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For sermons and additional resources, visit STBARTS.COM.AU JOSHUA (WEEK 9/9: WHO WILL YOU SERVE?) SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION QUESTIONS CONNECT: Who can you share God’s grace and mercy around you this week? WARM-UP Question 1. What lifelong commitments and promises have you made? How did you go with keeping them? READ Joshua 24:1-13 (Recall all that the Lord has done) 2. What are the clues that indicate that what is about to unfold is really significant? 3. Why was it necessary for Joshua to recount all of the history of God’s faithfulness? 4. As you read through the history of God’s grace (in these verses), how is it really evident that all of this was because of God and impossible without him? (Try to identify all of the verbs linked with God.) 5. Why is it imperative that God’s track-record of grace becomes our basis to respond in faith? What is the danger of responding out of guilt or a sense of one’s own goodness? 6. What are the regular opportunities in your life that cause you to recount the history of God’s grace? How do we do that as a church? 7. How can we become more ‘practiced’ as individuals and as a church in recalling God’s grace through history and in our own lives? READ Joshua 24:14-18 (Cling to the Lord today) 8. How has the entire movement of Joshua, telling about God’s faithfulness, been moving towards the questions of ‘who will you serve?’. 9. Do you find any of this section surprising? Why would it be considered ‘evil’ to serve the Lord? 10. Are there any other ‘gods’ that you are tempted to serve? What are these? How can you keep a watch on them in order to cling to the Lord alone? 11. For Joshua it is imperative that he and his household will serve the Lord. Do you share the same resolve? What would be the clues to outsiders that this is the case? READ Joshua 24:19-31 (Commit your Future to the Lord) 12. The commitment that Joshua asks for is enormous. Is this what Jesus demands of us? 13. How is Jesus the greatest example and fulfilment of service? 14. What does it look like to radically realign our lives in service to the Lord? 15. What is one area in your life that you think you can more align in God’s service? 16. How does Jesus fulfil the requirements of the covenant and enable us to be part of a new covenant? 17. What has been the highlight or has really stood out for you during this series? APPLY (to this week): Are there any aspects of your life that can be realigned to serve the Lord more? PRAY: Almighty God, we commit today to follow and serve you with our whole lives. Help us to serve you in the power and knowledge of your grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen

For sermons and additional resources, visit STBARTS.COM.AU


CONNECT: Who can you share God’s grace and mercy around you this week?

WARM-UP Question

1. What lifelong commitments and promises have you made? How did you go with keeping them?

READ Joshua 24:1-13 (Recall all that the Lord has done) 2. What are the clues that indicate that what is about to unfold is really significant? 3. Why was it necessary for Joshua to recount all of the history of God’s faithfulness? 4. As you read through the history of God’s grace (in these verses), how is it really evident that all of this

was because of God and impossible without him? (Try to identify all of the verbs linked with God.) 5. Why is it imperative that God’s track-record of grace becomes our basis to respond in faith? What is

the danger of responding out of guilt or a sense of one’s own goodness? 6. What are the regular opportunities in your life that cause you to recount the history of God’s grace?

How do we do that as a church? 7. How can we become more ‘practiced’ as individuals and as a church in recalling God’s grace through

history and in our own lives?

READ Joshua 24:14-18 (Cling to the Lord today) 8. How has the entire movement of Joshua, telling about God’s faithfulness, been moving towards the

questions of ‘who will you serve?’. 9. Do you find any of this section surprising? Why would it be considered ‘evil’ to serve the Lord? 10. Are there any other ‘gods’ that you are tempted to serve? What are these? How can you keep a watch

on them in order to cling to the Lord alone? 11. For Joshua it is imperative that he and his household will serve the Lord. Do you share the same

resolve? What would be the clues to outsiders that this is the case? READ Joshua 24:19-31 (Commit your Future to the Lord) 12. The commitment that Joshua asks for is enormous. Is this what Jesus demands of us? 13. How is Jesus the greatest example and fulfilment of service? 14. What does it look like to radically realign our lives in service to the Lord? 15. What is one area in your life that you think you can more align in God’s service? 16. How does Jesus fulfil the requirements of the covenant and enable us to be part of a new covenant? 17. What has been the highlight or has really stood out for you during this series?

APPLY (to this week): Are there any aspects of your life that can be realigned to serve the Lord more?

PRAY: Almighty God, we commit today to follow and serve you with our whole lives. Help us to serve you in the power and knowledge of your grace. In Jesus’ name, Amen


For sermons and additional resources, visit STBARTS.COM.AU


Each week we provide additional resources that help to go deeper with whatever series we’re currently focusing on as a church. Resources could include recommended books, articles, online

sermons, courses, or videos. These are optional extras! Please don’t feel under pressure to look at every resource, but consider what could be useful to.

Video • KIDS VIDEO: “People’s promise to Joshua”, an animated kids video

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGDvGFevOiA • VIDEO: “Joshua 24: The Choice” A sermon from Damascus Road Church

http://www.damascusroadchurch.org/sermons/sermon/2011-04-03/joshua-24:-the-choice • VIDEO: “Counterfeit Gods” A video message by Pastor Tim Keller


Talks & Other Audio • AUDIO: “A Nation is Forged” A sermon by John Stott

http://www.allsouls.org/Media/AllMedia.aspx • AUDIO: “The Choice we face” A Sermon by Richard Coekin

http://resources.thegospelcoalition.org/library/the-choice-we-face • AUDIO: “Faithful to the end: Joshua 24:1-33” a sermon by Jeffrey E. Miller


Articles and Other Reading • ARTICLE: “Wesley’s Explanatory Notes” thoughts of Joshua 24 by John Wesley

http://www.christianity.com/bible/commentary.php?com=wes&b=6&c=24 • ARTICLE: “Joshua 24 Summary” a dot point summary for Joshua 24

http://www.shmoop.com/book-of-joshua/chapter-24-summary.html • BOOK: “Counterfeit Gods” a critique of modern idolatry by Tim Keller (available in the St Bart’s Library)

http://www.timothykeller.com/books/counterfeit-gods • ARTICLE: “What does it mean to serve God” A reflection on Joshua 24:15 by John Piper

http://www.desiringgod.org/articles/what-does-it-mean-to-serve-god • ARTICLE: “How to Serve” a devotional on Joshua 24 from Ligonier Ministries

http://www.ligonier.org/learn/devotionals/how-serve/ • BOOK: “Joshua, Judges and Ruth for Everyone” by Professor John Goldingay. Available at Koorong (by

order), or: https://www.bookdepository.com/Joshu-Judges-and-Ruth-for-Everyone-John-Goldingay/9780281061280?ref=grid-view&qid=1492859279769&sr=1-1

• EXCERPT: An excerpt from the above book is available at: http://stbarts.com.au/2017/04/22/violence-in-the-book-of-joshua/


Talk 9/9 (Joshua Series): 18/06/17 “Who will you serve?” by the Rev’d Adam Lowe

Bible Passage: Joshua 24:1-31

Today as we come to the very end of our Joshua series, we’re taking a deep dive into Joshua’s final words to the entire nation. • But as the book reaches an end, as this chapter in Israel’s history closes,

we actually note that it culminates not just with one speech, but three…

• The first speech in chapter 22, as the Eastern tribes return home; The second speech in chapter 23, as Joshua farewells the leaders; and The third and final speech in chapter 24, are Joshua’s parting words.

• And whilst all three speeches are important, it’s this very last speech - in the context of the covenant being renewed, that is really so very significant for Israel and for us.

• These aren't just final pleasantries, this final speech is of the highest magnitude of significance.

• Verse 1 is loaded with clues, that set the stage for a massive challenge.

• Before you even get to the content of the speech, we know that this is critical, because of: WHO is there, WHERE they are, and TO WHOM they present themselves.

1 Then Joshua assembled all the tribes of Israel at Shechem. He summoned the elders, leaders, judges and officials of Israel, and they presented themselves before God. (v.1)



• Who is there? Everyone!All of the tribes; every elder, every leader, every judge, every official, everyone!

• You may think you’ve been to some big farewell parties before, well nothing compares to this!

• But if that’s not enough, reflect for a moment on where they are gathered: Shechem!

• The very place where God, in Genesis 12, first promised Abraham descendants and the land.The very place where Jacob, in Genesis 33, built an altar to the Lord.The very place where the covenant, in Joshua 8, is renewed after the defeat at Ai.

• And even though this Joshua’s last hurrah, they are presenting themselves to the Lord.

• All of the tribes, at Shechem, before God. Imagine the heightened sense of emotion. A serious occasion. This is a time of major transition. Joshua is saying goodbye.And what do you do at times of major transition? • You do some reflection, you ask some questions.

Looking backward, we consider what has shaped us, what has led us to this point. Looking forward, we consider what will shape us in the future. //


• As a church we’re going through a transition, as we prepare to move into STAGE TWO,there have been many wonderful opportunities to look backward and consider what has led to this point, of how God has led us to this point.

• But there’s also been wonderful opportunities to look forward, like writing Bible verses on the concrete floor last week, to consider what will shape us into the future. //

• So after everything they’ve been through, and after everything they’ve witnessed, there’s only one question that remains: who will you serve?

• That’s been the entire movement of Joshua, and now we’re right at the pointy end of that momentum. In light of God’s faithfulness, will you serve the Lord?

So, what does it mean to serve the Lord? Three things…

• RECALL all that the Lord has done;CLING to the Lord today; andCOMMIT your future to the only one who is worthy.



#1 RECALL all that the Lord Has Done \\ VERSES 2-13

So first, RECALL all that the Lord has done.

• In all three of the speeches, we see this pattern, of the faithfulness of God being recalled. • Verses 2 to 13 are a spectacular replaying, in summary form, of all the Lord has done. • As you scan through that history,

take note of the first person pronouns… • v.3 I TOOK your Father Abraham,

v.4 I GAVE him Isaac, I ASSIGNED the hill country; v.5 I SENT Moses and Aaron; v.6 I BROUGHT your people out of Egypt; I AFFLICTED the Egyptians;v.8 I DESTROYED the Amorites; and v.10 I DELIVERED YOU.

Verse 12 brings it to a point:

You did not do it with your own sword and bow. (v.12b)


• The point of course is not that they didn’t to anything at all, but that nothing at all would have been possible without God.

• This is not God showing off an impressive CV, this is God pointing to his grace, in order that it might inform their trust.

• They may have of had a part, but God was the cause! • Overwhelming message is: you can trust a god like this. When it comes to recalling what the Lord has done, we need to take note of both the premise and the practice. • The PREMISE is that if we are going to serve God, we do so in RESPONSE to him. • The PREMISE of our serving is not guilt, but joy.

The PREMISE of our serving is not our goodness, but grace. • Come to God in your own goodness,

you’ll end up thinking God owes you; or that God’s love is dependent on your efforts.

• But if you come to God in his GRACE, then you’ll be set free to serve him without bounds.

• Just as Israel’s history was defined by God’s grace, our history is defined by God’s grace too.



• And the amazing news is that we know not only more than Joshua of God’s salvation history, but we know of where it reaches it’s ultimate fulfilment!

• In Jesus’ death and resurrection. We know how the story ends, we have even more evidence of grace, on which we can define a life of service.

1 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. (Romans 12:1)

That’s the premise, that’s why recalling all that God has done is essential, but that also means we’ve got to put it into PRACTICE.

• That in order to have the history of God’s grace as the premise of our lives, we’ve got to be more PRACTICED in actually recalling what he’s done, because we all too easily forget or just rarely bring it to mind.

• And when you forget what the Lord has done, we all too easily stray from God. • That’s exactly what happens, one page on, into Judges, one generation on.

After that whole generation had been gathered to their ancestors, another generation grew up who knew neither the Lord nor what he had done for Israel. (Judges 2:10)


• We must be a people - individually and as a church - practiced at recalling all that God has done: not that we would be stuck in the past, but in order that it is the Lord who defines our future.

• It would be really helpful if we’re thinking this week, in the coming weeks, as individuals and as a families, where are the opportunities, and how are we growing in depth in recalling all that the Lord has done.

• We do that in some obvious ways when we gather: as we sing, and pray, and read the Bible, and celebrate the Lord’s Supper.

• But we’ve got to keep growing in this area.That we become better storytellers: of telling the history of God’s grace: to ourselves, one another, our church, our families, and the world.

• That we might RECALL, ALL the the Lord has done.



#2 CLING to the Lord Today \\ VERSES 14-18

That’s the first point, the second is that we must CLING to the Lord today. It’s great to look back and see how our history is defined by grace, but we must also cling to the Lord now, to ensure that we’re defined by grace today.

“… fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your ancestors worshiped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. 15 But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.” (vv.14-15)

The point is clear: we’re not only to cling to the Lord, but cling to the Lord alone.

• Fear God: that is to say revere him, recognise him for who he truly is, as perfectly holy,as all-powerful, as judge of all, creator of all.

• Serve God: not halfheartedly, not as an optional extra that you tip into your life from time-to-time, but wholehearted, with your entire life.


When you hear that Joshua has to tell them to put away these other gods, it’s easy to think, seriously guys, you know all that God has done, that God is real, can't you see how completely irrational it is to be worshipping other things?! • If he’s Lord, he’s got to be Lord of all.

Not sometimes, not part-time, not of some areas, but all! • And really, in choosing a substitute for God,

can’t you see how crazy it is, to choose all of these make-believe, fairytale gods, over and above, or even alongside, the Lord God you know, who has had an entire salvation history on which to firmly base our trust! //

• If you have that reaction, I just want to say in all gentleness, both to you and to me: just to pause and then in a humble moment of self-examination, turn that inspired critique of Israel’s flirtation with other gods, back on yourself?

• You know all that God has done, you know that God is real, but is there any other god, that you’re trying to serve as well that’s vying for your devotion?

The point of Joshua is clear: you can’t serve the Lord and something else. • Serving means something akin to holding nothing back,

orientating every aspect in your life around the object of your devotion. • If the focal point of your life is serving God, everything else trickles down from that.

How you do your job, treat other people, manage your money, spend your time… !10


• See it’s not that other things aren’t important,it’s that our devotion to God should shape all those other things.

• But the moment when we compartmentalise our lives, putting God here and other stuff there,then we’re setting ourselves up for conflicted devotion. It’s a big call.

• So Joshua says, if that seems undesirable to you, then choose something else. • Because if you’re not serving God exclusively, then you’re not really serving God.

But as for me: me and my household, we’re going to serve the Lord. • When Joshua says ‘household’, there’s a collective sense, of being determined together,

as individuals but also as a community, to serve the Lord. • Of being willing to ask: What is the focus that defines our today?

What is the focus that will define our future? • Even when it means putting away other things,

Even when it means making tough decision about what we prioritise,Even when it means doing things in a counter-cultural way,Even when it means making choices that involve self-sacrifice.

• That we would CLING to the LORD, and the LORD alone, today.


#3 COMMIT Your Future to the Lord \\ VERSES 19-31

Finally, COMMIT our Future to the Lord.

• In response to Joshua’s determination to serve the Lord, the people - can you imagine, all of the people - respond “we too will serve the Lord”.

• And thus, beginning verse 19, the “toing-and-froing” between Israel and Joshua ensues…

v.18 ISRAEL: We too will serve the Lord… v.19 JOSHUA: You are not able to serve the Lord… v.21 ISRAEL: No! We will serve the Lord… v.22 JOSHUA: You are witnesses against yourselves… v.22 ISREAL: Yes, we are witnesses…v.23 JOSHUA: Throw away the foreign gods… v.24 ISRAEL: We will serve the Lord our God and obey him.

Note that connection between showing devotion to God and obeying him.

• If you’re a parent, you know how much you feel loved when your child obeys you (willingly!). • Jesus said: If you love me, you’ll obey my commandments.



• This is not Joshua trying to use reverse psychology in order to trick them into being more committed to the Lord, he’s warning them of the seriousness of the promise that they’re renewing.

• Because frankly, whilst God has had a great track record of faithfulness, they don’t. As they yell out that they have chosen God, they’re clutching other gods.

• And so Joshua is saying, it just won’t do. God is rightly jealous. God demands and deserves all of their devotion.

• It’s a point of commitment that requires WORDS and ACTIONS. And so they proceed to the covenant renewal.

• This entire process reflects something of an ancient treaty process. • And with that, as Joshua warns them, comes obligations:

in order that God’s plans for the world through them could be fulfilled. • They even set some more stones to remind them of that.

But as you hear all of this, you know that there is a problem.

• That despite their conviction, we know that they’re incapable of following through. • They boldly claim that they would never forsake the Lord, but they did not keep the promise.

They end up becoming so preoccupied with the land, that they lose their focus on the Lord. !13

• If they can’t possibly fulfil their end of the bargain, who will? • You might think that it even seems cruel, for God to enter into a contract,

enter into an agreement, that they were never able to carry out. • That we’re never able to fulfil. • That’s why God, would take what we are incapable of,

and take it on himself through his son. • That he would not only fulfil his side of the contract, but make an entire new one.

That he would not only bear the cost for what we would fail to do, That he would even let his faithfulness become our faithfulness, that his righteousness would become our righteousness, in order that we might be set free to serve him and him alone.




This week, one of our beloved members, Margaret Cope, went home to be with the Lord. Margaret was born blind and had the most amazing devotion to the Lord. That was evident constantly through her life. She would talk of the Lord, sing of the Lord, quote the history of salvation, and it was sometimes hard to know where her talking ended and her prayer began. She was completely compelled by the Lord, and orientated her entire life around him. And I remember, one of her greatest convictions, she would say: I thank my God that I was born blind, because his face is the first I will see.

Friends, God has been so faithful to us, even to the point of death.

• So that we might be set free for relationship, for service to him. That we might recall all that he’s done, That we might cling to him and him alone, That our future would be defined not by our shortcomings, but by his grace.

• When you choose to make Jesus your Lord and Saviour, that’s what you receive. That you can have a confidence and freedom like Margaret. That you can devote your life to the phenomenal purposes of God. //

• Choose this day whom you will serve.But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord.

