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Joseph Goebbels - Bolshevism in Theory and Practice

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    DR. J O S E P H G O E B B E L S



    "Lenin, the founder of the Bolshevic Revolution, stated frankly that falsehoods are not only justified but have proved to be the most effective tools in the Bolshevic struggle."

    Joseph Goebbels, Nrnberg, September 1936

  • M y Fhrer! Your Excellencies! My Honourable Guests! Fel low Members of the National Socialist Party!

    The fact that the phenomenon of Bolshevism as represented by the theory of M a r x and put into practice by the Russian Soviet State is still engaging the attention of poli t ical circles in Western Europe, as a theoretical phenomenon and a polit ical reality which civilized people ought to take into account intellectually as well as polit ical ly, shows that there is a fatal lack of insight in to the nature and essential structure of international Bolshevism. W h a t is called B o l -shevism has nothing whatsoever to do wi th what we under-stand by "ideas" and an "outlook on l i f e " (Weltanschauung) in general. It is nothing but a pathological and cr iminal k i n d of madness, devised by Jews, as can well be proved, and led by Jews who aim at destroying the c ivi l ized nations of Europe and at founding a Jewish-international w o r l d regime that w o u l d subject all nations to their power.

    Bolshevism could have had its or ig in only in the Jewish brain and the sterile asphalt of the metropolis alone made it possible for this thing to grow and spread. It could only be accepted by a species of mankind that had been morally and economically shattered by the war and the economic crisis


  • w h i c h fo l lowed. On such people it was let loose and was acceptable to them because its c r i m i n a l and crazy doctrine appealed to them.

    T h o u g h super f luous , i t may here once again be emphasized that we N a t i o n a l Socialists, in f ighting this w o r l d per i l as mercilessly as we d id f r o m the very first hour of our po-l i t i c a l act ivi ty up to the present, have not defended anti-social is t or even pro-capital ist interests. O u r struggle against Bolshevism i s n o fight a g a i n s t but i n f a v o u r o f Social ism. O u r att i tude grew out of a deep convic t ion that a true and genuine Soc ia l i sm can only be realised if its lowest and most i l l - b o r n o f f spr ing , Jewish Bolshevism, w o u l d have been done a w a y w i t h . The fight against Bolshevism can only be carr ied through to a successful issue by a people that has found a new structure for its fo lk- l i fe w h i c h is adequate to the dy-n a m i c values and standards of the Twentieth Century: a socialist structure in a national f o r m .

    T h e bourgeois middle-classes of a l l nations have proved to be impotent in dealing w i t h Bolshevism and are unfitted for the f ight against i t . T h e y have not yet even gained a clear insight in to the pr inc ip les w h i c h inspire and direct Bo lshevism. They lack the spiritual qual i ty , the principled conscience, po l i t i ca l fa i th and mora l strength of character that alone w o u l d enable them to face it. B u t not only do they lack the necessary i n s i g h t t h e y even attempt to compromise w i t h Bolshevism whenever an opportunity arises, so as to "prevent an even greater e v i l " . But every pact w h i c h the bourgeois w o r l d contracts w i t h radical Bolshevism w i l l f ina l ly lead to a victory of Bolshevism over the bourgeois wor ld because of the natura l l a w according to w h i c h the stronger w i l l a l w a y s prevai l over the weaker .

    Bolshevism has at least one very definite advantage over a l l other groups that hold pol i t ical p o w e r e x c e p t i n g


  • those who face it with absolute and downright oppo-si t ion. It mobil ises recklessly the lower grades of m a n k i n d w h i c h exist among the dregs of every nation and are opposed to the State and the ideas w h i c h sustain i t . It is the organi -sation of the lowest instincts of a people a i m i n g at the destruction of al l product ive a n d valuable elements in a race. It usual ly seizes upon a group that holds poli t ical power w h i c h is based upon a brut ish m i n o r i t y and w h i c h is deter-mined to reach its f i n a l p o l i t i c a l a i m w i t h unscrupulous a n d c r i m i n a l tactics.

    But the Bolshevic readiness for tactical compromises must not be taken as a wi l l ingness to compromise as far as their principles are concerned. At bottom, Bolshevism k n o w s no compromise. If it makes a compromise, that is only done for one reason, i.e. to use it as a means to seize unl imi ted power. It does not hesitate to cut the throats of those w h o have helped it to gain power after they have gained it. Not a very a l l u r i n g prospect for those bourgeois pol i t ic ians of some of the West -European states who still believe that the sting may be taken f rom Bolshevism by the tamer Front Popula i re .

    Bolshevism is the dictatorship of the in fer ior . It seizes power by means of falsehoods, it maintains power by means of force. To be able to combat it, one must know it thoroughly and one must have penetrated into its deepest secrets. The more worthy forces of a nation have to be mobi l ized to ex-terminate it, since it is the organisation of everything that may be cal led the ant i - rac ia l forces of the people.

    There is one sphere in particular wherein Bolshevism has shown its mastery, i .e . that of negative propaganda. It gains a foothold among the nations by means of lies and hypocrisy. It aims at presenting a garbled picture of the nature and inner form of this pol i t ical madness. L e n i n , the Father of the Bolshevist Revolution, stated f rankly that falsehoods are


  • not only justified but have proved to be the most effective tools in Bolshevist struggle. Schopenhauer has said that the Jews are masters of lies and, therefore, it is no surprising fact that Bolshevism and Jewry here meet in close k inship . Jewish Bolshevism is a past-master in the mani -pulat ion of lies. Decent a n d t ruthful people are so stunned by this method that they are incapable of offering inner resistance. That is just what the Jewish Bolshevists have been aiming at. They speculate on the incapacity of the average truthful person to imagine that it is even possible to l ie wi th such bold and brazen-faced nonchalance as they l ie.

    It is possible to lie l i k e that. Bolshevism has shown it to be possible and it has been successful in surprising and w i n n i n g over many unsuspicious people.

    In accordance with the very nature of Bolshevism, its pro-paganda is internat ional and aggressive. It aims at the radicalisation of a l l the nations of the w o r l d to bring about anarchy and Bolshevism. It has got tremendous supplies of funds at its disposal w h i c h are unlimited because the Bolshevic dictators unscrupulously starve the entire Russian people in order to spend the money for this purpose. T h i s k i n d of propaganda is particularly insidious for outside countries because it is supported by the Communist parties of those countries, i.e. by the respective foreign sections of the Comintern. The communist parties outside of Russia are nothing but foreign legions of the Comintern. W i t h their support, Bolshevism organises and lays out ingenious plans of international sedition which are very difficult to attack because they have their roots in the pol i t i ca l and nat ional life of the respective nations. It must be estimated as the most threatening peri l to a state to al low the existence of a domestic party w h i c h takes its orders f r o m the authorities of a foreign country. Experience shows that countries where


  • a strong Communist par ty exists are more or less subject to the dictates of Stalin w i t h regard to their Home- Socia l -Economic- M i l i t a r y - and F o r e i g n Pol icy . W h e n concluding a treaty, one of the Western European Great Powers had , f o r example, to make the request first that the Communist par ty that exists on its o w n soil should be ordered f rom Moscow to stop undermining the a rmy and vetoing the credits for m i l i t -ary purposes.

    The Communist sections in the various countries are ordered to prepare and to carry through the Bolshevist revolution. They are supplied w i t h abundant funds, unequaled anywhere else, to carry on this ingenious propaganda for w h i c h Moscow has la id out the model . This propaganda has only one object and purpose. It aims at deceiving the other nations as to the true nature of Bolshevism and either to pre-vent the leaking out of facts f rom Soviet Russia or to fa ls i fy them, so that they lose their value as reliable news. The reason for such a policy is that the Soviet Union cannot a l low the truth about its domestic conditions to be k n o w n , part icularly not in Western Europe, w i t h its more civilized and intelligent citizens. The poison of the Bolshevist theory may be a l lur ing and enticing, but Bolshevism in practice is terrible and horror-striking. Its way is marked by mountains of skeletons. An ocean of blood and tears floods that unhappy tract. H u m a n life has lost a l l value. Terror ism, murder, b e s t i a l i t y t h e s e are the trails that characterize every Bolshevist revolution, whether it be successful, as in Russia, or fa i l and be suppressed, as in Hungary, Bavar ia , the Ruhr district and Berl in , or s t i l l f igh-ting for power as is the case in Spain today.

    W h e n Bolshevism has gained control it stops w o r r y i n g about contradictions between theory and practice: carbines and machine guns then hold the field. But anywhere else, outside of its home territory, it uses its ingeniously devised propaganda


  • machinery to deceive the w o r l d as to its own true nature. Bourgeois people in Europe have not the slightest knowledge of how these facts are proceeding. They try to avoid a decision by mouthing the same phrase over and over again, namely, that nobody is allowed to interfere in the domestic affairs of a foreign country. But what is a reality now in Russia, what is fought for and against in Spain and what is fatally preparing its way in other European S t a t e s t h a t is a matter of concern for the whole wor ld . It is no longer a problem that can be dealt with by those who theorise about the various outlooks on l i f e ( W e l t a n s c h a u u n g s t h e o r e t i k e r ) , i t i s rather a matter of grave concern for statesmen al l over the w o r l d . T h e y w i l l have to tackle this problem unless they wish to become responsible for the future development w h i c h b e c a u s e of their n e g l i g e n c e w i l l push Europe into the most severe cr is is and eventually into r u i n . T h e problem of Bolshevism as it faces Europe today is a question of to be or not to be. Here a n d now the souls of men are ranged on the one side or the other. A definite side w i l l have to be taken either against or in favour of Bolshevism and a l l consequences resulting therefrom w i l l have to be accepted.

    Another problem must be settled. The problem of the role which Jewry plays in relation to Bolshevism. O n l y in G e r m a n y can it be openly discussed, since it would be dangerous in any other c o u n t r y a s was also the case in Germany not so many years a g o e v e n to mention the Jewry by name. There can be no doubt that Jews are the founders of Bolshevism and that it is they w h o represent it. The old leading class in Russia has been so completely eliminated that no other leader-ship group was left but the Jews. Every conflict within Bolshe-vism is therefore more or less a family conflict among Jews. The recent executions in Moscow, i.e. the shooting of Jews by Jews, can only be understood on motives of thirst for power and determination to destroy a l l opponents. The belief that Jews


  • are always at perfect harmony w i t h one another is a widespread error. They live in unity only w h e n they f o r m a minor i ty that is kept in control and menaced by a large national major-i ty. In present-day Russia this is not the case any more. If Jews have attained p o w e r a s they exclusively have done in R u s s i a t h e old Jewish r ivalr ies begin again, which h a d been kept in abeyance by the danger threatening their race.

    The idea underlying Bolshevism, i.e. the idea of unscrupulous disintegration and destruction of decency and culture for the diabol ic purpose of destroying the nations could have been born only in the Jewish brain, just as Bolshevic practice, w i t h a l l its horr i fy ing cruelty, is o n l y possible when manipulated by the Jews. In accordance w i t h their nature these Jews do not show their faces in the open. They w o r k underground and , in Western Europe they try to deny that they have anything to do w i t h Bolshevism. That is the way they have always behaved and w i l l behave in the future.

    But we have found them out and, what is more, we are the only people in the world w h o have the courage to ca l l the attention of mankind to these capital criminals. We are not afraid of any consequences and call them by their right name. There was a time in Germany when anyone who called a Jew a Jew was sent to prison. But in spite of that we dared to do it. E v e n today the w o r l d very often objects, w i t h noble restraint or even wi th well-staged moral disapproval, when Jews are called Jews or Bolshevists are called capital c r i m i -nals. But we are convinced that we shall eventually succeed in opening the eyes of the w o r l d so as to make them see the true face of Jewry and Bolshevism just as wel l as we succeeded in convinc ing Germany of the perilous parasitic character of that race. In the meantime we shall not tire of point ing to this fatal danger and appeal ing to the attention of a l l the people who are undergoing terrible crises and upheavals, proc la iming : " T h e Jews are to blame! The Jews are to b lame!"


  • This charge w i l l be l ike a lash in the faces of the Jews, distor-ted as they are by hate. It won't help them either if they try to adopt the camouflage of democratic forms. That method is just a bit too ingenious to impress intelligent people. It is on ly a ruse to catch the intellectual philistines. They welcome this slogan because it enables them to fight shy of a decision. T h i s so-called Bolshevist Democracy which some French and Engl ish papers have s u g g e s t e d as the prototype and counter-part of the so-called National Socialist Dictatorship, is engulfed in terror, blood and murder. Every few years the Bolshevist despots procla im this m o t h - e a t e n slogan whenever they feel the necessity of recommending themselves to Europe after a period of brutal terrorism. T h e n suddenly canards are let loose by the Communist propaganda bureaus, empty promises that a new constitution w i l l be introduced, that the universal ballot etc. w i l l be granted to Russia. But a l l these promises are falsehoods, speculating upon the short memories and proverbial mental inertness of narrow-minded philistines. In reality Bolshevism is the crassest rule of blood and terror that the wor ld has ever experienced. The Jews have planned it in order to make it impossible for power to be taken out of their hands, and it is Jews who are exercising it. We National Socialists, to justify and consolidate our national power honourably, have appealed to the country again and again, almost year after year, through general elections in w h i c h the laws of the secret ballot are observed. Bolshevism talks of People and the Country of Workers and Peasants; but on its face is imprinted the word F o r c e .

    Each person forms for himself a certain idea of Bolshevism. For the most part this idea is the product of his own bra in . Then propaganda comes to his a id . Its means of working forms a picture of Bolshevism according to the mentality of a person or a group of persons or of a nation. It is a l l art i f ic ial ly managed. There is no real basis of truth in it. It may easily


  • happen that representatives of a great country become en-thusiastic about a new subway in Moscow, w h i c h would attract no attention whatsoever in another large city. W h e n the Bolshe-vics welcome the stranger w i t h the strains of his own nat ional anthem these strangers, without any rational reason what-soever, discard their former ideas about Bolshevism a n d make friends w i t h it. The Red Jews in Moscow know h o w to handle their dupes. It is permissible to imagine how they mock and r idicule the attitude of the bourgeois w o r l d that is thus created.

    Therefore they are very fur ious w i t h us because we have recognised them and are bent on shattering to its very founda-tions the picture of Bolshevism that is widely prevalent in Europe . Their hate against us is i l l imitable . It is one of the best and most honourable tributes to the character of our political struggle. We tear the mask f rom their faces and show them to the wor ld in their true appearance.

    It has already been stated that the concept w h i c h various people and nations form of Bolshevism is a special outcome of Bolshevic propaganda. A great part of the art of deception consists, for instance, in m a k i n g people believe that the Moscow Government has nothing at a l l to do w i t h the Comintern. That is about the most barefaced and brazen swindle that can be imagined; because there is only a division of administrat ion between the Soviet Government and the Comintern . But to think that one is independent of the other w o u l d be l i k e be-l ieving that the N a t i o n a l Socia l is t Movement has nothing to do w i t h the Nat ional Socialist Government .

    Bolshevistic propaganda operates on a broad scale. Its purpose is to br ing the w o r l d to destruction. In foreign countries it is mis taken ly interpreted. These naive people w h o accept it are generally the most na ive of the naive. But they exist and they have a certain effect of their own.

    Bolshevism in practice is something different. There it is ; and y o u cannot deny w h a t i t does. In b lood it has traced


  • its f ear fu l march . Its intention is to b r i n g the whole w o r l d into its chaotic mess. It signifies the great attempt of Judaism to b r i n g the nations under their o w n power. Therefore the fight against this danger is, in the truest sense of the w o r d , a w o r l d fight. It was begun in Germany and has been fought out on German soil . Adol f H i t l e r is the historic leader in this campaign. We are a l l his representatives and therewith we are the apostles of a great historical mission. There can never be a compromise between the two extremes. Bolshevism must be exterminated if Europe is to regain its normal state of heal th.

    But the Jews k n o w exactly what is about to happen. In one of their last efforts they have striven to mobilize a l l the forces of the w o r l d against Germany. They want to strengthen their power by a feverish rush of armament. In National Socialist Germany they see a constant danger to their own existence. In Russia Judaism has established a home for itself w h i c h they never thought w o u l d be endangered. Up to ninety-eight percent, it represents the new bourgeois class among the S o v i e t s k n a v e s , fatlings, dissemblers, intriguers and plotters, back-slappers and frivolous people. These Jews w h o have now attained high positions are able to exercise their petty swindles, over a large-scale area, on 160 m i l l i o n people. They are ruthless tyrants, absolutely without p r i n -c iple . They inf l ic t themselves on the people l ike a universal scourge, the purpose of w h i c h is to spread catastrophe.

    I have already laid stress on the fact that Bolshevist pro-paganda is sufficiently astute to adjust its teaching to its hearers. It can be radica l or moderate to suit the occasion. W h e n the terrorist, D imi t ro f f , speaks before the Comintern the attitude is different f r o m that which L i t w i n o f f adopts before the League of Nations. The Bolshevist propaganda may be religious or anti-rel igious to suit the circumstances. It is utterly without conscience and a l l means are just i f ied


  • by the ends they serve. A l l over the w o r l d this propaganda has at its d isposal a complex machinery w h i c h is made up of the C o m m u n i s t sections in the various countr ies . It only needs to press a button in order to put this m a c h i n e r y into operat ion . In every country i t operates either secret ly or in the open. W o e to the nat ion that a l lows it to f u n c t i o n . One day that nat ion w i l l be undermined by this sedit ious activity and w i l l be d i s r u p t e d , mere ly because this p h e n o m e n o n has not been ser iously taken into account.

    We Nat ional Socialists are in the happy pos i t ion that we have no need to mince our words w h e n we speak of B o l -shevism. We do not speak the language of the secret cabinets; we speak the language of the people a n d , therefore, hope that the people of outside nations w i l l unders tand us. We are l u c k y enough to be able to ca l l things by the i r names ; and we feel b o u n d to do so. F o r the w o r l d must have its eyes opened. We cannot and we must not be silent in face of the danger that menaces Europe . It is incumbent on the nations and their Governments to make their o w n dec is ions ; but i t is the right a n d the duty of every i n d i v i d u a l , w h o m nature has endowed w i t h the gift of insight and the p o w e r of self-expression, to p r o c l a i m his opinions and convic t ions , to point the f inger to for thcoming catastrophes a n d to voice the needs of the t ime. To d a l l y wi th Bolshevism spells u l t imate r u i n .

    Therefore we take the opportunity of th is P a r t y Congress to r i n g the a l a r m against this w o r l d danger. I have taken this o p p o r t u n i t y of pointing out what B o l s h e v i s m is in actual practice, to unmask its teaching a n d therewith we are helping towards the understanding of the his tory of o u r o w n times, w h i c h has to be learned and must not be forgotten.

    A n d now we come to the point. T h e W e s t - E u r o p e a n worker is apt to cons ider the Soviet

    U n i o n as a proletar ian State, i .e . as h i s State. He th inks that in Russia the w o r k i n g class succeeded in e l iminat ing the


  • capitalistic exploiters and in establ ishing the dictatorship of the proletariat, where the free workers are now b u i l d i n g up a State of their own, the " F a t h e r l a n d of the W o r k i n g People" .

    But Jews, l ike D a v i d Ricardo or M a r x - M a r d o c h a y , have been the originators of the M a r x i s t teaching ; and Jews, l i k e Lassalle, Wolfssohn, Adler , L iebknecht , L u x e m b u r g , L e v i etc. have organised a l l labour movements . F r o m their safe editorial chairs, Jews have urged the w o r k e r s to the b a r r i -cades. Jews, like P a u l Singer, Schiff , K o h n etc. were the financiers of Marxist Bolshevism.

    The Soviet Government has been a n d s t i l l is almost com-pletely composed of Jews. Not one w o r k e r belongs to the governing body. Almost a l l of the Bolshevist leaders who have been recently shot in M o s c o w were Jews. There was not one worker among them. The T r i u m v i r a t e , w h i c h rose as the victorious group out of this in ter - Jewish confl ict and which now holds dictatorship over the Soviet U n i o n , is composed of:-

    H e r s c h e l - J e h u d a ( J a g o d a ) , H e a d o f t h e O G P U ;

    L a z a r u s M o s e s s o h n K a g a n o w i t s c h , Father-in- law of Stalin and C o m m i s s a r y f o r Transport ;

    F i n k e l s t e i n - L i t w i n o f f , C o m m i s s a r y f o r F o r -eign Af fa i rs ,

    a l l of w h o m are Jews w h o came f r o m the Ghetto. The Government of the Soviet U n i o n is not the dictatorship

    of the proletariat but the dictatorship of Jewry over all the rest of the population.

    The p o l i t i c a l agitation of Bolshevism is equaled by its demagogical propaganda in the e c o n o m i c sphere. They proclaim that the worker leads a sort of paradis ica l l i fe in the Soviet Union . As late as A p r i l , 1932, the newspaper "Rote


  • F a h n e " demanded in its electoral campaign: " P u t a stop to the increase of wages, wages have to be decreased. We demand the seven-hour w o r k i n g day, the forty-hour week and ad-justed wages."

    But how is the situation in Soviet Russia? The price of bread rose from 9 to 75 Kopeks per k i logramm w i t h i n the years between 1928 and 1935. The monthly wage of a Soviet worker has fallen 78.5 percent measured by the quantity of bread which the worker can buy. If the Russian worker wants to earn enough to live he has to work according to the Stachanoff system w h i c h has raised the norm so much above the average that the mass of workers can never reach it. The result is that the average Russian worker gets lower wages.

    In 1932 the "Rote F a h n e " published a report on the housing conditions, which had been sent in by a comrade w o r k i n g in the Soviet Union. He wrote that he had two large rooms for himself, w i t h electricity and central heating.

    A n d now a true picture of reality: A w o r k i n g w o m a n writes in "Leningradskaja P r a w d a " , a Communist paper, " W e , that is I myself and my little boy, who is a year-and-a-half o ld , my brother and my sister who suffers from tuberculosis, live in one small and dark room. Our complaints brought before the Communist munic ipal commission have been fruitless. We are still l iv ing as before in these unbelievable condit ions."

    The Russian worker has to spend for his simple food which consists only of bread, cabbage soup and gruel, not less than 75 percent of his total income. He would have to spend twice the amount of the average wage to attain the standard of l iving which the German worker has.

    A wel l -known Bolshevist slogan promises the establishment of the free right to work. On June 20, 1932 the "Rote Fahne" wrote " L o o k towards Moscow, Leningrad , B a k u , Nowosibirsk


  • and k n o w : work, bread and liberty can only be attained if we fight and fol low the example of the B o l s h i v i k i . "

    The way in w h i c h the Soviet workers are urged to work by the Stachanoff system may rightly be called slavery. But the Soviet Union even re in t roduced slavery in the verbal meaning of the word. About six-and-a-half m i l l i o n people who work in the forced labour camps of the Soviet Union are l i v i n g in a state of hell-on-earth. In three hundred giant forced-labour camps, Bolshevism is squeezing the last ounce of work and energy out of these workers. Some hundred thousands of people had to be b u r i e d when the Stalin-Caspian Channel was built by forced-labour gangs. The fol lowing Jewish leaders of the O G P U forced the Channel to be built in such murderous speed: Herrschel Jagoda, Davidsohn, Kwasni tzk i , Isaaksohn, Rotten-berg, Ginsburg, Brodsk i , Berensohn, Dor fmann, Kagner, Angert and others. Judaism flourishes the whip over the "Father land of the Proletariat ."

    Bolshevist propaganda boasts of having freed the working class among the peasants from the claws of capitalistic ex-ploitation. To allure the innocent peasants and to get their confidence, Bolshevism founded the "Peasants' International". In its programme we f ind the fo l lowing proclamation: " W e demand that the burden of taxes be lifted f rom the middle-class of the peasants, that their taxes be decreased, we demand the expropriation of the large estates, w h i c h shall be made available free of charge for the sons of the peasants who ti l l the so i l . "

    Let us have a look at the situation as it exists in reality! The granaries of Soviet-Russia, w h i c h formerly helped to supply Western Europe with the necessary cereals, are no longer in a position to feed their o w n population. Mi l l ions of people are starving. A bitter war is being waged between the terroristic apparatus of the O G P U and the peasants. The Jews Kagano-witsch, Jagoda and Baumann, enforced a radica l collectivisation


  • on the peasants w h i c h s imply ki l led more than 15 m i l l i o n peasants and members of peasant families.

    The m a i n achievement of the peasant pol icy carr ied out by the Bolshevists is the terroristic law of August 7, 1932, w h i c h , for any k i n d of " w r o n g " committed by a peasant enacts the death penalty, ten years of h a r d labour or forced labour sen-tences. Judeo-Bolshevism even abuses the relation of c h i l d to parent in applying this l a w . " l swes t ia " reports, on M a y 28, 1934, h o w a g i r l denounced her father, who h a d kept back gra in that had been commissioned by the col lect ive. Under the terror law her father was subject to the death penalty. The c h i l d received o f f i c ia l congratulat ion for her act.

    In pre -Nat iona l Socialist Germany the Communis t P a r t y put f o r w a r d the fo l lowing demands in their programme for the soldiers: Point 12: Abol i t ion of a l l undesirable persons in command, Point 20: Annulment of the order to l ive in bar-racks. "Emanc ipa t ion f r o m b l ind Obedience" and the " D e m o -crat isat ion of the A r m y " were the slogans.

    C o m p u l s o r y mobi l izat ion of the workpeople was in t roduced f o r t h w i t h after the Bolshevist dictatorship had been set u p . Those w h o d i d not obey the order were shot or sent to the blood dungeons of the Tscheka . Instead of the v o l u n t a r y people's m i l i t i a , there was central authori tar ian c o m m a n d , iron proletarian discipline, the forced conscripts were interned in barracks and the strictest laws, courts-martial were set up. F r o m the "Comrade Commandants" the whole a rmy aristocracy was chosen, including lieutenants, captains etc. up to the red marshals . The Soviet Jew, Rabinowitsch, c y n i c a l l y

    a d m i t t e d that the simulated "democratisation" of the a r m y was " o n l y a ruse to gain control of the a r m y " .

    Another Bolshevist slogan, which is widely believed, is the " E m a n c i p a t i o n of W o m a n " . The pretension is that the w o m a n must be freed f rom the domestic yoke and placed on an equal footing w i t h the m a n . In the year 1924 the C o m i n -


  • tern Congress explicitly stated: "The revolution is powerless as long as the family and fami ly conditions r e m a i n . " But in the pract ica l administrat ion of the Soviet U n i o n the actual way of this highly vaunted "Emancipat ion of W o m a n " shows itself in the fact that, without having the right to appeal for protection, women are forced to submit and surrender themselves to the arbi trary demands of the men and they have to earn their l ivel ihood by heavy manual labour. Even in the labour-camps, which have the worst reputation, there are more than one mi l l ion women.

    Furthermore Bolshevist propaganda asserts that the w o m a n is released f r o m the burden of having to look after her ch i ldren . T h i s task is taken over by the Soviet State itself. At the same time the of f ic ia l party press is forced to acknow-ledge that the army of waifs and youthful c r imina l s is steadily on the increase. A special and inf luent ia l appeal in the system of Bolshevist propaganda is the demand for the abrogation of the legal veto against abort ion. The practice of abort ion, which went on without hindrance for eighteen years, has become so prevalent that the Soviets w o u l d now l ike to f o r b i d this practice of abort ion.

    Bolshevist propaganda in regard to the position of women in the social order reaches the peak of mental aberration when it declares that in the bourgeois social order prostitut-ion is a necessary evil, but that this w i l l f inal ly disappear with the establishment of Communism. There is no country in the world where the spectacle of prostitution is so uni -versal as in the Soviet U n i o n . Even in order to hold their jobs, w o r k i n g women have to submit to the desires of their bosses. In the truest sense of the term, women in this "Paradise of W o m e n " are the open prey of the Jewish Soviet bull ies .

    The "s tudy- t r ip" made by the French statistician, Herriot , d u r i n g the famine period of 1933, offers a special ly crass


  • example of how the bemused poli t ic ians of Western l iberal ism may be a l l u r e d by Soviet propaganda . On this po int the Jewish New Y o r k paper " F o r w a r d " , w h i c h certainly cannot be suspected of p r o - N a z i leanings , declared as f o l l o w s :

    " O n the day p r e c e d i n g the a r r i v a l o f the delegation the whole p o p u l a t i o n o f K i e w was m o b i l i z e d a t two o'clock in the night , to c l e a n the m a i n streets. T e n thousand h a n d s worked feverishly to give a European aspect to the neglected and f i l thy t o w n . A l l re l ief centres, cooperative stores w e r e closed. Queues w e r e f o r b i d d e n . T h e i m p o s i n g a r m y of w a i f s , beggars a n d s t a r v e l i n g s were a l l removed. M i l i t i a m e n on highly groomed horses strutted at the street crossings, manes o f their horses e n t w i n e d w i t h whi te r i b b o n s a pic ture w h i c h K i e w saw never before, or after" (this is a retranslation).

    One of the great parade pieces f r o m the arsenal of Bolshevist propaganda is the c l a i m for the abolit ion of the army, the d e m a n d for "al l -round a n d complete" d i s a r m a m e n t . T h e K . P . D . (German Communis t P a r t y ) , under the slogan " N o more W a r " , " F o r w a r d w i t h the f ight against armament" , for instance, d e m a n d e d a plebiscite on the f o l l o w i n g propo-s i t i o n :

    " T h e construct ion of dreadnoughts and cruisers of a l l k i n d s is f o r b i d d e n . " A n d in F e b r u a r y , 1932, the Jew, F inkels te in-L i t w i n o f f , took occas ion , at one of the innumerable Geneva Conferences, to c h a m p i o n before the w o r l d the p r i n c i p l e of "complete d i s a r m a m e n t " . Up to the present no change has taken place in these methods of deception. T h i s statement is corroborated by the dec larat ion w h i c h the same L i t w i n o f f made last J u l y , w h e n he said that the "complete disarmament" was a " m a x i m a l guarantee" of peace .

    That 's Bolshevist propaganda. A n d w h a t is the rea l i ty? The peace strength of the Red

    A r m y amounts to t w o mi l l ions , by reason of the lowering of the age l i m i t of those l iable for mi l i ta ry service. But to this we


  • must add the trained reserves, w h i c h number f r o m nine to ten mil l ions. In case of w a r therefore they c o u l d mobi l ize eleven mil l ions ; and , w i t h i n a practical period of t ime, even fourteen millions.

    Should w a r break out, the Red A r m y w o u l d be able to issue marching orders to Red soldiers of between 160 and 180 in fant ry divis ions and 25 c a v a l r y d i v i s i o n s . Recently the increase in the tank forces was declared by the Red, Marshal Tuchatschewski , as 2,475 percent.

    The strength of the Red A i r Force amounts to 6,000 planes. The planes of the First L i n e are divided into 3,100 heavy and light bombers and scout planes and 1,500 c h a s e r s . The bombing weapon prevails over a l l others a n d proves that the Red A i r Force is preeminently a weapon of attack. The idea is that in case of war the bombing planes s h o u l d be able to make a surprise attack before the attacked country w i l l have had time to organise its defence. The v i e w of the Soviet strategists is that the next w a r w i l l be begun without any introductory declaration of war . And it is not generally k n o w n that the Soviets possess the greatest submarine force in the w o r l d .

    The aggressive character of the Red A r m y is testified by the aggressive strategy of its leaders. One of the great paragons of eff ic iency in the Soviet regime is that of the "obvious justice" of the victorious Bolshevic revolution on a wor ld extension, according to Tuchatschewski , who said: "Bolshevism w i l l strive with elementary force to embrace the whole w o r l d by direct influence. Its most important means w i l l be its mi l i tary power . "

    A n d now the most incredible thing of a l l : in spite of this very obvious imperial ist ic k i n d of armament , Bolshevic propaganda insists even today that M o s c o w adheres to a " p o l i c y of peace", " T h e Soviet U n i o n does not w i s h to expand its terr i tory . It is a lways there when peace is to be defended


  • and m a i n t a i n e d " t h a t is the k i n d of lies that M r . L i t w i n o f f casts into the face of the w o r l d . A n d the French C o m m u n i s t leader, Thorez, declares in "Humanit": " W e have shown that the a i m of peace is inseparable f r o m the pol icy of the Soviet U n i o n . "

    In glaring contrast to this systematic campaign of false-hoods we have the political offensive of the mil i tary pacts. Under the slogan of "collective security" these were established between Moscow and Par i s on M a y 2, 1935 and between M o s c o w and Prague on M a y 16, 1935.

    A little whi le ago the M a y o r of St. Denis, Jacques D o r i o t , formerly a Communist and n o w a leader of the " P a r t i P o p u -laire Frana is " described the purpose of the Franco-Bolshevic mi l i tary pact in the fo l lowing words: " A n d when they have formulated it in true earnest, when Cachin is President of the Republic and Thorez is P r i m e Minis ter and Pri is F o r e i g n Minis ter , under orders f r o m Moscow they w i l l unleash the dogs of war against G e r m a n y and thus secure freedom for the Soviet Union on their Western f r o n t . . ."

    A n d the case is not otherwise w i t h the military pact between Moscow and Prague. On December 15, 1935, a Soviet a i r m a n and member of the C o m m u n i s t Par ty made the f o l l o w i n g declarations on that point to a representative of the F r e n c h paper " G r i n g o i r e " : " T h e erection o f a i r stations in the neighbourhood of Prague and in the hinterland w o u l d be an ideal move for us. F r o m these points only half the aeroplanes are necessary and only ha l f the fuel is needed. Hence it w o u l d be possible for us to c a r r y an extra three tons of explosives . " Meanwhi le great numbers of these red air stations have been erected in Czechoslovakian terr i tory. Recently they were increased t o thirty-six. " S l o v e n s k y D e n n i k " w h i c h i s a newspaper published at Pressburg and control led by the P r i m e M i n i s t e r m a d e the astonishing admiss ion : " I f the a i r stations are intended f o r the defence of the State, then


  • assuredly n o geese w i l l be f o u n d grazing on them. They w i l l be a refuge f o r those fr iends of ours w h o may find them adapted for use and protec t ion . " In other words, these thir ty-six air stations are meant to be the start ing points f r o m which the Red bombers w i l l attack E u r o p e . T h i s is an acute danger . That is proved by the fact that the Red bombers could thus reach the most important strategic points in Western E u r o p e wi th in less than an hour and could destroy these. F r o m the air bases of the Red Army w i t h i n Czechoslovakian territory, Dresden, for example, could be reached w i t h i n twenty minutes , Chemni tz within eleven minutes, the Silesian indust r ia l district w i t h i n nine minutes, Berlin w i t h i n forty-two minutes, Vienna w i t h i n nine minutes, the munit ion works in Steier wi th in seventeen minutes and the manufac tur ing district of the Steiermark within twenty-seven minutes. The Red planes could reach Budapest w i t h i n about six minutes and make it a heap of dust and ashes.

    That is the story of the Bolshevist "peace policy". On this spot last year I gave an exact account of how m a n y clergymen had been murdered in Russia and pointed to the danger of such a procedure being repealed in other countries. But even ecclesiastical circles in outside countries poo-poohed this warning . They expressed the naive v iew that Bo lshevism had changed and that in future i t w o u l d guarantee freedom of w o r s h i p to rel igious denominations. Meanwhile events in Spain have shown only too clearly that I was right. " I n a l l districts in w h i c h the Madr id Govern-ment rules there is no longer a church that is open." So writes the " D i a r i o d e l a m a r i n a " . A n d the Catholic C h u r c h has even of f i c ia l ly announced that in Barcelona alone 250 priests have been murdered and several churches demolish-ed. That is the k i n d of religious freedom which one enjoys under Bolshevist rule .

    In order to appear harmless and bourgeois in the eyes of


  • Western Democracy, the Bolshevist "diplomats" have even copied habits and behaviour of respectable persons, a l -though the change must cost them an effort. But to us w h o k n o w the Bolshevist tactics it causes only amusement to see how so many statesmen in Western Europe, who otherwise seem so intelligent, believe that Bolshevism has abandoned its p lan of W o r l d Revolution because its diplomatic represent-atives now appear in tail coats and white collars.

    A n d yet this varnishing does not seem adequate for the J e w i s h Kil lers in the Soviet U n i o n . In order to give a f i n a l proof of its impeccability, Bolshevism has furnished itself w i t h a " C o n s t i t u t i o n " . In this Consti tution the "r ight of e d u c a t i o n " is l a i d d o w n , having regard to the 40% of the populat ion w h i c h cannot read or write . A n d in the same Const i tut ion " freedom of speech and of the press" is mentioned, in a country where everything that departs f rom the l ine of o p i n i o n la id down by the Jewish dictators is punished by death, as we have just experienced in the tr ia l of the T r o t z -kyis ts . This system speaks of the "inviolability of the person a n d his home and the right of unopened postal correspon-dence" although day after day the Tscheka gathers in thousands of distracted persons and shoots them or deports them.

    The " P o p u l a r F r o n t " , which was founded b y the Communists in France, struggles " for the defence of democratic l iberty, its maintenance and extension". These are the words of M r . Thorez, the leader of the party. The "Popular F r o n t " has come to power in Spain. This "democratic l iber ty" is displayed in f i l l ing the prisons of Madr id and Barcelona, in arresting and shooting all non-Communists. In this w a y 7,000 have already been murdered in Madrid alone.

    The phrase " L i b e r t y and Rights of M a n " is a favourite slogan of the Communists. It figures prominently in their revolut ionary h y m n . The fo l lowing paragraphs of a letter


  • f r o m the Soviet U n i o n give an idea of how L i b e r t y and the Rights of M a n are treated there:

    The letter, dated August 10, 1935 states: " T h e n some hundreds of the outlawed are shoved into

    empty and unheated fre ight-wagons, l ike animals . They were ordered to be brought to the Caspian Sea or to Siberia . . . O n e of the leading Communists said to us: 'Die on the roadside and in the fields. We cannot k i l l y o u a l l ; but y o u w i l l have to die in the gutters!' "

    A letter dated June 7, 1935, states: "It seems as if the crisis were at the beginning once again but it is to be hoped that the events of the year 1932/1933 w i l l not be repeated when almost 80% of the deported died w i t h i n the one year . "

    On November 16, 1917, L e n i n promised in the "Dec lara t ion of the Rights of the National i t ies" that the peoples of the former Czarist regime w o u l d be granted autonomy. But how d id this promise w o r k out in reality for these nationalit ies? On A p r i l 27, 1920, the Red Army overran Aserbeidshan, in November of the same year they overran the U k r a i n e , on December 3, Armenia , and on February 25, 1921 the young re-publ i c of Georgia, after Moscow had by treaty acknowledged their territorial integrity the previous year ."

    In Ingria the F i n n i s h population is being systematically stam-ped out. F r o m 1929 to 1931 18,000 F i n n s were banished to Siberia and in the spring of 1935, 9,000 were forced to undergo the same fate. O n l y two month ago the government of the Soviet U n i o n decided to drive out another 28,000 f r o m their native l a n d .

    In the Polish-Soviet frontier district 18,000 peasants of German stock " h a d their settlement transferred" dur ing the spring of this year. F r o m 80 to 90 persons were packed into cattle trucks and sent to Siberia.

    Last year 4,000 Carelians were sent in banishment to Central


  • Asia and 3,000 to the Urals, where more than f i f ty percent of them succumbed to the inhuman conditions of l ife and work .

    In August 1927 the Communis t propaganda apparatus drummed in to the ears of the w o r l d proclamations against the execution of Saeco and Vanzet t i . In m i l l i o n s of leaflets and newspapers the Communists carr ied on their campaign in foreign countr ies for the revocation of the death sentence. Yet, what happens in the Soviet U n i o n itself? In Paragraph 58 alone of the C r i m i n a l Code, fourteen different k i n d s of acts are l a i d d o w n w h i c h are punishable w i t h death. By the l a w of A p r i l 7, 1935, the death penalty was introduced even for ch i ldren .

    S tarv ing c h i l d r e n in an educational inst i tution have often told how g o o d the conditions were that prevai led there in former t imes . T h i s fact alone was enough to b r i n g them w i t h i n the terms of paragraph 58. Ten chi ldren were shot by the O G P U in the presence of their comrades. In a newspaper article the Soviet Prosecuting Attorney, Wi-schinsky, recalls " w i t h content and pleasure" the f irst anniversary of the day on w h i c h the death penalty for ch i ldren was established by law.

    A l l these are facts w h i c h are vouched for exclusively by unquestionable and demonstrable documents originating mostly f r o m Soviet sources. Last year, at the Nrnberg P a r t y Congress, w h e n I uttered words of w a r n i n g on what I presumed would be the consequences of the Seventh C o m i n -tern Congress, held from July 25 to August 21, 1935, the wor ld at large was silent and showed that it d id not understand the import of what I had said. The safe stay-at-homes took our prophecies as exaggerated and believed that they could just t h r o w t h e m to the winds .

    There fore I may permit myself to repeat here some of the proposals that were made at the Comintern Congress and the plans that were decided upon and br ing before y o u the


  • events w h i c h meanwhile have resulted therefrom in various countries.

    Dimitrof f , the accredited agent of the Soviet d i c t a t o r s h i p for br inging about the w o r l d revolut ion, has v e r b a l l y declared: "With Stal in at the head, our pol i t ica l a r m y of mill ions of men can a n d must overcome a l l d i f f icul t ies , com-pletely surmount a l l obstacles, raze the fortress of C a p i t a l i s m to the ground and achieve the victory of Social ism, throughout the whole w o r l d . "

    He said fur ther : " T h e proletariat is the rea l master of the w o r l d , the master

    who w i l l rule tomorrow. It must be granted its h is tor ica l right and in every land throughout the w o r l d it must take the sceptre of power in its o w n hands . "

    "It is va in to think of turning the wheel of h i s t o r y back-wards. No! The wheel of history is turning a n d w i l l turn further in the direct ion of the W o r l d U n i o n of the Soviet Socialist Republics , unto the f inal conquest of the whole w o r l d b y S o c i a l i s m . "

    Such is the programme set forth by this B u l g a r i a n terrorist for the revolutionising of the world . As to how it is carried out, let the p la in facts speak.

    Since this congress, much more than a h u n d r e d Com-munist revolts have occurred in different countr ies through-out the w o r l d , among them the revolts in Brest a n d T o u l o n , in August, 1935, w i t h many dead, in Lemberg on A p r i l 18 , 1936, with 10 dead, and in Saloniki on M a y 10, 1936, w i t h more than 100 dead. Three armed uprisings, p l a n n e d long in advance, shook whole countries for weeks on e n d : in November , 1935, in Pernambuco, in January, 1936, in Buenos Aires , and in March , 1936, in Spain .

    Six attempted revolutions were frustrated in advance, among them those in December, 1935, in U r u g u a y , in Fe-bruary, 1936, in Paraguay a n d in the same m o n t h in C h i l e .


  • Sixty-two large fires were caused, among them that in L a n -chou in C h i n a , w h i c h c la imed 1,000 vict ims. F i f ty- four armed raids were carr ied out a n d 78 stores of explosives plundered. Altogether 3,041 lives were sacrificed by these Bolshevist c r imina ls .

    To select a few examples. At the meeting of the Com-munist W o r l d Congress on J u l y 30, 1935, Comrade Dsordsos appeared as the representative of G r e e c e , and outlined a plan of act ion for the future. Almost exactly one year after his appearance in Moscow, on August 5, 1936, Greece was shaken by a general strike, which developed directly into an armed revolut ion. O n l y through the energetic intervention of General Metaxas was Greece saved f rom being reduced to a state of Bolshevist chaos, and the plan of Comrades D i m i t r o f f and Dsordsos frustrated.

    W i t h regard to the s t i r r ing up of revolution in c o l o n i e s , Dimi t ro f f said that the peoples of the colonial and semi-colonial countries no longer regarded their l iberation as a hopeless cause, but tended more and more towards a de-termined struggle against their imperial ist oppressors.

    Scarcely one year later a dangerous revolt broke out in S y r i a , w h i c h cost many lives. The new friendship with France by no means prevented Moscow f r o m carrying out its premeditated plan in a terr i tory under the mandate of its a l l y . A few months later the disturbances in Palestine broke out, dur ing which the E n g l i s h police confiscated masses of Communist leaflets and dispersed secret meetings of Communist agents.

    Marques, the representative of B r a z i l , declared at the Seventh W o r l d Congress in Ju ly , 1935, that the country was hastening towards the decisive struggle for the fa l l of the government. . . and for the establishment of a national revolu-tionary government .


  • Three months later a Communist revolution broke out in Natal and Recife, w h i c h c la imed 150 dead and 400 wounded. L u i s Carlos Prestes, the Jew Ewert and the "Ambassador" of Soviet Russia in Montevideo, the Jewish former f u r r i e r M i n k i n , were revealed as the agents of the " A l l i a n c e " .

    To come to F r a n c e , D i m i t r o f f said that the F r e n c h Communist Party provided an example for a l l sections of the Communist International of how the tactics of a Front Populaire should be carried out.

    Thorez, the leader of the F r e n c h Communist Party , added that a revolution does not occur automatical ly , but must be organized. We are determined, he said, to fo l low the example of the Russian Bolshevists. We are. . . in favour of the Soviets.

    The French Communist P a r t y has proved itself w o r t h y of the praise w h i c h Dimi t rof f accorded it. Its membership increased f r o m 87,000 in January to 100,000 in M a r c h , to 187,000 in June and to over 225,000 in August, 1936. D u r i n g the same period the number of mi l i ta ry youth organizations was quadrupled. The number of votes increased f r o m 790,000 to 1,500,000, a third of which were recorded in grea-ter Paris alone. The number of Communist members in the French Chamber increased f r o m 10 to 73. The c i r cu la t ion of the newspaper "Humanit-" rose from 154,000 in 1933 to 750,000 for a time in 1936. D u r i n g the electoral campaign for membership in the Chamber, in 1936, 27 m i l l i o n pamphlets were distributed by the Communist propaganda headquarters. After their affiliation with the Communist Front Populaire , the trade unions increased in membership from 800,000 in M a y of this year to 4,300,000 in August.

    France is also proceeding to fo l low the example of the Spanish Front Populaire. D i m i t r o f f ' s " T r o j a n h o r s e " stands within the walls of Par i s .

    But nothing provides us w i t h a better object lesson, n o t h i n g could convince us more thoroughly of the seriousness of


  • the decisions of the Seventh W o r l d Congress, than the sanguinary and appal l ing events in S p a i n . They represent the literal carrying out of the directions given at that time. They are practically the realization of the "Front Populaire" p lan , w h i c h has attained only its pre l iminary stage in France, but has reached its highest point of development in Spain. Dimitroff had announced the plan of action under a Front Populaire government when he said that the exercise of the powers of a government of this k i n d was to be utilized to prepare the masses for the revolution, and that they should arm themselves for the Socialist revolution, because Soviet power alone could provide salvation.

    The Spanish delegate, Ventura , announced that the exact programme was as follows: " T h e Spanish proletariat and our p a r t y . . . w i l l overthrow Fascism and the power of the bourgeois and the owners of the large estates once and for a l l , and br ing about the t r iumph of the workers' - and peasants' -revolution. . . Under the banner of Lenin and Stalin, we are proudly marching towards victory."

    Before the murder of the monarchist leader Calvo Sotelo, which took place on J u l y 13, 269 lives had already been sacrificed to the murderous Communist pest. The French journalist A r m i n j o n reported, for example, that in Murc ia the mob seized upon two young men who had been said to be Fascists. They were maltreated on the street, and f inal ly a woman seized a butcher's hatchet and beheaded them both. T h i s occurred on March 16, and the names of the two men were Pedro Cutil las and Antonio Martinez.

    The Press throughout the world had f inal ly to print reports of the inhuman horrors perpetrated by the Spanish Marxists at the command of their foreign instigators. It is impossible to give even approximate figures approaching the actual facts. On August 19, the fol lowing facts were made public , derived f rom an off ic ial source: in the city of M a d r i d


  • and in its suburbs, up to the present more than 6,000 people were murdered by the Reds, 1,400 alone in the famous park Casa del Campo. In the largest pr i son , the Carcel Modelo, there were at that time 3,000 prisoners , a n d 1,146 in San Antonio , the total for M a d r i d being 6,000. I have in front of me a report by an eyewitness , the German Hein-r ichs , whose house overlooked the Casa d e l Campo, and here quite different figures are given. T h i s eye-witness reports that u p t i l l August 30, he himself had seen about 6,000 people shot. He also reports that on other squares in the c i ty , in the streets a n d in the houses, 20,000 more were murdered.

    Other eye-witnesses, some of w h o m were forced to witness the Bolshevist murders f r o m within the prisons, give reports of hundreds of murders dai ly. A y o u n g foreigner saw w i t h his o w n eyes how in the night of August 20, about 200 prison off ic ials in the Carcel M o d e l o were murdered, a n d how, on the next day, 250 members of the Fascist or-ganizations were shot in the courtyard of the barracks. On August 15 he saw a convoy of 250 prisoners a r r i v i n g in M a d r i d f rom A l m e r i a handed over to the Red m i l i t i a by the police escort. The latter lined up 240 of them and shot them on the spot then and there. They escorted only 10 of them to the pr ison, so as to have carr ied out their " d u t y " . A little later the Fascist leaders, Ruiz de A l d a , Fernando P r i m o de Rivera, Cuesta and Valdes, were murdered.

    The whole German nat ion mourns for the seven Germans who died a horrible death as victims of the murderous Red crew. On their way to the Recreation Congress in H a m b u r g , four Germans, named Caetje, Dato, Hofmeister and Tre iz , who were also members of the National Socialist Par ty , were murdered by a group of Bolshevists. After a long " t r i a l " , two of them were led behind a factory, and the other two were placed against a w a l l a little w a y of f a n d the four of


  • them were shot. It was afterwards ascertained that the criminals had per formed their bloody w o r k w i t h small shot. H o f -meister a n d T r e i z were so disf igured that they could only be recognized w i t h d i f f i cul ty by the shape of their faces. M a n y other Germans were injured or suffered damage to their property . The National Socialist , Hans Hahner , was m u r -dered on the w a y to his w o r k at the Red Cross station. His house was plundered and his wife left destitute.

    Not o n l y in M a d r i d , but throughout the whole country , there were constant further reports of the horr ib le doings of the Reds. A c c o r d i n g to the " D i a r i o de N o t i c i a s " of L i s b o n , 187 people were murdered in L l o r a del Rio , and 250 in Constant ina .

    A c c o r d i n g to the German paper " G e r m a n i a " , in Cartagena 600 of f icers and soldiers were thrown into the sea w i t h stones tied round their necks. Accord ing to the " S e c u l o " , in the monastery of Baena 180 persons were executed by the Communists wi th choppers and razors, among them the priest of Santa Mar ia M a y o r , and also women and children. The women's bodies were r ipped open. The " S e c u l o " also referred to a report by two peasants f r o m M a l a g a of the murder of more than 400 persons, who were t h r o w n into the wells wi th weights tied to their feet, or bound to the tails of horses and dragged through the streets. A c c o r d i n g to " D i e F r o n t " of Zrich, the Italian consular agent Solaverani reported that a g i r l of 16 f i red the first shot at a pr isoner . The " J o u r n a l de Genve" reported that in Rosal de la Frontera the Communists locked 40 people in the church a n d set fire to i t , so that they were burnt to death. A c c o r d i n g to "The T i m e s " , 400 inhabitants were murdered in R u n d a , about 200 of them being thrown into the Tagus. A c c o r d i n g to the " E v e n i n g Standard" , 51 hostages were shot in San Sebastian on August 14. Again according to the "Seculo" , in Almendralago General Franco's troops found


  • the corpses of prisoners, c r u c i f i e d head downwards on the pr ison walls . The " S e c u l o " reported fur ther that 80 persons were burnt al ive. A c c o r d i n g to the " D a i l y M a i l " , in Car tagena 50 members of the c i v i l guard were b o u n d neck to neck, a n d beaten with i ron bars and t h r o w n into the sea f r o m the R e d prison ship "Si l" . The same paper stated that the s p e c i a l correspondent o f " L e J o u r n a l " , E m i l e Condroyer , h a d reported f rom El A r a h a l that the Reds shut up 30 m e n , women and chi ldren in p r i s o n , poured petro leum in t h r o u g h the window and threw in l ighted matches.

    The details w h i c h reach us of the m u r d e r i n g of priests a n d violat ing of nuns are inconceivable. The f o l l o w i n g are a f e w examples. The " J o u r n a l de Gen-ve" reported that the A r c h -bishop of Tarragona and the Bishop of L e r i d a were m u r -dered. According to the " M a t i n " , the A m e r i c a n , H e n r y H a r r i s , reported that he himself witnessed in pr i son the m u r d e r of 150 members of religious orders. A c c o r d i n g to the " J o u r n a l de Genve", the Cathol ic w o r k e r s ' leader, D o n D i m a s Madariaga, was murdered i n P iedra lvez . The German H e i n Hausmann reported that in Tarragona eight priests w e r e shot, and a monk trampled on and f i n a l l y shot. Cases are constantly being reported of priests being beheaded a n d their heads being dragged through the streets. T h e " G e r -m a n i a " reported that in Valenc ia whole rows of nuns w e r e shot, and their bodies burnt . The priests of A d r e r o , L a s Casas and Torres were k i l l e d in the most horr ib le f a s h i o n . The list could be continued indef in i te ly . C h i l d r e n often took part in the shootings. Thus , according to the " D i a r i o de la M a r i n a " , Raffael O r i o l of La Habana reported that in Barce-lona he had seen many groups of boys under 15 a m o n g the murderers.

    Irreplaceable works of art were destroyed and the intellect-ual elite of the country was exterminated. A c c o r d i n g to the London " D a i l y M a i l " , the Nobel pr ize -winner Bonavente ,


  • the w e l l - k n o w n dramatist Alvares Quintero and the painter Zuloaga have been executed. Professor Wal ter W. S. Cook reports that in Barcelona alone St. Anne's Cathedral and al l other churches, w i t h one exception, have been burned down. The famous altar wings by Vermejo dating f rom the 15th century have been destroyed and the 15th century Church of Santa M a r i a del M a r reduced to a heap of ruins. All that remains of the 9th century Church of San Pedro de las Puellas is the wal ls . The famous monasteries in Barcelona and the Palace of the Archb ishop have been completely destroyed.

    That is the real face of Bolshevist atheism which has the effrontery to state its readiness to co-operate w i t h the Churches in other countries. The fact that the bodies of nuns were torn f r o m their coff ins in Barcelona is a symbol of the desecration of a l l that is ho ly by Bolshevism. W h e n Andres N i n , one of the pr inc ipa l agitators in Spain and formerly secretary to the Bolshevist T o m s k y , states, that they have solved the church problem by leaving not a single church standing, we must state that this is the incarnat ion of god-lessness. That is the real face of Bolshevism!

    In Spain , as in Russia of 1917, and in a l l other countries, it is the unpatr iot ic and Jewish wire-pullers who cause and lead Bolshevist revolts. If they are non-Jews, they have completely lost their feeling of patriotism.

    N o w who is to blame, theoretically and pract ical ly , for everything that is happening in Spain? A l l these events represent nothing else than the execution of the resolutions adopted i n M o s c o w . The Bolshevist Jew, B e l a K u n , the " M u r d e r e r o f H u n g a r y " , N e u m a n n , who i n Spain, calls h imsel f E n r i q u e Fischer , Neumann, K o l z o w - G i n s -b u r g , posing as the correspondent o f the Moscow " P r a w -d a " , and , f i n a l l y , the red League of Nations diplomat and J e w , R o s e n b e r g , were sent t o Spain t o carry them out .


  • They are the leaders of a l l Soviet Russian terrorists w h o carry out their s a n g u i n a r y w o r k i n Spa in p r o v i d e d w i t h forged passports w h i c h , strange to say, are most ly of F r e n c h o r i g i n .

    Nothing is m o r e character is t ic of Moscow's responsibi l i ty than the w e l l - l a i d p l a n t o m a k e the c i v i l w a r started b y Bolshevism i n S p a i n develop into a n i n t e r n a t i o n a l c o n f l i c t . The J e w S c h w e r n i k , the president o f the Soviet Russ ian t rade u n i o n s , f r a n k l y admitted the intention to intervene when he sa id , according to the "Iswestia" , that the Central C o m m i t t e e . . . summons a l l workers and the masses i n the Soviet U n i o n t o provide m a t e r i a l a s s i -s t a n c e for the S p a n i s h fighters w h o are defending the democratic republic by force of arms.

    The " I swes t ia " itself states that the First Secretary of the Central C o u n c i l of the Soviet Russian trade u n i o n associ-ations has remit ted the sum of 12 m i l l i o n roubles, w h i c h is equal to 30 m i l l i o n francs , to the Spanish Bolshevists . According to the B e r l i n "B-rsenzeitung", the President of the Spanish State, A z a n a , thanked the Soviet Jew Kolzow-Ginsburg in the fo l lowing w o r d s : "Please convey to the Soviet people that we have been p r o f o u n d l y touched by their sympathy and s t i r r i n g assistance. It was always clear to me that there must a lways be a c o m m u n i t y of interests between the great Soviet Democracy and the Spanish Democracy."

    Moscow attempts by means of its Comintern sections to induce even f o r e i g n g o v e r n m e n t s t o intervene o n behalf of the Reds in S p a i n . The French Right press con-stantly reports the de l ivery of F r e n c h a i rcraf t and F r e n c h war mater ia l t o M a d r i d .

    Money is collected by the Moscow Red A i d in every country without any disguise in order to help the Bolshevists in Spain. J o u h a u x , the Secretary General o f the F r e n c h F r o n t


  • Populaire trade u n i o n , the agent A n d r - M a l r a u x and others maintain connection between the French and Spanish Marxis ts . A c c o r d i n g to the " P r a w d a " , the Spanish Premier G i r a l thanked K o l z o w - G i n s b u r g for the "br i l l iant in i t ia t ive of French organizations and persons who are energetically supporting the Spanish Government in its struggle", m a k i n g special ment ion of Jouhaux , Malraux and the Jew J . B . B l o c h , a n d concluding w i t h renewed thanks t o the "fraternal Soviet people". H o w does the Front Popula i re government in Spain come to thank a Soviet Jew for the support of French Communists? It proves that the ringleaders of the French Communist party, l ike those of the same party in Spain, l ive in Moscow.

    There is proof that the unheard-of acts of cruelty in Spain were instigated and committed by agents of the Comintern. There is proof that Soviet Russ ia provides the Spanish Bolshevists w i t h f inanc ia l , pol i t ica l and practical assistance. There is proof that the last Comintern Congress in Moscow intended to introduce Bolshevism in theory and practice into Spain and that Moscow is now endeavouring to carry out this p l a n . Moscow's undiminished and even i n -creased determinat ion to b r i n g about a wor ld revolut ion is i l lustrated by the example of S p a i n . Anyone who does not realize this now cannot c o m p l a i n about the consequences.

    That is Bolshevism in theory and practice, an infernal w o r l d pestilence w h i c h must be eradicated and which it is the duty of everyone, conscious of his responsibilities, to assist in removing. It is not merely oratory when we Germans appeal to a l l the nations of the w o r l d to combine in order to meet this menace if they do not w i s h to be d r a w n into the whirlpool of a terrible and incalculable fate.

    Germany has given the signal for this world struggle. We National Socialists, as the originators of this struggle, have for fourteen years been the opponents who fought against


  • Bolshevism of every variety and hue; we did that under govern-ments w h i c h were typica l ly middle-class in character a n d h a d no idea of the effects of Bolshevism and who, therefore, hindered us every t ime we wished to strike a decisive b low. It seems almost l ike a miracle to-day that we succeeded, nevertheless, in defeating Bolshevism in Germany. It is also perhaps a miracle to be attributed to a supernatural power w h i c h d i d not wish to a l low nations and civilizations, thousands of years o l d , to be destroyed by the nihilistic w i l l of inter-national Bolshevistic Jewry .

    We were able to overcome Bolshevism because we were able to counter it w i t h a better ideal and a stronger faith, because the nation rose wi th us against Jewry and the racial ly infer ior underworld connected w i t h it, because we advocated a " W e l t -anschauung" w h i c h , in contrast to that of Bolshevism, is f ine, noble and idealistic, because in our struggle we were supported by the people themselves, and not, l ike the middle-class parties, by those with possessions and culture, because we combined the attractive force of our ideas with the strong fa i th and polit ical fervour of a newly awakened nation, and because we had a Fhrer who pointed out the way from the darkest hour of our national life to the clear, bright, pure light of a better future.

    It is the historical service rendered by the Fhrer, w h i c h the whole w o r l d already recognizes, that he barred the way to the onset of Bolshevism on Germany's eastern frontiers, and thus assumed the role of Europe's spiritual pioneer in its struggle with the subversive forces of destruction and anarchy. A true knight, without fear or reproach, he seized the banner of cu l -ture, humanity and c iv i l izat ion in his strong hands and carried it proudly against the menace a n d onset of the wor ld revolution. He has taught us to despise fear and love the things that are worthy of veneration, and thus restored our respect for our old national ideals and virtues.


  • That ought to be a signal for the whole w o r l d . We have proved under the most unfavourable circumstances that Bolshevism c a n be overcome if one wishes to do so, if one uses the proper means and if one is determined to oppose the powers of destruction wi th a l l one's strength and al l one's manly courage. The German People have thereby become happier, and this w i l l happen to a l l nations w h o w i l l have the good fortune to produce men w h o dare to take up this challenge. The scales would f a l l f r o m their eyes and they w o u l d see the whole evil cunning of Jewry and thus realize that once it has been recognized and seen t h r o u g h , it is neither clever nor dangerous.

    May the wor ld fol low Germany's example . Of course Natio-nal Socialism is not suitable for export, and other nations shall not be persuaded or even forced to adopt its methods. Yet it may prove instructive, and its methods of procedure may stimulate other nations to adopt the same course and thus evade a terrible crisis. May they do so before it is too late, for the danger is approaching everywhere.

    But we German National Social is ts are p r o u d that we have already solved this problem not only for Germany but also for the rest of Europe. A d o l p h H i t l e r , as the leader of this German struggle, has at the same time become the best E u r o p e a n . He has shown this tortured continent how to overcome the worst cr is is that has ever threatened it , a n d thus given the nations of Europe an opportunity of learning f r o m Germany and acting a c c o r d i n g l y . F o r the Red enemy of c iv i l iza t ion is at work in every c o u n t r y . The whole w o r l d is in danger. Therefore there must be no more vacil lation. We must be ready to meet the danger at the decisive hour. The Red Menace threatens us f rom the East , but the F-hrer is on the watch . Germany, as the outpost of European c i v i l i -zat ion, is ready and determined to w a r d o f f this danger f rom her frontiers wi th a l l the means at her d isposa l .


  • We have burned out the Bolshevist pest in Germany, and there is not a trace of it left in the country. It w i l l also no longer f i n d any opportunity of rais ing its head again in any way or at any time. The last sparks of this smoulder ing f ire have been trampled upon. The former leaders and init iators of this pest in Germany have either left the country or been taken into safe custody; but most of their former followers and adherents have long been absorbed in the new great German national communi ty . Regardless of how Moscow might attempt to set Bolshevism going again in Germany, such an attempt w o u l d be opposed wi th a ruthlessness that w o u l d astonish even Moscow. There is no one and nothing that could restrain us in such a case. The German nation wishes and demands that we should act thus. The people are happy in the enjoyment of their new internal peace, and by no means incl ined to allow it to be disturbed anywhere, at any time or by anyone. The P a r t y , as the agency for combating Bolshevism, watches over the safety of the State and protects the people and the nation wi th in the country, while the A r m y , as the incorporation of our national deter-minat ion to resist and defend ourselves, protects the f ron-tiers of Germany. These are the bulwarks of our safely, the supports of the people and the State. The nat ion can feel secure under their powerful protection.

    Meanwhile the Red anarchists in Moscow are arming in feverish haste. Their armaments are meant for aggressive pur-poses, for every Red regiment is imbued with the idea of World revolution. Every Red aeroplane and every Red gun is constructed for the purpose of spreading chaos throughout Europe.

    We are unable to influence or affect what other peoples are doing to ward off this danger. We cannot force them to make sensible and suitable preparations. But what we do is not determined by paying futile and careless regard to the


  • League of Nations nor to the more or less shortsighted sympathy w i t h the Soviet idea in other countries, nor yet by vague and unsubstantial attempts to promote collective security, attempts w h i c h entangle Europe in a network of incalculable respon-sibilities. What we do is determined by our duty and our conscience and the feeling of responsibility towards Germany and Europe. The Red K r e m l i n , by extending the period of mi l i ta ry service, has considerably increased the effective strength of the Bolshevist a r m y . The F-hrer has not left this challenge unanswered. By introducing a period of two years' mi l i tary service he has again provided Germany w i t h the security necessary to protect us f rom Red anarchy.

    Even if other States and governments may thoughtlessly attempt to make little of the danger by w h i c h we are a l l menaced f rom Moscow, we do not allow ourselves to be mis led ; we pay little attention to what the Moscow Jews are s a y i n g t h e important thing for us is what they do. We have seen through them, and counter every move they make with absolute precision and logicality.

    But the German People can now once more carry on their work reassured and in peace . The Reich is safeguarded and protected; the Red onset f rom the East w i l l be checked by the bulwarks of National Social ism. But above the nation stands the Fhrer as the faithful Paladin of his people, well-tried in need and danger, and inspired solely by the fanatical determination to m a k e Germany once more proud, r ich and happy. The Party watches over our safety at home and the A r m y over our safety on the frontiers. But both obey with joy and determination the orders of the o n e man who stands before us as the outpost of his o w n people and the pioneer of a better, sincerer, nobler and happier Europe. [END]

