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Joy of Community Lesson6 - churchatthemill.com

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LESSON SIX A COMMUNITY REPURPOSED PHILIPPIANS 2:12-18 LESSON AT-A-GLANCE CORE TRUTHS CONTENT: The What Paul seeks to repurpose efforts and attitudes of the Philippians to be about the ultimate goal of running towards heaven. COMMENTS: The Why Community matters because we are the children of God, who need one another to grow and remain steadfast. Unity matters because without it we will not be seen as lights in a crooked generation. CONNECTIONS: The How Christ repurposes our lives so that we would not run the race of life on earth in vain! A Small Group community repurposed for God’s glory is one that is: • Centered on God’s Word: Your small group community must hold fast to the Word of Life. Paul makes this clear that the only way they do not run off course is to make sure the Word is central. • Captured by Encouragement: A focus of your small group is to speak encouragement over one another. Grumbling and complaining with each other is not a sign that Christ has changed your heart. • Creating True Community: Working out your salvation does not happen in isolation. Working together to grow towards God is central to the Christian faith, even when we struggle and frustrate one another. We should point each other back to the truth of the gospel.




CORE TRUTHSCONTENT: The WhatPaul seeks to repurpose efforts and attitudes of the Philippians to be about the ultimate goal of running towards heaven.

COMMENTS: The Why Community matters because we are the children of God, who need one another to grow and remain steadfast. Unity matters because without it we will not be seen as lights in a crooked generation.

CONNECTIONS: The HowChrist repurposes our lives so that we would not run the race of life on earth in vain! A Small Group community repurposed for God’s glory is one that is: • Centered on God’s Word: Your small group community must hold fast to the Word of Life. Paul makes this clear that the only way they do not run off course is to make sure the Word is central. • Captured by Encouragement: A focus of your small group is to speak encouragement over one another. Grumbling and complaining with each other is not a sign that Christ has changed your heart. • Creating True Community: Working out your salvation does not happen in isolation. Working together to grow towards God is central to the Christian faith, even when we struggle and frustrate one another. We should point each other back to the truth of the gospel.


GETTING STARTEDHave each person go around the room and share an encouraging word about another person in the group. Try and pick something specific. Ask: Do you enjoy receiving this kind of encouragement? Is it difficult to encourage someone else in this way? Why or why not?

Lesson Connection: In this lesson we will discover how attitudes and encouragement matter as we all strive to walk out our purpose in Christ as a part of our unified community.

TEXT12Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, so now, not only as in my presence but much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, 13for it is God who works in you, both to

will and to work for his good pleasure. 14Do all things without grumbling or disputing, 15that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, 16holding fast to the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I

may be proud that I did not run in vain or labor in vain. 17Even if I am to be poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrificial offering of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all. 18Likewise you also should be

glad and rejoice with me. Philippians 2:12-18

CONTENTPaul has spent the first 11 verses of chapter 2 explaining the glory and magnitude of who Christ is and that he reigns over all the earth and is worthy of this status. In Verse 12, Paul immediately moves from the mountain to the valley. He writes, therefore. Therefore, based on verses 1-11, Jesus showed the course of humility and obedience; therefore the Christian is to work out his or her salvation (v. 12). The words show that doctrine always leads to practical Christianity. Paul seeks to repurpose efforts and attitudes of the Philippians to be about the ultimate goal of running towards heaven.

Paul doesn't sit in the heavens distant and disconnected. He models and teaches that to be a faithful and productive Christian means that we must be a people of work and obedience. Paul writes that we must work out our salvation with fear and trembling. God is the God who saves. So how can Christians work for something they didn't earn? Paul answers this in verse 13. He writes, for it is God who works for his good pleasure. So this means that we work out what God is working in us. We cannot earn our salvation, but we sure can act like we are saved. This leads to active obedience. Active obedience is what Paul explains in verses 14-16. Our language, our character, our witness. When we obey Jesus and live in the way worthy of the gospel, then we begin to shine. God gets the glory of the work he is doing in us.

COMMENTS Paul teaches in verses 12-18 that we are being repurposed for the glory of God. We do not have to wonder what we are supposed to do in this life. God has laid out the path. The path of obedience to Christ means working out our salvation so that we do not live this life in vain. Wasting our life is of great concern to Paul and offensive to Christ's crucifixion.

3 Ways We Are Repurposed for Christ:

1. We are given purpose to achieve (2:12,14-16)The purpose God wants us to achieve is Christlikeness, “to be conformed to the image of His Son” (Rom. 8:29). There are problems in life, but God will help us to “work them out.” We all have a personal and communal goal to achieve. This gives Christians clarity in their everyday lives.

2. We are given power to receive (2:13)We now have the power through the Holy Spirit to overcome temptation and accomplish the spiritual tasks Christ has given us. As the Christian reads the Word and prays, he becomes more like Christ; and the more he becomes like Christ, the more the unsaved world opposes him. We have the power to persevere in a crooked world.

3. We are given a promise to believe (16-18)What is this promise? That joy comes from obedience. When we take the proper steps and obey God. No matter the earthly outcome we can have the promise of joy. That joy is a present reality (Phil. 2:17–18), and it comes through sacrifice and service. Your small group can experience this together as you grow!

CONNECTIONS How can believers shine in the midst of a crooked generation? By holding fast to the Word of God, allowing the Holy Spirit to encourage the body of Christ through us, and by creating space for authentic connections. Paul tells us when we hold to His Word, we will be blameless and steadfast and will not run this life in vain. Christ repurposes our lives so that we would not run the race of life on earth in vain! A Small Group community repurposed for God’s glory is one that is:

Centered on God’s Word: • Your Small Group community must hold fast to the Word of Life. Paul makes this clear that the only way they do not run off course is to make sure the Word is central. • Is the Word central in your community?Captured by Encouragement: • A focus of your small group is to speak encouragement over one another. Grumbling and complaining with each other is not a sign that Christ has changed your heart. • How do you encourage one another? Creating True Community: • Working out your salvation does not happen in isolation. Working together to grow towards God is central to the Christian faith, even when we struggle and frustrate one another. We should point each other back to the truth of the gospel. • How is your small group making way for authentic connections and community?

DISCUSSION 1. What are some examples of how our culture is positive? What are some examples of how our culture is negative?2. What does “fear and trembling” have to do with working out your salvation and God working in you to will and do?3. How is making a small group a regular part of your life an act of obedience to God?4. God saves people on an individual basis, but how is salvation also a community effort? • The leader could share about all the people that prayed for them or shared the gospel with them before they were saved. 5. How is complaining, disputing, or grumbling an act of disobedience to Paul? How is this a temptation for your small group?6. What is the connection between holding fast to the word of life and shining in the midst of a crooked generation?

CHALLENGE FOR THE WEEKDecide on one way you will begin pouring out and showing gratitude this week. Consider ways this group could help you with that.

Complaining can be an easy habit to fall into. Practice choosing words of gratitude and encouragement this week to replace words of complaint and criticism.

MEMORY VERSE“Do all things without grumbling or disputing.”

Philippians 2:14
