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JUC Europe 2015: Multi-Node Environment as a Jenkins Slave (Compound-Slave)

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Multi-node environment as a Jenkins slave aka “compound-slave” Denis Chernilevskiy Head of Media Advertising Department

Multi-node environment as a Jenkins slave aka “compound-slave”

Denis Chernilevskiy

Head of Media Advertising Department

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Common use-case the “prehistory”

Multi-node environment as a Jenkins slave

Common use-case


He’s famous The “slave” The “job”

│ Test this please!

The quest


Nodes Cloud Deploy Get results Test

The solution

▌  Cloud – Amazon/OpenStack/Docker/…

▌  Deploy – JClouds/DockerCloud + Chef/Salt/Ansible/…

▌  Test – PyTest/TestNG/…

▌  Results – Allure Framework/xUnit/…


How it works

▌  The common job concept

›  Take 1 slave

›  Deploy the system under test to the slave

›  Deploy and run tests on the same slave

›  Clean the slave

›  Return the slave to the pool


│ Perfectly fits with 1 slave

│ But what if…


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The “real life” of QA/DevOps the problem

Multi-node environment as a Jenkins slave

│ Yandex MediaAd platform

│ Test this please!

Process requirements

▌  Auto build, deploy, test

▌  Continuous Integration

▌  “Green trunk”


System components

▌  Front-end UI and API

▌  Ad.Management

▌  Ad.Selection ▌  Ad.Storage

▌  SocDem prediction & machine learning


│ None fits into 1 slave…

The obvious “not a solution” J

▌  Use Jenkins

▌  Get a slave for the job

▌  Get some more cloud nodes (somehow)

▌  Use the slave as a launchpad (run deploy, tests remotely)


│ Not for us J

Why not?

▌  Laziness. The less new code, the better! ▌  Separate nodes management

▌  JClouds not reused ▌  Lack of visibility


│ Several slaves per job?

│ Need to refactor core…

│ Several nodes as a slave!

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“Compound-slaves” plugin the solution

Multi-node environment as a Jenkins slave


▌  Group several nodes as a compound-slave

›  Existing nodes grouping

›  Get & group from the cloud



▌  Cloud provisioning

›  Plugins with a “Cloud” interface

›  Using labels from the cloud plugin

›  Number of each label to provision



▌  Roles and labelling

›  Distinct nodes

›  Default labels


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Here comes the DEMO! J


▌  General

›  Built-in slave management

›  Built-in job-slave provisioning

▌  Visibility

›  Built-in dashboards

›  Built-in job steps configuration


│ Profit! J


▌  wiki.jenkins-ci.org/display/JENKINS/Compound+Slaves

▌  github.com/jenkinsci/compound-slaves-plugin



[email protected]

+79250351311 @dchernilevskiy


Denis Chernilevskiy

Head of Yandex MediaAd Department
