on the premises. Conveyances at the cost of the purchasers. Title perfect. jy 15-d J. C. McGUIRE k CO., Au?ts. JJY JAS. C. McGUIRE A CO., Auctioneers. \ ALUARLE DWELLING HOUSE AND BUILD- IN (J LOTS AT THE CORNER OP NORTH H AND 19TH 8TREET WEST. On THUB8DAY AfTEKNOON, July 21st,at half pa-t six o'clock, on the premises, we shall sell, for account of estate of thelste Corn. Cran<-. parts of Lots 10 and 11 in Square No. II", at the corner of 19th street west and north H street, tojreth»r with the improvements, consisting of a thre»-story brick dwelling house with hack buildings, stabling, ftc. The property will be divided into three parts, two building lots and the house and lot on which it stands, with a s-uificieut side alley. Possession of the house will be given on the 1-t of O'-tober, IStil. Terms cash. Costof conveyances and stamps to be paid by the purchaser. iy K d J. C. McGUIRE A CO., Aucts. SALE Of CONDEMNED l^UARTERMASTER'S STORKS. Ckitf Quartermaster1 .t OJire, Washington D-pot, I . . Wauhihotos. D. C., July lti itivi ( *V ill be »old at publti auction, at Seventh-street wharf, in the city of Washington, on FRIDAY July 22,1S6-I, at 11 o'clock a. m., a lot of Quarter¬ master's Stores, condemned ss unfit For use. viz; Scoop Shovels, Chairs, Axes, Buckets, Picks. Lanterns, Brooms, Stoves, Horse Covers Old Oopper. Letter ITresset Life Preservers, Ac. Tables. PacreMsfnl bidders will 1>« required to remove the stores within five days from date of sale. Terms ca>h, in Government funds. D H. BUCKBB, Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, jy 16 d Depot of Washington. A UCTION SALE OP CONDEMNED HORSES. Was Dknbtvirt, Cavalrv Bcmad, . QfrttfCki, Wabhisgto*, kVALar Bossao, J k"/ Quartermaster, 1 l,D. C., July 4,18>M.\ Will sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the high¬ est bidder, at the times and places named below, ^^Jbebanon, Pennsylvania, THUBSDAY, July 14th, Reading. Pennsylvania, THURSDAY. July 21st, 1864. Harrinborg, fennnylvania, THURSDAY. July 28tb, 18tM. T * Altoona, Pennsylvania, THURSDAY, August 4th. van. Williamsport, Pennsylvania, THURSDAY, An- gust llth, l*>4. TWO HUNDRED <20UJ CAVAJ.RY HORSES at each place. These horses have been condemned as unfit for the Cavalry service of the Army. Por road and farm purposes many good bargains may be had. Horses sold singly. Terms: Cash in United States currency. JAMES A. BKIN, Lieut. Col. and Chief Quartermaster, }j <5 td Cavalry Bnreaa. jj^ALK OP CONDEMNED nORSES AND MULES. Ckitf Quart-.rmaster't Qfict, D-pct Washington,i Washington, D. C., June 28,19S4. 1 .^e seld at public auction, at the Corrals, at ar the Ohwrvatorr, in the city of Washington, S,vn»22 WEDNESDAY, July «, ia«4. and on WEDNESDAY .July 80,18^4, a lot of MORSES AND MULES, Tarms-cUJw?4 M unfit for Publio servie'e Government funds. Sale to eoau&«nM at M oToiock m. Hri« e D. H. BUOKEB, i* wlw *" and Chief Quartermaster, j,,MW Depot of Waskingtoa. FoUB New Stein way Pi.no. eral other makers, have j*«t %. have also on hand CA"w"5TfiS?IVfer'J "" >.21 Qonwr nth "tldPi.Vr. AMUSEMENTS. ClNtEEBlRY HALL. MUSIC JCANTERBURY HALL,/ AND HAL L/CANTERBURY HALL.\ THEATER f* U . . i- » kf Louisiana Averek, Utar Cirntr cj Sirth weft, Rear cf National and Metropolitan Hcttls. George Lea ,. Proprietor. W. E. Cavanjgge Stage Manager I THE rOrULAR SUMMER RESORT! THE POPULAR SUMMER RESORT f THE POPULAR SUMMER RE80RT! THE POPULAR SUMMER RESORT! THE POPUL AR SUMMER RESORT t THE POPULAR Sl.MMKR RE?ORTI t it r i COOL, COOL. COOL, COOLER. COOLER, OOOLER COOLEPT. COOLEST, COOLEST. The entire great Dramatic. Pantomimic, Operatic and Terpsichorean MONSTER COMBINATION. MONSTER COMBINATION, MONSTER COMBINATION, In an Immense Bill of NOVELTIES, NOVELTIES, NOVELTIES. The Incomparable Ethiopian Comedians in * New Batch of CORKOORAPHICALITIE^, CORKOGRAPHICALITIE*, CORKOGRAPHICALITIES. Including the Side Splitting Farce of the MI8CH1EVOU8 DARKEY, MISCHIKVOUS DARKEY, MISCHIEVOUS DARKEY. JOHN MULLIGAN, In his reat Character of Bully Ike in the Laugh¬ able Negro Extravaganza, entitled RIOG1NG A PURCHASE, R1GOINO A PURCHASE, RIGGING A PURCHASE, OB, THE WINE SELLER SOLD. ©ra d Characteristic MISCELLANY MIHCELLANY MISCELLANY by the MAMMOTH COMPANY! MAMMOTH COMPANY' MAMMOTH COMPANY' New Comic Vocalisations by W. B. CAVANAGH. New Nefcro Arte I y the Inimitable Trio, DOUGHERTY, WILLIAMS, and REDDEN' The Beautiful Characteristic Ballet, arranged by M'lle Viola, entitled THE SAILOR'S CARNIVAL! THE SAILOR'S CARNIVAL! THE SAILOR'S CARNIVAL! To conclude each eyening with the Comic Panto¬ mime of COOPER VS. COBBLER! COOPER VS COBBLER! COOPER VS. COBBLER! Cooper.. W. B. C&Tanagh Cobh'er,. H. W. William* Old Man J.J. Dougherty LADIES AND CHILDREN ! Do not forget our SATURDAY AFTERNOON MATINEE! commencing AT TWO O'CLOCK. THE ENTIRE GREAT COMPANY APPEAR IN A SPLENDID BILL! AdKiMio»-~L»dieal0MBt«; Children Ucenta LOOK OUT FOR NEW FACES! LOOK OUT TOR NKW FACES! LCiOE OUT FOR NEW PACES! LOOK OCT FOR NEW FACES' AdmlMioa . 10 55 Orchestra PriTate Boxes, holdiag rfx HiUM I 00 Tickets for sale it the Hotel* and Restaurants. Doom opWin FwfcflMMl tt wt- AMUSEMENTS. eBOTEK'S THEATER. SANFORD OPERA TROUPE GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME. dick PARKBR »nd the GREAT ALLIANCE. In All their C6MICALITIBS. To conclude with the Contraband's Jubilee, entitled. GET ABOARD THE flat-BOATS; Or, who will find na now. jy KHw PIO NICS, EXCURSIONS, Ac. First annual excursion of eastern star DIVISION. No. 7.8offrr" ^ T. to UNION GRO\E. Blwlone l^H^ burg. ou WEDNESDAY, 2< th, 10S4. Ticket* $1, securing seats for a gentle- man and lady. Cars will leave the Baltimore Depot at »>/2 o'clock a. ro. By order of the Committee. It* fpHE GRAND EXHIBITION FIREWOBJC8 AND PIC NIC that wan fi stponed on Thursday, the 14th int-'nut, will take place on THURSDAY, the21st, at BECK EKT'8 GARDEN, Navy-Yard. En¬ tertainments to conni nci' at 3 o'clock; lire-J works at 9 o'clock. Tickets 5-t cents; admit-! ting gentleman and ladies. Jy 18-3t* Remember theTwkward club7 Whose PIC-NIC was to be given on Tuesday. 12th inst., but was postponed on account of. the recent excitement, will take place On THURSDAY, Jdi.y 21st, _ .At WASHIMdTON PARK, Seventh strut The proceeds of thi*Pic-Nic will be appropri¬ ated to assist in erecting a Monameat to be placed over the remains of those unfortunate females who lost their lives by the recent explosion at the Washington Arsenal. The Committee pledge themselves that nothing will he left undone to make thistbe Pic-Nic of the (season. . OOM.VITTM. A. W Busey, O.W. Schafer, A. A. Bishop, O. Tucker, jy lS-St* R. King. FOR GLYMONT. TEAMER PHENIX, Captain 8tackpole, will leave foot of 7th street every SUN¬ DAY MORNING at lOo'clock during! the season, for the above Summer* Resort. The above steamer ran be chartered to private Sarties during the week, by applying to Captain taikpole, or 324 Pennsylvania avenue, up stairs je 20-Jm rn-tant, 'A !8-3t* Whose 'A PERSONAL. QNLY FIFTEEN WEEKS IN AMERICA. DR. BECHTINGER, formerly Surgeon in charge in the Austrian and Italian army, oc¬ cupied himself with the treatment of all kinds of diseases. Particular attention given to Female Diseases and Private Diseases. Besides the knowl¬ edge of three old languages, he converses in Eng. liah, French. Italian, German, and 8panish lan¬ guages. His Imperial Commissions and his Diplo¬ mas from the mostcelebrated university of Europe hang in his office. No. 499 Seventh street. Dr. Becntingeria very much encouraged to have during this very short time the patronage of the public of Washington, as. among many others not pub¬ lished,the following certificates may be attested: " This is to certify that I have been troubled for the last three years with a chronic disease, resist¬ ing all medical treatment, and which through the aid of Dr, Bechtinger; I have been perfectly cured. "Washington city, 1st June. 1R64. G. DONE." " Your treatment of my involuntary discharge, and your succteis in it, recommend you very high¬ ly. T. L. SMITH." What German newspaper, < Weker Columbia,) Kavs: " After a long sickness my poor child became dropsical, in which time I call to you, dear sir, and you saved him. MASCON k R. B street. No 2»." "i had tried all specifics, without any effect, against the chrenic lung disease of my eldest son, until under your treatment he improved "Maryland av., 12th st. MULLER, Painter." All these and many other very difficult cures have been made by Dr. B. in the above specified time. Regular office hours from 9 toll a. m., and 4 to 6 p.m. F«p the poor and unfortunate po"' tively only from II to iTT Meoicines without charge. No. 499 Seventh street, opposite Odd Fellows' Hall. jy 5-lm* BEWARE OF IMPOSTORS !! !-Dr. LEON, for many years a successful practitioner in New T?. A has opened ( for a few weeks) an office No. 414 Penn a avenue, be'ween and Sth streets, where those afflicted (either male or female) with diseases of Private nature may consult him. No charge made if he fails to cure. Persons at a dis¬ tance can be treated by addressing by mail. 1y 2-lm* DOCTOR JONE8, No. 410 Thirteenth street west, between G and II, insures success in all FEMALE COMPAINTS. Consultationsexclusive- ly with ladies. Honrs 9 a. m. to s p.*m. je291m* DR. J. H. THOMPSON AS Removed from No. 274 north F to 512 H street, one door west of 7th st. Office hours, K) to 12 a. in.; 2 to 5 p. m. Je£3-lm* QUERY?.Who has the largest assortment of pattern for Stamping ? Who is the only prac¬ tical person that Stamps 1 Who has the largest number of haBds at Embroidery? Who has the finest stock of Embroideries, Braids, &.c., aod who is the only person in the District that does Fluting for ladies dresses? ¦arpRINCE, 3*1 F STREET,^ where ladies can select from 25,<*m choice patterns for any kind of work, and where they can get ANY PATTERN stamped. Having stamped for 80,'<>0 ladies is proof thathe knows his business. Ladies who do not want their goods spoiled, but stamped as they should be, go to the only person in the city who does good work. FLUTING I FLUTING! FLUTING! The only macki*4 in town now in operation, fluting done as good as in new York or elsewhere. my9-tf 90^3*1 P street, opposite Patent Office SUMMER RESORTS. UNITED STATES HOTEL, CAPE ISLAND. N. J, JOHN WEST. AARON MILLER, PROPRIETORS. Beg leave to call the attention of their friends and the public to the above magnificent A A Establishment, which will be open for Y(f7|AV the reception of visitors on the 16th ofLilJ^U June. Besides aspacions Dining Hall and Parlors, it contaics an unusual number of large and well ventilated Bed Rooms, all handsomely furnished with new furniture throughout. The Proprietors of this Establishment will spare bo care or expense te meet the wants of their guesu, thereby hoping to 6bare liberally in the public patronage. Application for rooms made to the subscribers, by letter to Cape Inland, will receive a prompt reply. e3-S» WEST & MILLER. DENTISTRY. QREAL DISCOVERY IN DENTISTRY. Ttttk EzxratHd vtitkotu Pvt* with tkt MuAriU tJ Oxytm. I would advise all persona having teeth to ex¬ tract to tail at Dr. LEWIS'S office, and have them taken out by thia newr and harmless process. Also call and' examine the Doctor's new and im¬ proved method of Inserting Artificial Teeth. If yon once see the great improvement in his teeth yon will hava them in no other style than thia new and valuable one. No. 242, Pa. avenue, between 11th and 13th atreetg. novU 8. R. LEWIE, M. D., Dentist. it T E JE T H. % ijl. LOOMI8, M. D., the Inventor and Patentee of the MINERAL PLATE TEETH, at-. tends personally at his office in thiaJ city many persona can wear these*. teeth who cannot wear others, and no person can wear others who cannot wear these. Persons calling at my office can be accommodated with any style and price of Teeth they may deaire, but to those who are particular and wish the purest. cleanest, strongest, and moat perfeot denture that art can oroduce.the MINERAL PLATE will he more fully warranted. Booms in this city.No 338 Pennsylvania avenue between 9th and 10th atreetg. Also, 90T Arch st. Philadelphia. mar4-ly IZ ID WILL A HENDERSON, IV No. 367 D STKMT.ms NiSTH, Respectfully inform their friends and the pnblic fgenerally that they have now in store a well se- ected assortment of WALL PAPERS AND WINDOW SHADE8, which they are prepared to sell at the lowest cash prices. Work done at short notiee in the dty or country fcy experienced workmen. Remember the plaee, No. 367 D street, near 9th, franklin Hall Building. apgl-tf W700D MOULDINGS 1 , »» WOOD MOULDINGS 1 WOOD MOULDINGS UNITED STATES WOOD MO ULDlltd MILL, No*. 24 and 26 South fifteenth afreet, - PHILADELPHIA. Always an hand, a large stock or th* above articles, made of the very heat material. Orders filled at the shortest notiee. freight paid to Washington, free of ehaige. gai.BR * BROTHERS, jaTM* Proprietors. F~ OB SALE.A fine four-year old BLACK HAWK oolt, will work ?Khw (rtngl^donble. <Ban be seen at JOHN 0. HOWARD'S e»tablee,G -treet, between Ch and 7th, Frits fXft. 8. D. M., at Wall,M. Ce fl*Jw local nbwh. CORPORATION AFFAIRS. Cornell Procmdihos, Jniy 18..floarft cf Aldermen..Id the absence of the President, (Mr. Brown) the Vice President (Mr Tur'.on) called the Board to order, and lata before it a communication from the Mayor, making the following nominations for Commissioners of Improvement, viz:.1st Ward, John W Dyer- 2d Ward, Jas. W. Spaulding; 3d Ward, jno. T.' (iwiifr; 4th Ward, Win. Douglass; 5th Ward, W. H. Hamilton; 6th Ward, W. A. Fletcher; and 7th Ward, Jas. H. Birch. Referred to committee on improvements. Also a communication from the Mayor, transmitting a communication from Wm. B. WVbb, Esq., Superintendent ol Metropolitan Police, relative to the immediate appointment of a superintendent and three operators of the fire alarm telegraph. Mr. Weob, in his com¬ munication, stales that Mr. Stevens, wLo has chaige of the construction of the telegraph, in- toims him that it is imperatively necessary that the superintendent should be thoroughly acquainted with the machinery, and he can only obtain that acquaintance by watching the progress of eonstructlQn. Mr. W<'bb therefore asks the Mayor to recommend the passage of an ordinance creating the office of superinten¬ dent at a salary of *1,500. and three operators at *1,< <'0 each; one half of all the expenses to be borne by the Board of Police. Referred to committee on fire department. The following were introduced by Mr. Plant: Petition of Peter Mack for compensation for grading 13th street west from M to N sonth; referred. By Mr. Barr, petition ol property- bolders on square No. 340 to pave the alley there, accompanied by a bill, which was passed. Also a petition to grade and pave the joolvialk on square No. 2e4, being the north side of Li street north, between 12th and 13th streets west, also accompanied by a bill, which was passed. By Mr. Oanfteld, bill to grade and gravel B street south from Penn. avenue to 7th street east; referred. Also a resolution requesting the Committee ox Improvements to inquire or the Mayor whether the nominations lor commissioners of improvements made to¬ night are in conformity with the law approved November 19th, 1>«63: passed. By Mr. Gnlick, joint resolntion authorising the sub-board of School Trustees lor the third district to organ¬ ize two additional primary schools in lieu of one primary and one «econdarv, for which ap¬ propriation has been made; referred. The bill creating the oflice of Superintendent of Streets was taken np and referred to the Committee of Improvements. Keports of committees were made as fol¬ lows: By Mr. Lloyd, (finance,) who reported back the following nominationsCorporation Attorney, Joseph H. Bradley: Tax Clerk, Wm. Morgan: Bookkeeper, Edwin J. Klopfer; Clerk to the Mayor, Samuel Ourand; Messenger to the Mayor and Register, H. C. Kleiber.and they were coofirmed. By Mr. Pepper, (im¬ provements).BUI to grade and gravel Carroll street, lrom 1st to 2d east; passed. By Mr. Plant, (fire department,) wto reported back the lollowing nominations:.Chiel Engineer of Eire Department, under act of April 25, 1S04, John H. Sesstord: Fire Commissioners, Peter M. DubanU Wm. E Hutchinson, Kob't A. Boz- /.el, J. J. Peabody; Secretary of Eire Commis¬ sioners, E C. Eckloll.and they were con¬ firmed. Mr. McCathran ^unfinished business) reported back the following, and they were reterred to appropriate committee#: Petition of C. II. M. Wood tor remission of a fine; petition ol Samuel Kirty lor improvement of Square No. 431; bill to erect a horse-rack in Northern Market; and petition of Josiah Eggleston. The tame committee reported back tne communi¬ cations between the Mayor and military au¬ thorities relative to the quota of the city, and they were ordered to be placed on the files. Mr. Canfield, lrom committee on elections, re- ported that they had examined into the qualifi¬ cations of the members of this board and found them all aualified to hold their seats. Mr. Barr, from committee on canal reported back the following nominations:.Eor Sealer of Weights and Measures, Joseph F. Hodgson; Inspector of Flour and Salted Provisions, Joseph Hedrick; Commissioner of the Canal, David Hepburn.and they were confirmed. Mr. Morgan, from committee cn Asylum, re- f or ted back the following nominations: For ntendant of the Asylum, Josias Adams; for Physician to the Asylum, Dr. S. A. H. McKinr lor Commisfeioners cf the Asylum, G* Newman, John McDevitt, and William Slater.and they were confirmed. The nominations of James N.CaUan for Sec- reiarvto the Board of Commissioners, and of J. D. Walsh for residentstudentwere laid over lc-r one week. The report of the Intendaut of th< Asylum was reported back and ordered to be placed on the files. Mr. Noyes, from com¬ mittee on drainage,&c., reported back the nom¬ inations of Randolph Coyle for Water Regis¬ trar and of O. C Chew for tapper of water mams. On the question of confirming the nomination of Mr. Coyle the yeas and nays were called by Mr. Morgan, and he was con¬ firmed by the following vote:.Yeas.Messrs Canfield, Gulick, Lloyd. Noyes, Pepper, Rap- ley and Turton. Nays.Messrs. Barr, Morgan, McCathran and Plant. The nomination of Mr. Chew was unanimously confirmed. Mr. Rap- ley, from the committee on wharves, reported back the nominations of Robert F. Magee for harbor master and Wm. F.Grimes tor assist¬ ant harbor master, and they were confirmed The following from the Board of Common Council were referred:.Bill to supply de¬ ficiency in the appropiation for relaying the gutter on the west side cf 11th srreet west, from G to H north, and cross gutters across F street north and llth west; bill imposing taxes lor the ensuing year, and bill to place a flag center in the gutter on the north side of Massachusetts avenue, between 9th and loth streets wes'. The bill lrom the same board to change the grade of 3d street east and K street south was passed. Board then adjourned. Common Council..Mr. Larrnr in the chair. A communication was received from the committee on accounts and expenditures of tiie Trustees ol Public Schools enclosing the fol¬ lowing estimates for support of the schools for the year ending J une 30th, 1865:.I Male «.»ram- mar Schools, $5,500; 1 Female do., £2,700: 4 Male Intermediate, £2.500: I Female, do., »2,200- 0 Secondary, 1st district,*3,000; 7 Secondary, 2d district, *3,500; 10 Secondary,3d district, BS.OdO; 7 Secondary, 4th district, $3,500; 1 Primary, 1st district, *1,H)0; 6 Primary, 2d district. *2,700- ti Primary, 3d district; *2,700; 4 Primary; Ith district, *1,H)0; 4 Primary, sub-assistants, *«ou- Music Teacher, *l,ooo. Contingent expenses, rent of rooms, fuel, &c :.1st district, *5,425, 2d district, *4.900; 3d district, f5,302: 4th district, *4,300: General Supplies. *1,625; Expenses of the Board Salary of the Treasurer, *500; Salary of the Secretary, *200: Printing, #435; Expen¬ ses, Treasurer's office, *250: Contingent Expen¬ ses of the Board, *700,.total, *62,197. Referred. The following were introduced and referred: By Mr. Peugh, petition of citizens tor water main in Second Ward; by Mr. Larner, commu¬ nication of the Secretary of the Fire Commis¬ sion; by Mr. Edmonston, petition of E. F. Brown to add a story to a frame kitchen; by Mr. Rheem, petition to improve certain alleys in First Ward. The following were presented and passeH: By Mr. Peugh.Resolution directing that the laws of Congress pertaining to the District be compiled and printed. By Mr. Larner.To supply a deficiency for laying gutter across H street north, at 7tn street west; for repair of 10th street, ftom H to I streets; resolution re- qresting the Mayor to Inform the Board whether he has taken any measures to pre¬ vent the violation of the city ordinances by the Washington and Georgetown Passenger Railroad Co., in running their cars on Sunday, and If not, why ? Mr. Larner also introduced the following, which was adopted: Whereas by the present low rates of licenses the buTden of taxation is thrown upon the owners of real estate, therefore be it Hesolvfit, That the committee on ways and means be, and they are hereby instructed to prepare and report a bill for the increase of all licenses to such an amount as will make a more eqnal distribution of taxation among tne citizens. The following were reported and passed: From committee on improvements.Bill to re¬ pair gutter L street from 9th to 10th streets; bill to construct brick arch over the creek on north Capitol street; to curb and pave west fronts of squares tffi and 3S3; to take up and relay gutter on north side of K street, between 12th and 13th streets: authorizing the surveyor to change the grade of K street south ana :ld street east. The committee on improvements reported back a substitute, by way of amendment, for the bill to pave the carriageway of F street, from 7th to 10th streets, which provides for the paving of I street from 7th to 14th streets. The bill was explained by the Chair, (Mr. Larner,) aud by Mr. Peugh, who stated that it was in accordance with the provisions of the late of Congress. Mr. Moore opposed the bill for the reason that the people of the wards should not be taxed for each improvements, bat those whose prop- erty wa* benefited. He wished it to bo under¬ stood, however, that be was not opposed to the iio ere verneti t. Mr Edmonston moved to recommit the tun, with instructions that Hie coram ittAn «ha)' pro- core the opinion of the City Attorney i«t) the power of the Corporation to a*m»ss ih> co t of paving the streets upon the prcrperty-hoi iers. Lost.yeas G, nays »!. Mr. Moore obiected to the third readme o' the bin. The Chair (Mr. Larner/ overraied the .- ^®n.th* bill having been read twice, must. go to its third reading, unless objected to by a two-thirds vote .J®*11 Moore appealed from the decision of the Chair, andthe Chair was sustained bv a vote Ji 2.Messrs. Moore and Edmonston. The bill was passed. Mr. Stephens, from the police committee, re¬ ported bill in relation to priTte* to d welliac¬ tio uses; which was recommitted. Also adversely on the petitions of J f no*. Henry ffewman, and Lewis Patten, to erect frame buildings adjoining brick huild;ng«, and the committee was discharged Mr. W right, from the fire department com¬ mittee, reported bill for the r-liei oi Ul< Franklin Fire Company, which wa- pa-*ed. Also adversely on the bill to amend th- act organizing the Steam Paid Fire l»ep«.rtment, by providing for two hook and ladder compa¬ nies, and asked to be discharged. Mr. Marcbe stated that the Sixth Ward had been left unprotected. The nearest engine would be nt the Colombia engine h>>u*e. mrt the Sixth Ward being butlt up nearly entirely with wcodeu buildings he thought ouzhi 10 have at lea*t a hook and laddercompan\ with¬ in her limits. The chair stated that the bill had been re¬ ferred to the Are commissioners and was re¬ ported on adversely by them Mr. Edmonston thought that hook and lad¬ der ccmpauit-s were ab&oluiely n»ve>?ary as much so as engines, and he was ir. favor of coingawny with an engine rather than to have but one hook and ladder company. Mr. Wright said it the sixth Wajrd wanted a hook and ladder company, the Seventh Vi *id whs just as much entitled to one. Mr. Marcbe 6tated that a portion of the Sixth Ward delegation had protested agam«t being slighted. Hook and ladder companies were very serviceable especially where frame buildings predominated. The Board relused to discharge the commit¬ tee, and recommitted the bill with instructions to amend the law by providing lor three hook and ladder companies. Mr. Wright reported adversely on the bill for the relief of the Anaeostla Fire Company, and the committee was discharged. The Alderman bill for grading and paring alley in square 140 was passed. The bill appropriating «puhiu for the im¬ provement of the sanitary condition of the city was laiten up. The Chair (Mr. Lamer) stated that :h>' May¬ or had said to him that he did not desire such an appropriation: that the sums for casual re¬ pairs were sufficient and that Washington for cleanliness, would compare favorably with other cities. Mr. Peugh said ih&t there must be some mis¬ understanding, as the Mayor had staled :o hita that he needed this appropriation. Mr. Rheem said he was in the Alder wans chamber when the bill passed, and the Mayor bad asked him (Mr. R.) and others to supoor*. the bill in the council. The bill was laid on the table. Mr. Kelly ottered a resolution dire, ting the Mayor to call the attention of the Board of Health to the filthy condition of the Ches¬ apeake and Ohio Canal from Rock Creek to 17th street; which was adopted. Adjourned. Police Reports.Fint T'rtcinct. . James Smith and Patrick Brannon, drunk, Hev Ull sober. ' ' fieco»rt Precinct..Wm.McClane, bathing con¬ trary to law; *.>. Hngh Downey. as»auU and battery; bail for court. Peter Burk, Jno. Mor¬ sel 1, military. Third Precinct..Richard Davis, failing to take out license; dismissed. Kate Donnelly Bannah Young, Mary Belt, Mary Robinson, Bridget Malay, disorderly; workhouse. Fourth Precinct. Edward Gliun. .lames McCarthy, Richard Barrett, and Honora Bar¬ rett, threats; bail for peace. Frank Rounds, do.; dismissed. Edward Glinn, disorderlvdo Edward Burke, Margaret Burke, Alexander Hughes, and John Hughe*, assault and bat¬ tery; bail for court. Ellen Kennedy, drunk- dismissed. John Delanev, do ; #2. M. Sweeny drunk and disorderly; «3, Richard Johnson,' do.; SI 95. Margaret O'Neal, do.; worknouse. Sixth Precinct.George Dixon, dismissed P. Scnv^nner, do.; for trial. ZackCarter, do.; 83. Jane Taylor and Jane Rollins, do.; 80 each. Thos. Bellow, assault and battery, jail. Pey¬ ton Schrivenner, attempt at <rson; ter irial. G. W. Roche, drunk; $.¦>. Henry Morton do. and disorderly; military. James Macuire, Marv Stockton, Cecelia Maguire. drunk and disorderly; workhouse. Maria Woodbelk, do: $3. Adam Balster, do.; 85. Isaac Brooks, dis¬ orderly dismissed. Dan'l O'Neill, do.; 82 Lander Welcom, do.; 82. James Ball, do.; *3. Thos. Mack, selling liquor unlicensed, 820.5". August Krumbler, vagrancy; workhouse. D. Stundnn. common drunkard; dismissed. Tenth Precinct..E. J.King,drunk;dismissed. Peter Owens, do.; military. Marg't A. Green, disorderly; 82. Lucy Hepburn, do.; 83. Golich Git tings, do; So. M. Malitish and William Shields, desertion; military. Geo. Lea, grand larceny; jail for court. Alex. Pelaski, oogua detective; military. TELEGRAPHIC NEW& FROM .MISSOURI. Condition of Affair* In that State .Im¬ portant Order by General Koustrao. St. Lovib, July 1«..Despatches from Col. Ford, at Kansas City, received here, 6ays he has just returned from Platte and Clay conn- ties. His command is now at Liberty. Thornton's rebels have broken Into small bands ar.d scattered through the country. Twenty-Jonr of them were killed. Colonel Ford suggests that the citizens of Platte and Clay counties be not armed, as nine- tenths of tDem are disloyal, have ass.sied Thornton to raise his force, and given h.tn all information, keeping everything from our troops. Colonel Pord has notified the proviinentciti- zens of these counties that hereafter they will be held strictly accountable for the conduct ot the guerrillas, and has called a meeting of citizens and rebel sympathizers at Liberty, when he will tell them how they can save the counties from desolation. Col. Ford captured 2M5 T'nited States mus¬ kets in the hands of these guerrillas, burned the warehouse containing over HKi more, with considerable ammunition, and captured a bat- tle-llag. Gen. Rosseau has issued an address to the people of Northwest Missouri, staung that they have deceived him; that, while they prom¬ ised to preserve the peace and aid the Govern¬ ment, they have allowed guerrillas to live and recruit among them, and that the arms and ammunition put into their hands, for i.he pre¬ servation of the public safety have been used to destroy it. He tells them that nothing is now left them to do but to wholly renounce and help to exterminate the common enemy, or their country will be desolated. All loyal and law-abiding citizens muss promptly combine with the military authori¬ ties, giving all possible aid, assistance aud in¬ formation, or sutler the violence which must follow the toleration ot a specie* of warfare which finds no parallel even in our Indian wars. FRUM EUROPE. The Dano-Germanic Question.Prospect of a Peaceful Solution.Exciting Debate in Parliament. Path mi Poiht, July IS..The steamship Damascus, for Quebec from Liverpool, fc&s passed this point Lohdok, July 8..Consols for money, 10\; American securities flat, with sales. The bullion in the Bank of England has decreased two hnndredand sixty-seven thousand pounds. Loudon, July -..There is no news of im¬ portance in regard to the Danish war. The de¬ bate ir the House of Commons was in progress. A fierce party spirit is *»rlnc*d. A division is expected to-night. Some estimates give the M inistry only four majority. The Kearsa'rge has arrived off Dover. The Sacramento arrived at Cherbourg. Rumors very unfavorable to Grant are pre¬ valent in England, and caused a rise of 2a.t per cent, in the Confederate loan, which ranged from tio to 67. It was announced that the amount required for the September dividends and sinking-fund bad been reoeived by the London agent*. The Times, in reviewing General Grant'* position, says it is difficult not to conclude that the campaign is now reduced to the question of Petersburg or nothing. Prince John, of Glucksburg, the youngest brother of the King of Denmark, has reached Berlin.it was supposed in the Interests of peace. A private telegram from Copenhagen sayi it ha# been determined at a council of Ministers to treat for peace directly with Prussia, upon the basis of Denmark t»eing admitted t<* the German Confederation, as tbo only means of saving the monarchy. This is regarded highly improbable. _ Russia Is making active naval preparations atcronstadt. It was stated that the Russian squadron was about to visit the Swedish and Danish ports In the Baltic. Special telecrams from Copenhagen to the London papers confirm the report that pacific negotiations were going on between Denmark and Prussia, and that pending theee no attack will be made. Advance in Bald. Nbw York, July 18..Gold rose to 2c3* oa Jh proclamation.
  • r

    V2i. XXIV. WASHINGTON. D. C.. TUESDAY, JULY 19. 1864. 3.554:'


    iKAVELERS' directory.Hy RAILROAD FROM PHILADELPHIA FROMWALNTT STREET PIER,1> IA WEST JERSEY KAILHOAD\X (, a. m., accommodation due At 1"}* a. m.At 10 a. ID., express du« at 1 J, p. ra.At4>s a. m , express due at 8 p. m.Returning, leave Cape May.6 a. m. express due at 9% a. m.U 46 ac^ommodstioB doe at i% p. m.i.l" p. ra. express due At 81« p. m.Through without chantre of cars op DAgS&gC.

    Kfw PAr«. And averythingflrst-flAjs.»e 2r 3m J. VAN RBNSSELAER,Supt.BALTIMORE AHA OHIO RAILROAD.

    On and after Sunday, Juae l>Hh, 18«4, Daily Trainswill be ran betwean Washington and New Yorkand W**>>inrton and the West, as follow* :FOR PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK AND

    BOSTON.Leave Washington at 7.30 a. m., 11.15 a. m., Andp :«¦ p m daily, except Sunday.On Sunday at 8 .30 p. m. only.

    FOR BALTIMORE AND PHILADELPHIA.Leave Washington at 3 p. m. daily, except 8ua-day.

    ,Passengers will note that this train runs as faras Philadelphia only.

    FOR NE W TORE.Leave Washington dAily At 6.Wp m- , ,Ton train is/or Neu> York ixchuivtly.

    EOR BALTIMORE.Lesv# Washington at 6J)a. B..11.U a. tn.,Jp.

    in.. 4.46 p. m., 7.20 p. m , And 8.3" P- m.,except Sun-

    Ou Sunday at 7.30 m'< %ny Valpeau, Sallemande, Roax. Ac., Ac.Wholesale and retail by Dr. BARROW, No. liJd

    PIeecker street. New York.fo be had also of 8. O. FORD, No. 4"0 Pa. ava,

    corner 11th street^ m*r9-3m^ARLYLE-S FREDERICK THE GREAT, vol.Guida#Boak of the New Jersey Central Railroad,Kavage Africa, by Winwood Rsade.l1.8oNorth American Review for July. $l.i5hlackvood s Magazine for June,2icDenis Ouval, by ThackerBy, fi*W .Sabbath Readings, by Rev. Gardiner Spring, 3

    TCM^«a. by the author of".Beulah»1SOThe Bock of Days. 2 vol.., AYLOR.


    P'.oa Cntlerr, Platad Wars, Roll Metal Goods, lea1 tchere. Block Tin Goods, Tin Chamber Bats.Japanned Waiters. Water Coolers, Ethenaland Solar Lamps. Coal OU Lamps, Lan¬

    terns, Stone Ware, to.. As., Ac.eoo£s Packed and Delivered in this City aal

    OeorgetoWB free of cbargs.504 Odd Fellows* Sail) Sevaath St.,

    my 1 eciTy Washingtaa^.I Hls» IS TO «.1YE NOTICE, That the s,l,-cri-I o r Ua.. MINA LHLMA3I.nnms IS to GIVE NOTICE. TV»t the snWri-a te r has obtained from the Orphans Court ca^Va«hiUKtoa County, in the District of Colnmbia.letU-rs testamentary «o th« p-jrtOCHt estate «fJohn SiouKra. late of Wa"bi'isten City, D. C.,deceased. All persons having streets, opposite the publioMiemtion on the south side ofFeiD8tlTtni«H«-^.^rnnniB, back 1S3 feet. ,**T"

    ana «*«.»«I9 frn.fi!:1 p&rt10?[ Ltot *?°- M. adjoining Lot No.K&kffi.gssss*"«6 "**».."> "»¦

    th*< part of Lot No. 14. lying immedi-5*^*?,^® *h® «ar of that part of Lot No. 18, lastESi i»fi wiuohJ *. now« and for many years has«fi?w ^ UBed M . gard«ii with the saidS^Lot i^'.and Lo} N»- 19-the said portioninches being 37 feet 6 inches by 14 feet 3

    &n **reeable and improving£M 1° sity',n Vlew »' the avenue, and verywell located for residences. »»""". ^ T« required to remove

    the stores within five days from date of sale.Terms ca>h, in Government funds.

    D H. BUCKBB,Brig. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster,

    jy 16 d Depot of Washington.A UCTION SALE OP CONDEMNED HORSES.

    Was Dknbtvirt, Cavalrv Bcmad,.


    kVALar Bossao, Jk"/ Quartermaster, 1l,D. C., July 4,18>M.\

    Will b« sold at PUBLIC AUCTION, to the high¬est bidder, at the times and places named below,

    ^^Jbebanon, Pennsylvania, THUBSDAY, July 14th,Reading. Pennsylvania, THURSDAY. July 21st,

    1864.Harrinborg, fennnylvania, THURSDAY. July

    28tb, 18tM. T*

    Altoona, Pennsylvania, THURSDAY, August4th. van.Williamsport, Pennsylvania, THURSDAY, An-

    gust llth, l*>4.TWO HUNDRED co t ofpaving the streets upon the prcrperty-hoi iers.Lost.yeas G, nays »!.Mr. Moore obiected to the third readme o' the

    bin.The Chair (Mr. Larner/ overraied the .-^®n.th* bill having been read twice, must. goto its third reading, unless objected to by atwo-thirds vote

    .J®*11 Moore appealed from the decision of theChair, andthe Chair was sustained bv a voteJi 2.Messrs. Moore and Edmonston.The bill was passed.Mr. Stephens, from the police committee, re¬

    ported bill in relation to priTte* to d welliac¬tiouses; which was recommitted.Also adversely on the petitions of J f no*.

    Henry ffewman, and Lewis Patten, to erectframe buildings adjoining brick huild;ng«, andthe committee was dischargedMr. W right, from the fire department com¬

    mittee, reported bill for the r-liei oi Ul<Franklin Fire Company, which wa- pa-*ed.Also adversely on the bill to amend th- act

    organizing the Steam Paid Fire l»ep«.rtment,by providing for two hook and ladder compa¬nies, and asked to be discharged.Mr. Marcbe stated that the Sixth Ward had

    been left unprotected. The nearest enginewould be nt the Colombia engine h>>u*e. mrtthe Sixth Ward being butlt up nearly entirelywith wcodeu buildings he thought ouzhi 10have at lea*t a hook and laddercompan\ with¬in her limits.The chair stated that the bill had been re¬

    ferred to the Are commissioners and was re¬ported on adversely by themMr. Edmonston thought that hook and lad¬

    der ccmpauit-s were ab&oluiely n»ve>?ary asmuch so as engines, and he was ir. favor ofcoingawny with an engine rather than to havebut one hook and ladder company.

    Mr. Wright said it the sixth Wajrd wanted ahook and ladder company, the Seventh Vi *idwhs just as much entitled to one.Mr. Marcbe 6tated that a portion of the

    Sixth Ward delegation had protested agam«tbeing slighted. Hook and ladder companieswere very serviceable especially where framebuildings predominated.The Board relused to discharge the commit¬

    tee, and recommitted the bill with instructionsto amend the law by providing lor three hookand ladder companies.Mr. Wright reported adversely on the bill

    for the relief of the Anaeostla Fire Company,and the committee was discharged.The Alderman bill for grading and paring

    alley in square 140 was passed.The bill appropriating «puhiu for the im¬

    provement of the sanitary condition of the citywas laiten up.The Chair (Mr. Lamer) stated that :h>' May¬

    or had said to him that he did not desire suchan appropriation: that the sums for casual re¬pairs were sufficient and that Washington forcleanliness, would compare favorably withother cities.Mr. Peugh said ih&t there must be some mis¬

    understanding, as the Mayor had staled :o hitathat he needed this appropriation.Mr. Rheem said he was in the Alderwans

    chamber when the bill passed, and the Mayorbad asked him (Mr. R.) and others to supoor*.the bill in the council.The bill was laid on the table.Mr. Kelly ottered a resolution dire, ting the

    Mayor to call the attention of the Board ofHealth to the filthy condition of the Ches¬apeake and Ohio Canal from Rock Creek to17th street; which was adopted. Adjourned.Police Reports.Fint T'rtcinct.. James

    Smith and Patrick Brannon, drunk, Hev Ullsober. '


    fieco»rt Precinct..Wm.McClane, bathing con¬trary to law; *.>. Hngh Downey. as»auU andbattery; bail for court. Peter Burk, Jno. Mor¬sel 1, military.

    Third Precinct..Richard Davis, failing totake out license; dismissed. Kate DonnellyBannah Young, Mary Belt, Mary Robinson,Bridget Malay, disorderly; workhouse.

    Fourth Precinct.Edward Gliun. .lamesMcCarthy, Richard Barrett, and Honora Bar¬rett, threats; bail for peace. Frank Rounds,do.; dismissed. Edward Glinn, disorderlvdoEdward Burke, Margaret Burke, AlexanderHughes, and John Hughe*, assault and bat¬tery; bail for court. Ellen Kennedy, drunk-dismissed. John Delanev, do ; #2. M. Sweenydrunk and disorderly; «3, Richard Johnson,'do.; SI 95. Margaret O'Neal, do.; worknouse.

    Sixth Precinct.George Dixon, dismissed P.Scnv^nner, do.; for trial. ZackCarter, do.; 83.Jane Taylor and Jane Rollins, do.; 80 each.Thos. Bellow, assault and battery, jail. Pey¬ton Schrivenner, attempt at . Henry Morton do.and disorderly; military. James Macuire,Marv Stockton, Cecelia Maguire. drunk anddisorderly; workhouse. Maria Woodbelk, do:$3. Adam Balster, do.; 85. Isaac Brooks, dis¬orderly dismissed. Dan'l O'Neill, do.; 82Lander Welcom, do.; 82. James Ball, do.; *3.Thos. Mack, selling liquor unlicensed, 820.5".August Krumbler, vagrancy; workhouse. D.Stundnn. common drunkard; dismissed.

    Tenth Precinct..E. J.King,drunk;dismissed.Peter Owens, do.; military. Marg't A. Green,disorderly; 82. Lucy Hepburn, do.; 83. GolichGit tings, do; So. M. Malitish and WilliamShields, desertion; military. Geo. Lea, grandlarceny; jail for court. Alex. Pelaski, ooguadetective; military.


    Condition of Affair* In that State.Im¬portant Order by General Koustrao.St. Lovib, July 1«..Despatches from Col.Ford, at Kansas City, received here, 6ays hehas just returned from Platte and Clay conn-ties. His command is now at Liberty.Thornton's rebels have broken Into small

    bands ar.d scattered through the country.Twenty-Jonr of them were killed.Colonel Ford suggests that the citizens of

    Platte and Clay counties be not armed, as nine-tenths of tDem are disloyal, have ass.siedThornton to raise his force, and given h.tn allinformation, keeping everything from ourtroops.Colonel Pord has notified the proviinentciti-

    zens of these counties that hereafter they willbe held strictly accountable for the conduct otthe guerrillas, and has called a meeting ofcitizens and rebel sympathizers at Liberty,when he will tell them how they can save thecounties from desolation.Col. Ford captured 2M5 T'nited States mus¬

    kets in the hands of these guerrillas, burnedthe warehouse containing over HKi more, withconsiderable ammunition, and captured a bat-tle-llag.Gen. Rosseau has issued an address to the

    people of Northwest Missouri, staung thatthey have deceived him; that, while they prom¬ised to preserve the peace and aid the Govern¬ment, they have allowed guerrillas to live andrecruit among them, and that the arms andammunition put into their hands, for i.he pre¬servation of the public safety have been usedto destroy it. He tells them that nothing isnow left them to do but to wholly renounceand help to exterminate the common enemy, ortheir country will be desolated.All loyal and law-abiding citizens muss

    promptly combine with the military authori¬ties, giving all possible aid, assistance aud in¬formation, or sutler the violence which mustfollow the toleration ot a specie* of warfarewhich finds no parallel even in our Indianwars.

    FRUM EUROPE.The Dano-Germanic Question.Prospect ofa Peaceful Solution.Exciting Debate inParliament.Pathmi Poiht, July IS..The steamshipDamascus, for Quebec from Liverpool, fc&spassed this pointLohdok, July 8..Consols for money,10\; American securities flat, with sales. The

    bullion in the Bank of England has decreasedtwo hnndredand sixty-seven thousand pounds.Loudon, July -..There is no news of im¬portance in regard to the Danish war. The de¬bate ir the House ofCommons was in progress.A fierce party spirit is *»rlnc*d. A division isexpected to-night. Some estimates give theM inistry only four majority.The Kearsa'rge has arrived off Dover.The Sacramento arrived at Cherbourg.Rumors very unfavorable to Grant are pre¬valent in England, and caused a rise of 2a.t

    per cent, in the Confederate loan, which rangedfrom tio to 67.It was announced that the amount requiredfor the September dividends and sinking-fundbad been reoeived by the London agent*.The Times, in reviewing General Grant'*

    position, says it is difficult not to conclude thatthe campaign is now reduced to the question ofPetersburg or nothing.Prince John, of Glucksburg, the youngestbrother of the King of Denmark, has reachedBerlin.it was supposed in the Interests of

    peace.A private telegram from Copenhagen sayi it

    ha# been determined at a council of Ministersto treat for peace directly with Prussia, uponthe basis of Denmark t»eing admitted t
