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Jntu Ece Syllabus

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  • 8/12/2019 Jntu Ece Syllabus







    Cod S!"#$% T &'D C

    English 2+1 - 4Mathematics - I 3+1 - 6Mathematical Methods 3+1 - 6Applied Physics 2+1 - 4C Programming and Data tr!ct!res 3+1 - 6"et#or$ Analysis 2+1 - 4Electronic De%ices and Circ!its 3+1 - 6Engineering Dra#ing - 3 4

    Comp!ter Programming &a'( - 3 4I) *or$shop - 3 4Electronic De%ices and Circ!its &a' - 3 4English &ang!age Comm!nication $ills &a'( - 3 4)otal 2 1 6

  • 8/12/2019 Jntu Ece Syllabus






    Cod S!"#$% T & C

    Mathematics - III 4+1, - 4Pro'a'ility )heory and tochastic Processes 4+1, - 4En%ironmental t!dies 4+1, - 4ignals and ystems 4+1, - 4Electrical )echnology 4+1, - 4Electronic Circ!it Analysis 4+1, - 4Electronic Circ!its &a'( - 3 2Electrical )echnology &a'( - 3 2

    3 6 2.

    II YEAR II S*+%)

    Cod S!"#$% T & C

    P!lse and Digital Circ!its 4+1, - 4Control ystems 4+1, - 4/'0ect /riented Programming 4+1, - 4#itching )heory and &ogic Design 4+1, - 4EM *a%es and )ransmission &ines 4+1, - 4Analog Comm!nications 4+1, - 4Analog Comm!nications &a'( - 3 2P!lse and Digital Circ!its &a'( - 3 2

    3 6 2.

  • 8/12/2019 Jntu Ece Syllabus


  • 8/12/2019 Jntu Ece Syllabus






    Cod S!"#$% T & C

    Comp!ter "et#or$s 4+1, - 4Electronic Meas!rements 5 Instr!mentation 4+1, - 4Cell!lar and Mo'ile Comm!nications 4+1, - 4adar ystems 4+1, - 4E$%-I 4+1, - 4

    Micro Controllers and Applications)ele%ision Engineering/perating ystemsE$%-II 4+1, - 4

    Digital Image Processingatellite Comm!nicationsData 7ase Management ystems

    Micro#a%e and /ptical Comm!nications &a'( - 3 2Digital ignal Processing &a' - 3 2

    3 6 2.


    Cod S!"#$% T & C/ptical Comm!nications 4+1, - 4E$%-III 4+1, - 4

    Em'edded and eal )ime ystems7io-Medical Instr!mentationDigital Design )hro!gh erilogE$%-IV 4+1, - 4

    *ireless Comm!nications and "et#or$sDP Processors and Architect!resArtiicial "e!ral "et#or$sInd!stry /riented Mini Pro0ect - - 2eminar - - 2Pro0ect *or$ 1Comprehensi%e i%a - - 2

    1 - 2.

    No% / All End E8aminations 9)heory and Practical: are o three ho!rs d!ration( - T!%o)( T 1 To)3 & 1 &)($%$( C 1 C)d%+ D - D)(456

  • 8/12/2019 Jntu Ece Syllabus




    I Y() B.T$. ECE T & C2 0 9



    In %ie# o the gro#ing importance o English as a tool or glo'al comm!nication and the conse;!entemphasis on training st!dents to ac;!ire comm!nicati%e competence< the sylla'!s has 'een designed tode%elop ling!istic and comm!nicati%e competence o Engineering st!dents( )he prescri'ed 'oo$s and thee8ercises are meant to ser%e 'roadly as st!dents= hand'oo$s(In the English classes< the oc!s sho!ld 'e on the s$ills o reading< #riting< listening and spea$ing and orthis the teachers sho!ld !se the te8t prescri'ed or detailed st!dy( or e8ample< the st!dents sho!ld 'eenco!raged to read the te8ts>selected paragraphs silently( )he teachers can as$ comprehension ;!estionsto stim!late disc!ssion and 'ased on the disc!ssions st!dents can 'e made to #rite shortparagraphs>essays etc()he te8t or non-detailed st!dy is or e8tensi%e reading>reading or pleas!re 'y the st!dents( ?ence< it iss!ggested that they read it on their o#n #ith topics selected or disc!ssion in the class( )he time sho!ld 'e!tilied or #or$ing o!t the e8ercises gi%en ater each section < as also or s!pplementing the e8ercises #itha!thentic materials o a similar $ind or e8ample< rom ne#spaper articles< ad%ertisements< promotionalmaterial etc(. However, the stress in this syllabus is on skill development and practice of language skills.

    2. OBJECTIVES/a( )o impro%e the lang!age proiciency o the st!dents in English #ith emphasis on &* s$ills('( )o e;!ip the st!dents to st!dy academic s!'0ects #ith greater acility thro!gh the theoretical and practical

    components o the English sylla'!s(c( )o de%elop the st!dy s$ills and comm!nication s$ills in ormal and inormal sit!ations(

    :. SYLLABUS /L+%556 S;+//'0ecti%es1( )o ena'le st!dents to de%elop their listening s$ill so that they may appreciate its role in the &* s$ills

    approach to lang!age and impro%e their pron!nciation

    2. )o e;!ip st!dents #ith necessary training in listening so that can comprehend the speech o people odierent 'ac$gro!nds and regions

    Students should be given practice in listening to the sounds of the language to be able to recognise them, to

    distinguish between them to mark stress and recognise and use the right intonation in sentences. @ &istening or general content@ &istening to ill !p inormation@ Intensi%e listening@ &istening or speciic inormation


  • 8/12/2019 Jntu Ece Syllabus



    @ Inerring le8ical and conte8t!al meaning@ nderstanding disco!rse eat!res@ ecogniing coherence>se;!encing o sentences

    NOTE / !he students will be trained in reading skills using the prescribed te"t for detailed study.!hey will be e"amined in reading and answering #uestions using $unseen% passages which

    may be taken from the non&detailed te"t or other authentic te"ts, such as

    maga'ines(newspaper articles.

    W)%56 S;+ //'0ecti%es1( )o de%elop an a#areness in the st!dents a'o!t #riting as an e8act and ormal s$ill2( )o e;!ip them #ith the components o dierent orms o #riting< 'eginning #ith the lo#er order ones(

    @ *riting sentences@ se o appropriate %oca'!lary@ Paragraph #riting@ Coherence and cohesi%eness@ "arration > description@ "ote Ma$ing@ ormal and inormal letter #riting@ Editing a passage

    9. TE=TBOOKS &RESCRIBED/In order to impro%e the proiciency o the st!dent in the ac;!isition o the o!r s$ills mentioned a'o%e< theollo#ing te8ts and co!rse content< di%ided into E6% U5%+< are prescri'ed

    For Detailed study

    1. LEARNING ENGLISH/ A Communicative Approach< FAFI"ADA /rient &ongman< 26( 9i8

    elected &essons:For Non-detailed study

    2. WINGS O> >IRE/ An Autobiography APJ Abdul Kalam< A'ridged %ersion #ith E8ercises>RACTION/ Introd!ction -pace lattice - 7asis - nit cell - &atticeparameter - 7ra%ais lattices Crystal systems - tr!ct!re and pac$ing ractions o imple c!'ic - 7odycentered c!'ic ace centered c!'ic crystals - Directions and planes in crystals Miller indices - eparation'et#een s!ccessi%e Kh $ lL planes - Diraction o -rays 'y crystal planes - 7ragg=s la# - &a!e method -Po#der method(


    &RINCI&LES O> UANTUM MECHANICS/ *a%es and particles - Planc$=s ;!ant!m theory de 7rogliehypothesis Matter #a%es - Da%isson and Bermer e8periment B( P( )homson e8periment ?eisen'erg!ncertainty principle - chrNdinger=s time independent #a%e e;!ation - Physical signiicance o the #a%e!nction - Particle in one dimensional potential 'o8(


    ELECTRON THEORY O> METALS/ Classical ree electron theory - Mean ree path - ela8ation time and drit%elocity - J!ant!m ree electron theory - ermi-Dirac distri'!tion 9analytical: and its dependence ontemparat!re ermi energy Electron scattering and resistance(

    BAND THEORY O> SOLIDS/ 7loch theorem - Fronig-Penney model 9;!alitati%e treatment: - /rigin o energy'and ormation in solids Classiication o materials into cond!ctors< semi cond!ctors 5 ins!lators - Concepto eecti%e mass o an electron(UNIT IVDIELECTRIC &RO&ERTIES/ Introd!ction - Dielectric constant - Electronic< ionic and orientationalpolariations - Internal ields in solids Cla!si!s - Mossotti e;!ation Dielectrics in alternating ields re;!ency dependence o the polaria'ility - erro and Pieo electricity(

    MAGNETIC &RO&ERTIES / Permea'ility - Magnetiation - /rigin o magnetic moment Classiication omagnetic materials - Dia< para and erro magnetism - ?ysteresis c!r%e - ot and hard magnetic materials(UNIT V

    SEMICONDUCTORS / Introd!ction - Intrinsic semicond!ctor and carrier concentration E;!ation orcond!cti%ity - E8trinsic semicond!ctor and carrier concentration - Drit and di!sion - Einstein=s e;!ation - ?alleect Direct 5 indirect 'and gap semicond!ctors(

    SU&ERCONDUCTIVITY/ Beneral properties - Meissner eect - Penetration depth - )ype I and )ype IIs!percond!ctors - l!8 ;!antiation DC and AC osephson eect 7C )heory - Applications os!percond!ctors(


    LASERS/ Introd!ction - Characteristics o &asers - pontaneo!s and stim!lated emission o radiation -Einstein=s coeicients - Pop!lation in%ersion - !'y laser - ?eli!m-"eon &aser C/2 laser -emicond!ctor&aser Applications o lasers(

    UNIT VII>IBER O&TICS AND HOLOGRA&HY/ Introd!ction - Principle o optical i'er - Acceptance angle andacceptance cone - "!merical apert!re )ypes o optical i'ers and reracti%e inde8 proiles Atten!ation inoptical i'ers - Application o optical i'ers 7asic principles o holography Constr!ction and reconstr!ctiono image on hologram Applications o holography(

  • 8/12/2019 Jntu Ece Syllabus



    UNIT VIIISCIENCE TECHNOLOGY O> NANOMATERIALS/ Introd!ction to "ano materials - 7asic principles o"anoscience 5 )echnology a'rication o nano materials Physical 5 chemical properties o nanomaterials Car'on nanot!'es Applications o nanotechnology(

    TE=TBOOKS/1( Applied Physics 2ndedition 'y Dr( P( Appala "aid! 5 Dr( M( Chandra he$ar< (B(( 7oo$ lin$s(

    2( Introd!ction to olid tate Physics 'y C( Fittel O *iley Eastern &td(3( "anotechnology 'y Mar$ atner and Daniel atnerO Pearson Ed!cation(

    RE>ERENCES/1( Materials cience and Engineering 'y ( agha%anO Prentice-?all India(2( Materials cience 'y M( Ar!m!gamO An!radha Agencies(3( olid tate Physics 'y "(*( Ashcrot 5 "( Da%id Mer#inO )homson &earning(4( Materials cience 'y M((i0aya 5 B( angara0anO )ata McBra# ?ill(( olid tate Physics 'y P(F( PalanisamyO citech P!'lications 9India: P%t( &td(6( "ano Materials 'y A(F( 7andyopadhyay< "e# Age International P!'lishers(( Applied Physics 'y P(F(MittalO I(F( International(.( Applied Physics 'y F( i0ay F!mar 5 )( ree$anthO ( Chand 5 Company &td(

  • 8/12/2019 Jntu Ece Syllabus




    I Y() B.T$. ECE T & C: 0 F


    UNIT - I

    Algorithm > pse!do code< lo#chart< program de%elopment steps< str!ct!re o C program< A imple Cprogram< identiiers< 'asic data types and sies< Constants< %aria'les< arithmetic< relational and logicaloperators< increment and decrement operators< conditional operator< 'it-#ise operators< assignment operators

    UNIT - VInp!t and o!tp!t concept o a ile< te8t iles and 'inary iles< streams< standard I>o< ormatted I>o< ile I>ooperations< error handling< C program e8amples(

    UNIT - VI

    earching &inear and 'inary search methods< sorting 7!''le sort< selection sort< Insertion sort< J!ic$ sortPearson


    RE>ERENCES /1( C5 Data str!ct!res P( Padmana'ham< 7(( P!'lications(2( )he C Programming &ang!age< 7(*( Fernighan< Dennis M(itchiePearson Ed!cation3( C Programming #ith pro'lem sol%ing< (A( ones 5 F( ?arro#2at2#here T!= and Ta= arethe initial %elocity 9m>sec(: and acceleration 9m>sec2:( *rite C program to ind the distance tra%elled at reg!larinter%als o time gi%en the %al!es o T!= and Ta=( )he program sho!ld pro%ide the le8i'ility to the !ser to selecthis o#n time inter%als and repeat the calc!lations or dierent %al!es o T!= and Ta=(" *rite a C program< #hich ta$es t#o integer operands and one operator orm the !ser< perorms theoperation and then prints the res!lt( 9Consider the operators +

  • 8/12/2019 Jntu Ece Syllabus



    W; 8(*rite a C program to generate Pascal=s triangle("*rite a C program to constr!ct a pyramid o n!m'ers(

    W; *rite a C program to read in t#o n!m'ers< 8 and n< and then comp!te the s!m o this geometric progression1+8+82+83+VVVV(+8n

    or e8ample i n is 3 and 8 is < then the program comp!tes 1++2+12(Print 8< n< the s!mPerorm error chec$ing( or e8ample< the orm!la does not ma$e sense or negati%e e8ponents i n is lessthan ( ?a%e yo!r program print an error message i nW< then go 'ac$ and read in the ne8t pair o n!m'ers o

    #itho!t comp!ting the s!m( Are any %al!es o 8 also illegal X I so< test or them too(

    W; 0(2=s complement o a n!m'er is o'tained 'y scanning it rom right to let and complementing all the 'its aterthe irst appearance o a 1( )h!s 2=s complement o 111 is 1( *rite a C program to ind the 2=scomplement o a 'inary n!m'er("*rite a C program to con%ert a oman n!meral to its decimal e;!i%alent(

    W; *rite a C program that !ses !nctions to perorm the ollo#ing operations

    i: eading a comple8 n!m'er

    ii: *riting a comple8 n!m'eriii: Addition o t#o comple8 n!m'ersi%: M!ltiplication o t#o comple8 n!m'ers

    9"ote represent comple8 n!m'er !sing a str!ct!re(:

    W; 2(*rite a C program #hich copies one ile to another("*rite a C program to re%erse the irst n characters in a ile(9"ote )he ile name and n are speciied on the command line(:

    W; :*rite a C program that !ses !nctions to perorm the ollo#ing operations on singly lin$ed list(

    i: Creation ii: Insertion iii: Deletion i%: )ra%ersal

    W; 9

    *rite a C program that !ses !nctions to perorm the ollo#ing operations on do!'ly lin$ed list(i: Creation ii: Insertion iii: Deletion i%: )ra%ersal in 'oth #ays

    W; *rite C programs that implement stac$ 9its operations: !sing

    i: Arrays ii: Pointers

    W; F*rite C programs that implement J!e!e 9its operations: !sing

    i: Arrays ii: Pointers

    W; 7*rite a C program that !ses tac$ operations to perorm the ollo#ing

    i: Con%erting ini8 e8pression into posti8 e8pressionii: E%al!ating the posti8 e8pression

    W; 8*rite a C program that !ses !nctions to perorm the ollo#ing

    i: Creating a 7inary )ree o integersii: )ra%ersing the a'o%e 'inary tree in preorder< inorder and postorder(

    W; *rite C programs that !se 'oth rec!rsi%e and non rec!rsi%e !nctions to perorm the ollo#ing searchingoperations or a Fey %al!e in a gi%en list o integers

    i: &inear search ii: 7inary search

    W; 20

  • 8/12/2019 Jntu Ece Syllabus



    *rite C programs that implement the ollo#ing sorting methods to sort a gi%en list o integers in ascendingorder

    i: 7!''le sort ii: J!ic$ sort

    W; 2*rite C programs that implement the ollo#ing sorting methods to sort a gi%en list o integers in ascendingorder

    i: Insertion sort ii: Merge sort

    W; 22*rite C programs to implement the &agrange interpolation and "e#ton- Bregory or#ard interpolation(

    W; 2:*rite C programs to implement the linear regression and polynomial regression algorithms(

    W; 29*rite C programs to implement )rapeoidal and impson methods(

    T@% Boo;+1( C programming and Data tr!ct!res< P( Padmana'ham< )hird Edition< 7 P!'lications2( Data tr!ct!res A pse!do code approach #ith C< second edition (( Bil'erg and 7(A( oro!an

    3( Programming in C< P(Dey 5 M( Bhosh< /8ord ni%(Press(4( C and Data tr!ct!res< E 7alag!r!s#amy< )M? p!'lications(

  • 8/12/2019 Jntu Ece Syllabus




    I Y() B.T$. ECE T & C0 : 9


    O"#$%+ /

    )he I) *or$shop or engineers is a 6 training la' co!rse spread o%er H ho!rs( )he mod!les incl!de trainingon PC ?ard#are< Internet 5 *orld *ide *e' and Prod!cti%ity tools incl!ding *ord< E8cel< Po#er Point andP!'lisher(&C H()d4() introd!ces the st!dents to a personal comp!ter and its 'asic peripherals< the process oassem'ling a personal comp!ter< installation o system sot#are li$e M *indo#s < &in!8 and the re;!iredde%ice dri%ers( In addition hard#are and sot#are le%el tro!'leshooting process< tips and tric$s #o!ld 'eco%ered(I5%)5% Wo)d Wd W" mod!le introd!ces the dierent #ays o hoo$ing the PC on to the internet romhome and #or$place and eecti%ely !sage o the internet( sage o #e' 'ro#sers< email< ne#sgro!ps anddisc!ssion or!ms #o!ld 'e co%ered( In addition< a#areness o cy'er hygiene< i(e(< protecting the personalcomp!ter rom getting inected #ith the %ir!ses< #orms and other cy'er attac$s #o!ld 'e introd!ced(&)od!$%%3 %oo+ mod!le #o!ld ena'le the st!dents in crating proessional #ord doc!ments< e8cel spreadsheets< po#er point presentations and personal #e' sites !sing the Microsot s!ite o oice tools and &a)e(

    &C H()d4()

    W; 1 T(+; / Identiy the peripherals o a comp!ter< components in a CP and its !nctions( Dra# the'loc$ diagram o the CP along #ith the conig!ration o each peripheral and s!'mit to yo!r instr!ctor(

    W; 2 1 T(+; 2 / E%ery st!dent sho!ld disassem'le and assem'le the PC 'ac$ to #or$ing condition( &a'instr!ctors sho!ld %eriy the #or$ and ollo# it !p #ith a i%a( Also st!dents need to go thro!gh the %ideo

    #hich sho#s the process o assem'ling a PC( A %ideo #o!ld 'e gi%en as part o the co!rse content(

    W; : 1 T(+; : / E%ery st!dent sho!ld indi%id!ally install M #indo#s on the personal comp!ter( &a'instr!ctor sho!ld %eriy the installation and ollo# it !p #ith a i%a(

    W; 9 1 T(+; 9 / E%ery st!dent sho!ld install &in!8 on the comp!ter( )his comp!ter sho!ld ha%e #indo#sinstalled( )he system sho!ld 'e conig!red as d!al 'oot #ith 'oth #indo#s and &in!8( &a' instr!ctors sho!ld%eriy the installation and ollo# it !p #ith a i%a

    W; 1 T(+; / e%eral mini tas$s #o!ld 'e that co%ers 7asic commands in &in!8 and 7asic system

    administration in &in!8 #hich incl!des 7asic &in!8 commands in 'ash< Create hard and sym'olic lin$s< )e8tprocessing< sing #ildcards

    W; F 1 T(+; F / H()d4() T)o!"+oo%56 / t!dents ha%e to 'e gi%en a PC #hich does not 'oot d!e toimproper assem'ly or deecti%e peripherals( )hey sho!ld identiy the pro'lem and i8 it to get the comp!ter'ac$ to #or$ing condition( )he #or$ done sho!ld 'e %eriied 'y the instr!ctor and ollo#ed !p #ith a i%a

    W; 7 1 T(+; 7 / So?%4() T)o!"+oo%56 / t!dents ha%e to 'e gi%en a mal!nctioning CP d!e tosystem sot#are pro'lems( )hey sho!ld identiy the pro'lem and i8 it to get the comp!ter 'ac$ to #or$ingcondition( )he #or$ done sho!ld 'e %eriied 'y the instr!ctor and ollo#ed !p #ith a i%a(

    W; 8 1 T(+; 8 / )he test consists o %ario!s systems #ith ?ard#are > ot#are related tro!'les< ormatteddis$s #itho!t operating systems(

    I5%)5% Wo)d Wd W"W; - T(+; O)5%(%o5 Co55$%%3 Boo% C(*< / t!dents sho!ld get connected to their &ocalArea "et#or$ and access the Internet( In the process they conig!re the )CP>IP setting( inally st!dentssho!ld demonstrate< to the instr!ctor< ho# to access the #e'sites and email( I there is no internet connecti%itypreparations need to 'e made 'y the instr!ctors to sim!late the *** on the &A"(

    W; 0 - T(+; 2 / W" B)o4+)+, S!)?56 % W" / t!dents c!stomie their #e' 'ro#sers #ith the &A"pro8y settings< 'oo$mar$s< search tool'ars and pop !p 'loc$ers( Also< pl!g-ins li$e Macromedia lash andE or applets sho!ld 'e conig!red(

    W; - T(+; : S()$ E565+ N%!%% / t!dents sho!ld $no# #hat search engines are and ho#to !se the search engines( A e# topics #o!ld 'e gi%en to the st!dents or #hich they need to search onBoogle( )his sho!ld 'e demonstrated to the instr!ctors(

  • 8/12/2019 Jntu Ece Syllabus



    W; 2 - T(+; 9 / C3") H365 / t!dents #o!ld 'e e8posed to the %ario!s threats on the internet and#o!ld 'e as$ed to conig!re their comp!ter to 'e sae on the internet( )hey need to irst install an anti %ir!ssot#are< conig!re their personal ire#all and #indo#s !pdate on their comp!ter( )hen they need toc!stomie their 'ro#sers to 'loc$ pop !ps< 'loc$ acti%e 8 do#nloads to a%oid %ir!ses and>or #orms(

    W; : Mod! T+% A test #hich sim!lates all o the a'o%e tas$s #o!ld 'e crated and gi%en to thest!dents(

    L(T= (5d Wo)dW; 9 1 Wo)d O)5%(%o5 )he mentor needs to gi%e an o%er%ie# o &a)e and Microsot> e;!i%alent9/: tool #ord Importance o &a)e and M> e;!i%alent 9/: tool *ord as #ord Processors< Details othe o!r tas$s and eat!res that #o!ld 'e co%ered in each< sing &a)e and #ord Accessing< o%er%ie# otool'ars< sa%ing iles< sing help and reso!rces< r!lers< ormat painter in #ord(T(+; / U+56 L(T= (5d 4o)d to create pro0ect certiicate( eat!res to 'e co%ered-ormatting onts in

    #ord< Drop Cap in #ord< Applying )e8t eects< sing Character pacing< 7orders and Colors< Inserting?eader and ooter< sing Date and )ime option in 'oth &a)e and *ord(

    W; - T(+; 2 / C)(%56

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  • 8/12/2019 Jntu Ece Syllabus




    I Y() B.T$. ECE T & C0 : 9


    &ART A / O53 ?o) ( o$ E@(*5(%o5

    E&EC)/"IC */F?/P PAC)ICE 9 in 6 la' sessions: 1( Identiication< peciications< )esting o < &< C Components 9Colo!r Codes:< Potentiometers< #itches9PD)< DPD)< and DIP:< Coils< Bang Condensers< elays< 7read 7oards(

    2( Identiication< peciications and )esting o Acti%e De%ices< Diodes< 7)s< &o#po#er E)s< M/E)so) L("o)(%o)3 @(*5(%o5 1 M5*!* o? F @heostats6( Decade Capacitance 7o8es( Micro Ammeters 9Analog or Digital: - -2 YA< -YA< -1YA< -2YA.( oltmeters 9Analog or Digital: - -< -1< -2H( Electronic Components - esistors< Capacitors< 7)s< &CDs< Cs< )s ole Play(4( /ral Presentations- Prepared and E8tempore(( T!st A Min!te= essions 9AM:(6( Descri'ing /'0ects > it!ations > People(( Inormation )ranser.( De'ateH( )elephoning $ills(1( Bi%ing Directions(M5*!* R!)*5%/T E56+ L(56!(6 L(" +( ( %4o

    i: P I Processora: peed 2(. B?': AM 12 M7 Minim!mc: ?ard Dis$ . B7

    ii: ?eadphones o ?igh ;!alityS!66+%d So?%4()/@ Cam'ridge Ad%anced &earners= English Dictionary #ith CD(@ )he osetta tone English &i'rary@ Clarity Pron!nciation Po#er Part I@ Mastering English in oca'!lary< Brammar< pellings< Composition@ Dorling Findersley series o Brammar< P!nct!ation< Composition etc(

    @ &ang!age in se< o!ndation 7oo$s P%t &td #ith CD(

    /8ord Ad%anced &earner=s Compass< thEdition@ &earning to pea$ English - 4 CDs@ Microsot Encarta #ith CD@ M!rphy=s English Brammar< Cam'ridge #ith CD

    English in Mind< ?er'ert P!chta and e tran$s #ith Meredith &e%y< Cam'ridge

    Boo;+ S!66+%d ?o) E56+ L(56!(6 L(" L")()3 %o " o$(%d 4%5 % (" 5 (dd%o5 %o % CD+o? % %@% "oo; 4$ () o(dd o5 % +3+%*+/

    1. S

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    3. S

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    II Y() B.T$. ECE. I-S* T & C9 0 9


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    II Y() B.T$. ECE. I-S* T & C9 0 9


    UNIT I

    &ROBABILITY Pro'a'ility introd!ced thro!gh ets and elati%e re;!ency E8periments and amplepaces< Discrete and Contin!o!s ample paces< E%ents< Pro'a'ility Deinitions and A8ioms< MathematicalModel o E8periments< Pro'a'ility as a elati%e re;!ency< oint Pro'a'ility< Conditional Pro'a'ility< )otalPro'a'ility< 7ayes= )heorem< Independent E%ents

    UNIT IITHE RANDOM VARIABLE / Deinition o a andom aria'le< Conditions or a !nction to 'e a andomaria'le< Discrete and Contin!o!s< Mi8ed andom aria'le< Distri'!tion and Density !nctions< Propertiesd 4o); / isit to a local area to doc!ment en%ironmental assets i%er >orest grassland>hill>mo!ntain -isit

    to a local poll!ted site-r'an>!ral>ind!strial> Agric!lt!ral t!dy o common plants< insects< 'irds( - t!dy osimple ecosystems-pond< ri%er< hill slopes< etc(

    TE=T BOOK/1 )e8t'oo$ o En%ironmental t!dies or ndergrad!ate Co!rses 'y Erach 7har!cha or ni%ersity

    Brants Commission(2 En%ironmental t!dies 'y ( a0agopalan< /8ord ni%ersity Press(


    1 )e8t'oo$ o En%ironmental ciences and )echnology 'y M( An0i eddy< 7 P!'lication(

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    II Y() B.T$. ECE. I-S* T & C9 0 9

    SIGNALS AND SYSTEMSUNIT ISIGNAL ANALYSIS / Analogy 'et#een %ectors and signals< /rthogonal signal space< ignal appro8imation

    !sing orthogonal !nctions< Mean s;!are error< Closed or complete set o orthogonal !nctions< /rthogonalityin comple8 !nctions< E8ponential and sin!soidal signals< Concepts o Imp!lse !nction< nit step !nctionOURIER SERIES RE&RESENTATION O> &ERIODIC SIGNALS / epresentation o o!rier seriesOURIER TRANS>ORMS / Deri%ing o!rier transorm rom o!rier series< o!rier transorm o ar'itrarysignal< o!rier transorm o standard signals< o!rier transorm o periodic signals< properties o o!riertransorms< o!rier transorms in%ol%ing imp!lse !nction and ign!m !nction( Introd!ction to ?il'ert)ransorm(

    UNIT IVSIGNAL TRANSMISSION THROUGH LINEAR SYSTEMS / &inear system< imp!lse response< esponse o alinear system< &inear time in%ariant 9&)I: system< &inear time %ariant 9&): system< )ranser !nction o a &)Isystem( ilter characteristics o linear systems( Distortion less transmission thro!gh a system< ignal'and#idth< system 'and#idth< Ideal &P< ?P and 7P characteristics< Ca!sality and Poly-*iener criterion orphysical realiation< relationship 'et#een 'and#idth and rise time(

    UNIT VCONVOLUTION AND CORRELATION O> SIGNALS / Concept o con%ol!tion in time domain and re;!encydomain< Braphical representation o con%ol!tion< Con%ol!tion property o o!rier transorms( Cross correlationand a!to correlation o !nctions< properties o correlation !nction< Energy density spectr!m< Parse%al=stheorem< Po#er density spectr!m< elation 'et#een a!to correlation !nction and energy>po#er spectraldensity !nction(elation 'et#een con%ol!tion and correlation< Detection o periodic signals in the presence onoise 'y correlation< E8traction o signal rom noise 'y iltering(

    UNIT VISAM&LING / ampling theorem Braphical and analytical proo or 7and &imited ignals< imp!lse samplingORMERS Principle o operation o single phase transormer types Constr!ctional eat!res Phasor diagram on "o &oad and &oad E;!i%alent circ!it

    UNIT IV&ER>ORMANCE O> TRANS>ORMERS / &osses and Eiciency o transormer and eg!lation /C and Ctests Predetermination o eiciency and reg!lation 9imple Pro'lems:(

    UNIT VTHREE &HASE INDUCTION MOTOR Principle o operation o three-phase ind!ction motors lip ring and;!irrel cage motors lip-)or;!e characteristics Eiciency calc!lation tarting methods(

    UNIT VIALTERNATORS / Alternators Constr!ctional eat!res Principle o operation )ypes - EM E;!ation Distri'!tion and Coil span actors Predetermination o reg!lation 'y ynchrono!s Impedance Method /Cand C tests(

    UNIT VIISINGLE &HASE INDUCTION MOTORS Principle o operation - haded pole motors Capacitor motors< ACser%omotor< AC tachometers< ynchros< tepper Motors Characteristics(

    UNIT VIIIELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTS / 7asic Principles o indicating instr!ments Mo%ing Coil and Mo%ing iron

    Instr!ments 9Ammeters and oltmeters:

    TE=T BOOKS /1( Introd!ction to Electrical Engineering M( "aid! and ( Fama$shaiah< )M? P!'l(2( 7asic Electrical Engineering - )(F( "agasar$ar and M((!$hi0a< /8ord ni%ersity Press< 2

    RE>ERENCES /1( Principles o Electrical Engineering - (F Mehta< (Chand P!'lications(2( )heory and Pro'lems o 'asic electrical engineering - I(( "agarath amd D(P Fothari< P?I P!'lications3( Essentials o Electrical and Comp!ter Engineering - Da%id ( Ferns< ( ( Da%id Ir#in

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    UNIT I / SINGLE STAGE AM&LI>IERS / e%ie#< mall ignal Analysis o !nction )ransistor< re;!ency

    response o Common Emitter Ampliier< Common 7ase Ampliier< Common Collector Ampliier< E)Ampliiers< Common Drain 9CD: Ampliier< Common Bate Ampliier< Bain 7and *idth Prod!ct(

    UNIT II / MULTI STAGE AM&LI>IERS / M!lti tage Ampliiers Methods o Inter tage Co!pling< n tageCascaded Ampliier< E;!i%alent Circ!its< Miller=s )heorem< re;!ency Eects< Ampliier Analysis< ?igh Inp!tesistance )ransistor Circ!its( Cascode )ransistor Conig!ration< CE-CC Ampliiers< )#o tage CCo!pled E) ampliier 9in Common o!rce 9C: conig!ration:< Dierence Ampliier(

    UNIT III / HIGH >REUENCY TRANSISTOR CIRCUTS / )ransistor at ?igh re;!encies< ?y'rid- CommonEmitter )rancond!ctance Model< Determination o ?y'rid- Cond!ctances< ariation o ?y'rid Parameters

    #ith ZICZ< ZCEZ and )emperat!re( )he Parameters [t< e8pression or ['< C!rrent Bain #ith esistance &oadIERS / Class A Po#er Ampliier< Ma8im!m al!e o Eiciency o Class A AmpliierIERS - I / ingle )!ned Capaciti%e Co!pled Ampliier< )apped ingle )!nedCapacitance Co!pled Ampliier< ingle )!ned )ransormer Co!pled or Ind!cti%ely Co!pled Ampliier< CEDo!'le )!ned Ampliier< Application o )!ned Ampliiers(

    UNIT VI / TUNED AM&LI>IERS - II / tagger )!ning< ta'ility Considerations< )!ned Class 7 and Class CAmpliiers< *ide'and Ampliiers< )!ned Ampliiers(

    UNIT VII / VOLTAGE REGULATORS )erminology< 7asic eg!lator Circ!it< hort Circ!it Protection< C!rrent&imiting< peciications o oltage eg!lator Circ!its< oltage M!ltipliers(

    UNIT VIII / SWITCHING AND IC VOLTAGE REGULATORS / IC 23 oltage eg!lators and )hree )erminal

    IC reg!lators< DC to DC Con%erter< #itching eg!lators< oltage M!ltipliers< P< MP(

    TE=T BOOKS /1( Integrated Electronics ( Millman and C(C( ?al$ias< Mc Bra#-?ill< 1H2(2( Electronic De%ices and Circ!its< )heodore ( 7ogart r(< (( 7easley and B( ico< Pearson Edition< 6thEdition< 24(

    RE>ERENCES /1( Electronic De%ices and Circ!its )heory o'ert &( 7oylestad and &o!is "ashels$y< Pearson>Prentice?all

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    L+% o? E@)I"AP/: Pac$age

    2( or ?ard#are sim!lations o Electronic Circ!itsi: Psii: C/s

    iii: !nctions Beneratorsi%: M!ltimeters%: Components

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    II Y() B.T$. ECE. I-S* T & C0 : 2


    1( erial and Parallel esonance )iming< esonant re;!ency< 7and#idth and J-actor determination or

    &C net#or$(2( )ime response o irst order C>& net#or$ or periodic non-sin!soidal inp!ts time constant and steadystate error determination(

    3( )#o port net#or$ parameters -G Parameters< chain matri8 and analytical %eriication(4( eriication o !perposition and eciprocity theorems(( eriication o ma8im!m po#er transer theorem( eriication on DC< %eriication on AC #ith esisti%e and

    eacti%e loads(6( E8perimental determination o )he%enin=s and "orton=s e;!i%alent circ!its and %eriication 'y direct test(

    &ART 1 B1( Magnetiation characteristics o D(C( h!nt generator( Determination o critical ield resistance(2( #in'!rne=s )est on DC sh!nt machine 9Predetermination o eiciency o a gi%en DC h!nt machine

    #or$ing as motor and generator:(3( 7ra$e test on DC sh!nt motor( Determination o perormance characteristics(4( /C 5 C tests on ingle-phase transormer 9Predetermination o eiciency and reg!lation at gi%en po#er

    actors and determination o e;!i%alent circ!it:(( 7ra$e test on 3-phase Ind!ction motor 9perormance characteristics:(6( eg!lation o alternator 'y synchrono!s impedance method(

    No%/ Any TEN o the a'o%e e8periments are to 'e cond!cted

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    II Y() B.T$. ECE. II-S* T & C9 0 9

    &ULSE AND DIGITAL CIRCUITSUNIT ILINEAR WAVESHA&ING / ?igh pass< lo# pass C circ!its< their response or sin!soidal< step< p!lse< s;!are

    and ramp inp!ts( C net#or$ as dierentiator and integrator< atten!ators< its applications in C/ pro'e< &and &C circ!its and their response or step inp!t< inging circ!it(

    UNIT IINON-LINEAR WAVE SHA&ING / Diode clippers< )ransistor clippers< clipping at t#o independent le%elsERENCES /1( P!lse and Digital Circ!its A( Anand F!mar< P?I< 2(2( *a%e Beneration and haping - &( tra!ss(3( P!lse< Digital Circ!its and Comp!ter !ndamentals - (en$ataraman(

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    CONTROL SYSTEMS)b*ective (

    In this co!rse it is aimed to introd!ce to the st!dents the principles and applications o control systems in e%eryday lie( )he 'asic concepts o 'loc$ diagram red!ction< time domain analysis sol!tions to time in%ariantsystems and also deals #ith the dierent aspects o sta'ility analysis o systems in re;!ency domain and timedomain(

    UN! N!+)DUC!)NConcepts o Control ystems- /pen &oop and closed loop control systems and their dierences- Dierente8amples o control systems- Classiication o control systems< eed-7ac$ Characteristics< Eects oeed'ac$(Mathematical models Dierential e;!ations< Imp!lse esponse and transer !nctions - )ranslational andotational mechanical systems

    UNIT II TRANS>ER >UNCTION RE&RESENTATION)ranser !nction o DC er%o motor - AC er%o motor- ynchro transmitter and ecei%er< 7loc$ diagramrepresentation o systems considering electrical systems as e8amples -7loc$ diagram alge'ra

    epresentation 'y ignal lo# graph - ed!ction !sing mason=s gain orm!la(

    UNIT-III TIME RES&ONSE ANALYSIStandard test signals - )ime response o irst order systems Characteristic E;!ation o eed'ac$ controlsystems< )ransient response o second order systems - )ime domain speciications teady state response -teady state errors and error constants Eects o proportional deri%ati%e< proportional integral systems(UN! $ ,!A'!. ANA'.,, N ,-D)/AN

    )he concept o sta'ility o!th=s sta'ility criterion ;!alitati%e sta'ility and conditional sta'ility limitations oo!th=s sta'ility

    Roo% Lo$!+ T$5!/)he root loc!s concept - constr!ction o root loci-eects o adding poles and eros to B9s:?9s: on the root loci(

    UN! $ F+"0U"NC. +",P)N," ANA'.,,

    Introd!ction< re;!ency domain speciications-7ode diagrams-Determination o re;!ency domainspeciications and transer !nction rom the 7ode Diagram-Phase margin and Bain margin-ta'ility Analysisrom 7ode Plots(

    UN! $ ,!A'!. ANA'.,, N F+"0U"NC. D)/AN

    Polar Plots< "y;!ist Plots ta'ility Analysis(

    UN! $ C'A,,CA' C)N!+)' D",1N !"C2N0U",Compensation techni;!es &ag< &ead< &ead-&ag Controllers design in re;!ency Domain< PID Controllers(

    UN! $ ,tate ,pace Analysis o3 Continuous ,ystems

    Concepts o state< state %aria'les and state model< deri%ation o state models rom 'loc$ diagramsERENCE BOOKS/

    1. Modern Control Engineering 'y Fats!hi$o /gata Prentice ?all o India P%t( &td(< 3rdedition< 1HH.(

    2. Control ystems 'y "(F(inha< "e# Age International 9P: &imited P!'lishers< 3 rdEdition< 1HH.(

    3. Control ystems Engg( 'y "IE 3rdEdition ohn #iley4( \ Modelling 5 Control / Dynamic ystems] 'y "arciso ( Macia Beorge ( )haler< )homson


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    I5%)od!$%o5 / Creation o a%a< importance o a%a to internet< 'yte code< a%a '!#ords< //P Principles

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    II Y() B.T$. ECE. II-S* T & C9 0 9

    SWITCHING THEORY AND LOGIC DESIGNUNIT INUMBER SYSTEMS CODES / Philosophy o n!m'er systems complement representation o negati%e

    n!m'ers-'inary arithmetic-'inary codes-error detecting 5 error correcting codes hamming codes(

    UNIT IIBOOLEAN ALGEBRA AND SWITCHING >UNCTIONS / !ndamental post!lates o 7oolean Alge'ra - 7asictheorems and properties - s#itching !nctionsCanonical and tandard orms-Alge'raic simpliication digitallogic gates< properties o / gates !ni%ersal gates-M!ltile%el "A"D>"/ realiations(

    UNIT IIIMINIMIATION O> SWITCHING >UNCTIONS / Map method< Prime implicants< Don=t care com'inations

    UNIT VIIT)(5+*++o5 L5+ - I )ypes< Parameters< )ransmission &ine E;!ations< Primary 5 econdary Constants&o# &oss Characteriation< Distortion Condition or Distortionlessness andMinim!m Atten!ation< &oading - )ypes o &oading( elated Pro'lems(

    UNIT VIIIT)(5+*++o5 L5+ 1 II / Inp!t Impedance elations< C and /C &ines< election Coeicient< *( ?&ines as Circ!it ElementsO >4< >2< >. &ines Impedance )ransormations( mith Chart Conig!ration andApplications< ingle and Do!'le t!' Matching( elated Pro'lems(

    TE=T BOOKS /1( Elements o Electromagnetic Matthe# "(/( adi$!< /8ord ni%( Press< 3rd ed(< 21(2( Electromagnetic *a%es and adiating ystems E(C( ordan and F(B( 7almain< P?I< 2ndEdition< 2(

    RE>ERENCES /1( Engineering Electromagnetics "athan Ida< pringer 9India: P%t( &td(< "e# Delhi< 2nd ed(< 2(2( Engineering Electromagnetics *illiam ?( ?ayt r( and ohn A( 7!c$< )M?< th ed(< 26(3( "et#or$s< &ines and ields ohn D( yder< P?I< 2nd ed(

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    ANALOG COMMUNICATIONSUNIT IINTRODUCTION / Introd!ction to comm!nication system< "eed or mod!lation< re;!ency Di%ision

    M!ltiple8ing < Amplit!de Mod!lation< Deinition< )ime domain and re;!ency domain description< single tonemod!lation< po#er relations in AM #a%es< Beneration o AM #a%es< s;!are la# Mod!lator< #itchingmod!lator< Detection o AM *a%esO ;!are la# detector< En%elope detector(

    UNIT IIDSB MODULATION / Do!'le side 'and s!ppressed carrier mod!lators< time domain and re;!ency domaindescription< Beneration o D7C *a%es< 7alanced Mod!lators< ing Mod!lator< Coherent detection o D7-C Mod!lated #a%es< C/)A &oop(

    UNIT IIISSB MODULATION / re;!ency domain description< re;!ency discrimination method or generation o AM7 Mod!lated *a%e< )ime domain description< Phase discrimination method or generating AM 7Mod!lated #a%es( Demod!lation o 7 *a%es< estigial side 'and mod!lation re;!ency description DEMAND / Deinition< )ypes< Meas!rement and igniicance o Elasticity o Demand(Demand orecasting< actors go%erning demand orecasting< methods o demand orecasting 9s!r%eymethods< statistical methods< e8pert opinion method< test mar$eting< controlled e8periments< 0!dgmentalapproach to demand orecasting.

    UNIT IIITHEORY O> &RODUCTION AND COST ANALYSIS / Prod!ction !nction Iso;!ants and Isocosts< M)E atio and EP:(

    TE=TBOOKS /1( Managerial Economics and inancial Analysis Aryasri< )M?E< 2(2( Managerial Economics - arshney 5 Mahes#ari< !ltan Chand< 23(

    RE>ERENCES /1( inancial Acco!nting or Management - Am'rish B!pta< Pearson Ed!cation< "e# Delhi< 24(2( inancial Acco!nting - cha!m=s /!tlines< him 5iegelEe< 24(4( Managerial Economics In a Blo'al Economy - Domnic$ al%atore< )homson< 4th Edition 23(( inancial Acco!nting^A Managerial Perspecti%e "arayanas#amy< P?I< 26( Managerial Economics - Peterson 5 &e#is< Pearson Ed!cation< 4th Edition< 24( Managerial Economics5 inancial Analysis - agh!natha eddy 5 "arasimhachary< citech< 2(.( inancial Acco!nting - ("(Mahes#ari 5 (F( Mahes#ari< i$as< 2(H( Managerial EconomicsAnalysis< Pro'lems and Cases - )r!et and )r!et< *iley< 24(1( Managerial Economics D#i%ed< i$as< 6th Ed(

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    COM&UTER ORGANIATIONUNIT-IBASIC STRUCTURE O> COM&UTERS/ Comp!ter )ypes< !nctional !nits< 7asic operational concepts< 7!s

    str!ct!res< ot#are< Perormance< m!ltiprocessors and m!lti comp!ters(

    Data types< Complements< Data epresentation( i8ed Point epresentation( loating Point epresentation(Error Detection codes(

    UNIT-IIREGISTER TRANS>ER LANGUAGE AND MICROO&ERATIONS/ egister )ranser lang!age( egister)ranser< 7!s and memory transer< Arithmetic Mircro operatiaons< logic micro operations< shit microoperations< Arithmetic logic shit !nit( Instr!ction codes( Comp!ter egisters Comp!ter instr!ctions Instr!ction cycle( Memory eerence Instr!ctions( Inp!t /!tp!t and Interr!pt(CENTRAL &ROCESSING UNIT - tac$ organiation( Instr!ction ormats( Addressing modes( DA)A )ranserand manip!lation( Program control( ed!ced Instr!ction set comp!ter

    UNIT-IIIMICRO &ROGRAMMED CONTROL/ Control memory< Address se;!encing< micro program e8ample< Design

    o control !nit-?ard #ired control( Micro programmed control

    UNIT-IVCOM&UTER ARITHMETIC / Addition and s!'traction< m!ltiplication Algorithms< Di%ision Algorithms< loating point Arithmetic operations( Decimal Arithmetic !nit< Decimal Arithmetic operations(

    UNIT-VTHE MEMORY SYSTEM / Memory ?ierarchy< Main memory< A!8iliary memory< Associati%e memory< Cachememory< irt!al memory< Memory management hard#are

    UNIT-VIIN&UT-OUT&UT ORGANIATION / Peripheral De%ices< Inp!t-/!tp!t Interace< Asynchrono!s data transerModes o )ranser< Priority Interr!pt< Direct memory Access< Inp!t /!tp!t Processor 9I/P:< erialcomm!nicationO

    UNIT-VII&I&ELINE AND VECTOR &ROCESSING/ Parallel Processing< Pipelining< Arithmetic Pipeline< Instr!ctionPipeline< IC Pipeline ector Processing< Array Processors(

    UNIT-VIIIMULTI &ROCESSORS/ Characteristics o M!ltiprocessors< Interconnection tr!ct!res< InterprocessorAr'itration( Interprocessor Comm!nication and ynchroniation< Cache Coherance(

    TE=T BOOKS/1( Comp!ter ystem Architect!re M(Moris Mano< IIIrd Edition< P?I > Pearson< 26(2( Comp!ter /rganiation Car ?amacher< %on$s ranesic< a#at a$y< Edition< McBra# ?ill< 22(

    RE>ERENCE/1( Comp!ter /rganiation and Architect!re *illiam tallings e%enth Edition< P?I>Pearson< 26(2( Comp!ter Architect!re and /rganiation ohn P( ?ayes< Mc Bra# ?ill International editions< 1HH.(

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    LINEAR IC A&&LICATIONSUNIT IINTEGRATED CIRCUITS / Dierential Ampliier- DC and AC analysis o D!al inp!t 7alanced o!tp!t

    Conig!ration< Properties o other dierential ampliier conig!ration 9D!al Inp!t n'alanced /!tp!t< ingleEnded Inp!t 7alanced> n'alanced /!tp!t:< DC Co!pling and Cascade Dierential Ampliier tages< &e%eltranslator(

    UNIT IICharacteristics o /P-Amps< Integrated circ!its-)ypes< Classiication< Pac$age )ypes and temperat!re rangesERENCES /1( Digital and Analog Comm!nication ystems - am hanm!gam< ohn *iley< 2(2( Digital Comm!nications ohn Proa$is< )M?< 1H.3( Comm!nication ystems Analog 5 Digital ingh 5apre< )M?< 24(3( Modern Analog and Digital Comm!nication 7(P(&athi< /8ord reprint< 3rd edition< 24(

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    III Y() B.T$. ECE. I-S* T & C0 : 2


    1( P!lse Amplit!de Mod!lation and demod!lation(2( P!lse *idth Mod!lation and demod!lation(3( P!lse Position Mod!lation and demod!lation(4( ampling )heorem %eriication(( )ime di%ision m!ltiple8ing(6( P!lse code mod!lation(( Dierential p!lse code mod!lation(.( Delta mod!lation(H( re;!ency shit $eying(1( Phase shit $eying (11( Dierential phase shit $eying(


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    III Y() B.T$. ECE. II-S* T & C9 0 9

    MANAGEMENT SCIENCEUNIT II5%)od!$%o5 %o M(5(6*5% / Concepts o Management and organiation- nat!re< importance and !nctions

    o Management< )aylor=s cientiic Management )heory< ayol=s Principles o Management< Mayo=s?a#thorne E8periments< Maslo#=s )heory o ?!man "eeds< Do!glas McBregor=s )heory and )heory G
