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Journey Through High School

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senior val
Sarah Zahm Stripes have become the latest fashion trend for this spring. Horizontal or vertical, stripes are incorporated in outfits eve- rywhere. The article shows a variety of different runway outfits for spring 2013 with different ways to wear stripes. Leah, Melby. "Spring 2013 Trend Report: Stripes." ELLE. ELLE Magazine, 12 Sept. 2012. Web. 15 May 2013. Stripes In Season Journey Through High School May 2013 Volume 1, Issue 1 The meaning of Life Top 10 Artists 2 Most Influential Person My Role as a Sister Major Changes 3 Time Capsule Goals For the Future 4 What I Will Miss Most Newton School Shooting Moments of development 5 Boston Bombings Eating Healthy 6 Swim Good The Journey 7 farewell 8 TABLE OF CONTENTS Inside this issue:
Page 1: Journey Through High School

Sarah Zahm

Stripes have become the latest

fashion trend for this spring.

Horizontal or vertical, stripes

are incorporated in outfits eve-

rywhere. The article shows a

variety of different runway

outfits for spring 2013 with

different ways to wear stripes.

Leah, Melby. "Spring 2013

Trend Report: Stripes." ELLE.

ELLE Magazine, 12 Sept.

2012. Web. 15 May 2013.

Stripes In Season

Journey Through High School

May 2013

Volume 1, Issue 1

The meaning of Life Top 10 Artists


Most Influential Person My Role as a Sister Major Changes


Time Capsule Goals For the Future


What I Will Miss Most Newton School Shooting Moments of development


Boston Bombings Eating Healthy


Swim Good The Journey


farewell 8

TABLE OF CONTENTS Inside this issue:

Page 2: Journey Through High School

The meaning of life definitely

varies from person to person. I

believe that we are here to

make the best out our lives.

Not just for ourselves, but for

other people. Our purpose is

to change lives and make a

difference in our world. Mak-

ing a difference can be as dra-

matic as affecting masses of

people, like Steve Jobs, or af-

fecting just the people around

you, like donating to charity, or

even helping out your mother

when she needs it. I want to

live my life to the fullest, not

just for myself, but for other

people as well. I always try to

think of other people first, and

find out how I can help them. I

believe that we were here to

make the world a better place

and help others.

Mumford and sons Jonny Craig

The Meaning of Life

Top Ten Artists

Page 2 Sarah Zahm Volume 1, Issue 1


Justin Timberlake

Adam Lev-



Kid Cudi


Frank Ocean

Page 3: Journey Through High School

Most Influential Person

Major Changes

My Role as a Sister

There have been a lot of people come in and out of my life. The one that has

stuck with me, helped me through everything, and is always there when I need

them is the person who has the most influence on my life. She is the person I

can go to for help, and the advice she gives me almost always determines my

decision in the situation. If I’m deciding between two things, I always go to

her for advice. Even though I do try and hide things from her, as most daugh-

ters do, she always finds out what’s going on and helps me though whatever it

is. I learned almost everything I know from her, she’s the greatest influence

on who I am and will become since day one, and she will always stay that way.

I can’t see myself making any big decisions without her help. I know she’ll

never judge me or go against something I believe in, even if she doesn’t agree,

because she wants to stay a positive influence in my life. My mother is the

greatest influence on my life, and she always will. (191)

There are a lot of ups and downs of being a sister. You have to share things you want to have to

yourself like rooms and bathrooms. There’s always fighting about who did what and pointing fin-

gers. There are also a lot of things I love about being a sister. I love how there is always a friend

there, even if you annoy each other. I love how we seem to get along during family vacations, so

they’re bearable for the week. Even if I complain about my sister a lot, I wouldn’t know what to do

if I were an only child. My life would be completely different without my sister. I think that having

siblings affects your social skills as a kid, there’s someone close to your age that you can relate with

that’s living with you. People don’t realize how having a sibling affects you, until you’re without

them, or they compare themselves to an only child. I’m glad I have a sister, even if that means we

fight all the time and purposely annoy each other. I would never go back to being an only child if I

had the chance. (195)

High school changes a lot of people in both negative and positive ways. When

I came in as a freshman, I was quiet, scared, and unsure of who I was. As high

school went on, I noticed that I really found who I was and changed into a

completely different person. The friends that I made, the experiences that I

had, and where I spent my time really affected who I was. A lot of my change

couldn’t have happened without the experiences I had in high school. Now,

when I look back, I don’t think of my freshman self the same as my senior

self. I became a completely different person, in a good way. Now, I would

consider myself more independent and outgoing. With everything that hap-

pens in high school, the students learn to prepare for their future, they learn

how to be more independent, and becoming more outgoing is encouraged

Page 3 Sarah Zahm Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 4: Journey Through High School

If I were to bury a time

capsule with five things

that described who I am

and my time at Fishers, I

would include an ipod

filled with all of the music

I like now. I would put in

my senior sweatband with

different favorite memo-

ries written on it to re-

member my senior year as

a whole and the senior run.

I would put in a photo

album with sections for

freshman year, sophomore

year, junior year, and senior

year with my friends that year,

what we did, comments, and

stories. I would also put in

different things I bought from

different trips I took in my life

to remember where I had trav-

eled and what I had experi-

enced. The last thing I would

put in would be a box of all the

notes my friends and I had

written throughout my years at

school to record all of the little

memories that a lot of people

forget about. I would pass

these five items on so people

know who I was in high school

and my transformation from

then and now.

Time Capsule

the perfect future, but my big-

gest goal is to just be happy

with my life and who I have


What Goals Do I Have For the Future

For the future, I want to gradu-

ate college with a degree in

something related to business.

I want to be able to move into

my own house and have a fi-

nancially stable job, and start

my own family. I want to be

happy with my life, and not be

the type of person who doesn’t

like their job, and lets it affect

their life. I don’t expect to have

Page 4 Sarah Zahm Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 5: Journey Through High School

Personal Reflections on Newton School Shooting

Moments That Define My Development

What I Will Miss Most

The issue in my arti-

cle was what to do about gun

control after the elementary

school shooting in Connecti-

cut. This issue doesn’t have a

major effect on the rest of the

world, but in the United States

it has a major effect on who is

allowed to own guns and what

people have to do in order to

keep their rights. In my com-

munity, this article only affects

the people who own guns,

which isn’t that many com-

pared to other communities.

This issue doesn’t directly af-

fect me or anyone in my family

because we don’t own guns,

but to families who do own

guns, it affects whether or not

they will be allowed to keep

their firearms in the future. It’s

an opinion whether or not

being able to own guns is an

issue and if banning them

would benefit the world, but if

we have better rules and regu-

lations to owning guns, I do

think that it will make a positive

difference. My call to action

would be to have applications

filled out when buying a gun.

For instance, if a person has

history of mental disorders or

very aggressive behavior, they

should be checked out before

being able to purchase any fire-

arms. (204) Hicks, Shannon.

“Newtown School Shooting:

Live updates.” The Atlantic

Wire. Np. 19 December 2012.

Web. January 2013

In high school, I formed a lot of close relationships with people I never thought I

would be friends with. They changed my life in so many ways. Since our group of

friends formed, we’ve learned things about each other and because of that, learned

things about ourselves. We haven’t been friends for very long, but we formed a close

relationship very fast. I can honestly say that when we all go our separate ways for col-

lege, I will miss them. I’ll miss our inside jokes about the stupidest things, our Saturday

night adventures after work, and even working together. I know in college, it will be a

fresh start. I’ll make new friends, and we’ll have our inside jokes. I know I’ll still be

thinking of my friends I had in high school. Even though we will visit each other during

breaks, I can’t help but worry about how strong our friendship will stay when we’re all

scattered across Indiana for school. Even though I worry about the future, I’m glad i

was able to form the relationships I have now because I know they created memories I

hope I never forget. (193)

going to be a “big kid”. The

next moment was when my

sister was adopted from China,

and she came home for the

first time. I was becoming a big

sister, something I had always

looked forward to. The next

moment was going through

confirmation at church. Most

people would say that they

The first moment that I can

remember that really defined

my development as a person

was graduating kindergarten. I

knew I was entering elemen-

tary school, where I would

have all new friends because I

wasn’t going to be in private

school anymore. Everything

was going to change, and I was

found God during that month,

but I didn’t. Going through

confirmation made me realize

that I wasn’t sure He existed,

and that religion wasn’t exactly

my thing. That really affected

me for a long time. Going to

high school really developed

me as a person. Looking back,

I am a completely different

Page 5 Sarah Zahm Volume 1, Issue 1


person than I was before, and I

think I changed for the better. I

can’t wait to see what events

after high school will help me

develop into a better person.

Page 6: Journey Through High School

The Boston Bombings was a

tragedy that affected everyone

in one way or another. Wheth-

er they knew someone at the

marathon, or it made you real-

ize that life is short and any-

thing could happen, it affected

everyone. For me, it made me

realize that there are definitely

people out there who don’t

have good intentions, and even

if they don’t know you, and

have nothing against you, they

can still find some way to dras-

tically change your life for the

worst. For some people, it was

a worse change that for others.

Life is short, and I need to

make every moment count. I

didn’t know anyone in the mar-

athon, and I don’t know any-

one who lives in Boston, but it

made me think about that what

if that were to happen in my

city, and affected people I

knew. So even though the

bombings didn’t directly affect

me, it made me change my way

of thinking, and even though

it’s over used, realize that you

only live once, and you don’t

know for how long, so make

every moment count.






Cooper, Michael; Rashbaum,

William; Seelye, Katherine.

“2nd Bombing Suspect Caught

After Frenzied Hunt Paralyzes

Boston” The New York

Times. Web. April 2013.

Boston Bombings

different ways to pack lunches

for kids so they stay healthy.

The article talks about all the

different fruits and vegetables

that are good for you. It even

talks about different ways that

the parent can arrange the

food, so it is appealing to kids.

The article has recipes to cook

for different meals, so people

can learn how to start out their

healthy lifestyle. I think it’s

great how magazines are en-

couraging the healthy lifestyles,

and hopefully America will

become healthier overall. (185)

"The Great American Healthy

Lunchbox Challenge." Cook-

ing Light. N.p., n.d. Web. 16

May 2013.

Eating healthy

More and more peo-

ple are looking for ways to lose

weight. In magazines every-

where, there are tips on how to

lose weight, eat healthier, and

become healthier overall. Peo-

ple have figured out that the

healthy lifestyle is the way to

live, and eating healthy has

never been easier. This maga-

zine article talks about all the

Page 6 Sarah Zahm Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 7: Journey Through High School

Swim Good


The Journey

Swim Good by Frank Ocean is

a song about running, or in this

case, swimming away from his

fears. In the song, he talks

about swimming with a suit

and shoes on, which is diffi-

cult. He’s having trouble run-

ning away from his fears. Alt-

hough there isn’t a direct

meaning to the song that I

could find, the song might

have to do with death. He talks

about ever since he lost his

baby, he’s been swimming with

his black suit on. The song

inspired me to move on with

grief and accept the fact that

they’re not coming back. It’s a

struggle that everyone goes

through, and having a song

about the trouble with grief

and fear really helped me

through it. All of Frank

Ocean’s songs have a lot of

meaning, and there are a ma-

jority that really helped me

look deeper into situations.

He’s a wonderful artist who

incorporates a lot of meaning

into his songs. (165)

inside out, outside in

open your soul, your heart

let it be the bridge

to walk your journey

Fly with the wings of the


feel with the wisdom of yester-


burry the sorrow, make place

for the new

rejoice in what will come and


give way, don't let nothing

frighten you

just make the journey of the


Anonomous. "The Journey."

Web log post.

Poemhunter.com. N.p., 20

Mar. 2008. Web. 16 May

Come on, take the journey

you, me and all, take the step

no matter time or distance

all irrelevant

for a broken spirit the longest


is to the front door to open it

Reach out, give, take,

challenge the road, the journey


out and starting new chapters

in their life with going to col-

lege. Most kids will start over

with all of their friends, and

make all new memories. The

author talks about taking the

challenge and moving forward,

don’t be afraid with what is

next, which is exactly is how

I’m feeling with moving onto

I interpreted this poem to be

about a life journey, similar to

one that seniors are experienc-

ing now. The author talks

about not being afraid to move

forward with your life and to

continue your journey though

life. I liked this poem because

it perfectly explains how the

seniors this year are moving

college. It’s a scary new chap-

ter that everyone is going

through differently, but I

think that this poem summa-

rizes everyone’s feelings

about starting over and mov-

ing on perfectly.

Page 7 Sarah Zahm Volume 1, Issue 1

Page 8: Journey Through High School


Throughout high school, I’ve made a lot of great memories. Not all of high school was great, but I don’t

want to look at all the bad parts. There were plenty of times in my four years here that I will look back on

and smile. I’ve met some great people, had some great times, and I don’t regret any of it. There were times

when I wanted to give up and stop trying. My friends stood by my side and never stopped pushing me to

be the person I was. My family always encouraged me to do my best, and to stop being lazy and just do my

work already. I wouldn’t be the person I am now without everyone that has come into, and left my life.

There were things that didn’t always work out, and they never will, but I’m willing to look past that and

start fresh in college. I want to try and connect with everyone I’m close with now, but sadly, I can’t prom-

ise that. So I want to focus on what I have now with my friends, and remember all of the great memories

we made together. High school taught me a ,lot about myself, and life in general. I heard that high school

was going to be the fastest four years of my life, and when I walked into the school for the first time fresh-

man year, I didn’t believe them. Looking back now, at the end of my senior year, I believe them. Even

though it went by so fast, I wouldn’t change a thing.
