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Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)

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  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)




    Shahrin NordinLL.B (Hons) IIUM, LL.M (Commercial Laws) UiTM

    Published !"#

    "Copyright Reserve ! "#$% &hahrin 'orin

  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)



    Judicial Review

    Lea$e S%a&e

    '"( )es% a% %he lea$e s%a&e

    '( Ri&h% %o a**ear durin& e+,*ar%e lea$e s%a&e

    -rounds o. /udi0ial re$ie1"

    '"( Irra%ionali%2 '3Wednesbur2 unreasonableness4(

    '( Pro0edural i5*ro*rie%2 '3Na%ural /us%i0e4(

    '6( Ille&ali%2 'a( 5ala .ide

    'b( i5*ro*er *ur*ose7

    '0( .ailure %o %a8e in%o a00oun% rele$an% 0onsidera%ions

    'd( %a8in& in%o a00oun% irrele$an% 0onsidera%ions 'e( non,e+er0ise o. dis0re%ion9

    ':( Subs%an%i$e .airness7';( Pro*or%ionali%2

    '#( Subs%an%i$e le&i%i5a%e e+*e0%a%ion9

    De.endin& a&ains% /udi0ial re$ie1

    '"( Dela2 in .ilin&

    '( De0ision on ad5inis%ra%i$e a**eal is no% a

  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


    Leave Stage

    Test for leave to be granted

    Chin Bee Keon& Ors $9 Pesuruh/a2a Su8an !!? ; CLJ 6#6 'COA(

  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


    'i( )he Jud&e should &ran% lea$e i. i% is 0lear %ha% %here is a *oin% .or .ur%her

    in$es%i&a%ion on a .ull inter partes basis 1i%h all su0h e$iden0e as is

    ne0essar2 on %he .a0%s and all su0h ar&u5en% as is ne0essar2 on %he la19'ii( I. %he Jud&e is sa%is.ied %ha% %here is no ar&uable 0ase he should dis5iss %he

    a**li0a%ion .or lea$e %o 5o$e .or /udi0ial re$ie19

    'iii( I. on 0onsiderin& %he *a*ers7 %he Jud&e 0o5es %o %he 0on0lusion %ha% he

    reall2 does no% 8no1 1he%her %here is or is no% an ar&uable 0ase7 %he ri&h%

    0ourse is .or %he Jud&e %o in$i%e %he *u%a%i$e res*onden% %o a%%end and 5a8ere*resen%a%ions as %o 1he%her or no% lea$e should be &ran%ed9 )ha% inter

    parteslea$e hearin& should no% be an21here near so e+%ensi$e as a .ull

    subs%an%i$e /udi0ial re$ie1 hearin&9

    )he %es% %o be a**lied b2 %he Jud&e a% %ha% inter parteslea$e hearin& should be

    analo&ous %o %he a**roa0h ado*%ed in de0idin& 1he%her %o &ran% lea$e %o a**eal

    a&ains% an arbi%ra%orHs a1ard 999 na5el2 i.7 %a8in& a00oun% o. a brie. ar&u5en% on

    ei%her side7 %he Jud&e is sa%is.ied %ha% %here is a 0ase .i% .or .ur%her 0onsidera%ion7%hen he should &ran% lea$e9=

    Right to appear during exparte leave stage

    -eor&e John $9 -oh En& Wah ros9 File5 Sdn hd Ors "@@ " BLJ 6"

  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


    %rounds &or Judicial Review

    Irrationalit" '()ednesbur" unreasonableness*+

    See Choo $9 Suruhan/a2a Se8uri%i!!; CLJ ! 'COA(

  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


    Con&re$e $ o5e O..i0e"?# Q # 'COA(

  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


    A1an& )en&ah A& A5in $9 Sabah Publi0 Ser$i0e Co55ission Anor"@ CLJ :!


  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


    In our $ie17 Parlia5en% ha$in& e+0luded /udi0ial re$ie1 under %he A0%7 i% is no%

    *er5issible .or our 0our%s %o in%er$ene and dis%urb a s%a%u%oril2 unre$ie1able

    de0ision on %he basis o. a ne1 a5or*hous and 1ide ran&in& 0on0e*% o.subs%an%i$e un.airness as a se*ara%e &round o. /udi0ial re$ie1 1hi0h e$en %he

    En&lish 0our%s in 0o55on la1 ha$e no% re0o&niMed9

    )he abo$e au%hori%27 0learl2 su**or% ROSHs *osi%ion and I a5 in no *osi%ion %o

    disa&ree 1i%h %he Federal Cour%Hs de0ision=


    )an )e8 Sen& $ Suruhan/a2a Per8hid5a%an Pendidi8an Anor "# " BLJ #" 'COA(

  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


    &i$en b2 %he Coun0il as %o 1h2 i% 1as i5*osin& %he dis*u%ed 0ondi%ion and %hus

    resilin& .ro5 %he ori&inal a**ro$al o. *lannin& *er5ission 1hi0h 1as .ree .ro5

    an2 *ri0in& 0ondi%ion9=

    Dr9 A5ir ussein bin aharuddin $9 Uni$ersi%i Sains Bala2sia "@ 6 BLJ @ 'C(

  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


    in$ol$ed in %he $i0e,0han0ellorHs de0ision de0linin& %o rea**oin% %he a**li0an%

    dean9 In su0h 0ir0u5s%an0es7 I re&arded %he a**li0an% as ha$in& no 5ore %han a

    *ious Hho*eH o. bein& rea**oin%ed dean Hno%hin& 1as bein& %a8en a1a27 and in allnor5al 0ir0u5s%an0es %here are no 0har&es7 and so no reGuire5en% o. an

    o**or%uni%2 o. bein& heard in ans1er %o %he 0har&esH 'seeMcInnes v. @nslowAane

    "?@ " WLR ";! a% ** ";,6!( and also7 9aterson v. 7nein City Concil"@" NLR #" 1here %he 1id%h o. %he dis0re%ion de.ea%ed an2 le&i%i5a%e


    ""Copyright Reserve ! "#$% &hahrin 'orin

  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


    Defending /gainst Judicial Review

    Dela" in &iling

    Bersin& O5nibus Co Sdn hd $9 Binis%er o. Labour and Ban*o1er Anor "@6

    "@6 CLJ ?'FC(

  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


    o1e$er no e$iden0e o. ser$i0e o. %he le%%er e..e0%ed %o %he *re$ious o1ner o. %he

    said land 1as *rodu0ed9 e% on "# No$e5ber "# %he *lain%i.. in 5a8in& an

    ad5inis%ra%i$e a**eal %o %he Ke%ua Se%iausaha Ne&ara *rodu0ed a 0o*2 o. %he saidle%%er o. re/e0%ion in i%s a**eal a**li0a%ion9 In 52 $ie1 %he *rodu0%ion o. %ha% le%%er

    sho1ed 0learl2 %ha% %he *lain%i.. as o. %ha% da%e had 8no1led&e o. %he de0ision o.

    %he de.endan% and as su0h %he *eriod o. %hree 5on%h should be&in .ro5 %ha% da%e9No a5oun% o. denial b2 %he *lain%i.. in0ludin& %ha% %he le%%er bein& addressed %o

    %he *re$ious o1ner o. %he said land 1ould hel* %o ar&ue %ha% %he *lain%i.. had no

    8no1led&e o. %he de0ision9 In .a0% i% 1as Gui%e le&i%i5a%e .or %he de.endan% %o send%he le%%er %o %he *re$ious o1ner o. %he said land be0ause %he ori&inal a**li0a%ion

    under s9 ":and s9 !! o. %he Na%ional Land Code1ere 5ade b2 %he *re$ious

    o1ner o. %he said land9 And %here 1as no e$iden0e addu0ed %ha% %he *re$ious

    o1ner o. %he said land or %he *lain%i.. had in.or5ed %he de.endan% o. %he 0han&e o.o1nershi* %o %he de.endan%9 )o ar&ue %ha% %he 0han&e o. o1nershi* had been

    re&is%ered in %he re&is%er o. %i%le and as su0h %he de.endan% should %here.ore ha$e

    8no1led&e is de$oid o. an2 5eri%9 I% 1as in0u5ben% u*on %he *lain%i.. or %he

    *re$ious o1ner o. %he said land %o in.or5 %he de.endan% in 1ri%in& o. %he 0han&eo. o1nershi* in res*e0% o. %he a**li0a%ion under s9 ": and s9 !! o. %he Na%ional

    Land Code es*e0iall2 .or *ur*oses o. 0o55uni0a%ion9 Failure %o in.or5 %hede.endan% o. %he 0han&e o. o1nershi* &i$es %he de.endan% %he ri&h% %o 5a8e

    0o55uni0a%ion %o %he *re$ious o1ner o. %he said land9 In %he 0ir0u5s%an0es I a5

    .ull2 sa%is.ied %ha% %he de0ision o. %he de.endan% da%ed ; Se*%e5ber "; hadbeen 0o55uni0a%ed %o %he *lain%i.. on or be.ore "# No$e5ber "#9 en0e .or

    *ur*oses o. %a8in& an2 a0%ion under s9 :"@'"( o. %he Na%ional Land Code %he

    *eriod o. %hree '6( 5on%h should 0o55en0e on "# No$e5ber "#9

    u% %he *lain%i.. onl2 be&an %his a0%ion in 0our% under s9 :"@ o. %he Na%ional Land

    Codeon "! A*ril "@9 I% had 0er%ainl2 *assed %he %hree 5on%hs *eriod7 b2 al5os%"? 5on%hs9 )he *lain%i.. had %here.ore .ailed %o 0o5*l2 1i%h %he reGuire5en% o. s9

    :"@'"( o. %he Na%ional Land Code9 In i%s a**li0a%ion %he *lain%i.. had ne$er

    a**lied .or an2 e+%ension o. %i5e %o .ile %his a0%ion9 As no su0h a**li0a%ion .ore+%ension o. %i5e 1as 5ade b2 %he *lain%i.. %he Gues%ion o. &ran%in& an2 e+%ension

    o. %i5e does no% arise9 en0e %his a**li0a%ion should be s%ru08 o.. .or 1an% o.

    0o5*lian0e 1i%h %he *ro$ision o. s9 :"@'"( o. %he Na%ional Land Code9=

    Chiharu abe 'au&&( Anor $9 Pen%adbir )anah Wila2ah Perse8u%uan Kuala Lu5*ur

    !! : CLJ 6" 'C(

  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


    a**ealin&9 )he a**ellan%sH 0ounsel ar&ued %ha% %i5e should be re08oned .ro5 ":

    Februar2 !!"7 %he da%e 1hen %he a**ellan%sH soli0i%ors re0ei$ed a 0o*2 o. %he

    le%%er o. %he land ad5inis%ra%or %o %he $endor %ha% dis*osed o. %he a**eal asre&ards %he Land E+e0u%i$e Co55i%%eeHs de0ision o. ; A*ril !!!9

    I ha$e7 .or %he sa8e o. 0o5*le%eness7 s%a%ed %he e$en%s leadin& %o %ha% le%%er and5ade obser$a%ions abou% %he a**eal7 *ar%i0ularl2 as %o %he in$ol$e5en% o. %he

    $endor in i% and as %o 1he%her %he Land E+e0u%i$e Co55i%%ee a0%uall2 5e% a&ain%o 0onsider %he a**eal9 u% all %ha%7 as I said7 is .or %he sa8e o. 0o5*le%eness and

    none o. i% needs %o be %a8en in%o 0onsidera%ion in arri$in& a% 52 de0ision on %his

    *oin%7 be0ause I a5 o. o*inion %ha%7 in an2 0ase7 %i5e should be re08oned .ro5 "@Se*%e5ber !!!7 %he da%e 1hen %he ori&inal de0ision o. %he Land E+e0u%i$e

    Co55i%%ee 1as 0o55uni0a%ed %o %he a**ellan%s9 )ha%7 in 52 o*inion7 is %he

    de0ision .or %he *ur*oses o. s9 :"@9)here is in %he le&al sense no a**eal .ro5%ha% de0ision e+0e*% %o %he 0our% under s9 :"@ and an2 subseGuen% de0ision o. %he

    Land E+e0u%i$e Co55i%%ee 5ade7 shall I sa27 u*on a *lea %o re0onsider 0anno% be

    re0o&nised as a de0ision .or %he *ur*oses o. s9 :"@9 An a&&rie$ed *erson 5i&h%1ell 1ish %o a%%e5*% %o *ersuade %he de0ision,5a8er %o 0han&e his 5ind and %he

    de0ision,5a8er7 as an ad5inis%ra%or7 5i&h% 1ell ad5inis%ra%i$el2 en%er%ain %he

    reGues% and no% ado*% a s%ri0%l2 le&al s%and and %ell %he *erson .or%h1i%h %ha% he has

    5ade his de0ision and i. %he *erson is a&&rie$ed b2 i% he should a**eal under s9:"@7 bu% %he *erson ou&h%7 %o *reser$e his ri&h% %o %he le&al a**eal under %ha%

    se0%ion7 a% %he sa5e %i5e .ile his a**eal be.ore %he e+*ir2 o. %he *eriod .or

    a**ealin&7 i. he does no% &e%7 or i% is no% *ossible %o &e%7 a de0ision in his .a$our on%he *lea .or re0onsidera%ion be.ore %he e+*ir2 o. %he *eriod9

    For %he reason %ha% i% is ou% o. %i5e7 I ha$e %o dis5iss %he a**eal=

    ,re-ature 2 /bsence of Decision

    Kane8a Pas%e Pol25ers Sdn hd $9 Dire0%or -eneral o. Indus%rial Rela%ions Ors !!;? BLJ "6'C(

  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


    0hallen&e %he de0ision o. %he D-IR and D-)U on %he issue o. 0o5*e%en02 0he089

    )here should onl2 be one 0hallen&e and no% se$eral 0hallen&es9=

    B W ander 'B( Sdn hd $9 Dire0%or -eneral O. Inland Re$enue!!; # CLJ 66#


  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


    1here %he dis*u%e %urns on a Gues%ion o. .a0%7 abou% 1hi0h %here is a 0on.li0% o.

    e$iden0e7 %he Cour% 1ill &enerall2 de0line %o in%er.ere9=

    NonReviewabilit" of 3ri!inal Investigative ,rocess

    Ci%2 -ro1%h Sdn hd Anor $9 )he -o$% o. B4sia !!; ? CLJ : 'C(

  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


    *ri$a%e la1 a0%ion .or da5a&es9 )his 1ould be su..i0ien% %o dis*ose o. %he *resen%

    a**eal9 )here is no ne0essi%2 .or us %o ans1er %he res% o. %he lea$e Gues%ions9=

    NonReviewabilit" of ,olic" -atter

    Dr Bi0hael Je2a8u5ar De$ara/ $9 Pe&ua5 Ne&ara Bala2sia !"6 CLJ "!! 'FC(

  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


    No ,re$udice

    Ba5a% )alib ')i5balan Ke%ua Polis7 Johor( Anor $9 Abdul Jalil Rashid !!; : CLJ@'COA(

  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


    %his *ro$ision is indis*u%abl2 lo0al au%hori%27 ie7 %he Buni0i*al Coun0il o. Ko%a

    haru .or %he 0urren% 0ase and no%hin& else9

    earin& in 5ind %ha% %he *osi%ion o. Ke%ua Jaba%an Pelesenan is an un8no1n

    en%i%2 under %he A0%7 le% alone under se0%ion "; %he s%a%u%or2 o..i0e bearers7

    o..i0ers and e5*lo2ees are s%a%u%oril2 *ro%e0%ed .ro5 an2 *ersonal a0%ion7 anduni$ersall2 8no1n %ha% %he 0ul*ri% %ha% re.used %he li0ense 1as %he lo0al au%hori%2

    'Buni0i*al Coun0il(7 %he *lain%i.. %hus 1as on sha82 &round 1hen %he .irs%

    de.endan% 1as brou&h% in as a *ar%29 )he a0%ion a&ains% %he la%%er %here.ore 1as anabuse o. %he *ro0ess o. %he Cour%9 )he a0%ion 1ould ha$e been on solid &round i.

    %he en%i%2 o. Ke%ua Jaba%an Pelesenan had been dro**ed7 lea$in& behind 5erel2

    Ba/lis Perbandaran Ko%a haru7 as %he .irs% de.endan%9

    )o add %o %he *redi0a5en% o. %he *lain%i..7 i% is in%eres%in& %o no%e %ha% e$en %hou&h

    %he du%2 o. issuin& %he li0ense is on %he lo0al au%hori%27 %ha% $er2 bod2 1as no%

    e$en brou&h% in as *ar%29 )he se0ond de.endan%7 1hi0h is no% e$en %he e5*lo2er o.

    %he .irs% de.endan% 1as ins%ead 0o,o*%ed in%o %he *ro0eedin&s9 One 5us% bear in5ind %ha% %he Ba/lis Perbandaran Ko%a haru and %he S%a%e -o$ern5en% are %1o

    %o%all2 di..eren% en%i%ies7 1i%h %he la%%er no% e$en in$ol$ed in %he dire0%ad5inis%ra%i$e re/e0%ion o. %he i5*u&ned li0en0e a**li0a%ion9=

    NonReviewabilit" of NonDecision

    Ahli,Ahli Suruhan/a2a an& Be5ben%u8 Suruhan/a2a Siasa%an Ben&enai Ra8a5an Kli*

    Video an& Ben&andun&i I5e/ Seoran& an& Di8a%a8an Pe&ua5bela Dan Pe&ua50araerbual Belalui )ele.on Ben&enai Urusan Pelan%i8an a8i5,a8i5 $9 )un Da%oHH Seri

    Ah5ad FairuM Da%oHH Shei8h Abdul ali5 O%her A**eals !" " CLJ @!; 'FC(

  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


    deba%e Gues%ionin& %he inde*enden0e o. %he /udi0iar29 )he i5a&e o. %he /udi0iar2

    1as bein& ridi0uled9 Ob$iousl2 i% 1as no% in %he bes% in%eres% o. %he /udi0iar2 and

    %he na%ion as a 1hole %o allo1 su0h deba%e and bad *er0e*%ion %o 0on%inue 1i%hou%%he *ubli0 8no1in& %he %ru%h o. %he 5a%%er9 I% 1as .or %ha% *ur*ose %he Co55ission

    0o5*risin& e5inen% *ersons o. hi&h s%andin&7 1as se% u* %o 0ondu0% a .a0%ual

    in$es%i&a%ion on behal. o. %he -o$ern5en% and %o 5a8e %he ne0essar2re0o55enda%ions .or %he be%%er5en% o. %he /udi0iar29 No1 %he Co55ission had

    0o5e ou% 1i%h i%s .indin&s7 i% did no% 5a8e an2 sense i. su0h .indin&s 1ere

    allo1ed %o be re$ie1ed b2 %he 0our%s9 '*aras :: :;(=

    ,urel" 3o!!ercial Dealing

    Ba/lis Perbandaran Suban& Ja2a $9 La&una De a2 Sdn hd !"; " CLJ 6;? 'CoA(

  • 7/23/2019 Judicial Review-quick Guide on Authorities (1)


    -atter 4as 5eco!e /cade!ic

    Won& San& -ia* $9 Won& Ken& -ia* " CLJ #"@ 'C(

    =The law is clear that the power o the cort to ma6e a ;ining eclaration is

    iscretionary an the cort will not ma6e a eclaratory 5gment where theDestion raise is prely acaemic or the eclaration will ;e seless or

    em;arrassing or where an aeDate alternative remey is availa;le.E

    Lee Ko8 Wai Anor $9 Se0uri%ies Co55ission Bala2sia !"; : CLJ #! 'C(

    =Li6ewise, the crrent application ;eore me was also acaemic as ;y the time

    the isses were ventilate ;eore me there was nothing to ;e reviewe. The noticeto show case ha reDire the irst applicant to provie an e8planation to the

    +@B pertaining to the matters raise in the sai notice to show case. The irst

    applicant ha in act s;mitte his e8planation on 1 @cto;er "#$3 in response to

    the notice to show case. In view o the aoresai there was nothing rtherrelating to the show case to ;e reviewe. Hence, this application wol all on

    the gron that the relie soght ha ;ecome acaemic.E

    NonReviewabilit" of Disciplinar" ,unish!ent

    N& o08 Chen $9 Pen&arah A5 Pen/ara Ors "@ " CLJ :!; 'FC(

    =ConseDently, ;oth the High Cort an the Cort o +ppeal, ater having phelthe "n responent
