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JICA LGREP As of 02 December 20081/21Organization Development and Management.

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Topic 3: Understanding Organization Development JICA LGREP As of 02 December 2008 1/21 Organization Development and Management

Topic 3: Understanding Organization Development


As of 02 December 2008 1/21Organization Development and Management

Topic objectivesAt the end of the session the participants

should be able to:List and discuss the characteristic of

organization;Explain the critical roles in the change

process;Differentiate the various roles of the OD

players especially the change agent;Understand the process of organizational


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Understanding ODOrganization Development (OD) is the

systematic application of behavioral science knowledge at various levels, such as group, inter-group, organization,

etc., to bring about planned change.so that the organization can adapt to

competitive actions, technological advances, and the fast pace of change within the environment.

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Question 1What is the planned change for our community beneficiary?

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Point 1The planned change is to organize a BAWASA to undertake management of the Potable Water System.

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Question 2

In your personal experience what can you observe in a newly formed organization and ask yourselves why?

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Point 2 Characteristics of a newly

organized association: Low member participation Low compliance to policies,

systems, and procedures (PSP) Insufficient PSP Inefficient/ineffective use of

resources (personnel, time , fund)

Ineffective leadership Lack of respect to leaders or

elected officials of the association

Unestablished support program and mechanisms from government and private sectors.

Why? The Association is at its

formative stage Lack of members’ familiarity

to roles and responsibilities PSP under test run and for

fine-tuning Lack of familiarity in

performing roles and functions Officers and leaders lack

confidence, are on OJT, and in the process of practicing/enhancing their skills in organizational management

The Association is in the process of establishing track record and credibility – an important personality for establishing network and linkages.

Organization Development (OD) is very necessary to take place!

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The end goal of OD… is for an organization to be more effective

and fully functioning in which the potential of its members are more realized.

It is a which results to purposeful decision to effect changes in organization.

We need to undertake OD for a newly organized BAWASA.

change process

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OD for our BAWASA therefore… Is all about creating

changes consciously towards a clear vision.

Is a problem solving oriented.

Applies both non-systematic and systematic approaches by closely linking human resources and organization potential to technology, structure and management process.

Focuses its efforts toward changes in the organizational members’ attitudes, behavior and performance.

higher quality of work-life,

productivity, adaptability,

and effectiveness



values, strategi




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Critical Players in the Change Process1. Change Sponsor (the BAWASA

leadership) is the formal leadership

which legitimizes the change/s in the organization.

2. Change Agent (the CO Team) transducer between

scientific knowledge regarding organizational functioning and change process.

3. Change Target (BAWASA HH members)

Made up of people or group that must actually change.




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Roles of a Change Agent

Consultant behavior which fosters client interdependence

Consultant behavior which fosters client dependence

Non -directive Directional





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Role as an Observer

The role is characterized by the consultant’s being present at meetings or in a work area over a period of time without being an active participation.

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Role as a Facilitator works with a person or group more actively in order to help them work through problems or bring about desired change.

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Role as a QuestionerThis role involves the asking of

searching questions and the raising of fundamental issues that lie behind the manager with the consequences of his or her actions or invite him or her to examine his / her basic assumptions.

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Role as a Counselor

Counselors may use many approaches – some of them quite nondirective and others quite coercive.

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Role as a TrainerIn the Trainer’s role, the consultant

acts as a resource person for a workgroup or stranger group in order to help achieve some short-range learning goals.

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Role as a Advisor In the role of the advisor, the consultant becomes, in effect, an “assistant to the manager”.

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Role as a LeaderUnder certain circumstances, the

designated leader of an organization may become so dependent on an internal consultant that the consultant, in effect, becomes the leader of the organization.

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Role as a Judge In the role of Judge, the consultant reviews the personnel policies and practices of the organization and evaluates them.

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Four Basic Stages Of Organization Development

1.Organizational Diagnosis2.Action planning3.Implementation of Plan4.Evaluation

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OD ProcessEntry and Contracti


ional Diagnosis

Action Planning

OD Interventi

on and Implemen



As of 02 December 2008 21/21Organization Development and Management

References Handout on Organization Development, PRRM North Cotabato, 1996. Cunningham, J. B. & Eberle, T. (1990). "A Guide to Job Enrichment

and Redesign," Personnel, Feb 1990, p.57 in Newstrom, J. & Davis, K. (1993). Organization Behavior: Human Behavior at Work. New York: McGraw-Hill; Knoster, T., Villa, R., & Thousand, J. (2000). A framework for thinking about systems change. In R. Villa & J. Thousand (Eds.), Restructuring for caring and effective education: Piecing the puzzle together (pp. 93-128). Baltimore: Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.; Koch, C. (2006). The New Science of Change. CIO Magazine, Sep 15, 2006 (pp 54-56). Also available on the web: http://www.cio.com/archive/091506/change.html; Revans, R. W. (1982). The Origin and Growth of Action Learning. Hunt, England: Chatwell-Bratt, Bickley; Schein, E. (1968). "Organizational Socialization and the Profession of Management," Industrial Management Review, 1968 vol. 9 pp. 1-15 in Newstrom, J. & Davis, K. (1993). Organization Behavior: Human Behavior at Work. New York: McGraw-Hill. From http://www.nwlink.com/~donclark/leader/leadob.html

The role of the creative outlook in teambuilding, Adams, John, In W. Brendan Reddy & Kaleel Kamison, (eds). Team Building: Blueprints from Productivity and Satisfaction, USA: NTL Institute for Applied behavioral Science and University Association, Inc., 1987

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