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Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul Markowski , David Dowell,

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Analysis of the Goshen County, Wyoming, tornadic supercell on 5 June 2009 during VORTEX2 using EnKF assimilation of mobile radar observations . Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul Markowski , David Dowell, Josh Wurman , Karen Kosiba , and Paul Robinson. Photo by Sean Waugh. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
Analysis of the Goshen County, Wyoming, tornadic supercell on 5 June 2009 during VORTEX2 using EnKF assimilation of mobile radar observations Jim Marquis, Yvette Richardson, Paul Markowski, David Dowell, Josh Wurman, Karen Kosiba, and Paul Photo by Sean Waugh
Page 1: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

Analysis of the Goshen County, Wyoming, tornadic supercell on 5 June 2009 during

VORTEX2 using EnKF assimilation of mobile radar observations

Jim Marquis, Yvette Richardson, Paul Markowski,

David Dowell,

Josh Wurman, Karen Kosiba, and Paul RobinsonPhoto by Sean Waugh

Page 2: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

Goals of EnKF analysis• Increase availability of 3-D kinematic and

thermodynamic data (dual-Doppler and in situ obs are spatially/temporally limited).

Paul MarkowskiCourtesy www.vortex2.org

Page 3: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

Goals of Data Assimilation• We want a set of realistically evolving analyses (i.e., We are not using DA to initialize a forecast).

• Analyze roles that mesocyclone-scale processes play in tornadogenesis, maintenance, and decay:

- trajectory analysis,- vorticity, momentum budgets,- complete thermodynamic fields,- mid-upper level features,

Page 4: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

Model Specifics• WRF-ARW 3.2.1:

-Δx,y = 500 m, 80m < Δz < 2km, [120 x 80 x 20] km3 -LFO microphysics (χrain= 8x106, χgraup= 4x103 m-4 ; ρgraup= 900 kg/m3),-open lateral BCs,-no surface fluxes, no radiation, flat terrain.

Homogeneous environment:

Page 5: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

DA Specifics• DART (Anderson et al. 2009):– Ensemble adjustment filter,

– 50 members,– Localization:

• Gaspari-Cohn (1999) = 0 @ r = 6 km– Ensemble initiation:

• 10 randomly placed warm bubbles at model t0 for each member

– Ensemble spread maintained with:• Additive noise added to T, Td, U, V every 5 min where radar

reflectivity is > 25 dBZ, (Dowell and Wicker 2009) • Perturbations smoothed to 4 km (horiz), 2 km (vert) scales

Page 6: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

Courtesy www.vortex2.org

σ2obs = (2 m/s)2

• Radar velocities assimilated every 2 minutes

• OBAN: Cressman weighting

500 m horizontal grid spacing (for 500m-model grid experiment)

data along conical slices

Experiment timeline

“synthetic Data”

Page 7: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,







Z = 400 m AGL

Dual-Doppler – EnKF (posterior) kinematics comparison

X (km)

Y (k


Page 8: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

Comparison of temperature observations and EnKF analyses near the ground:

Z = 50 m AGL



Mobile mesonet Observations (not assimilated)Surface gust fronts

• Greatest differences early in the assimilation period. They get smaller with time.

X (km)

Y (k


Page 9: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

Pressure fields


mdo pRppWRF diagnostic pressure:

• Want pressure for: ...''1



dtdw db

Important to supercells

Page 10: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

Pressure diagnosed using individual members vs. retrieval using ensemble mean posteriors kinematic fields (e.g., Gal-Chen 1978,

Hane and Ray 1985):

Sfc gust front z = 250 m

Y (k


X (km)


mdo pRpp

Retrieved from horiz. momentum eqns

Page 11: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

2211 UTC

Trajectories (storm-rel.) calculated from ens. mean analyses

Ring (radius = 1 km) of 20 parcels centered on peak ζ at z = 700 m at 2211 UTC, integrated backward in time to 2143 UTC

Sfc gustfront


(Note: Trajectories curtailed because they encounter edges of dual-Doppler coverage)

X (km)

Y (k


z = 200 m

Page 12: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,




Tilting Stretching Baroclinicgeneration

Boussinesq, inviscid, coriolis-free 3-D Vorticity Equation:=



Ultimately important for generation of low-level mesocyclone

Page 13: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,




More verification: Does ensemble mean vorticity along parcel trajectories match predicted (i.e., integrated) tendency?

Page 14: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

Ens. mean interpolatedto trajectory ∫(𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒕+𝒔𝒕𝒓+𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒐 )𝒅𝒕 ∫(𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒕+𝒔𝒕𝒓 )𝒅𝒕

Lagrangian 3-D vorticity budget for a parcel entering mesocyclone:

z = 200 m

X (km)

Y (k


Page 15: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,


Ens. mean interpolatedto trajectory ∫ (𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒕+𝒔𝒕𝒓+𝒃𝒂𝒓𝒐 )𝒅𝒕 ∫(𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒕+𝒔𝒕𝒓 )𝒅𝒕

Lagrangian 3-D vorticity budget for a parcel in the forward flank:

X (km)

Y (k


Page 16: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

Summary: Utility of EnKF analysis • EnKF Kinematic Analyses:

- Compare well with dual-Doppler fields.

- Most trajectories seem believable;though, Lagrangian vorticity budgets have some problems in some areas of the storm.

• EnKF Thermo Analyses: - Mixed success with comparisons to in situ obs.

• Pressure fields seem unusable.

Page 17: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

Acknowledgements• The EnKF experiments were performed using NCAR CISL

supercomputing facilities (bluefire) with the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) and WRF-ARW software.

• Thanks to: Glen Romine, Lou Wicker, Chris Snyder, Nancy Collins, Jeff Anderson, Don Burgess, Dan Dawson, Robin Tanamachi, Bruce Lee, Cathy Finley, Altug Aksoy, Fuqing Zhang, and Matt parker for consulting.

• Thanks to all VORTEX2 crew for their dedication while collecting data on 5 June 2009.

• This research is funded by NSF grants: NSF-AGS-0801035, NSF-AGS-0801041. The DOW radars are NSF Lower Atmospheric Observing Facilities supported by NSF-AGS-0734001.

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Page 19: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

Surface gust front


Pressure diagnosed with posterior ensemble mean thermodynamic variables vs. Pressure retrieved from posterior ensemble mean kinematic fields (e.g., Hane and Ray 1985, Majcen et al. 2008):



d p’



d p’

• Posterior diagnosed pressure doesn’t seem right.

• Retrieved pressure fields seemingly more realistic, but vertical gradients still not trustworthy.

z = 250 mX (km)

Y (k


Page 20: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,


mdo pRpp


Pressure fields diagnosed with posterior means, prior means, and individual members :

z = 250 m

Page 21: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

Model errors/idealized conditions require DA for a good storm.

Storm structure with/without radar assimilation:

Top row: Series of Posterior ens. mean analyses.

Bottom row: Single member forecasted forward from 2157 (no DA).


Z = 150 m

X (km)

Y (k


Page 22: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

Difference between surface obs and near-surface EnKF analyses of thermodynamic fields:


Page 23: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

Time UTC

RMS Innovation

Total Spread

Consistency Ratio

Some obs-space statistics

Page 24: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

Comparison of Dual-Doppler – EnKF (ensemble mean) horizontal vorticity








Horizontal vorticity vector pattern is similar, though magnitude of EnKF vorticity is greater


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X (km)

Y (k


Page 26: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

Surface & mid-upper-level features

(pre-tornado/tornadogenesis) (tornado mature)

(tornado weakening) (tornado dissipated)

W > 5 m/s(z = 5km)

ζ(z = 300m)Surface gust front

Low-level meso cyclone/tornado stays beneath mid-level updraft

Page 27: Jim Marquis , Yvette Richardson, Paul  Markowski ,  David Dowell,

W (m/s)


Z = 400 m AGL

Dual-Doppler – EnKF (ensemble mean) kinematics comparison(DOW6 & NOXP)



X (km)

Y (k


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Low-level wmax trace: MM obs:


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