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Judiciary Applications Overview

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Page 1 Judiciary Applications Overview Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office

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Judiciary Applications


Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

Introduction Purpose The New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), Management Overview – IT Application Development document provides the reader with an overview of the computer applications that were jointly developed by the Information Technology Office (ITO) and Judiciary representatives such as: the trial courts, programmatic divisions, administrative departments, and so forth. This Management Overview document is intended to provide the reader with brief non-technical descriptions of our court and administrative automated systems, as well as condensing the technical facts on those systems. This document provides judges, new or current managers, and interested parties with an appreciation of the portfolio of automated systems that are actively supporting judiciary process and initiatives. Organization This document is organized by functional areas. In each area, the various automated applications are described in the following format: Overview, Implementation and Technical Facts. The Overview Section provides a general description of the court area and the associated automated system. The history of the system’s implementation is presented in the Implementation Section. The final section, Technical Facts, provides information related to the technical nature of the system. Note There were numerous IT Application Development group contributors to this document. In some cases their write-ups were based on prior documentation compiled by non-ITO departments.

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

Design Methodology Rational Unified Process (RUP) The Rational Unified Process is a comprehensive set of integrated software tools that embodies the industries’ software engineering best practices. It spans the entire software development life cycle, (e.g., requirements, design, testing, and change management). The RUP improves communications within the ITO project teams and across boundaries to stakeholders, which will reduce the development time and improve the software quality. The major components of the RUP include: 1. Develop Iteratively 2. Manage Requirements 3 .Use Component Architectures 4. Model Visually 5. Control Changes and Configuration Management 6. Verify Quality Develop Iteratively This approach to software development addresses the inherent risks associated with projects such as instability, constantly changing, unknown requirements, and lack of development expertise. Our previous methodology was known as SPECTRUM. This methodology has shortcomings, but it has provided us many years of faithful service. This methodology can be characterized as a waterfall approach. This process broke down a project into major phases each done sequentially, with some serial overlap. Utilizing this approach would take many months or years without the customers receiving an executable deliverable. With the iterative development approach, the project is broke down into several “waterfall projects” each with an executable of some kind which the customers can embrace and test. The software is developed in planned increments. The project team develops and tests one subset of the system functionality per iteration. The team develops the next increment, integrates it with the first iteration, and so on. This methodology actually mimics our court system to a great degree, in that the Court functionality is an iterative approach to processing a case. We have arrest – indictment – hearings – pleas – conferences – trials –sentences/dispositions. All of these can be viewed as executable iterations with the lifecycle of a project or case. Manage Requirements (Present Slide)

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

Employing the RUP methodology allows us to manage the scope of the system in several areas. We are better able to come to agreement on what the system should do (I.E. bus rules and logic), to communicate to all stakeholders an understanding of the requirements (i.e. coordinate communications to all), to provide a basis for planning the technical contents of iterations (i.e. define the technical framework-what technology to employ), and lastly, to provide a user-interface for the system (i.e. to define the users views/screens of the system) Our new methodology allows us to tag and trace requirements, in a fashion far superior to Spectrum. The process will generate “living documents”. Requirements documents will evolve with the design and code base as changes are made. A formal process will be instituted that permits the tracking of initial requirements to the finalized coded product. This will have a direct impact on the team’s ability to deliver on-time and on-budget. Current requirements documents (i.e. program specs) fall out of date once coding is started, and they are only accessible by programmers, and not our customers. Without a clear understanding of requirements, shared by all stakeholders, interpretations of commitment will vary. This leads to the acceptance of additional requirements that expand the scope of the project. This expansion of scope invariably leads to strained relationships. Changes in scope are inevitable, but with a formal presentation understandable to all parties, the change in scope is clear and schedules can be negotiated. Use Component Architectures A component is a non-trivial, nearly independent, part of a system that combines data and functions to fulfill a clear purpose. Components can be built from scratch, re-used from previously built, or purchased. They form the architecture, or fundamental framework for a project. This is the essence of Object Oriented Analysis and Design (OOA&D). The establishment of good component architectures and documented properly enables software developers to reuse them. It is through the construction of flow and data models we can better understand the system. Model Visually Models are built to achieve a better understanding of the system. This enables us to better comprehend complex systems in their entirety. Models help the team visualize, specify, construct, and document the structure and behavior of the system. From a model, it is possible to understand the impact of changes over the course of a project. Using a standard modeling language, team members can unambiguously communicate their decisions to each other. The RUP supplies the tools in this area. Control Changes and Configuration Management

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

There is a need for consistent tracking of defects and enhancements to our systems. It is important to manage changes in a traceable, repeatable, and predictable manner. Enhancement requests and defect reports facilitate clear communication among team members. In addition to the change management process itself, there is great need to create an environment or directory structure to serve as a repository for system design deliverables. This is referred to as Configuration Management and is a vital area to support an iterative, component based architecture environment. Verify Quality Software problems are several orders of magnitude more expensive to find and repair after deployment of the software to the customer. This is one component of Rational Suite that will be addressed with another s/w product Mercury Interactive. This software tool allows us to automate the testing of an application in a predictable and repeatable fashion. We have an established Quality Assurance (Q/A) group and supportive environment, which is totally relied upon by all the development teams in ITO.


Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006


The Automated Case Management System (ACMS) Overview ACMS was developed to support case life cycle processing and management in the civil trial courts. ACMS integrates case docketing and case management functions, which allows the recording of case information by vicinage personnel while furnishing tools for case managers to schedule and manage cases. Prior to the implementation of ACMS, counties predominately performed court functions manually with minimal standardization, communication, and integration on statewide basis. Since its inception, ACMS has evolved into an “umbrella” system which now encompasses several court areas. Theses areas are Supreme Court, Appellate Court, Law Civil/Special Civil Part, and Chancery General Equity/Foreclosure. Civil/Special, Civil Part, and Chancery General Equity/Foreclosure were converted from IDMS to DB2 in March of 2006. Over the years, ACMS functions and subsystems have grown considerably with enhancements developed in cooperation with vicinage staff, judges, Civil Practice Division, Appellate Division, Supreme Court, Superior Court Clerk’s Office, and the New Jersey Bar Association. These functions include: local direct filing and docketing of documents, automatic assignment of docket numbers; statewide inquiries of parties, attorneys, judgments, service, executions; differentiated case management/case tracking; generation of management reports, court calendars, notices, cash receipt journals, disbursement reports, and statistical reports. Since the initial implementation of the ACMS Civil automated system in its pilot county of Morris in mid-1987, ACMS has become the repository for over 8.6 million cases. Completely implemented in 1992 in all vicinages, over 400,000 cases are added to ACMS annually. In support of these cases, ACMS has also accumulated information pertaining to more than 40 million documents, more than 36.5 million parties, more than 3.4 million court proceedings, and related case information. With ACMS, users are able to serve the public more efficiently and effectively. A number of functions in ACMS greatly reduce repetitive manual processes, freeing court staff for more litigant intensive communication. One such example would be the production of court notices.

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ACMS produces an estimated 1.6 million notices on demand yearly. Notice formats are available, standardized state-wide to different types of court activity. This not only saves thousands of hours of vicinage staff time, but also provides the public with uniform, professional notices. Additionally the production of automated court calendars not only represents a savings of staff time, but allows the courts to be more responsive to varying caseload demands and provides the flexibility to manage calendars efficiently. Towards the goal of organization and efficiency, vicinage staff have over 400 case management reports available to assist them in managing cases. Attorney Collateral Accounts Filing fees by attorneys, for participating law firms, may be “charged” to a debit account maintained centrally in the Superior Court Clerk’s Office. As pleadings are entered, ACMS will check for adequate funds in attorney account balances. If funds are inadequate the transaction is not accepted. Prior to this feature the Superior Court Clerks Office had to monitor and collect on deficit attorney accounts. A self validating charge reference number is also available for law firms to track and reconcile filings fees that have been charged. This charge reference number is similar to a check number. A monthly Superior Court Attorney Collateral account statement is provided to the participating law firms in an electronic data file on the AOC Public Access Bulletin board to facilitate the reconciliation of charges made to their accounting systems. Prior to this feature high volume filing law firms received many pages of printed accounting statements from the Superior Court Clerk’s Office which were difficult for them to reconcile. Consequently these law firms had opted not to utilize the Superior Court Collateral Account system because of the difficulty in reconciliation.

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

ACMS Law Civil Overview The Superior Court Law Division hears civil actions at law including torts and contracts. This court has concurrent jurisdiction with the Special Civil Part for cases involving less than $15,000, but has sole jurisdiction over actions at law which involve more than $15,000. All of Law Civil’s cases, approximately 125,000 yearly, are entered and managed on the ACMS Law Civil automated system. The ACMS Law Civil automated system supports local direct filing of documents in the county courts and automatically assigns a docket number when a new case is entered. Prior to the inception of ACMS, vicinages entered and manually maintained physical docket books, which have been eliminated by the ACMS Law Civil automated system. The ACMS Law Civil automated system provides statewide inquiries of parties, attorneys, judgments, service and executions and judges. The ACMS Law Civil Systems tracks and schedules court events, generates management reports, court calendars, notices cash receipt journals, disbursement reports, and generates the required state statistical reports. Major features of the automated ACMS Law Civil application include: Standardized Notice Processing System The standardized notice processing system allows for online user-controlled maintenance to court return address, proceeding location, telephone numbers, and up to three lines of user-controlled comments to communicate additional information to litigants. Notices may be generated in either letter standard format or as self mailers. The ACMS Law Civil computer system prints approximately 980,000 notices a year automatically saving thousands of hours of vicinage staff time allowing vicinages to maintain current staffing levels. Complementary Dispute Resolution (CDR) The ACMS Civil System is programmed to expedite the various New Jersey complementary dispute resolution programs, e.g., mandatory automobile arbitration/personal injury programs, contract arbitration mediation, or bar panels. The system allows cases eligible for the various programs to be earmarked via a “CDR” indicator. This indicator facilitates the identification of cases for scheduling purposes by automatically grouping cases eligible for a particular CDR event and automatically locking out cases for trial until CDR has been effected. Prior to the

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implementation of the CDR application, cases were tracked as eligible for arbitration and/or trial by manually sorting and reviewing index cards. This manual process is now eliminated. Automated Dismissal For Law cases, the ACMS Civil System triggers dismissal notices on a weekly basis based on court rules for lack of prosecution. In addition to an entire case, the automated dismissal sometimes applies only to specific parties based on circumstances dictated by court rules. The on-line system automatically generates appropriate court-initiated notices, completes the disposition of the parties, and closes the cases. Prior to the implementation of the automated dismissal process, cases eligible for dismissal were manual tracked and notices and orders of dismissal were prepared manually. Implementation The initial implementation of the ACMS Civil Law automated system was a pilot in the county of Morris in mid-1987. Civil Law was completely implemented in 1992 in all vicinages.

Technical Facts The ACMS Law Civil application utilizes a DB2 data base and CICS programming software for online dialogs. COBOL programming software is used for case management printed reports and automated noticing. The ACMS Law-Civil, Special Civil Part, and Chancery General Equity and Foreclosure court applications share the same online dialogs and report programs. Number of Online Dialogs 415 Number of Batch Programs 675 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 850 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions (includes Law

Civil, Special Civil Part, and Chancery courts) 900,000

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

ACMS Special Civil Part Overview The Special Civil Part was established in 1983 by order of the Supreme Court. This Court includes the following sections: Small Claims; Landlord/Tenant; and Regular Special Civil Part. This court resolves ordinary disputes between creditors and debtors, landlords and tenants, or individuals and merchants involving small amounts. Many litigants appear without a lawyer. The result is a true “Peoples Court”. The Following kinds of cases are cognizable within the Special Civil Part:

• Regular Special Civil Part (DC docket type). The amount of relief sought can not exceed $15,000.

• Small Claims (SC docket type). The amount of relief sought cannot exceed $3,000. • Landlord/Tenant (LT docket type).

The purpose of this court is to provide just and expedient results. The Special Civil Part court averages 335,000 cases yearly. This volume accounts for over 45% of all cases filed in the Trial Courts, which includes Civil, Criminal, Family, General Equity, Tax and Surrogate.

Special Part case management automated functions include: local direct filing and docketing of documents; automatic assignment of docket numbers; statewide inquiries of parties, attorneys, judgments, service, executions; case tracking; generation of management reports, court calendars, notices, cash receipt journals, disbursement reports and statistical reports.

Major features of the automated Special Civil Part application include:

Automatic Assignment of Docket Numbers/Trial Dates/Notices

As complaints are filed in the court, docket numbers are automatically assigned by the ACMS system. As new cases are entered, the system will automatically schedule trial dates for all landlord/tenant cases and if requested by case management for small claims cases. Upon initial case entry, the following notices and labels are automatically generated:

1. Case jacket labels 2. Defendant mailing labels (landlord/tenant) 3. Certified and regular mailers 4. Postcard notices (docket assigned, trial date, summons mailed, default

date, etc.)

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

Mass Dispositional Proceeding/Scheduling for Dismissal The ACMS Civil System supports multiple case entry for cases eligible for dismissal for lack of prosecution. From a report of eligible cases, cases can be dismissed online, 10 cases per screen. The on-line system automatically generates court-initiated motions, verifies eligibility, schedules the cases for dismissal hearing, and generates corresponding notices. After the day of the hearing, the system automatically generates the court-initiated orders of dismissal, completes the disposition of parties and closes the cases. Prior to the implementation of the automated dismissal process, cases eligible for dismissal were manually tracked and notices and orders of dismissal were prepared manually. The “To-Be-Scheduled-List” screen is used to identify groups of similar cases eligible for Dispositional court events, e.g., trial, arbitration. ACMS users enter various parameters, e.g., case type or answer filed date, discovery end date, CDR indicator, case track, and managing judge. The system then automatically brings up eligible cases for scheduling according to selected combination of these parameters. Out-of-County Service ACMS facilitates inter-venue transactions, e.g., out-of-county service of executions by allowing different venues to update “shared” service, fee, and execution records. Special Civil Part Post-Judgment Collections and Payment Subsystem The ACMS Special Civil Part Post-Judgment subsystem processes receipts and disbursements for Special Civil executions recorded in ACMS. Modeled after stand-alone county post judgment systems in Monmouth and Burlington counties, the ACMS system was designed to replace those systems with a single system, integrated within ACMS that can be used in other counties if needed. The ACMS Special Civil Part Post-Judgment subsystem centrally controls the receipt and disbursement trust funds to ensure the integrity and financial control over these funds. Major components of the post-judgment system are:

1. Recording of employers and banks associated with debtors. 2. Processing of payments received towards the satisfaction of a

judgment/execution. 3. Processing of disbursements of trust monies to creditors and commission

payments to court officers in conjunction with the Department of Treasury. 4. Various batch detail reports of fee receipts, disbursements, and execution

balance/summary information.

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

Standardized Notice Processing Subsystem The Special Civil Part Standardized Notice Processing subsystem allows for online user-controlled maintenance of court return address, proceeding location, telephone numbers, and up to three lines of user controlled comments to communicate additional information to litigants. The notice forms were standardized to 4x6 cards for all counties with standard verbiage used by all counties. The Standardized Notice Processing Subsystem also produces standardized certified mailers for all of the 21 counties that do not have personal service. Approximately 956,000 post cards and approximately 388,250 certified mailers are printed yearly saving thousands of staff hours thus allowing vicinages to maintain current staffing levels. Special Civil Part Automated Forms Warrants of Removal and Statements of Docketing forms are automatically generated at the point of document entry. Prior to implementation these forms were manually prepared. Approximately 140,000 of these forms are produced yearly statewide, saving thousands of staff hours allowing vicinages to maintain current staffing levels. Implementation The initial implementation of the ACMS Special Part automated system was a pilot in the county of Morris in mid-1987. Special Civil Part was completely implemented in 1992 in all vicinages.

Technical Facts The ACMS Law-Civil, Special Civil Part, and Chancery General Equity and Foreclosure court applications share the same online dialogs and batch programs. Technical facts regarding these automated applications can be found in the ACMS Law Civil technical facts section of this document.

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

ACMS Chancery: General Equity Overview The Chancery Division of the Superior Court is divided into three distinct sections (Courts): (1) General Equity, (2) Family Part and (3) Probate Part (Rule 4:3-1). The General Equity Court grants relief in actions in which the plaintiff’s primary right or the principal relief sought is equitable in nature with the exception of all actions brought pursuant to Rule 4:-83 et seq (probate) and all actions in which the principal claim is unique to and arises out of a family or family-type relationship, which latter two actions are respectively brought into the Probate part and Family Part. However, the New Jersey Constitution permits the General Equity Court to exercise the powers and functions of the Law Division when justice so requires. Therefore, an Equity Court can grant legal as well as equitable relief in any causes when so required. The determining factor as to when an action is brought into Equity Court is based on the determination of plaintiff’s primary right or principal relief sought. The claims for equitable relief brought before the Court of Equity are tried without a jury. There is no right to a jury trial when equitable relief is sought before the Equity Court. Rule 4:3-1(a) directs that when the primary right or principal relief sought is equitable, the action should be brought in the Chancery, General Equity section (Court). The types of actions normally brought before the Chancery, General Equity are as follows:

1. Mortgage Foreclosure 2. Tax Lien and Strict Foreclosure 3. Cancellation of Mortgages 4. Partition Actions 5. Quiet Title Actions 6. Declaration of Incompetency 7. Authorization and Supervision of Life-Support Procedures 8. Specific Performance of contractual obligations 9. Reformation of Instruments 10. Receiverships 11. Prevention of unfair competition 12. Protection of Trade Secrets 13. Labor Injunctions and Injunctions in general 14. Accounting 15. Partnership dissolutions 16. Restraining orders

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As complaints are filed in the General Equity Court, docket numbers are automatically assigned by ACMS. The ACMS General Equity Court automated system tracks and schedules cases, generates case management reports, court calendars, standardized notices and generates required state statistical reports. The ACMS General Equity Court automated system also provides statewide inquiries of parties, proceedings, documents, attorneys and other case information. As outlined in the ACMS Overview section of this document filing fees by attorneys may be charged to a debit account maintained centrally in the Superior Court Clerk’s Office. Implementation The ACMS Chancery-General Equity computer application was piloted in Morris County, June 1987. ACMS Chancery-General Equity was implemented in each county at the same time the ACMS Law Civil computer application was implemented. The ACMS Chancery-General Equity implementation schedule can be found in the ACMS Law implementation section.

Technical Facts The ACMS Law-Civil, Special Civil Part, and Chancery General Equity and Foreclosure court applications share the same online dialogs and batch programs. Technical facts regarding these automated applications can be found in the ACMS Law Civil technical facts section of this document.

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

ACMS Chancery: Foreclosure Overview The Office of Foreclosure is an administrative section of the Administrative Office of the Courts attached to the Clerk’s Office of the Superior Court. The Office of Foreclosure replaced the Standing Master of the Supreme Court which was abolished by Order of the Supreme Court in 1975. Under the authority of Rule 1:34-6 of the Rules Governing the Civil Courts, the Office of Foreclosure is responsible for the recommending and entering of Final Judgments in uncontested foreclosure matters pursuant to Rule 4:64-1 and 4:64-7, subject to the approval of the designated Superior Court Judge. In addition to the above, the Office of Foreclosure is also responsible for the following:

1. Entering certain orders in all uncontested foreclosure cases. 2. Issuing Writs of Execution and Writs of Possession in foreclosure cases. 3. Reviewing all answers in foreclosure cases to determine whether they are

contesting or uncontesting. 4. Sending all contesting foreclosure cases to the proper Chancery Judge of the

County of Venue for disposition. 5. Reviewing all requests and certifications of default to determine whether same are

in compliance with the rules. 6. Reviewing foreclosure files for recommendations and entry of Final Judgment in

uncontesting foreclosure cases.

All pleadings are filed in the Superior Court Clerk’s Office and docketed in the ACMS system, statewide, until the action is deemed contested and the file and papers have been sent to the Chancery Judge of the county of venue. Then, pursuant to Rule 1:5-6 (b) (3), subsequent papers shall be sent and filed with the Deputy Clerk of the county of venue and docketed on the ACMS system by the county.

Whenever a case has been determined to be a contested foreclosure case, the case is sent to the county of venue for disposition. The person in the Foreclosure Office responsible for the transfer of the case to the county places the transfer on the ACMS system. When the county receives the contested case file folder, they receive the case automatically on the ACMS system and the case becomes an active contested case on the ACMS system. When the judge disposes of the contested case, the county sends the case file folder back to the Office of Foreclosure. Once the

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Foreclosure Office receives the case file folder back from the county, entry is made into ACMS to close the contested issue. Prior to integration of Foreclosure processing on ACMS, communication and tracking of these cases between Superior Court in Trenton and counties was solely by telephone and messenger service. Now it is automated. The ACMS General Equity Court automated application tracks and schedules cases, generates case management reports, court calendars, standardized notices and generates required state statistical reports. The ACMS General Equity Court system also provides statewide inquiries of parties, proceedings, documents, attorneys, and other case information. As outlined in the ACMS Overview section of this document, filing fees may be charged to a debit account maintained by the Superior Court Clerk’s Office in Trenton, N.J. Implementation Foreclosure processing was installed on ACMS Statewide on November 1, 1991.

Technical Facts The ACMS Law-Civil, Special Civil Part, and Chancery General Equity and Foreclosure court applications share the same online dialogs and batch programs. Technical facts regarding these automated applications can be found in the ACMS Law Civil technical facts section of this document.

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

ACMS Supreme Court Overview The Supreme Court is the court of last resort in New Jersey. Most of its workload consists of appeals from decisions of the Appellate Division of the Superior court. It also hears special appeals from interlocutory orders in the trial courts, disciplinary matters involving judges or attorneys, and a variety of special motions. There are seven justices on the Supreme Court. The administrative tasks of the court are carried out by the Clerk of the Supreme Court and staff. The clerk’s office is responsible for maintaining all records and overseeing case processing and calendaring. Management responsibility of the court is vested in the Chief Justice, who is ultimately responsible for the general administration of all courts in the state. The Supreme Court online computer application was developed under the “umbrella” of ACMS. The Supreme Court computer application supports the Supreme Court’s case life cycle which is entered in “Modes”. Within each case docket there are various Mode types which initiate types of proceedings on appeal to the Supreme Court, (e.g., Petitions for Certification, Appeals, Motions, and Disciplinary Proceeding). A Mode can have one or more document(s) filed for it. Major features of the automated Supreme Court application include: The ability to enter:

1. Case captions for a document 2. Lower court transcript tracking information 3. Basic lower court information 4. Bench memo tracking information 5. Oral argument appearance information 6. Panel assignment 7. Opinion tracking information 8. Deficiency status 9. Briefs, transcripts and other court related documents 10. Record and track financial transactions 11. Establish and process related mode relationships 12. Enter text notes in case comments 13. Search on parties and attorneys 14. Perform initial case entry and automatically assign the next sequential

docket number 15. Generate daily reports on new cases entered, fees received, security

deposits made, and initiating documents received

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

The ability to generate for a calendar entry:

1. Check list (a form to record Justice’s votes) 2. Orders with variable text being entered via Microsoft Word 3. Mailing labels 4. An update of order status information for public release conference

The ability to generate online for individual documents:

1. File folder labels 2. Mailing labels 3. Check lists

The Supreme Court also has a network based report utility. The PC based report application is used by Supreme Court staff members to create various ad hoc reports. The application uses a network base database which is a weekly copy of the Supreme Court database. Implementation The ACMS Supreme Court online computer application was implemented July, 1989. Selected users from Appellate Court, Tax Court as well as the Directors Office also have access to the ACMS Supreme Court online computer application.

The Supreme Court PC ad hoc reporting application was implemented March, 1997. Selected staff members and ITO support personnel have access to it.

Technical Facts The Supreme Court computer application utilizes an IDMS data base and its associated ADS/O programming software for online dialogs, and utilizes COBOL programming software for case management printed reports. A client application (in Visual Basic) is utilized to complete order generation into MS Word documents. Number of Online Dialogs 97 Number of Batch Programs 46 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 113 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions 5,000

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

ACMS Appellate Court Overview The Appellate Division of the Superior Court is New Jersey’s intermediate appellate court. The court hears appeals from the Law and Chancery Divisions of the Superior Court, Family and Tax Courts and state administrative agencies. The Court consists of 32 judges organized into eight parts of four judges each. The Parts consider appeals in two or three judge panels. The chambers of the Appellate Division judges are located in Hackensack, Morristown, Jersey City, Springfield, Red Bank, Trenton, Toms River, Westmont, and Atlantic City. Arguments are heard in courtrooms located in Hackensack, Morristown, Newark, and Trenton. The Clerk’s office in Trenton files documents, administers the court calendar, and manages court records. Approximately 7,500 appeals are filed each year. The ACMS Appellate Court application functions as the automated docket for the court. As such, it provides a readily accessible record of case proceedings not only for the court but for the public as well. Most importantly, it enables the Clerk’s office staff to manage its high volume of cases in the most efficient manner. Due in large part to this automated application, the Clerk’s office has been able to keep pace with a continuing rise in appeals with about the same staffing level as before the incorporation of ACMS. The ACMS Appellate online system also has applications to assist in scheduling the court calendar and assisting in records management. The ACMS Appellate Court system provides valuable management and statistical reports on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis. Required Appellate court notices, approximately 195,000 yearly, are printed automatically. This feature has been particularly significant in increasing the efficiency of case processing. Without it, case management units with the Appellate Court would be hard pressed to keep current. In addition, an ACMS data file is available to generate ad hoc reports from the Appellate Court personal computer system. This latter feature has been particularly effective in responding quickly to requests for certain data. It has become invaluable for providing managers with reports addressing specific functional areas of case processing to better enable managers to monitor these functions.

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

Implementation The ACMS Appellate Court computer application was implemented in March, 1990.

Technical Facts The ACMS Appellate Court computer application utilizes an IDMS data base and its associated ADS/O programming software for online dialogs, and COBOL programming software for case management printed reports. Number of Online Dialogs 221 Number of Batch Programs 103 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 150 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions (Includes Law

Civil, Special Civil Part and Chancery Courts.) 450,000

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

ACMS Fee Receipt Subsystem Overview Under Judicial unification, fees and funds handled by the courts must be administered in accordance with State regulations. One such regulation issued by the Office of Management and Budget requires that: “All monies are (to be) deposited on the same day as received, and that entries of revenues into the State financial system are to have dates that are consistent with the actual bank credit date to the State Bank account”. In order to facilitate compliance with this regulation and to provide the necessary controls to safeguard and protect funds without substantially interfering with effective case flow management, a Fee Processing Subsystem for Law Civil, Law Special Civil Part, Chancery General Equity, and Chancery Foreclosure was developed within ACMS. The process commences with receipt of the payment, either over the counter or by mail, and ends with the daily delivery of the deposit to the Finance Manager for armored car pickup. The linchpin of the process is the manageable batching of documents being filed and entry of their associated filing fees into the Fee Receipt Subsystem, which preserves the payment information for future processing/entry of the document, (e.g., complaint, motion, writ of execution) on ACMS. This process allows the checks and cash to be separated from the document and deposited within 24 hours of receipt. Implementation The Fee Receipt Subsystem was implemented in March and April of 1995, and is implemented state-wide except for Burlington County. Burlington County maintains a proprietary Fee Receipt Subsystem.

Technical Facts The ACMS Fee Receipt Subsystem utilizes an IDMS database and its associated ADS/O programming software for online dialogs, and utilizes COBOL programming software for case management printed reports. Number of Online Dialogs 4 Number of Batch Programs 12 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 500 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions 15,000

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

Archival Management Integrated System (AMIS) Overview The purpose of the Archival Management Integrated System (AMIS) is to 1) technically relieve the tremendous amount of mainframe disk memory required to manage the millions of active civil cases on the ACMS databases; to provide responsive online access to active case information; and to provide the ability to generate case management reports within the time allocated on the mainframe, and 2) provide state wide court docket information and a method of managing the immense task of controlling the physical storage of closed case files. It also provides for an automatic case reactivation process should the need arise to restore that case to ACMS. Each month all cases that meet archive criteria will be removed from the ACMS data base and copied to the archive data base. The case must have a disposition code of “closed” and have been closed for at least 18 months. Any inactive, reinstated, and active cases are not archived. Cases that had a document filed within the last six months will not be archived. Cases where there is a venue judgment recorded (open or closed) on ACMS will not be archived. The key benefits of AMIS to the court are to:

1. Provide a means of recording the movement of case files from location to another in groups (by box) instead of individually (by case).

2. Provide an orderly organized method of locating case files removed from the office area should they be required at some future date.

3. Provide for a single screen public access to on-line court docket information through search by case number or party name.

4. Automatic back loading of case information when required.

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Implementation The Archival Management Integrated System (AMIS) was implemented in October, 1993. AMIS is utilized statewide.

Technical Facts The Archival Management Integrated System utilizes a DB2 database and CICS programming software for online dialogs, and utilizes COBOL programming software for case management printed reports. Number of Online Dialogs 25 Number of Batch Programs 47 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 400 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions 75,000

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Superior Court Civil Judgment and Order Docket Overview The Clerk of Superior Court is required by statute and court rule to keep a Civil Judgment and Order Docket (CJ & OD). The Civil Judgment and Order Docket create a record of judgments or orders for the payment of money. N.J.S.A. 2A:16-11 and R 4:101. The judgment records maintained in the Civil Judgment and Order Docket are categorized as either (1) lower court judgments docketed in Superior Court, which thereby become Superior Court judgments, or (2) judgments on cases where the proceedings originated in Superior Court. Also recorded in the Civil Judgment and Order Docket are non-court liens. These liens are “certificates of debt” filed by State or County officers and agencies. Additionally, certain State and County agencies are authorized to docket judgments in Superior Court. Until February 29, 1984, the Civil Judgment and Order Docket was a manual system. Summaries of judgments were written in large docket books. A separate manual index (to the CD & OD) was kept alphabetically by debtor names. The names of the judgment creditor and the judgment number were entered in the index. On March 1, 1984, an Automated Civil Judgment and Order Docket application was implemented on an Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) Prime, Inc. computer for docketing judgments. The Prime computer system did not have the disk storage capacity to support this court function and did not have the computer memory capacity to allow for good response time when entering, maintaining and inquiring judgment information. Also the software that the Civil Judgment and Order Docket were developed with was no longer supported by the vendor. The ACMS Superior Court - Civil Judgment and Order Docket application was implemented in November, 1987 utilizing new software and computer technology that could support the volume of information that was required of this computer application. At that time the Prime system was eliminated. Major features of the Superior Court – Civil Judgment and Order Docket application include: All judgment related data from cases that had been filed and managed within the ACMS Law Civil, Special Civil Part, and Chancery General Equity and Foreclosure automated applications are converted to the Civil Judgment and Order Docket computer application when an order for judgment is entered.

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The Civil Judgment and Order Docket automated application interfaces with the following state agencies to record more than 120,000 judgments electronically each year. This feature allows the Superior Court Clerk to maintain current levels of staff. These automated interfaces account for approximately half of all judgments recorded in the Civil Judgment and Order Docket.

Division of Motor Vehicles surcharge debts. Approximately 100,000 surcharge debts are recorded electronically each year.

Public Defender Certificate of Indebtedness (lien judgments). Approximately 5,000 Certificates of Indebtedness are recorded electronically each year. Department of Human Services, Automated Child Support Enforcement System (ACSES) to file defaulted child support payments as judgments electronically. Approximately 48,000 defaulted child support payments (lien judgments) are recorded electronically each year. Division of Taxation to electronically file tax judgments. Approximately 20,000 Taxation judgments are recorded annually. Foreign Judgment where any state can enter a statewide judgment lien.

Implementation The ACMS Superior Court Civil Judgment and Order Docket computer application was implemented November, 1987.

Technical Facts The Civil Judgment and Order Docket automated application utilizes a DB2 database and CICS programming software for online dialogs, and utilizes COBOL programming software for Civil Judgment and Order Docket printed reports. Number of Online Dialogs 68 Number of Batch Programs 45 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 400 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions 75,000

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Electronic Access Program Overview Pursuant to P.L. 94, c. 54, the Administrative Office of the Courts is authorized to develop an Electronic Access Program Inquiry System. The Electronic Access Program was developed by the Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office in conjunction with the Civil Practice Division, the Family Division, the Appellate Division, and the Superior Court Clerks Office specifically for the inquiry-only subscriber. The Electronic Access Program provides access to court information in accordance with guidelines adopted by the Supreme Court and authorizes the Supreme Court to set fees for remote access to the Electronic Access Program Inquiry System. The Electronic Access Program Inquiry System makes available case and judgment information on the following ACMS court systems: Law Division – Civil and Special Civil Parts; Chancery Division – General Equity and Foreclosure; Appellate Division; the Superior Court Civil Judgment and Order Docket; and the Archival Management Information System (AMIS) for cases no longer active within ACMS. The Electronic Access Program also provides dissolution case information on the Family Division’s Family Automated Case Tracking System (FACTS) Access to the Electronic Access Program is available free through public terminals located at each county’s Civil or Special Civil Court or through public terminals located in the Superior Court Clerk’s Office in Trenton, NJ. Remote access to the Electronic Access Program to the public is provided on a fee basis through the use of an 800 number associated with the Judiciary and the entry of a unique identification number. The Judiciary security system verifies the customer’s unique identification number entered and automatically calls the subscriber back at a pre-registered telephone number, connecting the subscriber’s personal computer to the Judiciary computer. Subscribers to the Electronic Access Program can look up information by docket number, judgment number or party name. Included in the available case information is a complete listing of documents filed, orders entered, proceedings scheduled, motion disposition, lists of parties and their status, (e.g., active, defaulted, settled), and associated attorneys. Essentially, all FACTS dissolution and ACMS information available to the court (not including the actual text of docketed documents), except impounded cases and Supreme Court case information, is available through the Electronic Access Program.

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The Electronic Access Program allows a remote subscriber to enter a client identifier at any time when accessing any one of the court case processing systems. This feature allows the subscriber to track time and allocate cost to their clients. An access fee of one dollar per minute ($1.00) was established by the Supreme Court, based on the cost incurred by the Judiciary in providing this service. This is consistent with fees charged for similar information access systems in the federal courts. The Electronic Access Program utilizes the Superior Court Collateral Account automated application to validate the subscriber’s debit balance to insure a proper balance is being maintained before allowing access. A statement is prepared and mailed monthly to remote subscribers which display their account balance at the beginning and end of each month. The financial system statement contains summary entries for each remote subscriber client identifier (if a remote subscriber chooses to use this option) and a separate summary for undistributed time (i.e., no client identifier recorded). Implementation The Judiciary’s Electronic Access Program Inquiry System was implemented in March, 1993.

Technical Facts The Judiciary’s Electronic Access Program Inquiry System utilizes IDMS and DB2 databases, and utilizes COBOL programming software for printed reports. Number of Online Dialogs 88 Number of Batch Programs 17 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access

As of March, 2006 we have 200 customers who subscribe to the Electronic Access Program. In addition approximately two thousand (3,000) non-billable authorized persons access the Electronic Access program for general inquiry. These non-billable authorized persons include state and local agencies, general public and private corporations that use court terminals for inquiry, as well as court personnel who do not have ACMS case management security.


Approximate Billable Minutes Monthly:

60,000 to 65,000 minutes (at $1.00 a minute is equal to $60,000 to $65,000 monthly receipts for the Electronic Access Program)

60,000 to 65,000

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Judiciary Electronic Filing Imaging System (JEFIS) Overview The JEFIS project was developed to advance the use of electronic filing and imaging technology and create what is essentially a “paperless” court. JEFIS (Judiciary Electronic Filing Imaging System) allows attorneys statewide to file pleadings and other documents electronically via the Internet. The cases handled through JEFIS are tort and contract actions (commonly referred to as “DC docket-type actions”) filed in the Special Civil Part of the Superior Court, Law Division. There are about 260,000 such cases filed statewide each year. There are two major components of JEFIS: eFiling and Imaging.

With the eFiling component of JEFIS, the documents created in an attorney’s office are transmitted via the Internet in an electronic format. Along with each electronically filed complaint, an attorney must submit an electronic data file that staff uses to automatically enter pertinent information about the case into the court’s docketing system, ACMS (Automated Case Management System), and to also generate the summons in the format required by court rules. The key data received from the law firms is automatically passed into the ACMS screens, reducing data entry times, and errors. JEFIS eFiling is available statewide for attorneys to file documents in “DC” cases with the court. With the Imaging component of JEFIS, documents are stored electronically as images in electronic case jackets. All paper filings submitted by non-participating law firms or pro se litigants are scanned at the courthouse using high-speed scanners. The paper filings are then set aside until it is certain they are no longer needed. Whether electronically filed or scanned, an electronic case jacket is created to store all documents previously kept in a paper case file jacket. The electronic documents and folders stored within JEFIS are the “official” record of the court. Court staff, law clerks and judges are able to view and work with the electronically filed or scanned documents simultaneously using personal computers located on their desks and in the courtroom. Judges are able to electronically sign orders and judgments using a facsimile of his/her signature. Paper copies of the documents may be printed as needed by staff, law clerks or judges.

As of March, 2006, the JEFIS Imaging component has been implemented in 11 counties, which handle 46% of the 260,000 DC docket-type cases filed in the State. In counties without JEFIS Imaging, the electronically filed documents are printed on paper and stored in paper case jackets.

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Major features of JEFIS include:

• Allows attorneys to file pleadings with the court electronically from their offices • Saves costs associated with storing paper files • Cuts the cost of microfilming documents • Reduces data entry for docketing of cases • Reduces the cost of filing/retrieving court documents • Allows for simultaneous viewing of documents by multiple users • Provides secure and reliable storage of court documents • Allows scanning of documents into imaging files • Allows appending additional pages and/or case notes to existing document images • Retrieves document images via docket number • Allows routing of imaged documents • Reduces misfiled/misplaced documents and case files • Provides remote communications with attorneys

Overall, electronic filing and imaging improves the courts’ workflow and handling of documents, reduces the manual keying of data, saves space by removing the need to store paper documents and mitigates the paper logjam within the courts. Implementation In March, 1999, the pilot project for JEFIS was implemented in the Special Civil Part of the Civil Division of the Monmouth Vicinage to demonstrate the use of electronic filing and imaging technology. After the success of the pilot project, it was decided to expand the eFiling and Imaging components of JEFIS separately. JEFIS eFiling was implemented first and has been available to attorneys statewide since October, 2000. At present, only “DC” docket-type cases within the Special Civil Part (SCP) of the Civil Division are being accepted in JEFIS.

In 2003, approval was received for installing the JEFIS imaging component on a county-by-county basis. As of March, 2006, JEFIS Imaging has been fully implemented in 11 of 21 counties; they are Burlington, Camden, Cumberland, Gloucester, Mercer, Monmouth, Morris, Ocean, Salem, Somerset and Union. The remaining counties are scheduled to be implemented by July, 2007.

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Technical Facts JEFIS utilizes IBM’s Content Manager and DB2 databases on the mainframe to store documents and data, which become the official record of the court. As JEFIS Imaging is rolled out to each county, scanning equipment and software from Kofax are installed. In addition, each county user has secure access to the electronic documents on the mainframe via the WAN (Wide Area Network) and a desktop PC using customized applications programmed in Visual Basic. The JEFIS Imaging applications process, store and retrieve court documents as TIF (Tagged Image File) images and interface with the mainframe case docketing system ACMS. Daily reports are automatically generated and emailed to designated recipients through the integration of both mainframe and PC based processing.

Attorneys must register with the court and are provided a digital certificate which gives them the ability to electronically file documents via the Internet. JEFIS eFiling is designed to ensure the authentication of the filing party, prevent filings from being modified, encrypt transmissions, and provide a return validation to the filing attorney that the filing was received. Number of JEFIS Applications 21 Average Number of eFilings per Court Day 1,279 Total eFilings through March, 2006 1.1 Million Current Number of eFiling Firms 117 Current Number of County Users 425

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Appellate Transcript and OCR Management System - ATOMS Overview The Appellate Division supervises all the Official Court Reporters in the State of New Jersey for all courts. In 2004, the Appellate Division requested the creation of ATOMS - Appellate Transcript and OCR Management System - as the replacement for two old PC based systems. The purpose of ATOMS is to aid each Venue's Court Reporter Supervisor (CRS) in the management of the creation of transcripts and the daily assignments of an OCR to a Judge or Hearing Officer. ATOMS is used state wide. To request a transcript, an individual must go to the Venue where the case was heard and make a formal request for the transcript of the case. The CRS processes all requests for transcripts in each venue. Transcripts are requested by the date of each day’s proceeding/hearing. The CSR has to find out who recorded the case and forwards the request to that OCR. In the case of a video or tape recording, the request for the typing of the transcript goes to a Transcribing Agency. The CSR uses ATOMS to record the request and to look up who recorded the proceeding/hearing. Implementation Phase I of ATOMS was moved to production in October, 2005. Phase I is the Transcript Request Management and Reporting leg of ATOMS. Phase II, the OCR Task Assignment leg of ATOMS will be completed August, 2006.

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Technical Facts ATOMS is a web-based application built using the Java 2 Enterprise Edition version 1.3 platform. It uses IBM’s WebSphere 5.1 as the application server. It is a 3-tier architecture based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. The model layer consists of Enterprise Java Beans (EJB 2.0) and Data Access Objects. The View and Controller layers consist of JSPs, Servlets, and Actions developed using a Struts Framework. Model layer and View layer communication uses Business Delegates and Service Locator design patterns. Stateless Session beans are used to encapsulate the business functionality and for transaction management. A Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern was used to accesses the DB2 database. The DAO pattern adopts an Abstract Factory design pattern, which will allows database management system (DBMS) independence. Reports are online through an Adobe PDF file. The application is currently compatible with Internet Explorer 6.0+. Number of Online Screens 58 Number of Stored Procedures 67 Number of Management Reports

(9 with 34 versions plus 2 certificates) 9

Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 28

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Central Attorney Management System (CAMS) Overview The Central Attorney Management System (CAMS) is the primary repository of all attorneys ever admitted to the bar in the state of New Jersey. It encompasses functionality for the Supreme Court's Roll of Attorneys and the Lawyer's Fund for Client Protection. Supreme Court staff utilizes CAMS to maintain all attorney data from the time an attorney is admitted to the NJ State Bar, including demographic information, addresses, and any disciplinary events. CAMS maintains the overall good standing status of an attorney to determine their eligibility to practice law in the state. Annually, attorneys are required to pay a fee. Lawyer's Fund for Client Protection staff use the CAMS system to maintain payment history and update attorney data. The CAMS system facilitates the annual billing of approximately 76,000 attorneys and the electronic loading of the payments. The annual billing process also requires an attorney to complete their registration statement containing data utilized by the Pro Bono System and Office of Attorney Ethics. The CAMS system interfaces with the Pro Bono system to maintain pro bono exemptions, assignment county information, and pro bono addresses. CAMS also receives weekly updates from an outside agency called Interest on Lawyers' Trust Accounts (IOLTA) to determine if an attorney is compliant with trust account requirements for being in private practice. Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE) and the CAMS system also exchange data in order to assist with disciplinary investigation done by OAE and provide CAMS with private practice and demographic information maintained by OAE.

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Implementation The system was implemented in 2001 and made available to selected staff within the Administrative Office of the Courts. Future phases of this project will examine interfacing with all case management systems, including ACMS and FACTS, to provide real-time attorney information and become the central repository of all attorney information.

Technical Facts The computer application utilizes FOCUS programming software for printed reports. Number of Online Screens 29 Number of Batch Programs 50 Number of Stored Procedures 381 Number of Management Reports 276 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 111

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Attorney Online Registration and Payment System Overview The Attorney Online Registration and Payment system allows for attorneys to update their annual registration information and pay via credit card online. This system aims to eventually eliminate the current annual paper billing process and decreasing costs of printing, postage and staff data entry time. Implementation The system was implemented as a pilot project to approximately 700 attorneys in March, 2006. Future phases of the project anticipate making the system available to all attorneys for the 2007 annual billing cycle. Phase II of this project will allow an attorney firm to pay the annual assessment for an entire firm with one credit card transaction.

Technical Facts The Attorney Online Registration and Payment System is a web-based application built using the Java 2 Enterprise Edition version 1.3 platform. It uses IBM’s WebSphere 5.1 as the application server. It is a 3-tier architecture based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. The model layer consists of Enterprise Java Beans (EJB 2.0) and Data Access Objects. The View and Controller layers consist of JSPs, Servlets, and Actions developed using a Struts Framework. A Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern was used to accesses the DB2 database. The system uses the Single Sign On (SSO) application for user registration and maintenance. IBM Tivoli Access Manager provides security, including Authorization and Authentication, through its components WebSEAL (reverse proxy), Policy Server, User Registry (LDAP) and Web Portal Manager. The system also uses the E-Payment application to process credit card transaction and communicate to NOVA. The application is currently compatible with Internet Explorer 6.0+. Number of Online Screens 9

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

Jury Automated System (JAS) Overview The Jury Automated System (JAS) is a networked PC system designed to manage nearly all facets of jury system operations statewide, including procedures such as list merger, juror selection, printing of juror summonses, attendance functions, juror usage tracking, panel selection, notices for non-summons items such as failure to appear, verification of service, etc., and juror payment. The design of JAS allows shared responsibilities at the county level and the central office – in order to accomplish efficiencies of operation while complying with required statutes and court rules and allowing managers at the county level to manage their own systems. For example, the central office merges data from three sources in order to prepare the juror source list used by the counties to randomly select jurors. Additionally, the Jury Manager in each county controls the number of questionnaire / summonses printed each week but the electronic information relating to those forms is transmitted to the central office for printing. In calendar year 2005, the Jury Managers, through JAS, issued more than 1.4 million questionnaire / summonses to New Jersey jurors. The design of the standard summoning form allows for USPS delivery sequence barcodes that permit the Judiciary to save an average of 8.2 cents on each mailed form, a 21% discount from the current $.39 first class postage rate. Also, the Jury Managers download attendance data each week to the central office for the preparation of checks for juror fees. Juror payments totaled about $1.7 million. In addition to greater efficiencies of operation, JAS provides for standard operating procedures in each of the twenty-one counties that are in accordance not only with NJ statutes and court rules, but also the Judiciary’s Jury Management Standards. JAS regulates selection of all jurors serving in the NJ Superior Court -- petit jurors (those who serve on trials), grand jurors, and State grand jurors (grand jurors drawn from each county to sit in Trenton to hear matters such as those that involve more than one county). It also regulates the status of a juror from initial selection through a juror’s final day of service and maintains a service history for each juror record. In addition to these features, JAS provides features such as printing of juror lists, creation of voir dire panels, automated preparation of lists of jurors who did not report as summoned, letters verifying service for those who did report, and a range of other documents that are applicable to other facets of daily operation at the local level. Implementation

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JAS was piloted in two counties beginning in March, 1995, and was installed in all 21 counties by December, 1999. The system has been upgraded since that time and numerous enhancements have been made by ITO staff working in conjunction with Trial Court staff and the Committee for Jury Management, which is comprised of the Jury Managers, appropriate central office staff, and a liaison to the Conference of Operations Managers / ATCAs.

Technical Facts The Jury Automated System (JAS) is a client/server application that uses the Sybase Adaptive Server Enterprise as its relational database management system. JAS is a Graphical User Interface (GUI) application, created and maintained in PowerBuilder, which is a Sybase product. JAS resides on each client’s PC. The JAS contains five separate applications (modules) that run as one. Each county has its own database, which is also accessible at the central office. The databases are located centrally and reside on two servers. Number of application tables for Jury database 53+ Number of Executables (EXE files) 5 Number of Windows developed for user response 101+ Number of Data Windows created for data presentation 308+ Number of User Objects 57+ Number of Global Functions 73 Number of Structures 5+

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Tax Court System Overview The Tax Court is a court of limited jurisdiction. Tax Court Judges hear appeals of tax decisions made by County Boards of Taxation. They also hear appeals on decisions made by the Director of the Division of Taxation on such matters as state income, sales and business taxes, and homestead rebates. Appeals from Tax Court decisions are heard in the Appellate Division of Superior Court. Tax Court judges are appointed by the Governor for initial terms of seven years, and upon reappointment are granted tenure until they reach the mandatory retirement age of 70. There are 12 Tax Court Judgeships. The Tax Court handles approximately 15,000 cases per year. The objectives of the Tax Court are: to provide expeditious, convenient, equitable and effective judicial review of state and local tax assessments; to create a consistent, uniform body of tax law for the guidance of taxpayers and tax administrators, in order to promote predictability in tax law and its application; to make decisions of the court readily available to taxpayers, tax administrators and tax professionals; and to promote the development of a qualified and informed state and local tax bar. The Tax Court utilizes Differentiated Case Management (DCM). The Tax Court recognizes that cases vary and require different levels of management by the central office as well as the judges. In the Tax Court, DCM is designed to bring the parties together early in the process to review cases and work toward a settlement. Cases are assigned to different tracks based on the issue or type of property involved in the complaint, (e.g., farmland/exemption, small claims, expedited, standard, or complex). The Tax Court Management system automatically assigns dates for the sequence of court events required by DCM based upon the case filed date and type of track assigned. DCM notices are generated from the system for the specific events in the life of a case from notice of filing through judgment. System generated reports provide the management office with the ability to take judge as well as attorney availability into consideration when scheduling matters.

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Implementation The Tax Court System was implemented in February, 1997.

Technical Facts The Tax Court Management system utilizes a Sybase database structure. PowerBuilder is utilized as the graphical user interface and is also used to build system generated statistical and management reports. PowerBuilder also provides connectivity with Microsoft Word for the generation of DCM notices and judgments, giving users the ability to modify the notices, forms and judgments as required by the circumstances of each case. Crystal Report is also used to generate ad hoc reports based upon requests from Tax Court customers, (e.g., Tax Court judges, attorneys and the public). Number of stored procedures utilized 329 Number of triggers utilized 110 Number of Reports Generated 40 Number of DCM Notices Generated 12 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 40

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Public Access Data Request System Overview In March of 1994, the Supreme Court created the Information System Policy Committee charged with the responsibility for overseeing the Judiciary’s Technology initiatives and formulating policies and procedures relating to its computerized operations. Of significant concern to the Committee was the growing number of requests for access to court records in computerized form. In November, 1996, the Supreme Court of New Jersey formulated its policy on providing data to the public. It allows ITO to reproduce current production reports, and to charge a fee to recoup the cost of reproduction. ITO is not allowed to create a new report or a new file tailored to any request. The Public Access Request System was created to keep track of these requests for bulk data from the public. Anyone requesting data from the courts must first contact the Superior Court. Once it is established what report would fit their needs, a cost estimate for reproducing the report is given to the requestor. Once monies have been received by the Superior Court, ITO is instructed to reproduce the report. Currently, we reproduce Criminal, Civil Judgment and Order Docket, Traffic, and Bail Reports on a monthly basis for 10 requestors. However, requests for new reports can come from anyone at any time. Implementation The Judiciary’s Public Access Data Request System was implemented in September, 2003.

Technical Facts The Judiciary Pubic Access Data Request System is a Lotus Notes Based System. There are no reports. Number of Online Forms 10 Number of Transactions per Month 10+ Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 10 Approximate Cost Recouped Monthly $9,886


Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office

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PROMIS/Gavel System (P/G) Overview PROMIS/Gavel (P/G) is the computerized case management and information system for the Criminal Division of the Superior Court. PROMIS/Gavel captures information concerning defendants who have been charged with indictable offenses, and tracks the processing of those defendants from initial arrest through appellate review. The system is unique in that it is the case management tool for both the Judiciary and County Prosecutors. This shared capability provides for timely entry of information and cost savings due to the elimination of duplicate data entry and storage. P/G serves as the official court docket replacing the previous manual docket book. PROMIS/Gavel has many critical functions, the most important of which is its ability to generate any type of official court calendar. Calendars are automatically produced for the courts nightly, or, upon request. A calendar provides such critical information as judge, court room, defense and prosecuting attorney information, indictment or complaint charges, defendant name, hearing type. PROMIS/Gavel also provides other critical functions including statistical and Ad Hoc reports, local and statewide inquiry, notices, and activity reports. Thousands of notices and reports are produced automatically each day, making them available through our online batch reporting system - RMDS (Report Management and Distribution System). Notices and reports are automatically generated by the system each night and are presented to the clerk the following morning for review, printing, and distribution. This process eliminates many hours of typing, sorting, and record keeping. Each individual notice and report is retained based on a predetermined schedule to allow for adequate processing time and unexpected delays.

Detailed defendant information is recorded: defendant name, address, aliases, personal identifiers (scars and marks), and employment. P/G tracks case related information including charge/statute and degree of offense, warrants, arrests, bail, sentence, scheduled proceedings (motions, hearings etc.), general free-form comments, victim and witness information, diversionary program tracking, and appeal status.

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Administrative and management information required for case processing, including prosecutor name file, judge name file, attorney file, statute file, court name and address file, and corporate surety file is maintained. All of these files can be referenced off of the PROMIS/Gavel screens to provide complete and accurate information instantaneously, no manuals or lists need to be maintained by data entry clerks. P/Gavel provides a significant current and historical case/defendant database with the implementation of all 21 counties and over 1 million defendants. There are several unique and beneficial subsystems available through PROMIS/Gavel. The Victim/Witness Notice System, Order to Produce/Inmate Transportation System, Electronic Writs, Ad Hoc reporting, P/G Jail Interface, CCH Interface, ACS-P/G Interface and Megan’s Law subsystems are possible due to the information available in PROMIS/Gavel. Implementation The PROMIS (Prosecutor) component has been serving various prosecutors' offices since approximately 1973. PROMIS was supported by INSLAW (Institute for Law and Social Research) and the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA) within the U.S. Justice Department. The court component, Gavel, was released in 1979. In New Jersey, P/G was originally implemented in 18 counties (excluding Bergen, Ocean, and Salem) in the mid-1980s. It was implemented at the county level on the IBM 8100 mini computers. A “System Manager” was designated from each county who was responsible for the overall implementation and daily operations of the IBM 8100 system. Starting in 1989, the migration of PROMIS/Gavel from the decentralized county level IBM 8100 computers to the statewide AOC Data Center Mainframe began. The application was rewritten by the Information Technology Office and implemented by the Criminal Practice Division. The implementation in all counties was completed in 1994.

Technical Facts The PROMIS/Gavel application utilizes IDMS database software and utilities software for online functions, COBOL and FOCUS report writers for batch and automated noticing. Number of Online Dialogs 359 Number of Batch Programs 205 Number of FOCUS Ad Hoc Reports 1,000+ Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 9,500 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions 600,000

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Victim/Witness Notice Subsystem Overview The Victim/Witness subsystem is an integral part of PROMIS/Gavel, which insures the notification of the victim or witness when a specific event is recorded in the system. For example, when a case is disposed and the case status changes, the system automatically stores a trigger record to generate a disposition letter. The Office of Victim-Witness Advocacy in the Division of Criminal Justice, and each county Prosecutor's Office, depends on the accuracy of the data and the system's ability to produce the mandated letters. These letters provide a means to notify victims and witnesses regarding the progress of a case through the appropriate court events. Over 70,000 "Disposition" letters are generated each year and over 400,000 letters in all. This system also ensures compliance to the law which could not realistically be met through the manual production of letters. The large volume of letters often meant that many significant court events were never communicated to the victim or witness. The success of this subsystem has been overwhelming with regard to the time and money savings and as a community service to victims of crime. Implementation The Victim/Witness Notice subsystem was implemented by Criminal Practice, ITO, and the local Prosecutors office. The statewide implementation occurred over a 12 month period from January 1991 to January 1992.

Technical Facts Victim/Witness utilizes IDMS database software and utilities for online functions and COBOL and FOCUS report writers for batch programs and reports. Number of Online Dialogs 10 Number of Batch Programs 30 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 3,000 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions 2,000

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Order to Produce/Inmate Transportation System (OTP/ITS) Overview The Order to Produce/Inmate Transportation System (OTP/ITS) was developed to automate the procedure by which a County Jail Court Transportation List is created. The court decision in “Abney vs. State of New Jersey” mandated that Essex County and the AOC take action to correct specific areas in the judicial process that would eliminate or reduce potential delays. Improved communication between the jail and the court with regard to producing a jailed inmate for court was one of the critical areas identified. To address this problem area the Information Technology Office developed a link between CCIS and PROMIS/Gavel. Linked defendants are then selected through PROMIS/Gavel and an Order to Produce is automatically created at the jail for a given day. This process assures direct communication from the court to the sheriff and jail to produce the right defendant needed for a scheduled court event. Key information can be entered throughout the day and night to create the Jail List for the next day. Any changes to the current list will automatically result in an Order to Produce form being printed at the jail. Automating this process eliminated a confusing and often delayed paper trail that at times would result in a lost Order. The system is dependant upon the PGJAIL system which links a CCIS jail record to a PROMIS/Gavel record. By establishing the link, the jail and the court are able to share information across systems. Implementation The Order to Produce/Inmate Transportation System has been implemented in all but four counties as of March, 2006.

Technical Facts OTP/ITS utilizes IDMS database software and utilities for online functions and COBOL and FOCUS report writers for batch programs and reports. Number of Online Dialogs 5 Number of Batch Programs 10 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 100 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions 300

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Electronic Writ System Overview The electronic writ system was developed to automate the process by which an inmate housed at a Department of Corrections (DOC) facility can be brought to court. The Criminal Division user who has the proper security access to the PROMIS/Gavel writ inquiry/update screen can perform an inquiry using the defendant’s SBI number. This inquiry results in a LU 6.2 transaction that is sent to the Office of Information Technology (OIT). OIT will use the SBI number to perform a look-up in their OBCIS system and return the results back to the sending program. The user can then create a writ record. Each night the PROMIS/Gavel batch process extracts these records to create the writ forms which are placed in RMDS. The batch process also sends these records to OIT via the NDM process. The Central Transportation Unit (CTU) personnel of the DOC prints the writs each business day from RMDS. CTU reviews and arranges transportation via the DOC to bring the inmates to court. This process has greatly improved what was formerly a manual process. The manual process sometimes resulted in inmates not being transported if the paper documents were not received in time by the CTU unit. Also, the paper forms were not always very legible and were sometimes missing key information. Implementation The Electronic Writ System was implemented statewide at the end of 2002.

Technical Facts This system uses LU 6.2 for the link between the AOC and OIT. It uses IDMS database software and utilities for online functions and COBOL for batch programs, forms and reports. Number of Online Dialogs 5 Number of Batch Programs 6 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 70 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions 200

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Megan’s Law System Overview On October 31, 1994, the governor signed into law a nine bill package that has collectively become known as “Megan's Law”. The package of bills provided for community notification on released sex offenders, a requirement to register with police, DNA testing and other procedures. As a result of the NJ Supreme Court Case “DOE vs. PORITZ” in July of 1995, the constitutionality of Megan's Law was upheld, and the implementation of an automated tracking system of sex offenders was initiated. This system was developed by creating a 22nd county on the PROMIS/Gavel system using current PROMIS/Gavel functionality. New procedures and codes had to be established to facilitate proper and secure data entry and access. The system provides for the recording of tier ratings, adjustments, and appeals. It also provides the same scheduling functionality that PROMIS/Gavel provides. Daily tier notices are automatically produced and made available through RMDS. Daily activity and management reports are also produced and sent to RMDS. Implementation The system was implemented by the Criminal Practice Division in October and November of 1995. The implementation was a single statewide roll out to all twenty-one counties in the state.

Technical Facts Megan's Law utilizes IDMS database software and utilities for online functions and COBOL and FOCUS report writers for batch programs and reports. Number of Online Dialogs 16 Number of Batch Programs 17 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 300 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions 1,000

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

Computerized Criminal History Interface (CCH) Overview The purpose of the Computerized Criminal History (CCH) system, which is maintained by the New Jersey State Police, is to act as the current and historical repository for criminal records in the state. CCH is used by the State Bureau of Identification (SBI) to disseminate criminal history information to authorized agencies and/or individuals in the form of a “rap sheet”. The SBI collects this data via manual and electronic reports from arresting agencies throughout New Jersey. These records are ultimately linked to an accompanying fingerprint card also submitted by the arresting agencies. Once SBI personnel match the fingerprint card to the complaint/defendant they will directly access and update PROMIS/Gavel, ACS, FACTS and CCIS systems with the SBI number. From that point forward the information on PROMIS/Gavel will automatically be sent to CCH when specific court events or status changes occur. The data transmitted includes arrest, convictions, incarceration, and diversionary program information. This process replaced a manual system plagued with delays and incomplete data, often resulting in a flawed ‘rap sheet’. The timely transfer of this data provides federal, state, county, and local law enforcement and criminal justice communities the best evaluation tool when dealing with a criminal, allowing the officer on the street to take the most appropriate level of precaution. The criminal history file contains over 18 million segments of data including arrest, prosecutor, court, custody and parole information. There are now over one million individuals on the CCH database. An individual will be on this file if arrested, or, if the individual applied for a firearm, or is an employee of a government agency requiring finger printing, such as the AOC. The SBI processes approximately 150,000 fingerprint cards and 600,000 court disposition forms each year.

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Implementation The interface was implemented in March of 1993 by the Criminal Practice Division, ITO and the New Jersey State Police. Although the technical modifications were in place, the actual flagging by State Police was implemented on a county by county basis. With timely and accurate data entry into PROMIS/Gavel and the direct update of the SBI number, all transmissions of data could occur without any user involvement.

Technical Facts The P/G-CCH Interface utilizes IDMS database software and utilities for online functions, and COBOL and FOCUS report writers for batch programs. PROMIS/Gavel programs (both online and batch) were modified substantially to allow for the interface. The transfer utility to send the file to OTIS is Direct:Connect. Number of Online Dialogs 16 Number of Batch Programs 17 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 50 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions 4,000

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FOCUS: Ad-Hoc Reporting Overview Before PROMIS/Gavel was centralized onto the Judiciary's mainframe in the early 1990s, the PROMIS/Gavel community generated local custom-tailored reports on the IBM 8100 computer system. When the conversion and migration to the mainframe took place, the users’ expectation for locally tailored reports was carried over. The implementation of the FOCUS reporting system was selected for this purpose. By the time P/G was implemented in all twenty-one counties, there were over 1,200 FOCUS reports available to the users statewide. Maintenance for such a large number of reports is accomplished via a daily extract from the IDMS database, which in turn loads the FOCUS database. This is done for each county on a daily basis. From the FOCUS database, FOCUS programs can be written that will retrieve the desired information. Ongoing support for the FOCUS database and reporting system is critical to the daily functioning of the Courts. Most of the mainframe applications being reviewed in this document are supported by the FOCUS software. Implementation In PROMIS/Gavel FOCUS reports can be created by users, Criminal Practice, or ITO. These reports can be requested through an online request screen in PROMIS/Gavel or they are produced automatically by the regular batch process each night. This software was implemented with PROMIS/Gavel and follows the same schedule.

Technical Facts All FOCUS reports are fed from a FOCUS database that is an exact copy of the production IDMS database. These databases are made available for unlimited access in the batch environment to eliminate any contention with the production system. Number of Online Dialogs 2 Approximate Number of FOCUS Programs:



70 25 2

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PROMIS/Gavel Public Access (PGPA) Overview In order to provide the general public with access to limited criminal court information in PROMIS/Gavel, a public access system was developed. This “inquiry only” system is available to the public via public access terminals located in each Superior Courthouse. The system is accessed through a standard web browser and information in PROMIS/Gavel that has been deemed confidential or not relevant to the general public is not displayed. This system is also available to judiciary personnel via the InfoNet. An online help system is available to all users to assist them with system navigation, field descriptions and explanations of abbreviated information. The New Jersey Judiciary has installed on the public data terminals in each courthouse new technology that offers improved efficiency in accessing court data using a browser-based "point and click" system. Named "PROMIS/Gavel Public Access" (PGPA), the new system enables users to search criminal case information by name. Each record contains information such as the criminal charge, the filing date, the status and the disposition of each case. Confidential information is not available through the system. PROMIS/Gavel contains court records for criminal cases filed in Superior Court. A name search will yield criminal court records for every case entered under that name. The court records obtained from PROMIS/Gavel do not constitute a criminal history records check, which must be obtained through law enforcement. Previously, searching criminal court records from public access terminals was a multi-step process. First, the user had to navigate an electronic report using function keys to search for an individual name. Then, the user requested the case information at a service window and waited for the file to be retrieved. Finally, requests for copies needed to be fulfilled by court staff. Only the criminal case files for the county where the terminal was located could be provided. Now, users can obtain basic case information themselves, right from the computer, on any criminal case statewide. A standard copy fee is charged for printing pages directly from the PGPA system.

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Implementation The Public Access System has been implemented in all counties.

Technical Facts The Public Access system utilizes IDMS Database software and IBM’s HATS software for Inquiry, as well as Java Script.

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

County Correction Information System (CCIS) Overview The County Correction Information System (CCIS) is a computerized booking information system which records information about inmates housed in county correctional facilities. The system networks county correctional facilities into a single automated tracking system. It provides statewide inquiry access to municipal, county, state and federal law enforcement agencies. Additionally, CCIS also provides intra-county agencies, such as the Criminal Division Manager's office and Prosecutor's Office, with the ability to view inmate data. CCIS is available 23 hours a day, seven days a week to accommodate the unpredictable nature of the business. For each inmate in the jail, the system maintains information which can be accessed for inquiry and/or modification purposes. Users can record and inquire about the following types of information: inmate identification and background information, charges, bail, court events, custody status, detainers, sentences, discharge data, aliases, visitor information, cell housing location, commitment summary information, victim information, security group threat information (Gangs), keep separate information, billing agency information, and Bail Registry Inquiry. Objective Classification - which has been validated by the National Institute on Corrections (NIC) - has been implemented statewide. There are three parts to the subsystem:

• Intake Risk Assessment Screen • Disciplinary Module • Custody Assessment/Objective Classification Module which relates to an inmate’s

housing assignment

Interfaces between related court systems have been implemented such as: ACS/CCIS Interface eliminates duplicate entry of the same data in more than one system. VINES Interface to send victim data directly to the Victim Notification system. DNA – Automatically accesses the State Police System to report if DNA samples are on

file and whether the inmate must be tested.

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PGJAIL: Provides a link between the PROMIS/Gavel defendant and CCIS Inmate which assists in the correct identification and sharing of data between the two systems.

FAMJAIL: Same as PGJAIL, except between the Family Court FACTS System and

CCIS. CAPS Notification: Upon booking an inmate into CCIS, an automatic notification (via

email) is sent to the appropriate Probation Officer if a match is found via CAPS (Comprehensive Automated Probation System).

DOC: Department of Corrections: Same principle as above CAPS

interface, except notification is sent to the appropriate District Parole Office via the State Police Interface to the DOC System (OBCIS). Also, data is sent via the batch environment on a daily basis to DOC (PRIM System) on CCIS State Prisoners.

State Police: Upon booking, CCIS sends transmission to State Police to check

for open state warrants on the NJ Wanted Persons System (NJWPS) and for open national warrants via the FBI's NCIC (National Crime Information Center) System.

CCM: Criminal Case Management: CCIS sends data to Presentence

Investigation (PSI) and PreTrial Intervention (PTI) Criminal Division users.

CCIS is presently operational in twenty of twenty-one counties. The jails average over 19,000 inmates total population, 1,446 of whom are state prisoners. Currently, there are over 2 million commitments recorded in CCIS.

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Implementation CCIS (originally called CJIS County Jail Information System) was developed in the mid 1980s at the Systems and Communications (SAC) Section within the State Police Division of Law and Public Safety. The Office of Telecommunications & Information Systems (OTIS) within the NJ Department of Treasury assumed control of CCIS in the late 1980s. In 1990, CCIS was converted and migrated from the OTIS Mainframe to the AOC Mainframe, and was implemented by ITO.

Technical Facts The CCIS application utilizes IDMS database software and utilities for online functions, COBOL II and FOCUS report writers for batch programs. Number of Online Dialogs 124 Number of Batch Programs 108 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 8,000 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions 30,000

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DNA Update from State Police Overview This project is aimed at interfacing CCIS with the New Jersey State Police through MQ Series technology. CCIS will interface with NJSP to check if an offender has a DNA sample taken with the State Police. The CCIS system sends selected demographic data of the inmate (SBI #, Last Name, First Initial and Date of Birth) to find a match. If the sample has not been taken, the CCIS system will direct the arresting officer to take a DNA Sample. This process will be performed at the time of booking and discharging inmates. Implementation The DNA system has been implemented in all counties as of March, 2006.

Technical Facts DNA utilizes IDMS Database and MQSeries technology to interface with the NJSP.

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

Department of Corrections Notification Overview The DOC Notification is a transaction between the CCIS system and the State Police. This transaction is initiated when an inmate is admitted or discharged from the County Jail System (CCIS). Relevant inmate data is sent to the State Police who use this data to generate a notice that is printed at an appropriate District Parole Office when a match is found. A wanted persons list is also generated at the County Jail if the inmate has any outstanding warrants. The wanted persons transaction results in a positive or negative acknowledgement that is sent back to a CJIS Secured printer. Implementation The DOC system has been implemented in all counties as of March, 2006.

Technical Facts DOC utilizes IDMS Database and MQSeries technology to interface with the NJSP.

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PROMIS/Gavel and CCIS Link (PGJAIL) Overview The PROMIS/Gavel & CCIS integration system, PGJAIL, was designed to allow the sharing of data between the two systems once an inmate in CCIS and a defendant in PROMIS/Gavel are proven to be the same person and thus can be linked. PGJAIL is independent of the two systems, therefore any future changes to either PROMIS/Gavel or CCIS will not necessitate a change to PGJAIL. The primary objective of the system is to facilitate the accurate and timely identification of an inmate, in CCIS, to a defendant, in P/G, and to make a “match” or “link” between the two. Once a positive identification is made, PGJAIL will create a “link” record that allows the PROMIS/Gavel and CCIS systems to access information from each other for online display or report purposes. As an example, on the CCIS Inmate Information screen the PROMIS/Gavel SPN Number can be displayed, and on the PROMIS/Gavel Defendant Description Screen CCIS Commitment Number, Jail Name, and Jail Status can be displayed. Once the PGJAIL link is established, no further action is required by the user. It will automatically apply to all current and future cases and jail commitments as long as the inmate is rebooked in CCIS and court cases are tied to the same defendant. Information between the systems is shared (as opposed to “updating” each other), and any data displayed is always current, that is, taken directly from the latest information in the appropriate system's database. Therefore, on a screen display in PROMIS/Gavel for a linked defendant, the CCIS Jail Status field will be an up-to-the-second indicator of either “Jail" or “Discharged” reflecting the inmate's current CCIS status. By establishing this link, the confusion resulting from conflicting names and aliases and multiple cases is eliminated when correspondence between the jails and courts is required. As mentioned previously, this link enables the court to automatically generate Order to Produce notifications to the jail to ensure the proper transportation and delivery of the inmate to the court hearing. This eliminates all manual, phone, and fax procedures formerly in place. Over 332,000 P/G defendants and CCIS inmates have been linked via PGJAIL.

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Implementation The PGJAIL system was implemented by Criminal Practice and ITO. Twenty of the 21 counties have implemented PGJAIL.

Technical Facts PGJAIL utilizes IDMS data base software and utilities for online functions, COBOL II and report writer for batch programs. Number of Online Dialogs 20 Number of Batch Programs 15 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 65 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions (Included in P/G) 100

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

Central Automated Bail System (CABS) Overview The Central Automated Bail System (CABS) was developed to comply with the court unification legislation of 1993. This law mandated the state takeover of all county courts plus the bail accounts currently held and maintained by the twenty-one County Clerk offices. This law further mandated that this transfer of ownership, and funds, occur on January 1, 1995. CABS was developed to consolidate the twenty-one separate accounts into a single statewide bail escrow account. The bail system provides the ability to record all bail postings and the following related functions: local and statewide bail inquiry, refund/discharge, forfeiture, reinstatement, transfer, back loading of existing bail, and disbursements. CABS also gives the users access to online journal reports for daily bank reconciliation. Reports produce statewide totals for AOC accounting and auditing procedures. CABS produces daily activity and management reports, and notices that are available in RMDS. CABS produces online receipts for all transactions, including adjustments. The system is active in all twenty-one counties and accounts for approximately $300,000,000 in bail posting activity each year. Each county has established a “bail unit” that has provided a standard way of processing and accounting for bail activity.

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Implementation CABS was implemented by the Criminal Practice Division and occurred in three sessions over the first six months of 1995. Designated users were trained in Trenton, and immediately following the training, CABS was implemented in the respective county. CABS was initially implemented in eleven counties on January 1, 1995. Another group of counties was implemented in March, 1995, and the last group of was implemented in June, 1995.

Technical Facts The CABS System utilizes IDMS database software and utilities for online functions, and COBOL for batch programs. Number of Online Dialogs 45 Number of Batch Programs 52 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 200 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions (included in P/G) 4,000

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

Automated UDIR/PSI Forms Overview UDIR/PSI is the statewide automated forms system to produce the Uniform Defendant Intake Report and Presentence Investigation Report. This system was recently developed in coordination with Middlesex County (who developed the original forms using Delrina Formsflow), Criminal Practice Division, and ITO. Delrina Formsflow is a prepackaged software product specifically designed to quickly and easily create and automate forms in a PC environment. This product also allows for database storage and indexing for easy inquiry and retrieval. The UDIR/PSI application was designed to be used by report writers and probation officers in each county, to quickly enter, generate, and store completed reports. The implementation of this application was also designed to offset staffing reductions by improving staff efficiencies in generating the approximate 25,000 annual reports. The individual forms contain extensive personal, criminal, medical, psychological, employment, and residence information filling up to ten pages. This application is a PC based system with over 300 users. Implementation This system was implemented statewide by Criminal Practice Division and Trial Court Support. This was achieved by bringing all prospective users to the AOC for a series of training sessions. The effort to train report writers and probation officers was a formidable task since very few had ever used a PC before. The training program included basic typing skills, DOS and Windows, WORDPERFECT, Formsflow, and finally UDIR/PSI forms entry. A special training course was also given to local system coordinators in the Formsflow Designer software.

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Technical Facts

The UDIR/PSI System utilizes Delrina Formsflow, supported by a DBASE IV database. This product was chosen over several other highly rated products for its ease of use, compatibility with other PC products and its proven effectiveness in Middlesex County. Formsflow also provides the ability to interface with our established e-mail platform, GROUPWISE. This application was developed to operate under two modes, a Local Area Network (LAN) environment and on an individual PC. This is due to the varying system configurations that exist in the counties. Number of Forms – UDIR 10 Number of Forms – PSI 10 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 300+

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

Criminal Case Management System (CCM) Overview The Criminal Case Management System (CCM) is a centralized web based system that is utilized by County Criminal Case Management Staff to process Indigent Reports (5a), Pre-Trial Interventions (PTI) and Pre-Sentence Investigations. The new CCM system, built with J2EE technology, replaces an older technology application that was resident on approximately 400 desktops throughout the Judiciary. The old technology application had limited functionality and was difficult to maintain. The new CCM system enables massive data retrieval from multiple legacy Court Systems, such as the statewide Criminal Courts application (Promis/Gavel), the statewide County Correction Information System (CCIS), the statewide Automated Traffic System (ATS), the statewide Family Automated Case Tracking System (FACTS) and the Centralized Automated Bail System (CABS) for the creation of the various forms mentioned above. Other features of the system are the workflow and workflow notification utilizing Lotus Notes, data sharing and data reuse within and between counties. This system provides tremendous benefits to the users in the field. What formerly took days to accomplish now takes minutes, by the click of a button. For example, Court History, also known as the “Rap Sheet”, required days to assemble the information from various screens within the legacy systems of FACTS, ATS, PROMIS/Gavel and CCIS, and then the information was typed onto the form. With the new system the information is now being pulled and formatted to the form by simply typing case keys supplied by the end user.

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Implementation The CCM system was piloted in Atlantic, Monmouth and Cape Map counties in early 2005. Statewide implementation was completed in May of 2005.

Technical Facts E-CDR is a web-based application built using the Java 2 Enterprise Edition version 1.3 platform. It uses IBM’s WebSphere 5.1 as the application server. It is a 3-tier architecture based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. The model layer consists of Enterprise Java Beans (EJB 2.0) and Data Access Objects. The View and Controller layers consist of JSPs, Servlets, and Actions developed using a Struts Framework. Model layer and View layer communication uses Business Delegates and Service Locator design patterns. Stateless Session beans are used to encapsulate the business functionality and for transaction management. A Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern was used to accesses the IDMS databases. The DAO pattern adopts an Abstract Factory design pattern, which allows database management system (DBMS) independence. This was required because the DBMS will be changed from IDMS to DB2 in the near future. The application uses Java Messaging Service APIs to communicate with MQ Series, which is used as the Message Oriented Middleware to access the database. ECDR uses the Single Sign On (SSO) application for user registration and maintenance. IBM Tivoli Access Manager provides security, including Authorization and Authentication, through its components WebSEAL (reverse proxy), Policy Server, User Registry (LDAP) and Web Portal Manager. The application is currently compatible with Internet Explorer 6.0+. Number of Graphical User Interfaces 30 Number of Daily Transactions Unlimited Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 400

Data Warehouse

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Single Sign On (SSO) Overview The Single Sign On (SSO) application provides the AOC/ITO with a single application that manages the life cycle of application users. This includes the user creation, user validation, user maintenance and user removal functions. The application does this by providing a complete set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) so that it is the only application that will interface with and deal with the complexities of IBM’s Tivoli Access Manager and its components WebSEAL (reverse proxy) and User Registry (LDAP) to provide security, including Authorization and Authentication. Users can be created in multiple ways. Police users are pre-loaded with a default password and the user id and password is hand delivered to the police officer or their designee. Attorneys are mailed a registration number and password and self-register, and the general public can self-register by accessing our sites. After accessing our site the police and attorney users complete their registration process by updating information such as email address and secret question and answer, and are granted access to the applications they need. The system also allows the user to reset forgotten passwords and retrieve forgotten user ids. The SSO application includes administrative functions such as the ability for Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) to search for users, add or remove groups that the users participate in, suspend users, modify users, remove users, resend the users’ activation link and resend the users’ password reset link. Implementation The SSO application was implemented in conjunction with the PAUA and eCDR applications. All three applications were piloted in Ewing Township in 2005. The Central Attorney Management System (CAMS) application uses the functionality provided by the SSO application and was successfully implemented in March, 2006. Planning to update the Temporary Restraining Order (eTRO) and the Criminal Case Management (CCM) to use the SSO functionality is underway. The public access applications that have been and are being developed use the SSO application functions.

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Technical Facts SSO is a web-based application built using the Java 2 Enterprise Edition version 1.3 platform. It uses IBM’s WebSphere 5.1 as the application server. It is a 3-tier architecture based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. The model layer consists of Enterprise Java Beans (EJB 2.0) and Data Access Objects. The View and Controller layers consist of JSPs, Servlets, and Actions developed using a Struts Framework. Model layer and View layer communication uses Business Delegates and Service Locator design patterns. Stateless Session beans are used to encapsulate the business functionality and for transaction management. A Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern was used to accesses the DB2 databases. The DAO pattern adopts an Abstract Factory design pattern. The SSO APIs provide access to the IBM Tivoli Access Manager version 5.1 providing security, including Authorization and Authentication, through its components WebSEAL version 5.1 and User Registry (LDAP) version 5.2. Number of UIs 11 Number of Daily Transactions unlimited Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access General Public

Police Authorization and Update Application (PAUA) Overview The Police Authorization and Update Application (PAUA) provides a common secured access page for all of our police application users to access their applications. The PAUA application obtains the user’s signon credentials from Tivoli Access Manager (TAM) and passes application based security credentials to the users’ application, ensures that all communication utilizes Secure Socket Layer (SSL), provides functions necessary for application specific Customer Service Representatives (CSRs) to create and maintain their application based users and provides single and multiple user creation functions. Implementation The PAUA application was implemented in conjunction with the SSO and eCDR applications. All three applications were piloted in Ewing Township in 2005. Planning to update the Temporary Restraining Order (eTRO) and the Criminal Case Management (CCM) systems to use the PAUA functionality is underway.

Technical Facts PAUA is a web-based application built using the Java 2 Enterprise Edition version 1.3 platform. It uses IBM’s WebSphere 5.1 as the application server. It is a 3-tier architecture based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. The model layer consists of Enterprise Java Beans (EJB 2.0) and Data Access Objects. The View and Controller layers consist of JSPs, Servlets, and Actions developed using a Struts Framework. Model layer and View layer communication uses Business Delegates and Service Locator design patterns. Stateless Session beans are used to encapsulate the business functionality and for transaction management. A Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern was used to accesses the DB2 databases. The DAO pattern adopts an Abstract Factory design pattern. The PAUA APIs provide access to the IBM Tivoli Access Manager version 5.1 providing security, including Authorization and Authentication, through its components WebSEAL version 5.1 and User Registry (LDAP) version 5.2. Number of UIs 6 Number of Daily Transactions unlimited Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access General Public

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

Credit Card Payment Service - ePay Overview The ePay application provides the AOC/ITO with a single application interface that manages all of the functions necessary for processing Visa and Master Card credit card transactions. This includes credit card charges, credit card reversals, credit card charge backs, daily accounting and reconciliation reports, transactional error recovery and processing error recovery. The application consists of a complete set of Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to interface with and deal with the complexities involved with our credit card processing service (NOVA) and their Via-export service. The ePay application also provides additional APIs to allow other AOC applications to do basic transaction based searches to assist with problem resolution. Implementation The ePay application was implemented in conjunction with the internet release of the CAMS application. Both applications are being piloted by a group of 700 attorneys specifically selected for the CAMS application pilot in March, 2006. The ePay application functionality will be used by the new Municipal Court ticket payment application (NJMCDirect), scheduled for release in the fall of 2006 and as part of our Public Access report purchasing project. The ePay application provides credit card processing functionality for any AOC application that will require it.

Technical Facts ePay is a web-based application built using the Java 2 Enterprise Edition version 1.3 platform. It uses IBM’s WebSphere 5.1 as the application server. It is a 3-tier architecture based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. The model layer consists of Enterprise Java Beans (EJB 2.0) and Data Access Objects. The View and Controller layers consist of JSPs, Servlets, and Actions developed using a Struts Framework. Model layer and View layer communication uses Business Delegates and Service Locator design patterns. Stateless Session beans are used to encapsulate the business functionality and for transaction management. A Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern was used to accesses the DB2 databases. The DAO pattern adopts an Abstract Factory design pattern. The ePay APIs provide a common access point to Nova’s Via-export application and provide all the needed functionality for card credit card transactions. Number of UIs None Number of Daily Transactions unlimited Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access None – only interfaces

with other applications

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

NJ Courts Online: Report Store Overview The Report Store is actually the combination of an online library of Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) reports available to the public for sale, the Report Manager, and a “Shopping Cart” feature for the public to actually purchase reports. There are various reports within the many business areas of the AOC in which the pubic is very interested. In order to provide the public the opportunity to purchase these reports, we had to create both an “easy to use” listing of all the reports that could be expanded and a secure method of purchasing the reports. Additionally, anyone who wants to purchase a report will need to register using Single Sign On (SSO). The Report Manager can be viewed as an online library or catalog of reports available to the public for sale. Its development required the creation of a structure of Business Areas and Categories that could be expanded and re-arranged to make finding reports easy for the public. In addition, a process had to do be created to identify versions of a report, determine the most useful information to be displayed to the public, and establish a procedure for these reports to be “published” and made available. The end result, The Report Manager provides all these functions. With the proper access, reports can be added to the online catalog under the appropriate business area. If a new business area needs to be defined and new or existing reports need to be moved or added under it, the application can easily handle it. As part of this process, information useful to the public, such as an actual picture of the report, the sorted order of the data, a list of the data fields to be shown and the pricing of the report are all entered into a database which is then used to build the catalog that the public views. When a person purchases a report, they are taken to their “Shopping Cart” to complete the secure purchase. The Shopping Cart allows you to add reports to your cart, and when you have completed shopping it takes you through the steps to make a credit card payment to purchase the reports. In addition, there is an administrative section for AOC staff to monitor purchases, process a credit if the need arises, and review the details of an individual’s purchase. The Shopping cart accepts credit card payments, which are then securely sent to NOVA (the contracted vendor of credit card services) who then reports back to the application if a transaction was approved or declined by the responsible bank.

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Implementation The coding of both features began in late 2004, and currently system development is on hold but is slated to resume in the second quarter, 2006. Team resources had to be diverted to work on Single Sign On (SSO). The current status of both applications is that they are approximately 90% complete. There have been standard updates which need to be incorporated and some minor changes based on user review. Implementation is planned for late summer 2006.

Technical Facts Both the Report Manager and the Shopping Cart are web-based applications built using the Java 2 Enterprise Edition version 1.3 platform. They use IBM’s WebSphere 5.1 as the application server. It is a 3-tier architecture based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. The model layer consists of Enterprise Java Beans (EJB 2.0) and Data Access Objects. The View and Controller layers consist of JSPs, Servlets, and Actions developed using a Struts Framework. Stateless Session beans are used to encapsulate the business functionality and for transaction management. A Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern was used to accesses the DB2 database. Users will access the Report Manager and their Shopping Cart via the Single Sign On (SSO) application, which will be utilized for user registration and maintenance. IBM Tivoli Access Manager provides security, including Authorization and Authentication, through its components WebSEAL (reverse proxy), Policy Server, User Registry (LDAP) and Web Portal Manager. The application is currently compatible with Internet Explorer 6.0+. Number of Programs 33 Number of Daily Transactions TBD Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access TBD

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office April 2006

NJ Courts Online: Public Access - Judgments Overview In compliance with the Open Public Records Act, the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) began developing NJ Courts Public Access, an internet application that would allow the public access to court information. The first court information to be made available to the public will be Judgments. After Judgments, we plan to add information from the Civil, Family, Municipal and Criminal courts. For the Judgments Search, we have provided the public with a web site that allows judgment data to be searched by name (person or business), the case docket number, or the judgment number. The search’s results are presented in a list format with pertinent information displayed for each judgment. A specific Judgment can be selected to view its details, all of its debts, all of the documents, and details about the parties involved. In addition to the search facility, the application includes functions for the public to contact the AOC for assistance and to provide feedback based on their experience using the site.

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Implementation The program coding began in early 2004, and currently the application is available only on the Judiciary’s InfoNet while the AOC staff tests its usability for the public. There have been standard updates which need to be incorporated into the application and some minor changes based on user reviews. We are also investigating the use of two IBM products; Data Extender - which will provide for more robust searching, and Data Propagator - which will keep the Judgment’s Data Warehouse in-sync with the transactional database allowing us to display more timely data.

Technical Facts Judgments Search is a web-based application built using the Java 2 Enterprise Edition version 1.3 platform. It uses IBM’s WebSphere 5.1 as the application server. It is a 3-tier architecture based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. The model layer consists of Enterprise Java Beans (EJB 2.0) and Data Access Objects. The View and Controller layers consist of JSPs, Servlets, and Actions developed using a Struts Framework. Stateless Session beans are used to encapsulate the business functionality and for transaction management. A Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern was used to accesses the DB2 database. The application is currently compatible with Internet Explorer 6.0+. Number of Programs 7 Number of Daily Transactions TBD Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access TBD

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1. ACSES-FACTS Single Entry System (FASES) Overview The ACSES-FACTS Single Entry System was developed by the Information Technology Office’s ACSES-FACTS Project Team, the Family Division and the Automated Trial Court Systems Unit (ATCSU). This system was initiated to provide a single entry point for entering data into the Family Automated Case Tracking System (FACTS) and the Automated Child Support Enforcement System (ACSES). Users can create new cases, inquire into existing cases, and add and modify parties in both systems without entering the same data twice. This helps to save time and eliminate the redundant entering of data, and also reduces errors and improves the timeliness of data entry. It is a web browser based system, and allows the users to navigate efficiently through different screens. FASES ensures that data entered in one system will be cross-linked with the other. The FASES System allows a user to create welfare FD and non-welfare FD cases successfully.

The system focuses on the capabilities needed by Family Automated Trial Court Services, Probation, Health and Human Services and the targeted users: Family Practice Child Support personnel, and how/why these needs have evolved.

FASES provides the following functionality:

• Search parties in both ACSES and FACTS Systems • View party details in either system • Edit party details in the FACTS System. • Create welfare FD case in FACTS by transferring the case from the ACSES System • Create non-welfare FD cases in both systems simultaneously • Print complaints for non-welfare FD cases

The users of FASES will be required to have InfoNet access to utilize this system and can access the application via a URL entered on a web browser. Both FACTS and ACSES databases have to be up and running for a user to login to FASES. This URL could also be saved as a link on the users desktop or presented via a Portal Applications link.

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Implementation The FASES system is currently in the final stages of Quality Assurance and user testing. It is expected to begin a statewide implementation in the 2nd Quarter of 2006.

Technical Facts FASES is a web-based application built using the Java 2 Enterprise Edition version 1.3 platform. It uses IBM’s WebSphere 5.1 as the application server. It is a 3-tier architecture based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. The model layer consists of Enterprise Java Beans (EJB 2.0) and Data Access Objects. The View and Controller layers consist of JSPs, Servlets, and Actions developed using a Struts Framework. Model layer and View layer communication uses Business Delegates and Service Locator design patterns. Stateless Session beans are used to encapsulate the business functionality and for transaction management. A Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern was used to accesses the DB2 databases. The DAO pattern adopts an Abstract Factory design pattern. The SSO APIs provide access to the IBM Tivoli Access Manager version 5.1 providing security, including Authorization and Authentication, through its components WebSEAL version 5.1 and User Registry (LDAP) version 5.2.


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Family Automated Case Tracking System (FACTS) Overview The Family Automated Case Tracking System (FACTS) was developed by the Information Technology Office’s Family Project Team and the Family Division. A comprehensive computer-based system, FACTS is used to store, track, process and manage both current and historical information on cases and individuals involved in the Family court. FACTS provides Family Court Judges, Trial Court Administrators, Division Managers, Probation Officers and other court personnel with statewide inquiry to cases, litigants, juveniles, and pertinent domestic violence detail. The extent of an individual user’s statewide inquiry capability is based upon the docket types allowed via their security profile definitions. Security profile information is customized for each user and is based on the access levels defined by county Family Court management staff. This controls whether an individual can update or only inquire the data stored in FACTS. It also provides management staff the ability to limit user access to specific docket types. FACTS performs numerous functions which support the daily processing and management of Family Court cases. Some of the more prominent functions include:

• Automatic docketing and indexing of new cases • Identification of persons involved in cases and their relationship with each case • Immediate printing of complaints, restraining orders and notices • Automated scheduling and calendaring of court appearances for each judge, and calendar

management • Recording of interim/final dispositions and adjudication results • Extensive on-line inquiry to cases and litigants • Generation of Statistical and Case Management Reports • A system design that supports the “team” concept of case processing

FACTS provides a single focal point for information pertaining to Family Court activity throughout the entire state. This enforces a standardization of the information maintained across counties. It also allows for greater availability of information across the state. Prior to the implementation of FACTS, it was virtually impossible for one county to be aware of an

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individual’s Family Court activity in another county. As an example, in all probability the judge hearing a domestic violence case in his/her venue would not be aware of the defendant’s involvement in D.V. cases in other counties. Also, a judge hearing a juvenile case may be unaware that the parents are involved in a dissolution case in another county – or perhaps even the same county. FACTS’ ability to relate people to multiple cases, and to other people through establishing family relationships, provides a comprehensive picture of an individual’s court activity heretofore unavailable. This provides New Jersey Family Courts and its judges with a distinct advantage over other states.

Court personnel are guided through the myriad of complex court processing rules needed to support the 10 different docket types housed within FACTS, each with unique information requirements. FACTS has become the repository for over 3.2 million Family Court cases, with cases in excess of a quarter million being added to FACTS annually.

In support of these cases, FACTS has also accumulated information pertaining to more than 14.2 million documents and related service information. Additionally, over 12.7 million court room proceedings and over 12.5 million associated dispositional decisions have been recorded to date.

A distinctive feature of FACTS is that it not only tracks case-related information, but can also track the court activity associated with an individual statewide. The relationship between cases and related parties is captured by the unique party identification number. As a new case is docketed, a statewide search identifies if that party is associated with the county of origin or another county. If the party is identified in any county, the party identification number is copied to the current docket, maintaining a relationship between this party and his/her cases statewide. If the party has not been previously identified, FACTS will index and assign a new and unique party identification number. FACTS currently houses information regarding nearly 4.3 million individuals involved in Family Court activity.

FACTS plays an integral part in the success of Superior Court’s decision to move to Direct Filing of dissolution cases. Previously, all dissolution matters had to be filed, processed, microfilmed and related fees collected in Trenton. Once processing was completed, the case files were sent to the county of venue. This was not only inconvenient for litigants but also caused undue delay in court processing. With the advent of FACTS, the Superior Court was able to enact Direct Filing, allowing litigants to file papers within their county. This docket type (FM) was the first to be rolled out statewide and has been in effect since 1985.

With FACTS, court staff are able to serve the public more efficiently and effectively. A number of functions greatly reduce repetitive manual processes, freeing court staff for more litigant intensive communication. One such example would be the production of notices for court appearance. FACTS currently produces an average of 2,800 notices on-demand throughout the day and another 3,000 overnight for next day mailing. One hundred and eight different notice

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formats are available, tailored to different types of court activity. This not only saves thousands of hours in preparation, but also provides the public with uniform, professional-looking notices. Additionally, the production of master calendars not only represents a savings in time, but allows the courts to be more responsive to varying caseload demands and provides the flexibility to manage calendars efficiently. FACTS prints over 11,000 calendars a month in response to changes the court staff make on a daily basis. Calendars can be printed immediately, providing an up-to-date picture of the court’s schedule.

From an organizational and efficiency perspective, FACTS users have over 240 reports available to provide information that can be extremely helpful in analyzing areas such as scheduling imbalances, adherence to state mandates, case processing delays, increase in workload, judge caseloads and age distribution of pending docket caseloads, to name just a few. Additionally, management is provided with tools for more efficient deployment of staff and other resources as well as input for development of budgetary requirements.

Family court can be viewed as an “umbrella” court system, generally covering all civil actions in which the principal claim is unique to and arises out of a family or family-type relationship. These are broken down into different docket types. There are eleven different docket types in Family Court with FACTS supporting ten of them. Only Adoptions (FA) has not been implemented due to issues regarding the sensitivity and privacy of the data.

Docket Types Related to Domestic Violence FV Domestic Violence FO Criminal, Quasi-Criminal and Other Matters

The Prevention of Domestic Violence Act assures victims of domestic violence the greatest protection from abuse that the law provides. This means providing the victim with immediate access to informed law enforcement agencies and judicial authority at all hours. To this end, FACTS has become the central repository for Domestic Violence across the state, tracking all actions, including both Temporary and Final Restraining Orders.

Automated functions tailored specifically to Domestic Violence include the ability to enter complaint information directly into FACTS and then print documents on-demand for as many copies as are needed. Report generation for domestic violence specifically includes aging of cases and monthly statistical balance sheets, as well as supporting statistical detail. On demand printing of the FV Complaint, Temporary Restraining Order and Final Restraining Order helps expedite the hearing process, allowing the judge to immediately address the complaint in court.

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The Domestic Violence Central Registry was developed and implemented in 1998 and 1999. Using the data collected and generated with FACTS, the DV Central Registry is an inquiry system permitting law enforcement, Family Division and other authorized users, both direct, immediate access to restraining order information and the associated details pertaining to specific reliefs associated with the restraining order.

In just the first six months of using the FACTS Domestic Violence Central Registry, the National Instant Check (NIC) unit of the New Jersey State Police denied in excess of 40 firearm purchases due to the existence of an active restraining order. FACTS/ACS Interface: The interface electronically transfers DV cases from the Automated Complaint System (ACS), the system used by the Municipal Courts, to the Family Automated Case Tracking System (FACTS). The Interface saves the user time and effort, eliminates the need to manually enter cases, and helps prevent data entry errors.

The FO docket type includes all domestic violence contempt cases, willful non-support and/or interference with custody cases and other actions (actions over which the Family Division does not have jurisdiction but gains jurisdiction through transfer from another court) are under this docket type. This may include downgrades from a previously indictable case or an indictable case in which the defendant has waived his or her right to a trial by jury and the cases were transferred to Family Division for trial and disposition.

FAMJAIL – the interface between FACTS and the County Corrections Information System (CCIS) was developed in 1998 and implemented statewide in 1999. Linking individuals within FACTS with inmates from CCIS provides the courts with immediate information related to the incarceration of a defendant. The link makes it possible for FACTS and CCIS users to view data from each other’s systems through their normal inquiry functions. Presently, over 137,000 FACTS parties are linked to CCIS defendants. Docket Types Related to Juvenile

FJ Juvenile Delinquency FN Child Abuse/Neglect FF Juvenile-Family Crisis FG Termination of Parental Rights

The 1983 revised Code of Juvenile Justice attempts to provide the balance needed to address the safety of society and the needs of youth as they grow and develop. This code provides the greatest variety of dispositions available to adjudicated delinquents in the nation. It focuses on family dynamics and gives the court authority over all family members. A unique feature in FACTS allows Family Court staff to establish and maintain relationships between family members involved in various court activities. This provides judges with a better picture of a juvenile’s family situation and allows the disposition to be tailored specific to that juvenile.

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The Juvenile-Family Crisis Intervention Unit (FF) is a program created to help juveniles and families who are having problems with the behavior of their adolescents. Included in this would be serious family disputes that may threaten the well-being and safety of the juvenile and/or family members, runaway and truancy problems. The case worker can refer the juvenile and family to a drug/alcohol abuse program, recreational program, educational/employment center or a mental health center.

Child abuse proceedings (FN) can proceed either civilly or criminally, or both. The purpose of the child abuse law is to provide for the protection of children less than 18 years of age who have had serious injury inflicted upon them by other than accidental means, to assure that the lives of innocent children are immediately safeguarded from further injury and possible death, and to fully protect the rights of the children.

Termination of Parental Rights (FG) involves the termination of parental rights of the parent or guardian of the child(ren) who is/are the subject of the litigation. “Guardianship” and “Termination” are generally used interchangeably to describe these proceedings. Termination of Parental Rights is usually the end result of a prosecution for abuse or neglect and a prerequisite for placing a child for adoption.

Automated functions which are tailored specifically to these docket types include the complaint recording, document, notice, and proceeding types, charges/reliefs sought, disposition recording, and more. Report generation includes aging of cases, median time to termination, inactive cases, diverted cases, charges by municipality, and monthly statistical balance sheets, among others. Also, court personnel can generate online calendars of those juveniles who have been held in a detention facility the previous night, thus allowing the judge to immediately address them in court. FACTS also contains a function tailored to the juvenile intake process which enables quick entry of the screening decisions made by the intake officer, prosecutor and judge. The system also enforces that all FJ cases be screened within the mandated 60 days.

Juvenile Rapid Case Processing enables the recording of juvenile dispositions, noticing parties and scheduling/rescheduling of hearings by the court clerk in the courtroom while the proceeding is in progress. This function has been implemented statewide permitting FACTS to contain up to the minute data related to the outcome of juvenile proceedings. Although Rapid Case Processing addresses only juvenile delinquency cases, it serves as the foundation for other family case types. The Juvenile Central Registry - provides law enforcement entities access, on a 24 hour basis, to certain information relating to juveniles involved in Juvenile Delinquency cases in Family Court. Juvenile delinquency cases are initiated when a minor is arrested and a complaint of juvenile delinquency is generated by the arresting agency. The Juvenile Central Registry is a computerized inquiry system that allows law enforcement to access information about juvenile

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delinquency cases. Prior to the existence of the system, officers needing information about juvenile cases had to request this information from the Family Court in their county, who would then look up the case in question on the Family Automated Case Tracking System (FACTS). Access to the information was available only during the court’s operating hours. This inquiry system permits direct access, at any time, to certain juvenile information in FACTS. The system displays information about cases in which a criminal complaint was filed against a juvenile and an FJ case was docketed, as well as any probation information, if the juvenile has received a probation sentence. Law Enforcement personnel can now use this information to help them determine what action to take when investigating alleged criminal behavior by a juvenile, and to allow them to follow up on complaints filed. Docket Types Related to Dissolution FM Dissolution FD Non-Dissolution The Dissolution (FM) docket type is better known as “divorce court”. It involves the steps necessary to legally get a divorce granted in New Jersey and the rules governing them. Non-Dissolution (FD) docket covers the issues of paternity, custody, and visitation of children. These are not limited only to the parents of the child, but may involve other relatives or non-relatives. Generally, most custody and visitation issues proceed in a summary manner except that they are joined with actions for adoption, termination of parental rights, divorce or nullity. URESA (Universal Reciprocal Enforcement and Support Act) covers these issues when the parties involved are across state lines. Automated functions which are tailored specifically to Dissolution/Non-Dissolution include the complaint recording, document, notice, and proceeding types, reliefs sought, dispositional recording, and more. Report generation includes court calendars, aging of cases, six-month inactivity reports, mediation tracking, dissolution cases involving a minor, and monthly statistical balance sheets, among others. Specific to FM/FD, FACTS produces Motion Calendars. These two docket types also have filing fees associated with the complaint (FM) and motions (FM and FD). FACTS records, tracks and reports on these fees by county through the production of reports such as the Cashier Balance Register, Cash Distribution Register, Cash Drawer Balancing and Attorney Charges. For the FD docket type, FACTS also provides on-demand printing of the complaint and counterclaim.

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FC Child Placement Review The Child Placement Review Act declares that it is in the public interest to afford every child placed outside his or her home by DYFS (Division of Youth and Family Services) with the opportunity for eventual placement in an alternative permanent home; that it is the obligation of the State to promote this through effective planning and regular review of each child’s placement; and that it is the purpose of this act to establish procedures for both the administrative and judicial review of each child’s placement in order to ensure that such placement serves the best interest of the child. Some counties are using FACTS for this docket type on a limited basis. Child Placement staff is using some of the more generic functions such as docketing, calendaring and noticing, which they learned when working in other areas of Family Court. Functions specific to Child Placement have not yet been developed. Automated functions which can be or are tailored specifically to Child Placement Review include document, notice, and proceeding types, reliefs sought, dispositional recording, and more. Report generation includes court calendars, aging of cases, and monthly statistical balance sheets, among others. FL Kinship Legal Guardianship The FL docket involves applications for Kinship Legal Guardianship status (KLG) for caregivers with whom the child has been residing for at least twelve continuous months due to the incapacitation of the parents. The Kinship Legal Guardianship cases begin when relative care givers seek legal guardianship of children in their care without the wish to sever the relationship between child and birth parent. Kinship Legal Guardianship provides a permanent legal arrangement for children and their caregivers. Children may have been placed with the relative care giver by the parent or by DYFS. Petitions for Kinship Legal Guardianship must be filed separately for each child in the relative care givers home for which they wish to receive the status. Once a petition is filed the case is then docketed in FACTS, and is scheduled for a kinship hearing. Upon a showing by clear and convincing evidence that the parent is and will be “incapacitated” for the foreseeable future and in the best interest of the child, KLG status will be awarded. If the relief is granted and the relative care giver receives kinship legal guardianship status, the FG complaint can be dismissed. The KLG will terminate when the child reaches his/her 18th birthday or is no longer enrolled in a secondary education program or if the KLG is no longer in the child’s best interest. Kinship Legal Guardianship (FL) cases, are filed when, as above, the child has been placed in a home with a relative, often when the parents did not comply with the court recommendations. FL cases are often the end result of a prosecution for abuse or neglect, and may be an alternative to placing a minor for adoption. The case is scheduled normally, however, guardianship is

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awarded to the relative and the case is closed on the same day. The FG case is then dismissed and the minor is permanently placed with the relative. Implementation The first pilot was Atlantic County in April, 1989, and FACTS was fully implemented statewide when Essex County started on the system in February, 1995.

Technical Facts The FACTS computer application utilizes IDMS database software, ADS/O programs for online dialogs, and COBOL and FOCUS for batch processing. Number of Programs 726 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 16,956 Number of Daily Online Transactions 600,000

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Family Forms Management System (FFM) Overview The Family Forms Management System (FFM) was developed by the Information Technology Office’s Web Enabling Project Team, the Family Division and the Automated Trial Court Systems Unit (ATCSU). This system was initiated to address the in court processes related to the Domestic Violence (FV) case type. The processing includes redesigning forms into an Adobe PDF, automating the forms, and allowing data entry for the following forms: Final Restraining Order (FRO), Amended Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) and Amended FRO, TRO Continuance and Dismissal Order. The scope of work also included the ability to view and print the FD Complaint (Non Dissolution). FFM does not replace FACTS as the system of record, however, this new functionality is expected to replace the current “green screen” functions. FFM enhances FACTS by pushing and pulling data behind the scenes to pre-populate the forms, allowing entry of new data on to the form, and saving it back to FACTS upon submission and printing of the Adobe PDF form. FACTS users will be required to have InfoNet access to utilize this system, and can enter the application via a URL entered on the browser. This URL could also be saved as a link on the users desktop or presented via a Portal Applications link. In either case the user simply “clicks” the link to launch the new FFM application. Implementation The first pilot is scheduled for May, 2006 and the pilot county has not yet been determined.

Technical Facts The FFM application utilizes a J2EE (JAVA) framework running on a WebSphere Application Server. It accesses the FACTS IDMS database via MQ Series and renders the selected Adobe form via the Adobe server. Number of JSPs/Functions 16 Number of Modules 20 Number of Adobe Forms/Pages 5/12 Number of MQ Interfaces 16

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Uniform Interstate Family Support Act (UIFSA) Overview The UIFSA System was developed by the Information Technology Office’s Web Enabling Project Team, the Family Division and Automated Trial Court Systems Unit (ATCSU). This system was initiated to automate the Federally mandated processing through the UIFSA legislation. This Act dictates how states are to talk to each other to ensure that child support funds are properly handled across state lines. The Act also provides standard Adobe forms/templates that are to be used. This system impacts the FD docket type in FACTS. The new UIFSA system was designed to complement and enhance the FACTS application, which will remain the Case Management system of record for all FD cases. The new application will provide the following functionality:

• FACTS Party Search and Selection – Pre-fill all party information • FACTS Case Search and Selection - Pull entire FACTS FD case • Enter Party – Create a new party and add to FACTS • Enter Case – Create a new case (docket # returned from FACTS) • Pre-fill, Create and Print - all UIFSA Adobe forms/packages.

FACTS users will be required to have InfoNet access to utilize this system, and can enter the application via a URL entered on the browser. This URL could also be saved as a link on the users desktop or presented via a Portal Applications link. In either case the user simply “clicks” the link to launch the new FFM application.

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Implementation The first pilot is scheduled for June, 2006, and the pilot county has not yet been determined.

Technical Facts The UIFSA application utilizes a J2EE (JAVA) framework running on a WebSphere Application Server. It accesses the FACTS IDMS database via MQ Series to pull selected parties or case information. UIFSA also contains its own DB2 database to retain all form information that was not previously available in FACTS. Number of JSPs/Functions 65 Number of Modules 30 Number of Adobe Forms/Pages 10/37 Number of MQ Interfaces 6 Number of DB Tables 70

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Electronic Temporary Restraining Order System (E-TRO) Overview The Family Division of the Superior Court of New Jersey is responsible for the tracking, docketing, and processing of Temporary Restraining Orders (TRO). The current process is labor intensive and slow, with significant delays in completing the approval process and the serving of paperwork to requiring parties. Delays in the serving of parties with restraining orders places the public at risk of bodily harm. Typically, a police officer receives notice of an incident and a plaintiff requests a restraining order as protection against any further threat. The officer collects information from the plaintiff that is used to complete the New Jersey Domestic Violence Court Order form. The form is then presented to a judge for approval and signature, and the signed form (TRO) is served to the Plaintiff and Defendant. The Police Officers will access E-TRO in their precinct over the Internet and be presented with a "PDF" format that is an exact screen rendering of the current paper based form. They will enter the required information necessary to complete the E-TRO form, and a restraining order is then stored in a Domino database. A transaction notification and copy of the E-TRO is forwarded to a judge via electronic mail. The judge will review the document (via his/her workstation) and approve or reject the order, and the system will email the officer with the judge’s decision. Following completion of the E-TRO and the approval/serving process, the E-TRO remains on file in the Domino system pending entry into the mainframe FACTS database. A program utilizing IBM’s MQSeries will be utilized to automate the upload process to integrate E-TRO record information from the Domino database to the mainframe FACTS application. The TRO system will provide substantial benefits to the Courts, the Police, and the Public. The following are the areas in which benefits are anticipated:

1. To improve turn-around time from TRO creation to docketing in the FACTS database, a TRO can be completed, submitted, and contingent upon the judge’s availability, approved in minutes.

2. The amount of labor involved in processing a TRO will decrease for the judges and police.

3. The effort required to enter TROs into the mainframe database will be reduced. 4. Update of the Domestic Violence Central Registry with pending TRO filings will be

expedited. 5. Improved accuracy of TRO data through form validation. 6. Entry of redundant data when creating TROs will be minimized. 7. Facilitate the quick entry of Domestic Violence (DV) case docketing. 8. Provide a platform to build on to continue to improve the overall TRO process. 9. Minimize duplicate TRO and Party data entry.

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Implementation The E-TRO is in a pilot stage in 32 Police Departments within four counties.

Technical Facts The computer application utilizes FOCUS programming software for printed reports. Number of Graphical User Interfaces 15 Number of transaction Unlimited Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 150

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Child Support Call Center Referral and Tracking Lotus Notes Application (Call Center) Overview In all vicinages throughout the state, the Probation Department staff is responsible for handling Child Support Enforcement issues directly with the clients. In order to improve customer service, a centralized call center was created. This call center is a cooperative venture between the AOC and the Division of Family Development (DFD) in the Department of Human Services. As part of the Pilot program, all client calls from Middlesex, Mercer, and Somerset counties are redirected to the new centralized call center for processing. The call center consists of 26 phone operators, using state-of-the-art telephone equipment, charged with answering the calls coming in from clients in the pilot counties. A supportive Lotus Notes Application was developed by ITO to track the status of any enforcement issues that cannot be resolved immediately by the phone operators and, therefore, "referred" to Supervision for resolution within 2 business days from the time the call was placed. The overall goal is to improve the customer service by reducing the waiting time for these issues to be resolved. When the system is rolled out statewide, it is expected that approximately 400,000 child support case issues will be handled annually. There are approximately 830 users of this system. The user community consists of about 30 Call Center personnel, 650 Probation officers, and approximately 150 Probation Department Liaisons and Supervisors.

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Implementation In October, 2004, the system was piloted in Middlesex County, and subsequently, two more counties, Mercer and Somerset, have come on board. As of the first quarter 2006, plans for future rollouts are being made.

Technical Facts The Call Center Application is a workflow and tracking mechanism for enforcement issues that must be referred to supervision. It was built using Lotus Notes to take advantage of the Judiciary’s robust Email infrastructure. When the call center phone operator cannot resolve a call, they create a "referral" document in the application, which is routed automatically via email to the appropriate party for assignment, supervisor review, and resolution. In addition, the system has custom views to allow the supervisor to view the status of all referrals and their processing times. Number of Graphical User Interfaces 5 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 800 Average Number of Daily Transactions 500

Financial Human Resources

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Financial/Human Resources Team The Financial/Human Resources Team has developed and continues to support various administrative and court related applications. These applications are used primarily to operate the Judiciary in terms of fiscal management, attorney related matters and human resources. The following summary will cover each unit supported by the Financial/Human Resources Team and list the applications they administer. Management Services is responsible for administrating the Judiciary’s Budget and tracking all assets. Among the systems that are administered by Management Services are MACS-E Reporting, Budget and Spending, Budget Weeklies, and the Fixed Assets Management System (FAMS).

The Supreme Court Unit is responsible for administering the Bar Exam, attorney charge accounts and maintaining a list of attorneys eligible to practice law in New Jersey. Among the systems that are administered by the Supreme Court Unit are; Bar Exam, Judiciary Attorney Charge System (JACS) and Roll of Attorneys. Municipal Court Services is responsible for administering statewide Pro Bono assignments. Municipal Court Services uses the Pro Bono system to track and manage these assignments. The Superior Court Clerk’s office is responsible for managing funds in the Trust Fund Account as well as recording wills. Among the systems that are administered by the Superior Court Clerk’s Office are: Trust Fund and Probate of Wills. The Human Resources Division is responsible for tracking payroll, education, and benefit information, etc. for approximately 9,000 employees. Among the systems that are administered by the Human Resources Division are: the Judiciary Human Resources Information System (JHRIS) and Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action. The latest addition to JHRIS was the EEO Complaints Subsystem, implemented in September 2005. The Complaints Subsystem reports and handles all complaints, either verbal or written, of discrimination or harassment in the Judiciary. The complaint tracks parties involved, assigns investigators, notices to parties involved, outcome and final determination, appeals, remedial

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action, etc. The Complaints Subsystem of JHRIS was created in response to the Supreme Court Directive #5-04, and is managed by the EEO/Affirmative Action Unit of the Judiciary. The Quantitative Research Unit is responsible for providing statistical analysis and management reports required to support organizational decisions. The data originates from the various court applications and is loaded into a statistical database. The Quantitative Research Unit uses the Statistical System to analyze this data and produce management level statistical analysis. The Information Technology Office (ITO) obtains data from The Office of Information Technology (OIT), and the Judiciary Human Resources Information System (JHRIS) provides on a bi-weekly basis a file to Pathlore. Pathlore is a Learning Management System used to track courses/training taken by over 9,000 Judiciary employees. Pathlore is managed by Organization Development and Training Unit (ODT).

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Budget and Spending System Overview The Office of Information Technology (OIT) electronically transfers data from the New Jersey Comprehensive Financial System (NJCFS) pertaining to the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) budget and spending financial operations. The reports provided to Management Services, from the Budget and Spending System, are used by Management Services to prepare cost and budget plans, analyze account activity, compare actual cost of revenue to appropriated funds or anticipated revenue, prepare the budget presentation for the legislature, prepare the annual spending plan, and provide cost analyses required by the Director. In summary, the Budget and Spending system provides information on revenues, appropriations, expenditures, vendors and bank accounts. Implementation The Budget and Spending System was implemented in 1994 using data transferred to the Judiciary’s mainframe from the New Jersey Comprehensive Financial System (NJCFS). The Treasury is responsible for maintaining NJCFS.

Technical Facts The computer application utilizes FOCUS programming software for printed reports. Number of Batch Programs 78 Number of Management Reports 44 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 160

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Budget Salary Reports Overview The Budget Salary Reports are used by Management Services to verify the payroll process that is run by the Treasury. The Treasury provides the Judiciary with high level summaries of the payroll by organization code or division. The Budget Salary reports are used to provide detailed salary information, not available from the Treasury, by individual origination code or units, within each division, as well as by employee. Each vicinage is provided with these reports to be used to verify their payroll. Additionally, these reports are used to project salary requirements, calculate overtime pay, calculate individual hourly employee pay, and calculate per diem pay for recall judges. Without these reports, Management Services would require additional personnel to produce these reports manually from the summary information provided by the New Jersey Comprehensive Financial System (NJCFS). Major features of the Budget Salary Report application include: Weekly Salary Reports The Weekly Salary Reports are run each Thursday. There are four reports produced; two that detail salary information by employee and two that detail salary at the account number level. The weekly salary reports are used to verify the payroll with reports from the Treasury. The vicinages are responsible for verifying their own reports. Implementation The Budget Reports were successfully implemented in 1987. These reports were then enhanced to provide vicinage information as a result of State Unification.

Technical Facts Number of Batch Programs 8 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 25

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Fixed Asset Management System (FAMS) Overview The Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC) is required to track assets owned by the Judiciary, which includes all vicinages. These assets are inventoried annually by the AOC and audited by State auditors. Prior to State Unification, the purchase and Property Unit tracked assets owned by the AOC and not the vicinages. The system used by the Purchase and Property Unit was not capable of tracking large numbers of assets due to space limitations. As a result of State Unification, it was necessary to develop a system with sufficient space capable of tracking the addition of assets from the counties, as well as providing improved functionality. FAMS tracks all assets owned by the Judiciary, including assets previously owned by the counties prior to State Unification. The implementation of FAMS has ensured an accurate accounting of assets owned by the Judiciary. FAMS also records and tracks insurance, maintenance and warranty information for each asset and provides for the tagging, warehousing and delivery of assets. All assets owned by the Judiciary were entered into FAMS including computer hardware and software. Major features of the Fixed Asset Management System include: Tracking of Assets/Software The Fixed Assets Management System tracks who is responsible for the asset, all warranty/maintenance information, and movement of assets from one location to another. Unused assets can be returned to the warehouse for redistribution. A surplus report is generated every month to indicate assets that are in the warehouse. Assets are further grouped into a DP (data processing) category and a non-DP (non-data processing) category. ITO’s Technical Service group is responsible for all warranty / maintenance information on all DP category assets. Inventory of Assets/Software According to generally accepted accounting principals, every asset is inventoried once a year and the results are reviewed by state auditors. A Risk Management Report is derived from the inventory for insurance purposes. Inventory and non-inventory reports are generated for any further analysis.

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Implementation The State Unification Team (ITO) and personnel from Management Services, developed and implemented the Fixed Asset Management System (FAMS) statewide in January, 1995.

Technical Facts The Fixed Asset Management System computer application utilizes an IDMS database (soon to be converted to a DB2 database) and ADS/O programming software (soon to be converted to CICS) for online dialogues and COBOL / FOCUS programming software for printed reports. Number of Online Dialogs 65 Number of Batch Programs 75 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 60 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions 1,000


Judiciary Attorney Charge System (JACS) Overview The Judiciary maintains charge accounts opened by attorneys or law firms for the purpose of charging filing fees or other fees in lieu of paying by check or cash. Prior to the development of the Judiciary Attorney Charge System (JACS), these accounts were maintained on a Prime computer system. The Prime computer and related software became obsolete, and was phased out and replaced with an IBM mainframe. This was done to improve the processing of these accounts including reducing accounts in arrears. There was approximately a six month backlog in data entry of filing fees, and the amount of delinquent accounts totaled approximately $700,000. JACS was implemented to eliminate the backlog and reduce delinquent accounts in order to provide better service to the owner’s of these accounts. Since its implementation, the data entry backlog has been reduced. An account is delinquent when the account balance falls below $300.00. Major features of the Judiciary Attorney Charge System include: Accounts Accounts can be established by an individual attorney or a law firm. In order to establish an attorney collateral account, an attorney must deposit three hundred dollars into his/her account. They are assigned an account number. This number is used for charging documents. Accounts can be suspended, closed by choice, or closed if the attorney passes away. Currently, there are 2,200 active accounts. JACS produces approximately 100 weekly delinquent notices. Monthly statements detailing all transactions by account are mailed to the attorney or firm. Firms preferring a monthly file instead of the printed monthly statement can request one, provided they meet the technical requirements established by the Judiciary. This file contains all transactions for the attorney in a given month. Attorneys obtain this file by dialing into the Bulletin Board System and downloading it. The Bulletin Board System (BBS) provides rapid and easy access to centrally located judicial databases through dial-up lines. The BBS is maintained by ITO. Transactions Charges are entered by Superior Courts’ Finance Unit on a daily basis. The types of transactions most often entered by the finance unit are: deposits to the accounts, corrective entries, opening


of a new account, and closing accounts. The transactions created in the finance unit go directly to the JACS system. Transactions created by the Civil and Family Courts are accumulated on an ACMS/FACTS file and loaded into the JACS system each night. The type of transactions created by ACMS/FACTS is usually charges or corrections. ACMS has been updated so as not to accept charges from an account where the balance is below the minimum. Electronic Access Charge ACMS has installed a subsystem to allow attorneys to perform inquiries into ACMS from their law firms. The fee charged is one dollar per minute. Attorneys requesting the online service must have a JACS account established and maintain a minimum balance. The access fee is billed against the attorneys’ JACS account. ACMS creates a file once a month of all the electronic access charges. This file is loaded into JACS prior to running the monthly statements. Implementation The Judiciary Attorney Charge System was successfully implemented in full in 1992. The JACS system is currently being re-written with a DB2 database that will allow for a Web-Enabled Front End. The Web-Enabled Front End will allow attorneys to perform most of the daily accounting process that the Superior Court Financial Unit performs. With the Web based system attorneys will be able to view their monthly statements online.

Technical Facts The Judiciary Attorney Charge System computer application utilizes an IDMS database and ADS/O programming software for online dialogues, and COBOL programming software for printed reports. Number of Online Dialogs 19 Number of Batch Programs 60 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 35 Approximate Number of Attorneys 2,200 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions 3,000

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Judiciary Human Resource Information System (JHRIS) Overview The Judiciary maintains a personnel system for the purposes of tracking employee history, salary, etc. The present Judiciary Human Resource Information System (JHRIS) is an expanded version of the original personnel system developed on the Burroughs computer system in 1982. JHRIS contains functionality not previously incorporated in the prior human resources system, such as, recruitment and salary history processing. The Burroughs computer system and related software became obsolete and was replaced with an IBM mainframe system. Major features of the Judiciary Human Resource Information System include: JHRIS tracks information pertaining to employees starting with the submission of their resume until they leave their position. The functionality incorporated into the system includes; salary history, eyeglass maintenance, position history, education history, EEO information, certification information and performance information. JHRIS also tracks position information. Positions are allocated by The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and may be vacant. A position number must exist before an employee can be hired. Each position number tracked by JHRIS is associated with a title code, bargaining unit code and EEO code. The title code is used to describe the responsibilities for that position. EEO codes are used to provide for the tracking of ethnicity of the Judiciary’s employees. Bargaining unit codes are required for maintaining salaries based on contract information. Each position number is also associated with an account number. JHRIS and OMB use this account number when formulating the Judiciary’s budget. All resumes submitted by applicants are maintained by JHRIS. Histories can be viewed as to who applied for a position and what positions were applied for by a given applicant. The effectiveness in advertising and EEO recruitment can also be obtained from this data. Salaries are also updated using JHRIS. Salaries may be increased or decreased depending on promotions, demotions, cost of living increments or union contracts. JHRIS keeps a database record of all employees that are not eligible to work for the Judiciary. If a former employee applies for a position in the Judiciary his/her name is immediately flagged for review before the application is added in the recruiting process. The applicant may be ineligible to work for all of the Judiciary or just a specific county.

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Eyeglass reimbursement information is maintained for both the employee and their dependants. Additionally, any increase or decrease in reimbursement amounts or health benefits are recorded. An Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action (EEO) subsystem was written as a central repository for the EEO complaints. This subsystem is divided into several parts: Complaints, Remedial Action, Appeals, Complaint Status and Investigator Maintenance. The complaint is divided into several parts as well: Complaint, Complainant, Respondent, Basis of Complaint and Incident. The system computes the number of days for the complaint to be completed. There are several statistical reports that display information for each case by complaint, basis and investigator. Implementation The system was implemented in 1988.

Technical Facts The JHRIS system utilizes an IDMS database and ADS/O programming software for online dialogs as well as FOCUS and COBOL programming software for printed reports. Number of Online Dialogs 150 Number of Batch Programs 40 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 200

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Purchase and Property System Overview The Purchase and Property unit is responsible for all goods and services purchased for the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), and it also monitors vicinage purchases. The Office of Information and Technology (OIT) provides the AOC data from the New Jersey Comprehensive Financial System (NJCFS) and the Management Acquisition and Control System – Enhanced (MACS-E). The AOC uses this data to produce various financial and management reports for the Purchase and Property Unit. Using the Purchase and Property Reports, more comprehensive and detailed information can be provided to the AOC and vicinage financial officers. These reports facilitate management’s ability to administer the purchasing of assets or services, reconcile accounts, track inventory, and maintain vendor information. The reports include a purchase order log; contract activity; purchases by organization code and agency reference and by account; payments by organization code and account; vendor purchase report; commodity code report; order invoice detail; blanket orders, unprocessed purchase orders and open purchase orders; set aside report, purchase order statistical summary, accounts payable summary; vendor report, fixed asset summary; unprocessed payments and invoices; orders exceeding $10,000; agency shipping address report and a requisition report. Implementation The Purchase and Property System was implemented in 1994.

Technical Facts The computer application utilizes FOCUS data base software for printed reports. Number of Batch Programs 85 Number of Management Reports 70 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 91

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Pro Bono Assignment System Overview Attorneys practicing law in the State of New Jersey are required to perform Pro Bono work. In counties that do not provide public defenders, attorneys can be assigned to provide legal representation, “Pro Bono”, for clients deemed indigent. Attorneys cannot charge clients for this service. Prior to the implementation of the Pro Bono Assignment System, each county was tracking Pro Bono assignments manually. The Pro Bono Assignment System was implemented statewide in 1993 as a result of “Madden V. Delran”, requiring a fair and equitable system of assigning Pro Bono cases to attorneys in New Jersey. The Pro Bono Assignment System provides this functionality to each county as mandated by the legislation. All attorneys currently eligible to practice law in New Jersey have been entered into the system. New attorneys are periodically added to the system using data from the Lawyers Fund for Client Protection System (LFCP). As attorneys are needed to perform Pro Bono work, the system selects the next eligible attorney in alphabetical order within the requesting county. Once an attorney is selected by the system, they will not be selected again until all other eligible attorneys have been selected. Attorneys may be exempted, excused or deemed ineligible to practice law in New Jersey. Exemptions include judges, AOC attorneys, full-time public defenders, attorneys working in the Attorney Generals office, Public Advocates office, County Prosecutors’ office, and the Sheriffs’ office. Excuses can be granted due to vacations, sick leave, retired, etc. Exempt Attorneys are required to request their exemption every year. If the exemption is the same, it is automatically extended for another year. Changes to exemptions and excuses are entered into the system by each county. The system provides management reports listing assignments by county and municipality. These reports list each attorney assigned Pro Bono work and the number of hours served.

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Implementation The Pro Bono Assignment System was implemented statewide in 1993.

Technical Facts The Pro Bono Assignment System computer application utilizes an IDMS database and ADS/O programming software for online dialogues and COBOL programming software for printed reports. Number of Online Dialogs 23 Number of Batch Programs 20 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 20 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions 100

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Roll of Attorney Overview The Supreme Court requires all attorneys eligible to practice law in New Jersey to be maintained on what is known as the Roll of Attorneys. This “Roll of Attorneys” has been historically maintained through the use of index cards, parchment scrolls and in flexipost binders. The Supreme Court uses this Roll of Attorneys to respond to inquires from the general public. The number of attorneys has grown significantly in the past few years and the number of inquiries has increased as well. This created a need to find a more efficient method for searching and maintaining the Roll of Attorneys. The Information Technology Office’s Financial/Human Resources Team, in conjunction with Supreme Court personnel, developed the Roll of Attorneys system. The application maintains basic information such as; all names ever used by an attorney, date of admission to the bar, current address, and if the attorney is in good standing. Implementation The Roll of Attorney system was implemented in full in 1995.

Technical Facts The Roll of Attorney computer application utilizes an IDMS database and ADS/O programming software for online dialogs and COBOL programming software for printed reports. Number of Online Dialogs 24 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 10 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions 50

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Trust Fund/General Ledger System Overview The Superior Court of New Jersey is responsible for managing monies held in escrow by the state pending the outcome of litigation. These monies are held in the Trust Fund Account until the court decrees that awards arising from civil suits are to be paid. The Trust Fund Accounting Department manages these monies until they are disbursed. The Trust Fund/General Ledger System is a comprehensive system designed to handle dockets and investments as well as the trust fund ledger. As of March 31, 2006, the total amount of funds in the trust account is approximately $363,000,000. This is represented by over 6,400 dockets. This system is funded by charging an administration fee against the interest income. The Trust Fund is charged for any modification made to the system by the Information Technology Office. The major source of input to the system is court orders requiring a party to deposit funds or ordering the Trust Fund Accounting department to disburse funds. Other sources of data are journal entries and investment entries. Major features of the Trust Fund/General Ledger application include: Entries are processed using online screens designed to handle specific transactions. These are divided into three functional areas: dockets, investments and general ledger. These screens update most information “real time”. The remaining updates are performed during the nightly batch process. The batch programs handle the accrual updates as well as producing various reports. The major functions in the docket portion of the Trust Fund System are; cash receipts and disbursements, docket inquiry and maintenance, transaction maintenance, interest application and maintenance and docket reporting. A court order requiring a payment from a litigant triggers a cash receipt. Another court order for a payment to a litigant triggers a cash disbursement. These are entered via the online system. The check is produced manually. Interest applied to the account is calculated by determining the composite interest rate of all investments held and prorated on the docket balance. The major functions in the general ledger portion of the Trust Fund System are; account inquiry and maintenance, journal entry inquiry and entry, the posting of the accounts and general ledger reporting. Much of the general ledger processing is done by batch at night. The batch processing

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extracts from the cash receipts, cash disbursements, cash receipt maintenance, cash disbursement maintenance, investments purchased, investments sold, investment maintenance and interest maintenance batches. After the information is extracted, lump-sum journal entries are created by the system and posted to the general ledger by the system. The major functions in the investment portion of the Trust Fund System are investment purchases, investments sold, investment maintenance, interest accrual and investment reporting. The purchase and sale for investments are handled by the online system. The accruals and reporting are done by the batch processing. The investments are made in U. S. Government Treasury bills and notes. The amount invested in each instrument is based on an algorithm of money in the checking account, minus a reserve, minus the anticipated payout. The investments are lump sums, not on a one-for-one basis to dockets. There is no relation to dockets at all. The amount of daily interest is determined and the amount is prorated to the docket balances daily as accruals. The accruals are posted at month end as a batch process. Implementation The Trust Fund/General Ledger System was implemented on the mainframe in 1987. The Escheat processing required by the treasury was added to the Trust Fund System in 1989. In 1994, IRS interest reporting requirements were added to the Trust Fund System retroactive to the beginning of 1993.

Technical Facts The computer application utilizes an IDMS data base and ADS/O programming software for online dialogs and COBOL programming software for printed reports. Number of Online Dialogs 34 Number of Batch Programs 60 Number of Management Reports 55 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 5 Approximate Number of Daily Receipts 40 Approximate Number of Daily Disbursements 5

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Probate of Wills System Overview The Probate of Wills System was developed as a way to maintain a central automated index to locate probated wills. As a will is executed at the county and then probated it is recorded on a data sheet. Once the sheet is filled out, it is sent to the Superior Court Clerk’s Office and is used to enter information into the Probate of Wills automated application. The system assigns an index number which is manually recorded on the will. The data sheets and wills are then sent to the Superior Court warehouse for archiving. The Probate of Wills automated application retains the name of the deceased, the date of death, the date the will was probated, and the index number. The wills are microfilmed. By searching the Probate of Wills System for the name of the deceased, the will can be located on the microfilm for review or a copy can be made of the will if desired. Implementation The Probate of Wills System was successfully implemented in full in 1988.

Technical Facts The Probate of Wills computer application utilizes an IDMS database and ADS/O programming software for online dialogs and COBOL programming software for printed reports. Number of Online Dialogs 20 Number of Batch Programs 6 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 5 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions 1000

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The Statistical System Overview The Quantitative Research Unit is responsible for providing various management reports required to support organizational decisions. These reports are the basis for the Trial Court Management Reference Guide, Trial Court Statistical Report and Trial Court Summary report, etc. Quantitative Research utilizes these reports to analyze case disposition, productivity, cost per case, and case loads to determine judge assignments, budget considerations and other organizational matters. Additionally, various statistical reports are distributed to the Judges, Court Management , AOC assistant directors, The National Center for State Courts and the Bar Association. The Statistical System, processed on the AOC mainframe, was developed to support the Quantitative Research Unit. Data loaded into the statistical database originates from the Civil, Criminal, Family, Municipal and Probation court applications. As a result, the Quantitative Research Unit has access to data on a statewide basis. The reports cover areas such as the number of cases added, cases disposed, percent cleared, active inventory and the back load. Implementation The Statistical System was successfully implemented in 1987.

Technical Facts The Computer application utilizes FOCUS database programming software for online screens and reports. Number of Online Screens 75 Number of Batch Programs 100 Number of Management Reports 64 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 125

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Spending Plan System Overview The Fiscal Unit is responsible for the development, coordination, and consolidation of the Judiciary’s Spending Plan for the Central Office and all 15 vicinages. The Spending Plan System utilizes data from the New Jersey Comprehensive Financial System (NJCFS) provided by the Office of Information and Technology. This statewide system provides the Judiciary with a uniform data entry system for revenue and expenditure projections and produces real-time reports for the Judiciary and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), The Spending Plan System combines NJCFS historical data with the user entered projection data to project future revenues and expenditures by quarter. The system handles projections for four spending plans within each fiscal year and creates the fifth spending plan, a recap of actual revenues and actual expenditures after year-end closing. In summary, the Spending Plan System provides information on the Judiciary’s projected revenues and expenditures which facilitates Management Services ability to anticipate spending requirements and to prioritize the Judiciary’s financial obligations. Implementation The Spending Plan System was implemented in January 1997.

Technical Facts The Spending Plan System utilizes an IDMS Database and ADS/O programming software for Online Dialogs, COBOL and FOCUS programming software for printed reports. Number of Online Programs 9 Number of Batch Programs 53 Number of Management Reports 46 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 77

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Salary Plan System Overview The Budget and Position Control Unit is responsible for the development, coordination, and consolidation of the judiciary’s salary projections for the Central Office and all 15 vicinages. The Salary Plan System utilizes data from the Comprehensive Financial System (NJCFS) and Treasury’s Payroll System provided by the Office of Information and Technology. The statewide system provides the Judiciary with a uniform data entry system for salary benefits, and overtime requirements. It also allows for adjustments to the computer generated projections and user entered projections based on different factors. After completion of the Salary Plan, this system will automatically roll-up the salary projection figures to the Spending Plan. The system produces real-time reports for the Judiciary.

The Salary Plan System combines NJCFS historical data, Payroll data and the user entered projection data to project future salary requirements by quarter. The system handles projections for four salary plans within each fiscal year and creates the fifth salary plan, a recap of actual salary expenditures, after year-end closing.

In summary, the Salary Plan System provides information on the Judiciary’s salary expenditures which helps Management Services to facilitate its ability to anticipate salary requirements and to prioritize the Judiciary’s financial obligations.

Implementation The Salary Plan System was implemented in August, 1988.

Technical Facts The Salary Plan System utilizes an IDMS Database and ADS/O programming software for Online Dialogs, COBOL and FOCUS programming software for printed reports. Number of Online Programs 12 Number of Batch Programs 33 Number of Management Reports 21 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 77


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Municipal Courts Overview The municipal courts in New Jersey are considered courts of limited jurisdiction, having responsibility primarily for motor vehicle and parking violations, quasi-criminal offenses (i.e., disorderly and petty disorderly person offenses), municipal ordinance violations and certain penalty enforcement actions. The municipal courts process significantly more cases than any other part of the Judiciary. Nearly 6 million cases are filed annually in the state’s 532 municipal courts. Nine of every 10 cases involve motor vehicle offenses, while about one in 10 are “criminal” or “quasi-criminal” in origin. The municipal courts also process large sums of money that result from payments of court imposed penalties. In 2005, over 460 million dollars was receipted, reconciled and disbursed by the state’s municipal courts. These revenues are distributed monthly to over 30 different accounts and state agencies based on statutory requirements.

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Automated Traffic System (ATS) / Automated Complaint System (ACS) Overview The foundation of the Judiciary’s efforts to modernize and improve the state’s municipal courts was established with the statewide implementation of the Automated Traffic System (ATS) and its criminal component, the Automated Complaint System (ACS). Funded at offender expense (NJSA 12B:12-30), these systems fully automate all 532 municipal court operating procedures. The systems process over one million computer transactions daily. In addition, the systems are strategically integrated with other Judiciary and Executive Branch agencies to streamline data exchange and eliminate redundant manual recordkeeping. These agencies include the Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC), the New Jersey State Police and the Superior Courts. The key areas of electronic data exchange include the following:

The New Jersey State Police systems and the Motor Vehicle Commission drivers history records are electronically updated with municipal court dispositions.

Defendants who fail to appear in-court, fail to comply with the judicial orders and/or

have outstanding warrants, have their drivers licenses electronically suspended with MVC.

Parking tickets filed in the municipal courts are electronically updated with registered

owner information from the MVC driver history records.

Criminal complaint information for cases transferred to the Superior Court is electronically interfaced.

The following is a brief description of each subsystem in ATS/ACS:

Case Processing Management The Automated Traffic System and Automated Complaint System (ATS/ACS) automates the case processing of all traffic and non-traffic matters initiated in the municipal court system from ticket/complaint entry through court disposition. In addition to complete case processing, ATS/ACS generates daily, weekly and monthly reports/notices to track caseload and provide statistical and management data. Once a case is entered into ATS/ACS, the ticket/complaint is tracked until final disposition. For cases that require a court appearance, the matter is scheduled for court and both notices and calendars are produced for each court session. In the event a case is not disposed of by the due

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date, a Failure to Appear notice is generated at the request of court management. Warrants and warrant notices are issued and generated at the discretion of the municipal court judge. Upon final adjudication, disposition information is electronically transferred to the appropriate agency (i.e. Motor Vehicle Commission, State Police). Moving matters that are not adjudicated are electronically closed with the Motor Vehicle Commission. To follow-up on unpaid parking tickets, ATS automatically obtains license plate look-up information from the MVC. This data provides the municipal court with the defendant’s name, address and the driver’s license number and eliminates the necessity of courts performing manual look-ups. The electronic data exchange also provides defendant data which has enabled the Judiciary to create a statewide traffic warrant system. Financial Record Keeping The ATS/ACS financial record keeping system provides for cash receipting, disbursement and accounting of all monies paid to the municipal court, both in court and through the violations bureau. ATS/ACS automatically accesses the proper fine disbursement based on both the statewide schedule and each court’s local supplemental schedule. Upon the entry of a full payment, the case status is updated automatically to disposed. ATS/ACS also features notice generation and accounting procedures for processing overpayments and underpayments. In addition, the applications track all bad checks, bail and time payments. Journals are produced at the end of each day for each cashier to balance their daily cash receipts. ATS/ACS provides the appropriate monthly management reports to account for all disbursements to the state, county, municipality and other agencies. At the end of each month, data is compiled for the financial closing, accounting reports, and the AOC Statistical Report and Management reports. In addition, monies are electronically transferred from the municipal bank accounts to the appropriate state accounts. Statewide Electronic Warrant System All warrants issued by the state’s municipal courts are contained in ATS/ACS and are available in real-time to all law enforcement agencies directly through NCIC access. Pursuant to R.7-2.3, a copy of the ATS/ACS electronic record may be used by law enforcement to affect an arrest. The on-line warrant (Copy of Warrant Screen) displays all the information that appears on the paper warrant including, the reason for warrant, offense information, and various available defendant identification information. The officer may produce a screen print of the time-stamped ATS Copy of Warrant, which can be used as a valid alternative to the hard copy warrant.

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The ATS/ACS Electronic Warrant System is also fully integrated with the Case Processing Management and Financial Record Keeping subsystems. This integration enhances data quality by sharing core case information and events. For example, the entry of bail money in ATS/ACS by municipal court staff automatically updates all three subsystems as follows:

• The outstanding warrant is automatically recalled;

• Bail money is receipted and the funds are electronically disbursed, refunded or applied;

• The disposition is recorded and case status information is updated. The ATS/ACS Electronic Warrant System also provides for online access to an executive warrant function which allows law enforcement to record the arrest directly in ATS/ACS. This both reduces the risk of future false arrests and automatically notifies the issuing municipal court that the defendant has been apprehended. In addition, ATS warrant information is available via a wireless interface to parking enforcement officers who participate in the Parking Authority Ticketing System (PATS). The warrant lookup is sent wirelessly from ATS to a handheld ticketing device used in the field by the officers. Implementation The Automated Traffic System (ATS) was piloted in five municipalities across the state between June 1, 1986 and April 15, 1987. The pilots were: New Brunswick, Ocean City, West Windsor, West New York and Trenton. The Automated Complaint System (ACS) was piloted on site in Sayerville and Asbury Park from January 3, 1993 until December 31, 1993. As of January 2, 1997 all 532 Municipal Courts were utilizing both the ATS and ACS systems.

Technical Facts Number of Online Programs


227 222

Number of Batch Programs

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214 340

Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 30,000 Approximate Number of Daily Transactions 1,500,000

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Oracle Database Reporting System Overview

The benefits of local ad hoc reporting and operations over the mainframe reporting system is that Municipal Court Services (MCS) can create customized reports when they need them in the format they desire. It allows Municipal Court Services management and staff to produce reports that are not needed on a regular basis for all municipalities, but, rather serve an immediate need for the constant requests for information from many agencies and individuals, among them Judges, the Department of Health, Intoxicated Driver Resource Center, Federal, State and local law enforcement agencies and the Office of Legislative Services. The system provides MCS with a facility to satisfy their immediate need for information in a format that is useful. Municipal Court Services users request and format these reports themselves through report writer software. Monthly programs are run on the AOC mainframe to create extract files which provide information for these ad hoc reports. These extract files are made available to the user in their local Personal Computer environment. This ad hoc reporting system eases resource requirements on the Judiciary mainframe, as processing of data can be performed within Municipal Court Services using their server and workstations. It also provides user autonomy, as users have the flexibility to develop customized reports when they are needed. Municipal Court Services has reported that the Ad Hoc Reporting system is critical to the reporting needs of their office and users in the field. Implementation

The system was started in August, 1998. Many enhancements are currently being made in 2006.

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Parking Authority Ticketing System (PATS) Overview Since 1997, the Administrative Office of the Courts (AOC), has provided the Parking Authority Ticketing System (PATS) to parking authorities and agencies who are eligible per legislation N.J.S.A. 2B:12-30. This law requires that the AOC procure and maintain hand-held data entry devices and related equipment for use by parking authorities and agencies directly serviced by the Automated Traffic/Complaint System (ATS/ACS). The PATS system is a web-based system that provides parking enforcement officers with handheld ticketing devices and portable printers. The enforcement officer issues tickets on a form that is both water and tear resistant. A recent rule relaxation permits the use of electronic signatures. The officer may also perform scofflaw lookups from ATS via the handheld device. PATS features real-time, wireless transmission of the parking tickets into the ATS database using touch-screen technology with wireless connection to the printer. A recent upgrade of the equipment and communications network has resulted in increased performance and improved productivity. The key benefits are the elimination of ticket data entry by the municipal court, and no tickets to file, saving time and storage. The timeliness of the information also results in better case processing and improved customer service. Court dismissals are reduced as a result of improved data quality. There are currently 21 municipalities participating in PATS, representing approximately 900,000 parking tickets issued a year. An additional six municipalities have been approved for implementation within the next quarter. Implementation PATS has been fully implemented in 21 parking authorities throughout New Jersey. The parking authorities that currently use PATS are as follows: Bayonne Camden Dover Dunellen East Brunswick East Orange Fort Lee Hoboken Jersey City Metuchen

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Morristown New Brunswick North Plainfield Perth Amboy Phillipsburg Point Pleasant Rahway Red Bank Union City West New York West Windsor The following additional sites are in the planning stage for implementation: Bloomfield North Bergen Ocean City Paterson Princeton Boro South Orange PATS has consistently kept responsive to required changes in technology, and plans are underway to enhance and expand services provided by the system.

Technical Facts PATS is a fully-integrated and comprehensive solution running on a 3-tier architecture. The handheld application was developed using Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) on a Symbol Technologies’ ruggedized portable data terminal (PDT). The PDT is essentially a Windows-based handheld computer that utilizes touch screen and wireless technologies. Touch screen technology allows the PEO to navigate and make entries to the PATS handheld application by touching a stylus to the screen. Both wireless wide area network (WWAN) and Bluetooth technologies are present on the PDT. WWAN technology is used to transmit ticket data and scofflaw lookup requests. Bluetooth technology is used for wireless printing from a PDT to a Zebra Technologies’ ruggedized handheld printer. Each parking authority facility has a TCP/IP-based local area network that is connected to New Jersey Courts’ wide area network. The network supports communication between the parking authority facility and Trenton. Such communication is primarily used for batch uploading and downloading processes which include application deployments, statistics capturing, and code tables synchronization. Peripheral equipment has been installed in each facility to support the handheld devices. The equipment includes Ethernet cradles, battery chargers, and consumables.

Also, each parking authority facility is equipped with a Windows-based workstation that is connected to and managed from Trenton over the New Jersey Courts’ wide area network. The workstation is used to access the web-based administrative application for reports, messaging, and field equipment monitoring as well as used to access the intranet web services, enterprise email system, and ATS.

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NJMCdirect Overview The Judiciary’s statewide municipal court website (NJMCdirect.com) is in operation in all of the state’s 532 municipal courts. NJMCdirect allows driver’s to access court records and view real time information about the status of traffic tickets. Some of the information available online includes; 1) scheduled court date 2) violation information 3) payable amount 4) location of offense, and 5) date of offense. In addition, links to the Motor Vehicle Commission point system and the Judiciary’s Home Page are also included. The system also provides drivers with an online payment option that is fully integrated with the municipal courts ATS system. This option allows drivers to pay their fines online and electronically update the court records in real time. Over 70,000 tickets are now resolved monthly using NJMCdirect. The development of additional online services is now underway and expected to be made available to the public later this year. These expanded services include:

• Enable payment of tickets with outstanding warrants (bail waiver) • Payment of tickets with suspended licenses • Allow entry of not guilty pleas with electronic noticing • Provide multiple ticket payment by defendant • Allow payment of installment orders and ACS payable complaints • Provide links for directions to each municipal court

Implementation The implementation of NJMCdirect began in January, 2002, and since that time, over 1.8 million tickets have been resolved and almost $100 million in fines and penalties have been collected and processed through the website.

Technical Facts January, 2006 Web Payments 72,393


February, 2006 Web Payments 73,807 $4,139,108

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Electronic Court Disposition Reporting (E-CDR) Overview E-CDR provides a real time connection to statewide Judiciary systems (Municipal Court ATS/ACS, Family Court-FACTS, County Jail-CCIS, and Prosecutor/County Criminal Court (PROMIS/Gavel). E-CDR provides a single point of entry for local police during complaint initiation. Specifically, the local police will be able to capture complaint information in an expedited fashion, via the Internet, directly into ACS through the E-CDR interface. The Municipal Courts will reap the benefits of this complaint data entry, as they assume their court case management responsibilities. Next, the County Prosecutors will have this information electronically passed to them for their prosecutorial functions, and then the County Superior Courts will also reap the benefits of this complaint data entry for their court case management responsibilities. Lastly, the State Police will then be able to electronically receive their required disposition information for insertion into their Criminal Case History (CCH/Rap Sheet) database. Ultimately, the public will benefit from timely case management thus expediting their right to a speedy trial. This real time connection will eliminate duplicate complaint entry, improve data quality, ensure timely filing of complaints, and improve performance of all Judiciary system interfaces.

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Implementation The system was piloted in Ewing Township in 2005. As of February, 2006, the system is implemented in over 100 Police Departments and plans are underway for statewide deployment.

Technical Facts E-CDR is a web-based application built using the Java 2 Enterprise Edition version 1.3 platform. It uses IBM’s WebSphere 5.1 as the application server. It is a 3-tier architecture based on Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern. The model layer consists of Enterprise Java Beans (EJB 2.0) and Data Access Objects. The View and Controller layers consist of JSPs, Servlets, and Actions developed using a Struts Framework. Model layer and View layer communication uses Business Delegates and Service Locator design patterns. Stateless Session beans are used to encapsulate the business functionality and for transaction management. A Data Access Object (DAO) design pattern was used to accesses the IDMS databases. The DAO pattern adopts an Abstract Factory design pattern, which allows database management system (DBMS) independence. This was required because the DBMS will be changed from IDMS to DB2 in the near future. The application uses Java Messaging Service APIs to communicate with MQ Series, which is used as the Message Oriented Middleware to access the database. E-CDR uses the Single Sign On (SSO) application for user registration and maintenance. IBM Tivoli Access Manager provides security, including Authorization and Authentication, through its components WebSEAL (reverse proxy), Policy Server, User Registry (LDAP) and Web Portal Manager. The application is currently compatible with Internet Explorer 6.0+. Number of Graphical User Interfaces 15 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 1000 + Number of Daily Transactions unlimited

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System Users System Feature Activity/Volume

E-CDR - Internet based electronic complaint generation

More than 100 local law enforcement agencies generating and electronically filing criminal complaints over the internet

ATS/ACS electronic warrant system – online statewide access to all municipal court traffic and criminal warrants for NJ and nonresident defendants

Law enforcement has online access to all outstanding municipal court warrants. Officers have the ability to record the execution of the warrant in real time.

Wireless access to ATS warrants – On-line real time access to warrants from mobile terminals in patrol vehicles

47,000 inquiries daily.

Law Enforcement

Electronic disposition reporting – Information sent to State Police electronically to update defendant records

175,000 criminal disposition records transferred annually 707,000 traffic ticket records transferred annually (new complaints and disposed)

Electronic transfer of complaints, disposition, and bail information to Superior Court automated systems

190,000 complaints electronically interfaced annually

Interface - ACS to Promis/Gavel criminal computer system


Superior Court

ACS to CCIS (County Jail System) interface

Interface is implemented in 19 counties

Parking Authority and Agencies

Wireless transmission of parking tickets using handheld equipment that enters offense information into ATS

800,000 parking tickets electronically generated by 18 parking authorities and agencies annually

NJMCdirect.com New Jersey Municipal Courts Direct – allows the public to pay municipal court fines on-line at njcourtsonline.com using credit cards

All 532 of the states municipal courts participating-70,000 tickets paid monthly. During 2005, 774,182 paid on-line resulting in over $42 million disbursed to city, county and state agencies

Financial Electronic disbursement of Municipal Court collections from 532 municipalities to participating state agencies

Over $150 million in state and special fund revenue electronically disbursed annually $460 million in total revenue disbursed annually to city, county, state and special funds (Autism, Spinal Cord)

Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC)

Electronic Transmission of case disposition information for driver history records

1.6 million records annually

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Electronic transmission of court ordered drivers license suspensions

254,000 orders annually

Electronic Transmission of “failure to appear” notices to MVC for processing of drivers license administrative suspensions

200,000 notices annually


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Comprehensive Automated Probation System (CAPS) Overview The Comprehensive Automated Probation System (CAPS) addresses the information processing requirements of the New Jersey Adult, Juvenile, and the Juvenile Intensive Supervision Probation Departments. CAPS provides automation for the Probation Department of New Jersey to manage the major functional areas of their caseload, supervision, community service, and financial collection/restitution/collection enforcement. CAPS provides Probation Officers and Case Managers the efficiencies to better address the work load associated with the processing of a client from the time they enter the criminal justice system until the conditions of their probation are satisfied or revoked. All collection activities related to a defendant are available to the Probation Officer and collection personnel under CAPS. Additional work management and calendar management are incorporated into CAPS. CAPS is defined to automate three primary functions of the probation department: Adult/Juvenile Supervision, Adult/Juvenile Collections, and Adult/Juvenile Community Service. In addition, CAPS manages the collections for the Adult and Juvenile Intensive Supervision Program (ISP). These functions can be broken down and categorized into the following:

• Supervision • Collections

The supervision portion of CAPS was developed following the procedures detailed in the Probation Services document, “A Model for Enhancing Probation Supervision: Purpose, Priorities, and Practices”. The CAPS Supervision portion enables probation officers to track municipal and superior court sentenced adults and juveniles placed on probation, community service cases, and conditional discharges, as well as clients participating in the Pretrial Intervention Program (PTI). The collection portion of CAPS supports the statutory responsibility for collection and disbursement of court ordered restitution, fees, fines, and penalties. CAPS disburses monies according to a prescribed hierarchy as mandated by state statute and as defined by Probation Services in conjunction with the AOS Fiscal Unit.

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Client Intake – Interfaces: The Intake Process was designed to interface with PROMIS/Gavel and the Family Automated Case Tracking System (FACTS). In the future, interfaces with the Automated Municipal Court Systems (ACS and ATS) and Out of State Systems may be available. Benefits of the Intake Process include:

• Minimize Client ID duplication by searching and matching flagged and non-flagged SBI numbers from the interfacing application. The Intake Process will also search the existing client database by using more than one client identifier (Name, DOB, SS#, SBI#, and DL#).

• Minimize document number duplication by searching for an existing document number that matches the document number to be processed.

• Speed up the Intake Process by reducing the amount of screens that need to be accessed to process a disposition.

• Facilitate the entry of a payment plan for a client when financial assessments have been applied.

The interface with the PROMIS/GAVEL and FACTS systems will convert all data (disposition and demographic information) on a disposed document number. If the disposition information is not found the demographic information for the client will still be interfaced to assist the user with entering data. The following document types will be available from PROMIS/Gavel:

• Indictments • Accusations • Municipal Complaints

The following document types will be available from FACTS:

• FJ - Juvenile • FO - Contempt of a Restraining Order • FV - Domestic Violence

Client Supervision Scheduling: The CAPS scheduling function provides users with the ability to schedule contacts, events and print notices for a client. This function also provides an event and contact schedule for the

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Probation Officer. Both of these functions can be easily updated and maintained. Once an event or contact for a client is scheduled, a case book note is automatically generated. Case Book: The CAPS case book function provides users with the ability to automatically and manually document the client activities/interactions throughout the probation process by creating case book notes. Transfer: The CAPS transfer function provides users with the ability to transfer clients from one county to another and out of state. It also provides the ability to accept and assign incoming clients from other counties to a probation officer CCIS to CAPS Email Notification: An interface between the County Correction Information System (CCIS) and CAPS has been created that will notify a Probation Officer (PO) when one of their clients has been arrested. This process is initiated in CCIS when a person is placed in jail. If the inmate has an SBI number, the interface will send a transaction to CAPS to search for a client with a matching SBI number. If a match is found, an e-mail message is sent via Lotus Notes to notify the PO of the incarceration of their client. Collections: The CAPS application is designed to produce one permanent statewide financial account for each client. CAPS utilizes a unique application-generated numerical identifier to manage multiple collections orders throughout New Jersey. This procedure dramatically improves the Probation Department’s ability to increase their collections by monitoring the client financial commitments on a statewide basis. CAPS provides collection information to all departments for all active and closed clients. Probation has the information available to monitor collections and expedite enforcement without sacrificing client support and service. The application handles collections for all non-child support cases, and ISP and JISP financial accounts for each of the regional offices. CAPS manages all forms of payment and multiple account types to provide a comprehensive accounting application. After proper client identification, the client account is initially created to store thorough account information including fines, (e.g., VCCB, DEDR, FLF, SNF, DVVF, DAEF and SANE), supervision fees and restitutions. The client payment schedule is recorded to track the payment

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start date and frequency. At this point, payments can be accepted and entered in the application. Once the proper court documents are received, the initial payment information is verified and modified if necessary. CAPS notes when the account has been verified by the Judgment of Conviction (JOC) or other documents pertaining to juvenile, PTI, Municipal or ISP cases. Although only one financial account exists per client statewide, each collection order is associated with a specific probation disposition. This enables officers to monitor client payment responsibilities on a disposition basis. When accepting a payment, the application captures the date of payment, payment type, (e.g., cash, check, money order or income withholding) and amount. The cashier has the option to produce a manual receipt or generate a receipt via CAPS. Payments made in-person, through the mail, or by an officer are entered in identical fashion. The application provides a comment area to further describe payment information. In cases of an unidentified payment, the application tracks information such as the payer’s name and address, and the check’s bank name and number. This money will not be disbursed until it is identified and linked to an account. As indicated earlier, CAPS does not permit a disbursement without first identifying payments. To assist in identifying these payments, the application maintains an unidentified payment inquiry, which stores the payer’s name, address, bank, check number and payment type. Following account identification, the payment is accepted and processed in CAPS. Prior to authorizing a disbursement, the application provides an inquiry to verify the payee name(s), amount, and payee ID number. If a check is stopped, CAPS requires the reason for the void/stop to be noted. Once a disbursement is approved, the application is ready to print the check(s) to the payees. The application produces various financial management and statistical reports as well as client notices and letters. The reports provide information for auditing, bank reconciliation, exception accounts, and account verification. Among payment, deposit, payee/payer, and stopped/void check reports, CAPS also generates unidentified payment and daily transaction reports. CAPS is the financial and enforcement vehicle for all Probation Division collections (excluding child support) and Adult/Juvenile ISP. The application provides account set-up, monitors installment plans, and incorporates the ability to enforce court orders when payments become tardy. CAPS disburses monies as per the prescribed hierarchy as mandated by state statute and policy. Comprehensive Enforcement Program: The CAPS Comprehensive Enforcement Program (CEP) subsystem tracks missed court-ordered payments or community service of a client. The system will generate Past Due and Arrearage

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Notices for clients who have failed to fulfill their financial or community service commitment. The system also generates Summons and Delinquency Notices for clients informing them to appear in court before a hearing officer. When a client appears in court the system has the ability to record the hearing results and it has the ability to create a new payment plan if a revised payment plan is the result of a hearing. The system also generates management reports regarding the CEP program. This comprehensive enforcement program has increased the payment rate of probationers in the State of New Jersey. SOIL: The CEP program is participating with the State of New Jersey, Division of Taxation, and Set-Off Individual Liability (SOIL) Program. Participation in this program authorizes SOIL to intercept NJ State Income Tax refunds and Homestead rebate checks for fines and restitution owed by probationers. A file of delinquent CAPS clients is sent to the Division of Taxation yearly and the clients are included in this program. Community Service: The CAPS Community Service Subsystem provides the ability to manage community service clients. This automated system records client and community service site information, calculates total hours ordered, total hours worked, total hours outstanding and generates applicable community service casebook notes, notices and reports. Implementation The CAPS system was fully implemented in June, 1999.

Technical Facts The CAPS system utilizes an IDMS database and ADS/O programming software for online dialogs as well as FOCUS and COBOL programming for printed reports. Number of Programs 671 Number of Authorized Users Who Have Access 2,973 Average Number of Daily Transactions 614,651

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Probation Client Interview System (PCI) Overview The Probation Client Interview system was developed by the Information Technology Office’s Web Enabling Project Team, the Probation Division, and the Automated Trial Court Systems Unit (ATCSU). This system was initiated to streamline and web enable the client interview process. The CAPS system does not support the interview as a standard function and forces the Probation Officer to navigate through a number of CAPS screens to complete the data entry related to each of the 11 questions asked during the interview. PCI was designed to organize and focus the questions and data collection in a linear manner. The interview information collected is then validated and submitted back to CAPS upon submission. CAPS remains the system of record for probation data. PCI provides the following functionality:

• Probation Officer Schedule Search • Probation Officer Client Number Search • Probation Officer Client Name Search • Interview Question Tracking (11) • Arrest/Warrant Lookup (Criminal, Family, Municipal, County Jail) • Casebook Entry • Case Plan Entry • Automatic Update to CAPS

PCI users will be required to have InfoNet access to utilize this system and can enter the application via a URL entered on the browser. This URL could also be saved as a link on the user’s desktop or presented via a Portal Applications link, in either case the user simply “clicks” the link to launch the new application.

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Implementation The first pilot is scheduled for May, 2006, and the pilot county has not been determined as of this date.

Technical Facts The PCI application utilizes a J2EE (JAVA) framework running on a WebSphere Application Server. It accesses Criminal, Family, Municipal and County Jail IDMS databases via MQ Series. Number of JSPs 18 Number of Use Cases 12 Number of MQ Interfaces 9 Number of DB2 Interfaces 1

System Integration

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IT Application Development – Systems Integration Overview Before describing the various interface projects currently in use within the New Jersey Judiciary, a brief summary of why and how we have arrived at this point in our systems evolution would be helpful. After reviewing this document on the various information technology applications here in New Jersey, one can appreciate the true reach and responsibility of the Judiciary. Turning our attention to the criminal segment of judicial responsibility, we have developed several systems that are tracking criminal proceedings and processes for a selected group of users to assist them in performing their jobs in an efficient and effective manner. To the citizens of the state, there is a “criminal justice system” of which “the courts” are a major component, and as to which automated judicial system is used by which particular court, the public is really not interested. Here in New Jersey, “behind the scenes”, a defendant would normally be data-entered (identification and incident related information) initially into the Municipal Court Automated Complaint System (ACS).

• If the offenses with which a defendant is being charged were of a serious enough nature, the matter would be transferred to the County Prosecutor’s Office for review and data-entry into the PROMIS/Gavel System (P/G).

• If the defendant was incarcerated at the county jail, the inmate would be data-entered into the County Correction Information System (CCIS).

• If the inmate was able to post bail, that information would be entered into the financial Central Automated Bail System (CABS).

• If the criminal matter was deemed a Domestic Violence violation, the matter could be transferred to the Family Automated Case Tracking System (FACTS).

• If the matter was indicted by the Grand Jury and further processed through trial in Superior Criminal Court, it would be further processed by PROMIS/Gavel.

• If the defendant receives a sentence/disposition from the court, the collection of fines and penalties and monitoring of probation would be entered into the Comprehensive Automated Probation System (CAPS).

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• If the defendant has been fingerprinted, that identification (SBI flagging) would be passed to each of these systems.

Each time a defendant was data entered into another automated system, the same defendant identifiers and incident information (offense data) are entered. It is constant redundant data-entry that these interfaces are seeking to eliminate. The ultimate goal of all our systems integration work is to data-enter defendant and incident information once, and pass it along electronically to whichever system is currently using it, without ever having to re-enter the same data. The implicit efficiency, data integrity preservation, and expeditious processing of the matter are self-evident. Simultaneously with the need to reduce the redundant data-entry from system to system, is a federal mandate to transmit all finger-printable offense dispositions to the state repository for criminal history information (in New Jersey it is the NJ State Police Computerized Criminal History (CCH) System). To that end, the NJ Judiciary has received federal grant money via the National Criminal History Improvement Program (NCHIP) Grant, and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Grant, to help integrate our pertinent judicial automated systems so that the State Police Identification flag can be passed from system to system, and CCH can receive the appropriate disposition information automatically on a nightly basis. (Please refer to the SBI Flagging and CCH Disposition Management Project in this section for more detail.) The following projects described in this section are now in production as a result of the two forces described above: user need for more efficiency; and federal need for all pertinent dispositional information. These projects do not include all the possible and desirable systems interfaces, but they comprise a substantial initial effort. As funding and resource opportunities present themselves, other system interfaces can be planned, developed and implemented.

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SBI Flagging and AOC-CCH Disposition Management Interface Overview The purpose of the Computerized Criminal History (CCH) system, which is maintained by NJ State Police, is to act as the current and historical repository for criminal records in the state. CCH is used by the State Bureau of Identification (SBI) to disseminate criminal history information to authorized agencies and/or individuals in the form of a “rap sheet”. The SBI collects this data via manual and electronic reports from arresting agencies throughout New Jersey. Criminal records are ultimately linked to an accompanying fingerprint card also submitted by the arresting agencies. Once SBI personnel match the fingerprint card to the complaint/defendant, they directly access and update ACS (municipal court criminal matters), PROMIS/Gavel, and FACTS (Family Court Juvenile criminal matters and Domestic Violence matters) with the SBI number, arrest data and fingerprinted indicator (the flag). The SBI flagging data is passed to CCIS (county jails) and CAPS (probation) by a nightly process. The information on PROMIS/Gavel is automatically transmitted to CCH when specific court events or status changes occur. The SBI Flagging System also provides nightly disposition reports from ACS and FACTS as well as a transmission of ACS dispositions. The State Police unit currently responsible for flagging the fingerprinted incident in PROMIS/Gavel now access a system which is be able to flag not only PROMIS, but also ACS and FACTS. If the desired incident has already been entered into ACS, PROMIS and FACTS, the flag will automatically be inserted into each system simultaneously. If the incident is flagged in one system and then, subsequent to flagging, is transferred to another system, the flag data is automatically transferred by the system interfaces. (See ACS to P/G, ACS-P/G to FACTS, ACS to CCIS and CAPS interfaces). Through the SBI Flagging System, State Police SBI personnel are able to find and Flag any criminal matter incident that occurs within New Jersey, and then receive dispositional data automatically on a nightly basis without having to manually enter any of the criminal court data into the CCH System. This Interface is one of the more comprehensive Judicial – Executive Branch interfaces in the entire nation. The interface goes a long way toward completing the federal mandate of matching every finger-printable arrest incident with its judicial disposition data. The data transmitted includes arrest, convictions, sentencing data, incarceration, and diversionary program information.

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Implementation The SBI Flagging Interface was implemented statewide in 2000.

Technical Facts Number of Online Dialogs 38

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ACS (Automated Complaint System) & PROMIS/Gavel Interface Overview (Please refer to the Municipal Court Section for a detailed overview of ACS, and the Criminal Court Section for a detailed overview of PROMIS/Gavel). Criminal complaints originate in the local Jurisdiction in which the incident occurred. The municipal Automated Complaint System (ACS) tracks all the pertinent incident and defendant data and generates the actual CDR (Court Disposition Report). If the criminal offenses which the defendant is being charged with are of a serious enough nature, all charges and defendant information associated with the incident are transferred to the Prosecutors Office for automated entry of the data into the PROMIS/Gavel System. One of the ACS to PROMIS/Gavel Interface’s goals is to reduce the current significant redundant data entry with potential errors when P/G initiates a case that is transferred from Municipal Court. Another goal is to transfer SBI flags and its accompanying data automatically from ACS to P/G. By transferring the SBI flag from ACS to P/G, and utilizing the P/G to CCH Interface, the Judiciary has been able to fulfill the federal mandate of sending dispositional data to CCH in a timely manner. Another goal is to automatically transfer remanded offense information from P/G back to ACS when necessary, thereby expediting the whole remand process between the Prosecutor’s Office and municipal courts. One of the principles that all the Judiciary systems interfaces have been predicated upon, is that a user from the receiving system must review and “accept” automated data transmitted from the sending system, before it is actually stored in the receiving system. In this particular interface over fifty data elements can be transferred between ACS and P/G, including defendant identifiers, alias information, offense and incident related data, bail data, and witness data. Implementation Implementation by county and municipalities began in 2000. As of 2005, over 90% of all new PROMIS/Gavel cases were established via this interface.

Technical Facts Number of Online Dialogs 62

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ACS (Automated Complaint System) & CCIS (County Correction Information System) Overview (Please refer to the Municipal Court Section for a detailed overview of ACS and the Criminal Section for a detailed overview of CCIS.) Currently, criminal complaints (CDR: Court Disposition Report) originate in the local jurisdiction in which the incident occurred. The municipal Automated Complaint System (ACS) tracks all the pertinent incident and defendant data. If the defendant is incarcerated in the county jail, the inmate’s data is entered into the County Correction Information System (CCIS) during the booking process. One of the ACS to CCIS Interface’s goals is to reduce the current redundant data entry and errors when a jail initiates a commitment that is ordered by municipal court. Another goal is to transfer SBI flags and accompanying data automatically from ACS to CCIS. By transferring the SBI flag from ACS to CCIS, the Judiciary is able to assist the county corrections staff with proper identification of their inmates. One of the principles that all the Judiciary systems interfaces have been predicated upon is that a user from the receiving system must review and “accept” all automated data transmitted from the sending system, before it is actually stored in the receiving system. In this particular interface over 60 data elements can be transferred between ACS and CCIS, including defendant identifiers, alias information, offense and incident related data, and bail data. Implementation This system was implemented in 2003.

Technical Facts Number of Online Dialogs 23

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ACS – PROMIS/Gavel & FACTS (Family Automated Case Tracking System) Interface Overview (Please refer to the Municipal Court Section for a detailed overview of ACS, the Family Court Section for a detailed overview of FACTS, and the Criminal Court Section for a detailed overview of PROMIS/Gavel.) Criminal Domestic Violence (DV) matters, i.e. contempt violations of valid Restraining Orders and any accompanying offenses, are generally initiated in the local jurisdiction in which the incident occurred. The Automated Complaint System (ACS) tracks the defendant and incident data and generates the CDR. The Domestic Violence matter is then forwarded to the Prosecutor’s office for review. Depending on the nature of the accompanying charges, a determination is made to pursue the criminal process in Superior Court, or to follow the Family Court process. In the same manner as the ACS to PROMIS/Gavel (P/G) interface, the goal is to reduce the redundant data entry inherent in the re-keying of the data from either P/G to FACTS (Family Automated Case Tracking System) or ACS to FACTS. The interface automatically pre-populates all the data fields that it can in the receiving system, based on the availability of the data from the sending system. As in the ACS to P/G interface, the SBI flagging data is also transferred automatically from system to system without user intervention. The automated interface expedites the processing of the matter within Family Court, greatly reducing the possibility that a complaint may fall between the cracks on its journey from Municipal to Family Court. This transfer allows FACTS to send the necessary dispositional information to the State Police CCH System on a nightly basis. Due to the very low volume of matters which are returned from Family Court to Municipal Court, or those matters from FACTS to P/G, this interface is only one directional: from either ACS to FACTS or P/G to FACTS.

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Implementation Implementation by county and municipalities began in 2001. As of 2005, over 90% of all new FACTS DV cases were established via this interface.

Technical Facts Number of Online Dialogs 81

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Acronyms ACMS – Automated Case Management System ACS – Automated Complaint System (Municipal Court Criminal System) ADS/A – Application Development Structure AFIS – Automated Fingerprint Identification System AFIU – Automated Fingerprint Identification Unit AMIS – Archival Management Integrated System AOC – Administrative Office of the Courts ATOMS – Appellate Transcription and OCR Management System ATS – Automated Traffic System CABS – Central Automated Bail System CAMS – Central Attorney Management System CAPS – Comprehensive Automated Probation System CCH – Computerized Criminal History CCIS – County Correction Information System CCM – Criminal Case Management CDR – Complementary Dispute Resolution (Law Division) CDR – Court Disposition Reporting (Criminal Division) CJIS – Criminal Justice Information Systems COBOL – Common Business –Oriented Language

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CPIS – County Personnel Inventory System DOC – Department of Corrections DPL – Dedicated Phone Line DSUS – Driver’s License Suspension EAP – Electronic Access Program ePay – Credit Card Payment Service E-CDR – Electronic Court Disposition Reporting E-TRO – Electronic Temporary Restraining Order System FACTS – Family Automated Case Tracking System FAMJAIL – FACTS and CCIS Interface FAMS – Fixed Asset Management System FASES – ACSES-FACTS Single Entry System FBI – Federal Bureau of Investigation FFM – Family Forms Management FIFS – Felon Identification Firearms Sales FIFIS – Fully Integrated Fingerprint Identification System IAFIS – Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System IBM – International Business Machines IDMS – Integrated Data Management System III – Interstate Identification Index

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ITO – Information Technology Office ITS – Inmate Transportation System JACS – Judiciary Attorney Collateral / Charge System JAS – Jury Automated System JEFIS – Judiciary Electronic Filing Imaging System JHRIS – Judiciary Human Resource Information System JISPC – Judiciary Information Systems Policy Committee MACS-E – Management Acquisition Control System MCS – Municipal Court Services MDT – Mobile Data Terminal MNI – Master Name Index NCC – Network Control Center NCHIP – National Criminal History Improvement Program NDM – Network Date Mover NFF– National Fingerprint File NJCFS – New Jersey Comprehensive Financial System NJS – New Jersey Statutes NJSP – New Jersey State Police OBCIS – Offender Based Correction Information System OCR – Optical Character Recognition OIT – Office of Information Technology

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OTP – Order to Produce PA – Parking Authority PATS – Parking Authority Ticketing System PAUA – Police Authorization and Update Application PCI – Probation Client Interview System PDT – Portable Data Terminal PEO – Parking Enforcement Officer P/G – PROMIS/GAVEL – (Prosecutor Management Information System) Superior Court Criminal System PGJAIL – PROMIS/GAVEL & CCIS – (County Jail System) Interface PGPA – PROMIS/Gavel Public Access PRP – Project Request Proposal PSUS – Proposed Driver’s License Suspension RFP – Request for Proposal RMDS – Report Management Distribution System SBI – State Bureau of Identification SNA – System Network Architecture SSO – Single Sign On TCPCS – Trial Court Payroll Conversion System TCP/IP – Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol TSO – Time Sharing Option

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TP51 – Teleprocessing Request for Services TP52 – Teleprocessing Form for Equipment Delivery UDIR – Uniform Defendant Intake Report UIFSA – Uniform Interstate Family Support Act UPS – Uninterrupted Power Supply WSQ – Wavelet Scalar Quantization

New Jersey Judiciary Deborah T. Poritz, Chief Justice

Philip S. Carchman, J.A.D., Acting Administrative Director of the Courts

Produced by

Administrative Office of the Courts Information Technology Office

James R. Rebo

100/April 2006
