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Job descriptions

Date post: 06-Aug-2015
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This session is going to be really interac1ve. The point of this session is to help you improve your actual job descrip1on or write yourself one if you don’t actually have one. So what we are going to do is look at your job descrip1ons, highlight the good and bad things and then I'm going to give you a structure for what i think makes a really useful job spec. This will give you a template that you can take back to the office to improve your job descrip1on. Before we start, I know a few of you said that you didn't’t have a job spec so i have printed off a few from the web. Pop your hand up and we will pass these over. 1
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This  session  is  going  to  be  really  interac1ve.  The  point  of  this  session  is  to  help  you  improve  your  actual  job  descrip1on  or  write  yourself  one  if  you  don’t  actually  have  one.      So  what  we  are  going  to  do  is  look  at  your  job  descrip1ons,  highlight  the  good  and  bad  things  and  then  I'm  going  to  give  you  a  structure  for  what  i  think  makes  a  really  useful  job  spec.  This  will  give  you  a  template  that  you  can  take  back  to  the  office  to  improve  your  job  descrip1on.      Before  we  start,  I  know  a  few  of  you  said  that  you  didn't’t  have  a  job  spec  so  i  have  printed  off  a  few  from  the  web.  Pop  your  hand  up  and  we  will  pass  these  over.            


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So  a  quick  show  of  hands  –  who  doesn’t  have  a  job  descrip1on?    Who  has  a  brilliant  job  descrip1on?    Who  thinks  their  job  descrip1on  has  room  for  improvement?    So  firstly  I  want  to  talk  about  why  I  think  job  descrip1ons  are  so  important.  Hear  is  a  quick  scenario.      What  happens  if  an  assistant  is  given  a  really  effec1ve  job  descrip1on  that  is  used  to  recruit  him  or  her  in  the  perfect  role  for  their  current  skills?      It  is  then  used  to  help  the  assistant  seLle  into  the  role  and  is  ul1mately  the  founda1on  of  every  performance  review  and  evalua1on  throughout  their  career.  Would  a  good  job  descrip1on  that  is  used  by  the  assistant’s  boss  to  effec1vely  manage  them  make  a  difference?  Yes,  I  truly  believe  it  would.    We  know  that  assistants  some1mes  are  not  managed  properly  and  can  be  taken  for  granted  because  they  don’t  know  what  is  expected  of  them  and  neither  does  their  manager.      In  my  experience,  this  misunderstanding  can  lead  back  to  a  vague  job  descrip1on.  If  we  can  ensure  the  job  descrip1on  is  relevant  and  is  used  correctly  then  I  do  think    


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In  your  groups  I  just  want  you  to  spend  a  couple  of  minutes  talking  about  generally  about  your  rela1onship  with  your  job  spec?      AQer  that  what  I  would  like  you  to  do  now  is  looking  at  all  of  your  job  specs  what  are  the  common  words  and  phrases?  On  your  clipboards  can  you  write  which  phrases  are  really  helpful  and  describe  what  you  do  and  which  phrases  are  vague,  don’t  quite  match  what  you  do  and  are  unhelpful  in  your  roles.  I’m  looking  for  around  4  or  5  phrases  good  and  bad.      I’m  going  to  ask  for  some  feedback  from  you  so  if  you  can  spend  the  next  15  minutes  discussing  and  wri1ng  down  your  notes  we  can  feedback  straight  aQerwards.      The  most  important  thing  is  that  you  have  learnt  from  each  other  and  started  the  balling  rolling  in  improving  your  job  specs.          


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So  now  let’s  look  at  the  structure  of  a  job  spec  –  for  me  this  is  the  ideal  template        •  A  1tle  that  describes  the  role.  Not  just  personal  assistant  or  administra1ve  

assistant  but  also  whom  the  assistant  reports  to  and  a  clear  statement  detailing  how  the  rela1onship  will  work.  

 •  A  specific  sec1on  outlining  the  job  func1on  and  the  purpose  of  the  role  with  clear  

objec1ves.    •  A  list  of  core  skills,  standards  and  requirements  for  the  role  including  educa1on,  

experience  and  knowledge.    •  A  list  of  the  key  du1es.  Along  with  everything  expected  of  an  assistant  but  also  any  

du1es  that  are  slightly  unexpected.  Does  your  manager  want  you  to  run  personal  errands?  If  so,  it  should  be  on  the  job  descrip1on  to  avoid  any  confusion.  Tasks  that  take  up  only  a  liLle  amount  of  1me  should  s1ll  be  added.  

 •  The  responsibili1es  of  the  assistant  star1ng  with  the  most  important.    •  The  key  results  expected  from  the  assistant.  This  should  be  measurable,  

achievable  but  also  challenging  so  that  the  assistant  can  grow  with  the  role.  


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Can  you  think  of  any  hurdles  that  might  affect  you  changing  your  job  spec?    HR  is  a  concern  because  they  may  have  structured  the  job  spec  around  their  competency  models  and  grading  system.  What  I  would  say  is  that  you  can  always  have  two  job  specs  –  your  official  HR  job  spec  and  a  live  working  job  descrip1on  that  you  use  with  your  execu1ve  for  your  day  to  day  interac1ons  and  yearly  appraisals.      So  to  sum  up      We  all  agree  that  an  effec1ve  job  descrip1on  for  assistants  is  vital.      •  It  allows  us  to  understand  what  is  expected  of  us  from  the  very  moment  we  enter  

into  the  role.    •  We  must  use  the  job  descrip1on  as  a  working  document,  which  can  be  altered  and  

updated  as  we  become  more  established  in  the  role.    •  The  job  descrip1on  must  be  coherent,  focused  and  detailed  so  that  we  know  what  

we  have  to  do  to  be  successful  and  our  managers  know  what  we  do  every  day,  how  to  manage  our  ac1vi1es  and  how  to  review  and  reward  us  accordingly.  

Don’t  let  the  hurdles  stop  you.  Reviewing  your  job  spec  shows  that  you  are  being  proac1ve  and  taking  your  career  seriously.  All  of  your  great  clipboards  will  be  up  in    

