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Journal of Borderland Research - Vol XLVIII, No 2, March-April 1992

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  • 7/22/2019 Journal of Borderland Research - Vol XLVIII, No 2, March-April 1992


    lrbeournalorberlanb lRrS r bVol. XLVIII No. 2 March-April1992

    N W VI WS OF


  • 7/22/2019 Journal of Borderland Research - Vol XLVIII, No 2, March-April 1992


    THE JOURNAL OF BORDERLAND RESEARCH (ISSN0897-0394) Isa publicationofBorderlandSciences ResearchFoundation, Inc.,P.O. Box429, Garberville, California 95440-0429 USA. Phone: (707) 986-7211, Fax: (707) 986-7272.Contentsare@l991 by BSRF, Inc. TheJoumalls publishedsix Issues a year (bi-monthly)with theassistance ofthe BSRFAssociates. The Journal Is Issued to members of BSRF.

    EDITOR IN CHIEFThomas Joseph BrownM N GING EDITORMichael Theroux

    CONTRIBUTORS THIS ISSUAlison Davidson. Tom Brown. Peter A. Undemann. Paul Rowe.Larry Spring. Buryl Payne. Jeane Manning

    THE JOURNAL OF BORDERLAND RESEARCH Is a Free-ThoughtScientificForum usingthe Imaginationand Intuitionto probe beyond the borders of human perceptions.Donations of pertinent materials are accepted forpublication In this Journal.BORDERLAND SCIENCES RESEARCH FOUNDATIONInc. is a non-profit organization of people who take an active interestin observation of their physical. mental and spiritual environment -- personally. globally. and universally. Subjects of inquiry on thisBorderland between the Visible and Invisible Manifestations ofReality include: Archetypal Forms and Forces of Nature and the Useof the Imagination and Intuition to Perceive Them. Ether Physics andEtherial Forces. Ughtand Color.Radionics and Radiesthesia, Dowsing.Orgone Energy. Nikola Tesla & The Electrical Sciences. ViktorSchauberger& WatiarTechnology. Octaves of he Elements. Electricity&The EvolvingSoul, Initiation Science&AdvancedHuman Perceptions.Hollow Earth Mysteries. Anomalies & Fortean Phenomena. Hypnosis.Photography of the Invisible. and Unidentified Rying Objects. ,BORDERLAND SCIENCES RESEARCH FOUNDATIONwas founded by N. Meade Layne in February 19-45 with the Issuanceof his first ROUND ROBIN. original tide to The Journal ofBorderland Research. B.S.R.F. is a non-profitfoundation Incorporated under California law. May 21. 1951. The Board ofDirectors Is: Thomas Joseph Brown. President; Peter A Undemann.Vice-President; Michael Theroux. Secretary-Treasurer.

    SRFMembership fees are:$25/year worldwide. Regular Membership$15/year. Senior Citizen & Student Membership$50/year. Supporting Membership1 00/year. Sustaining Membership1 000. Lifetime MembershipMembership entides you to The journal of orderland Research forthe duration of your membership term. The journal is sent bulkmall in the U.S. and ISAL overseas.

    THE MAIN fundralsing activity of BSRF Is to act as aneducational clearinghouse for Information. and t actively seekdonations to fund our activities. Active research Is being carried outby BSRF Members and results are published In The journal ofBorderland Research. The funding for BSRF comes from the sales ofresearch materials. membership fees and donations.ALL PUBUSHED M TRIAL Is presented for Informationaland Research purposes only. These are the published recordsof researches within the vast borderland framework. Authors aresolely responsible for the Information and opinions they present. Inno way are BSRF publications. books or equipment to be taken asmedical advice or Instrumentation. We fully support a person'snatural right to research and Investigate for themselves. but wish toadd that all research must be undertaken with a clear. responsibleapproach. BSRFfunctions on the Universal Principle of the Free Rowof Information.

  • 7/22/2019 Journal of Borderland Research - Vol XLVIII, No 2, March-April 1992


    3 i t 1 I l \ 1 j . ~ l W i i i & ~ C I ~ ~ ~ ~ . . ,1991 SRFDesert Expedition Report

    lison Davidson Tom BrownReport to the BSRF Membership on afact-finding research expedition to the FourCorners area ofUtah, Colorado, Arizona ndNew Mexico. e reported on a previousexpedition to this area in the Sept-Oct 1989

    JBR, andpresented some of he awesome rockformations and curious petroglyphs and pictographsofUtah s Arches National Park andCanyonlands.The desert is of prime interest in border-land research, as it provides a laboratory for

    understanding the formationof he earth, whichwould include all the life thereon, human,animal, plant and mineral (yes, even the rocksare alive in a sense). The orthodox theories ofgeological formation ustdon t fit with the way thatthe land looks. Where isthe evidence of he greatmountain ranges that supposedly wore down, creating layer upon layer ofsedimentary rock, somelayers being rich in fossils of ancient animals,which appear to have dieden masse as the layerswere formed? ?

    Whenwethinkoftheancient civilisations thatonce existed in the worldand theirruins which testify to a highly advancedand sophisticated practiceofart, astronomy and architecture, we tend tothink of such places as

    known as the Four Comers. These vanishedcivilizations- builders of he astronomicallyaligned pueblos, with their vast roads andirrigation networks across the desert -- fromwhence came their great knowledge, to wheredid they vanish? William CorlissSourcebookswereusedasapreliminaryguideto geological, paleontological, and anthropological anomalies, and we expected to fmdmore information on site. In fact the discoveries went far beyond our expectations

    This was actually our secondBSRF expedition to the American desert in 1991. InMarch of '91' we went to Death Valley National Monument to check up on the moving

    is found on several other dried lake beds in thearea. The rocks slidep leave long trails,some straight, some winding. Interestingly,out of he center ofRacetrack Playa uts he tipof a buried black quartz crystallinemountain,which may have been an island at one time inthe geological past when the playa was a lake.We speculated that perhaps this large crystalline structure creates some effect that causesthe rocks to slide on horizontal ground, but wehave no information on whether this type ofcrystalline mass is found around the otherdried lake beds that exhibit the same phenomenon.Our attempt o videotape the sliding rocks

    failed, but we stumbled

    Egypt, withitsmonumental temples and pyramids,the astronomicallyaligned monoliths ofStonehenge, the wonders

    SRF Director Tom Brown amidst enigmatic petroglyphs atWhite Tank Mountains to the west of Phoenix, Arizona

    upon a greater mysterythe Cottonwood Moun~ s the RacetrackPlaya is 25 miles out on4-wheel drive roads wedecided to wildernesscamp in the area. Wepoked around and founda nice dry wash and setup camp. It didn't takelong to discover that therewere some incredibly interesting rocks around.The ridge above us to theeast was comprised ofbroken pieces of somesortofgrey sediment withsmall black spheres andcylinders imbeddedwithin. The black rocksmells petroleum based.Theridgeto the west contained metallic-like lenticular geodes, but withother metallic-like pieces

    revealed in the cyclopean structuresofMachuPiccu and the Mayan pyramids of Yucatan.These places are well known and visited bythousands of tourists seeking a glimpse intothe mysteries of prehistory. But we needn ttravel so far afield to discover such wonders ofthe ancient world. In the southwestern territory of the US the evidence remains ofcivilisations which extended from Utah, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, in the area

    rocks of Racetrack Playa - large rocks thatslide along the horizontal surface of a ancientdried lake bed. No one has ever seen themmove, but long tracks can be seen where therocks have travelled. We chose the Spring togo because supposedly the rocks slide afterrains moisten the ground and heavy windsthen push them. Our attempts to videotape thetracks we found were unsuccessful due toextreme light conditions. This phenomenon

    laying about. One pieceexamined resembled a cross-section of irregular pipe with layers formed of differentcolors of the substance. The layers had fmestriations running through them. It all lookedquite organic, but still metallic. What forcesof nature caused cylinders and spheres to beimbedded in regular sediment and mysteriousorganic-looking metal-like fragments to beformed? Unknown from this point of view,but there are giant piles, thousands of feet

    Journal o orderland ~ e r c h March Apn11992. age I

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    i ~ composed of such bizarre rocks in thenorthwest comer of Death Valley NationalMonument. On subsequent expeditions wewill gather further details and attempt to discover the mineral composition of hese rocks.As this is a national monument, no samplesmay be taken.But the desert in the Four Comers area isofa different quality. In this starkly beautifuldesert landscape, split with deep canyons,with mesas that rise to breathtaking heightfrom the red desert floor, the walls and cliffsglowing rose-red in the sunset, extraordinarycolumns and spires carved against the intenseblue sky, vestiges of his once vast civilisationare found, structures that have survived forcenturies preserved by the same harsh desertheat that makes human survival so precarious.Layer upon layer of rock can be seen in thecanyons, some bearing life-prints of someancient life form that somehow got coveredupwith further layers of rock.Far from being a mere handful of sitesmade available to tourists in glossy pamphlets, these stone ruins, or wrecks asthey're known, are foundthroughout the FourComers Area. We hadno idea when we set outon our expedition, just how extensive theseprehistoric civilisations actually were. Wehad heard ofMesaVerde, Chaco Canyon andCanyon de Chelly, and we had come acrosssuch place names as Hovenweep and Pueblo

    Grande from Corliss' amazing research. Butthey were just the tip of the iceberg ..Thousands ofthese ruins exist, hundredswhich have been excavatedby archaeologists,showing a common archaic root which spreadout and diversified into such civilisations asthe Anasazi, the Hohokam, and Mogollon. Tothe Navajo who came to the area later, theAnasazi were the Ancient Ones . We haveno idea what they called themselves, they leftno written records, onlypetroglyphs inscribedin the rock.

    It is to the Anasazi we look for the advanced architecture and superb stonemasonry ..as well as the mystery which surrounds their origin and after hundreds ofyearsofliving and thriving in this region, their rapidand unexplained disappearance and the abandonment of their pueblos.

    The enigmatic pictographs of the Ancientsleave one wondering what sort ofspiritsmake these strange lands their home. Whilesome of the formations can be attributed to' 'natural'' geological evolution, some of hemlook like they were build by a giant, artistichand, and that is the conclusion we are holdingto right now.

    We visited the Hopi mesas in 1986. Thecity of Oraibi has been continually occupiedsince 1,000 A.D. On the tip of he First Mesaat the village ofWalpi, overlooking the desertfloor with the San Francisco peaks in the

    distance, one can fmd a dinosaur and deer print next to eachother in stoneat the point wherethe Kachinas land.The remnants of an ancient civilization lay scatteredabout the desert. Most peoplejust think of the pueblos whenthey think of he natives of hatarea, but there are many mysterious buildings, square andcircular towers of the fmestmasonry skills laying at seemingly random spots around thecanyons. There are ruins ofgiant masonry cities with largekivas, circular subterraneanchambers representing the transition from one world to thenext, which may well be dimensionalportals for the higherbodies. The cliff dwellings atMesa Verde are but one smallpartofthisvastnetwork, whichincluded large irrigations systems over hundreds of squaremiles.IRSTCONTACT

    Inside a well preserved kiva at Mule Canyon Ruin Mule CanyonRuin was the

    frrst indication we found of he extremely fmc:masonry characteristic of the Anasazi. Thhwas a great vantage pointjust offHighway9overlooking a vast expanse of sagebrush ancjuniper covered terrain. Here an extreme )well preserved kiva is linked by tunnels toround tower close by. The masonry, walls:ledges and tunnel openings were impeccabl)crafted. A few yards away a cluster of rregular stone rooms were also connected to thkiva via another tunnel.Through a Q ance meeting with a womarwho knew the aiea well, we learned of thlocation ofcliffdwellings on BLM (Bureau olLand Management) land and discovered Ow:Creek Canyon where smooth moonlike rocklopen unexpectedly into deep canyons. Parway down this canyonwe came across theruins, stone structures almost perfectly pre-servednestled beneath overhangingrock, threesmall round towers with their stone wall:covered with a type of mortar. One with aropen entrance is large enough for a smalperson to climb into, and unidentifiable markings are scratched on the inside walls, perhap:used for storage as we found a dry com huslstill lying on the floor. Beside it another r g e ~round stone structure was built with a totlayer of wooden beams and thatching, possibly juniper bark, lying on the floor next to iand probably carefully stripped to the side bpottery thieves who make a good living destroying ancient sites. The view from here i:incredible, a sweeping vista of the canymbelow. The overhanging roofwas imprinte

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    cuses to the centre of he wall, and at Wintersolstice, light is focussed through anotherport, falling into the northwest comer.

    At the Cajon Group, about 6 miles fromHovenweep Castle, more portholes in a toweradmit light from the setting solstice and equinox sun. There is also evidence to show thatthe shadow from another building moves fromshortly after the Fall equinox to cover thewestern wall of the tower at the Winter solstice sunset. The shadow then reverses itspath until the Spring .eqWnox, when bothbuildings are unshadowed. Then the shadowof the tower moves to slowly ~ over thewestern building until some time near theSummer Solstice. It could e as the authorsof Prehistoric stronomy in the Southwestsuggest - a giant seasonal sundial deliberately constructed by the Anasazi.

    Front view of Hovenweep Castle

    Perhapsthe most dramatic celestial alignment at Hovenweep is near Holly House"where the Anasazi carved two spirals and asun symbol onto a large boulder. Other boulders form a natural tunnel through whichshafts ofsunlight focus at the Spring equinoxand then again near the Summer solstice, atwhich 'the rising sun throws two narrowbeams of light onto the spirals and the sunsymbol .

    across the canyon.Although official literature describesthese structures as dwellings the fact is that noone knows what their function really wasWhy should hese people go to so much troubleto build these structures as homes? They looklike fortresses, rivalling mediaeval Europeancastles with their fme masonry. But if theywere fortresses there has been no trace ofwarfare discovered. The doors are very small,some opening onto sheer rock cliff face, accessible only by ladder - or wings Thearchitecture is highly advanced and imaginative. One of he most striking is a square towerbuilt on top ofa boulder with sheer sides some20 feet down to the canyon floor. While theboulder comes to a point at the top, the toweris buttressed and built so that its floor is quiteflat. Hand and toeholds up the boulder are theonly way to reach the small doorway.

    Inside the towers, some ofwhich are wellpreserved and some with their walls fallenaway, are remains of wooden beams whichseem to divide the levels, and portholes builtinto the walls. These apertures caught ourattention because of heir clever engineering,and because many are angled and carefullymortared inside. Some have defmite celestialalignments testifYing to a very close and detailed observation of the sun, and possiblyother stellar movements, and there are hundreds of hese apertures, some pointing to thedesert floor, others to nearby buildings, andstill others to every direction of he sky. Theseholes were obviously very important for thebuilders of these towers and were no doubtintegumented into their function.

    Hovenweep Castle, so-called, is built onthe rim of the main canyon, with aD-shapedtower and other rooms attached. A rectangular room attached to the south h s been shownto be a solar observatory with alignments forthe solstices and equinoxes. Two wall portholes and the cliffside door focus the light atsunset at the Winter solstice. Light passingthrough the south side port casts the last raysof he sun on the lintelof he north door inside.At the equinox, light passingthrough the south door at anarrow angle focuses on thelintel of the inside door tothe east. At the Summersolstice light is focussed onthis same spot through thewestern port.

    The more we pondered the mysteries ofHovenweep, the stranger these towers seemed.OK to build one solar observatory with greateffort, but why several in the same area? Thiscouldn' t have been purelyan agricultural calendar complex as the anthropologists assume.

    Another structure,unimaginatively called''Unit-Type House'', only afew hundred yards fromHovenweep Castle andperched on a large boulder,isanotherobservatory. Consisting of a kiva and sixrooms, the eastern room hasfour portholes built into thewall. Three of these portsfocus the first direct light ondays near the solstices andequinoxes. At Summer solstice light is cast from thenorth port into the southwestern comer of the room.DuringSpringandFalleqwnoxes the port next to it fo-

    Diagram of Hovenweep Castle showing path ofsunlight at the Summer and Winter Solstices

    Journal o orderland ~ e a r c h March April 1992. age

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    Surely after thousands of years the peoplecouldtell by looking at the constellations, andby feeling the sun's changing warmth, andeven by watching the desert plants sproutingand the birds nesting, when to plant their cometc. The feeling grew that these towers weresome type of initiatory chambers, and it alsoappeared - because of the incredible qualityof the masonry - that these buildings wereintentionally smashed when their purpose wasfulfilled. With sites of incredible esotericengineering, one cannot take the chance forthe uninitiated to stumble through and interfere with the connections.MESAVERDEEast of Hovenweep, past Sleeping UteMountain - from where a slumbering giantwill someday arise-- onto the high tablelandsof Mesa Verde in Colorado, the largest andmost awesome cliffdwellings of he Anasaziare found. From the top of this huge mesaapproaching storm clouds obliterated our viewof the distant horizon. Heavy snow wasfollowing close behind. But, fortunately, theclouds parted long enough for us to view someof these spectacular ancient pueblos.

    Below the canyon rims thecliffdwellingsare situated in rock alcoves; according toarcheology they date from the 13th century.Within the confmes of Mesa Verde NationalPark, sharing the mesa with Ute Tribal Park,

    Cliff Palace , the largest cliff dwelling at Mesa Verde

    nearly 600 cliff dwellings have been discovered, over 60 of hem along the 15 mile lengthofNavajo Canyon alone. The largest is CliffPalace, containing more than 200 hundredrooms and 23 kivas -- a small city ofmultistoried rooms built of sandstone blockscarefully shaped and mortared to

    gether. Square Tower House, another cliff dwelling we viewedfrom the canyon rim, is named forits multistoried tower built againstthe large alcove wall, along withadjoining rooms and kivas.

    We are told that the pueblo dwellers.whbad lived close to thei r agricultural land on thtop of he mesa moved down into the canyonnear to the natural springs, building thesdwellings which are reached mainly by h nand toe holds carved into the sandstone wallSome are coded, so you would have to knmwhich foot to begin with in order not to comto a sticky end while climbing the sheer roc:cliff. It has been suggested that the peoplmoved into these caves for defensive pwposes, but, as with Hovenweep, no traces owarfare have been found. These pueblodemonstrate a massive construction projec1from pithouses on the mesa top to these wholtowns built in caves, and yet they were appatently only inhabited for up to 100 years. Wb;were they abandoned? There are great secrethere that the archaeologists will never be ablto unravel in their present state of mind.

    Boulder House at Holly Ruins, Hovenweep

    At Spruce Tree House wejoined a ranger's tour, the onlyway you're allowed to see thispueblo up close, and passing by asmall spring in the canyon, wefollowed a trail to the large natural cave protected by an overhanging cliff. Here an opencourtyardhas a large three-storied wallfronting many rooms deeper inthe cave, in all over 100 rooms,and 8 kivas in the front. Entranceto the rooms is gained by smallrectangular and curious T -shapeddoorways which look like keyholes, a motif found throughoutMesa Verde architecture, and another mystery. A round roomnear the centre of this pueblobaffies archaeologists as it isn'tconnected to the kiva by a tunnelas many of the mesa top towersare.

    Structures incorporating celestial alignments have been mentioned in connectiowith Mesa Verde -- wall, window and kivalignments -particularly e so-called ' 'SuTemple, high on the mesa top and closetthe edge of deep canyons. This is an etremely interesting labyrinthian stone wallebuilding shaped like a giant D with wallsmay have reached 18 high. It incorporatetwo main circular stone structures insidecourtyard, surrounded by a narrow passagwalledoffat certainpoints, strangelyreminiscent of prehistoric mazes found in other partof the world. Other rooms and kivas arclustered at one end of the courtyard. hiceremonial structure, said to be aligned wit

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    Plan of Sun Temple" on Mesa Verdethe solstices and equinoxes, is an enigmaticand haunting example of he Anasazi mysteries. Work on it is thought to have beenabandoned before it was ever completed, al-though the atmosphere here is still chargedwith the energies of ancient ritual.

    The entire Four Comers area was abandoned by 1300. Although there was a severedrought, the people had survived more severedroughts in the past. It is a true mystery whythe Anasazi disappeared from such a largearea with such fmality, leaving no one behind.In some of the ruins at Mesa Verde, theinhabitants seemingly intended to return, leaving cups, bowls, sandals, and other domesticitems carefully arranged.'' But they nevercame back. According to authors Malvilleand Putnam, extreme sunspot activity between 1100 and 1387, and peaking at 1200,known as the Medieval Maximum, may havebeenrelated to the abandonmentof heir homesby the Anasazi people: ' 'In he Four ComersRegion there is clear and direct evidence of aserious climate change. Pollen analysis andtree ring studies indicate that the region washit by a devastating combination of droughtand cold beginning approximately in A.D.1200 .. At that time there was apparently asudden change to cold and dry weather thatcontinued for 600 years.But to where did they disappear? Nolarge burial sites have been found, in fact, farfewer bodies have been discovered than thelarge number ofpeople who once lived in thecliff dwellings. Their descendants are foundamong the Hopi and New Mexico PuebloIndians.Astute researchers have noted that thebubonic plague wiped out large parts of theworld population from 1334 to 1351, the sameperiod that theAnasazi andHohokam culturesdeclined rapidly.3 Ifone considers such ideasas that some diseases may be carried fromdeep space on comets then such a globalscenario is possible -- but still, where are thedesert dweller's bones?

    ZTEC RU NSAztec is one of the major prehistorictowns of the Southwest. Not built by theAztecs as the early pioneers thought, but the

    Anasazi, this is one of the many sitesfound within a 100 mile radius of thegreat Chaco Canyon centre, about 40miles southeast of Mesa Verde. One ofthe principle roads from Chaco Canyonled directly to Aztec, situated close tothe lifeblood of the Animus River.The excavated part of the ruins islarge showing remarkable engineeringand careful architectural planning. Theshaped and dressed stones show a highdegree of crafting. Apparently in historic

    times the Pueblo women did most of he rockwork, and may also have been responsible forthe intricate stone work in prehistoric times, aview which overturns the general preconceptions ofwhich sex did what work, presented inmuseum displays etc. The anthropologistshold fast to a patriarchal overview of prehistoric cultures, especially regarding spiritualor community leadership, without any evidence to support their theories. There are owritten records to tell us the details of theAnasazi daily life. Any reconstructed pictures are drawn purely from the artist's ownimaginationto fit in with the currently acceptable theories or world view. We gained theimpressionthat the desert dwellers were guildsocieties-- their pottery, weaving, stonework,agriculture and hunting skills bespeak an ordered transmission of knowledge within thespecific clans.Someof he pueblo wallsat Aztec reachednearly 30" high. Over 500 rooms and morethan two dozen kivas surround a plaza whichhas the only reconstructed Great Kiva within.In ancient times four massive pillars up theceiling be ms which supported a roofwhoseoriginal weight has been estimated at 9 tons

    And these people are considered primitiveThe Chaco people who apparently builtthis town abandoned it around 1200. LaterMesaVer de people inhabitedit briefly before

    deserting it forever in the latter 1200s.Driven south by a heavy snowstorm wewere unable to visit the great Anasazi centre

    of Chaco Canyon. Even as we wanderedaround the deserted ruins ofAztec flurries ofsnow swept autumn leaves into piles againstthe stone walls. The kivas, cold and rooflessseem to echo the o i c e ~ ofpeople long gone.They seem to wait, sacred and protected forthe Ancient Ones to return. They urge us toconsider the sacred life, a way oflife in whichthe spirit permeated all, where art and beautyfound an extraordinarily high level ofexpression; where so many could live together inharmony with nature at such close quarters.They were farmers and hunters, but primitive? Our cities in comparison are sprawlingand chaotic, built without any guiding spiritual values or concern for nature. Who, wemay ask, are the real primitives ...CH CO C NYONChaco Canyon, a target site for our nextexpeditioli, is one of the great puzzles of theAmerican desert. Hundreds of miles of oadsbranch out from the canyon, over 15 feet wideover perfectly straight distances of up to 25miles at a stretch, and lined with moundedearth curbs - an astounding engineering feat.At one time in the American westall roads ledto Chaco Canyon, then the center of everything, now the middle of nowhere.

    Of the nine or ten great pueblos (oursources differ) in the canyon, Pueblo Bonitohas been the most closely examined. The site

    Stone walls at Aztec Ruin.Journal o Borderland f

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    covers 3 acres, was originally five stories tallwith 65 rooms Each great house used tensof millions of cut sandstone slabs. The215,000+ spruce and fir trees used in the greathouses for support beams came from highelevations at minimum distances ofat least 40miles away over extremely rugged desert terrain. Theexact logging site hasnot been beendetermined, and thebeams- on average a footin diameter, 5 feet in length and weighingabout 600 lbs each -- bear no transportationscars The canyonwas too poor agriculturallyto support a large permanent community,though many thousands of skilled workerswere needed o construct such buildings. Thereare many large kivas, obviously the centralfoci of the inhabitants. A place of greatmystery and enchantment, Chaco Canyon istruly one of he great wonders of the world.4THE HOHOKAM PUEBLO GRANDE

    Known as the Canal Builders, theHohokam were the most skilful agriculturalists known in the prehistoric southwest.' 'These were the original engineers, the truepioneers who built, used and abandoned acanal system when London and Paris were acluster of wild huts - Dr OmarA. Turney.The modern city of Phoenix in southernArizonanowriseslikethemythical bird abovethe ruins of he Hohokam civilisation, a PimaIndian expression meaning old ones orall used up . The Hohokam constructed a

    tremendous network of canals from the Salt


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    Ruins of Solar Observatory at Pueblo Grandeshowing doorway aligned to path of solstice sun

    rotating at vast speed, all layers sharing acommon center and axis. As the originalwarmth body began to cool, igneous rockformed the core (probably a rock canopyaround some inner life-ether source) whichhad this canopy above at a distance. Thesuperior planets, mistakenly called the gasgiants, are similar cores with their canopiesand rings still intact for the most part. As timewent on various portions of he canopy fell toearth causing mass extinction (no, it wasn't ameteor that got the dinosaurs, but a regulatedprogression of the planetary organism), andthe water falling later caused the geologicallyshort-lived ice ages, which melted and raisedthe seas 12,000 feet from their earliest levelsin stages. Periodically minerals would precipitate out and fall to the inner surface creating the stratification found in sedimentaryrock (which for the most part is on top of herock that it supposedly wore down from ).

    Whileprofoundinitsinsights, the canopytheory is lacking in any awareness ofany lifeprocess causing the formation of the planets.Rudolf Steiner claimed that the early planetearth was a single large being - like a head inspace. For the sake of rying to build a picturein the imagination let's place this at the stageof he canopy. All he minerals, metals, sands,stones, etc. are precipitated from the life process of he canopy-being. The individualizedforms of life began to form on the core,developing as the canopy deteriorated. Thefmal fall ofwater- Noah's flood-- was thelast of he canopy and a major stage on the wayfor the planetary consciousness to incarnate

    into conscious form. The Fall -- what else isit? This would be the stage of transitionindicated in Julian Jaynes' Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind, and would also fit in with manyother theories of the evolution of consciousness. This could very well mean that Jupiter,Saturn, etc., still have dinosaurs, or other suchcreatures But it also indicates that the supe.rior planets are still living, singular intelligences, unlike earth which now has parasiticlifeforms living on itsdecayingbody. It alsoindicates that WalterRussell was perhapsmistaken and II Basin NPGuenther Wachsmuthwas correct on the implication of thesaturnian typeof ingsnow known on all thesuperior planets.Russell said theyshowed decay -- aslater stages of planetarylife. Wachsmuthshowed them aslayerings of ethericlife. Earth may haveonce had rings, alongwith the canopy.

    This all ties inwith advanced Qabalistic insights. TheQabalah describes alayering ofconcentric

    spheres, as well as the distribution in space ofthe sun and plauets. We can wonder whetherthe sun is an advanced planet, a young one, orperhaps something completely inverse alongthe lines of projective geometry Whateverthe full story, the canopy theory helps explainthe incredible and mysterious deser t canyonsand is an important tool for the refmed imagination.

    Somehow he people, therocks, theplants,are all tied in with the canopy theory. Knowledge must have fallen ftam somewhere also.Different races, mystery traditions, etc., allevolved out ofdifferent organs/sections of hecanopy consciousness. A vast field of newideas is implied by these concepts.

    Let's speculate whether the atmosphericcritters Trevor Constablediscovered,Amoebaconstablea are perhaps what is left of theetheric life of he canopy; theymay be holdersof vast knowledge which cannot be directlytransmitted from their form to ours. Wewould probably not know they were eventhere ifhe hadn't discovered them in his reachbeyond the borders of he senses. And it is thedesert which gives us many opportunities toread the past, scry the future, and make ourpresence a positive evolutionary one.REFERENCES1 Prehistoric Astronomy in the Southwest, Malville

    Putnam2 Ancient Man: A Handbook of PuzzlingArtifacts,William R.Corliss. The Sourcebook Project. GlenAnnMD21057

    3. Science Frontiers no. 45, May-Jun 1986.4. Science Frontiers, no. 46, Sept-Oct88,and no. 59,Jul-Aug 1986.

    Ceputtn Vok:ano NMChaco Cunure NHP

    Hubbetl Trat Mng Post NHS F o n U ~ i o n N M- Bandelittr NM Lake MeredttZ u n i ~ Ia NHP Recreation AreU E R O U E~ ~

    LUBOCK/White S.tnda NM

    8 Cerlebad C o ~ w e r n s NP

    The Four Corners Area

    Journal o Borderland ~ e a r c h March Apn1 i 992 Page 7

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    February 9, 1991 Doug Doe of Mendocino, California loaned me a little solarmotor, which I placed in the window of myelectromagnetic experimentation shop at 225Redwood Ave. in the town of Fort Bragg,California, on the Mendocino coast.Doug Doe had constructed this superblysimple solar motor from his own thoughts andimagination, coupled with input from BobBlick, a local electronic wizard and teacher.Bob had built a small pilot solar motor someyears ago using a solar cell mounted on a coilwound around a spool from the center ofa rollof scotch tape.Doug Doe no doubt had some ideas hewishedto work out with solarenergy, as hehad purchased some solar cells during thesolar EnergyExpo Rally held in Willits,California, August 11 12, 1990. DougDoe frrst showed me his beautifully designed Mendocino Brushless Solar Motoraround the end of 1990.The unique part of this self startingmotor is that the solar cells are mountedright on the armature of the motor. Thecell, turned to face the sun as the armaturerotates, energizes the coil between the twoceramic permanent magnets. The permanent magnet field rejects the circular magnetic field around the coil wires, thus causing the armature to rotate to expose thenext solarcell, and the process is repeated.The armature rotation is timed by the sunand the armature s own rotation. Thearmature, composed ofa balsa wood block,solar cells, coils and piano wire shaft,placed in the magnetic field between twoceramic magnets, completes the workingpart of the motor. The rest is a structurethat holds the magnets and provides abearing for the armature shaft.About April 15, 1991 I constructed myfrrst Mendocino Brushless Solar Motor, andby May 24, 1991 I had constructed number 5I changed the design on each to see which oneI liked best.Mounting solar cells right on the armature may have far reaching use for home andindustry, but as an experimenter I would liketo see it used as a teaching tool for kids. Itembodies the principles ofsun energy, electrical current, production of circular magneticfields around a conductor and their interactionwith permanent magnet fields.The small ceramic magnets are safe, rea-

    sonably priced and readily available. Largeceramic magnets pul l together with such forcethat they are dangerous because they canmake blood blisters on your fmgers whencaught between their flat surfaces.Materials used for the armature: A blockofbalsa wood, one inch squareby 1-1/2 incheslong, a 3 inch piano wire shaft 1/16 inch indiameter, 50 to 60 feet of 30 AWG KynarWrapping wire (any fme insulated or coatedsingle strand copper wire about 30 gauge), (410 x 20 MM space age solar super cellspurchased from Edmond Scientific Co., 101.

    ORIGIN L DOUG DOE MOTORE. Glouchester Pike, Barrington, NJ 08007-1380, Phone (609) 573-6260. There are othersources ofhigh quality solar cells. They arevery thin and quite fragile. The physical sizeof the solar cell will govern the size of thearmature which dictates the size of he frame,and to some extent the size of the magnets.I used (6) 3/4 x 1 inch x 3/16 thickceramic magnets, with a 3/16 inch hole, magnetized so they stack together. Other size ringor rectangular ceramic magnets can be used ifsufficient space between the frame and thearmature is provided. (4) 1/4 x 1-118 inchdiameter ring magnets will work just as well.Light weight galvanized sheet iron was


    used for the frame. A template for the inototframe is included with his article. Cut outandtry a mock up incardboard before you makein metal.The pian& Wire shaft is sharpened andpushed through the center of the balsa woodblock lengthways with the grain of he wood.This should be done very accurately, so thearmature will not wobble when turning.A small piece of tubing or insulatingmaterial from electrical wire is slipped ovetthe protruding end of the shaft to keep thewinding wire from pressing on the shaft, asyou need to pull the shaft out when assembling the armature in the frame.Hand wind 25 to 30 feet offme insulated or enameled copper wire around thelong dimension of the armature block.About 112of he wire is wound on each side. of the shaft. I wound the wire in layersacross the center portion of he armature. Irounded the center portion square edge tomake a more gradual bend for the wire. Ikept the wire windings as flat and uniformas possible, so I could glue the solar cellsright on the wire surface. With larger solarcells a thin sheet of balsa wood can eglued over the wire to support the fragilesolar cells. For glue, I use model airplane

    cement.I use a brad stuck into the comer of hebalsa wood to temporarily hold the beginning and ending of he wire coil, and I left6 inches ofwire sticking out which I numbered.The second coil was wound on theother side around the block from end to endlike the frrst coil.I apply a sufficient amount of modelairplane cement to stabilize the wires inposition, and, when it is dry, I remove thebrads holding the ends of he wire, and also thecovering over the piano wire shaft ends,whichthereby leaves a slightly larger hole for theshaft passing between the wires on the end ofthe armature.The solar cells are soldered onto the endsof the wires as shown. Use 60/40 rosin coresolder and a 30 watt soldering iron. Somecells are hard to solder.The cell facing the sun energizes the coilbetween the magnets, and the second cell inthe same series is placed on the back side ofthe armature away from the sun. The secondcoil is connected to the other two solar cells in

    Page B. March-Apn1 992 Journal of orderland Res:earch

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    the same way.Anywhere a metallic connection can bemade on top of the cell is one pole, andanywhere on the bottom is another pole, likepolesofabattery. Thetopofthecellmustfacethe sun. The bottom looks like a sheet ofmetal.I suggest attaching the cells lightly to thearmaturewith iny strips of scotch tape at frrst,as once they are cemented down tight theywould probably break if removed for anyreason.

    Force ona wire carrying a currentIf the sun is not out, this motor will runwhen held near a regular light bulb, a spotlight or an automobile head light. Try eachcell to make sure it is working properly, andall turning in the same direction. Glue thecells down tight with cement along the edgesto keep them from flying off when the arma-

    ture is spinning fast.Washers fitting over the end of he shaftcan be made by punching a hole through asmall square of copper sheeting with the icepick. It will look like an inver ted funnel. Thesmall end should be pointed outward to give atiny bearing surface contact against the out-side wall. They can be glued right on the endsof the armature.


    - St l f MEfALS C \ t IV Hol.F

    .2. ~ s J t J H H o L f S/ D R I L L BHO IHCUTTIHG

    This brushless solar motor was designed by LARRY SPRING In an attempt to drive thismotor from the back side with a mirror. This plan did not work, because when the solar cell

    came around to face the sun, it wanted to drive the armature back the wrong way

    Solar cell assembly


    / : ~ 1

    2 ~ I I

    A sma ll hole punched through the sheetmetal wall from the outside gives more bear-ing surface than a drilled hole, and by twistingthe sharp ice pick a hole can be made that justfits the piano wire shaft.Iron mhe armature gives all kinds oftrouble. I do not recommend iron except forthe piano wire shaft. The galvanized frameholds the magnets in place, so it is good.Stainless steel is non magnetic, so will nothold the magnets.

    The armature is balanced on two parallelbrass rods. Small piecesofcopper wire can eglued on the side that turns up until a perfectbalance is achieved.I have a great deal of pleasure buildingthe solar motors and I hope you will derivepleasure building your o wn variations of theMENDOCINO BR USHLESS SOLAR MOTOR

    CAT FOOD CAN1 3/8 inch high2 5/8 diameterMade of iron , not aluminum

    HI\ F T HOLE PUNCil EPfllOA1 ou rs I DE WI f i t VOtY SIIAF T ltDI CSI

  • 7/22/2019 Journal of Borderland Research - Vol XLVIII, No 2, March-April 1992


    Well, after a two year sabbatical, rback. Unfortunately, I can't say by populardemand". Yes,someofyoumissme,Iknow,but there has not been a ubiquitous pleadingfrom the masses for my return. I quit writingthis column because I just didn't have thetime. Well, I still don't. But as an excuse, itjust doesn't work anymore. This time, however, I may indulge, not only in the ' 'facts'' asIseethem, butalsoinsomecommentary. Mypeculiar biases have evolved considerablysince 1989, and I feel they are no longer fullyconfinable. With that warning, IWillproceed.For those of you who are new to theJournal, this column is for people who aren'tafraid to get their hands dirty. Its for thosepeople who don't always believe what theyare told, because they already know better.And we know better because we see for ourselves. We take other people's pretty littlebeliefs and take them apart on the laboratorywork bench. Yes, we are science's' bad boyson the block . There are no mean scienceteachers here to tell us it can't be done .Even if there were, we'd do it anyway So,let's get started, let's take something apart.Today's topic is LIGHf. For over 15years I have been deeply interested in lightand have done a fair amount of esearch on thesubject. It is from this platform that I nowoffermy insights. I was frrst introduced to theidea that light could be used to heal the bodyback in the mid-70's. My initial response tothis preposterous concept was to rightly dismiss it without a second thought. After all,colors are pretty, but that'sabout it. Little didI know at the time, but I had fallen in with agroup of people who had studied a simplifiedDinshah color healing system. Within a yearof this self-righteous dismissal, I had themisfortune ofactually lying down and shiningsome colored light on my body. The effectwas dramatic t almost immediately curedme ofmy sophomoric world view. Unfortunately, the cure was not permanent and I havehad many relapses into a state of imaginingthat I know more than I actually do. n spiteof his, God still loves me and I have becomean avid experimentalist.Most ofthe popular myths about light canbe attributed to the work of John Ott. He haspublished a number of books on his research

    and is also the developer of he VITA-LIGHfand the new OTI Light systems. He has beenone of the primary popularizers of the fullspectrum' myths that are almost commonknowledgenow. Ott'sexperimentaldatalooksimpressive to the untrained eye. What he hasrepeatedly tried to prove is that plants grownunder artificial light grow better when thespectrum of light emitted by the artificialsource (light bulb) is similar to that of sunlight. Now, for anyone schooled in our brandof science, the idea, that plants that haveevolved for millions of years in an environmentthatincludes sunlight might have adaptedto it and now may even prefer it to man-made light, is no great scientific leap offaith. Most ofus would say so what else isnew? ButMr. Ott is a mechanist. He has notincorporated the works of Steiner, Reich,Dinshah or Sheldrake and he knows nothingof he nature of ight but its colors. Mr. Ott'sidea of full spectrum" light is that it issupposed to be like sunlight. I agree with himon this point. But let's see how far this goes.The new Ott Light systems are marketedby a company in Santa Barbara, California,whereiusedtolive. OnanumberofoccasionsI visited the office and was shown all of theinside scoop on this' amazing technical breakthrough. ' A one foot by two foot lightingfJXture costs about $300. It consists of wo, 2foot long fluorescent tubes and a smal ler tubein the center. The larger tubes provide thevisible spectrum and the smaller tube provides UV (ultra-violet). The ends of thefluorescent tubes are shielded with lead foil toblock the soft x-ray emissions that Mr. Ottfound was killing his plants. And, the frontpanel has a grounded screen across it to blockEM (electro-magnetic) emissions. All in all,it is the best and the safest fluorescent lightingfixture I have seen. But I still don 't want one.Many amazing and wonderful claims aremade for this lighting system and I don'tdoubt any of hem. After all,Mr. Ott's experimental research is impeccable. Is this systembetter than all previous fluorescent light systems? To my knowledge, yes, it is muchbetter. A number of mportant improvements,listed above, are incorporated. Is this lightfixture emitting light that even remotely resembles sunlight? The answer, s NO.

    So, what is the problem? To fmd out,spent some time with my good friend, RogeModjeski. Roger is an electrical engineer anan audio circuit designer. We borrowed an 01Light from the company and went to workhis Santa Barbara facility, RAM Labs. Walso had two other fluorescent light systems ttest. One was a standard unit and the otllerwaa ' 'high efficiency'' unit with a solid-statballast and power supply. Roger also rigge,up a bench model of a power supply to drivthe fluorescerlt tubes with direct current. Whad a widevariety ofprobesto look at curren1voltage, wave forms, light emission andradiation, all on an oscilloscope. Whatevewas happening, we were going to fmd out.So, here are some of the highlights owhat we found. All of he systems that ran o:power from the wall (117 VAC) suffered froiJthe same problems. The most significant owhich is the light intensity variation. Thisis easy to duplicate. We simply connectedsilicon solar cell to the oscilloscope anviewed the wave form. n sunlight, thisset-up produced a flat line on the screeiindicating two things: the voltage produce'apd the continuous nature of he light. Wheexposed to the light from any of the fluorescent fixtures, it produced a wavy line thavaried from zero to maximum, 120 times pesecond (40,000 times per second for the soli'state unit). We were seeing a 100% lighintensity variation. It means that a room Uonly by fluorescent lights is actually completely dark 120 times per second Needlesto say, the sun is not going on and off 2times per second, but a fluorescent lightTheeyemaynot see this, but it all registerin the nervous system. This effect is responsible for one of the major irritations associated with fluorescent lighting, and the 1Light system was no different than an ordinary one, in this respect.So, why is this happening? Essentiall)the problem begins withtheAC power. Alternating current, by its very nature, is constant :changing. The voltage rises to 117 v o t ~then drops to zero, then drops further to 11 volts and then rises again to zero. This icalled one cycle. Since the power coming ouof the wall is 60 cycles per second, and th'voltage moves through two points each cydwhen the voltage is zero, the voltage is zer1120 times per second. When the voltage izero, the fluorescent light goes out.So why not power the fluorescent bulbwith DC? Here's what we found out whenwdid. A typical40 watt fluorescent tube (4 foolong tube) runs on about 100 volts. But it wilnot star t on 100 volts. The bulbwill only staiglowing after i t is shocked with a quick bursofabout 350 volts, and this only when the litH

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    heater coils at each end are warmed with somecurrent at 3 volts. Once glowing, the plasmabetween the ends of the tube behaves like anegative resistance. The 40 watt bulb ran onabout .4 amps at 100 volts ( 4a x 1OOv 40w).When we gave the bulb 5 amps it got brighter,but only drew 95 volts This unusual situationrequires the tube to be powered by a currentlimiting power supply to prevent the bulbfrom blowing up due to current run-away. Theother problem we saw when running the tubeon DC was that the end of the tube beingsupplied by the negative was brighter than theend connected to the positive. With all ofthese problems, don't hold your breath waiting for a DC powered fluorescent ftxture to befor sale anytime soon.So we are back to AC. Believe it or not,the AC power supplies (the ballast) effectively deliver to the tube all of hese requirements. At the beginning ofeach cycle, it jolt sthe tube with 350 volts and then holds thevoltage around 100 volts for a while beforeturning the tube offat the half-cycle. Interestingly, the inductance of the ballast and thenegative resistance of the fluorescent tubeplasma work against each other to create aparasitic oscillation in the supply voltage atabout 2500 cycles per second. This parasiticoscillation can also be seen in the supplycurrent and in the magnetic fteld of he ballasttransformer. It is the primary source of thehum that fluorescent light ftxtu.res make. It isalso the reason for the high levels of ELF

    NOTICE: INVESTORS WANTEDBSRF is interested in re-establishing its"free energy" research laboratory in the nearfuture. Afte r reviewing the technology in this

    field for a number of years and realizing thatNO ONE has orwill be allowed to bring a trueself-running engine to the commercial marke tanytime soon, we propose a commercial venture using the following technology.A very interesting process has come toour attention that allows for the production ofHEAT using permanent magnets. Since mostof the energy consumption in our currenteconomic structure is based on heat production, we feel that this process could sell verywell if embodied in the following products.The first product we propose the development of is an electric portable space heaterthat could produc e three times more heat perwatt of electricity than the currently availablespace heater. The unit would be similar in sizeto other portable heaters but could produce5000 BTU's of heat using only about 500 wattsinstead of the usual 1500 watts. This would

    magnetic pollution associated with fluorescent lights. All of the systems we testedbehaved this way, even the Ott Light. Rogerand I concluded that since the OttLight did notaddress the light intensity variation problemor the magnetic pollution problem, it was notworth the extra money. We gave the test unitback.So, you may ask, how do you get realartiftcial sunlight? How do you get fu llspectrum'' light you can live with? We nextwent back and looked at some ordinary incandescent bulbs. Powered on AC, a regular lightbulb also exhibits a light intensity variation.This fluctuation is between 100% intensityand 60% intensity, a 40% variation, at thesame rate as the fluorescent ftxtures of 120times per second. Again, this variation is instep with the AC power.

    Only an incandescent bulb powered byDC gave light at a continuously even rate.Only an incandescent bulb powered by DCgave light free ofx-rays, high frequency EMand ELF magnetic pollution. So, what aboutits spectral balance? Is it full spectrum"?According to all of he information I have, anincandescent light bulb produces what is referred to as "continuous spectrum". Thismeans that it produces all of he colors in thevisible spectrum. It also produces a fairamount of infrared (heat). For years I haveused a 100 watt incandescent spot light as thelight source for my Dinshah color healingsystem and I assure you, it can and does

    make electric heat about as cheap as heatproduced by burning gas or wood. Thecommercial value of such a product should beobvious. Once the basic magnetic heatermodule is developed,it could be put into largerfurnaces and water heaters as well. Each of heenvisioned products offers a substantial improvement over its currently available counterpart, but does not inherently defy thepower structure. Because of this, we believethat these products will be accepted in thegeneral market and be able to captu re a sizablemarket share.

    We are looking for an investor who, fora sizable percentage of the deal, is willing tofund the project from first prototypes tomarket. A number of patents are possible, soproprietary ownership is also part of thepackage. Initially, we believe that a 6 monthprototyping period could be funded for about$50,000. A complete investment prospectusis being prepared and will be available uponrequest.

    A second project that could also be qu itelucrative is the development of a bicycle ligh t

    produce all of the colors, right down to thedeep violets. But what about the UV Mr. Ottsays is so important? Its simple. The hotterthe bulb, the more UV i t produces.But what about the spectral balance?Ordinary fluorescent lights emit light that ispredominantly blue, while incandescentbulbsemit light that is heavy on the red end of hespectrum. The ' ' full spectrum'' Vita-Lightfluorescent tubes you can buy start out OKbut the materials inside the tube responsiblefor emitting the UV n d ~ t h e spectrum burnout in about 100 hours, leaving you with anordinary light at extra cost (this is whyMr. Ottabandoned this system to develop his newone). GE and some other European light bulbmanufacturers make a ' ' full spectrum'' incandescent bulb with enhanced blue and UVoutput. All of this research points me in thisdirection. If you run these full spectrum"incandescent bulbs on pure DC, you will every close to the artiftcial sunlight'' that thiswhole quest is about.

    Ifany ofyou are interested,we have plansfor a 120 VACto 120 VDC converter that candeliver about 200 watts. Send us a selfaddressed. stamped envelope and $1.00, andwe'll send you the plans. We aren't publishing them here because 120 VDC is potentiallylethal andwe only want serious experimentersworking with it.Next time, we look at free energy"systems based on heat pumps. 'Til then, thisis your favorite myth-grinder, signing off.

    generator that provides a bright headlight, butdoes not make the bicycle harder to peddle.This style of generator is not scaleable to verylarge sizes and therefore cannot be developedinto a useful, home power plant. It can,however, solve a serious problem in thebicycle industry. There is every reason tobelieve that such a generator could capture asizable percentage of the world market forbicycle light genera tors . Patents would also beavailable here.Both of these projects are based ontechnological effects that are known to existand have been tested by us. What we need todo is prototype these effects into useful embodiments and test their efficiencies. Thesedevices could be very competitive with whatalready exists on the market.Anyone interested in forming a jointventure, please contact: Peter A Lindemann,BSRF Research Director, at (503) 895-3724.Serious inquiries only. No technical data willbe transferred without signing "non-disclosure agreements.

    Journal of Borderland e ; e a r c h March Apn1 1992. Page

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    In the middle ages scientists knew that thee rth was the center of he universe. The mostbrilliant people of the time went to extremeefforts to make their observations fit this fact.They were very successful at this and explainedall then available observations by combinationsofmathematics and philosophy. For example,the fact that some planets moved in complexpatterns waseasily handled mathematically. Asmore and more information became availablethe explanations became more and more complex. It got so that only a few especially giftedindividuals could underst and them. Copernicuspointed out that ifone assumed that the sun wasthe center of he universe many things becamesimpler. After about 200 years, Copernicusideas became generally accepted.

    Is there anyone here that believes that i nnate human intelligence or, indeed, human nature has changed dramatically over the past 400years? Certainly current theoriesofmagnetism,light, gravityandrelativity arenotclearly understood by the average intelligent individual. I'msure everyone here understands them and canquite easily explain them to me. I l l settle for anexplanation of how these two magnets exertforces on each otherat a distance. It is generallyaccepted that the forces involved would be thesame in space, and the presence of he air or myfmgers exert very minor effects. The usualanswer has to do with the presence ofmagneticfields around the magnets. In other words, thenothing around one of these magnets changeswhen the orientation of he magnet is changed.

    Prior to the turn of the last century, it waspretty much accepted that a medium existedthroughout space which somehow carried light,magnetism and possibly gravity, much as the aircarries sound. Faraday, Kelvin, Hertz and sometimes Maxwell were the leading exponents ofthis medium- the aether or ether. This conceptso simplified the understanding of magnetismthat it was used as a teaching tool when Iwent toschool -always with the caveat that there is nosuch ether.

    The etherconceptdiedearly in his century.The direct cause of its death was the results ofinterferometer experiments of Michelson andMorley. It was believed that the earth in itsjourney around the sun must travel through theether. If this were the case, there must be an"ether wind" along the direction of motion.Michelson and Morely set up an experiment tomeasure the velocity of the ether wind. Theexperiment e p e n ~ o o on the interferenceof wolight waves which were outofphase. One of hewaves traveled down ether wind and then back

    up etherwind while the other raveled across theether wind and back. They both traveled thesame distance relative to the apparatus. Theexperiment depended on the wave property oflight (the main reason the ether was invented).Regardless of the orientation of the apparatusthe results indicated that there was no etherwind. This was taken as proof hat there wasnoether. Since this time, physical phenomena hadto be explained without benefit of an ether.Theoretical physics became difficult for someand incomprehensible to me. The seeds of herebirth of the ether were sown just as it wasdying.

    The results ofexperimentsdescribed in thescientific literature in the first quarter of thiscentury and results of experiments I have performed more recently have lead me to the conclusion that there is, indeed, such an ether, andto a suggestion as to two components of theether. I will describe mostof hese experimentsin generalities and the simplest ones in somedetail. First I will try to arrive at these components philosophically. Since Iknow what wantthe answer to be, this should be easy.

    Let's examine these magnets again. lamparticularly impressed when they repel eachother at a distance. It is generally accepted thatelectron spins in non-magnetic materials arerandom, while the spins of at least some of heelectrons in permanent magnets are aligned.This is an over simplification but electrons areeither paired and not available for magneticeffects or unpaired and available. If a piece ofiron is brought close to a magnet some of itsunpaired electrons tend to become aligned andthatpieceofiron becomes a magnet. Iron formsa softra therthan permanent magnet. Its electronspins will become randomly oriented soon afterit is removed from the permanent magnet. Mypoint is, the aligned electrons of he permanentmagnet aligned some of he unpaired electronsin the iron bar.

    If he same iron bar is wrapped in a coil ofinsulted copper wire which is attached to a DCcurrent source, the barbecomes a magnet. If hecurrent source is removed from the wire the barloses its magnetism. This may indicate thatelectron spins in the wire tend to be orientedwhen a current is passing and random whenthere is no current. Possibly moving electronsare oriented. If here were electrons in the spacebetween magnets their orientation would beaffected by the magnets and magnetic forces ata distance and magnetic fields would be easilyunderstood. Ofcourse, a medium composed ofonly electrons would immediately disperse itselfdue to repulsion of he negatively chargedparticles. If space also contained properly distributed protons its chargewould be neutral andthe arrangement would be neutral in charge.Afte r all, a salt crystal is a similar combination of

    negative and positive charges. It is quite t h l ~and as far as I know there is no salt crystal windAs a matter of fact a salt crystal has a dielectri.tams and Drown i n s t r u m n t ~represent physicil structures in space.wire resistors act like a resonant antenruwhich is tuned by setting the rates. Therestill some equipment buil t like this, but mostl)substituting capacitors for resistors-- the outgrowths of the Wigglesworth-HieronymwPathoclast of the 1940s. Peter Lindemanrbuilt an instrument using a resistor/capacitoJcoupled for each dial position. There artvariations possible, but they all representphysical structures in space. Over the last six 1seven years there has been the advent o:computerized ''radionics.'' This really f a l l ~into the realm of psycho-tronics, that is, thi.J;lstrument acts as a focus for psychic n r g ~and is really secondary to the radionic pro-cess. The original radionic instruments directed the etheric force via geometric relationships, and Dr. Drown especially traine

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    came to France the first person he wantedto see was L. I don't know anything aboutthis early period but two episodes occurredlater which gaveL. quite a bit of money andenabled him to finance his future researchhimself. 1) During the 1914 war, there wasa dearth of methylated spirits in Franceand L. negotiated supplies, on behalfof theFrench government, with the Russians. 2)He invented a gadge t which was used everywhere on the French railways and whichbrought in tidy sums in royalties. He wasthus able to invite titled people to his table,the Count of his and the Duke of that and,of course, Abbe Breuil. This curious clericwas very well known in France, not forsaintly endeavors on behalf of the Churchbut for his exploration of caves in search oftraces of early man. He became the ffighPriest ohfPre-ihihstoryh. However, h t i n ~ t e r -ests us ere s t at e was an extraor arymedium. For instance, L. at table, wouldsay something like this: "Abbe, I've justthought up a new design for the MWO(passing him the drawings) what do youthink of i t?" And the Abbe might reply:"The antenna's too thick here, you shouldtake 1 millimetre off and here, you areusing the wrong kind of metal." n thisway,L. gradually refined each model, usingthe Abbe's intuition to v erify his own fmdings, until he got it as near perfect as possible.

    What follows is a translation of thenotes scribbled down by my friend yesterday. I offer no comments because I wouldn'tknow a Hertz dipole if I fell over one in thedark.These are some of the parameters takeninto consideration by L.1) Diameter: D.2) Thickness of he wire of he tube (not tobe confused with the section).3) Distance e between the two ends.4) Orientationof he circuitwith respecttothe horizontal plane (29 70' N).5) Kind of circuit. Should it be made ofmetal or hollow glass containing chemicalsalts.6) Orientation of the distance e withrespect to the magnetic North.7) Study of the terrain: the mineralogical,geological, geodesic and tectonic factors.8) Study of the nature of he surface ofthecircuit and whether and how it should becovered.I see now that what I had taken for solidrods making up the antenna were in realityhollow tubes.

    I hope that you and your readers willfind this information interesting. t sheds anew light on howL. operated. He used the

    pendulum a lotand, as we haveseen, themediumistic tal-ents of his friendAbbe Breuil. Mybest wishes toyourself and toBSRF in 1992.Ron CrossleySolesmes, France

    Your input onthe MWO project

    Hertz dipoleMWOantenna

    has been most helpful to everyone trying tofmd the truth of the story, and I offer mythanks and I'm sure the thanks of BSRFmembers the world around. Georges Lakhovsky was a complex individual whose ideas oncell regeneration have ignited many a seekingmind. It seems as though he had some ratherinteresting friends also, Nikola Tesla, Professor D'Arsonval, and the curious Abbe BreuilYour friend's comments indicate some important factors in Lakhovsky' s considerations:He was very concerned about the orientationtowards the natural energetic lines of theearth even considering latitude (what youhave termed the horizontal plane) as a determining factor in the energetic output of hisdevices. He must have been aware of theinteraction of the electric output with theplanetary magnetic, electrostatic and ethericfields. He was also concerned about theunderlyingearth itself. nhis Secret ofLife heproposes his theory that cancers are morepredominant in areas where the soils (such as

    clays) reflect the cosmic radiation back to thesurface, causing interference patterns that disrupt the body's energetic flows. It is interesting to note that his antennas were constructedwith all these factors involved. It is also veryinteresting that he relied on the pendulum andthe mediumshipofAbbe Breuil for his refmements. Lakhovsky was a true borderlandscientist Also of note is your point 5 mentioning the hollow glass circuit containingchemical salts. Something new to figure inour researches. We l s t 1 ~ v e the open question of whether or not some ofhis tube antennas contained rare gases, which his MWOTube Patent implies by its refmements inminiaturization. This has been an excitingperiod of discovering what Lakhovsky wasreally up to in his vast researches. Please readon ...A REAL LAKHOVSKY MWOThis schematic is from a LakhovskyMWO manufactured by Lakhovsky's son inParis long after the untimely death of hisfather in the 1940s. It shows defmitively thatthe development of the MWO followed thepath of radio-cellular oscillator and notthat suggested by the "Beck-style MWOs"which have been the type of equipment researched in the US over the last quarter century. Our many hanks go to Patrick FlanaganforprovidingthisinformationtoBSRF. Patrickobtained the unit, removed the seal at risk ofvoiding the warranty, and provided us with thecircuit description you see here. Also, aspecial thanks to Roger Modjeski of RAMTube Works of Santa Barbara, California for

    Lakhovsky MWO/Radio Cellular Oscillator submitted by Patrick Flanagan


    Pl P2

    tK0T 20TJl



    pin 1: grid 2pin 2: grid 1pin 3: cathodepin 4&5: filament 6.3Vpin 6: grid 3pin 7: plate/anodepin 8: internal shieldpin 9: not used6CL6PINOUT1: cathode2&9: first grid3&8: second grid7: third grid4&5: filament6: plate/anode

    Journal o Borderland < ~ e a r c h March Apn1 1992 Page 2 7

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    providing the pinouts and tube conversioninfo. As far as our extensive research notesshow, this is the frrst real, complete schematicof a working Lakhovsky MWO that has beenpublished in the USThis unit, which fits in a small box thatcan be held in the hand, is a very powerfulwhite noise generator with a treatment coilconstructed from coax cable which is loopedaround the subject when in use. The treatmentcoil loop is 1 meter in length, the center wireand shield are connected. This unit willinterft?fe with electronic communication devices up to the satellite 1V range, andmay beillegal to operateunder FCC rules- this needsto be checked. The tube is an EL83, a French tube (Telefunken manual gives the Germannumber as PL83) whose US equivalent isgiven as a 6CK6 video output pentode, but GEnevermade them. It svery similar in functionto a 6CL6 which has a different pinout. Weprovide the pinouts for both.The 5 and 20 turn coils are Y2 inch diameter tightly wound with #20 plastic coatedwire. They areaircore and all three are woundin the same right hand direction. They arespaced tightly and arranged exactly as shown.Varying the physical distance between theprimary and secondary coils would vary theoutput strength. The resistors are Y2 watt. The.01 capacitor is ceramic at 500 volts. Thechoke is 33 J LH The power supply is notshown, but is implied by the circuit.

    We have no exact details of the interaction of this generation of Lakhovsky devicewith the human system, only that suggestedby Lakhovsky' s original research and its extension through time. This data is providedfor research purposes and to record yet another development in MWO research.We would still be most interested infmding the schematic of one of the originalMWOs pictured in Lakhovsky' s various publications, as it would provide the exact antenna feed for the concentric ring antennasand other pertinent details.Also, for those who have contacted usseekinga discount on the Electros tatic MWOwe will take $200 off the price until May 31,1992 if you mention this when ordering.The Rife Way ID by Mark A. Simpson,P.O. Box710088,Dallas,TX75371, $29.95pp.This is the most recent version of Mark'songoing search for the true story of Royal R.Rife' s researches into the treatment ofdiseaseconditions with frequencies. Mark indicatesthat he is coming around to seeing that thesecret of Rife's pathogen-destroying processis in the beat frequency caused by the interac-

    tion of the audio range Rife Frequencies,and the output range of he beam tube antennas. It only makes sense -- Rife was heterodyning UV and visible light in his microscopeso that the low beat frequency carrying theoptical image of viruses (with a wavelengthshorter than visible light) would be in thevisible range. His reach for the proper ' 'mortal oscillatoryrate'' to shatter theviruswouldput him in the same range -- above visiblelight Rife's work was obviously not thepumping ofaudio-range frequencies directlyinto the carcass via TENS-like (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) methodseven though certain system altering resultscan be expected from that sort of modality,and Mark reports on such results, which heterms bug blows t hey have them onvideo. This book gives an excellent overviewof the entire Rife research field and has listings ofwhat he calls Rife-like instrumentsfrom various manufacturers. He also has a lotofcurrent correspondence with researchers inthe field, and listings of various frequenciesused on the Rife-like, equipment. Thereare a lot of insights in this book, and it isinteresting to note the connection betweenRife and Albert Abrams- with the possibilitythat Abrams's equipment (radionic in nature)was used to modulate some of Rife's Onesparkling gem of information that we hadnever heard ofbefore pops up in this book, thediscovery by Rife and fellow researchers of a

    new band of oscillations" which killed every bacteriological culture in the lab, brokeglass ofa certain shape throughout the laband killed mold on leather chairs, yet did notharm humans or lab animals Unfortunately,little more is known about the new bandthan what is said here, but it certainly showswhat area Rife himself was working on.Whatever your current level of interest inRife's work, or in electro-therapeutics in general, you will fmd The Rife Waym to be anexcellent piece of ongoing research. Highlyrecommended, both to dispense further thisinformation, and to support a clear-thinkingresearcher who is trying to discern the truth.* INFINOUS SPACE ... Where the OuterLimits Reach Inner Emotion Drew PearsonCartoons, P 0. Box 31046, SantaBarbara, CA93130, $3/issue. The frrst edition of thiscomic book is rather enjoyable, it's about akid who is supposedto do a science report forschool. The kidhas some incredible thoughtswhich causes him to give a deeply insightfulreport on the structure of the universe, towhich the teacher has a typical biopathicreaction and screams at the kid.Many more itemswere received, but we

    are out of room. See you next issue )

    * Tesla Inc, 820 Bridger Circle, Craig C

  • 7/22/2019 Journal of Borderland Research - Vol XLVIII, No 2, March-April 1992


    UNDERGROUND GOD MAY END UP INCOURT. A consortium sued the Australiangovernment yesterday for refusing to lift a banon a mining project imposed after Aboriginessaid digging the ground would disturb a god andset off mass destruction. The three-companyconsortium had already spent $11 million onexploration before the government blockedthe project and incorporated the zone into theKakadu National Park when elders of he 600-member Jawoyn tribe said it would disturb thegodBula in what they call the Sickness Country,causing earthquakes and pestilence .. (SanFransisco Chronicle, Feb 11, 1992)MEDICAL MONKEYS The beginning oftheLunarYear4690, The YearoftheMonkey,broughton an official announcementthat "Monkeys May Know Medicine -- Scientists marvelat jungle animals' exploitation of usefulplants." The article gives several examplesfrom South America and Africa of howmonkeys seek out certain plants to aid infertility or rid them ofworms. (SanFransiscoChronicle, Feb 8, 1992)PARTY ANIMALS. As earth's ecosystemgets more and more disrupted we can expectthe life-forms to reflect these changes accordingly. In Napoleon, Ohio a group ofracoons have been acting strangely. Normally coons are nocturnal animals but thesehave been "staggering around town in themiddle of he day, turning somersaults, andeven darting into homes to play under theChristmas tree." Meanwhile in West Bengal, a herd of elephants has been breakinginto an Indian Army camp regularly to guzzletheir rum supply. New Delhi's Statesmanreported that electric fences, bonfires, and rail-ings have been no match for the invaders. Thewily animals have learned to hose out the bon-fires, and to demolish electrified fences by smashing them with wooden logs grasped in theirtrunks. Once inside the camp, they break openthe bottles of um, then stagger away once theyhave their fill. Perhaps they are fed up withtheir declining quality oflife and wish to drowntheir sorrows. Someof heir cousins have takena wilder approach to the problem. In the cen1ralIndian state ofMadhya Pradesh elephants wentwild and trampled fourpeople to death when thevillagers attempted to chase the elephants awaywith noise and brickbats. ''Meanwhile in northeastern India, rogue elephants have killed atleast 31 people this year in Assam state, sometimes after guzzling barrels of homemade beerin the villages they attack.'' Perhaps we shouldsend a peace mission to the herds and fmd outways of easing their discontent. I reported on

    this issue in theMar-Apr 1987JBR Theelephantshave much largerbrains than humans and communicate with subsonic (ELF) waves. "There has never been anelephant problem'. There is no elephant 'problem'. There is only a human problem. Exceptionally, the Masai and the Nandi in Africa arereputed to know that the elephant representsanother, older order of things; that they aresurvivorsofanotherage, and consequently givethem priority in matters of land tenure.' Heathcote Williams. (Source: Earthweek ADiaryoftheP/anet, Dec20 &27, 1991. Credit:Haroldine)

    SOLAR/WEATHER CONNECTION. Formany years researchers have been trying to finda direct correlation between solar activity andweather patterns on earth. There is an obviouscorrelation between solar flaring and geomagnetic storming, but no long term weather con-

    nection has been determined to the point ofacceptance .. until now. Eigil Griis-Christensenand Knud Lassen, two researchers from theDanish Meteorological Institute, have come upwith a simple connection, so simple that "theircolleagues distrust such disingenuousness; but,as yet they cannot show that it is wrong.'' thasbeen considered that the small change in solarbrightness, around 0.1% during the 11-yearcycle, is enough to affect the severityofnorthernwinters, but this is widely disputed. The newcorrelating factor discovered is that the sunappears also to exhibit an 80- or 90-year cycle,during which the peak intensity of he 11-yearcycle varies, as does its length. [The Danishresearchers] think that the sun is brightest whenthe 11-year cycle is shortest. Putting the solarcycle length and the surface temperatureof henorth em continents over the past century on tothe same graph, they have found that the two fittogetherastonishinglywell.'' see chart. Despitethe evidence, "scientists are loth to discardestablished theories, even unsatisfactory ones,'

    on the basis o evidence with no theoreticalunderpinning. (emphasis added) In otherwords, what you see doesn't count unless youhave a theory that fits in with previously accepted theories. Reality is secondary Thissame flaw in 'modem' scientific method surfaced recently when an ice cap was discoveredon Mercwy. Even thought the evidence wasright in front of the scientists, they would notaccept it until they came up with a new theorythat allows the ice cap to exist in theirconceptuali.mtionsl (Source: The Economist,30Nov, 1991) J.THE GREAT AMERICAN MEDICINESHOW is a book by David and Eli.mbethArmstrong published by Prentice Hall,ofwhichan excerpt showed up in IMAGE, the SundaymagazineofThe San Francisco Chronicle,Nov3, 1991. Albert Abrams comes in for a roastingin this book. It gives a fairly accurate renditionof he use of he apparatus, which of course ismade to look like a Rube Goldberg device ifever there was one. Abrams was such aquack that he believed that "every diseasehas a signature vibration that can be measured I It goes on to state that Abrams hadsome ex.9ellent support and that his data wasaccepted as evidence in a paternity suit, butthat serious challenges to his work interferedwith his success- the first being the ''chickenblood" sample sent to Abrams which hediagnosed as general cancer and tuberculosis of the genital-urinary tract. Also men

    tioned is that R.A. Millikan, a Nobel Prizewinning Cal Tech physicist, concludedAbrams' inventions 'did not rest upon anyscientific foundation whatever ... ScientificAmerican investigations "concluded thatE.R.A. [Electronic Reactions of Abrams]did not exist. A New York Times editorial,commenting on the report, observed: of allthis country's many medical quacks and charlatans, Abrams showed the most cynical confidence in the amount of credulity, ofgullibility,characterizing a considerable fraction of ts inhabitants, and for the exploitation of hat fraction, he devised a schemeofmagnificent absurdity." The Armstrongs are obviously poorresearchers because they have ignored the explicit challenges to the Millilmn and ScientificAmerican studies presented by active users ofthe equipment -which have been republishedby BSRF in 1991 as INVESTIGATIONS OFTHE E.R.A. They claim "Most traces ofAbrams have .. vanished", but fail to mentionthat much ofAbrams' material is still availableand that there were other investigations such asthoseofthe Inti Hanemannian Committee whichshowed that there certainly was a novel energypresent in the Abrams equipment. A large bodyof evidence exists describing the reality of heradionic impulse in medicine, and no hack jobwill change it

    ournal o Borderland r;2e ;earch M a r c h A p r i / 1 9 ~ : ? . Page 9

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    Airlines and United Express flights. For reservations call (U.S. and Canada) 1-800-521-4041.Please refer to #524WE.

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    OZARK UFO CONFERENCE, April 3 51992, Inn of the Ozarks, Eureka S p r i n g ~Arkansas. $35/person. Register with OzarlUFO Conference Fund, Route 1 - Box 22CPlumerville,Ar72127 or call (501) 354-255:7 Cont inent Dowsers ConferenceandDowsing School, June 18-21, 1992, Holiday JmMatteson, illinois. Info: 7 Continent Dowsers, P.O. Box 192, Lansing, IL 60438The First World Congress for E l e d r i d ~and Magnetism in Biology & MedidntJune 14-19, 1992, Orlando, Florida. InfcFirst World Congrsss, 120 West ChurchStreeFrederick MD 21701The International Society for the Study JSubtle Energies & Energy Medicine Coilference, June 26-30, 1992, Boulder Colorad
