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Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1

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Journal of Bengali Studies is a peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary online academic journal devoted to the study of the history and culture of the Indic Bengali people. The theme of this issue is "Literature and Movements: Bengali Crossroads". A collector's item, this issue covers the wide span of literature produced in Bengal for last twleve hundred years and explores the interrelationship between literature and movements.
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  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    ISSN 2277-9426

    Journal of Bengali StudiesVol. 3, No. 1

    Literature and o!e"ents#

    Bengali $rossroads

    Buddhapurnima, 30 Boishakh 1421 Summer Issue, 14 May 2014

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    ISSN# 2277-9426

    Journal of Bengali Studies

    Vol. 3, No. 1

    14 a% 2&14

    Budd'a(urni"a, 3& Bois'a)' 1421

    Su""er Issue

    iterature and Movements:Bengali Crossroads

    *ditor# +a"al asgu(ta

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


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  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1



    *ditorial 7


    The Radha Idea at the Crossroads of History, Culture and Politics: Gitagovinda and the BoishnobMovement in BengalTamal Dasgupta 14

    Shato !iterature and the "#urga$%ali& Paradigm: Prabhat %umar Muho'adhyay&s (The )oddess*as Satya+it Ray&s DeviKaustav Kundu 43

    Bratya Basu&s Plays: Challenging Hegemony from beteen the -yebros of TimeSourav Gupta 71

    .rom Suffering to Revolt and Re+ection: / Study of the Bengali #alit 0arratives by 1atin Bala and2tthan'ada Bi+aliAsit Panda 90

    0itai in Boishnob Movement and !iteratureSayantan Thaur 10!

    The Movement 3ithin: / Secret )uide to -soteric Kaayaasaadhanaain "aryaapadaDe#aprasad $andyopadhyay 113

    Partition of India and the Chronicle of the -astern .rontier: Ma''ing the Short .ictions in Bengali on

    Migration, #is'lacement and Refugee StruggleKallol Gangopadhyay 1%&

    Michael Madhusudan&s Collaboration and Collusion ith #ominant Colonial Culture in'eghanad#adh KavyaDe# Dulal (alder 13!

    !iterature 4 Movement in the 'ahishasurmardini$ Selected 5erses of the #evi Mahatmya6 #urgaSa'tashati and the Bengali CrossroadsSan)ay Kumar 14&

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    4=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1


    Seeing, Beyond Seeing: Poetry of Movement and Movement of PoetryDe#an)an Das 1&1


    Boats in ChuyachandanS-arup $hatta+harya 1&

    Hungry Movement after 89 earsa+hieta $andyopadhyay 1&9

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1



    +'e ontents, !ie/s and o(inions ourring in t'e ontriutions are solel% t'e res(onsiilities of

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    So far, /e 'a!e (ulis'ed four issues on t'e follo/ing t'e"es, and all of t'e" are a!ailale


    gniug @Vol.1., No.1A

    Bengali $ine"a# Bengalis and $ine"a @Vol.2, No.2A

    Bengali +'eatre# Bengalis and +'eatre @Vol.2, No.1A

    Siene and +e'nolog% in 8istor%# odern Bengali ers(eti!es @Vol.2, No.2A

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1



    Some o/ our most +omple5 philosophi+al ideas o/ten turn into simplest /orms o/ myth -ithin a pro+ess

    o/ trans/eren+e -here the esoteri+ and the 6uotidian +an inter+hange2 / -e term this pro+ess o/

    trans/eren+e as the event o/ literature -e may not perhaps #e very -rong2 8iterature lie many other

    human art /orms: devises a +ertain language -hi+h is +apa#le o/ #eing a shared phenomenon -here

    people +an +ome together and a +ommunity springs into e5isten+e2 This is one ma)or thing a#out

    literature that should interest any nationalist method o/ en6uiry2 ;hen along -ith 'ousumi and other

    +omrades /ounded1ournal of Bengali Studies .$S: in %01% -ith a purpose to develop a nationalist

    methodology it -as a rash venture2 Today a/ter more than t-o years it seems lie the ris'ight +ulture su++eed in

    #e+oming the sa+red dis+ourse o/ a post

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    =.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    +ult o/ #ourgeois realism the s6ualor o/ industrial revolution and the de/eat o/ revolutionary hopes2 As

    reality seemed oppressive the ,omanti+s +ele#rated /antasy and imagination and +reative -riting -as

    separated /rom all other /orms o/ -ritten -ors -hi+h -as the original etymologi+al meaning o/literature= anything that -as -ritten do-n -ith letters -as literature and even today this meaning is

    sparsely retained as in te+hni+al literature or availa#le literature in a superspe+iality /ield: and -as

    #esto-ed -ith an aura2 nitially it -as a radi+al /orm o/ politi+al protest #ut -hat eventually /ollo-ed

    -as rei/i+ation and /etishisation o/ literature as an ivory to-er lo/tily raised a#ove all petty sordid

    human #usiness2 This vie- o/ literature is no- #rutally dis+arded in its pla+es o/ origin in the ;est #ut

    the usual $engali predi+ament o/ a +omprador regime is that our intelligentsia over-helmingly le/t,adha

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    33=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    atta+h any importan+e to ,adha2 A++ording to one o/ the +hie/ proponents o/ this Pan+hashaha

    5aiA++ording to Eriya resear+her $ishnupada Panda the Shoho)iya devotion -as against the religious

    tradition o/ Erissa2 R (is #eing sent to the Godavari region -as in a sense an e5ile senten+e /or the

    bhatimovement +entred around love@ 70:2 This Shoho)iya $oishno#ism had its origin not in Erissa

    #ut in $engal2 Seemingly the line o/ ,amananda +ontinued to sho- the same atta+hment to the $engali

    $oishno# tradition2 Prasanta Dasgupta tells us=

    'anohara Dasa said to #e the great

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    34=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    shared #y Purnendu Prasad $hatta+harya=

    n 1174 AD 8aBmaJa Sena ere+ts a Samaya.ayastam#ha i+tory Pillar: in the holy pilgrimage

    pla+e o/ Puri a/ter de/eating the Ganga King o/ Puri Ananga $hima Deva and arranged /or)itagovinda to #e regularly sung in the ne-ly re/ur#ished .agannath temple upon the third

    vastu level:2 R .ayadeva -ent on to live on the #ans o/ a river near "utta+ /or some time and

    #y 8aBmaJa Senas order the river -as re+hristened A)aya and that village on the river -as

    re+hristened Kenduli2 7:

    That 8aBmaJa Sena invaded Kalinga and o++upied large tra+ts o/ it is an esta#lished /a+t o/ history2

    The authoritative/n /dvanced History of India #y ,2"2 'aHumdar et al -hile re+ording .ayadevas

    +onne+tion -ith the +ourt o/ 8aBmaJa Sena tells us that 8aBmaJa Sena >served his apprenti+eship in

    the -or o/ government as vi+eroy or military governor in +harge o/ some distri+t in Kalinga2 En

    +oming to the throne he distinguished himsel/ as a +on6ueror and a patron o/ learning2 (e +laims to

    have pushed his +on6uests as /ar as Kalinga@ 1&0:2 Dinesh Sen o#serves that the 'adhainagar +opper

    ins+ription re+ords the +on6uest o/ Kalinga #y 8aBmaJa Sena 490:2 The same +opper plate proudly

    pro+laims 8aBmaJa Senas amorous liaisons -ith the -omen o/ Kalinga and this eroti+ allusion later

    +omes to /orm the nu+leus o/ DhoyisPavanadDtam -hi+h is modelled on KalidasasMeghadDtamSen

    0!:2PavanadDtamspeas o/ a Gandharvadamsel named Kuvalayavati su//ering /rom her pangs o/

    love /or a youth/ul 8aBmaJa Sena a/ter he has le/t Kalinga iharran)an ,oy !%4:2 ,2"2 'aHumdar in

    his/ncient India notes that 8aBmaJa Sena -ho +on6uered a num#er o/ provin+es and -hose vi+tory

    mar+h e5tended to Kamrupa in east $enaras and Allahaha#ad in the -est and Kalinga in the south

    indeed planted a vi+tory pillar in Puri 3%0

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    3C=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    Prasanta Kumar Dasgupta -hile e5tensively dis+ussing a#out the +ontroversy +reated around

    .ayadeva in his 19&% study +alled it the >#irth

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    36=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    Dasgupta almost thro-s his hands in air in e5asperation a/ter a lengthy re/utation o/ all the .$E

    arguments pre+isely #e+ause all that the .$E s+holars have +laimed is that .ayadeva did not #elong to

    $engal -hile not giving a single argument in /avour o/ .ayadevas Eriya identity as i/ the poet -ouldautomati+ally #elong to Erissa -ithout any histori+al eviden+e )ust #y slandering the -ell

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    37=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    Kum#ha o/ 'e-ar titledRasia'riya speas o/ .ayadeva in +onne+tion -ith ing 8aBmaJa Sena as

    Prasanta Dasgupta in/orms us in the same study %0

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    3=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    -hereas iharran)an ,oys authoritative -or +learly esta#lishes the /a+t that Imapatidhar -as alive

    even a/ter $ahtiyar Khil)is raid o/ a#ad-ip !%4

    a#out the shloas o/ .ayadeva /rom Sadutiarta eulogising the Sena ing= here this is the+ontention #eing a saint poet -ho -as +ompletely devoted to Krishna note= not

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    39=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    day and /irmly pla+es .ayadeva -ithin the literary

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    4&=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1


    5 Note on +ransliteration#

    ;e have tried to +on/orm to the standard internationally re+ognised:spelling o/ )itagovinda and .ayadeva throughout this arti+le2 (o-ever -hile speaing o/ .ayadeva

    -ithin an essentially $engali +onte5t #e it in the title o/ $engali studies on the poet or the /air o/

    Kenduli $ir#hum -e have pre/erred the spellings .oyde# and )itgobindo pre/erring the Kolata

    standard o/ $engali language2 $engalis pronoun+e the Sena ings as the Shen ings #ut the spelling

    Sen is so /amiliar -e had to use it instead o/ Shen -hile speaing o/ the Sen +ourt and 8ohon Sen in

    a $engali +onte5t2 Further the present -riter has tried to provide +orre+t dia+riti+al mars to all

    Sansrit terms #ut -ould lie to apologise /or -hatever la+unae that e5ist even a/ter his #est attempts2

    12 This may interest us that the .$E lo##y voi+ing its +laim over .ayadeva over-helmingly +onsists o/

    Eriya $rahmins and have #een a++used o/ $rahmini+al pre)udi+e #y /ello- Eriyas -ho have also

    alleged that the village touted to #e the #irth

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    41=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    8aBmaJa Sena or ho- a distortion o/ Sena history -ill #e help/ul in studying the poetry li/e and

    times o/ .ayadeva2

    32 ;ith the same signature authorship this time the pioneer o/ .$E +amp maes an attempt to poa+h on

    Gautama $uddha no dou#t em#oldened #y the +ae-al -hi+h they have en)oyed in their +ampaign to

    o++upy .ayadeva2 Xhttp=orissa2gov2ine

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    42=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    S'a)to Literature and t'e Durga-EaliF aradig"# ra'at Eu"ar

    u)'o(ad'%a%Fs G+'e Hoddess as Sat%ait

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    44=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    Goddess@ -ould +ause a politi+al storm during that time2 The /ilm as it e5ists is set in the vi+inity o/

    "al+utta literally the +ity o/ Kali during the latter part o/ the 19 th+entury2 Eddly the short story on

    -hi+h ,ay #ased his /ilm did not provoe a similar out+ry upon pu#li+ation2 This -as largely #e+ause

    P2K2 'uhopadhyay the >$alHa+ o/ $engal@ -as a $rahmin the highest +aste in the (indu hierar+hy

    and thus some-hat prote+ted /rom harsh +riti6ues2 n+identally 'uhopadhyay did not +ome up -ith

    the idea /or the short story all #y himsel/2 t -as apparently #ased on a+tual events a++ording to

    ,a#indranath Tagore -ho a#andoned the idea o/ -riting the story himsel/ #e+ause o/ his mem#ership

    in the $rahmo Sama) an elite group o/ modernist ndians -ho pu#li+ly opposed idol -orship2 Tagore

    ne- his politi+s and opinions -ould taint the re+eption o/ the story he -anted to -rite so he o//ered

    the idea /or the story to his /riend and author P2K2 'uhopadhyay2

    ,a#indranath Tagore had a massive in/luen+e on the young ,ay2%As a t-o year old ,ay heard the

    songs that Tagore sang at the #edside o/ his si+ /ather as a youth he attended Santinietan and over

    the years he tried to in+orporate into his -or TagoreZs vision o/ a li#eral so+iety -here -omen -ould

    en)oy a higher status2 8ie the Tagores as David Koph signi/i+antly notes in The Brahmo Sama+ and

    the Sha'ing of the Modern Indian Mind ,ayZs /amily enthusiasti+ally supported the $engal

    ,enaissan+e a movement o/ -estern edu+ated intelle+tuals -ho -ished to +reate a synthesis o/

    enlightened (induism and *uropean li#eralism2 They -anted to e5tend e6uality to -omen through

    edu+ation and marriage rights and they denoun+ed +ustoms su+h as -ido- #urning and +hild marriage2

    n /a+t ,ayZs o-n grandmother -as the /irst -oman do+tor in ndia2 an $uruma in an intriguing

    pro/ile on ,ay pu#lished in The 0e or Revie of Boos19 ovem#er 19&7: -ent on to depi+t the

    maestro as >The 8ast $engali ,enaissan+e 'an@2 nterestingly the ideals o/ the $engal ,enaissan+e

    /orm the #a+drop o/ ,ayZs#evi23

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    4C=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    A Photograph of Ray y !emai "hosh (#Delhi Art "allery)

    As a master /ilmmaer ,ay su#stantially reThis is a story /rom a little over a +entury ago@ re-inding the time

    /rame one hundred years to the 1790s -hen $ritish rule and edu+ation -ere not /ormally entren+hed in

    $engal and religion -as a more po-er/ul /or+e than in the 1&90s2 ,ay on the other hand /astThe $runt o/ /amily dis+ipline +ame do-n s6uarely on them and #e+ause they had no means

    o/ es+ape even in the +ourt o/ la- R ;omen resorted to sui+ide in 129\ +ases #y hanging 4%29\ #y

    poisoning and %2!\ ea+h #y dro-ning and sel/

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    61=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    Iltimate ,eality in the +osmos2 The s+ripture praises the goddessZs mythologi+al importan+e -hile all

    the male gods are su#ordinated to her2 t +ele#rates her philosophi+al import and honours her ritualisti+

    signi/i+an+e2 (o-ever the very same +omposer -ho venerates the goddess insults the living -omen

    intolera#lyM A +lear antithesis #et-een the superhuman goddess and the su#human -oman is

    esta#lished2 n The Sri Mad #evi Bhagavatam /eminine nature is stigmatiHed as #ase= >Falsehood vain

    #oldness +ra/tiness stupidity impatien+e overtheir minds and -ealth and everything #y their

    +rooed love +onversationsR@ i)nananda 3:2n the /inal +hapter it outrightly /or#ids -omen along

    -ith shudras: /rom reading or re+iting the#evi$Bhagavat Puranaitsel/= >ever any -oman nor any

    shudra is to read this hersel/ or himsel/ even out o/ ignoran+e rather they should hear this /rom the

    mouth o/ a $rahmana@ i)nananda 119%:2 Thus the te5t that lauds the goddess de#ases -omen2 Su+h

    se5ism and hatred o/ -omen +ontinues in (indu literature2 An important instan+e -ould +ertainly #e

    the -ritings o/ ,amarishna -ho not only adored Kali as the Supreme 'over the 'other o/ the

    "osmos #ut also dressed up and a+ted lie a -oman and immersed himsel/ in the /eminine mood2

    (o-ever as "arl Elson notes in The Mysterious Play of %ali: /n Inter'retive Study of Ramarishna1%

    he looed upon real -omen as >/ero+ious vora+ious /elines +oming to devour him@ Elson Study of

    Ramarishna 39:2

    *ven in our /ilm -hereas the goddess dominates the entire li/e o/ the aristo+rat Kaliinar he tells

    his son that the /ather must #e honoured as a god2 ;hen the son argues against the validity o/ his

    /atherZs dream Kaliinar re+ites the edi+ hymn in Sansrit revering the /ather2 (o-ever this

    harmonious relationship #et-een the divine god and the human /ather is a#sent in the +ase o/ the

    mother and her divine parallel2 The divine mother dominates KaliinarZs /antasy #ut she #ears no real

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    62=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    +onne+tion -ith any #iologi+al mother2 t is the paternal and not the maternal spirit that is applauded as

    en+ompassing #oth the heaven and the earth2 Thus -e realiHe the +ru5 o/ the pro#lem= the (indu

    goddess is too mu+h o/ a metaphor2 ;hen the maternal metaphor is applied to the goddess as in the

    +ase o/ Durga

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    63=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    -ithin a mortal /emale >stri avatara your -i/e is the goddess in+arnate@ Kaliinar e5+itedly

    e5+laims to his son Ima: the latter must #e elevated on to a pedestal so high that she is

    +ompletely divor+ed /rom the everyday -orld2 DoyamoyiZs metamorphosis in /a+t #ears a tragi+

    resem#lan+e to the phenomenon o/ Sati -hi+h also su#stantiates the +hasm #et-een the human and the

    divine realms2 For +enturies the -omen o/ $engal have heard so+iety +alling upon them= >$e lie

    Sati2@ ndeed as a -ido- young or old -as #eing prepared /or the /uneral pyre -ith her hus#and she

    -as a++laimed as an in+arnation o/ the goddess2 $y per/orming this a+t o/ sel/goddesses@ are #ut -ea vi+tims and tragi+ su#)e+ts in their o-n +ulture2 The goddess is shati

    maya lila prariti ali R there is no end to her theologi+al meanings and /un+tions and +apa+ities2

    $ut they are all so high up there so /ar /rom the -oman in /lesh and #lood living ne5t to us in our

    home to-n or +ountry2 ;hether the trans+endent #eyond is imaged intimately in her i+on -hi+h is

    hung up high or +arried up in pro+essions or -hether it is in+arnate -ithin a human -oman the

    goddess remains distant and di//erent2

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    64=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    ,ayZs /ilm thus provides a sharp antithesis to our aspirations /or the goddess paradigm and -as seen

    as an atta+ on (induism as a -hole espe+ially on the (indu pra+ti+e o/ idolatry2 The ndian

    Parliament /ell into an uproar2 Some mem#ers demanded #evi#e denied e5port +learan+e arguing that

    should /oreigners #e e5posed to the movie they -ould get a /alse impression o/ the 'other Goddess

    and ndiaZs an+ient #elie/ in in+arnation2 n+identally it -as denied an e5port li+ense until the then

    Prime 'inister .a-aharlal ehru himsel/ intervened2 (e sa- ,ayZs /ilm and silen+ed its +riti+s #y

    re6uesting that #e/ore they atta+ it they see it2 'ost parliamentarians didnZt #other to see the /ilm #ut

    ehruZs intervention saved#evi/rom #eing +ensored and liely /orgotten /orever2 'oreover as ,osie

    Thomas notes in >San+tity and S+andal= 'ythologiHation o/ 'other ndia@ ,ay -as even +riti+iHed #y

    argis the a+tress -ho -as ele+ted to the ndian Parliament: /or not sho-ing modern ndia to the

    -orld21$ut ,ay himsel/ re/used to pander to >the love o/ the /alseArt

    ision and "ulture= Satya)it ,ayZs Apu Trilogy ,evisited@ ;imal Dissanayae is 6uite right in

    applying the +hara+teristi+ o/ drishya avya visual poetry: /rom Sansrit drama to ,ayZs /ilms217 t is

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    6C=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    indeed through poeti+ undertones and lyri+al s+enes that ,ay e5plores DoyamoyiZs tragedy at par -ith

    the +lassi+al Gree tragi+ models shaped #y the lies o/ *uripedes and Sopho+les there#y #ringing

    home the point that there is no +orrelation #et-een image and reality2 To paraphrase ,ay in spite o/

    ndiaZs modern advan+ements it is a land -here +o-s are still sa+red phallus is God and -oman is a



    12 See Andre- ,o#inson Satya+it Ray: The Inner -ye2 e- Delhi= E5/ord Iniversity Press %0042


    %2 See "hidananda Dasgupta The Cinema of Satya+it Ray2 e- Delhi= ational $oo Trust ndia

    %0012 %&

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    66=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    42 See .ohn ;oodro//eHymns to the )oddess2 'adras= Ganesh ] "ompany 19&2 %932

    2 These +ategories are /ound in 'edi+al te5t attri#uted to "araa2 For a /ine dis+ussion see

    ;endy EZFlaherty #reams, Illusions, and other Realities2 "hi+ago= Iniversity o/ "hi+ago

    Press 19&42 %4(indu +on+eptions o/ the /emale

    pla+e (indu -oman in a position opposite to that o/ the Ameri+an -oman -ho is generally

    #elieved to #e passive #y nature2 (indu -omen need only tae advantage o/ their de/ining

    +hara+teristi+ -hereas Ameri+an -omen must over+ome theirs@ ;adley 13%:2

    102 For a /ine study and translation o/ this /i/th +entury te5t see Thomas $2 "o#urnZs -ncountering

    the )oddess2 Al#any= SIQ Press 19912

    112 See David Kinsley >The mage o/ the Divine and the Status o/ ;omen in the #evi$Bhagavat

    Purana@ in/nima91 19&%:= 0

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    67=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    tentatively2@ $ro-n %00:2 In/ortunately su+h streams o/ po-er have never su++eeded in

    a//e+ting the so+ial realm their in/luen+e has #een no more than a tentative suggestion -hi+h

    has never #een +arried out2

    1%2 See "arl Elson The Mysterious Play of %ali: /n Inter'retive Study of Ramarishna2 Atlanta

    Georgia= S+holars Press 19902 392 (is study #egins -ith the apt 6uestion >/ you en+ountered

    someone -ho assumed the dress and demeanour o/ a -oman yet held a misogynist attitude

    -ould you not -ondera#out su+h a person?@ Elson Study of Ramarishna1:2

    132 See Stephen (alli-ell/ristotle7s Poetics2 8ondon= Penguin 199!2 30The Goddess= Fa+t Falla+y and ,evitaliHation 'ovement2@ )oddess

    In Religions and Modern #ebate2 *d2 8arry ;2 (urtado2 Atlanta= S+holars Press 19902 179Art ision and "ulture= Satya)it ,ayZs Apu Trilogy ,evisited2@

    Cinema and Cultural Identity2 *d2 ;2 Dissanayae2 8anham 'D= Iniversity Press o/ Ameri+a

    19&&2 1032

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    6=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    >or)s $ited ? $onsulted

    $ro-n "2 'a+KenHie2 The Trium'h of the )oddess: The Canonical Models and Theological 5isions

    of the #evi$Bhagavata Purana2 Al#any e- Qor= SIQ 19902 Print2

    $eane ;endell "harles2Myth, Cult and Symbols in Shato Hinduism: / Study of the Indian Mother

    )oddess28eiden= *2.2 $rill 19772 Print2

    $uruma an2 >The 8ast $engali ,enaissan+e 'an2@ The 0e or Revie of Boos2 19 ovem#er

    19&7:= 1%

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    69=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    Gaden *linor ;2 The ?nce and .uture )oddess: The Symbol for ?ur Times2 e- Qor= (arper

    and ,o- 19&92 Print2

    (alli-ell Stephen2/ristotle7s Poetics 8ondon= Penguin 199!2 Print2

    Koph David2 The Brahmo Sama+ and the Sha'ing of the Modern Indian Mind2 Prin+eton 2.2=

    Prin+eton Iniversity Press 19792 Print2

    Kael Pauline2I !ost It at the Movies2 e- Qor= 8ittle $ro-n ] "ompany 19!2 Print2

    Kinsley David2 The Sord and the .lute: %ali and %rishna2 $ereley "2A2= Iniversity o/

    "ali/ornia Press 1972 Print2

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    7&=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    ,ushdie Salman2Imaginary Homelands2 8ondon= Granta $oos 19902 Print2

    Seton 'arie2Portrait of a #irector: Satya+it Ray2 e- Delhi= Penguin $oos %0032 Print2

    Singha .adunath2Ram'rosad&s #evotional Songs: The Cult of Shati2 "al+utta= Sinha Pu#lishing

    (ouse 19!!2 Print2

    Thomas ,osie2 >San+tity and S+andal= 'ythologiHation o/ 'other ndia2@ Kuarterly Revie of .ilm

    and 5ideo19&9 ol2 % no2 3:= %72 Print2

    To-nsend .oan $2 >The Goddess= Fa+t Falla+y and ,evitaliHation 'ovement2@ )oddess In

    Religions and Modern #ebate2 *d2 8arry ;2 (urtado2 Atlanta= S+holars Press 19902 179 ! !> +=&

    ????????????@ A '3 $- /

    % /&& 1&O

    These rhythmi+al lines highlight his universal pioneering vision /or $oishno#ism2 The ne5t important

    poet -ho praised ityananda and sa- him as a man o/ supreme po-er spreading Krisna >tat-a@ is

    Krishnadas Ka#ira)2 Krishnadas Ka#ira) in his Chaitanya Charitamrito-rites that during his visit to

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    111=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    $rinda#an Ka#ira) /elt the po-er o/ ityanadaZs #lessings that provided him the a#ility to -rite on

    su+h an e5alted su#)e+t2

    '3 '3

    !> >3 0&& 11O

    (is admiration /or itai on+e again /inds an e5pression in the shloas o/ the /irst +hapter o/ the

    [AdililaZ2 n the /i/th +hapter Ka#ira) -rites 3

    # D "' '3&& 12O

    Another +ontemporary 'urari Gupta in his%archa though very #rie/ly hinted that Sri "haitanya

    trusted ityananda -ith the tas o/ spearheading the $oishno# movement in $engal2 t -as in itai

    that Gour /ound the presen+e o/ >EDED(3 permanen+e no-ledge happiness: -hi+h together

    +hara+terise an a#le leadership /or $engal2

    E#servant historians o/ the $oishno# movement have a+no-ledged ityananda to #e a true

    demo+rat2 ndeed to +hallenge the dominan+e o/ the 'uslim Healots and e5treme so+ial #arriers itai

    dared to tae an initiative in +onsolidating the $engali people2 Though many -ould tell us that it -as

    nothing more than a devotional movement #ut /rom the -ritings o/ di//erent +ontemporary poets it +an

    #e said that it -as a movement o/ so+ial re/ormation in $engal delivering a lethal #lo- to

    untou+ha#ility2 Today the ndi+ $engali so+iety is again at a +riti+al )un+ture and -e need to #e

    reminded o/ the supreme organising e//orts o/ ityananda again2


    V1W'a)umderDas,amesh "handra2Chaitanya and His /ge2 pp 3

    V%W"haitanya $hag#at Atul Gos-amiZs edition pp 3&

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    112=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    V&W Sahityaratna(arerishnaed2Boishnob Podaboli; "al+utta= Sahitya Sansad 19!1 2pp 474

    V9WSahityaratna(arerishnaed2Boishnob Podaboli; "al+utta= Sahitya Sansad 19!12pp474

    V10W Chaitanya BhagbatSuumar SenZs *dition 13th+hapter2 pp1%&

    V11WV1%WKa#ira) Krishnadas2Chaitanya Choritammrito2

    >or)s $ited

    12 "hara#oty,amaanta2Boishnobism in Bengal2 "al+utta=Ananda Pu#lishers19&&

    %2 Das (aridas2 )ouriyo Boishnob /bhidan2olume 1] %:

    32 Dasgupta Surendranath2/ History of Indian Philoso'hy2

    "am#ridge "am#ridge Iniversity Press19!1:2 pp 1!V1&400

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    +'e o!e"ent >it'in# 5 Seret Huide to *soteri&aayaasaadhanaain


    ea(rasad Band%o(ad'%a%

    &. +8* *N+

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    114=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    line as >R V#Wut the learned never +ast thee o// the ne+2@M

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    11C=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

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    116=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    asarasuhaadvaya:= #E and lE t-o mnemoni+ devi+es /or remem#ering #ody

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    117=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    %2 Madhyamaa= speaing in the /alser dreamsorro-@: value o/

    language might #e in+reased due to the introdu+tion o/Paraavaa #ut thetheoretical significanceo/

    su+h +ategoreme -as opa6ue2

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    11=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    asarabrahman +anZt #e +on/used -ith the monotheisti+ notion o/ god brahman+anZt #e -orshiped

    #ut that #ig

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    119=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    medi+al gaHe d: Apart /rom malethatness@ >su+hness@: is to #e /used or mingled -ith arunaa the #enevolent

    a+tivity /or eradi+ating sorro-s loasamgrahathe goal o/ (bahu+anasuhaya,

    bahu+anahitaaya*(the pleasure and -el/are o/ many@M: the ultimate -isVhWdom o/ void bodhicitta:

    might #e a+hieved through thesaamarasyae6uili#rium o/ rasas >essen+e -hat is tested or /elt@: o/

    avadhuutii6madhyamaa; +/2 madhyamaaUmaadhyamia: +: Though have the e5perien+e o/

    pra+ti+ing -ith +orpse donZt have the no-ledge o/ modern medi+al ta5onomiHation o/ +orporeal2

    +anZt ans-er your 6uestion2 d: Do you no- the #hanDe #rommanDoThe -ay this universe s-ings through high and lo- tide /eel the very same pulling in

    the /lo- o/ #lood in my naadi2@

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    12&=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1


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    121=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    are supposedly non

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    122=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

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    123=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

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    124=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    totally ina+tive2

    (o-ever'ratibimban >re/le+tion@ does not -or due to the usual anthropo+entri+ limit o/ per+eption2

    Thus spoe 'unidatta*yathaa Eas ifA sva'ne Ein dreamA sva'ratibhaasam Eself as illusory a''earanceAyathaadarse E+ust that is to be seenA 'ratibimbam EimageA tadrisamantaraa E+ust lie that 'erce'tion in

    the interiorA bhaababi+naanam Euniversal consciousnessA 'asya E'erceiveA2@ +/2'ada4!:


  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    12C=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    The folloing 'a'ers Eboth in Bangla and in -nglish as ell as Italian translationA of the 'resent

    author are utiliLed for riting this 'a'er: Readers may ctrlright clic on the hy'erlin to have thefull$teGt 'a'er:

    %0132 >8anguage= From < Dentity to 'y

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    126=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    %00!a2 >Cj ' @2 Pro#lems o/ Possession:2Baromas ol E+to#er Z0!2 pp2

    %17< %%: ,eprinted inInteraction2 ov2 Z092 pp2

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    127=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    2 19742/n Introduction to Tantric Buddhism2 Kolata= Iniversity o/ "al+utta2

    Guha ,2 %0092 abir naam o sarbanaam2 Kolata= Talapaataa2

    (alliday '2 A2 K2 197&; !anguage as a Social Semiotic2 8ondon *d-ard


    yaer K2A2S2 19!92Bhartrihari2 Poona= De++an "ollege2

    Kavira) G2 1992 taantri Sadhona o Siddhanto2 ol2 ] :2 $ardhaman= $ardhaman Iniversity2

    Kramris+h S2 194!7!2 The Hindu Tem'le2 ol2 ] : Delhi= 'otilal $anarasidas Pvt2 8td2


  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    artition of India and t'e $'ronile of t'e *astern rontier#

    a((ing t'e S'ort itions in Bengali on igration, is(lae"ent and

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    129=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    5fter"at' of Bengal (artition

    The Partition o/ $engal #rought a#out a huge migration o/ the (indu middle

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    13&=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    Qou s+old the little lass

    ;hen she drops the glass

    $ut -hat a#out you adult #rats

    ;hen you shatter ndia

    into little parts2

    trans2 Sisir Kumar Das:4

    The pro#lems o/ partition -ere large and penetrating2 'any -riters addressed the politi+al and

    emotional issues asso+iated -ith them2 A not so -ell no-n -riter 'anoran)an (aHra -rote a short

    novelMahanagare Dabana( ;ildi/re in the "ity: in 194! des+ri#ing the in+idents o/ the riot that

    /ollo-ed in response to 'uslim 8eagueZs +all /or Dire+t A+tion on 1! August 194!2 n 1947 a#endu

    Ghosh -rote a novelhiars (enFier+e 8ane: -hi+h had graphi+ and minute re+ords o/ the madness

    that gripped the +ity o/ "al+utta2 (o-ever the /irst -ell no-n novel -as pu#lished only in 19 on

    the su#)e+t2 t -as arayan SanyalZsBa(mikit -as part o/ a trilogy: and therea/ter a spate o/ novels

    /ollo-ed in 19!0s and 70s2 Fe- mentiona#le ones are .yotirmoyee DeviZs !par Ganga par Ganga

    19!7: Pra/ulla ,ayZs &eya atar ouko 1970: Sunil GangopadhyayZs .r$un 1971: Atin

    $andopadhyayZsi(kontho akhir &ho$e1971: and Gour Kishore GhoshZs trilogy < 5a( are ata

    are 197&:rem ei19&1: androtibeshi199:2

    5 "%riad refletion of t'e eigent ti"es - Bengali s'ort fitional (rose

    8iterature arti+ulated the sentiments o/ the times and emerged as an alternative ar+hive2 The little

    narratives stood against the grand stories the o//i+ial -as pitted against the uno//i+ial -hi+h re+orded

    the daily +hroni+les and sho-ed the a+tual e//e+t o/ o//i+ial de+isions in everyday li/e o/ the people2

    People -ere +entral to the literary representations moulding the per+eption o/ the age its

    +ontradi+tions travails and an5ieties2 Against the novels on partition the short story too held a positiono/ pre

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    131=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    En 1 Septem#er 1947 ehru in an aerial survey o#serves that t-o re/ugee +olumns -aling to-ards

    either dire+tion o/ the #order #oth 40 miles long2 Though the re/ugee +olumns in the east -ere not as

    +on+entrated as on the -estern #order as they -ere not perpetuated #y immediate mo# /ury themisera#le train o/ people uprooted #y /ear apprehension and despair /rom a+ross the eastern #order

    -aling in #oth dire+tions to the land o/ sa/ety -as a +ommon sight at the time o/ Partition2 n the

    storyather &anta,amesh "handra Sen -rites o/ one su+h group trudging /rom east to -est +arrying

    meagre #elongings +on/ronts another group lie itsel/ +onsisting o/ mainly -omen +hildren the

    elderly and a /e- men )ust as hapless as itsel/2 There is a moment o/ silent empathy #et-een them as

    they siHe ea+h other up and re+ogniHe their similar plight #e/ore going their opposite -ays2

    The ,ad+li//e a-ard allo+ated the t-o #orders that +reated Paistan and partitioned ndia2 A/ter the

    ,ad+li//e $oundary -as announ+ed on 1! August 1947 there -as no t-o -ay migration on the eastern

    #order unlie the near +omplete s-ap o/ populations on the -estern #order and this has #een the

    general pattern o/ migration in the east e5+ept /or a #rie/ period in 190never stopped till today as ,ana#ir SamaddarZs essays title says [Still They "ome O 'igrants in the


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    132=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    river and lie mu+h o/ the lands given to east $engal re/ugees is -ater logged mos6uito in/ested and

    a verita#le )ungle o/ s-ampy undergro-th2 n the end #y the t-ist o/ /ate a++ording to the ,ad+li//e

    ,eport the narratorZs village is allo+ated to ;est $engal sho-ing ho- the #order de/eated manye5pe+tations o/ -here it -ould [pla+eZ them2

    The a#surdity o/ dra-ing #oundaries on -ater and the darly amusing story o/ asserting rights and

    privileges as +on/usion prevails -hen people are le/t on the [-rongZ side -hile their means o/

    livelihood have #een trans/erred to the other maing one

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    133=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    politi+al #arrier that they have neither +reated nor -anted2

    ;ritten lie a diary 5anmabhumi #y Samaresh Dasgupta has all the nostalgia o/ a re/ugee

    remem#ering his motherland2 The narrator is an artist -ho paints the lands+ape o/ -hat he has le/t#ehind -ith its romanti+ +onnotations and the reality o/ Sealdah Station&-hi+h #e+ame prover#ial as

    the +ro-ded arrival point and inde/inite re/uge /or the destitute /rom east $engal and later *ast

    Paistan2 The re/ugee narrator +ontinues to miss the land o/ his #irth and en+ounters the sar+asm o/

    those -ho have not #een uprooted /rom a /airly prosperous agri+ultural #ase and +annot +omprehend

    the -hole truth o/ -hat the dispossessed have lost2 The ne- #order has separated /amilies as the

    narratorZs parents un+les and aunts stayed #a+ and died there -hile his generation -as sent to ndia2

    n his story Shamikshan9-riter Su)an#ilash $is-as narrates the harro-ing tale o/ s6uatters inside

    Sealdah Station -here -ithout -or /ood or shelter people are le/t to either die lie the protagonist

    Sudhanya or +ommit sui+ide lie his -i/e Sulata to es+ape a li/e o/ shame or are orphaned as their son

    is -ithout the sustenan+e and se+urity that east $engali re/ugees re6uired at the time o/ Partition2

    n the story!k 5anmer 6irn#y Dipanar Das #oth the narratorZs and his un+leZs /amilies have #een

    /or+ed to /lee their homeland at the time o/ the Partition and though the narratorZs /ather someho-

    manages to mae a living /or his /amily the #rother is never a#le to re+over the [so+ial dignityZ he

    ne- in -hat -as east $engal2 Deep in de#t and desperation he disappears a+ross the #order perhaps

    looing /or his homeland a/ter losing his mental #alan+e2

    The themes o/ /amilies #eing separated o/ tentative returns to oneZs roots the +all o/ the an+estral

    land and oneZs home are re+urrent themes in post

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    134=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    [re/ugeeZ -hi+h #e+ame a part o/ the $engali vo+a#ulary a+6uired ne- signi/i+ations2 [These t-o

    -ords O [udbastuZ and [re/ugeeZ +ontain the -hole history o/ $engali su//ering and humiliation agonies

    o/ inse+urity and horrors o/ leaving the an+estral home O in an en+apsulated /orm2Z 10

    De#esh ,oyZs story 7dbastu6uestions the very identity o/ a /amily o/ a hus#and his -i/e and

    daughter2 Protagonists Satya#rata 8ahiri and Anima uprooted /rom east $engal /ollo-ing Partition are

    dou#ted #y the proposition that they have /aed their true identities2 The story sho-s the #iHarre legal

    investigations +arried out in the ndian Inion -hen it is /a+ed -ith the 6uestion o/ approving property

    #ought #y re/ugees demanding +erti/i+ates /rom people -ho have /led -ithout their #elongings

    dou#ting the [purityZ o/ -omen -ho /inally made it a+ross the #order )eopardiHing the very identity o/

    their o//spring2

    Bana 6angshir Deshe#y Amar 'itra is set on the (ili #order o/ ;est Dina)pur in 199!2 ndia has

    de+ided to demar+ate the #order -ith $angladesh -ith #ar#ed -ire /en+e2 The #ar#ed -ire -ould

    pro+laim all trespassers as [in/iltratorsZ i2e2 illegal immigrants -ho had no right to +ross over rather

    than re/ugees or migrants negating the assuran+e on+e given to people /a+ing displa+ement -hen

    Partition -as a++epted #y ndia and Paistan -ho -ere told that they -ould /ind re/uge in the +ountry

    o/ their +hoi+e or the one they -ere /or+ed to inha#it2 The #order has segmented homesteads lands

    lives and identity2 The #ar#ed -ire -ill trap them as never #e/ore2 Protagonist Aloa -ants to see the

    #order and +omes a++ompanied #y her hus#and Su#ir2 "on/rontation -ith the #order demysti/ies

    Aloa as she /inds that [everything is )ust the same yet everything is di//erentZ2


    As dis+ussed /rom the a++ount o/ short stories -e see so+ial de#a+les to personal en+ounters o/ the

    darest moment o/ ndian history re/le+ted in $engali literature2 The stories mentioned a#ove and many

    more +over a -ide time span /rom pre

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    13C=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

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    i'ael ad'usudanFs $ollaoration and $ollusion

    /it' o"inant $olonial $ulture inMeghanadbadh &avya

    e ulal 8alder

    /ashar Chholone Bhuli !ured by Ho'e, as translated #y Gopa 'aHumdar: is the most re+ent title o/

    'i+hael 'adhusudan DuttZs #iography -ritten #y Ghulam 'urshid2 >Ene o/ the greatest poets o/

    $engal espe+ially distinguished as an epi+ poet and as the /irst $engali -riter o/ #lan verse@

    'urshid 3!%: b as -ritten #y his /riends in the ins+ription o/ his tom# /or his great a+hievement in

    moderniHing the $engali literature is depi+ted to #e a person de+eived #y hope O a single hope o/

    #e+oming an *nglish poet2 'adhusudan #orn in a -ell to do upper +lass ayastha /amily had an

    inordinate /as+ination /or *nglish language and +ulture2 (e in his youth sighed /or >Al#ionZs distantshore@ and -anted to esta#lish himsel/ as an *nglish poet there2 (is -hole li/e -as spent in pursuing

    that dream o/ going to *ngland as it -as >earthly paradise@ to him2 (is #e+oming a "hristian -as only

    a logi+al step to-ards his goal o/ a+hieving a ne- identity as an *nglish poet2 Ghulam 'urshidZs

    #iography o/ 'adhusudan sho-s ho- he -as preo++upied -ith the only dream o/ #e+oming an *nglish

    poet throughout his li/e till he eventually realiHed his mistae during his years in *ngland and *urope

    -hen he under-ent a series o/ e5perien+es -hi+h +ured him o/ his almost /atal Anglo$engali@Sahitya "har+ha@ de#uns the idea that in 'adhusudan -e do /ind an

    assimilation o/ the east and the -est and says that it is a+tually in ,a#indra ath Tagore that the real

    assimilation o/ the eastern and the -estern +ultures taes pla+e in $engali literature 31: and it is

    thought that 'adhusudan is -estern to the +ore o/ his heart and soul #ut at the same time his )ourney

    o/ #e+oming -estern and the /ailure to #e so should not #e seen as a /ailure altogether #e+ause the

    )ourney had a greater signi/i+an+e2 There are some /ailures that mae people learn more than -hat they

    +an learn /rom the su++ess2 'adhusudanZs /ailure in his desire to get re+ognition as a great *nglish

    poet should not #e vie-ed as a +ollapse altogether as his /ailure to a+hieve so made him realiHe the

    vanities o/ his -ishes2 ,ealiHing the vanities he moderated his desire and /ought #a+ against the

    parameters that he on+e dreamt o/2 This )ourney to prove himsel/ as an *nglish poet -as long and

    painstaingly distress/ul #ut the pain that 'adhusudan has to go through to realiHe the vanities o/ that

    dream must have #een even more pain/ul2 S+holars and +riti+s o/ 'adhusudan point out his )ourney totransgress /rom the [native elite +lassZ to the [/oreign elite +lassZ as a pain/ul so)ourn -hi+h the

    +ir+umstan+es o/ the nineteenth +entury $engal imposed upon him #ut the return )ourney to [native

    elite +lassZ /rom the [/oreign elite +lassZ is [sel/

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    141=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    partiallyW is -hat maes him rea+t against the +olonial po-er in a parti+ular -ay -hi+h resulted in the

    inversion o/ the protagonists o/ The Ramayana2

    n the inversion o/ the +hara+ters o/ The Ramayana -e do see in 'adhusudan Dutt a /as+ination /or

    the +olonialist mas+ulinity O #ut that /as+ination is there more to /ight against the so

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    Slay the rashasaM $y your gra+e

    Qe t-o enter unseen as the s-ord in sheath

    Zll shroud you -ith the +harmed veilM@ Trans2 #y Shyamal $andopadhyay 10 +harmed veil@ suggests the +unning nature o/ ,ama and 8asmana -ho no- that in an e6ual

    #attle it -ould #e impossi#le /or them to de/eat ndra)it V'eghanadW there/ore they use their

    shre-dness to murder 'eghanad2 This +unning e//eminate and sly nature o/ >,ama and his ra##les@ is

    portrayed against the #rave mas+uline ,avana and 'eghanad to spot out the nature o/ the entry o/ the

    +olonial po-er into ndia2 $andopadhyay -rites O >The re#el in 'i+hael had his sympathy turned -ith

    any#ody -ho /ought his right against intruders he V,avanaW -as #ound to #e his /avourite2@

    Introduction 5:

    The $ritish have also entered ndia #y using their shre-d sly mind -hi+h not only has ruined the

    ndian so+ietal and e+onomi+ /a#ri+ #ut also has harmed its #a+#one #y +orrupting its +ulture2

    Shyamal $andopadhyay -rites O >The -ar -as one o/ heroi+ de/ense #y the ,ashasas o/ their

    motherland@ Introduction 55ii:2 ,ama and his +ompany -ere intruders to the +ity o/ 8ana and it is

    6uite o#vious that 'adhusudan -hile rea+ting against the +olonial -est -ould tae up the most

    popular tale o/ ndia2 (e too up the Ramayana#e+ause he sympathiHed -ith the /ortune o/ ,avana

    and 'eghanad as he -rites O > despise ,ama and his ra##le2 The idea o/ ,avana elevates me@

    ^uoted in Shyamal $andopadhyay 5vii:2 ,avanaZs idea elevates his mind as he +ould identi/y himsel/

    -ith the /ortune o/ ,avana -ho is trying to save his motherland /rom the intruders2 A++ording to

    'adhusudan Dutt it is not that the preaggressive mas+ulinity@ he is taing up the

    parameter o/ the +olonial homology o/ the se5ual and politi+al dominan+e #ut at the same time he

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    di//ers /rom the +olonialist mission -hen it +omes to the 6uestion o/ inno+en+e to #e seen as a la+ o/

    superiority and e5+ellen+e2

    'i+hael 'adhusudan Dutt thus tries to /ight #a+ the +olonialist -est in his li/elong desire to e6ual

    the +olonial masters2 *arlier he tried to e6ual them #y imitating their +ulture #ut -as not in+luded into

    their +ommunity realiHing the /utility o/ his attempt he /ought #a+2 $ut -hat he +ould not a+hieve

    militarily he tried to a+hieve that through his poetry O thus his style too is mas+uline2 (is o#session

    -ith the >mas+ulinity@ -as su+h that not only he praised the mas+ulinity o/ ,avana and 'eghanad

    -hi+h -as earlier thought to #e demoni+ #ut his style o/ -riting itsel/ #e+ame very mas+uline2 (is

    mas+ulinity in style +onsists o/ #eing #rave to innovate the >amitrashar +hhanda@ in $engali language

    and literature and in innovating a language in $engali -hi+h has its elegan+e o/ its o-n2 Shyamal

    $andopadhyay points out several distinguishing /eatures o/ 'adhusudanZs >amitrashar +hhanda@ O

    >First the theme and the -ords -ere /reed /or the /irst time /rom the +ompulsion o/ pun+tuation2

    Se+ond the phrases rise up to the theme to the musi+ o/ the poetry the passion the s-eeps o/

    imagination the melan+holy sadness that -eaves the verse /orm2@ Introduction 555viii:2

    As $engali language is not #ound #y +ompound -ords and phrases there/ore it -as e5tremely

    di//i+ult /or any poet to -rite in #lan verse #ut 'i+hael 'adhusudan Dutt su++eeded in in/using into

    the $engali language the >amitrashar +hhanda@ #y varying rhythms phrases stops and +reating ne-

    -ords o/ musi+ and po-er that trans+ended the routine /rame o/ $engali language2 S+holars on

    'adhusudan are o/ the opinion that there are +ertain distin+t +hara+teristi+s o/ 'adhusudanZs poetry O

    >R a preponderan+e o/ un+ommon di//i+ult -ords R la+ o/ simpli+ity and straight/or-ardness in the

    +onstru+tion o/ senten+es < a +om#ination o/ mas+uline -ords arti/i+ially #ound together < /ar/et+hed

    metaphors and imageries O and o/ +ourse #oundless passion imagination and /lights o/ /an+y get out o/

    +ontrol un+onventional +onstru+tion o/ ver#s -hi+h are #asi+ally nouns and ad)e+tives O and a /re6uentmi5ture o/ +haste and +ollo6uial -ords and phrases@ Shyamal $andopadhyayIntroduction 555viii:2

    These +hara+teristi+s o/ his verse have made his poetry over-helming2 To a+hieve this over-helming

    su++ess in innovating the [mas+ulinityZ o/ the $engali language he did not have to #e too +autious as he

    -rites to ,a) arain O > had no idea my dear /ello- that our mother tongue -ould pla+e at my

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    disposal su+h e5haustless materials and you no- am not a good s+holar2 The thoughts and images

    #ring out -ords themselves O -ords that never thought ne-2 (ere is a mystery /or you2@ ^uoted in

    Shyamal $andopadhyay %&: These lines /rom 'adhusudanZs letter points out that the mas+ulinity thathe #rought to $engali language is #e+ause the theme o/ the grand de/eat o/ 'adhusudan -anted that

    ind o/ mas+uline language2 The >mystery@ that 'adhusudan tals a#out is not mystery #ut

    [spontaneous over/lo- o/ po-er/ul emotionsZ O the emotions that -ere there in his heart o/ not #eing

    in+luded into the [/oreign elite +lass2Z There/ore he +hooses not >veera rasa@ V+ourageW as the theme o/

    his epi+ as 'adhusudan -rites to ,a) arain O >R am going to +ele#rate the death o/ my /avourite

    ndra)it2 Do not #e /rightened my dear /ello-2 donZt trou#le my readers -ith vira ras@ Madhusudan

    Rachanavali 4!:2 n another letter he -rote to his /riend O >Qou must not my dear /ello- )udge o/

    the -or as a regular [(eroi+ PoemZ never meant it as su+h2 t is a story a tale rather heroi+ally told@

    ^uoted in Shyamal $andopadhyay 55i:

    The theme o/ the epi+ poetry usually deals -ith the >vira rasa@ Vthe heroi+W #ut as 'i+hael

    'adhusudan Dutt pointed out 'eghanad#adh Kavya does not deal -ith the heroi+ tale o/ 'eghanad

    #ut deals -ith the >aruna rasa@ VpathosW o/ ,avana2 $harata muni in his /amous te5t 0atya Shastra

    says O >The Karuna ,asa taes its origin through di//erent $havas either at the sight o/ the death Vor

    murderW o/ the dear one or -hen unpleasant -ords have an adverse impa+t2@ 79

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    n the /atal Pan+ha#ati -ood?

    ;hat evil moment Vsharing your lamentW

    Did /or+e .anai as the tongue o/ /lame2nto this golden 8ana

    le/t /or the densest -ood O alone

    Seeing sola+e in this #urning agonyM Trans2 #y Shyamal $andopadhyay:

    $oth ,avana and 'adhusudan have in/li+ted pain upon themselves and there/ore its 6uite natural that

    'adhusudan Dutt -ould tae side -ith ,avana and -ould +ele#rate his mas+ulinity #e+ause in the

    +ele#ration o/ ,avanaZs +ause 'adhusudan Dutt +an see himsel/ /ighting2 Thus though the tale o/

    Meghanadbadh %avyais that o/ a grieved /atherZs su//ering #ut itZs also a tale o/ /ighting #a+ that

    pain heroi+ally2 'adhusudan Dutt thus attains the grandeur that he -anted to a+hieve all his li/e O #y

    telling his o-n tale o/ /ight against the intruders through ,avana2 t +an #e that 'adhusudan Dutt is

    /as+inated #y the +olonialist mas+ulinity #ut the latter 'adhusudan is trying to +ele#rate the indigenous

    mas+ulinity o/ ,avana and 'eghanad to #attle against the +olonial -est and his o-n -esterniHed early



    12 From his letters -e +an /ind out the veneration 'adhusudan had /or 'ilton2 'adhusudan -rote to his /riend ,a)

    arain < >R 'ilton is a grand #eing lie his o-n Satan he is /ull o/ the lo/tiest thoughts #ut has little or nothing

    that may #e +alled amia#le2 (e elevates the mind o/ the readers to a most astonishing height2 $ut he never tou+hes

    the heart and that is the +onse6uen+e? (e has a glorious name #ut /e- readers2 (e is Satan himsel/2 ;e

    a+no-ledge him to #elong to a /ar superior order o/ #eing #ut -e never /eel /or him2 ;e hear the sound o/ his

    ethereal voi+e -ith a-e and trem#ling2 (is is the deep roar o/ a lion in the silent solitude o/ the /orest2@

    Madhusudan Rachnavali !1: n another letter to ,a) arain 'adhusudan -rote O >/ your /riends no-

    *nglish let the read theParadise !ost and they -ill /ind out ho- the verse in -hi+h the $engali poetaster -ritesis +onstru+ted2 The /a+t is my dear /ello- that the prevalen+e o/ $la+ verse in this +ountry is simply a 6uestion o/

    time2 8et your /riend guide their voi+es #y the pause as in *nglish #lan verse: and they -ill soon s-ear that this

    is the no#lest measure in the language2@ Madhusudan Rachnavali,4& O 49: or in another letter to the same /riend

    he -rites > donZt thin it impossi#le to e6ual irgil Kalidasa and Tasso2 Though glorious still they are mortal

    poets 'ilton is divine@ Madhusudan Rachnavali 7:2

    %2 $anim "handra "hatter)iZs [SannyasisZ in /nandamath mimi+s priesthood in some versions o/ -estern

    "hristianity and his essay on%rsnaandy %3

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    146=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    32 Ashis andy points out in The Intimate -nemy: !oss and Recovery of Self under Colonialism that there are t-o

    -ays o/ /ighting against the +olonial homology #et-een se5ual and politi+al dominan+e2 The /irst is to /ight #a+

    the +oloniHers #y de/eating them in their o-n game2 As the early nineteenth +entury s+holars -ho tried to imitate

    the +olonial +ulture to prove that do it they are #etter in that too2 $ut GandhiZs -ay to rea+t -as altogether

    di//erent he dis+arded the +olonial homology o/ se5ual and politi+al dominan+e #y saying that [livatvaZ or

    androgyny is superior to mas+ulinity and /emininity2


    72 $andopadhyay Asit Kumar 19&3: $anglaSahitya /dhuniata"al+utta2

    &2 $asu .ogendranath 1993: 'i+haelMadhusudan #utt7s 1ibancharit Deys Pu#lishing "al+utta2

    92 $haratamuni0atya Shastra translated #y A $oard o/ S+holars Sri Satguru Pu#li+ations Delhi2

    102 $ose Amalendu 19&1: Michael Madhusudan #utt 'aers o/ ndian 8iterature Series Sahitya

    Aademi e- Delhi2

    112 $ose $uddhadeva 193: SahityaCharcha,Signet Press "al+utta2

    1%2 "handra $ipan >"olonialism Stages o/ "olonialism and "olonial State@ .ournal o/ "ontemporary

    Asia ol2 10 19&02

    132 "ohn $ernard "2 >,epresenting Authority in i+torian ndia@ in/n /nthro'ologist /mong Historians

    and ?ther -ssays E5/ord Iniversity Press Delhi pp2 !3%

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    147=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    %42 ,oy "houdhari Tapan 199&:-uro'e Reconsidered: Perce'tions of the 3est in the 0ineteenth Century

    BengalEIP Delhi2

    %2 Sarar Suso#han 1979: ?n the Bengal Renaissance Papyrus "al+utta2%!2 Sen Amit 197:0otes on Bengal Renaissance ational $oo Agen+y Pvt2 8td2 "al+utta2

    #eb #ulal Halder is an /ssistant Professor in %irori Mal College, 2niversity of #elhi; Besides

    0ineteenth Century Bengal, his areas of interest include !iterature of Romantic and 5ictorian -ra,

    Indian !iterature in -nglish6 translation among others; He has co$authored boos on Technical 3riting

    and Communication and .oundational Conce'ts of Translation, and edited Po'ular .iction: Critical


  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    Literature ? o!e"ent in t'eMahishasurmardini- Seleted Verses of t'e

    DeviMahatmyaDurga Saptashatiand t'e Bengali $rossroads

    Sana% Eu"ar

    The 'a'er sees to eG'lore linages beteen literature and its "movement& beyond its basic time, format and s'ace; The

    literature under observation, in this 'a'er, is the teGt Mahishasurmardini, i;e;, some of the selected verses of the ancient

    Sansrit teGt #evi Mahatmya6 #urga Sa'tashati, hich narrates the story of )oddess #urga, slaying a demon called

    Mahishasur; The theme has moved beyond literature, over a time, and assumed many eGtra$literary formats such as

    de'iction of goddess #urga along ith and as slaying the demon Mahishasur in the Indian scul'tural, 'ainting and audio$

    visual musical and filmic traditions;

    ?ne such "movement& is the "Chandi'ath& Einvocation of #evi #urga, through musical form of recitationA by Birendra

    %rishna Bhadra, first broadcast in the form of a live orchestriLation by the /ll India Radio, Calcutta, in JV, and since

    then, has been continuously an annual feature on the /ll India Radio, %olata, on the aus'icious occasion of Mahalaya,albeit in recorded version since JY9s; The recitation of chosen Sansrit verses has been beautifully 'laced in the midst of a

    variety of Bengali classical and fol songs\ collectively these songs have "moved& beyond their time of com'osition, i;e;, the

    third and fifth centuries Ethe Sansrit onesA to the tentieth and tenty first centuries /;#; These have also moved to the

    're$recorded audio and video format from, essentially, the literary format\ and these have "moved& to all to'ogra'hical

    locales covered by the /ll India Radio and6or inhabited by the Bengali community, ithin and outside India; /nd thus, a

    humble and mortal em'loyee of /ll India Radio, Birendra %rishna Bhadra becomes a celebrated legend and immortal

    name in each and every Bengali household;

    ndia is a multilingual and multi+ultural +ountry2 These attri#utes in turn have #een no sudden or

    overnight developments instead thousands o/ years o/ +ontinuous +ultural evolution and progression

    have +ontri#uted to the attainment o/ this admira#le /eat2 These indeed mae ndia one o/ the /inest

    spe+imens o/ li#eral pluralisti+ so+ieties o/ the +ontemporary -orld +iviliHations2 ndiaZs multilingual

    and +ultural +hara+ters have #een /irmly rooted in a uni6ue synthesis among religions literature and an

    un#roen Heal o/ su++essive generations o/ its people to put this synthesis to a variety o/ +ultural


    (induism one o/ the most important +omponents o/ ndias multi+ultural identity has #een having nohomogeneous attri#ute2 De/ined #y the Supreme "ourt o/ ndia as a -ay o/ li/e it en+ompasses

    multipli+ity o/ gods and goddesses ea+h -ith -ell

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    servi+es to-ards the #etterment o/ humanity2 The su++essive generations o/ the ndian people

    pro/essing to (induism have #een #ringing out these to their imagined humaniHed /orms /rom out o/

    their literary narratives and have +reated multiple +ultural /estivities around the gods and goddesses#oth as /ree

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    TheMahishasurmardini the slayer o/ #u//alo demon: is one su+h highly +ele#rated literary theme2 t

    is a part o/ a prominent Sansrit te5t +alled the#evi MahatmyaThe Su'reme )oddess: also no-n asthe#urga Sa'tashatiand the Chandi'ath%2 This te5t has a total o/ 700 verses2 This te5t in turn is part

    o/ a larger Sansrit te5t +alled the Marandeya Purana2 TheMahishasurmardini te5t as+ri#ed to a

    $rahmin sage no-n as aysa is #elieved to have #een +ompleted #et-een 3rd and th +enturies32

    t is a story -hi+h +ele#rates the +ommon theme o/ stories +ontained in various (indu s+riptures

    -hi+h +ommonly sho- the vi+tory o/ the good over the evil2 'ahishasur in this story represents a

    dreaded evil /or+e the ing o/ demons -ho -as so po-er/ul so as to have su++ess/ully de/eated gods

    and had +apturedsargaheaven the a#ode o/ gods and goddesses:2 The gods to es+ape 'ahishasurs

    +ruelty and to re+laim their lost a#ode invoed the trinity o/ (indu gods< the $rahma ishnu and

    'ahesh-ar Shiva:2 All these Gods assem#led together and +reated goddess Durga out o/ their

    +om#ined po-er24Further the gods delegated their +om#ined po-er to her and there#y made her the

    supreme po-er in /eminine /orm -ith the purpose to eliminate 'ahishasur and to li#erate the gods and

    goddesses and their heavenly a#ode2*6uipped -ith +om#ined strength the goddess then /ought

    against 'ahishasur and his large army o/ demons2 First she destroyed 'ahishasurZs army2 ! Finally

    a/ter a /ier+e #attle 'ahishasur -as grounded and the Devi trampled him under her /eet and illed him

    -ith her trident27All the gods and goddesses )u#ilant over the DeviZs /eat then /ormed a +ir+le and

    o//ered prayers to (er2&

    The theme o/ Durga

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    Mahishasurmardini statue213TheMahishasurmardini /mbiatemple at .agat in ,a)asthan has a tenth

    +entury idol and "hidam#aram temple in Tamil adu has an eleventh +entury Durga statue in the

    Mahishasurmardini posture21482 Susan (untington and .ohn "2 (untington also e5hi#it some o/ theearly representations o/Mahishasurmardiniin stone in their #oo21 Ene o/ these representations is

    that o/ a Durga statue dating #a+ to the seventh +entury in the Durga temple at Aihole in

    Karnataa21! Similarly another representation is that o/ a seventh +entury stone statue /rom the

    (ima+hal Pradesh state museum2 Ether e5amples o/ su+h statues may in+lude Mahishasuramardiniat

    'amallapuram in Tamil adu ndia #elonging to the seventh +entury 217idya Dehe)ia also re/ers to

    aMahishasurmardinistatue -hi+h is at the Qogini temple lo+ated in $heraghat in 'adhya Pradesh21&

    The theme has #een employed in paintings as -ell2 n /a+t the ational Ar+hives in Kathmandu has apainted version o/ the te5t #evi Mahatmya2 These paintings sho- traditional epali artists

    e5perimenting -ith a ne- medium in 1&!32 The al#um +ontains a series o/ images in se6uen+e

    illustrating the events o/ the#evi Mahatmya2 Almost every painting +orresponds to a spe+i/i+ verse o/

    the poem2 t has #een studied #y 'asahide 'ori and Qoshio 'ori in one o/ their #oos2 19Some o/ the

    paintings o/ these are illustrations o/ the theme o/Mahishasurmardini2%0Thousands o/ mud

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    golden era -herein it played the role o/ a national edu+ator as -ell as entertainer -ith the help o/ its

    #ou6uet o/ various audio programmes o/ tremendous so+ial and +ultural values%12 n the a#sen+e o/

    other means o/ mass media the nation depended solely on ,adio #road+asts /or its daily doses o/entertainment2

    ,adio #road+asting made a hum#le #eginning in ndia in 19%4 -hen a private radio +lu# the Madras

    radio club started a limited #road+ast in the 'adras Presiden+y2 The $om#ay station o/ the ndian

    $road+asting +ompany -as opened in 19%72 The ndian $road+asting "ompany started its "al+utta

    station in the same year2%%(o-ever the ndian $road+asting "ompany did not su++eed in e5panding

    and managing radio #road+ast and #y 1930 it #e+ame #anrupt2 At this )un+ture the $ritish

    Government o/ ndia stepped in pur+hased the assets o/ the ndian $road+asting "ompany and #egan

    its operation al#eit no- as a Government enterprise -ithin the department o/ ndustry and 8a#or a/ter

    having renamed it as the ndian State $road+asting Servi+e2%3The ndian State $road+asting Servi+e

    -as renamed as the /ll India RadioA,: in .une 193!2 Finally it -as renamed as/ashvani in

    19!2%4n order to +ompete -ith ,adio "eylon -hi+h -as eating into large +ommer+ial opportunities

    o/ the/ll India Radio the Government o/ ndia started 5ividh Bhartias the "ommer+ial $road+asting

    servi+e o//ll India Radioin 1972 ts main ingredient -as /ilm musi+2 t started a++epting +ommer+ials

    /rom ovem#er 19!7 on-ards #ut #y that time it had a dedi+ated audien+e and su++ess/ully +ompeted

    -ith the /oreign radio net-or in terms o/ popularity2%The /ll India Radioadded another /eather in its

    -ing in 19&& -hen the0ational Channel-as started essentially as a night servi+e to entertain /a+tory

    -orers /armers drivers soldiers and students2 Further in %001 the /ll India Radiolaun+hed.M II

    later renamed as the.M )olddue to its popularity -ith the younger generation2 Today the/ll India

    Radio#road+asts in %4 languages and 14! diale+ts in+luding /rom the north

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    1C3=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    years2%&ts importan+e is not only in the /a+t that it is the longest running radio programme in ndia #ut

    also in the pu#li+ applause and appre+iation -ith -hi+h this programme has #een greeted #y people in

    general and $engalis in parti+ular over the de+ades2 nitially /or years this programme -as per/ormedlive on the parti+ular day o/ Mahalaya2 8ater sometimes in 1970s it +ame to #e re+orded and

    therea/ter the re+orded version #egan to #e #road+ast annually2

    The assem#lage o/ luminaries -as huge in terms o/ artists o/ +ali#re -ho +ontri#uted to the maing

    o/ this programme2 n its /inal /orm the s+ript is prepared #y $aidyanath $hatta+harya popularly

    no-n as $ani Kumar -hereas various narratives in Sansrit and $engali verses o/ the s+ript have

    #een re+ited #y the legendary $irendra Krishna $hadra himsel/ and the musi+ +omposition is done #y

    one o/ the most prominent musi+ dire+tors o/ early $engali and (indi /ilms Pana) Kumar 'ulli+2

    $esides the s+ript in+ludes a num#er o/ Sansrit and $engali songs2 The latter +ategory in+ludes #oth

    +lassi+al as -ell as /ol musi+2 The singers o/ these songs in+lude $engali singing marvels o/ the

    yesteryears lie Supriti Ghosh Di)en 'uher)ee Shipra $ose 'ana#endra 'uher)ee Krishna

    Dasgupta Shyamal 'itra Ashima $aner)ee Arati 'uher)ee Sumitra Sen Sandhya 'uher)ee Tarun

    $aner)ee Pratima $aner)ee Pana) 'ulli+ and Itpala Sen2

    The duration o/ this programme is a#out 90 minutes2 t is a s+ript narrating the illing o/ the $u//alo

    headed ing o/ the demons 'ahishasur #y the Goddess Durga2 The highly dramatiHed narratives in

    $irendra Krishna $hadraZs #aritone voi+e are interspersed -ith 1& songs o/ -hi+h 4 songs are in

    Sansrit and rest 14 in $engali2 The s+ript may appear in the /ollo-ing ta#ular manner=

    1&2 Qa "handi 'adhuaita #hareRR2 hridaya )anani ya 'ahishamardiniR "horus=00=00=34:

    Sansrit song

    192 Singhastasha Shashisehara "horus= 0020%23: Sansrit song

    %02 $aa)lo Tomar Aalor $enuR2Female=00=04=3!: $engali song

    %12 .ago Tumi .ago22 .ago Durga 'ale=00=09=1!: $engali Song

    %%2 Ego Amar aagomoni aaloRFemale=00=1%=0: $engali Song%32 Ta#o A+hinto ,upa "harita 'ahima22 'ale=00=17=3&: $engali Song

    %42 Sansrit songR"horus=00=%4=0!:

    %2 Ahil $imane Ta#o .ayganRFemale=00=%9=1: $engali Song

    %!2 Shu#hro Sanho ,o#eRDuet=3430: $engali Song

    %72 Dasnaam Das#hu)anamR22'ahishasurmardini22 "horus=00 =39=00: Sansrit Song2

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    1C4=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    %&2 amo "handi amo "handi .ago ,ata#ee)oniintini .ago 'ahishasur#imardini 'ale=

    00=44=1%: $engali Song2

    %92 'ago To#o $ine Sangeeto Premo 8alito= ihilo Prane Diner Tare Tare ,onito Female=49=00:/ollo-ed #y0arayani 0amastuteSansrit re+itation #y $hadra:

    302 $imane $imaneRR Female= 00=9230:

    312 .aya )aya (ey 'ahishasurmardiniRR.aya .aya .aap KareRR "horus=1=03=1: Sansrit

    song2 Follo-ed #y the Chandi'athR a devi sarbabhuteshuW; 0amas tatsyayR 1=0=0t -as an instant hit -ith numerous letters phone +alls /rom the

    pu#li+ some personally +ame do-n to the A, o//i+e to +ongratulate the teamZZ says Pradip Kumar

    'itra station dire+tor Kolata2 The team o/ 0 artists and 'usi+ians "onstituted several stal-arts lie

    Di)en 'uhopadhyay Arati 'uhopadhyay Supriti Ghosh and Sandhya 'uhopadhyay239

    . photograph shos the Mahishasuramardini )re rehearsing the programmehoto 'ourtesy

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    164=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    the Gods and Goddesses a host o/ +ultural a+tivities < singing dan+ing painting dramati+s et+2 tae

    pla+e simultaneously24%The -hole o/ ;est $engal neigh#ouring .harhand $ihar Erissa and all su+h

    pla+es -ithin and outside the +ountry -hi+h have siHea#le $engali population get +ompletelysu#merged in this /estive /ervor2 The Durga Pu)a is +ertainly a high -atermar o/ $engali +ultural

    nationalism -hi+h #rings the #iggest sense o/ unity to its +ultural identity2

    TheMahishasurmardiniradio programme o++upies a pla+e o/ +entral importan+e in the s+heme o/ the

    Durga Pu)a +ele#rations2 t is #road+ast on the pious day o/Mahalaya,-hi+h mars the end o/ impure

    Pitri'ashaand +ommen+ement o/ the pious#evi'asha2 ts #road+ast timing is /i5ed at 4 A' on that

    parti+ular day2 The pe+uliarity o/ this timing adds an air o/ mysti+ism around it -hi+h is deeply

    entren+hed in the memories o/ those -ho have gro-n up listening to this #road+ast2 43 ;ith the

    multipli+ation o/ +ommuni+ation mediums o/ the present times although the +ountryZs dependen+e on

    ,adio is on the -ane yet -hen it +omes to the Mahishasurmardini,adio programme it distin+tly

    appears as a ma)or e5+eption2 ;ashington #ased $angla ,adio -e#site advertises its s+hedule /or

    Mahishasurmardini #road+ast -hi+h +overs San Fran+is+o ;ashington D" $erlin Sydney and

    "al+utta2 $a+ home governed #y the popular demands various F' radio +hannels have also started

    #road+asting this +omposite +ultural phenomenon= the voi+e o/ $irendra Krishna $hadra the in/alli#le

    s+ript o/ $ani Kumar and the timeless +ompositions o/ Pana) mulli+2 t has #e+ome an integral part o/

    $engali +ultural nationalism #oth -ithin and outside o/ this +ountry on the strength o/ the

    uninterrupted &0 years o/ annual #road+ast as the o//i+ial +ommen+ement o/ the Durga Pu)a


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    .)tress Soumi(i Bisas donning the ro(e o" Durga to ena)t Mahisasurmardini%

    She as $oined by &ohinoor Sen Barat ho a(so )horeographed this dan)e drama%

    hoto< 'ourtesy, #he #e(egraph, &o(kata, dated 2=thSept 2011

    Notes ?

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    166=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    4: From the po-er o/ 8ord Shiva the /a+e o/ Goddess -as /ormed /rom that o/ Qama her hair -as

    /ormed and /rom that o/ ishnu her hands -ere /ormed2 From the po-er o/ moon her t-o #usts

    -ere made /rom the po-er o/ ndra her middle part /rom the po-er o/ aruna her +al/Zs andthighs and /rom the po-er o/ earth her #ehind2 (er /eet -ere made #y the po-er /rom $rahma

    her toes /rom the po-er o/ Sun /rom the Ashta asus her /ingers and /rom the po-er o/ Ku#era

    her nose -ere made2 (er teeth -ere made -ith the po-er o/ Pra)apathis lie Dasha and her

    three eyes /rom the po-er o/ God o/ /ire2 From the po-er o/ da-n and dus -ere made her eye

    #ro-s /rom the po-er o/ God o/ -ind her ears and then po-er /rom all other devas #e+ame

    one and she -as /ormed2 #urga Sa'tashati 'adhyama "haritam "hapter %>The Killing o/

    'ahishasuraZs army@ erse nos213

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    167=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    !: #urga Sa'tashati 'adhayama "haritam First "hapter >The Killing E/ 'ahishasurZs Army@

    verse nos21

    7: #id2 The Se+ond "hapter >The Killing o/ 'ahishasurZZ ersenos 1ndia o//ers spe+ial opportunities /or the development o/ #road+asting2 ts distan+es and -ide

    spa+es alone mae it a promising /ield2 n ndiaZs remote villages there are many -ho a/ter the

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    16=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    days -or is done /ind time hang heavily enough upon their hands and there must #e many

    o//i+ials and others -hose duties +arry them into out o/ the -ay pla+es -here they +rave /or the

    +ompany o/ their /riends and the sola+e o/ human +ompanionship2 There are o/ +ourse too inmany households -hom so+ial +ustoms de#ars /rom taing parts in re+reation outside their

    homes2 To all these and many more #road+asting -ill #e a #lessing and a #oon o/ real value2

    $oth /or entertainment and edu+ation its possi#ilities are great and as yet -e perhaps s+ar+ely

    realiHe ho- great they are2 $road+asting in ndia is today in its in/an+y #ut have little dou#t

    that #e/ore many years are past the num#er o/ its audien+e -ill have in+reased ten/old and that

    this ne- appli+ation o/ s+ien+e -ill have its devotees in every part o/ ndia2ZZ 8ord r-inZs the

    then vi+eroy o/ ndia spee+h at the inauguration o/ the $om#ay station o/ the ndian

    $road+asting +ompany on %3rd.uly 19%72

    ^uoted /rom the >report on the progress o/ $road+asting in ndia up to the 31 mar+h 1939@

    Pu#lished #y the manager o/ pu#li+ations Delhi 19402 See also Alasdair Pinerton [,adio and

    the ,a)= $road+asting in $ritish ndia 10%0,adio and the ,a)= $road+asting in $ritish ndia 10%0Pushing /[email protected] olume %3

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    169=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    %&: n 197! the /ll India Radio Kolata de+ided to #road+ast another version o/ the

    Mahishasurmardiniand the Chandi'ath,-hi+h had a prominent $engali a+tor Ittam Kumar as

    the singer and another prominent $engali musi+ian (emant Kumar 'uhopadyay as the musi+dire+tor2 A/ter the #road+ast the response -as /ar /rom /avora#le a++ording to ,atna Sen the

    ,adio presenter -ith/ll India Radio2 >The/ashvani $havan -as /looded -ith angry phone

    +alls demanding the return o/ the original2@ ^uoted /rom Prem Kumar is-as >Timeless

    Tunes@ the Indian -G'ress %9thSept %00&2

    %9: These are the illustrations o/ opening o/ those songs -hi+h are interspersed -ith the re+itation

    o/ narratives2 (ere have tried to measure the distan+e at -hi+h ea+h o/ these songs appears in

    the trans+ript2 For instan+e the last song appears at a distan+e o/ one hour t-enty si5 minutesand /orty eight se+onds /rom the #eginning o/ the trans+ript2 Further the solo +horus and male

    /emale singing have also #een attempted to #e identi/ied -ith ea+h song2 In/ortunately at this

    stage am in no position to identi/y individual singers o/ ea+h o/ these songs given the time

    +onstrain -ithin -hi+h am re6uired to present this paper and almost a near a#sen+e o/ relia#le

    supporting literature on the trans+ript2 Qet in /uture this handi+ap -ill +ertainly #e removed2

    30: This is merely a /un+tional translation o/ the original Sansrit te5t2 t may vary in -ord -ise

    a++ura+y #ut the meaning more or less remains the same231: #urga Sa'tashati Geeta Press Gorahpur 19912 P21&!2

    3%: #id Pp230

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    17&=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    3!: Pran eville Tri#uteZZ Golden *raZs 'elody 'anZZ Spe+trum the Sunday Tribune &th 'ay


    37: ^uoted /rom the Telegra'h Kolata dated 9th.anuary %011

    3&: For /ive years sin+e its in+eption the musi+al -as +alled Basantesari; n this version the

    Chandi'ath-as done #y $ani Kumar himsel/ -hile $hadra narrated the prose and ,ai "hand

    $oral s+ored the musi+2 n the revisedMahishasurmardini edition the verses and the narrative

    -ere done #y $irndra Krishna $hadra and the musi+ -as s+ored #y Pana) 'ulli+2 .hilmil

    'uher)ee Pandey >Spirit o/ 'ahalaya /or &0 Qears@ Times "it The Times of India,Kolata

    1thE+t %01%2

    39: De#aleena Sengupta >the voi+e +arries on@Business Standard Kolata % Sept %0112

    40: #id2

    41: #id2

    4%: As the +ultural se+retary Sri Sri Sar#a)anin Durga Pu)a "ommittee Delhi Administration Flats

    Timarpur Delhi +arry the responsi#ility o/ onstage an+horing and present a #ou6uet o/

    "ultural programmes on the days o/Mahashasti, Mahasa'tami, Mahaashtmi andMahanavmi

    #et-een &pm and 10230pm2 t in+ludes songs dan+es one a+t plays et+2 From 10230 on-ards-e o//er the stage to pro/essional artists -ho +ome to per/orm o/ +ourse against /ees mostly

    /rom Kolata and also /rom 'um#ai2 These programmes in+lude or+hestra magi+ sho-

    puppet sho- >dha +ompetitionZZ dan+e drama et+2 The "ommittee also +ondu+ts inhaathe haadi #hanga@ n a #lind/olded state one re6uires to #rea

    an earthen pot using a sti+: et+2

    43: Although am a non

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    171=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    my -ay o/ paying tri#ute to my #rother Dr Anil Kumar Singh -ho is no longer -ith us2

    44: Supratim Sanyal---2-ashington#anglaradio2+om2Post dated 10thApril %0102

    San+ay %umar is /ssistant Professor of History at Shyam !al College, 2niversity of #elhi;

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    Lieral Indi!idualis" in t'e *arl% $areer of Mt(al utt and Nationalis" in

    t'e +/ilig't of 5"ritalal Basus Life# 5

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    173=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    its Ara#i+ origin -hi+h is gassa# -hi+h means to +ut or slit: #ut su+h +on/usion pro#a#ly no-

    +hara+terises a large tra+t o/ our historiography these days2

    First o/ all let us /or-ard t-o o#servations a#out -ncore= this story +olle+tion spe+i/i+ally tells us alot a#out the li#eral individualism -hi+h -as /or-arded as a re#u// to nationalism #y a segment o/

    $engali intelligentsia most nota#ly led #y Tagore in early days and in the post

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    174=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    That these stories -ere pu#lished in A$P /lagship#eshis signi/i+ant let us repeat2 There -ere and

    still are: t-o main #ul-ars -oring against a politi+al +onsolidation o/ the $engali people throughout

    our history o/ last hundred years= one -as a li#eral universal humanist individualist thought +urrentthe other -as a ;est

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    17C=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    /or Amritalal #ut is a part o/ the so+io

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    176=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    These memoirs o/ Amritalal do not aim to #e historiography #ut they nonetheless o//er interesting

    glimpses /rom the maing o/ the nationalist +ons+iousness in nineteenth +entury $engal2 (e suggests

    that the root o/ $anims $onde 'atorom ande 'ataram: -as taen /rom the /irst line o/ a $engaliprimer long e5tin+t: titled Shishubodho 39:2 As Amritalal humorously re+ords in one in+ident a

    $ritish -hile dying in Kolata +ommits his /inal prayer as /ollo-s >(eaven tae my soul and "al+utta

    eep my #ones@ 49: -hi+h is an interesting illustration o/ the -hite mans asso+iation -ith the +olony2

    Amritalal +alls the pu#li+ stage o/ his times the >demo+rati+ stage@ a/ter Shishir Ghosh -ho -as highly

    pleased -hen he heard that Amritalals theatre +ompany +alled itsel/ ational Theatre Amritalal in

    his o#ituary o/ Shishir Ghosh said= >(e -as a +omplete $engali@ 99:2 The same adage applies a#out

    Amritalal2 (e too -as a +omplete $engali2

    This is interesting to note that #oth nationalism and le/t

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    'orai $'arita anas# 5 ou"entation of Hand'ian %t' and Indian

    reedo" o!e"ent

    Sa(tars'i ait%

    Inparalleled $engali novelist Satinath $haduriZs one o/ the greatest +reations is [Dhorai

    "harita 'anasZ2 The novel +aptures the li/e struggle o/ a +ommon person named [DhoraiZ

    -ho #elonged to Tatma Tri#e 2 The novelist used t-o popular myths named [Gandhian 'yth[

    and ,amayanaZs 'yth in an intri+ate -ay2 *ven Dhorai had a golden opportunity to meet

    -ith 'ahatma Gandhi 2 The novelist depi+ts the real vision o/ on "o

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    17=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    [,ampiyariZ i2e2 ,amia #ut she #etrayed him2 Dhorai departed his #irth pla+e Tatmatuli and

    +ame to Koeritola 2 (ere a -ido- -oman named Sagia supported Dhorai in his struggle2

    ,o)a ,o)gar and ,amayana are the three main li/e

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    179=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    "hairman o/ Distri+t $oard diso#eying the order o/ "ongress (igh "ommand2 'ahatma Gandhi

    himsel/ promised that he -ould usher in the so +alled [,ama ,a)yaZ2 $ut the ideal o/ ,ama

    ,a)ya soon revealed itsel/ to #e nothing #ut a utopian +on+ept2 ,ural ndia -as in/luen+ed verymu+h #y GandhiZs -ords2 The +ommon people parti+ularly the Tatma tri#al people o/ $ihar

    thought that Gandhi)i -as the [AvatarZ o/ ,ama+handra o/ Ramayana and he himsel/ +ould

    +reate a ne- era o/ truth and )usti+e in Kali Quga2 They de/ined the meaning and signi/i+an+e

    o/ Satyagraha in their o-n -ay2

    ;hen a gang o/ [volunteersZ o/ "ongress used to +ome in Koeritola to +ampaign /or the

    Sayagraha movement the lo+al tri#al and rural people thought that it -as /ar more interesting

    a thing than the usual stu// o/ their o-n /estivals /or e5ample the /amous [,am helia Dan+eZ o/

    their o-n +ulture2 *ven Dhorai did not understand the meaning o/ [SatiagiraZ i2e2 the

    Satyagraha2 $ut all the people in+luding Dhorai -ere mesmeriHed #y the magi+al attra+tion o/

    Gandhi2 Dhorai -anted to devote himsel/ as a soldier o/ the [,aghupati o/ KaiyugaZ i2e2


    Gandhi -rote in [Qoung ndiaZ that i/ he had the opportunity o/ re#irth he -ould pre/er to

    #e #orn in the su#altern +lass and he -ould try his #est to serve these so+ially and

    e+onomi+ally distressed people2 This -as his dream2#horai Charita Manas +hroni+les a mi+ro8iterature

    is a vital re+ord o/ -hat men have seen in li/e -hat they have e5perien+ed o/ it -hat they

    have thought and /elt a#out those aspe+ts o/ it -hi+h have the most immediate and enduring

    interest /or all o/ us2 t is thus /undamentally an e5pression o/ li/e through the medium o/


    This +omment is appli+a#le /or Satinath $haduriZs novel2 The authorZs attitude to-ards li/e is

    a#solutely lie that o/ a painter to-ards a human lands+ape2 (e painted the +hara+ter o/ Dhorai as

    a representative o/ su#altern so+iety2 Satinath $haduri himsel/ -as a mem#er o/ "ongress Party2(e devoted himsel/ to so+ial -ors organiHed sava

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    1&=.ournal o/ $engali Studies ol2 3 o2 1

    +entri+ system:2 (e #elieved in the po-er o/ +ommon people and true grass

  • 5/26/2018 Journal of Bengali Studies, Vol.3 No.1


    Seeing, Be%ond Seeing# oetr% of o!e"ent and o!e"ent of oetr%

    eanan as

    Poetry has an intri+ate relationship -ith movement2 (ere -e tae movement in the sense o/ s-ing

    vi#ration dis+ussion2228et us turn #a+ to the /eeling that +omes a/ter reading poetry2 Do -enot /ind

    that s-ing or vi#ration? ;hat +an #e the out+ome o/ reading a poem other than s-ing and vi#ration?

    And i/ -e +lari/y our thining < poetry so+iety movement < i/ these three have to #e #rought to

    dis+ourse then ho- do -e pro+eed to evaluate their interrelationships?

    First let us +ome to poetry2 Any medium o/ art is lia#le to /a+e attempts o/ de/inition2 This attempt is

    perhaps normal in any logi+al dis+ussion2 $ut -henever any su#)et is de/ined it is delimited2 And thenpoetry till date is devoid o/ any rational or universal de/inition2 / -e loo at the poeti+ pra5is in -orld

    history -e may /rame an outline perhaps may even say -hat poetry is not #ut -e +annot /ind a /i5ed

    de/inition2 Still -henever a poet has turned auto+rat disregarding traditions he has /a+ed oppositions2

    These le/t poets largely una//e+ted2 And -henever someone -rote -hat he thought -ere poems he

    thought o/ himsel/ as a poet2 (e -as a#le to ignore those -ho opposed him2 Did the poet en)oy this

    li+ense #e+ause as a medium poetry is /ar more personal?

    / -e have to ans-er in a -ord < yes as artisti+ e5pression poetry is /ar more personal2 En the otherhand sin+e poetry has an inde/inite de/inition it has a proportionate mystery2 have already said that

    poetry has no /i5ed de/inition2 $ut there is an understanding #et-een the poet and reader a#out poetry2

    The understanding on the #asis o/ -hi+h the reader reads the te5t and arrives at the realiHation -hether

    it has #een poetry or not2 o- even this understanding is not -ell /i5ed2 ;hat the poet -anted to -rite

    is not liely to rea+h the reader #e+ause the author is dead2 So -hat is the ground #eneath that

    understanding? / -e +annot dire+t our en6ui
