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JS digest. February 2017

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JS Digest. February 2017 by Oleksandr Oliynyk, software developer at ElifTech
Page 1: JS digest. February 2017

JS Digest.February 2017

by Oleksandr Oliynyk, software developer at ElifTech

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Image manipulating in pure JSES7 and ES8 FeaturesGradient Animations made easyNativeScript v.2.5 releaseNext-generation 3D Graphics on the

WebProject of the Week: Beaker

BrowserV8 Release 5.7

● Twitter's React-Based Mobile Web Stack Rivals Native Performance

● JavaScript in 2017 – Beyond the Browser

● framework for building command line applications (cli) with node.js

● Microsoft Makes it Easy to Create JavaScript Web Apps with New Tool

● Fresh Resources for Web Developers

● MVP for webAssembly is completed

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Image manipulating in pure JS*

JIMP - The "JavaScript Image Manipulation Program" :-)

image processing library written entirely in JavaScript for Node, with zero external or native dependencies.

available to use in web browsers and Electron applications

Jimp.read("lenna.png").then(function (lenna) { lenna.resize(256, 256) // resize .quality(60) // set JPEG quality .greyscale() // set greyscale .write("lena-small-bw.jpg"); // save}).catch(function (err) { console.error(err);});


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ES7 and ES8 Features*

ES71. Array.prototype.includes

2. Exponentiation Operator (**)

ES8 (stage 4 and stage 3)1. Object.values/Object.entries

2. String padding (padStart(), padEnd() )

3. Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors (allows to create real shallow copies of objects)

4. Trailing commas in function parameter lists and calls

5. Async Functions

*https://node.university/blog/498412/es7-es8?utm_source=nodeweekly&utm_medium=email active ES proposals - https://github.com/tc39/proposals/blob/master/README.md#active-proposals finished ES proposals - https://github.com/tc39/proposals/blob/master/finished-proposals.md

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… more about descriptors

1.Data descriptor

2.Accessor descriptor

let azatsBooks = {

books: ['React Quickly'],

get latest () { /* some function */ }





books: Object

configurable: true

enumerable: true

value: Array[1]

writable: true

__proto__: Object

latest: Object

configurable: true

enumerable: true

get: latest()

set: undefined

__proto__: Object

__proto__: Object

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Gradient Animations made easy*

<!-- Create a <canvas> element --><canvas id="granim-canvas"></canvas>

<!-- Call the script --><script src="granim.min.js"></script>

<!-- Create a Granim instance --><script>var granimInstance = new Granim({ element: '#granim-canvas', name: 'granim', opacity: [1, 1], states : { "default-state": { gradients: [ ['#834D9B', '#D04ED6'], ['#1CD8D2', '#93EDC7'] ] } }});</script>


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NativeScript v.2.5 release*

that’s cool, no?! (:

Next-generation 3D Graphics on the Web**

new community group proposed by Apple

can we make new standard API for Direct3D 12 from Microsoft, Metal from Apple, and Vulkan from the Khronos Group)

WebGL -> WebGL2 -> ...WebGPU?* https://www.nativescript.org/blog/nativescript-25-is-now-available ** https://webkit.org/blog/7380/next-generation-3d-graphics-on-the-web/

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Electron, project of the Week: Beaker Browser*

peer-to-peer web browser (No servers required!)

uses the Dat (Decentralized Archive Transport) protocol to host sites from users’ devices V8 Release 5.7**

Native async functions as fast as promises (in Node since v.7.6)

ES2015 improvements

RegExp 15 % faster

New library features (padStart() and padEnd())

WebAssembly enabled

* https://electron.atom.io/blog/2017/02/07/beaker-browser ** https://v8project.blogspot.com/2017/02/v8-release-57.html

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Twitter goes Node.js*!

switched all of their mobile web front-end users to a modern, JavaScript-based web stack

built atop React with Node.js and Express handling the server side (PWA)

JavaScript in 2017 – Beyond the Browser**● let’s review some data...

* https://goo.gl/6D2Xt1 ** http://developer.telerik.com/topics/web-development/javascript-2017-beyond-browser/

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Node.js & npm

Overall, large enterprises do not like maintaining multiple development systems and language, and Node allows these companies to consolidate on a single language for all of their development

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PhoneGap and Cordova

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Native mobile apps

React Native weekly downloads

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Native mobile apps (cont.)

NativeScript weekly downloads

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Native Mobile Apps (cont.)

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Desktop apps

● main players - NW.js and Github’s Electron

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Building cli applications (cli) with node.js*● new framework

● 19 days at Git and 1,500 stars

#!/usr/bin/env nodeconst prog = require('caporal');prog .version('1.0.0') .command('concat') // concat files .option('-f <file>', 'File to concat', prog.REPEATABLE) .action(function(args, options) {



// Usage:// ./myprog concat -f file1.txt -f file2.txt -f file3.txt

* https://github.com/mattallty/Caporal.js

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JS surprise from MicroSoft*

●It is called ‘dotnet new’

●part of the .NET Core Tools and is used to spin up a new project using a simple command line syntax

●E.g.: “dotnet new reactredux”

●All of these project types use Webpack 2 (except aurelia)

●still using Node.js via the use of SpaServices :)

* https://goo.gl/XO3Eot

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WebAssembly API MVP is complete

●On February 28, the four major browsers announced their consensus that the MVP of WebAssembly is complete

●This provides a stable initial version that browsers can start shipping



* https://hacks.mozilla.org/2017/02/where-is-webassembly-now-and-whats-next/

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"[A]ny application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript." (Jeff Atwood)

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Thank you for attention!

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