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Joint Sector Review Gender and Social Inclusion Report From Central Region Nepal

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This is 2nd joint sector review of WASH sector. A high level team as learning group went to eight districts of central region to explore situation and make recommendation on Gender and Social Inclusion in WASH.
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  • JointSectorReviewLearningVisitCentralRegion REPORTGESIPARTReportbyRameshKumarSharma/RWSSFDB/[email protected]/Unicef/[email protected]

  • 1. Background ( page) 2. Regional WASH Status Planning and Coordination ( page) 3. Area Visited , Place , Activities and Persons Contacted (1 page)Day13March2014


    Day24March2014 VisitBirtaBesiWaterSupplyProject,MuralibhanjyangVDC,Dhading MeetingwithDhushaVWASHCC,Dhading MeetingwithThakreVWASHCC,Dhading MeetingwithDhadingDWASHCC VisitArubastaarDarimtaarWaterSupplyProject

    Day35March2014 VisittoJagatpurWaterSupplyandSanitationUserCommittee,Chitwan VisittoBagbaza,ChitwanTotalSanitationinaninformalsettlement MeetingwithBharatpurMWASHCC MeetingwithBharatpurWaterSupplyManagementBoard VisittoWastewatertreatmentplantmanagedbyNarayaniToleSudharSamiti MeetingwithPipleVWASHCC,Chitwan VisittowastewatertreatmentplantandcompostplantinHetaudaMunicipality MeetingwithHetaudaMunicipality

    Day46March2014 FieldvisitinDhobniVDC,Parsa MeetingwithVWASHCCDhobniVDC,Parsa MeetingwithDWASHCCParsa MeetingwithMWASHCC,Kalaiya,Bara

    Day57March2014 MeetingwithVWASHCCKarmaiyaVDC,Sarlahi FieldvisitinGairVDC,Sarlahi


  • VisitHetaudaIndustrialdistricttoobserveindustrialpollutionandwastewatertreatmentplantatHID

    VisittoHetaudaHospitaltoobservehospitalwastemanagement ReturntoKathmandu

    March10RegionalDebriefingWorkshop,KathmanduNepalTentativeScheduleTime Event Moderator10:3011:00

    Registration PrayashGhimire









  • WaterQualityBijayaShresthaSanitationBhushanTuladhar/SirishSingh


    PresentationofGroupfindings BhushanTuladhar


    TakehomemessageforJSR&ClosingSession NawalK.Mishra

  • 4. Report on Meetings Site Visit Central Region: [as case studies with photos]

    Gender Equity and Social Inclusion for Joint Sector Review joint field visit 2014

    NEWA: Phogadpur Water Scheme

    Phogatpur water scheme is serving different cast and ethnicities in Thakre VDC. In the scheme 50 percent are Chettris and Brahmins, the rest 50 percent are Dalits, Janjatis, Thamang and others. All casts and ethnicities have equal access to water schemes. However, dalits and janjatis community representatives are suffering from shortage of water because of increasing population and lime scaling in pipes. Women said that households do not have disabled friendly toilets and none of the households had separate toilets for males and females. They said that due to under-aged water schemes and highly scattered settlement of clusters Dalits and Janjatis had to walk long distance to bring water to their households. Women expressed their concerns they did not have training on hygiene and safe health practices in the community. Two present of households in Thakre VDC did not build household toilets where most of them were from low income families.

    Mahankaleshwori Higher Secondary Schools sanitation facilities were also monitored by the team in Thakre VDC. The school has boys and girls toilets, however, girls toilet was locked. Girls said they didnt have incinerators and water inside the toilet for Menstrual Hygiene Management. The hand washing and drinking water station was close to toilet but hand washing station had no soap to practice hand washing after using toilet.

    Birta Besi Water Supply Scheme This scheme in Muralibhanijang VDC has eight kilometers transmission line up to settlement. Therefore, all casts and ethnicities including women and children had to walk long distance to get water for household use and drinking purpose. During the interview women expressed their concerns that during the rainy seasons water quality worsen because of the mud which affected health of the general population, including women and children. The participation of women was not much in decision making and planning during the water scheme implementation. However, women were taking active role for the health related issues in the community at present. Most households had toilets but they were not segregated for males and females needs. The community is mixed. Water and Sanitation committee had three women from the community. But unfortunately they did not have decision making roles. During the interview women said they actively participated in building water schemes. One of the committee women was appointed as a treasurer for water supply scheme.

    VWASHCC Meeting with Dhusha VDC and Thakre VDC

    The Dhusha VDC is planning to declare it as NOD zone on Falgun 30, 2070. Excluded and Poor communities are many in the VDC including Chepang. , Household toilet are build by contribution arrangement as 35 % from VDC and 65% Shanti Nepal NGO. NRs 3200 is distributed which is a subsidy approach to accomplish toilet construction. 32 Dalit Household were taken on 2064 for toilet building community with subsidy. This helped in awaking other people in ODF movement. VWASHCC of Dhusha VDC has 11 members in which 3 are women. There is single toilet in house which is general water sealed mode. The NGO Shanti Nepal is involved in 12 VDC ODF movements. They have 85 mother groups from past health project and also 54 groups from earlier Community Development programs with donors. Working in participation with these groups WEP engaggement is enhanced and they are able to ensure

  • benefit from WASH program. Therefore the NGO and VWACC are confident to promotion ODF movement in these VDCs ( Jogimara, Dhusha, Benighat, Gajuri, Pida, Kiranchok, Mahadevsthan Kumpur, Dhola, Thakre, Muralibhanjyang, Sertung) However VWASH plan does not include water service status planning at this stage to map total water demand of the VDC so that access of all WEP in WASH services could be ensured well planned in systematic way.

    DWASHCC Meeting Dhading

    Four VDC achieved ODF status and 8 VDCs are nearing target. There is 50 VDCs and in 25 only VWASHCC is comprised. 22000 house are not having toilet and excluded groups, women face hardship. House hold level data has to be collected to find clear baseline picture about requirement of toilet and status of WEP for WASH service demand and access. Girl students specially suffer as 42 schools in district do not have proper institutional toilets. Existing toilets also lacks sanitation supporting facility like water supply,

    cleanliness plan. The entire process of WASH movement is lacked behind starting from comprising VWASHCC body and conducting orientations and bringing together all stakeholders for toilet building in the district. Immediate address on these matters is necessary so that WEP related concerns like representation in planning, operation; access to services also has to be addressed as the program progress.

  • Visit Arubastar Darimtar Yard Water Supply and Sanitation Scheme [CASE STUDY Dhading]

    The village has 56 household of farmers where to fetch water women had to go steep down in to big river which is one km outside village. The community has Newar -1, Magar-1, Majhi- 15 ( ip), Brahmin 39 house. This community planned, implemented and now is operating an improved water supply scheme. They opted to choose Yard connection model in which with high service level cost Fund Board would approve design estimate of yard connection model. They built toilet in each household. Male from 60 percent of house usually depart to gulf as migrant worker. In the 13 member WSUC, 5 women well represent in decision making. Due to household connection, there was high involvement of WEP in planning, implementation as they were sharing equitable service benefits. Inclusiveness is ensured in full percentage as every house has one toilet and their own stand post with meter. One of the women participants told now they dont keep water carrying vessel as all the time water is there at their door step yard posts. Funding agency RWSSFDB has Women Technical Support Service component in all program and under this one woman from each house has to join as income generation group member. They have monthly saving which has contributed to group saving of NRs 120000 and it is distributed to the loan applicant members for their choice of income generation plan. The metered connection provides full time supply and the water tariff is kept very low, for 20 cubic meter only 40 NRs and NRs 10 for each extra cubic meter as water charge. All house hold utilize the waste water to promote vegetable farming in various scale. Before project they were able to grow vegetable in only one season but now they grow vegetable four times yearly. They told the livelihood and status of living has been improved as every house started to sell yearly NRs 40 to 60 thousand vegetable in the market after this water project. This project has in a way supported WEP in all respect not only for WASH service benefit but opening livelihoods opportunities and improving paying capacity of every household. Abundance of water at door step has helped them to maintain toilet augmented Biogas plants in the community.

    In toilet building Sanitation revolving fund and self help approach was used. They socially cross subsidized to one extreme poor house to support toilet building. The master plan no subsidy policy is observed well met here even in case of marginalized and poor house hold toilet building. WEP related other good example are two poor person Ram Chandra Silwal and Khadga Narayan Shrestha are employed and paid by community NRs 1100/month to perform village maintenance worker job. There is a trained Village Health Promoter Ms Sushila Silwal who works as volunteer to take care community hygiene and sanitation matters. In the main WSUC committee Ms Sabita Silwal is involved as treasurer. Community has their own NRs 293000 operation maintenance fund in their bank account. The chairman of the WSUC told they opted for low cost tariff so that direct and also waste water would be used by every household to take vegetable farming at commercial level. Above all, women raised their yearly income to a great extend by vegetable farming. This is the main indirect indicator for scheme sustainability as repair maintenance can be financed by community themselves owing to increment in their yearly income. This model can be hence remarked as under self sustainable status.

  • Day35March2014

    VisittoJagatpurWaterSupplyandSanitationUserCommittee,Chitwan The scheme is maintained and operated by the community. The 12 member water and user committee is inclusive as 4 women, who are there in a role of WSUC member. The scheme was initiated by DWSO on 2057 BS however it was completed on 2069 Baisakh 4. The users including WEP had alternate option to have private shallow hand pump or well in most places and the WSUC was worried if they could sell sufficient house connections. One connection is charged NRs four thousand, without any special consideration for WEP. However the weak people can pay in installments. The operation cost involves electricity, staff and miscellaneous costs and therefore they charge Nrs 30 for 15 m3 of water. If the tariff rate is increased a good operation maintenance fund can be promoted, however the group thinks that with high tariff users may cease to use this water and the scheme may go in much problem. With 753 connection distribution the scheme is in moderately self sustained condition and reliefs life of women the main water carrier. They need support for extension of line and to reach more users which may benefit WEP as well, if there is external funding available. Toilet building program was brought to a success by implying various pressurizing tricks like withholding old persons allowance in the community. They needed reliable and cost effective electricity supply rather than to depend on generator and costly diesel. They expect form government to subsidize rate on electricity. Including the women and poor, everyone contributed in construction of this scheme on the part of unskilled labor work. Major construction works were completed by the contractor.

  • VisittoBagbaza,ChitwanTotalSanitationinaninformalsettlement This is a model Swastha Yojana Pariyojana program which focused on five major indicators to improve in the 80 household settlements of landless people. The committee has one male chair who is disabled person and rest 11 of them are female members. The entire cluster have to be considered as poor and excluded and original status of this Sukumbasi Tole was very poor regarding hygiene sanitation and water facility access. Only 12 toilets was there and open defecation was very common practice. The project helped them to build toilet by providing NRs 500 to each house in which VDC support was also brought and added. Their village road was graveled and they were able to improve the environmental sanitation. The 21 hand pumps serves entire cluster and program distributed filters as well. From nearby health post there is visit in the community for check up and suggestion. There is smokeless stove in the kitchen, inside outside area of house and cluster is found clean and effective in this village of landless poor. They went to present their success story in last SACOSAN conference. They charge NRs 1000 to every visiting group to share their learning and to show around the village. This helps them to maintain some group fund. Women and all poor are highly exited with this model program. However they think to replicate this program in other such clusters project funding will be necessary. The men would never stop teasing the women by saying you are cleaning the streets as if again there is visit of some minister today. They raise annually in average NRs 24000.00 by facilitating the visiting group.

  • MeetingwithBharatpurMWASHCC The municipality is a success story and it will be into phase of Post ODF by 2017. Survey of 350 household is complete for baseline information. The MWASHCC committee is comprised as per master plan guideline. MWASH CC is found represented by very active, dedicated and output oriented persons. Within a phone call they meet and take necessary decisions. WEP and gender concerns are addressed to the practical and possible extent. Toilet building was taken also in

    landless and poor community using subsidy policy. In the dam area illegal settlement they can not formally lunch any program. Municipalities learnt their sewage management with functioning 3 treatment plants. Innovative programs are there for solid waste management. Public toilet planning, construction and operation management activities are ongoing facing challenges of land, investment, operation cost and management. In solid waste management there is progressive monthly rates of NRs 70 to 25 for daily collection to monthly twice collection four types of ranged rates. For shops and commercial institution the solid waste collection charge is NRs 2500 which is socially justified. This has helped even the poor or marginalized house to afford WASH services. Also for 10 public toilets they have different model including one mobile toilet. People or clusters can buy ring slab structured composting unit by paying NRs 3100. The people are determined to promote the municipal area as clean city and claim prize. Newly comprised Water Supply Board increased the water tariff but now within one day connection is provided to the user. The leakage is brought down but it is still in 30 to 40 % range. Connection charge is NRS 4000 which does not

    include meter and other materials, fittings costs. In the new emerging illegal settlement they cannot expand their pipeline, however personal alternate option like shallow tube well is possible in this locality.

    VisittoWastewatertreatmentplantmanagedbyNarayaniToleSudharSamiti The plant was in functioning condition but could be improved further. People could have service of safety tank cleaning and sewage clearance due to this plant as they discharge the sucked latrine waste in nearby manhole. However the drying bed is unused. The treated water goes back in the Narayani River which is source of drinking and irrigation water to poor and people at the downstream. The plant contributes partly to safeguard livelihood of fisherman and extreme poor communities by decreasing the pollution level in the river.

    VisittowastewatertreatmentplantandcompostplantinHetaudaMunicipality The treatment plant did not function from the beginning. Technical, managerial, political, social reasons are there. The compost plant however was in function though the service is not scaled up. Organic waste was collected and turned as low grade fertilizer to sell for NRs 25 per Kg. It would help to keep vegetable market and other places of city free from organic waste which contributed to improve environment and hygiene condition in the city.

  • MeetingwithHetaudaMunicipality The Municipality declared it ODF zone on Jestha 22, 2070. Total progress of the district is good however MWASHCC has impression that there was less support from DWASHCC. They had many problems and they have to solve all by themselves. They voiced that in the Sanitation master plan role of MWASHCC is defined in very incomplete and generic way. They stressed that a separate detailed MWASHCC document should be prepared. This recommendation also opens space for developing output indicator based strategy to include WEP in plan, implementation and managerial part in WASH actions. Also gender friendly and disable friendly wash structures can be suggested in this manual diagrammatically and with cost options. Water Management Board increased the tariff and present rate is NRs 0.50 per liter of water. Monthly deficit is here NRs twelve thousand. However any suggestion to further increase in the tariff may not be a good strategy as the water board may lose its business. There is chance that if rate goes high people may use local options like hand pump, wells. Presently 50 % gravity and 50 % pumping arrangement contributes to meet total water demand. If gravity source could be augmented and pumping reduced service could be extended to future population and also cost will be minimized. NR 100 is charged for monthly solid waste collection from houses. Water and WASH services are provided to all but special consideration or subsidy is not there for weaker ones. These services are design to commonly suite all including WEP.

    Day46March2014 FieldvisitinDhobniVDC,Parsa

    The scheme is in interior location and the community is composed from Dalit, Poor and Muslim households. The VDC has 3 fish ponds from which there is annual 22 lakh NRs turn over. NR 3400 is provided as subsidy and one thousand is taken from the beneficiaries. People were pressurized by denying civil services unless they committed to construct toilet in said time. Polish division also helped to monitor, penalize openly defecating persons. In the vdc of 615 houses 550 toilets are completed and in near future they plan to declare Dhobini VDC a NOD zone. In most houses there is problem of land and attached to kitchen toilets are constructed. They have therefore used sanitary tiles in toilet floor, however it is hard to say if the level of cleanliness and required sanitation status could be maintained or not especially when the houses are all temporary local type. In some places even a joint septic tank could be used. Biogas augmentation would have relieved life of women and also school children to study in smoke free environment. There is a Muslim mousk where Muslim children are boarder and non border girls also sent to educate there. One example person provided his land in close cluster houses to build toilet for five persons.

    MeetingwithVWASHCCDhobniVDC,Parsa VWASHCC has provided their effort to bring the Dhobini VDC and the Nepal Red cross Society Parsa worked in active way. However there is serious issue of women participation. In the mass meeting single women was not present. The VDC had their own financial resources and that is diverted to achieve NOD movement with subsidy model. People are poor but now motivated to improve wash services for all without partiality. VWASHCC requested to support poor household provide hand pump which in their estimate may cost 40 thousand for one due to high depth water layer. There is demand for hand pumps at household level as community perceives that toilet and far away hand pump generates sanitation hardship. The youngster of village said they were critically thinking everyday for one hour on how to develop this village. They want to instigate movement to make the village and VDC non smoking, non alcoholic drinking zone. Speech from the Muslim teacher (Mufti) Jahur Ahmad Ansari was impressive as he told the holy book Kuran

  • says to remain clean to maintain cleanliness is half the worship to god rest half is achieved by various means. In previous times if a place is highly clean people would know it is a Muslim place but now if a place is dirtiest and unhygienic people know it is a Muslim residing area. In the master plan or guideline special focus and strategies therefore has to be brought to implement WASH in such WEP contexts.

    MeetingwithDWASHCCParsa The districted is now heated up with WASH movement. They are working in very organized and strategic way. 21 VDCs have sanctioned 9 to 13 lakh of their financial resources for WASH. Due to this, now it is easy for them to plan on targeted ODF. With Unicef support several effective WASH activities are lunched. DWASHCC is functioning at rapid pace. All the stakeholders have joined up for the movement. They went to Chitwan and they are trying to make the WASH movement of their district a model one till date. Media has provided great support and newspaper, radio , FM are involved to promote WASH messages at regular basis, which helps to aware WEP and marginalized groups. Their strategy of working aims also to address GESI part.

    MeetingwithMWASHCC,Kalaiya,Bara The MWASHCC in the toilet building movement face problem due to previous subsidy approach. Ward level committee comprised and action plan prepared. The sanction of 28 lakh NRs and distribution of NRs 3000 subsidy to build toilet raised many controversies and hampered the wash movement to decentralize. Municipality tried to rule out if within 3 month toilet is not built, this will be taken as social crime and the person may be locked. However there is debate not to impose any legal rules which in fact is not written and formal. In reality extra poor and marginalized would suffer most with such resolutions if there is not suitable arrangement there. One target group women Laxmi Wagle WN 7 told despite her application for 13 toilets to Muslim poor cluster she waited for one year but could not receive the subsidy amount. As leader of Mother Group member she wanted to make her area a model zone in WASH. There were grievances despite allocation they could not get the pan and have to construct it locally. A District Sanitation Workshop may help to exchange learning, set one door policy and WEP inclusive working strategies.


  • MeetingwithVWASHCCKarmaiyaVDC,Sarlahi andKarmaiyaWSProject[CaseStudy] VWASH CC has target to complete toilet construction in 666 household within the 2000 household settlement. Water demand is met primarily by the Karmaiya Overhead Tank system. They have distributed 1245 metered connection as private by transforming the original 78 public connection having scheme. This is the main strategy for revenue generation with which they have been able to supply to rich or poor and also sustained the scheme since 2058 on their own financial and managerial resources. They are conscious to enhance earning capacity of water user and used the NRs 3.3 million savings to loan for income generation activity within group. In all schemes of Fund Board under Gender Livelihood and Social Inclusion component similar approach is practiced. Here the Water Committee and user were found exercising with same approach to improve paying capacity of entire water user. Loan applicant need not have to submit a property document but group warranty of five people. This has helped access of poor and excluded in receiving loan for income generation. The committee chair Mr. Dol Raj Pandey who informed was also chair of another FEDWASUN had several high level political visit to lobby for cancelation of Demand Charge on electricity billing like in irrigation. He also held highway Block (Band) to pressurize government. However final outcome cost subsidy on electricity bill could not be reached yet. They used a progressive tariff rate of Nrs 75 for 10 m3 onwards for every additional m3 of water Nrs 15, 17, 19, 21, 23 was charged. This may be indirectly a support policy to the weaker income having households. The exercise of selecting main committee is linked with ward representative and the formed committee is inclusive in gender, ethnic and economic status respect. The women of the committee are very active; they go to orient people on toilet building taking only travel and Tiffin expense. Interestingly they are highly confident that not the VWASHCC but if adequate roles given to these ladies they can help achieve rapid ODF. The women believed when monthly once users came to pay water tariff they would ask them to construct toilet or the water supply will be blocked.

  • Day68March2014

    VisitHetaudaIndustrialdistricttoobserveindustrialpollutionandwastewatertreatmentplantatHID This plant takes care of all the industrial sewage waste. The plant is successfully operating now for 12 years. Its main strength is, it is natural processing model plant. The political unethical practices and their Union impacted in such negative way that most of the textile and other industries are shut down in the district. This affected the plan as the sewage load is drastically reduced to function it as designed. The processed water finally discharged in Karmaiya river however people very often under political back stopping try to make problems, grievance to shutdown this plant. Its with difficulty Mr. Achyuta Nand Sukla , plant manager has managed the plant function and its survival. It is very important to aware public how this plant has safeguarded their health and hygiene irrespective of what gender, cast , creed or income status person they are.

    VisittoHetaudaHospitaltoobservehospitalwastemanagement The management committee found very active to bring out solution. There is inclinator to destroy hazardous waste at the hospital compound itself. There is system of Rikshaw which for NRs 200 per month collects and brings medical waste from 80 medical places to the hospital where in the back yard it is segregated and burned. Medical Committee is active to take decision and implement activities to safeguard public health.

    Field visit in Gair VDC, Sarlahi [ Case Study] This VDC is being oriented for WASH movement. One incident came in paper from this place. Local person Rameswor Mahato saw one women defecating in open and told not to defecate in open. The lady complained and male family members came and severely bit Rameswor Mahato. He had injuries and taking medicine. Police took the attackers into custody. The presence of ladies in the meeting was impressive. Earlier commitment to pay subsidy of NRs seven thousand to all villagers was tried to correct by spelling it was said only for poor. The three month back damaged door of girl toilet room in school raised question about girls proper access to WASH facility even when the structure is there. Transparency in WASH movement observed very important as community members have lot of grievances on past working practices and doubt fair financial management for any program including NOD. Triggering in any remote village only based on speeches may be less effective compared to innovative approaches like street drama, video show or other such activities


  • 5. Finding in term of thematic check list and way forward (4 page)5.1RoleofWomenPoorandWPEWomen poor and excluded groups are still less represented in formal WASH committees. Their voice is therefore ineffective. In hill or terrain there are illegal settlements near serviced communities but there is legal obstacle to make illegal settlers rightful beneficiaries with equal access opportunity. Arubastar Dhading 56 house hold small community where mostly male has flown to foreign job, the WASH decisions, implementation largely conducted in women and poor resident participation. Everyone has in their house one yard tap and one toilet. Everyone has equal and adequate WASH service access including WEP. If we take example of Dhading Fokatpur WSSP a case of old model public service tap stands, WEP and people in general have hardship to access water as stand post are very scattered and in 19 years number of stand post or connection is not increased.

    5.2AccesstoWASHServicesforWEPOn the basis of cast ethnicity they are not excluded from WASH service. However due to low paying capacity they may self exclude themselves. Connection charges ranged from 4000 thousand in Jagatpur to 5130 in Karmaiya excluding cost of fittings, pipe, plumbing and masonry work. Usually poor and excluded have less purchase power and hence they cannot access WASH services. In case of Arubastar for Yard post they also paid higher service costs like connection charge but later there is income generation opportunity arranged within the original Fund Board WSS program modality to economically uplift every household including WEP. Karmaiya scheme has also mobilized 3.3 million for income generation activity within group. On the O&M this provides better interest rate than bank. Similarly in case of public toilets if it is not free to use poor persons may be deprived from using it due to not having paying capacity. Public toilets unless constructed very well and kept highly clean women would avoid to use it. In the School toilet, girls section found not maintained well in Dhading and also Sarlahi and teachers toilet room is separate, kept locked to maintain cleanliness.

    5.3RoletoWPEinWUSC/VWASHCCThere are various WASH structures like VWASHCC, DWASHCC, MWASHCC, RWASHCC, WARD CC, WSUC and so on. 33% women representation in water users committee is legal requirement however in most cases this is not met. How to make VWASHCC, DWASHCC, MWASHCC, RWASHCC, WARD CC, WSUC, socially inclusive in best way should be researched from post ODF assessment. The sanitation

    Egg Waste Management [Case Study]: One memory lost mental patient from street was brought to hospital by local NGO. After months of treatment She revived and gained her memory. She was met with her husband and three children. This lady Januka Rai was very poor and hospital gave her NRs Ten thousand to buy kits to make fertilizer from shells of egg. With support from husband she started to collect shell of egg from the city hotels. It would be crushed and in the powdered form packed in polythine. She would get NRs twenty-five for each kg of this low grade fertilizer. Both husband and wife went to sell these packets in the city houses. This business helped them to raise their three kids, educate them and manage survival of the five member family. Thus a poor, mental, IP women received life saving support to survive from the NGO and Hospital.

  • master plan is recommended for revision. Any planning should consist water supply planning and hygiene sanitation, planning, it has not found structured in such way but mostly concentrated in ODF in the district visited. A real functional WASH Master plan is therefore first necessity in which social inclusion and concerns for ultra poor had to be addressed. Mother groups comprised to various VDCs in Dhading and ward wise representation in Bara and women within executive body of Karmaiya WS shows that they can take greater role in WASH and ODF movement if proper role and limited funding resource is provided.

    5.4WomenChildrenandDisablefriendlyWASHstructuresSome awareness is there about the requirement of women children and disables friendly WASH structures. In almost all cases at house hold level there is one general type of toilet which is used by all members. In school the institutional latrine which are built in recent years have this Gender friendly model however girls toilets were in case of Dhading was not operational due to lack of management or maintaining cleanliness. Also in sarlahi there was big hole at the toilet door and girls were unable to use the toilet. Coming to municipal public latrines in all cases many public latrines are needed but due to various reason very limited are built and some have problem to raise self management operation cost.

    5.5SeparateToilettomalefemaleanddisableAt house hold level in rural part single toilets are constructed for all. Public toilets have male female compartments in office buildings, schools, and other such institutions. Disable friendly latrines are almost not built except one in case of Safe Health model pilot project in Chitwan district. Public toilet building is challenging in many respects. In the city it is hard to obtain space to build public toilet and in semi urban there is budget constrain to make many public toilets. Construction of public with biogas production arrangement is still not priority, policy or focus of attention. A full model public toilet may comprise women, men, child and disable friendly unit, with toilet urinal and hot water bathing facility. Present construction has limited facility. All the school does not have gender addressed toilet, proper cleanliness management. Schools are facing problem for water supply however they are able to have only toilets. No agency School WASH master plan to service them also with water. All the school should prepare school wash plan to integral water and sanitation management.

    5.6AwarenessonGESIPolicyAdequate awareness is not there in most cases. Amid several other important issues GESI lags behind in planning implementation operation, VWASHCC baseline data information if not maintained, it cannot facilitate for good WASH master planning.

    5.7SpecialaddresstoWPEinWASHProgramIn the WASH Master Plan there should be consideration to plan, implement and monitor WEP under GESI component. GESI policy must support a livelihood generation component under WASH program for identified weaker population, Similar example is Fund Board model in Dhading Arubastar WS where there women income generation program is provided under water program. Where there is PAF program, like in Sarlahi, the core problem poverty is addressed now it makes some sense to prepare affective WASH plan for all.

  • 6.GESIWAYFORWARD Thereisaneedforspecificprogramsforwatersupplyinschools.DOEisinvestingin



    Hygienepromotionneedsmorefocus. WomencouldtakemuchadvanceroleinODFmovementliketheybeingmothergroup

    leaderorwardrepresentative. PolicyshouldbebroughttopromotionLowCostYardConnectionModelforRural;semi



    GESIbaselineinformationinVWASHCC,DWASHCCforproperWASHMasterplanning. Water,hygienesanitationintegratedWASHmasterplanatVWASHCCandDWASHCC

    level. AfundshouldbeestablishedtoinvolvefewSocialorEngineeringstudentsforacademic

