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Research, Project Planning and Business Development Directorate m\Jla:tl J1R cl!CI'Hill fclcni'H ..:> No. 9/1 /12FYPP-SMC/2016-17 -RPPBDD Dated: 01 .12.2017 OFFICE MEMORANDUM Subject: Approval of the Sectorial Monitoring Committee's recommendations of 12th Five Year Plan Projects. DG , CSIR has been pleased to approve the Sectorial Monitoring Committee's recommendations on the 12 1 h Five Year Plan Projects vide Note No. 9/1/12FYPP- SMC/2016-17-RPPBDD dated: 30.11 .2017. Copy to: 1. Directors of CSI R Laboratories I Institutions 2. Heads of Units (URDIP, TKDL) 3. Heads of Directorate (RPPBDD, MD and DGTC) 4. US to DG ,CSIR 5. PS to FA, CSIR 0. PS to Jt. Secy. (Admn.), CSIR 7. DFA (Budget) 8. DFA (IFD) 9. Office Copy An Initiative by RPPBDD . Available for Download on C-DIS

Research, Project Planning and Business Development Directorate

~. q~m\Jla:tl m\Jla:tl J1R cl!CI'Hill fclcni'H fa1a:~m ..:>

No. 9/1 /12FYPP-SMC/2016-17 -RPPBDD Dated: 01 .12.2017


Subject: Approval of the Sectorial Monitoring Committee's recommendations of 12th Five Year Plan Projects.

DG, CSIR has been pleased to approve the Sectorial Monitoring Committee's

recommendations on the 121h Five Year Plan Projects vide Note No. 9/1/12FYPP­

SMC/2016-17-RPPBDD dated: 30.11 .2017.

Copy to: 1. Directors of CSI R Laboratories I Institutions 2. Heads of Units (URDIP, TKDL) 3. Heads of Directorate (RPPBDD, MD and DGTC) 4. US to DG,CSIR 5. PS to FA, CSIR 0. PS to Jt. Secy. (Admn.), CSIR 7. DFA (Budget) 8. DFA (IFD) 9. Office Copy

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COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Research, Project ?Jann ing & Business Development Directorate

Anusandhan Bhawan, 2J Rafi Marg, New Delhi·11 0001

No. 3:l1Mf2016-PPD/RPPBDO August 17, 2016


Sub~ Constitution of an E:xpert Commlttoe to evolve guidelines. Rules and Regulations to govem ttie innovation fund

1. Director Gene·al. CSIR as Chairman of the Goveming 8{)dy of CSIR has been pleased to appro'Je tl~e creation of 'CSIR Innov--ation Fun-d ' by pooling 50% c f 'l aboratory Reserve Fund (LRF}' and Headquarters R~s.eNe Fund {HRF)" accumulated and IT'<;:intained at laboratories and Headquarters respective~'· The CSIR IMO•Jation Fund will be mainta1ned and m<>naged at CSIR Hqrs.

2. The fund wiU b-e utilized for providing support for various trans!aoonal fesearch efforts for de'lelopment and deployment of technotogies including. setting up Technology lncuiY.ltro:n Centres. TechnoloQy Parks. creating Startups an<l Spin Offs. pro\lkling seed capital to Startups, developing oollabotativ~ ~rojects with MSMEs, Creating Technology based M icrc Entrepreneur in Rural Areas. s-etting up CSIR Outreach centers, Skill Ocvetopment PmgJamms-s and any othf't as fouM nocessari tor pmmoting technologies and kr:cwled~el)ase of CSIR. etc.

3. DG. CSIR has fvt.t-er approved me constitution of an expert committee forfomUJating separate g·..Jidelinas and Ru.les &. Regulations fer exper.oing the lnno'.'ation Fund.

4. The composition of !he commit:ee is as fellows·

L Shrt A.'r. Ku-sre, Fonnerty GM. !CICt Banx. and presently 'JISi~mg ~cui:, a~ Managem2.1~

Scheel of liT. Mumt:.ai • Chaim1an: ii. Nominee. SBI .- Membet iir, Dr D Yogeswara Ran. Technical Advisor to DG. CSIR ·Member iV. Dr. R,R. Hirw.;mi. HeaQ.lntettectual Property Di,-ectcr~te- Member v. Dr. K.a. M,hrtesh, Seruor Prola$scr, Departmerr. of Management SttJdies, ilSc

Baogalorg - Member

vi. Ms. Sumitha Mui<hetrj~e. FA. CSIR- M~mber vii. Dr. S. Srikanth. Director. RPP80 Directorate - Member vii1. Or. Meenakshi Singh. Semior Principal Scierltist • Member Ccnvener

5. The terms of Reference for the ccmmittee are a . To evolve a SU1.Jcture for managing tt:e 'CSIR innovation FUlld': b. To develop guidelines as well as FWies & Regvl<Wons for e>~pencing lnno•Jation Fund: c. Any otht~r rnattef r~atutg 'C$1R lnnovalion t=unr;r'; and d. Any other matter as ass·gned by DG, CSIR

6 The External members are en tilled tor T AiDA and honet'artum as apphcable.

Copy to: 1. C:>mmittcc McmbGrs as lisleri above 2. PS to DG. CSIR 3. PS to JS (Admin) . CSIR 4. PS to f}\ CSIR 5. D)'. FA (Acooun::.siAudlt/Ca-sh) 6. Olo Head, R?PSOD. CSIR 7 . Office C :>oy

\\ .r/"'v~~-{Mecna"kshi Singh)

Senior "Principal Scienlist

An Initiative by RPPBDD . Available for Download on C-DIS

COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Research, Project Planning and Business Development Directorate

Anusandhan Bhavan, 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-11 0001


No. 41/3/IC(Mumbai)2016-RPPBDD September 17, 2016

Sub: Constitution of Advisory as well as Monitoring Committees to assess the progress of Innovation Complex, Mumbai - reg.

1. Based on the recommendations of Empowered Committee, Director General, CSIR has been pleased to approve the constitution of Monitoring and Advisory Committees to review the progress of Technology Innovation Complex (TIC) Mumbai being set up by 111M, Jammu.

2. The Composition of Advisory and Monitoring Committees are as Follows:

Monitoring Committee:

i. Dr Ashwini Nagia, Director, NCL, Pune - Chairman ii. Dr. Ram Vishwakarma, Director, I liM, Jammu- Member iii. Shri R K Das, GM, SIDBI, New Delhi - Member iv. Shri JS Mishra, ESD, New Delhi -Member v. FA's Nominee vi. Shri Rupesh Behra, Senior Architect, CSIR-ESD - Member vii. Dr. Meenakshi Singh, Member Convener

Advisory Committee:

i. Shri A.T. Kusre, Formerly GM, ICICI Bank and presently visiting faculty at Management School of tiT, Mumbai - Chairman

ii. Dr. Ram Vishwakarma, Director, I liM, Jammu - Member iii. Dr B Gopalan, Orchid Chemicals, Chennai - Member iv. Dr RR Hirwani, Head, IP Directorate- Member v. Mrs UB Poomima, Head Architect, NCGS Bangalore

v1. Dr. Vikram M. Ramanathan, Vice President, Advinus, Pune vii. Dr. Vyas M. Shingatgeri, Sr. Vice President, Sun Pharm Advanced Rese·arch Co.,

Gurgaon - Member viii. Dr. Meenakshi Singh, Member Convener

Chairmen of the both committees can co-opt or invite any other expert as may be required.

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Mission Directorate Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

Office Memorandum

No. 33/Misc/2016-MD October 18, 2016

Subject: Payment of Honorarium to Official and Non-official Members of CSlR Society; Governing Body; Advisory Board; Research Councils; Search I Selection I Assessment Committees (for Recruitment and Assessment Board and CSIR Administration); Project selection and Monitoring (NMITLI, OSDD, PPD, HRDG); Invited Guest Lecture (HRDC) and other activities of CSIR involving outside experts

1. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR) engages large number of external experts as member of various committees for providing intellectual inputs in decision making and also be part of it. These experts become members of numerous bodies like CSIR Society; Governing Body; Advisory Board;.Search I Selection I Assessment Committees (for Recruitment and Assessment Board); Project selection and Monitoring (NMITU, OSDD, PPD, HRDG); Invited Guest Lecture (HRDC) and various other activities of CSIR. Many a times, officials from other government departments are also brought into these committees for seeking view point of concerned departments I ministries and to make them aware about decision being taken.

2. The Governing Body, CSIR in its 1871h meeting held on 01 .06.2016 approved enhancement in rates of honorarium to be given to various experts for attending several committee meetings and providing the desired inputs. The enhanced honorarium for various activities will be as per the following details:

Sri. No. Name of Meeting Existing Proposed amount of amount of honorarium honorarium Rs. I Rs./ day day

1 Special meetings in which high - 7500/-dignitary who retired as Secretary to Government of India participate

2 CSI R Society 20001- 75001-3 CSIR Governing Body 20001- 7500/-4 CSIR.Advisory Board 2000/- 7500/-5 Research Councils 120001- 5000/-6 NMITLI Meetings 2000/- 5000/-7 PPD Meetings 2000/- 5000/-8 HRDG Meetings 2000/- 5000/-9 i OSDD Meetings 12000/- 5000/-10 i Invited Guest Lecture 2000/- 5000/-11 Group 'A' Recruitment and I 2000/- 5000/-

, Assessment iRAB, l

.. ; .•v; .

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Research, Project Planning and Business Development Directorate

~. q~:zi'l;:;tcrtl 'l(j;:;te:fl a1IT c~cHil~ fil<hlff ~~ ~


New Delhi - 110 001

' No. 9/1/12FYPP-SMC2/2016-17 -RPPBDD December 14, 2016


Subject: Payment of T AiDA and Honorarium to Sectoral Monitoring Committee members -reg.

CSIR has constituted thirteen Sectoral Monitoring Committees (SMC) for review of the CSIR 12111 Five Year Plan projects. The meetings of these thirteen SMCs are scheduled at select CSIR laboratories/ institutes, across the country. The chairman and external members of the Committees are to be paid TA/DA and honorarium@ Rs.5000/-for participating in the meeting.

In order for smooth operation of the SMC meetings and timely payment to the Committee members, CSIR laboratories hosting the SMC meetings are to pay the TA/DA & honorarium to the Sectoral Monitoring Committee members and meet the other meeting related expenditure. The laboratories may then recoup the actual from CSIR Hq.

The expenditure would be met from CSIR budget head P803-PPD/TNBD.

This issues with the approval of Head, RPPBDD.

Copy to:

1. Directors, CSIR Laboratories hosting the SMC meetings ~Head, RPPBDD

3. Head, Mission Directorate 4. DFA, Budget 5. PS to DG, CSIR 6. PS to FA, CSIR 7. FAO, Audit Section 8. FAO, Cash Section 9. Office Copy


}:f ~ y) v-40--r~~r ~ ?A\ .6

(Viswajanani J Sattigeri) Senior Principal Scientist

An Initiative by RPPBDD . Available for Download on C-DIS



No. 41/3/IC/2016-RPPBDD Dated January 19, 2017


Sub: Constitutation of a Committee for "Setting up of an Institute for Translational Research (ITR) at Amravathi"

DG, CSIR has been pleased to approve constitution of a committee for 'Setting up of an Institute for Translational Research (ITR) at Amravathi'. The members of the aforesaid committee are as follows: · ·





Dr. G.N. Qazi, Vice Chancellor, Jamia Hamdard, New Delhi

Dr. Rakesh Mishra, Director, CSIR-CCMB, Hyderabad

Prof. Ashwini Kumar Nangia, Director, CSIR-NCL, Pune

Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Director, CSIR-IHBT, Palampur


vi .


Dr. Sudeep Kumar, Head, Mission Directorate, CSIR-HQ, New Delhi

Dr. Ramesh V Sonti, Chief Scientist, CSIR-CCMB







Dr. Lalita Goyal, Principal Scientist, RPPBDD, CSIR-HQ Member Convener

The terms of reference for the aforesaid Committee are:

i. Interact with the office of Hon'ble Chief Minister, Andhra Pradesh and discuss in detail about the short term and long term plan for implementation of the proposal;

ii. Visit the proposed site and explore the State Govt's contributions for the proposal;

iii. Prepare feasibility report and draw action plan for implementation of the proposal;

iv. Submit the feasibility report to DG, CSIR; and

v. Address any other matter as assigned by CSIR I DG, CSIR .,

'~::::x· . ·_}f ~~ 1 1-).....r:::J-(Viswaja m 1 ~attigeri)

Copy to:-Sr. ~rincipal Scientist

1. Committee Members listed above v 2. Heads of all Directorates - Mission, RPPBDD, Human Resource and

Intellectual Property

3. PS to DG, CSIR

4 . PS to FA , CSIR

5 . PS to JS (Admin), CSIR

6. DFA, Budget

7 . Office Copy

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No. OSDD/2012-13-MD January 27, 201 7


Sub: Open Source Drug Discovery (OSDD) Scheme

The Competent Authority has been pleased to nominate Dr. Sarala Balachandran, Chief Scientist, CSIR-IGIB as Nodal Officer, OSDD for approving and settling the bills related to OSDD Project and TATA-CSIR- (i OSDD Fellowship till June 30, 2017. (j/ ~&:'

Copy to:

1. US to DG, CSIR 2. PS to FA, CSIR 3. PS to JS(A)

. (JvP~ (R.P. Singh)

Sr. Principal Scientist

4. Dr. Sarala Balachandran, Nodal Officer, OSDD 5. Director, CSIR-IGIB, New Delhi 6. Sr. DFA, CSIR HQs 7. IFD, CSIR HQs 8. 0/o Head, MD, CSIR ~o Head, RPPBDD, CSIR

10. Office Copy

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Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

chnf.l Cfl crm 3i144) f7l Cfl 3r.Rimrr q ~ 1114 ' ~

Research, Project Planning and Business Development Directorate

~. qn;q)'"'l~l ;q)'"'IIJil (J1:IT c4ctfll4 factllfl ~~ .!)

2 Rafi Marg, Anusandhan Bhavan, New Delhi -110 001

No. 9/1/RC/2016-17-RPPBDD 9 February 2017


Sub: Extension of the term of Research Councils of CSIR Laboratories

Competent Authority h;3s been pleased to approve extension of the term of the Research Council of individual CSIR Laboratories until April 30, 2017 or until new Research Councils are constituted , whichever is earlier.

Copy to: 1. Directors, CSIR Laboratories 2. Heads, CSIR Directorates, Units and Divisions 3. US to DG, CSIR 4. PS to JS, CSIR 5. PS to FA, CSIR 6. DFA 7. Sr. DS 8. 0/o Head, RPPBDD

/ J1/i<PP!6t>b ·

An Initiative by RPPBDD . Available for Download on C-DIS

Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

~ <itlf.l Cf) crm lit 44!\71 Cf) 3r.Riur.r q ~ 1114 ' ..;)

Research, Project Planning-and Business Development Directorate

Jt ;J :6 ~ I;J, q ~ 4tll ;J 1 4)..,. 011 crm e4 cFa 14 fa Cfi Fa ~Jl'ir4'" ..;) .

No. 9/1/12FYPP-SMC/2016-17 -RPPBDD February 13, 2017


Sub: Addendum-V to the Composition of Sectoral Monitoring Committees for review of Plan projects under 13 themes

In continuation to the OM of Even Number dated November 25, 2016 on the Composition of Sectoral Monitoring Committees (SMC) for the 13 themes - (i) Drugs Discovery and Development Healthcare, (ii) Biotechnology and Biology, (iii) Agri, Food & Nutrition; (iv) Adequate and Clean Energy, (v) Sustainable Chemical Industry, (vi) Advanced Materials, (vii) Ecology and Environment, (viii) Aerospace Engineering, (ix) Electronics and Instrumentation, (x) Mining, Metals and Minerals, (xi) Housing, Road, Construction, Structures and Safety, (xii) Earth System Sciences and (xiii) Information Sciences - Data Intensive and Informatics, DG, CSIR has been pleased to accord approval to the following nominations in the identified SMCs:

I . Prof. V. S. Raju, Former Director liT Delhi, as Co-Chairman of the Sectoral Monitoring Committee for review of the CSIR 12th FYP projects under the theme "Housing, Road, Construction, Structures and Safety" on 17-18 February 2017; and

2. Shri P.R. Mehta, Ex-President Council of Architecture, Design Action Group. New Delhi as Member of the SMC for the theme "Housing, Road, Construction, Structures and Safety".

The other terms of the earlier OM stated above remain unchanged.

Copy to: 1. Committee Members 2. Director-CRRI, CBRI, SERC and NGRI 3. Heads, CSIR Directorates 4. Heads, CSIR Units and Divisions 5. US to DG, CSIR 6. PS to JS, CSIR 7. PS to FA, CSIR 8. Sr. DFA 9. 0/o Head, RPPBDD

v ~ --.-- "tf I ul~ >-t.::Y

(Viswajanani J. Sattigeri) Senior Principal Scientist

An Initiative by RPPBDD . Available for Download on C-DIS

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

No. 6/1/CSIR-AcSIR/2017 -MD February 16, 2017


Sub: Appointment of Chairperson of Board of Governors of Academy of Scientific and lr:tnovative Research {AcSIR)

Hon'ble Prime Minister of India and President, CSIR is pleased to appoint Dr. Baldev Raj, Director, NIAS, Bangalore as the Chairperson of Board of Governors of the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research (AcSIR).

The term of Dr. Baldev Raj as the Chairperson of Board of Governors of the Academy of Scientific and fnnovative Research {AcSIR) shall be for a period of 4 years. In this capacity, Dr. Baldev Raj shall also be the Chancellor of the AcSIR and shall exercise such powers and perform such functions as embodied in the Academy of Scientific and Innovative Research Act, 2011, published in the Gazette of India (extraordinary) on 7th February, 2012.

Copy to:

~Dr. Baldev Raj, Director, NIAS, Bangalore

2. Director, AcSIR

3. US to DG, CSIR

4. Office Copy

(~:mar) Head

Mission Directorate Tel: 011-2331-6748

Email: [email protected]

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Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

~:nlf.)Cf) om ~~:zfiPiifi ~ ~ ' ~

Research, Project Planning and Business Development Directorate

~. q~;q);o;riJ'fl ~om c<QC:tifi<Q filCf)l'tf ~J'l'(ij'<Q" ~

Anusandhan Bhawan, 2 Rafi Marg, New Delhi -110 001



Sub: "The Centre for Genomics Application (TCGA) by IGIB" - Reg.

Feb 23, 2017

1. DG, CSIR has been pleased to assign the responsibility of the TCGA matters to Dr. Sudeep Kumar, Head, Mission Directorate with the undersigned providing needful assistance to him on the matter. Further, the files on the subject matter shall be routed through Head, RPPBDD to Head, Mission Directorate.

2. DG, CSIR has desired that Legal Advisor, Joint Secretary and Dr. Sudeep Kumar may kindly brief him on the matter urgently.

Copy to:

1. Dr. Sudeep Kumar, Head, Mission Directorate

2. Legal Advisor

3. Joint Secretary (Admin)

4. PS & US to DG, CSIR

5. Financial Advisor, CSIR

6. Director, CSIR-IGIB

7. Dy. FA (Reports)

read, RPPBDD

9. Office Copy

V w--, --:-::{N 1--0 1;r (Viswajariani 3--'~igeri)

Sr. Principal Scientist, RPPBDD

An Initiative by RPPBDD . Available for Download on C-DIS

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

Research Project Planning and Business Development Directorate

No. 611 1Policy/2017-RPPBDO Dated: 2-03-2017


Sub: Procedure for clearing MoUs I Agreements proposals involving foreign entities

It is further reiterated with the approval of DG, CSlR that the procedures to be followed for MoUs I NDAs I Agreements with Foreign entities that will be processed by CSIR are given below:

i) . MoUs I Agreements with foreign R&D organizations where DST has a bilateral agreement with the organization country shall be referred for vetting by Legal Adviser and IPU. Thereafter, the proposals shall be put up for approval of DG. CS lR and Secretary, DSIR. However. these agreements I MoUs have to conform to the bilateral agreement entered by DST with that specific country;

1i) MoUs I Agreements with foreign R&D organizations where DST does not have a bilateral agreement with the respective country shall be first referred to Legal Adviser and IPU for their comments and thereafter referred to Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion (DlPP) and the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) for appropriate clearance. Only thereafter the proposa ls be put up to DG. CSIR and Secretary, DSIR for approval; and

iii) Agreements I NDAs w ith foreign companies including multinationals and other Multi-lateral funding agencies such as EU,UN bodies. World Bank etc. shall be first referred to Legal Adviser for vetting and thereafter put up to DG. CSIR and Secretary, DSIR for approval including security and sensitivity clearance.

~~~ (Dr. S. Srikanth)


Copy to:-

(1) Directors of CSIR Laboratories/Institutes

cz: HoDs of CSIR Hqrs

(3) US to DG, CSIR

(4) PS to JS (A)

(5) PS to FA. CSIR

(6) PS to LA, CSIR

(7) PS to CVO

(8) IT Division. with request to upload on CSIR website.

(9) Office Copy

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Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

~ :n tf.l Cf) om JihrznPJ Cf) ~ q ~"~4 ' ..:>

Research, Project Planning and Business Development Directorate

3r.Riur.r, qn:zfl~crtl :zff~crtl c=£m c.4iHH:;q filCfll'fl ~~ .:;)

2 Rafi Marg, Anusandhan Bhavan, New Delhi - 110 001

No. 6/1/SBDG/2017-RPPBDD 23 March 2017


Sub: Constitution of Theme based Clusters and Nomination of Theme Directors -Reg.

DG. CSIR has been pleased to constitute theme based clusters for developing the business plan for the theme along with road map. The Theme Directors nominated for the purpose are as below:

S.No Theme based Cluster Theme Directors 1 Aerospace, Electronics and 1. Dr. Jitendra A Jadhav

Instrumentation & Strategic Sector 2. Prof. Santanu Chaudhary 2 Civil Infrastructure & Engrneering 1. Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan

2. Prof. Harish Hirani 3 Mining, Minerals. Metals and Materia ls 1. Dr. K. Muraleedharan

2. Dr. lndranil Chattoraj 4 Chemicals (including leather) and 1. Dr. Anjan Ray

Petrochemicals 2. Prof. Ashwani K Nangia 3. Dr. B. Chandrasekaran

5 Energy (conventional and non- 1. Dr. V ijayamohanan Pillai conventional} and Energy devices 2. Dr. P.K. Singh

6 Ecology, Environment, Earth Sciences 1. Dr. V.M. T iwari and Water 2. Dr. Rakesh Kumar

7 Agri, Nutrition & Biotechnology 1. Dr. Sanjay Kumar 2. Prof. Anil K Tripathi

8 Healthcare i. Chemical Drugs 1. Dr. S. Chandrasekhar ii. Phytopharmaceuticals 2. Dr. Ram Vishwakarma iii. Biopharmaceuticals 3. Dr. Anil Koul iv. Regulatory 4 . Dr. Alok Dhawan

The terms of reference for the aforesaid Clusters will be the same as the Strategic Business Development Group (Refer OM bearing No. 6/1/2017-RPPBDD dated January 23, 2017 on the constitution of Strategic Business Development Group (SBDG) under the chairmanship of DG. CSIR).

For the immediate short term, the Theme Directors to:

1. Develop a business plan and roadmap delineating the specific proportion of the theme contributions towards each of the parameters - public good, private good. strategic good and societal good.

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Council of Scientific and Industrial Research Research Project Planning & Business Development Directorate

Anusandhan Bhawan, 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-11 0001

No. 33/M/2017-RPPBDD March 29, 2017


Sub: Constitution of Empowered Committee for promoting and marketing CSIR knowledgebase - reg.

1. Director General, CSIR has been pleased to approve the constitution of Empowered Committee to leverage the strengths and connectivity of Industrial Associations for promoting and marketing of CSIR knowledgebase including IP to enhance revenue generation for CSIR. Among others the Committee would devise the process for enlisting Industrial Associations for promoting and marketing CSIR knowledgebase.

2. The Composition of the Committee is: i. Prof. K B Akhilesh, liSe- Chairman ii. Dr. S Chandrasekhar, Director, IICT iii. Shri H. K. Mittal, Advisor, DST iv. Dr. Raj Hirwani, Former Head, IP Directorate v. Dr. D Yogeswara Rao, Former Advisor, 0/o PSA to Gol vi. Financial Advisor, CSIR

Chairman of the Committee may co-opt or invite any other expert(s) as may be necessary.

3. The Terms of Reference for the Committee are: a. Evolve a process/ mechanism for the engagement of industrial associations; b. Formulate detailed scope of work as well as technical and financial terms and conditions

for engagement of these industry associations; c. Evaluation of the offers received and recommend the award of work along with defined

terms of engagement; d. Shortlist Knowledgebase (IP, Copyright, design etc.) and technologies of CSIR that has

potential for commercialisation; e. Resolve any issues that may arise during the process of engagement and award of work;

and f . Any other matter that the committee considers necessary towards meeting the objective

of promoting and marketing CSIR knowledgebase and/or any matter referred by DG, CSIR.

4. The Empowered Committee may meet as may be required. 5. The external members are entitled for TA/DA and honorarium as applicable.

\\Jt'1~ (Meenakshi Singh)

Sr. Principal Scientist & Convener

Copy to: 1. Committee Members as listed above 2. PS to DG, CSIR ~S to FA, CSIR

4. Dy. FA (Accounts/Audit/Cash) 5. 0 /o Head, RPPBDD, CSIR 6. Office copy

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Council of Scientific & Industrial Research

~ 0111 f;t Cfi am Ji1 (\ 4) fll Cfi Jt 111 'ti ~ 1111 tfft1rG ' .:>

Research, Project Planning and Business Development Directorate ~' 4R'4)"1~1 ~(fliT c<Qd<:(ii<Q fcr.nm" ~m;nr

.:> .

No.9/1/12/FYPP/2016-17-RPPBDD 12th April, 2017


Sub: Composition of Sectoral Monitoring Committee for the theme "CSIR-800"

1. CSIR through 12th Five Year Plan projects has aimed to address advancement of knowledgebase and development of technologies/products in diverse S&T domains through concerted R&D efforts. In order to review their progress, DG, CSIR is pleased to constitute a Sectoral Monitoring Committee (SMC) for the theme "CSIR-800". The list of projects under this theme is provided at Annexure-I.

2. The Composition of the Sectoral Monitoring Committee is as under:

j 1. Prof Anil Gupta, --,

Chairman 1

i Indian Institute of Management, I . Vastrapur, Ahmedabad-380 015 [email protected] [email protected] I


2. I Representative of Secretary, Rural Development, i Member 1

I Krishi Bhavan, Dr Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi - 110001, I l 1 I Phone: 23382230, 23384467, Fax: 23382408, Email: [email protected] ~ -1 I 3. 1 Representative of Secret ary (DWS), M1mstry of Dnnkmg Water and 1 Member 1

1 Sanitation, C Wing, 4th Floor, Pandit Deendayal Antyodaya Bhawan, CGO I I 1 Complex Lodhi Road, New Delhi- 110003, Phone-011-24361670,24361671,

24361672, Fax-011-24361669 ; 14. Representative of Secretary, DST, Member ! I J Technology Bhavan, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi - 110016 I ! 5. I Representative of Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region, Vigyan J Bhawan Annexe, Maulana Azad Road, New Delhi-110011 1 I Phone: 23022020, 23022037, Fax: 23022024, Email: [email protected]

1 6. Dr H Purushotham,

I CMD, NRDC, 20-22, Zamroodhpur Community Centre, Kailash Colony Extn., New Delhi - 110048

[email protected], Mobile: +919599229217 7. Dr P G Rao (Former Director CSIR-NEISl)

1 Vice Chancellor, University of Science & Technology, Meghalaya, 1 Techno City, Killing Road, 9th Mile, Baridua, Guwahati-Shillong Road,

1 Ri-Bhoi District, Meghalaya - 793101, Phone: 0361-2895033 Mobile:

i Member

I I I Member


1 1 9854057251/ 9435052702, Email: [email protected]/

Ll [email protected] i I 8. I Prof B B Dhar, (Former Director, CSIR-GMFR), I Member L~.O Pomposh EnclaveL New Delhi-110048 1 -- ---i

' 9. 1 Prof TC Rao (Former Director, CSIR-AMPRI), I Member i 1 House No: 11-12-362; Road No: 6, j I 1 Sri Rama Krishnapurarr1,_Saroornagar Post, Hyderabad-500035 I

1 10. Prof Vijay Virendra Kumar, 11 HOD, Center for Rural Development and Technologys (CRDT), . I t-- liT Delhi T~J :_9] 1::_~~§35.1_~_-mail: [email protected] (Academic)_ __ ._L ____ _J

l_ ~~:_,_~~~ubbara_~~ N_?i~~_(_For~e~ Ch~~~cientist~~SIR-CLRI) ----------- -----~~~~b~.~--J

An Initiative by RPPBDD . Available for Download on C-DIS

Council of Scientific & Industrial Research ~~lfw'lifi ntrr Jt'1q_;q~fllifi 3t1'titrr.f ~

Research, Project Planning and Business Development Directorate 31ii'f'ti~lii'f, qft4'1\:llii'fl ~atrr04a'l'tl4 facmr~m;nr


No. 5/315/asci/2017-RPPBDD 28th April, 2017


Sub: Third party Socio-Economic Impact Assessment (SEIA) studies of select CSIR technologies by ASO on nomination basis: Composition of committee for negotiations/any further action reg.

1. There is need for presentation of third party socio-economic impact assessment (SEIA) studies of CSIR technologies at various high levels of Government including CSIR Society which is headed by Prime Minister of India.

2. In this connection, DG,CSIR has accorded in-principle approval for engagement of Administrative Staff College of India (ASO) for SEIA of selected CSIR technologies on single party nomination basis and constituted following committee:

1. Dr Sanjay Kumar, Director, CSIR-IHBT Chairman

2. Dr S Barik, Director, CSIR-NBRI Member

3. Dr Sudeep Kumar, Head, Mission Directorate, CSIR Member

4. Shri Ashwani Gupta, Scientist G, DSIR Member

5. FA,CSIR nominee Member

6. JS,CSIR nominee Member

7. Sr CoSP, CSIR Member

8. Shri Arvind Kumar Kundalia, Principal Scientist, CSIR Convener

The Terms of References (ToR) of the Committee are as follows:

1. To evaluate proposal from ASO for SEIA studies of select CSIR technologies and

2. Take any other further necessary action as may be required for carrying out of SEIA studies of select

CSIR technologies by ASCI

Copy to: 1. Dr Sanjay Kumar, Director, CSIR-IHBT 2. Dr S Barik, Director, CSIR-NBRI 3. Dr Sudeep Kumar, Head, Mission Directorate, CSIR Hqrs 4. Shri Ashwani Gupta, Scientist G, DSIR 5. JS, CSIR with a request to nominate his representative 6. FA, CSIR with a request to nominate her representative 7. Sr CoSP 8. US to DG,CSIR

y o;o Head, RPPBDD 10. Office copy

(Arvind Kumar Kundalia) Principal Scientist

An Initiative by RPPBDD . Available for Download on C-DIS


~' qf{:zil"'!Gil 4l'"rlGil ~ &llcHiFlf fc'l4it'H ~lT"(iflf Anusandhan Bhavan, 2 Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001

No. 8/24/CIMFR/2017-RPPBDD Dated: 10.07.2017 OFFICE MEMORANDUM

Subject: Constitl:Jtion of committee to examine representation against distribution of honorarium at CSIR-CIMFR reg.

1. DG,CSIR has been pleased to constitute a committee (external to CSIR-CIMFR) to look into internal representations of CSIR-CIMFR against distribution of honorarium at


2. Composition:


4 .

i. Dr I. Chattoraj, Director, CSIR-NML ii. Shri R Soni, Sr Principal Scientist, CSIR-IMTECH iii. Shri S P Singh, Dy FA, CSIR Hqrs

Terms of Reference:

Chairman Member Member

(i) To examine internal representations of CSIR-CIMFR against distribution of honorarium at CSIR-CIMFR

(ii) To submit recommendations suggesting appropriate action to be taken (iii) Any other action which may be necessary to deal with aforementioned issue

DG,CSIR has desired that the committee recommendations may be submitted within a fortnight from date of the notification of this OM.

(3Hfcl~ ~ *5~41)

~ ~~lf.ilCJl

Copy to:

1. US to DG,CSIR 2. Dr I. Chattoraj, Director, CSIR-NML, Jamshedpur-831007 3. Shri R Soni, Sr Principal Scientist, CSIR-IMTECH, Sector 39-A, Chandigarh - 160036 4. Shri S P Singh, Dy FA, CSIR Hqrs 5. Dr P K Singh, Director, CSIR-OMFR, Barwa Road, Dhanbad - 826015 (with a

request to provide all relevant information/ documents to committee and to facilitate smooth functioning of proceedings of the committee)

~~~ojo Head, RPPBDD 7. Office copy

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No. 6-1 (45)/2016-E.IIl

Office Memorandum

Dated: 20.07.2016

In continuation of this office memorandum of even number dated 03.06 .2016 and 14.07.2016, DG, CSIR has been pleased to approve allocation of activities and manpower to the various Directorates as under:

I. Allocation of Room No.306 of CSIR Headquarters to Dr. S Srikanth, Scientist H, CSIR Madras Complex & Head of Research, Project Planning and Business Development Directorate;

2. Dr. B.K Mishra, Director, IMMT, Bhubaneswar & Head of Human Resource Directorate will sit at CS!R Complex, Pusa, New Delhi and Dr. R.R H.irwani, Head URDIP & Head of Intellectual Property Directorate will sit at IPU, Satsang Vihar Marg, New Delhi ;

3. Allocation and sharing of space (rooms) in CSIR Headquarters between Research, Project Planning and Business Development Directorate and Mission Directorate will be decided by JS,CSIR in consultation with the concerned Heads of Directorates;

4. Head of each Directorate will prepare action plan for the current financial year and submit the same to DG,CSIH .. The action plan will be reviewed by DG,CSIR once in a quarter;

5. Head of each Directorate will constitute an Advisory Committee for guiding the activities of the Directorate;

6. Head of each Directorate will prepare its budget requirements and delegation of powers for smooth functioning of the Directorate and submit the same to DG,CSJR;

7. Each Directorate will have a separate budget allocation and RPPBD Directorate will allocate budget in consultation with DG,CSIR;

8. Allocation of activities and distribution of staff amongst the Directorates are enclosed as Annexure-! (2 pages) and Annexure-II (3 pages) respectively.

~ (Ram Sarup)

Deputy Secretary (CO) Copy to:

I. Dr. B.K Mishra, Director, CSIR-IMMT, Bhubaneswar & Head of Human Resource Directorate 2. Dr. Sudeep Kumar, Head of Mission Directorate 3. Dr. S Srikanth, Scientist H, CSIR Madras Cx. Chennai & Head of Research, Project Plann ing

and Business Development Directorate 4. Dr. RR Hirwani, Head CSIR-URDIP Pune & Head oflntellectual Property Directorate 5. Dr. Raj esh Luthra, Head HRDG, CSIR Complex, New Delhi 6. Dr. P.K Gupta, Head RAB, CSIR Complex, New Delhi 7. Dr. A Bandopadhyay, Head ISTAD 8. Dr. Anjana Baruah, Head JPU 9. Dr. Archana Sharma, Head TKDL I 0. Dr. Manu Saxena, Scientist in-charge, HRDC Ghaziabad 11. 0 /o Hon 'ble MoST & ESIVP, CSIR 12. 0/o DG,CSIR 13. 0/o JS,CSIR 14. 0 /o F A,csm. 15. O/o cvo,csm. 16. 0 /o LA,CSIR. 17. Heads of all National Labs./lnstts. 18. All Divis ional/Sectional Heads of CSIR Headquarters. ­

HRDG/IPU/TKDUHRDC/ESD/U RDIP/PPD/ISTAD/USD - for circulation in their respecti ve Divisions/Sections

Contd .. ./2

An Initiative by RPPBDD . Available for Download on C-DIS

Annexure- I Allocation of Activities amongst Scientific Directorates in CSIR Headquarters

A. Research, Project Planning and Business Development Directorate:

In general the directorate will handle Public Goods and Social Goods·with a sprinkling of

Strategic Goods, besides Business Development activities. The specific activities will be:

1. Overall R&D planning for CSIR with inputs from other directorates;

11. To develop speci fie projects and programmes in the area of Public Goods and Social Goods;

111. Preparation of background papers for allocation of Finances in consultation with Heads of other Directorates and FA, and release of funds with the approval of DG, CSIR;

IV. Preparation of required background papers including annual plans for Demands for Grants and notes for Parliament consultative Committee;

v. Interaction with Finance Ministry, NIT! Aayog, and other central and state ministries as well as Government departments;

VI. Performance monitoring of the labs and preparation of output and outcome documents;

VII. Submission of monthly reports to DSIR ar:td CSIR Annual Report;

viii. All activities relating to business development including marketing guidelines and security sensitivity clearance as well as management of Innovation Fund;

ix. Interaction with Industries, Industry Associations, Innovation hubs in CSIR labs for promotion of CSIR knowledgebase;

x. Activities related to international collaboration and deputation including guidelines on deputation;

XI. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP);

xii. Parliament matters re lating to the above activities;

xiii. Policy matters pertaining to the above activities;

xiv. Awards - CSIR Technology Award, CSIR Diamond Jubi lee Technology Award and CSIR Award for S&T Innovation for Rural Development; and

xv. Any other activity as assigned by DG, CSIR from time to time.

B. Missions Directorate:

In general, the directorate wil l handle Private Goods and Strategic Goods with a sprinkling of

Social Goods. The specific activities will be:

1. Management of R&D activities, development and monitoring of projects under the umbrella of New Millennium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative (NMITLI) scheme;

Contd .. ./2

An Initiative by RPPBDD . Available for Download on C-DIS

Distribution of Staff amongst Scientific Directorates in CSIR Headquarters

A. Research, Project Planning and Business Development Directorate-1. Dr. S. Srikanth, Scientist Hand Head of Directorate

2. Dr. K.V. Subramanian, Sr. Principal Scientist

3. Dr. Viswajanani J Sattigeri, Sr. Principal Scientist

4. Ms. Rama Swami Bansal, Sr. Principal Scientist

5. Dr. Meenakshi Singh, Sr. Principal Scientist

6. Shri. A.K. Kundalia, Principal Scientist

7. Dr. S.K. Tiwari, Principal Scientist

8. Dr. (Mrs.) Purnima Rupal, Principal Scientist •

J. Dr. (Ms.) Lalitha Goyal, Principal Scientist

10. Dr. Anuradha Madhukar, Principal Scientist

II. Dr. R.M. Mohanty, Senior Scientist

12. Dr. Ambarish Sanyal, Scientist

13. Shri. Abhishek Kumar, Scientist 14. Shri. Devi Prasad Bhukya, Scientist*

15. Shri. Narain Singh, Sr. T0(3)

16. Smt. Mohini Bhatnagar, Sr. T0(3) 17. Mrs. Mira Mathur, Sr. TO

18. Mr. Jaipal Singh, Sr. TO

19. Shri. Suchit Kumar, TO 20. Shri. G.S. Rawat, Sr. Tech (2)

21. Smt. Rita Bhatnagar, Sr. Tech (2)

22. Smt. Lalitha Arora, Sr. Tech(2)

23. Smt. Anita'Puri, Sr. Tech (2)

24. Shri. H.P.S. Rawat, Sr. Tech(2)

25. Smt. Bab1i Rani, Sr. Tech(2) 26. Shri. Chander Pal, Sr. Tech(2)

27. Shri. Bhagwan, Sr. Tech(2)

28. Shri. Atul Dhawan, Technical Assistant

29. Shri. Sunil Kumar, Reno Operator

30. Shri. J .K. Singh, Section Officer

31. Mrs. Geeta Lekhwani, Sr. Stenographer

32. Mrs. Sunita Batra, Assistant

33. Smt. Shashi Singh, Assistant

34. Shri. Rajpati , Work Assistant

35. Shri. Mahesh Kumar, Work Assistant

36. Smt. Pushpa, Work Assistant

* •

Currently on internal deputation to DGTC on Deputation abroad as Science Counse lor.


Contd . . ./2

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... 3 ...

16. Sh. SA Hasan, Principal Scientist 17. Shri. Manish Bhardwaj, Sr. Scientist 18. Sh. Vinay Kumar, Sr. Scientist 19. Sh. Anshu Gaur, Scientist 20. Dr. (Mrs.) Rashmi, Scientist 21. Dr. Nadir Sheikh, Scientist 22. Plus all the Gr. Ill & Gr. II Staff + all the administrate staff presently working in HRDG,

HRDC, RAB & Examination Unit including Work Assistants.

D. Intellectual Property Directorate-I. Dr. R.R. Hirwani, Scientist-in-charge, URDIP and Head of Directorate 2. Dr. (Mrs.) Anjana Baruah, Chief Scientist 3. Sh. Chetan Kumar Bachhotia, Chief Scientist 4. Shri. A.V.Gomkale, Chief Scientist 5. Dr. (Mrs.) Indra Dwivedy, Sr. Principal Scientist 6. Dr. Sujata Samtani, Sr. Principal Scientist 7. Dr. (Mrs. ) Saguna Dewan, Principal Scientist 8. Dr. (Mrs.) Archana Sharma, Principal Scientist 9. Shri. Yogesh N Dhoble, Principal Scientist 10. Dr. Bhami Verma, Prin~ipal Scientist 11. Dr. Ms. Shikha Rastogi, Senior Scientist 12. Shri. Gaurav Krishnan, Senior Scientist 13. Plus all the Gr. Ill & Gr. II staff + all other administrative. staff including Work Assistants in


14. Plus alllJRDIP staff.

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F.No. 1(10)/E.IIA/2015 Government of India Ministry of ·Finance


New Delhi, the .. 3 i st Si'uy, 20 f


Subject : Financial and administrative reforms "for efficient functioning and delivery of Science & Technology in India - relaxation from provisions of submission of UCs for grants-in-aid.

A meeting of Committee of Secretaries (CoS) was held on 26.5.2017 to discuss the note circulated by Min of Science & Technology relating to financial and administrative reforms for efficient functioning of S&T Departments.

2. Consequent to decision taken ~ the meeting of CoS relating to submission of Utilization Certificates (UCs) for the grants-in-aid being released by Scientific Departments for execution of projects/ schemes, in relaxation of the existing provisions of Rule 238(1) and 238(2) of GFRs, 2017 and in partial modification of this Department's O.M. No. 7(1)/E.Coord/2012 dated 14.11.2012, as a special measure, Scientific Departments are permitted to release subsequent Grants in aid on receipt 'of UCs confirming utilization of 75% of the total value of previous Grant(s) from a Grantee Body. Other conditions as specified in GFRs, 2017 relating to release of Grants in aid would remain unchanged.

3. The above mentioned relaxation is to be exercised by the concerned Departments on a case to case basis and not as a norm. While according such relaxation in a particular case, the concerned Ministry is required to invariably record reasons and seek concurrence of FA/ approval of Secretary of the Department. The concerned Departments shall also put in place a robust monitoring mechanism for ensuring timely rendition of UCs by the Grantee Bodies.

4. This issues with the approval of Finance Minister. ··--- ,.1

i~\. · .(~~ru;athan)

Under Secretary to Gov,ent of India

Secretaries/FAs c .c.. ~~- ,, ") ~ff1~1?tt.. Department of Science & Technology ,o~ sc~:rr~

Department of Biotechnology j ~ ~partment of Scientific & Industrial Research (]) H 11 I "'-<.6.f--DepartmentofSpace ~

A'\ '~j)' S:c..-o.. Department of Atoroic Energy t:) r 1

Ministry of Earth Science Department of Defence Research & Development ~ :2.0 II

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No. 31-2(72)/2017-18 /Budget Date:- 3rd August,2017


Based on the recommendations of Head, Mission Directorate, CSIR, the Competent Authority has been pleased to bifurcate the ceiling amount of Rs.25.00 crore (Rupees Twenty Five crore only) earmarked for NMITLI for the current financial year as per details given below:-

S.No. Projects CSIR Labs

1. Ongoing Proiects 2. New Tentatively


Copy to:-

1. Finance & Accounts Officer (Audit) ~ead, RPPBDD, CSIR

. Head, Mission Directorate 4. Master File

5.500 7.000


(Rs in Crore) Other R&D Institute/ Industry

5.500 7.000



11.000 17.000 25.000

A' ~~f~~ (Anis Ahmad Pasha A)

Finance & Accounts Officer

_, f(f61fD 5. Office copy


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COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Research Project Planning & Business Development Directorate

~'tiFT, Q~4l\J1=-tl 4l\J1=il om dlcHJJq fclct>1t1 f-I~~Jictq Anusandhan Bhawan, 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001

· No. 6/1/2017-RPPBDD August 3, 2017


Sub: Guidelines for celebration of Silver, Golden, Diamond and Platinum anniversaries of CSIR Laboratories/institutes.

Ref: OM No. 6/1/2012-PPD dated October 12, 2012

This has reference to above referred OM. DG, CSIR is pleased to approve the revised CSIR grants towards various events organized for celebration of Silver, Golden, Diamond and Platinum anniversaries by CSIR Laboratories/institutes.

The details are as follows:

· 1. National/lnternational Conferences

The total budget excluding external receipts (like Conference fee, Sponsorship, Advertisement etc.) will be shared equally out of combined CSIR grant and LRF subject to a maximum of Rs. 18.75 lakh for National Conferences and Rs. 28.13 lakh for International Conferences. This is irrespective of number of conferences organized during the Jubilee year.

2. Publication of commemorative volume

Combined budget upto Rs. 6.25 lakh to be shared equally from CSIR grant and LRF, over and above Rs. 6.25 lakh shall be met by LRF.

3. Jubilee Day celebration & Memento

Upto Rs. 5 lakh plus additional amount of Rs. 2500/- for mementoes per regular employee who are/ were on the rolls of the Laboratory I institute from CStR grant during the jubilee year.

4. Lectures by Eminent Scientists and Eminent Staff (both National and International)

CSIR grant for the purpose would be limited to 50% of the expenditure or Rs. 2.5 lakh whichever is less. The balance expenditure will be met from LRF.

5. Preparation of Films audio/ visuals etc.

CSIR grant for the purpose would be limited to 50% of the expenditure or Rs. 3.75 lakh whichever is less. The balance expenditure will be met from LRF.

6. Special Events- contests for students, employees

The expenditures shall be met from LRF subject to a maximum limit of Rs. 3. 75 lakh.

7. Any other events

Any other event such as outreach programmes, exhibitions etc. which have not been covered above would require proper justification before seeking CSIR grant. The budgetary requirement and pattern of funding for these events would be considered and decided by DG, CSIR.

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8. No infrastructure will be created out of celebration funds; and while organ1zmg various celebrations it is suggested to follow economy instructions issued by GOI and CSIR from time to time on all the subjects.

9. The allocation of funds will be made from the National Laboratories.

10. The validity of the Guidelines is upto March 31, 2020 which is end of the Fourteen Finance Commission cycle. '

Copy to: All concerned

( 1) Directors, of CS I R Laboratories II nstitutes (2) HoDs of CSIR Hqrs (3) US to DG, CSIR (4) PS to JS(A) (5) PS to FA, CSIR (6) IT Division with request to upload on CSIR website (7) Office Copy

" 1< 'r , 1c. .. JJ·~.z.,..""~L ~ ~ ~ (I' " V ~

. ':>}8:/~J ~

(K.Venkatasubramanian) Senior Principal Scientist

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COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTIUAL RESEARCH Anusandhan Bhawan, 2, R•tfi Marg, New Delhi- 110 001.

No.6-3(76)/20 1 0-E.III Dated: 04.08.20H

Office Memorandum

The competent authority, CSIR has accorded approval to the posting of Shri Kaptan Sing] Work Assistant in Research, Project Planning & Business Development Directorate (RPP&BDI with immediate effect.

Copy to,

1. Shri Kaptan Singh, Work Assistant 2. Head, RPP&BDD 3. Head, Mission Directorate 4. Dealing Assistants - ACRIPIS 5. Personal files of individual concerned 6. Office copy

~IJj (K.Ngahanshan~

Section Officer( (

An Initiative by RPPBDD . Available for Download on C-DIS

COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Anusandhan Bhawan, 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi- 110 001.

No.6-3(76)/20 1 0-E.III Dated: 03.08.2016

Office Memorandum

The competent authority, CSIR has accorded approval to the inter-divisional transfer and posting of the following employees from and to the Divisions shown against their names:-

Sl.No. Name & Designation Present place of posting 1 Ms. Kamlesh Rani, Mission Directorate

Sr.Technical Officer Gr.III(5)

~ ,..Shri Chander Pal Singh, Mission Directorate Work Assistant

Copy to,

1. Individuals· concerned I

2. 0/o JS,CSI~ 3. Head, RP.?,&BDD 4. Head, Mission Directorate 5. F&AO(Cas'p) 6. F&AO(Audit) 7. Dealing As~istants - (CR/PIS) 8. Personal fitbs of individuals concerned


9. Office cop){ f

- New place of posting Research, Project Planning &

Business Development Directorate (RPP&BDD)


~,; (K.N gahanshang)

Section Officer(G)

An Initiative by RPPBDD . Available for Download on C-DIS

Research, Project Planning and Business Development Directorate ~,q~'lfi"'O'fl ~om c4 d'til4 f<tcf;m ~~


Council of Scientific & Industrial Research, Ministry of Science & Technology, Govt. of India

~:tr1r.t<t> om lflc:;q)PJ<t> 31it'til41it ~- f<mr.f'V<i" '>itc:~MJ'I4:'1 ~. mrcr~. ~ -'> ~

No.9/1/ES/NML(2)/2016-17 -RPPBDD August 08, 2017


Sub: R&D project proposal entitled "Development of Technology for Cold Rolled Grain Oriented (CRGO) Steel Sheets and the Establishment of a pilot facility for flat and long products including CRGO steel ' in collaboration with Ministry of Steel where RINL and Tata Steed are industrial partners ·

This has reference to proposal of the CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory (CSIR-NML) Jamshedpur to RPPBDD/CSIR vide its e-mail dated 31 1

h January 2017 and subsequent communications regarding necessary approval for participation of CSIR-NML in the project proposal "Development of Technology for Cold Rolled Grain Oriented (CRGO) Steel Sheets and the Establishment of a pilot facility for flat and long products including CRGO steel" in collaboration with Ministry of Steel where RINL and Tata Steed are industrial partners.

DG, CSIR and Secretary DSIR has considered the aforementioned proposal of CSIR-NML and has accorded:

1. In-principle approval to CSIR-NML to proceed with the above-mentioned project proposal titled "Development of Technology for Cold Rolled Grain Oriented Electrical (CRGO) Steel sheets and the Establishment of a pilot facility for flat and long products including CRGO steel" with a tentative total cost of the project as Rs.494.65 crore including capital cost of the pilot plant which is Rs 471 .63 crore;

2. Approval to the CSIR's tentative contribution of Rs.117.91 crore which is 25% of the agreed capital cost, to be confirmed considering recent changes in the taxation regime and In case of any change of capital cost for the aforementioned project, CSIR contribution would be limited to no more than 25% of the agreed capital cost; and

3. With the following direction as necessary for executing the project by CSIR-NML

• The preferred approach is to treat it as a grant-in aid project from Ministry of Steel (MoS) to CSIR, wherein MoS would manage the industrial partners (M/s RINL and M/s TATA Steel) through a tripartite relevant agreement similar to the proposed mother agreement. CSIR-NML would not be included in the mother agreement; instead, it will sign an MoU with MoS only for necessary execution of the project. In this manner, CSIR-NML will have primarily technical responsibility while the financial and administrative responsibility will be taken over by MoS. The assets created would be physically located in the NML campus and listed in Schedule 18 of the accounts of CSIR, but would reside on the balance sheet of MoS or other appropriate entity as may be decided by MoS and the industry partners.

Copy to:

1. Director, CStR- NML 2. DG, CSIR Office 3. F&AO, CSIR-NML

· 4. Sr. DFA, CSIR Hqs.


' w5.'1FD

\) v-J-IJV'-"~1-(Dr.Rad~adhab Mo~r\ty)

Senior Scientist

6. 0/o of Head MD, CSIR Hqs 7. 0/o of Head RPPBDD, CSIR Hqs 8. Office Copy

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New Delhi, the 8th September, 2017


Subject: Placing note for information of Cabinet/ Cabinet Committees within the stipulated time of one month.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Government of India (Transaction

of Business) Rules, 1961 .. Second Schedule, first ·proviso below entry (d), which provides that uCultural Agreements and Agreements on Science and Technology not impacting the national security or our relations with other countries which are duly approved by the Minister-in-Charge of the Department concerned and the Minister of External Affairs and where requisite inter-Ministerial consultations in terms of rule 4 have been carried out may only be circulated to the Cabinet for information" . ..,

2. Reference is also invited to this Secretariat OM of even no. dated 6.2.2017 (copy enclosed), wherein the Ministries/ Departments were advised to inform this office, as soon as such agreements/ MoUs are entered into, along with a copy of the

signed agre~ment!MoU. Thereafter, all such agreement/MoUs must also ·be brought before the Cabinet for information within one month of the signing of the agreement/ MoU, as instructed vide Cabinet Secretary's D.O. dated 14.08.2015 and reiterated

vide this office O.M. dated 10.11.2016 (copies enclosed).

_j" 3. Despite the said specific instructions, this Secretariat is not being informed

~\)~bout signing of Agreements/MoUs, which are required to be placed before the .

~ ~abinetf Cabinet Committees for information. Besides, the timelines for circulating note for information of the Cabinet! Cabinet Committees are also not being adhered

~~~~ -+< to in some cases. ~~ > ~ ~ . ~ ~ = %,\ 4. Therefore, the above instructions are reiterated for strict compliance, anq

~~~I \ dissemination to all concerned. i o<> : <1>

! z! ~oa

~.! ·i i ~ ~ "~>' a: en a i i :;;:;- ....... ., :1: <:!. ~ .

~ · 10<.& f1 .. /:;::

~ 0 ~

~ • All Secretaries to the Government of India

~ J --~ / / \-{nD _'DJI(Lj /

rtAD) ~ ~ .~ 'y\ \, ~~ \)\:>)

-~ y\ l\l\'

(Rajesh Shushan) Additional Secretary

Tele No. 2301 2697

An Initiative by RPPBDD . Available for Download on C-DIS

. l. - .


No.! /50/! /2016-Cab.



New Delhi, the 5th February, 2017


Placing note for inform ation of Cabinet/Cabinet Committees within the stipulated period of one month.

The undersigned is directed to refer to the Government of India (Transaction of Business) Rules, 1961, Second Schedule, first proviso below entiy (d), which provide that "Cultural Agreements and Agreements on Science and Technology not impacting the national security or our relations with other countries which are duly approved by the Minister-in-Charge of the Depaltment concerned and the Minister of Extern?! Affairs and where requisite inter-Ministerial consultations in terms of rule 4 have been carried out may only be circulated to the Cabinet for information".

2. Attention is also d rawn to this Secretariat's O.M. of even no. dated 10.11.2016 wherein Ministries/ Departments have been requested to fon.vard notes seeking ex-post-facto approval · of Cabinet! Cabinet Committee or for information, well within the stipulated period of one month so as to enable th is Secretariat to place the note for consideration of Cabinet/ Cabinet Committees.

3. In this regard, it has been observed that .in many cases, Ministries/ Departments which

have entered into Agreements covered in terms of the proviso mentioned above are finalizing

notes for. information of the Cabinet! Cabinet Committees well beyond the stipulated period of one month.

4. In view of the above." Minis~ries/ Departments are requested to send an intimation to this Secretariat as soon as such Agreements are entered into along with a copy of the signe d

ft.greernent. Ministries/ Departments may also ensure that notes for information are forwarded to this Secretariat well within the stipulated period of one month for timely consideration of such notes by the Cabinet! Cabinet Committee. ·

5. The above instructions may please be disseminated to all concerned for strict compliance.

All Secretaries to the Government of India (as per list).

I ( I

~ .:-· ~~ ....: ,l. ~ r->~-- 0 . -..j_'\J,_ J L/ (S.G.P. Verghese) .

Director Tel : 2301 1791

Fax: 2379 3504 E-mail: [email protected]

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. t• .. .

. '

~t!)q · cgAI'< ~~I


D.O. No. 1/48/6/2015-Cab

Dear Secretary,

·I · . . . . .

;i~+i;s~ ~ ·+fRO .. tt'<Chl'<


August 14, 2015

Please refer to my earlier D.O. No. 1/48/612015-Cab dated June 24, 2015 regarding

obtaining approval of the Cabin.et for signing -of MoUs. It is still being noticed ~at Cabinet

Notes on MoUs .are ~ng· brought before th~ Ca~inet for its post facto approval or

information after eonsiderable delay from the.date of signing of such _MoU~. Prime Mini~ter

has expressed di~pleasure in this regard and d_irected . that all MoUs that are· signed by

Departments and .are required to be brought before the_· Cabin~t for post facio approvaf or

information, under th.e extant provisio"ns, must be submitted within one month of the signing

of the MoU. In case of any delay. the Note should detail ~e specific. reason{s) and

_justifica~on( s). in submi~ng the Note before the .Cabinet after the p~escribed time peiiod.

2. You may like to personally en5ure that the ··abbve instructions are strictly complied


With regards,

Yours sincerely,

k~ · (P. K. ·Sinha) ·

:'All~~.p.retaries t~ the Government of India

Cabinet Secre tariat. Rashtrapati Bhavan. New Delhi- It 0004 . Tel: 011-23016696,23011241 Fax: 01 1-230 I ~638 E-mail : [email protected] ·

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New Delhi, the l101h November, 2016


Subject: Seeking timely ex-post4acto approval · of th~ Cabinet/Cabinet Committees.

The u~dersigned is directed to refer to this Secretariat's O.M. No. 1/3/3/2011-Cab. dated 29.06.?011 which stipulates that in cases where approval oft Prime Minister has been obtaineq under Rule 12 of the Government of India "(Transactio of Business) Rules, 1961, "the note for seeking ex-post facto _ approval of the Cabinet o concerned Cabinet Committee should be forwarded to Cabinet Secretariat latest with r one month of the approval under Rule 12". Attention is also drawn to Cabinet Secre1ary's D.O. letter no. 1/48/6/2015-Cab .. dated which conveyed the directions (j)f the Prime Minister

. that "all MoUs that are signed by the Departments and are required~ be brought before the Cabinet for post facto approval or information, under extant rovisions, must be submitted within one month of the signing of the MoU. In case of any delay, the Note should detail the specific reason(s) and justification(s) in submittinp the Note before the Cabinet after the prescribed time period".

2. · In _spite of the clear instructions· on the subject, instances of dfayed submission of notes by Ministries/ Departments have been observed. In many ses, the Ministry/ Department has not detailed reason(s) and justification(s} for the de ay in submitting the note beyond the prescribed time period. This has been vi ewe~ seriou ly.

3. The undersigned has been directed to reiterate the above ins~ctions and request the Ministries/ Department to forward notes seeking ex-post-facto ~pproval of Cabinet! Cabinet Committee or for information, well within the stipulated period of one month so as to enabte this Secretariat to place the note for consideration df Cabinet! Cabinet

. I Committees.·

4. It is re:quested that the above instructions may please be !disseminated to all concerned for strict compliance.

·All Secretaries to the Government of India.

(~r~~~f Director

Tel:. 2301 1791 Fax: 2379 3504

E-mail: [email protected]

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3EWtrrc=r. q~:zTI~Cil 3ii<TI~C"fl c:rm c.J:JcFHI'4 Fclcnm ft.iC;~m>r<:r (1 ~I f.il Cfl 3ffi 3~hfl f.fJ Cfl ~ Q f{ l'l C\

~ ~. 2, ~ ~. ~ ~ -110001

No. 6/CEU2017- 3fl'l:ll'ltf!6il?l?l 3iCf~{ 09, 2017

Sub: Committee for installation of solar power plants in the premises of CSIR Laboratories.

The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) is the coordinating Ministry for implementation of Roof Top Solar (RTS) in Government buildings. It has proposed two models for installation of solar power plants in government buildings.

i) Capital Expenditure (CAPEX) Model ii) Revenue Energy Service Company (RESCO) Model

The Competent Authority has been pleased to approve the constitution of Committee to select specific model (CAPEX or RESCO) for Installation of Solar Power Plants in the premises of each CSIR Laboratories. The Members of the constituted committee are:

i). Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan, Director, CSIR-CBRI ii) . Dr. Anjan Ray, Head, RPPBDD ' iii). Dr. Madhu Dixit , Director, CSIR-CDRI iv). FA, CSIR or nominee v) . Chief Engineer, ESD vi) . Representative from DSIR _ vii). Representative from MNRE (NISE) · viii ). Dr. S.K. Tiwari, RPPBDD

The Terms of Reference (TORs) of the committee are:

i) . To select the best Model for each Laboratory/CSIR;

- Chairman - Member - Member - Member - Member -Member -Member - Convener

ii). To develop criteria and identify laboratories for implementation of CAPEX Model; iii) . To develop criteria and identify laboratories for RESCO Model; iv). To identify laboratories wherein CAPEX Model to be implemented in the first tranche as per

the availability of funds; and v). To propose directions for implementation of RESCO Model.

The Committee can co-opt any expert as invitee. The external members will be paid TA/DA and Honorarium as per Rules. The tenure of the Committee will end after the installation of Solar Power Plants is completed in CSIR/Laboratories. --

~~~ (~~)

3qm ~. 3"11{414'1~1'1~?1

Copy to:

1. Dr. N. Gopalakrishnan, Director, CSIR-CBRI 2. Head, RPPBDD 3. Dr. Madhu Dixit, Director, CSIR-CDRI 4 . FA, CSIR 5. Chief Engineer, ESD 6. DSIR 7 . MNRE (NISE) 8. Dr. S. K. Tiwari , RPPBDD 9. Office Copy

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Counci~ ov Sciei1'~8fa~&~6U\V'!tUJsitrfioJ~ f{:;t$•3?.fir,·.,::h

AnusandhanBhavan, Rafi Marg, 1'-Jew Delhi - 1'10 001

No. 42-3(1 )/Acts/SAR/2016-17 Dated: 09.1 0.2017

Office Memorandum

Sub.: Conducting of Audit of CSIR Hqrs. by the Principal Director of Audit (SD) for the year 2016-17

Audit Party from the office of the Principal Director of Audit (Scientific Departments) has arrived for the audit of the Annual Accounts of CSIR Hqrs. for the year 2016-17 today. Audit team comprising of the following officials will sit in Room No. 108:-

1. Sh. Ramesh Chander, Sr. Audit Officer 2. Sh. Rajesh Kumar, Audit Officer

Heads of all Divisions/ Sections are requested to issue necessary instructions to the concerned functionaries under their control to provide all records/ files/ information as called for and replies to the Audit Memos as may be issued by the Audit Party from time to time during the course ofAudit.

All Heads are also requested to make themselves available for discussion/ clarification as may be required by ·the auditors during the said period of audit.

It is also requested to furnish replies to all outstanding Paras of the previous Audit Reports, if any, on priority.

Copy to: 1. US, office of DGCSIR 2. PS to JS (Admn.), CSIR 3. PS to FA, CSIR 4. PS to CVO, ·CSIR 5. PS to Legal Adviser 6. Head, PPD ~ 7. Head, USD 8. Head, ISTAD 9. Head, HRDG, CSIR Complex

""A- ~ •:-J

i A - 1:.. \ ~ ';\ -· ~ <n c) ~, . o a,.,.-w _, ')- ·

Finance & Accounts_ Offi~er · (Central Acco·unts Division)

10. Sr.DS (PD/HR) .

11. DFA(Budget/Accounts) f 12. DFA( Internal Audit/Funds/Pension) l YL~ ?D 11 13. DFA( Reports/IFD) n _ --~ ~g_dt•-JT ~ _q .s~O .10. 14. DFA( CO) gd-, ~ ~.11~ / . ~ 15. OS (CO) q ~ ~ (;-lf ~' € . 16. Sr.CoSP c:f» 5"< tl>\0

17. DFA, CSIR Complex QJ'. ~ -t'~ 18. OS, CSIR Complex - "" - ~ ~

D /f~.2s=J J ~I~ .<'tC7 t:;~~~~tJ - ('V. 7-D \~ •.:!'>'1 19. PS,ES ~ l~'~ 20. Sr. Hindi Officer Q () ~1ol~ 1

21. Library ':::! ·~r-TT<::~. 3-1 [7 cT) qj ([{ j Jt >1 ..-- ....) /

~; ~~:;~;::, ~~~:~:n;~:~~ i G ~ {_ fl_pr /k»~) ~~fr _(/ An Initiative by RPPBDD . Available for Download on C-DIS

. Council of Scientific & Industrial Research Anusandhan Bhawan, 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi- 110 001

No.18-3(2)/189/2017-PD Dated : 20.10.2017


Sub: Agenda items for 189th meeting of the Governing Body of CSIR.

The Director- General, CSIR and Chairman, Governing Body of CSIR has decided to convene the 189th meeting of Governing Body (GB) of CSIR on 21st November, 2017 at 1100 hours at CSIR Science Centre, New Delhi. The tentative list of the items requiring consideration of the GB in the ensuing mee~ing. may kindly be sent to this Division (Room No. 408) by 2S.10.2017. Also, the Agenda items with the concurrence of FA, CSIR (wherev~r financial implications are involved) and approval of DG, CSIR in the prescribed format viz. giving Background, Current Status, Analysis, Issue for Consideration and Recommendation as specified in CSIR circular No.l/1/96-Cte dated 05.07.1996 may be sent to the Policy Division by 31.10.2016.

It may please be ensured that the items are sent to US (PO) at his mailing address ([email protected]} in MS Word as well as two hard copies duly signed by the Head. of Division/ Section along with Annexures, if any, well on time to 50- (Committee Section), Room No. 408, but not later than the date mentioned above. It may be noted that no supplementary agenda will be placed for consideration of Governing Body.

Copy to:-1. Dr. Ram A. V!Shwakarma, 2.

Director, CSIR- 111M, Jammu and Head, Intellectual Property Directorate and Traditional Knowledge Digital library, CSJR Hqrs.

4. Dr. Amitava Bandopadhyay, 5.

Chief Scientist and Head, Recruitment & Assessment Board, CSJR Complex.

7. Shri Vinod Kumar Agarwal, 8.

Senior Principal Scientist and Head, Information Technology, CSIR Hqrs.

10. Sh. Sanjeev K. Vohra, 11.

Dy. FA {Accounts), CSIR Hqrs.

13 Mrs. Veena Jain 14.

OS, CSIR Complex.

16. PS to FA, CSIR Hqrs. 17. (for information)

Prof. Ashwini Kumar Nangia, Director, CSIR- NO.. Pune and Head, HRDG, CSIR Complex. .

Dr. Dr. Sudeep Kumar, Chief Scientist and Head, Mission Directorate (Projects & NMITU) and Unit for Science Dissemination, CSIR Hqrs.

Shri Atul Kumar Goel, Chief Engineer and Head, Engineering Service Division, CSIR Complex. Sh. Ram Sarup DS (CO), CSIR Hqrs.

US in 0/o DG, CSIR and Chairman, GB, CSIR Hqrs. (for information)

· PA to CVO, CSIR Hqrs. (for information)






~~ (Vinod Kumar)

Under Secretary

/ Dr. Anjan Ray, Director, CSIR- liP, Dehradun and Head, Research, Project Planning & Business Development Directorate, CSJR Hqrs.

-Dr. Manu Saxena, Chief Scientist and Head, Human Resource Development Centre, Ghaziabad.

Sh. Manuel Thomas Sr. DS, CSIR Hqrs.

Sh. Anjum Sharma DS (legal), CSIR Hqrs.

PS in 0/o JS {A), CSIR and Secretary, GB, CSIR (for information)

An Initiative by RPPBDD . Available for Download on C-DIS

COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Research Project Planning & Business Development Directorate ~. Q~ql\iHI llluHI 'Om OQcHftll fc'lct>lff Pla~lfcttl Anusandhan Bhawan, 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-11 0001

No. 23/60/HRDG-PRE/2017- 3ll'lcftc\hil~~ 24~2017


Sub: Approval for Project proposal of CSIR-HRDG "Capacity Bui lding and Human Resource Development: Promotion and Recognition of Excellence through award scheme" .

The Competent Authority has been pleased to accord approval for a project of CSIR-HRDG, New Delhi entitled "Capacity Building and Human Resource Development: Promotion and Recognition of Excellence through award scheme".

IFD vide their note no. 30-1(41 )/Finance 2004/2003 dated 13-10-2017 has concurred to the proposal.

The total cost of the proposal is Rs. 46.00 crore with three years duration (201 7-2020). The breakup is as follows:

Cost (Rs. in crore}

s. Scheme 2017-18 2018-19 No.

1. CSIR Young Scientist Award 2.50 2.50 Prize Money, Research Grant, YSA Honorarium, Foundation Day Miscellaneous

2 Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize 5.00 5.00 Award Money, SSB Honorarium SSB Book Assistance, SSB Function, Micellaneous

3. GNR Gold Medal 0.5 0.5

4. Bhatnagar Fellowship 3.00 7.00 Total 11.00 15.00

1. Head, CSIR-HRDG 2. DFA (Budget), CSIR Hqs. 3. US to DG, CSIR 4. PS to FA, CSIR 5. ~&0, CSIR-HRDG ((with a request to issue revised OM) ~1-FD, CStR

7. Head, RPPBDD 8. Office Copy













?-~,:~ '0 ' ( ~ ~ ~,· ' =t ""'

(SUNILKUMAR) Section Officer

An Initiative by RPPBDD . Available for Download on C-DIS

COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Research Project Planning & Business Development Directorate ~. Q~tfl\JHilfl\if'11 tJm ~cttiltl f4c:pf'fi ~(\~Jidtl Anusandhan Bhawan, 2, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001

No. 231601HRDG-PREI2017- 31F< cfttfhflt\Jl 25 31CfC:iH 2017 "


Sub: Approval for proposal of CSIR-HRDG "Capacity Building and Human Resource Development: Promotion and Recognition of Excellence through award scheme".

The Competent Authority has been pleased to accord approval for a proposal of CSIR-HRDG, New Delhi entitled "Capacity Building and Human Resource Development: Promotion and Recognition of Excellence through award scheme".

IFD vide their note no. 30-1(41)/Finance 2004/2003 dated 13-10-2017 has concurred to the proposal.

The total cost of the proposal is Rs. 46.00 crore with three years duration (2017-2020). The breakup is as follows:

Cost (Rs. in crore)

s. Name of Award 2017-18 2018-19 No.

1. CSIR Young Scientist Award 2.50 2.50 Prize Money, Research Grant, YSA Honorarium, Foundation Day Miscellaneous

2 Shanti Swarup Bhatnagar Prize 5.00 5.00 Award Money, SSB Honorarium SSB Book Assistance, SSB Function, Micellaneous

3. GNR Gold Medal 0.5 0.5

4. Bhatnagar Fellowship 3.00 7.00 Total 11.00 15.00

Copy to:

1. Head, CSIR-HRDG 2. DFA (Budget), CSIR Hqs. 3. US to DG, CSIR 4. PS to FA, CSIR 5. FA&O, CSIR-HRDG ((with a request to issue revised OM) 6. IFD, CSIR 7. Head, RPPBDD 8. Office Copy














Section Officer

~d..,' S:v-fl.. '")_~ /"'0. I -::z.....,

An Initiative by RPPBDD . Available for Download on C-DIS

COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH Research Project Planning & Business Development Directorate ~. q~ql\iFfl tliuHI Cfm OQqtJI4 fctCf)l'tf f)Ja~l.lct4 Anusandhan Bhawan, 2, Raft Marg, New Delhi-11 0001

No. 23160/HRDG-PKS/2017- 31'1~tfltftci!Jlcl) 25~ 2017


Sub: Approval for proposal of CSIR-HRDG "Capacity Building and Human Resource Development: Promoting Knowledge Sharing through Travel and Symposia Grants scheme".

The Competent Authority has been pleased to accord approval for a proposal of CSIR-HRDG, New Delhi "Capacity Building and Human Resource Development: Promoting Knowledge Sharing through Travel and Symposia Grants scheme".

IFD vide their note no. 30-1(41)/Finance 2004/2003 dated 13-10-2017 has concurred to the proposal.

The total cost of the proposal is Rs. 14.50 crore with three years duration (2017-2020). The breakup is as follows:

Cost (Rs. in crore) (Recurring expenses)

s. Name of Grant 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 No.

1. Symposia Grant 1.50 2.50 3.50

2 Travel Grant 1.50 2.50 3.00

Total 3.00 5.00 6.50

Copy to:

1. Head, CSIR-HRDG 2. DFA (Budget), CSIR Hqs. 3. US to DG, CSIR 4. PS to FA, CSIR 5. FA&O, CSIR-HRDG ((with a request to issue revised OM) 6. IFD, CSIR 7. Head, RPPBDD 8. Office Copy






o...J\:r~~ -· \' -:{->1'\)'1-T

(SUNIL KUMAR) Section Officer

An Initiative by RPPBDD . Available for Download on C-DIS

~ •y ,_ .--=.

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F .. , ..


No. 34/FCP/2017- 3ll~cflc!hfM1tl ~22,2017

Sub: Release of funds to CSIR laboratories for Creation of Facilities - approval reg.

1. CSIR laboratories have submitted number of project proposals under Facility Creation based on the directions of DG, CSIR. This is basically aimed at building of new infrastructure or upgrading the existing one in order to meet new technological challenges and for generating revenues.

2. In the earlier Note approved by DG, CSIR the projects costing more than ~ 20.00 crore were also included. Based on the discussions with the Budget and CSIR- IFD, the following decisions on methodology of funding is arrived at:

(i) Projects upto total cost of ~ 20.00 crore will be funded by CSIR based on a Business Plan approved by RPPBDD and delegation of power to Director of the Laboratory (copy of OM attached);(f/k) .

(ii) Projects costing above as~ 20.00 crore will be appraised and '!lpproved as per guidelines of the Ministry of Finance. This will be put up for IFD concurrence

(iii) The funding for associated P50 (works & services) budget head expenditure for such facilities will be subject to vetting by CSIR-ESD.

3. In view of the above, the lab wise demands for proposals with sound Business Plan costing less than Rs. 20 crore is attached at F/B.

4. In view of the above, DG, CSIR may kindly consider and approve the release of funds to laboratories for creation of facilities proposals with Business Plan costing less than ~ 20.00 crore under P50 (App. & Equipment) budget heads for the year 201 7-18.

4$1PI~!{I¢ , ~~ \/"'


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'"· )0-21 65 )/20 11 -IFD


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ft ~t fTtq; 31:! ~ 't.TFf -qft~TC{ TIFIC & INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH

311, 'f! t.TFf ~r<P1 . 2 . ~~ ~pf. -;:,;~ ~<V~ -110 001

Anusandhan Bhavan. 2. Raf i Marg. New Delhi- 11 0 001

Datt:d 06-06-2016

The Directors of all National Labs./lnstts.

Subject: Delegation o f financial powers to Labs. to sanction in-house plan projects.


A v

Reicrem:e is inv ited to CSlR letter No.J0-2(65)/2011-Finance dated 2-09-2011 delegating Fi nanc ial Po\vcrs to Labs. to sanction in-house plan projects upto Rs.S .OO crorc in each case. The issue of revision in the delegation of financ ial powers to labs. to sanction in-house plan projects has been under consideration of DG, CSIR in view of the increase in delegated powers of the Secretary. Adm inistrative Department as per the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance O.M. bearing ~o .24(35)/Pf--ll/20 12 dated 29111 August, 2014. Accordingly, DG. CS IR in consultation with FA. CSIR has been pleased to approve that Directors of Labs./lnstts. may sanction independent in-house R&D projects costing upto Rs.20.00 crore in each case out of plan funds allocated to the lab under all the budget heads/sub-heads related to R&D activ'ities as follows:-

--···--Competent Authoritv Existin!! delegation Revised delegation Directors of Rs.S.OO crore in each case Rs.20.00 crore in each case Labnrat ori cs/ 1 nstitutcs (Out of Plan Funds allocated (Out of Plan Funds allocated

under P-50 (App & Equipment) under all the Budget and P-07 (Chern.& Consum.). Heads/Sub-Heads relating to

R&D activity). - -----

I he limit l ) f' sanction as above will also apply to projects sanct ioned partly or full y against Lab. 1\c:;cnc Fund.

The details of projects so sanctioned by the labs. will be requ ired to be sent to PPD and HuJ~d St!ction ofCSIR Hqrs. fo r record and necessary action.

l 'upy ILl :

I. I IS. Office of DG. CSIR US, Office of JS(A)

-'· PA tll FA, CS IR -1. H.ead,PPD. CSIR, Hqr::;. 5. Sr.Dy.FA, CSIR, Hqrs . 6. 7.

~ l)

CoF A/F &AO of all National Labs ./Instts. COAl AO of all National Labs./lnstts. !lead. IT Division with the request to make the OM on websitt!. Office copy

. Yours fai thti.J! ly,

~I Finance & Accounts Officer

·'·,•nc::. . ~ PABX · 371 0 138. 3710144,3710158, 3710468, 3710805, 3711251 , 3714238, 3714249, 3714769,3715303 ·u· 91 -11·37 14788 Gram: CONSEAACH New Delh i E-m ail: csirhq@s trnetd.ernet . in

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