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Journal Writing

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Journal Writing 9 th Grade Dauphin Jr High School
  • Journal Writing9th GradeDauphin Jr High School



  • The Worst Time of LifeWhat was your most humiliating junior high experience? Write a short, possibly funny, description of it.

  • About My SchoolYou have been chosen to describe your school in a brochure that will be given to students who live across the country. Assume that your readers know nothing about your city or school. Address the following topics:Dialect/sayings, Dress, MannerismsCustoms, Character types, Groups/cliquesBest thing, worst thing, The one thing your readers should know

  • About My NameMany names have special meaning or history. For example, the name Hannah means favor or grace. The name Vito means life.Write about your own name. Who named you? Do you know what the meaning behind your name is? Does it have a special ethnic or religious significance? Are you named after someone in your family? If you could change your name, would you?

  • Code of ChivalryKing Arthur of the Round Table is a heroic figure of English legend. Arthur and his knights were said to live by a set of beliefs known as the Code of Chivalry. A few rules of the code include:Live ones life so that it is worthy of respect & honorLive for freedom, justice, and all that is goodBe polite & attentiveNever betray a confidence or a comradeProtect the innocentCome up with a modern Code of Chivalry. Write a list of ten things people should do today to make modern society more chivalrous that is, more considerate & courteous.

  • #6What Ive LearnedImagine you are moving to a foreign country and wont see your friends and family for many years. Write a letter to a friend or sibling, shelling out some words of wisdom and explaining how you would have done certain things differently.

  • #7Childhood MemoriesMost people have vivid memories of certain events from childhood. What sticks in your mind? Pick one particularly strong memory and describe it in detail.

  • #8The Big EventWhen a special event is on the horizon, people plan for it and get excited about it. Maybe its a dance, an election, a family event, a party, a birthday, or an important sports game.

    Think of a special event that you planned for and looked forward to that turned out much differently from what you expected. Write about what you expected would happen and what actually happened.

  • #9The Common ShakespeareShakespeare had an enormous working vocabulary; he used 29,000 different words in his plays and poems. (By contrast, most people today have working vocabularies of only around 9,000 words.) Many people think of Shakespeares language as difficult to understand, but he invented many words and phrases that we use nearly every day.Below are some common phrases from Shakespearean plays. Choose one phrase, and explain what you think it means.Apple of her eyeAll the worlds a stageEating me out of house and homeTo thine own self be trueGood riddanceTower of strengthGreen-eyed monsterWear my heart on my sleeve

  • #10A Sense of SportsPeople feel passionately about sports. Some play sports and detest it, because theyre not as good as they want to be; others play and love it, because theyre competitive and skilled. Some pay close attention to pro or local teams. Some attend games as serious fans; others attend because they like the social interaction in the stands. Some people loathe sports and think that the people who play them and watch them are brainless jocks. Which group do you fall into? Explain.

  • Journal #11Musical MemoriesSongs can invoke vivid memories; hearing a particular song can rocket you back to seventh grade or last summer. Write about a song that is really evocative of a certain time in your life.

  • Journal #12Alone at Last!Your parents just left on a weeklong vacation leaving you all alone, in charge of the house. What do you do? Instantly call your friends and announce a party? Decide to have a party and then regret it when youre cleaning for six hours the next day? Worry and dont do anything?

  • Journal #13A Blooming Pear TreeRead the following passage from Zora Neale Hurstons novel Their Eyes Were Watching God:Oh, to be a pear tree any tree in bloom! With kissing bees singing of the beginning of the world! She was sixteen. She had glossy leaves and bursting buds and she wanted to struggle with life but it seemed to elude her. Where were the singing bees for her? Looking, waiting, breathing short with impatience. Waiting for the world to be made.Hurston compares the girl to a blooming pear tree, impatient and bursting with life. What metaphor from nature do you think best describes you? Write a short paragraph likening yourself to whatever animal, plant, landscape, or weather that most reminds you of yourself.

  • #14If I Could MeetIf you could meet anyone, alive or dead, who would it be? Consider scientists, entertainers, world leaders, artists, writers, people in your family, and so on. Make a list of questions youd like to ask this person.

  • #15Friend TypesDo you have one best friend? Are you the kind of person who goes everywhere in big groups? Or are you more of a loner? Write about the kind of friend person you are.

  • #16Remembering FirstsThere are many firsts in our lives that we dont remember, such as our first tooth, first step, first word, or first birthday. Firsts from later in childhood come easily to mind: a first pet, a first award, the first day of junior high school, a first kiss, a first summer at camp. Write about a special first that you remember clearly.

  • #17To Be GreatDr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, Everyone has the power for greatness, not for fame, but greatness, because greatness is determined by service.

    Do you agree that everyone has the potential for greatness? Maybe you think serving others isnt what makes someone great; if thats the case, what do you think are the qualifying features of greatness?

  • #18If I Were in ChargeMost families set rules for their children, especially regarding behavior and responsibility.Which rules do you find particularly annoying? Do you long to stay out later, go out more, or dress any way you like?Write about the rules that you consider most unfair.

  • #19My Own Private UtopiaA UTOPIA according to Websters dictionary, is any place or state of ideal perfection.One persons utopia might be a country where discrimination does not exist and all lifestyles are tolerated.Another persons utopia might be a huge city full of clubs, theaters, and restaurants.What is your idea of utopia?If you could design the ideal society, what kind of laws would govern it? What would it look like?What kind of people would live there?

  • #20How Embarrassing!Life is chock-full of embarrassing moments.When youre lying awake at night, having trouble sleeping, do your most embarrassing blunders run through your mind?Write about some of these agonizing memories.

  • #21Dr. Seusss PhilosophyIn Dr. Seusss Horton Hears a Who, Horton the elephant discovers a tiny planet of living beings on a speck of dust.Other animals urge Horton to throw away the dust speck, not believing that such a tiny world could exist, but Horton refuses.The book ends with this moral:A person is a person, no matter how small.Write about a current political situation that you think illustrates the idea that even seemingly inconsequential people are important. Use Dr. Seusss moral as the last sentence of your paragraph.

  • #22The Center of the EarthImagine that you know nothing about science.As such a person, what do you think is at the center of the Earth?Come up with a few theories.

  • #23Other Life in the UniverseWhat is your opinion about the possibility of life on other planets?Do you need to see it to believe it, or do you believe that in a universe as vast as ours, alien life must exist?Write on the topic, beginning with the sentence:I believe / dont believe there is life on other planets because.

  • #24Overcoming ObstaclesObstacle constantly present themselves.Some are fleeting, such as facing an important test in school.Some may take years to overcome, such as a major injury or the loss of a loved one.Write about an obstacle youve faced in your life.Did the experience change you for the better, or did it leave you bitter and cynical?

  • #25Like HemingwayRead the following passage from Ernest Hemingways novel The Sun Also Rises.In it, Hemingway conveys gloominess and dread by describing the weather.In the morning it was raining. A fog had come over the mountains from the sea. You could not see the tops of the mountains. The plateau was dull and gloomy, and the shapes of the trees and the houses were changed. I walked out beyond the town to look at the weather. The bad weather was coming over the mountains from the sea.Write a passage that conveys a mood by describing the weather.

  • #26Holiday CheerWhat is your favorite holiday?What is your least favorite holiday?Write about two memorable holiday experiences, one from your favorite holiday and one from your least favorite.

  • #27Everyday HeroesHow do you define HERO?Do you think fame is an important component of heroism, or do you think most heroes are unknown?Is there anyone you know personally whom you consider a hero?

  • #28Making a ComebackAccording to the clich,Every setback is an opportunity for a comeback.In your life, has this proven true?Have you always recovered from setbacks?

  • #29Personal PersonificationPERSONIFICATION is a literary device that gives a nonliving object the characteristics of a living thing.For example, a writer might say that the wind sighs, the rain laughs, and the leaves whisper.The poet Carl Sandburg wrote a poem called Fog that begins with personification:The fog comes on little cat feet.Write a second line, rhymed or unrhymed, to follow Sandburgs line.For example:The fog comes on little cat feet,And creeps silently past my bedroom window.

  • #30If I Were PresidentYou have just been elected president of the United States of America.You must address foreign policy, terrorism, healthcare, the military, the economy, education, the environment, and much more.What are the first three things you will do?Which issues are dearest to your heart?Do you think those issues overlap with the issues that are most important to the American public?

  • #31Quirky TraditionsA TRADITION is a special ritual shared by a group of people.Families and groups of friends practice traditions throughout the year.These traditions might have to do with holidays, celebrations, food, the season, or quirky family practices that have been passed down from generation to generation.Is there a tradition that you share with your family or friends?Describe it.

  • #32My AnimalWhich animal do you think you resemble most closely?Consider quiet, retiring animals like mice; bold and fearless ones like lions; eager, friendly ones like dogs; and finicky, secretive ones like cats.Consider your appearance, your personality, and the way you move.Then write about the animal with which you feel a kinship, explaining how you are similar in personality, characteristics, and/or physical features.

  • #33All AloneMark Twain once said,The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with oneself.What do you think he meant by this?Does this idea apply to your own life?Conclude your entry by explaining how you feel about being alone.Do you dread it, or do you enjoy having time to yourself?

  • #34This I BelieveYou probably share a basic outlook on life with your friends.However, most people have a few beliefs that would shock their friends.Write about a belief of yours that annoys or surprises the people who are close to you.

  • #35Treasure or TrashTo the naked eye it looks like junk, but you know its precious: the beat-up stuffed animal you slept with every night as a kid, the raggedy baseball mitt you used in Little League, the tooth you couldnt bear to throw away after it fell out.Choose a beloved object from your own childhood, and explain why you feel sentimental about it or treasure it so much.

  • #36Types of LoveAn almost infinite variety of types of love exists.The love of parents for their children is very different from the love of brothers for their sisters, of wives for their husbands, of kids for their pets, and on and on.Choose two people in your life whom you love, and explain how your love for each of them is different.

  • #37The Boob Tube (TV)Television hangs on the questionable theory that whatever happens anywhere should be sensed everywhere. If everyone is going to be able to see everything, in the long run all sights may lose whatever rarity value they once possessed, and it may well turn out that people, being able to see and hear practically everything, will be specially interested in almost nothing.- E.B. WhiteYou could agree that these days, everyone is able to see everything, particularly since Americans watch around four hours of TV per day.Do you think Whites forecast was correct?Have extraordinary sights been cheapened by TV?Are people more scattered in their interests because of TV?

  • #38No Women Stand-upsDespite huge advancements in recent years, women still struggle for respect in some fields.Many people still believe that women should not be allowed to pursue certain careers, especially those that are dangerous, require physical strength, or have traditionally been pursued by men.Many people are uncomfortable with the idea of a woman holding high political office.; some people object to female stand-up comedians, claiming that most women arent funny.Do you think women should be able to hold any kind of job they want, regardless of danger and tradition?Or do you believe that some jobs are only appropriate for men?

  • #39The Chicken or the Egg?Which came first, violence in the media or a violent society?Some people believe the casual violence in movies and TV desensitizes people, making them more violent.Others believe the exact opposite that movies and television are simply a reflection of our society, which is becoming ever more violent on its own.What do you think?

  • #40Beauty or Brains?Beauty is only skin deep, the clich claims.If you had to choose between beauty and brains, which would you pick?Which do you think would get you further in life?Which do you think would make you happier?

  • #41Must-See TVTraditional sitcoms have been struggling to maintain their audiences, which are increasingly turning to reality TV.Suppose youve been asked to revitalize the sitcom industry by creating a new, original show. Write about your show, explaining what its about, where it will be set, and what kind of actors it will star.

  • #42Oh Yeah? Oh Yeah?Youre never as witty and smart in the middle of a confrontation as you are after its over, when suddenly you can think of a million things you should have said.Imagine you are back in the thick of an argument you once had, and write out the eloquent, intelligent remarks you should have made the first time.

  • #43Pick the ParentDo you think you are more like your mother or more like your father?Or do you think you resemble one in looks, and the other in personality?Whom would you rather resemble?**If you have a unique situation and dont know your biological parents, tell me about whom you consider to be your parents!!**

  • #44Nature vs NurtureThe nature vs nurture debate refers to the question of what influences us the most.Some scientists believe that nature (inherited genetic characteristics) shapes us as people. Others believe that nurture (our upbringing and other social influences) shapes us. What do you think?Do you think that genetics determine what we will become, or do the people and things around us have a greater influence?

  • #45New BeginningsMaya Angelou was the first woman to read at a presidential inauguration. At the inauguration of President Bill Clinton in 1993, she read from her poem On the Pulse of Morning. Below is an excerpt from the poem:

    History, despite its wrenching pain,Cannot be unlived, and if faced with courage,Need not be lived again. Lift up your eyes uponThe day breaking for you.Give birth againTo the dream.Women, children, men.Lift up your hearts.Each new hour holds new chances.

    What do you think this excerpt means?Do you consider the poem a suitable choice for an inauguration? Why or why not?

  • #46The Price of TechnologyTechnology has led to the discovery of vaccines and medical treatments.It has brought computers and televisions into peoples homes, and it has provided us with electricity, the internet, phones, cars, planes, and much more.But an argument can be made that technology has largely worsened the quality of our lives, polluting the air, making our lives needlessly stressful, and dampening our enthusiasm for books.If you had to give up one technological advantage that you use all the time, what would it be?Do you think youd be better off without it?

  • #47The Perfect FriendSome people might look for friends who are wild, aggressive, and daring; others might look for friends who are smart, funny, and loyal.List at least 10 qualities you think the perfect friend should possess, ranked in order from most to least important. Do you know anyone who comes close to being the perfect friend?

  • #48Going SteadySlang changes wildly from generation to generation, dating slang included.Kids of yore used to get pinned a guy would literally give a pin to a girl he was dating in order to show that they were an item.What bizarre euphemisms have you heard adults use to describe dating? List a few and then write about how you respond when you hear adults use them.

  • #49Play Fair!Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world havent had the advantages youve had.- F. Scott FitzgeraldIts easy and often really fun to criticize people we dont know. Do you feel youre fair to other people, especially those you dont know very well, or do you criticize too much? Write about your tendency to be critical or fair.

  • #50Dear Famous PersonChoose a famous historical figure you admire. This person could be a president, actor, athlete, scientist, author, artist, activist, humanitarian, or anyone else you find interesting.Write a letter to this person, explaining why you admire his or her accomplishments and how he or she has affected your life.

  • #51Cop, Doctor, DancerWhen youre a little kid, the professional world seems pretty appealing: firefighter, doctor, nurse, and astronaut are among the high-profile gigs youre aware of.As you get older, you realize that the mere desire to be an NBA star or a famous painter doesnt guarantee success.What was your ideal job when you were little?What do you imagine yourself doing now?

  • #52Wonderful WordsEnglish, perhaps more than any other language, is full of descriptive, evocative words.For example, we dont just WALK, we AMBLE, SASHAY, SKIP, LUMBER, TIP-TOE, STRIDE, SAUNTER, MOVE, STEP, RAMBLE, or STROLLSome words (LUSCIOUS, DILLYDALLYING) are fun to pronounce; others (PLOP, SLITHER) sound like their meaning.What is your favorite word? What is your least favorite word?Explain your choices.

  • #52-BThe Odyssey, Part 1YOU DO NOT HAVE TO WRITE THE QUESTION BUT YOU MUST ANSWER IN COMPLETE SENTENCES!!!1. Which god is angry with Odysseus? Why?2. Why are the Lotus Eaters a threat to the journey of Odysseus and his men?3. Does Odysseus meet the Cyclops before or after he lands on the island of Phaeacia? How do you know?4. How does Odysseus make sure that the Cyclops falls into a deep sleep? Why is this an important part of his plan?5. How does Odysseus trick the Cyclops into letting him and his men out of the cave?

  • 52-CThe Odyssey, Part 2You do NOT have to write the questions BUT you MUST answer in complete sentences.1. Why do the Sirens pose a threat to the sailors.2. How do Odysseus and his men avoid the danger of the Sirens?3. What danger do Scylla & Charybdis pose to Odysseus and his crew?4. What do the men promise Odysseus when they land on the island of Helios?5. What happens to those who slaughter the cattle? What happens to Odysseus?

  • #53Offend NobodyIf all printers were determined not to print anything till they were sure it would offend nobody, there would be very little ever printed.-Benjamin FranklinWhat do you think about censorship?Citizens of the United States are guaranteed the right to free speech, but many Americans feel that this right sometimes comes under attack.Have you seen evidence of this around you, even in your school?If not, have you read about anything that could be construed as censorship occurring in the United States?

  • #54The Nature NutAre you a nature fan, or would you sooner eat cockroaches than voluntarily go on a hike?Write about your best or worst nature experience.

  • 54-BThe Odyssey, Part 3Who is Athena and what does she promise Odysseus?What does it take to convince Telemachus of his fathers identity?Why isnt Odysseus recognized when he reenters his home?What are the suitors doing in Odysseus house?What test does Penelope finally devise for the suitors who wish to win her hand in marriage?

  • #55DeliveryYou answer a knock at the door and find a delivery guy holding a package for you.You open it up and findwhat?Describe the best package you can imagine receiving.

  • #55-BThe Odyssey, Part 4Who is the first suitor that Odysseus kills?What does Eurymachus do to try and get Odysseus to forgive them?Why is Penelope not easily persuaded by Odysseus?How does Penelope settle in her mind that this is really Odysseus?

  • #56Sibling RivalryGrowing up with brothers & sisters can be difficultIf you have siblings, discuss the benefits and shortcomings of your situationIf youre an only child, do the sameWould you rather have more siblings, or fewer?Do you think youll feel the same when youre middle-aged?

  • #57To Live DeliberatelyI went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. - Henry David ThoreauWhat do you think Thoreau means by the phrase to live deliberately? Do you think you live deliberately?

  • #58Super PowersSuperheroes have it pretty good.Sure, a lot of them are lonely and misunderstood, but, as compensation, they can create massive wall storms at will, or fly, or shoot swords out of their fingers.If you could have any power, what would you choose, and why?What would you do with your new power?

  • #59Deserted IslandSuppose you will be stranded on a deserted island in the middle of the ocean for ten years.You will be allowed to bring one each of the following: book, movie, CD, food item, drink item, piece of clothing, and one miscellaneous item.List the one item you would bring in each category, and explain why you chose it.

  • #60Fly on the WallYou know what you think about your friends, but what do they think about you?If you could eavesdrop on them talking about you, what do you think you would hear?Who would defend you?Who would criticize you most vigorously?

  • #61A Story of FoodIn Laura Esquivels novel LIKE WATER FOR CHOCOLATE, each chapter begins with a recipe that gradually turns into a narrative. Think of a food the provokes strong emotion in you, perhaps because it reminds you of your childhood or because you were eating it when something dramatic happened.Write the recipe for this food (doesnt have to be exact), and gradually shift into narrative, explaining why the food is meaningful to you. Include lots of descriptive, sensory adjectives.

  • #62The Official Parent BookWhen youre young, it seems like your parents have some kind of official book called How to Be an Adult that tells them everything they need to know.At some point, you realize theyre just winging it just like everyone else; they dont really have all the answers.Do you remember a specific instance when you realized to your surprise that your parents were confused, scared, or irrational?How did you feel at that moment?

  • #63On My HeadstoneAn EPITAPH is a sometimes humorous saying or poem engraved on a headstone. For example:

    Here lies the body of our AnnaDone to death by a bananaIt wasnt the fruit that laid her lowBut the skin of the thing that made her go.

    What epitaph would you want on your headstone?Would it be funny?Sweet?Serious?Write a draft of your epitaph

  • #64Its Alive!If you could bring one inanimate object to life, what would it be?Your mothers prom dress, your teachers mirror, your boyfriends or girlfriends bedroom wall?What questions would you ask this object?Write your conversation.

  • #65Im Nobody! Who Are You?Listen as I read part of a poem by Emily Dickinson, an American poet.Using this excerpt as a frame, write about who you are. (Dont worry about rhyming every line.)Im _____! Who are you?Are you - _____ -- Too?Then theres a pair of us?Dont _____! Theyd _____- you know!How _____ - to be - _____!How _______ - like a Frog To tell ones _____ - the livelong ______ - To a (an) ______!

  • #66Just So StoriesRudyard Kipling wrote a series of famous stories called Just So Stories.These stories create myths to explain how the leopard got its spots, how the rhinoceros got its skin, and how the camel got its hump.For example, Kipling imagines that the camel was lazy and said only Humph! whenever he was asked to work.Finally, as punishment, his humph turned into a hump.This way, the camel could work for three days straight without eating or drinking.Write your own Just So Story to explain how an animal came by a certain characteristic.

  • #67Good Luck CharmsGood luck charms range from stones to coins to horseshoes to plants (like a four-leaf clover) to certain animal parts (like a rabbits foot). Some people carry personal objects that they consider lucky, such as a rubber band, picture, or letter.Do you have a good luck charm?Do you consider charms a silly fantasy?Do you carry one even though youre skeptical about its power?

  • #68Apples on CheeksMaking big decisions is scary, and its comforting to believe that you can rely on fate to make decisions for you.In the old days, a common courtship ritual practiced by women was to name several apple seeds after their suitorsThe woman would put the moist seeds on her cheeks, and whichever seed stuck the longest told her which man she would marryDo you think weve banished all such rituals from modern life, or do we still rely on them sometimes?

  • #69The Best EducationThe best education in the world is that got by struggling to get a living.- Wendell Phillips

    Many students sick of high school make arguments similar to Phillips. Do you agree with Phillips that hard work provides a sufficient education, or do you think success is more likely for those people who received a traditional school education?

  • #70What a FrightTheres fun scary (walking through a haunted house, screaming through a horror movie, riding a roller coaster) and then theres scary scary (being in a car accident, getting caught in the oceans riptide).Describe the scariest experience youve ever had.Was it fun scary, or was it really terrifying?

  • #71The Best YearIs there one year of your life that stands out as exceptional?Maybe you starred in a play, or you suddenly became very popular, or your mother was in a yearlong fantastic mood.Describe this year.

  • R & J#1Have you ever read or seen a play that was written in poetry?How do you think this will change the way you experience this play?

  • R & J#2If you were trying out for Romeo & Juliet, what role would you want to play: one of the characters, stage manager, lighting or costume designer, or director?Why?

  • R & J#3People have often divided dramas into two basic categories: tragedy and comedy.Which do you think this will be, and why?

  • R & J#4Have you ever been part of, or witnessed, a long drawn-out argument between two people or groups?Explain what the argument was about and what the outcome was.Was a settlement/negotiation possible?If not, why not?

  • R & J#5Is there someone in your life who is wise and knowledgeable?If so, what qualities does that person have that make him/her so?

  • R & J#6Use complete sentences to answer the following questions:1. Fate begins to have a hand in the lives of Romeo & Juliet when Romeo & Benvolio are stopped by a servant of Lord Capulet. What does the servant ask of Romeo?2. Romeo & Benvolio decide to crash Lord Capulets party, which is accepted practice. Why does Benvolio especially want Romeo to go?3. Does Benvolios wish for Romeo come true? Why is this a serious problem?4. What are Juliets parents attitudes toward her getting married? Do they have someone in mind for her? If so, who is it?5. Romeo & Juliet apparently fell in love at first sight. When do they find out that their families are enemies? Who tells them?

  • #72Hit the JackpotSuppose you win $10 million in the lottery, but theres a catch: You have to donate half of the money to charityWhat charity would you choose?What would you do with the money you got to keep?

  • #73Literature for LifeWhat we call education and culture is for the most part nothing but the substitution of reading for experience, of literature for life, of the obsolete fictitious for the contemporary real. - George Bernard ShawSomeone who hates reading should use Shaws words to argue that books merely distract from real life.Whatever your feelings on the matter, write a rebuttal to the anti-reader, explaining why literature is in important part of life.

  • #74No TVBefore the age of television, people entertained themselves largely by reading, telling stories, playing music, chatting, and doing things outside.If you had to stop watching TV for one month, how would you fill your time?Would you miss TV terribly, or would you welcome the break?

  • #75Miss / Mr. MannersGood manners, were always told, are of crucial importance.But the definition of good manners shifts with the passage of time.Years ago, children were expected to call their elders (sometimes even their parents) sir and maam. This practice has largely been dropped in the United StatesWhat modern component of good manners do you think will seem bizarre and old-fashioned in fifty years?

  • #76A Star Is BornIf you were allowed to star in the movie of your choice, what kind of movie would you choose?Pick out your costars, your shooting location, and your wardrobe.Include, if you like, your action sequences and the martial arts youd learn

  • #77The Road AheadEach of us has the right and responsibility to assess the road which lies ahead and those over which we have traveled, and if the feature road looms ominous or unpromising, and the road back uninviting, then we need to gather our resolve and carrying only the necessary baggage, step off that road into another direction. If the new choice is also unpalatable, without embarrassment, we must be ready to change that one as well. - Maya AngelouWhat is Maya Angelou saying about courage and decisions?Do you think this is a helpful way to look at life?Talk about a time in your own life when you had to change courses.

  • #78We Present You WithConsider the bevy of awards available to the worlds high achievers: the Nobel Peace Prize for contributing to world peace, the Webby for web design, the Clio for advertising, the Oscar for the film industry, the Tony for theater, the Emmy for television, the Pulitzer Prize for writing, the Grammy for music, the Cy Young for pitching the list goes on and on.If you could be presented with one of these prestigious awards, which one would you choose?Describe the specific accomplishment that would win you the award.

  • R & J #7Answer in Complete Sentences. You do NOT have to write the question:1. Tybalt picks a fight with Romeo, but Romeo is in such a good mood after his secret marriage to Juliet that he refuses to fight. Who fights with Tybalt instead?2. What is the result of the fight?3. Why is Romeo banished by the Prince?4. How do Romeo and Juliet manage to spend part of their wedding night together despite Romeos banishment?5. What does the Nurse think that Juliet should do about her parents wish that she marry Paris?

  • #79Five Senses, Minus OneMost people are born with five senses sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smellIf you had to give up one sense for the rest of your life, which would you pick, and why?

  • #80Love at First SightLiterature and film are full of characters who fall in love at first sight.Do you believe this kind of love is possible?Do you believe two people can look at each other and fall instantly in love, knowing they are meant to be together?Has this ever happened to you?Explain how you feel about this idealistic notion.

  • R & J#8Answer in Complete Sentences. Do NOT write the question.1. What does Paris think Juliet is crying about at the beginning of ACT IV? What is she really crying about?2. What does Juliet plan to do when she realizes she is expected to marry Paris?3. What does the Friar suggest instead?4. Why does Juliet beg her fathers pardon?5. Does the friars potion work as expected? What do you think will happen next?

  • R & J#9Answer in Complete Sentences. You do NOT have to write the question:1. Why doesnt Romeo receive Friar Lawrences message about the plan for Juliets mock death?2. How does Friar Lawrence expect to change the plan when he finds out that Romeo did not get the message?3. Why doesnt that plan work?4. What does Juliet discover when she wakes up from her pretend death?5. What does Juliet do?

  • R&J#10The Five Love Languages for TeensGrab Your Journal & Have a Seat.

  • #81Starry NightIn the following passage from Shakespeares Romeo & Juliet, the character Juliet talks to the night as she waits for Romeo to come to her:Come, gentle night; come, loving, black-browed night,Give me my Romeo: and, when he shall die,Take him and cut him out in little stars,And he will make the face of heaven o fine,That all the world will be in love with night,And pay no worship to the garish sun.

    Imagine that youre waiting for the love of your life, and write a short poem or paragraph addressed to whatever youre looking at as you wait.

  • #82A Dream Come TrueIts sometimes incredibly boring to listen to other people talk about their dreams, but always incredibly fun to talk at length about your own.Well, nows your chance: Describe your most terrifying nightmare, your recurring dream, and the dream you wish had been real.

  • RP#1 Select & Narrow a Topic- Remember you are NOT writing a report- You need a variety of sources to help you be OBJECTIVEWORK CLOSELY WITH YOUR TEACHER AS YOU SELECT & NARROW YOUR TOPIC. DO NOT PROCEED TO THE NEXT STEP UNTIL YOU CAN SHOW THAT YOU HAVE A DEFINITE POINT TO YOUR SEARCH INSTEAD OF A GENERAL FACT-FINDING MISSIONYou are investigating, deciding how the information is leading you, determining whether or not the information is valid, and then formulating a reason or focus to represent your findings. It is NOT just compiling facts

  • RP#2 Read, Study, and take notesRead p 21 of your Research Guide.THEN, Paraphrase the following:Perhaps best known for his Newbery award-winning book, MANIAC MAGEE, Spinelli is a noted teller of adolescent tales, recreating the teenage years with accuracy and humor.SOURCE: Contemporary Authors Online, Thomson Gale, 2007.

  • RP#3 Source InformationParaphrase the following information:Harper Lees only novel, TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD, is written from the vantage point of an adult, vividly recalling her childhood in a small southern town. After their mothers death, the protagonist and her older brother are reared by their father, Atticus Finch, a respected attorney and a role model for his children.Source: Harper Lee, NoveList

  • RP#4 Choose which facts you would include in your Research Paper and write a paragraph incorporating them into it. Remember to Paraphrase:The name Tolkien is believed to be of German origin.Tolkien family life was generally lived in poverty.Tolkien worked hard and received a first-class degree in June 1915 from Oxford University.Eventually he was sent to active duty on the Western Front, just in time for the Somme offensive.All but one of his close friends had been killed in action.His rare scholarly publications were often extremely influential, most notably his lecture Beowulf, the Monsters and the Critics.After his retirement in 1959 Edith and Ronald moved to Bournemouth.Between 1925 and his death Tolkien did write and publish a number of works other than THE LORD OF THE RINGS.Source: (Doughan)

  • RP#5Without using your notes that you have taken this week:

    Write a one paragraph summary of the information about your author that you have found most interesting so far.

  • RP #6: Paraphrase & Then SummarizeIn your journal, paraphrase & then summarize the following passage:

    We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men and women are created equal; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; that to secure these rights governments are instituted, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.- Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Declaration of SentimentsSeneca Falls Convention, 1848

  • RP#7 Thesis StatementsCopy the following information into your Journal:1. The thesis statement is more than a statement of fact or observation. It is the main idea (topic) and the writers perspective about that topic.2. The thesis statement does NOT declare a subject to be explored. It identifies a point of view on a subject.3. A thesis is NOT the title. It is the papers controlling idea and should be written as a complete sentence within the introductory paragraph4. A thesis statement is NOT broad and general. It is narrow enough so that it can be fully supported.5. The thesis statement does not deal with both sides of an issue. It has one idea to keep it clear & specific.

  • RP#8: Develop an OutlineCopy down the following Outline Format:

    I. Main Topic (first major point to be developed in paper)A. Subtopic (support for the first main topic)B. Subtopic (support for first main topic)1. Subtopic of B (additional support)2. Subtopic of B (additional support)a. Subtopic even more supportb. Subtopic even more supportc. Subtopic even more support

    II. Main Topic (second major point to be developed in paper)

  • #83You Make the LawYou have been called to Washington, DC For some inexplicable reason, the president wants you to add an amendment of your choosing to the Constitution.What would you add?Write out your new amendment, and explain how you hope it will affect or help the people of the United States.


  • #84Masculine & FemininePeople have different ideas about what is masculine and what is feminine behavior.List 5 attributes or activities that you consider feminine and 5 attributes or activities that you consider masculine.Do you think your list is pretty typical, or do you think it would anger a lot of people? Explain your answer.

  • #85Exemption from PrejudiceThere is no prejudice so strong as that which arises from a fancied exemption from all prejudice.- William Hazlitt

    Hazlitt suggests that those people who are most convinced theyre not prejudiced are actually most vulnerable to holding prejudices.Do you think hes right?Do you know anyone who proves him right?Discuss your thoughts on the matter.

  • #86Tiny or ImmenseDecisions, decisionsThey range from the tiny (Should I have tuna or turkey for lunch?) to the immense (Should I accept a scholarship or follow my dreams and become a cowboy?).If you could go back in time and change one decision youve made, what would it be? Why do you regret making this decision?

  • #87Secret CameraSuppose youve been given an invisible cameraYou can put it anywhere in the world the Oval Office, the teachers lounge, a movie stars apartment and watch what happensWhere would you put such a camera?

  • #88Im SorryApologizing is hard to doSometimes you cant bring yourself to do it, or sometimes your attempt to apologize just infuriates the other person even moreWrite about an apology you wish youd made or an apology that went awry when you tried to make it

  • #89Ode to ObjectPoets in the romantic movement wrote about nature in inspired, sometimes melodramatic tonesThink of an element in nature something very simple, like a twig, a blade of grass, or a ladybug.Then write an ode of praise to this object, portraying it as extraordinary and important

  • #9015 MinutesPop artist Andy Warhol once said that in the future, every person will experience fifteen minutes of fame in his or her lifetimeThe advent of reality TV, among other phenomena, has certainly made many average people briefly famousWhat do you think would make you famous for fifteen minutes?Consider your own skills, ambition, and geographic location.

  • #91The Perfect DayDescribe a perfect day not the one youd have if you were rich and famous, but the one you could have this Saturday or TuesdayWhat day of the week would your perfect day fall on?What would you do, see, eat, read, watch?

  • #92Dare to DateSay youve met an amazing person youre dying to date.This person feels the same way about youThe problem is that this person has a quality your family would flip out about, even though you dont think its a big dealMaybe its this persons age, race, occupation, religion, or interests.What about a potential boyfriend or girlfriend would drive your parents insane?Do you think youd back down and not date this person if your family made a huge fuss, or would you stick to your guns?
