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Juan Carlos I of Spain

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    Juan Carlos

    King of Spain (more)

    Reign 22 November 1975 19 June


    Enthronement 27 November 1975

    Predecessor Alfonso XIII (as king)

    Alejandro Rodrguez de Valcrcel

    (Acting Head of State)

    Successor Felipe VI

    Prime Ministers

    Spouse Sophia of Greece and Denmark



    Elena, Duchess of Lugo

    Cristina, Duchess of Palma de


    Felipe VI of Spain

    Full name

    Juan Carlos Alfonso Vctor Mara de Borbn y

    Borbn-Dos Sicilias

    House House of Bourbon[1][2]

    Father Infante Juan, Count of Barcelona

    Mother Princess Mara de las Mercedes

    of Bourbon-Two Sicilies

    Born 5 January 1938

    Juan Carlos I of SpainFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Juan Carlos(Spanish pronunciation: [xwankarlos];[a]JuanCarlos Alfonso Vctor Mara de Borbn y Borbn-DosSicilias, born 5 January 1938) reigned as King of Spain

    from 22 November 1975 to 19 June 2014, when heabdicated in favour of his son, Felipe VI.

    Dictator Francisco Franco took over the government ofSpain from the short-lived Second Spanish Republic byforce in 1939, and ruled as "Regent to the [exiled] King ofSpain". In 1969 he nominated Juan Carlos, grandson of

    King Alfonso XIII, to be the next head of state,[3]by-passing his father, and expecting him to continue his ownauthoritarian regime. Juan Carlosbecame King on 22

    November 1975, two days after Franco's death, the firstreigning monarch since 1931. Soon after enthronement, JuanCarlos introduced reforms to dismantle the Francoist regimeandbegin the Spanish transition to democracy. This led tothe approval of the Spanish Constitution of 1978 in areferendum, which established a constitutional monarchy.Juan Carlos also played a major role in 1981 in preventing acoup which attempted to revert to Francoist government inthe King's name.

    During his reign Juan Carlos served as the president of theIbero-American States Organization, representing over 700million people in its 24 member nations of Spain, Portugal,and their former Americancolonies. In 2008, he was

    considered the most popular leader in all Ibero-America.[4]

    Juan Carlos married Princess Sofa of Greece and Denmarkin 1962, with whom he has three children and eightgrandchildren. King Juan Carlos and Queen Sofa retain the

    title and style they enjoyed during his reign.[5]


    1 Early life

    1.1 Brother's death

    1.2 Education

    2 Prince of Spain (19691975)

    See list

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    Rome, Italy


    Religion Roman Catholicism

    Spanish Royal Family

    HM The King

    HM The Queen

    HRH The Princess of Asturias

    HRH Infanta Sofa

    HM King Juan Carlos I

    HM Queen Sofa

    HRH The Duchess of LugoHE Don Felipe

    HE Doa Victoria

    HRH The Duchess of Palma de


    HE The Duke of Palma de Mallorca

    HE Don Juan

    HE Don Pablo

    HE Don Miguel

    HE Doa Irene

    HRH The Duchess of Badajoz

    HE Doa Simoneta

    HE The Viscount de la Torre

    HE Don Bruno

    HE Don Luis

    HE Don Fernando

    3 Restoration of the monarchy

    4 Role in contemporary Spanish politics

    4.1 2007 Ibero-American Summit

    4.2 Botswana hunting trip

    5 Family and private life

    6 Health

    7 Budget of the royal house

    8 Abdication

    8.1 Reactions

    9 Titles, styles, honours and arms

    9.1 Arms

    10 Ancestors

    11 See also

    12 Notes

    13 References

    14 Further reading

    15 External links

    Early life

    Juan Carlos was born to Infante Juan, Count of Barcelona,

    and Princess Mara Mercedes of Bourbon-Two Sicilies inRome, Italy, where his grandfather, King Alfonso XIII ofSpain, and other members of the Spanish Royal Family livedin exile following the proclamation of the Second SpanishRepublic in 1931. He was baptized as Juan Carlos AlfonsoVctor Mara de Borbn y Borbn-Dos Sicilias. He wasgiven the name Juan Carlos after his father and maternalgrandfather, Prince Carlos of Bourbon-Two Sicilies.

    His early life was dictated largely by the political concerns of

    his father and General Franco. He moved to Spain in 1948to be educated there after his father persuaded Franco to

    allow it.[6]He began his studies in San Sebastin andfinished them in 1954 at the San Isidro Institute in Madrid.He then joined the army, doing his officer training from 1955to 1957 at the Military Academy of Zaragoza.

    Juan Carlos has two sisters: Infanta Pilar, Duchess ofBadajoz (born 1936), and Infanta Margarita, Duchess ofSoria (born 1939). He also had a younger brother, Alfonso.

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    HRH The Duchess of Soria and HernaniHE The Duke of Soria and Hernani

    HE Don Alfonso

    HE Doa Mara

    HRH The Dowager Duchess of Calabria

    HRH The Duke of Calabria

    HRH The Duchess of Calabria

    Juan Carlos de Borbn, painting byAugusto Ferrer-Dalmau (2014)

    Brother's death

    On the evening of Holy Thursday, 29 March 1956, JuanCarlos's younger brother Alfonso died in a gun accident atthe family's home Villa Giralda in Estoril, Portugal. TheSpanish Embassy in Portugal then issued the following

    official communiqu:[7]

    Whilst His Highness Prince Alfonso was cleaning a

    revolver last evening with his brother, a shot was fired

    hitting his forehead and killing him in a few minutes.

    The accident took place at 20.30 hours, after the

    Infante's return from the Maundy Thursday religious

    service, during which he had received holy communion.

    Juan Carlos's younger brother Alfonso had won a local junior golftournament earlier on the day, then went to evening Mass and rushed upto the room to see Juan Carlos who had come home for the Easterholidays from military school. It is alleged that Juan Carlos began playingwith a gun that had apparently been given to Alfonso by General

    Franco.[8][9]Rumors appeared in newspapers that the gun had actuallybeen held by Juan Carlos at the moment the shot was fired.

    As they were the only two in the room it is unclear how Alfonso was shotbut according to Josefina Carolo, dressmaker to Juan Carlos's mother,Juan Carlos pointed the pistol at Alfonso and pulled the trigger, unawarethat the pistol was loaded. Bernardo Arnoso, a Portuguese friend of JuanCarlos, also said that Juan Carlos fired the pistol not knowing that it wasloaded, and adding that the bullet ricocheted off a wall hitting Alfonso inthe face. Helena Matheopoulos, a Greek author who spoke with JuanCarlos's sister Pilar, said that Alfonso had been out of the room andwhen he returned and pushed the door open, the door knocked Juan

    Carlos in the arm causing him to fire the pistol.[10][11]


    In 1957, Juan Carlos spent a year in the naval school at Marn, Pontevedra, and another in the Air Force school inSan Javier in Murcia. In 196061 he studied Law, International Political Economy and Public Finance at

    Complutense University.[12]He then went to live in the Palace of Zarzuela, and began carrying out officialengagements.

    Prince of Spain (19691975)

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    Juan Carlos de Borbn in 1971

    Royal Standard as Prince of Spain

    Juan Carlos I of Spain on a 100peseta coin from 1988

    The dictatorial regime of Francisco Franco came to power during the Spanish Civil War, which pitted democrats,anarchists, socialists, and communists,supported in part by the Soviet Unionand by international volunteers,against conservatives, monarchists,nationalists, and fascists, supported

    by both Hitler and Mussolini, with thelatter group ultimately emergingsuccessful with the support ofneighbouring Portugal and the majorEuropean Axis powers of Fascist

    Italy and Nazi Germany.[13]Franco'sfascist government remaineddominant in Spain until the 1960s.With Franco's increasing age, left-

    wing protests increased, while at the same time, the far right factionsdemanded the return of a hardline absolute monarchy. At the time, the heir

    to the throne of Spain was Juan de Borbn (Count of Barcelona), the son ofthe late Alfonso XIII.[14]However, General Franco viewed him with

    extreme suspicion, believing him to be a liberal who was opposed to his regime.[15]

    Juan Carlos's cousin Alfonso, Duke of Anjou and Cdiz, was also brieflyconsidered as a candidate. Alfonso was known to be an ardent Francoistand would marry Franco's granddaughter, Doa Mara del Carmen

    Martnez-Bordi y Franco in 1972.[16]

    Ultimately, Franco decided to skip a generation and name Juan de

    Borbn's son, Prince Juan Carlos, as his personal successor. Francohoped the young prince could be groomed to take over the nation while

    still maintaining the ultraconservative nature of his regime.[14]In 1969,Juan Carlos was officially designated heir-apparent and was given the

    new title of Prince of Spain (not the traditional Prince of Asturias). [14]As a condition of being named heir-apparen

    he was required to swear loyalty to Franco's Movimiento Nacional, which he did with little outward hesitation.[17]

    His choice was ratified by the Spanish parliament on 22 July 1969.[18]

    Juan Carlos met and consulted Franco many times while heir apparent and often took part in official and ceremoni

    state functions standing alongside the dictator, much to the anger of hardline republicans and more moderateliberals, who hoped that Franco's death would bring in an era of reform. During 19691975, Juan Carlos publiclysupported Franco's regime. Although Franco's health worsened during those years, whenever he did appear in

    public, from state dinners to military parades, it was in Juan Carlos's company as he continued to praise Franco an

    his government for the economic growth and positive changes in Spain.[19]However, as the years progressed, JuaCarlos began meeting secretly with political opposition leaders and exiles, who were fighting to bring liberal reformto the country. He also had secret conversations with his father over the telephone. Franco, for his part, remainedlargely oblivious to the prince's actions and denied allegations from his ministers and advisors that Juan Carlos was

    in any way disloyal to his vision of the regime.[20]

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    Royal trips of King Juan Carlos I from 1975 until 2010.

    During periods of Franco's temporary incapacity in 1974 and 1975 Juan Carlos was acting head of state. Near

    death, on 30 October 1975, Franco gave full control to Juan Carlos.[14]On 22 November, following Franco'sdeath, the Cortes Generales proclaimed Juan Carlos King of Spain. In his speech of 22 November 1975, JuanCarlos spoke of three factors: the historical tradition, national laws, and the will of the people, and in so doing

    referred to a process dating back to the Civil War of 193639.[14]On 27 November, a Mass of the Holy Spiritwas celebrated in the church of San Jernimo el Real in Madrid to inaugurate his reign. He opted not to call himsel

    Juan III or Carlos V, but Juan Carlos I.[21][14]

    Restoration of the monarchy

    Juan Carlos's accession met with relativellittle parliamentary opposition. Somemembers of the Movimiento Nacionalvoted against recognising him, and moreagainst the 1976 Law for Political ReformBut even most Movimiento members

    supported both measures.[22]Juan Carlosquickly instituted reforms, to the greatdispleasure of Falangist and conservative(monarchist) elements, especially in themilitary, who had expected him to maintaithe authoritarian state. In July 1976, Juan

    Carlos dismissed prime minister Carlos Arias Navarro, who had been attempting to continue Francoist policies in

    the face of the king's attempts at progress.[23]He instead appointed Adolfo Surez, a former leader of theMovimiento Nacional, as prime minister, who would go on to win the following year's election and become the firs

    democratically elected leader of the new regime.[24]

    On 20 May 1977, the leader of the only recently legalized Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE), FelipeGonzlez, accompanied by Javier Solana, visited Juan Carlos in the Zarzuela Palace. The event represented a key

    endorsement of the monarchy from Spain's political left, who had been historically republican.[25]Left-wing suppofor the monarchy grew when the Communist Party of Spain was legalized shortly thereafter, a move Juan Carlos

    had pressed for, despite enormous right-wing military opposition at that time, during the Cold War.[26]

    On 15 June 1977, Spain held its first post-Franco democratic elections. In 1978, the government promulgated anew constitution that acknowledged Juan Carlos as rightful heir of the Spanish dynasty and king; specifically, Title

    II, Section 57 asserted Juan Carlos' right to the throne of Spain by dynastic succession in the Bourbon tradition, a"the legitimate heir of the historic dynasty" rather than as the designated successor of Franco. [27][28]TheConstitution was passed by the democratically elected Constituent Cortes, ratified by the people in a referendum (

    December) and then signed into law by the King before a solemn meeting of the Cortes.[29]

    Further legitimacy was restored to Juan Carlos' position on 14 May 1977, when his father (whom manymonarchists had recognized as the legitimate, exiled King of Spain during the Franco era) formally renounced hisclaim to the throne and recognized his son as the sole head of the Spanish Royal House, transferring to him thehistorical heritage of the Spanish monarchy, thus making Juan Carlos both de factoand de jureking in the eyes o

    the traditional monarchists.[30]

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    A 5000 Spanish peseta note with the image of King Juan Carlos.

    There was an attempted military coup, known as 23-F, on 23 February 1981, when the Cortes were seized bymembers of the Guardia Civil in the parliamentary chamber. During the coup, the King, in the uniform of theCaptain-General of the Spanish armed forces, gave a public television broadcast calling for unambiguous supportfor the legitimate democratic government. The broadcast is believed to have been a major factor in foiling the coupThe coup leaders had promised many of their potential supporters that they were acting in the King's name and wihis approval, but were able to demonstrate neither, and the broadcast coming just after midnight on the night of

    the coup definitively showed the King's opposition to the coup makers. [6]

    When Juan Carlos became king, Communist leader Santiago Carrillo nicknamed himJuan Carlos the Brief,

    predicting that the monarchy would soon be swept away with the other remnants of the Franco era.[31]After thecollapse of the attempted coup, however, in an emotional statement, Carrillo remarked: "Today, we are all

    monarchists."[32]Public support for the monarchy among democrats and leftists before 1981 had been limited;

    following the king's handling of the coup it increased significantly.[33]

    Role in contemporary Spanish politics

    The victory of the PSOE in 1982 under Gonzlez marked the effective end of the King's active involvement inSpanish politics. Gonzlez would govern for over a decade, and his administration helped consolidate Spanishdemocracy and thus maintained the stability of the nation.

    On paper, Juan Carlos retained fairly extensive reserve powers. He was the guardian of the constitution, and wasresponsible for ensuring that it was obeyed. In practice, since the passage of the Constitution (and especially since1982) he took a mostly ceremonial and representative role, acting almost entirely on the advice of the governmentHowever, he commanded great moral authority as an essential symbol of the country's unity.

    Under the constitution, the King hasimmunity from prosecution in mattersrelating to his official duties. This is so

    because every act of the King as such (annot as a citizen) needs to be undersigned

    by a government official, thus making theundersigner responsible instead of the kinThe honour of the Royal Family isspecifically protected from insult by theSpanish Penal Code. Under this

    protection, Basque independentist Arnald



    and cartoonists fromEl Jueveswere tried and punished.

    The King gives an annual speech to thenation on Christmas Eve. He is the commander-in-chief of the Spanish armed forces.

    In July 2000, Juan Carlos was the target of an enraged protester when former priest Juan Mara Fernndez y

    Krohn, who had once attacked Pope John Paul II, breached security and attempted to approach the king.[35]

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    The King (left of centre, in grey suit with red necktie) standing withthe leaders of all the other Iberoamerican Nations present at the XVIIIbero-American Summit.

    When the media asked Juan Carlos in 2005 if he would endorse the bill legalising same-sex marriage that was thenbeing debated in the Cortes Generales, he answered "Soy el Rey de Espaa y no el de Blgica"("I am the Kinof Spain, not of Belgium") a reference to King Baudouin I of Belgium, who had refused to sign the Belgian law

    legalising abortion.[36]The King gave his Royal Assent to Law 13/2005 on 1 July 2005; the law legalising same-se

    marriage was gazetted in theBoletn Oficial del Estadoon 2 July, and came into effect on 3 July.[37]

    According to a poll in the newspaperEl Mundoin November 2005, 77.5% of Spaniards thought Juan Carlos wa

    "good or very good", 15.4% "not so good", and only 7.1% "bad or very bad". Even so, the issue of the monarchyre-emerged on 28 September 2007 as photos of the king were burnt in public in Catalonia by small groups of

    protesters wanting the restoration of the Republic.[38]

    2007 Ibero-American Summit

    In November 2007, at the Ibero-AmericanSummit in Santiago de Chile, during aheated exchange, Juan Carlos interruptedVenezuelan President Hugo Chvez,

    saying, "Por qu no te callas?" ("Whydon't you shut up?"). Chvez had beeninterrupting the Spanish Prime Minister,Jos Luis Rodrguez Zapatero, while thelatter was defending his predecessor and

    political opponent, Jos Mara Aznar, afterChvez had referred to Aznar as a fascistand "less human than snakes". The Kingshortly afterwards left the hall whenPresident Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua

    accused Spain of intervention in his country's elections and complained about some Spanish energy companiesworking in Nicaragua.[39]This was an unprecedented diplomatic incident and a rare display of public anger by the


    Botswana hunting trip

    In April 2012, Juan Carlos faced criticism for making an elephant-hunting trip in Botswana.[41][42][43]Spaniards

    only found out about the trip after the King injured himself and a special aircraft was sent to bring him home.[44]

    Spanish officials stated that the expenses of the trip were not paid by taxpayers or by the palace, but by Mohamed

    Eyad Kayali, a businessman of Syrian origin. Cayo Lara Moya of the United Left party said the king's trip"demonstrated a lack of ethics and respect toward many people in this country who are suffering a lot"[43]whileTomas Gomez of the Socialist party said Juan Carlos should choose between "public responsibilities or an

    abdication".[45]In April 2012, Spain's unemployment was at 23 percent and nearly 50 percent for young

    workers.[46]El Pasestimated the total cost of a hunting trip at 44,000 euros (USD 57,850), about twice the

    average annual salary in Spain.[46]A petition called for the king to resign from his position as honorary president o

    the Spanish branch of the World Wide Fund for Nature.[45]The WWF itself responded by asking for an interview

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    King Juan Carlos, Queen Sofa andthenPrime Minister Jos LuisRodrguez Zapatero at the XV Ibero-American Summit (Salamanca, 2005)

    with the King to resolve the situation.[47]In July 2012, WWF-Spain held a meeting in Madrid and decided with

    226 votes to 13 to remove the king from the honorary presidency.[48][49]He later apologised for the hunting


    Family and private life

    Juan Carlos was married in Athens at the Church of Saint Dennis on 14 May 1962, to Princess Sophia of Greeceand Denmark, daughter of King Paul of Greece. She converted from her Greek Orthodox religion to RomanCatholicism. Also in 1962, a Roman Catholic wedding was performed in the Pauline Chapel the Basilica of SantaMaria Maggiore in Rome.

    They have two daughters and one son.

    Infanta Elena, Duchess of Lugo (born 20 December 1963)

    Infanta Cristina, Duchess of Palma de Mallorca (born 13 June


    Felipe, Prince of Asturias (born 30 January 1968), later King

    Felipe VI

    In 1972, Juan Carlos, a keen sailor, competed in the Dragon class eventat the Olympic Games, finishing 15th. In their summer holidays, the wholefamily meets in Marivent Palace (Palma de Mallorca) and the Fortunaacht, where they take part in sailing competitions. The king has manned

    the Bribn series of yachts. In winter, the family often go skiing inBaqueira-Beret and Candanch (Pyrenees).

    Juan Carlos also hunts bears; in October 2004, he angered environmental activists by killing nine bears, one of

    which was a pregnant female, in central Romania.[51]It was alleged by the Russian regional authorities that inAugust 2006 Juan Carlos shot a drunken tame bear (Mitrofan the Bear) during a private hunting trip to Russia; the

    Office of the Spanish Monarchy denied this claim.[52]

    Juan Carlos and Sofa are fluent in several languages, speaking Spanish, English, and French. The King also speakfluent Portuguese and Italian, and the Queen speaks German and her native Greek.

    Juan Carlos is also an amateur radio operator and holds the call sign EA0JC. His custom of incognito motorbike

    riding has raised urban legends of people finding him on lonely roads. For example, one story says that a biker outof petrol stranded on a hot sunny day was assisted by a fellow motorcyclist, who returned with a small container opetrol. The good Samaritan, on removing his helmet, turned out to be Juan Carlos.

    Juan Carlos is a member of the World Scout Foundation[53]and of the Sons of the American Revolution.


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    Prime Minister Mariano Rajoyannouncing the pending abdication ofJuan Carlos on 2 June 2014

    A benign 17-19mm tumour was removed under general anaesthetic from King Juan Carlos right lung in anoperation carried out in the "Hospital Clnic" of Barcelona in May 2010. The operation followed an annual check-up, and Juan Carlos was not expected to need any further treatment.

    In April 2012, the King underwent surgery for a triple fracture of the hip at the San Jose Hospital, Madrid,

    following a fall on a private elephant-hunting trip to Botswana.[54]He also underwent a hip operation in Septembe

    2013 at Madrid's Quirn hospital.[55]

    Budget of the royal house

    After the King's son-in-law Iaki Urdangarn was accused of corruption (the "Urdangarn affair"), the King in 201for the first time detailed the yearly royal budget of 8.3 million euros, excluding expenses such as the electricity bill

    paid by the State.[56][57]


    Spanish news media speculated about the king's future in early 2014,following criticism and family scandal; the king's chief of staff in a briefing

    denied that the 'abdication option' was being considered.[58]On 2 June2014 the King announced that he would abdicate the throne in favour of

    the Prince of Asturias.[59]Royal officials described the King's choice as apersonal decision which he had been contemplating since his 76th

    birthday at the start of the year.[58]The king said "[I] don't want my son

    to grow old waiting like Prince Charles."[60]He signed the abdicationinstrument and, on June 18, signed the organic law passed by

    parliament[61]several hours before his abdication took effect.[62][63]Felipe was enthroned on 19 June 2014.

    Juan Carlos thus became the fourth European monarch to abdicate in just over a year, following Pope BenedictXVI (28 February 2013), Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands (30 April 2013), and King Albert II of Belgium (21

    July 2013).[64]

    The Spanish constitution at the time of the abdication did not grant an abdicated monarch the legal immunity of a

    head of state,[65]but the government was planning to make changes to allow this.[5]


    The Spanish press gave the announcement a broadly positive reception, but described the moment as an

    "institutional crisis" and "a very important moment in the history of democratic Spain".[66]Around Spain and in othmajor cities including London, the news was met by republican celebration and protests, calling for the end of the


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    Republican demonstration in the

    Puerta del Sol on the day that JuanCarlos announced his decision toabdicate

    Catalan leader Artur Mas said that the news of the King's abdication would not slow down the process of

    independence for Catalonia.[66]Iigo Urkullu, the President of the Basque government, concluded that the King'sreign was "full of light yet also darkness" and said that his successor Felipe should remember that "the Basque

    Question has not been resolved".[69]Other regional leaders had more positive evaluations of Juan Carlos at hisdecision to abdicate; Alberto Nez Feijo of Galicia called him "the King of Democracy" who "guaranteed the

    continuation of constitutional monarchy"[70]and Alberto Fabra of the Valencian Community said that Spaniards arproud of their king who had been "at the forefront of protecting our

    interests inside and outside of our borders".[71]

    British Prime Minister David Cameron stated "I would like to use thisopportunity to make a tribute to King Juan Carlos, who has done somuch during his reign to aid the successful Spanish transition to

    democracy, and has been a great friend of the United Kingdom".[72]ThePresident of the European Commission, Jos Manuel Barroso, said thatJuan Carlos was a "believer in Europeanism and modernity...without

    whom one could not understand modern Spain".[73]

    The Spanish public also gave a broadly positive opinion not only of theabdication but of his reign as a whole. According to a poll taken by ElMundo, 65 per cent believed the kings reign was either good or verygood, up from 41.3 per cent. Overall, 55.7 per cent of those polled inthe 35 June survey by Sigma Dos supported the institution of the monarchy in Spain, up from 49.9 per cent whenthe same question was posed six months ago. 57.5 per cent believed the prince could restore the royal familys los

    prestige. An overwhelming majority of Spaniards believed the new king, Felipe VI, would make a good monarch

    and more than three-quarters believed King Juan Carlos had been right to hand over the throne to his son. [74]

    Titles, styles, honours and arms

    The current Spanish constitution refers to the monarchy as "the Crown of Spain" and the constitutional title of themonarch is simplyRey/Reina de Espaa(King/Queen of Spain). The constitution allows for the use of otherhistoric titles pertaining to the Spanish monarchy, without specifying them.

    King Juan Carlos retains the title and style he enjoyed during his reign.[75][5]



    See also

    History of Spain

    Politics of Spain

    Line of succession to the Spanish throne

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    Listof titles and honours of Juan Carlos I of Spain

    Listof honours of the Spanish Royal Family by country

    Listof titles and honours of the Spanish Crown



    a. ^Inother languages of Spain, the name of the King Juan Carlos is adapted as:Aragonese: Chuan-Carlos I(IPA: [twan kalos])..

    Asturian:Xuan Carlos I(IPA: [uan kalos])

    Basque:Jon Karlos Ia(IPA: [jo karlos]).

    Catalan:Joan Carles I(IPA: [ua kars] or [(d)ua kales]).

    Galician:Xon Carlos I(IPA: [oa kalos]).

    1. ^"HisMajesty the King Juan Carlos" (http://www.casareal.es/sm_rey/index-iden-idweb.html). The Royal

    Household of His Majesty the King!.

    2. ^TheEnglish-language version of the Official Royal Family website is rendered as Borbon, while in Spanish it is


    3. ^"Those Apprentice Kings and Queens Who May One Day Ascend a Throne,"



    YorkTimes.14 November 1971.

    4. ^"Juan Carlos most popular leader in Ibero-America (Spanish)"

    (http://www.elmundo.es/elmundo/2008/07/09/internacional/1215635605.html). Elmundo.es. Retrieved 2 June


    5. ^ abc"Spain will have two kings and two queens"


    queens.html). Retrieved 14 June 2014.

    6. ^ ab"BBC News - Profile: Spain's Juan Carlos" (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-27661983).

    Bbc.co.uk. 2 June 2014. Retrieved 10 June 2014.

    7. ^Quoted in Paul Preston,Juan Carlos: Steering Spain from Dictatorship to Democracy(New York: W. W.Norton, 2004), 101.

    8. ^"Royal Foibles" (http://royalfoibles.com/tag/king-juan-carlos-l-of-spain/). Retrieved 5 June 2014.

    9. ^"Juan Carlos lays to rest a haunting Spanish tragedy" (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/juan-

    carlos-lays-to-rest-a-haunting-spanish-tragedy-1557621.html). Retrieved 5 June 2014.

    10. ^Preston, 102.

    11. ^ARoyal Mystery (http://www.snopes.com/history/world/juancarlos.asp) at Snopes.com.

    12. ^SuMajestad el Rey Don Juan Carlos (http://www.casareal.es/sm_rey/index-ides-idweb.html), Pgina oficial de

    Casade Su Majestad el Re. Retrieved 16 September 2011 (Spanish)

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    Further reading

    PaulPreston,Juan Carlos: Steering Spain from Dictatorship to Democracy, W W Norton & Co Inc,June2004. ISBN 0-393-05804-2.

    Ronald Hilton, SPAIN: King Juan Carlos


    External links

    (Spanish)Biography of Juan Carlos I at CIDOB Foundation

    (http://www.cidob.org/es/documentacion/biografias_lideres_politicos/europa/espana/juan_carlos_i)Official website of the Spanish Royal Family (http://www.casareal.es/en)

    JuanCarlos I family tree (http://public.genoom.com/trees/familia-real/juan-carlos)

    JuanCarlos I abdicates (2 June 2014) (http://www.20minutos.es/noticia/2155465/0/mariano-rajoy/anuncia


    Juan Carlos I of SpainHouse of Bourbon

    Cadet branch of the Capetian dynasty

    Born:5 January 1938


    Title last held byAlfonso XIII

    King of Spain


    Succeeded byFelipe VIPreceded by

    Alejandro Rodrguez de


    as President of the Regency

    Head of State of Spain


    Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Juan_Carlos_I_of_Spain&oldid=614152469"

    Categories: 1938 births 20th-century Roman Catholics 21st-century Roman Catholics

    ClaimantKings of Jerusalem Fellows of Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge Francoist Spain

    House of Bourbon (Spain) Living people People from Rome Roman Catholic monarchs

    Sailors at the 1972 Summer Olympics Dragon Spanish infantes Regents of Spain Spanish monarchs

    Spanish yacht racers Monarchs who abdicated

    Thispage was last modified on 23 June 2014 at 22:22.

    77. ^"Coat of arms of His Majesty the King Juan Carlos"

    (http://www.casareal.es/EN/FamiliaReal/rey/Paginas/rey_armas.aspx).Spanish Royal Household Website. 2014-0

    19. Retrieved 2014-06-20.

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