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Journal time

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Journal time. Journal time Check # 11-16 and fill the pages with notes record your homework. Classmate Introductions. “What If…” week What if there was equality for everyone? . Is it even possible? Should it be possible?. According to Atticus Finch…. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Journal time

Journal # 17

Journal time

Journal time

Check # 11-16 and fill the pages with notes record your homeworkClassmate IntroductionsWhat If weekWhat if there was equality for everyone?

Is it even possible?

Should it be possible?According to Atticus Finch There is [only] one [place] in this country in which all men are created equal [where] a pauper [is] the equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of an Einstein, and the ignorant man the equal of any college president. That institutionis a [courtroom].

There is [only] one [place] in this country in which all men are created equal [where] a pauper [is] the equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of an Einstein, and the ignorant man the equal of any college president. That institution is a [courtroom].

My quote There is one way in this country in which all men are created equal, there is one human institution that makes a pauper the equal of a Rockefeller, the stupid man the equal of an Einstein, and the ignorant man the equal of any college president. That institution, gentlemen, is a court.

onlyisOriginal from To Kill a MockingbirdPlaceNext week YOU TOO can change the text to meet your needs!Ellipses = deleting part of the quote

Brackets [ ] = changing part of the quote

BUT you Cant change the meaning!PULL OUT everything for Unit 1!Ellipses deleting part of the quote

Equally impressive is Koko, the 300-pound gorilla at the Gorilla Foundation in Northern California, who was taught sign language and has mastered more than 1,000 signs and understands several thousand English words. On human IQ tests, she scores between 70 and 95.

Equally impressive is Koko, the 300-pound gorilla at the Gorilla Foundation in Northern California, who was taught sign language and has mastered more than 1,000 signs and understands several thousand English words. On human IQ tests, she scores between 70 and 95.

Equally impressive is Koko, the 300-pound gorilla at the Gorilla Foundation in Northern California, who was taught sign language and has mastered more than 1,000 signs and understands several thousand English words. On human IQ tests, she scores between 70 and 95.

In his article, A Change of Heart About Animals, Jeremy Rifkin asserts that Koko the gorilla was taught sign language and understands several thousand English words

Ellipses = deleting part of the quote

Brackets [ ] = changing part of the quote

Equally impressive is Koko, the 300-pound gorilla at the Gorilla Foundation in Northern California, who was taught sign language and has mastered more than 1,000 signs and understands several thousand English words. On human IQ tests, she scores between 70 and 95.

By focusing on the fact that Koko has mastered more than 1,000 [human sign language] signs, Jeremy Rifkin is asserting that gorillas are just as intelligent as a human being and should be treated more humanely. (Template Paraphrase #4)

In his article, A Change of Heart About Animals, Jeremy Rifkin asserts that Koko the gorilla was taught sign language and understands several thousand English words By focusing on Koko the gorilla , Jeremy Rifkin is stating that animals can be taught sign language and can learn the English language Jeremy Rifkin brings up an important point about how we need to treat animals more humanely when he talks about Koko the gorilla and how she can communicate with humans at the same level as a small child since she has the IQ equal to a kid.So lets get back to it!!!The essence of the story of the orangutans shows us that., Jeremy Rifkin is that animals have a sense of who they are that is far beyond what we originally thought In Jeremy Rifkin s view orangutans have a sense of individualism because they have a sense of self. Evidence of this can be found in Chantek at the Atlanta Zoo who groom[s] his teeth.

In his article, A Change of Heart About Animals, Jeremy Rifkin asserts that Koko the gorilla was taught sign language and understands several thousand English words By focusing on Koko the gorilla , Jeremy Rifkin is stating that animals can be taught sign language and can learn the English language Jeremy Rifkin brings up an important point about how we need to treat animals more humanely when he talks about Koko the gorilla and how she can communicate with humans at the same level as a small child since she has the IQ equal to a kid.And before leisure reading, MARK whether your choices are Ethos Pathos or LogosThe essence of the story of the orangutans shows us that., Jeremy Rifkin is that animals have a sense of who they are that is far beyond what we originally thought In Jeremy Rifkin s view orangutans have a sense of individualism because they have a sense of self. Evidence of this can be found in Chantek at the Atlanta Zoo who groom[s] his teeth.PathosLogosEthosLogos/Ethos

Ethos/LogosLeisure read!!!Share Simple Animals1) Introduce topic / argument /and three overlying reasons2) First reason3) Second reason4) Third reason5) Conclusion


Thesis (argument) Three reasons to support

IntroductionFirst reason - emotions

IntroductionFirst reason - emotionsSecond reason - brains

IntroductionFirst reason - emotionsSecond reason - brainsThird reason they act like us (behavioral)

IntroductionFirst reason - emotionsSecond reason - brainsThird reason they act like us (behavioral)ConclusionIts like a mini-essay!

Its like a mini-essay!

We need to look at it ONE MORE TIME!!!

How does he use PERSUASION?Ethos do you believe him?

Logos does he make sense? You should have divided the article logically into sections

IntroThree overlying sectionsEmotional statesMental statesBehavioral statesConclusion

The 300 pound gorilla, Koko, knows sign language and understands several thousand English WordsLogos , statistics, factual example10 I saw her talking to Betty White on the video!logos the meatOf the argumentFacts - yes!Experts - Yes!Statistics - Yes!Stories -Yes!Common beliefs- Yes!Opinions -Yes!

Pathos- LOTS of EMOTIONALLY CHARGED WORDS!Profound = Deeply moving

Reading Against the Grain

Before we end though we MUST question the text!Sofirst, lets take another look at the pathos used

In the margins, change your 5 emotion-based words to plain languageProfound = importantIn the margins, change your 5 emotion-based words to plain languageProfound = kind of important

In his article, A Change of Heart About Animals, Jeremy Rifkin asserts that Koko the gorilla was taught sign language and understands several thousand English words By focusing on Koko the gorilla , Jeremy Rifkin is stating that animals can be taught sign language and can learn the English language Jeremy Rifkin brings up an important point about how we need to treat animals more humanely when he talks about Koko the gorilla and how she can communicate with humans at the same level as a small child since she has the IQ equal to a kid.A lot of this is logos the meat Of the argument

The essence of the story of the orangutans shows us that., Jeremy Rifkin is that animals have a sense of who they are that is far beyond what we originally thought In Jeremy Rifkin s view orangutans have a sense of individualism because they have a sense of self. Evidence of this can be found in Chantek at the Atlanta Zoo who groom[s] his teeth.AlotAlot of the missiles hit there target.

A lot of the missiles hit their target.

The missile hit its target.

itsitsThe missile hit its target.

The missile hit its target.

In his article, A Change of Heart About Animals, Jeremy Rifkin asserts that Koko the gorilla was taught sign language and understands several thousand English words By focusing on Koko the gorilla , Jeremy Rifkin is stating that animals can be taught sign language and can learn the English language Jeremy Rifkin brings up an important point about how we need to treat animals more humanely when he talks about Koko the gorilla and how she can communicate with humans at the same level as a small child since she has the IQ equal to a kid.A lot of this is logos its the meat Of the argument

The essence of the story of the orangutans shows us that., Jeremy Rifkin is that animals have a sense of who they are that is far beyond what we originally thought In Jeremy Rifkin s view orangutans have a sense of individualism because they have a sense of self. Evidence of this can be found in Chantek at the Atlanta Zoo who groom[s] his teeth.Pathos/LogosLogosLogos


The 300 pound gorilla, Koko, knows sign language and understands several thousand English WordsLogos , statistics, factual example10 I saw her talking to Betty White on the video!Back to Rifkinsarticle

Lets Look at itdifferentlyPigs crave attention and Germany is encouraging farmers to give 20 seconds of human contact each day to their animals.Scientists were stunned when they learned that crow could make tools with their beaks.An orangutan used a mirror to groom his teethMama geese have to tech their babies their migration routes parent to offspring learning is passed on far more often than not

The 300 pound gorilla, Koko, knows sign language and understands several thousand English WordsLogos , statistics, factual example10 I saw her talking to Betty White on the video!Pigs crave attention and Germany is encouraging farmers to give 20 seconds of human contact each day to their animals.Scientists were stunned when they learned that crow could make tools with their beaks.An orangutan used a mirror to groom his teethMama geese have to teach their babies their migration routes parent to offspring learning is passed on far more often than notPathos , statistics, anecdotal experiencePathos ethos, author opinionlogos pathos, anecdotePathos, factual example3- 20 seconds really? And McDonalds??8- I wonder why only 9 of 10 times, why not EVERY time?1- Lame reason! A parrot will groom itself in the mirror too!7- I believe animals care for their kids. Instinct though?Elephants standing over dead kin

Rats brains release dopamine just like humans

Evolution? When did feelings start?

Germany Animal RightsIn Constitution!And then Ethos do you believe him?

Lets look at another website

Show brieflyAt the bottom of the Rifkin article A Change of Heart About AnimalsRecord at least 5 power words used in the following website about Jeremy Rifkin

Close up next slide

The man who runs TheCenter of Consumer Freedom openly andOutspokenly disagrees withJeremy RifkinAND Peta (People for theEthical treatment of Animals)And anyone who isAn activist that stands in The way of his personal freedoms

Richard Berman, Executive Director

Richard Berman, Executive Director

Now, after reflecting on his obvious use of emotion, after picking apart a little of his logic, and after reading another opinion of Jeremy Rifkindoes this change your mind about the subject? ( page response at the end of the article). Do you agree or disagree that we should have a change of heart about animals? Why or why not?

You need to be aware of the persuasion that is going on ALL around you!

And make your own EDUCATED choices!!!Gather together ALL pieces of this unit IN ORDER

Bring white-out, sticky notes,your packet and your brain!
