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John Travolta - Debra Anne Clement, Astrologer · 2020. 10. 23. · John Travolta February 18, 1954...

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The Advanced Forecast Report for John Travolta February 18, 1954 2:53 PM Englewood, New Jersey September 28, 2012 - September 28, 2013 Compliments of Debra Anne Clement, Astrologer www.debraclementastrologer.com Your Astro-Forecast begins on the next page. If the time period for an interpretation is, for example, given as "July 1, 2000 (June 15, 2000 to July 15, 2000)", then it starts in mid-June, reaches greatest intensity around July 1, and ends in mid-July. The first date listed is the time when the influence has reached maximum strength; we can call this date the "peak date". The influence starts on the beginning date, gradually increases in strength until the peak date is reached, and then it gradually fades out until the ending date is reached. An influence may last for as little as a few days to as long as half a year or so. You may also notice that the same interpretation shows up periodically during the year; this is not unusual. In some cases the beginning and ending dates of the 2 influences are the same; the only difference between the 2 interpretations is the peak date. This means that this particular influence has two peak dates instead of one. It is even possible for there to be three or more peak dates for the same astrological influence. To eliminate redundant interpretations, you may be informed that the astrological influence also occurred earlier and that you should refer back to the previous occurrence of this interpretation. You may be wondering what the abbreviations after the dates are. For example, you may see "Sat Conj Plu", "Ura Trine Nep", etc. These abbreviations are given for the benefit of astrologers and they show the astrological factor that is in effect. We hope you enjoy your Astro-Forecast. For the benefit of astrologers, some technical details are given below. Tropical/Placidus NATAL CHART Calculated for time zone 0 hours Natal positions: Sun=29AQ38 Moon=11VI11 Merc=15PI56 Ven= 4PI26 Mars= 4SA58 Jup=16GE32 Sat= 9SC21 Ura=19CN35 Nep=25LI55 Plu=23LE39 Asc=29CN06 MC=13AR36 2nd h=19LE06 3rd h=13VI07 5th h=20SC21 6th h=27SA26 PLANET-TO-PLANET SELECTIONS Natal: Sun Moon Merc Ven Mars Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu Asc MC Transiting: Sun Merc Ven Mars Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu Chi ASPECT ORB ASPECT ORB Conj ( 0 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Oppos (180 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Sqr ( 90 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Trine (120 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Sxtil ( 60 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Qucnx (150 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Sep 5, 2012 (Sep 4, 2012 to Oct 6, 2012) Sun 3rd H. This is likely to be a busy, active time in which telephone calls, errands, commercial transactions, and the
  • The Advanced Forecast Report for

    John Travolta

    February 18, 1954

    2:53 PM

    Englewood, New Jersey

    September 28, 2012 - September 28, 2013

    Compliments of Debra Anne Clement, Astrologerwww.debraclementastrologer.com

    Your Astro-Forecast begins on the next page. If the time period for an interpretation is, for example, given as"July 1, 2000 (June 15, 2000 to July 15, 2000)", then it starts in mid-June, reaches greatest intensity around July1, and ends in mid-July. The first date listed is the time when the influence has reached maximum strength; we can

    call this date the "peak date". The influence starts on the beginning date, gradually increases in strength until thepeak date is reached, and then it gradually fades out until the ending date is reached. An influence may last for as

    little as a few days to as long as half a year or so.

    You may also notice that the same interpretation shows up periodically during the year; this is not unusual. Insome cases the beginning and ending dates of the 2 influences are the same; the only difference between the 2interpretations is the peak date. This means that this particular influence has two peak dates instead of one. It is

    even possible for there to be three or more peak dates for the same astrological influence. To eliminate redundantinterpretations, you may be informed that the astrological influence also occurred earlier and that you should refer

    back to the previous occurrence of this interpretation.

    You may be wondering what the abbreviations after the dates are. For example, you may see "Sat Conj Plu","Ura Trine Nep", etc. These abbreviations are given for the benefit of astrologers and they show the astrologicalfactor that is in effect.

    We hope you enjoy your Astro-Forecast. For the benefit of astrologers, some technical details are given below.

    Tropical/Placidus NATAL CHART

    Calculated for time zone 0 hours

    Natal positions: Sun=29AQ38 Moon=11VI11 Merc=15PI56 Ven= 4PI26 Mars= 4SA58 Jup=16GE32 Sat= 9SC21 Ura=19CN35 Nep=25LI55 Plu=23LE39 Asc=29CN06 MC=13AR36 2nd h=19LE06 3rd h=13VI07 5th h=20SC216th h=27SA26

    PLANET-TO-PLANET SELECTIONSNatal: Sun Moon Merc Ven Mars Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu Asc MCTransiting: Sun Merc Ven Mars Jup Sat Ura Nep Plu Chi ASPECT ORB ASPECT ORB

    Conj ( 0 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Oppos (180 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min

    Sqr ( 90 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Trine (120 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min

    Sxtil ( 60 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min Qucnx (150 deg 00 min) 1 deg 00 min

    Sep 5, 2012 (Sep 4, 2012 to Oct 6, 2012) Sun 3rd H.

    This is likely to be a busy, active time in which telephone calls, errands, commercial transactions, and the

  • business of everyday living takes much of your time. You are also somewhat restless and not inclined to long

    quiet periods of concentrated or solitary work. You tend to fritter away your time on inconsequential social

    activities, but this may not be all bad. Taking time to chat with neighbors and associates may result in morepositive and smoother-running relationships.

    Sep 18, 2012 (Sep 4, 2012 to Nov 3, 2012) Jup Sqr Merc

    During this time period you are planning big things for the future. You become excited about an idea that

    promises much greener pastures for you. Your enthusiasm and optimism are so strong that it is difficult for you torealistically evaluate the situation. If others question or doubt your plan, you quickly brush their concerns aside,

    as you pursue a grander vision. Hopefully, you have done your homework or else your grand dream can go up in


    This is an excellent time to spread your wings, to travel and visit new places. You may read something thatcauses you to view life in a very different light. Your mind soars to a broader, more encompassing view and

    perspective. You should not rein your thoughts in; the only warning is to be careful when making practicaldecisions based on these ideas. You can easily overlook the importance of practical details needed tosuccessfully carry out a plan.

    Sep 23, 2012 (Sep 21, 2012 to Nov 13, 2012) Mars 5th H.

    Your drive for self-expression is high now and you pour yourself into competitive sports and games, contests,auditions, and so on with great energy and zeal. You play hard and you play to win. All creative projects and

    interests will get an extra burst of energy.

    Romantic urges also run high and you will actively pursue the one you desire. A love relationship is likely tointensify at this time.

    Sep 23, 2012 (Sep 22, 2012 to Oct 14, 2012) Ven 2nd H.

    You may be very tempted to spend lavishly on special treats that will make your life more comfortable and

    pleasant, and frivolous purchases may be hard to resist. This is a fine time, however, to buy art, jewelry, or otherbeautiful things which will increase in value and be appreciated for a long time to come.

    Sep 24, 2012 (Sep 23, 2012 to Oct 20, 2012) Merc 4th H.

    You are likely to be in a rather nostalgic frame of mind, remembering earlier days and thinking and speaking

    about past events. This is a good time for communicating with family members, perhaps re-establishing your

    connection or resolving a long standing problem between you. Speaking about very personal, private matterscomes easier to you now. You may also find it worthwhile to record some of your musings, memories, and

    thoughts in a journal or diary.

    Sep 27, 2012 3 AM(Sep 26, 2012 to Sep 28, 2012) Sun Qucnx Ven

    Right now, you are prone to feel vaguely dissatisfied with your personal life, especially the romantic side of it.In social situations, there is an uneasiness, clumsiness, or perhaps some sort of minor embarrassment or faux pas


  • on your part. If you do artistic or creative work, you may be more critical of it than usual, feel that it is not well

    received or appreciated, or simply feel a little dry and uninspired. Without realizing it, you are probably censoring

    yourself. Accepting imperfection and being patient in both the creative and the romantic aspects of your life willbe necessary.

    Sep 27, 2012 4 PM(Sep 26, 2012 to Sep 28, 2012) Sun Sxtil Mars

    Your vitality and courage are strong now and you are eager to meet challenges. You can accomplish a great

    deal of work, especially if it involves physical effort. If you are active in sports, you will be especially competitiveand vigorous now. Self-confidence is high.

    Sep 27, 2012 7 PM(Sep 26, 2012 to Sep 28, 2012) Ven Conj Plu

    Deep emotions, both positive and negative, are stirred up within you, and you become more intense and

    demanding of the people you are closest to. Fears, insecurities, jealousies, and hidden resentments may surface,as well as a very strong need to be loved and to love. There is a compelling, urgent quality to the feelings youexperience now, and you may develop a powerful attraction to someone who fascinates and mystifies you. This

    is a good time to reveal your deepest feelings, fears, needs, and yearnings with the ones you love.

    Sep 28, 2012 (Sep 19, 2012 to Oct 6, 2012) Sat Sqr Asc

    Frustrations and obstacles in your relationships with others arise at this time. You feel like others do not really

    understand you and do not cooperate with you, and that to do anything right, you have to do it yourself. Weakpoints in your relationships to others reveal themselves, and you find out that others often are not there to help

    you when you need them most. Those few people that you do feel in rapport with now become even moreimportant to you and become even closer friends.

    You are likely to make an important change at this time. Many of your habits may no longer feel appropriate.You may change your manner of dress, hair style, or other aspect of your appearance. You want others to think

    of you differently, and these changes can be effective in helping you better express your current feelings andinterests.

    Your personality and attitude towards life undergoes some changes now. If you are experiencing a lot offrustration now, you may assume a negative stance towards life - pessimistic and less enthusiastic, and you may

    feel that bad luck has befallen you. If this happens, try to realize that the world is not against you, that you are themaker of your own destiny, and be strong enough to make positive changes in your attitudes.

    Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so the

    dates given are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.

    Sep 28, 2012 2 AM(Sep 28, 2012 to Sep 29, 2012) Mars Sqr Plu

    Your drive for personal power, achievement, or control over your life is very strong at this time. The tyrant in

    you emerges, and you can be excessively willful, domineering, or compulsive about doing what you want to. You

    battle anyone or anything that is an obstacle to your individual freedom of action, and ego conflicts or a furious

    power struggle may ensue. Also, you can be unmerciful with yourself and your own weaknesses. You are likelyto push yourself much too hard.


  • Sep 28, 2012 4 PM(Sep 28, 2012 to Sep 29, 2012) Merc Sqr Ura

    Flexibility, thinking on your feet, and the ability to accommodate the unexpected will be called for now. The

    pace is very quick. You will be pulled in many directions at once and will tend to scatter your forces, jumping

    from one thing to the next. Positively, you may come up with some fresh, original plan or insight that may seemcrazy at first, but which is likely to be quite useful.

    Sep 29, 2012 7 PM(Sep 28, 2012 to Sep 30, 2012) Ven Sxtil Nep

    You are receptive to beauty at this time and want to be surrounded with harmony, beauty, and kindness. Also,

    you feel tender and gentle toward others, and you want to please or to be of service to them in some way. Some

    selfless generosity or an effort on behalf of someone in need will make you feel very happy now.

    Oct 1, 2012 6 AM(Sep 30, 2012 to Oct 2, 2012) Merc Sxtil Plu

    You are fascinated by the mysterious now. Unsolved or puzzling problems and the hidden or behind the

    scenes aspects of a situation interest you most, and you delve and probe until you discover the truth. An interestin psychology or other peoples' secrets comes to the fore. You enjoy spy, mystery, and supernatural stories.

    Oct 2, 2012 (Sep 23, 2012 to Oct 11, 2012) Sat Trine Sun

    You are very well-organized and disciplined at this time. Your concentration and dedication to a task are very

    strong, and there are fewer obstacles than usual, allowing you to accomplish a tremendous amount of work now.This is a time of sustained effort and dedication to work that is not likely to bring any spectacular events (unlessother astrological influences at this time indicate them). However, progress is solid and steady. Use this time to

    strengthen your position in life.

    Although this is a positive time, inertia can prevent you from taking full advantage of the situation. Forexample, suppose that you are a writer or student, or perhaps you enjoy carpentry and have been thinking about

    making repairs and improvements in your home when you have the time. Now you do have the time and you arerelatively undistracted, so you can really buckle down, accomplish a great deal, and enjoy the work as well.However, you may only half-heartedly make the attempt, due to laziness and force of habit. Not only will you be

    happier with yourself if you use the time wisely, but the results of your efforts will help establish a solid foundationfor the future.

    Oct 2, 2012 6 PM(Oct 2, 2012 to Oct 3, 2012) Merc Conj Nep

    Your thoughts are dreamy, fantastic, and faraway right now. Your imagination and intuition is heightened,

    which benefits any creative or artistic work you may do. However, your practical reasoning ability and your

    ability to focus on the here and now are diminished. Your judgment regarding concrete matters is a bit fuzzy atthis time, so you may wish to delay making important decisions.

    Oct 2, 2012 11 PM(Oct 2, 2012 to Oct 3, 2012) Ven Oppos Sun


  • You feel quite loving and warm, with a desire to give and receive affection and appreciation. Also, your desire

    for beauty stimulates your creativity. If you are artistic, your work will be particularly inspired now. Indulging in

    your desire for beauty or luxury is likely at this time.

    Oct 4, 2012 8 PM(Oct 4, 2012 to Oct 5, 2012) Merc Sqr Asc

    You will be alert and on your toes now. The pace is likely to be fast, even hectic. You are restless and eager

    to meet others halfway, to converse, exchange information, and make connections. Nervousness or irritability

    due to aggravations and the stress of increased demands at work is possible.

    Oct 5, 2012 5 AM(Oct 4, 2012 to Oct 6, 2012) Merc Trine Sun

    You are very clear and perceptive now. It's a good time to make a decision or come to an agreement,negotiate, exchange your views with others, or present your case. If you are in a profession dealing with words,

    ideas, or communication, this is a very productive time for you. Ideas flow, and you express your thoughts well.

    Oct 5, 2012 (Sep 11, 2012 to Oct 27, 2012) jup conj jup

    This astrological influence usually manifests in very subtle, hardly noticeable ways in your life, but you areactually beginning an important 12-year cycle that occurs approximately at ages 12, 24, 36, etc. This time period

    marks the beginning of a new cycle, when you formulate plans and ideas that will extend over the next 12 years.Your ambitions and ideals slowly and gradually shift toward a new focus. This is a period of rebirth and renewed

    optimism. You feel ready to start a fresh new beginning in your life. This is the time to develop new goals and anew vision of yourself. Many of the ideas that you currently have about your future and your goals will become

    major themes during the next 12-year cycle.

    Oct 5, 2012 9 PM(Oct 4, 2012 to Oct 7, 2012) Mars Trine Asc

    At this time it is easy for you to express yourself boldly and confidently. You seem to care less about outsideapproval and this frees you to act on your own behalf or to do something you have not had the courage to

    attempt before. Your health and vitality are quite good, and you need physical outlets for your energies now.

    Oct 6, 2012 11 AM(Oct 6, 2012 to Oct 7, 2012) Sun Oppos MC

    This is a time for withdrawing your energy, attention, and efforts from the outside world and external goals in

    order to replenish yourself. Quiet reflection and attention to your inner world, your family, and the foundation that

    supports all of your outside activities is called for. This is a time to "lie low". You may have to work quietly or

    without much outside recognition at this time.

    Oct 6, 2012 (Oct 5, 2012 to Nov 12, 2012) Sun 4th H.

    Your domestic affairs, family relationships, and most intimate personal life are the focus of your attention now.

    This is a time to do what you can to build trust in your family life and a strong foundation within yourself, so that

    regardless of what you meet in the outside world, you have a secure place to return to. If you are of acontemplative nature, now is an ideal time to meditate and reflect. Your home is very important to you now also,


  • and this is a good time to give it extra attention.

    Oct 6, 2012 3 PM(Oct 5, 2012 to Oct 8, 2012) Mars Sqr Sun

    You are inclined to be aggressive and hot-tempered now, particularly when your will is blocked. Your

    pushiness or competitive attitude is likely to create antagonism, hostility, and further resistance to your efforts. Itis best to work alone rather than try to cooperate or coordinate your efforts with anyone at this time. Also, you

    are impatient and tend to behave in an impulsive, irritable way which makes you more prone to accidents during

    this period.

    Oct 7, 2012 2 AM(Oct 6, 2012 to Oct 8, 2012) Ven Oppos Ven

    Your needs for love, companionship, friendship, and sharing are very strong now, and you won't want to bealone or go off to do solitary work. In fact, you feel like relaxing and enjoying the beautiful side of life rather than

    laboring or concentrating on difficult tasks. A significant development in a close relationship or strong feelings ofattraction to someone you encounter are very likely at this time.

    Oct 7, 2012 1 PM(Oct 6, 2012 to Oct 8, 2012) Ven Sqr Mars

    Tangles in romantic relationships are likely now. Your sexual drive is quite strong, and you may be more

    concerned with satisfying your own desires than in being sensitive to your partner. All interactions with people ofthe opposite sex are inclined to be tense right now.

    Oct 8, 2012 11 AM(Oct 8, 2012 to Oct 9, 2012) Merc Trine Ven

    You are very congenial and cooperative now and more interested in the similarities than in the differences

    between yourself and others. This is a very good time to let people know you care about them: send a card,write a note of appreciation or even a love letter! You may also want to buy something beautiful, pleasing, and

    frivolous which simply makes you feel good.

    Oct 8, 2012 8 PM(Oct 8, 2012 to Oct 9, 2012) Sun Qucnx Merc

    Communications are delayed or interfered with now. Somehow, the message you intended and the one thatwas received or perceived are not quite the same. There is quite a bit of static on the line, metaphorically and

    quite possibly literally as well. You also find that the way others talk or try to convey their ideas is grating and just

    goes against your grain. Try not to let their minor irritations get blown out of proportion. Most likely it is style

    rather than substantive disagreements which cause tension now.

    Oct 9, 2012 10 AM(Oct 8, 2012 to Oct 10, 2012) Sun Trine Jup

    This is a good time for relaxing recreation, a time to refresh and rejuvenate yourself and do the things you most

    enjoy doing. Good humor and optimism prevail now, and you are able to get a larger perspective on your life.

    This is also a good time to approach someone who is in a position to benefit you spiritually, intellectually, or



  • Oct 11, 2012 7 AM(Oct 10, 2012 to Oct 12, 2012) Ven Sxtil Sat

    You are feeling sober and realistic about love at this time, and are interested in being with people you respect

    and can depend upon - your oldest, true-blue friends. Also, reaching out to an older relative or another mature,

    experienced person can mean a lot to you and be mutually beneficial now.

    Oct 11, 2012 10 PM(Oct 11, 2012 to Oct 12, 2012) Merc Conj Sat

    You have a very realistic and no-nonsense attitude at this time and are rather critical, skeptical, or at the very

    least, cautious about new ideas. Deep, quiet study and solitary reflection is favored. You are more taciturn and

    uncommunicative than usual and don't feel very social. If you are with others, you are likely to turn the

    discussions into something heavy and serious. Frivolity holds no appeal for you now.

    Oct 12, 2012 12 PM(Oct 12, 2012 to Oct 13, 2012) Sun Sqr Ura

    Your usual routine is likely to be disrupted now, either by "freak" accidents beyond your control or by your

    own impatience with the status quo. Sudden unexpected events and breaking free of confining situations and

    relationships are very likely.

    Oct 12, 2012 8 PM(Oct 12, 2012 to Oct 13, 2012) Ven Conj Moon

    Feelings of tenderness and love, especially for family or children, are very strong at this time. You want toshower loved ones with affection, to invite friends into your home, and to be pampered and cared for. Your

    relationships with women are very harmonious and positive now.

    Oct 13, 2012 6 AM(Oct 12, 2012 to Oct 14, 2012) Merc Sxtil Moon

    You feel inclined to speak to others about your innermost feelings, your past, and other personal subjects,which builds closeness and trust in your relationships, especially with women. You are also a sympathetic listener,

    drawing out others' feelings and personal experiences.

    You may hear from someone from the past or reach out to someone you have a long history with or who was

    once very important in your life.

    Oct 13, 2012 9 AM(Oct 11, 2012 to Oct 14, 2012) Mars Sqr Ven

    Your amorous feelings and passions are strong and compelling at this time, and you tend to be very demandingof a lover's energy and affection. Tensions may erupt in close relationships because one of you feels that you

    have been giving more and not receiving enough in return, or one of you is more amorous than the other.

    Frustrated love desire can easily turn to anger or irritability at this time.

    Oct 14, 2012 3 AM(Oct 14, 2012 to Oct 15, 2012) Mars Conj Mars

    Your desire to make a fresh start, to take the initiative and strike out on your own, is a powerful drive right


  • now. Your physical energy, will, and courage are intensified. Unless you channel your abundant energy into

    decisive action or vigorous work, accidents, anger, and irritability are likely at this time.

    Oct 14, 2012 (Oct 13, 2012 to Nov 8, 2012) Ven 3rd H.

    Cooperative neighbors and agreeable relations with people in your immediate circle characterize this timeperiod. It is an excellent time to make social visits, ameliorate old grievances, and make friendly overtures to

    others. Attending cultural events and taking short trips for pleasure and recreation are quite satisfying now.

    Oct 14, 2012 9 PM(Oct 14, 2012 to Oct 15, 2012) Ven Qucnx MC

    Self-consciousness, anxiety about public images or reputation, and/or a greater concern for the packaging

    than the contents are some of the less positive possibilities for you at this time. You are apt to be rather attractiveand appealing, particularly at the work place or in your professional role. Be careful not to take advantage of this

    for it could backfire. On a more pleasant note, an inviting atmosphere at work and appreciation for work welldone is indicated. You could make some new contacts too, which would be good, except for the caution citedabove.

    Oct 15, 2012 1 AM(Oct 14, 2012 to Oct 16, 2012) Merc Qucnx MC

    This is a time to take in information which can be of real practical assistance to you in reaching a significantlong-range goal. Some news may reach you which will create some minor distress and compel you to re-examine

    or reassess a position you have taken regarding your career or work in the world. Don't try to force issues orcome to any definite conclusions now and don't sign any contracts which require too much compromise on your

    part. Simply gather information and, if necessary, delay direct negotiations.

    Oct 16, 2012 3 PM(Oct 16, 2012 to Oct 17, 2012) Sun Sxtil Plu

    There are opportunities for deep sharing and powerful, meaningful contacts with others, especially people whoshare common goals or ideals. An opportunity for a leadership role is also likely.

    Oct 16, 2012 7 PM(Oct 16, 2012 to Oct 17, 2012) Merc Trine Merc

    Conversations and sharing plans and ideas with others are very fruitful now. You understand what others are

    telling you, and you make yourself clearly understood also. This is a favorable time for getting your message

    across to others via writing, speaking, or advertising.

    Oct 16, 2012 8 PM(Oct 16, 2012 to Oct 17, 2012) Ven Oppos Merc

    You are more clear and objective about personal matters and your relationships, so this is a favorable time toiron out differences or come to a decision. Communicating openly with loved ones, taking a trip to visit friends,

    or going on an outing accompanied by one you love figures prominently now.

    Oct 17, 2012 6 AM(Oct 16, 2012 to Oct 18, 2012) Merc Qucnx Jup


  • Your choices and decisions may lack prudence, realism, or sound judgment right now. Be wary of overly

    optimistic plans which are presented to you, signing contracts without doing thorough background work orreading the fine print, or promising something which will be difficult for you to fulfill. Questions of honor, ethics,

    law, or morality arise in your mind at this time.

    Oct 17, 2012 8 AM(Oct 16, 2012 to Oct 18, 2012) Ven Sqr Jup

    This is a time when it is difficult to stay within a budget or on a diet, as your tendency is to splurge on beautifulthings and to enjoy yourself as much as possible. You want comfort and ease and have luxurious tastes. Quality

    is especially important to you right now. Also, you want to share whatever good fortune you have. You need

    company and happy fellowship. It's a good time for a party, as long as you don't overdo it.

    Oct 18, 2012 10 PM(Oct 18, 2012 to Oct 19, 2012) Sun Conj Nep

    You feel more lackadaisical now, less focused on mundane tasks, and possibly less energetic as well. Yourimagination and fantasy life is very active and you can dream up some very creative ideas. Negatively, you tend

    to dissipate your energy or to avoid the real world.

    Oct 19, 2012 4 PM(Oct 18, 2012 to Oct 20, 2012) Merc Trine Ura

    You experience sudden insights, make discoveries, come up with fresh solutions to old problems, and seek

    alternatives to the usual routine way of doing things. Your mental processes are speeded up and you move morequickly now. Try to make room for a lot of spontaneity and flexibility in your schedule at this time.

    Oct 19, 2012 9 PM(Oct 19, 2012 to Oct 20, 2012) Ven Sxtil Ura

    This is a time for getting a little loose and wild with friends, going dancing, or doing something out of the

    ordinary that is stimulating and fun. You meet interesting new people and are more open to people who are quitedifferent from yourself. An opportunity for a romance may arise which is likely to be exciting, though short-lived.

    Oct 20, 2012 (Oct 19, 2012 to Nov 22, 2012) Merc 5th H.

    Entertainment and amusements that are mentally challenging, such as chess, crossword puzzles, or other word

    games, have a strong appeal to you now. You will also enjoy dramatic presentations, the theater, creative writing

    and, if you have natural leanings in any of these areas, you will be inspired with ideas for future creative projects.

    Oct 20, 2012 (Sep 4, 2012 to Nov 3, 2012) Jup Sqr Merc

    During this time period you are planning big things for the future. You become excited about an idea thatpromises much greener pastures for you. Your enthusiasm and optimism are so strong that it is difficult for you to

    realistically evaluate the situation. If others question or doubt your plan, you quickly brush their concerns aside,

    as you pursue a grander vision. Hopefully, you have done your homework or else your grand dream can go up in



  • This is an excellent time to spread your wings, to travel and visit new places. You may read something that

    causes you to view life in a very different light. Your mind soars to a broader, more encompassing view and

    perspective. You should not rein your thoughts in; the only warning is to be careful when making practicaldecisions based on these ideas. You can easily overlook the importance of practical details needed to

    successfully carry out a plan.

    Oct 22, 2012 3 AM(Oct 22, 2012 to Oct 23, 2012) Sun Sqr Asc

    You may feel out of step with the people in your immediate environment now, not in harmony with theintentions and desires of those you work or live with.

    Relationships, especially professional ones, can be tense, especially if you attempt to work your own will. This

    is not a time to force issues.

    Oct 22, 2012 3 PM(Oct 22, 2012 to Oct 23, 2012) Sun Trine Sun

    Confidence and inner harmony prevail. You can move forward with creative projects and express yourself

    more easily and comfortably now. Your efforts are well received at this time.

    Oct 22, 2012 5 PM(Oct 21, 2012 to Oct 24, 2012) Mars Sqr Moon

    At this time you are prone to irritability, temper tantrums, and flying off the handle for slim reasons. You are

    also impatient and inclined to rush unnecessarily, which can cause accidents or bruised feelings on the part of thepeople you live with or work closely with. You are in a fighting mood and stand up for your rights more readily

    than usual, but beware of the tendency to be abrasive and insensitive.

    Oct 23, 2012 1 AM(Oct 22, 2012 to Oct 24, 2012) Merc Sqr Plu

    It is impossible for you to be content with superficial answers now, and you are impatient with people whoavoid looking candidly and honestly at root causes and hidden reasons for any problem or situation. You tend to

    force your views on other people now. Also, you can become obsessed with an idea or problem until you havefigured it out.

    Oct 26, 2012 1 AM(Oct 26, 2012 to Oct 27, 2012) Mars Trine MC

    You can make your influence felt at this time and any efforts you make to advance your career or other

    important long-range goals will be very effective. Independent action, self-reliance, or taking on more of a

    leadership position are favored now. You have the green light!

    Oct 27, 2012 11 AM(Oct 26, 2012 to Oct 28, 2012) Sun Trine Ven

    Giving and receiving appreciation, love, and happiness come into your life now. You are moved to express

    your affections more openly than usual. You also want to be surrounded with beauty and harmonious people,

    and your artistic efforts flourish.


  • Oct 27, 2012 7 PM(Oct 26, 2012 to Oct 28, 2012) Ven Sxtil Asc

    Light and pleasant interactions characterize this time period. You gain what you want through diplomacy or

    charm and by enlisting the support of your friends, rather than by being forthright and bold. You are willing to

    make concessions in order to maintain harmony in your environment.

    Oct 28, 2012 6 AM(Oct 28, 2012 to Oct 29, 2012) Ven Qucnx Sun

    Right now, you will be tempted to do something for pleasure which you ordinarily wouldn't enjoy or even be

    interested in. Influences from a lover or friend pull you in a direction that is a bit off the beaten track for you. If

    you goof off or choose to indulge yourself, there will be some form of pay back later. Beware of indulgences that

    compromise your values or integrity.

    Oct 28, 2012 6 AM(Oct 28, 2012 to Oct 29, 2012) Merc Trine Asc

    Communications are excellent now. You come across clearly and present yourself articulately. Public

    speaking, interviews, and other transactions with the public are favored. Conversations you have at this time go

    smoothly, and an agreement can be reached.

    Oct 28, 2012 8 PM(Oct 27, 2012 to Oct 30, 2012) Merc Sqr Sun

    There is much activity; you move rapidly from one thing to another and a hectic, somewhat stressful pace islikely. Many errands, phone calls, letters which require a response, and other "busywork" is on the agenda. A

    minor but rather tense confrontation is likely.

    Oct 29, 2012 6 AM(Oct 27, 2012 to Oct 30, 2012) Mars Sqr Merc

    Verbal battles, disputes, and heated debates are very likely at this time because you speak your mind withoutmuch forethought, tact, or consideration of consequences. Right now you will say the things you usually only

    think, especially to people you disagree with. Also, you are quite impatient and easily frustrated and are inclinedto move about too quickly and abruptly, which can cause accidents. Unless you slow your pace down a bit, thistime period can be quite a headache.

    Oct 30, 2012 1 AM(Oct 30, 2012 to Oct 31, 2012) Mars Oppos Jup

    Your energy level and your self-confidence are high now. You are full of enterprise and may chafe at the bit if

    you can not do enough, if your present position doesn't give you enough scope, or if your superiors do not allowyou to take initiative and advance as you want to. Also, at this time you tend to overextend yourself or to believe

    you can do more than you actually can.

    Nov 1, 2012 5 AM(Nov 1, 2012 to Nov 2, 2012) Ven Qucnx Ven

    Differences in styles, personal tastes, aesthetic appreciation, or values is an issue in your life at this time. Youmay feel unloved or not valued due to differences in the way you and a significant other express affection. In


  • social situations, you may well feel out of place, awkward, and ill at ease; perhaps you run into an old lover or

    are in a social setting which is distinctly different from the one you are familiar with. You are apt to be conciliatory

    and gracious about making adjustments and concessions, but you feel rather uncomfortable internally.

    Nov 1, 2012 9 AM(Nov 1, 2012 to Nov 2, 2012) Sun Conj Sat

    You are serious and disinclined to frivolous or inconsequential activity. It's a time best spent working alone,

    structuring and organizing your life in some way, and focusing on whatever tasks (however distasteful or tedious)

    that you really need to do. You feel like withdrawing from people and find social situations unfulfilling or wasteful.Your vitality and your spirits are somewhat dampened.

    Nov 1, 2012 3 PM(Nov 1, 2012 to Nov 2, 2012) Ven Sxtil Mars

    Romance and flirtations are likely now. You are feeling warm, expressive, and lively. Loving feelings flow

    between you and the people you meet, especially those of the opposite sex. Friendships are also strengthened atthis time. Also, your creativity and desire to make something beautiful is stimulated now.

    Nov 3, 2012 4 AM(Nov 3, 2012 to Nov 4, 2012) Mars Qucnx Ura

    You act very impulsively and may do something spontaneously that really upsets the status quo in your life.

    Daring and reckless, you act with fierce independence. All manner of accidents could result from this rashfoolishness. You are apt to feel tense, "wired", cross, or out of control. You might wish to avoid traveling at this


    Nov 3, 2012 5 AM(Nov 3, 2012 to Nov 4, 2012) Sun Sxtil Moon

    Support from close friends, family, and the women in your life gives you confidence now. This is a good timeto mend fences and ameliorate problems in your home life.

    Nov 5, 2012 3 PM(Nov 5, 2012 to Nov 6, 2012) Sun Qucnx MC

    A minor social disgrace or embarrassment is likely now, especially if you are in the public eye. You may be

    upstaged or challenged in a particularly disconcerting way. However, how you handle any humiliation or adversesituation which occurs at this time may well be crucial to future success. Influential men in your life are implicated.

    Nov 7, 2012 merc sqr ven

    You are more distressed than usual over any dissonance in your environment or personal relationships, and

    you are inclined to avoid serious discussions or real disagreements with others. Also, challenging mental work

    and concentration is difficult for you now.

    Nov 7, 2012 merc conj mars

    You are likely to come to a very clear, definite decision at this time and to let others know exactly what you


  • want. You are not in a very conciliatory mood and are not averse to stirring up unpleasant controversy in defense

    of your plan, idea, or desire. You may speak or act in haste now which can be a cause of regret later on.

    Nov 7, 2012 11 PM(Nov 7, 2012 to Nov 8, 2012) Sun Trine Merc

    If you are a writer, teacher or student or are involved in any intellectual work, this is a positive time for you:ideas flow and it is easier than usual to express your thoughts. Also, this is a good time for buying, selling,

    negotiating, and communications of all kinds.

    Nov 8, 2012 1 PM(Nov 7, 2012 to Nov 9, 2012) Sun Qucnx Jup

    An irritable urge to be free of constraints, social obligations, or bureaucracy typifies this time period. You may

    inadvertently provoke the disapproval of colleagues, superiors, or other authorities through some presumptuousact on your part. Beware of overly optimistic schemes or self-indulgent purchases at this time also.

    Nov 8, 2012 4 PM(Nov 7, 2012 to Nov 9, 2012) Mars Trine Plu

    Getting what you really want and moving toward achieving the things which are important to you may involvesurrendering something or eliminating something from your life at this time. Perhaps an attitude, a situation, or anattachment that has been impeding you is now released. You feel free to concentrate on the things that are most

    important to you now. Major, long-term changes can be successfully begun now - a lifestyle change or a regimenof self-improvement, for instance.

    Nov 8, 2012 (Nov 7, 2012 to Dec 8, 2012) Ven 4th H.

    At this time you will want to make your home more pleasing, comfortable, and beautiful, perhaps by doing

    some artistic decorating or landscaping or buying something which will give you and your family much pleasure.You feel very kindly and affectionate toward family members, and you may do some entertaining or invite friends

    in to enjoy your hospitality, as well.

    Nov 8, 2012 5 PM(Nov 7, 2012 to Nov 9, 2012) Ven Oppos MC

    This is an excellent time for home improvements, particularly those which enhance the appearance and beautyof your living space. Decorating or rearranging furniture in order to create a more harmonious and pleasing

    arrangement is favored. Relationships with your family are very satisfying and loving, and you may also wish to

    invite company into your home. The role of gracious host or hostess suits you very well right now.

    Nov 10, 2012 3 PM(Nov 9, 2012 to Nov 11, 2012) Ven Qucnx Merc

    You may decide to change the decor of your home, or you may attend a musical or artistic event that exposesyou to new styles that are different from your customary tastes. Communications with family and friends can be

    strained at this time, as you try to clear up points of confusion. This is a good time to get a new perspective on

    your relationships and your life style, but do not force yourself to make important decisions now while you are

    not completely comfortable with any of the alternatives.


  • Nov 11, 2012 3 AM(Nov 11, 2012 to Nov 12, 2012) Ven Trine Jup

    Emotional well-being and contentment characterize this time period. You feel quite relaxed and carefree, and

    this would be a splendid time for a vacation. Laziness, self-indulgence, and expecting everything to work out well

    with no effort on your part are negative possibilities now. You feel very lucky and you are likely to be lax or

    extravagant with your money. Material benefits are, indeed, likely at this time, but beware of being overlygenerous or depending too much on Lady Luck.

    Nov 11, 2012 (Oct 10, 2012 to Dec 12, 2012) nep conj sun

    Your more practical nature wanes as the dreamer in you comes to the fore. Fantasy and drama appeal to you

    now. Everyday life seems too drab and unappealing; you prefer the fantastic or mystical now. You are very

    inclined to daydream of how you would like your life to be: your dream house, dream job, dream car, dreamlover, dream everything! The problem with this astrological influence is that you are not very motivated to do a lot

    about these dreams. In fact, your energy level is lower than usual and you are more susceptible to catching coldsand other illnesses. This is a good time to escape to an imaginative world via fairy tales, science fiction,mythology, and movies. But be wary of a tendency to allow your life to get split into two distinct worlds: the cold,

    harsh outer reality versus your inner world of fantasy and dreams. If this happens, build more imagination into

    your life. Exotic decorations, inspiring music and art, even a modest imaginative flourish to daily activities likecooking can be very rewarding now.

    This is also a time when your feelings about yourself can become very unrealistic. You may either loseconfidence in your abilities and feel very dejected, or you may swing to the opposite extreme and suffer from

    delusions of grandeur. In either case, the problem stems from letting your fantasies get the better of you, allowingyourself to feel that you must live up to the glamorous images and fantasies that you have. In general, your

    judgment about most things is poorer than usual, and especially your judgments about yourself.

    Your ideals and spiritual aspirations are lifted also. You are less critical and skeptical than usual, and you are

    more sensitive to spiritual inspirations and psychic experiences. You can make mistakes, however, when you tryto identify the source of your inspirations and experiences, or when you develop a philosophy on which to base

    these experiences. Let your imagination and ideals soar, but be wary of the tendency to have illusions aboutyourself, people you idolize, and religious ideology.

    Nov 11, 2012 2 PM(Nov 11, 2012 to Nov 12, 2012) Sun Trine Ura

    You have a low tolerance for boredom and following rules today and you make some creative changes and

    discoveries, experiment with new possibilities, or invent a new way of doing things.

    You don't want to follow anybody else's lead at this time, but fortunately you are able find ways to be yourself

    and even be a little "crazy" without offending or upsetting others. This is a dynamic and exciting period. Takeadvantage of any unusual offers or opportunities.

    Nov 11, 2012 5 PM(Nov 10, 2012 to Nov 13, 2012) Mars Sxtil Nep

    This is not a period when you feel like pushing your own interests or one in which you are especially energetic.

    Other people's concerns and needs receive more attention from you now, and you are more motivated to dosomething which serves others, perhaps a group you are affiliated with. Cooperating with others for some


  • idealistic purpose is very satisfying for you at this time.

    Nov 11, 2012 (Nov 3, 2012 to Nov 20, 2012) Sat Trine Ven

    If you are married or involved in a love relationship, a deepening of the relationship is likely at this time. You

    gain an even greater appreciation of each other, and you respect each other more than ever. Mutualunderstanding and cooperation on topics of importance make you feel very close.

    If you are involved in a new relationship, it will deepen and feel more permanent. The relationship will take onthe definition and quality that is appropriate, which may be romantic or may be simply a friendship. In either case,

    this relationship will grow into a very good one.

    This astrological influence is very positive for relationships of all kinds, particularly romantic attachments and

    close friendships. It does not, however, confer a lot of excitement and pizzazz. The effect is more subtle, and theincreased depth of the relationship is likely to grow so gradually that you hardly notice the transition.

    Nevertheless, the results are very real and your relationships will be deepened and strengthened.

    You may also decide to make new investments or change current ones at this time. You are conservative,

    prudent, and discriminating in your handling of money at this time, and you are likely to take some smart steps in

    ensuring a prosperous future for yourself and family.

    This is also a good time for beautifying your environment, doing creative art work, and cleaning up around the

    house. You may decide to paint, rearrange furniture, buy some new clothes, etc., all of which will be done ingood taste and work out nicely and prove to be good investments.

    Nov 12, 2012 (Nov 11, 2012 to Dec 18, 2012) Sun 5th H.

    You are energized and inspired creatively and emotionally at this time, and you want to bring forth all that is

    within you. You express yourself more freely, playfully, and spontaneously and are more willing to take chances.The dramatic and performing arts, sports and games, or other forms of self-expression and entertainment appeal

    strongly to you now.

    Nov 13, 2012 2 PM(Nov 13, 2012 to Nov 14, 2012) Ven Sqr Ura

    You are impulsively affectionate and flirtatious at this time, and you feel quite restless if you are in a stable,predictable relationship that offers little excitement. You may be highly attracted to someone new, simply because

    of the novelty and possibilities for adventure. Also, your friends or love partner may behave in unexpected ways.

    Flexibility and open-mindedness in your relationships is called for now.

    Nov 13, 2012 (Nov 12, 2012 to Dec 24, 2012) Mars 6th H.

    You are fired up at work and aim to accomplish a lot, but friction may arise with your co-workers if you aretoo impatient and pushy. You are not much of a team player right now and it would be better if you could work

    on your own.

    This is also an excellent time to begin a health regimen or vigorous exercise program, but be certain not tooverexert yourself.


  • Nov 14, 2012 (Oct 14, 2012 to Feb 9, 2013) Ura Trine Mars

    With confidence and courage, you assert yourself boldly. You energetically accomplish a great deal during this

    time period. Your energy level is much higher than usual, and you can work for long hours without fatigue. You

    will find yourself staying up late into the night without getting sleepy.

    You are in a dynamic, energetic mood, and you work with gusto. Your performance in athletic activities excels

    now, and your dynamic energy propels you forward successfully in almost any endeavor. Creative work isespecially appealing. You really want to pour yourself into what you are doing. You also have a knack for turning

    daily chores or uninteresting tasks into creative activities. If a task is very tedious and you can't find a way to

    spice it up, you will simply drop the task and involve yourself with something more interesting. You instinctively

    realize that this is the time to create things, to make things, and to pour yourself wholeheartedly into activities.

    Follow your instincts to do this without restraint, for some of your best work can be done now.

    If you have been reluctant to pursue some activity due to shyness, lack of confidence, or laziness, now is thetime to come out of your shell and come forth boldly. You are likely to be surprised by the ease with which youhandle situations and succeed in your endeavor.

    Nov 14, 2012 3 PM(Nov 13, 2012 to Nov 15, 2012) Merc Sqr Sun

    There is much activity; you move rapidly from one thing to another and a hectic, somewhat stressful pace islikely. Many errands, phone calls, letters which require a response, and other "busywork" is on the agenda. A

    minor but rather tense confrontation is likely.

    Nov 15, 2012 2 AM(Nov 15, 2012 to Nov 16, 2012) Merc Trine Asc

    Communications are excellent now. You come across clearly and present yourself articulately. Publicspeaking, interviews, and other transactions with the public are favored. Conversations you have at this time go

    smoothly, and an agreement can be reached.

    Nov 15, 2012 (Sep 29, 2012 to Dec 30, 2012) chi sqr mars

    At this time, you are prone to getting carried away with your own sense of purpose. You may refuse toadhere to the plans and expectations of others. You can become very hard-headed and push yourself and your

    aims in only one direction without realizing the turbulence you cause in your daily life. The problem is that you are

    less willing to cooperate with others, because your strong will inclines you to do things your own way. Similarly,

    you create conflict through your defiant behavior and are very likely to hurt yourself and others with your actions.

    You need to develop a more diplomatic approach when dealing with those around you. You must find ways topursue your own self-interests without stepping on everyone's toes in the process.

    Nov 15, 2012 (Oct 15, 2012 to Dec 15, 2012) chi conj ven

    You have opportunities to engage in pleasurable social and romantic activities, which gives you a sense of

    wholeness and emotional well-being. You may take a renewed interest in your creative or artistic endeavors, asyou come up with very unique and different concepts. You can alleviate any former differences with a loved one


  • now by revitalizing the relationship or looking for new ways to approach everyday situations. There may be

    several opportunities for various recreational and entertaining times with someone you love. This is also a good

    time to redefine what you value and desire in your partnerships. When discussing concerns with your mate, youare able to relate to their viewpoint with a greater sense of fairness at this time. If your mate or partner is troubled

    by anything, you can have a very special healing effect on them now. On another level, you and your mate can

    begin constructive joint ventures now, for instance, combining your unique talents and abilities on a project or

    making sound investments from your personal assets and financial resources.

    Nov 15, 2012 (Nov 6, 2012 to Nov 23, 2012) Jup Sxtil MC

    Cooperation and assistance in business relationships is high now and, consequently, significant growth and

    progress in your career is likely at this time. Communications and contacts in business and professional circles

    open up, with opportunities to expand your services and professional involvements. Take advantage of these

    opportunities because they will prove to be very beneficial. There is no need to take risks so avoid wildspeculation; a very positive avenue for growth is available to you now. This growth and progress in career is very

    personally fulfilling and rewarding because the work is meaningful to you, not just a means of making money.Consequently you feel good about yourself and this spills over into a happy attitude towards your family.Improvements in your domestic life are also likely. Do not sit back and watch this influence pass you by; you may

    feel so comfortable that you do little to take full advantage of the opportunities.

    Note that the precise timing of this astrological influence is very dependent on the exact birth time, so the datesgiven are accurate only if your birth time is very accurate.

    Nov 15, 2012 3 PM(Nov 15, 2012 to Nov 16, 2012) Sun Sqr Plu

    Underlying or previously hidden aspects of a situation come to light now.

    The misuse of personal power, dominating or manipulating others, and the subtle ways you try to control

    situations or other people are issues. The tyrant in you comes out, or you find yourself dealing with the moredifficult, dark, tyrannical side in other people.

    Also, this can be a time when you are forced to confront and deal with something which is no longer working -

    from old, outworn possessions to an unhealthy relationship or a deeply ingrained, self-defeating attitude.

    Nov 15, 2012 10 PM(Nov 14, 2012 to Nov 17, 2012) Mars Qucnx Asc

    Those in your environment are irascible and quarrelsome; they may attempt to embroil you in their disputes.

    What begins as a high energy competition or purposeful activity may turn nasty. It will be difficult for you to stay

    out of it; your inclination now is to do something. It would be much better for you to go solo right now rather than

    attempt a cooperative endeavor.

    Nov 16, 2012 3 PM(Nov 15, 2012 to Nov 17, 2012) Mars Sxtil Sun

    Your physical drive and energy level are high now, and you can accomplish a great deal fairly easily. You are

    inclined to take the initiative or to strike out on your own, and you are likely to be successful at what you attempt

    at this time. Because you assert yourself in a positive manner, a leadership role or an opportunity to do somethingyou have wanted to do on your own is likely to be offered to you.


  • Nov 16, 2012 10 PM(Nov 16, 2012 to Nov 17, 2012) Ven Sxtil Plu

    Your feelings for friends and your emotional responses to life in general are deeper and more intense. The

    need to share, to give and receive love, and to be accepted and wanted is very strong. You have an opportunity

    now to see what keeps you from being really close to others - perhaps a forgotten hurt or hidden resentment -and to rid yourself of it by bringing it out in the open or simply releasing it.

    Nov 18, 2012 6 PM(Nov 17, 2012 to Nov 19, 2012) Ven Conj Nep

    Your romantic imagination is strong now. Dreams of an idealized "true love" or feelings of compassion and

    oneness with others emerge strongly at this time.

    Your perception of people gets rather hazy; you tend to see them through rose-colored glasses. It is best not

    to make firm commitments at this time.

    If you have creative or artistic inclinations, your work will blossom. You can come up with some really lovely,

    inspiring images.

    Nov 19, 2012 5 AM(Nov 19, 2012 to Nov 20, 2012) Merc Sqr Plu

    It is impossible for you to be content with superficial answers now, and you are impatient with people who

    avoid looking candidly and honestly at root causes and hidden reasons for any problem or situation. You tend toforce your views on other people now. Also, you can become obsessed with an idea or problem until you have

    figured it out.

    Nov 21, 2012 12 AM(Nov 21, 2012 to Nov 22, 2012) Sun Trine Asc

    You are in harmony with the people in your immediate environment. There is a sense of ease and of flowingwith, rather than fighting against or resisting, what is going on around you. Therefore, you have more energy and

    more fun at this time.

    Now is a good time to make a presentation, go for an interview, or meet the public in some way; the response

    is positive.

    Nov 21, 2012 8 AM(Nov 21, 2012 to Nov 22, 2012) Ven Sqr Asc

    You are a peacemaker now since harmony in your environment seems more important than ever. Lovingrelationships, giving and receiving affection, and attracting people into your life who are good for you are very

    likely at this time.

    Nov 21, 2012 1 PM(Nov 21, 2012 to Nov 22, 2012) Sun Sqr Sun

    You may feel temporarily blocked now. Resistance and challenges from others or from outside situationssuggest that this is not a good time to try to force your will and desires upon the world, as friction is the only


  • likely result. Relations with men can be especially tense.

    Nov 21, 2012 6 PM(Nov 21, 2012 to Nov 22, 2012) Ven Trine Sun

    Relaxation, enjoyment, and pleasure are emphasized now. This is not a time to push yourself or to be involved

    in activities that require intense competition or a great expenditure of energy. Cooperative, harmonious personaland professional relationships are more important to you at this time. You feel like socializing and being friendly.

    Nov 22, 2012 (Nov 22, 2012 to Dec 2, 2012) Merc 4th H.

    You are likely to be in a rather nostalgic frame of mind, remembering earlier days and thinking and speaking

    about past events. This is a good time for communicating with family members, perhaps re-establishing your

    connection or resolving a long standing problem between you. Speaking about very personal, private matterscomes easier to you now. You may also find it worthwhile to record some of your musings, memories, and

    thoughts in a journal or diary.

    Nov 22, 2012 11 PM(Nov 21, 2012 to Nov 24, 2012) Mars Sxtil Ven

    Friendships and love relationships are favored as you are openly affectionate, warm, and also quite responsiveto loving gestures from others. It's not enough for you to simply feel loving toward another; at this time you really

    want to express it and show it physically. An opportunity for a new romance or friendship is likely to surface nowand work out quite nicely for you.

    Nov 23, 2012 2 AM(Nov 23, 2012 to Nov 24, 2012) Merc Trine Ura

    You experience sudden insights, make discoveries, come up with fresh solutions to old problems, and seek

    alternatives to the usual routine way of doing things. Your mental processes are speeded up and you move morequickly now. Try to make room for a lot of spontaneity and flexibility in your schedule at this time.

    Nov 25, 2012 3 PM(Nov 25, 2012 to Nov 26, 2012) Ven Trine Ven

    Contentment, emotional well-being, and harmony prevail in your personal relationships. At this time you relax

    and indulge in your pleasure-loving side. Unless other astrological indications override this influence, you areunlikely to be forceful and try to make things happen, but instead are inclined to flow along with people and

    situations, attracting what you need and letting the world come to you.

    Nov 26, 2012 7 AM(Nov 25, 2012 to Nov 27, 2012) Sun Sqr Ven

    Your desire for love and affection, as well as beauty and pleasure, is strong now and you act on feelings and

    creative impulses more readily than usual. If you are not happy with some aspect of your personal life, theseissues arise at this time and there may be disagreements or tension in a close relationship.

    Nov 26, 2012 8 PM(Nov 25, 2012 to Nov 27, 2012) Sun Conj Mars


  • You feel energetic, confident, and assertive now, and are less inclined to be patient with others' needs and

    demands. You may become angry if your will is blocked or if you have to adjust your vigorous pace to others'

    slower tempo.

    This is an excellent time to take the initiative or to begin a project that you have been considering. ACTION is

    the theme for today. If you tend to be hot-tempered, this is aggravated now, and you can be quite pugnacious. If

    you are a more relaxed, easy-going person, you will simply feel more energy and drive than usual.

    Nov 29, 2012 10 AM(Nov 29, 2012 to Nov 30, 2012) Mars Sxtil Sat

    Self-discipline, training, persevering through a dry or slow period, and working quietly or in meager

    circumstances are themes in this time period. You have the ability and stamina to concentrate, to work carefully

    and thoroughly, and to accomplish something modest, yet of real practical value and substance now.

    Nov 29, 2012 3 PM(Nov 29, 2012 to Nov 30, 2012) Ven Conj Sat

    Emotional self-control and feelings of distance and aloneness characterize this time. You are coolly objective

    about your friends and loved ones and their shortcomings as friends or lovers. You are probably being a bit too

    critical and hard on them right now. This is also a time for belt-tightening and being very cautious aboutinvestments and expenditures. Going on a diet is favored now.

    Dec 1, 2012 2 AM(Dec 1, 2012 to Dec 2, 2012) Ven Sxtil Moon

    This is an excellent time to have company or to give a party at your home. You are feeling hospitable and

    loving and need to share comfort and affection with close friends and family. Home improvements or beautifyingyour surroundings in some way is also favored now.

    Dec 1, 2012 3 AM(Dec 1, 2012 to Dec 2, 2012) Merc Trine Ura

    This astrological influence (Merc Trine Ura) also occurred on Nov 23, 2012 (peak date). Please refer to this


    Dec 1, 2012 7 PM(Nov 30, 2012 to Dec 3, 2012) Mars Trine Moon

    Your feelings run hot now, and you are more likely to act on instinct, emotion, and impulse rather than reason.

    Your responses to life are passionate and also more natural, childlike, and direct. High-spirited physical play,

    lovemaking, or any activity that really involves you emotionally, such as a rock concert or a rousing football

    game, will be very gratifying to you now.

    Dec 2, 2012 (Nov 30, 2012 to Dec 29, 2012) Merc 5th H.

    Entertainment and amusements that are mentally challenging, such as chess, crossword puzzles, or other word

    games, have a strong appeal to you now. You will also enjoy dramatic presentations, the theater, creative writing

    and, if you have natural leanings in any of these areas, you will be inspired with ideas for future creative projects.


  • Dec 2, 2012 11 PM(Dec 1, 2012 to Dec 3, 2012) Sun Sqr Moon

    Tension in your home life, conflicts between work demands and personal needs, or unresolved emotional

    tangles are likely to arise now, necessitating adjustments and compromises on your part.

    A side of you which is usually hidden or in the background is likely to emerge now, and this may be positive ornegative.

    Dec 3, 2012 1 AM(Dec 3, 2012 to Dec 4, 2012) Ven Qucnx MC

    Self-consciousness, anxiety about public images or reputation, and/or a greater concern for the packaging

    than the contents are some of the less positive possibilities for you at this time. You are apt to be rather attractive

    and appealing, particularly at the work place or in your professional role. Be careful not to take advantage of thisfor it could backfire. On a more pleasant note, an inviting atmosphere at work and appreciation for work well

    done is indicated. You could make some new contacts too, which would be good, except for the caution citedabove.

    Dec 3, 2012 (Nov 26, 2012 to Dec 11, 2012) Jup Sqr Moon

    During this time period you insist on having more time to enjoy the company of friends and family. A family

    get-together is likely at this time. Your disposition is cheerful, outgoing, and warm, and you have a wonderfultime sharing feelings and interests with others. This is a time when you can break down a communication barrier

    or feeling of distance with a person that you feel you cannot get close to.

    If you have been feeling lonely or wish you had more friends, this is an excellent time to get out of your houseand meet new people. Join a club or attend a meeting or social event; you will meet people whose company youreally enjoy and be glad you went. You need to expand your circle of friends a little now and break out of some

    old habits that are keeping you caught in a rut.

    Your interest in enjoying yourself and having a good time is likely to extend to food as well, and you may puton a few pounds. Of course, it is not healthful to go overboard on rich foods and sweets. On the other hand,

    dieting at this time is likely to be unsuccessful and this is not a good time to be on a strict weight-reducingprogram.

    Dec 4, 2012 10 PM(Dec 3, 2012 to Dec 6, 2012) Mars Sqr MC

    At this time your efforts to get ahead and advance your own interests are likely to be met with resistance or

    animosity. You seem overeager, pushy, inconsiderate, or too narrowly focused on your own objectives, so that

    you alienate the people who could help you. Try to do as much as you can on your own without trying to forceothers to agree with you or join you.

    Dec 4, 2012 10 PM(Dec 4, 2012 to Dec 5, 2012) Ven Trine Merc

    This is a good time to schedule social activities or even business meetings where tact and friendliness would be

    a plus. You act as a diplomat and harmonizer between people with differing viewpoints. Also, attending culturalevents such as an art show or a play is favored. Thoughts of love, an appreciation for beauty, and an aesthetic


  • enjoyment of your surroundings are brought to the fore. A short pleasure trip would also be beneficial now.

    Dec 5, 2012 8 AM(Dec 5, 2012 to Dec 6, 2012) Sun Trine MC

    Your career, reputation, public standing, or important personal goals gain momentum now. Your superiors or

    those in a position to support or further your aims are positively disposed toward you at this time. An importantvictory or success can be achieved.

    Dec 5, 2012 9 AM(Dec 5, 2012 to Dec 6, 2012) Ven Qucnx Jup

    Financial excesses and spending money you don't have on pleasure or luxury are indicated. Over-eating or

    partying to excess can also lead to trouble. You may actually get ill from too much rich food, sweets, or alcohol,

    so exercise caution. Beware, too, of anyone or anything which is presented to you now which looks too good tobe true - no doubt it is.

    Dec 5, 2012 7 PM(Dec 5, 2012 to Dec 6, 2012) Merc Sqr Plu

    This astrological influence (Merc Sqr Plu) also occurred on Nov 19, 2012 (peak date). Please refer to this date.

    Dec 7, 2012 4 PM(Dec 7, 2012 to Dec 8, 2012) Sun Sqr Merc

    A fast pace, with many letters, phone calls, errands, meetings, or discussions, is on the agenda. You may feelmentally restless, impatient, and overly eager to get your own ideas across. Also, a situation may arise which

    requires you to say what is on your mind, to make a decision, or to clearly voice your personal opinion on someissue.

    Dec 7, 2012 8 PM(Dec 7, 2012 to Dec 8, 2012) Ven Trine Ura

    Unexpected pleasures, new friends, or a more playful, adventurous attitude in your relationships make this time

    period stimulating and delightful. You want a break from your usual routine and, because you are willing toexperiment and to be spontaneous, you are likely to experience a refreshing change of pace. A new romance ora revitalization of a current one is very likely.

    Dec 7, 2012 11 PM(Dec 6, 2012 to Dec 9, 2012) Mars Sxtil Merc

    You have a lot of mental energy and are eager to "attack" intellectual or conceptual problems. You are likely

    to come up with a clever solution or a very workable plan, especially if you brainstorm with others. You alsotend to make up your mind very quickly and decisively now and to translate your ideas into action.

    Dec 8, 2012 6 AM(Dec 7, 2012 to Dec 9, 2012) Sun Oppos Jup

    A goal or vision you have been working toward comes into fruition now, or gains momentum and positive

    recognition from others. You feel expansive and inclined to take risks, and you may be overly extravagant now.


  • Dec 8, 2012 (Dec 7, 2012 to Jan 7, 2013) Ven 5th H.

    You are feeling inspired creatively and romantically and you express your loving feelings quite openly now.

    Creative self-expression of any kind is favored at this time. You will also thoroughly enjoy artistic, musical, or

    cultural events and activities, especially in the company of a loved one.

    Dec 8, 2012 6 PM(Dec 7, 2012 to Dec 10, 2012) Mars Qucnx Jup

    You seesaw between optimism and impatience, between faith that everything is working out and a restless

    desire to take immediate action. Philosophical discussions are apt to become heated. Avoid pompousness,

    arrogance, and intolerance. You will neither win freedom nor influence people that way! Proselytizing or self

    promotion can lead to estrangement now. A lack of caution and overenthusiasm are pitfalls for you at present.

    Dec 10, 2012 9 AM(Dec 9, 2012 to Dec 11, 2012) Merc Trine Asc

    Communications are excellent now. You come across clearly and present yourself articulately. Public

    speaking, interviews, and other transactions with the public are favored. Conversations you have at this time go

    smoothly, and an agreement can be reached.

    Dec 10, 2012 7 PM(Dec 10, 2012 to Dec 11, 2012) Merc Sqr Sun

    There is much activity; you move rapidly from one thing to another and a hectic, somewhat stressful pace islikely. Many errands, phone calls, letters which require a response, and other "busywork" is on the agenda. A

    minor but rather tense confrontation is likely.

    Dec 11, 2012 3 AM(Dec 11, 2012 to Dec 12, 2012) Ven Sqr Plu

    Hidden passions, fears, jealousies, longings, desires, or needs surface in you now and can stir up trouble inyour closest relationships. You are prone to be compulsive or demanding in a close relationship, to be

    emotionally driven and to force things to a head in some emotionally-laden situation. Positively, a relationship canbe deepened and reborn now, given new life by your willingness to reveal yourself completely to your loved one.

    Dec 11, 2012 6 AM(Dec 11, 2012 to Dec 12, 2012) Sun Qucnx Ura

    Nervous tension, impatience, uneven or erratic rhythms, and/or a disruption of your usual pace can make this

    time very challenging. You are apt to deal with some recalcitrant people or become that way yourself. Beware of

    burning bridges behind you in your heightened impatience or restless intolerance of anything that thwarts younow.

    Dec 12, 2012 4 PM(Dec 11, 2012 to Dec 13, 2012) Mars Oppos Ura

    You are very bold and adventurous right now and you cannot tolerate delays, restrictions, or any form of

    authority that prevents you from behaving exactly as you please. Your drive for personal freedom and insistenceon your rights is pressing, and a confrontation in which you have to stand up for yourself is likely. Rashness,


  • sudden acts of anger or violence, and a tendency to try to do too much too fast are tendencies you need to

    carefully monitor at this time.

    Dec 14, 2012 8 AM(Dec 13, 2012 to Dec 15, 2012) Merc Sqr Ven

    You are more distressed than usual over any dissonance in your environment or personal relationships, andyou are inclined to avoid serious discussions or real disagreements with others. Also, challenging mental work

    and concentration is difficult for you now.

    Dec 14, 2012 5 PM(Dec 14, 2012 to Dec 15, 2012) Merc Conj Mars

    You are likely to come to a very clear, definite decision at this time and to let others know exactly what you

    want. You are not in a very conciliatory mood and are not averse to stirring up unpleasant controversy in defenseof your plan, idea, or desire. You may speak or act in haste now which can be a cause of regret later on.

    Dec 15, 2012 6 AM(Dec 15, 2012 to Dec 16, 2012) Sun Trine Plu

    This is an excellent time to eliminate whatever is unnecessary and outworn in your life from clutter and disorderin your environment to an unhealthy relationship or even a long-held attitude or belief which keeps you from goingafter what you really want in life.

    You are also more perceptive than usual. You see other people's true colors more clearly and you may

    discover a secret or the hidden aspect of some situation.

    Something lost, hidden, or forgotten may come to light.

    Dec 15, 2012 11 AM(Dec 15, 2012 to Dec 16, 2012) Ven Trine Asc

    At this time you are inclined to invest your time and money into making your environment more beautiful andcomfortable. You may also wish to enhance your personal appearance in some way, such as getting a new hair

    style or purchasing clothing, cosmetics, and the like. Social gatherings are also very positive for you now.

    Dec 15, 2012 10 PM(Dec 15, 2012 to Dec 16, 2012) Ven Sqr Sun

    Your desire for pleasure, ease, and affection is brought to the fore and may interfere with work or complicated

    situations in which you need to be acting assertively and on your own behalf. Your mood and attitude is

    conciliatory, and your need for love and approval heightened. Social gatherings and personal relationships are


    Dec 17, 2012 11 AM(Dec 17, 2012 to Dec 18, 2012) Sun Sxtil Nep

    Today you feel less competitive and ambitious about practical and mundane matters. The world of imagination,

    fantasy, art, music, or mysticism is very appealing to you now, and if you have talent in any of these areas, this

    can be a creative and fruitful time for you. However, the negative possibilities for you now are beingundisciplined, slack, indefinite, or wasting time and energy.


  • Dec 17, 2012 (Dec 10, 2012 to Dec 26, 2012) Jup Qucnx Sat

    Some area of your life which has been difficult, frustrating, or limiting will open up at this time. Opportunities

    will be presented to you to help you but you must be willing to give up your familiar, though restrictive, situation

    or attitude. Be patient with yourself if you cannot do it all at once, but do follow the light at the end of the tunnelwhich comes to you.

    Debts, both financial and karmic, can be negotiated or paid off at this time in ways that benefit all concerned.

    Dec 17, 2012 10 PM(Dec 16, 2012 to Dec 19, 2012) Mars Qucnx Plu

    You are willfully resistant to any outside pressure, manipulation, or authority at this time. A fateful encounterwith an adversary, one that can neither be avoided nor ignored, is indicated. You seesaw between taking

    forthright, direct action and using more covert, subtle methods. A desire to break down, destroy, or overthrowexisting conditions is also a part of the picture. Be careful with sharp instruments or glass.

    Dec 18, 2012 (Dec 17, 2012 to Jan 19, 2013) Sun 6th H.

    Doing your best work and taking pride in it are a focus for you now. This is a good time to examine how you

    use your time and energy, with an eye to improving your efficiency and productivity.

    Health matters are also a concern of yours now, and you may be inspired to begin a self-improvementprogram, create better health habits, or begin a new diet or fitness regimen.

    Dec 19, 2012 2 AM(Dec 19, 2012 to Dec 20, 2012) Merc Sqr Moon

    Emotions, prejudices, or unresolved issues from the past come up in your interactions with others now, and

    you may not be very objective.

    This is a good time to speak up and clear the air of any grievances you have been holding on to for some time.

    Personal subjects are the topic of discussion now. Reminiscing, remembering, daydreaming about, and

    reflecting on the past is likely.

    Dec 19, 2012 6 PM(Dec 19, 2012 to Dec 20, 2012) Ven Sqr Ven

    What occurs now makes you more aware of what you need, feel, and want in your relationships. If you areunhappy in your personal life, this is brought out now, and you'll need to face what is causing your dissatisfaction.

    Differences in personal style, tastes, and ways of expressing affection may emerge. You also feel amorous and

    loving and, if your personal life is going well, this is a time to really enjoy and appreciate it.

    Dec 20, 2012 4 AM(Dec 19, 2012 to Dec 21, 2012) Ven Conj Mars

    Your amorous desires and romantic urges are very strong now. In all of your relationships, whether romantic


  • or not, you feel quite warm and affectionate. You are less competitive, more interested in pleasing others and

    creating harmony. You may also feel compelled to do something creative or artistic, something to express your

    craving for beauty.

    Dec 20, 2012 2 PM(Dec 19, 2012 to Dec 21, 2012) Sun Qucnx Asc

    At this time, you may need to acquiesce, accommodate, or make adjustments for other people for the sake of

    expediency. That is, it will be less strain to step aside than to tangle with the opposition. You may be humbled

    now, see the flaws in your course of action or your attitude towards a situation, and remedy some of your errors.If you are unwilling to do this, a general sense of static or dissonance both within and without is likely.

    Dec 20, 2012 5 PM(Dec 20, 2012 to Dec 21, 2012) Merc Trine MC

    At this time you put extra energy into thinking about and organizing your work and professional life. Decisions

    you make at this time are likely to work out well, as you are clear and objective. Gathering information regardingyour career or long-range goals is also favored.

    Dec 20, 2012 8 PM(Dec 19, 2012 to Dec 22, 2012) Mars Sqr Nep

    This can be a very depleting and confusing time when you do not know exactly what you want or you do not

    feel strong, capable, or effective. Physically, you need to be gentle with yourself and take care not to dissipateyour energy reserves. Your imagination can run wild now, and you want to act out a fantasy or strange desire -

    something you normally would have the good sense not to attempt. However, if you are an artist, this is a veryinspired, fertile time for you.

    Dec 21, 2012 3 AM(Dec 21, 2012 to Dec 22, 2012) Sun Sxtil Sun

    Friendships and cooperative endeavors flourish now. You achieve a harmonious balance of giving and

    receiving and of talking and listening, and any social or joint activity will benefit.

    Dec 22, 2012 7 AM(Dec 21, 2012 to Dec 23, 2012) Merc Sqr Merc

    Intellectual disagreements or differences of opinion and viewpoints arise now. You may have to speak yourmind in a way that challenges or unnerves someone else. However, your mind is very active and sharp, and your

    reasoning power is good, so this is a good time to do mental work.

    Dec 22, 2012 5 PM(Dec 22, 2012 to Dec 23, 2012) Merc Oppos Jup

    You are mentally restless and can not concentrate well on your immediate, familiar tasks. You are not inclined

    to discipline your mind or focus on practical matters, unless there is an element of gambling, play, or risk-takinginvolved. Reading something that is mind expanding, taking a trip, or planning a vacation is favored at this time.

    Dec 24, 2012 6 PM(Dec 24, 2012 to Dec 25, 2012) Merc Qucnx Ura


  • You tend to be tense, "wired", on edge, a bit nervous or jumpy, and you will need to take a little time to

    breathe deeply and settle yourself. The pace of the day may make this difficult, however. You are apt to be too

    quick to respond or respond inappropriately to questions, tests, quizzes, etc. If you consciously slow down, youwill do a lot better.

    Dec 24, 2012 (Dec 23, 2012 to Jan 19, 2013) Mars 7th H.

    At this time you are less willing to compromise or to overlook differences for the sake of harmony in your

    relationships and less willing to sacrifice your own needs and desires. Any tensions which have been simmering inyour marriage or other close associations are likely to boil over now. If you are of an argumentative nature,

    quarrels and confrontations will be more frequent.

    Positively, you are more inclined to initiate contact with someone that you wish to make a connection with,

    and you may begin a relationship at this time that will be very worthwhile, one in which you are the pursuer oractive partner.

    Dec 24, 2012 9 PM(Dec 23, 2012 to Dec 26, 2012) Mars Oppos Asc

    Your relationships have a very competitive, aggressive quality at this time, and conflicts over power anddominance may erupt. You won't compromise yourself to please anyone. Disputes in your marriage or otherclose partnerships are likely. On the other hand, you may begin a relationship now, boldly taking the initiative to

    pursue someone you want to be with. You will come on strong to this person, but he or she might just love it!

    Dec 25, 2012 3 AM(Dec 25, 2012 to Dec 26, 2012) Ven Sqr Moon

    The craving for sweetness and comfort in the form of loving affection or food is strong now. This is a goodtime to baby yourself and also to spend time with the people who love and appreciate you the most. Also, you

    are feeling rather tender and softhearted and may do something "maternal" on impulse (such as take home a straykitten, offer to babysit, buy a gift for your family, etc.).

    Dec 25, 2012 8 PM(Dec 25, 2012 to Dec 26, 2012) Sun Sxtil Ven

    Your relationships are especially affectionate and friendly at this time, and you may benefit socially or

    materially through an opportunity offered to you by a friend. This is a good time for parties, social gatherings, andother pleasurable activities.

    Dec 27, 2012 2 AM(Dec 27, 2012 to Dec 28, 2012) Ven Trine MC

    Your friendly concern for others and your willingness to meet people half way benefits your career, reputation,

    or public image at this time. This is a favorable time to socialize with people you have professional ties with since

    the positive feelings you generate now are likely to be an aid to you in the future. Beautifying the place where youmeet the public and an increased concern about your own physical appearance are also brought out now.

    Dec 27, 2012 10 AM(Dec 27, 2012 to Dec 28, 2012) Merc Trine Plu


  • There is great depth to your conversations. You find yourself revealing secrets or very private matters, and

    also asking very penetrating questions of others. Superficial answers don't satisfy you now. This is an excellent

    time to investigate a complex problem or mystery, look for something that has been lost or hidden, and also tolearn more about your own inner depths.

    Dec 28, 2012 10 PM(Dec 28, 2012 to Dec 29, 2012) Merc Sxtil Nep

    Your ability to concentrate on mundane concerns and problems diminishes now. The world of imagination,

    fantasy, entertainment, or art holds more attraction for you. Go to a movie with a friend (or write your own!).Also, your psychic sensitivity and intuition are heightened at this time. You are more impressionable and open,

    but somewhat less precise and clear mentally.

    Dec 28, 2012 11 PM(Dec 28, 2012 to Dec 29, 2012) Ven Sqr Merc

    Your thoughts turn to love and this is a favorable time to bring out any concerns you have in your personalrelationships. Agreements and cooperation can be achieved easily now. You readily discuss your personal needsand desires. Also, you are more aware of beauty and may want to rearrange your decor or buy something to

    beautify your surroundings.

    Dec 29, 2012 10 AM(Dec 29, 2012 to Dec 30, 2012) Ven Oppos Jup

    You are in a festive, partying mood and just want to play and share a good time with your friends. Community

    social events and fellowship are very rewarding now. Also, at this time it is hard for you to say no to food, drink,or extravagances in any form. You are also very generous and tolerant toward others. Though you feel wonderful

    now, you're likely to regret your actions later if you don't curtail your impulses to overindulge, overspend, andenjoy too much of a good thing.

    Dec 29, 2012 (Dec 18, 2012 to Jan 12, 2013) Sat Conj Sat

    You take life very seriously now. You question major commitments and decisions you have made in the past,

    such as career choices, place of residence, marriage and other major relationships. This is a time of self-analysisand questioning about the direction you have taken in your life.

    How this astrological influence affects you can vary enormously, depending on how you feel about thecommitments that you have made. You feel much older and more mature now, and you view much of your earlier

    life as a more carefree, perhaps childish stage of life. As you view the past, you certainly can see things you

    would have done differently.

    If you are, on the whole, pleased with the decisions you have made, then this is a time period when you areplanning activities that will entail greater responsibilities than you have previously undertaken. For example, you

    may decide to marry, have children, or take a more responsible job, which is easier for you to do now because

    you feel more responsible and stable. You may not actually make the changes now, but you will at least thinkdeeply about these issues and probably make definite decisions and plans to make these changes in the near

    future. You may, for example, begin serious searching for a new job, saving money, and making other

    preparations for the responsibilities that you will be assuming in the near future.

    If you feel very dissatisfied with the major decisions of your past, then this is a very difficult time. You urgently


  • feel the need to get back on track. You may have to initiate the difficult process of ending a marriage, dissolving

    old friendships, etc. You can feel overwhelmed with regret and bad feelings about yourself. Concentrate on

    breaking the old patterns and commitments that you have made. Once this is done, you will be better able to seewhat new steps need to be taken, and you will feel much better about your life and yourself.

    This is a time of serious thought and self-analysis regarding the direction of your life. You need some time

    alone to ponder your situation so that you can make wise decisions. You are also likely to feel the pressure ofmany obligations in your daily life. Few doors open for you now, and many doors are closing. You are actually

    beginning a new cycle of approximately 29 and a half years; you are either 28-30, 58-60, or 86-90 years old.

    Although this is not obvious to you, this time period is an important one and the changes, deci
