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JOURNAL. One Dollar a Year. ae= '• Opera. Hons© Blook. Three Cents Per Copy VOLUME XXVI. LOWELL, MICIlfGAN, W E D N E S D A Y , DECEMBER 3, 1800. NUMBER 22. STEAM Fred G. Stone, AGENT. ^ Collars, 2c Cuffs, per pair, 4c Shirts IOC L«nvi> KOtxls or ordfr* nl C, G. Stone & Son's Store. L. F.SEVERY, Tin, Copper and Shcel-Iron 2d Door East of Ytiler i Look'i Store. R e p a i r i n g D o D e o o S b o r l N o t i c e . E I TC Trough: und Furnace Wurk A Bp-elalty. LOWELL. - BIICHIOAN. -FOR- u TIHI U ^oiQctuI St» fiiMBIMmihlp -*C1TY OF RACINE (lauiouabuillirn; jnukucvuii-uiM^itlioiui j lor 4.0 mint .If |/Otr uuu BtraiiuUip MENOMINEE WUI llMVe UKAN1' ilAV't-N KM CllKAOUlUlly. rii.Tj.1 IwuurM). at • p. m. DAY6 Ot b^lLINO. "CITY Of RAClNt." , •'HtKOMINEt." ! HU.tl'AV. ; MOM-AV . lUbtillAY. 1 W tUKtHDAY. | 'UlUttlibA^ , I KhiUAV. ! ArrlvinK lu Clllt. AUl ..is follo»lii( wuruikg lu Uu.a lol l..» otilguim Uau.s. FARE, berth iDciuiied, - $3.00 huunQ Trip, goofljor reason, t ).00 HfturnUiK. irav. (. H I CAUO da L> . Bun i.u, ai i JI . m.. a'nvii K a. Uh VMJ HAV «.N car- , 1) kvU UHHklun lu HUM I. r rail) " l » i - TllBot'uu 'IK'KCTa lu All l oiuia, »la CIllOAOO. i IWI IM L.UU UL an luilioau IK'k.'l AKCUU. | JOHN SINGLLTUN, Gen. Pais. Agfnt, ! Uootlilcli 'liau-puiUlluli Co., CIRO. CHAS. J. CHURCH 4 SON, BANKERS, Lyon Block, - Lowell, Mich, j A General Banking Businett Conducted. | ZtOJL3^B *0.4 CO —r .TtCXIOlTO. Urate* Hold on all Ki.rrlRn Cauutrlaa. L O W E L L Business Men's Association. Reeular Meeting's firtt Thursday in cvury month,*at B. C. Smith's store. D G. LOOK, Pros. IGLV LNDIANS. Thoy Bttn Worry thi United Statoa OtUoitt a. Antlrlpvllaiia of an Eirljr KlKlil-Trnop, Ux|ir.'iln ; Onlrn to Marrh Ac.iiKt Ilia llual.lr,-.I.It|iB WuMIDl'a Man Ar> AKI lUurlnj. URAUt W FUlllT. CIAMI ni.Aix, a I)., Nov. 2fl. —Ths Lower ilruln In.lmii potloe Thurtday nt^hl mnrtod lo tireak up iho ghosi duncox wli eh worn belnR cnrrli d on n lh" Will to nvor and PIKIII of tho load- tuff itimi'm-s aro In J ill ul t! •) agonoy. AtTalntwcro lively'or timi-but the police worn l DO murli for t'nu ndhprenU of tlio Mitiiali craze, lloing prrventoJ from dnnuln^. many of tl.o Indiana want to Juiiit ibolr romradn louili of tbo U'liiio river bus ttie Indian police will not W ibpin. P I XK Rinni AorKOT, & D.. D»c. 1.— Ited Hawk and liny liotl, two of the avrenry Indian pollen who have jutt re- turni'd from a acoiilliig expitllilon at tbe cutnp of the hoatileN In tbu Had Land*. »av thai the hostile* ha*c made every prepantlon 'or Imttfn and are watting for the troops to attaoU them. The KCoutH »;"rc discovered bv tbe boHtlloH and were obliged to flee for their HveK One of them bad hla bone shot from under him. Early Sunday forenoon word was brmiirhi to Agent Royer that irlcndlles were dl«appcarlng very rapMiy from their enmj). uhlcli la altuated within sight of the agency buildings. Investi- g a t i o n s h o w s t h a t n e a r l y S.OOO of them have dlnapiienred since Friday night. '1 be hoNlllca aro reported to be burning their bomea and stealing their cattle. Whether ihoau *bo have disappeared have gone to protect their property orto Jolu tbe hoi tiles is not known, but li It fearod thiy will take the latter coura.i It has lieen learned through scouts tliat tbe himtlli s have wltbdrawn to the Had I .a mli and Intended tliore to await the coming of tbe trooiw. These Had Lands are very slmllsr to those In which tho Modoc ransHucre occurred. Tho tcouls that brought tbe Information con- cerning tbi.-t latrat plan of tho boallloa also said that the latter had Just sluughtered Ail bead of (lovernmuiil cntllnandSU) belonging to Governor Mellette, of South Dakota. Tho scouts sun this lieef being Imuled in wagons snd pack trains to the new camp lu Ilsd Lands. Many wagon-loads of f/jur and othnr provisions tbul hod I eon stolen from the settlers were also seen headed for tbls reiiion. (imeral lirooko has Just ri'cciv.'d a tnlegraiu of 70V words from Uenerai Auger na-nlng him ttiai 800 lodges (aliout 1.000 wurriohi) of Cbey ennea wore coming from Cheyenne agency to Join iho hostile- near hero. D I CK I . NSUK , N. U. Dec. I . Tb« In- dian troubles are Musing much rilarm to tho settlern at remote places west of bero. Citlsens of Kolllold, twenty miles west, were aurpri-od Satur- day lo seo settlors with their, fsro- Hies coming in from all direc- tions. Tlioy wen) all much scared, having heard thai Iho IndUas were camped on Orsnd river llfty miles south. Tho oltuatlon was so alarming that a leading cltuen arrived here from lU-lllcld Sunday lo eonsull with tbe aiitborltlos and learn tho truth p( the situation. There la good authority for ssylng that bands of Indiana are oon- gregatlng on the (Jrand r.ver and aro acting susplciousl \ Tbe alarm among tho women and chlldrnn at HvMeld is such that they w.ll b < comforted only when the men keop in bodies to watch. 1. J. aovKa a. a-coKm. DAH'L rraisaa. Bowne, Combs & Striker, BANKERS, Lowell. - Michigan. Transact a Oeneml Ikinklng Business snd Issue Uralts •vailatilo in all parts of the World. JI/. C GRISWOLD, I'AHLLIKU PRGKHAM'9 C R O U P R E M E D Y ! THE CMILOBEN'S MEDICINE. rerCehln. f..uih«- lliiaiM-nr*#. tVlinep- , Ina < ouuli, Cruup. MM uij U- H'Uliil lu rVrr) b<.u»rlial*; IWai.l, H.ifa.Ornalu. Alsnj, n-ly uiKin It for ClUumV Thi..t •»«' U.n Tri.uli 0.. ivnlalns Mo oJitaUf. lh"" avoW a* I Hi. daPiTmiiK 1ffrci»llen rr.uliliiK *1"" CI'KM niixiuir- |.I. IMII --1 '.ra. ult>»l> •••»fM'i«l I >l- rvu. MIVB 111!" < lillilitril. UrtM iHiiileioiU; I lounia) e«-., ItWaliilil. HnlilliVSlMliuntts'K. . FIFTY DOSES 25 CENTS. S& f"i'o Illlinn«nM«. Sick Iloailachp, ConiU- jiaUon.Ualsrla, Liver CoiaplainU. Uts the ssfo and certain twnody, SMITH'S BILE BEANS r s e t h e HMAI.fiSlae (lOlllUeUMnslolhs |«:llo) Til Br AIIE Till; MOST CONVKSIKNT CSu<tnl->LS tor ABOM . *•' PTICO of either alae. SOe. p e r Coltle. mlwv II b< H i; -''•' ,,r 1 fW.it«vHti«fjisjgi S1U: ,1 S A:;;, ."M.10UIS mo .•kn.i. ot Body aaaKlsd, Metts ' " lor Ezc.i.e. In Oidor Youn*. Kacip'il from Nine Mlaff. Stso S inii. Nov. SO —Cliarles Brown, alias Charles lirennun. sent up from Kew York City for four years in the State prison bere for grand larcenr, has mado his escape. Brown had two keys which ho could nut have gut without collnsliio with some one employed In the prison. Be opened two dours. barred them after him, and acaled tl.e walla and jumped Into the river, then swimming to a place of Kufety where be must have had friends with dry clothes. Ills es- cape was discovered an hour after hla iteparture. but no trace of him has yet been discovered. r..ui Affray I M Ohio. VANWKRT . O. NOV . 89 —A t 10 o'clock Thursday night Ham i'rooil woa sbot and instantl .' killed, and Oliver Ramsey was also shot in tho face by Wm. Slow- art (all colored). Proolt was aelllng tickets at tbu window for tbe danee, and SUiwan camo up outside. A few- words wore enhanged, and Stewart llred with a SJ-calibro revolver. Ram- sey tried to prevent tbe shooting when Hlowarl turned and UTIMI al him. Tu 111* tax K •rlrleltr. Nltw YnUK. Nov. •.t). .Martin D. Lop- py, who waa convicted of murder In the first degree for killing his wife Esther on July 4 issi, hss been sentonced to tbe deuih peniilty. Tbe date fur thu exeeiitlon is sol for within tbe week be- g.nnlng January 8. and Sing Sing tbe place. On» iiu iilra l Y"sr« O rt. NKWY<> I U . B r a I . - Ira Brandonsteln. of this city, celebrated bis IDOth birth- day on Satnrilay. Thu old man is still stout and atrong. Smoking has been one of bis cherlsbud hablw. He began when he was N and has Qovor ralln- quished the indulgence. M HIT Wfir" Hurl. BnooKi.vy. V. Y., Nov.- 88.—At East- ern I'ark in this city, a big stand of free seats erected for tho Yalo-I'rinoeton foot-bail game collapsed yesterday snd hurled lo the ground overtf.OOilpersona, fifty of whom were injured, none fatally. HOH I M I huiiw-Miirin lor Yaara. I . OMH I N , Dos. 1.—The snow-storm In England is tho severest sineo the Crimean war. Sheep are dying by thou- sands, It bolng impossible to give them food and shelter. Ma«r IOIM tlreiivemil. BR I MX , DOC . 1.— Eighty-seven bodies have been found In the flooded Anna pit of the Brusx Mining Company. Seventy-olgbt mlucri were recovered alive. AH Hlone. unheard, unknown—he mukee bis mnair—in a IBtli M.ory be<i- IINIIII The reuium is obvious, he is Hufferlng every thli<g w'lii a ndd end li.IXU't gut n MINI I D step uersw the street IIT one BUiall oottlo of l)r Bull'* Cough Sirup. MILES' NEUVK 4 UVBR PILLI. An ii'iponam discovery. They act on the liver, KIIUIIHCII mid Imwels throuKli the nervrt. A new principle. They speedily cure UUousnei*. l-a't 'aste, tor- pid liver, pilusand coustipatiun. Splen- did for luen, uoineii and children. Hmallest, mildest, surest. 80 doaes for, 2.'iceiiw. Sample ftotat Yultcr&Look's Dr uu Blow. p A R N E L U sMMFKero. Ua *1 air UK I HM U'I It-«tin the IM *. •rsuiii or ib« ir.sfe. I JON - DON , NOV . rmnni which Mr. I'srnell protulsod to I dealing with sll the laeatioas involved in tbe present poHtkttt«nsl*, 1113 bneki made public. It deftnll»l» settles that Mr. 1'arncll will not volaotariiy retlro from tho Icadcrsbi^ol tb* 1 Irish Parlla- mentary pur'ty. Tli» manl'esto Is of great l-ngth and eoik forth why, m Mr. Parnell's oplMoa, It would bo diias- trous to tbe best interests of tbe partf 1 for blm to withdraw attbvpreaent lima. Mr. Parnell delles bis political oppon- ents, and sp^als to the ix'oplo of ire- land to sustain him in tho stand be h ;S taken. LOMK I ^ . Deo. 1. -Mr. Gllditonn bos issued H reply to the franlft-sto of Ms. I'nraell. in which ho denlea the asser- tions of the latter regardi- tho retcn lion of Irish memliers In CENSUS FIGURES. Boperiatond-j l of -tho O -nmifi For- t « r . G I Ufa* W aal Resu t. Xh* H«po'«ik>a Of eiiiud Stmi-s 1 Jan* List tV»» 0S.at3.4Sil-Tlis NumlH-rs slio»» In RaiU or Iho F.VS I ovrn RTXTT Mirj.intr. WASH I NOTOW , NOT . thiperinlend- •nt Vtortsr. has completed his final do- ternlnatlon of the population of the conntry In June. IKVn, w h i c h la now plac-d at H-.'.ti.-J.S.VJ. By StaU-s aud di- visions it is as follows: North Atlanliu division— Maine esi.inUMassarlioa'tt.. t,tr*W1 Vtfiaur.t. t ... H- I'-'fifciiiMtk-tn... KJioi*-ip.iiii., 3A^4i{Ncw Joraay... LlM.wxi SeiTVBrK". ..WTKMi l*vnuavlviiula b-tt'ivUH , New llam'lt're 3;S.W | Total 17.101,HI 'arilament. South Atlantic division— and with respect lo proposals alleged to Delasst iinWaS-th Ca ollra have leen made to him (IWil) .' ir- ^ ing his visit to Ha warden last Novem- 1 viigtals .. i.s\\ her. Mr. Glailslone's letter i> temper- ate in tone, hut condemns the Irish leader for breaking eoufldence with blm. HALF A DOZEN LIVES LOST. Laka la •IX I-ocirrr. Ilrownod In llavl.' 1 Nnrlhrrn tVlaennaln. , Br PAl'U Dec. I.—A fearful calamity took place al Miller, Slgnorr t Co.'a logging-camp on DHV I ' S lake, twenty mllas north of Rice Lako, Wis., Satur- day night. Tbe men who were on the opposite side of the lsk« from the camp wure returning to sapper. The boat was caught lo a heavy gust of wind, which upset It, aad tbe following weredrownedi Frank Fourinor, John Crotto. Arthur Pago, William Knight. Ch irlos Stykes. and A. I D. Clark, of Ro/altoa, Minn. The bodies bare not as yet been found, owing to theeondi'Jon of the ico. HUNDREDS DROWNED. Baaalt ot lha li'aMUr to tlio Plahlac n-al Ol Xorway. Losnnx. Nov. *0. — Additional 1.isi.lt l,'ST..tf.l SKI^U Weal Virginia. 'tJ.IM N'rth Carolina I.SIT.W/. Total SJST.WJ Nortliein Centr.l illvislou— OM» .ren.Sl« Michigan S0T3S8J Illlaola........ U.8 <t.-cillAltaiii'ikita..... I. ut.xD Wlwousln. ... 1,ie.-.8 0|M|.suurl Iowa i,sii.nt|South Dakota. mK« North Dakota. l'2;i lUannas I,UT,< W NebtBJka..... I.o^.viu ,— Indiana 2, « .0.1 T tal •S.aMJTJ Southern Central division— Kentocky I.tr.ssa Ml-aiaMppl.... 1 SW.mo Alabama 1 M-.m; Te.-.as i.a\iea Loulnlaii.! 1 ll-.i-simialionia Cl.tflS Indlaa Trrrtt'y —— Arkausaa I.ISIITS. Total lO.VW.KO Tennrise*. ... l,7«75ia| Western division Montana I2.MM Malm W.3» Wyoming ru.flll Ala»kn Colorado <!« | g : Wa-hiaKton... SfltS) New Mexico . ir.Otwo. i'Xm Arij. nu r<i.r«u Uatironiia lUKino Utah. SUMO.; Nevada... ... 4I>.»|| Totst UMT.MI Tbe consos shows that there baa been an increscent 7 per crnt in tbe total in- dehteducss ul over Huu cities and towns. OFFICIAL FIGURES. Plaratuloa ol lha Siiecaa tot Cauda it's fur Congrra. In I Itnola. Sntnopir.i.D. Ill, Nov. 29.—Tho State Board ol Canvassers concluded the vices have been received concerning csnvais ol the voto in all tbe ConatW the disaster lo the fishing fleet off " O'olon. on tho Norwegian coast. Of 180 smacks, all of which were compelled to cut away their rigging, seventy were driven ashore and battered tapieeeaon < tbe rocks. Many smaller loala weroaiso ' wreckcd. i t ia feared that hundreds of Uvea were I091. Tho bodies of vlctlma are constantly being washed ashoro. 1 ionsl districts. The plnrslitl-s of Iho winning eanildat^s in tho various dis- tricts are as follows: I. Taylor, U ... II. Cihla. D I.m S. MiGanu D .... 8.T.V< 12. Wllke. U 7.MI a Durbofow, D. AI M 13 Sprlnp-r, ll.... 6.ori C Newberry. 1)... ol.-ti Scot. D. l.-.-iJ ft. Hopkins K 11. is. Itnsey. D '••9 «. Uitt It ft I I Kttlilan. D ul-i 7. Head-ra n. U. 1",. I.a-ie. D n.VtJ & Stewart. D. ... Tri in r..nnun. D t.TSl «. baow. D v.7 i» Wil lams, D . «7i7 l a I'MV It SI-^i Smith. It \3n For Clerk of the Supreme Court, southern division, thu plurality for Howell (D.) Is 8.871. For Clerk of Su- preme Court, central division, the pin- rnllty for Snlvnly (D 1 is 17.8S1. For , . . . Clerk of tho Appellatn Court. Si-cond ly latroduoe a hill In the Blet providing district, thu plurality for Dully ill.) Is for the estsbllshmant of an Inatltule of For t ^ rk of lbo b«ler!ology at which Prot Koch may r h M d | 8|rtcti thc pi ur ,, Uy for pursue Ms siodiea. Connected with tha Jonea (D ) is 18.1IM. Kor Clerk of the InsUtuto will bo flvo inflraiarios. con- | AppeU.u, court. Fourth district, tbe frof. KasWa IHsi-.tary. RFI.IN, NOV . SO.—THO number of physicians coming lo Burlln to study tba Koch method has not Wsened. There were 132 arrivals Thursday. Tbe Government of Pniisla will nbort- taining 150 b<-ds. After allotting to Prof. Koch an adequkto grant for bla discovery, the Guvurnmoni will und"r- take the work of producing the lymph. Klllxl by aa E.lltnr. BvLACAiTtt.t. Ala. Nov. 29.—William B. Buntor, editor of tbu Bee. on Thurs- day abet and killed Town Mnrahal Uokorson. The latter arrested tba editor while with n party of friends, charging him with disorderly conduct. Hunter was discharged. At a subse- quent meeting between the two men the marahal attacked the editor with a stick and tba latter drew bis revolver, with on lhllt urin J' J " | y afternoon In 1874 tba above result. , when bis son was kidnaped by Mosher, Douglass ami Westervelt ran<iaM< i..r Ki-i-nni.d-r-aaa. | Mr. Ilo« decUres that ho U ontiraly BAI.KIOI , N. C., Nov. 29.—"I he State aatlsfled that the young man who has Board of I'enalons baa apportioned l| vw i «ith the MeChrlstya inder the 080,000 among .ix-Confedoraui pension-1 BiWe or Charlie MeOnristy. and who era in thia Slate, ilml t mount, under utolv been saving that ho Is Charlie plurality for Burton (D.) is 7,808. NOT HIS BOY. Tba Charlie It'!.. I UU-KI lo Mnsloa li Moi tlia l.uiig-Luai Youth. BOSTON NOV . 2S.—Christian K. Poss reached Boston SVeJnesday night, and an intorviow w.n arranged with tho boy. Charlie McCbristy. w-hom thn Now York police believo to be the long-lost Charlie Boss. After an extended inter- view with tbe boy Mr. Rosa failed to identify blm. and he still feels that ho is no nearer the child than at the hour an act of the laal Leu-iaiature. waa thla year ralsnd by taxatlo i. Tho pension- era are soldlurs who were disabled While in tho service of the State and widows of such soldiers killed in suob svrvico. Many llnraaa tlurnad. llAnsnALiiTowx, la.. Nov. 29.—The barn of Mra Chris Bolmoiischneider, three and a half mili-s southwest of State Center, was burned to tho ground Thursday n|gbt. toguthcr with twenty Boas. Is rosll no other than tbe second aon of Burglar (barles Mother, who waa tbe principil ahilin tor of Charlie and who was killed l Biy Bldgo in 1874 while committing a burglary in 'the bouse of Jttdgu Van Brunt. A Phil .Ilrlptilo llmik Kntl... PmLAneuputA. Nov. 89.—B K. Jami- son A Co., bank-ri and brokers, failed Friday morning, caused by lbo mono- . tary stringency and the Impossibility five bead of borsos aqd aoyen<y-ilve of replacing loins culled by tbe banks, tons Of h a y . 'ibe loss will be heavy. The Ilabllilii.s are variously estimated There waa 81.800 insurance on the I at from W0U,000 to Si.000,000, but no horses and SLOU ou Iho barn. figures whatever have been given out on which to base these opiniomi. lira. I'nrauiia Ualaaaad, KBW Yonit. Nov. 39. -Mrs. Lucy Par Bli ftiliura Kltlril by . Whala. SAX FuAacisco. Nov. 28.—The whal- ing bark Ooiiaii arrived Thuraday. The .. captain furnishes tho parUcuiara of the ,he AnsrehlsX charged wTth Tn- oss ef six sallow: They had mortally citing a riot in Joraey City a few weeks wounded a whale and approached too ^o, WM pi lcol i on tr . B i | n juj,^ Klrk , close in their boat The whale etraek potrick's court of special sesMons and tbe boat and the men were thrown out after the ixumlnalion of tho polluo who and drowned or killed. , made thu arrost tho jury returned a All the CVIIIO on lha Mrtp. KAXBAS C I TY , Ma. DOC . 1 . —E SL Hewins of Cedarvain, Kan., la at Mid- land. Ho reports that thecattU' are all verdict of not gulUy and the woman loft tho court roum with tier friends. (lanara Ilu.Iiie>a ADkrlnl. NKW YIK. NOV . 39.—Dun I Co. ro- of the Cherokee strip and that tho port that tho monetary strlnguncy Is closest Inspection will fail to show a affecting guneral business, and llial single instance whore President liar- speculation Is reviving to an unhealthy rison's order has been dlkohcyed. extent. While thu volume of t.ado ia LL^L P.. M o. II m LLLLB .1 IUF.,. 1 [V*. lu T" L ' U ", U0U4 Tnvvniv V I K..V im, ttMiil'imln ,b " ul obligations, and are u . m. . i . i , i n"i i making only neceasary purchasus. «right, aged 81 is dead. He had eaten | J v nothing for five montlis on accounl of Kvi-ntepu tvrro Uisr. stnmnch troulde. Ho beoa-no hnlplesa | NEW OI.KIXN , Dec. I.— Furthur par- four weeks ago and took to bei. Ho llcularsof the burning ol the steumur died without any appirent pain. Ue T. P. Loalhors in the MiKslsnlppiThurs- waa reduced tu skin and bones. j day, near Port Adams, show the disaster to have boon much gruuti-r than at first FOR IRELAND'S SAKE. Tk« Irlali I'arllauiouttrr Dalagatoi Maal Willi a Kousing lli>oi.|itlon at Ch CMgo. C I CAUU , D.'o. I. • Batterj D proved inadeqiiato to ao-ninmoiatH the crowd wbiob gather d on .Saturday night to welcome Mosrs Dillon. CHrlen and the other Irish metnlK'rs of I'liriiatitHn' who srs now making a tourof American dtlos. AN overflow meeting Was tbsre- foro held in the Cavalry armory adjoin- ing. Tho noted Irishmen made apeoches at both places. After Mr. O'BrRin's address bad eon- eluded a collection was taken. Seven gentlemen subscribed |B00 each and there wai a lung string of lion. SSO a n d 835 oircrlmr-i. When figured up the total reached something more thaii (18.- 00U. '1 bis amount will prohahly bo in- creased by future siihscriptlutis. SCARED DEPOSITORS. Thojr Kon-r a nolulh (Minn.) Hank to Cluap It. Ilmira. MiixKAPiiui, Mluu, Dec. L—The JonrBBl's Dulutb, Minn., special says: The private bank of Hall A Co. lias closed Ha doors temporarily, in a run Krld.i. fr.u.uiw of the »70,000 of deposits were dnwn out. When the cash was exhausted, Mr. Hall addressed the walling depositors and told them that ho could pay no more cash, but if they would sail a day or two they would be paid in full. He ha- not yol raised the nco-^sary funds. No runs have hoen made on the other banks. They have the largest cash surplus on band In their history. Thoy have called In over 8. - '00,iioO of loans duilng the past two weeks. FATAL ^ ACCIDE T JT. Thiea Pnys llurlod Under Four f a r I ol Hand i-Md Hu.-rooalr I. A TLANT I C . Ia.. Nov. 2S.—A fatal ao- cldent occurred Thursday afternoon at a deserted stud pit. Four oblhlren were pla Ing in Iho pit u hen n crust of earth caved in, burying three of the boys under four feet of sand. A large force of men with shovels w-as soon at work, and afu-r half an hour's digging the bodies were recovered, still warm. Two of thom showed signs of life, but effurls at rcsuseiiatlon were fruitless. Tho vlctlais were Fred, son of W. A. llswley, aped 7. and .Millard and Fred, nons of John Tally, aged respectively 7 and 6 yean. .Sottuna In It. N KW Y U DK . l> -C. I.—The story of the sale of the Ni » York World lo Mossra. Ch Ida and Br xni. r.f Pliiladelphia. for *4,000.1109, Is omphatlcall.y denied by Colonel John A Cuckorlll, maniiging editor of thu World, and otners in an equally goo;! puiitlon lo know the facts. They say that Mr. Pulitzer has nu lu- X on of suliln/ the Wurld or any in- t in It. Ths piper tbuy claim is worth 81o,OU, 000, u n i the a Begad aale for d.OJO.oou Is rldirulous. Ala a Hlil-ki i. .« .i Died. M I XSEAPOMS , Minn.. Dt«v 1.—Will- iam J, B^H. commercial traveler for a Chicago toluccc^ hous-. while drinking a glass of whisky here Saturday nlghl began eating the glass and bad d.-voured half of it when Interfered with. Hedled In a few minutea Grief and murtifica- tlon at boarlng of his wife's arr. si in a disorderly house caused the deed. He waB well connected In Chicago and To- ledo. China.* Mun llai-oni* Itoislana. Losnox. Nov. £9.—Stringent orders have been sent from SL IVterab'urg that all Lhinefe settling lu the Trans- Baikal region of Asiatic Russia shall lis reqnir d lodeclarn themaelves subji.-ots of the Crar. Tho Uusslan districts ad- joining Manchuria are being filled up with Chinese colonists, many of whom are belieiod to lie iu the mililarv aorvics of China A PMrmrr'a II-ivy l.na<. Multitis, Minn, Dee. 1.—Fire de- stroyed thu faru; buildings and irraln of W. K. WMter during a heavy wind- storm Friday nlgbu The grain do- strored consisted of 8,20 < hiisbois of wheat, 2.000 bushels of oats. 1.200 bushels of corn and l.OOu intsliels of flax and buckwheat Tho total losi Is 820,- 000; insured for H,200, llmka Tliruagli ttir I.r. Ei.T. Minn,, Use, 1.—K C. Orr and Samusl Terrell, minln r extM'rtsat work about six miles from this village, in trying lo w-aik across Fail IU.D broke tbi-ougb and were drowned. The bodies were recovered, Orr is thoiifrht to have gone to ths resell" of 'i'urrell after bo got in the water, and both wont through and wore lost THE MARKETS. LIVE STOCK-Cattle, She Bon..,, FLOUR -Fair to fsm-y... Uluui-.ot. Pjtentn WHEAT No. J Ue t No. 3 Red CORN'-.So. 2 Unfnuled Mix -it OATS-Mixed \V.stern . HYE Western Kxw ViittK, Oct. i. Ii A. « i oj 4 Ol s .« u nu a 4 so 4 r. 6 s :r. 5 IS Q 6 00 i iS'.iu. 1 oi ,4* W s i, • aisi f i T'. CA 4- it, ia :* «* Tlia Itrci'lpla rat. Off. NKW O I . I CANM , Nov. 29,-The ao- eounti of tbe postmaster In this oily for thn first twenty-two days of this month show thai t h e r< celptM for the period were tl,134, against for the first twenty-two days last year, when the lottery law was not In force. Jampf l Ot. r lha Pallsadra. Exni.KwooD. N. J.. Deo. I.—An un- known man. about 50 years of age. com- mitted suicide br Jumping over thn pali- sades, falling a distance of 175 foot His head was crushed and luft arm broken. There was positively nothing Uireteal his identity. Funaral of It I'. Illilllabar. CIP.IJKA , Mass.. Nov. 29.--The funor- al of Benjamin I'. Shlllaber (.Mr>. Part- ington). who died here Tuesdav even- Ingi look place yostorday fium tho Uni- vursalist ohurch 8ICK HEADACHE. LOOBKV RED CLOVER P I LLS CURB fiicc Headache. Dyspepsn, liidlgistlcn. t-'on stipaiion. 25c per Box, 0 Boxen for |1. Sold by all druggists. Unrklaa'a Arnica Salvo. The Best 8ALV<t in the world for nuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fe- ver Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chil- hlains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and podillvely cures Piles, or no pay rc- quired. It le guaranteed to give perfect BBtisfaction. or money refunded. Price 25 cents per bo». For sale by Hunt ft Hnotor reporti d. Seventeen per ons were either burnod or druwited lu attumptlng lo escape from thu flames. Tlia Pillure II enrd. NEW YO I K . NO* . 99 —The husinoia (allures occurring tbrotlghuilt tho coun- try during the last suvun days numlier 219, as compared witti 274 last week. For the corresponding week of last year tho figurea were 249. Ilurnail lo llaalli. M I LWAUKKH . Nov. 2K —Tho 5-yoBMld daughter of William Jordan, farmer of Wlnnoconne. Wis,, was burnod to death Thursday, While playing with matches hor clothes bepamo ignited. Henalor I ' UKI Ita-Ktarli-IL MOXTOOUK I I V , Ala,, Nov. 29,—Mr. Pugl: has boon elected l"tilted States Senator by thu L. gUiatuiu to sucuuud himself. Prof. Lnlsellr'a Strmory dyilani Is Creat- Ioc greater latrn-at .Ibau e»rr In all partunf the country, snd ivraons vlulling to hnpmte thi-ir n- ,mory shnuld aawl for hla proavrctus frae as advertlaed lu another uolumn. PORK-Mo-II IU j,l . •J JI I.AItl) Wesli-mSll um i y 0 1(4 UUTrKU—Wester Lr ami-ry SI ,i * C.iltMUJ. BEEVES -Shipping Sim-... p 10 6 M Cows •j n H.H-ii-rs U 10 u ill Feeder* ... .1 S 1 10. Hull hers" H-eera S SJ a 3 it iiuiis 1 o m :i -JS notis-Lii-o :i. « l ul KIIKEI* ; T,". C 1 TJ Ii 0 TTBIt— C'reann i v 11 ifllt OooU to Clioli-. u. .ry 11 ci St E<508 rre-ti SI U VI DltOJM COUN— Hurl... .... *va 6 Hel'wurkii"! 3 U « Cronke i 1 i SH POTATOES (p-r Ii i i f.-i i 01 PORK-Mis* 0 11 n « K'i LARU-Sieam .1 S rLOUIt H ring Pit.-its 4 SI i» •» 73 Winter !"n c i « so *1 & (U Makers S A a 3 H ORA IK -Wheat. No «. VI WH Corn. Nn,i ... W '9 W Oats. No il « iS iSU Rye. No J Ul V. TO Ilurliy, Nu * Cash n u to LUMHEFT- Bldlug Flooring . ., Common II lanli Latb-Lrv SQIaKlvr... ST 1/ CATTLEi-Slcera Sleeken "Bd F a-ir.. DOOM—Fnlr to Choice llenv Mlxisl (J.'. d 'i SHEEP OMAHA CATTLE—Pi Ian- Fane)- Fair to Uoo.1 UOGS iuou ^nuo .. ,Ti III fril Ol ,. 13 .u o u so .. n %• niri o si o 9«> 2 Ul U 2 CO I s a s oo v tu d 3 00 . .1 'CI 9. 3 Ml 3 3,1 M 3 70 ,., 4 UlftS 00 f 2 « ft 4 US 4 IS «. 4 K. •0 4 13 .. 3 3) ., 3 HI Theiecent speech of Congressman Mc- Kmley of Ohio liefure Congress on the pending turilT bill, has ju-1 been iwnietl in innipblet from. The S|>eech includes | valuiblu statistical tubles. and is 11 n nd-1 mirablu presentation o' tho ndvHiitage* 1 of the prlnuipleN of |iri>cie<;tiun, as uin- btKiled in the now TarilT Bill, Send a two-cent stamp for a copy to 1 ih» AMKR I CAN PuoTKcnnc TAR I FF ! ! LRAOOB , 2A West 83a Street, New York City, Burns or wounds should lie nitended to carefully, especially in cold weather. We would reconiinend Salvation Oil for such cases. All druggists sell it for 33 cents a bottle. Choice cream candies at Rtckert's BR VHFIELD'S FEMALE UEUUl.A TOR Hhnuld I M - used by tbe vnung woman, she who stilTers fnnn any disotder is-cti- iiar t-i her sex, and nt chanite of life is a •Miwerfttl tonic; benefits all who use It, Write 1 he Brail Held Reg Co , Atlanta, Oa . fur particulars. Sold by Yeiter & Look. PILES! PILES! PILES! l)r, William s Indian Pile Ointment is the only sure cure for Blind. Bleeding or Itching Piles ever discovered. It never faibi to cure old cbronis cases ol long standing. Judge Coons, Maysville. Ky,. says: "Dr. William's Indian Pile Ulntment cured me after years o sulfenng." Judge Coflln'-urj-. t.'leveland, U,.savh "I have found by experience that i)r. William's Indian Pile Uintment give* Immediate and permanent relief," We have hnndredB of such testimo- nials Do not suffer an instant longer, sold by all druggists at fiOc and |i per (88yl) For Qalo -Several choice farms lo- ODIE. Cjtedln K(wnti Vergen- nea, Bowne and Boston. Alsc several houseft and lots In the village of Lowell. Can suit all claasos of customers. For rnrtiier particulars inquire at the office oi 8. P. HICKS, itt over West & Go's drug store A WONDER WORKER. Mr Ftank Huffman, a youn^ man of Burlingion, Ohio, states' that he had lieen under the aire of two piominent lihyMcians, and used iheir treatment un- til In; was not able to get around. They |ironouuccd his case to be Consumption and incurable. He was persuaded to try Or King's Now Discovery for Con- titnptlou. Coughs and Colds and at that lime was not able to walk acran the street withoat|rasting. He found, before he hail used half of a dollar bottle, that he was much better; he umtinued to use it and lu ti.-day enjoying good health. If yen have any Throat, Lung or Chest Trouble, try it. We guarantee satisfac- tion Trial bottle free Mt Hunt & Hunt- er'h Drug store. THOUSANDS POISONED. In a recent work on He.-iri Disease, Dr Franklin Miles-the noied spet-ialist— gii-«M many now and startling facts. Thonsandaof people are slowly |M)isoning theiuselves, weakening Iheir hearts by 1 he use ol tea, cuffce. loliarco and al'-o- hul. These oru HEART Willie, causing it to beat rapidly, thus gradually earing It out, producing shortness of Im ath when exercising, pains in side and sh< u der, hungry and faint s|iells. Fi- nally heart failure and sudden death, tor weakened and irritated hearts the lir-sa eier> » here highly reconiinend liie New lle»rlCuredUc.ivereil by Dr Frank- lin Miles, which is fur sale al Yeiter & Look's. ASK YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT IT Your distrefsiiig cough can I e cured. We know 11 because Knap's Balaam within the jia-t tew jears has cured so many coughs and colds in this commu- nity. lis rviunrkahle sale lias bien won entirely bv its genuine merit Ask some friend who has used 11 what lie thinks ol Kemp's Balsam. There la no medicine so pure, nonesoeffedive. Large bottles 50". and $1 at all druggists. Sample bottle free. THE WONDERFUL TOWER. The highest structure in the world is Eiffel Tower, at Paris, 1.000 feel high. But the great discover> of Dr Franklin Miles, certain to tuw-er far above it in promoting human happiness and health. This wonderful nerve medicine builds tip worn-out sysiems, cureB fits, spasms, headache, nervous prostration, dizziness, sieeplefsnesa, m nthly pains, sexual lumliles. etc. Mra John B. Miller, of Valpi.raiso, Ind., and J. D. Taylor, of l^itfans|Mirt, Ind , gained !0 pounds a month while taking it Finely illustrat- eo tieatise 011 • Nervous Diseases" and sample bottle of the Restorative Nervine, free at Yeiter 4 Look's, who guarantee it HOLD IT TO THE LIGHT. The man who tells you confldenlially just what will cure jour cold is pre- acribing Kemp's Balsam this year. In the preparauon, of this reiuurkaMe medicine for coughs and colds no ex- pense is spared to i-ombtue only tbe best and purest ingredients. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam lo the lixht and look through it; notice the bright, clear look; then compare with other remedies. Large bottles al all druggUu, 50 cents and |l. Sample bottle free. BE YOUR OWN DOCTOR! It won't coat you one half as much, lio not delay. Send three two cent stiiiii]w for jsmtage. and wo will send >ou Dr Kaufmann's great work, fine colored platea from life, on disease, its en uses and home cure. Address, A. P. Ordway &Co., Boaion, Mass Ultf.NKESNESS —I.IQfOK HAHIT—In alt lha World Ihoro la but one Cure, llr. Ilaloea'lloldrn spoalOo. It ran b» glfeu iu a cup of IM or coffee wlth- oul the kuowledp of the parson Uklng II,effect- ISK a speedy Bud pennani-ui cure, whether th« person Is a modrrote drinker or an alooBollr wreck. Thouarmna of drunkards have kmn cur. U M-ho havs lakea the tloiden Hprs-lflc In tlielr Ua or coffeo wlihiKit Iheir knowledge, aad to-day believe they quit dnakmg of their own free will. So harmful effecta mulling from ilu Ir admluUtrallou. Cures guarauteed. Send for i-trculara and full particular*. Addms la coiilkleuce, nouigx hrtoinc (X)., IBS Uaoe S l Cluclnnatl. V. THAN WEALTH la a , knoKl-dge of UII x keep ///y keeping. bhutthand.Typo- '•O / wnilng. Tel-grapliy, 01c. Send fur Cntal igiie of'lnind Ilapl-ls nu-lneas Colli Se.Orand Ha, kU. Blch . A. H. I'ABtsU.PlOp. Too long (leliiilcJ — th? unlmppy viotim of catnrrh in tlio hi-ml. lie's bppn told that it cuii't lie cttrcd. Don't you believe iL It can be, and it is—no matter how bad or of how long Btanding. It has been done for thousands — by Dr. Sage's Ca- tarrh Remedy. Other so - called rumedies may palliate for a time; this cures for all time. By its mild, soothing, cleansing and healing pro|H;rtle», it comiuers tho worst cases. lis makers offer, in good faith, a reward of $500 for a caso of catarrh which thoy cannot euro. They aro able to pay it. Aro you able to take it? Tho Bymptoms of catarrh aro, headache, obstruction of noso, dis- charges fulling into throat, some- times profuse, watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody, putrid and offen- sive ; eyes weak, ringing in ears, deafness ; offensive breath ; Bruell and taste impaired, and general debility. Only a few of those symptoms likely tu be present at once. Tltotisands of cases termi- nate in Consumption and end in tho j grave, without ever having mani- fested all these symptoms. Dr. Sago's Remedy cures tho worst eases. 60 cents, by druggists. DRUGS, DRUGS, DRUGS. Everybody knows THE PLACE TO GET PURE DRUGS, PATENT MEDICINE, C H A S . L A W Y E R , mopmirrcm NATIONAL HOTEL, N'Mr n , II, n. A M. f)?poi, Z.C-7rZZZ.Zs. - Jli iUIA. First clasa Board and Hoomut Reasonale Rates Livery and Feed snoile In Coni-eeUoo- To Invalid and Wounded S O L D 1 E R S I rin- undersigned nt the request of many Invalid Soldiers, has qualified and be-.-n a d m i t t e d to practice in the Interior Department, and all the bureaus thereof and is now Keadv 10 Proseeule Claims, for those that may be entitled to PEN- SION anil BOUNTY. MILTON M. PERRY. and In Fact Milton M. Perry, Attorney & Counselor nt Law, rrain'i Hall Block, - Lowell, Mich, j'pcclal attei:tion given to Collectious Conveyancing, Loans and Sale of Ht-al Estate. EVERYTHING That should be kept in a First Class Drug btorc, is at W. S. WINEG&R'S. The Best Line of Key West and Domestic Cigars in Lowell O Ma K on V © & o o •< J ; 0 7 CD ^ & ? ^ G Ul ^ M' S. P O H o UL 0) TJ (t) O £' •< O c o > 2 o m H H X m 2 0 z H 1 m $ m 03 o fo CD v* W CO Ul FRANK C. ALGER. Attonjojr nt X^uw- Collections Given Prompt Attention MONEY TO LOAN~AT~ci;ilKEST RATES. AND IS8CHANCE WKITTKN. Colon Block. - I G W E L u >11011 C I T Y FOREMAN & T A L B O T , PROP'S, Orders for rasaengeri or Haggage left al Train's HoUl, Davis House or the Bus Uarn will receive prompt attention. t ? CD § O o 0 M* CO dd ^ > % % 5 Q o o Ul m I*"TAXT MUX* ROB ALL TBTCTUTIO TllKs. Frna cttm fr^r rhtnmllm, Kearaljlaand !V inl^a. b»..d t-y diagi;lMa every wSera. cr by mall, SAcenls. Ixivaliy rtaalor M orka, LoweU, .llaaa. {Mrs. Allen's Ooldcn Hair Wash. raiUUn Fat kleatli. Mimuatfuia.^r <lr»«l-i|.Uiflli'lm«i Ram-t,)' nmo>li« •uprrflismihilr, lungriuwliv. Allrmii wlu<l<Mlt »Ml iMalt. Mnl l i t " .nip r- r lliuonlnlrtmilir I n I llneerSnauili gwxU, Mils 11, W, Al l>N,m\Vwin, WAIU) AV„1)IUI. KM laltkyuniuliu EVERY WIDOW Of A SOLDIER Dependent on Her Daily Labor FOR SUPPORT !• eoUtled to a Pension. Also Every Soldier i •* dlralilrd, wl ether his dlsalilllly was con- trscted In tlio Sirvlce or uot. Kaihers and ,'!oilii-ni wlibout rKKKKNT me ins of support alltlrd lo f r.' per nionlh. Shall be Pleased to Proiecute Any Such Cliimi No Charge t'nleaa Nuccessfiit I Fee Uiulted to Ton Dollars t The oldest Pension Agency In Hie State, llilird June, 1S6I, Aadrcaa (with stampj C. E. PERKINS. PROIUTK OFFICE, fill AND RAPIUS. MICH. AT J.E.LEE'S BEAT B M B T Ou the Br.ilgs, will always U fmmd the choicest cuts of Meat, Fluh and Poul- try In their seasons, at Prlcea Always Iteasouable. J. E. LEE. - Lowell, Mich. MONEYI BLOOD I ALIVERL Sl.00 A BOTTLE, SIX FOR $5, TRYITTO-DAV F.E.CSREMEDY Hlood makes a trip aronml tho body in n-few seconds, if pure, it repaln current waste tuid keeps up \ itiiilty. if filled with Kidney acid poison, yon wiU bavo S OUR TB LOOD, which will chnnsp nil the flniils of the system, and grudunlly break down every vital organ and give yott iv mul- titude of unyielding disorders. To sweeten tbe blood, use the piaranteod vegetable alterative KIDNEY I BLOOD iLivcnl Koo A Bo;n:, six FOB $j TRY IT TQ-DAI F.E.C.=REMEDY -iL-T-T-E-nsr-r)- THE WEST SIICHI8AN AND GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN. WE TEACH Actual Business Shorthand and Typewriting AND TELEGRAPHY. I-N OUR NORMAL DEPARTMENT WE HAVE A THOROUGH TEACHERS COURSE, Scientific, Classical, Music, Civil Engineering, Fine Art AND ELOCUTION COURSES. We Board and Room our Students for S2.50 per week. Expenses less here than anywhere else. Address A. E. YEREX, Pres. PISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Best. Easiest to use. Cheapest. ReBef isimmcdiato. I i A cure if certain. For Cold in tlio Head it has uo equal. I C A T A R R H "nOlntmenl, of which a imaU parti.-lo is applied I •lotho noalrila- 1 rice, ®c. bold by DruinrlMs or sent by I rmalL Addmaa, L. T. HAUXTLte, Vorreu, Pa, I

JOURNAL. O n e D o l l a r a Yea r .

a e =

' • O p e r a . H o n s © B l o o k . T h r e e Cen ts Per C o p y

V O L U M E X X V I . L O W E L L , M I C I l f G A N , W E D N E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R 3 , 1 8 0 0 . N U M B E R 2 2 .


F r e d G . S t o n e ,

A G E N T .

^ Collars, 2c Cuffs, pe r pair, 4c Shirts IOC

L«nvi> KOtxls o r o rd f r* nl

C, G. Stone & Son ' s Store.

L . F . S E V E R Y , T i n , C o p p e r a n d S h c e l - I r o n

2d Door East of Ytiler i Look'i Store.

R e p a i r i n g D o D e o o S b o r l N o t i c e .

EITC Trough: und Furnace Wurk A Bp-elalty.


- F O R -

u ™

TIHI UoiQctuI S t » fiiMBIMmihlp

- * C 1 T Y O F R A C I N E (lauiouabuillirn; jnukucvuii-uiM^itlioiui j

lor 4.0 mint .If |/Otr uuu BtraiiuUip

M E N O M I N E E WUI llMVe UKAN1' ilAV't-N KM CllKAOUlUlly.

rii.Tj.1 IwuurM). at • p. m.

D A Y 6 O t b ^ l L I N O .

"CITY Of RAClNt." , •'HtKOMINEt." !

H U . t l ' A V . ; MOM-AV. lUbtillAY. 1 W tUKtHDAY. |

'UlUttlibA^ , I KhiUAV. ! ArrlvinK lu Clllt.AUl ..is follo»lii( wuruikg

lu Uu.a lol l..» otilguim Uau.s.

FARE, berth iDciuiied, - $3.00 huunQ Trip, goofljor reason, t).00 HfturnUiK. irav. (. HICAUO da L>. Bun i . u , ai i JI. m.. a'nvii K a. Uh VMJ HAV «.N car- , 1) kvU UHHklun lu HUM I. r rail) " l » i -

TllBot'uu 'IK'KCTa lu All l oiuia, »la CIllOAOO. i IWI IM L.UU UL an luilioau IK'k.'l AKCUU. |

JOHN SINGLLTUN, Gen. Pais. Agfnt, !

Uootlilcli 'liau-puiUlluli Co., CIIIIIRO.


B A N K E R S , L y o n B l o c k , - Lowel l , M i c h , j

A General Banking Businett Conducted. |

ZtOJL3^B * 0 . 4 CO —r .T tCXIOlTO.

Urate* Hold on all Ki.rrlRn Cauutrlaa.


Business Men 's Association.

Reeular Meeting's f i r t t Thursday in cvury month,*at B. C. Smith's store.

D G . L O O K , P r o s .

I G L V L N D I A N S .

T h o y Bt tn W o r r y t h i U n i t e d S t a t o a OtUoitt a.

Antlrlpvllaiia of an Eirljr KlKlil-Trnop, Ux|ir.'iln ; O n l r n to Marrh Ac.iiKt Ilia

llual.lr,-.I.It |iB WuMIDl'a Man Ar> AKIIII lUur ln j .

URAUt W FUlllT. CIIAMIII ni.Aix, a I)., Nov. 2fl. —Ths

Lower ilruln In.lmii potloe T h u r t d a y n t ^ h l mnrtod lo tireak up iho ghosi duncox wli eh worn belnR cnrrli d on n l h " Will to n v o r and PIKIII of tho load-tuff itimi'm-s aro In J ill ul t! •) agonoy. AtTalntwcro l i v e l y ' o r • t i m i - b u t the police worn lDO murli for t'nu ndhprenU of tlio Mi t i ia l i craze, l loing p r rven toJ from dnnuln^. many of tl.o Indiana want to Juiiit ibolr r o m r a d n louil i of tbo U'liiio r iver bus ttie Ind ian police will not W ibpin. PIXK R i n n i AorKOT, & D.. D»c. 1.—

Ited Hawk and l iny liotl, two of the avrenry Indian pollen who have j u t t re-turni'd from a acoiilliig expi t l l i lon a t tbe cutnp of t h e hoatileN In tbu Had Land*. »av tha i the hostile* ha*c made every p r e p a n t l o n 'or Imttfn and are wa t t ing for the troops to attaoU them. The KCoutH »;"rc discovered bv t b e boHtlloH and were obliged to flee for their HveK One of them bad hla b o n e shot from under him.

Ear ly Sunday forenoon word was brmiirhi to Agen t Royer t h a t i r lcndl les were dl«appcar lng very rapMiy from the i r enmj). uhlcl i la a l tuated within s ight of the agency buildings. Investi-gation shows tha t nearly S.OOO of them have dlnapiienred since Friday n igh t . '1 be hoNlllca aro reported to be burning their bomea and s tea l ing their cat t le . Whe the r ihoau * b o have disappeared have gone to protect their property o r t o Jolu tbe hoi t i les is no t known, but l i It fearod t h i y will t ake the la t te r coura.i

I t has lieen learned through scouts t l iat tbe himtlli s have wl tbdrawn to the Had I .a mli and Intended tliore to await the coming of tbe trooiw. These Had Lands are very s lml l s r to those In which tho Modoc ransHucre occurred. Tho tcouls that b rought tbe Information con-cerning tbi.-t l a t ra t plan of tho boallloa also said t h a t the l a t t e r had Just s luughtered Ail bead of ( lovernmuiil cn t l l nandSU) belonging to Governor Mellette, of South Dakota. T h o scouts sun th is lieef being Imuled in wagons snd pack t r a ins to the new camp lu Ilsd Lands.

Many wagon-loads of f / j u r and othnr provisions t bu l hod I eon stolen from the se t t le rs were also seen headed for tbls reiiion. ( i m e r a l lirooko has Just ri'cciv.'d a tnlegraiu of 70V words from Uenerai Auger n a - n l n g him t t ia i 800 lodges (aliout 1.000 wurriohi) of C b e y ennea wore coming from Cheyenne agency to Join iho host i le- near hero. DICKI.NSUK, N. U. Dec. I.—Tb« In-

dian t roubles are Mus ing much rilarm to tho set t lern at remote places west of bero. Citlsens of Kolllold, twenty miles west, were aurpri-od Satur-day lo seo se t t lors with thei r , fsro-Hies coming in from all direc-tions. Tlioy wen) al l much scared, having heard tha i Iho I n d U a s were camped on Orsnd r iver l lf ty miles south. T h o oltuatlon was so a la rming tha t a leading c l t u e n arr ived here from lU-lllcld Sunday lo eonsul l with tbe aii tborlt los and learn tho t ru th p( the s i tuat ion. The re la good author i ty for s sy lng t h a t bands of Indiana are oon-gregat lng on the (Jrand r .ver and aro acting susplciousl \ Tbe a larm among tho women and chlldrnn a t HvMeld is such that they w.ll b < comforted only when the men keop in bodies to watch.

1. J. aovKa a. a-coKm. DAH'L rraisaa.

Bowne, Combs & Striker,

BANKERS, Lowell. - Michigan.

Transact a Oeneml Ikinklng Business s n d Issue Ural ts •vailatilo in al l

par ts of t h e World.


P R G K H A M ' 9 C R O U P R E M E D Y !

THE CMILOBEN'S MEDICINE. r e rCeh ln . f . .uih«- lliiaiM-nr*#. tVlinep- ,

Ina < ouuli, Cruup. MM ui j U- H'Uliil lu rVrr) b<.u»rlial*; I W a i . l , H.ifa.Ornalu. Alsn j , n-ly uiKin It for ClUumV Thi. . t •»«' U.n Tri.uli 0.. ivnlalns Mo oJitaUf. lh"" avoW a* I Hi. daPiTmiiK 1 ffrci »llen rr.uliliiK *1"" CI'KM niixiuir- |.I. IMII--1 ' . r a . ult>»l> •••»fM'i«l I >l-rvu. MIVB 111!" < lillilitril. UrtM iHiiileioiU; I lounia) e«-., ItWaliilil. HnlilliVSlMliuntts'K. .

F I F T Y D O S E S 2 5 C E N T S .


f " i 'o Illlinn«nM«. Sick Iloailachp, ConiU-jiaUon.Ualsrla, Liver CoiaplainU. U t s

the ssfo and certain twnody, S M I T H ' S

BILE BEANS r s e t h e HMAI.f iSlae (lOlllUeUMnslolhs |«:llo) Til Br AIIE Till; MOST CONVKSIKNT

CSu<tnl->LS t o r ABOM. *•' PTICO of e i t h e r a lae . SOe. p e r Co l t l e .

m l w v I I b < H i ; - ' ' • ' , , r 1 fW.it«vHti«fjisjgi S1U:,1SA:;;,."M.10UIS mo

.•kn.i. ot Body aaaKlsd, Metts ' " lor Ezc.i.e. In Oidor Youn*.

Kacip'il from Nine Mlaff. S t s o Sinii. Nov. SO —Cliarles Brown,

al ias Charles l i rennun. sen t up from Kew York City for four years in the S ta te prison bere for grand larcenr , has mado his escape. Brown had two keys which ho could nut have gut without collnsliio with some one employed In the prison. Be opened two dours. barred them a f t e r him, and acaled tl.e walla and jumped Into the river, then swimming to a place of Kufety where be must have had f r iends with dry clothes. Ills es-cape was discovered an hour a f t e r hla i teparture. but no trace of him has ye t been discovered.

r . . u i Affray IM Ohio. VANWKRT. O.. NOV. 89—At 10 o'clock

Thursday n igh t Ham i ' rooi l woa sbot and ins tan t l .' k i l led, and Oliver Ramsey was also shot in tho face by Wm. Slow-ar t (all colored). Proolt was aell lng t ickets a t tbu window for tbe danee, and SUiwan camo up outside. A few-words wore e n h a n g e d , and Stewart llred with a SJ-calibro revolver. Ram-sey tried to prevent tbe shoot ing when Hlowarl tu rned and UTIMI a l him.

Tu 111* tax K • r l r le l t r . Nltw YnUK. Nov. •.t). .Martin D. Lop-

py, who waa convicted of murder In the first degree for k i l l ing his wife Esther on J u l y 4 iss i , h s s been sentonced to tbe deuih peniilty. Tbe da te fur thu exeeiitlon is sol for wi th in tbe week be-g .nn lng J a n u a r y 8. and Sing Sing tbe place.

On» iiu iilra l Y"sr« O rt. NKWY<>IIU. B r a I . - I r a B r a n d o n s t e l n .

of this c i ty , celebrated b is IDOth birth-day on Satnrilay. Thu old man is s t i l l s tout and atrong. Smoking has been one of b is cherlsbud hablw. He began when he was N and has Qovor ralln-quished the indulgence.

M HIT Wfir" Hurl. BnooKi.vy. V. Y., Nov.- 88.—At East-

ern I 'ark in th is city, a big s tand of f ree seats erected for tho Yalo-I 'rinoeton foot-bail game collapsed yesterday snd hurled lo the ground over tf.OOil persona, fifty of whom were in jured , none fa ta l ly .

HOHIIMI huiiw-Miirin lor Yaara. I.OMHIN, Dos. 1.—The snow-storm In

England is tho severes t sineo t h e Crimean war. Sheep are dying by thou-sands, It bolng impossible to give them food and shel ter .

Ma«r IIOIIIM tlreiivemil. BRIIMX, DOC. 1.—Eighty-seven bodies

have been found In the flooded Anna pit of the Brusx Mining Company. Seventy-olgbt m l u c r i were recovered alive.

AH Hlone. unheard , unknown—he mukee bis mna i r—in a IBtli M.ory be<i-IINIIII The reuium is obvious, he is Hufferlng every thli<g w' l i i a n d d end li.IXU't gu t n MINI ID s tep ue r sw the street IIT one BUiall oottlo of l ) r Bull'* Cough S i r u p .

MILES' NEUVK 4 U V B R P I L L I . An i i ' i p o n a m discovery. They act on

the l iver, KIIUIIHCII mid Imwels throuKli the ne rv r t . A new principle. They speedily cure UUousnei*. l-a't ' a s te , tor-pid liver, pilusand coustipatiun. Splen-did for luen, uoinei i and children. Hmallest, mildest, surest . 80 doaes for, 2.'iceiiw. Sample f t o t a t Yu l t c r&Look ' s Dr uu Blow.

p A R N E L U s M M F K e r o .

Ua *1 a i r UKIIHM U'II t -«t in t h e IM*. •rsuiii or ib« ir.sfe.

IJON-DON, NOV. rmnni which Mr. I ' s rnel l protulsod to I dea l ing with sl l t h e l a e a t i o a s involved in tbe present poHtkt t t«ns l* , 1 1 1 3 bneki made public. I t deftnl l»l» se t t l e s t h a t Mr. 1'arncll will n o t volaotar i iy retlro from tho I cadc r sb i^o l tb*1 Ir ish Parl la-men ta ry pur'ty. Tli» manl ' e s to Is of great l - n g t h and eoik forth why, m Mr. Pa rne l l ' s oplMoa, I t would bo di ias-trous to tbe best in te res t s of t b e pa r t f 1 for blm to withdraw a t t b v p r e a e n t l ima. Mr. Parnel l delles bis political oppon-ents, and s p ^ a l s to the ix'oplo of i r e -land to sustain him in tho stand be h ;S taken. LOMKI. Deo. 1.-Mr. Gl ld i tonn bos

issued H reply t o the franlft-sto of Ms. I 'nraell . in which ho denlea the asser-t ions of the la t te r regardi- tho retcn lion of Irish memliers In


B o p e r i a t o n d - j l of -tho O -nmifi F o r -t « r . G I U f a * W a a l R e s u t .

X h * H«po'«ik>a Of e i i i u d Stmi-s 1 J a n * List tV»» 0S.at3.4Sil-Tlis

NumlH-rs sl io»» In RaiU or Iho F.VS I

o v r n RTXTT Mir j . in t r . WASHINOTOW, NOT. thiperinlend-

• n t Vtortsr. has completed h is final do-t e r n l n a t l o n of the populat ion of the conntry In J u n e . IKVn, which la now plac-d at H-.'.ti.-J.S.VJ. By StaU-s aud di-visions i t is as follows:

North Atlanliu division— Maine esi.inUMassarlioa'tt.. t,tr*W1 Vtfiaur.t. t ... H- I'-'fifciiiMtk-tn... KJioi*-ip.iiii., 3A^4i{Ncw Joraay... LlM.wxi SeiTVBrK". ..WTKMi l*vnuavlviiula b-tt'ivUH

, New llam'lt're 3;S.W | Total 17.101,HI 'ar i lament . South Atlant ic division—

and with respect l o proposals al leged to D e l a s s t iinWaS-th Ca ollra have l e e n made to him ( I W i l ) .' ir- ^ ing his visit to Ha warden last Novem- 1 viigtals .. i .s\\ her. Mr. Glailslone's le t te r i> temper-a t e in tone, hut condemns the Irish leader for breaking eoufldence with blm.

H A L F A D O Z E N L I V E S L O S T .

Laka la •IX I-ocirrr. Ilrownod In llavl.'1

Nnrlhrrn tVlaennaln. , B r PAl'U Dec. I.—A fearful calamity

took place al Miller, Slgnorr t Co.'a logging-camp on DHVII'S lake, twenty mllas north of Rice Lako, Wis., Satur-day night. T b e men who were on the opposite side of the l s k « • from the camp wure r e tu rn ing to sapper . The boat was caught lo a heavy gust of wind, which upset It, aad tbe following weredrownedi F r a n k Fourinor, John Crotto. Arthur Pago, Will iam Knight . Ch irlos Stykes. and A. I D. Clark, of Ro /a l toa , Minn. The bodies b a r e not as yet been found, owing to theeondi ' Jon of t h e ico.

H U N D R E D S D R O W N E D .

Baaalt ot lha li 'aMUr to tlio Plahlac n - a l Ol Xorway.

Losnnx . Nov. *0. — Additional

1.isi.lt l,'ST..tf.l


Weal Virginia. 'tJ.IM N'rth Carolina I.SIT.W/. Total SJST.WJ

Nortliein Cen t r . l illvislou— OM» .ren.Sl« Michigan S0T3S8J Illlaola.... . . . . U.8 <t.-cillAltaiii'ikita..... I. ut.xD Wlwousln. ... 1,ie.-.8 0|M|.suurl Iowa i,sii.nt|South Dakota. m K « North Dakota. l '2 ; i lUannas I,UT,< W NebtBJka..... I.o^.viu ,— Indiana 2, « .0.1 T tal •S.aMJTJ

Southern Central division— Kentocky I.tr.ssa Ml-aiaMppl.... 1 SW.mo Alabama 1 M-.m; Te.-.as i . a \ i ea Loulnlaii.! 1 ll-.i-simialionia Cl.tflS Indlaa Trrrtt'y — — Arkausaa I.ISIITS. Total lO.VW.KO Tennrise*. ... l,7«75ia|

Western division — Montana I2.MM Malm W.3» Wyoming ru.flll Ala»kn Colorado <!« |g: Wa-hiaKton... SfltS) New Mexico . i r . O t w o . i ' X m Arij. nu r<i.r«u Uatironiia lUKino Utah. SUMO.; — Nevada... . . . 4I>.»|| Totst UMT.MI

T b e consos shows t h a t there baa been an inc rescen t 7 per c r n t in t b e total in-dehteducss ul over Huu c i t ies and towns.


Plaratuloa ol lha Siiecaa tot Cauda i t ' s fur Congrra. In I Itnola.

Sntnopir . i .D. I l l , Nov. 29.—Tho Sta te Board ol Canvassers concluded the

vices have been received concerning csnva i s ol the voto in al l t b e C o n a t W the disaster lo the fishing fleet off " O'olon. on tho Norwegian coast. Of 180 smacks, al l of which were compelled to cu t away the i r r igging, seventy were dr iven ashore and battered t ap i eeeaon < tbe rocks. Many smal ler loala weroa i so ' wreckcd. i t ia feared tha t hundreds of Uvea were I091. T h o bodies of vlctlma are constantly being washed ashoro. 1

ionsl distr icts . The p ln r s l i t l - s of Iho winning e a n i l d a t ^ s in tho various dis-t r ic ts are as follows: I. Taylor, U ... II. Cihla. D I .m S. MiGanu D ....8.T.V< 12. Wllke. U 7.MI a Durbofow, D. AI M 13 Sprlnp-r, ll....6.ori C Newberry. 1)... ol.-ti Scot . D. l.-.-iJ ft. Hopkins K 11. is. Itnsey. D '••9 «. Uitt It ft I I Kttlilan. D ul-i 7. Head-ra n. U. 1",. I.a-ie. D n.VtJ & Stewart. D. . . . Tri in r..nnun. D t.TSl «. baow. D v.7 i» Wil lams, D . «7i7

l a I'MV It SI-^i Smith. It \ 3 n For Clerk of the Supreme Court,

southern division, thu plural i ty for Howell (D.) Is 8.871. For Clerk of Su-preme Court, cen t ra l division, the pin-rnll ty for Snlvnly (D 1 is 17.8S1. For

, . . . • Clerk of tho Appellatn Court. Si-cond ly latroduoe a hill In the Blet providing distr ict , thu plural i ty for Dully ill.) Is for t h e es t sb l l shmant of an Inat l tu le of F o r t ^ r k o f l b o

b«le r !o logy at which P ro t Koch may r h M d | 8 | r t c t i t h c p i u r , , U y f o r

pursue Ms siodiea. Connected with tha Jonea (D ) is 18.1IM. Kor Clerk of the InsUtuto will bo flvo inflraiarios. con- | AppeU.u , court . Four th district , tbe

f rof . KasWa IHsi-.tary. RFIII.IN, NOV. SO.—THO number of

physicians coming lo Burlln to s tudy tba Koch method has not W s e n e d . The re were 132 arr ivals Thursday . T b e Government of Pni i s la will nbort-

ta ining 150 b<-ds. After a l lo t t ing to Prof. Koch an adequkto g r a n t for bla discovery, the Guvurnmoni will und"r -t a k e the work of producing the lymph.

Klllxl by aa E.lltnr. BvLACAiTtt.t. A l a . Nov. 29.—William

B. Buntor , edi tor of tbu Bee. on Thurs-day abet and kil led Town Mnrahal Uokorson. The l a t t e r arres ted tba edi tor while with n party of friends, charg ing him with disorderly conduct. Hunte r was discharged. At a subse-q u e n t meet ing between the two men the marahal at tacked the edi tor with a stick and tba l a t t e r drew bis revolver, with o n l h l l t • u r i n J ' J " | y af ternoon In 1874 tba above result . , when bis son was kidnaped by Mosher,

— Douglass ami Wes t e rve l t ran<iaM< i..r Ki-i-nni.d-r-aaa. | Mr. I l o « decUres t h a t ho U ont i ra ly

BAI.KIOII, N. C., Nov. 29.—"I he State aatlsfled t h a t t h e young man who has Board of I 'enalons baa apportioned l | v w i « i t h the MeChrlstya inder the 080,000 among .ix-Confedoraui pension-1 B i W e o r Charlie MeOnristy. and who era in thia Slate, i l m l t mount , under u t o l v been saving t h a t ho Is Charlie

p lura l i ty for Burton (D.) is 7,808.


Tba Charlie It'!.. I UU-KI lo Mnsloa l i Moi tlia l.uiig-Luai Youth.

BOSTON NOV. 2S.—Christian K. Poss reached Boston SVeJnesday night , and an intorviow w.n arranged with tho boy. Charlie McCbristy. w-hom thn Now York police believo to be the long-lost Charlie Boss. Af te r an ex tended inter-view with tbe boy Mr. Rosa failed to ident i fy blm. and he st i l l feels tha t ho is no nearer the child than a t the hour

an act of t h e laal Leu-iaiature. waa thla yea r ralsnd by taxat lo i. Tho pension-era are soldlurs who were disabled While in tho service of the S ta te and widows of such soldiers ki l led in suob svrvico.

Many llnraaa tlurnad. llAnsnALiiTowx, la.. Nov. 29.—The

barn of Mra Chris Bolmoiischneider, three and a half mili-s southwest of State Center, was burned to tho ground Thursday n |gb t . toguthcr with twenty

Boas. Is rosll no o the r than tbe second aon of Burglar ( b a r l e s Mother, who waa tbe p r inc ip i l ahilin tor of Charlie and who was killed l Biy Bldgo in 1874 while commi t t ing a burglary in

' the bouse of Jttdgu Van Brunt.

A Phil .Ilrlptilo llmik Kntl... PmLAneuputA. Nov. 89.—B K. Jami-

son A Co., b a n k - r i and brokers, failed Friday morning, caused by lbo mono-

. tary str ingency and the Impossibility five bead of borsos aqd aoyen<y-ilve of replacing l o in s culled by tbe banks, tons Of hay. ' i b e loss will be heavy. T h e Ilabllilii.s are variously est imated The re waa 81.800 insurance on t h e I a t from W0U,000 to Si.000,000, but no horses and SLOU ou Iho barn. figures whatever have been given out

on which to base these opiniomi.

lira. I'nrauiia Ualaaaad, KBW Yonit. Nov. 39. -Mrs. Lucy P a r

Bli ftiliura Kltlril by . Whala. SAX FuAacisco. Nov. 28.—The whal-

ing bark Ooiiaii arrived Thuraday. T h e . . captain fu rn i shes tho parUcuiara of t h e , h e AnsrehlsX charged wTth Tn-oss ef six sal low: They had mortal ly c i t ing a riot in Joraey City a few weeks

wounded a whale and approached too ^ o , WM p i l c o l i o n t r . B i | n j u j , ^ K l r k , close in the i r b o a t The whale e t r aek potrick's court of special sesMons and tbe boat and the men were thrown ou t a f t e r the i x u m l n a l i o n of tho polluo who and drowned or killed. , made thu arros t tho jury returned a

All the CVIIIO o n lha Mrtp. KAXBAS CITY, M a . DOC. 1.—E SL

Hewins of Cedarvain, Kan., la a t Mid-land. Ho reports tha t t heca t tU ' are al l

verdict of not gulUy and the woman lo f t tho court roum with tier friends.

(lanara Ilu.Iiie>a ADkrlnl. NKW YIIIIK. NOV. 39.—Dun I Co. ro-

o f the Cherokee s t r ip and t h a t tho port that tho monetary strlnguncy Is closest Inspection will fail to show a affect ing guneral business, and llial single instance whore Pres ident l i a r - speculation Is reviving to an unhea l thy rison's order has been dlkohcyed. ex ten t . While thu volume of t .ado ia

LL L P . . Mo.IIm LLLLB.1 IUF.,. 1 [V*. lu T" L'U",U0U4

T n v v n i v V I K..V im, ttMiil'imln , b " u l obligations, and are u . m. . i . i , i n " i i making only neceasary purchasus. « r i g h t , aged 8 1 is dead. He had ea t en |

J v

nothing for five montlis on accounl of Kvi-ntepu tvrro Uisr. stnmnch troulde. Ho beoa-no hnlplesa | NEW OIII.KIXN, Dec. I.—Furthur par-four weeks ago and took to be i . Ho l lcularsof the burning ol the steumur died wi thout any a p p i r e n t pain. Ue T. P. Loalhors in the MiKslsnlppiThurs-waa reduced tu skin and bones. j day, near Port Adams, show the disaster

to have boon much gruuti-r than a t first


Tk« Irlali I 'ar l lauiouttrr Dalagatoi Maal Willi a Kousing lli>oi.|itlon a t Ch CMgo. CIIICAUU, D.'o. I. • B a t t e r j D proved

inadeqiiato to ao-ninmoiatH t h e crowd wbiob g a t h e r d on .Saturday n igh t to welcome M o s r s Dillon. C H r l e n and the o t h e r Irish metnlK'rs of I'liriiatitHn' who s r s now making a tourof American d t los . AN overflow meet ing Was tbsre-foro held in the Cavalry armory adjoin-ing. T h o noted Ir ishmen made apeoches a t both places.

Af te r Mr. O'BrRin's address bad eon-eluded a collection was taken. Seven gen t lemen subscribed |B00 each and there wai a lung s t r ing of lion. SSO and 835 oircrlmr-i. When figured up the total reached something more thaii (18.-00U. '1 bis amount will prohahly bo in-creased by fu ture siihscriptlutis.


Thojr Kon-r a nolulh (Minn.) Hank to Cluap I t . Ilmira.

MiixKAPiiu i , M l u u , Dec. L—The JonrBBl's Dulutb, Minn., special says: The pr ivate bank of Hall A Co. lias closed Ha doors temporarily, i n a run Krld.i. fr.u.uiw of the »70,000 of deposi ts were d n w n out. When the cash was exhausted, Mr. Hall addressed the wal l ing depositors and told them tha t ho could pay no more cash, bu t if they would s a i l a day or two they would be paid in full . He ha- not yol raised the nco-^sary funds. No runs have hoen made on the o ther banks. They have the largest cash surp lus on band In their history. Thoy have called In over 8.-'00,iioO of loans du i l ng the past two weeks.


Thiea Pnys llurlod Under Four f a r I ol Hand i-Md Hu.-rooalr I.

ATLANTIC. Ia.. Nov. 2S.—A fatal ao-c ldent occurred Thursday af ternoon a t a deser ted s t u d pit. Four oblhlren were pla Ing in Iho pit u hen n crus t of ea r th caved in, burying three of the boys under four feet of sand. A large force of men with shovels w-as soon a t work, and afu-r half an hour 's digging t h e bodies were recovered, s t i l l warm. Two of thom showed signs of life, but e f fur ls a t rcsuseiiatlon were frui t less . T h o vlctlais were Fred, son of W. A. l l swley , aped 7. and .Millard and Fred, nons of John Tal ly, aged respectively 7 and 6 y e a n .

.Sottuna In It. NKW YUDK. l> -C. I.—The story of the

sa le of the Ni » York World lo Mossra. Ch Ida and B r xni. r.f Pli i ladelphia. for *4,000.1109, Is omphatlcall.y denied by Colonel John A Cuckorlll, maniiging editor of thu World, and o tners in an equal ly goo;! puiitlon lo know the facts. T h e y say that Mr. Puli tzer has nu lu-

Xon of su l i ln / the Wurld or any in-t in It. T h s p ipe r tbuy claim is

worth 81o,OU, 000, u n i the a Begad aale for d.OJO.oou Is rldirulous.

Ala a Hlil-ki i. .« .i Died. MIXSEAPOMS, Minn.. Dt«v 1.—Will-

iam J , B^H. commercial t raveler for a Chicago toluccc^ hous-. while d r ink ing a glass of whisky here Saturday n lgh l began ea t ing the glass and bad d.-voured half of it when Interfered with. Hed led In a few minu tea Grief and murtifica-tlon a t boarlng of his wife's arr. si in a disorder ly house caused the deed. He waB wel l connected In Chicago and To-ledo.

China.* Mun llai-oni* Itoislana. L o s n o x . Nov. £9.—Stringent orders

have been sen t from SL IVterab'urg t h a t all Lhinefe set t l ing lu the Trans-Ba ika l region of Asiatic Russia shal l lis reqni r d lodec la rn themaelves subji.-ots of t h e Crar. Tho Uusslan d i s t r i c t s ad-jo in ing Manchuria are being filled up with Chinese colonists, many of whom are bel ie iod to lie iu the mil i larv aorvics of C h i n a

A PMrmrr'a II-ivy l.na<. Multitis, Minn , Dee. 1.—Fire de-

s t royed thu faru; buildings and irraln of W. K. WMter dur ing a heavy wind-s torm Friday nlgbu T h e grain do-s t r o r e d consisted of 8,20 < hiisbois of wheat , 2.000 bushels of oats. 1.200 bushels of corn and l.OOu intsliels of flax and buckwhea t Tho total losi Is 820,-000; insured for H,200,

l lmka Tliruagli ttir I.r. Ei.T. Minn,, Use, 1.—K C. Orr and

Samusl Terrell , minln r extM'rtsat work abou t six miles from this village, in t ry ing lo w-aik across Fail IU.D broke tbi-ougb and were drowned. The bodies were recovered, Orr is thoiifrht to have gone to t h s resell" of ' i 'urrell a f t e r bo got in the water, and both wont through a n d wore l o s t


LIVE STOCK-Cattle, She Bon . . , ,

FLOUR -Fair to fsm-y... Uluui-.ot. Pjtentn

WHEAT No. J Ue t No. 3 Red

CORN'-.So. 2 Unfnuled Mix -it

OATS-Mixed \V.stern . HYE Western

Kxw ViittK, Oct. i. Ii A. « i oj 4 Ol s .« u nu a 4 so 4 r. 6 s :r. 5 IS Q 6 00 i iS'.iu. 1 oi

,4* W s i, • aisi f i T'. CA 4- it, ia :* «*

Tlia Itrci'lpla r a t . Off. NKW OIII.ICANM, Nov. 2 9 , - T h e ao-

eount i of tbe postmaster In th is oily for thn first twenty- two days of this month show tha i the r< celptM for the period were tl,134, aga ins t for the first twenty-two days last year, when the lottery law was not In force.

Jampf l Ot. r lha Pallsadra. Exni.KwooD. N. J.. Deo. I.—An un-

known man. about 50 years of age. com-mit ted suicide b r Jumping over thn pali-sades, fa l l ing a dis tance of 175 f o o t His head was crushed and luf t arm broken. The re was positively nothing Ui re t ea l his identi ty.

Funaral of I t I'. Illilllabar. CIIP.IJKA, Mass.. Nov. 29.--The funor-

al of Benjamin I'. Shl l laber (.Mr>. Part-ington). who died here Tuesdav even-Ingi look place yostorday fium tho Uni-vursalist ohurch


LOOBKV RED CLOVER PILLS CURB fiicc Headache. Dyspepsn , l i id lgis t lcn . t-'on st ipaiion. 25c per Box, 0 Boxen for | 1 . Sold by all druggists .

Unrklaa 'a Arnica Salvo.

The Best 8ALV<t in t h e world fo r nuts, Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Sal t Kheum, Fe-ver Sores. Tet ter . Chapped Hands . Chil-hlains, Corns, and all Skin Erupt ions , and podillvely cures Piles, or no pay rc-quired. I t le guaranteed to give perfect BBtisfaction. or money r e funded . Pr ice 25 cents pe r bo». For sale by H u n t ft Hnotor

reporti d. Seventeen per ons were e i ther burnod or druwited lu a t tumpt lng lo escape from thu flames.

Tlia Pil lure II enrd. NEW YOIIK. NO*. 99 —The husinoia

(al lures occurring tbrotlghuilt tho coun-try dur ing the last suvun days numlier 219, as compared witti 274 last week. For the corresponding week of last year tho figurea were 249.

Ilurnail lo llaalli. MILWAUKKH. Nov. 2K —Tho 5-yoBMld

daughte r of Will iam Jordan, • farmer of Wlnnoconne. Wis,, was burnod to death Thursday, While playing with matches hor clothes bepamo ignited.

Henalor I'UKII Ita-Ktarli-IL MOXTOOUKIIV, Ala,, Nov. 29,—Mr.

Pugl: has boon elected l"tilted States Senator by thu L. gUia tu iu to sucuuud himself.

Prof. Lnlsellr'a Strmory dyilani Is Creat-Ioc greater latrn-at .Ibau e»rr In all partunf the country, snd ivraons vlulling to hnpmte thi-ir n- ,mory shnuld aawl for hla proavrctus frae as advertlaed lu another uolumn.

PORK-Mo-II IU j,l . •J JI I.AItl) Wesli-mSll um i y 0 1(4 UUTrKU—Wester Lr ami-ry SI ,i *

C.iltMUJ. BEEVES -Shipping S i m - . . . p 10 6 M

Cows •j n H.H-ii-rs U 10 u ill Feeder* . . . .1 S 1 10. Hull hers" H-eera S SJ a 3 it iiuiis 1 o m :i -JS

not is-Li i -o :i. « l ul KIIKEI* ; T,". C 1 TJ Ii 0 TTBIt— C'reann i v 11 ifllt

OooU to Clioli-. u. .ry 11 ci St E<508 rre-ti SI U VI DltOJM COUN—

Hurl... . . . . * v a 6 Hel'wurkii"! 3 U « Cronke i 1

i SH

POTATOES (p-r Ii i i f.-i i 01 PORK-Mis* 0 11 n « K' i LARU-Sieam .1 S rLOUIt H ring Pit.-its 4 SI i» •» 73

Winter !"n c i « so *1 & (U Makers S A a 3 H

ORA IK -Wheat. No «. VI WH Corn. Nn,i ... W '9 W Oats. No il « iS iSU Rye. No J Ul V. TO Ilurliy, Nu * Cash n u to

LUMHEFT-Bldlug Flooring . ., Common II lanli

Latb-Lrv SQIaKlvr...

ST 1/ CATTLEi-Slcera

Sleeken "Bd F a-ir . . DOOM—Fnlr to Choice llenv

Mlxisl (J.'. d 'i SHEEP


Fane)-Fair to Uoo.1


iuou ^ n u o .. ,Ti III fril Ol ,. 13 .u o u so .. n %• niri o

si o 9«> 2 Ul U 2 CO

I s a s oo v tu d 3 00

. .1 'CI 9. 3 Ml 3 3,1 M 3 70

,., 4 Ul ft S 00

f 2 « ft 4 US 4 IS «. 4 K.

•0 4 13 .. 3 3) ., 3 HI

The i ecen t speech of Congressman Mc-Kmley of Ohio liefure Congress on the pending turilT bill, has ju-1 been iwnietl in innipble t f rom. The S|>eech includes | valuiblu statist ical tubles. and is 11 n nd-1 mirablu presentat ion o ' tho ndvHiitage* 1 of the prlnuipleN of |iri>cie<;tiun, as uin-btKiled in the now TarilT Bill,

Send a two-cent s t a m p for a copy to 1 ih» AMKRICAN P u o T K c n n c TARIFF! ! LRAOOB, 2A West 83a Street , New York


Burns or wounds should lie n i tended to careful ly , especially in cold wea the r . W e would reconiinend Salvation Oil fo r such cases. All d ruggis t s sell it f o r 33 cen t s a bottle.

Choice cream candies at Rtckert 's


TOR Hhnuld IM- used by t b e vnung w o m a n ,

she who stilTers f n n n any disotder is-cti-iiar t-i her sex, and nt chanite of life is a •Miwerfttl tonic; benefits all who use It, Wr i t e 1 he Brail Held Reg Co , At lan ta , Oa . fur particulars. Sold by Yeiter & Look.

P I L E S ! P I L E S ! P I L E S !

l)r, Will iam s Indian Pile Ointment is the only sure cure for Blind. Bleeding or I t ch ing Piles ever discovered. It never faibi to cure old cbronis cases ol long s tanding .

J u d g e Coons, Maysville. Ky,. says: " D r . William's Indian Pile Uln tment cured me a f t e r years o su l f enng . "

J u d g e Coflln'-urj-. t. 'leveland, U, .savh " I have found by experience tha t i)r. Wil l iam's Indian Pile Uintment give* Immedia te and permanent relief,"

We have hnndredB of such tes t imo-nials Do not suffer an instant longer, sold by all druggis ts a t fiOc and | i per


F o r Q a l o - S e v e r a l choice f a rms lo-ODIE. C j t e d l n K ( w n t i Vergen-

nea, Bowne and Boston. Alsc several houseft and lots In t h e village of Lowell. Can sui t all claasos of customers. Fo r rnr t i ier part iculars inquire a t the office oi 8 . P . HICKS, itt over West & Go's d r u g store

A WONDER WORKER. Mr F t ank Huf fman , a youn^ man of

Bur l ingion, Ohio, states' that he had lieen under the a i r e of two p iominen t lihyMcians, and used iheir t r ea tment un-til In; was not able to get around. They | ironouuccd his case to be Consumption and incurable. He was persuaded to try Or King's Now Discovery for Con-

titnptlou. Coughs and Colds and a t tha t l ime was not able to walk a c r a n t h e street withoat |rasting. He found, before he hail used half of a dollar bottle, tha t he was much better; he u m t i n u e d to use it a n d lu ti.-day en joy ing good hea l th . If y e n have any Throat , Lung o r Chest Trouble, try it. W e guarantee satisfac-tion Trial bottle f ree Mt Hunt & H u n t -er'h Drug store.

THOUSANDS POISONED. In a recent work on He.-iri Disease, Dr

Frankl in M i l e s - t h e noied spet-ialist— gii-«M many now and start l ing fac ts . Thonsandaof people are slowly |M)isoning theiuselves, weakening Iheir hear ts by 1 he use ol tea, cuffce. loliarco and al'-o-hul . These oru H E A R T W i l l i e , caus ing it to beat rapidly, thus gradually

ea r ing It out , producing shortness of Im a th when exercising, pains in side and sh< u der, hungry and faint s|iells. Fi-nally heart fa i lure and sudden death, t o r weakened and irri tated hear t s the lir-sa eier> » here highly reconiinend liie New lle»rlCuredUc.ivereil by Dr Frank-lin Miles, which is fur sale a l Yeiter & Look's.

ASK Y O U R F R I E N D S ABOUT I T Your distrefsiiig cough can I e cured.

We know 11 because K n a p ' s Balaam within the jia-t tew j e a r s has cured so many coughs and colds in this commu-nity. l i s rviunrkahle sale lias b ien won ent i re ly bv its genuine m e r i t Ask some fr iend w h o has used 11 what lie th inks ol Kemp ' s Balsam. There la no medicine so pure, n o n e s o e f f e d i v e . Large bottles 50". and $1 a t all druggists. Sample bottle free.

T H E WONDERFUL T O W E R . The highest s t ruc ture in the world is

Eiffel Tower, a t Par is , 1.000 feel high. But the great discover> of Dr Frank l in Miles, i« cer tain to tuw-er far above it in promot ing h u m a n happiness and health. This wonderful nerve medicine builds tip worn-out sysiems, cureB fits, spasms, headache, nervous prostration, dizziness, sieeplefsnesa, m nthly pains, sexual lumliles. etc. Mra J o h n B. Miller, of Valpi.raiso, Ind . , a n d J . D. Taylor , of l^itfans|Mirt, Ind , gained !0 pounds a mon th while t ak ing i t Finely i l lustrat-eo t ieatise 011 • Nervous Diseases" and sample bottle of the Restorative Nervine, f ree at Yeiter 4 Look's, who gua ran tee i t

HOLD IT TO T H E LIGHT. The man w h o tells you confldenlially

jus t what will c u r e j o u r cold is pre-acribing Kemp's Balsam this year . In t h e preparauon, of this reiuurkaMe medicine for coughs and colds no ex-pense is spared to i-ombtue only tbe best and purest ingredients. Hold a bottle of Kemp's Balsam lo the lixht a n d look th rough it; notice the br ight , c l ea r look; then compare wi th o ther remedies. Large bottles a l all d ruggUu , 50 cents a n d | l . Sample bottle free.

BE Y O U R OWN DOCTOR! I t won' t coat you one half as much,

l io not delay. Send three two cent stiiiii]w for jsmtage. and wo will send >ou Dr K a u f m a n n ' s great work, fine colored platea f rom life, on disease, its en uses and home cure. Address, A. P. Ordway & C o . , Boaion, Mass

Ultf.NKESNESS —I.IQfOK HAHIT—In alt lha World Ihoro la but one Cure,

llr. I laloea ' l loldrn spoalOo. It ran b» glfeu iu a cup of IM or coffee wlth-

oul the kuowledp of the parson Uklng II,effect-ISK a speedy Bud pennani-ui cure, whether th« person Is a modrrote drinker or an alooBollr wreck. Thouarmna of drunkards have kmn cur. U M-ho havs lakea the tloiden Hprs-lflc In tlielr Ua or coffeo wlihiKit Iheir knowledge, aad to-day believe they quit dnakmg of their own free will. So harmful effecta mulling from ilu Ir admluUtrallou. Cures guarauteed. Send for i-trculara and full particular*. Addms la coiilkleuce, nouigx hrtoinc (X)., IBS Uaoe Sl Cluclnnatl. V.

THAN WEALTH la a , knoKl-dge of UII x keep / / / y keeping. bhutthand.Typo-'•O / wnilng. Tel-grapliy, 01c.

Send fur Cntal igiie of'lnind Ilapl-ls nu-lneas Colli Se.Orand Ha, kU. Blch . A. H. I'ABtsU.PlOp.

Too long (leliiilcJ — t h ? u n l m p p y v io t im of c a t n r r h in tlio hi-ml. l i e ' s bppn to ld t h a t i t cui i ' t lie c t t rcd . D o n ' t y o u be l i eve iL I t c a n be , a n d i t i s — n o m a t t e r how b a d o r of h o w l o n g Btanding. I t h a s b e e n d o n e f o r t h o u s a n d s — by D r . S a g e ' s Ca -t a r r h R e m e d y . O t h e r so - ca l led rumedies may palliate for a t i m e ; this cures f o r all time. B y its mild, s o o t h i n g , c l e a n s i n g a n d hea l i ng pro|H;rtle», i t comiue r s t h o w o r s t cases. l i s m a k e r s o f fe r , in g o o d f a i t h , a r e w a r d of $500 f o r a caso of c a t a r r h w h i c h t h o y c a n n o t euro. T h e y a ro ab le t o p a y i t . A r o y o u a b l e t o t a k e i t ?

T h o B y m p t o m s of c a t a r r h aro, h e a d a c h e , o b s t r u c t i o n of noso, dis-c h a r g e s f u l l i n g in to t h r o a t , some-t imes p r o f u s e , w a t e r y , a n d acr id , a t o the r s , t h i c k , t enac ious , mucous , p u r u l e n t , b loody , p u t r i d a n d o f fen-s ive ; e y e s weak , r i n g i n g in ears , d e a f n e s s ; o f fens ive b r e a t h ; Bruell and t a s t e impa i r ed , a n d g e n e r a l deb i l i ty . O n l y a f e w of those s y m p t o m s l ikely tu b e p r e s e n t a t once . T l to t i sands of cases t e r m i -n a t e in C o n s u m p t i o n a n d e n d in t h o

j g r a v e , w i t h o u t eve r h a v i n g m a n i -fes t ed all t h e s e s y m p t o m s . D r . Sago 's R e m e d y cures t h o w o r s t eases. 60 cen t s , b y d r u g g i s t s .




Everybody knows


P U R E D R U G S ,

P A T E N T M E D I C I N E ,

C H A S . L A W Y E R , mopmirrcm o»

NATIONAL HOTEL, N'Mr n , II, n . A M. f)?poi,

Z.C-7rZZZ.Zs. - Jli i U I A .

First clasa Board and Hoomut Reasonale Rates

Livery and Feed snoile In Coni-eeUoo-

T o I n v a l i d a n d W o u n d e d

S O L D 1 E R S I rin- undersigned nt the request of many

Invalid Soldiers, has qualified and be-.-n admi t t ed to pract ice

in t h e

Interior Department, and all the bureaus thereof and is now

K e a d v 10 P r o s e e u l e C l a i m s , for those that may be enti t led to PEN-


M I L T O N M . P E R R Y .

and In Fact

Milton M. P e r r y , At to rney & C o u n s e l o r nt L a w ,

rrain'i Hall Block, - Lowell, Mich, j 'pcclal at tei : t ion g iven to Collectious

Conveyancing, Loans and Sale of Ht-al Estate.


That should be kept in a First Class Drug btorc, is at


The Best Line of Key West and Domestic Cigars in Lowell

O M a


o n

V ©

& o o

• < J

; 0 7 CD

^ &

? ^ G Ul

^ M ' S. P

O H o UL

0 ) TJ (t) O

£ '

•< O

c o >


o m


H X m 2 0 z H 1



m 0 3


f o

CD v*




FRANK C. ALGER. A t t o n j o j r n t X ^ u w -

Collections Given Prompt Attention


Colon Block. - I G W E L u >11011


F O R E M A N & T A L B O T , PROP'S,

Orders for rasaengeri or Haggage left al Train's HoUl, Davis House or the Bus Uarn will

receive prompt attention.


? CD

§ O o


M *


d d

^ > % %


Q o o



I*"TAXT MUX* ROB ALL TBTCTUTIO TllKs. Frna cttm fr r rhtnmllm, Kearaljlaand !V inl^a. b»..d t-y diagi;lMa every wSera. cr by mall, SAcenls.

Ixivaliy r taalor M orka, LoweU, .llaaa.

{Mrs. Allen's Ooldcn Hair Wash. raiUUn Fa t kleatli. Mimuatfuia.^r <lr»«l-i|.Uiflli'lm«i Ram-t,)' nmo>li« •uprrflismihilr, lungriuwliv. Allrmii wlu<l<Mlt »Ml iMalt. Mnl l i t " .nip r- r lliuonlnlrtmilir I n I llneerSnauili gwxU, Mils 11, W, Al l>N,m\Vwin, WAIU) AV„1)IIUII. KM laltkyuniuliu


Dependent on Her Daily Labor FOR S U P P O R T

!• eoUtled to a Pension. Also

E v e r y S o l d i e r i •* dlralilrd, wl ether his dlsalilllly was con-trscted In tlio Sirvlce or uot. Kaihers and ,'!oilii-ni wlibout rKKKKNT me ins of support • alltlrd lo f r.' per nionlh.

Shall be Pleased to Proiecute Any Such Cli imi

No Charge t'nleaa Nuccessfiit I Fee Uiulted to Ton Dollars t

The oldest Pension Agency In Hie State, llilird June, 1S6I, Aadrcaa (with stampj


AT J .E .LEE'S BEAT B M B T Ou the Br.ilgs, will always U fmmd the

choicest cuts of Meat, Fluh and Poul-try In their seasons, at Prlcea

Always Iteasouable.

J . E . L E E . - Lowell, Mich.





Hlood makes a tr ip aronml tho body

in n-few seconds, if pure, it repaln current waste tuid keeps up \ itiiilty.

if filled with Kidney acid poison, yon wiU bavo

S O U R T B L O O D , which will chnnsp nil the flniils of the system, and grudunlly break down

every vital organ and give yott iv mul-

titude of unyielding disorders. To sweeten tbe blood, use the piaranteod

vegetable alterative

KIDNEY I B L O O D i L i v c n l

Koo A Bo;n : , six FOB $ j TRY IT TQ-DAI F.E.C.=REMEDY

- i L - T - T - E - n s r - r ) -




Actual Business Shorthand and Typewriting AND TELEGRAPHY.


Scientific, Classical, Music, Civil Engineering, Fine Art AND E L O C U T I O N COURSES.

We Board and Room our Students for S2.50 per week. Expenses less here than anywhere else. Address

A . E . Y E R E X , P r e s .

P I S O ' S R E M E D Y F O R C A T A R R H .

Best. Easiest to use. Cheapest . ReBef i s i m m c d i a t o . I i A c u r e if cer ta in . Fo r Cold in tlio Head i t h a s uo equa l . I

C A T A R R H " n O l n t m e n l , of which a imaU parti.-lo is appl ied I

• l o tho noalrila- 1 rice, ®c. bold by DruinrlMs o r sent by I r m a l L Addmaa, L. T . HAUXTLte, V o r r e u , Pa , I

- . . • • "

I O W K I . l , i O U K N A L * W K D N I f D A V P R ^ K M R F U S, 1800.

F R O M W A S U I N U f D N . MICHIGAN STATE NRWS. B u s i n e s s C a r d s . I U ) W K 1 X J 0 U R N A 1 .


r l . y v & r a b o o f c i u - - . . c H A R L E S Q U I C K

0 , nridfiw

M . C ^ . - U « r D ^ o W :

attorneys. I * LUERT ~ '

T H I S I S T H E P I A N O News of Oensral Interest from tta

National Capital

S u b s c n p n o n $l.OO



All w h o wish t o m a k e t h e i r f r i e n d s a p r e s e n t p l o a s c call

b e f o r e p u r c h a s i n g e l s e w h e r e . O w i n g - t o lai R e p u r c h a s e s w c

i n t e n d g i v i n g o u r cus tome i s . t h e b e n e f i t of DEALERS

BCOTT, _ d populauon Hjr

L O W P R I C E S .

W e inv i t e i n spec t i on , a s w e a r c s u r e t o p ' e a s c y o u

G r e a t S a l e o f H o l i d a y l l a m l k c r d i i c f s .

MrCAKTY Whol»«»U- and lUUll C. Bank Hlork VETERINARY

I V t *• «»• 1 t K.unjfo


F o u r t h N a i i o n a l B a n k


JOURNAL GIVES W e o p e n wi th a n e n o r m o u s d i s p l a y of C o t t o n . C a m b r i c ,

L inen a n d P u r e Si lk M a n d e r c h i e f s a m i Muff le r s . T h e g n o d s

o f fe r TO IT'S SUBSCRIBERS. di-r Ira rile an c x r a o r d i n a r y v a l u e a n J e v e r y l a d y s h o u l d b e uKel

I'iUtei f t . L. from tack of work o oilier t/n IU. find it MCMMuy f..r ilien

p r o m p t t o

T a k e A d v a n t a s c o f t h e C h o i c e L i n e .

And the only conditions arc that those T:ho have a cltancc i mini be paiJ

ll di-part


C L A r P E R T O N & H 1 N E

GIIAKO RAWS- • M l t " '

I N " ^ D V ^ V N C E . •f offlo-n en- i L.u In l>U} A l s o a n i m m e n s e l ine of P u r e Si lk H a n - l k c r c l m f s f o r

G e n t l e m e n . chance of receiving his paper has No person w ho is in arrear* this Magnificent Present

S l a c k C h i n a S i l k ' K c r c h i c f s f o r L a d i e s a n d G e n t s , s . P . H I C K S

At to rney , LioantsColloctlou InHurance

HON EY to LOAN on REAL ESTATL SECURITY tuo uiil upwartk

Hew It Will Be Done.

On Thtiraday, January Also a fine l ine of B lack M u f f l l e r s , b o t h f o r L a d i e s a n d G e n -

t l e m e n . there will be a meeting of the Snh-

the Journal at Train's Opera House, lx>wcH, Mich M., for the purpose of awarding this Superb Instrument to one of the Sub scribers to the Jourk*u After assembling the meeting will appo Committee to take charge ol the awarding of the Present and into their hands will be put the Subtzription Lists cf this paper and from that the) decide who is eligible lor a chance of receiving this Magnificent P and every person who is eligible can fee for himself that his name goes and that his chance is equal to that of any other person. There will Iw tickets or numbers issued, but the names of the subscrilicrs will be printed

cards and the Committee will see that all who are in good standing go the box. After all the names are in the lox they will be thoroughly

mixed and then a vote will be taken to decide whether the first, tenth, hundredth, or which one out, has the Piano, and the person whose

that ticket is the one to whom the Piano will be given; except other person sends the paper to the one whose name comes out, then

the person who subtcribes and pays for the paper is the hom the I'iano will be giv

S o m e t h i n g N e w i n t h e R i b b o n L i n e . price. In

B . . H E . R B B . K I

AUTISTIC TAILOU. i C o m e a n d f e e t h e m . A n d a g i i n w c call y o u r a t t e n t i o n

t o o u r l ine of L i n r n ; e v e r y ' a r t i c l e in t h e l ine of L i n e n y o u will find h e r e . A full l ine of Cur se s a n d S h o p p i n g B a g s , G l o v e s ,

H o s i e r y , U n d e r w e a r , &c , & c

Fine S u i t s , O v e F c o a t s a n d T r o u s e r s


Abs t r ac t s o l T i l i e » R e a l Es ta le T

S h a w l s ! Al l t h e L a t e s t S t y l e s

a n d a n ice w c r m p r e s e n t . C l o a k s a n d J a c k e t s s u r e t o p l e a s e .

Dress Goods of all Description.

of K'HKl g I nlted M

n bv an cfflclal n -pon by Cajduln D. M. Taylor. In obarso

Instantly kill N o w a Word About t h e P iano

Krakauer and was purchased through the well known Music House of Ceo. I). He.-rick & Co., 13 Fountain St., Crat.d Rapids, and (hade especially for us, and is the best that can be made anywhere Krakauer is as good a Piano as is made and this I'iano is the gem of Kra kauer. It is full Ebony finish and the front |ianels Japanese Lacquered work and in ever}- respect it is

Uuirl. of I W e g i v e y o u t h e b e s t g o o d s a n d l o w e s t p r i c e s e v e r o f f e r e d .

E v e r y t h i n g s t r ic t ly a s r e p r e s e n t e d . IF YOU ARE GOING lueauun

IbU M wboll-I •houlil ndi iiited

E ,

LYON BLOCK. - LOWELL, MICH. is. Uioro ever lins been

likely always will be u feeling of

lag papers, nnd it ii a fact that. when both papers arc tbo property of

company, tbi' forces ployed will exert Ihemvlv

•scoop" on each other received one day ll

editor of a great morning dally liafl Bitted snlcido. Tbo report

Ihut the city editor of pet felt it ad

porter nnd get at the truth of

C o m e a n d S e e I t 1 Mr. T

picicd and r"t Into F » y v i i s r T

Y O T J F t



Tbo Comptroll

OUESSTfm CONUSnRUM uhv-dctai 18"' '"' * C r . Q g e p ' s E l e c t r i c M t .


2 ^ 5 WHAT IS THE USE Of iMiyli'K won Ii <f ine<liiitie».

Fmlundurs U'lng badly u tally The reporter learned, of

bis arrival at tbo tnomlag i«p?r of nrklns

lie thonglit it would U good wheme to Interview the editor and

' C n v r i ' t .

The place

T h e P a i n t ,



They arc also offering


say regarding the

lib desk w T snlalned bis mlssioii the edilo

emently. "Well look like a luau who br-s couimitted

Tli'.' reporter was obliged be lookel very little like

And If 1 bad committed snieldo d yon tblnl; 1 would be fool

go Herald

terrd bw posed rulcid E « r _ . i n . ,


F. D. KSAPI- M I) . / ii dlay. Oli

•le by All Druggin eulug jniperr—Cmcn-

nrd by r. I

n'l U

egrtarlan of Ibu city has beco tor rlnce be discovered u sclontUk

tba'. be lind not prevlomJy beet f. lie ( bangul bis mind upou

tho diet qnfstlon. and gotconvlnceJ that among the proper ediblesfi

mankind nf'cr be lind liem cssnred b>-professor of cbemistry tlmt beef, mutton nnd jiork were merely 'tnnsfonned

tables and (Train." After poa deiing upon tub) Interesting law of

S c M Shoes

W A L L P A P E R S .


R e m n a n t s C l o s e d O u t

Regardless of Cost

A • »!-?.* pal*.-i»

JOHN n iAn i i Ii hwhy ^l»«i I

plegd Ii:

II M4hiri Kor mre of Ueudu'l

I IiiiliK>i.tliMi try . Electric U •faction imiiw led -Pr ice WV

bottleut Hunt ft l iun'en UniK Utore

lusion Ibnt vegetarianlnn is a doctrine ope, nnd be adopted

policy, under wblcb Icrloln steaks, lamb chops nnd

fried bneon, not to speak cf rlowed kid . pigs" feet

Vork Hun F A R C O ' S ll,o eye of A BEWAHD OF fiOO.

Will he (Mid for ii" v Coeof UliunmU $ 2 . 5 0 LHDIF.S'BOOT I by Dr D

Kerne. HI -Mnla auO ' 'I.LRL' N .YRINLXT HI nlittlo Jap toddling

by (ho fiidd of a stout old Jap. bom I took to bo bis father. TL

whatever It ibonld lie called, of brilliant knickerbockers green as grass. Dm this

did not extend beyond biaclotbes. Tho weight of ages bis infantile brow—he could

yean old—ond It i certain that bis Infantllu logs bad bent beneath tho burden. lie was nn object of consciou:. pride on the part of Ids

f lively cnriocity on the part of peoptu i:i tbor.treot. and foretgn ii . .

that I ba Boston Post.

•'ISXi..* ii.il lie In

ntenti |IHr)nATE'ii

'lb« pri

r i ' s a J H i f e i i K S G u

A . - T . H o w K & S o n

the lllirh

UlHj.W, / i w ' - n m

und lied New York. Age

Inflicted Henry II

uoxnax m-



Seven ty-uvo thOQRand baskets 13,000,000 oyster*. Multiply tbat b S4i. tbo number of days In the oyster

bare th r y.mooo.ooo oy

Kjlltan district ever)- year Betides this Ibu oystermen say tbat tb local traffic uses nearly one-third

In the course of a year New York Letter

llv fHrm contuhili* l'.3 I, ft Od. K By. nit.K iupmikI up 13 Here., ietiviiit: 10) Metes 2 Ilium-..

I Iwm. orcbsrtl and 8 goini mikh etllllnu

liable for tw o farms. Kor funb llculiiix address ftluH* Llvmgstuu, ell, Midi.


Practically, it is said, the on!) kill tbo English badgers U to stop their

In tbo covers along the blUrido wlille they r.ro out on their midnight foraging expedltloas, and then bn away with the bounds: for the badger

of the rrafllest of anlmnls. and oftei Its tho dogs. Ho will no

poisoned bait, nnd nn old badger, it 11 ••throw" a bnndred traps wltb

Impnnity. To di'lodgo the animals from their retreats, if they onto gain tbo eirtb

impossibility. They expert nnd rapid burro

Youth's Com pan

I UtMll III be glad YEITER&LOOK,


^ • • ^ T c h i l d ircd. atimJTAI

• i'! i: l;. i-', i i:-' f the gatllng •ailing, of Hartford, Conn.. U Itantly busy wltb plans

, Ibough bo ijnowqull handsomuresidnn

Oalc Uill. and theru ij a largi' wor^iao] bi t ground.) where bo npends iip:irt of

nearly ever)- day wltb lib diagrams and

9RADFIELD R|BlllATOR^^g.r,H l a y

V K T T K K A- T , f > O K .

i- n m ttieblenn llii.

lb iMvi.KHi i ^,^,1 ,,^1 pmiriidinK Piles.- Price 10c imtioa u for all Kiade., b y ^

Special E lie net

•IEPT^NIHER. OCI Mly u«eu rltannic. Tlie inert

t i ilil-linhirtor)- ran be RicmplUli

uITh pimders


jteacuilni whatyii^

1 bunlmit.

*U. EPLEMBRRW, Ociobe tier 28

By Order of Co. IVnid of Kzamlners • Hecietary. d.^ch^i

Tho gniatojt dista und of

heard was on Dec. 4. IS32. when tb beunl iu tbo Erxe-

goblrgo luountalns. at * distance of 'JJt> a Bottle To-d^y I I turfi nd l.ni In UweU, worth fMX) Hml Mm.uM be •Ismdoned as

keirn»<l boineand huvirr, f H , ' u

for ^ run. Ik ine mi me v Imlif

lougbi by E)y'« Cram, Panto to measure, $3, at

l i i s j i y ' piin oratTH y, HSHKI

mpj/ J lid/*- of


E ? e r j Soldier New

S o l d i e r ' s W i d o w

The Books and Accounts of the late firm of Uowk and BostwiOk are in our bandM for settlement All indebted will iileaeo call and s.'til.'ai once. ' A. J. UowKftSoh.

Pretty Asiilraut—What win fame as an actress?

The Dramntiat—Study hard for about five years, day and night; work your way np for five more nnd then

P. A. (breathlessly)—And then? The Dramnlist—And then you may lie

asked to idgu a soap teetlmouiul, < yonr plctnn- In the tobacco stc Piltsbury UulLlin.

Mr. Ua.-.imcnd, cf Bugor, Mich.. Ibrew r. knif • r.t n mona:. Tua blade t truck tbo floor, brukoia 'wo cn 1 nplec* of tho rteel cot bis baby'd car and bi-Hiclcd iajuric i probably fatal.

D e l w i t , G ' d H a m A l i l i ^ k e c

MnJsm.K. AU-Pts-s

(. !*•

rAS«f.\OKK ItAlSS wrar

B a i l i r j s R. R.

r i .Mi : T A B L E ;

The Mails.

.—ckw-d pouch for Oran^


i X ) W K I J i J O U R N A L : W K I > N l W h A Y , D f X » K M B K R S, 18^0 .


| l 00 Ci-Uneis at rhilley s. i oul D. bner is bome from Doffsta-

Tlie Fsir Store sports a m«l new Harry llnnter was home Thankr viag

mg. UesMe Hunt epent Thanksglag at

O-o. Angell'pentSnndsy with friends in

Fne Job Printing of all kinks at JOIB-NSI. Office.

Mi*#* Ul tw Ooodenonub and Brnha HiMiy »|M.l Thanksgiving whh Frvep"** frin.ds and took in the pany la Ue evea-inR.

F.<r Sale—A rood, pntle, famtly driv-ing mate—«ith Hsmms. boncy. and rat-Itr. Wi I »4I any or all >erv cheap. »'»« 4) THK>DOAE Mcnxra.

Ladn-a, H will pay yoa to rail and look over my si.** of Millb-ery. I have j«M received all l l* latnn novt-Hies

M n J OOi

A Klnt! l/wif live lb- Kin*! A "Tie loutel King h.-Kan bis reiffn. Mi«tday

Rdler skating Is sgain tumlag Ibe | ^ heads of the Adtian ^ .

dirxtom of the E-nt l^ -o ty Agr caharal aoc*Ky Itrter fn-e e«*r»km to the new

•isrd | ^ Hoak •per."- Thanksgiving:week I n T W ^ hr.n« of bia adoring

ice in Flat River j*s

Asaootatioa is paying

73ft a. m.—('luted fwaoh for Detroit. W M p m - W a j sMati.

. t aop , i u . - « a » wail. OOINO BUCTH.

In.—Mnil UJ L ftTl. I t R.

4;3ftri. tn.—Mml by carrier, '-xcf* Alio 1030 a. tn -Wail by L ft 11. I t H-e i f i p m . - •• • "

The Low, H Fi the imwams ».iw.

Ceo Ouibm. %4 Gd. Rspios, was in

Uuni—to Mr and Mrs Flank Fox, Oii. tH a tioe dan^bt- r.

To Rmu I'beap, a good now boo*-Efiqune «>• Ilea 8 alea.

Tin- 1/wn II (Wgslinti was home frow Grand Rt|M., laal week.

Mm Ira Alger »iMt.d GreennOr (rietY. o « t ThankxciMBK.

Mr Sooraby, of lihiea up iMng wiih Loved fiVxids. Imiei.nd Byile DaiwKt.nf OL Bap da,

re riMling Umt4l retail Mm* N,ltie Wi)** hw rrtanvd from

«r , 11. inl.d Frank R E ker u d fam«y ipewi

Tlianksgiving in J<*ai^avUto. Emma U.v* <4 ii*. Bapida, rW lend lnw.e^ra ldayataa we.k.

Mn J . O lleroo b«a a c -mpl. te line am-}' Owid. fur ke tadidaj trade.

Maida>, K. v Stib. PlflK? w in in waking I k f t U.^d.y Oabmrta. Mm Emma S«.r!ea, of Od Bapds,

«ni boifday with frimda in Lo«-eU. Tiiwuaiiip irra^wrrrs can gH ihrtrti <vi|M. | m.ied at the Joi n* a l Osncx.

1*1,4 C. S. t-ia^Wwe apetit Thinki CIV ng W lib bis |a.n-Mk at Qamo y, Mich

Frank Kijd baa returned fi io Imnda iu tkt MWibern pmt id ibe

Thnae wMring





N O Rmg, bare « • f a . erars. « ctaasa d may bn'

sort whh Mrs M beams I * door of the Congrniatlonal cbnn b. •m atv gnr'g tn gn married, nr if daagbtrr. a itee or coa«n is abow

to get married, kave jtmr a^-dding l an iIiob. firinted at Ibe JocmaL Oflb-e Mr and Mr- B. J . Emm. Mrs Hill, ami

Mba Carrie DickiaMm. of Gd lUpids, aad Mia I Very BaadsIL >4 New V-rk

vbatora at F MtagVtaat verk. [-.-daewlty. Nov. H k. I8M.

«Ul| h Mrlvm. infant soa of Mr and Mn. J. E 11 ogle, agxd II wveka. S days. It •as taken to Qastingn. Tbwiaday, for •ttal. The VfTgmwra M, K. S-tw^y wfll b»4 l hb * »<rta- Friday eveamg. Fee It at

he bome of J-I.n Oakea. Eacb tady till pbaae i n i g a Box wak lanck f i* •n, evu j bod? invited. Ileaty P«rk«T. *4 R,lia-ka. is vimring

ib. pum.t*, Mr ai d Mrs E. I) Paiker and i«tar fr* nd. in tbta place This is


A. L Bemia. of the Caraaa Cby 1

Oa»-ff«. bashad a | * * deftakip at Washington offered hon HelWnk.be '

to gi«« np bis baaioeM '

*. Ionia Ooant* .Vanirrais want their

.ban- of tin-. <loes ibal aiH fall to ib'm 1

Jaa.1-*. Itisartdtka'aver«»«iain.«a i hat O«My a l o e Uveaw-licatnins

<« 11 le for BUMnlment under ibe aew

. ywu-s ago r.t Ike old Umpire Bro Moras is improving and aehope n i l l Mvi i (1 f , n j ^ h c r

see bim in his aixuatoraed plaor f.* the pnrpoae of trimming it np.

Come and look at our Piano, m n now fours it may bo. It will certainly bel^if

Aboat r.l light a place as I erw got ' II"* <*,,-v • <l»E»4»on of ume." and A iU,. Mid a Comstort miner, was aotne short ume. t>o, a> to when yonr rii. u

old Empire shaft. Gall maimm will yiebl to llood'a ttanapaiilla

rbe ioctal at Mr AM Mrs R Quick . is a aoix-em. The pegra n was G-A* d ibe boose fntl. Ttwboat and TAAT^W * llieir p ,n to make it pb-a-ant fo L Try it a<va. \ "UNG fraud., au.-L RTA are inepiring and ele» at«- tbr mot Mandtr.l; fn-y arc an ednoatiouttf ou

the awolling ground sqneodn.T the ridet aad it was a

good deal out T f fhape, VTe were MD on caw, bat rimply on platform of punta. wil'J ropes pang p from the ••omers ta tlie main cable,

which was of bomp. VTBCA we rearbrd tight | laco IJ the ihaft

im. Same boy. Dr E. W. Wells, of Grand Ba|dda.

bavmg add oat Ms practice in tkat cily. sill MI the fat ore make aargery. dent iia •j and kimwisa a vjecinhy aid win ta tn Lowell one day evwy two wteka, commencing or W idneailat. DiC 10.

n a m Kiral. y met wiih a aet-rte at d^>-. I m Friday. While t n mg to nde a k o r l e lie ran clone m a beer Jay ttay-he waa iphta g w. id aad t piad evet just m tune to receive ibe Mow of the

r r . o r s

of this!


How long do yoa sappoae It wr.old lake to wash ibe w tudowa at tbe poat .iffio. J

I'l.y.icisns and Surgeoaa Soap, . 10 oenta a cake at Cbaa. Me-

an}'a Mis C. O. Hodges, of Od. Baptda ia a-iiing her sw**, Mn Ur. E. D Mc-

Marrifd—Wwtn.-aday eve . No*. SI, at be rmAence «4 Mia N. L. McOarty. by

Bev. J. H. Tbomaa. Newtoa V. Warner and Mary Boroufbf. b>ak of Keeae. Nbk. A goodly company of fraud, were prnKeut, wlrfj erpieaaed their grod «-iabe« to bride and groom by the gift of many astral articlea. Afler a buami

The Cedar Spring* Clipper unhordens self and gives U« folio*tag panaoea

for many of th

John W. lin«ey is a candidate for a pension and nil Alleg«n H bent ing it fi* bim. It is all i»canse nr . .v .

strns eb'4 off »k'b. ranning tbe cannon itttt of a 4 b of inly cel.«rntlon i a l 8 X What next?

The Ooonty t V f k s Offic- was tbe xne of a mutrisa-tmal rental* To. •day tern. on. tbe paitic panta being E» it

1-n.ing liOTrjoy ai.d OmaeNa .MM De . Mr Lorej..y baa Mm divnm^ and t h a i s b i . thud trial id tM

by menial jxAe: M. Ia»de l«a atanaipiy-ed tM plenaare* of a d i i i ^ r aait.

Anttaay Ver Spoor was stiack. Friday, m d iiiManily killed by a tl It * I pmaeig. ' "nm at Gd. B^ad. Ue^eaoed waa 60 yaaia .4d and bad worked for tbe t l B 4kl Uo. forum-

ma, walking oowa tM track to and fnan bis wotk twice a day all thattha.'.

it was >atigbt and killed at tart.

loa a ia making a wrong pall a» get ike Cafdiol Weg.« A otk. Mated tbere It nxj-iire* a capunl of flOO.OOO. and alrend) tMy b a r . - 0 0 0 eaMcnb^l and

tbat tM w bole amoarn wi Tbnr abares aie | I0 «

aad it baa taken tM fcamof a i-pa ar anbacn|«i' a. ia I art. w« mnlenraikl tkat. witb tM e*o.y«K« of Meaan. Bnmeey. Townarad and Joat. no capHa Nat in Ionia kas taken more tkaa $1,000 ol the Mock.

Edward Ooletttan was on trial. Toes day, before Jadge Grove, charg-d " t h •attempting to (day tbe foe* ia I d-idge oa Fred A. Sradiah last «bdi and Eva Boltrr were retarnn.g

tM take a carriage one nigbt am met wben two sliar«ers aHa^aal

tkr horse and tried to compel Bradwli op bto mofH-y and tM won Id M

pat to flight. Odemsn


b tbalfof tM cliurcb. to Mr B-DA. tlraMm. f.R bis very liberal duaanon n.

TK WE yotinj ladies will a>vn bare tM 8. 8. Libran «n G<»id (Nnidition.

aeen last Sandny momi narct aicrlv aarmed?

n r r - c s l c i t s t " ? . ' H u m o o .

' " A O H E C r V ! ? C C OMTEROa**

i . J, HOWK & SON, OL'AlLlai I* W.OTS ii t ItiOCS


Mr* Janes Kiir,diy, of Od Rapid.. iBin d 14* »tai«r. Mis Jobn Murpby, ta

Monday. C U. Hooge-. of Od. Rapids. ig un bte nam} fiiet-da l.ei* tM Ural ol lie week. Ma. Winnie Shaw spent Tbank-giring nb 1mr I n g l i e I * Enri Shaw,

Mlliamnton. lyave yonr order f i* Partri Orajoa

i,din l.'k. or Wanr Color i iih Philby. ' Mis* IToet oe Joseph, wbo a cliool at Od. Ba|dds, a as home to apta

Ibinksgiving. Uit\ Eaton baa g i n * up bis sdmol

Od. Bapids f .r I tec. and will a « Vein* ft Lmfc.

Pbilby can furnndi yon joat aa fine -oik a* any travelmg agent and at a inch lower jrloe. Emeal Graham is b'«ie from Chicago,

taking bw many L-well n tat ires and

"Seeing is Believing.

BBS* r'VMi r, <-li-i-r, I nil. Lrlllauitv.lillr licit

_ , 1 1 G

" T h e Rochester."

. • ' . y u :

J. . J I I S T I S X T I I - B " ;


:h a, |' w. I

RROCO t h o Button, I t O p e n s

.'—-1 U ; : ' . -

id a r d E T s v y a ' ; ™

eW'rw fe I f

IOIILT, His Wimna. Mr and Mm Cbaa. WtMm. of Orei«o-H

ville. look turkey wnb Mr and Mm B . Wibon laal Tliura^ay. Tlie interior of tM King MilliBfOnV

mill is last beginning to take un iM badts of a flouring mill.

Mr m d Mrv Oeo. Wlhum, of Cadilla- , siimu Tliaut-sglving week with bia par-ouia, Mr und MraM. O. Wilaoa.

MM. Kiltie Maann wtumed laat Wed-mwd.y In.u. a two weeks vlan a Mb Mr and Mia Prvd T Mason, of Imda.

Dr and Mis L O Wood , of Od Bapida. spent Ttainksgivlng with Mm Wood's parenls, Mr and HraH H Sbepard.

A Ihtntad amount of fancy painting for tbe holidays axil be done by Mfv

Quick. Leare your ordeia early.

Now 1. a llial otasa time to suhacrib for ilie JOORKAU Send U loyourahaeiu

•lend., to tlMWiliiaa taller Iroai boiue. Two spuna uf tM new railroad bridge

rein | iik.ii iun and tM a hob-will M .Iinpl- led tielore the dale apeclfied, Jan.

IWII. The Sons ol Veteraas will kold their iniual "Ital Martitie"uo Tliimda} Eve..

Uec •WHi. The p.it* will be a auco*..

Notice is hereby given tbat ta pur sunn e of tM etaiute in aoch caaes t and provided. 1 will aell at i nblic lion in tM higkeat bidtbr. at 10 e'olnk A. M . an t l* fch day of Oeoeaiher. IMO. at tM aioee of Veiier ft Look. village nf Loavll. K*ni Oo . MMi. all iM hook aecnonu of tM tale firm i< Morgan ft Smitk, which are un|aiid i tM date of satd sale. D. O. Look.


LoweP enjoyed tM luxury of two flm ass mlil. ne* Thank-giving mabt I an in Biia'a bom* was bnk. nd all tM canned fruit, that Mr* Hme ad au carefully prepared bell eta, was takea. They ak

ihr'tugh Tbe b-iuae, jMooWeotaof every ra»er being dumj^d on the fl •d» were treMed ia tM sann nd every p'aoe abut anv arti f bidden in was tborouglilv mns-oked low much was taken It is 1m|io-aiblr •It. aUMaigk Mr. J W. Broadbent rows of nothing but tM fruit. The

n^id- noe of Mn. fliaion was bvto, lan loining was taken TM) fv ned Mane named iroh i neat and fnan iM bvdis uf ibing. Videutly ap. ui iM nigbt tbere.

stopped aad icd out t V pnidrs. tboa went on

till naotber scch place was reached. „ • At one poitl. bating pven IM signal r ^ ^ "

Wheat, wbite W iieal. red Oata. Rye Flour, per hundred.. Bran, per ton . Middlings, per tea . .


a-rs of Joarph Wilson Poat No i. R , Attention: you are hereby

that the Annual Elect too of occur, on Wrdnesda," evening.

r becvm a nict'

lower, we went down » wben we Cnally ttuck. V tbe be'.l rope ti

readied for , p T ^ n e * . . . . stop. | a tvb* per barrel..

maber srifkoaf si

m.rnlrvg siekneas, swelled limbs and •iMrevil* au ending prrgt an cy. U n reliable, and highly eadonad by pbyi4-cians a* the wile s true private compan-

, live

. 1*5

. i s o :j F*s

id i\ai6dratiai Inter, tlop'. Address K Tt«0*AS ft CO.,

Geatr.l d s s s Meeting Saaday

foend that it bud woond roand a nail some JSctance r.lwve, and we coald . r not cse it The engineer knew notbrag | of our tronble, end rooUTiocd to lower awrir. TIktc waa no station near, and on all sides row the rmooih walls of IM shaft, bating ta inspnnded c m tM

n t . v P w p l e «f L o t f l l u d V i c i n i t j . D n j ' t F i l l to C j h to tlie F i i r We feared every momcal Ihtl the plat-

j fom v,

L O O K !

In the Triangle Store o r of Main and Water S t ,

nexinn.tm^«4 iMUtaall Tenc'v ia.ic<alioi will M la-l.! in tM Hi|^i

SclaMil room. Nsinrd .y, IXx U.b. at » i-lock TM folluwiag irMgram has

beea arranged:

Boll tall—Qiifitations fnan vanoas albera, B- citation—-Oiloe M-mman Paper oa Kioibrganm Work—Lillian

Be. nation-Mmaie Blskeslee. Pap^ on School Oovtraaient—Ota: lea

&:*) | ED throng:


IbogTapbioal Sketch of Perioha—May iamtr.

Vocal Polo—Mynie Fero. •ek-ct B^idinu—Minnie Mamn Hu4,ncal Ske cb-Mr M.rrnuan. Becitaii m—Uatay Smith. Qoetgion Box. M acellant

tbe jAsiform tern over or drop from n»- 1 dor us we tcig'at M able to sat* our hvra ] by haagmg oa to tbe cable.

We rhonted np tbe shaft till we were bosn-o. bnl t o one beard ocr criea, aad i ateadilv <!own came tbe cal.lc. camang 1 as great ti«iLie i>. ieep on top rf iu j P r i c e s s o Low a s t o A s t o n i s h Y o u . - C a l l ? n d G e t T h e m . ctala We felt '.bat ibe great wrtght

rtart the platform wbenbrtk ^ __ — . - _ ' T H E F A I R , O . G . H A L E .


: bad tbe space to ennmeratc ankles we could giv

present. Everybody inviled C S LaRZMXU Pre*. Cba« Lrvixos.os, Sic.

would ronrt likdy M hurled to iM bc«-tomofthecbafu

Finally, taonr great relief, the cable reused in.'.-scmd. For a long ume we waited ta KiKpeuso. not knowing what would be the next move of tbo* abova At last, bowevor, a a beard tbe voice of a nu-Ti sbouxiiig down to cs from tM nearest rtati.m above. We explained out. perilous poaiOoa ta a few worda,

•iman. end at length vlie greet ca'ule liegan to | trawl slowly up tne shift agsia SUR.

.. nn ^ being afrci'd the j^Utform would give I way, wc were obliged to keep bold ol

ncinity he , ^ ^ ^ xbe cosla as ..."".1 tb'-y anw-nnud.

Scribner's Magazine For tkr tvminf t ear inli he nptru>wtk} V'huh the Puhhtheri heiir. e are cf very the foUcvng may be menti. ned:—

friend, our bean feJl tbat.k., t rust014: that alien auff ring from a aimilar sor row lb<t yoa -y mpaihy ihatba.

jusmeia. aad was all of thel<

whelbtr we got out alive or went to ibe i.t be4 the platform tight-

ened ap r.ndct as aad we began to aa oend. Our work was cstr tbenand a

found that the (nginccr ba.1 concluded far, end halting

• 1*111*1-4 for THE J an

given Thankaglving night. The scheme fa* oo-'oeived after 'even o'clock P. M. md after eonsirterab'e bustling a very

graal crowd waa g<*ten out cad a very enj 1} able time waa bad,

A qnlet, although pleasant wedding eecurred laal . v. rung in tM preaoaee of lelativea and a few frtends at llw f hone of iM oniunotitig parties, 6:2 Went Walnut Street, Rata mat mi. anion was (hat of Mr H.ira'e W. Bakes, iMaueoevtful traveling salesman f.r 8 Hulonion 4T Co., and Misa Frai.k.r Harri aon, the popular lady who Mid reaponai hie pnaliions at Roherta ft llillhouse'i and S. Hern's, Ming book keeper and cash tar at iM tatter p'aoe fi* several y.-ara Bev. Mr Warren tiffioiaied. Tb.

nis ware both numerous and valua After iM ceremony ibe coiupam

Ben E Weat. of Gd. Bipida, Sunday in Lowell. Two Sundays in aucoeaaion and M liau'i b-en b.ieMlore foi aix munlM. Whai'a iMattraoiionV

Mr nnd Mm Fra l T. Mavm. of loalit, spent Tliaiik*giviii|f-wllh ills paiauts, Mr and Mm T W. Mason. Fred returned Friday. Mrs Masonamyedovei 8uuda>.

Ilev J . L. Doltaman. paator of tM U. B. cburub or S'Miili L nvcll. wid |tn at Train's Opera House neat Sui

ng, at I'JujU. Turn out anil

Tbe neat REGULAR meeting of TM W, . t; will ha liekl Dec 10. Every nn in •r is r. QUESTED LU M present, aa TM an-ml . I. ction uf olHceia TAMUM al that ME Euuua Moihk,S.C. Miss Ida Edison will open a etaaa in nciiiion 1 O G. T Mil, Uonday. Dec. H, at 4H)0 P. M. All iiitereat. d an- M-

' present Special attenli >11 w II M given TO GESTURAH aad vocal drllL

Tlie S|iirlluallaM of 1 lock ford and vi-cinity Will hold HaMr n.-at quanerly ineeiilig on Saiurd.,y and Sunday. DEO, IA and 14 Bev, J H Buriiham of Sag-inaw is . Bg iged, and ll IS expected that Mm Jackeo.I of UJ. Bapida will M pias-

GIVE tatta.

Ir and Mia Bakea left Kalamaaoo noon, arriving at Lowell tbia

after-ma SI, w Mrv tMy will aja-nd several lys. and tMn g • to tM east. TMy ive tM Mat WBIMA of a large circle of

Died—Sunday Morning. Nov SO. 1M0. J 'bn F. Ollley. aged 09 yea*a.&mos The funeral waa Mid Taasday, Bev. J, T Huated offiuuning.

John F. Cilley WAS born In Denver N. H . in June. I8JI. and In early child k aid went wMh hi. (airenis TO Vermont, WH -fv iii 1843 M w ba married to Sarah T^Mnitaaialn.«1WDI-d In IR4«. leaving BIM a (wo montM old dausbter—now Urn H. C. Palmer. In IBM 1 marri' d in Alnilra Tucker-«1

a bim — . II.. TIME M Michigan and aetiMl nmnueud in SN. Ikaunn. where M

lived until about ti yeaia ago. wMn M cone to tbia village—and which MA'ill '»waed at the time uf bis death lie waa ns.p"C'ed and inteeined by all w lib whom H- came In eomraot. p. 'Hlcal Mlelfa M waa an eame

dent BepnMican and had I Justice of tM Amo* In B a4on 1 aecuiive yean. He I saves A wife and seven children—flee sons am dauillltera- -tn mmirn bis tasa, 1 well known llmm^boui this seotb his family hive the alncereat aympalby of aaoaloffnauibia their Mieavemcnt.

ANAN TO I nr S-IANON to find out if any thing bad gone wrong

place place whore the d and all tb

bandlmg a fall line <4 E. E. '» Pakery Good*. A. Fisher ft Oo.

laterihe for Od L>e«T |aper. TLTR DtrOg Drmorrat

all IM new*, llebreivd bj IS+c.

a i m H Truly. L I. t.oKsrcn. M D

Ofbo., 1S II give fino

F J « HEXKY ft I O . t'r(.|X , Toledo, O TL~."VII4 toy ORUG^I,


The TNI IFL AND the FAT-mer

ROSWELL G. HOUR, How tat I'd r e t if I had one.

nref-Oat from vnor desl.R free, tM

Idltai* ankdl oill

5IA F ive Mile

5/A B u n S t a b l e

^ 5 A E l e c t r i c

5JA Extra Tea got 1 LAM from yoi


MiMlfeMIL Vrt..l TUPLES nl llie Hay .

1.3. IcSADGHTOS, fine select

Fresh Meats, Salt Meats,

F i s h

Poultry, and Game


"JEil Clioice Lurd and Tallows,

OLD DOCTOK UKUMMOND, After year* of palieol study and experl-

^ UTLI€»r R<

C H O I C R STOCK Expr**s p-e|aiid

price paid f

la. (IBiuUj

Children Cry for Pitchor's Castor.a

•aa. Hew Vinfc.

Another ricthn of tM Md peactioe of uall boj S jamping on and off moving a ins. is J.ihna« Odder, a 11 year-old

Grand Rapids hoy. At nine o'clock Ta. sday morning M atiemp ed to board the C. ft W. M. atarth-bn Leonard St.. bot loBt hi. bailing and fell

1 cars aad boili leg. oat «1T OW IM knee and tM «bei

•bore tM ankta. TM abock i sa r r ra i the pbyaioiaas MFIE to aavr In.

live. The K, K idhh state that Hare Ma Men a gna t nuisance all over tl* city aad mpecially at tbe lyonaid 81

of IM boy * jumping upon THE train-, and tba sad aocaleut may have

V adet cy to stop M.

Mrs Menie Froat. of Grand Rapids, lade an UN-acceaaful attempi to take

Mr life Toeadiy mghi, by taking a d.ta. e KITE and Mr bushstid take

care of Smith . Opera U.Mise, MR In hand MII.g door teiubr there. It i« pried 1 bat Froat lots tbr- st. ned VT 1 t.is wife and (L«t M i* in IM HEUT potmdinc her aum-reifully. Dr Crave, waa Called and WE "ceded in TENM'ITTF TL * woman, who said alio w-sntrd to di-and did not thank Mm for We work. It ta stated thst Froat. since bis engag-n-ent aa dtair teudbr, lias been quite fa miliar with KXNE of tM aiagp iMwuttes. whinb baa cauwd UI<*4 uf tM Uoablt between bun and ha wife.

In police court this morning James Bohinson waa arraign-d on a charge of having beea dru-ik iu IM saloon iff M. S. Lewis ia OI, Bapids Sarardaj nigbt He pta.de I giiiby and UFWE-waa aworn 10 (ell ba story. Be sain Ilcbinson. waa a *real misa constantly msubing eu-tomers and be did not want bim arnund

•Ye« laU I've ap IN BAA of ibat place." said TM poor culprit, wbe

Mie folioa well met as long a* M

kicked out. He was fined *5 at* 1 or thirty days in jail, while Mr

Lew is pocketed LIB forty eight cent •ITI ess cniHcate and went bome to take more audk cases.—Gd. JiupuU

George kodgera was |arhaps the mad-dea. man in IM oily la-T evening when M read In The I rtUK* that ba wife AOCUM Mm of bigamy. George is now In jail serving out a sentence for Ming drunk, but M still has some self renpeoi left. He MIGM M guilty ol geitmg orunk occaaioiuslly but as fur bat ing

u one wife, M wouldn't drei luxury. This laornlng BE si

tM lollowing note to Officer Jobuson ttarge ma TA agimat aie

last oiglii |ai|iar t. taiue ITALT and 1

ho AIA the divot c. MI wile 2 years «g. -A. gm and grained

Sir Eidwln Arnold

Henry M. Stanley rr as b^arast^arUH. npsa^TV Figmtn of RWO.

The Wrecker,

Prof. James Bryoe, M P.,

Ocean Steamships

Great Streets of the World

The price of ScrDmn't Mn^rzine admits of aiding a snhscriftiam ta one's other reading at very small cos:. Orders should be sent at once.


C h a r l e s S c r i b n e r ' s S o n s , P u b l ' r s , 74S-74S Broadvty, Kev Ycnk.

Consult Tour Own Interest! Buy When If on Can Buy Tlie Ciieapesl

T H E •


For The Next Sixty Days, And make Extraordinary Low Prices on ail kinds of Winter Foot Wear, ol

which they have a Full nnd Complete Line.

Ladies and Misses Beavci Shoes « « " " Slippers

" " 41 Alaskas •* * * « Arctics *> - ** Rubber Boots - 41 u pine Rubber Shoes


Mens and Boys Felts " 44 " Mackinaw Socks 44 " " "Overs for Socks - * " " " Felts

" Alaskas

^ ^ Arctics " " " Snow Excluders - m m Ruijijer Boots

Ladies Wool Lined Rubbers 40c. Misses " " 44 30c.

Mr White is always on hand to do all kinds of repairing.

E . " S T . H O C K E - E .

First Door West of Althen's Clothing Storei

W a t c h e s .

J e w e l r y ,

C l o c k s ,

S i l v e r w a r e ,

a w a g v s GET S H A V E D AT

g i l E E H f i H , H , S l L S B Y ' S S H O P S ,

King's Bui'di ig on the Bfidgi

And Pullen't Building,


Everything Else in the Jewelry Line Can be bought at

L O W E S T P R I C E S ,

H . A . S S C E R - I u I - A J N " ,

A v e r y ' s B l o c k , E a s t S i d e . - L o w e l l , M i c h .

R E P A I R I N G A S P E C I A L T Y .

I.OWK1.L JDUKNAh; VVK(>N tetf)A V{ DRGBMUKR 8. imtM/

N E I G H B O R H O O D N O T t S . ' l i o n » c * " , * r -

Archw Rom and Art Potrit rtart tn-Sooth rto,tom. i day (MondayJ forOd. RapM*. loaiteod

John F. Cillpy, of Lo«Hl. bol who th« Wat Mich BwIbmb Univeraliy. liv.-d in Ho. Burton m. rt of »».«• lime Miw Mary M MiOmniiaud tbeMi*« sine* Umg Mor* the war. died al hu De l iney f o f Gll tUp,jr. rpent Thvnt. home Sunday morning. girtnx with the formcr'a tnoihcr, Mr*

Mr* E. Hunt, of Ann Arbor, ridlcd M d i i n n i N i n liuwoc. htr motli.-r. Mr. EJwn Enr».h. last Mi(|t A||W. ^ 0 f to) lT1 | |e, .pen, •Saturday. Mn. B. « quite f^Ue; »*"• { , i t b brrmotbtr Mr* U. Low«. •lid not lie down Friday or Saturday

POWDER A b s o l u t e l y P u r e .

A c M m of iaiult b * k l n t

Of Ol x lr»T,oi« crr-D&K-C. S .la# r.JML



HD*E! AND LIVER CURE Crown Plasters a;;d PiiU-

t h e f a-» IN- o o t i S* f r t t u-<- for

ti. iRXrl wttb U'rr |Ua;l »r4Vt1t»iT t*tlj Ih-v K*

l i. tb r l « t r o u t U * o - l f l o * ! « & 3

ecJi Ktifrj u* L. w i-wihu «iii iMiMvyaa t o pr t fK- . b r t i i h

Hi m

C . B . R . A .


ire = : c = s c i ~ =:=7,T./.tu

^ U) b> YeSlff 4 Look ind CUrV 4 Wintgr.





rkr&r C«o4<ro«lalB the Urarrtor or thr nur T r r r ,

r » f t i r a f o r a p l f a s a s t mot* a s d

j p w d y n ..-t lot mrLueau. icun UO CMBOHC C* TUWH. CLEftermEM s SC*£ JHnOiT. HU FtVER. tSTMWl UD ILL MOMCHUL DISE* SES: thr? a n - f r e e

f t>3 a d o l i - a a s i - w . a s i x f t b l a g i » n s « d

Ui their miruLyoe bj» the BEST Or TDSICCO aod FSESH PISE HECLES



H U W P H R E Y S 5

irtimiK a~< Ur axr? i . j e ; r u r i i » n » - » w * a .w»^».«*ef r a w

l u n j , »«.•> t " 0 - A * " »#»

^rzssur Or-CibrwrrrateBn •! tl rU rrM.

Wva. cnax njro,

ZLvtnfmT «i; : 3 r 7f«'. aif' ii.iuju.if t r « . Ow® • ' M o . ' . . -*5

larrttass'sss* ;p WW. C«a4 ir .*} •rmWta. T- lifcra. .«5 ads kr«. M * 3»oiiQuni*_ • •rtJH.Tt-j ltn»i»»i*. .aL u» n.maia .ii ••mjmrimtji « l-«i« <mt rtil*£t .55 H -r . ». ;• « I-jO» .*3

Xf»li U^rsu. I .- l!-ii», I n ci'OM . i i |gW »mgI• »wi. Slirtmyy I' nn -H

SP E C I F I C S n t o - «mca«» i • i t -Orkilialair. <* Vrr « ' i«A C.<» i"«I«rTl». I**1 Df-rx*. < »4e U Um litmC « • «•<«»». -MbKB. On —Mr-*:;JIH ir IHvrki rc - D*mna$ nfmlM. Lniurve oimiK . l»i l «l IVrUlm .H:

mmt.-<r(ai*. mtfl ^mrrMft-ik. -ixit .»• rrtnr? M wwtrt* br: _i«l rai«I«l rrrl.<>. "Tit t-ia-Ti .if •I—«*.«f u. UI m rt»- »- i'- J" 1 .M u I C M T . •••-an. • * f t o r i « » « l - J f lll>h I W' r1«. .2# ChrvKii « ••.«»>««» kjfuy^nt^t

fc-iie i« Z'Tucrf-K t «« ttwra. I««. L:n-«eiT.- fu j«r** MS* tMBL: is <&>* UiS nua. sl»Er4 a—-

AVCVv^-ttR^.xS •V v'vtVx 0 vV

Vv l\V.> V v i - L V t f t m o x T V v m i j ^ a i r T s y m r y ^ _ n ler^kyallewwrwefHeweMnea-4m.it&VM*t uc-y "aj" «r l«r Pw jHrtrrr x* Kctiiuk M- j-u— <n. owetwt . uatC

n p h w . a» the c o u l o breath eaai.r Mlting »l'-

Tlie Lowell Dwtrici ,0000(0 will be held at K<*ne Orange Hall Saturday, Dec. C We.sbonld have put th* in lact WMk.

Mr and Mr. Dmer Cilley are occo pyins the new h o u » .

Theie was a tu -prUe at Mr Walker*. la»t Saturday.

The nieetiae* at the M. R church con tinue ar.d a gruwiog mumt •* manifest-ed-

Jay Tm-vbriJce drew a load of wood j to L>«ell Saturday which weighed— grtMa—6.S50 IU>.

Fire Oioreb aod Mitten, rf.eap at P. C. Siuith"*.

ElMillr. F. ter B:oa have taken one (M their

<-ncim« to Kmieto naw SW cord? of KIAxi.

Wm Rot.;rt»m and mfe. of Mu-kr rm. are vi»)tmg at A. S Stannani'. aod ea-pect to attend a wedding before they return.

R Lewis aod family were in town on Sunday.

Abraham Keller has shipped 123 cord, of wood to Gd. Itajcda.

Noah Keller has gone north to work if .is • inter.

C. S. Engluh was called up a iittie ;^t midci bt. Thaoksgiving ere., lo go to Lowell to renve the eW-cVic Bghu— which bad gooe out—which be did in a few minutes after his arrival.

How can a man wish to leave Mich, with mch weather as the |a*t monUi has fuioUbed aod expect to find a better climate.

Waj ne Young and wife look a trip on the D.. L AN., Thanksgiving day.

Look at the laM on your paper and if yov owe. pleaae call ai>d lay up

t l l « B Atom*. Quite a change in the weather rince

last Saturday. Tikx on the sick list are n-nry Dug*.

Fannie White and V!r- ESe Sherman. Stepbeo BunneU' bouse, in Urattan.

i-urced lart Saturday forenoon with a }.»rt of the ODOtrats. We «rr informed that they waved part of the thing* that were in the lower pan of the house. T1>ey are now living in the O'Donoell bou*. Iisuraoot fSOO.

Last Monday Doro* Ctrnn h aod Will lierringUia killed Si rabbtU

L 11. Cowt and dia*. Maitsoo went to (irand Rap d. Tsefday.

What wUl becMae of the bee*, there w< m* to be do iKoej. Setfc Bate* found a i<e tree last week aod <« cutting found a very large sawm .of bee*, bat i<* ittr i>; and of boner.

Jacvb CabV i» away vbotiag bis reia tne» '.or a few weeks.

A full line of fresh onokies. cakts aod '•rea J at A. Ft-her 4 Co*.

Charlie and Jennie Liringatoa spent last week in CampbeU.

A large number from Bowne atteaded the dance at Freeport Tbankrgirlng night. Therewa< over 1X1 number*sold.

Mr* Duncan Roas. who haa been visit-ing fnends in lid. B/ipMs. returned home Wedoenday.

Mn Wm Perkins ha< returned Irom a ri.ii f> h<r son in Chicago.

John Henry has moved to Wisconsin wab bis family.

S»d MrNaughtoo and Nellie Yarring too, of Irving, (srot Sunday at Walt SalabaryV

Mrs Geo. Salsbury. of Gd. Bapida. Is visiting fnends in Bjwne.

Mrs (ieo. Mark try i« on the sick list. One of our natives who has a pupil

atundiog icbool in Lowell Kiys that in goiug to loan this nvirniug after the light haiw lie ivuld p-ck out the bousea oootaininx mimagable young ladies, by the Uiggy tracks in tbe »oow leading away. AXOtucx.

Why boy ready made pant: that doo't fit, when you can get Pant* to measure for $S, at Smith'a.

Mr* John R bcrtson, of Eecne. spent a few day* visiting friendi in Lj'eU last week.'

Miss Kiltie Gaboon, of this village, is visiuag friends in St. Johns.

Mr and Mr* S. E. Bevier, of Sooth U •ton, kpeat Thaoksgtriag in Grand Kajwdv

Mr and Mr* N. F. Gould 'pent Thanka-giriog •sith Jedge ASdrieh at Mo Jteeon

Mr* Emma Suiwe, who has be*n for me time at Nile*. Mich., haa returnei

to Saransc, Captain Giffocd b gaining stewly, bat

will be ontbe invalid list for aome ti aa hu disease it otitinate aal it will take time to sutalue it.

Frank Livermnre. of this township, started for the upper pes.inaal* Monday of this week. He will take up a borne dead if tbe conntry hiiu him.

Toe newspaper* have oomiaeoced another onslai ghl cm Eider Arnej ; Uk-j •ay be has booght, or has been given a 110.060 hone by CaliMnia parue> The valuation of the borae is altog-tber too high in the flrrt p!aoeand*(cmdly there it no dead am ranee thai be will cbiam a bone from the California pardes, but they have Ird him to. believe that they wiil give him a horse that pusMf t (•ranu tha will make him valoabie.—

Purdy, of Alton, viaited old frieads bet* last week.

Mr and Mr* VanSiralt and Mr and Mr. Jno. Byltma. of Grandville, mated al Mr Mastenbruok's Sunday, returning Monday.

A party of her fnends ea'led at her homo w remind Mns Ed* Ooodwll that last night (Tunday) wa. her biitbday. It waa a complete surpri and a nice lime. Of courxe Gypsy had lo go and enjoy herself. Gvpsy.

[An exchange R*< s that lawyer* bury their mistakes in ihe suprrme court, physicians bury their, in the grave yard, but printer* put their miMalre* In the most public places imaginable, where everv one can see an 1 cnticiae ibeto. - E H

O r a l i a a Ualhrrlags. Thne cheer* and a hearty wdcome

for PHer and North Alio. Indian Summer, and the farmers

plowing aftn Tlianksgiviog. Mi* Frank Fuller is vety aick with La

grippe. She has our r} mpathy. The social l>eJd with Mrs Fairchilds

btou ht in $5 11 for the Society. H. Lewiter mid a Sliropebiie ram to

Newaygo (Krties. Nov. 29 h. Horn—To Mr aod Mr* John Byrne, al

III" Center, a flue irl—Dr*t heir. P. McCaiiley and family look dinner

with Mr.« Owm \*cGre, last Sunday. These in attendaoce think the mi—ton

p a t e n t s h a r e b r « R o o n i B n i » i I

a r e a l n e w t h i n g c a l l e d t h e p o t e n t a n t o - I

m a r c m u s t a r d p o t . I t i t a m y ioge-

n i o c s c o n t r i v a n c e a n d is m a d o i n a a

e l e c t r o p l a t e o r n i c k e l s i l r e r case. I t h a *

a s l i d i n g p i s t o n , w h i c h y o o ppeaa, a o d

t h e n t h e u m s t u d comes n o t . J o r t aa

m n c h as y o o d e a i n . a o d kocpa f r e s h a o d

n i c e f o r q u i t e a w h i l e . — N e w Y o r k J o u r -

" B r o * « U c a r p e t i s n o t m a d e i n B r o a -

sels a t a l l , - s a i d J . 1 L d o U R i v e , o f

B n u e i s . " N o r is F r e n c h ^ a i a m a d e i n

F rance . P r e u c h p l a t e g lass, c r w h a t b

k n o w n l o t b e A m e r i c a n t r a d e as F r e n c h

g lass , b a l l o f I M g i a o m a k a . l a C a o a .

d a t h e y c a l l i t G e r a a o glass. l a n p p o e s

theae n a m e * « • f i w o becooas t h e n a r ! u p ^ t h e p o r t e r b u t U p . I h e d r i v

pe ts w e r e h a n d l e d b y d e a l e n i a O r o a d a . t h e g n a r d . t b e t m n a n . t h e c o o k , t b e

a n d t h e g l t M w a a f i m i n t r o d u c e d i n t h b . ^ n J e T f T - e s e r r a h t o a t h e t i n i n . c o o n t r r b y F r e n c h boose* a n d i a C a n a d a .

b y O e r m a n * . " — C h k a j o T r i b u a a

A r n H a r C a r : r o T t e r * s K i p e r i e M .

T h a d J c t n r i c h , t b e f o n t c r r e l e t . o f

J o h n L S n l u r a o , w h e n t h a t g m t l e m a n

waa. t p o r t i n g i d i t o r o f T h e I l l u s t r a t e d

N e w * had f.re yf-ar*' expc r i eace o a t h e

C U 0 c 0 t r a i n s c f t b e N e w Y o r k O e n t r e l .

" I d i d fair.y well with tbo c o m p a n y , -

sa id T h a d J e c s ; " 1 L a d only ( l o a m o n t h

m l a r y , l i s t m y t i p s made It np to u b o u t

I T A 1 made a g c o d n i a n y f r i e t . i l * . I w a s

t r e a t e d r.ilh espec ia l k i n d n e s s b y t h ?

V a n d e r b i l t s . M r . Anoonr, o f C h i c a g o :

Oo l . H a r k 1 r. poliee e o o i m i w i o n e r o f On d n a a t i . a n d I d o n t k n o w how many cth-m . T b e m o t t l i b e r a l t r a v e l e r I e v e r m e t

was M r * . WUliam*. c f C a m t r i d g v . Mast. | I m e a n M n . W i U i i r - . s . t b e s l M " r o f

G t p r g e I j e w b , t h e L e w b w h o is c e h h r a t -

ed f o r g l r i n g d i a m o n d s n w a y . T h u l a d y

A G r a c e s t r e e t c a r m p o a d e n t l o d f e a a

n o v e l c o m p l a i u t . H e ssy ic " I t has f o t -

t e n t o l « t h e h a b i t o f people , w h e n e v e r

they tee a young lady a n d g e n t l o n a n

p r u m e n a d i n g Grace s t ree t , t o nDege t h a t

t b e r ore engagwL T h i s b v e r y a m b a r -

r a t B i n g t o yooaj l a d i e * w h o rea ide o p o i

t h a t strerC as the?" bavo a u c l i c a c y i n a l j

l o w i n g g e u t l e m e p to escort t h o a h o s e . ' '

— R i c h m o n d State.

a Socze«««a D l o t l e r .

P. L . A. Wri-ht-A rilrcr b l o t t e r

b a c k r e p r w e n t i n s a s h o e a o l a b 0 0 t h e

m a r k e t . : M r * . W r i ^ r t - W h o U b o y « n c h a t h i n g

! as t h a t *


1 VUII-r. Mr ml Mr* Vrftey Mother, of Au-

•*irn. N. V, are tbiung Mr and Mr-Fred Hudgea.

!lr Sy IveMer II.«lg s. who ha* beer, vikixuig fnei"j" in York Slat- for •*v«*l tnoethK murnel to ha bome bere U>*. Friday,

Cyde Collar has b.-en remxWing tbe old home.

Mr and Mr* C. D. Uod e*. ol Urond Bapub. Son lay ed a: Fred Hculge*'.

We have jo< beard UJit Mr and Mr tViCjei CsJlar have gone u> hooarketfi mg io the Djo Kratu house. •

W. L Mem man bai tbe misfonane 10 lose hi* family driving horse. Sbt had pandyaia.

1*. «a> Hiram Frayer. ios'eadof Hiram Trayer* tbe JorEXaL made ii read «a< wtx-k,. wbt*»- Mr and Mrs CLana kae > felted.

M r» Saiifoni Foiler, of Lowell, former. It of Vergenrxv. Laa been having a can eer remosed from br fiap-r. A pro fes-rinaJ caxist* docicr. of Gd Raptds. did tbe jut.

Weioomt. Prter. yon can be ptrdonK. Uirt lime. Uul if yoa art tardy again we tiiali call 00 Nina to ii fltt pouKiuaesi

A Fbher t Co. carry a full line of E. fL Oiat«-'« cooiiea, rake* and bread.

c o u n t r y . — J e w e l e r e ' W e d d y .

at the Catholic church tne most sue- I P. L. A. Wright—Thefrwida of thoo-ormful they eve* had. It closed Sua- | •and* of downnoddee writer, io thb day nighi, and Rer. Father* O'iXioaahte and News hate gooe 10 Ptuladdphia. Pa.

We have jutt received the rad new* of the Uir.uiig of Scephen km net la" boose, in Sjuih Grattan, last Saturday. no farther particular*. These dear, ioog-knosrn friend* hare oar heartfelt sympathy in thb calamity.

H. Leauter and danghter, Minnie, ex-pect to start. Dec. 3d, for an extended visit in Oakland County.

Mr* Ambruae Spencer, aged 47 year*. and John Keating and wife, with thn-e • hiluren. the oldest only f<«r year*. came all the way from Nortb-western

WE ARE FULL! At flm bought some msy think it out

pia.v in us, but

WE GET FULL revrral times a year. Let us expiuin. We


FULL TO THE BRIM with an immen-e tdoek of Fr-lt Boots. S< ck. ai d Kui lvr*. at»o out s;ock of Lat.ii* Bea««.r Shota b tbe nn»t com-

plete ae Hate yei canied.

IT DOES US GOOD to ratlin eff the good*.

It Also Makes Our Customers Feel Happy We invite all io need of fool-

X .

tee*use they boy of us at tuch mnonable prices. 1 wiar to

w i t h p a l t r y o k k e b o r a d o l l a r , b u t

w i t h 15 b i l l s a a l c T O r t i m M tens .

- S p e a k i n j erf l i b e r a l peop le I m n r t n t

f o r p r t t o m e o t i o o J o h n L . S u D i r a o . H e

n e v e r c a v o vxo l e t s t h a n C5 f o r b l a c k i n g

h b boo ts i a t h e c m . H e o f t e n g a v e m e I

m o r e . E s p e c i a l l y o n e t a o m i n g w h e n he ]

fag ^ i n T b i t f d e e i r * a n d r o l K o g a t n M r a t - j , b e g o o d t h i n g * w e h a v e f o r y r n i . Y o u r * f u r comfort i n rold w e a t l i e r .

l e t a l y . I w c a t t o w a r d h i m a n d t r i e d t e „ „ _ w R O B B . R T S O N & S O N



A a b l U a a T i i p . i t * a l l k Pi

D e s p a i r i n g F a t l r f r - M y b o y . y o o w i l l

sneered w i t b o c t e f f o r I X * " ! y o n

care t a r c a d i t h e t o p o f t h e ' j d J e r f

S o n a o d H e i r — Y e a , s i r . l i - i t h e n t h e

pos i t i oD h a s — c r — d i s a d r a n t a g e * . d o n l

y c u k o o w . T h e t m o h l e b m o r e se re re .

- P i t t s b u r g B u l l e t i n .

A H t a t a t T w e t r a P . H .

" M a o d — D o y o n f r eJ t h e coJJ?

C b o D i o — N o . w h y d o yrm ask *

M a u d - O h . I d o a l k o o w , I w a a j u t

t r o o d e t i i i g w h e U i e r y o o d o o r a o t , a * i t

I. v e r y cpVI o u t s i d e . — l l u o s e y * * W e e k l y .

m a k e h i m c o m f o r t a b l e . T h e m o m e a t l

t o o r h e d h i m . h o w e v e r , h e l eaped n p a a d j

w e b o t h f c ' l c f a h e a p o a t h e flcor. a o d

w i t h t n e h a r a c k e t t h a t e v e r y b o d y w a k -

ened n p . J o h n L . t r o k o n p . t o o . a n d w a a

m n c h d b s w t e d T rbcn b e m r v e r e d t h e

r i x r u a , ss t h e b e d c l o t h e s b a d c o m e w i t h

h : r i f r u n t b e t c p L a t h . I g a t h e r e d m y -

se l f t o g e t h e r t h e b n t w a y I c o u l d a n d

c r e p t t o a c o m c r . w h i l e J o h n L . g o t b a c k

i n t o b e d a n d w a s s o o n d e e p i n g a g a i n . I n

t b e B o r D t a g w . S r a h o l e f t t h e c a r h e

t .nwta.1 m e a ( £ 0 b C L " — N e w Y o r t

W o r l d .

M r . W . H . A a m . aoo o f e s ^ M n e m o r

A m e s , o f M a n a c f a o a e m . b s o o n 1. be

m a r r i e d t o H b a D a b y H o d g M . I t b

sa id t h a t t h e e x - g o v e r n o r baa a l w a y s

m a d e h i . son l i v e a t N o r t h E a A o a . a a d

h a r d t h e r e a s ooe o f t h r f a c t o r y

Y o o o g A m e s haa h e r o o b l i g e d

t o t o r n o p a t h b p o s t b y 7 o ' c l o c k , e v e n

i f b e h a d been a t a b a l l i a B o s t o n t i l l

O o s u c h o e c a a o i i . b e

haa t r a r i l e d d o w n i o a f r e i g h t t r a i n , a n d

a r r i v e d i n t i m e t o c h a n g e fab c l c«be* a n d

t o w o r k



Steam Xlbt Water Heaters Steam Fitting and Pump Repairing,

IRTIFICIAL STOIE WILIS. FLIG8II6, ETC Aai prrsocis htrwtiac to lav nlk*. enrbwcen. «r tsy-

tk isx oTihat nrt. will Bad h 10 Oeir lalemi tofts mr |Wn WAN work at I wrvt Living Rale*, and Hal-

lafaetiun gnaranlred. llS

l i a r V l

, The aickrl-tn-Kama* in a cuvered wagon, arnt mg at: . „ , A t (,_. ^Wauoa io Pan*. Or G. M. b|- notr s (her ^ejw*!). KoV. n-b.-re 0 aew appaxatna haa recenUy SSih. alter a j -uroej of eight meeka., been aet op at aerml poiato ia the pob-All are «ell and overjoyed to see borne- j lie ttreeta for tbe p i r p o s e o l t n p p l y i c g

ineout < nee more. j hot water. A anaa strartfce b otfliMd

R«d B akewy. with DO ~<0*4 home, ^ ™ * faoret pw-agtsiftyrtra, the w a k r w Speoeer . a o * . ! ^ N w tke faucet is arioC. aad be-•a Canaoo. aged 18 yew*, aod George; ^ the«4ot a battoo. TooseIheappo-Uivioe. agesl 15 yeata. are. b y U w 0 x 1 , r a l B * a pail i s placed beneath the faaoet, feMoo of the botsr. all implicated 10 I a fire centimes p teoe (eqsnleot i n s ize

Mealing the p from fatten in thi. vi aad value to ooftof oardd fashioned cinitv as fallows: Will Spacer. 8; WM ' copper centt) i9 d n ^ ^ t t e slot, the Lr-aier. I; -Duck' Cowan. I: Henry ^ poshed and taiherfft a )rt of I essoer,

.. a. • I • * ia.swTWs.r~a* II^rM-a r. 1. a Mirupahir* e««. valued al ^ ^ 5 _ nrnmag antii asn* tHKi.ntactaT CwnataX Lakeey haa ^.pp^alter carry- £ WiveA w h . ^e ' r J Z Z ^ Z i l Z Z f - Z 1 " busineas. sometime, takmg Kmn suss sau/taatically. ^ tuaey troeUa.- Uxa 8. U

For First Claia Mason Wotk go Ir Johnsoo & Sbepard. All wort promptly aUcpded to. Otfice in Moaic Hall Block

Pareelt Polats Thankfgitiog was duly ofaservtd in

1 tie church, aa.1 tbe usual Urge family re-uauc * ere held

Mu» Maggie Keena. who was taken •4.k .with difbtbena «bile attending v lioul at Gd. Bands, l-as entirely re onv.-red attder tbe trsa'.ment of Dr Dinford.

Mw F"-™ Reone's has rvturneo from Fcnwtck after a > nxm bs vi-it awith ber bnHJ-er. Eugene, ai-i family

Jea-ie Clarfc'a Grattan friend; welcome tier home.

Toe •«*. of Mi«inn ta+rtrng* cl'a.d Sunday evening. Bev Father Downing preached a thrilling termoc to a rrowd-ed boue. All the inetting* have bnn largely attended, a great intere-t mam tested, and "f tru-t a great deal of good nas been done. Rev Father O'Donaboe and Rev Father Downing left Mood.y

m. for their borne in Niagara. N. Y Oar fneod and neighbor Stephen Ben

neb, bal bit home, with nearly all tbe nviient*. burned to the grouad Saiui-day aloul Si)> o'clock A. M. Tbe fire cangbt from tbe pp» between the ceil mg aad fl<orcf an uptCair* rwan. over tbe atting room aad seat almoat rsndy to fail when discovered Tbe family only saved what clothing they bad 00— and w«»e their poorest ooe* a* they w»*e dreaaed for ratter dirty work, Mr* R and daugbier* for washing, a* they were to but/ her on Monday; and aix extra men Una day U. tmian a h^org juh. i«-.-loding two Mm* aad a y< nag man tVr*


HEAD Try the Cure


A J . l y - w is haa m o t e l u p o n t b e f a r m

W L k L b e r e o r n t l y f m r c l i a u d - 4 G f . - r p *

JmOd. I M : W a l t e r C U r k g « * I t r e d o f f a r o u n g a n d

1 1 ' i J . H r s n V T D ^ r e n t e d b i t f a r m u . M r S i m p a o a f o r t b r - e

l l i e t h e n m o v s d 10 G d . R a p a d t

b u t f o u n d i b a t Use h i g h ] . rwwore tiimcte

u f t h a t p b o r f a i l e d U> a ^ r w w i t h b i s

o o o w i t n l a o e . wj b e m j v e d l o F r » * p u r t

1 b u t dad D ' « fiod i t m u c h tester t b e r r

L a x t S a t u r d a y b e taogbt Mr

t f l a n d i s g t a i g t o m o v e <w bus f a

n g a i n . - T b t r e n 0 0 p i * ' * l i k e borne

C i t a ^ c f i b e N a i a - P a s s a g e ^ . \3- | A J b w i C l a r k , o f F p e o o t r . i t s i m i E g

l a r v I n f i a i a a r i o a , H e a l s i L c S o r e s , t n e n d s i s t b t . v i d e i t y .

R e i t o r e s l i e Sca i -cs o f T i U c . S m c L D l > l r K K I i ^ . r r t i n g

a n d H c a n n g J t M w -

t j - a - v . - i e . . a n - i - e e ^ e « a o - t r t ! T V e s o « a o e a t U w W m . dark . • t - i e a * 4 I > a C ' « a M < P n e e M r . a ] I > n i « c . e U w ^ t r r , M x x e n u f a i . w i t h J . B V e b e r • e a s t u a - i . a . y E E T E E k - IW S k a i w «.. . I » s e a Tcira. as g e n e r a l m a u l e r . A o c l i w t r R a A .

I o f L//*eii, o r a l o r o f t h e d a y . a n d W .

| J i h r i s a n . s c r i b e W J ' j b t a m b o g M a

j l so r -e r a k e a n d i s k a A m g foe a y A j o f

b a y m a k i n g . C F r e y e r m u t h h o o g h t a

' j i l o « f o r j c e r . u a n d t h e w o o w o r k v f a

|IS. Blakeey ing en thi* - businea*,' aometimes taking ixnra Kopa souxaatically, a sheep ia brood daylight, and aew The interior of the sppantos b partly theft* ate corataotly coming 10 light occspied by a coO of pipe, within which • Sickest* and Uitkey* lia«e abarvd the b a gat Lmnier, exartjy as in cootriv-late of ihe aheep. Orlando Eikins. coo • aoora nsrd ta thb conntry t<r besting fable, was tak.-n v^y wck. Saturday ; ^ p t : in search of B>^eny. y wasted by beia-; trpt buroiog all

S A Nowhn Matted for Gd. Bapida. Jie time, bet b It^ttoi by the prtaring Mordat. to o -mm- nee the ttody of Uw >f the bultm which opens tbe faaoet. . on Fred A. M-ya^ Mart. iad the aolomatie tloaiajrf the fac^

. . . snJ shnuin? o7 the gas after the pailfal 5* laier— la iw Dectia*. ^ witrr has be« clchrertd are eaaly

Enowic*: :li=i.-. local drC.ioa was ct>- !««**! »T derioes ia cxamoa asm One togtcio ChraadxIIi-LsI-Waca. ^ ^ ccvl ia=a. whoa I f .=aJ can-a; wood b the fining of bo. fater caos wtoch the abot feer oiiw oatof town, wiy he a * driven, n u s r camag« to wasat f th-non». ; solil westbertswara ta«rpatr<joa feet.

"Wall. 1 tlaaa" dan late a h--i? of is- -New Yori CoramercJ Adt mteer. b . — i T — - r « .

-R-^t 'aaart o' » « « why. o h j Nrvly l > wh-i.- U l ijxI U -Loiea. s w ^ ' I r-t opto de icJha* Mar* U p ymUtmtittOm s S t t «y.l»Br. Reuben. I C«,t ctsa <*** Opra. U l the trK^wa. ^ fo' doHars ro' orres » • for Ue^a ..'ore agrd ta tar j a " T C r ' a r i m * * vo vrote.' Dowslgwu, to tayfcisi, l ^ o t o b> bgt. It was ao-' vt- Booaced that ct thr C1**"

..j - for t ^ i. =^t of M. Doaainb a duet -S XKma' I gll on t» de polb aa* Man W « ! n w ' T Z ^

Jeaotp l a y s L u Laal oa lay dioniler an' l me. C a r o o czd U. , When sarT-iV ole I lack Benben. whar'. dat ^ exported th^lwo sangsn logchaia y o ' bosrowrd cf xae las' fall lo l.«aae cb t a o ru ^ r d r a u the coo-h^lMicia" How", I gwinererteil hua doctor ve tto ^g^farthjcecb^a datsooe niggjr has dnn Col« it away to attack th-first chard of the pralnde fmm nx7 " to the tfairJ ect.

. . y ^ - j The cortain l!«i rose o a th» b r i d a l

- S ^ " I walk np t o dat wi»W w>d e h a r e a , «d . Ua. finbhol Eba a o d

a woein m y b a n . an' Mara Rohms L o b e o r n a were l e f t oa the aUge U> ^ caDs out to all de folta. Hah', de taaa j ^ what knows santi-tn' "beet dat yeariio' 1 porfoneJ lt*e doK that tas e w b « . lot: last aaamor Does TO' tteioo I »ntteo. Kow that ao attmspt has beea moU git dat woCo la arter datT *•** torrvew the e n l e n e e p ^

-H«uly" npoa Tacnhamer five and twenty y e a a

-An •'poem'.' be motmaed, as h e y a t the Qp*"-aaJ to make a m e n d s

Ifanedon Lis ax. "dat 1 should git all to fee Lnttal Oeatment of "Loiwngria reodv ,0 wose an' Mar* Ben Walts*, as' « *»ie Mart Tum Darban' MaaGeccgeTcnaer t h a t the t - o s d m b who a p p l a o d WagQCT

abowld cry oct at me: Wi-rt d«a chictrtrf Wbai't dun bogC- Wbar's da: *** y t a r r f t t r y e a r M a y as teagth h w o

hooeyr Doyo'duarrcio-lcouldLfia hoof to pit out o" dat?" ^ V*0?" ^ T ~ L .

-Bat yoa don't i^-aowMce t h a t y o n Co r - Teiagraph. art- gnihy of svwling bog . ehickena.

Geo. D. Herrlck & Co.,

Pianos, Organs and Musical Merchardise,

1 3 F O U N T A I N S T . ,

gartman gall glock. - iQrand gapids, Mch


x z . The Leading Musieal House of Western Michigan.

00 a vaat, all of « bom bad iheir ckatses ^ to UclhT 1 aslad. w nb mooey in ib m all Uiruel. As j -Idceni'xartlj "knowledge to oC.hia'. I A retasriahlei who calls hitn-

rei at the blepnjoaer,

they were all at w.ek quite a sraya f r o a i I sail. U i t Fae f r t e tosa-y dat den ha. Ian r ^ f Mu 'a lU hoase Ihry k«w ^ of 0 until |

whiU mas d «f.rl feeL'-New Yak **** ondcr L*prtsasea. Hebprob all wa. bnrne>l down. Mr aad Mis K. and daughters did all in tbeir power. It it a aad lost and money can never re-place many thing* At peeae t they are Maying in the O'lXaioell Itou-e An imnraaoe U $Ctj. Tb-ae fne^aa have tbe sympathy of all.

OW paper* Xi^ta per l(*i atUls


Erantilul wswther still oununue*. Ruads as duety T»iaiik»Kiviiig«a in July

Miliard Sayles moved on his farm

If Yeu Have C O I S U M P T i O R ! G C U B H OB C O L D

B R O M C H I T I S | r h r s s i l & d r i

S C R O F U L A i T t t i s f r r f i

Wh-j is to blame at Use Jonraa: tiffit* f « the m.x-d up items of onrs ID la<4 w***t Jiap-r. Suppaae t will be laid f Ute "Devil" aad G.. p-y ilvocht mm u. pay wbec read by Goo. McDuttali » wife (who bad only Uatn mamrd a le« uKaj.br/ where it soul ti-<«ge aoi *•« Henry went toGJ. Rapsds. s^c.. "bti it slwo'd read Jake MmaeobrtukaodwHi. leaving '«U lb- item of McDosaid aad

' Ibree bum- .-.-ner for 10 OMt-: Ihe ; wife v^oling (rae^s al a Trot l*n** and hamtSu went m(« too loth > Aichb Sherrard bad a rafflr here

r se tasJ I r tU^rmsOcO^

Ax emmaag intsatae d scnthera per-areeraanrondiTtlil&rxl ties leneotly came to our ewv A y oung lady frtan Lonttt-ana Lad beard mach cl Urt Ltalie Car-ter's bennty. and itaHni that tite woold • the prisua cs "Datca Charley.

obly'fl year. cad. and has commenced a rring lib eleventh una ta the M b s «

penitentiary. Be fcatcaiaa bsreia I and. with the csne^Moaf a year that be spent ia iad ia liliooik he haa o e r o c

been ont «f thb 1 -uitentiary hot a few mnntht at a time uooe. He it knowi

If a one

Hood's Sarsapar i i la

X e t y a B . ^ m m . k t C L U o o n a o o ^ a s

100 Doeos One Dollar





1,60(1: MICfliGAN: FARMERS are actual paid - in - advance subscribers to THE NATIONAL

STOCKMAN AND FARMER. T h e y appreciate its ninety-six col-umns each week, filled with well-classified reading matter, complete and accurate market reports and containing only dean, reliable advertisements, and we appreciate their patron-age.

We have no more intelligent and critical readers than those in Michigan. W e want more of them. With more- than 20,000 subscribers in Ohio where our paper is well known we have no difficulty in ex-tending our list W e want 3.400 more in Michigan in the next sixty days W e would get them and double that num-ber if farmers there knew

hat we have to offer ihem. A postal card will br ing a sample copy.

Subscription price, i i . 5 0 per year. l n c l u b 5 o f f i v e , s i . The1

remamder of this year free to1

new subscribers for 1S91. We will pay S3.000 in cash to our club raisers April 1. 1S91. A X 1 B L L , R l > l l J t C O . f o M ' r a .

P I T T S O C O C M . P A .


KRAKAUER PIANOS. 0o£ of ibe Fiaesi ted and UjsI Durable Piuas oo lbs Ma i

13 Fountain SL - Grand Rapids, Mien.

Do You Want Boots or Shoes ? You can get them at

"The Old Reliable" BOOT AND SHOE STORE,

Where you will always find the

Largest and Best Stock in T o w n Comprising everything in the line of footwear,

A. J. HOWK & SON, uccessors to Howk & Bostwick.

Bank Block. Lowell. Mich.


1 8 9 1 . Q ,

Harper 's Magazine. 5-Q . ILLUSTRATED.

mx ice tbe new t^r in tbe coaththees- | kaoirs tb right catnr or aaythiag c/fab terpriong girl taade friend* with a anteoedema. Be b a hahntae of the Ladies' Athletic dob. sod nurtyerertelbth which adycast the Berkeley L y o e o m . lie haa been eenieBcad every nine Us wbae Mr*. Cinor b reheanoag, aad woriangeueselnadUaeoofiibnewgi coaxed tbe latter to find act if there was and even while ia the peniicntiary ha* any aoct comtntntv-arinw betwaen the < pbtd his racauoa oa v a r i a n t gnanb aad bnildinga Cnnobty found a way. tat aciatear detecuras w u b M o r a or lass

a very affiail one. and the girb crawled n a n as fa L e n a Ulofae-OetBacrat. throcgb it aad obiaitsed an tsuaaoe to j tbe BeAeiey while lebcorKBg waa oo. Sinry ••* TWa. As—a Km*. Bawu

M b . Eotete f t h b i-nt ber rral name; • C a p t i- M- Holmea left hb borne tat c i .yoy«d t h e laeaking i a tatre than tbe i week for New Yori. frra wbeno» he will d i d the r ehearsa l . Sae aays Mn. Carter start on hb aLxty-aeooai voyage arotmd b being coacbtd It Betaco. evra lo the Cape Horn. Be haa the ksa iallcctka di ber voiot. Tbe ad- among aeafaria; men rf having miralde p o s t s abent ber ere ber abaa- the trip arvoad Cape Ham more t i m e s

dant bloode h a i r aad ber dresnog. S> than any Eriag inaa. aal if the czptais were a n«s3ige-one of those famoos keeps hb word far will mch lbs cea^ry nesligct — <4 tintntaeaiag bine which mark aa the trip> tiefocvherears*. Thb fitted b e r fera li'-e a moid. Tbe two time he b bocaJ for the ChAIn Gate,



r S r A * r B l C A * l " » f T m i r i - . w r r l x - . i . c * m tail .eh io t r m tws-i vsiaablr serte* if . aiiff Asruaa-cts. Taoe al* i fn«r^ wtta a W-v U> SUM thr faru aod ars-ins •. i« f ot f Oot . wbetfcer la tbr irArm '< tallies*, »aU..eiv mest isao l i •« i Eash Mae of Ibett /*-•> a,H«vl- to CD-p . - ' J lo Matab- U1 i iK t v» .» r>d i« i -M iU l i » -di l- naldr lacta-<«ac|«r««e r-l •'a <a.c<«t 'X-•.n^and »4bcrannaxi.r l*r* • tb. ia«. iTou-cxsoa.

tu> •male o n e arft l faa r * r t es, r - t1p« e f • •eais I. -aasia eaor|« - «• avo. I nriaj a a t ler r.- r *-rt wiil la-arc: fat I fXi.la

• la a Ul- Ki will be seal fnr ••re'Itanr snj tv.-Hc lor & ocstt * anj- i • lortf

•alt. i^uce paid Oikk.-a •jy I

•ea Xmfii—t, LmA tf Jgr^fTL ae Aceas


w n i H n > t » ? h o e p M i f « .


Md hy all DrufyUU. # C O T T A • O W R t . C n o m l o t o , M . Y .

t m u . b u t b e U i i n k * b e c a n m a k e t . T b a n k s « i t i o g E v e a n a t a b e r o f g a b Kaa- i l i r o e g i i a b o n t bilf an h^srof aad wiD prohably 0 ( « be asen o*. fab

-ismesa ol wo.a twiae « d h ui. uf the , uukeys aar.--«l hurae by Uw taky j P " - ' [ J ^ ^ d W » e tor^sr <wm~* JU-oa^a , , , . _, . . . - b that use wayyoa « rae t t ae todo t t T aad prtactpal owner«( tha f r t H i i afaip

, chrcoic Joaf«t» at la* .<tMe »txJ l» pre b/ya. j ^ ^ C u U t i ! n n l M r i e i j ^ c l a n a i r ia, w s a t b e r e d m a n y

j u j e d to d o a ! l t b e j v M « l e a d i n g tba - . i Ju> E a f o r d visaKO f r v ^ x l s a t S i r a i u ^ a i a l o s n e c f t b s p l a y . * a d l a r s crowded pde and brooglit him aatiy sroond tfae O ^ h e r i ^ U r f week. reuimiagUs-rte bark Iotb-AthleSv rcAt* end washed treacberoct iiinioversuty times.—Cor.

the Oaa fr.ca I bar band*.—Ne* York Sew liars* R-giater. ^ n r t ' ^ " ' r r r 1 S e w t o o W a r w r a n d M a r . B u n n g h f . j ^ X e w O r e s n t T i m e . .

f o r t h e c o o -

wui brl«4taMcOatUtbi»a <aUr. mil* loo ouaaerwo* to tamUoa- Tbe! tawnier

i *Js>e}< went vnry l i g h . Andrew Jm k« , , Wa^raad Mar. B - o n g ' f. i .*** a naoe l - C H - ^ o d tag^y - 1 ^ ^ .

r itrnmJi iv tAtf r*v' mitor mxmt ! ' jaj, 0m mitld ^ .n't l u r ^ A H««lnx. fr.«i near lid. Ra»ad*. Evrrybody, n o doohc. has loog -.boegtt a i n c t i a n rf foe ta to d e f e o d

, n n't itlacaat a; r»r. has b-n ttay tag b«e tbe j.*; w.-*. on Usat Oare w«, tfiil c g r e a t deal t o be d b s s cooMa f r o a i M r . Aaderwn. tha uuaamn. ix«. ai,s *«a. xnocunt d tbe »-n'«s l i J a n a .4 (as sa»- denirtd in tbe m a t t e r erf emetrtasde- haad o f the eognnetsing firm whirit haa

1 C.C. HiUbtsogbt bugr aad cbkhens Y VminsitaTsif PnV" botliia with Icaaf) tup. that cntaacted with thegoremment toboiU j -(jii ^ o a u l l n ' t resL l i e g r * ro re corse cQ when yoa tarn t h e n npaida t h e l i g a t b o a i e oo O o t c r D i a m o n d shcad.

be w a n t e d . W e t o s n t t n * A " k ' : M D f * • l U ' • * * * * * * tare a ^ s h o w e r p e n > e r i a t h o n b a p o o a t H a U e r a a . H a p r o p a a t l o a b t o s i n k

i thi. for the b s M £ l o « l i l t i i i l l f r f e e d . f ' W ' ^ P*1*1 ^ " f y o o r c a d B d o o B n w n o n : T i n e » i r U M t a caasstns n p o n t h e m n d y t b o a b w h i c h

o a f J . am *mmi m a m - e b ^ e « w t l l - S ^ t b e r r r s r ^ r ; a - o t b e r b o o b w i t h e s b t a t Use a s o M h Mf ^ y a B a n r n r -

^ ^ J I l T u If a l l tbe oeign'**. uhe o thkfa M d n a e w t y a s n a h i o f tnssde e n . a n d o p o o U a a u t o c r u f < « t t <d M O . h * aOd t h a t l a s l u * b o « e » e w y U ^ ^ ^ w h i c h y t * a r e i n f o m d b - W o n t a d t a K l a d a a a s t s r . b a

b o t e * a n d t b e c f c s f c * * h a v e b - e c t a n g b : ' sauce , " a n d a t a n s t a r f p o t A t tat. w i t h w a l k fifty fee t to rooat low. f Mrs F A Gull, of B t A d i a g . a n d 5lr* u p W l T t T _ isTonsaan h a s a u w e d l a a a d a n o f a a m o r «< s i a r i

Arery novel

H.asaa-Ma« Sita4an^ita-a Calasvn. • tae jecf l-O'. fta- ari-*~ aa ifcaas n IVS Iff n •< —4 a ma iHaaasaa. PnczSi.ni baan. by«itaatsw featxt W»a««B. aSI alr.ha ( futile, cr t Omtatars rfbesa Sebiri -.i r

e 4>YiSsaar ar Ual arsavc- 14 * . k 1a» »-ca. 1 mum ydtftmt*! I. r <ke Sr-I line: a ; — arhsra aw iQa «m-ei tn am aai ac V ram. I a a-wtixie hs Wilu.. 1 «» Ibwiu. : a seraa p -prsa aai I. a.'Vi Iw - Aim OaaslO I /

lalhrs«M>Taa4«ait'l) W ilae n-srf (»|» a j , aad '*Mmr m n l t t - ' 4 limrtr Wenat. | / •s •.Uwialkc a»nsalMe*WWer- 1«ahW a anra. ptean. aac. if .seta". Xacaz sx atu ;


i t A B P E k ' b x a i a Z i s e

n a K r c r s w c t t b T

B a l i t t S B s Z U t

r u s r s s s v e c s a r c a r u c

f a i t s y r Frrt l a a * sr f r J m m Oa C a l M


«*«. L l l r ^ aaJ T a l J " E. a. R . t - . .SAJ ^ a...,..-. ... IH > a l-r e j e c * t a / u i a

«*« a M 1 ^ w . - v s uf 1 u .4 « a - . . r . j u l- .U* iaa. t i . .-.

IU»»o» « » - - l X a » r-e-.ars»^. iKI . - i ^s a * , a cae

C. « u « r t a K ^ i a . . ^ w ^ a . . J - v l . a . • q ^ r . . . | . j l t< i w a n a T

t>. . j fctss a. . . . ; a i s m * tT* mctla.£i ur n isain ..n . tc» .a . r*j»r - .o«a a rtaMHwla.!- - Tuu 1-1 - . «a/. !•«> C OKaa a 9 ..j -tfaw aaeslaaf WaaaJPe.rtj > . .. iss. <a .• - . aa«na>b <a. u

T—*t. r r - w O a t t ^ u u . aosiciaia^ " •jrtaaji.- c. L . ixaata . tx S - * ! J . * « a t l a n s » i .* J a ^ - v . a . L . e s L > i x n .« Amtk.m a in* .r.a.- -a I.W., ^ !>-*•- I*s^t abC cat .«< J - CM ta exs U-laaus ] It- *: 1 tM asa. l-O. IW> * < a. a

a n a a . i i „ 1 m fc ttainsat^*.Piss-.-nar *c»-

k - r . • aa . i a . . .. . ' . < a K t a a a m a a i ( - r 1 r j ( -

.1* TloJ ^<ar_-|.«: «» .a .as* l a i lotce-o v s a , / —

D r . 3 c T t C o n ^ i S y r a p

23 ( i a t

esa«ar«t« t« aaotu >Of. t • • - I s r l a > t 3 ^ o t a l ^ . - l - * i t e l - n i . . * > - k/ l/WtaMxa al. CI - • »--., i i .tioa- I.H aaB». » *

A - • S. me n » r toor f - aaaws L . . e-aaiea-saac^gond-w . . ,~.~y I S--71»a*il<selsa^lad*u».- Lil a»

y-'W mm mToii u i n vrHp I l iL i i_g i l ! i i * , . . . .. •

. m k l t v w ^ a c i a t t a e ba-tariS caorwa. cS •i- c-:! t Ir . tiir—i: j V -n ues ia r rana - w t f i W . M " : •

^SjHfPEE ^ J : 'Sri' l

rsr-aS tz IW tt o s. — e C*. w ' Ser j •


j w a r r

C» at>st=^.-e a r . a i \ J j x j r m e r f

na tCd 1=3 : J '• ;j4 . T T . . . . j ,

ar*=sl; r9r . V.a.

f t H I L D R E I t S I F O f l


: H a U f B A B B O T H C E f . S i * Taaa. I " bB **UXr» ft •
