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JINGLE BELL ROCK - SHELDON DAYthelightofdayradioshow.com/PlanetX_Files/GZ_12-23-15_Full-Show... ·...

Date post: 19-Aug-2018
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JINGLE BELL ROCK Many people may or may not know that the Ground Zero show has now decided to continue with its five hours of broadcasting. We began with 5 hours, and then we handed over two hours to another show that was similar. After a few months, that show left the air and so we immediately took over the remaining two hours. I know that many people are still not aware we have gone back to the old schedule. There were also many people who were listening to my Star Wars show who tuned out after the third hour, not aware that on the last hour of the program, I was alerted a freak asteroid wound up being spotted coming within 40,000 miles of Earth. The detection happened so fast that most major news organizations were unable to gather enough information to warn us if the space rock was going to hit us or maybe take out a couple of satellites. The event reminded me of the night that a huge fireball exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia and how I was the only talk show in the United States that had the information as it happened. At 2:00AM Eastern Time, 11:00PM Pacific Time, Friday night, Saturday morning, it was reported that a newly discovered asteroid the size of a city bus was going to give Earth a close cosmic shave, zipping well within the orbit of the Moon. The near-Earth asteroid 2015 YB, which is about 34 feet wide, finally was spotted cruising within a Page 1 of 9

JINGLE BELL ROCKMany people may or may not know that the Ground Zero show has now decided to continue with its five hours of broadcasting. We began with 5 hours, and then we handed over two hours to another show that was similar.

After a few months, that show left the air and so we immediately took over the remaining two hours. I know that many people are still not aware we have gone back to the old schedule. There were also many people who were listening to my Star Wars show who tuned out after the third hour, not aware that on the last hour of the program, I was alerted a freak asteroid wound up being spotted coming within 40,000 miles of Earth. The detection happened so fast that most major news organizations were unable to gather enough information to warn us if the space rock was going to hit us or maybe take out a couple of satellites.

The event reminded me of the night that a huge fireball exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia and how I was the only talk show in the United States that had the information as it happened.

At 2:00AM Eastern Time, 11:00PM Pacific Time, Friday night, Saturday morning, it was reported that a newly discovered asteroid the size of a city bus was going to give Earth a close cosmic shave, zipping well within the orbit of the Moon.

The near-Earth asteroid 2015 YB, which is about 34 feet wide, finally was spotted cruising within a

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mere 36,800 miles above the planet at 7:00 AM Eastern Time. Somehow, this space rock slipped through the cracks and very well could have destroyed satellites and create all kinds of problems for Earth if it were to have had perturbations in its trajectory.

To put a near miss in perspective or in true cosmic terms, a “near hit.” The Moon orbits Earth at an average distance of 239,000 miles, and geosynchronous satellites fly about 22,000 miles from the planet’s surface.

The asteroid was traveling at roughly 32,300 mph relative to Earth at the time of closest approach. If there was to be any miscalculation and the small asteroid would have hut the earth it would have destroyed and area the size of London, England.

2015 YB is one of millions of asteroids that orbit the sun in Earth’s neighborhood. The vast majority of these space rocks remain undetected; researchers have found and catalogued just 13,500 near-Earth asteroids to date.

Some of these rocks have Earth in their crosshairs; the planet has been pummeled repeatedly since its birth 4.5 billion years ago, and will continue to take cosmic punishment for eons to come.

Most of these collisions involve objects the size of 2015 YB or smaller, but bigger asteroids do occasionally slam into Earth, and the consequences could be devastating.

Last night, December 22nd, 2015 a mysterious flash of light dove through the sky for about 10 minutes and was seen over Southern California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona.

The reports started to flood in at about 6:30PM Pacific Time. Many described it as a fireball streaking across the sky with debris falling from it as it moved.

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So many people reported the strange sighting that scientists at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and the North American Aerospace Defense Command investigated.

NASA explained that it was part of a spent Russian rocket — the explanation that they seem to be using a lot these days.

It was Christmas Eve in the year 2011 where something similar happened. A dazzling fireball that lit up the night sky above Europe and while it was an impressive fireball sending debris everywhere, scientists said it was the remains of a Russian rocket.

In September of 2014, a fireball was seen by people from New Mexico to Montana. They witnessed a bright object break apart as it moved slowly northward across the night sky. Witnesses described it as three “rocks” with glowing red and orange streaks. Again it was said to have been a Russian satellite burning up as it reentered the atmosphere.

Many people that see these fireballs say that some of them look intelligently controlled – this of course creates a sense of paranoia and sparks a lot of UFO reports.

Whatever they may be, fireballs, rogue asteroids, or UFO’s, there seem to be a lot of them coming down from the sky, and this has signaled everyone from apocalyptic doomsayers to Planet X watchers to say that time is just about up for Earth. These rocks are getting much closer to the Earth and are happening in greater frequency which may mean that something out there — something huge is pushing debris our way.

There are many websites reporting that another asteroid will be passing above the Earth on Christmas Eve. At its closest approach asteroid 2003 SD220 will be about 6.6 million miles from our planet — about 27 times farther than the Moon is from Earth. The asteroid will reach its closest point at 8:08 a.m. EST and will not be visible to the naked eye.

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While there are many armchair theorists claiming it may cause problems for the earth, the whole prediction process is a crap shoot and while we have seen falling space rocks effect the Earth in the past, like what happened in Russia in 2013 and what happened in Tunguska in June of 1908, near earth objects have been seen as apocalyptic omens, while others have been seen as either harmless or even hoaxes.

I know that sounds amazingly backward, but there was a time when science believed there were no such things as rocks falling from the sky.

In the year 1772, a huge fireball was seen shooting across the sky over Luce, France. The fiery rock hit the ground and caused considerable damage. An investigation ensued by the Academie Francaise. The respected chemist, Antoine Lavoisier, said there are no such things as rocks falling from the sky because there are no rocks in the sky.

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The result of his statements was that museums in 18th century Europe threw out all of their meteorite specimens because they were humiliating reminders of superstition and mythology.

The strength of Lavoisier’s conviction was such that it helped to stop the study of meteorites for over a quarter of a century.

It seems that humanity remains the same.

In the 18th century, one scientist was able to stop the investigation of meteorites because he had enough power and influence to change the way the critical mass thinks.

Of course, there are many who will say that people in 18th century France weren’t as educated and therefore could easily be misled.

However, time marches on and history repeats itself as we have been told time and time again that the science is in and therefore, no debate about global warming or climate change or whatever they are calling it tomorrow.

The overlords of science are telling us with a straight face that anthropogenic global warming is real and they have the answers to combating it – and yet they simply do not have the budgets to protect is from huge rocks that are falling in great numbers from the sky.

In our sophisticated society, we somehow think we are immune to being misled by powerful people whom we complacently believe have our best interests at heart. We have taken for granted that certain

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things are true because we have not been taught differently nor have we been given another story to ponder.

We have been taught that everything is black and white, right or wrong, good and evil, and to think otherwise is not healthy. We have science and religion telling us different things and there is also politics trying to coerce us into giving our elected officials the same treatment as kings or gods. Those in power use whatever tools necessary to convince you their way of thinking is the only way to think.

As the year 2015 comes to a close, it appears that space science and the observation of UFO’s, fireballs and cosmic close shaves with asteroids will become a major concern in the New Year. However, most of the information about our close encounters with comets asteroids and meteors are coming from other sources – NASA is living up its reputation as being true to its mock acronym, “Never a Straight Answer.”

NASA is good at one thing, and that is filtering the carnival of theories about what or what isn’t happening in the apocalypse, which raises the question of whether or not it is a public relations agency for dismissing potentially dangerous space catastrophes – and extinction level events – or a real space agency that will be able to prevent space disasters or at least warn us if there is plenty of time to bring in the tomatoes, have a group hug and await that incineration resulting from a rock that size of Manhattan hitting the Earth.

I know that sounds bleak, but we have been pretty lucky we haven’t suffered the so-called fate of the dinosaurs.

Ten years ago, Ground Zero reported that Congress ordered NASA to “Plan and Implement” a Near Earth Object survey program that would attempt to track and catalog potentially hazardous objects that are under 450 feet in diameter.

NASA’s response has simply been keeping their fingers crossed, hoping that nothing gets through. It seems that the mathletes that run NASA can show us that they can use high math to ensure the public that by their calculations that potentially dangerous asteroids can pass us within a cosmic shave without any incident.

Now keep in mind that astronomers consider 2.4 million miles to be a “near-miss” for any near Earth object.

We just had an asteroid pass us within 37,000 miles and it was detected just a day before heading in the direction of the Earth.

Sandia National Laboratories concluded two years ago that science has underestimated the frequency of space rocks heading our way and the danger that airbursts can cause as they burn up in the atmosphere.

“According to researcher Mark Boslough, when you add the Chelyabinsk incident to the 1908 Tunguska explosion over Siberia — along with a 1963 bolide blast near the Prince Edward Islands off the coast of South Africa — the data suggest that the incoming rate of small space rocks is actually much higher than asteroid experts have assumed based on astronomical observations. The Prince Edward Islands event was a 1.1-megaton explosion picked up by a global network of infrasound sensors, but not apparently seen by any observers.”Can you imagine an event like that where there is a flash and an explosion and no real sign of a rock making impact? It would be like the sky exploding with the concussion slamming whatever is in its way to the ground, killing it instantly.

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While there was no mass death or injuries an incident that happened in Bryan, Ohio, it is a chilling reminder of how you don’t have to see a bright flash from a fireball to be affected by a near Earth asteroid coming into the atmosphere.

On December 10th, 2015, several people reported hearing an explosion in Bryan, but nobody could figure out what it was. It was reported that windows rattled on South Beech Street the surrounding area smelled like smoke and sulfur.

After the exploding fireball event Chelyabinsk, Russia, field survey reports of smells were concentrated in the area surrounding the fireball trajectory. After an initial strong burst, the smells continued for a few hours. Investigators claimed that the smells were a mixture of ozone, sulfur and rancid onions.

There has always been a preoccupation by scientists about whether or not the contrail of an asteroid or a comet produces poisonous gases that could kill things on Earth. There has also been a concern that solar winds and perhaps the tail of the comet or an asteroid explosion can leave behind space seeds that later mutate into emerging diseases.

One such disease is called, Pandoravirus Salinas and Pandoravoris Dulcis. Back in July of 2013, it was reported that French scientists discovered a very large virus in sediment found off the Coast of Chile and in a shallow freshwater pond near Melbourne, Australia.

What is frightening about the discovery of this virus is that 93 per cent of pandoraviruses genes resemble nothing known on planet Earth – their origin cannot be traced back to any known cellular lineage. This leads some scientists to believe that the virus could be extra-terrestrial, brought to Earth by way of asteroids and comets.

Now the good news is that the virus is not a pathogen to humans, however, it can be found as parasites in amoebas that can find their way into humans.

Luckily, there has been no cosmic space seed pandemic happening in Ohio, and the chances of that happening are slim, but there may be a threat coming to Earth in the form of giant comets that are being detected in our outer solar system.

Researchers from Armagh Observatory and the University of Buckingham have warned on Tuesday that discovery of hundreds of giant comets in the outer planetary system over the last two decades

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raises the risk that life on our planet could be wiped out by comet debris, rather than an asteroid.

The research published in the December issue of Astronomy & Geophysics, the journal of the Royal Astronomical Society, says that hundreds of giant comets – from 50 to 100 kilometers across, or larger – move on unstable elliptical orbits crossing the paths of the massive outer planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

The planet’s gravitational fields have the potential to push the space bodies, also called centaurs, from their orbit to Earth.

Now these centaurs will not hit the earth directly – what they will do is while in near-Earth space, they are expected to disintegrate into dust and larger fragments, flooding the inner solar system with cometary debris and making increased fireball sightings and impacts on our planet inevitable.

It’s not very comforting when NASA is unable to track all debris and has a hard time finding rocks that are less than 400 feet wide.

We always seem to think that asteroid direct hits are rare occurrences and that they only happen within ranges of billions of years. However, a large asteroid or comet, the kind that could kill a quarter of the world’s population, smashed into the Indian Ocean 4,800 years ago, producing a tsunami at least 600 feet high, about 13 times as big as the one that inundated Indonesia in 2004.

There is also the reality of “sweeper effects” that have been known to push space debris into Earth’s atmosphere. There can be 300 to 400 pound pieces of space junk and rock that if they move fast enough can create several high level dangers forcing areas to go on alert. While there has not been a kiloton level event reported with space junk, the Russian fireball event of February 14th, 2013 could have been a sweeper event that created an explosion equivalent to a 300-500 kiloton nuclear bomb.

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At first, the Russian Academy of Science estimated the object’s mass at about 10 metric tons. With more data in hand, researchers now say the object had a mass of 7,000 metric tons a diameter of about 50 feet. When mankind is subject to the elements of his nature, it does not matter how much money or what toys he has – he can be wiped out in seconds.

The Earth’s weather is devastating enough. The weather in space has much more devastating effects. Snap your fingers and pretend that you along with the whole world have vaporized due to an asteroid hitting the Earth….now that you and the whole world have perished.

The words “all men are equal” has new meaning.
