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Jj - OJP · c, "Truck Driver Awarded $8,000. Punitive Damages i.n Police Harassment Suit." AELE...

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Page 1: Jj - OJP · c, "Truck Driver Awarded $8,000. Punitive Damages i.n Police Harassment Suit." AELE Liability Reporter, February 1980, p. 8. 'iJ D ~.vilson, James Q. "Police Use of Deadly



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National Criminal Justice Reference Service

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,. National Institute of Justice United States DepartmeJlt of Justic~e" Washington~ D. C. 20531 llc


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U.S. Department of Justice , National Insl/lute Qf Just/ce

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Page 2: Jj - OJP · c, "Truck Driver Awarded $8,000. Punitive Damages i.n Police Harassment Suit." AELE Liability Reporter, February 1980, p. 8. 'iJ D ~.vilson, James Q. "Police Use of Deadly


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BJ 1025 .F18


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HV 7924 .H35

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Michael, and Rudovsky, David, .(eds.). Li tigation M~nual. Philadelph~a, Pa.e:

Police Misconduct National Lawyers


Guild, .1978 •

1 Cho~ce in Public and Private Life. Bok, Sissela. ~L2y~i~n~g~,~M~o~r~a~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____ __ New York: Pantheon Books, 1978


Dou las Jack D., and Johnson, John M. Official'~viance:. 9 Readings in Malfeasance, Misfeasance, and !'.Other Forms

of Corruption. New York: Lippincott, 1977. ) {


A t . R' . h t and Reason. Saint Louis: C. V. Mosby Fagothey, u,s ~n. ~~~g~':::........;=.;;;....;;.;.;;;...;...; __ _ Company, 1972.

Frankena, William K. Thinking About Morality. Ann Arbor, Michigan: The University of Michigan Press, 1980.

Golembiewski Robert T. Men, Management •. and Morality. New Y~rk: McGraw - Hill Book Company, 1965.

A P 1 · Eth~cs. Springfield," Illinois: Hansen, David .• ~o:.=,;:~::.;:c::..e::.....:== • ..-...-. " Thomas, 1973.

\\ ~

Kornblum, Allan N. Moral Hazards; Police Strategies for Honesty and Ethical Behav~or. Lexington,lMass.: Lexington Books, 1976. "_ .... ,,




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Ii HV ,0, () 8138


• N48

"BJ 1012 .549


HV 7924

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Niederhoffer, Arthur~ and Blumberg, Abraham S~· Ambivalent Force: Perspectives on the Police"Force. Waitham, Mass.: Xerox College Publishing, 1970 •.

_-:=Ji ~.--

Singer, Peter. Practical Ethics. Cambridge, Mass.: Cambridge. University Press,1979.

Ward, Richard H. Anti - Corru in Law Enf-o-r-c-e-m-e-n-t~.-.-,~~~~r-~~---.--~~~~~~~.~~

Wasserstrom.', Richard A. Philosophy and Social Issues,. Notre Dame, Ind.;:University of Notre Dame Press~ 1980.



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Page 3: Jj - OJP · c, "Truck Driver Awarded $8,000. Punitive Damages i.n Police Harassment Suit." AELE Liability Reporter, February 1980, p. 8. 'iJ D ~.vilson, James Q. "Police Use of Deadly


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"Attorney Tells _~tro!i. Polic;.~ __ Le~qe~s.~ ~h~lL,a:r;.e...:t2--Bl.ame......fQr,,_ Brutality Woes." Law Enforcement News, May l2r; 1980, p, 5.

," r\~' /l

"Award of $16,700 to Man Beaten by Police." Ain.E Liability Reporter, April 1~~0; p. 9.

Boling, Edwin L. liThe Management Ethics 'Crisis': An Organizational Perspective." Academy of Management Review',- April 1~78, pp. 360-365. '

J;3renner, Anita Susan. '''Crinfi~a.~ Discovery of Citizen Complaints Against .I.,aw Enforcement Personnel,," ~tional Journal of Criminal Defense, Spring 1979, pp. 105-134.

"CA 10 Discusses Police Chief's Liability in Civil Rights Action." Criminal' Law Reporter, ~cembe'r 19, 1979, pp. 2242-2243.

"Civil Rights Commission Wants -Broader Powers for Justice, Dept. on Police Misconduct Ca~es. n Crime Control D:f,.aest, '" July 14, 1980, p. 1,6. '

"Cop's Bribe of Five-year-old Didm't Violate His Mom's Right·s." 'Law Officer's Bulletin~ July 17, 1980, p. 146.



Joseph R. "Interview of Public Employees Regarding Criminal Misconduct Allegations--Constitlitional Consid~rations {Part 1)." FBI Law Enforcement Bull,etin, March 1980, pp. 26-31.

Joseph R. "Interview~_o:g Blibld.clEmplt;oyee:s;~Regarding Criminal Misconduct Allegations--Constitutional Considerations {Part 2)." FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, April 1980, pp. 27-:-31.'


'\\ (' "

!!Ethics for GGv'e'2nriien¢EExecutives." Office, October 1978, Pp. 26,31. ' -- ", - .. -~~~~.--


PESI Casing Battle Creek in Police Brutality Probes" Law Enforcerilent News, March 10, 1980, p. 2.

'W lorida Highway Patrol Officer Indicted." Q:'ime Control Diges"c, .- June 16, 19~0, p. 6.


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•• "Is Dishonesty Good for Business?" Business and Society Review,

Summer 1979, pp. 4-19.

Konrad, R:i.cha.rd A.' "Are Business Ethics Worth Studying?" Business and Society Review, Fall 1978, pp. 54-57.

Letman, Sloan T~ "Chicago's Answer ot6 Police Brutality: The Office of Prpfessional Standards." Police Chief, January 1980, pp. 16-:17.

Migliore, R. Hen~y. "Integrity and Business." Business and Society Review, Fall 1979, p. 65.

~MOdel :'dior' Bolice Assistance to Rape Victims." Journal' of Police Science and Administration, March 1979, pp. 45-52.

Officer's Ruse Vitiated Consent to Warrantless Entry of Home." Criminal Law Reporter, February 20, 1980, p. 90.

"Police Have Duty to Care for Small Children if Adult Custodian is Arrested. VI ABLE Liability Reporter, October 1979, pp" 4-5.

If "Prob bl II..th H ' . a y, e ottest Issue Fac~ng Law Enforcement Today."

Crime Control Digest, April 28, 1980, pp. 1-4.

Purcell, Theodore V. '.'II?stitutiona~izing E~hi9s Into Top Management Dec~s~ons." Publ~c Relat~ons Quarterly Summer 1977, pp. 15-20. '

Sherman, Lawrence W. "Obtaining Access to Police Internal Investigation Files. 1I Criminal Law Bulletd:n, September­October 1979, pp. 449-462.

l t .§tockdal~J Jame~?Bond, (Vice Admiral, U.S .. ..N~;6y). "The World

of Bpictetus .. " Atlantic Monthly, Ap~,il 1978, pp. 98-106 •• " \~


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Page 4: Jj - OJP · c, "Truck Driver Awarded $8,000. Punitive Damages i.n Police Harassment Suit." AELE Liability Reporter, February 1980, p. 8. 'iJ D ~.vilson, James Q. "Police Use of Deadly


"Truck Driver Awarded $8,000. Punitive Damages i.n Police Harassment Suit." AELE Liability Reporter, February 1980, p. 8. 'iJ D

~.vilson, James Q. "Police Use of Deadly Force." FBI Law Enfolllcement Bulletin, August 1980, pp. 16-21.



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Beigel, Herbert. Clos~dFraterfiity of Police and the . Bevelopment of the Corrupt Attitude. New York:

John Jay Press, 1977, 2nd Printing, 1978.

r -,~r B~acey, Dorothy Heid. Functional Approach to Police

Corruption. New York: John Jay Press, 1976, 3rd Printing, 1978.

Chicago, Illinois. Law Enforcement Legal Unit.' Drafting and Enforcing Police Rules of Conduct by Chicago, Illinois cLaw Enforcement Legal Unit. 1972.

,International Association of Chiefs of Police. Canons of Police Ethics, Gaithersburg, Md.: IACP.

McCarthy, William. Police Administrator Looks at Police Corruption. New York: John Jay Press, 1977, 2nd Prir;ttihg, 1978.

Me~phis State University, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, ~tual Responsibility in Community Relations. Proceedings ox the Third Annual Law Enforcement Institute, May 1968.

Shealy, Allen E. Police Integrity: The Role of Psychological Screening of Applicants. New York: lahn Jay Press, 1977, 2nd P,rinting, 1978.

Sherm~, 'Lawrence W. City Politics, Poiice Administrators, ,,~ and Corruption Control. New York: John Jay Press,


Q, Watson, Nelson A. Emotional Stability? Issues in Human

Relations; Guides for Police Practice. Washington, D.C., lACP, 1969. ~"




Page 5: Jj - OJP · c, "Truck Driver Awarded $8,000. Punitive Damages i.n Police Harassment Suit." AELE Liability Reporter, February 1980, p. 8. 'iJ D ~.vilson, James Q. "Police Use of Deadly

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Patrolman, You Have a Problem. Motorola Teleprograms, Inc., 24 Minutes, Color, 16 mm.


Police Experience - Fear and Anxiety,. Film Modules Distribution, 197?, 9 Minutes, Color, l6mm.

'Police Experience - Feeling Good. International Association of ,Chiefs of Police, 9 Minutes, Color, 16 mm.

Police Experience - Humiliation and Anger. Film Modules Distribution, 197?, 101 ,Minutes, Color, l6mm.

Police: The Human Dimension - Authority (Part B). School of Criminology, Florida State University, 1975, 20 Minutes, Color, 16 mm.

Police: The Human Dimension - Ethics (Pa±t A). School of Gl':~i.noJ:,ogy':,.FloJ;:~d~ ~tt~te 1;TfliyersJ:ty, 1975, 23. Minutes, Color, 16 mm.

Police: The Human Dimension - Ethics (Part B). School of Criminology, Florida State University, 1975, 20 Minutes, Color, l6nim.


ED 184 390 Syllabi for the Teaching of Management Ethics. Dec 1979


This bibliography isca representative selection of materials held in the FBI Academy Library. The materials included in thfs bibliography are primarily concerned with the standards of police oonduct. Inclusion of any item does not represent an endorseme'nt by the FBI qf the~materials or their authors.


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