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John Keels Hotel_Annual Report 2009

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  • 7/31/2019 John Keels Hotel_Annual Report 2009


  • 7/31/2019 John Keels Hotel_Annual Report 2009


  • 7/31/2019 John Keels Hotel_Annual Report 2009


    To own or manage 10,000 hotelrooms in South Asia and otherdestinations of potential - a millionsatisfied customers by 2014.

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 1 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Mission:To strive for perfection when providing guest experiences that exceed expectations and be

    recognized as an emerging regional leader in Hospitality, through the discovery of quality service

    propositions, supported by superior performance from our people and technology, whilst nurturing

    values on responsible tourism and providing a sustainable future for all stakeholders.


    In our business dealings and with each other.

    Teamwork:Always putting the Company and the Team

    before oneself.


    To achieve excellence for all our customers both

    internal and external.

    Technology:The use of cutting edge technological

    developments to maintain leadership in

    our business.


    To consciously safeguard our environment

    and ensure sustainable continuity of our

    natural resources.

    Our People:Responsible for creating dynamism and

    commitment whilst recognizing and

    rewarding achievements.

    Social Responsibility:Contribute to the development of the

    community in which we do our business.


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    in anticipation...

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 2 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Chairmans Statement 4

    Group Financial Highlights 7

    Group operating Highlights & Financial Calendar 8

    Group structure 9

    Board of Directors 10

    Corporate Governance 13

    Audit Committee Report 23

    Management Discussion & Analysis

    Investor Information 26

    Financial review 28

    Management Discussion & Analysis of Operations 31

    Risk Management 62

    Sustainability Reporting

    Sustainability Report 68

    Our People 76

    Financial Reports

    Annual Report of the Board of Directors 82

    Statement of Directors Responsibility 86

    Report of the Auditors 87Balance Sheet 88

    Income Statement 89

    Cash flow Statement 90

    Statement of Changes in Equity 92

    Notes to the Financial Statements 93

    Consolidated Value Added Statement 118

    Quarterly Income Statement 119

    Supplementary Information

    Indicative US Dollar Consolidated Balance Sheet 122

    Indicative US Dollar Consolidated Income Statement 123Six year summary Group 124

    Group Real Estate Portfolio 125

    Directors of Subsidiary Companies 126

    Glossary of Financial terms 127

    Notice of meeting 128

    Form of Proxy 131

    Corporate Information IBC


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    John Keells Hotels PLC l 3 l Annual Report 2008/09

  • 7/31/2019 John Keels Hotel_Annual Report 2009


    Chairmans Statement

    With the comprehensive victory of the Sri Lankan armed

    forces in liberating the North and East of the country,

    Sri Lanka is on the brink of a new era of peace and

    economic development. The scourge of terrorism and the

    violence that accompanied it, had a crippling effect on the

    leisure business in Sri Lanka. With this new beginning, I am

    confident that the country and your company will see

    tremendous, unprecedented opportunities for growth.

    The optimism of the industry at thecommencement of the year

    waned, as business and

    consumer confidence

    deteriorated following

    the global credit

    crunch, which

    plunged the global

    economy into the

    worst recession in

    recent times. Travel

    demand was initially dampened by the increase in aviation

    fuel prices while uncertainty caused by the deepening

    global recession and rising unemployment in the developed

    countries led to a shrinking number of international visitors

    during the second half of the year.

    In the face of these challenges, your company, which is a

    key player in the regional tourism industry, fine tuned its

    operational efficiencies and demonstrated tremendous

    resilience in this difficult year.

    Having surmounted the challenges of the past year, it is

    with pleasure that I, on behalf of your Board, present the

    Annual Report and Audited Accounts of John Keells Hotels

    PLC for the year ended 31st March 2009.

    Industry Contribution to Economy

    In Sri Lanka, the 7.5% GDP growth in the Agricultural

    sector was the primary contributor to the overall GDP

    growth of 6% achieved in 2008 as reported by the Central

    Bank of Sri Lanka. Volatility and turbulence in the world

    economy along with security concerns negatively impacted

    the Hotels and Restaurants sub sector leading to a further

    deceleration in GDP growth to -5%. This significant factor

    slowed growth in the Services Sector, which has been

    the major driver of GDP growth of the Sri Lankan

    economy in the past few years.

    In the midst of political change, overall GDP

    growth in the Maldives slowed to 5.8% from the

    7.2% in 2007. The strong growth in the tourism

    sector in the Maldives, following the devastation

    of the tsunami in 2004, faltered under the

    impact of the world economic crisis and resulted

    in the 9.4% year on year growth in the tourism

    sub sector of GDP achieved in 2007, declining to

    3% in 2008.

    Preserving, Protecting and Prospecting

    Faced with a contracting market and rising

    fuel prices, the Group intensified its efforts to

    fine tune its internal operating efficiencies,

    conserve resources and improve productivity.

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    Faced with a contracting market andrising fuel prices, the Group intensified itsefforts to fine tune its internal operating

    efficiencies, conserve resources andimprove productivity

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 5 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Several successful cost saving initiatives were launched

    without compromising brand standards.

    Brand consolidation initiatives were vigorously pursued andthe accolades received following the successful

    participation of our staff in local and global industry

    competitions, further enhanced the visibility and

    recognition of the brands.

    John Keells Resort Hotels swept the boards, winning five of

    the nine awards on offer at the Grand Finale of the 17th

    National Bartenders Competition organized by the Ceylon

    Hotel School Graduates Association (CHSGA) and the

    Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism & Hotel Management. This

    was followed by success at the Asia Pacific BartendersCompetition held in Singapore, when a young hostess

    from Chaaya Village, competing with bartenders from

    Japan, Italy, Korea, Thailand and the United Kingdom,

    emerged first runner-up with a brilliant performance.

    Participating amongst worldwide travel and tourism

    organisations, Cinnamon Island Alidhoo received the Grand

    Award in the Education and Training category of the Pacific

    Asia Travel Association (PATA) 2008 PATA Gold Awards in

    recognition of its initiative to uplift the employability of

    young Maldivians, which commenced last year.

    Clients of First Choice, which is part of the TUI Travel PLC

    Group of companies, a leading UK travel company

    honoured Chaaya Island Dhonveli with the Gold Choice

    2008 award, as the best winter three star accommodation


    Several investment opportunities in emerging leisure

    destinations in the region were evaluated during the year,

    however none crystallised, as they did not meet our return

    expectations. The extreme volatility in the global financial

    and capital markets as well as its lagged impact on the

    tourism industry during the latter part of the year

    necessitated greater discipline and prudence in evaluating

    projects. However, alert to the emergence of potential

    opportunities in the wake of the global industry downturn,

    we continue to explore all such prospects in keeping with

    our strategy of expanding our presence in the region.

    Performance at a Glance

    Despite the bleak industry conditions, the Group achieved

    revenue of Rs.5.1Bn, which was similar to the previous

    year. Revenue growth in the Maldivian segment, helped to

    offset the drop in revenue from the Sri Lankan segment.

    Due to the construction of a breakwater at Cinnamon

    Island Alidhoo, the resort was only partially operational up

    to December 2008, negatively impacting revenue.

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    Chairmans Statement

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 6 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Tight control on direct costs enabled the Group to improve

    the gross profit margin to 68% from 64% last year.

    However, earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) declined

    to Rs.70.5Mn from Rs.392.2Mn in the previous year due to

    increased expenditure on administration caused by the full

    year operation of Cinnamon Island Alidhoo and Chaaya

    Reef Ellaidhoo and higher operational expenses arising

    from the high cost of fuel during the greater part of the


    The overall reduction of 39% in the finance cost was

    primarily due to the reduction in debt consequent to the

    rights issue last year and lower rates on overseas

    borrowings that are structured on variable rates.

    The reduction in finance costs mitigated the increase in

    expenditure and the Group reported a net loss before tax

    of Rs.221.5Mn during the year under review, against the

    net loss of Rs.83.3Mn last year. After accounting for a tax

    credit of Rs.0.5Mn arising from the reversal of deferred tax,

    the consolidated loss after tax for the year amounted to

    Rs.221Mn as against the loss after tax of Rs.71.1Mn in the

    previous year.

    Future Prospects

    With peace and stability, we are confident that the tourism

    industry in Sri Lanka will witness a resurgence

    notwithstanding current global industry concerns. The

    country is likely to see a dramatic turnaround in tourist

    arrivals, if augmented by a concerted destination

    marketing effort.

    With the objective of creating a change in the perception

    of Sri Lanka as a tourist destination, the new brand of

    Sri Lanka Tourism Small Miracle was launched at the

    recently concluded ITB in Berlin. This positioning strategy,

    formulated upon the diversity, compactness, authenticity

    and the island aspects of the destination, seeks to

    differentiate it from competition. In addition, Sri Lanka

    Tourism advertised and launched the Hikkaduwa Beach

    Festival and the Jazz Festival, amongst others, in order to

    create interest around these events with the objective of

    popularising the destination in niche markets. To

    encourage domestic tourism, the Narambamu Sri Lanka

    campaign was launched by Sri Lanka Tourism to create an

    awareness of locations of interest in the country. These

    efforts met with limited success in the larger background

    of security concerns. However, it is anticipated that with

    the end of the conflict, these initiatives would contribute

    to a quick rebound of tourism in Sri Lanka.

    The Maldivian Ministry of Finance and Treasury anticipatesa drop in overall country occupancy in 2009 owing to the

    impact of the increase in bed capacity and the downturn in

    country arrivals. However, the World Tourism Organisation

    expects that although average stays may be shorter, the

    repeat visitor segment will demonstrate resilience and

    destinations offering value for money with favourable

    exchange rates would be at an advantage, as price

    becomes a deciding factor. In this context, the Chaaya

    Maldivian Resorts, are well positioned as they have

    cultivated a loyal customer base by providing value for



    I extend my sincere appreciation to the Board of Directors

    for their invaluable contribution and support during what

    has been a demanding year. My thanks also go out to the

    Management team, our loyal clientele, our reliable business

    partners and our staff at all levels who have worked with

    passion to satisfy our guests.

    Last but not least, I am deeply appreciative of the patience

    and trust of all our shareholders, and look forward to yourcontinued support in the year ahead.

    S C Ratnayake


    25th May 2009

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    Group Financial Highlights

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 7 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Year ended 31st March 2009 2008

    Earnings Highlights and Ratios

    Group Gross Revenue Rs'000 5,336,697 5,407,828

    Group profit before interest and Tax Rs'000 70,534 392,223

    Group profit/(Loss) before Tax Rs'000 (221,479) (83,261)

    Group profit/(Loss) after Tax Rs'000 (220,976) (71,062)

    Group profit attributable to the shareholders Rs'000 (211,498) (61,337)

    Earnings/(Loss) per Share (EPS) Rs. (0.19) (0.07)

    EPS Growth % (171.43) (117.95)

    Interest Cover No. of times 0.24 0.82

    Return on Equity (ROE) % (3.0) (1.1)

    Pre -Tax ROCE % 0.53 3.48

    Balance Sheet Highlights and Ratios

    Total Assets Rs'000 14,748,293 14,231,331

    Total Debt Rs'000 6,338,755 5,847,034

    Total Shareholder's Funds Rs'000 7,176,624 7,070,544

    No. of shares in issue Number 000s 1,092,110 1,092,110

    Net Assets per share Rs. 6.57 6.47

    Debt/Equity % 88 83

    Debt/Total Assets % 43 41

    Market/Shareholder Information

    Market price of share as at 31st March Rs. 6.50 7.00

    Market Capitalisation Rs'000 7,098,716 7,644,771

    Price Earnings Ratio No. of times (34.21) (100.00)


    Total value added Rs'000 1,863,151 1,982,498

    To Employees Rs'000 779,082 676,793To Government Rs'000 392,481 422,230

    To Others Rs'000 691,588 883,475

    Total Employees Number 2,220 2,267

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    Group Operating Highlights

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 8 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Interim Financial Statements

    1st Quarter Ended 30th June 2008 12th August 2008

    2nd Quarter Ended 30th September 2008 3rd November 2008

    3rd Quarter Ended 31st December 2008 3rd February 2009

    Annual Report

    Annual Report 2008/09 5th June 2009


    30th Annual General Meeting 29th June 2009

    Year ended 31st March 2009 2008

    Occupancy - Sri Lanka % 39% 44%

    Occupancy - Maldives % 72% 77%

    Overall Occupancy % 51% 56%

    Guest Nights Number 439,085 452,914

    EBITDA Rs. Mn 790 930

    Financial Calendar

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    Group Structure

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 9 l Annual Report 2008/09

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    Board of Directors

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 10 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Susantha Ratnayake Chairman

    Mr Ratnayake was appointed as the Chairman and CEO of

    John Keells Holdings PLC and Chairman of John Keells

    Hotels in January 2006 and has served on the John Keells

    Hotels Board since 1999. He has overall responsibility for

    Group Strategy and New Business Development.

    Mr Ratnayake is a council member of the Employers'

    Federation of Ceylon. He also serves as a member of the

    Tourism, Sovereign Rating and Investment Promotion

    Clusters of the National Council of Economic Development

    (NCED). Mr. Ratnayake has over 30 years management

    experience, all of which is within the John Keells Group.

    Ajit Gunewardene Director

    Mr. Gunewardene is the Deputy Chairman of John Keells

    Holdings PLC and has been a member of their Board for

    over 16 years. He is a Director of many companies in the

    John Keells Group and is the Chairman of Nations Trust

    Bank PLC and Union Assurance PLC. He is a member of

    the board of Nanco (Pvt) Ltd, a company established for

    the development of Nanotechnology in Sri Lanka under the

    auspices of the Ministry of Science and Technology. He was

    also appointed as a member of the National Advisory

    Council for Export Development (NACFED) by the Minister

    of Export Development and International Trade. He has

    also served as the Chairman of the Colombo Stock

    Exchange. In addition to being a member of the Board of

    the Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau, he serves on

    several committees appointed by the Minister of Tourism

    for the development of this industry in Sri Lanka. Mr.

    Gunewardene has a degree in Economics and brings over

    27 years of experience to your Board.

    Sumithra Gunesekera Director

    Mr. Gunesekera was appointed to the Board of John Keells

    Hotels PLC in 2007/08. He has overall responsibility for the

    Plantation Services Sector and the Corporate

    Communications function at the Centre and is also the

    Head of the Management Committee of the John Keells

    Social Responsibility Foundation. He is Chairman of the

    Employers' Network on Disability of the Employers

    Federation of Ceylon. Furthermore, he serves on the Board

    of Directors of Sri Lanka Institute of Tourism and Hotel

    Management. Mr. Gunesekera is a Director in many Group

    Companies and has over 27 years of management


    Ronnie Peiris Director

    Appointed to the board during 2002/03. Mr. Peiris has

    overall responsibility for Group Finance, including Treasury,

    Taxation, Corporate Finance, Group Initiatives, Shared

    Services and the Information Technology functions at the

    centre. Previously, Managing Director of Anglo American

    Corporation (Central Africa) Limited and EXCO member of

    Konkola Copper Mines plc, both in Zambia, Mr. Peiris has

    served on many boards overseas. He has over 36 years

    finance and general management experience in Sri Lanka

    and abroad. He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of

    Management Accountants, UK, Association of Chartered

    Certified Accountants, UK, and the Society of Certified

    Management Accountants, Sri Lanka, and holds an MBA

    from the University of Cape Town, South Africa. He is a

    member of the committee of the Ceylon Chamber of

    Commerce, Chairman of its Taxation Sub Committee and

    also serves on its Economic, Fiscal and Policy Planning Sub


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    John Keells Hotels PLC l 11 l Annual Report 2008/09



    SusanthaRatnayake Ajit







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    Board of Directors

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 12 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Jayantissa Kehelpannala Director

    Appointed to the board during 2004/2005, Mr.

    Kehelpannala is currently the Executive Vice President /

    Sector Head - Resort Hotels. He has over 27 years of

    experience in the leisure industry both in hoteliering and

    inbound tourism. He is currently The President of The

    Sri Lanka Maldives Bilateral Business Council which is

    under the aegis of The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and

    Vice Chairman, Hotels and Tourism Employers Group of

    the Employers Federation of Ceylon. In addition he his also

    a Director of the Rainforest Ecolodge which is an Industry

    driven Hotel development project to cater and popularize

    Eco Tourism in Sri Lanka.

    Ashroff Omar Director*

    Ashroff Omar, Chief Executive Officer of Brandix Lanka Ltd

    (Brandix) is a leading industrialist and a prominent figure in

    the apparel industry. The Brandix Group is the single

    largest apparel exporter in Sri Lanka and is positioned as a

    leading apparel solutions provider to many of the worlds

    super brands.

    Mr. Omar was instrumental in the establishment of The

    Joint Apparel Association Forum (JAAF) the apex body of

    the apparel industry primarily involved in driving strategy

    for the industry, which he chaired at its inception. He was

    also the former Chairman of The Sri Lanka Apparel

    Exporters Association and is a frequent spokesperson for

    the apparel industry.

    Mr. Omar is a Director of Phoenix Ventures Ltd - the

    holding company of Brandix Lanka Ltd. He serves as a non-executive Director for the Colombo Stock Exchange while

    also being the Hon. Consul General of the Republic of


    Ranel T.Wijesinha Director*

    Appointed to the Board in July 2005 Ranel T. Wijesinha

    functions as Chairman of the Audit Committee. A Fellow

    of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka,

    with over 31 years of national and international

    professional work experience in accounting, auditing and

    consulting, Ranel is a Past President of the Institute ofChartered Accountants of Sri Lanka, and a Past President

    of the Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants. He

    possesses a Masters Degree in Business Administration

    from the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania, USA, and

    is presently an Independent International Management

    Consultant to multilateral and bi-lateral development

    banks and institutions providing advisory services to

    overseas Governments. The senior managerial positions he

    has held in practice have included functioning as Manager

    Deloitte, Bahamas and Partner and Head of Consulting and

    Financial Advisory Services of PricewaterhouseCoopers,

    Sri Lanka. His exposure to industry included, functioning as

    Director, Business Development of the John Keells Holdings

    Group, Chairman, National Wealth Corporation Ltd,

    Chairman, Ayojana Fund Management (Private) Limited

    and as founder director of Lanka Ventures Ltd. He has held

    several statutory, regulatory and advisory positions for the

    Government of Sri Lanka and has a distinctive exposure to

    and balance between the private and public sector and is

    currently a member of the Accounting and Auditing

    Standards Monitoring Board of Sri Lanka.

    Amal Cabraal Director*

    Mr. Cabraal was appointed to the Board of John Keells

    Hotels PLC as an independent Director in October 2005.

    He counts over 26 years of local and international business

    experience and is presently the Chairman/CEO of Unilever

    Sri Lanka. Mr. Cabraal is an alumnus of INSEAD - France

    and holds an MBA from the University of Colombo. A

    Chartered Marketer by profession, he is currently the

    President - Sri Lanka Region of the Chartered Institute of

    Marketing - UK. Mr. Cabraal serves on the Sri Lanka

    Tourism Advisory Committee and is a member of the

    Strategic Review Committee of the Ceylon Chamber of

    Commerce and is a Council member of the Employers

    Federation of Ceylon.

    * Independent Director

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    John Keells Hotels PLC l 13 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Corporate Governance

    John Keells Hotels PLC reaffirms its strong commitment to

    maintaining the highest standards of business integrity in

    all of its activities and relationships. This commitment will

    continue to be the foundation of the strong relationships it

    enjoys as it seeks to align the interests of all its

    stakeholders for their greater mutual benefit. It is

    expressed by transparency, accountability and disclosure of

    its business practices and performance.

    The Company welcomes the formal publication of theCode of Best Practice on Corporate Governance (Code)

    issued jointly by the Securities and Exchange Commission

    of Sri Lanka (SEC) and the Institute of Chartered

    Accountants of Sri Lanka (ICASL) in June 2008. Having

    reviewed its governance structures and practices against

    this standard along with section 7 of the listing rules of the

    Colombo Stock Exchange, the Company considers that it

    has complied with the requirements of the Code

    throughout the year ended 31st March 2009.

    This report sets out the extent of our adherence to the

    principles and provisions of the Code of Best Practice onCorporate Governance issued jointly by the SEC and ICASL

    as outlined below.

    Composition of Board

    Frequency of Board Meetings

    As at 31st March 2009, the Board of John Keells Hotels PLC comprised of eight Directors,

    five of whom, including the Chairman, hold office in a non independent capacity

    Biographical details of the Directors are set out on pages 10 to 12 of this report.

    The Board meets on a quarterly basis, however, additional meetings are held if required. The

    Board met on four occasions during the year under review, attendance is shown below

    THE COMPANYDirectors

    The Board - The Company is led by an effective Board, which also directs and controls the activities of the Company

    Governance Principle John Keells Hotels Extent of Compliance

    Name of Director Capacity Association and InterestShare Management Material

    holding BusinessRelationship

    S. C. Ratnayake NED/NID Yes Yes No

    A. D. Gunewardene NED/NID Yes Yes No

    G. S. A. Gunesekera NED/NID Yes Yes No

    J. R. F. Peiris NED/NID No Yes No

    J. E. P. Kehelpannala NED/NID No Yes No

    R. T. Wijesinha NED/ID No No No

    A. Omar NED/ID No No No

    A. Cabraal NED/ID No No No

    NED Non Executive Director, NID Non Independent Director,ID Independent Director

    Name of Director MeetingsAttended

    S. C. Ratnayake 3

    A. D. Gunewardene 4

    G. S. A. Gunesekera 3

    J. R. F. Peiris 4

    Name of Director MeetingsAttended

    J. E. P. Kehelpannala 4

    R. T. Wijesinha * 4

    A. Omar * 2

    A. Cabraal * 4

    * Independent

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    Corporate Governance

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 14 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Responsibilities of the Board

    Strategy formulation

    Strategy implementation

    Effective Systems

    Integrity of information and

    compliance with statutes

    Stakeholder interests

    The Board of Directors is responsible for

    The ultimate supervision of the Group and the eventual direction of the Company, in

    particular the conduct, management and supervision of the business of the Company,

    and the provision of necessary directions

    Proper stewardship of the companys resources and share responsibility for maintaining

    the highest standards of ethics and integrity

    Determination of the composition and structure of the companys executive

    management and the Companys operating model

    Determination of accounting principles and the integrity of financial information in the

    event of loss of capital

    Adherence to the Corporate Governance principles of the Company

    Formulation and approval of

    the Groups long-term strategy and Annual investment budget;

    significant financial, commercial or industrial policy issues within an ethical


    Implementation and monitoring of strategy by entrusting the management of the

    following companies to Keells Hotel Management Services Limited, the Managing

    Agents, with whom formal management contracts have been signed

    Habarana Lodge Ltd - owners of Cinnamon Lodge, Habarana,

    Habarana Walk Inn Ltd - owners of Chaaya Village, Habarana, Kandy Walk Inn Ltd - owners of Chaaya Citadel, Kandy,

    Trinco Walk Inn Ltd - owners of Club Oceanic, Trincomalee,

    Yala Village (Pvt) Ltd - owners of Yala Village, Yala,

    Ceylon Holiday Resorts Ltd - owners of Bentota Beach Hotel, Bentota and Coral

    Gardens Hotel, Hikkaduwa,

    Travel Club (Pte) Ltd - owners of Chaaya Reef Ellaidhoo, Maldives,

    Fantasea World Investments (Pte) Ltd - owners of Chaaya Lagoon Hakuraa huraa,


    John Keells Maldivian Resorts (Pte) Ltd - owners of Chaaya Island Dhonveli, Maldives


    Tranquility (Pte) Ltd - owners of Cinnamon Island Alidhoo.

    The operations of these Hotels are conducted by the Managing Agents within the policy

    framework outlined by the Board that also requires adherence to best practices in the

    hospitality industry. The Managing Agents continuously update the Board by means of

    Management reports in prescribed formats to enable the Board to monitor and assess


    The effectiveness of the Companys systems of internal control and the management of


    Compliance with laws and regulations of the countries in which the Groups

    subsidiaries operate as well as the selection of appropriate accounting principles which

    underlie the integrity of financial information

    Taking into consideration the interests of all stakeholders when making decisions to utilise

    the companys resources and maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity notification to shareholders in the event of loss of capital

    Governance Principle John Keells Hotels Extent of Compliance

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    John Keells Hotels PLC l 15 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Appointment and Renewal of

    Board Committees

    Review of Reports

    Shareholder dialogue

    Company Secretary

    Compliance with Statutory

    and Regulatory


    Procedures for Directors to

    obtain independent

    professional advice and

    Access to Company Secretary

    Independent judgement

    Dedication of adequate time

    and effort to matters of the

    Board and Company

    Training for Directors

    appointment and renewal of the sub committees

    the review and determination of all reports submitted to the Board

    maintenance of dialogue with shareholders by

    the preparation and timely submission of Interim Financial Statements and the

    Annual Report

    convening Annual and Extra Ordinary General Meetings

    Keells Consultants Limited functions as Secretary to the Board. They ensure that

    appropriate Board processes are adopted and that a proper record of all proceedings of

    Board meetings is maintained

    As the Company is domiciled in Sri Lanka, the Board ensures that the Financial Statements of

    the Company and the Group are prepared in accordance with the Sri Lanka Accounting

    Standards, the requirements of the Colombo Stock Exchange and other applicable authorities.

    The Financial Statements for all companies domiciled in Sri Lanka are prepared in accordance

    with The Sri Lanka Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants.

    The Financial Statements of the companies domiciled in the Maldives are prepared based on

    International Financial Reporting Standards. The Board is aware of the importance of the

    disclosure of critical accounting policies in the corporate governance framework and opines

    that there are no instances where the use of international accounting standards would have

    an impact on the Company and the Groups financial performance.

    There is an agreed procedure whereby Directors may take independent professional advice

    in the furtherance of their duties and all of them have access to the advice and services of

    the Company Secretary.

    The presence of independent non-executive Directors with proven experience and success in

    their respective fields, along with the non independent Directors who are engaged in the

    operation of the Company, creates an environment in which an uninhibited exchange of views

    can take place. This has yielded improvements in both areas of compliance and performance.

    The non independent Directors possess considerable skills in their respective fields that

    include Finance, Treasury Management, Marketing and the Hospitality industry enabling

    them to bring a wealth of experience to bear on decisions made by the Board.

    In proportion with their knowledge and experience, the Directors devote sufficient time and

    effort to ensure that they discharge their responsibilities to the Company and the Group. This

    includes reviewing Board papers, business visits to understand risk exposures and operating

    conditions as well as attending Board meetings and discussions with the Managing Agents.

    The updating of all Directors skills and knowledge is a progressive exercise. Formal and

    basic training is undertaken by and provided to all Directors as and when deemed

    necessary, in such fields as may be appropriate.

    All Directors have access to External and Internal Auditors, Senior Management of the

    Managing Agents, the services of the Company Secretary as well as the Legal, Tax and

    Finance Divisions of the John Keells Group of which the Company is a member.

    Non Executive Directors have the opportunity of gaining further insight into the Groups

    business by visits to hotels across the brand portfolios.

    Governance Principle John Keells Hotels Extent of Compliance

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    Corporate Governance

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 16 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Division of Responsibilities The Chairman is a non executive non independent Director. The responsibility for the

    effectiveness of the Board and its Committees vests in the Chairman.

    The executive responsibility for the functioning of the Groups business including

    implementation of strategies approved by the Board and developing and recommending

    to the Board the business plans and budgets that support the group strategy has been

    entrusted to the President/ CEO of the Leisure Industry Group.

    Governance Principle John Keells Hotels Extent of Compliance

    Chairman & CEO

    Adequacy of Financial


    In addition to the presence of two senior Chartered/Management accountants on the

    Board, the non-executive Directors collectively bring to the Board a wide array of domestic

    and international experience and expertise in corporate and commercial management.

    Financial Acumen

    Evaluation and Declaration of

    Independence of Non

    Executive Directors

    Independent Directors

    In accordance with the criteria for Independence specified by section 7 of the listing

    rules of the Colombo Stock Exchange and as identified by the Code, the Board considers

    that three non-executive Directors satisfy the criteria for independence as required under

    clause 7.2(b) and has received a declaration of their independence.

    Operating in a culture of openness and constructive dissent, the Board is of the view that

    its current composition, where three Directors hold office in an independent, nonexecutive capacity, effectively facilitates a healthy balance between executive necessity

    and independent judgement, enabling the Board to create and enhance value for the

    Companys stakeholders

    Board Balance

    Adequacy of Notice and

    Formal Agenda to be

    discussed at Board Meetings

    The agenda for Board Meetings is circulated at least a week in advance. Directors are

    briefed by means of comprehensive papers, which are accurate and relevant to the

    business to be considered at the meeting and enhanced by presentations by key executive

    staff during meetings.

    During the year under review, the following important matters were featured in the Agenda

    Review of policy

    Board Sub Committee reports

    Monitor alignment with long term strategies and goals

    Review and approve Annual Plans and Reforecast

    Consider and compare actual performance against plan/reforecast and clarify

    significant variances to its satisfaction

    Discuss and approve significant capital expenditure, portfolio structure, major

    investments, acquisitions and disposals.

    Review of effectiveness of internal control and risk management processes

    Obtain assurance of compliance with regulatory and statutory requirements

    Approve publication of all Interim and Annual financial statements

    Supply of Information

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    John Keells Hotels PLC l 17 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Nomination Committee

    Formal and transparent

    procedure for new


    Shareholder approval

    Disclosure of appointment ofDirectors to shareholders

    The Nomination Committee of the Parent Company John Keells Holdings PLC functions as

    the nomination committee of the Company and its subsidiaries. The Nomination

    Committee of John Keells Holdings PLC comprises three independent Directors and one

    non independent Director namely:

    Mr. Tarun Das Chairman

    Mr. S Enderby

    Mrs. S ThiruchelvamMr. S C Ratnayake (Non Independent)

    The Board identifies eligible candidates having regard to their professional competence,

    experience in commercial management and personal qualities. Eligible candidates are

    recommended for appointment by the nomination committee of the parent company,

    John Keells Holdings PLC, in keeping with its norms. The John Keels Hotels PLC Board

    proceeds to appoint new Directors having considered and approved such


    Shareholders must formally approve all new appointments at the first opportunity after

    their appointment, as provided by Article 91 of the Articles of Association of the


    Shareholders are informed of the appointment of new Directors by formal announcementon the Colombo Stock Exchange

    Governance Principle John Keells Hotels Extent of Compliance

    Board Appointments and Re-election

    Term of office and re-election

    of Directors

    One third of the Directors except the Chairman retire by rotation on the basis prescribed in

    the Articles. A Director retiring by rotation is eligible for re-election.

    The tenure of office for non independent Directors is limited by their prescribed Company

    retirement age.

    Independent Directors, on the other hand, can be appointed to office for three

    consecutive terms of three years, which however, is subject to the age limit set by statute

    at the time of re-appointment following the end of a term.

    The proposal for the re-appointment of Directors is set out in the Directors Report as well

    as the Notice of Meeting on page 128 of this Report.

    Re-election of Directors

    Effectiveness of Board


    The Board is considering the introduction of a formal Board evaluation process from


    Notwithstanding the lack of a formal evaluation process, Board business has been

    conducted in a structured manner, which facilitates constructive dissent and encourages

    the flow of communication between management and the Board. The frank and open

    relationship which existed has resulted in a form of ongoing evaluation enabling the Board

    to perform effectively in the background of the economic uncertainty and industry

    challenges which prevailed during the year under review.

    Appraisal of Board Performance

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    Corporate Governance

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 18 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Biographical Profiles

    Disclosure of appointment of

    Directors to shareholders

    Other relevant information

    pertaining to Directors

    The biographical details of the Directors are set out on pages 10 to 12 of this report.

    Shareholders are informed of the appointment of new Directors by announcement on the

    Colombo Stock Exchange.

    The Directors have declared the extent of their dealings with the Company, and this

    information is disclosed in this Annual Report as follows:

    Details of Shareholding - Pages 26 to 27

    Details of related party transactions - Page 116

    The attendance of Directors at Board Committee meetings are provided on Page 13

    Governance Principle John Keells Hotels Extent of Compliance

    Disclosure of Information in Respect of Directors

    The annual appraisal of the President/CEO is carried out at parent level and is based on

    pre-agreed performance criteria

    Appraisal of the CEO

    Remuneration Committee

    Remuneration Policy

    Level and composition of


    As permitted by the listing rules of the Colombo Stock Exchange, the Remuneration

    Committee of the Parent Company John Keells Holdings PLC functions as the

    remuneration committee of the Company and its subsidiaries. The Remuneration

    Committee of John Keells Holdings PLC comprises three independent Directors:

    Mr. E F G Amerasinghe ChairmanMr. M V Muhsin (Up to 28 February 2009)

    Mr. P D Rodrigo

    The remuneration policy adopted by the Group as recommended by the Remuneration

    Committee of its parent, John Keells Holdings PLC is formulated to attract and retain high

    calibre executives and motivate them to develop and implement the business strategy in

    order to optimise long term Shareholder value creation

    Having conducted market surveys, spoken to experts and having considered the

    management complexities of the Group, on the recommendation of the remuneration

    committee, the Group has adopted the following remuneration policy designed to provide

    an appropriate balance between fixed remuneration and variable risk reward as follows,

    a fixed element;

    a variable element in the form of a short term incentive which is based on the

    individual performance and an organization performance metric which covers

    revenues and PAT; and

    long term incentive in the form of employee share options at John Keells Holdings

    PLC for applicable senior executives

    A customised pay for performance scheme based on individual and organizational

    performance ratings was implemented in 2007/08 for all group employees at manager

    level and extended to the assistant manager level in the current financial year, while only

    individual performance ratings govern remuneration of group executives at lower levels.

    The rationale for excluding the organizational performance rating to pay at the lowerlevels being that individuals at this level have little direct influence on the profitability of

    Directors Remuneration

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    John Keells Hotels PLC l 19 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Governance Principle John Keells Hotels Extent of Compliance

    Directors Remuneration

    Executive Share Options

    Disclosure of Remuneration

    the organization. These changes to the performance measures are intended to generate a

    more robust alignment between reward and performance.

    Compensation for Non-Executive Directors (NEDs) is determined by reference to fees paid

    to other NEDs of comparable companies. NEDs receive a fee for devoting time and

    expertise for the benefit of the company. Nevertheless, NEDs fees are not time bound or

    defined by a maximum/minimum number of hours committed to the group per annum

    and hence is not subject to additional/lower fees for additional/lower time devoted. NEDsdo not receive any performance/incentive payments.

    Director Fees applicable to non-executive directors nominated by John Keells Holdings PLC

    are paid directly to John Keells Holdings PLC and not to individuals.

    The Company does not have an employee share option scheme

    The aggregate remuneration paid to Directors is disclosed on page 112 of this report.

    Relations with Shareholders

    Annual General Meeting

    Constructive use of Annual

    General Meeting

    Convening of Annual

    General Meeting

    The Annual General Meeting provides a useful forum for shareholders to interact with the

    Directors of the Company and discuss the progress of the business, its performance and

    objectives, while at the same time giving the Directors the opportunity to understand the

    issues and concerns of shareholders.

    By order of the Board, the Company Secretaries have convened the Annual General

    meeting of the Company in accordance with its Articles and relevant statute.

    The Notice convening the meeting provides details of the Agenda to be dealt with at the

    meeting as separate resolutions. The consideration and adoption of the Reports of the

    Directors and the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 March 2009 along with the

    Report of the Auditors is presented as a separate resolution.

    Accountability and Audit

    Financial Reporting

    Balanced Assessment of

    Groups position and


    The Groups position and future prospects are reported in detail in the following reports

    Chairmans Statement on pages 4 to 6

    Management Discussion and Analysis of Operations on pages 31 to 39

    Major Transactions

    Disclosure The Directors ensure that any corporate transaction that would materially affect the net

    asset base of the Company are communicated to shareholders as was evidenced when the

    Company sought to acquire a controlling interest in the Confifi Group in 2007/08.

    Future strategies of the Company are discussed in the

    Chairmans Statement on pages 4 to 6

    Management Discussion and Analysis of Operations on pages 31 to 39

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    Corporate Governance

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 20 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Internal Controls

    Maintain Reliable System of

    Internal Control

    Internal Audit Function

    The Board has overall responsibility for the Groups system of internal financial control.

    The Groups systems are designed to provide the Directors with reasonable assurance that

    assets are safeguarded, transactions are authorized and properly recorded and that

    material errors and irregularities are either prevented or detected in a timely manner. Key

    elements of such procedures are as follows:

    Formal policies and procedures are defined which include the documentation of key

    systems and rules relating to delegation of financial authority. This restricts the

    unauthorized use of the Groups assets and ensures the monitoring of controls.

    The annual budgets are approved by the Board after detailed management review.

    There is a detailed budgeting process for each hotel property of the Group. Budgets are

    prepared in a manner that facilitates management to monitor the key business and

    financial activities. Results are regularly reviewed against budget and revised forecasts

    for the year are prepared on a quarterly basis

    The Enterprise resource planning system (SAP) has ensured that monthly management

    accounts are prepared promptly providing relevant, reliable and up-to-date financial and

    other information.

    Capital Expenditure is subject to formal authorization procedures.

    Experienced and suitably qualified staff takes responsibility for important business

    functions. Annual appraisal procedures have been established to maintain standards of


    To further strengthen internal control and have independent assurance, the Group has

    enlisted the services of Messrs. PricewaterhouseCoopers in Sri Lanka & Messrs Ernst &

    Young in the Maldives, both firms of Chartered Accountants to monitor and report on

    the adequacy of the financial and operational systems of the properties operated by the


    The scope included:

    Assessment of the adequacy of accounting and operational control systems in terms

    of economy, efficiency and effectiveness.

    Governance Principle John Keells Hotels Extent of Compliance

    Interim Financial Statements,

    Price Sensitive information

    and Reports to Regulatory


    Directors Report

    Respective Responsibilities of

    Directors and Auditors

    Going Concern

    The Interim and Annual Financial Statements are prepared and forwarded in a timely

    manner. The Colombo Stock Exchange is updated with any information that is considered

    to be price sensitive while regulatory reports and returns are submitted by the due dates.

    The Annual Report of the Directors is provided on pages 82 to 85

    The Statement of Directors Responsibility for the preparation of the Financial Statements

    is provided on page 86 while the Report of the Auditors is provided on page 87

    The Board of Directors, after considering the financial position, operating conditions,

    regulatory and other factors, and such matters required to be addressed in the Corporate

    Governance Code, have a reasonable expectation that the company and its subsidiaries

    possess adequate resources to continue in operation for the foreseeable future. For this

    reason, they continue to adopt the Going Concern basis in preparing the financial


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    John Keells Hotels PLC l 21 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Board Review of effectiveness

    of system of Internal Controls

    Examination of compliance with statutory requirements, management policies and


    Review and monitor operational and financial controls in order to ascertain

    adherence to such controls.

    The effectiveness of the system of Internal Control is subject to regular review by the

    Internal Auditors under the direction of the Board Audit Committee. Internal Audit reports

    are structured in a manner that facilitates the resolution of the concerns highlighted and

    follow up action is monitored by the Board on an ongoing basis.

    Governance Principle John Keells Hotels Extent of Compliance

    Audit Committee

    Chairman and Composition

    Charter and Terms of




    Ensuring objectivity and

    independence of External



    The Audit Committee comprises solely of independent, non-executive Directors. As

    prescribed in the Listing Rules of the Colombo Stock Exchange, the Chairman of the Audit

    Committee is a member of a professional accounting body - a fellow of the Institute of

    Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka with several years of experience in financial auditing

    and accounting.

    It is governed by a Charter that encompasses the review and monitoring of internal

    control, operational and business risks, adequacy and fairness of disclosures, procedures

    relating to statutory, regulatory and related compliances as well as the working of the


    The Audit Committee met on four occasions during the year, attendance was as follows:-

    The Chairman/CEO, Executive Directors, the Chief Financial Officer, Sector Financial

    Controllers, the Head of Risk Control & Review, the External and Internal Auditors are

    regular invitees of the Audit Committee.The Audit Committee focuses principally in assisting the Board to fulfil its duties by

    providing an independent and objective view of the financial reporting process, internal

    controls, risk review and the audit function.

    Working together with the External Auditors, the Audit Committee reviews the accounting

    principles, policies and practices adopted in the presentation of published financial

    information. The Committee is responsible for the consideration and recommendation of

    the External Auditors.

    The detailed Report of the Audit Committee is found on page 23 of this report.

    Name of Member Meetings Attended

    R. Wijesinha * 5

    A. Omar ** 1

    A. Cabraal 5

    S. R. Jayaweera # 0

    * Chairman # Appointed on 28.01.2009

    ** Overseas

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    Corporate Governance

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 22 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Governance Principle John Keells Hotels Extent of Compliance

    Code of Business Conduct and Ethics

    Code of Conduct and Ethics

    Corporate Social


    The Company and Group embodied the ethics and conduct expected of its Directors and

    employees in its statement of values and has adopted a formal code of ethics covering

    Directors and Executives of the company.

    The Group recognizes the pivotal role it plays in the local and extended communities in

    which it transacts business and the interdependence between its customers, employees

    and local entrepreneurs. The activities undertaken by the Group to foster these

    relationships and safeguard the environment are described more fully in the Sustainability

    Report on pages 68 to 75 of this Report.

    Corporate Governance Disclosures

    Extent of compliance

    Risk Review

    This report discloses the governance practices of the Company and the extent to which it

    has complied with the Code.

    The Companys corporate governance practices are in accordance with the Code except


    A formal appraisal of Board performance has not been conducted.

    The Risk management practices of the Group are described on pages 62 to 65


    Institutional and Other Investors

    Shareholder Voting

    Evaluation of Governance


    Dialogue with shareholders

    All shareholders are encouraged to participate at meetings of the company and a form of

    proxy accompanies each notice providing shareholders who are unable to attend such

    meetings the opportunity to cast their vote.

    Maximum possible information is provided to shareholders in a timely manner and full

    disclosure is made subject only to any sensitive information, which could directly affect the

    business of the Company and the Group.

    The Company through its parent Companys Investor Relations Division maintains an

    ongoing dialogue with its key individual and institutional shareholders.

    The Company places great emphasis on releasing its financial statements in a timely

    manner so as to ensure that shareholders have access to information on which they couldmake informed decisions


    The Company is of the firm belief that the real value of

    Enterprise Governance lies in co-operative governance,

    based on a foundation of trust, loyalty, personal integrity,

    fairness to all stakeholders and a strong corporate culture,

    which produces infinitely superior results. In an investment

    environment in which there is a greater investor

    expectation of transparency, integrity and sustainable

    governance practices, the Company is well positioned to

    reduce its cost of equity by lowering the Companys equity

    risk premium.

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    John Keells Hotels PLC l 29 l Annual Report 2008/09

    possible largely due to the success of promotional offers

    targeting local clientele, albeit at the cost of lower room rates.


    The incidence of rising fuel and commodity prices during the first

    half of the year negatively impacted performance during the off

    peak season resulting in lower margins. With the decrease in

    volumes and higher cost of direct inputs, several cost and energy

    saving initiatives were launched which included menu and staff

    rationalisation. These steps contributed to achieving a GP marginof 68% against the 64% achieved last year.

    Administrative expenses were higher primarily due to the

    inclusion of expenses such as island rent and depreciation

    associated with the full year operation of Alidhoo. The increase

    in the electricity tariff and fuel costs in Sri Lanka during first

    three quarters, the higher fuel prices in the Maldives in the first

    eight months along with the full operation of Ellaidhoo and

    Alidhoo contributed to the 11% increase in Other Operating


    Although at operational level the profit before interest and tax

    amounted to Rs.41Mn, the 83% year on year decrease was due

    to exceptional profits included under other operating income in

    the last financial year.

    The higher profit contribution from Dhonveli, Ellaidhoo and

    Hakuraa absorbed the loss of profit contribution from the release

    of Velidhu but this was eroded by losses at Alidhoo due to

    curtailed operations on account of the construction of the

    breakwater and the global recession which adversely impacted

    the high end market at year end.

    Finance Expenses

    The adverse operating conditions in Sri Lanka were heightened

    by the increase in lending rates. In this context, the infusion of

    equity during the last financial year and lower LIBOR rates on US

    Dollar borrowings in the Maldives, were the key contributory

    factors that enabled the Group to achieve a 39% reduction in

    finance costs during the year under review.

    After accounting for tax credits of Rs.0.5Mn, the net

    consolidated loss after tax amounted to Rs.221Mn against the

    loss of Rs.71Mn in previous year.

    GP Margins



    Qtr 1 Qtr 2 Qtr 3 Qtr 4











    EBIT Finance Expenses

    Interest Cover


    Rs. Mn Times

    07/08 08/09

    Interest Cover


















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    Financial Review

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 30 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Flat revenue growth and higher operational expenditure incurred

    during the year due to adverse macro economic factors, led to a

    reduction in interest cover, which decreased from 0.82 to 0.24

    notwithstanding the reduction in finance costs.


    Net borrowings as at 31 March 2009 stood at Rs.5.8Bn of which

    short term debt amounted to Rs.2.6Bn representing 45% against

    the Rs.5.4Bn as at 31 March 2008 with short term debt

    representing 33% of total debt.

    As mentioned last year, the group debt portfolio is structured to

    benefit from the lower interest rate regime on USD borrowings

    overseas as opposed to the comparatively higher rates prevalent

    in Sri Lanka. The fiscal strategies adopted by the United States

    and Europe to stimulate investment led to a reduction in interest

    rates on USD borrowings, from which the Group benefited by

    way of lower finance costs.

    Although the utilisation of short term overseas borrowings are

    more attractive in terms of cost and repayment which is less

    structured and allows the Group to maximise cyclical operational

    cash flows, attempts are being made to convert part of these

    borrowings to long term facilities in the light of the current

    global shortage of funds.

    Cash Generation

    Working capital was closely monitored in the backdrop of

    turbulence in global financial markets and the consequent credit

    crunch. This led to improved collections and generated net

    operational cash flows of Rs.916Mn during the year against

    Rs.192Mn last year enabling the Group to retire Rs.514Mn of

    long term debt. However, the balance generated from

    operations was insufficient to fund the cost of construction of

    the breakwater at Alidhoo, which was structured by utilising

    short term instruments and overdrafts.

    With the return of normalcy to Sri Lanka following the cessation

    of hostilities, we anticipate tourist arrivals to the country would

    improve and contribute to healthy operational cash flows,

    enabling the Group to reduce its borrowings in Sri Lanka.Composition of Debt

    Short Term Debt

    Long Term Debt

    06/07 07/08 08/09







    Equity Debt



    Rs. Mn %

    07/08 08/09



















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    Management Discussion & Analysis of Operations

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 32 l Annual Report 2008/09

    as well as within the region. This was aggravated by the

    global economic crisis leading to the weak growth of 1.6%

    and lower overall occupancy rate of 65.5%, down from

    the 70.6% achieved in 2007.

    Tourism in Sri Lanka

    As the government pursued its objective of eradicating

    terrorism in the country, the intensification of the conflict

    in the North and East exposed the vulnerability of the

    tourism industry in Sri Lanka to safety and security

    concerns, resulting in tourist arrivals to the country

    declining by 17% in 2008/09 when compared with


    During the year under review, 409,661 tourist arrivals were

    recorded against the 494,889 arrivals recorded in 2007/08.

    Arrivals during the year evolved along similar lines to the

    previous year with the steepest decline of over 30%

    recorded in August 2008 and January 2009, both

    traditionally peak months for the industry. Year on year

    growth was only recorded in May 2008 (18%) but this was

    chiefly due to the lower base in May 2007 when arrivals

    plummeted due to the restriction on night flights following

    the attack on the airport.

    In terms of market performance, the year on year

    reduction of 28,781 arrivals from India saw it slipping

    behind the UK which with 78,086 arrivals during the year

    under review, emerged as the market leader. The other key

    source markets that registered lower arrivals were

    Germany, Holland, Japan and Hong Kong/China.

    According to the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, during thecalendar year 2008, the average stay declined marginally

    The strong growth that characterised the firsthalf of the year saw international touristarrivals touching 924 million at year end...

    Tourist Arrivals to Sri Lanka by Month








































    Market Share 08/09

    Sri Lanka Performance ofMajor Source Markets


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    Management Discussion & Analysis of Operations

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 34 l Annual Report 2008/09

    The Maldivian Tourism Industry

    With first quarter growth at 5.6%, tourism in the Maldives

    pointed to another good year, well on the way to

    exceeding the annual growth target of 9% set for 2008.

    However, higher airfares and Europes slide into deeper

    recession saw growth moving into negative territory during

    the last three quarters of the financial year. The last

    quarter, which traditionally peaks in arrivals, saw arrivals

    drop by as much as 11%, leading to an overall year on

    year decline of 3% with total country arrivals during the

    year under review amounting to 660,983. The 9% increase

    in bed night capacity led to lower hotel occupancy and

    exerted pressure on room rates as hotels sought to

    preserve occupancy levels. Rising commodity prices in the

    world economy and higher freight and fuel costs resulted

    in inflation, as measured by the National Consumer Price

    Index, increasing by 12.3% compared with the 3.5% in

    2006 and 7.4% in 2007.

    Pointing to the influx of Italian tourists to the Maldives

    when prices were low during the infancy of the tourism

    industry, the new Maldivian President acknowledged that

    one of the underlying factors for the drop in arrivals from

    Italy was the comparatively higher prices attributed to the

    increase in island lease rents over the years. On an official

    visit to Italy in February 2009, he attended the BIT trade

    fair and encouraged Italian investment in the development

    of the newly created Maldivian provinces.

    In a bid to reduce its dependence on Europe, the Maldives

    Tourism Promotion Board together with the Maldives

    tourism industry, having identified the promising outbound

    tourism potential of the South East Asian market, held

    road shows in Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok and Singapore in

    October 2008.

    There were however, causes for celebration as travel

    agents worldwide voted the Maldives, as the 2008 World

    Travel Award Winner for Indian Ocean at the 15th World

    Travel Awards in Shanghai in June 2008. This was followed

    by more accolades at Londons World Travel Market in

    November 2008 when the Maldives was awarded the Best

    Country Brand for Beach and Best Country Brand for Rest

    Tourist Arrivals to Maldives by Month






































    Market Share 08/09

    Maldives Performance ofMajor Source Markets

    Market Share 07/08 Growth


    Food & Beverage


    JK Hotels MaldivesComposition of Revenue - 2008/09




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    John Keells Hotels PLC l 35 l Annual Report 2008/09

    and Relaxation for the year 2008. It also ranked second in

    the Best Country Brand for Natural Beauty and came third

    in the Best Country Brand for Resort and Lodging Options.

    Arrivals from the major source markets of UK and Italy fell

    by 6% and 7% respectively during the year, while the

    German market contracted by 5% resulting in a total drop

    of 18,699 arrivals from Europe.

    The decline in the value of the Korean Won, which

    depreciated by 48% against the US Dollar, saw arrivals

    from Korea dropping by 9%. This drop was offset to some

    extent by the Chinese market that grew by 2%.

    The average stay increased slightly to 8.0 days from 7.9

    days in 2007 while year round occupancy averaged 78%,

    compared with the 83%, in 2007. Total bed nights

    increased by 3% compared with the 10% in 2007. During

    the year, the Maldivian Monetary Authority revised the

    basis of computing tourist expenditure per night by

    replacing total arrivals with tourist arrivals in the

    denominator. This change was applied to previous periods

    as well and indicates that tourist expenditure per night for

    2008 was USD118.3 against USD113.8 in 2007.

    Performance of our Hotels in Sri Lanka

    Cinnamon Lodge

    Cinnamon Lodge continued to experience low occupancy

    albeit at a higher average room rate. The significant drop

    in numbers of clients booking round trips, because of

    travel advisories warning against travel to the region, had a

    negative impact on the up market clientele to which the

    resort caters with its promise of indulgence. With the

    conclusion of military operations in the North, the Lodge is

    tipped to regain its pre-eminence in the region as it is

    ideally located to cater to prospective visitors to the

    cultural triangle, investors and aid workers operating in the

    North and East of the country.

    Chaaya Village

    The drop in arrivals and the negative travel advisories also

    affected the flagship of the Chaaya brand, Chaaya Village.

    Supported by its loyal local clientele base, Village was able

    to limit the drop in occupancy to 11% although country

    AdministrationManagement FeesDepreciation

    Finance ExpensesSales and MarketingMaintenance & Repairs

    Power & EnergyPayrollCost of Sales

    JK Hotels MaldivesComposition of Expenses - 2008/09









    JK Hotels VsMaldives Occupancy - 2008/09

    Occ. %




















    JK Hotels

    JK Hotels Vs Cultural TriangleOccupancy - 2008/09

    Occ. %





















    Cultural Trangls

    JK Hotels

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    Management Discussion & Analysis of Operations

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 36 l Annual Report 2008/09

    arrivals declined by 17% during the year under review.

    Chaaya Citadel

    Occupancy declined to 43% at Citadel as the number of

    tourists on round trips decreased due to the unsettled

    security conditions prevailing during the year. This year too,

    loyal local guests continued to patronise the hotel enabling

    the hotel to achieve growth in the average room rate

    despite the contraction in volume.

    Bentota Beach

    The star amongst the Sri Lankan Keells resorts, in terms of

    both occupancy and profitability, Bentota Beach

    consolidated its premier position in the region. Posting

    average annual occupancy of 58%, despite the adverse

    industry conditions, this property is ear marked for re-

    branding with the return to normalcy.

    Coral Gardens

    Amongst the beach hotels, the contraction in country

    arrivals was felt most at Coral Gardens, the largest resort

    in the group portfolio. Occupancy dropped to 25% from

    the 35% achieved last year.

    As part of the several cost saving initiatives introduced

    during the year, we limited the number of rooms in

    operation to 64, leading to significant savings on overheads,

    particularly in energy, payroll and other operational costs.

    Yala Village

    During the first half of the year, sporadic acts of terrorism

    within the Yala National Park once again deterred tourists

    from visiting Yala. Effective counter measures sawoccupancy begin to pick up at the end of the third quarter

    and we anticipate that once travel advisories are relaxed,

    Yala will live up to its true potential.

    Club Oceanic

    The stringent controls imposed on aid workers operating in

    the region and intermittent breaches in security resulted in

    Club Oceanic recording annual occupancy of 38%, down

    from the 41% achieved last year, although the average

    room rate improved by over 40%. We were encouraged by

    renewed interest by domestic travellers and aidorganisations towards the end of the last quarter, a trend

    JK Hotels VsKandy Occupancy - 2008/09

    Occ. %






















    JK Hotels

    JK Hotels VsSouth Coast Occupancy - 2008/09

    Occ. %




















    South Coast

    JK Hotels

    JK Hotels VsEast Coast Occupancy - 2008/09

    Occ. %




















    East Coast

    JK Hotels

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    John Keells Hotels PLC l 37 l Annual Report 2008/09

    that augurs well for the future.

    Performance of our Hotels in the Maldives

    Chaaya Reef Ellaidhoo

    Leveraging on the investment infused through upgrading

    and enhancing product offerings, Ellaidhoo became the

    standard bearer amongst the Maldivian resorts during the

    year under review. Satisfied guests, whose enthusiastic

    online reviews on the resort feature frequently in global

    forums, added to its popularity and championed the

    Chaaya brand. Against a 13% drop in country arrivals in

    February 2009, Ellaidhoo achieved optimum occupancy

    during the winter season with an improved yield,

    underlining its potential for the future in a climate of


    Chaaya Island Dhonveli

    With its complement and array of 148 rooms, Dhonveli,

    the Chaaya heavyweight in the Maldives was the chief

    contributor to group revenue in the Maldives with a year

    round occupancy of 85%, well above the country average

    of 78%. Profitability too improved since the resort was in

    operation throughout the year, unlike the previous year

    when it was partially closed for upgrading.

    Chaaya Lagoon Hakuraa

    The drop in arrivals from the UK and the fluctuation of

    parity rates left its mark on the performance of Hakuraa.

    Although both revenue and profitability increased, growth

    momentum slowed due to the prevailing industry

    conditions. Hakuraa achieved average annual occupancy of










    JK Hotels Maldives - 2008/09Occupancy by Guest Nationality










    Satisfied guests, whose enthusiastic onlinereviews on the resort feature frequently inglobal forums, added to its popularity...

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    Management Discussion & Analysis of Operations

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 38 l Annual Report 2008/09

    94%, slightly below the 96% last year, mainly due to low

    demand during the off peak season.

    Cinnamon Island Alidhoo

    With the intention of improving the beach and enhancing

    the appeal of this new resort, following the

    recommendation of experts in the field of oceanography,

    we constructed a breakwater around approximately half of

    the island during the off season. As a result, Alidhoo

    became fully operational only towards the end of the thirdquarter of the year under review. Designed to cater to

    upmarket clientele, the resort was prevented from

    achieving its potential as it bore the brunt of the industry

    downturn during the last quarter, which traditionally peaks

    in performance.

    Brand Consolidation

    Continuing customer reviews point to growing recognition

    of our brands, enabling us to preserve and grow our

    market share in adverse industry conditions. Winning

    performances by our staff at several local and internationalindustry competitions attracted positive media publicity,

    further boosting brand visibility. We continue to innovate

    service offerings and continuously review and monitor

    brand standards to ensure consistent quality across the

    brands. As we unwaveringly focus on building a franchise

    around our brands, we are confident that this will aid our

    competitive advantage and help us to grow our presence

    in the region.


    Competing with bartenders from Japan, Italy, Korea,Thailand and the United Kingdom, a young hostess from

    Chaaya Village emerged first runner-up at the Asia Pacific

    Bartenders Competition held in Singapore. And just prior

    to this achievement, the Resorts Team won five of nine

    awards at the Grand Finale of the 17th National Bartenders

    Competition organized by the Ceylon Hotel School

    Graduates Association (CHSGA) and the Sri Lanka Institute

    of Tourism & Hotel Management.

    Continuing the initiative launched last year to provide

    opportunities for young Maldivians to acquire marketableskills, Cinnamon Island Alidhoo was accorded the singular

    honour from among worldwide travel and tourism

    organisations with the Grand Award in the Education and

    Training category of the Pacific Asia Travel Association

    (PATA) 2008 PATA Gold Awards.

    More accolades were received by the Group when Chaaya

    Island Dhonveli bagged the Gold Choice 2008 award, being

    selected as the Best Winter Three Star Accommodation

    worldwide by clients of First Choice, which is part of the UK

    based TUI Travel PLC Group.

    Prospects - Maldives

    In a recent review, the Maldivian Ministry of Finance and

    Treasury projected marginal growth of 0.9% for the

    calendar year 2009, with expectations that the global

    recession will abate during the last quarter. It is anticipated

    that bed capacity will increase by 10% in 2009, which will

    result in projected overall occupancy for 2009 declining to

    63.4%, from 78% achieved in 2008. As world trade

    declines and more travellers cut costs by choosing to

    holiday locally, international travel demand will weaken. Itis also estimated that arrivals will grow in tandem with the

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    John Keells Hotels PLC l 39 l Annual Report 2008/09

    gradual recovery of the global economy, averaging 1% and

    2.5% for 2010 and 2011. According to the World Travel

    and Tourism Council, real GDP growth for the Travel &

    Tourism Economy in Maldives is expected to be -10.1% in

    2009 and to average 2.2% per annum over the coming

    ten years.

    Prospects - Sri Lanka

    We are confident that the recent liberation of the North

    from the menace of terrorism has set the stage for anenduring peace and created conditions that are of

    paramount importance to achieving sustained growth in

    the tourism industry in Sri Lanka. Past experience, when

    temporary respites produced robust gains, strengthened

    our conviction in the ability of the industry to rebound

    quickly. However, in the larger setting of an ailing world

    economy, the attempt to regain lost market share will

    require much greater effort. In this context, the branding

    exercise aptly entitled Sri Lanka Small Miracle initiated

    by the Tourism Promotion Board and soft launched at the

    ITB in Berlin earlier this year, needs to be vigorously

    pursued. An intense, focused marketing campaign such as

    the Visit Malaysia campaign will give added impetus to

    tourism growth.

    We will continue to monitor the evolving recovery and will

    pursue our objective of bringing other identified hotels

    under our branding initiative.

    Overseas Expansion

    The Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) states that arrivals

    to the Asian region will increase by an average of 4% over

    the next three years led by China. Supported with the

    competitive strength of the Cinnamon and Chaaya brands,

    we believe that the potential for the future lies in

    expanding overseas.

    In a turbulent world economy marked by uncertainty, we

    have remained resilient and proactive.

    Our ability to adapt to change, reinvent, willingness to

    critically examine and rationalise our operating processes,

    maximise opportunities for revenue generation and curtail

    expenditure has enabled us to weather the challenges of a

    difficult year.

    Looking beyond the present economic crisis, the prospects

    for tourism remain strong, led by renewed expansion in

    emerging countries both as tourism destinations and as

    an increasing source of international and domestic visitors.

    We remain extremely confident about the tourism

    industrys longer-term future.

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    in anticipation...

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    in anticipation...

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 44 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Chaaya Citadel,KandyA Kandyan experience, derived from the citys

    wealth of history, arts and culture, is what

    travellers with a passion for culture tourism yearn

    for when holidaying at Chaaya Citadel Kandy. Theproperty, camouflaged by towering trees, sits

    rooted in an enviable setting up a hill bordering

    the meandering Mahaweli River. Tradition and

    modernity come together to offer travellers up-to-

    the-minute accommodation in the hotels 121

    rooms and suites. The Experience Packages are

    personalized and guests are invited on a journey

    with many paths that bare the beauty, serenity

    and majesty of the glorious hill capital.

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    in anticipation...

    John Keells Hotels PLC l 46 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Bentota Beach,BentotaLike many of the symbolic sites of Down South

    Sri Lanka, the Bentota Beach Hotel of 1968, set on

    11 acres of landscaped gardens bordering a

    golden beach fringed with palm trees, is a

    colourful celebrated landmark property. Geoffrey

    Bawa designed an all-embracing place of bliss by

    setting this splendid sprawling structure amid the

    lazy Bentota River and azure waters of the Indian

    Ocean. Complete with 133 spacious, well

    appointed rooms offering spectacular vistas,

    tranquility awaits guests in all the unexpected

    places while Sun, sea and surf escapades are all-

    time attractions at Bentota Beach Hotel.

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    John Keells Hotels PLC l 49 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Yala Village,YalaIf the Yala Wildlife Sanctuary is the place to have a

    communion with the wild, then Yala Village is the

    elegant star-class jungle resort ideal for a wildlife

    tourism experience in the tropics. The jungle

    resorts 61 superbly furnished bungalow-style

    chalets are located in the heart of the animal

    kingdom bordering the cerulean waters of the

    Indian Ocean. While wildlife is the main draw, Yala

    Village knows best how to unleash untamed and

    adventurous Excursions for its guests in the

    exotic outdoors.

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    John Keells Hotels PLC l 50 l Annual Report 2008/09

    Coral Gardens,HikkaduwaDiving safaris, scuba diving and snorkeling on the

    Western seaboard of Sri Lanka have been all-time

    favourite holiday experiences provided by Coral

    Garden Hotel Hikkaduwa since the 1960s.

    Strategically nestled facing the splendid coral

    reefs with a perfect beachfront garden within a

    radius of 50 miles, this 155-roomed resort offers

    Sun, sea, sand and a show of exotic marine

    adventures. With a commanding view of the Indian

    Ocean and marine sanctuary on its doorstep, the

    range of Excursions offered to guests are

    definitely adventurous and refreshing.

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    Club Oceanic,TrincomaleeAlong the Sun-drenched Eastern seacoast of

    beautiful Sri Lanka in the Trincomalee District,

    Club Oceanic Uppuveli lies lazily against a

    fantastic palm-fringed show line along a

    spectacular stretch of beach. Since the hotel isrenowned for offering some of the best dive spots

    in clear waters, guests often seek out the

    Experience Packages with the promise of golden

    Sunrises; ankle-deep cerulean waters; historical,

    cultural and religious sites and hours of basking

    around. This 56-roomed seaside resort offers well-

    appointed comfortable accommodation in one of

    the worlds most breathtaking settings.

    in anticipation...

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