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Jornal da Força Sindical ed 91 mai2014 - em inglês

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Main role of the Centrals decreases poverty in Brazil
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FORÇA SINDICAL OFFICIAL ORGAN Year 23 – N. 91 (special edition) – may, 2014 – FREE DISTRIBUTION – www. fsindical.org.br – www. twitter.com\centralsindical T he Brazilian minimum salary obtained a real gain of 72% last years. Despite the difficulties, the Country took back the economic growth, the unemployment fell and the syndical movement continues resisting to the bosses attacks, who try to make flexible the work legislation. The economy taken back, income distribution and increase of job benefited about 40 million Brazilians. To Força Sindical, these advances show to be possible to combine the decent work and the economic growth, since workers have a common program able to enforce the unit of action. The Third CSI World Congress, in May 18 to 23, in Berlin, Germany, will present the achievements. The theme is “To enforce the workers power”. In Brazil, workers assumed the main role in the fight for economic To strengthen the syndicates T he election of a government committed with the workers claims and the main role of the syndical movement in negotiating alternatives for the financial international crisis, in 2008, strengthen the Brazilian syndicalism. The economy grew, and 22 million people entered in the job market from 2003 until today. With the increase of job, the workers reacted and accepted the convocation of the Syndical Centrals to give priority to the fight for better salaries and life conditions. The optimism has been important to stop all the bosses try to cut work rights and to resist to the anti-syndical practices made by the Work Justice and the Work Public Ministry. From this fight, it took the document “The Working Class Agenda” that got together the unitary proposals of the syndical movement to promote the national development with sovereign, income distribution and work valorization. The way out to Latin America is not very different. Strengthen our syndical entities will also depend of the economic growth, but with income distribution, basic level of social protection, sovereign and decent work. Renata Castelo Branco Miguel Torres President of Força Sindical and social justice, negotiating with the government a unitary agenda that points to the development with democracy, work valorization and environment preservation. However, workers still face big difficulties especially in the creation of quality jobs and a basic level of social protection, and in a more quick and substantial recuperation of the value of the minimum salary. The Centrals negotiate with the government and the National Congress laws able to reduce the workload, without cut in the salaries, dignified retire, land reform and equality between men and women. They still claim for proposals related to the protection of the public and private job and the enlargement of the investment of the State in education, health, urban mobility and security. “More than 30 thousand workers and syndical leaders of several politic chains approved the Working Class Agenda in Conclat, in 2010” Main role of the Centrals decreases poverty in Brazil Davilym Dourado
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FORÇA SINDICAL OFFICIAL ORGAN Year 23 – N. 91 (special edition) – may, 2014 – FREE DISTRIBUTION – www. fsindical.org.br – www. twitter.com\centralsindical

T he Brazilian minimum salary obtained a real gain of 72% last years. Despite the difficulties,

the Country took back the economic growth, the unemployment fell and the syndical movement continues resisting to the bosses attacks, who try to make flexible the work legislation. The economy taken back, income distribution and increase of job benefited about 40 million Brazilians.

To Força Sindical, these advances show to be possible to combine the decent work and the economic growth, since workers have a common program able to enforce the unit of action.

The Third CSI World Congress, in May 18 to 23, in Berlin, Germany, will present the achievements. The theme is “To enforce the workers power”.

In Brazil, workers assumed the main role in the fight for economic

To strengthenthe syndicatesT he election of a government

committed with the workers claims and the main role

of the syndical movement in negotiating alternatives for the financial international crisis, in 2008, strengthen the Brazilian syndicalism. The economy grew, and 22 million people entered in the job market from 2003 until today.

With the increase of job, the workers reacted and accepted the convocation of the Syndical Centrals to give priority to the fight for better salaries and life conditions. The optimism has been

important to stop all the bosses try to cut work rights and to resist to the anti-syndical practices made by the Work Justice and the Work Public Ministry.

From this fight, it took the document “The Working

Class Agenda” that got together the unitary proposals of the syndical movement to promote the national development with sovereign, income distribution and work valorization.

The way out to Latin America is not very different. Strengthen our syndical entities will also depend of the economic growth, but with income distribution, basic level of social protection, sovereign and decent work.


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Miguel TorresPresident of Força Sindical

and social justice, negotiating with the government a unitary agenda that points to the development with democracy, work valorization and environment preservation.

However, workers still face big difficulties especially in the creation of quality jobs and a basic level of social protection, and in a more quick and substantial recuperation of the value of the minimum salary.

The Centrals negotiate with the government and the National Congress laws able to reduce the workload, without cut in the salaries, dignified retire, land reform and equality between men and women. They still claim for proposals related to the protection of the public and private job and the enlargement of the investment of the State in education, health, urban mobility and security.

“More than 30 thousand workers and syndical leaders of several politic chains approved the Working Class Agenda in Conclat, in 2010”

Main role of the Centrals decreases poverty in Brazil





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T he Brazilian syndical movement bets in the unit of action to

face the neo-liberal cercus, to keep the work rights and advance in the achievements. Since 2002,

Unit guarantees new achievementsit happened eight Working Class Marches and the Working Class National Confederation. Strikes, manifestations, marches and car parades happened. They mobilized million workers in Brazil for changes in economy that privilege the

production and the decent work. Força Sindical, CTB, NCST, CUT, UGT, CGTB, CSB and Conlutas conduced the mobilizations. As result, the National Congress approved the politic of valorization of the minimum salary; the Centrals had rule and actions that tried to introduce the informal work stopped, among other fights.

“About 40 thousand workers of the Syndical Centrals participated of the Eight Unitary March, demanding the government to negotiate the Work Issue”

“The syndical centrals approved the workers agenda, in 2010, proposing a national project of development with sovereign and work valorization”

“In 2013, in Brasília, 60 thousand people demanded development, citizenship and work valorization in the Seven Working Class March”


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www.fsindical.org.brMAY, 2014

RESPONSIBLE DIRECTOR: João C. Gonçalves (Juruna) RESPONSIBLE JOURNALIST: Antônio Diniz (MTb: 12967/SP)

ART DIRECTOR: Jonas de Lima REVISION: Edson Baptista Colete TRANSLATION TO ENGLISH: Luciana Cristina Ruy

Newspaper of Força Sindical is a monthly publication of the workers central Força Sindical

Rocha Pombo Street, 94 – Liberdade – CEP: 01525 – 010Phone: (11) 3348 – 9000 – São Paulo\SP – Brazil

Founder: Luiz Antonio de Medeiros President: Miguel Eduardo Torres General-Secretary: João Carlos Gonçalves (Juruna) Treasurer: Ademir Lauriberto Ferreira





[email protected]




C U B A \ V E N E Z U E L A

Solidarity with people’s demands

Centrals release theWorkers Newspaper

Blockage avoids development

Força Sindical keeps solidary, fraternal and

politic relations with the main Countries of Latin America and the world. In March, we promoted a protest with the other Syndical Centrals in front of the Paraguay Consulate, in São Paulo, in support to the general strike of the workers from this Country for salary increase and right to the syndical organization.

We also were solidary to the general strike in Europe, in 2012, against the politic of salary put down and measures of cut of rights promoted mainly by Spain, Italy, Portugal and Greece. In the same year, Força participated of the World Social Forum Free Palestine, in Porto Alegre.

“We defend the peace and

the constitution of the Palestine State”, assessed the general-secretary of Força Sindical, João Carlos Gonçalves, Juruna, days before the recognition of the Palestine Authority as Non-member State of

the United Nations (ONU).Beyond the bilateral relations,

Força Sindical participates actively of the main entities linked to work in the world, as the Syndical International Confederation (CSI) and the Labor International Organization (OIT).

Our proposals have the objective of establishing the necessary politics to guarantee the inclusive democracy and create a stable economic world order, in which workers participate of the work created income distribution.

Threaten the social and work

rights, caused by a developed world in crisis, leaded Força Sindical, CTB, NCST and UGT to release the Workers Newspaper, in 2002. Moreover, it already became a forum of debate and formulation of proposals related to the workers wills and concerns.

In Brazil, the fight and unit of the Syndical Centrals is avoiding the regression of rights and keeping the syndical structure. Nevertheless, the syndical movement is conscious that it needs to enforce the unit in fight to avoid that workers pay for the crisis.

This way, the Workers Newspaper appears with the objective of be a channel of communication and debate about the politic, social and economic themes of workers interests, respecting the ideological position of each Central.

Unjustifiable and illegal were the adjectives used by Força Sindical

to condemn the economic financial and commercial blockage imposed to Cuba

Neco: “We demand the end of the blockage now”

Juruna: “We defend the peace and the Palestine state”




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by the successive North-American governments since 1961. According to the Brazilian workers, the blockage makes difficult the social advances and the economic development of the Country.

“Our Central is summed to the other chains of the international syndical movement and to the democratic forces to demand the end of the blockage now”, declared the Secretary of International Relations of the entity, Nilton Souza da Silva, Neco.

Venezuela – The Central also condemned the prison of politicians, workers and syndical leaders, just as the attacks to the syndical organization in Venezuela. In note, Força Sindical asks to the government of this Country the opening of the social dialogue with workers to overcome the crisis they are passing through.

“We demand total respect to the freedom of syndical organization, collective negotiation and theinternational rules of OIT, beyond the guarantee to the exercise of the syndical activity”, highlights the note.

econômico com distribuição de renda. Visão contrária à trilha seguida historicamente pelo País, que resultou na apropriação pela elite da riqueza produzida pelo povo.

Assim, os trabalhadores precisam, também, ocupar as ruas, divulgar a Pauta Trabalhista e mostrar o descaso com que governo e empresários têm tratado as reivindicações unitárias do movimento

sindical, como a redução da jornada de trabalho, o fim do Fator Previdenciário e a ampliação de direitos.

A mobilização soará como um recado às forças do retrocesso de que as Centrais Sindicais têm propostas que atendem aos interesses dos trabalhadores e dos empresários, pois o objetivo é desenvolver o País com soberania e valorização do trabalho.

Trabalhadores vão às ruas por direitos e qualidade de vida

Num ano repleto de eventosimportantes, como a Copa do Mundoe as eleições gerais no País, os

trabalhadores vão fazer a sua grande manifestação unitária por direitos e qualidade de vida no dia 9 de abril, na cidade de São Paulo. As Centrais Sindicais convocam o povo para participar da 8ª Marcha da Classe Trabalhadora, que sairá da Praça da Sé, às 10 horas, e seguirá em passeata até o vão livre do Masp, na Avenida Paulista.

Em março, as instâncias estaduais das Centrais realizarão atos regionais. A mobilização marca a retomada da luta da “Agenda da Classe Trabalhadora”, que reúne as propostas para desenvolver o País com soberania, democracia e valorização do trabalho, assim como investimentos nas áreas de saúde,educação, segurança e mobilidade urbana.

Debate – Apesar da pouca disposiçãodo governo federal ao diálogo, as Centraisquerem debater com toda a sociedade propostas que levem o País ao crescimento

Centrais querem retomar crescimento com mais rendaAs Centrais Sindicais defendem um

desenvolvimento econômico sustentável,soberano, com distribuição de renda e inclusão social, para assegurar a todos os brasileiros os frutos do crescimento da economia. Por isto, o movimento sindical repudia a política de arrocho nos salários

dos servidores públicos e nos benefícios dos aposentados, os ataques à lei de recuperação do poder de compra do salário mínimo e a tese de que os salários desestabilizam a economia.

Além disto, o movimento sindical exige que o governo mude a política

de aumentar juros para combater a inflação, porque a medida promove uma brutal transferência de renda de toda a sociedade para os rentistas. Tal política causa danos ao setor produtivo, que deixa de investir na produção, o que compromete o emprego e o salário.




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The syndical movement promoted a series of manifestations and debates about the “50 years of the military

coup”, in Brazil, in 1964, that put down the elected president João Goulart. Promoted by the Truth National Commission, the act, at the old head-office of the DOI-CODI, got together almost tree thousand people

Despite the achievements reached with the approval of the Maria da

Penha Law, considered by the United Nations as one of the most advanced of the world in the combat to domestic violence against women, there were more than 50 thousand women murdered in Brazil between 2001 and 2011. The data is equivalent to one death at each hour and a half, according to report of the Applied Economic Research Institute (IPEA).

Besides, the Country registered more than 50 thousand rapes in 2012, informed the secretary of Politics for Women of Força Sindical, Maria Auxiliadora dos Santos. Not only has the chauvinist practice dominated


Dictatorship never more

They still submitted tobarbarism




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called by Força Sindical, the other Centrals and the Syndical Memory Center (CMS).

With banners with the sayings: “Dictatorship never more”, they paid tribute to tortured and dead workers and students. The DOI-CODI was about militaries and civil linked to the regime. According to the secretary of

Citizenship and Human Rights of the Central, Ruth Coelho Monteiro, 60% of the tortured and arrested were workers.

The dictatorship implanted a social, economic and politic project based in the repression and salary put down. In other activity, Força, UGT and CMS promoted an act in the Legislative Assembly of São Paulo to tell the history of the repression.

the gender relations. Women still have smaller payment than men do. According to calculus of the National Research by Home Sample (PNAD), the monthly income of women workers were equivalent to 72,9% of the men’s in the last 10 years. Over this, Auxiladora ended the “March Women” of the Central declaring to be fundamental to rush the

approval of the Law Project 6.653.It is about the equality of gender in the

relations in the city and the country, combat to the discriminatory practices, the moral and sexual harassment and the violence against women. “The syndical movement has to make manifestations and enforce the unit of the Syndical Centrals to pressure the Congress to approve the Law Project”, assessed Auxiladora.

“About 3 thousand people in the protest act”


In informality, young receive low salaries

Auxiliadora: “Only with unit in fight we can combat discrimination”


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Latin America has 7,8 million unemployed young between 15

and 24 years old. It is equivalent to 13,9% of the total of the work force in this age rate, estimated in 56 million people. The research is of the Labor International Organization (OIT) that recently released the report “Decent Work and Youth in Latin America: Politics for Action”.

From the total, 27 million young work in the informal economy and 21,8 do not study or work. The document highlights that this situation is about low salaries, labor instability and lack of protection of social rights.

According to OIT, the situation of economic growth with job, registered in the last years in Latin America, was not enough to improve the offer of work for young.

“Seeing by the research, the Latin American young are not in a decent work situation, according to OIT definition. It tells about an activity properly paid, in a regime of liberty and security”, assessed the Secretary of Politics for Youth of Força Sindical, Jefferson Tiego da Silva.

Brazil – About 300 thousand children left to work in Brazil from 2008 to 2011, according to OIT. Itrecommended the other nations to take Brazil as an example to follow. However, the Country still has 1,6 million children in job posts.

Tiego: “There is no decent work for the majority of the Latin young”


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