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8I6 THE JRITIALJ UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES. [NoV. 7, 1914 views have been amplified, completed, and confirmed abundantly by other workers. That the measures whiclh accurate knowledge of tlle disease dictates have not been enforced can only be ascribed to that slowly-acting spirit of British administra- tion wllich demands most complete proof of the necessity of any measure before it is enforced, and never secures tlle eniforcement of aniy measure until tlle demand for its elnforcement assumes the proportions of a popular outcry. It is for the puLrpose of adding my voice to an outcry wlhich may possibly secure reasonable action, tllat entire accordance witlh the views maintained in the editorial and in the statement of tlle medical mnen at the Livingstonia Mission is lhere recorded.-. I am, etc., J. L. TODD. Departmenit of Parasitologv, McGill University. Montreal, Oct. 22nd. ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS OF ENGLAND. THE CALENDAR FOR 1914. "OUR world has passed away, in wantonness o'erthrown," says Kipling, but the current Calendar was in print before the peace, which but three months since seemed secure, had been violated. Hence it includes no record of the emergency arrangements for the examination of candidates. In the chronological register of Fellows we are glad to find that Mr. Barwell and Mr. Bryant still head the list. There are now 1,641 Fellows of the College. Only one, Mr. Arthur Barker, F.R.C.S.I., of University College Hospital, was elected ad eundem; 4 were made Fellows by election, 27 were elected as Memiibers of twenty years' standing ; ], Miss 'Eleanor Davies-Colley, is a Fellow by examination under the Medical Act of 1876, which allows women to receive the diploma, but without conferring on them the privilege of the franchise, whilst 1,608 are Fellows by examinatioin. *The total number of Fellow-s has increased by 52, the total number of Members (17,161) by 35, the ratio being rather unusual. Of the suppressed diplomna of Licentiates in Midwifery there remain 268 members of the profession who hold it, 19 less, wve regret to say, than last year. The licentiates in dental surgery number 2,635, which is 76 more than in July, 1913. There are .848 diplomates in public health, an increase of 62, whilst there are 17 diplomates in tropical medicine and hygiene, 4 m-ore than last year, but only 8 are Fellows or Members of the College of Surgeons. This diploma is granted conjointly with the College of Physicians. Mr. Victor Plarr, the librarian, reports that during 1913-14, July to June inclusive, the library was opened on 273 days, and the nlumber of readers who signed their names was 8,804, the average being 32 daily. The gross income of the college, exclusive of the income from trust funds, amounts to £26,833, an increase of £819, whilst the expenditure in respect of revenue for the past year is £21,425, a decrease of £836 since Jtuly, 1913. Probably for thle first tinme the year's expenditure on books has reached the figure of £1,000. UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH. AT the half-yearly meeting on October 30th of the General Council of the University of Edinburgh, under the presidency of Principal Sir William Turner, there was not muchl dis- tinctively medical business transacted. It was intimated, however, that among the changes in the university staff were the appointments of Dr. Johln 'Tlhomson as lecturer on diseases of children, of Dr. F. D. Boyd as a senior lecturer on clinical medicine, and of Mr. James M. Graham as lecturer in surgical pathology. It was stated that the war had markedlv affected both the teaching power of the uniiversity and its complement of students, for twelve members of the staff (lecturers and assistants) were serving with His Majesty's Forces, and the number f matriculated students for the academic year 1914-15 was fully 700 less than at the corresponding date last year. It might reasonably be assumed that the great majority of them were serving with the naval or military forces of the Crown. A roll of honour was being prepared. Already five members of the council had laid down thleir lives in the cause of their country. These were all medicals, to wit, Drs. John Crocket, H. J. Hopps, J. L. Huggan, A. E. Turnbull, and J. H. D. Wa-tson. On October 24th Lord Kitchener was unanimously elected Lord Rector of Edinburgh University for the period of three years. But for the war there would have been the customary contest, the Unionists and Liberals having both selected their candidates although neither of them was in the medical pro- fession. On the outbreak of hostilities, however, the political candidates were, with their own acquiescence, withdrawn, and Lord Kitchener's election was not oppose(l. A telegram was received from Lord Kitchener stating that he was very grateful, and felt much honoured by his unanimous election. He assured the university that even in the press of work at the War Office he would not be unmindftul of its interests. UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREWS. AT its meetinig on October 24th Uijiversity Court intimated its opiniioil that it was thie duty of every able-bodied man studelnt to join the Officers' Training Corps. A letter was read from Professor Musgrove offering as a gift to the university hiis anatomical museum for use in theaniatom-y department at the Bute Medical Buildings, St. Andrews. The CouLrt accepted Professor Muscrove's valuable collection with very hearty thanks, and expressed tlhe opinion that it would be of very great service to the teachinig of anlatomy of St. Andrews. UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW. .THE following canldidates have beeil approved at the examina- tionis indicated: FIRST M.B. (B;, Botany; Z., Zoology; P., Physics; C., Chemistry).- T. A. J. Aitchison (P.), J. S. Aitken (B., P.), J. L. Anderson (B., P.), T. Anderson (B., P.), J. Barlow (B., P.), B. Barrowmiian (B., P.), R. Bethune (B., P.). A. S. Bisset (B., Z., C.), A. Black (1B., P.), D. MacC. Blair (B., P.). S. B. Bortbhwick (B., P., C.). D. C. Bowie (B., Z., P.), R. Ri. S. Bowker-(B., P.), E. T. Boyle (Z., C.), A. D. Brown (B., P., C.), M. J. Cahalane (B., P.), J. P. Chisholi (B., Z., C.), M. B. Clark (C.), i1. A. Cochrane (13., P., C.), A. C. Connell (B., P.), J. S. Cook (B.), G. M. Cooper (B., P.), J. L. Cowan (B., P.), E. M. E. CmLiimlning (Z., C.), A. M. Davidson (B., P.), D. R. F. Davidson (B., P., C.). J. Donald (B., P.), J. C. Dow (B.), A. B. S. Drysdale (B., P.), W. W. Ferguson (B., P.). A. B. Ferrie, M.A. (B., P.), D. Finlayson (B., P., C.), R. A. Forsyth (B., P.), A. D. Fraser (B., P.). G. K. Fulton (P.), M. F. Gibson (B., P.), W. Gibson (M.,P.), J. S. M-L. Gray (B., P.), W. Guy (P.. C.), J. A. Hamiiilton (C.). W. Harrison (B., P.), J. G. Hiarrower (P., P.), A. Henderson (B., P.), J. Hewitt (B., P.), T. J. Honeyman (P.), J. Hood (B., P.), T. 0. Howie (B., P.), T. Hutchison (B., P.), M. Hyman (B., P.), J. Irving (B., P.), R. P. Jack (B.. P.), J. Johnston (B., P.). W. Jope (B., Z., P.), G. M'C. Kennedy (B., P.), A. A. Kirklanid (B., P.), -V. M. Knox (B., C.), J. C. Laurie (B., P.). R. G. Letters (B., P.), B. Levine (B., P.), A. C. Lindsay (B., P.), D. M. Lindsay (B., P.), J. Lipschitz (B., Z., 1'.), A. J. Macartney (Z.), S. G. IM :Clelland (Z., P., C.), D. MacColl (Z., C.), A. B. Macdonald(Z.), W. D. Macfarlane (B., P.), W'. M. MacFar;ane (B., P.), S. W. M'Ghee (P.), R. T. M'Gibbon (B., Z., P., C.), J. A. C. MacGregor (B., P.), W. S. M'Intyre (C.), A. Mackay (B., Z.), J. W. Mlackay, M.A. (C.), P. A. Mackay (B., P.), R. MacI. M'Kean (C.), A. A. AM'Laughland (C.), A. H. M'Leani (B., P.), A. Maclean (B., Z., C.), D. Maclean (P., C.), N. A. MacLean (B., P.), W. S. L. M'Leisli (C.), WV. M'Linden (B., P.), W. B. M'Qtueen (B., P.), A. W. ME'Rorio (B., P.), J. Matheson (P.), J. M. Melvin (P.), J. G. Miller (B., P., C.). J. H. Miller (P.), K. S. Miller (Z., P., C.), M. S. Molenina (B., P.), N. M'E. Montgomery (P.), W. Moore (B., Z., P., C.). J. W. Morton (B., P.), W. Napier (B., P), G. Nelson (B., 1.), B. F. Niblock (B., P.), J. Nicol (B., P.), J. Nicolson, M.A. (B., Z., P.),I. L. Oltuwole (B., P.), J. Paterson (B., P.). N. B. Peacock (P.), J. W. Peden (B., P.), 13. T. Pelhaml- (Z.), R. J. Peters (B., P.', A. G. Petrie (Z.. C.). J. Polloclk B., 1P.), J. B. Potter (B., Z., P., C.), R U. Qureshi (B, C.), D. Reid (B., P.), A. IHiddell (C.). J. M. Ritchie (B., P.), A. Robertson (B., P.), G. M. Robertsoii (B.), H. A. Ross (B., P.), R. P. Smith (B., P.), P. Speed (B., Z.. P., C.). T. Stark (B., P., C.), H. W. J. Steen (P.), J. Stevenson (Z., C.), H. M. Stevenson (C.), A. S. B. Stewart (B., P.), J. Stewart (B., Z., P., C.), A. S. Straclhan, M.A., B.Sc. (Z.), J.-T. Taylor (C.), E.J. T. Thompson (B., C.), J. Todd (P.), J. L. Turpie (B., P.), M. F. Turpie (B., P., C.), A. S. van Coller (Z., C.), J. C. Vaughan (B., P.), A. R. W1addell (P.), HI. D. Wallace (B., P.), J. A. Walls (P.). H. Wands (B., P., C.), D. M. XVatson (B., P., C.), J. C. Watt (B.. P.), H. K. Watt (B.. P.), J. T. Wilson (B., P.), J. W. Wilson (B.), G. M. Wishart (B., P.), J. S. Young (Z., C.), Heleni F. Allinison (P.), Ellen D. Anderson (B., P.), Helen C. Camiieron (B., P.), Mary T. L. Clark (B.. P.), Marglharita M. L. Couper (B., P.), Charlotte A Douglas (B., P.), Grace A. Fleming (B., P.), Jane E. Hanson (B., P., C.), Janet WV. Hepbuirn (B., P.), Helen Hogg (B., P.). Margaret Logan (B., P.), Elizabeth C. Loudon (B., P.), Mary J. Macdonald (B., P.), Alice M'Elwee (B., P.), Alice M'Glashan (B., P.), Evelyn C. M-D. M'Gregor (B., P.), Maud E. D. Mackinnon (B., P.), Mabel M. Maclean (B., P.), Margaret G. N'Vey (B., P., C.), Muriel M. M1Walter (B., P.), Florence F. M. M"lilne (B., Z., C.), Georgina Murdoch (B., P.). Kathleen Nicol (Z., C ), Elizabeth P. Y. Paterson (B., P., C.), Vida J. Perry (P.), Lotuisa E. Pigeon (B., P.), Margaret I. 'rangnell (B., Z., C.), Agnes P. Routledge (P.). MIarjory N. Scanlan (B., Z., P.), Jane E. Shortt (B., P.), Margaret M. C. Steedman (B., P., C ), Dorothea H. Suttie (Z., P., C ), Lydia I. H. Torrance (Z.). SECOND AND THIRD M.B.+ (A Anatomy; P., Physiologv; M., Materia Medica and Therapeutics).-MV. Adams (A., P.), H. Aitken (A., P.), G. W. -Allan (A., P.), J. Ashforlh (A., P.). A. B. Austin (A.), J. W. W. Baillie (A., P.,)XV. Baird (M.), J. E. Bannen (Mv.), M. N. Bhattacharjie (M.), T. Blaeckwood (M.), J. Bradford (A., P.). A. G. Brand (A.), J. P. Broom (M.), A. C. brown (M.'. H. D. Browii (I.). J. A. Buchanan (M.), S. E. A. Buckley (M.) R. S. Caldwell (A., P:), D. Cameron (M.), W. J. S. Cameron (A.,P.), J. MacD. Clark (P., -M.), D. Clyde (M.). A. F. Cook (M.), A. S. Cook (M.), WV. G. Cook (M.), H. L. Coulthard (A., P), J. S. Craig (A., P.). J. Crerar (M.), H. A. Cruickshank (A., P.), R. Cunningham (M.), G. del Pino (A., P., M.), M. Dever-s (A., P.), A. Dick (A., P.), S1. N. Dykes (Ml.), W. Edgar (A.), J. P. Fleming (A., P.) T. Forrest (A., P.), WV. W. Forsyth (A., P.), L. L. Fotheringham (M.), H. J. L. Fraser (A., P.), J. B. D. Galbraith (A., P.), L. M. Gemm-ell (A.), A. B. Gibson (A., P.). W. H. Gibson (M.), J. G. Ci4liour (M.), W. H. Gordon. M.A. (A., P.), GE. 0. Grant (A.. P.), T. Gray (M.), M;. R. D. Hamnilton (A., P.), D. Heard (M.), S. J. Henderson (M.), J. Hislop (A., P.). H. F. Holliis(A., P ), J. H. Rs. Holmns (A.. P.), E. P. Irvinlg (A., P.), J. Joels (A.. P.), 5. Johnstone (M.), XV. H. Kerr, M.A. (A., P.), F. C. LJogan (M.), K. M'Alpine (A., P.), P. Macdiarmlid (lv.), N. Mackillop (A., P.), D. J. Mackinnon (A., P.), J. XV. Maclean (MH). P. M'Lulskie (A., P.). A. F. M'Mil!an (Ml.) J,


views have been amplified, completed, and confirmedabundantly by other workers.That the measures whiclh accurate knowledge of tlle

disease dictates have not been enforced can only beascribed to that slowly-acting spirit of British administra-tion wllich demands most complete proof of the necessityof any measure before it is enforced, and never secures tlleeniforcement of aniy measure until tlle demand for itselnforcement assumes the proportions of a popular outcry.It is for the puLrpose of adding my voice to an outcrywlhich may possibly secure reasonable action, tllat entireaccordance witlh the views maintained in the editorial andin the statement of tlle medical mnen at the LivingstoniaMission is lhere recorded.-. I am, etc.,

J. L. TODD.Departmenit of Parasitologv, McGill University.

Montreal, Oct. 22nd.


"OUR world has passed away, in wantonness o'erthrown,"says Kipling, but the current Calendar was in print beforethe peace, which but three months since seemed secure,had been violated. Hence it includes no record of theemergency arrangements for the examination ofcandidates.In the chronological register of Fellows we are glad to findthat Mr. Barwell and Mr. Bryant still head the list. Thereare now 1,641 Fellows of the College. Only one, Mr. ArthurBarker, F.R.C.S.I., of University College Hospital, waselected ad eundem; 4 were made Fellows by election, 27were elected as Memiibers of twenty years' standing ; ], Miss'Eleanor Davies-Colley, is a Fellow by examination underthe Medical Act of 1876, which allows women to receivethe diploma, but without conferring on them the privilegeof the franchise, whilst 1,608 are Fellows by examinatioin.*The total number of Fellow-s has increased by 52, the totalnumber of Members (17,161) by 35, the ratio being ratherunusual. Of the suppressed diplomna of Licentiates inMidwifery there remain 268 members of the profession whohold it, 19 less, wve regret to say, than last year.The licentiates in dental surgery number 2,635, which

is 76 more than in July, 1913. There are .848 diplomates inpublic health, an increase of 62, whilst there are 17diplomates in tropical medicine and hygiene, 4 m-ore thanlast year, but only 8 are Fellows or Members of theCollege of Surgeons. This diploma is granted conjointlywith the College of Physicians.Mr. Victor Plarr, the librarian, reports that during

1913-14, July to June inclusive, the library was opened on273 days, and the nlumber of readers who signed theirnames was 8,804, the average being 32 daily. The grossincome of the college, exclusive of the income from trustfunds, amounts to £26,833, an increase of £819, whilst theexpenditure in respect of revenue for the past year is£21,425, a decrease of £836 since Jtuly, 1913. Probably forthle first tinme the year's expenditure on books has reachedthe figure of £1,000.

UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH.AT the half-yearly meeting on October 30th of the GeneralCouncil of the University of Edinburgh, under the presidencyof Principal Sir William Turner, there was not muchl dis-tinctively medical business transacted. It was intimated,however, that among the changes in the university staff werethe appointments of Dr. Johln 'Tlhomson as lecturer on diseasesof children, of Dr. F. D. Boyd as a senior lecturer on clinicalmedicine, and of Mr. James M. Graham as lecturer in surgicalpathology. It was stated that the war had markedlv affectedboth the teaching power of the uniiversity and its complementof students, for twelve members of the staff (lecturers andassistants) were serving with His Majesty's Forces, and thenumber f matriculated students for the academic year 1914-15was fully 700 less than at the corresponding date last year.It might reasonably be assumed that the great majority of themwere serving with the naval or military forces of the Crown.A roll of honour was being prepared. Already five members ofthe council had laid down thleir lives in the cause of theircountry. These were all medicals, to wit, Drs. John Crocket,H. J. Hopps, J. L. Huggan, A. E. Turnbull, and J. H. D.Wa-tson.On October 24th Lord Kitchener was unanimously elected

Lord Rector of Edinburgh University for the period of threeyears. But for the war there would have been the customarycontest, the Unionists and Liberals having both selected theircandidates although neither of them was in the medical pro-fession. On the outbreak of hostilities, however, the political

candidates were, with their own acquiescence, withdrawn, andLord Kitchener's election was not oppose(l. A telegram wasreceived from Lord Kitchener stating that he was very grateful,and felt much honoured by his unanimous election. He assuredthe university that even in the press of work at the War Officehe would not be unmindftul of its interests.

UNIVERSITY OF ST. ANDREWS.AT its meetinig on October 24th Uijiversity Court intimated itsopiniioil that it was thie duty of every able-bodied man studelntto join the Officers' Training Corps.A letter was read from Professor Musgrove offering as a gift

to the university hiis anatomical museum for use in theaniatom-ydepartment at the Bute Medical Buildings, St. Andrews.The CouLrt accepted Professor Muscrove's valuable collectionwith very hearty thanks, and expressed tlhe opinion that itwould be of very great service to the teachinig of anlatomy of St.Andrews.

UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW..THE following canldidates have beeil approved at the examina-tionis indicated:FIRST M.B. (B;, Botany; Z., Zoology; P., Physics; C., Chemistry).-

T. A. J. Aitchison (P.), J. S. Aitken (B., P.), J. L. Anderson(B., P.), T. Anderson (B., P.), J. Barlow (B., P.), B. Barrowmiian(B., P.), R. Bethune (B., P.). A. S. Bisset (B., Z., C.), A. Black(1B., P.), D. MacC. Blair (B., P.). S. B. Bortbhwick (B., P., C.). D. C.Bowie (B., Z., P.), R. Ri. S. Bowker-(B., P.), E. T. Boyle (Z., C.),A. D. Brown (B., P., C.), M. J. Cahalane (B., P.), J. P. Chisholi(B., Z., C.), M. B. Clark (C.), i1. A. Cochrane (13., P., C.), A. C.Connell (B., P.), J. S. Cook (B.), G. M. Cooper (B., P.), J. L.Cowan (B., P.), E. M. E. CmLiimlning (Z., C.), A. M. Davidson(B., P.), D. R. F. Davidson (B., P., C.). J. Donald (B., P.), J. C.Dow (B.), A. B. S. Drysdale (B., P.), W. W. Ferguson (B., P.).A. B. Ferrie, M.A. (B., P.), D. Finlayson (B., P., C.), R. A. Forsyth(B., P.), A. D. Fraser (B., P.). G. K. Fulton (P.), M. F. Gibson(B., P.), W. Gibson (M.,P.), J. S. M-L. Gray (B., P.), W. Guy (P.. C.),J. A. Hamiiilton (C.). W. Harrison (B., P.), J. G. Hiarrower (P., P.),A. Henderson (B., P.), J. Hewitt (B., P.), T. J. Honeyman (P.),J. Hood (B., P.), T. 0. Howie (B., P.), T. Hutchison (B., P.), M.Hyman (B., P.), J. Irving (B., P.), R. P. Jack (B.. P.), J. Johnston(B., P.). W. Jope (B., Z., P.), G. M'C. Kennedy (B., P.), A. A.Kirklanid (B., P.), -V. M. Knox (B., C.), J. C. Laurie (B., P.). R. G.Letters (B., P.), B. Levine (B., P.), A. C. Lindsay (B., P.), D. M.Lindsay (B., P.), J. Lipschitz (B., Z., 1'.), A. J. Macartney (Z.), S. G.

IM :Clelland (Z., P., C.), D. MacColl (Z., C.), A. B. Macdonald(Z.),W. D. Macfarlane (B., P.), W'. M. MacFar;ane (B., P.), S. W.M'Ghee (P.), R. T. M'Gibbon (B., Z., P., C.), J. A. C. MacGregor(B., P.), W. S. M'Intyre (C.), A. Mackay (B., Z.), J. W. Mlackay,M.A. (C.), P. A. Mackay (B., P.), R. MacI. M'Kean (C.), A. A.AM'Laughland (C.), A. H. M'Leani (B., P.), A. Maclean (B., Z., C.),D. Maclean (P., C.), N. A. MacLean (B., P.), W. S. L. M'Leisli (C.),WV. M'Linden (B., P.), W. B. M'Qtueen (B., P.), A. W. ME'Rorio(B., P.), J. Matheson (P.), J. M. Melvin (P.), J. G. Miller (B., P.,C.). J. H. Miller (P.), K. S. Miller (Z., P., C.), M. S. Molenina(B., P.), N. M'E. Montgomery (P.), W. Moore (B., Z., P., C.).J. W. Morton (B., P.), W. Napier (B., P), G. Nelson (B., 1.),B. F. Niblock (B., P.), J. Nicol (B., P.), J. Nicolson, M.A. (B., Z.,P.),I. L. Oltuwole (B., P.), J. Paterson (B., P.). N. B. Peacock(P.), J. W. Peden (B., P.), 13. T. Pelhaml- (Z.), R. J. Peters (B., P.',A. G. Petrie (Z.. C.). J. Polloclk B., 1P.), J. B. Potter (B., Z., P.,C.), R U. Qureshi (B, C.), D. Reid (B., P.), A. IHiddell (C.). J. M.Ritchie (B., P.), A. Robertson (B., P.), G. M. Robertsoii (B.),H. A. Ross (B., P.), R. P. Smith (B., P.), P. Speed (B., Z.. P., C.).T. Stark (B., P., C.), H. W. J. Steen (P.), J. Stevenson (Z., C.),H. M. Stevenson (C.), A. S. B. Stewart (B., P.), J. Stewart(B., Z., P., C.), A. S. Straclhan, M.A., B.Sc. (Z.), J.-T. Taylor (C.),E.J. T. Thompson (B., C.), J. Todd (P.), J. L. Turpie (B., P.),M. F. Turpie (B., P., C.), A. S. van Coller (Z., C.), J. C. Vaughan(B., P.), A. R. W1addell (P.), HI. D. Wallace (B., P.), J. A. Walls(P.). H. Wands (B., P., C.), D. M. XVatson (B., P., C.), J. C. Watt(B.. P.), H. K. Watt (B.. P.), J. T. Wilson (B., P.), J. W. Wilson(B.), G. M. Wishart (B., P.), J. S. Young (Z., C.), Heleni F.Allinison (P.), Ellen D. Anderson (B., P.), Helen C. Camiieron(B., P.), Mary T. L. Clark (B.. P.), Marglharita M. L. Couper(B., P.), Charlotte A Douglas (B., P.), Grace A. Fleming (B., P.),Jane E. Hanson (B., P., C.), Janet WV. Hepbuirn (B., P.), HelenHogg (B., P.). Margaret Logan (B., P.), Elizabeth C. Loudon(B., P.), Mary J. Macdonald (B., P.), Alice M'Elwee (B., P.), AliceM'Glashan (B., P.), Evelyn C. M-D. M'Gregor (B., P.), Maud E. D.Mackinnon (B., P.), Mabel M. Maclean (B., P.), Margaret G.N'Vey (B., P., C.), Muriel M. M1Walter (B., P.), Florence F. M.M"lilne (B., Z., C.), Georgina Murdoch (B., P.). Kathleen Nicol(Z., C ), Elizabeth P. Y. Paterson (B., P., C.), Vida J. Perry (P.),Lotuisa E. Pigeon (B., P.), Margaret I. 'rangnell (B., Z., C.),Agnes P. Routledge (P.). MIarjory N. Scanlan (B., Z., P.), Jane E.Shortt (B., P.), Margaret M. C. Steedman (B., P., C ), DorotheaH. Suttie (Z., P., C ), Lydia I. H. Torrance (Z.).

SECOND AND THIRD M.B.+ (A Anatomy; P., Physiologv; M., MateriaMedica and Therapeutics).-MV. Adams (A., P.), H. Aitken (A., P.),G. W. -Allan (A., P.), J. Ashforlh (A., P.). A. B. Austin (A.),J. W. W. Baillie (A., P.,)XV. Baird (M.), J. E. Bannen (Mv.), M. N.Bhattacharjie (M.), T. Blaeckwood (M.), J. Bradford (A., P.). A. G.Brand (A.), J. P. Broom (M.), A. C. brown (M.'. H. D. Browii (I.).J. A. Buchanan (M.), S. E. A. Buckley (M.) R. S. Caldwell (A., P:),D. Cameron (M.), W. J. S. Cameron (A.,P.), J. MacD. Clark(P., -M.), D. Clyde (M.). A. F. Cook (M.), A. S. Cook (M.), WV. G.Cook (M.), H. L. Coulthard (A., P), J. S. Craig (A., P.). J. Crerar(M.), H. A. Cruickshank (A., P.), R. Cunningham (M.), G. delPino (A., P., M.), M. Dever-s (A., P.), A. Dick (A., P.), S1. N. Dykes(Ml.), W. Edgar (A.), J. P. Fleming (A., P.) T. Forrest (A., P.),WV. W. Forsyth (A., P.), L. L. Fotheringham (M.), H. J. L. Fraser(A., P.), J. B. D. Galbraith (A., P.), L. M. Gemm-ell (A.), A. B.Gibson (A., P.). W. H. Gibson (M.), J. G. Ci4liour (M.), W. H.Gordon. M.A. (A., P.), GE. 0. Grant (A.. P.), T. Gray (M.), M;. R. D.Hamnilton (A., P.), D. Heard (M.), S. J. Henderson (M.), J. Hislop(A., P.). H. F. Holliis(A., P ), J. H. Rs. Holmns (A.. P.), E. P. Irvinlg(A., P.), J. Joels (A.. P.), 5. Johnstone (M.), XV. H. Kerr, M.A.(A., P.), F. C. LJogan (M.), K. M'Alpine (A., P.), P. Macdiarmlid(lv.), N. Mackillop (A., P.), D. J. Mackinnon (A., P.), J. XV.Maclean (MH). P. M'Lulskie (A., P.). A. F. M'Mil!an (Ml.) J,


M7%arshall.(A. P.), J. S. MNartin, M.IA. (A., P.), G. M. MNillar(IM.),A. S. Miller (A., P.), D. S. 'Mitchell (A., P.). J. Moffat (A.),D. J. Nicol (A., P.), WV. Nicolson (A., P.), J. A. Paterson (M.),G. Pearson (A., P.), H. Robertson, M.A. (A., P.), R. Rodger (M.).J. L.1. Rowlands (A.), A. M'A. Scott (IM.), H. B. Sergeant (A., P.),,J. Shaw (A., P.), J. H. Slhearer (A., P.), T. R. Sinclair (M.), A. W.Smith (A., P.), C. L. Somerville (A., P.), J. Steel (M.), J. Steele (IM.),A. R. Steinberg (M.), P. A. Stewxart (A.), H. Sttuart, M.A. (A., P.).G. C. Swalnson (M.), D. Taylor (A., P.), H. W. Torrance (M.),W. H. Wallace (A., P.), R. R. AWaters (N.). R S. Weir (M.), J. P.White (A., P.), R. Wiggins (A., P.), G. Yotung (A., P.), W. Young(A., P.), Jalnetta M. Alexander (iA., P.), Maud C. Cairniey (M.),Winifred J. Crawford (M.).,Jean AM. Frew (A., P.), Margaret O'R.Gallagher (A.), Jessie C. Gilchrist (M1.). Margaret H. Glen (A., P.),Jean L. Hamilton (M.), Alison M. Hunter (A., P.), Grace. L.Hunter (A., P.), Elizabeth C. MI'Hafflie, M.A. (P.), Robina S.Mackinuon (A., P.), Jessie B. MIaclachlan (A., P.). Lilias Maclay(A., P'.), Mary X. Macb. Maclbean (MI.), Margaret K. Mitchell (M.).May I. T. Iteik (A., P.), Jessie N. Robertson (A., P.), Mary Scott(M.), Janie Stalker (AI), M1arion Watson (A., P.),- Mlary MacL.Weir, M A. (A., P.), Alison E,. Wilson (MI.JID AND lOUuJTH M.B.f (P., Pathology; M., Medical Jurispru-dence and Ptublic Health).-W. D. Allan (P.). W. Baird (P.),J. E. Baniiieni kP.), T. Blaekwood (P.), A. C. Brown (P.), H. D.Brown (P.), J. A, Btuchanan (P.), S. E. A. Btuckley (P.), D.Camiieroni (P.), D. Campbell, M.A.,B.Sc. (P.), D.S. Caumpbell (M.).W. Campbell (P., MI.) M. W. Cantor, B.Sc. (P., M.), J. Chalmners(P.), -). Clyde (P.), W. K.Coniiell (P.), A. 1'. Cook (P.), A. S. Cook(P.), WV. G. Cook (P.), J. N. Crniickshank (P.), J. F. Cunninigh}anm,M.A. (M.), R. Cunnin,ghamii (P.), A. Dick (M.), R. S. Dickie(P., M.), W. Doniald (1.), S. N. Dykes (P.), L. L. Fother-inghaiii (P.), M. H. Frewv (P.), D. G. Gardinier (M.), R. S.Gibson, B.Sc. (M.), N. WT. GilebIrist (M.), S. J. Henderson(P.), WV. Y. Jamiiieson (P., M.), S. Jolhiistone (P.), G. Kirk-hope (P.), J. C. Kniox, u3.Se. (M.) R. Kyle (P., M1.) J. A.Leiper (P.), IH. LindsaN, M1A.. (P.), H. L. M'Corlm-ick (P.,M.),1). K. MacDouigall (P.) D.M\'Farlanie( W.),J. W. Macfarlane(P.),J.M. Mlacfie(0M., J.MacIunes (P.),J. M\. MacKay (P.), K. S.\Macky (P.), A. F. M'Millan (P.), D. M'Neill (P., 21.), E. J.MacP'hail (P.), N. Morris. B.Sc. (P., 31.), A. Morton- (P.), J. H.Murray(M.), W. O'Brien (P.), A. W. Panton (P.), T. S. Paterson(M.. J. H. Paull,M.A., B.Sc. (P., 1.), W.J. Poole (M.), W. B.Primiirose (M1.), J. K., Rennie, B.Sc. (21.), J.1Rtichardson (P.),R.Rodger (P.), G.W. Ronaldson (P.), A. F. Ross (P.), K. M'A. Ross(P.), A.M'A. Scott (P.), WV. F. Shanks (M.) J. Steel (P.), J. Steele(P.), A.R. 'Steinberg (P.), W. 21. Stewart (P.), J. Stirling, B.Sc.(M.), G. C. Swanson (P.),R. Taylor (P.) II.WV. Torrance. (P.),J. D. Watsoni (P., 21.), IV. J. C. Watt (P.),R. J. Wilson (P.,M.).Christina B. Bachanan (P.) M;l1 d C. Cairiey (P.). Ann K.Coriiack(.), Winifred J. CraNvford (P.), Jane13. Davidson (P,),Jessie C. Gilchrist (P.), Jean L. Hamiilton (P.), JanetF. Hender-son(M.). Helen I.W. Kerr (P.), Dorothy 2T1'Cnbbin (P.,M.), MlaryA. Aacb. 2laclean (P.), Edlie C. M'Vie (P., .), Elizabeth S.Martin (P.J,Mlargaret K. Mitclell (P.), Janey L. Mlnro (M.),Helen Y. Mfurdoch,MA.A. (P.). Mary H.Ronitledge (P.),MaryScott (P.), MlaryI. Sisiclair(21., Ja.ne Stalker (1'.), Alison E.Wilson (P.), 2\arionB3. 1). Wilson (P.).

(-Old or News Ordinanices.


The lafe Sir Ch ristop)hler Nixon.The following resolution was adopted unianimously:Tlhie Senate hereby records its deep regret at the death of theRight Honi. Sir Christopher NixoIn,B3art.. M.D., LL.D., who asVice-Chanicellor of the University anid as its represenitative uponthe GeneralAledical ouneil anid other pnl)lic bodies has renderedinvaluable and uinfailinig service to the advancellnent of theUniversity since its inception; and the Senat2desires to offer tol. ady Nixoni and the other miieml-bers ofhler famiiily its miiost sinceresympathy withtlhemi in their bereavemenit.Anplointmlenfs.

Sir Arthur Chance, F.It.C.S.I., has been appointed to be am ember of the Senate, and Dr. Joseph F. O'Carroll a represen-tative of the Senlate on the governiing body of UniversityCollege, Dublini.The followin were appointed to the offices indicated:

S£oaghan, P. 2lacEnri (Johni P. Henry), M.D..2I.A., B.Ch., D.P.H.,Professorship) of Ophthalmology, and Otology, University College,Galway; Aliss Adeline English, MB., Lettureship in Mental Disease,Uniiversity College, Galway; Professor Brereton, Lectureship inOpierative Surgery, Universits y College, Galway; Joseph F.O'Carroll,M. .D.

. F.R.C.P.I.. Professorslip in Mledicine, University College.Dublin.A Travellisli Studelitship Examiiinationi in MHedicine (Physio-

logy) has beeis awarded toMlichael T. M),acMahon, M.Sc., M.B.,B3.Ch., B.A.O., of Univ-ersitv College, Dublin, and the Dr. Henry'HuLtchinson StewartMledicalSchola rship has been awarded toPatrick T. Murphy, of University College, Cork.

ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS OF LONDON.A COMITIA was held on Thursday, October 29th,Sirr ThoiasBarlow, Bart., K.C.V.O., the President, beinig in the chair.

d didis.iou ofM)emtbers.Thle following gen-itleien,hiavig passed the requcired examina-

tion, were admitted Menbers of the College:Phiilip Heinrich Barr, Mf.B.Camib_ L.R.C.P.;Vra'spillai Gabriel,

L.R.C.P.; Alfredlowell,l.D.Lond., L.R.C.P.; Ernest RivazHunt, 1.D.Casnib.. L.R(.C.P.; Hugh Basil Greaves Newham.L.R.C.P.;Jamees Herb6r't Rhodes, M'.B.Lond.. L.R.C.P.

Lice-neeS GraNted.Licences to practise phiysic were granted to sixty-seven

,gentleme.n who 1-ad passed the r'equisite examinations.

It wasreporte d that Mi. J.D.-M. Carde ellhadlbeenappointedIthe 22nd Jeniks Scholar.


Iharv ey.The gift by Sir R. Do.iglas Powell of a photograplh of the

painting by Yeames of Harvey at the battle of Edgehill, wasaccepted with the thanks of the College.

Venereal Diseases.It was resolved that the President of the College shoul(d

become, ex officio, a member of an Advisory Board to theNational Council for Combating Venereal Diseases.

Sale of N'ar1'cotics.-"A furthler report was received from the Censors Board coni-

cerning restrictions in the sale of opium aild other narcotics.The Board recommended that Clause 4 of their originial report,which- clause 'was xeferred back to.the Board at the QuarterlyJuLly College, shoul read as.follows:

*4. That with' regard to prescriptions wlhich, when fullyM:ade up, contain 1 per cen-t. (1 grain in 110 minims, whichis approximately 4.5 grains to the fluid ounce) or more ofthe alkaloids in question, and in the case of every prepara-tion intended for subcutanieous use, the doctor should statein his prescription the number of doses to be suipplied. T'heprescription shouldnot be dispensed more than once unilessat each renewal it isfulfy signed and dated by a- qualifiedmedical practitionier.

The report wvas adopted.

Colonial, Indian1, anilC Foreirpn UTnicersities.The Committee of-Mainagelmienit reported that the Committeehad had under contsiderationi the existiing regulation as to theadmission to the final exa.mination of atu[enits of ColoIial,Indian, anid foreign universities recoginized h)y thie Board. Itwas considered that the presenit requir.emeut was a hardship.A recommendation of the Committee that Clause IV should bealtered to read as followsvas adopted:

IV. Mlembers of Colonial, Indian, or foreign universitieswho shall have passed such an examination or examinationsat their uiniversities for the Degree of Doctor or BachielorofMedicine or Surgery as shall comprise the subjects ofthe first anid second examinations of the Examining Boardin Englanid, and who sliall have completed the curriculumof medical study required by the regulations of the Board,will,two years afterhaving passed suCl examinationis, beeligible for admission- to the third or final examination ofthe Board; any candidates so admitted to examination willbe required to pay a fee of twenty guinieas; and any suchcandidates who shall have passed the thir(t or final exam-iniation shall, on the further paymentofnot less thantwenity guineas, and subject tot,he by-laws of each college,be entitled to receive the Licencee of the Royal College ofPlhysicians of London and the Diploma of Member of theRoyal College of Surgeons of Englalnd.

Prince ofJTVales'sFTinl.On the recommenidation of the Finance Committee the Colleaeresolsed to contribute 200 guineas to the Priince of Wales's

Fund for relief of distress caused by thewar.

Co)mittee.of Ianoagemteu t.Dr. J. A. Ormerod was re-elected a member of the Committee

.of Management.After some furthler formal businiess the President dissolved

the Comitia.

CONJOINT BOARD IN SCOTLAND.THEfollowing have passed in the examinations indicated:First Exantination.-Mahmiond. A. K.lofreh,WX. B. Lawson, A. B.

MacDougall, E. E. Bronstorph, and Hassan A. Mladwar,and twopassed in Physics and three in Biology.

Secontd Examinatiot.-J. B. Minford, N. J. Lauibscher. H.Morley,R. Woodside, F. Jones, J. L. West, P. Vertannes, W. U. D.Longford, C. Pullan, G.M. S. Lindsay, and three passed inAnatom y, and five in Physiology.

Third Examinaation.-E. P. Dewar. G. T. Makhijauii, Y. N. Kadami,C.-E.M eryon, J.R. B.Robb,W . G. Bowie,M. A. White, A.E.Elliott, and three passed in Materia Medica.Fincal Examination.-A. B. Hawkins, F.WV. Heyworth, N. H.Brewster,W. H.O'Grady, J.R Fleniing, G. C. S. Perera, W. C.Fraser. A.E. James, L. 0. Weinman, A. A. Murison, J. Martin,G. L. Pierce. W. S. O'Loughlin, KhusruR.M ehta, and fouirpaBssed in Medicine, ten in Surgery, twelvein Midwifery,andeleven in Medical Jurisprudence.

SOCIETY OF APOTHECARIES OF LONDON.THE following candidates have passedl in the examinationsindicated:SuRn,GEiy.-* J. A. A. Boidy,*A.M.M f. Burt,-*tP. H.BuLrtont ,

--W. Brown *C. H. Fischel, *J. Stephensosi.MEmDI NE.-IW. Brown, `H. H. Fairfax. -C. H. Fisclel, *N. X.


G. Robinson,(t-J. Stephension,'t W. C. S. Wood,IA. K.1 S. Wyborn.FORERNSICMEDICINE.-W. Andrew,- C. E. Clark, A. J. Fraderldorff,N. Hoffmeister. G. Robinson, J. Stephenson, WV. C. S Wood

MIDWIFERY -A. U. L. Bennett, 21. 21. Burt, C. S. Dodson, J.Stephenson, W. C. S. Wood.

Section I. f Section If.The diploma of the Society has beeni granted to the followin-g

candidates, entitling them to practise Medicine, -urtory, andMidwifery: P.e. IR. Burto and J. Stephenson.

Nov. I, I9I4 MEDICAL NEWS. [THimBRIT RIq 819It 19141 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~MEDICALJOURNAL

Queen's College in 1860, wlhere lhe won the entranceclassical sclholarship; during hlis medical course hie gainedlnumllierous prizes, and lheld the Malcolm Exhibition initheold Royal Hospital; in 1864 he took the degree of M.D.witli second class lhonours, and shortly afterwards comi-mlenced private practice in Belfast, wliere lie workeduninterruptedly.

Dr. McMurtry .lad a large practice; he was muchbeloved and respected by hiis patients, and trusted as fewmiiedical men are; he was cultured in the true sense -f theword, well read, andl a good linguist. He was an ardentteetotaler, alnd contributed both to the medical societiesand lay press many articles, all characterized by soundcoiimmon sense and scientific knowledge; the first anti-alcolhol nmanifesto fromii the medical profession in theUnited Kingdclomii was issued at his suggestion almostfifty years ago, althouglh the initiative was taken byMr. Robert Ree, of tlle National Temperance League,London. Dr. McMunrtrv was for hiis whole professionallife a logical, streniuous, and consistent opponent of tlleuse of alcohol as a beverage; this steadfastness of purposealnd fixitv of character and resolution would alone con-s,titute a claim to a high place in our estimation. Tlhe-profession and the public want such mell; some mayregret that, lie did not strike higller in his efforts, that hiisambition was not equial to his powers. Few mien, however,lhave died so respected and so beloved.He leaves a wiclow, six daughters, and one son, witl

whIlomi muclh symnpathy is felt.


ON October 22nd there passed away, at Rugby-, Dr. JamiesHerbert Simpsonl, whio was for thirty-five years one of theleading general practitioners in the Midlands. He wasborn in Yorkshire sixty-four years aao, and edlucated atSt. Barthioloimecw's anid Aberdeeni Uniiversitv, wlhere hlegraduated NI.B., B.C. in 1876. In that year h-e settled inRugby as partnler to tlle late Dr. S. B. Bucknill, a nanmehonourably associated with Rugby for many generations.Dr. Simpson graduated M.D.Aberd. in 1878 and took thecliplomas of M.R.C.S. anid L;S.A. in 1876.He was a man -who earned for himuself, by his own

personal mierits and* onsci6ntious devotion to hiis prQ-fession, the love, respect, and esteem of a large number ofpeople, botlh richi and poor, in Rugby and the immediateneiglhbourlhood, whliere lhe built up a large practice. Hewas a type of tlle best class of general practitioner,extremely miiethodical in all hlis transactions, punctual inhiis work, sound in business, and thoroughlly upright.He was one of the early pioneers of tlle St. Johln Amibu-lance Association, and his work in connexioil witlh thatsociety anid the London and Nortl-Westerni Railway (towhich lhe was surgeon) will long be remembered.He was also a zealous Freemason, was Past Master of

tlle Lodge of Rectitude, No. 502, Past Grand Warden ofWarwickshire, anld a generous contributor to the RoyalMasoniic Benevolent Institution.Four years ago his hlealtl gave way and he was

reluctantly compelled to give up practice.He is survived by one daughter and two sons, one of

whlom is a master at Rugby Schlool and the otlher atTonbridge Schlool.

DR. HERBERT E. RAYNER, wlho died after a slhort illnessat Briglhton, retired iiearly two years ago fromu active pro-fessional work after a breakdown in healtlh. He had sofar recovered, lhowever, that a few days before hiis deatlhhe had offered himnself to the War Office for miiedicalservice at tle front. Dr. Rayner, wlho was in hlis 50thyear, was a, student of the Londo* Hospital, and took thediplomas of L.R.C.P. and M.R.C.S. in 1885 anid of F.R.C.S.in 1891. He was house-physician and clinical assistant inthe out-patient department of tlle London Hospital andafterwards surgical registrar and anaestlhetist at the Hos-pital for Sick Cllildren, Great Ormond Street, and clinicalassistant at the Royal Ophthalmic Hospital at Moorfields.Dr. Rayner had a large practice at Camberley and tookaii active part in the public life of that district.For tlhree consecutive years (1899-1902) he wasclhairman of thle Frimley Urbau District Council, andduring that time was chairman of tlle Sanitary Coin-

iiittee. On the comupletion of hiis period of office lieretired from the Coincil. He re entered it in 1905, andonice more became its chairman in 1911, an office lhe con-tiniued to hold till he gave up practice in 1913. He was atolne time medical officer and public vacciniator for tlleFrimley district. Dr. Rayner was one of the best all-round sportsmiien in the distirict; he was tlle foulnder ofthe Camberley Hospital Football Cup Competition, aniddonor of the handsome " Rayner " Chlallenige Cuip, one ofthe best football troplhies in England. The Comnmittec ofthe Cottage Hospital recognized hiis generosity by lnaniilg'after him a bed at the institutioni. Dr. Rayner wasalso a vice-president of the Caniiberley and YorktownFootball Club, and the now defunct Cam-lberley St. George'sFootball Club. He had hiimself, inl his younger days, beenia streniuous player, and before lie took up hiis residenice atCamberley was one of tlle fouLnders of a West of Englandfootball club whiclh has since developed ilnto one ofthe leading professional clubs. He was aln enthusiasticcri-keter, a keen motorist. and fond of yachting. As amedical nman Dr. Rayner was mnuclh beloved by hispatients, and hiis clheerful manner always did mucIh tobrighten the sick room. He leaves a widowv and famiiily,for wlhom the greatest sympathy is felt in tlleir bereave-ment. At- tlhe ftuneral, whichli was largely attendedalthoucgh it-took place in a lheavy downpour of rain, tlhedistriot counicil and other local public institutions wererepresented.

WE regret to have to record thle deatlh of Dr. WALLIS,wllich occurred at Leiston, Suffolk, on October 27th.Edward Darby Wallis was born at Bodnmini, Cornwall, in1847, anid after passing through Uniiversity College toolkthe diploma of M.R.C.S. In 1872 lie went to Suffoll,wlhere he spent the wlhole of his professional life. He lheldseveral public appointntments, including tllat of medicalofficer of lhealtlh to the Leiston Urbaln District Council, anidwas honorary surlgeoin to the Aldenbanm and Tlhorpe Con-valescent Honle. He leaves a widow and seven children,one of whom is a lietutenant in the R.A.M.C., and is now.serving at the front. Tlle funeral took place at Leiston,whlen there was a large and representative gathering totestify to the higil esteem long enijoyed by Dr. Wallis.

e-taticat__4setu?3DR. J. G. GORDON-MUNN, M.D., F.R.S.E., of Heigliam

Hall, Norwich, and(I Weybourne Court, Norfolk, has beenselecte(d as the newv Lor(d Mayor of Norwich for the coiiiingyear. Dr. Gordlon-Munni is t,he first nmedical Lordl Mayorof Norwich, thoughl Sir Peter Eade, M.D., F.R.C.P., filledlthe office of Mayor in 1893.DR. W. J. HOWARTH, Medical Officer of Health for the

City of London, will read a paper at the meeting of theSociety of Medical Officers of Health on Novemberl13th onthe marking of meat. Dr. Howartlh will discuss directionsin which the administrative measutres with regard to theexamnination of meat can be improved.THE new University of Franlifort has been formally

opened, notwithstanding the war. Among -the appoint-nients to the medlcal faculty are the following: ExcellenzPaul Ehrlich to the chair of experimental therapeutics;Karl Herxheimer to that of dlermato-syphilograplly;Lrudwig Edinger to that of nieurology; and Ludwig Rehnto that of clinical surgery. The total number of professorsin the faculty is fifteen.IT is announced that the award of the Nobel prizes for

medicine, literature, chemistry, and physics will be post-poned till next year. When will the Peace Prize beawarded? It is proposed in future to make the formaldistribution of the prizes every year in June instead ofDecember 10th, the anniversary of M. Nobel's death,when the awards will merely be announced.WE have received from Mr. H. K. Lewis, of 136, Gower

Street, London, a "LList of Medical Journals " convenientlygroupe(d under subjects and giving the subscription rates.It was compiled and printed before the European crisisbecame acute, and journals issued in enemy countriescannot at present be supplied. Though the list includesnearly 300 names, only the leading publications areincluded.THE work of the Dundee Medical Service, set up to

take the work of practitioners- on military service, durinig

820 TDirAL JrrifL] LETTERS, NOTES, AND ANSWEflR. [NOv. 7, I9I4J_ _A

the eiglht weels to the endl of the quarter, was as follows:Cases attended at lhomiie, 1,539; conflnements, 60; attend-ances at the central consulting-rooms (daily average), 113.The number of medical hours at the consulting-rooms was614, and the number of hours' work estimated for theVisits, 1,026, giving a total -of 1.640 hours. The amouLntclistributed in payment, excluding conflnements, was £408.The expelnses to dlate amount to £54 4s. 7d' (telephones,£19 4s. 9d.; wages, etc., £24 15s. ; stationery, etc.,£11 4s. lOd.). About 40 per cent. of the profession are-nowon military-service. Those who remain are eaclh makingover ten extra visfis daily.A CERTAIN nuumber of Belgian professors and a growingnumber of students from Louvain, Li6ge, Ghent, and

BrLussels are now in Cambridge, and although it hasproved impossible for the Louvain University to transferits corporate and official existence to Cambridge, unofficialcourses have been instituted, combining, as far as possible,systematic instruction on the lines of the Belgian Uni-versities 'with the individual requirements of refugeestudents. In view of the appeal issued by the BelgianGovernment for voluinteers, it has been decided,'in con-sultation -with the Belgian Government, that only suchstudents as are physically unflt for nmilitary service or}ave been rejected for other reasons by the Belgianauthorities, and are in possession of a certificate to thateffect, can be accepted by the hospitality and acade,miccommittees.AT the autumn meeting of the Midland and Nortliern

Division of the Medico-Psychological Assodiation held at'Wye House, Buxton, by invitation of Dr. Graenre Dickson,on October 22nd, Dr. R. C. Stewart opened a discussion onRestraint in Mental Di-sease. He considered brieflymiechanical restraint, the use of single rooms, the quiestionof loclied doors in asylums, and the treatment by sedatives.He was of opinion tlhat everything that toolk away the feel-ing of restraint tendled to beneflt the patien't. During' thediscussion it- was generally agreed 'that the difti6ulty'offinding a suitable means of restraint arose in chroniccases. The' use of verandahs and sleeping out of doors fornoisy patiellts were considered beneflcial. The variousforms of sedatives in use were mentioned, and specialreference was nmadle to the use of brom-li(les.THE Professional Classes War Relief Council has been

fornmed to give assistance to men and women of the pro-fessional classes who bave been severely embarrassed bythe war. The chief forms of assistance which it has beendecided to give are connected with training for productivework, education of children, and maternity aid. Thecoulncil has already a maternity nursing home at 13,Prince's Gate, a beautiful house kindlly lent for thepurpose by Mr., J. Pierp6-nt',oran.. The home has avoluintary miedical staff ofiW vwell-kno-n medical menand women, and a voluntary nursing staff of certificatednurses. It is l1i,ped that in timue similar homes miay beestablished in the provinces. The council'also proposesto give help by way of supplying free nmaternity nurses,arranging for free medical attendance, and providingmaternity necessaries. The committee under which thescheme is working has Mrs. Scharlieb, M.D., as chairman,and among the members are Sir Francis Champneysand Dr. Samuel West, Treasurer of the Royal MedicalBenevolent Fund.THE Government Colmmittee for the Relief of Distress

has issuLed a circular to local representative commnitteessuggesting that women members of the committee shouldbe detailed to interview expectant and nursing mothers,and that no discrimination should be made betweenmarried anid unimarried. If assistance is found to benecessary, care should be talien that the women aresupplied with proper nourishment and to make certainthat the women themselves benefit by it. It is suggestedthat local repres1entative committees should utilize thenachinery of- existinjg organizations for the provision ofmeals, defraying the actual cost of meals so supplied.Where medical assistanee is required the case should forthis purpose be referied' to the local sanitary authoritywhich is e'mpowered -fo supply such assistance. Allmaternity cases shoul'd be recommended to attendnlaternity centres when such have been established. TheCentral Comiittee on Women's Employment is arranging,as an expe'riment, for'the training of a number of womenas household h'elps, and a grant in aid of this scheme hasbeen made from the' Queen's Fund. It is suggested thatlocal representative committees should consider theadvisability of organizinig such a scheme in their districts.The secretary of the Government Committee is Mr. A. V.Symonds, Local Government Board,'Whitehall, S.WV. TheSubcommlittee for London has issued a modlel scheme foradministering relief adopted bzrsbomtesi hmetropolitan area. ~ r ~ucmite in the~'~' ~~'~ '-''

|3JErttevz, 4gotcs, aItb AI~terUt.TELEGRAPHIC ADDRESS.-The telegrailhic addlress of the EDITOR ofthe BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL is Aitology, West rand, Londov. Thatelegraphlc address Qf the BITInnisi MEDICAL JOURNAL is Articu(late.Westrand. Londo01.


Quter^ies, answvers, aud(I Cou7uiinucatio:Is relatintg to sitbjectsto which special departiueuts of the BaITISII MEDICATL JOURNALare devoted Iwill be fooaud umder their resl)ective headilys.

QUERIES.J. (Mainchlester) asks for suggestions for thie ti-eatmenit of

syringomeyelia, with great pain in arms au(d feet ain(d pro-gressive inabilitv in walkiiig.

M.B. asks for information as to non-operative treatment of acase of enlarged non-malignant prostate in a man, aged 60.Can x rays or high-frequenCv currents, he asks, be trusted,and are'they- advisable? Is such treatment painful andprolongd& .

MLB. would -like information on -treatmenit (niedicinal aulddietetic) of-a case of periodic attacks of perihepatitis ini aprofessional man, aged 37, who is an abstainer, has ne-verbeen a,broad, and has never had syphilis. The usual rem-le-dies onlly give temporary relief. There is pain over theregion of the liver, worse at night; he lhas heavy breathduring attacks, and is losinig flesh; lie suffers also from dilatedstomach.


BREAD FOR DIABETICS.M.-Brusson Jeune diabetic bread must inot be regarded as aremedy for diabetes, or as possessedi of any therapeutic piro-perties that would be likely to make its use effect a reductionin the quantity of -sugar. Its advantage is that each roll coIn-tains a known quantity of starch equal to about 500 grains, sothat if a patient is being allowed a diet containiing a definlitequantity of carbohydrate food as is the modern method ofdieting, these rolls are convenient; they are well made anidare palatable. For. examrple, a patient imiay be allowe(d1,500 grainis of carbohydrate daily, wllich may be obtaiined Ibyallowinig him-

1 Brussoni Jeulne roll... .. 500 grains1 pint of milk ... ... 4001 lb. of potatoes ... 400

In addition he may get a little carbohydrate from green vegetables, or perhaps from such fruilt as!a baked apple, lwhichwould make it pl) to- about 1,500 griinis. Th6 nilnor flucitua-tions that occtur in the amount of uugai' excretId bv -adiabeticoften depeiid upon other conditionl.---apart from diet; T[lieBrusson JeUI1e rolls inow bein- napde in Englana"aie prac-tically identical with those--fori6e-r nia(ld.: in Fiance, 'lutthey can only be recommenlded IthEir te is stricth, limitedas above described to the amoiifit of carbo`h drate *hichl it isdesiredl to allow in aiiy gixen case


THE PRAC.TITIONEft ANND tHE.N-Fw " PHARP.1ACOPOI .7xDR. WM. V. FURLONG (Dublin) xwites Dr. McWalterhas quite rightly drawn attention to tlib interterence withiithepresent strengths of somre of the most-i-mipoitant tinotiures inthe present Phta ruiracopoeia, and -no dohibt, anuv suclh Anterfer-ence will be very serious, both to tlie pescxiberia`nd lispatients. If there were aiiy object to be gaiied bj this altera-tion one would quite understand it, but the -same thinghappened in the Phlarmiacopoeia of 1898, wheie the strengtliswere altered from the former edition, and few pharmacistswould refer to the date of their pres-criptions to modify thetinctures. Accordingly it will be uncertain whether thepatient gets the dose intende(T or niot, and in this state ofuncertainty many may prefer to order definite quailtities ofthe drug itself, in tablet forni, fearing to trust the uncertainltyof changing Phar)miacopocias.


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An average lin1e contain1s Si.Y wrlds.All remittances by Post Office Orders muiast be made payable tO

the British Medical Association at the General Post Office, London.NO responsibility Will be aCCep)ted fOr anyZ such remittance not sosafeguarded.. .- -,Advertisements shoul1d be deliVered,- addressed tO th1e Manager,429,Sitrand,LXOndOn,notlater thagnthefirstpotonWednesday monOringPreC.eding PUbliCatiOn, and, if nlot paid for at the time, should beaccompanied byr a referen1ce.-bIOTE.--1t .ia againat.tha rules Of. the Post OffiCe tO rVeceiVevosteu

restasito lettersa@dfressed either in initials&a-nmiers.
