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JkJLil ri Jr Wi DENT APPLIED...angin round tho Yard All tho way by Tratton tram down to Gosport Yard...

Date post: 15-Dec-2020
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n i V Vol I Honriotta Iu Now York tho latest tho up to dnteal fad is to slug Who Honriotta Tho tuno is very catch ¬ ing It has ovon caught Honolulu and soon wo shall hoar sonioty bollos and downtown swells all whistling humming or yelling Who and thon proceeding with tho refrain Honriotta Wo refrain but thoy wont stop tho refrain Tho words aro as follows Honriotta you aro saintly All your smiloa aro very faintly And your manners aro so quaintly When you wear tho- - wings up yon- der ¬ Will you bo so good I wonder Honriotta I declare it Allmy life is yours I swear it If you would consent to sharo it Honriotta have you mot her WK6T Honriotta Honriotta youre a corker I Youre a wondor as a talker When you fleece au old Now Yorker First you take him than you break him Thon you do your best to shako him Honriotta youre a wondorl Bank accounts you smash like thun- - dor Never known to mako a blunder Honriotta have you met her Whof Henrietta Honriotta youre a winner All their pockot books aro thinuor Since thoy took you out to dinner You are up to date completely For you fooled thorn all so neatly Whou you go back to Hoboken You will take there as a token All tho Johnnies hearts youve brokon Honriotta havo 3011 mot bur Who - Honriotta Ladies makinsr drosses for their girls boforo sending thorn to school will do well by calling at L B KerrV ftlore and inspect his lino stock of Now Ginghams Printed Lawns and English Prints Ttie Liner Shoa a Lady A Linerslios a1 lady an nhe never looks nor eeUsj Tho Man o Wars er usband an e gives er all she neqds But oh tho littlo cargo boats that sail tho wot soas rouu Thoyro just tho samo as you an me a plyiu up and down Plyln up and down Jenny angin round tho Yard All tho way by Tratton tram down to Gosport Yard Anythin for business an woro grow in old i Goin tip and down Jouny waitin in tho cold Tho Liner shes a lady by the paint upon er face An if she moots au accident they call it soro disgrace Tho Man o Wars or usband an os always audy by i But oh tho littlo cargo boats thoyve got to load or die Tho Linor shes a lady an or routo is cut and dried Tho Man 0 Wars or usband an e always walks beside But oh the littlo cargo boats that avent any man Theyve got to do thoir business first an mako tho most thoy can I Tho Linor shes a lady an if a yvar should oomo Tho Mau o Wars er usband and od bid er stay at onio But oh tho littlo cargo boats that fill with every tido Ed havo to up an fight for thom for thoy aro Englands pride The ilnor shes a lady but if she wasnt mado Thoro still would bo tho cargo boats for omo an foreign trade Tho Man o Wars or huBband but if wo wasnt oro E wouldnt avo to fight at all for omo an friends so dear Omo an friends so dear Jenny angin round tho Yard All tho way by Tratton tram down to Gosport Yard Anythin for business an woro Omo an friouds so dear Jonny waitin in tho cold Ml J ItUDYARD KlPUNO N Y Herald L B worh jCorrrocoivod bythoMioi aMnbBtook6f Valonoioiinos Laces iu edgings and iusortions Finishincr braids in rioh assortment and uovol doBitrns aatl a complete assortment of noslory JkJLil 1 3 ri Jr oj Wi OOlPYIRIQ UT APPLIED FOR HONOLULU II THURSDAY OCTOBER 10 1895 Oceanic Steamship Co Mnliai MlGFficS Fur Sau Francisco Tim Now anil Kino Al Bteol Steamship 61 I MARIPOSA OJ thn Oceanic Steamship Company will bo duo at Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland on or about Oct 1 Ttll And will Rivo lor tho nbovo port with Mails and Passengers on or about that uaie MMMMWMIMMMMmi For Sydney Auckland Tlio Now and FIno Al Bteol Steamship ALAMEDA Of tho Oceanic Steamship Company will bo duo at Honolulu from Sun Francisco on or abont Oot 34tll And will havo prompt despatch with Mails and Pas ongnrs for tho aboro ports Tho undersigned aro now prepared to Issue Tbrough Tickets to All Points In tho United States 4i For further particulars regarding Freight and Passage apply to Win G IRWIN CO Ld General Agents Oceanic Steamship Co TIME TABLE LOCAL LINE S S AUSTRALIA Arrive Honolulu from 8 F Leavo Honolulu for S F Oct 21 Oct 27 Nov 15 Nov 20 THROUGH LINE From San Fraucisco From Sydnoy for for Sydnoy San Francisco Arrive Honolulu Lcaie Honolulu Alameda Ont 21 Mariposa Oct 17 0AI1D RAILWAY LAND COS TIME TABIjEI From and After July 5 1805 OH S 9 wSeSe TIIATNS He B eg 2 hi 5 8 B B r w m u AM AM PM lM Leavo Honolulu 040 917 145 510 Leavo Pearl City 740 058 2M 653 Leavo Kwa Mill 810 1019 219 014 Arrlvo Wnlnnno 1051 049 Bpi 0 x f TRAINS eg r5 eg gK S S 5 -- B M -- t 5 Is- - i l AM AM lM IM Leave Wnliuine 011 132 Leavo Ewu Mill 719 910 207 351 Leave leiirl City 750 948 238 422 Arrive Honolulu 823 1080 811 4B5 On Saturday and Sunday nights EwaMIll Iasseiujcr Train will arrlvo In Honolulu at 665 Instend of 455 r h 1rclght Trains will curry Second class Passen ger accommodations V O Smith General Passenger AtTlckot Agent O P Dknibon Superintendent ill LlMITIU Wm G It win President Manager Claus Spreokels VIoe PresIdont AV M Gltrard ScQrotary ATrcasuror Theo 0 Portor Auditor SUGAKFACTORS AND Commission Ayents aoihts or THE Oceanic Steamship Compy Of Ban Frnnnlnnn Onl Subsaribe for lha Independent 60 crnlx fr mnnlh WiMurt Steamship Co TIME TABLE 0 U WIGHT Pres B B HOSE Soc Capt J A KINO Port Supt Stamp KINAU OLABKE Commander Will leave Honolulu at 2 r m touching at Lihslna Maalaen Bay and Makena the samo day Mahukena Kawalhaoand Lau- - tho following day arriving nt Ho tho samo evening i LBAVKS HONOLULU AMUVES HONOLULU Tnosday Filday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Tuesday Friday Oct 8 Oct 18 Oct ai tfov 8 Nov 10 NovSO Dec 10 Dec 20 Tuesday Oct 15 Friday Oct 25 Tuesday Nov 5 Friday Nov 15 Tuesday Nov 20 Friday Dec 0 Tuesday Doc 17 Friday Dec 27 lloturning will leavo Hilo at 1 oclock r m touching at Lanpahoohoo Maha kona and Kawaihao samo day Makena Maalaca Bny and Lahaina tho following day arriving at Honolulu the afternoons of Tuesdays and Fridays Mr- - No Frolght will bo received after 12 noon on day of sailing Stmr CLAUDINE CAMERON Commander Will loavo Honolulu Tuesdays at 5 r m touching at Kahului Ilnna Hamoaand Kipahnlu Maul Returning arrivos at Honolulu Sunday afternoons Will call at Nuu Kaupo on second trip of eaoli month i at No Freight will bo received after 4 r m on day of sailing This Company will reserves tho right to mako changes in the time of departnte and arrival of its Steamer without notice and 11 will not be responsible for any conse- quences ¬ arising therefrom onsignees must bo at the Landings to recelvo their freight this Company will not hold Itself responsible for freight after it has been landed Live Stock onlv at owners risk This Company will not be responsible for Money or Valuables of passengers unless placed In iho care of Pursers MT Passengers are requested to par ehaso Tickets bofore embarking Those failing to do so will bo subject to nn addi tionafcharge of twenty five per cent Business Cards ANTONH ROSA ATTORNEY- - at La w Kaahumauu Street Honolulu iPAUL NEUMANN COUNSELLOR AND AtTOHNEY-AT-La- Merchant Street Honolulu JOHN NOTT Flumbino Tin CorrEn and Sheet Iron Wore King Street Honolulu aONSALVES Ss CO Wholesale Grocers and Wine Merchants 225 Queen Street Honolulu B B THOMAS Contractor and Builder liulldlng Materials tor sale Kstimatos Furnished N H P BBRTBLMANN Contractor and Builder All klndsof lioairlng and aonoral Oarpon- - try Estimates on Buildings Famished ALLEN ROBINSON Dealers in Lumber and Coal and Boildino Materials of All KiniJs Queen Street Honolulu DENT 92 A 5 Cent Fare to Punahou IMloxier First Buy a Lot from us nnd mako your ront pay for your houso Wo will build you on our tract at Punahou a House according to your own plans and specificatipns Tho monthly instalments to bo paid aro arranged to suit yoil In tho end your ront will havo paid for your House and Lot and you will own it instead of tho landlord owning you x Goods IsTeszt I mm I Lots aro 75x125 They are easily accessible from tho Bero tania stroot car lino Thoy aro high and dry and tho air is brac- ing ¬ No germs can nor can you suffer from want of drain ago Nor Will you at any time bo put to inconvenience by bad drainage or unpleasant odors from other lands Health is tho first characteristic second tho panoramic view of tho tho harbor and tho sea third tho unequalled cooling breozo fourth tho splendid fohago and tho scent of tho night blooming coreus XAOoertion Tiilrd 1 1 1 The Lots aro opposito Punahou College facing Punahou and Makiki streots and Wilder avonuo Whore you mako your ar ¬ rangements is at our Office 503 Fort stroot near King street BRTJCE WARING jPO I The Standard Staelion 21702 Record Champion Hawaiian Record CO rH rA o 9 o O rPlUMlTKU230- - siruoi ureoie xia rngie 213 Apex IM TranRlt 22GU Walker 22JK nles227JJ Clilco 221 nnd of the dams ol llrll lliintlnev217i Vigor 228 iukaci Dam of Creole 210 En- - Bifi a w i i BLUE BULL 75 Biro of Georgetown 21CW Zoo 11 2 17KBe8Sle 217K nnd 60 otiiurs besides 83 sires of CO nnd 43 dams of 70 230 performers PRAIRIK BIRD 22SM Dam of FllRht 229 dam of Fleet 218K Sid Fleet 220 BUCCANEER i6M Mro of Bulnpr 2 26K Flight 229 Shamrock 2 225 and dams of Monroe lrlnce229 Flrose219 Frou Froufn225li Rose- - 8132 221 Fleet 220i Fleet 218 MARY 242 Dam of Apex 226 Sterl- ing slro of 5 dam of 3 In 2S0 Orace dam of 215 DESCRIPTION AND TERMS 1 BULL rrudcni QUEEN FLAXTA1L 8131 Sire list and dams trotters pacers uam oi rrairio iiira 22SK Sire dnlo 1222 Gollta 221 2251 ln230 Ixstty Creole Slro Dan 230 and dams I DAUGHTER OHKOLK the gamest fastest and beat bred that baa ever been Im- ported ¬ into the Hawaiian Islands Ho his record of 220 to 218 in Potaluma Cal August 1891 distancing his wholo Held In the first heat then again to 215 in Stpokton Cal September 1894 winning the first beat in 216Ji heat in 218 nnd fifth heat In 210K proving that he remarkably game well speedy race lioreo Creole by Prompter out of Grace by Buccaneer shows that ho capaolo ol getting mark of 210 and ono of tho stallions seen this year and besides being game is one of tho bost formed ana remarkably Intelligent Brttdtr and Sports ¬ man Sept 25 1S94 Ho 15 hands high and of powerful build throughout His color glossy black with ono white hind foot His disposition all that could bo de- sired ¬ his superb He sure foal getter TERMS B0 with usual return privilege AVill make tho season tho CLUB CO Bishop Honolulu Islands Established in 1858 Trausaut n Goneral Banking and Kx Business Loans mado ap ¬ proved security Bills Discounted Com- mercial ¬ Credits Granted Dopoaits re ¬ ceived on current subject to check Letters of Credit issued on the principal cities of tho world AGENTS OF The Liverpool and London and Globo Insuranco Company it fald tt jft IPaxxiily Hotel KBOTJSE Prop Per Bay 200 ier Week 1U00 SPECIAL MONTHLY BATES Tho Host nt Attendance tho Best Situation Mild III Khmat Mnla till lty Trial tfo exist city chango iiEi 216 221 2 fBLUE ol 2 In of 9 and 2 I FASHION IOWA CHIEF 628 of 5 In 2 3011st TINSLEYMA1D fFLAXTAIL of of 9 is stallion reduced 24 23 fourth is a as as a is a in gamest is is Is and action is a T nt STABLES Company Hawaii on account X 111 Clans Spreckels Co BANKERS Honolulu - - - HI Issue Sight and Time Bills of Exchange Also Commercial and Travelers Letters ot Credit on the Principal Parts of tho World Purchase Approved Bills Mako Loans on Accoptablo Security llecclve Deposits on Open Aocount and allow Interest on Term Deposits Attend Promptly to Collections A General Banking Business Trans- acted ¬ 10 LET mi J HOUSE SITUATED A on King street No 258 contalninir Parlor 3 AggOfobO Bedrooms Dining room HUN Pantry Kltohon and Bathroom Btbles n the yard Artesian Water laid on with all the necessary improvements Lately occupied by Mrs Dudoit Rents mode ¬ rate Applv to AUKAHAM FEKNANDEZ 49 tf Telephone No 280
Page 1: JkJLil ri Jr Wi DENT APPLIED...angin round tho Yard All tho way by Tratton tram down to Gosport Yard Anythin for business an woro Omo an friouds so dear Jonny waitin in tho cold Ml




Vol I


Iu Now York tho latest tho upto dnteal fad is to slug WhoHonriotta Tho tuno is very catch ¬

ing It has ovon caught Honoluluand soon wo shall hoar sonioty bollosand downtown swells all whistlinghumming or yelling Who andthon proceeding with tho refrainHonriotta Wo refrain but thoywont stop tho refrain Tho wordsaro as follows

Honriotta you aro saintlyAll your smiloa aro very faintlyAnd your manners aro so quaintlyWhen you wear tho-- wings up yon-


Will you bo so good I wonderHonriotta I declare itAllmy life is yours I swear itIf you would consent to sharo itHonriotta have you mot herWK6T Honriotta

Honriotta youre a corker I

Youre a wondor as a talkerWhen you fleece au old Now YorkerFirst you take him than you break

himThon you do your best to shako himHonriotta youre a wondorlBank accounts you smash like thun- -

dorNever known to mako a blunderHonriotta have you met herWhof Henrietta

Honriotta youre a winnerAll their pockot books aro thinuorSince thoy took you out to dinnerYou are up to date completelyFor you fooled thorn all so neatlyWhou you go back to HobokenYou will take there as a tokenAll tho Johnnies hearts youve

brokonHonriotta havo 3011 mot burWho - Honriotta

Ladies makinsr drosses for theirgirls boforo sending thorn to schoolwill do well by calling at L BKerrV ftlore and inspect his linostock of Now Ginghams PrintedLawns and English Prints

Ttie Liner Shoa a Lady

A Linerslios a1 lady an nhe neverlooks nor eeUsj

Tho Man o Wars er usband an egives er all she neqds

But oh tho littlo cargo boats thatsail tho wot soas rouu

Thoyro just tho samo as you an mea plyiu up and down

Plyln up and down Jenny anginround tho Yard

All tho way by Tratton tram downto Gosport Yard

Anythin for business an woro growin old i

Goin tip and down Jouny waitinin tho cold

Tho Liner shes a lady by the paintupon er face

An if she moots au accident theycall it soro disgrace

Tho Man o Wars or usband an osalways audy by i

But oh tho littlo cargo boats thoyvegot to load or die

Tho Linor shes a lady an or routois cut and dried

Tho Man 0 Wars or usband an ealways walks beside

But oh the littlo cargo boats thatavent any man

Theyve got to do thoir business firstan mako tho most thoy can I

Tho Linor shes a lady an if a yvarshould oomo

Tho Mau o Wars er usband andod bid er stay at onio

But oh tho littlo cargo boats thatfill with every tido

Ed havo to up an fight for thomfor thoy aro Englands pride

The ilnor shes a lady but if shewasnt mado

Thoro still would bo tho cargo boatsfor omo an foreign trade

Tho Man o Wars or huBband butif wo wasnt oro

E wouldnt avo to fight at all foromo an friends so dear

Omo an friends so dear Jennyangin round tho Yard

All tho way by Tratton tram downto Gosport Yard

Anythin for business an woro

Omo an friouds so dear Jonnywaitin in tho cold


N Y Herald


worhjCorrrocoivod bythoMioi

aMnbBtook6f ValonoioiinosLaces iu edgings and iusortionsFinishincr braids in rioh assortmentand uovol doBitrns aatl a completeassortment of noslory



Oceanic Steamship Co

Mnliai MlGFficS

Fur Sau FranciscoTim Now anil Kino Al Bteol Steamship



MARIPOSAOJ thn Oceanic Steamship Company willbo duo at Honolulu from Sydney andAuckland on or about

Oct 1 TtllAnd will Rivo lor tho nbovo port withMails and Passengers on or about thatuaie


For Sydney AucklandTlio Now and FIno Al Bteol Steamship

ALAMEDAOf tho Oceanic Steamship Company willbo duo at Honolulu from Sun Francisco onor abont

Oot 34tllAnd will havo prompt despatch with Mailsand Pas ongnrs for tho aboro ports

Tho undersigned aro now preparedto Issue

Tbrough Tickets to All Points In tho

United States

4i For further particulars regardingFreight and Passage apply to

Win G IRWIN CO LdGeneral Agents

Oceanic Steamship Co



S S AUSTRALIAArrive Honolulu

from 8 FLeavo Honolulu

for S FOct 21 Oct 27Nov 15 Nov 20

THROUGH LINEFrom San Fraucisco From Sydnoy for

for Sydnoy San Francisco

Arrive Honolulu Lcaie Honolulu

Alameda Ont 21 Mariposa Oct 17


TIME TABIjEIFrom and After July 5 1805


S 9wSeSeTIIATNS He B eg2 hi 5

8 B Br w m u

AM AM PM lMLeavo Honolulu 040 917 145 510Leavo Pearl City 740 058 2M 653Leavo Kwa Mill 810 1019 219 014Arrlvo Wnlnnno 1051 049


0 x f

TRAINS eg r5 eg gKS S 5

-- B M --t

5 Is-- i lAM AM lM IM

Leave Wnliuine 011 132Leavo Ewu Mill 719 910 207 351Leave leiirl City 750 948 238 422Arrive Honolulu 823 1080 811 4B5

On Saturday and Sunday nights EwaMIllIasseiujcr Train will arrlvo In Honolulu at 665Instend of 455 r h

1rclght Trains will curry Second class Passenger accommodations V O Smith

General Passenger AtTlckot AgentO P Dknibon Superintendent


Wm G It win President ManagerClaus Spreokels VIoe PresIdontAV M Gltrard ScQrotary ATrcasurorTheo 0 Portor Auditor


Commission Ayents

aoihts or THE

Oceanic Steamship CompyOf Ban Frnnnlnnn Onl

Subsaribe for lha Independent 60crnlx fr mnnlh

WiMurt Steamship Co


0 U WIGHT Pres B B HOSE SocCapt J A KINO Port Supt

Stamp KINAUOLABKE Commander

Will leave Honolulu at 2 r m touching atLihslna Maalaen Bay and Makena thesamo day Mahukena Kawalhaoand Lau--

tho following day arriving ntHo tho samo evening i



Oct 8Oct 18Oct ai

tfov 8Nov 10NovSODec 10Dec 20

Tuesday Oct 15Friday Oct 25Tuesday Nov 5Friday Nov 15Tuesday Nov 20Friday Dec 0Tuesday Doc 17Friday Dec 27

lloturning will leavo Hilo at 1 oclockr m touching at Lanpahoohoo Mahakona and Kawaihao samo day MakenaMaalaca Bny and Lahaina tho followingday arriving at Honolulu the afternoonsof Tuesdays and Fridays

Mr-- No Frolght will bo received after 12noon on day of sailing


Will loavo Honolulu Tuesdays at 5 r mtouching at Kahului Ilnna HamoaandKipahnlu Maul Returning arrivos atHonolulu Sunday afternoons

Will call at Nuu Kaupo on second tripof eaoli month i

at No Freight will bo received after 4r m on day of sailing

This Company will reserves tho right tomako changes in the time of departnte andarrival of its Steamer without notice and11 will not be responsible for any conse-quences


arising therefromonsignees must bo at the Landings to

recelvo their freight this Company willnot hold Itself responsible for freight afterit has been landed

Live Stock onlv at owners riskThis Company will not be responsible for

Money or Valuables of passengers unlessplaced In iho care of Pursers

MT Passengers are requested to parehaso Tickets bofore embarking Thosefailing to do so will bo subject to nn additionafcharge of twenty five per cent

Business Cards


ATTORNEY- - at La w

Kaahumauu Street Honolulu



Merchant Street Honolulu


Flumbino Tin CorrEn and SheetIron Wore

King Street Honolulu


Wholesale Grocers and WineMerchants

225 Queen Street Honolulu


Contractor and Builder

liulldlng Materials tor sale KstimatosFurnished N


Contractor and Builder

All klndsof lioairlng and aonoral Oarpon- -try Estimates on Buildings



Dealers in Lumber and Coal andBoildino Materials of

All KiniJs

Queen Street Honolulu


A 5 Cent Fare to Punahou

IMloxier FirstBuy a Lot from us nnd mako your ront pay for your houso

Wo will build you on our tract at Punahou a House according toyour own plans and specificatipns Tho monthly instalments tobo paid aro arranged to suit yoil In tho end your ront will havopaid for your House and Lot and you will own it instead of tholandlord owning you x

Goods IsTeszt Imm I

Lots aro 75x125 They are easily accessible from tho Berotania stroot car lino Thoy aro high and dry and tho air is brac-ing


No germs can nor can you suffer from want of drainago Nor Will you at any time bo put to inconvenience by baddrainage or unpleasant odors from other lands Health is thofirst characteristic second tho panoramic view of tho thoharbor and tho sea third tho unequalled cooling breozo fourththo splendid fohago and tho scent of tho night blooming coreus

XAOoertion Tiilrd 1 1 1

The Lots aro opposito Punahou College facing Punahou andMakiki streots and Wilder avonuo Whore you mako your ar¬

rangements is at our Office 503 Fort stroot near King street

BRTJCE WARING jPOI The Standard Staelion

21702RecordChampion Hawaiian Record




rPlUMlTKU230- -

siruoi ureoie xia rngie213 Apex IM TranRlt22GU Walker 22JK

nles227JJ Clilco 221nnd of the dams ol llrlllliintlnev217i Vigor 228

iukaciDam of Creole 210 En- -

Bifi a w

i i

BLUE BULL 75Biro of Georgetown 21CWZoo 11 2 17KBe8Sle 217Knnd 60 otiiurs besides 83sires of CO nnd 43 dams of70 230 performers

PRAIRIK BIRD 22SMDam of FllRht 229 damof Fleet 218K Sid Fleet220

BUCCANEER i6MMro of Bulnpr 2 26KFlight 229 Shamrock 2225 and dams of Monroelrlnce229 Flrose219Frou Froufn225li Rose- -


221 Fleet 220iFleet 218

MARY 242

Dam of Apex 226 Sterl-ing slro of 5dam of 3 In 2S0 Oracedam of 215



BULL rrudcni


FLAXTA1L 8131Sire list and dams

trotters pacers

uam oi rrairio iiira22SK


dnlo 1222 Gollta 221


ln230 Ixstty


Slro Dan 230and dams


OHKOLK the gamest fastest and beat bred that baa ever been Im-ported


into the Hawaiian Islands Ho his record of 220 to 218 in PotalumaCal August 1891 distancing his wholo Held In the first heat then again to 215 inStpokton Cal September 1894 winning the first beat in 216Ji heat in 218nnd fifth heat In 210K proving that he remarkably game well speedy racelioreo Creole by Prompter out of Grace by Buccaneer shows that ho capaolo olgetting mark of 210 and ono of tho stallions seen this year and besidesbeing game is one of tho bost formed ana remarkably Intelligent Brttdtr and Sports ¬

man Sept 25 1S94 Ho 15 hands high and of powerful build throughout Hiscolor glossy black with ono white hind foot His disposition all that could bo de-sired


his superb He sure foal getter

TERMS B0 with usual return privilege AVill make tho season tho



Honolulu Islands

Established in 1858

Trausaut n Goneral Banking and KxBusiness Loans mado ap ¬

proved security Bills Discounted Com-mercial


Credits Granted Dopoaits re ¬

ceived on current subject tocheck Letters of Credit issued on theprincipal cities of tho world


The Liverpool and London and Globo

Insuranco Company




jft IPaxxiily HotelKBOTJSE Prop

Per Bay 200ier Week 1U00


Tho Host nt Attendance tho Best SituationMild III Khmat Mnla till lty






iiEi216221 2


ol 2 Inof 9 and 2


IOWA CHIEF 628of 5 In 2 3011st



of 9

is stallionreduced

2423 fourth

is a as as ais

a in gamest

isis Isand action is a

T nt








Clans Spreckels Co

BANKERSHonolulu - - - H I

Issue Sight and Time Bills of ExchangeAlso Commercial and Travelers Letters otCredit on the Principal Parts of tho World

Purchase Approved Bills

Mako Loans on Accoptablo Securityllecclve Deposits on Open Aocount and

allow Interest on Term DepositsAttend Promptly to Collections

A General Banking Business Trans-acted


10 LETmi J

HOUSE SITUATEDA on King street No258 contalninir Parlor 3


Bedrooms Dining room HUNPantry Kltohon and Bathroom Btblesn the yard Artesian Water laid on with

all the necessary improvements Latelyoccupied by Mrs Dudoit Rents mode ¬


49 tf Telephone No 280

Page 2: JkJLil ri Jr Wi DENT APPLIED...angin round tho Yard All tho way by Tratton tram down to Gosport Yard Anythin for business an woro Omo an friouds so dear Jonny waitin in tho cold Ml




j i i ExoeptBandny

At Drito Hall Konla Stroot


Gainst the wrong that needs resistanceFor the right that needs assistanceFor the future in the distance

And the qood that we can do

I am in the place whereof J am demandedof conscience to speak the tntth and the truth

yI speak impugn it who to list


Por Month anywhore In the Ha--Iwalian Island f SO

Per Year 0 00Per Year postpaid to Foreign Coun-


8 00

Fayablo Invariably in Advance

Advertisements annrcompanled by s po-ol


flo Instructions inserted till ordered outAdvertisements discontinued boforo ex-


of specified period will bo chargedaa if continued for fall term

Address all communications to tlio Edi¬

torial Department to Edmund NorrleBusiness lotters should bo addressod totbo Manager

EDMUND NORBEE - - EditorOO KENYON - - Co EditorF J TEBXA - - Manager

Residing In Honolulu

VTH0itSDAYf OCT 10 1895


Tho stconstant-or- y- of tho officialmorning organ and Ub

rbehind-the-soree- n

editors qf roform party famein regard to the small farmer forHawaii seems to hare abated some-what


Probably tho oholera andthe filibusters have effected a changein tho droams of tho Thurston fac-tion


and it has been consideredadvisable to stop tho efforts at in-


the American farmor to enterthe Paradise of tho Pacific

While we never have approvedof tho methods employod by theruling clique in booming tho coun J

try we are at all times willing toback them in any sound propositionwhich can lead to the immigrationto Hawaii of a desirablo class of monand women with some capital Weprotest against the introduction ofpaupers or semi paupers persuadedto come hero under falso represontations

The family compact has nevorshown any praotioal anxiety to bringwhite settlers here If it had landwould have been offered at reason ¬

able rates and many inducementsoffered to the new comers It ap-


on the contrary that the compaot has religiously hung on to theirlands suitable for tho small farmerby asking prices for them which areexorbitant and which act aB apractical bar to any immigrant Socalled homesteads on tho lava ofEona or in the backwoods of someother bilt of the way district andfar distant from a market are avail

rablii and we hoar a great deal abouttho excellent chances for any smallfarmer who will purchase them andbecomo a settlor

Thero is an opening in those is-


for a man who has a littlocapital and who is ready and willingan able to struggle along a fewyears live on his savings and thentake the risks connected with put¬

ting his all into one product

We haye no doubt that coffee hasa futuro in this country but wobelievo that p different methodought to be employed than the ononovinjKVoguo among the plantersTubmen who heretofore have in ¬

vested in coffee have done it on toolargo a scale Fivo to ten acres areall that a farmer can handle

and tnako n profit or at Wl n

comfortable living from Lnbnr j

oxponsivo Living in oxpensive hutwo bellovo that a farmer used towork with bis wifo and childrenand suillciont capital to keep him1

for four yoars will find it easier tomake something out of fivo acres ofcoffee here than out of ono or twohundred acres of corn wheat orother products raised in many oftho States in tho Union

But tho immigrant to this countrywho should be found willing to takesomo risks and desirous of talcingup a coffee farm must understandtho situation thoroughly or his en ¬

terprise will bo followed by disap-pointment


disaster aud ruin

Capital is tho main issue A manwithout tho moaus necessary to support him for some yearn has nochance here in spite of the boautifulpictures heretofore unfolded to himby tho Advertiser and colored in theroseate light of Thurstons guavajolly Tbo mau who comes hurtwithout money expecting to findland unoccupied a market for every ¬

thing which can be cultivated hereand an occasional pile of gold to bepicked up in the streets will findhimself bitterly disappointed audwill curs his folly and the selfish ¬

ness of the men who templed himto leave bis former home

What Hawaii wants is a class offarmers similar to that found inGermany tho States and the Colo ¬

nies but to get them here the inducements must be eomothinir better than tho prospects of raisingpotatoes tabood during cholera epi ¬

demics making guava jelly forwhich thero is no market and bocoming a citizetyof ur wealthy in-


and immaculate republicin lieu of investing his hard earnedcoin in coffee laud


In another column wh publish acommunication from Air GodfreyIt explains itself The originalmanuscript stained with tar andcountersigned A M B on evrypage is in this office at the presenttime As tho case is not yet settledor even brought up in ourt wo re ¬

frain from further comment

The Star is authority for thostatement that while the govern ¬

ment has no money to waste it isnot in distress by any means andhas ample resources So mote it bo

Even in Honolulu wo have hadtho bioyclo girl Now the Starcomes out to tell us that in ParisNow York and London the gas orcoal oil stove will Jill her place Weshall soo

Last night the Star said Theauthorities are sotting about in earn ¬

est to make anothor cholera visita-tion


an impossibility Is it onlynow that thoy are in earnest Or isthe statement meant to bo a sar-casm


What does this moan Wh quotethe Star It is not too earlv to begin to consider seriously about hav ¬

ing a Hawaiian representative atWashington during the session ofCongress to opon in DecemberWhore is W It Oastle Also wewo have understood that F MHatch is to roplaco him But per-haps


the Sybillino utterances of theStar point out that a pure Hawaiianshould bo sent 1b that so

Shoriff Hitchcock weeps ovor thoturning away of tho tourists fromHawaii Ho says My people actedshamefully in that matter Hodoesnt caro for himself only fortho tourists But how does it hnppen that tho peoplo who live onHawaii aro my pooplo Does hoown them

Says tho Star It is tho eoborjudgment of Eugono V Debs that

j tho st riki a as rnmodial agent is impolitic ami inexpedient and I bat thetime basgono by for that inothod of

j settling difficulties between railroadJ I Ia

That in ho nays so after ho has hadto go to jail for urging that methodof settlement on his misguided fol-


If tho Y W O T U doesnt knowbetter how to quote the Bible thantho following in roferonco to votingin favor of prohibition My votowont count saya ono Listou Abraham believed God and it was countod they had bettor quit Pervert ¬

ed quotations do more harm thandirect lies

Wo aro rejoiced to learn via thoStar that tbo matter of furtherconditional pardons for politicalprisoners is one which will soon receivo the attentiou of the Exeoutivoand Council of State Thore arednly thirteen loft But lot them goTheir ago would ousuro mercy inmost countries And their familiesaro a sure ago of tbo results whichwill follow the oxeroisef exeoutivoclemency Do unto others as yowould bo done by

Most of our special session of theLgslahire was ocenpied in pacingjoint resolutions aiihorizinti Urnappointment of commissions to re-


to tbn regular session T1ihcommittee on tho Great Seal haveadvertised for designs aud offered550 reward to the man who willcatch on the best Tho Pali com-


have simply gone up thereand promised to do so sotno mireThe others havent yet beon heardfrom

The dredger work was stopped byorder of tho Board of Health Nowtho dredger is supposed to go towork and spread the contaminatedas alleged mud from tbo mouth of

the Nuuanu stream ovor tho laudnext to itjwhiuh is tp bo reclaimedHow consistent 1

In an oral decision as toa case to tbo Supreme Court

which that august body had alreadysent down to tho Ciruuit CourtChief Justice Judd said Wo mustconcede that for the purposes of thismotion the Court committed anerror in its former decision MrThurston for the appeal got bisobject ami tbo Court will now eathumble pie and listen to tbo uasoagain

We are to get fish onco againwhen Dr Emerson and Mr Knhininreport on how To tag and label thefish with thoir place and date oforigin Why not employ Dr Iiodgers to take a census of them

Writes the Bulletin in referenceto tho Education Board Tho payoffered to corapntent teachers insomo cases being a disgrace to tbocountry What about tho 1000 ayear given to two Hawaiian boysjust back from a years course iu theStates Either the Bulletin or theBoard must bo crazy Probably tholatter

At last the Wilson tariff bill hasbeen got over Kid well Emmoluth

Co are to ship 750 cases of cannedpineapples to the States this mouthThe pineapple industry is now safeand prices will stay

In the building trades tbo variouspropositions to oreot new edificesseem to promise a return to thenormal condition of plenty of workat good pay Mutchs new blookCastlo Cookes now warehouseand tho now Opera Houso shouldfurnish work for some months tocome Remember the Hawaiianshowever Make it a feature of thocontracts if possible

Tho ridiculous manner in whichthe laws of the country concerningbuildings in tho ire limit are car-ried


out is nowhere hotter exempli ¬

fied than on the corner of Morohantand Alakoa atroots Tho building is

wood Tbo front is half wood audJ half iron Tbo othor Bide is wood

Suoh a 8tructuro permitted showswhnt a farce our laws aro and howlittlo they protect against what call-


them into oxisteuco tho dangerof ilro

Nuuanu stream is now to cousistof dilutod sulphuric acid This isoxpoctod to kill off all tho germsand prevent thoir germination Itis a pity tho sulphuric acid factoryat Kalibi is hot located at tho headof Nuuanusjroam It would bavobeon ever jo much easier to acidifyits watorsffn that case But who cantoll wbatMiil bo dono or how it willrosult fPfar it sooins Drs W6odand Day luvo been rowing up anddown tho stream aud thoreby gainodtboir knowledge of it Tbo restof us will gain our knowledgewbon wo bavo paid for tbo ex ¬

periment and seen its futility orotherwise

Hitchcock is with us onco againThe Advortisor comes out this morn-ing


and says that tho Claud iuo passengers wore compelled to bathe intubs on Cocoanut Island Thenafter eight days the male passen ¬

gers wore stripped and washed withsome preparation by tho physiciannnd their clothes fumigated Tbowomen were treated in the cameway Tho Advertiser t lion offer thefollowiug suggestions as to how totreat Hitchcock and others tho nexttime

Thoir system was quite too looseand thoy bavo loft myriads of loop-holes


through which able bodiedgerms may enter the homes of HiloNo pa sengors should lnve beenturned loose until Firet thestomach pump had boeu applied sixtimes on the Inst Hnv nnfl nnr nnnnlr- -ingjgorms forced up and out socoudtbo head of everyone had beeu shav ¬

ed clean third every passengerhad beon skinned just as tho Indi ¬

ans skiu their prisoners but ofcourse with a moro lofty motiveuuiiu mmcuu Ul nosuiUK UUWU

each person with eomo solution thoeffects of which soon pasa away thoHilo fire ougine should have plaveUi solution of whitewash on thestripped passengers aud thia shouldbe repeated evnry day for twomouths fifth the clothing shouldhave been burntd up instead of be¬

ing fumigated hixth effective meas ¬

ures should have boeu taken to provent thy diseased fish from tho wa ¬

ters of Honolulu harbor from enter-ing


Hilo bay whilo the fumigatedpassengers wtro corralled on Cocoanut Island

iaus huuci

The most lovely spot on Oahu isSans Souci This favorite seasidoresort which has been immortalizedby the pen of Robert L Stevensonwho resided there for months isonly four miles from Honolulu andwithin easy reach of the tramcarsTho surroundings and bathing atmis iamouB resort aro superior toanything found in tbo HawaiianInlands pottages and board canbe obtained on easy terms Thotalilo Bet by the manager is bettortbau any offered here at othor ho ¬

tels For picnics bathing partiesaud outings tho best accommodationcan bo secured by giving notice tothe manager

An OpportunityMiss Cahill tho popular milliner

on Hotel street has now receivedher new goods and will bo pleasedto show her many patrons a full linoof imported patterns hats and thovery latest novelties in birds wingsetc for trimmings Ladiej who dosiro to appear at their best at thocoming tonnis lacrosse golf andother matches ought to lose no timoin getting their head coverings fromMiss Cahill

iL B Kerr received by tho Mio

wora a fine stock of ValenciennesLaces in edgings and insortiopsFinishing braids in rioh ossortmontand novel designs ajd a completeassortment of hosiery

Seattle -- - Draught

Ex B 8 Mlowera

Best Beor in HonoluluAT TUB

CRITERION SALOONFort near Hotol Streets

O J McOjutiiy - Manager

Timely TopicsT -- -

Honolulu Sept SO 1895

All ovor tho world at prcsont

questions of hygiono aro thomain issues of tho day Whilotho lournod sciontists of Europearo dovotiug thoir timo andskill to find romodios which

can destroy tho disoaso brooding

gorms tho diseases go on andcholera dipthoria and typhoid

ravage cities and countriesWhonovpr a disease becomes

epidemic it is becauso tho gormfound conditions which suitedit and in which it foil at homoand ready for business Thosanitary conditions of tho townand of tho homo becomes ofvital importance Honolulu ishaying a tasto of a cholera opi

domic and it behooves every ¬

body to do his best in placingovory homo in tho host sanitarycondition possible

When tho general house-cleanin- g

which will take placo nextMonday is ovor many house-


will find somo house-


fumituro which needs re ¬

newal and othors missing bothas to utility and convonionco

We call attention to day toour Oil Stoves Tho DietzStove which wo carry in stockhas gained a groat reputationovorywhoro Tho ono wo espe-cially


recommend is tho mostcomploto oil stovo ovor ofToredin the market It is porfoctlysafo for tho user of ft and itwill answer all purposes in awell regulated household Fivoquarts of oil is sufficiont to burnton to twelve hours In tonminutes a half gallon water canbo boilod It will fry and boilbako or broil at tho same timoYou can boil potatoes and bakobiscuit at tho same timo Inton minutos you can broil asteak to perfection and in anhour and a half you can roastan eight pound turkey Onco --

tried tho Dietz Oil Stovo willbo found tho very thing for thohousekeeper and the pricobrings it within tho roach ofeverybody

Tho Wator Coolers which wohave on hand uro tho verythings for restaurants saloonsschools and stores After thewator is boilod fill tho coolerwith it and oven without icoitwill keep a pleasant tempera-ture


Largo families will findthoso highly ornamental coolersof great advantage and a groatsaving in regard to ico

What however is moro uboful than a Monarch Bicyclo InSan Francisco and othor placesmail and papor carriers busi ¬

ness mon and professional monuse tho Monarch and havewithin tho diamond arrangod aleather bag very easily fixedwhich will contain paper docu-ment


lunches and clothing anddo sorvico as tho saddlo bags do totho horseman Tho Monaroh istho most solid and best appointorwheel introduced hero und cumbo purchased on the installmentplan

Tab Italian Hardware Co Id307 Fort StreetOriDrtil 8DMflVl Tlioov


Page 3: JkJLil ri Jr Wi DENT APPLIED...angin round tho Yard All tho way by Tratton tram down to Gosport Yard Anythin for business an woro Omo an friouds so dear Jonny waitin in tho cold Ml


Jholora pnul

Tho Board of Hialthday nftornoon

Only builodpublic schools


water is used iu tho

Tho quarantine of tho Insano Asy ¬

lum has boon raised

Mr E P Lqw and family loft intho Olaudino yostorday for Puuwaawaa

Sovoral opiumrostod yostordaylaut police


smokors wore arrby our over vigi- -

W S Bartlott will rotiro from thomanagement of Ilaniwai on tho 1stof November

Tho Lolita Sooial Olub has ar-ranged


for a danco this ovening attho Arion hall

The Riohelion is a new hotol to boopenod at tho Diokson promises onBarotania at root

Board of Hoalth mooting at 330p m The committee on fish willreport to tho Board

Tho froight from tho Ohina isboing1 landed after being fumigatodon board tho Kaimiloa

The Young Hawaiians Instilutowill moot this ovoning at 730 oclocka iuu auenaanco is requosted

Thero will bo a great demand forfish when tho tabu is raised Thisit is hopod will take place befnroSaturday

Tho valleys of Palolo ManoaPauoa Nuuanu and Kalihi can beentered without pormit from thoBoard of Hoalth

Several members of tho PaciGoTennis Olub tako advantage of thocoolnoss of tho oarly morning hoursto practice at tho courts on Palacesquare

To judge from the numorous ap-plication


for memberships receivedby tho Y M 0 A gymnasium thatbranch of the association will be asuccess

Iron pillars and other material fortho von Holt building were receivedby the Albert and it is expectedthat the building will be finishedhis secumber

A prize of 50 is offered by thecommittee appointed by tho Legis-lature


to report upon designs for agroat seal of the republic to theperson whose design is accepted

A Japanese from Waikiki pleadguilty this morning in the DistrictCourt to a charge of having squid inpossession Sentence was suspend-ed


and tho Jap was happy Wherewas dat squitt

Ladios making dresses for theirgirls boforo sending them to schoolwill do well bv calling at L BKerrs store and inspect his fiuostock of Now Ginghams PrintedLawns and English Prints

Tho Olaudino left for Hawaii yes ¬

terday taking as passengers tho peo-ple


who have been quarantined forthe last week at tho island Theywere all exceedingly happy to getaway

In season or out of season everyfamily should have a bottle of Diar ¬

rhoea Mixture in tho bouse Thereis nono bettor thau Dwioirrs whichhas boon dispensed by the HollistehPharmacy for the last twentyyears

This is the proper time to get ridof the old germ infected clothos andhave some new built For that rea-


L B Korr has imported NavySorgos in all qualities and weightssuperior to anything ever seenhero

Plain Colored and Eancy FiguredSilkolines for Curtain DraperyDotted Swiss in all sizes dots andfigures for Curtain Drapery Crotonnos for Curtain Draporj OhonilloCurtains and Lace Curtains at N S

Sachs 520 Fort atroot

To close them out Shirt Waistsformerly soiling at 150 oacb havoboon reduced to 1 and Pith Hatswhioh woro selling at 2 from thison will bo sold at 1 each Calloarly beforo tho supply is ex¬

hausted A Barnes Now RepublicBuilding King street

It is rumored that tho authoritiesare raising hoavon and earth to findovidonoo against Durroll on whosebehalf tho United States government has made a demand lor damages for false imprisonment So farthoy havo not been successful wo

aro told in Bpito of bribes throatsand promises

Tho amatour performance to haveboon presented last month byofficers of tho Bonniugton and localtalont has not baon abandoned al-


tho oholora interfered andnecessitated a postponement Thorehearsals havo boon rosumed and itis oipootod that the play Mere ¬

diths Old Coat will be givenshortly after tho return of theBennington


How It was Obsorvod Abroad by thot Mombr8 of Our Band

Tho National Hawaiian Baud is

vory popular in tho United Statesand tho boys aro highly gratified bythoir buccoss Thoy do not forgotHawaii and homo though OnSoptombor tho 2nd says tho Makaainana tho band tnado a specialoolobration in honor of the birthdayof tho ox Queen

A freo concort was given by thoband at tho Sunny Side Park Chi-

cago whqro tho boys woro eugugedand appropriate tunes mostly com-positions


of Liliuokalani woroplayod Tjho hotol in which thoboys resided were gaily docoratedwith Hawaiian flage and aftor thoconcert a luau was onjojod

Poi from taro Hour fish salmononions and othor available eatablesdoar to the Hawaiian palato woroprofuso Sam Kamakaia said gracethe proprietor of tho Suuny SidePark sont twenty gallons of boortoasts in Hawaiian for the ox QueonPresident Cleveland and Hawaii Noicomplotod tho feast at whioh sovoralnative Ohicagoans woro present

The band has left Chicago underan engagement to be at Kansas Citywhoro they marched in a grand procestion at a meeting of a masonic orsomo other organization Tho Ha ¬

waiian Band out of twenty bandswas given tho place of honor inhoading tho procession

Tho appreciation of our NationalBand has not turned the heads oftho boys though and they aro con-


to bohavo themrelves mod-


and gentlemanlike and aro acredit to thoir country and nation

A Family Hotel

Tho Dickson promises on Berotania street formerly occupied byDr Brodie have been leased to MrsB Freimann yho will shortly opena Beloct family hotol The new placewill bo known aslFhe Richelieu andwill bo conducted as a first classhotel W S Bartlott who is thorince of caterers will havo charge oftho culinary department and will at-


to it that the tablo will bo of asuperior quality and givo satisfaotion to tho patrons of tho housoMeals will be served a la carte andtable dhote and orders for specialdinners will be promptly attendedto Tho rooms of tho hotel are fur-


with all modern applianceslighted by eleotricity and in everyway cojufortablo and homeliko

At tho Pacific is now to be foundGeo Gavanaugh All who desire tofind the finest and tho host treat-ment


may wond thoir way thero andsoo George Ho will fix you

Ring up 841 if you havo anythingto HV Tn TvTwprvTwiaT


Office of the Boabd of HealthHonolulu H I Oct 9 1895

The regulation of tho Board ofHealth of September 5th forbiddingany porson to entor the valleys ofPalolo Manoa Pauoa Nuuanu andKalihi without a pormit has thisday been resoinded

By order of jtho BoardWILLIAM O SMITH

President Board of Health

Office of the Board of Health I

Honolulu H I Oct 7 1895J

The Regulation of the Board ofHoalth requiring that Liquor Sa-


bo closed from 6 r m to G a m

is hereby resoindedBy order of the Board of Hoalth

WILLIAM O SMITH89 2t President Board of Health

Office of the Board of HealthHonolulu H I Oct 1 1895J

Tho following named porsonB aroauthorized to sign Permits of allkinds issued from jthe Office of thoBoard of Hoalth

O B ReynoldsA W GarterL D KelupioGuas Wilcox v

WILLIAM O SMITH89 2t President Bdard of Health

Grand ClearanceTO BEGIN ON THJi

t1st of OctoberAll our Entiro Slock must bo cleared during Hint

month at prices lowered to less tlum one half

Merinos and Oashmoros at 00c and 76c por Yard rodufcod to 25cpor Yard

While Muslins India Linens and Dimities at Similar Figures

Temple o FashionSIB PORT STRE5H3T

M G Siiva

The Scare is Over


Now avo expect to see tho Ladies and thoirFamilies onco more Wo have felt lonolywithout thorn So to induce them to call

v on us somo more as tho Schools are aboutto open wo havo resolved to reduco thoPrices for

Boys vStiits and Outfitting- -

Girls Hats and Dress MaterialStockings Etc Etc Etc

And everything nececessary to havo tho littloones appear in tho Finest and Latest Stylosat tho School opening to such Prices aswill defy comparison

Oome and See Tliemr

M S LEVY - - - -





Fort Street

Insurance Company of North Americai




Oldest Firo Insurance Company in tho Unitod StatosLosses Paid Since Organization - - 8143944813

flJSP Policies Issued Against Loss by Firo on All Glasses ofDesirable Property at Lowest Kates

H LOSE Agent for the Hawaiian IslandsiStMnt

Why Pay MoreFor a Poor Potato when wo oiler

ZMZstxxi PotatoesE Pellioied at Your Door

Thoy aro way ahead of any brought to this markot and aroselling at one half tho cost

S3 Wo have them Fiiksh Evkhv Monday Mouning and inquantity to supply all orders

Henry Davis Co

BOB Port StreetJust Received per Bktae Irmgard


WHITE PIQUESWhite Dimities 25o per Yard

Blaok White Double Width VeilingWE KEEP ALWAYS ON HANI

LaoV CHreis Mens Fast Black MmB F EHLERS CO


gig Golden


W F REYHOLDS Proprietor


AbsolutelyGash Basis -


die wm mmDomestic Paper Patterns

Remington Typewriters


Newsdeat er Stati onerMUSICAL INSTRUMENTS

Etc Etc Etc Etc

Received per S SlAnother Lot of


Ladies Dresses4 And a lot of irresistible

Silk Four-in-Ha- nd TiesAt 20c cachor 225 per Dozen A few

cases of

Fan San Mineral WaterFolly equal if not superior to Appollinaris


Nnw Kepnhlln Bnlldlnir Klnij Rtnwt-

Hollister Drug Co



Metropolitan Heat Go


G J Waller JUnaokb

Wholesale andItetall

BUTCHERSNavy Contractors

Benson mifh Co




Engines and Launches


They cannot be surpassed for MotivePower


Bole Agent Nnnann Street


Beoords Collector Copyist-T- RANSLATOR IN -

English and HawaiianIleal Estate Agent Typewriter Stamp

Dealer Purchasing Commissionand Advertising Agent Etc

tt OmoEi No 327 King Ureet theformer ptlvtrfoffloaot K I Thomti

Page 4: JkJLil ri Jr Wi DENT APPLIED...angin round tho Yard All tho way by Tratton tram down to Gosport Yard Anythin for business an woro Omo an friouds so dear Jonny waitin in tho cold Ml


EdHoiischlaGgej A Cu

K ng Strct opposite OnstleCooler

Household Sewins Mactauie


Wines Liquors Beers



fcy CaSpTa Specialty

Mr Inspect the BLcWd Block of -

J5pH9FFflOHIiAEQBBCOIrig Strf et oftpoait ilnstlo Cooke

Anchor SaloonCornor KInBundNuuanuSts i

W M OoNNinanAM - - Manager1

Headquarters for Mechanics and Laborers


Fredricksbnrg Draught Beer


Bole Agents for the Renowned

Long LifeAND


forPer Every Australia

V Call and be convinced -- 1

I i Fort near Hotel Streets I

C J McOabtuy

iOysters Cocktails

Criterion Saloon

Popnlar Brandqf Strait GoodsALWAYiJoVhAND


Try the Great Appetiser

The Brownie CooktaUA Bpeelalty with this Kcsort


Famous Wieland Lager

Empire SaloonComer Nunanu and Hotel Bts

0 T Dat

cMcb WiDGS Lianorp aibs


Half-and-Ha- lf on Draught

Handmade Sour MashA SPECIALTY


mm tsES I SHAW Proprietor

Corner King and Nauanu Streets

Choice Liquors



AND- -




fQUHS0RBER83 notiiledJhatable etrloUy Inquarwr or- ypnr

7 ttA






Fine Beers


FireLife andmarine



ARERE8PE0TFULLYill eubscrlntlons aro nav--

i- t 1uuvunco uy hie momu

F J TESTANfonfiiror



i c


SO M 1

And I So It with ii Great DualMoro Speed

Farniture and Baggage

aro delivered and tuovod bythe Fastest Expresses In town

My Wagons1

aro on haiijUvhenovur a steamerarrives and bagpagcand freightreach iliplr dcstluatidn nearlyboforo being landed

aro rtspeciolty I movo Pianosaccording to the most approvedmethods Thoy dont even getoat oftnne If thov do mullthe owicr should desire It 1 twin tuna uioni myscu anu mat m

jj would bauno-far tlio Piano llrV

CBP Lcavo orders at my ofllco

CornepKing ahdNuTidhuStsob hiko op


Telephone C07 P 0 Box 321


Carriage Manufactory128 A 130 Fort Btreot

Carriage BuilderAND

Blacksmilhmg in all Its Branches

Orders from tle ohr Islands Iri BuildingTrimming Painting lite Etc

promptly attended to

W W WRIGHTrroprieorSuccessor to G West




321 A 823 Kinj Street

f The Loading f

Viupn Manufacturer


Will fiunBh everything outHirie uteitm- -bonis alid liolb rs

No Ball Beirlng Axles Around Tlil Stinp

THHKPHONK r72 -- a


Opposite 0 R L Depot on King Btrcef

broceriesiiiri Pi uvisibnsklce House Goods Flnh VngutuhlcH Frozen

steamer from Sun Franeibco mid Vancouver


California Fruit MarketCorner King and Alaken Streets

camawnoFrbfrigkratorsUY EVEBY STEAMEBS

From Ban Francisoo with

Fresh Fruits OystersSalmon Poultry

Etu Etc Etcv

A OARDriHE UNDERSIGNED is NOT TO BEA seared- - ont of town by choleraHouse Painting and Paper Hanging arehis specialities and U23 Is telephone nnmborthrough which communications can boestablished Ifyoa want good work donoby a professional pairiler call around andsatisfaction will bo given


FainterCorner of Beretanln and Fort Streets


OFFICE US AND EXEOUTIVECommittee of the Hawaiian Remki

Society linvo dceldod not to snnnly rationsafter BATURDAY NEXT the 12th In-


unless a fresh outbreak of cholorathould occu Bills against tbo SonlftymiiBt be prcsonod by 10 oolook on Satur ¬

day next PER ORDERHonolulu Oct 8 195 liO St


rtmviuWwt C





f t l fr- -


i OP


yjmwiijiitvnwTiT iwfuJjwyifr-Tnf


ercliaiidisemesro htjant

Janiulmn AiiBtraliati Stuumship LinoBritiHh Foreign Mariii Inwuranco f V

Northern Assurance Co Five and I lifeCanadian Pacifip Railway Co

i ionecr Line of Packet from Liverpool


eneratMgent for Ha wi iidsBoouia J2


royal Insurances Company HverpoolAlliance Assurance Company LondonAlliance Marine General Assurance Company

Londonsun insurance Company San Franciscowilhelma maqdeburg general insurance company

northwestern marine and life insurance company oMilwaukee

Sun life insurance company Canada

Life Fire and Mainp Risks Taken it ReasnlM Rates





H E McIWTYRE BROeast Corner fort king



Groceries Provisions and Feedand Fresh Goods received hy overy pneket Califojnia Katern

mid KuropVan Markntn

SttndaYd Grade Unnned Vcoelables Fruits and FishSV- b- Geods delivered to any of the PRy --vu


4Do Yoi Want




LEWIS COTelephone E SO Ill Fori Street


Hanufacturers1 Shoe Co

Now Brewer Block



Dealers in

Brace faring Co

Real Estate Dealers

603 Frt BtnVnr King






tar Parlies ylshng to dlsposo ofPropnrlicH nrn Invited to full on H


MR 0 HENRY WHITEi BT OATHColl CamJirldgHi Isprepiircd to tako

a few private mmiltt in EnailSlu Classicsmid MulliomiUca Students diohed fortlio Public Schools and the UniversitiesTcaehors prepirod for Examination pcrhonailyor by corresnondenoe Bookkeeping a bo taught Address P 0 Box 138Honolulu 81 m

v y--ti


Block Honolulu





P O Box 145


New fromStales






Good IkesiI

Plain on Fancy Barrels

Boots Shoes

510 Fort StjieetHonolulu H I




Particular attention jiftlil to all kinds ofRepairs

Campbell Illook Merchant Street


JOHN PHILLIPSHas romovod his PlnmWng Biulnsa from

Kinghtreetto the premises on

Hotel StreetFormerly occupied by Woven

Wlr nlly





We do no hold immelvei rmmuihle for theopinions eorretpomUntt imr columns areopen to every shade of opinion or party orfiricvance Correspondence must not be libel-lous


or indecent and must be accompanied bythe name of the writer not necessarily for pub-


but us ii itiarutifce of good faith

Saved From thn Wreck

Ed The IndependentTho following cohmuiuication was

sent bys tho writHr lo n paper whichdosiros coiumuuiqations to bo sentin oarlj tho day boforo tho tarringand fonthoring outrago Tho oditoriuohiof of tho paper who was alsoa member of tho Sanitary Commit-tee


is wtatod to havo refused publi-


Had tho communicationIipmi publisliod tho outrage mighthavo not beu romirittted and tlioolden motto of th6phvlbr Pledgedto neither anct nor partyi but establiahed for tho benefit of all boousustained Comment is withheldfollowing is tho article foundamongst tho remains of tho cutclothes of tho outraged victim ontho night of tho Condqmned anddastardly occurrence F G


Editoh Bulletin lA word or two anont men and

thing in tho Cholera Hospital ob ¬

tained in a nino dayR residencetherein my provo of interest to thopublic so permit mo to say in thefirst place that the Hospital is thopropor placo for pooplo afflicted aseach has a right to obtain any dosired special medical attendanceand has the services gratis of goodnurses Father Valontino a nobleand earnest worker in the qause ofhumanity visits the patient immedi¬

ately Ho has no sot office hourshas no regular watch but is on dutyday and night and on tho alorL toadminister tho consolations of reli-


lo all without respect tocroddbut is an especially welcome visitorto catholics Nervous prostrationlaid him on his back for a briefperiod but Drs Smith and Herbertpulled him through Ho has beonoffered medical advice and modi- -

cines by Drs Murray Brodio andMcLellan and is thankful for thoirthoughtfuluoss Armstrong Smiththe popular school teachor is per-forming


noble work as a volunteerand is in charge Ho voices his will-


lo aid tho Hawaiiaus and sodoes his able assistant 0 J WhitneyWell may tho English residents boproud of their country womon MissLamb and Miss Hoslop who performthoir duties as nursos in a mannerthat wins them the esteem and res ¬

pect of all the unfortunates whoalways wflluome their presence Thounder nurses Messrs Gibson andLawrence havo borno tho brunt ofthe battlo and aro much apprecia-ted


as also Mrs Louisa McArdloand Miss Estolle

Before closing pormit to say thatI have been a close and criticalobserver and have noted carefullytho men and manners of tho placeSome of tho physicians havo dis-


ability and judgment asshown iu the improved condition oftheir patients but before all innerve judgment and continuouscareful attention and intorest pdlmam qui meruit is Hon W 0 SmithPresident of the Board of HealthIu tho hospital at various hours oftho day and night at early dawnand at midnight Mr Smith visitsall the patients and ia tho only ouowho has lessoned tho evils of thoquarantine quarter Ho displays acalm quiet but earnest desiro td en-


to alloviato tho auiTeringa oftho siok or to contribute to thocomfort of tho well qnd few outsido know tho many death beds hoattended during his visits betweenother business Father Valontinospoaks highly of Mr Smith and sodo nil within tho coufiuos of thoCholera Hospital A change in thotreatment inaugurated I believe byDrs Herbert and Murray is provingvery beneficial eomuoh so lhat thonight boforo I lefttho usual GorpjJewas absent from tho morguo sndthat was tho first out of six nightsin succession that I slept withbutacadaver for a noighbor Contagionneed not be feared if cleanlinessOxistS FltANK GODFIIEV

Honolulu Sept 15 1895 -

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