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Judicial Branch Contract

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COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT between State of Connecticut Judicial Branch and State of Connecticut Judicial Employees Local 749, AFSCME, AFL-CIO July 1, 2009—June 30, 2012
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State of Connecticut Judicial Branch


State of Connecticut Judicial EmployeesLocal 749, AFSCME, AFL-CIO

July 1, 2009—June 30, 2012

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This agreement was printed by the Commission on OfficialLegal Publications, the employees of which are collective bar-gaining unit members.

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Preamble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1


Recognition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1


Union Non-Discrimination . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2


No Strikes – No Lockouts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


Entire Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3


Management Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


Union Security and Payroll Deductions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4


Union Rights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


Statewide Labor Management Advisory Committee . . . . . . . . . . 8


Grievance Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


Probationary Period . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13


Performance Appraisal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


Personnel Files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


Discipline . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16


Reduction in Force . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

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Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20


Compensation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21


Temporary Service in a Higher Class . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24


Hours of Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25


Overtime Pay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27


Vacation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28


Personal Leave Days . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31


Military Leave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31


Sick Leave – Leave Without Pay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32


Civil Leave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37


Holidays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37


Group Health Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38


Employee Rights. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38


Transfers for Operational Reasons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38


Retirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


Savings Clause . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

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Legislative Action . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


Supersedence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39


Seniority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40


Uniforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41


Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41


Duration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43


Supersedence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43


Pay Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43


Salary Schedule Effective June 19, 2009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47


Salary Schedule Effective June 18, 2010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53


Salary Schedule Effective July 1, 2011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59

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July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2012



The State of Connecticut, acting by and through the Chief Court Admin-istrator of the Connecticut Judicial Branch, hereinafter called ‘‘the JudicialBranch’’ or ‘‘the Employer,’’ and the State of Connecticut Judicial Employ-ees, Local 749, Council 4, American Federation of State, County andMunicipal Employees, AFL-CIO, hereinafter called ‘‘the Union’’ or‘‘AFSCME.’’

Witnesseth:Whereas the parties to this Agreement desire to establish a state of

amicable understanding, cooperation and harmony; andWhereas the parties to this Agreement consider themselves mutually

responsible to improve the public service through increased morale, effi-ciency and productivity: Now, therefore, the parties mutually agree asfollows:



Section 1. The Judicial Branch of the State of Connecticut hereinrecognizes the State of Connecticut Judicial Employees Local 749, Council4, AFSCME, AFL-CIO as the exclusive representative of the employeesin permanent positions regularly working 20 or more hours per weekwhose job titles were placed within this bargaining unit of judicial employ-ees by the Connecticut State Board of Labor Relations in Cases No. SE-5973, SE-5981 and SE-9263 with the exception of employees whose titleshave been removed either in Cases No. SEE-9659 and SEE-9660 or bymutual agreement of the parties.

Accordingly, this Agreement shall pertain only to those employeeswhose job titles fall within the certifications above cited and shall notapply to employees who are paid on the temporary payroll. Personsotherwise eligible serving a working test period are included.

Section 2. Coverage of newly created or acquired job classificationsby the Agreement (so-called ‘‘accretions’’) shall be determined as follows:

(a) The Employer shall notify AFSCME in writing of the new classifica-tion, the contemplated pay group (if any) and the Employer’s positionconcerning inclusion or exclusion. The Employer shall continue its prac-


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tice of job evaluation using a point-factor evaluation system as part ofthe salary determination process for newly created classes.

(b) Within thirty (30) calendar days after receipt of the above notifica-tion, the Union may request a meeting to discuss coverage and/or paygroup issues.

(c) In determining coverage, controlling weight shall be given to con-forming the placement of the new classification to the contours of theexisting unit.

(d) Disputes concerning how to achieve such conformity shall bereferred to the Connecticut State Board of Labor Relations for the exerciseof its jurisdiction to determine appropriate units.

(e) The Employer shall notify AFSCME in writing of any Supreme Courtaction(s) that substantially change any unit job classification.

(f) Upon request by the Union, (within thirty (30) calendar days afterreceipt of notification), a joint Labor-Management Committee shall evalu-ate the newly created or substantially changed unit job classification(s), todetermine the accuracy of the Branch’s pay group placement. If agreementcannot be reached through the Labor-Management Committee process,a mutually agreed upon arbitrator familiar with the Willis System, shallmake a final decision. Any pay group deviation arrived at either throughthe Labor-Management Committee process or through the arbitrationprocess shall be retroactive to the date the Branch created or substantiallychanged the job classification.

Section 3. Stability of the Bargaining Unit. The Employer agreesnot to take any action to erode the bargaining unit by breaking downvacant permanent full-time positions into temporary positions not coveredby the Agreement. Vacant permanent positions shall not be filled indefi-nitely by temporary employees. This provision will not be construed toprevent or restrict the Employer’s right to continue its practice of utilizingtemporary help to provide supplemental services.


Union Non-Discrimination

Section 1. Neither party shall discriminate against an employee on thebasis of membership or nonmembership in, or lawful activity in behalfof, the exclusive bargaining agent.

Section 2. In connection with Section 1 above:(a) An employee, the Union, or the Union on behalf of an employee

alleging conduct or action inconsistent with the obligation to avoid suchdiscrimination shall promptly report any alleged threats or coercive con-duct to an appropriate official with supervisory authority over the personalleged to have engaged in such conduct. Reasonable efforts shall bemade to resolve the situation prior to resort to grievance-arbitration.

(b) If the requirements of paragraph (a) have been met, and there hasbeen no reasonable offer to disavow or otherwise cure any perceiveddiscrimination, a grievance may be filed at an appropriate Step.

(c) In any arbitration proceeding alleging a violation of Section 1, theArbitrator shall determine whether the grievant has shown by a fair pre-


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ponderance of the evidence, including, where appropriate, the sur-rounding circumstances, that the official responsible for the adverseaction was motivated by discriminatory considerations but for which theaction would not have been taken.

Section 3. Disputes involving alleged discrimination shall not be arbi-trable if the obligations of Section 2(a) and 2(b) have not been met.

Section 4. In the event that EEOC renders a ruling affecting theseprovisions, either party may request a reopener to negotiate new pro-visions.


No Strikes—No Lockouts

Section 1.(a) The exclusive representative shall not engage in, induce, support,

encourage or condone a strike, sympathy strike, work stoppage, slow-down, concerted withholding, interruption or disruption of services, sick-out, or any interference with the mission of the Judicial Branch. Thisarticle shall be deemed to prohibit the concerted boycott or refusal ofovertime work.

(b) Similarly, employees shall not engage in, induce, support or encour-age such activities.

Section 2. The Union shall exert its best efforts to prevent or terminateany violation of Section 1 of this article.

Section 3. The Employer agrees that during the life of this Agreementthere shall be no lockout.


Entire Agreement

Section 1. This Agreement, upon ratification, constitutes the completeand entire agreement between the parties and concludes collective bar-gaining for its term. No amendment to this Agreement shall be effectiveunless in writing, ratified, and executed by the parties.

Section 2. The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations whichresulted in this Agreement, each had the unlimited right and opportunityto make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or matternot removed by law from the areas of collective bargaining, and that theunderstandings, and agreements arrived at by the parties after the exerciseof that right and opportunity are set forth in this Agreement. Therefore,the Judicial Branch and the Union, for the duration of this Agreement,each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waives the right, and each agrees thatthe other shall not be obligated to bargain collectively with respect to:

1) any subjects or matters referred to or covered in this Agreement, or2) any subjects or matters not referred to or covered in this Agreement,

even though such subjects or matters may not have been within theknowledge or contemplation of either or both of the parties at the timethey negotiated or signed this Agreement.


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Management Rights

The parties recognize the central role of the Connecticut JudicialBranch, as an independent branch of state government, in assuring compli-ance with the laws, the Constitution of the State of Connecticut, and theUnited States Constitution. The parties also recognize that the users ofthe Branch’s services, including the general public, demand the promptand efficient adjudication of complaints and disputes, and insist upon thefullest protection of statutory, civil, and constitutional rights.

Unless an express, specific provision of this Agreement provides other-wise, the Connecticut Judicial Branch, acting through the Justices of theSupreme Court, the Chief Court Administrator, (and, where appropriate,the Public Defender Services Commission), and such other judges andofficials as may be authorized to act on their behalf, retains all the rightsand prerogatives it had prior to the signing of this Agreement eitherby law, custom, practice, usage or precedent, to manage and controlthe Branch.

Such rights include but are not limited to establishing standards ofproductivity and performance of its employees, including establishingqualifications for ability to perform work in classes and/or ratings;determining its budget, its mission, and the methods, means and personnelnecessary to fulfill that mission, including the contracting out, or thediscontinuation of services, positions, or programs in whole or in part;the determination of the content of job classifications; the appointment,promotion, assignment, direction and transfer of personnel; suspending,demotion, discharging, or taking any other disciplinary action for justcause under Article 14; the layoff of its employees because of lack ofwork or other legitimate reasons as stated in Article 15; to determine thehours, days when, and locations where the courts will be in operation;to enforce existing rules and regulations for the governance of the Branchand to add to, eliminate, or modify such rules or regulations as it deemsappropriate; and to take whatever actions may be necessary to carry outits responsibilities in situations of emergency.

Management also reserves the right to decide whether, when, and howto exercise its prerogatives, whether or not enumerated in this Agreement.Accordingly, the failure to exercise any right shall not be deemed a waiver.


Union Security and Payroll Deductions

Section 1. During the life of this Agreement an employee retains thefreedom of choice whether or not to become or remain a member of theUnion which has been designated as the exclusive bargaining agent.

Section 2. Union dues shall be deducted by the Employer biweeklyfrom the paycheck of each employee who signs and remits to the Employeran authorization form. Such deduction shall be discontinued upon writtenrequest of an employee thirty (30) days in advance.


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Section 3. An employee who within thirty (30) days after initial employ-ment in the bargaining unit covered by this Agreement fails to become amember of the Union which is the exclusive bargaining agent for his/herunit or an employee whose membership is terminated for nonpaymentof dues or who resigns from membership shall be required to pay anagency service fee under Section 4.

Section 4. The Employer shall deduct an agency service fee or Uniondues biweekly from the paycheck of each employee who is covered bythis Agreement, provided, however, no such payment shall be requiredby employees;

1) whose membership in the Union is terminated for reasons otherthan non-payment of Union dues; or

2) who have initiated legal action to contest the legality of the agencyfee, until such time as a final adjudication upholding the legality of suchfees has been rendered.

The Union shall promptly notify the Employer in writing of any termina-tion of Union membership for reasons other than non-payment ofUnion dues.

The amount of agency service fee shall not exceed the minimum applica-ble dues payable to the exclusive bargaining agent. Any changes in theamount of Union dues or agency fees to be deducted shall be effectiveas soon as practicable, but in no event sooner than twenty-eight (28) daysafter receipt of written notice of such changes by the Office of the ChiefCourt Administrator.

Section 5. No payroll deduction of dues or agency service fee shallbe made from worker’s compensation or for any payroll period in whichearnings received are insufficient to cover the amount of deduction, norshall such deductions be retroactive.

Section 6. Payroll deductions of Union dues shall be discontinued forother employee organizations not a party to this Agreement.

Section 7. The Employer shall continue its practice of payroll deduc-tions as authorized by employees for purposes other than payment ofUnion dues or agency service fees, provided any such payroll deductionshave been approved by the Employer in advance.

Section 8. The Union shall indemnify the Judicial Branch for anyliability or damages incurred by the Employer in compliance with thisArticle, excluding attorney’s fees.


Union Rights

Section 1. Within ninety (90) days of the execution of this Agreement,the Union will furnish the Employer with a complete list of stewardsdesignated to represent any segment or segments of the employees cov-ered by this Agreement, specifying the jurisdiction and location of eachsteward or group of stewards.


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Section 2. Except as otherwise provided, Employer representativesshall deal with Union-designated stewards or representatives exclusivelyin the processing of grievances or any other aspect of contract adminis-tration.

Section 3. Access to Premises. AFSCME Council 4 employees shallbe permitted to enter the work premises of the Branch at any reasonabletime for the purpose of discussing, processing, or investigating filed orpotential grievances or otherwise performing Union business, providedthat (1) they give reasonable notice in advance to the supervisor in chargeof their intent to enter the work premises, (2) they give notice of theirpresence immediately upon arrival to the supervisor in charge, and (3)they do not interfere with the performance of duties. The Union willfurnish the Employer with a current list of its AFSCME Council 4 staffpersonnel and shall maintain the currency of said list.

Section 4. Role of Steward in Processing Grievances. The stewardswill obtain permission from their immediate supervisors to leave theirwork assignments in order to carry out their duties, properly and expedi-tiously, in connection with this Agreement. Permission from supervisors,based upon the work situation, will not be unreasonably withheld.

Before contacting an employee, the steward will first report to andobtain permission to see the employee from the employee’s supervisor.If the supervisor is not available, the steward will obtain permission fromthe person left in charge. Permission from supervisors, based upon thework situation, will not be unreasonably withheld. A steward’s pass,signed by his supervisor, shall be utilized as a request by stewards tomeet with employees or employees to meet stewards, and shall state thename of the employee involved or steward, his/her location and the loca-tion to be visited. Request and utilization of such pass shall imply immedi-ate need for conducting important Union business. Stewards thus engagedwill report back to their supervisors on completion of such duties andreturn to their job and will suffer no loss of pay or other benefits as aresult thereof. The sufficiency of steward coverage shall be a subject ofcontinuing consultation between the Employer and the Union. The Unionwill cooperate in preventing abuse of this Section.

Section 5. Bulletin Boards. The Employer shall furnish reasonablebulletin board space, where presently available, in each location whichthe Union may utilize for its announcements. A bulletin board will beinstalled in any location presently leased by the Employer which doesnot have one, if the parties mutually agree.

Bulletin board space shall not be used for material that is of a partisanpolitical nature, or is inflammatory or derogatory to the Employer. TheUnion shall limit its posting of notices and bulletins to such bulletinboard space.

Section 6. Access to Information. The Employer agrees to providethe Union, upon request and adequate notice, access to materials andinformation which are necessary for the Union to fulfill its responsibilityto administer this Agreement. The Union shall reimburse the JudicialBranch for the expense and time spent for photocopying information.


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The Union shall not have access to information which the Employerreasonably determines is privileged or confidential, or information gath-ered prior to April 6, 1978, unless and until such information constitutesthe basis, in whole or in part, for disciplinary action as defined in thisAgreement, or constitutes the basis for a decision not to select anemployee for a promotion as defined in this Agreement.

In denying the Union access to information the Employer shall statein reasonable detail the basis of the denial.

Section 7. Union Business Leave.(a) Delegates to the biennial AFSCME Convention, not to exceed thir-

teen (13) for the AFSCME Judicial bargaining unit, shall be granted,subject to operating needs and prior notification to the Chief Court Admin-istrator, leave without loss of pay or benefits, for five (5) days to attendsuch convention.

(b) Delegates to the annual Connecticut State AFL-CIO Convention,not to exceed (13) for the AFSCME Judicial bargaining unit, shall begranted, subject to operating needs and prior notification to the ChiefCourt Administrator, leave without loss of pay or benefits for three (3)days to attend such convention.

(c) In each contract year there shall be a bank of hours for use bythe Union

to conduct its business during that year. The bank shall consist of 1.0hour per employee of leave per contract year. For purposes of computa-tion the size of the bargaining unit will be defined by the total employeecount reflected on the Dues/Fees Transmittal for the pay period closestto the expiration of the contract year. Adjustments, if any, to the size ofthe bank will then take effect on July 1st of the subsequent contract year.For purposes of this article ‘‘contract year’’ is defined as the period fromJuly 1, (a) through June 30, inclusive, or (b) until the contract expires,whichever occurs first. Leave granted prior to the execution of thisAgreement shall be credited against the bank.

Time used for the conventions specified in subsections (a) and (b)of this Section, processing or investigating grievances, Statewide Labor-Management Advisory Committee Meetings, contract negotiations orsteward training shall not be charged to this bank of hours. The Union shallgive written notice to the Chief Court Administrator or his/her designee,ordinarily fourteen (14) days in advance, specifying the dates of release,the names of employees to be released and their work locations, andpermission by the Chief Court Administrator shall not be unreasonablywithheld. Time off under this Section shall be granted in no less thanhalf-day units only.

Section 8. Orientation and Training. The Employer will provideeach new employee with a copy of the collective bargaining agreementthen in force and will furnish such employee with the name(s) of his/hersteward(s). The Judicial Branch shall provide the Union with a list ofnew employees and their work locations within a reasonable period oftime after they are hired. Each new employee shall be released from workfor one hour immediately before or after his/her meal period without loss


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of pay or benefits to attend a union orientation meeting. The time andlocation of such meeting shall be determined by mutual agreement of theUnion and the Employer.

Section 9. Steward Training. The Judicial Branch and AFSCME agreethat in order to promote the precepts as incorporated in the Preamble ofthis Agreement and for the expeditious and reasonable processing ofdisputes under this Agreement, initial steward training shall be a valuableasset in promoting these goals. To that end, the Judicial Branch agreesto allow each steward two (2) days of training, without loss of pay orbenefits, to a maximum of forty (40) stewards. Stewards shall be grantedtime off for training and representational duties subject to the provisionsof Section 7(c) of this Article.

Section 10. Equipment Usage. The Union President and the ChiefUnion Steward shall have access to Judicial fax/photocopying machinesand email for the purpose of communicating on matters related to theJudicial Labor Relations office.


Statewide Labor Management Advisory Committee

Section 1. The parties agree, that in order to provide a method forpromotion of those goals described in the Preamble and for the purposeof addressing future considerations which may affect the continuing cli-mate of harmony and mutual responsibility, there shall be a StatewideLabor Management Advisory Committee, consisting of not more than five(5) authorized representatives of the Chief Court Administrator and notmore than five (5) authorized representatives of the Union.

The parties will cooperate in multi-unit meetings within the JudicialBranch to discuss matters of overlapping concern.

Section 2. Said Committee shall meet no less than quarterly, andpossibly more frequently, by mutual agreement, to discuss problems thatcould lead to system wide or institutional grievances, application, clarifica-tion and aberrant manifestations of terms and conditions of thisAgreement, as well as improvement of the parties’ relationships and effi-ciency and increased productivity; the Committee may, by mutualagreement, discuss additional matters, mutually agreed upon in Commit-tee, which were not within the contemplation of the parties to thisAgreement but deserve immediate attention or redress. These meetingsshall not be bargaining sessions.

In addition, matters of local concern involving divisions within theBranch may be addressed by mutual agreement. In such instances eachparty retains the right to substitute, on an ad hoc basis, appropriatepersonnel familiar with the matters to be addressed.

Section 3. Committee meetings shall be held during normal businesshours without loss of pay or benefits provided that no compensatory timeor overtime shall be granted for hours outside the employees’ normalwork schedule.


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Grievance Procedure

Section 1. Definitions; Purpose.(a) A grievance is defined as a dispute concerning the interpretation

or application of an express, specific provision of this Agreement.(b) Effective upon approval by the General Assembly a grievance is

also defined as a written complaint involving the allegation of a pattern ofunfair treatment of an employee by the Employer, subject to the following:

(1) unfair treatment grievances may be processed only through StepIII of the procedure outlined below and shall not be subject to arbitration;

(2) the employee shall have the burden of establishing that there is apattern of unfair treatment;

(3) the addition of a ‘‘pattern of unfair treatment’’ as a grievable matteris intended to provide an outlet for employees to grieve problems ininterpersonal relationships with supervisors which develop over a periodof time. Said addition is not intended as an indirect means of enforcingalleged past practices not expressly incorporated into the Agreement; and

(4) upon expiration of this collective bargaining Agreement allegationsof a pattern of unfair treatment shall not be grievable unless affirmativelynegotiated and agreed to, in writing, by the parties.

Section 2. Format. Grievances shall be filed on mutually agreed uponforms and shall specify in reasonable detail: (a) the facts; (b) the issues;(c) the date of the violation alleged; (d) the controlling contract provision;(e) the remedy or relief sought.

In the event a form is unclear or incomplete and not in compliancewith this Section, the Employer shall make his best efforts to handle thegrievance as he/she understands it.

A grievance may be expanded at or before its submission to Step 3,but not after.

Section 3. Grievant. A Union representative, with or without theaggrieved employee(s), may submit a grievance on his/her (their) behalf(a ‘‘general’’ grievance), and the Union may in appropriate cases submita grievance in its own behalf, with respect to rights of the Union (an‘‘institutional’’ grievance).

An individual employee at any time may present a grievance to his/herEmployer and have the grievance adjusted, without intervention of anemployee organization, provided the adjustment shall not be inconsistentwith the terms of the collective bargaining agreement then in effect. Theemployee organization designated as the exclusive representative shallbe given prior notice of the grievance and shall be informed of the termsof the settlement. The steward shall be entitled to receive from theEmployer all documents pertinent to the disposition of the grievance andto file statements of position.

Section 4. A grievance shall be deemed waived unless submitted atStep 1:

(a) either within thirty (30) days from the act or omission from whichthe grievance arises; or


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(b) within thirty (30) days from the date the grievant or any Unionrepresentative or steward through reasonable diligence should haveknown of the act or omission, whichever is later.

Except where the grievant’s delay is prejudicial to the other party, agrievance may be filed and processed to arbitration where the grievanceinvolves a repetition of an act or omission in the nature of a continu-ing violation.

Section 5. Informal Resolution. Attempts to resolve disputes infor-mally without resort to the grievance procedure outlined in Section 6are encouraged.

Section 6. The Grievance Procedure.Step 1. Supervisor. A grievance may be submitted within the thirty (30)day period specified in Section 4 to the employee’s first supervisor in

the chain of command who is outside the bargaining unit, as such supervi-sor may be designated by the Chief Court Administrator or his/her desig-nee after consultation with the Union. Such supervisor shall meet withthe Union representative, or the grievant, or both, and issue a writtenresponse within seven (7) days after such meeting but not later thanfourteen (14) days after the submission of the grievance.

Step 2. Executive Director or designee(s)/Chief Public Defenderor designee(s). When an answer does not resolve the grievance at Step1, such grievance shall then be submitted to the division head. Theemployee or the Union shall present the grievance within fourteen (14)days to such designee who shall issue a written response to the grievancewithin fourteen (14) days.

Step 3. Chief Court Administrator. When the answer at Step 2 doesnot resolve the grievance, the grievance shall be submitted by the Unionrepresentative, or the grievant, or both, to the Chief Court Administratoror his/her designee within seven (7) days of the response at Step 2. Withinfourteen (14) days after receipt of the grievance, a meeting shall ordinarilybe held with the employee, or the Union, or both, and a written responseshall be issued within thirty (30) days after receipt of the grievance.

Step 4. Arbitration. Within thirty (30) days after the appropriateresponse at Step 3, or if no response is forthcoming, after the expirationof the time limit, AFSCME may submit an unresolved grievance to arbitra-tion, but no individual employee may submit a grievance to arbitration.

Section 7. For the purpose of the time limits hereunder, ‘‘days’’ shallnot include periods of time, including full days, when the Judicial Branchis closed as a result of inclement weather or legal holiday. The partiesto the grievance procedure may, by mutual agreement, extend time limits.The Chief Court Administrator or his/her designee, and the Union, may,by mutual agreement, waive any or all of the Steps hereinbefore cited.

Section 8. In the event that the Employer fails to answer a grievancewithin the time specified, the grievance may be processed to the nexthigher level and the same time limits therefore shall apply as if theEmployer’s answer had been timely filed on that last day.


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The grievant assents to the last attempted resolution by failing timelyto appeal said decision, or by accepting said decision in writing.

Section 9. Settlement of Grievances. Settlements of grievancesunder Section 6 of this Article shall be reduced to writing, signed, and acopy thereof shall be forwarded to the Chief Court Administrator. Nosettlement at Steps 1 or 2 shall constitute a precedent for future grievancesor arbitration, unless the parties to the Agreement agree to the contrary;accordingly, except by mutual agreement, such settlements shall not beadmissible as evidence in any arbitration proceeding. Settlements at Step3 of the grievance procedure shall be deemed precedential unless theparties expressly state to the contrary in the settlement agreement.

Section 10. Consolidation.The parties may, by mutual agreement,consolidate for hearing by a single arbitrator two or more grievancesarising out of similar factual situations, or involving similar issues ofcontract interpretation, or both.

Section 11. Arbitration.(a) (1) Submission to arbitration by the Union shall be by letter, with the

grievance attached, to the Chief Court Administrator or his/her designee.If the Employer invokes the provisions of this Section, submission toarbitration shall be by letter, with the grievance attached, to the ExecutiveDirector of AFSCME.

(2) Selection. The parties shall utilize a panel of four (4) mutuallyagreed upon arbitrators. Unless the parties agree to the contrary for aparticular case, the following procedures will apply:

(i) The arbitrator shall be selected by rotation in alphabetical orderfrom the panel of arbitrators.

(ii) If the arbitrator is not available to schedule a hearing within sixty(60) days of the receipt of the submission, the next arbitrator in rotationwho is available shall be selected.

(3) Procedures; Cost; Attendance. The arbitration hearing shall notfollow the formal rules of evidence unless the parties agree in advance,with the concurrence of the arbitrator at or prior to the time of hisappointment. The expenses for the arbitrator’s service and for the hearingshall be shared equally by the parties. Unless requested by a party, noverbatim record of the proceeding shall be made. Costs of making a recordshall be borne by the requesting party. If a record is made pursuant to amutual agreement, costs of making such record shall be shared equally.The costs of a transcript shall be borne by the party requesting same. Ifthe arbitrator requests that a record be made or that he be given atranscript, the costs of said record or transcript shall be shared equally.

The Employer shall grant reasonable time off to employees to attendan attend an arbitration proceeding for the purpose of testifying. TheUnion shall provide reasonable notice, ordinarily three (3) or more days,of the employees it wishes to be excused for such attendance.

(b) On grievances when the question of arbitrability has been raisedby either party as an issue prior to the actual appointment of an arbitrator,the arbitrator shall, at the request of either party, conduct a separatehearing on the issue of arbitrability and shall determine that issue before


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further proceedings are held. In determining such questions a rebuttablepresumption of arbitrability shall be applied.

(c) The arbitrator shall have no power to add to, subtract from, alter,or modify this Agreement, nor to grant to either party matters which werenot obtained in the bargaining process, nor to impose any remedy or rightof relief for any period of time prior to the effective date of the pertinentprovision of this Agreement, nor to grant pay retroactively for more thanthirty (30) calendar days prior to the date a grievance was first submitted.Except as expressly provided by a specific provision of this Agreement,the exercise of rights under Article 6 as well as any other matter dealingwith the administration of the Branch shall be final and binding and shallnot be subject to the grievance provisions of this Agreement.

The arbitrator shall render his decision in writing no later than thirty(30) calendar days after the conclusion of the hearing or receipt of briefs,whichever is later, unless the parties agree otherwise.

The arbitrator’s decision shall be final and binding on the parties inaccordance

with Connecticut General Statutes § 52-418, provided, however, neitherthe submission of questions of arbitrability to any arbitrator in the firstinstance nor any voluntary submission shall be deemed to diminish thescope of judicial review over arbitral awards, including a decision by acourt of competent jurisdiction that the arbitrator’s award: (1) contra-venes the public interest, or (2) is arbitrary or capricious.

As to the specific express provisions of the Agreement, the partieshave bargained for the arbitrator’s construction. Absent any of the abovegrounds for overturning an award, the courts shall not substitute theirinterpretation for that of the arbitrator.

Section 12. Reclassification Grievances. Disputes over an employ-ees’ job classification (reclassification grievances) shall be subject to thegrievance procedure set forth in Article 10, but shall not be arbitrable.The final step of appeal shall be to a three (3) person panel consistingof two members appointed by the Chief Court Administrator and onemember appointed by the Union. Pay retroactively, if warranted, may notapply earlier than thirty (30) calendar days prior to the date of the filingof the grievance at the earliest step.

Section 13. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of this Agreement,the following matters shall not be subject to the arbitration procedure:

(a) discipline of employees, except as provided in Article 14;(b) non-reappointment of a person holding a statutory term of office.(c) dismissal of employees during a probationary period;(d) disputes over an employee’s job classification (reclassificationgrievances);(e) the decision to lay off employees, subject to Article 15;(f) classification and pay grade for newly created jobs, provided, how-ever, this clause shall neither enlarge nor diminish the Union’s rightto negotiate on such pay grades;(g) compliance with health and safety standards and CONN OSHA;


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(h) any incident which occurred or failed to occur prior to the effectivedate of the pertinent provision of this Agreement, subject to Article36, Sec. 1b;

Section 14. Meetings pursuant to this Article shall be held duringnormal business hours without loss of pay or benefits provided that nocompensatory time or overtime shall be granted for hours outside theemployees’ normal work schedule.


Probationary Period

Section 1.(a) The probationary period shall be deemed an extension of the hiring

process, or, where applicable, the examination process. Accordingly, per-manent status in a duly authorized full-time or part-time position will beattained by the employee after the conclusion of a satisfactory probation-ary period of six (6) months of active, continuous employment, unless,prior to the conclusion of such period, the employee’s appointing author-ity, administrative judge, or division director reports, in writing, to theChief Court Administrator of the Judicial Branch that the employee isunable or unwilling to perform his/her duties so as to merit continuancein such position and is, consequently, to be terminated as of a specific datenot later than the termination date of the applicable probationary period.

(b) The employee shall be rated on the criteria, inter alia, of the quality ofthe work, the quantity of his/her work, dependability, conduct, attendance,physical and mental capacity to perform the work assigned, judgment,ability to deal with people, and, if applicable, supervisory ability. Uponreceipt of such written notification at any time within the six (6) monthperiod, the Chief Court Administrator or his/her designee shall removethe employee’s name from the payroll effective on the date specified inthe written notification, unless the employee is appointed to anotherposition in the Judicial Branch for which he/she may be better suited.

Section 2. (a) The attainment of permanent status by an employeeshall not be construed to:

(1) require the appointment of the employee to any succeeding statutoryterm of office;

(2) prohibit or restrict the discharge or suspension of the employee.

Section 3. Employees promoted to a higher position shall serve a three(3) month probationary period in that position, subject to the pertinentprovisions of Section 1(a) and (b) of this Article. Upon receipt of writtennotification of unsatisfactory performance, the employee shall be offereda position similar (not a lower pay grade) to that from which he/she waspromoted. Neither the offer, nor the acceptance, of such a position shallbe deemed a demotion.

Section 4. The Employer and the Union by mutual agreement mayextend the probationary period of a bargaining unit member.


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Performance Appraisal

Section 1. The annual performance appraisal report shall be completedapproximately three (3) but no less than two (2) months prior to theemployee’s annual increase date. Unless for good cause shown, late perfor-mance appraisals shall be voidable at the option of the employee. Aperformance appraisal will be conducted by a management designee out-side the bargaining unit, who is familiar with the employee’s work. Whenan employee is rated ‘‘unsatisfactory,’’ the rating supervisor shall statereasons and, if practicable, suggestions for improvement. All performanceappraisal reports with an overall ‘‘unsatisfactory’’ rating must be discussedwith the employee at an informal meeting to be scheduled by the ratingsupervisor, normally within seven (7) days after the employee has seen thereport and prior to its submission to the Executive Director or designee(s).

Unless the parties agree to the contrary after consultation under Section3 of this Article, there shall be two overall ratings: ‘‘satisfactory’’ or‘‘unsatisfactory.’’ An employee receiving an ‘‘unsatisfactory’’ evaluationshall not receive an annual increment.

Section 2.(a) Disputes concerning compliance with this Article may be subject

to the grievance, but not the arbitration procedure. Disputes concerningprocedural requirements of this Article shall be promptly aired by theemployee so that timely correction can be sought. Where appropriate,reasonable efforts shall be made to correct or mitigate alleged proce-dural defects.

(b) Notwithstanding paragraph (a) or this Section, disputes concerningthe grounds for an ‘‘unsatisfactory’’ rating may be subject to arbitration,but the rating may only be changed if the evaluator’s decision, in light ofall the credible evidence, is clearly shown to be arbitrary and capricious.The arbitrator shall not substitute his/her judgment for the judgment ofthe evaluator in applying and weighing evaluation standards.

Section 3. The Union shall be consulted prior to final adoption by theJudicial Branch of any written regulations, procedures, or forms whichrelate to evaluation of employee performance. Nothing in the Article shallbe deemed to impair the continuing use of existing procedures and formsor the implementation of existing regulations concerning matters coveredby this Article.

All performance appraisals shall be conducted on forms which arestandardized either by job classification or by division.

Section 4. Notice of all unsatisfactory performance appraisals shall besent to the President of Local 749 within five (5) working days after theyare provided to the employee.


Personnel Files

Section 1. Definitions. An employee’s ‘‘personnel file’’ is defined as:(a) the personnel record maintained at the Office of the Human

Resource Management Unit; and


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(b) the personnel file, if any, maintained by an Executive Director, aprimary purpose of which is the collection of information concerning anemployee’s performance or conduct.

The reference above to records in the Office of the Human ResourceManagement Unit shall be deemed, as to employees of the Public DefenderServices Commission, to mean records contained in the Office of theChief Public Defender.

Section 2. An employee on his/her request, or a Union representativeupon written authorization, shall be permitted to examine and copy duringnormal business hours and at his/her expense, all materials placed in his/her personnel file other than any pre-employment material or any othermaterial that is confidential or privileged. All information gathered priorto July 1, 1978, shall be deemed to be privileged or confidential, unlessand until such information constitutes the basis of a decision not to selectan employee for a promotion as defined in this Agreement. Any privilegedor confidential information shall not be revealed to any party outside theJudicial Branch without the written consent of the employee.

The Judicial Branch reserves the right to require its designee to bepresent while such file is being inspected or copied. The Union may haveaccess to any employee records upon presentation of written authoriza-tion by the appropriate employee.

Section 3. Upon execution of this Agreement, no new material deroga-tory to an employee shall be placed in his/her personnel file until he/shereceives a concurrent copy of such material.

At any time, an employee may file a written rebuttal to such material.Such material not subsequently incorporated into a service rating shall,upon request of the employee, be expunged after twelve (12) months.

An employee may file a grievance objecting to any derogatory materialplaced in his/her file, provided however, no such grievance shall be arbitra-ble, unless and until it is used as grounds, in whole or in part, for disciplin-ary action, or it constitutes the basis of a decision not to select an employeefor a promotion as defined in this Agreement.

The parties agree that Steps 1 and 2 of the grievance procedure, as setforth in Article 10 shall be waived for such grievances. The Employer’sresponse, with or without a meeting, is due seven (7) days after receiptof the grievance. Within seven (7) days after the Employer’s response isreceived or due, whichever is earlier, the Union may invoke arbitration.Such arbitration proceedings shall take precedence over any other pend-ing arbitration proceedings between the parties.

In any arbitration proceeding in which it is shown that derogatorymaterial was considered and adversely affected the employee’s chancesfor selection for a promotion, the remedy, if such material was withoutjust cause, shall be limited to: (1) the removal of such material from theemployee’s personnel record, and the insertion of his/her award if orderedby the arbitrator; and (2) an order to redo the promotion from amongthe original applicants without consideration of such material. Accord-ingly, no remedy ordering the selection of the grievant shall be availablenor shall the employee originally selected forfeit pay received while serv-ing in the promotional position.


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Section 4. This Article shall not be deemed to prohibit supervisorsfrom maintaining written notes or records on an employee’s performanceor conduct for the purpose of preparing performance appraisals.



All discipline under this Article shall be for just cause.

Section 1. Types of Discipline.(a) Discipline includes discharge, demotion, suspension without pay,

denial of an increment due to misconduct and letter of reprimand of anemployee who has attained permanent status, but shall not include thenon-reappointment of a person holding a statutory term of office.

(b) The employer shall not have the authority to transfer any employeedue to misconduct. Accordingly, transfers shown to be based on miscon-duct shall be voidable without regard to whether such misconductoccurred.

(c) Preventive discipline shall be defined as suspension with pay.

Section 2. Authority to Discipline.Any designee of the Chief Court Administrator who is not a member

of the bargaining unit.

Section 3. Procedures for Imposition of Discipline. Appeal Pro-cedures.

(a) The employer shall inform the employee and the President of theLocal in writing of the discharge, demotion, suspension without pay,denial of an increment or written reprimand, the effective date of suchaction, and the reasons for such action. The employer shall set forthsupporting facts in reasonable detail.

(b) Within twenty (20) days of the imposition of discipline, an employeemay file a Step 3 grievance. For written reprimands, the deadline remainsat thirty (30) days.

(c) Within fourteen (14) days after the appropriate response at Step 3,or if no response is forthcoming after the expiration of the time limit setforth in Article 10, Grievance Procedure the Union may invoke arbitration– subject to (d) in this section.

(d) Written reprimands shall be grievable, but shall not be arbitrableunless and until used as grounds, in whole or in part, for other disciplinaryaction, or it constitutes the basis of a decision not to select an employeefor a promotion as defined in this Agreement.

Written reprimands and performance appraisal references thereto, ifany, shall be removed from the employee’s personnel file eighteen (18)months from the date of issuance provided that no other disciplinaryincident occurs during that period of time.

In any arbitration proceeding in which it is shown that a reprimandwas considered and adversely affected the employee’s chances for selec-tion for a promotion, the remedy, if such material was without just cause,shall be limited to: (1) the removal of such material from the employee’spersonnel record, and the insertion of his award if ordered by the arbitra-


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tor; and (2) an order to redo the promotion from among the originalapplicants without consideration of such material. Accordingly, no remedyordering the selection of the grievant shall be available nor shall theemployee originally selected forfeit pay received while serving in thepromotional position.

Section 4. Preventive Discipline(a) Suspensions with pay shall not be grievable or arbitrable.(b) If, as a result of an investigation of allegation of facts leading to a

suspension with pay, no action is taken, the record of the suspensionshall be removed from the employee’s personnel file.

Section 5. Notwithstanding the above provisions of this Article, theEmployer may impose any type of disciplinary action on employees whohave not attained permanent status; such action shall not be grievableor arbitrable.

Section 6.(a) Employees who engage in a strike, sympathy strike, work stoppage,

slow-down, concerted withholding, interruption or disruption of service,sick-out, or any interference with the mission of the Judicial Branch may,at the exclusive option of the Employer, be discharged or disciplined.

(b) In taking action under paragraph (a) above, the Employer may alsoconsider whether the employee induced, supported, or encouraged otheremployees to engage in activities prohibited by Article 4.

Section 7. Disciplinary Interviews.(a) A Union steward may attend a disciplinary interview as a witness

for, and consultant to, an employee when all of the following circum-stances apply:

(1) The employee is being interviewed as part of an investigation ofmisconduct by a supervisor, official, or other representative of the Con-necticut Judicial Branch.

(2) Such discipline is considered likely at the time of the interview, butno final decisions have been reached.

(3) The employee requests the presence of a steward.(4) A steward is available within a reasonable time, ordinarily not to

exceed twenty-four (24) hours.(5) No emergency work situation involving the employee or the stew-

ard exists.(6) The steward does not interrupt or otherwise impede the interview.(7) Only one steward may attend an interview or series of interviews.(b) The rights conferred in the Section constitute the full extent to

which the parties intend the Weingarten case to be applied under C.G.S.§ 5-271(a).

(c) Ordinarily, violations of paragraph (a) shall not be grounds foraltering disciplinary action. However, the arbitrator reviewing such actionmay order other relief appropriate to the nature and circumstances ofthe case.

Section 8. Whenever practicable, the investigation, interrogation, ordiscipline of an employee shall be scheduled in a manner intended to


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conform with the employee’s work schedule, with an intent to avoidovertime or compensatory time. When any employee is called to appearat any time beyond his/her normal work time, and actually testifies, he/she shall be deemed to be actually working. This provision shall not applyto Union Stewards.

Section 9. Employer Conduct for Discipline. If the Employer has animmediate need to correct or counsel an employee it shall be done inprivate.


Reduction in Force

Section 1. Definition. A layoff is defined as the involuntary nondisci-plinary separation of an employee due to a reduction in the work force.A layoff shall not be deemed to include a non-reappointment of a personappointed for a statutory term of office.

Section 2. Reasons for Layoff.(a) Employees may be laid off because of lack of work, economy,

insufficient appropriation, a change in departmental organization, aboli-tion of position or any other cause.

(b) Displacement by Volunteers. Any increased use of volunteers shallnot form the basis for a layoff of any unit employee.

Section 3. Procedures for Reduction in Force.(a) Any necessary cutback in the number of employees shall be accom-

plished as far as practicable by normal attrition.(b) Scope of Layoff. Layoffs within the bargaining unit may be insti-

tuted on a department-wide basis or may be limited to one or moreposition classifications.

(c) Order of Layoff. In the event a layoff is necessary, employeesserving a probationary period shall, as far as practicable, be laid off first;thereafter permanent employees shall be laid off. In the event it becomesnecessary to layoff an employee with more than three (3) years servicethe Employer shall first consult with the Union concerning the criteriafor selecting employees. Seniority shall be a controlling factor in suchselection.

In determining the practicability of laying off employees with less thanthree (3) years service, and in determining and weighing the criteria forselecting for layoff employees with more than three (3) years service, theEmployer may consider the need to continue state-mandated services.The concept of state-mandated services shall not operate as a basis ofretaining a less senior employee in a classification over a more senioremployee in the same classification. The Employer bears the burden ofdemonstrating that a service is mandated by the State. For layoff purposesonly, the Union President and Chief Steward shall be granted Supersenior-ity in their current classification.

(d) Service as used in this article is defined as current continuousservice as a full-time or part-time (pro-rated) employee in the Connecticut


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Judicial Branch and in the employee’s current classification. The term‘‘current’’ classification includes:

(1) for supervisory employees both the job title held and nonsupervisoryjob titles in the classification series;

(2) for non-supervisory employees all nonsupervisory job titles in theclassification series.

(3) Clerical Series. Seniority in current classification is to include contin-uous service full and part-time (pro-rated) in all formerly held clericalclassifications from Office Clerk through Deputy Clerk, G.A. These classi-fications are:

Accounting Assistant Deputy Clerk, G.A./JuvenileAccounting Clerk DTO Trainee, DTO, DTO SupervisorAdministrative Assistant Jury Services AssistantAdministrative Clerk I and II Juvenile Matters Clerk I and IIAdministrative Secretary I Office ClerkAssistant Juvenile Matters Clerk Receptionist ClerkClerical Supervisor I and II Secretary ICourt Recording Monitor Support Enforcement Assistant,Court Services Clerk Supervising Support EnforcementCourtroom Clerk I and II AssistantCourt Support Services Intake Word Processing Typist Trainee,

Assistant Typist, Supervisor

Current continuous services of full-time Adult Probation Commissionemployees as of December 31, 1978, shall be deemed service in the Con-necticut Judicial Branch.

The Employer shall give the Union not less than fourteen (14) daysnotice of layoff and at the Union’s request shall meet to discuss alter-natives.

Section 4. Impact of Contracting Out.(a) During the life of this Agreement no full-time permanent employee

will be laid off as a direct consequence of the exercise by the Employerof its right to contract out.

(b) The Employer will be deemed in compliance with the section if (1)the employee is offered a transfer to the same or similar position whichin the Employer’s judgment he/she is qualified to perform, with no reduc-tion in pay; or (2) the Employer offers to train an employee for a positionwhich reasonably appears to be suitably based on the employee’s qualifica-tions and skills. There shall be no reduction in pay during the trainingperiod

(c) The Judicial Branch shall not employ Temps (Per Diems) or Contractworkers to do bargaining unit work in job classes that have laid offemployees. The Judicial Branch shall not utilize Temps (Per Diems) orcontract workers to do any clerical work while there are any bargainingunit employees laid off in any of the following clerical classifications:

Administrative AssistantAdministrative Clerk I and IIAdministrative Secretary I


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Office ClerkPublic Defender SecretaryReceptionist Clerk

Section 5. Notice of Layoff. The Branch shall give employees notless than fourteen (14) days notice of layoffs.

Section 6. Seniority (Reemployment). An employee who has beenlaid off shall retain his/her seniority for twenty-four (24) months, but he/she shall not continue to accrue seniority while laid off.

Section 7. Recall. Employees who have been laid off shall be recalled,in order of seniority within their current classification as defined in Section3(d) of this Article, provided that if an employee refuses to accept theposition, if the position is within thirty (30) miles of the employee’s home,or if the employee refuses to accept recall to the location from which he/she was laid off, then the Employer’s obligation to said employee shallbe fully discharged and the employee shall have no further rights to berecalled. Notwithstanding the above, the Employer’s obligation to recallan employee shall be discharged thirty-six (36) months following theemployee’s layoff.

Section 8. Seniority Tiebreaker. When employees are deemed tohave equivalent seniority in class, the following shall be the method bywhich ‘‘ties’’ are broken:

(1) The employee with greater ‘‘total service’’ in permanent positionsin the Judicial Branch shall be deemed more senior and if that does notbreak the tie then;

(2) The employee with greater total state service, as calculated forlongevity purposes, shall be deemed more senior and if that does notbreak the tie, then;

(3) The determination shall be resolved by drawing the name(s) of theperson(s) to be deemed more senior by lot.

Section 9. Filling Vacancies. (Classes that have no employees on arecall list). Employees who have either been laid off or have been notifiedthat they are subject to layoff on a certain date and who meet the minimumqualifications, shall be notified of such vacancies. Laid off employees whoapply shall be given preference if they are ‘‘fully’’ qualified. Final hiringdecisions are to be at the sole discretion of the Judicial Branch and arenot to be subject to the grievance or arbitration procedures.



The Employer is receptive to all recommendations regarding improve-ment of apparently unsafe or unhealthy conditions. Once the Employerdetermines that an unsafe or unhealthy condition exists, it will attemptto alleviate or otherwise remedy the condition. In the event there is adisagreement regarding whether an unsafe or unhealthy condition exists,the Union and the Employer will attempt to resolve it informally.


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If an employee is required to perform some duty or task under anunsafe condition which in fact presents a clear, present, and substantialdanger of physical harm the employee may refuse to perform the dutyor task pending the immediate and expedited communication of the unsafecondition through the chain of command.

Disputes over unsafe or unhealthy working conditions shall be pro-cessed expeditiously through the Labor Department for compliance withCONN-OSHA or otherwise with the Statewide Labor Management Advi-sory Committee, but shall not be subject to the grievance procedure.

First aid kits shall be available in each office.The appropriate applications of the Section, including disputes on

operating unsafe vehicle or equipment, shall be discussed by the StatewideLabor Management Advisory Committee.



Section 1. Base Salary Increases.(a) Effective June 19, 2009, the base annual salary of all employees

shall not be increased.(b) Effective June 18, 2010, the base annual salary of all employees

shall be increased by 2.5%.(c) Effective July 1, 2011, the base annual salary of all employees shall

be increased by 2.5%.

Section 2. Annual Increments. Employees will continue to be eligiblefor and receive annual increments during each year of this agreementin accordance with existing practice, except as specifically varied bythis contract.

No annual increment will be made for contract year 2009-2010.The annual increment will be delayed three months for contract year

2010-2011.The annual increment will be delayed three months for contract year

2011-2012.Effective July 1, 2010 and each year of this agreement thereafter,

employees at the maximum step of the salary plan who have ceasedreceiving annual increments shall be eligible for a lump sum payment ofseven hundred and fifty dollars ($750). The payment shall be made as ofthe date the increment as specified above would have applied and maybe denied for an overall ‘‘unsatisfactory’’ performance appraisal.

Section 3. Longevity. Employees shall continue to be eligible forlongevity payments for the life of the contract in accordance withexisting practice.

Section 4. Night Shift Differential. Employees who are regularlyassigned to work shifts beginning before 6:00 a.m. or on or after 2:00p.m., shall receive an eighty-five (85) cents per hour night shift differential.

Section 5. Weekend Differential.(a) For purposes of this section, a weekend is defined as the forty-

eight (48) hour period beginning at 11:00 p.m. on Friday and ending at11:00 p.m. on Sunday night.


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(b) Weekend differential shall be paid for working a full shift with themajority of shift hours falling on the weekend. Weekend differential shallbe paid only for hours worked and not on leave time. Eligible employeesshall receive a weekend differential of eighty (80) cents per hour.

Section 6. Additional Compensation for Work on Premium Holidays.(a) For purposes of this section, premium holidays are:

New Year’s Day January 1stMemorial Day the last Monday in MayIndependence Day July 4thLabor Day the first Monday in SeptemberThanksgiving the fourth Thursday in NovemberChristmas Day December 25th

(b) Effective on the first premium holiday following July 1, 1981, employ-ees who are required to work on a premium holiday shall be paid at therate of time and one-half for all hours worked on the premium holidayin addition to compensatory time for the day. Premium holiday pay willbe paid for work on the dates set forth in subsection (a) even if thesedates fall on a Saturday or Sunday.

(c) Premium pay shall be paid for those shifts with the majority ofhours on the premium holiday. In no event will the Employer makepremium payment for more than a twenty-four (24) hour period.

(d) The existing practice regarding compensation for holidays whichare not premium holidays will continue.

(e) Compensatory time earned will lapse unless it is taken not laterthan during the third month (six months for Juvenile Detention Officers,Juvenile Detention Officer Trainees, Lead Juvenile Detention Officers,Juvenile Detention Shift Supervisors and Public Defender Investigators)next succeeding the month in which it has accrued. However, with thepermission of an employee’s first supervisor outside the bargaining unit,earned compensatory time may be carried over for an additional periodnot to exceed one (1) month, if all of the following conditions havebeen met:

(a) continuing job responsibilities preclude the taking of such time; and(b) the employee has requested such time off within two (2) weeks

prior to the initial lapse date.Requests for permission to carry over such time shall be made in a

timely fashion and shall not be unreasonably withheld. All compensatorytime earned or taken must be reported on the attendance report submittedto the Office of the Chief Court Administrator.

Section 7. Daylight Savings Time. Employees working those shiftsaffected by daylight savings time shall receive one additional hour of payin the fall and one less hour of pay in the spring.

Section 8. Tuition Reimbursement. The Employer will allocate$26,000 in each year of this agreement for the existing tuition reimburse-ment program contained in the Administrative Policies and ProceduresManual. Tuition reimbursement shall be up to a maximum of $225.00 per


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credit. Unused amounts allocated for tuition reimbursement in one fiscalyear shall be available in the next fiscal year.

Section 9. Conference Fund.(a) Each year of this Agreement, the Employer shall allocate $4000 to

finance attendance at workshops, seminars, classes for certification orconferences by employees, without loss of pay or benefits. Such work-shops, seminars, classes or conferences must be educational and benefi-cial to the employee and the Judicial Branch and shall not include stewardtraining. A maximum of $400 shall be allotted for any one attendance.These funds shall be used for payment of fees and/or travel expenses,including such items as meals or lodging.

(b) Every effort shall be made by the employer to allow participation.Selection of employees shall be by mutual agreement of the Union andthe Branch.

(c) Upon approval of a request under this section by the Union andthe employer, such request shall be forwarded to the Director of FiscalAdministration at least two (2) weeks in advance of the event.

If an employee who has had a request approved does not attend, promptnotice of cancellation shall be provided to the employer.

As soon as possible, but not more than thirty (30) days following theevent, the employee shall submit a claim for reimbursement on the appro-priate form and also provide required receipts to the employer.

If no claim for reimbursement has been submitted within ninety (90)days of the date a workshop, seminar or conference was scheduled, thefunds committed for that activity shall be released and made availablefor others.

Funds committed in one fiscal year shall carry over to the next fiscalyear in order to allow payment of prior year claims.

Employees who attend these activities may be requested by manage-ment to prepare reports and/or make a presentation on the events andinformation acquired.

Section 10. Travel Reimbursements. An employee who is requiredto travel on official state business shall be reimbursed up to the followingrates, subject to the conditions outlined in the Standard Travel Regu-lations.

Breakfast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.00Lunch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $8.00Dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $18.00Miscellaneous (max.) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5.00Maximum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37.00

An employee who is required to remain away from home overnight inorder to accomplish the regular duties of his/her position, may be reim-bursed for lodging expenses in accordance with the Standard State TravelRegulations. Advance approval must be obtained from the Office of theChief Court Administrator.

Adjustments to the mileage reimbursement rate shall be made in accord-ance with the Government Services Administration (GSA) rate adjustedto the first day of the month that follows the GSA rate change.


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Reasonable parking fees and tolls shall also be reimbursed when therequest is accompanied by receipts.

Section 11. Automobile Availability Fee. For each year of thisagreement, employees who are required to have a vehicle available fordaily use shall receive an automobile availability payment of $300.00. Theauto availability fee shall be paid to eligible employees in the secondFebruary pay check. Eligible employees are those employees active onJanuary 1 of the year the fee is to be paid who are required to have anautomobile available for daily use. There shall be no prorating of this fee.

Section 12. Juvenile Detention–WORKING CONDITIONSSTIPEND

(a) For each year of this agreement, full-time permanent bargainingunit employees regularly assigned to Juvenile Detention facilities shallreceive a working conditions stipend of $700.00.

(b) This stipend is limited to employees in the following ‘‘hazardousduty’’ job classes: Food Services Assistant, Food Services Coordinator,Juvenile Detention Officer Trainee, Juvenile Detention Officer, Lead Juve-nile Detention Officer, Juvenile Detention Shift Supervisor, JuvenileDetention Transportation Officer, and Building Supervisors and Maintain-ers working in the Court Support Services Division.

(c) This stipend shall be paid to eligible employees in the secondDecember paycheck. Eligible employees are those employees active onDecember 1 of the year who have successfully completed their probation-ary period. There shall be no prorating of this stipend.


Temporary Service in a Higher Class

Section 1. An employee who is assigned to perform temporary servicein a higher class shall, commencing with the thirty-first consecutive work-day, be paid for such actual work retroactive to the first day of such workat the rate of the higher class as if promoted thereto.

Section 2. Such assignments may be made when there is a vacancyin a permanent position which management has decided to fill, or whenan employee is on extended absence due to illness, leave of absence, orother reasons. Extended absence is one which is expected to last morethan thirty (30) working days.

Eligibility for temporary assignment to a higher classification requiresthat the employee meet the minimum qualifications for the higher classifi-cation as defined in the official job specification.

Section 3. A department head making a temporary assignment to ahigher class shall issue the employee written notification of the assignmentand shall immediately forward the appropriate form seeking writtenapproval of the assignment from the Chief Court Administrator or hisdesignee.

The Chief Court Administrator or his designee shall expedite requestsfor approval of assignments to temporary service in a higher class.


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If on or after the thirty-first consecutive working day of such service,the Chief Court Administrator or his designee has not approved the assign-ment, or in the event the Chief Court Administrator or his designee disap-proves the requested assignment, the employee upon request shall bereassigned to his/her former position.

If the employee does not request reassignment to his/her former posi-tion, the employee shall continue working as assigned with recourseunder the appeal procedure for reclassification. The form certifying theassignment will specify the rights and obligations of the parties underthis Agreement.

Section 4. Temporary assignments to a higher class for periods ofthirty (30) working days or less shall not be utilized to defeat the basiccontractual obligation herein.


Hours of Work

Section 1. Regular Workweek.(a) The regular or standard workweek is defined as the number of

hours of work normally scheduled to be performed in a seven (7) dayperiod beginning Friday (12:01 a.m.) and ending Thursday (mid-night).

(b) Employees now working a regular forty (40) hour workweek shallcontinue to do so for the life of this agreement except that:

(1) certain AFSCME Judicial personnel in the Juvenile detention centersshall be scheduled to work a schedule which, over reasonable periods oftime, requires an average of forty (40) hours per week, eight (8) hours aday; such a schedule shall be deemed to constitute a non-standardworkweek.

(2) certain AFSCME Judicial personnel in the Commission on OfficialLegal Publications working a regular forty (40) hour workweek, eight (8)hours a day, on the effective date of this Agreement, shall continue towork such a schedule.

(c) Bail Commissioners shall work in accordance with a schedule deter-mined by the Chief Bail Commissioner. Such schedule may be establishedwith an average of forty (40) hours per week, eight (8) hours a day. Suchschedule may require work during days, evenings, nights and weekends.Shift assignments for Bail Commissioners hired prior to 03/08/96 will bemade on a seniority basis, provided the Employer retains the right todecide the number of employees assigned to a shift.

Section 2. Scheduling of Hours.(a) Employees working a forty (40) hour workweek shall normally

work Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:15p.m. All subject to paragraphs (b) through (d).

(b) The Employer and the Union shall cooperate in developing experi-mental programs to determine the feasibility of establishing alternativework schedules such as flextime. Implementation of such experimentalprograms shall be by mutual agreement between the employer and theUnion. Implementation, evaluation and continuation of flextime programsshall be a subject for Labor-Management Committee(s).


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(c) (1) Personnel in the juvenile detention centers shall work a scheduledetermined by the Employer and will be assigned to a fixed shift. Suchschedule will provide that Juvenile Detention Officers, Juvenile DetentionOfficer Trainees, Lead Juvenile Detention Officers and Shift Supervisorsshall have alternate weekends off and shall regularly work no more thanfive consecutive days before having a day off. Employees shall be givennotice of a minimum of two (2) weeks prior to any permanent sched-ule change.

(2) Juvenile Detention Officers and Trainees will be assigned to a fixedshift. Such assignments will be done within each institution with seniorityas the controlling factor, provided the employer retains the right to decidethe number of employees assigned to a shift and the right to assureappropriate staffing of male and female Juvenile Detention Officers. Avacancy on a shift to be filled by a permanent employee will first besubject to bidding within the institution on a seniority basis. Thereafterwhen the remaining vacancy is filled by transfer from another institutionthe transferring employee will be assigned to that vacancy, without regardto seniority. Said employee may exercise seniority in any future vacancies.

Lead Juvenile Detention Officers and Shift Supervisors will be assignedto a fixed shift within an institution. Seniority and employee preferenceshall be considered when such assignments are made and vacanciesare filled.

(3) The parties agree to form a committee made up of no more thanfive (5) Employer representatives and five (5) Union representatives todiscuss schedule alternatives, including but not limited to reviewing thefeasibility of schedules that do not provide alternate weekends off, andmandate, overtime, call in and hold over language, shift assignmentsfor Leads and Shift Supervisors and outdoor uniforms for the JuvenileDetention Centers. Said language shall have little to de minimus eco-nomic impact.

(d) Existing individual arrangements for a different starting and quittingtime, e.g. employees who report at 8:00 a.m. to prepare operational equip-ment, shall continue. Other arrangements for operational reasons or theconvenience of employees may be adopted after consultation betweenAFSCME, Local 749 and the Chief Court Administrator or his designee.

Section 3. Meal Periods. For full time employees meal periods shallbe one (1) hour, forty-five (45), or thirty (30) minutes at the option of theemployee during the term of this agreement; except the present practice inthe C O L P forty-five (45) minutes shall continue. Meal periods shall bescheduled close to the middle of a shift, subject to the operating needsof the jurisdiction as determined by officials in charge. Meal periods shall,except in unusual circumstances, be considered duty free. Meal periodsshall not be counted as work-time, except for Juvenile Detention Officers.The voluntary omission of a meal period in whole or in part shall notmodify the starting or leaving time schedule.

Section 4. Rest Periods. Employees shall be entitled to two (2) fifteen(15) minute rest periods during the working day, one (1) in each half shift(to be scheduled by the supervisor), except that operational needs may


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preclude such periods for court-room personnel. A rest period commenceswhen the employee ceases work at the duty station and ends when theemployee resumes work at the duty station. The voluntary omission of arest period in whole or in part shall not modify the starting or leavingschedule. Employees of COLP required by their nonstandard workweekto work in excess of eleven (11) hours in any shift shall be entitled totwo (2) fifteen (15) minute rest periods and an additional twenty (20)minute paid meal period.


Overtime Pay

Section 1. Definition. For purposes of this agreement, ‘‘overtime pay’’is defined as payment for time an employee has worked in excess ofthe standard work week providing, however, that such additional hoursworked were assigned and performed in accordance with the provisionsof this Article.

Section 2. Earning Overtime(a) No employee may earn overtime pay unless:(1) the employee is specifically directed and required, at the invitation

of a judge, supervisor, or other authorized official to perform work inexcess of their standard workweek; or

(2) the division, upon request of the employee, approves in writingovertime for work already performed. It is further provided that overtimecannot be earned for work performed at an employee’s place of residence.No employee shall be required to bring work home.

(b) Existing practice and requirements concerning transcript produc-tion by court reporters and court recording monitors during non-workhours or while at home for which compensation is set by statute are notcovered by the provisions of this Article.

(c) Measurement. Overtime shall be measured to the nearest fifteen(15) minutes.

(d) Overtime pay shall not be pyramided.

Section 3. Except as provided in Article 17, Section 6, employees arenot eligible for compensatory time.

Section 4. All pay earned and all compensatory time granted in accord-ance with Article 17, Section 6 must be reported to the appropriate unitof the Administrative Services Division of the Office of the Chief CourtAdministrator.

Section 5. Overtime pay will be calculated in accordance with thefederal Fair Labor Standards Act and applicable state statutes. Job classifi-cations that have historically received overtime payment in lieu of com-pensatory time shall continue to have overtime payments calculated usingthe same method they have in the past.

Section 6. The Employer shall equalize overtime opportunities by jobclass within the facility or office.


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Section 7. Juvenile Detention Centers. Overtime assignments mustbe approved in writing by the supervisor of the facility or his/her designee.

Wherever possible, volunteers will be solicited before employees areassigned. Reasonable efforts will be made to distribute overtime equallyamong volunteers. In the event volunteers are unavailable, the Employerretains the right to require overtime. The Employer retains the right torequire the use of time clocks.

Section 8. COLP. Consistent with existing practice, certain employeesof the Commission on Official Legal Publications shall receive time andone-half their base hourly rate of pay for all hours worked in excess ofeight (8) hours in a day or forty (40) hours in a week.

Section 9. Maintainers. The Judicial Branch will pay overtime toeligible maintenance employees at the straight time rate for hours overthirty-five (35) per week, but under forty (40), and at time and one-halffor hours worked over forty (40). An employee who is recalled to workon an overtime basis shall be assigned to a least four (4) hours of workbefore being released. An employee who is recalled within two (2) hoursafter being released from work shall be considered to have never beenreleased and shall be paid accordingly. If the employee is recalled withintwo (2) hours of a prior release, the four (4) hour guarantee shall beginwith the time of release, rather than the time of recall. Overtime pay shallnot be pyramided. If an employee is recalled beyond two hours afterbeing released, portal to portal pay (travel time to and from, home andwork location) shall be included within the four hour guarantee. Anemployee option in either case would be to waive the four hour guaranteeand select the portal to portal pay plus whatever time is needed to com-plete the assigned recall task.

Notwithstanding the above, the employer will pay maintainers, whoare recalled to work on an overtime basis, at the time and one-half ratefor all hours worked, with a two hour guarantee, when recalled betweenthe hours of 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. (M-F) and for all hours workedwhen recalled on Saturday and Sunday.

Section 10. Supreme Court Police and Juvenile Transportation Officerswill continue to receive overtime pay consistent with existing practice.

Section 11. The Employer shall not temporarily change an employee’sregular hours to avoid overtime. Permanent hours changes shall be gov-erned by Article 19, Section 2, (b) through (d). Nothing in this Articleshall be deemed to restrict the Employers right to require overtime.



Section 1. Eligibility for Vacation Leave. Each full-time, (part-timepro-rated) permanent employee in the bargaining unit who is included inthe regular biweekly payroll and whose salary is allocated to a particulargroup and step, is eligible to accrue vacation time with pay. The term‘‘permanent employee’’ shall be construed to mean an employee in apermanent position as distinguished from an employee who is paid on


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the temporary payroll. It shall not be construed to mean an employeewith ‘‘permanent status’’ as defined in Article 11 (Probationary Period).

The Chief Court Administrator or his designee may establish regulationsconcerning the accrual, prorating, and granting of vacation time withpay for employees who hold permanent part-time positions and who areincluded in the regular biweekly payroll.

Section 2. Accrual of Vacation Time.(a) (1) Eligible employees who are on the forty (40) hour per week

payroll shall accrue ten (10) vacation hours per month for each completedmonth of continuous full-time service except that employees who havecompleted twenty (20) years of service shall accrue thirteen and one-third (13.33) vacation hours for each completed month of continuous full-time service.

(2) In computing the effective date of an employee’s first month’saccrual at the twenty (20) year rate, all service time accepted for purposesof computing longevity payments to such employee shall apply.

(b) Vacation leave starts to accrue with the first working day of thefirst full calendar month after date of commencement of employment andis credited to the eligible employee on the completion of the calendarmonth.

(c) No leave shall accrue for any calendar month in which an employeeis on leave of absence without pay for more than an aggregate of three(3) working days.

(d) Unused vacation hours may accumulate to a maximum of the equiva-lent of one hundred twenty (120) days. After an employee has attainedthis maximum accrual, vacation hours shall begin to reaccrue in the monthwhen some of such leave is taken.

Section 3. Taking Vacation Time.(a) For vacation purposes only, the calendar year shall run from April

1st through March 31st. Vacation requests submitted by April 1st shall beresponded to in writing by May 1st. Once a vacation request has beenapproved in writing, it may only be rescinded by mutual agreement of theparties. Seniority shall be the controlling factor in determining vacationrequest submitted by April 1st. In extraordinary circumstances, theEmployer may request the Labor-Management Committee to make anexception to seniority being the controlling factor. For submission afterApril 1st, vacation selections shall be granted on a first come firstserve basis.

(b) In no event shall an employee take more than twenty-five (25)days accrued vacation time in any one calendar year without first havingobtained the approval of the Office of the Chief Court Administrator.

Section 4. Leave Time Requests for Juvenile Detention Officers, Juve-nile Detention Officer Trainees, Lead Juvenile Detention Officers andShift Supervisors:

Employees will be required to submit leave time requests on a quarterlybasis. Requests for leave time must be given to the supervisor on theappropriate form by the first day of the month immediately precedingthe start of the quarter as outlined below:


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-1st Quarter- December, January and February (requests due by Novem-ber 1)

-2nd Quarter - March, April, and May (requests due by February 1)-3rd Quarter - June, July and August (requests due by May 1)-4th Quarter - September, October and November (requests due by

August 1)

Supervisors must approve/deny requests for leave time in writing tothe employee by the 15th day of the first month preceding the start of thequarter as outlined as follows:

-1st Quarter - responses due by November 15-2nd Quarter - responses due by February 15-3rd Quarter - responses due by May 15-4th Quarter - responses due by August 15

If employees submit their vacation requests earlier than the above-mentioned due dates, the requests will not be acted upon until the corres-ponding response due date mentioned above. Requests submitted afterthe first day of the quarter will be considered on a first come, firstserve basis.

Leave time requests will be considered by shift by seniority. The mostsenior employee in the classification on the designated shift will be givenfirst consideration.

The determination of the number of employees who can be grantedleave time per shift will be made by the Judicial Branch and could varyfrom quarter to quarter, and between all the Detention Center locations,depending on the availability of full time staff and detainee population.Upon written request of the employee, supervisors will provide the rea-sons for denial of a request to the employee in writing.

Once a leave time request has been approved in writing, it may onlybe rescinded by mutual agreement of the parties.

In extraordinary circumstances, the Employer may request the Labor/Management Committee to make an exception to seniority in approvingleave time.

Section 5. Payment for Accrued Vacation Time on Terminationof Employment.

(a) On termination of employment by retirement or resignation, eacheligible employee, other than one whose compensation is fixed by statute,shall be granted a lump sum payment for vacation leave accrued andunused up to and including the last full calendar month of work. Theamount paid shall be equal to the employee’s hourly rate, which shall bebased upon the employee’s salary at the time of her/her resignation orretirement, times the number of unused vacation hours accrued to his/her credit at the time of his/her resignation or retirement.

(b) In the event an employee, other than one whose compensation isfixed by statute dies, a lump sum payment shall be made for all vacationleave accrued to him/her and unused at the time of his/her death. Theamount paid shall be equal to the salary the deceased employee would


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have received had he/she remained in the service of the Judicial Branchuntil the expiration of such vacation period.

(c) Such payment shall be made to the surviving beneficiary or benefici-aries lawfully designated by the employee under the state employees’retirement system, or, if there is no such designated beneficiary or benefi-ciaries, to the estate of the deceased.

Section 6. Transfer of Vacation Accrual. The number of vacationhours accrued by a state employee up to the date he/she transfers intothe Judicial Branch shall be accepted by the Branch and credited to him/her on the Branch’s personnel records.

Section 7. Records. All vacation leave and personal leave shall berecorded in the attendance records in the Office of the Chief Court Admin-istrator. Such records shall reflect for each eligible employee the currentamount of vacation leave accrued, the amount and dates when such leavewas taken, the current balance of such leave available, and the numberof personal leave hours taken during the calendar year. The records willbe subject to review by the Chief Court Administrator, and the individualrecord of an employee in the department shall be available to suchemployee upon written request.


Personal Leave Days

Section 1. In addition to normal vacation accrual as set forth in thisAgreement, there shall be granted to each full-time, (part-time pro-rated)permanent employee of the department three (3) days of personal leaveof absence with pay in each calendar year. Accrual and use of personalleave time shall be measured in ‘‘hours’’ rather than ‘‘days’’.

Section 2. Personal leave of absence shall be taken for the purposeof conducting private affairs, including observance of religious holidays,and shall not be deducted from vacation or sick leave credits. Personalleave of absence time may be taken only when requested in advance bythe employee and approved by his department head. Personal leave timewhich is not taken in a calendar year shall not be accumulated butshall lapse.

Section 3. Employees of the Judicial Branch may not take personalleave time until after the conclusion of six (6) months continuous serviceas full-time employees of the State of Connecticut, during which periodthey have not been on leave of absence without pay for more than ten(10) working days.


Military Leave

A full-time permanent employee of the department who is a memberof the armed forces of the State or of any component of the armed forcesof the United States and who is required to undergo field training thereinshall, for a period not exceeding three (3) calendar weeks of such field


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training each year, be entitled to a leave of absence with pay, in additionto his/her annual vacation. Such military leave shall be granted uponsubmission to the Chief Court Administrator of acceptable and officialmilitary orders for such military training. Further military leave of absencewith pay up to a maximum of thirty (30) days in any calendar year,may be granted by the Chief Court Administrator for service due toemergencies proclaimed by the Governor or the President.


Sick Leave - Leave Without Pay

Section 1. Eligibility for Sick Leave. Each full-time, (part-time pro-rated) permanent employee in the bargaining unit who is included in theregular biweekly payroll and whose salary is allocated to a particulargroup and step is eligible to accrue sick leave starting with the firstworking day of the first full calendar month after date of commencementof employment in the department.

The Chief Court Administrator or his designee may establish regulationsconcerning the accrual, prorating, and granting of sick leave with pay foremployees of the Judicial Branch who hold permanent part-time positionsand who are included in the regular biweekly payroll.

Section 2. Sick Leave Accrual.(a) Sick leave accrues at the rate of ten (10) hours per completed

calendar month of continuous full-time service for employees who worka scheduled eight (8) hour day. Sick leave continues to accrue during theperiod of time an employee is on an authorized leave of absence with pay.

(b) Sick leave continues to accrue in the month when some of suchleave is taken.

(c) No sick leave hours shall accrue for any calendar month in whichan employee is on leave of absence without pay for an aggregate of morethan three (3) working days.

(d) Sick leave shall accrue for the first twelve (12) months in which aJudicial Branch employee eligible to receive workers’ compensation andsick leave benefits is actually receiving workers’ compensation benefitsunder the provisions of the General Statutes.

Section 3. Granting Sick Leave.(a) Sick leave to the extent accumulated by the employee and credited

to his/her account in the attendance and leave records maintained by theChief Court Administrator shall be granted to an eligible employee undersatisfactory proof of illness or injury, including pregnancy, incapacitatingsuch employee for duty, in order that such employee may recuperatefrom such illness or injury. During such leave the employee shall becompensated in full and retain his/her employment benefits.

(b) Sick leave to the extent accumulated by the employee and creditedto her account in the attendance and leave records maintained by theChief Court Administrator shall be granted to an employee during theperiod of time that she is disabled as the result of pregnancy. Disabilitymay be presumed starting not more than four (4) weeks prior to the


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expected date of delivery as certified by the employee’s physician andending not more than four (4) weeks following the actual date of birth.

(c) The time an employee is sick while on annual vacation leave, otherthan terminal vacation leave, shall be charged against accrued sick leaveif the employee files an acceptable medical certificate with the ChiefCourt Administrator attesting to the fact that he/she was sick and wouldhave been unable to work on the day or days claimed as sick.

(d) A holiday occurring when an employee is on sick leave will becounted as a holiday and not charged as sick leave. When special timeoff is granted, however, an employee on sick leave shall be charged asprescribed by the Chief Court Administrator.

(e) If an employee is receiving workers’ compensation or disabilitycompensation, he may elect to draw upon his sick leave to the extentauthorized by the General Statutes.

(f) Consistent with existing practice, upon exhaustion of accrued sickleave, other accrued paid leaves may be used by employees who areincapacitated or disabled as provided in and subject to the conditions ofparagraphs (a) and (b) of this section.

Section 4. Special Leave of Absence with Pay Chargeable toAccrued Sick Leave. Any eligible employee may be granted special leaveof absence with pay chargeable to accrued sick leave for the followingreasons:

(a) for medical or dental treatment for which arrangements cannot bemade outside of working hours;

(b) when his/her presence at duty will expose others to contagiousdisease;

(c) in the event of death in the immediate family when as much as five(5) working days’ leave with pay may be granted. Immediate family meansspouse, domestic partner*, father, mother, sister, brother or child, andalso any person who is domiciled in the employee’s household;

(*domestic partner is defined as a person who has qualified for domesticpartner benefits under the parties’ pension and health care agreement.)

(d) in the event of critical illness or severe injury in the immediatefamily (as defined in Section 4c above) creating an emergency requiringthe attendance or aid of the employee, when as much as ten (10) daysleave with pay in a calendar year may be granted;

(e) going to, attending, and returning from funerals of persons otherthan members of the immediate family, if prior permission is requestedof and granted by the employee’s supervisor, as much as the equivalentof one (1) day’s leave with pay may be granted per occurrence;

(f) in connection with the birth, adoption, or taking custody of a childor the prenatal or postnatal care of a spouse when as much as three daysof leave with pay may be granted. Vacation or personal time may also beused for such purposes subject to approval of the employee’s Execu-tive Director.

Section 5. Advanced Sick Leave.(a) No sick leave with pay in excess of the sick leave hours accumulated

to an eligible employee’s credit shall be granted unless authorized in


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advance by the Personnel Unit with the approval of the Chief CourtAdministrator. Such authorizations shall be granted only in cases involvingextended periods of illness or injury. No advance of sick leave shall beauthorized unless the employee has first exhausted all accrual to his/hercredit for sick leave and vacation leave, including current accruals. Noadvance of sick leave shall be granted until an employee has completedat leave five (5) years of full-time employment in state service.

(b) The advanced sick leave which may be granted shall be on the basisof one (1) day at full pay for each completed year of full-time service. Inno case shall advanced sick leave exceed thirty (30) days at full pay.

(c) Any such advanced sick leave as may be granted shall be repaid byan equal charge against such sick leave as the employee may subsequentlyaccrue. No repayment of advanced sick leave shall be required, however,until the employee has first accrued five (5) days of sick leave followinghis/her return to duty.

(d) Except that any advanced sick leave not repaid eighteen (18) monthssubsequent to its being granted, shall be repaid through automatic deduc-tions equal to fifty (50%) percent of the rate it is earned.

Section 6. Medical Certificate. For the following reasons an accept-able medical certificate, signed by a licensed physician or other prac-titioner whose method of healing is recognized by the State, may berequired of an employee by the Office of the Chief Court Administratoror by an employee’s Executive Director or designee (s) to substantiate arequest for sick leave or special leave of absence with pay:

(a) any period of absence consisting of more than five (5) consecutiveworking days;

(b) to support request for sick leave during annual vacation;(c) when excessive absenteeism or other circumstances indicate rea-

sonable cause for requiring such a certificate.The Office of the Chief Court Administrator may have a physician make

a further examination.

Section 7. Removal from Payroll. Any eligible employee in the depart-ment absent from duty by reason of illness or injury who has exhaustedall of his/her accrued sick leave, vacation leave including current accrual,personal leave days and advanced sick leave when applicable, and emer-gency sick leave bank time when applicable, and who thereafter does notreturn to duty, will receive no further compensation and will be removedfrom the active payroll of the department until such time as he/she returnsto duty.

Section 8. Leave of Absence Without Pay.(a) (1) A leave of absence without pay for the protection of or improve-

ment of an employee’s health, or for any other cause considered reason-able or proper, may be granted to an employee upon approval of theappointing authority or any authorized committee thereof for a periodnot to exceed one (1) year. Requests for such leave must be submittedin writing to the Office of the Chief Court Administrator.

Such leave may be extended beyond one (1) year by the appointingauthority, or any authorized committee thereof. Notwithstanding the


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above, any employee absent from duty by reason of illness or injury whohas exhausted all of his/her accrued sick leave, personal leave, advancedsick leave, when applicable, and emergency sick leave bank time whenapplicable, and all but the hourly equivalent of five (5) working days ofvacation time, shall be granted a leave of absence for a period not toexceed six (6) months upon submission of an acceptable medical certifi-cate as provided in Section 6. Requests for extensions may be approvedby the appointing authority or an authorized committee thereof. If theemployee so chooses, he/she may exhaust all accrued vacation time beforetaking the leave of absence.

(2) Upon expiration of paid leave for disability resulting from pregnancy,the employee may request, and shall be granted, a medical leave of absencewithout pay, position held, for a period not to exceed six (6) monthsfollowing the date of termination of the pregnancy. Such medical leaveof absence may, at the exclusive option of the appointing authority or anauthorized committee thereof, be extended beyond the six (6) monthperiod, with or without holding the position. Requests for such extensionsshall be submitted to the Office of the Chief Court Administrator.

(b) A leave of absence without pay shall be granted to a full-timepermanent employee who leaves his/her employment for the purpose ofentering the armed forces of the United States. Such an employee shallbe reinstated in his/her former position and duties, provided the followingconditions are met:

(1) within ninety (90) days after he/she has received a certificate ofsatisfactory service from the armed forces, he/she makes application forreturn to service with the Judicial Branch;

(2) such person must be able and qualified to perform the work required;(3) work must be available. In considering the factor of availability of

work, the appointing authority of the Judicial Branch shall replace anyemployee, junior in service, who was employed for the purpose of fillingthe position vacated by such returning employee.

This Section shall not apply to any employee who, because of voluntaryreenlistment, has been absent from the service with the Judicial Branchfor a period of more than three (3) years in addition to war service orcompulsory service and the ninety (90) day period herein before pro-vided for.

Section 9. Status of Accrued Sick Leave and Paid Leave UponReemployment of Resigned Employee. Any employee who resigns ingood standing from the department and who is reemployed within one(1) year from the date of his/her resignation shall be credited with theamount of sick leave accrued to his/her credit on the effective date ofhis/her resignation.

Section 10. Compensation for Unused Sick Leave Accrual UponRetirement. Each eligible employee in the department who retires onor after July 1, 1978, shall be compensated, effective as of the date ofhis/her retirement, at the rate of one-fourth (.25) of his/her daily salaryfor each day of sick leave accrued to his/her credit as of his/her last dayon the active payroll up to a maximum payment equivalent to sixty (60)days pay.


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Section 11. Records. All leave with or without pay shall be recordedin the attendance records in the Office of the Chief Court Administrator.Such records shall reflect the current amount of sick leave accrued andthe amount and dates when leave was taken, and the current balanceavailable to each employee. The records will be subject to review by theChief Court Administrator, and the individual record of an employee inthe department shall be available to such employee upon written request.

Section 12. Upon death of an employee who has completed ten (10)years of State service, the employer shall pay to the beneficiary one-fourth (.25) of the deceased employee’s daily salary for each day of sickleave accrued to his/her credit as of his/her last day on the active payrollup to a maximum payment equivalent to sixty (60) days pay.

Section 13. Emergency Sick Leave Bank.(a) There shall be an Emergency Sick Leave Bank, composed of the

contributions of bargaining unit employees pursuant to the terms of the1981-83 collective bargaining agreement, and any additional contributionsas provided pursuant to this section. All unit employees serving an originalprobationary period on the effective date of this section and all unitemployees hired after that date shall contribute two (2) hours fromaccrued sick leave to the sick leave bank upon obtaining permanentstatus. Hours contributed shall not revert to employees if not used.

(b) Days contributed to the bank shall thereafter be allocated to non-probationary employees with catastrophic or extended, long-term ill-nesses.

(c) To be eligible for allocation of sick days from the bank an employeemust meet the following conditions:

(1) Exhaustion of all sick leave, personal and vacation leave, includingadvanced sick leave under Section 5 of this Article.

(2) The illness or injury is not covered by workers’ compensation and/or such benefit has been exhausted.

(3) An acceptable medical certificate supporting the absence is on file.(4) The bank is not depleted.(d) Days shall be allocated by a Labor Management Advisory Com-

mittee.This committee shall have full authority to grant benefits and administer

the program in accordance with guidelines outlined in subparagraph (b)above. In addition, the Committee shall consider as a factor the extentand circumstances of the applicant’s usage of sick leave prior to theillness in question.

(e) Unused days shall be carried over from year to year and shallnot lapse.

If at any time the bank balance shall fall below seven-hundred and fifty(750) hours, the committee shall be empowered to withdraw a supplemen-tal contribution of up to four (4) hours from each permanent employee’saccrued sick leave. Said withdrawal shall be made only after a majorityvote of the committee.

(f) Time off without loss of pay or benefits may be granted, as necessary,to members of the Committee to attend meetings to administer thisprogram.


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(g) The actions or non-actions of this Committee shall in no way besubject to collateral attack or the grievance/arbitration machinery. Thepanel shall not be considered a State agency, board or any other subdivi-sion of the Employer. No requests shall be conducted as contested casesor otherwise be subject to the Administrative Procedure Act.


Civil Leave

Section 1.(a) Employees absent from duty to perform jury service shall receive

their regular straight time salary, exclusive of overtime or any otherpremium pay. Acceptance of such salary shall be deemed a waiver of anystatutory jury service fee.

(b) Time off for jury duty shall be arranged as follows:(1) If the employee is scheduled to work the day shift, evening or

second shift, he/she shall be off on the shift occurring on the same dayas the jury duty.

(2) If the employee is scheduled to work the night or third shift, he/she shall be off on the shift immediately prior to jury duty.

(c) If an employee who works the day shift reports to jury duty and isreleased early so that court time and reasonable travel time to the worksite (including time to stop at home if necessary) do not exceed threeand one-half (3.5) hours in total, the employee shall return to work forthe balance of the day shift.

If any employee who works the evening or second shift reports to juryduty and is released so that court time and reasonable travel time to thework site (including time to stop at home if necessary) do not exceedthree and one-half (3.5) hours in total, the employee shall report to workfor his/her regular work shift.

An employee who has been off the night or third shift immediatelyprior to jury duty shall not be required to report for additional work ormake up the time if released early from jury duty.

Section 2. An employee called as a witness outside normal workinghours in a matter rising out of the performance of customary duties ofemployment shall, upon request, be granted compensatory time off inaccordance with the provisions of Article 20 (Overtime).



Section 1. Holidays. For the purposes of this Article, holidays are asfollows: New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Lincoln’s Birthday,Washington’s Birthday, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day,Labor Day, Columbus Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christ-mas Day.


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(a) Premium holidays are:New Year’s Day January 1stMemorial Day the last Monday in MayIndependence Day July 4thLabor Day the first Monday in SeptemberThanksgiving the fourth Thursday in NovemberChristmas Day December 25th


Group Health Insurance

The state shall continue in force the health insurance coverage in effecton June 30, 2009, subject to the negotiations of the Health Care CostContainment Committee.


Employee Rights

Employees covered by this Agreement shall suffer no reprisals forexercising their rights under this Agreement. Employees covered underthis Agreement shall have full rights to Union representation as describedin Article 10 and Article 14, Section 6.


Transfers for Operational Reasons

Section 1. The Employer decides the job class involved in transfers,and determines the location from which and to which such transfers willbe made.

Section 2. A permanent transfer is defined as a permanent, indefinitechange in duty station. Permanent transfers shall first be attempted on avoluntary basis with seniority being the controlling factor. Involuntarypermanent transfers shall be made in accordance with the inverse senior-ity, with the least senior employee in the identified job class at the identi-fied location being transferred. Seniority for the purposes of this Articleis defined as current continuous service as a full-time permanent employeein the Connecticut Judicial Branch.

If such a transfer will require an employee to commute a distance offifteen (15) miles or greater one way in addition to the distance he/shecommuted before the transfer, the Employer and the Union shall meetto discuss alternatives at the request of the Union. Any agreement reachedby the parties at this meeting shall supersede the provision of this sectionregarding seniority as a factor in transfers. An employee who has beeninvoluntarily transferred shall have the right to return to his/her originalduty station prior to the hiring of a new employee or transfer of anemployee in the same or similar job classification at that duty station. Asimilar job is one for which the transferred employee meets the minimumqualifications and the salary grade for which is no higher than the salarygrade to the current position of the transferred employee.


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Section 3. A temporary transfer is defined as a temporary assignmentaway from the duty station. Ordinarily such transfers shall not exceedsixty (60) calendar days. No employee will be required to be in temporarytransfer status for more than 120 calendar days in any calendar year. Inmaking temporary transfers the Employer shall consider the wishes ofemployees, seniority, and operation needs; provided, however, its determi-nation shall not be subject to review under Article 10. Employees intemporary transfer status shall receive mileage in accordance withexisting practice.



The terms and conditions of employee retirement benefits have beennegotiated separately by the State and the Union and shall continue underthe terms of the Pension Agreement.


Savings Clause

Should any provisions of this Agreement be found unlawful by a courtof competent jurisdiction, the remainder of this Agreement shall continuein force, and the parties shall immediately negotiate a substitute provision.Disputes concerning the appropriate substitute provision shall not begrievable or arbitrable.


Legislative Action

The cost items contained in this Agreement and the provisions of thisAgreement which supersede pre-existing statutes shall not become effec-tive unless and until legislative approval has been granted pursuant toSection 9 of Public Act 75-566. The Employer shall request such approvalas provided in Section 9. If the Legislature rejects such request as a whole,the parties shall return to the bargaining table.



Section 1. The inclusion of language in the Agreement concerningmatters formerly governed by law, regulation, or policy directive shallnot be deemed a preemption of the entire subject matter. Accordingly,statutes, rules, regulations, and administrative directives or orders shallnot be construed to be superseded by any provision of the Agreementexcept as provided in the Supersedence Appendix to this Agreement orwhere, by necessary implication, no other construction is tenable.

Section 2.(a) Except to the extent that a particular personnel or operational

practice is specifically modified or restricted by an express provision ofthis Agreement or specifically incorporated by reference in this


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Agreement, the Employer reserves and retains the right to add to, alter,or eliminate such practices.

(b) In connection with the exercise of rights conferred under paragraph(a) above, which exercise impacts upon a mandatory subject of bargaining,the following procedures shall apply:

(1) The Employer shall give notice of its contemplated action.(2) The Union may request that the Labor-Management Advisory Com-

mittee convene to discuss such impact.(3) The parties shall commence discussion in a timely fashion.(4) (i) The fact that such discussions have not commenced or concluded

shall not operate to delay the exercise of the Employer’s rights underthis Agreement, including but not limited to the right to implement all orpart of the contemplated action.

(ii) Prior to any such implementation, the Employer shall give noticeto the Union and schedule a meeting of the Labor-Management Advi-sory Committee.

(5) The fact that the Employer has exercised its right shall not operateto terminate the obligation to continue such discussion for a reasonableperiod of time.



Section 1.(a) Except as otherwise defined herein, seniority is defined as current

continuous service as a full-time employee of the Connecticut JudicialBranch and shall include all of the following: FMLA, all paid leaves,provided that the employee returns to work immediately following theleave; military leave granted in accordance with Article 23 of thisAgreement; unpaid medical leave of absence following exhaustion of sickleave, for up to nine (9) months for any employee who has permanentstatus, provided that the employee returns to work immediately followingthe leave.

(b) Seniority shall not be computed until after completion of the workingtest period. Upon successful completion of the working test period, senior-ity shall be retroactive to the date of hire.

(c) Seniority shall be deemed broken by: (1) termination of employmentcaused by resignation, dismissal or retirement; (2) normally failure toreport for five (5) consecutive working days without authorization. Creditfor seniority up to a break in service shall be restored to an employeewho is reemployed within one (1) year of a service break.

(d) Current continuous service of full-time Adult Probation Commissionemployees as of December 31, 1978 shall be deemed service in the Con-necticut Judicial Branch.

(e) Current continuous service of full-time DAS-BPW employees as ofJune 30, 1985 shall be deemed service in the Judicial Branch for purposesof this Article.

Section 2. Seniority shall be a relevant or controlling factor in thefollowing areas:


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(a) Selection for layoff, as provided in Article 15, Section 3(d);(b) Selection of vacation leave and personal leave, as provided in Article

21, Section 3, and Article 22;(c) Shift assignment of Juvenile Detention Officers as provided in Article

19, Section 2(c) (2); and(d) Transfers, as provided in Article 29.

Section 3. In January, 1981 and on an annual basis thereafter thedepartment shall prepare a seniority list, the form of which shall be subjectto the mutual agreement of the parties. Said list will be submitted to theUnion as soon as possible after it is prepared.



Section 1. Uniforms for Maintenance Employees working at 231Capitol Ave., Hartford. All maintenance employees at 231 Capitol Avein Hartford will be required to wear uniforms on a daily basis. The JudicialBranch will provide the uniforms and be responsible for cleaning costs.

Section 2. Uniforms for Employees in Juvenile Detention, Mainte-nance, Commission on Official Legal Publications, Warehouse,Records Center, Mail Processing and Document Scanning Oper-ations.

Employees in these operations will be required to wear uniforms on adaily basis. The employees will be responsible for cleaning and main-taining the uniforms.

Section 3. Safety Shoes. For each year of this agreement, each mainte-nance employee who is required to wear safety shoes shall receive up to$125.00, with receipt, for the purchase of up to two pairs of such shoes,payable with the second July paycheck.



Section 1. Method of Salary Payment. Employees shall continue tobe paid on a biweekly basis for the duration of this Agreement.

Section 2. Workers’ Compensation Payments. Accrued sick leave,to the extent available, then personal leave, to the extent available, thenaccrued vacation leave, to the extend available, then accrued compensa-tory time, to the extent available, may be used to supplement workers’compensation payments up to but not beyond an employee’s regularsalary.

Section 3. The use of the term ‘‘Chief Court Administrator’’ in thisAgreement shall be deemed to include any person(s) who may fromtime to time be designated by the Chief Court Administrator to performfunctions set forth in the Agreement.

Section 4. Clothing Claims. The Employer agrees to facilitate theexpeditious processing of claims for lost or damaged property to theClaims Commission.


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Section 5. Reservation of Rights. The Employer, by entering intoand executing this Agreement, does not waive any claims with respectto the constitutionality of Public Act 75-556 as it is or may be applied tothe Connecticut Judicial Branch.

Section 6. Permanent Part-Time Employees. Permanent part-timeemployees will continue to receive wages and fringe benefits on a prorata basis to the extent provided under existing rules and regulations.

Section 7. Indemnification. Indemnification shall be provided pursu-ant to Public Act 83-464, as such Act may be amended from time to time.The decision whether to provide counsel to an employee being sued formalpractice shall be based upon whether such employee was acting withinthe scope of his/her employment, without regard to whether the suitalleges wanton or willful conduct. The question whether the employeewas acting within the scope of employment shall be sympathetically con-sidered consistent with the purpose of the indemnification statutes. TheEmployer shall cooperate in expediting the decision of state officialswhether to provide counsel.

Section 8. Notice of Openings. Notice of vacancies to be filled inAFSCME-Judicial bargaining unit positions shall be posted division-wide.Notices shall remain posted for ten (10) work days. Interested employeesmust submit applications within ten (10) days of the initial posting. Vacan-cies will not be filled within this ten (10) day period. The Employer mayadvertise such vacancies in any other way simultaneously with thisposting.

Section 9. The use of the word ‘‘he’’ or ‘‘him’’ in this contract shall beconstrued in its generic meaning, unless otherwise indicated.

Section 10. Inclement Weather. When an employee is late for workdue to inclement weather conditions, the employee shall not be chargedfor such lateness, provided that he/she reports such conditions to theEmployer within a reasonable time and arrives at work as soon as possible.This Section shall not apply if the employee fails to report to work.Disputes arising under this Section shall be grievable but not arbitrable.

Section 11. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, all leavetime may be requested and granted in increments of fifteen (15) minutes.

Section 12. Overpayments. In the event that the Branch determinesthat an employee has been overpaid, the employee will be notified inwriting and the Branch shall meet with the affected employee and theUnion. The Branch will explain how the overpayment or duplicate pay-ment occurred and discuss a repayment schedule. The Branch shallarrange to recover such overpayment from the employee over the sameperiod of time the overpayment was made unless the Branch and employeeagree to some other arrangement. (For example, an employee who hasbeen overpaid by $5.00 per pay period for six (6) months shall refund theBranch at the rate of $5.00 per period over six months.) In the event theemployee contests whether or how much he/she was actually overpaidor that the above repayment schedule creates an undue hardship on the


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employee, the Branch shall not institute the above refund procedureuntil the appeal is finally resolved through the grievance procedure. Theissue(s) may be processed directly to arbitration by the Branch underthe contractual grievance and arbitration procedure.

Section 13. Spouses/Domestic Partners Whenever the word spouseis referred to (husband/wife) in this Agreement, it shall also mean domes-tic partnership benefits under the parties’ pension and health careagreement. In addition, in accordance with Public Act No 05-10, the wordspouse shall also mean civil union partner.



Section 1.(a) Except as otherwise provided, this Agreement shall be effective

upon approval by the General Assembly through June 30, 2012.(b) Grievances arising under the prior Agreement which were filed and

processed in a timely fashion shall be grievable and arbitrable with andto the extent provided by the terms and conditions of that Agreement.

Section 2. Successor Negotiations. Negotiations for a successorAgreement shall commence in August, 2011. The parties may, by mutualagreement, commence negotiations at a different date.



To the extent applicable and necessary, certain provisions of theAgreement supersede pre-existing statutes, as follows:

(1) The waiver of jury service fee by acceptance of regular salary,pursuant to Article 25, Civil Leave, shall supersede C.G.S. Section 51-247,Compensation of Jurors.

(2) The exclusive deduction of dues for members of AFSCME underArticle 7, Union Security and Payroll Deductions, shall be deemed tosupersede the words ‘‘any organization’’ in C.G.S. Section 5-260.

(3) Article 5, Section 2 and Article 33, Section 2(a) shall be deemed tosupersede C.G.S. Section 5-271 (a) and (e) and Section 5-272 (c) exceptto the extent that Article 33, Section 2(a) mandate impact bargaining.

(4) Disciplinary interviews (Article 14, Sec. 7 shall be deemed to super-sede C.G.S. Section 5-271 (a) 1.


Section 1. The authorized pay group for the bargaining unit classifica-tions are as follows:

Classification Title Pay GroupAccounting Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Administrative Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Administrative Clerk I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Administrative Clerk II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Administrative Secretary I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16


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Adult Probation Interstate Compact Coordinator . . . . . 20Apprentice Printer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Assistant Production Supervisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Assistant to the Director of Juvenile Detention . . . . . . 21Bail Commissioner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Building Supervisor I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Building Supervisor II. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Building Supervisor III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Building Supervisor IV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Buildings and Grounds Patrol Officer. . . . . . . . . . . . 13Business Services Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Claims Examiner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Court Interpreter I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Court Interpreter II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Court Operations Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Court Recording Monitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Court Reporter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Court Support Services Intake Assistant . . . . . . . . . . 15Custodial and Grounds Maintainer – Supreme Court . . . 11Customer Services Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Deputy Clerk – G.A./Juvenile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Facilities Drafter I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15Facilities Drafter II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19Fiscal Administration Assistant I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Fiscal Administration Assistant II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Fiscal Administration Trainee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Food Services Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Food Services Coordinator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Graphic Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15IAR Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20IAR Specialist Trainee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Investigator I (Public Defender’s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Investigator II (Public Defender’s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Investigator III (Public Defender’s) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Investigator, Statewide Grievance Committee . . . . . . . 17Juvenile Detention Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Juvenile Detention Officer Trainee . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Juvenile Detention Shift Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Juvenile Detention Transportation Officer . . . . . . . . . 12LAN Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Law Library Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Lead Court Interpreter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Lead IAR Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Lead Juvenile Detention Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Maintenance Service Worker I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8Maintenance Service Worker II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Maintenance Service Worker III . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Mail Handler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Office Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10Paralegal Specialist I (Public Defender’s) . . . . . . . . . 17Paralegal Specialist II (Public Defender’s) . . . . . . . . . 22Police Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18


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Police Officer Trainee. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Police Sergeant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Printer I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Printer II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Production Supervisor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23Public Defender Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Public Defender Secretary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Publications Supervisor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Qualified Craft Worker – Supreme Court. . . . . . . . . . 17Receptionist Clerk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9Supervising IAR Specialist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Supervising Support Enforcement Assistant . . . . . . . . 19Support Enforcement Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17Support Service Investigator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Telecommunications Assistant. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Warehouse Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15


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07 ANN 31,144.00 31,863.00 32,582.00 33,301.00 34,020.00 34,739.00 35,458.00 36,344.00 37,979.00 719

BIW 1,193.26 1,220.81 1,248.36 1,275.91 1,303.45 1,331.00 1,358.55 1,392.50 1,455.14

DLY 119.33 122.09 124.84 127.60 130.35 133.10 135.86 139.25 145.52

HLY 14.9158 15.2601 15.6045 15.9489 16.2931 16.6375 16.9819 17.4063 18.1893

08 ANN 33,143.00 34,085.00 35,027.00 35,969.00 36,911.00 37,853.00 38,795.00 39,765.00 41,554.00 942

BIW 1,269.85 1,305.94 1,342.04 1,378.13 1,414.22 1,450.31 1,486.40 1,523.57 1,592.11

DLY 126.99 130.60 134.21 137.82 141.43 145.04 148.64 152.36 159.22

HLY 15.8731 16.3243 16.7755 17.2266 17.6778 18.1289 18.5800 19.0446 19.9014

09 ANN 34,019.00 35,030.00 36,041.00 37,052.00 38,063.00 39,074.00 40,085.00 41,087.00 42,936.00 1,011

BIW 1,303.41 1,342.15 1,380.89 1,419.62 1,458.36 1,497.09 1,535.83 1,574.22 1,645.06

DLY 130.35 134.22 138.09 141.97 145.84 149.71 153.59 157.43 164.51

HLY 16.2926 16.7769 17.2611 17.7453 18.2295 18.7136 19.1979 19.6778 20.5633

10 ANN 34,978.00 36,070.00 37,162.00 38,254.00 39,346.00 40,438.00 41,530.00 42,568.00 44,484.00 1,092

BIW 1,340.16 1,382.00 1,423.84 1,465.68 1,507.51 1,549.35 1,591.19 1,630.96 1,704.37

DLY 134.02 138.20 142.39 146.57 150.76 154.94 159.12 163.10 170.44

HLY 16.7520 17.2750 17.7980 18.3210 18.8439 19.3669 19.8899 20.3870 21.3046

11 ANN 36,403.00 37,538.00 38,673.00 39,808.00 40,943.00 42,078.00 43,213.00 44,293.00 46,286.00 1,135

BIW 1,394.76 1,438.24 1,481.73 1,525.22 1,568.70 1,612.19 1,655.68 1,697.05 1,773.41

DLY 139.48 143.83 148.18 152.53 156.87 161.22 165.57 169.71 177.35

HLY 17.4345 17.9780 18.5216 19.0653 19.6088 20.1524 20.6960 21.2131 22.1676

12 ANN 37,573.00 38,751.00 39,929.00 41,107.00 42,285.00 43,463.00 44,641.00 45,757.00 47,816.00 1,178

BIW 1,439.58 1,484.72 1,529.85 1,574.99 1,620.12 1,665.25 1,710.39 1,753.15 1,832.04

DLY 143.96 148.48 152.99 157.50 162.02 166.53 171.04 175.32 183.21

HLY 17.9948 18.5590 19.1231 19.6874 20.2515 20.8156 21.3799 21.9144 22.9005

13 ANN 39,669.00 41,134.00 42,599.00 44,064.00 45,529.00 46,994.00 48,459.00 49,670.00 51,905.00 1,465

BIW 1,519.89 1,576.02 1,632.15 1,688.28 1,744.41 1,800.54 1,856.67 1,903.07 1,988.70

DLY 151.99 157.61 163.22 168.83 174.45 180.06 185.67 190.31 198.87

HLY 18.9986 19.7003 20.4019 21.1035 21.8051 22.5068 23.2084 23.7884 24.8588

14 ANN 41,457.00 42,990.00 44,523.00 46,056.00 47,589.00 49,122.00 50,655.00 51,921.00 54,257.00 1,533

BIW 1,588.40 1,647.13 1,705.87 1,764.60 1,823.34 1,882.07 1,940.81 1,989.32 2,078.82

DLY 158.84 164.72 170.59 176.46 182.34 188.21 194.09 198.94 207.89

HLY 19.8550 20.5891 21.3234 22.0575 22.7918 23.5259 24.2601 24.8665 25.9853


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15 ANN 43,330.00 44,913.00 46,496.00 48,079.00 49,662.00 51,245.00 52,828.00 54,149.00 56,586.00 1,583

BIW 1,660.16 1,720.81 1,781.46 1,842.11 1,902.76 1,963.41 2,024.07 2,074.68 2,168.05

DLY 166.02 172.09 178.15 184.22 190.28 196.35 202.41 207.47 216.81

HLY 20.7520 21.5101 22.2683 23.0264 23.7845 24.5426 25.3009 25.9335 27.1006

16 ANN 45,420.00 47,063.00 48,706.00 50,349.00 51,992.00 53,635.00 55,278.00 56,660.00 59,210.00 1,643

BIW 1,740.23 1,803.19 1,866.14 1,929.09 1,992.04 2,054.99 2,117.94 2,170.89 2,268.59

DLY 174.03 180.32 186.62 192.91 199.21 205.50 211.80 217.09 226.86

HLY 21.7529 22.5399 23.3268 24.1136 24.9005 25.6874 26.4743 27.1361 28.3574

17 ANN 47,670.00 49,354.00 51,038.00 52,722.00 54,406.00 56,090.00 57,774.00 59,218.00 61,883.00 1,684

BIW 1,826.44 1,890.96 1,955.48 2,020.00 2,084.53 2,149.05 2,213.57 2,268.89 2,371.00

DLY 182.65 189.10 195.55 202.00 208.46 214.91 221.36 226.89 237.10

HLY 22.8305 23.6370 24.4435 25.2500 26.0566 26.8631 27.6696 28.3611 29.6375

18 ANN 50,068.00 51,799.00 53,530.00 55,261.00 56,992.00 58,723.00 60,454.00 61,965.00 64,753.00 1,731

BIW 1,918.32 1,984.64 2,050.96 2,117.28 2,183.61 2,249.93 2,316.25 2,374.14 2,480.96

DLY 191.84 198.47 205.10 211.73 218.37 225.00 231.63 237.42 248.10

HLY 23.9790 24.8080 25.6370 26.4660 27.2951 28.1241 28.9531 29.6768 31.0120

19 ANN 52,540.00 54,317.00 56,094.00 57,871.00 59,648.00 61,425.00 63,202.00 64,782.00 67,697.00 1,777

BIW 2,013.03 2,081.12 2,149.20 2,217.28 2,285.37 2,353.45 2,421.54 2,482.07 2,593.76

DLY 201.31 208.12 214.92 221.73 228.54 235.35 242.16 248.21 259.38

HLY 25.1629 26.0140 26.8650 27.7160 28.5671 29.4181 30.2693 31.0259 32.4220

20 ANN 55,214.00 57,040.00 58,866.00 60,692.00 62,518.00 64,344.00 66,170.00 67,824.00 70,876.00 1,826

BIW 2,115.48 2,185.45 2,255.41 2,325.37 2,395.33 2,465.29 2,535.25 2,598.63 2,715.56

DLY 211.55 218.55 225.55 232.54 239.54 246.53 253.53 259.87 271.56

HLY 26.4435 27.3181 28.1926 29.0671 29.9416 30.8161 31.6906 32.4829 33.9445

21 ANN 57,942.00 59,810.00 61,678.00 63,546.00 65,414.00 67,282.00 69,150.00 70,879.00 74,069.00 1,868

BIW 2,220.00 2,291.58 2,363.15 2,434.72 2,506.29 2,577.86 2,649.43 2,715.68 2,837.90

DLY 222.00 229.16 236.32 243.48 250.63 257.79 264.95 271.57 283.79

HLY 27.7500 28.6448 29.5394 30.4340 31.3286 32.2233 33.1179 33.9460 35.4738

22 ANN 59,522.00 61,733.00 63,944.00 66,155.00 68,366.00 70,577.00 72,788.00 74,608.00 77,965.00 2,211

BIW 2,280.54 2,365.25 2,449.97 2,534.68 2,619.39 2,704.10 2,788.82 2,858.55 2,987.17

DLY 228.06 236.53 245.00 253.47 261.94 270.41 278.89 285.86 298.72

HLY 28.5068 29.5656 30.6246 31.6835 32.7424 33.8013 34.8603 35.7319 37.3396


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23 ANN 62,340.00 64,651.00 66,962.00 69,273.00 71,584.00 73,895.00 76,206.00 78,111.00 81,626.00 2,311

BIW 2,388.51 2,477.05 2,565.60 2,654.14 2,742.69 2,831.23 2,919.78 2,992.76 3,127.44

DLY 238.86 247.71 256.56 265.42 274.27 283.13 291.98 299.28 312.75

HLY 29.8564 30.9631 32.0700 33.1768 34.2836 35.3904 36.4973 37.4095 39.0930

24 ANN 65,350.00 67,785.00 70,220.00 72,655.00 75,090.00 77,525.00 79,960.00 81,959.00 85,647.00 2,435

BIW 2,503.84 2,597.13 2,690.43 2,783.72 2,877.02 2,970.31 3,063.61 3,140.20 3,281.50

DLY 250.39 259.72 269.05 278.38 287.71 297.04 306.37 314.02 328.15

HLY 31.2980 32.4641 33.6304 34.7965 35.9628 37.1289 38.2951 39.2525 41.0188

25 ANN 68,539.00 71,086.00 73,633.00 76,180.00 78,727.00 81,274.00 83,821.00 85,917.00 89,783.00 2,547

BIW 2,626.02 2,723.61 2,821.19 2,918.78 3,016.37 3,113.95 3,211.54 3,291.84 3,439.97

DLY 262.61 272.37 282.12 291.88 301.64 311.40 321.16 329.19 344.00

HLY 32.8253 34.0451 35.2649 36.4848 37.7046 38.9244 40.1443 41.1480 42.9996


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EFFECTIVE JUNE 19, 2009 Shift Differential: 0.8500



07 ANN 32,912.00 33,631.00 34,350.00 35,069.00 35,788.00 36,507.00 37,226.00 38,112.00 39,747.00 719

BIW 1,261.26 1,288.81 1,316.36 1,343.91 1,371.45 1,399.00 1,426.55 1,460.50 1,523.14

DLY 126.13 128.89 131.64 134.40 137.15 139.90 142.66 146.05 152.32

HLY 15.7658 16.1101 16.4545 16.7989 17.1431 17.4875 17.8319 18.2563 19.0393

08 ANN 34,911.00 35,853.00 36,795.00 37,737.00 38,679.00 39,621.00 40,563.00 41,533.00 43,322.00 942

BIW 1,337.85 1,373.94 1,410.04 1,446.13 1,482.22 1,518.31 1,554.40 1,591.57 1,660.11

DLY 133.79 137.40 141.01 144.62 148.23 151.84 155.44 159.16 166.02

HLY 16.7231 17.1743 17.6255 18.0766 18.5278 18.9789 19.4300 19.8946 20.7514

09 ANN 35,787.00 36,798.00 37,809.00 38,820.00 39,831.00 40,842.00 41,853.00 42,855.00 44,704.00 1,011

BIW 1,371.41 1,410.15 1,448.89 1,487.62 1,526.36 1,565.09 1,603.83 1,642.22 1,713.06

DLY 137.15 141.02 144.89 148.77 152.64 156.51 160.39 164.23 171.31

HLY 17.1426 17.6269 18.1111 18.5953 19.0795 19.5636 20.0479 20.5278 21.4133

10 ANN 36,746.00 37,838.00 38,930.00 40,022.00 41,114.00 42,206.00 43,298.00 44,336.00 46,252.00 1,092

BIW 1,408.16 1,450.00 1,491.84 1,533.68 1,575.51 1,617.35 1,659.19 1,698.96 1,772.37

DLY 140.82 145.00 149.19 153.37 157.56 161.74 165.92 169.90 177.24

HLY 17.6020 18.1250 18.6480 19.1710 19.6939 20.2169 20.7399 21.2370 22.1546

11 ANN 38,171.00 39,306.00 40,441.00 41,576.00 42,711.00 43,846.00 44,981.00 46,061.00 48,054.00 1,135

BIW 1,462.76 1,506.24 1,549.73 1,593.22 1,636.70 1,680.19 1,723.68 1,765.05 1,841.41

DLY 146.28 150.63 154.98 159.33 163.67 168.02 172.37 176.51 184.15

HLY 18.2845 18.8280 19.3716 19.9153 20.4588 21.0024 21.5460 22.0631 23.0176

12 ANN 39,341.00 40,519.00 41,697.00 42,875.00 44,053.00 45,231.00 46,409.00 47,525.00 49,584.00 1,178

BIW 1,507.58 1,552.72 1,597.85 1,642.99 1,688.12 1,733.25 1,778.39 1,821.15 1,900.04

DLY 150.76 155.28 159.79 164.30 168.82 173.33 177.84 182.12 190.01

HLY 18.8448 19.4090 19.9731 20.5374 21.1015 21.6656 22.2299 22.7644 23.7505

13 ANN 41,437.00 42,902.00 44,367.00 45,832.00 47,297.00 48,762.00 50,227.00 51,438.00 53,673.00 1,465

BIW 1,587.89 1,644.02 1,700.15 1,756.28 1,812.41 1,868.54 1,924.67 1,971.07 2,056.70

DLY 158.79 164.41 170.02 175.63 181.25 186.86 192.47 197.11 205.67

HLY 19.8486 20.5503 21.2519 21.9535 22.6551 23.3568 24.0584 24.6384 25.7088

14 ANN 43,225.00 44,758.00 46,291.00 47,824.00 49,357.00 50,890.00 52,423.00 53,689.00 56,025.00 1,533

BIW 1,656.40 1,715.13 1,773.87 1,832.60 1,891.34 1,950.07 2,008.81 2,057.32 2,146.82

DLY 165.64 171.52 177.39 183.26 189.14 195.01 200.89 205.74 214.69

HLY 20.7050 21.4391 22.1734 22.9075 23.6418 24.3759 25.1101 25.7165 26.8353


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Shift Differential: 0.8500



15 ANN 45,098.00 46,681.00 48,264.00 49,847.00 51,430.00 53,013.00 54,596.00 55,917.00 58,354.00 1,583

BIW 1,728.16 1,788.81 1,849.46 1,910.11 1,970.76 2,031.41 2,092.07 2,142.68 2,236.05

DLY 172.82 178.89 184.95 191.02 197.08 203.15 209.21 214.27 223.61

HLY 21.6020 22.3601 23.1183 23.8764 24.6345 25.3926 26.1509 26.7835 27.9506

16 ANN 47,188.00 48,831.00 50,474.00 52,117.00 53,760.00 55,403.00 57,046.00 58,428.00 60,978.00 1,643

BIW 1,808.23 1,871.19 1,934.14 1,997.09 2,060.04 2,122.99 2,185.94 2,238.89 2,336.59

DLY 180.83 187.12 193.42 199.71 206.01 212.30 218.60 223.89 233.66

HLY 22.6029 23.3899 24.1768 24.9636 25.7505 26.5374 27.3243 27.9861 29.2074

17 ANN 49,438.00 51,122.00 52,806.00 54,490.00 56,174.00 57,858.00 59,542.00 60,986.00 63,651.00 1,684

BIW 1,894.44 1,958.96 2,023.48 2,088.00 2,152.53 2,217.05 2,281.57 2,336.89 2,439.00

DLY 189.45 195.90 202.35 208.80 215.26 221.71 228.16 233.69 243.90

HLY 23.6805 24.4870 25.2935 26.1000 26.9066 27.7131 28.5196 29.2111 30.4875

18 ANN 51,836.00 53,567.00 55,298.00 57,029.00 58,760.00 60,491.00 62,222.00 63,733.00 66,521.00 1,731

BIW 1,986.32 2,052.64 2,118.96 2,185.28 2,251.61 2,317.93 2,384.25 2,442.14 2,548.96

DLY 198.64 205.27 211.90 218.53 225.17 231.80 238.43 244.22 254.90

HLY 24.8290 25.6580 26.4870 27.3160 28.1451 28.9741 29.8031 30.5268 31.8620

19 ANN 54,308.00 56,085.00 57,862.00 59,639.00 61,416.00 63,193.00 64,970.00 66,550.00 69,465.00 1,777

BIW 2,081.03 2,149.12 2,217.20 2,285.28 2,353.37 2,421.45 2,489.54 2,550.07 2,661.76

DLY 208.11 214.92 221.72 228.53 235.34 242.15 248.96 255.01 266.18

HLY 26.0129 26.8640 27.7150 28.5660 29.4171 30.2681 31.1193 31.8759 33.2720

20 ANN 56,982.00 58,808.00 60,634.00 62,460.00 64,286.00 66,112.00 67,938.00 69,592.00 72,644.00 1,826

BIW 2,183.48 2,253.45 2,323.41 2,393.37 2,463.33 2,533.29 2,603.25 2,666.63 2,783.56

DLY 218.35 225.35 232.35 239.34 246.34 253.33 260.33 266.67 278.36

HLY 27.2935 28.1681 29.0426 29.9171 30.7916 31.6661 32.5406 33.3329 34.7945

21 ANN 59,710.00 61,578.00 63,446.00 65,314.00 67,182.00 69,050.00 70,918.00 72,647.00 75,837.00 1,868

BIW 2,288.00 2,359.58 2,431.15 2,502.72 2,574.29 2,645.86 2,717.43 2,783.68 2,905.90

DLY 228.80 235.96 243.12 250.28 257.43 264.59 271.75 278.37 290.59

HLY 28.6000 29.4948 30.3894 31.2840 32.1786 33.0733 33.9679 34.7960 36.3238

22 ANN 61,290.00 63,501.00 65,712.00 67,923.00 70,134.00 72,345.00 74,556.00 76,376.00 79,733.00 2,211

BIW 2,348.54 2,433.25 2,517.97 2,602.68 2,687.39 2,772.10 2,856.82 2,926.55 3,055.17

DLY 234.86 243.33 251.80 260.27 268.74 277.21 285.69 292.66 305.52

HLY 29.3568 30.4156 31.4746 32.5335 33.5924 34.6513 35.7103 36.5819 38.1896


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Shift Differential: 0.8500



23 ANN 64,108.00 66,419.00 68,730.00 71,041.00 73,352.00 75,663.00 77,974.00 79,879.00 83,394.00 2,311

BIW 2,456.51 2,545.05 2,633.60 2,722.14 2,810.69 2,899.23 2,987.78 3,060.76 3,195.44

DLY 245.66 254.51 263.36 272.22 281.07 289.93 298.78 306.08 319.55

HLY 30.7064 31.8131 32.9200 34.0268 35.1336 36.2404 37.3473 38.2595 39.9430

24 ANN 67,118.00 69,553.00 71,988.00 74,423.00 76,858.00 79,293.00 81,728.00 83,727.00 87,415.00 2,435

BIW 2,571.84 2,665.13 2,758.43 2,851.72 2,945.02 3,038.31 3,131.61 3,208.20 3,349.50

DLY 257.19 266.52 275.85 285.18 294.51 303.84 313.17 320.82 334.95

HLY 32.1480 33.3141 34.4804 35.6465 36.8128 37.9789 39.1451 40.1025 41.8688


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EFFECTIVE JUNE 18, 2010 Includes 2.50% Increase



07 ANN 31,923.00 32,660.00 33,397.00 34,134.00 34,871.00 35,608.00 36,345.00 37,254.00 38,930.00 737

BIW 1,223.11 1,251.35 1,279.58 1,307.82 1,336.06 1,364.30 1,392.53 1,427.36 1,491.58

DLY 122.32 125.14 127.96 130.79 133.61 136.43 139.26 142.74 149.16

HLY 15.2889 15.6419 15.9948 16.3478 16.7008 17.0538 17.4066 17.8420 18.6448

08 ANN 33,972.00 34,938.00 35,904.00 36,870.00 37,836.00 38,802.00 39,768.00 40,762.00 42,596.00 966

BIW 1,301.61 1,338.63 1,375.64 1,412.65 1,449.66 1,486.67 1,523.68 1,561.77 1,632.04

DLY 130.17 133.87 137.57 141.27 144.97 148.67 152.37 156.18 163.21

HLY 16.2701 16.7329 17.1955 17.6581 18.1208 18.5834 19.0460 19.5221 20.4005

09 ANN 34,870.00 35,907.00 36,944.00 37,981.00 39,018.00 40,055.00 41,092.00 42,119.00 44,014.00 1,037

BIW 1,336.02 1,375.75 1,415.48 1,455.22 1,494.95 1,534.68 1,574.41 1,613.76 1,686.37

DLY 133.61 137.58 141.55 145.53 149.50 153.47 157.45 161.38 168.64

HLY 16.7003 17.1969 17.6935 18.1903 18.6869 19.1835 19.6801 20.1720 21.0796

10 ANN 35,853.00 36,973.00 38,093.00 39,213.00 40,333.00 41,453.00 42,573.00 43,637.00 45,601.00 1,120

BIW 1,373.68 1,416.60 1,459.51 1,502.42 1,545.33 1,588.24 1,631.15 1,671.92 1,747.17

DLY 137.37 141.66 145.96 150.25 154.54 158.83 163.12 167.20 174.72

HLY 17.1710 17.7075 18.2439 18.7803 19.3166 19.8530 20.3894 20.8990 21.8396

11 ANN 37,314.00 38,478.00 39,642.00 40,806.00 41,970.00 43,134.00 44,298.00 45,405.00 47,448.00 1,164

BIW 1,429.66 1,474.26 1,518.86 1,563.45 1,608.05 1,652.65 1,697.25 1,739.66 1,817.94

DLY 142.97 147.43 151.89 156.35 160.81 165.27 169.73 173.97 181.80

HLY 17.8708 18.4283 18.9858 19.5431 20.1006 20.6581 21.2156 21.7458 22.7243

12 ANN 38,513.00 39,721.00 40,929.00 42,137.00 43,345.00 44,553.00 45,761.00 46,905.00 49,016.00 1,208

BIW 1,475.60 1,521.88 1,568.17 1,614.45 1,660.73 1,707.02 1,753.30 1,797.13 1,878.01

DLY 147.56 152.19 156.82 161.45 166.08 170.71 175.33 179.72 187.81

HLY 18.4450 19.0235 19.6021 20.1806 20.7591 21.3378 21.9163 22.4641 23.4751

13 ANN 40,661.00 42,163.00 43,665.00 45,167.00 46,669.00 48,171.00 49,673.00 50,915.00 53,206.00 1,502

BIW 1,557.90 1,615.45 1,672.99 1,730.54 1,788.09 1,845.64 1,903.19 1,950.77 2,038.55

DLY 155.79 161.55 167.30 173.06 178.81 184.57 190.32 195.08 203.86

HLY 19.4738 20.1931 20.9124 21.6318 22.3511 23.0705 23.7899 24.3846 25.4819

14 ANN 42,494.00 44,066.00 45,638.00 47,210.00 48,782.00 50,354.00 51,926.00 53,224.00 55,619.00 1,572

BIW 1,628.13 1,688.36 1,748.59 1,808.82 1,869.05 1,929.28 1,989.51 2,039.24 2,131.00

DLY 162.82 168.84 174.86 180.89 186.91 192.93 198.96 203.93 213.10

HLY 20.3516 21.1045 21.8574 22.6103 23.3631 24.1160 24.8689 25.4905 26.6375


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Includes 2.50% Increase



15 ANN 44,414.00 46,037.00 47,660.00 49,283.00 50,906.00 52,529.00 54,152.00 55,506.00 58,004.00 1,623

BIW 1,701.69 1,763.87 1,826.06 1,888.24 1,950.43 2,012.61 2,074.79 2,126.67 2,222.38

DLY 170.17 176.39 182.61 188.83 195.05 201.27 207.48 212.67 222.24

HLY 21.2711 22.0484 22.8258 23.6030 24.3804 25.1576 25.9349 26.5834 27.7798

16 ANN 46,556.00 48,241.00 49,926.00 51,611.00 53,296.00 54,981.00 56,666.00 58,083.00 60,697.00 1,685

BIW 1,783.76 1,848.32 1,912.88 1,977.44 2,042.00 2,106.56 2,171.12 2,225.41 2,325.56

DLY 178.38 184.84 191.29 197.75 204.20 210.66 217.12 222.55 232.56

HLY 22.2970 23.1040 23.9110 24.7180 25.5250 26.3320 27.1390 27.8176 29.0695

17 ANN 48,862.00 50,589.00 52,316.00 54,043.00 55,770.00 57,497.00 59,224.00 60,705.00 63,437.00 1,727

BIW 1,872.11 1,938.28 2,004.45 2,070.62 2,136.79 2,202.96 2,269.12 2,325.87 2,430.54

DLY 187.22 193.83 200.45 207.07 213.68 220.30 226.92 232.59 243.06

HLY 23.4014 24.2285 25.0556 25.8828 26.7099 27.5370 28.3640 29.0734 30.3818

18 ANN 51,320.00 53,095.00 54,870.00 56,645.00 58,420.00 60,195.00 61,970.00 63,519.00 66,377.00 1,775

BIW 1,966.29 2,034.30 2,102.30 2,170.31 2,238.32 2,306.33 2,374.33 2,433.68 2,543.19

DLY 196.63 203.43 210.23 217.04 223.84 230.64 237.44 243.37 254.32

HLY 24.5786 25.4288 26.2788 27.1289 27.9790 28.8291 29.6791 30.4210 31.7899

19 ANN 53,854.00 55,676.00 57,498.00 59,320.00 61,142.00 62,964.00 64,786.00 66,406.00 69,394.00 1,822

BIW 2,063.38 2,133.19 2,202.99 2,272.80 2,342.61 2,412.42 2,482.23 2,544.30 2,658.78

DLY 206.34 213.32 220.30 227.28 234.27 241.25 248.23 254.43 265.88

HLY 25.7923 26.6649 27.5374 28.4100 29.2826 30.1553 31.0279 31.8038 33.2348

20 ANN 56,595.00 58,467.00 60,339.00 62,211.00 64,083.00 65,955.00 67,827.00 69,523.00 72,652.00 1,872

BIW 2,168.40 2,240.12 2,311.84 2,383.57 2,455.29 2,527.02 2,598.74 2,663.72 2,783.61

DLY 216.84 224.02 231.19 238.36 245.53 252.71 259.88 266.38 278.37

HLY 27.1050 28.0015 28.8980 29.7946 30.6911 31.5878 32.4843 33.2965 34.7951

21 ANN 59,391.00 61,306.00 63,221.00 65,136.00 67,051.00 68,966.00 70,881.00 72,653.00 75,922.00 1,915

BIW 2,275.52 2,348.89 2,422.27 2,495.64 2,569.01 2,642.38 2,715.75 2,783.64 2,908.89

DLY 227.56 234.89 242.23 249.57 256.91 264.24 271.58 278.37 290.89

HLY 28.4440 29.3611 30.2784 31.1955 32.1126 33.0298 33.9469 34.7955 36.3611

22 ANN 61,011.00 63,278.00 65,545.00 67,812.00 70,079.00 72,346.00 74,613.00 76,478.00 79,920.00 2,267

BIW 2,337.59 2,424.45 2,511.31 2,598.17 2,685.02 2,771.88 2,858.74 2,930.20 3,062.07

DLY 233.76 242.45 251.14 259.82 268.51 277.19 285.88 293.02 306.21

HLY 29.2199 30.3056 31.3914 32.4771 33.5628 34.6485 35.7343 36.6275 38.2759


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Includes 2.50% Increase



23 ANN 63,899.00 66,268.00 68,637.00 71,006.00 73,375.00 75,744.00 78,113.00 80,066.00 83,669.00 2,369

BIW 2,448.24 2,539.01 2,629.78 2,720.54 2,811.31 2,902.07 2,992.84 3,067.67 3,205.71

DLY 244.83 253.91 262.98 272.06 281.14 290.21 299.29 306.77 320.58

HLY 30.6030 31.7376 32.8723 34.0068 35.1414 36.2759 37.4105 38.3459 40.0714

24 ANN 66,984.00 69,480.00 71,976.00 74,472.00 76,968.00 79,464.00 81,960.00 84,009.00 87,789.00 2,496

BIW 2,566.44 2,662.07 2,757.71 2,853.34 2,948.97 3,044.60 3,140.23 3,218.74 3,363.57

DLY 256.65 266.21 275.78 285.34 294.90 304.46 314.03 321.88 336.36

HLY 32.0805 33.2759 34.4714 35.6668 36.8621 38.0575 39.2529 40.2343 42.0446

25 ANN 70,253.00 72,864.00 75,475.00 78,086.00 80,697.00 83,308.00 85,919.00 88,067.00 92,030.00 2,611

BIW 2,691.69 2,791.73 2,891.77 2,991.81 3,091.84 3,191.88 3,291.92 3,374.22 3,526.06

DLY 269.17 279.18 289.18 299.19 309.19 319.19 329.20 337.43 352.61

HLY 33.6461 34.8966 36.1471 37.3976 38.6480 39.8985 41.1490 42.1778 44.0758


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EFFECTIVE JUNE 18, 2010 Shift Differential: 0.8500

Includes 2.50% Increase



07 ANN 33,691.00 34,428.00 35,165.00 35,902.00 36,639.00 37,376.00 38,113.00 39,022.00 40,698.00 737

BIW 1,291.11 1,319.35 1,347.58 1,375.82 1,404.06 1,432.30 1,460.53 1,495.36 1,559.58

DLY 129.12 131.94 134.76 137.59 140.41 143.23 146.06 149.54 155.96

HLY 16.1389 16.4919 16.8448 17.1978 17.5508 17.9038 18.2566 18.6920 19.4948

08 ANN 35,740.00 36,706.00 37,672.00 38,638.00 39,604.00 40,570.00 41,536.00 42,530.00 44,364.00 966

BIW 1,369.61 1,406.63 1,443.64 1,480.65 1,517.66 1,554.67 1,591.68 1,629.77 1,700.04

DLY 136.97 140.67 144.37 148.07 151.77 155.47 159.17 162.98 170.01

HLY 17.1201 17.5829 18.0455 18.5081 18.9708 19.4334 19.8960 20.3721 21.2505

09 ANN 36,638.00 37,675.00 38,712.00 39,749.00 40,786.00 41,823.00 42,860.00 43,887.00 45,782.00 1,037

BIW 1,404.02 1,443.75 1,483.48 1,523.22 1,562.95 1,602.68 1,642.41 1,681.76 1,754.37

DLY 140.41 144.38 148.35 152.33 156.30 160.27 164.25 168.18 175.44

HLY 17.5503 18.0469 18.5435 19.0403 19.5369 20.0335 20.5301 21.0220 21.9296

10 ANN 37,621.00 38,741.00 39,861.00 40,981.00 42,101.00 43,221.00 44,341.00 45,405.00 47,369.00 1,120

BIW 1,441.68 1,484.60 1,527.51 1,570.42 1,613.33 1,656.24 1,699.15 1,739.92 1,815.17

DLY 144.17 148.46 152.76 157.05 161.34 165.63 169.92 174.00 181.52

HLY 18.0210 18.5575 19.0939 19.6303 20.1666 20.7030 21.2394 21.7490 22.6896

11 ANN 39,082.00 40,246.00 41,410.00 42,574.00 43,738.00 44,902.00 46,066.00 47,173.00 49,216.00 1,164

BIW 1,497.66 1,542.26 1,586.86 1,631.45 1,676.05 1,720.65 1,765.25 1,807.66 1,885.94

DLY 149.77 154.23 158.69 163.15 167.61 172.07 176.53 180.77 188.60

HLY 18.7208 19.2783 19.8358 20.3931 20.9506 21.5081 22.0656 22.5958 23.5743

12 ANN 40,281.00 41,489.00 42,697.00 43,905.00 45,113.00 46,321.00 47,529.00 48,673.00 50,784.00 1,208

BIW 1,543.60 1,589.88 1,636.17 1,682.45 1,728.73 1,775.02 1,821.30 1,865.13 1,946.01

DLY 154.36 158.99 163.62 168.25 172.88 177.51 182.13 186.52 194.61

HLY 19.2950 19.8735 20.4521 21.0306 21.6091 22.1878 22.7663 23.3141 24.3251

13 ANN 42,429.00 43,931.00 45,433.00 46,935.00 48,437.00 49,939.00 51,441.00 52,683.00 54,974.00 1,502

BIW 1,625.90 1,683.45 1,740.99 1,798.54 1,856.09 1,913.64 1,971.19 2,018.77 2,106.55

DLY 162.59 168.35 174.10 179.86 185.61 191.37 197.12 201.88 210.66

HLY 20.3238 21.0431 21.7624 22.4818 23.2011 23.9205 24.6399 25.2346 26.3319


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Includes 2.50% Increase



14 ANN 44,262.00 45,834.00 47,406.00 48,978.00 50,550.00 52,122.00 53,694.00 54,992.00 57,387.00 1,572

BIW 1,696.13 1,756.36 1,816.59 1,876.82 1,937.05 1,997.28 2,057.51 2,107.24 2,199.00

DLY 169.62 175.64 181.66 187.69 193.71 199.73 205.76 210.73 219.90

HLY 21.2016 21.9545 22.7074 23.4603 24.2131 24.9660 25.7189 26.3405 27.4875

15 ANN 46,182.00 47,805.00 49,428.00 51,051.00 52,674.00 54,297.00 55,920.00 57,274.00 59,772.00 1,623

BIW 1,769.69 1,831.87 1,894.06 1,956.24 2,018.43 2,080.61 2,142.79 2,194.67 2,290.38

DLY 176.97 183.19 189.41 195.63 201.85 208.07 214.28 219.47 229.04

HLY 22.1211 22.8984 23.6758 24.4530 25.2304 26.0076 26.7849 27.4334 28.6298

16 ANN 48,324.00 50,009.00 51,694.00 53,379.00 55,064.00 56,749.00 58,434.00 59,851.00 62,465.00 1,685

BIW 1,851.76 1,916.32 1,980.88 2,045.44 2,110.00 2,174.56 2,239.12 2,293.41 2,393.56

DLY 185.18 191.64 198.09 204.55 211.00 217.46 223.92 229.35 239.36

HLY 23.1470 23.9540 24.7610 25.5680 26.3750 27.1820 27.9890 28.6676 29.9195

17 ANN 50,630.00 52,357.00 54,084.00 55,811.00 57,538.00 59,265.00 60,992.00 62,473.00 65,205.00 1,727

BIW 1,940.11 2,006.28 2,072.45 2,138.62 2,204.79 2,270.96 2,337.12 2,393.87 2,498.54

DLY 194.02 200.63 207.25 213.87 220.48 227.10 233.72 239.39 249.86

HLY 24.2514 25.0785 25.9056 26.7328 27.5599 28.3870 29.2140 29.9234 31.2318

18 ANN 53,088.00 54,863.00 56,638.00 58,413.00 60,188.00 61,963.00 63,738.00 65,287.00 68,145.00 1,775

BIW 2,034.29 2,102.30 2,170.30 2,238.31 2,306.32 2,374.33 2,442.33 2,501.68 2,611.19

DLY 203.43 210.23 217.03 223.84 230.64 237.44 244.24 250.17 261.12

HLY 25.4286 26.2788 27.1288 27.9789 28.8290 29.6791 30.5291 31.2710 32.6399

19 ANN 55,622.00 57,444.00 59,266.00 61,088.00 62,910.00 64,732.00 66,554.00 68,174.00 71,162.00 1,822

BIW 2,131.38 2,201.19 2,270.99 2,340.80 2,410.61 2,480.42 2,550.23 2,612.30 2,726.78

DLY 213.14 220.12 227.10 234.08 241.07 248.05 255.03 261.23 272.68

HLY 26.6423 27.5149 28.3874 29.2600 30.1326 31.0053 31.8779 32.6538 34.0848

20 ANN 58,363.00 60,235.00 62,107.00 63,979.00 65,851.00 67,723.00 69,595.00 71,291.00 74,420.00 1,872

BIW 2,236.40 2,308.12 2,379.84 2,451.57 2,523.29 2,595.02 2,666.74 2,731.72 2,851.61

DLY 223.64 230.82 237.99 245.16 252.33 259.51 266.68 273.18 285.17

HLY 27.9550 28.8515 29.7480 30.6446 31.5411 32.4378 33.3343 34.1465 35.6451


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Includes 2.50% Increase



21 ANN 61,159.00 63,074.00 64,989.00 66,904.00 68,819.00 70,734.00 72,649.00 74,421.00 77,690.00 1,915

BIW 2,343.52 2,416.89 2,490.27 2,563.64 2,637.01 2,710.38 2,783.75 2,851.64 2,976.89

DLY 234.36 241.69 249.03 256.37 263.71 271.04 278.38 285.17 297.69

HLY 29.2940 30.2111 31.1284 32.0455 32.9626 33.8798 34.7969 35.6455 37.2111

22 ANN 62,779.00 65,046.00 67,313.00 69,580.00 71,847.00 74,114.00 76,381.00 78,246.00 81,688.00 2,267

BIW 2,405.59 2,492.45 2,579.31 2,666.17 2,753.02 2,839.88 2,926.74 2,998.20 3,130.07

DLY 240.56 249.25 257.94 266.62 275.31 283.99 292.68 299.82 313.01

HLY 30.0699 31.1556 32.2414 33.3271 34.4128 35.4985 36.5843 37.4775 39.1259

23 ANN 65,667.00 68,036.00 70,405.00 72,774.00 75,143.00 77,512.00 79,881.00 81,834.00 85,437.00 2,369

BIW 2,516.24 2,607.01 2,697.78 2,788.54 2,879.31 2,970.07 3,060.84 3,135.67 3,273.71

DLY 251.63 260.71 269.78 278.86 287.94 297.01 306.09 313.57 327.38

HLY 31.4530 32.5876 33.7223 34.8568 35.9914 37.1259 38.2605 39.1959 40.9214

24 ANN 68,752.00 71,248.00 73,744.00 76,240.00 78,736.00 81,232.00 83,728.00 85,777.00 89,557.00 2,496

BIW 2,634.44 2,730.07 2,825.71 2,921.34 3,016.97 3,112.60 3,208.23 3,286.74 3,431.57

DLY 263.45 273.01 282.58 292.14 301.70 311.26 320.83 328.68 343.16

HLY 32.9305 34.1259 35.3214 36.5168 37.7121 38.9075 40.1029 41.0843 42.8946


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07 ANN 32,722.00 33,478.00 34,234.00 34,990.00 35,746.00 36,502.00 37,258.00 38,189.00 39,908.00 756

BIW 1,253.72 1,282.69 1,311.65 1,340.62 1,369.58 1,398.55 1,427.51 1,463.19 1,529.05

DLY 125.38 128.27 131.17 134.07 136.96 139.86 142.76 146.32 152.91

HLY 15.6715 16.0336 16.3956 16.7578 17.1198 17.4819 17.8439 18.2899 19.1131

08 ANN 34,822.00 35,813.00 36,804.00 37,795.00 38,786.00 39,777.00 40,768.00 41,787.00 43,667.00 991

BIW 1,334.18 1,372.15 1,410.12 1,448.09 1,486.06 1,524.03 1,562.00 1,601.04 1,673.07

DLY 133.42 137.22 141.02 144.81 148.61 152.41 156.20 160.11 167.31

HLY 16.6773 17.1519 17.6265 18.1011 18.5758 19.0504 19.5250 20.0130 20.9134

09 ANN 35,742.00 36,805.00 37,868.00 38,931.00 39,994.00 41,057.00 42,120.00 43,173.00 45,116.00 1,063

BIW 1,369.43 1,410.16 1,450.89 1,491.61 1,532.34 1,573.07 1,613.80 1,654.14 1,728.59

DLY 136.95 141.02 145.09 149.17 153.24 157.31 161.38 165.42 172.86

HLY 17.1179 17.6270 18.1361 18.6451 19.1543 19.6634 20.1725 20.6768 21.6074

10 ANN 36,750.00 37,898.00 39,046.00 40,194.00 41,342.00 42,490.00 43,638.00 44,729.00 46,742.00 1,148

BIW 1,408.05 1,452.04 1,496.02 1,540.00 1,583.99 1,627.97 1,671.96 1,713.76 1,790.89

DLY 140.81 145.21 149.61 154.00 158.40 162.80 167.20 171.38 179.09

HLY 17.6006 18.1505 18.7003 19.2500 19.7999 20.3496 20.8995 21.4220 22.3861

11 ANN 38,247.00 39,441.00 40,635.00 41,829.00 43,023.00 44,217.00 45,411.00 46,546.00 48,641.00 1,194

BIW 1,465.41 1,511.15 1,556.90 1,602.65 1,648.40 1,694.14 1,739.89 1,783.38 1,863.64

DLY 146.55 151.12 155.69 160.27 164.84 169.42 173.99 178.34 186.37

HLY 18.3176 18.8894 19.4613 20.0331 20.6050 21.1768 21.7486 22.2923 23.2955

12 ANN 39,476.00 40,715.00 41,954.00 43,193.00 44,432.00 45,671.00 46,910.00 48,083.00 50,247.00 1,239

BIW 1,512.50 1,559.97 1,607.44 1,654.91 1,702.38 1,749.85 1,797.32 1,842.27 1,925.18

DLY 151.25 156.00 160.75 165.50 170.24 174.99 179.74 184.23 192.52

HLY 18.9063 19.4996 20.0930 20.6864 21.2798 21.8731 22.4665 23.0284 24.0648

13 ANN 41,678.00 43,218.00 44,758.00 46,298.00 47,838.00 49,378.00 50,918.00 52,191.00 54,540.00 1,540

BIW 1,596.86 1,655.87 1,714.87 1,773.87 1,832.88 1,891.88 1,950.89 1,999.66 2,089.66

DLY 159.69 165.59 171.49 177.39 183.29 189.19 195.09 199.97 208.97

HLY 19.9608 20.6984 21.4359 22.1734 22.9110 23.6485 24.3861 24.9958 26.1208

14 ANN 43,557.00 45,169.00 46,781.00 48,393.00 50,005.00 51,617.00 53,229.00 54,560.00 57,015.00 1,612

BIW 1,668.86 1,730.62 1,792.38 1,854.14 1,915.91 1,977.67 2,039.43 2,090.43 2,184.49

DLY 166.89 173.07 179.24 185.42 191.60 197.77 203.95 209.05 218.45

HLY 20.8608 21.6328 22.4048 23.1768 23.9489 24.7209 25.4929 26.1304 27.3061


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Includes 2.50% Increase



15 ANN 45,525.00 47,189.00 48,853.00 50,517.00 52,181.00 53,845.00 55,509.00 56,897.00 59,457.00 1,664

BIW 1,744.26 1,808.01 1,871.77 1,935.52 1,999.28 2,063.03 2,126.79 2,179.97 2,278.05

DLY 174.43 180.81 187.18 193.56 199.93 206.31 212.68 218.00 227.81

HLY 21.8033 22.6001 23.3971 24.1940 24.9910 25.7879 26.5849 27.2496 28.4756

16 ANN 47,720.00 49,448.00 51,176.00 52,904.00 54,632.00 56,360.00 58,088.00 59,540.00 62,219.00 1,728

BIW 1,828.36 1,894.56 1,960.77 2,026.98 2,093.19 2,159.39 2,225.60 2,281.23 2,383.87

DLY 182.84 189.46 196.08 202.70 209.32 215.94 222.56 228.13 238.39

HLY 22.8545 23.6820 24.5096 25.3373 26.1649 26.9924 27.8200 28.5154 29.7984

17 ANN 50,084.00 51,855.00 53,626.00 55,397.00 57,168.00 58,939.00 60,710.00 62,228.00 65,028.00 1,771

BIW 1,918.93 1,986.79 2,054.64 2,122.50 2,190.35 2,258.20 2,326.06 2,384.22 2,491.50

DLY 191.90 198.68 205.47 212.25 219.04 225.82 232.61 238.43 249.15

HLY 23.9866 24.8349 25.6830 26.5313 27.3794 28.2275 29.0758 29.8028 31.1438

18 ANN 52,603.00 54,423.00 56,243.00 58,063.00 59,883.00 61,703.00 63,523.00 65,111.00 68,041.00 1,820

BIW 2,015.45 2,085.18 2,154.91 2,224.64 2,294.37 2,364.10 2,433.84 2,494.68 2,606.94

DLY 201.55 208.52 215.50 222.47 229.44 236.41 243.39 249.47 260.70

HLY 25.1931 26.0648 26.9364 27.8080 28.6796 29.5513 30.4230 31.1835 32.5868

19 ANN 55,201.00 57,069.00 58,937.00 60,805.00 62,673.00 64,541.00 66,409.00 68,069.00 71,132.00 1,868

BIW 2,114.99 2,186.56 2,258.13 2,329.70 2,401.27 2,472.84 2,544.41 2,608.01 2,725.37

DLY 211.50 218.66 225.82 232.97 240.13 247.29 254.45 260.81 272.54

HLY 26.4374 27.3320 28.2266 29.1213 30.0159 30.9105 31.8051 32.6001 34.0671

20 ANN 58,010.00 59,929.00 61,848.00 63,767.00 65,686.00 67,605.00 69,524.00 71,262.00 74,469.00 1,919

BIW 2,222.61 2,296.14 2,369.66 2,443.19 2,516.71 2,590.23 2,663.76 2,730.35 2,853.22

DLY 222.27 229.62 236.97 244.32 251.68 259.03 266.38 273.04 285.33

HLY 27.7826 28.7018 29.6208 30.5399 31.4589 32.3779 33.2970 34.1294 35.6653

21 ANN 60,876.00 62,839.00 64,802.00 66,765.00 68,728.00 70,691.00 72,654.00 74,470.00 77,821.00 1,963

BIW 2,332.42 2,407.63 2,482.84 2,558.05 2,633.26 2,708.47 2,783.68 2,853.26 2,981.65

DLY 233.25 240.77 248.29 255.81 263.33 270.85 278.37 285.33 298.17

HLY 29.1553 30.0954 31.0355 31.9756 32.9158 33.8559 34.7960 35.6658 37.2706

22 ANN 62,537.00 64,861.00 67,185.00 69,509.00 71,833.00 74,157.00 76,481.00 78,393.00 81,921.00 2,324

BIW 2,396.06 2,485.10 2,574.14 2,663.19 2,752.23 2,841.27 2,930.31 3,003.57 3,138.74

DLY 239.61 248.51 257.42 266.32 275.23 284.13 293.04 300.36 313.88

HLY 29.9508 31.0638 32.1768 33.2899 34.4029 35.5159 36.6289 37.5446 39.2343


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Includes 2.50% Increase



23 ANN 65,497.00 67,926.00 70,355.00 72,784.00 75,213.00 77,642.00 80,071.00 82,073.00 85,766.00 2,429

BIW 2,509.47 2,602.53 2,695.60 2,788.66 2,881.73 2,974.79 3,067.86 3,144.56 3,286.06

DLY 250.95 260.26 269.56 278.87 288.18 297.48 306.79 314.46 328.61

HLY 31.3684 32.5316 33.6950 34.8583 36.0216 37.1849 38.3483 39.3070 41.0758

24 ANN 68,659.00 71,218.00 73,777.00 76,336.00 78,895.00 81,454.00 84,013.00 86,113.00 89,988.00 2,559

BIW 2,630.62 2,728.66 2,826.71 2,924.76 3,022.80 3,120.85 3,218.89 3,299.35 3,447.82

DLY 263.07 272.87 282.68 292.48 302.28 312.09 321.89 329.94 344.79

HLY 32.8828 34.1083 35.3339 36.5595 37.7850 39.0106 40.2361 41.2419 43.0978

25 ANN 72,010.00 74,687.00 77,364.00 80,041.00 82,718.00 85,395.00 88,072.00 90,274.00 94,336.00 2,677

BIW 2,759.01 2,861.58 2,964.14 3,066.71 3,169.28 3,271.84 3,374.41 3,458.78 3,614.41

DLY 275.91 286.16 296.42 306.68 316.93 327.19 337.45 345.88 361.45

HLY 34.4876 35.7698 37.0518 38.3339 39.6160 40.8980 42.1801 43.2348 45.1801


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Includes 2.50% Increase



07 ANN 34,490.00 35,246.00 36,002.00 36,758.00 37,514.00 38,270.00 39,026.00 39,957.00 41,676.00 756

BIW 1,321.72 1,350.69 1,379.65 1,408.62 1,437.58 1,466.55 1,495.51 1,531.19 1,597.05

DLY 132.18 135.07 137.97 140.87 143.76 146.66 149.56 153.12 159.71

HLY 16.5215 16.8836 17.2456 17.6078 17.9698 18.3319 18.6939 19.1399 19.9631

08 ANN 36,590.00 37,581.00 38,572.00 39,563.00 40,554.00 41,545.00 42,536.00 43,555.00 45,435.00 991

BIW 1,402.18 1,440.15 1,478.12 1,516.09 1,554.06 1,592.03 1,630.00 1,669.04 1,741.07

DLY 140.22 144.02 147.82 151.61 155.41 159.21 163.00 166.91 174.11

HLY 17.5273 18.0019 18.4765 18.9511 19.4258 19.9004 20.3750 20.8630 21.7634

09 ANN 37,510.00 38,573.00 39,636.00 40,699.00 41,762.00 42,825.00 43,888.00 44,941.00 46,884.00 1,063

BIW 1,437.43 1,478.16 1,518.89 1,559.61 1,600.34 1,641.07 1,681.80 1,722.14 1,796.59

DLY 143.75 147.82 151.89 155.97 160.04 164.11 168.18 172.22 179.66

HLY 17.9679 18.4770 18.9861 19.4951 20.0043 20.5134 21.0225 21.5268 22.4574

10 ANN 38,518.00 39,666.00 40,814.00 41,962.00 43,110.00 44,258.00 45,406.00 46,497.00 48,510.00 1,148

BIW 1,476.05 1,520.04 1,564.02 1,608.00 1,651.99 1,695.97 1,739.96 1,781.76 1,858.89

DLY 147.61 152.01 156.41 160.80 165.20 169.60 174.00 178.18 185.89

HLY 18.4506 19.0005 19.5503 20.1000 20.6499 21.1996 21.7495 22.2720 23.2361

11 ANN 40,015.00 41,209.00 42,403.00 43,597.00 44,791.00 45,985.00 47,179.00 48,314.00 50,409.00 1,194

BIW 1,533.41 1,579.15 1,624.90 1,670.65 1,716.40 1,762.14 1,807.89 1,851.38 1,931.64

DLY 153.35 157.92 162.49 167.07 171.64 176.22 180.79 185.14 193.17

HLY 19.1676 19.7394 20.3113 20.8831 21.4550 22.0268 22.5986 23.1423 24.1455

12 ANN 41,244.00 42,483.00 43,722.00 44,961.00 46,200.00 47,439.00 48,678.00 49,851.00 52,015.00 1,239

BIW 1,580.50 1,627.97 1,675.44 1,722.91 1,770.38 1,817.85 1,865.32 1,910.27 1,993.18

DLY 158.05 162.80 167.55 172.30 177.04 181.79 186.54 191.03 199.32

HLY 19.7563 20.3496 20.9430 21.5364 22.1298 22.7231 23.3165 23.8784 24.9148

13 ANN 43,446.00 44,986.00 46,526.00 48,066.00 49,606.00 51,146.00 52,686.00 53,959.00 56,308.00 1,540

BIW 1,664.86 1,723.87 1,782.87 1,841.87 1,900.88 1,959.88 2,018.89 2,067.66 2,157.66

DLY 166.49 172.39 178.29 184.19 190.09 195.99 201.89 206.77 215.77

HLY 20.8108 21.5484 22.2859 23.0234 23.7610 24.4985 25.2361 25.8458 26.9708


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Includes 2.50% Increase



14 ANN 45,325.00 46,937.00 48,549.00 50,161.00 51,773.00 53,385.00 54,997.00 56,328.00 58,783.00 1,612

BIW 1,736.86 1,798.62 1,860.38 1,922.14 1,983.91 2,045.67 2,107.43 2,158.43 2,252.49

DLY 173.69 179.87 186.04 192.22 198.40 204.57 210.75 215.85 225.25

HLY 21.7108 22.4828 23.2548 24.0268 24.7989 25.5709 26.3429 26.9804 28.1561

15 ANN 47,293.00 48,957.00 50,621.00 52,285.00 53,949.00 55,613.00 57,277.00 58,665.00 61,225.00 1,664

BIW 1,812.26 1,876.01 1,939.77 2,003.52 2,067.28 2,131.03 2,194.79 2,247.97 2,346.05

DLY 181.23 187.61 193.98 200.36 206.73 213.11 219.48 224.80 234.61

HLY 22.6533 23.4501 24.2471 25.0440 25.8410 26.6379 27.4349 28.0996 29.3256

16 ANN 49,488.00 51,216.00 52,944.00 54,672.00 56,400.00 58,128.00 59,856.00 61,308.00 63,987.00 1,728

BIW 1,896.36 1,962.56 2,028.77 2,094.98 2,161.19 2,227.39 2,293.60 2,349.23 2,451.87

DLY 189.64 196.26 202.88 209.50 216.12 222.74 229.36 234.93 245.19

HLY 23.7045 24.5320 25.3596 26.1873 27.0149 27.8424 28.6700 29.3654 30.6484

17 ANN 51,852.00 53,623.00 55,394.00 57,165.00 58,936.00 60,707.00 62,478.00 63,996.00 66,796.00 1,771

BIW 1,986.93 2,054.79 2,122.64 2,190.50 2,258.35 2,326.20 2,394.06 2,452.22 2,559.50

DLY 198.70 205.48 212.27 219.05 225.84 232.62 239.41 245.23 255.95

HLY 24.8366 25.6849 26.5330 27.3813 28.2294 29.0775 29.9258 30.6528 31.9938

18 ANN 54,371.00 56,191.00 58,011.00 59,831.00 61,651.00 63,471.00 65,291.00 66,879.00 69,809.00 1,820

BIW 2,083.45 2,153.18 2,222.91 2,292.64 2,362.37 2,432.10 2,501.84 2,562.68 2,674.94

DLY 208.35 215.32 222.30 229.27 236.24 243.21 250.19 256.27 267.50

HLY 26.0431 26.9148 27.7864 28.6580 29.5296 30.4013 31.2730 32.0335 33.4368

19 ANN 56,969.00 58,837.00 60,705.00 62,573.00 64,441.00 66,309.00 68,177.00 69,837.00 72,900.00 1,868

BIW 2,182.99 2,254.56 2,326.13 2,397.70 2,469.27 2,540.84 2,612.41 2,676.01 2,793.37

DLY 218.30 225.46 232.62 239.77 246.93 254.09 261.25 267.61 279.34

HLY 27.2874 28.1820 29.0766 29.9713 30.8659 31.7605 32.6551 33.4501 34.9171

20 ANN 59,778.00 61,697.00 63,616.00 65,535.00 67,454.00 69,373.00 71,292.00 73,030.00 76,237.00 1,919

BIW 2,290.61 2,364.14 2,437.66 2,511.19 2,584.71 2,658.23 2,731.76 2,798.35 2,921.22

DLY 229.07 236.42 243.77 251.12 258.48 265.83 273.18 279.84 292.13

HLY 28.6326 29.5518 30.4708 31.3899 32.3089 33.2279 34.1470 34.9794 36.5153


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Includes 2.50% Increase



21 ANN 62,644.00 64,607.00 66,570.00 68,533.00 70,496.00 72,459.00 74,422.00 76,238.00 79,589.00 1,963

BIW 2,400.42 2,475.63 2,550.84 2,626.05 2,701.26 2,776.47 2,851.68 2,921.26 3,049.65

DLY 240.05 247.57 255.09 262.61 270.13 277.65 285.17 292.13 304.97

HLY 30.0053 30.9454 31.8855 32.8256 33.7658 34.7059 35.6460 36.5158 38.1206

22 ANN 64,305.00 66,629.00 68,953.00 71,277.00 73,601.00 75,925.00 78,249.00 80,161.00 83,689.00 2,324

BIW 2,464.06 2,553.10 2,642.14 2,731.19 2,820.23 2,909.27 2,998.31 3,071.57 3,206.74

DLY 246.41 255.31 264.22 273.12 282.03 290.93 299.84 307.16 320.68

HLY 30.8008 31.9138 33.0268 34.1399 35.2529 36.3659 37.4789 38.3946 40.0843

23 ANN 67,265.00 69,694.00 72,123.00 74,552.00 76,981.00 79,410.00 81,839.00 83,841.00 87,534.00 2,429

BIW 2,577.47 2,670.53 2,763.60 2,856.66 2,949.73 3,042.79 3,135.86 3,212.56 3,354.06

DLY 257.75 267.06 276.36 285.67 294.98 304.28 313.59 321.26 335.41

HLY 32.2184 33.3816 34.5450 35.7083 36.8716 38.0349 39.1983 40.1570 41.9258

24 ANN 70,427.00 72,986.00 75,545.00 78,104.00 80,663.00 83,222.00 85,781.00 87,881.00 91,756.00 2,559

BIW 2,698.62 2,796.66 2,894.71 2,992.76 3,090.80 3,188.85 3,286.89 3,367.35 3,515.82

DLY 269.87 279.67 289.48 299.28 309.08 318.89 328.69 336.74 351.59

HLY 33.7328 34.9583 36.1839 37.4095 38.6350 39.8606 41.0861 42.0919 43.9478


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