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John Patrick Publishing...op these plans, we find that we need addional help in two important...

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212 Meredith Street • Kennett Square, PA 19348 www.stpatrickkennettsquare.org MASSES Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM and 12 Noon Weekday Mass: 7:30 AM Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM Saturday CONFESSIONS Saturday: 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM Holy Days of Obligation - See Sunday bulletin. ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Mondays 8 AM to 7 PM Parish Office 205 Lafayette Street Telephone: 610-444-4364 Fax: 610-444-2129 Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday through Friday Religious Ed. Center 210 Meredith St. Buffington House 227 Lafayette Street 236 Clergy Rev. Christopher B. Rogers, Pastor Rev. Victor F. Sharrett, Pastor Emeritus Rev. Andres Garcia, In Residence Oblates of St. Francis DeSales, Sunday Assistance Deacons James K. Madonna and James J. Elliott February 18, 2018 MISSION STATEMENT St. Patrick Church, in the process of strengthening its Catholic Community, seeks to make the gospel of Jesus Christ better known and loved through prayer, stewardship and good works
Page 1: John Patrick Publishing...op these plans, we find that we need addional help in two important areas: Liturgical Celebraons and Community Social Acvies. Both of these commiees are

212 Meredith Street • Kennett Square, PA 19348 www.stpatrickkennettsquare.org

MASSES Saturday Vigil: 5:00 PM

Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 10:30 AM and 12 Noon

Weekday Mass: 7:30 AM Monday through Friday, 8:00 AM Saturday


Saturday: 3:45 PM to 4:45 PM Holy Days of Obligation - See

Sunday bulletin.


Mondays 8 AM to 7 PM

Parish Office 205 Lafayette Street

Telephone: 610-444-4364 Fax: 610-444-2129

Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Monday through Friday

Religious Ed. Center

210 Meredith St. Buffington House

227 Lafayette Street 236


Rev. Christopher B. Rogers, Pastor

Rev. Victor F. Sharrett, Pastor Emeritus

Rev. Andres Garcia, In Residence

Oblates of St. Francis DeSales, Sunday Assistance

Deacons James K. Madonna and James J. Elliott

February 18, 2018

MISSION STATEMENT St. Patrick Church, in the process of strengthening its Catholic Community, seeks

to make the gospel of Jesus Christ better known and loved through prayer, stewardship and good works

Page 2: John Patrick Publishing...op these plans, we find that we need addional help in two important areas: Liturgical Celebraons and Community Social Acvies. Both of these commiees are

Monday, February 19, Lenten Weekday 7:30AM Elaine Baccino

r/o Jan & Charlie Nigro

Tuesday, February 20, Lenten Weekday 7:30AM Anne Williams

r/o Clare Kubat

Wednesday, February 21, Lenten Weekday, St. Peter Damian 7:30AM Clifford Hemphill

r/o Rosemary Angelucci

Thursday, February 22, Lenten Weekday, The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle 7:30AM Elaine Baccino

r/o Tippi Carlino

Friday, February 23, Lenten Weekday, St. Polycarp 7:30AM Lena DiGicento

r/o Clara Dunlap

Saturday, February 24, Lenten Weekday 8:00AM Special Intention

Vigil, Second Sunday of Lent 5:00PM Michael DiPietro

r/o Wife & Daughter

Sunday, February 25, Second Sunday of Lent 7:30AM Mass for Parishioners

9:00AM Clifford Hemphill

r/o Earl & Maria Pia Saienni

10:30AM Clifford Hamphill

r/o Carolyn & Tom Peppernick

12:00PM Clifford Hemphill

r/o Justin & Sandra D’Antonio


Good and loving Fa-

ther, watch over and

protect all who serve

in the Armed Forces

of our nation. Sur-

round them with your

love and care & bring them safely home.

SGT Richard Baffa

SSG Raymond Burke III LT Michael Crawford

Capt. Dominic Paul DellaPelle, USMC LCPL Ben Farrell, USMC

Chief Petty Ofcr 1st Cl Shauna McNeely SFC Tyler Nellens

E1 Airman 1st Cl Andrew Szonntag

All praise and glory is yours, Lord our God, for You have called us to serve You in love. Bless our sick: Ro Teel, Gweneth Malchione, Bill

Ewell, Ronald Hall, Frank Reck, Michael Odorisio,

Sr., Mario Lorenzut, Ginny Basilio, Pastor Dan

Nicewonger, Steve Briley, Ana Teresa Encar-

nacion, Robert “Mack” Marc-Aurele, Adriano

D’Angelo, Clara Dunlap, Phil Morehead, Rosemary

F. Madrigale, Tim Ewell, Ida DiNorscia, Rosa Ma-

ria Santos, Ilidi Brown, Rosaline Holloway, Phyllis

Palos, Thomas Layug, Steven Mangini, John Pelle-

grino, Thomas Kelleher, Angela Smoker, Diane

Jones, Woody Sinson, Giovanna Sankus, so that

they bear this illness in union with Your Son’s obe-

dient suffering, restore them to health, and lead

them to glory. Amen.


of John Dowdell, Rosetta Tobia and those of all the

faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in

peace. Amen.

Children’s Rosary will meet on

Monday, February 19

from 6-6:30PM.

Everyone is welcome!


Post-Abortion Healing Retreat

March 9, 10, 11, 2018 in

Malvern-Frazer, PA.

For information call:

Lauren at 215-720-5828 or

Priscilla at 215-906-6337.


March 25: Way of the Cross-Join us for this beau�ful even-ing of prayer, medita�on and reflec�on with the Franciscan Mystery Players, a very gi�ed group of young people. 236

Page 3: John Patrick Publishing...op these plans, we find that we need addional help in two important areas: Liturgical Celebraons and Community Social Acvies. Both of these commiees are



My Dear Parishioners,

Praised be Jesus Christ and Happy Lent! It may be hard to believe, but Lent is now here and what an important season it is for the Chris�an. This �me readies us for the holiest days of our calendar year. As familiar as we may be with Lent, there are aspects of this Season which may be unfamiliar to us. And so, I’d like to share a few important facts that

may be helpful as Lent begins:

#1) The Church does not regard Lent as Spiritual Olympics for the Chris�an. The Olympics may be on TV at this �me, but don’t allow Lent to be a �me for Spiritual Games. Rather, Lent is all about Bap�sm.

#2) The Church teaches that renewing of our bap�smal commitment lies at the heart of Lent. As such, there are 2 parts of this Sacred Season:

Part I: Is all about RENOUNCING AND REPENTING: turning away from sin; fas�ng, prayer, almsgiving. While these prac�ces may be done throughout Lent, Weeks 1, 2, and 3 are all about this ac�vity.

Part II: Is all about RECLAIMING AND RECEIVING: turning toward Jesus, welcoming Him and embracing Him as Lord. Again, while this may be done throughout Lent, Weeks 4, 5, and 6 are all about this ac�vity.

These two parts are reflected in all our Chris�an Lives. Before we say I believe, we say I renounce/reject. Before we hear/receive God’s Word, we repent and acknowledge sin. Even in our human pa�erns, before we fill the glass with clean water, we are sure the glass itself is clean! So too for us and Lent is all about this two-structure. Knowing this can be a huge help in living Lent well. I close with a beau�ful quote from the ORDO:

The purpose of the first part of Lent is to bring us to Compunc�on. Compunc�on is related to the word “to puncture” and suggests the defla�on of our inflated egos, a challenge to any self-deceit about the quality of our lives as disciples of Jesus. By hi�ng us again and again by demands which we not only fail to obey , but which we come to recognize as being quite beyond us, the Gospel passages are meant to trouble us, to confront our illusions about ourselves.

Then, it is in answer to this profound awareness of need that the Lec�onary shi�s from the demands of discipleship to the person of Jesus. In Part II of Lent, we are presented with Jesus as the Savior. But Jesus can only save those who know their need for salva�on.

May we know that need and come to know Him in this Holy Season.


Fr. Rogers

PARISH SURVEY-As you may be aware, the Parish Survey has begun and we now enter Week 2. At the �me of this wri�ng we already have 212 responses, Well Done! If you have not yet completed the survey, please make plans on doing so. If you have already completed it, now is the �me to share it with others. Take a hard copy for a loved one, a person who may not come to Church, a neighbor or a shut in. This is intended for our en�re parish community and it may be just the invite a neighbor needs to consider St. Patrick’s again. It may be awkward to invite someone to Church, but maybe not so awkward to hand them a survey! So share the Good News! 236

Page 4: John Patrick Publishing...op these plans, we find that we need addional help in two important areas: Liturgical Celebraons and Community Social Acvies. Both of these commiees are


Sunday, February 18

PREP 10:20AM S

Small Groups Meeting 7-8:30PM BH

Rite of Sending Mass 9:00AM C

Rite of Election Mass 3:00PM

Monday, February 19

No PREP Class

No ESL Class

Small Groups Meeting 7-8:30PM BH

Tuesday, February 20

Bible Study 10:00-11:45AM BH

Bible Study 7-8:45PM BH

Small Groups Meeting 1-2:30PM BH

Small Groups Meeting 7-8:30PM PO

Jubilee Planning Comm. Mtg. 7:00PM CB

Wednesday, February 21

Choir 7:00PM C

ESL Class 6:30PM S


Small Groups Meeting 10-11:30AM & 7-8:30PM BH

Thursday, February 22

Small Groups Meeting 10-11:30AM & 7-8:30PM BH

Parish Council Meeting 7:00PM CB

Friday, February 23

Stations of the Cross 7:00PM C

Saturday, February 24

Rosary 8:30AM & 4:30PM C

Guitar Group 10:30AM S

Small Group Meeting 9-10:30AM BH

BH-Buffington House C-Church CB-Church Basement

PO-Parish Office S-School


Sta�ons of the Cross star�ng Friday, Feb-ruary 16 at 7:00PM through Lent. NOT

on Good Friday.

Each Sunday of Lent, join

us for these special

events. The three talks

will be held in the Church

Basement after the 12:00

Mass from 1:15-2:30PM.

February 25: Denise McKenzie: The Power of Prayer

On March 25, 1992, Denise’s 14 year old daughter ex-

perienced a life changing event when her debilitating

illness of almost 3 years suddenly and miraculously

disappeared on the 4th day of a novena being said for

her cure by a little known French nun, Mother Francis

de Sales Aviat. This miracle led to the canonization of

Mother Aviat, now known as St. Leonie Aviat.

March 4: Robert Gutherman: The Gift of Hearing

In 1974, Robert Gutherman experienced a serious ear

infection which led him to Children’s Hospital of Phil-

adelphia. It was there that he experienced a miracle of

profound sorts. A miracle attested to by doctors, a mir-

acle that led to the canonization of St. Katherine in


March 11: Fr. Connolly: The Passion Narrative of St. Mark

St. Mark’s Gospel has been referred to as a long Pas-

sion account. As we get ready for Holy Week, come

and learn what makes his Gospel so unique and how to

make ready for a special Holy Week.

Jubilee Celebra�on-Help Wanted

Various commi�ees con�nue to plan ac�vi�es in an�cipa-�on of the parish Jubilee celebra�on in 2019. As we devel-op these plans, we find that we need addi�onal help in two important areas: Liturgical Celebra�ons and Community Social Ac�vi�es. Both of these commi�ees are looking at a number of events to be held throughout the Jubilee year. Addi�onal volunteers are needed now to help develop these events for the parish. No previous experience is nec-essary-just a willingness to help.

If you are interested and would like to par�cipate, every-one is welcome. Please contact Candy in the parish office at 610-444-4364.


Page 5: John Patrick Publishing...op these plans, we find that we need addional help in two important areas: Liturgical Celebraons and Community Social Acvies. Both of these commiees are


It is that �me of year when the St. Patrick family celebrates St. Patrick’s Holiday at the Mendenhall Inn. The Gala will be celebrated SSunday, March 18 from 2-6PM.

Tickets will be available beginning early February from the Knights of Columbus a�er each mass or through the parish office. Great music and a super selec�on of deli-cious cuisine all served in the beau�ful Grand Ballroom.

Our children’s choir, under Laura Feininger, plus the gi�ed award winning Irish Dancers will make this an entertaining and memorable a�ernoon.

The SILENT AUCTION will be extraordinary. Several generous parishioners have donated a variety of brand new exci�ng gi�s. Also donated are several important works of art together with very collectable posters and beau�ful po�ery. Other dona�ons, gi� cer�ficates, products or services are gratefully appreciated.

Good company, good food, deligh�ul entertainment, an outstanding silent auc�on-plus the chance for the baskets of cheer, make a terrific a�ernoon.

Tickets are $35.00 for adults. $15 for ages 6-12 plus children five and under are free. Table reserva�ons are available for par�es of 8 and 10. See you at Menden-hall!

“Anthem Live” hosted by The Office of Youth & Young Adult Ministry. “There’s a lot demanding our a�en�on. The best thing to cut through the noise? Space to hear God speak. You don’t need a crowd of people or a big cathedral to have a conversa�on with God, but there’s undeniable power in experiencing prayer together under one roof-especially when there’s a powerhouse of young adults from Philadel-phia. Join us for a night of worship and adora�on led by Sean Forrest and John Niven.”

Saturday, February 24, 2018 from 7:30-9:00PM at St. John the Bap�st Church, 146 Rector Street, Philadelphia. Young adults ages 18-35 are welcome.


Our Lady appeared to a young girl (Bernade�e) on February 11, 1858 in Lourdes, France and said to “PRAY THE RO-SARY EVERYDAY” and especially to pray for poor sinners. Our Lady also performed a miracle by having a spring appear in the

ground which s�ll exists today. Thousands of people visit the miraculous spring at Lourdes every year and experience mira-cles. During the month of February, you will have the special opportunity to bless yourself with the spring water from Lourdes because there will be a Holy Water font in the back of church next to the large Holy Water container. Please take advantage of this chance to bless yourself with this holy wa-ter from Lourdes and you can experience a miracle as well!!

Bernade�e became a nun and died when she was only 35 years old and then was declared a SAINT. Bernade�e’s body never decayed and you can see her incorrupt body on display in the convent in Nevers, France. You can also see her body on the internet at: h�p://www.pbase.com/shaunwin/the_incorrup�ble & YouTube: h�p://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EMSCubd3hAg. Let’s PRAY THE ROSARY EVERYDAY like Our Lady asked us to do!



Boldly go where many have gone before and help to pass on the Good News of Jesus Christ! We are making plans for next years PREP program

and we invite you to join us by becoming a catechist for our future genera�on of Catholics. Training, materials and sup-port are given to all who make the step.

Contact Marianne Kane at the parish office at 610-444-4364 or [email protected]


Students a�ending Monday night PREP will not have class on Monday, February 19, in honor of President’s Day.


Page 6: John Patrick Publishing...op these plans, we find that we need addional help in two important areas: Liturgical Celebraons and Community Social Acvies. Both of these commiees are


Bap�sm: celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each Month. Pre-Jordan class is required and held on the 2nd Monday of each month. Please call the parish office to schedule.

Confirma�on: celebrated annually at the Parish with our Bishop. For more infor-ma�on, please contact Religious Educa�on office.

Matrimony: celebrated regularly throughout the year. Engaged couples must meet with the pastor at least six months prior to the wedding, to arrange for the Sacrament.

Anoin�ng of the Sick: celebrated regularly throughout the year in hospitals, homes or a�er Mass. Please contact the Parish Office to arrange for the Sacrament in �mes of sickness, prior to surgery or in emergency.

Holy Orders: Please visit www.HeedTheCall.org for informa�on about priestly voca�ons

RCIA: Rite of Chris�an Ini�a�on of Adults. For informa�on about becoming Catholic, please contact the Religious Educa�on Office.


Registra�on is held on the First Sunday of Each Month or at the parish office. Ro-man Catholics who live within the boundaries of the parish should register in the parish. This will regularize one’s status and allow for the issuance of cer�ficates and make possible the arrangements for Bap�sm, Weddings and Confirma�ons.

RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Formal Religious Educa�on and Sacramental Prepara�on is provided for children grades 1 thru 6. Classes are held on Sunday Mornings and Monday Evenings. Con-tact Marianne Kane for more informa�on at 610-444-2214.

Parish Staff

Candace Malchione Secretary

Marie Ellio� Business Manager

Marianne Kane Dir. of Religious Educa�on

Dave Cavanaugh Cemetery Coordinator

Annemarie McCarthy Music Director

Kurt Smith Parish Facili�es

Pastoral Council: Fr. Christopher Rogers

Deacon Jim Madonna

Deacon Jim Ellio�

Marie Ellio�

Marianne Kane

Horace Scherer

Jim Jennings

Warren BeVard

Meghan Cascarelli

Anne Marie Gillinger

Michael Curry

Robert Bertrando

Jeffrey Pysher

Brian Raffety

Marge Korn

Mike Weber

Finance Council

Fr. Christopher Rogers Marie Ellio� Doug Singo Bill Teel Arlene Schock Michael Piergalline

Building & Grounds

Michael Miller Kurt Smith John LaPelusa Ray Gamble

Sunday Celebrant Schedule Subject to Change February 24-25, 2018 5:00 7:30 9:00 10:30 12:00 The above schedule was not available at the �me of prin�ng.

Sunday Collec�on February 10-11, 2018 Regular: $14,012.51 Last year: $14,689.32 Fr. Rogers’ homilies are available online: www.cbr.podbean.com Flock Note Sign Up: Get important updates from St. Patrick’s in a �mely and convenient way. Sign up by visi�ng www. flocknote.com/StPats or text the message 31716 to the Number 84576 from your cell phone. Like ST. PATRICK’S on FACEBOOK 236

Page 7: John Patrick Publishing...op these plans, we find that we need addional help in two important areas: Liturgical Celebraons and Community Social Acvies. Both of these commiees are

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