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“Judo for the Soul” The Art of Psychic Self Defense by Dr. Jeffry R. Palmer, Ph.D. This e-book proudly sponsored by http://www.the-psychic-detective.com The Online Magazine of the Paranormal © 2005 Jeffry R. Palmer All rights reserved. This material may not be duplicated or distributed without the express written permission of the author. Judo For The Soul - The Art Of Psychic Self Defense - Jeffry R Palmer Ph.D.
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“Judo for the Soul”

The Art of Psychic Self Defense


Dr. Jeffry R. Palmer, Ph.D.

This e-book proudly sponsored by http://www.the-psychic-detective.com

The Online Magazine of the Paranormal

© 2005 Jeffry R. Palmer

All rights reserved. This material may not be duplicated or distributed without

the express written permission of the author.

Judo For The Soul - The Art Of Psychic Self Defense - Jeffry R Palmer Ph.D.

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Judo For The Soul Table of Contents

Introduction....................................................................................................................3 Increase Your Personal Power .......................................................................................4

Examine Your Thoughts and Language. ...................................................................6 Seek Like Minded Company .....................................................................................8 Take a Break from the Media ....................................................................................9

Defending Your Spirit..................................................................................................15 Spiritual Self Defense Techniques...........................................................................15 Countering Negativity..............................................................................................16 Spiritual Protection ..................................................................................................24 Common Negativity.................................................................................................25 Directed Negative Energy........................................................................................26 The Curse or Energy of Evil ....................................................................................27 Spiritual Shielding Technique..................................................................................28 On Spells and Rituals...............................................................................................30

The Push and the Pull ..................................................................................................31 About The Author ........................................................................................................33

Judo For The Soul - The Art Of Psychic Self Defense - Jeffry R Palmer Ph.D.

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Introduction Regain your power.

Why the title “Judo for the Soul”? The martial art of Judo or Ju-jitsu has as a central philosophy the notion of using an opponent’s momentum against them. If an opponent pushes, you pull, if they pull, you push. This notion is perfectly adapted in describing the sort of thought maneuvering which takes place when successfully defeating the negativity of others.

If negativity is directed at you, instead of allowing it to harm you, you perform a mental maneuver, you shift and step aside and allow the momentum of negative energy to burn out. We will talk more later about various mental combat techniques, for now I want to make a few important things clear about this book and describe how this book has been structured. This is a book about self empowerment. The goal of this book is to offer you practical tools to help build your own power as well as help deal with the negativity of others. That negativity can come in many forms and from many sources, it may come from a distance or it may be up close and personal. Whatever the source of that negativity may be, there are certain characteristics of it that can be identified and dealt with. Throughout this book the term energy is used to describe what is referred to in eastern cultures as chi or life force. This term is interchangeable with western teachings which refer to divine power, it is the energy of all things, the source of all life, the soul, spirit; however it you choose to name it, the essence is the same. The first chapters of this book describe ways to increase your personal power. These chapters discuss the importance of strengthening the spirit, mind, body connection and offer many practical methods of doing so.

Judo For The Soul - The Art Of Psychic Self Defense - Jeffry R Palmer Ph.D.

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By simply employing these methods and gaining your strength you will notice the power of negativity decrease in your life. What once seemed to have such a devastating effect on your life will seem small and insignificant. This is not to say that you will become oblivious to the reality of negativity, in fact, you will become more aware of it. You will see it before it has a chance to do damage and you will have the power to control it. Later chapters will discuss the various forms of negative thought energy and how they manifest in varying personality types. This will help you to develop strategies for avoiding further negativity as well an understanding of the nature of harmful thought patterns in your life. I want to stress that the methods for dealing with negativity described in this book are meant to empower you. It is your personal power that negativity wishes to destroy or control. And ultimately it is your individual power which is the greatest defense against negative influences.

Increase Your Personal Power The best defense against psychic attack or negative thought influences is a strong sense of spiritual power. If you have been under the influence of negativity for a prolonged period then it is most likely that your spiritual strength has suffered greatly. It may not be possible to completely remove yourself from the source of negativity, which of course is the ideal plan of action. What is needed is a way to regain your spiritual center, to revitalize your spiritual self. Let’s take a minute to discuss the nature of personal spiritual power. Spiritual power comes from an internal sense of self, from knowing who you are in your soul, from having defined your own worth. It is a power that flows through you when you are connected to and feel your oneness with a spiritual source of guidance. Spiritual power is the result of doing deep inner emotional and thoughtful work to heal the fears and false beliefs acquired in childhood and throughout life.

Judo For The Soul - The Art Of Psychic Self Defense - Jeffry R Palmer Ph.D.

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Spiritual power is not something that is acquired at birth; it requires a certain amount of effort, commitment and regular maintenance. Having strong and healthy spiritual energy is often the most effective deterrent to negative people. They tend to sense your power and determine quickly that it would be easier to bother with someone else. Negative people always seek the easiest targets. The following steps will help to recharge your spiritual batteries, maintain a positive frame of mind and improve your defenses against negative energies. Determine the Strength of Your Spirit Make an effort to step outside of your self. What I mean is; take an objective look at your life. Ask questions like; where are you? Where do you want to be? What aspects of your personality need improvement? What type of person are you? Are you the type of person that seems to continually attract negativity? If this is the case, why do you suppose this keeps happening? These are questions that I’m sure you have already had time and time again. What I am suggesting is that you phrase these questions in a slightly different context. Ask; how much power do you have in creating solutions to your problems? If the answer is anything less than, “All the power that is needed”; then your spiritual health is indeed suffering. Take some time to have a good old fashioned soul searching. You may have had trauma in your life. You may have had horrible relationships. You may have suffered from any manner of misfortunes. You may be dealing with all kinds of negativity right now. You may have done some things in the past that you aren’t exactly proud of. But you are still here; you have survived all of that. You are still the great person that you were before those negative things happened. Let me repeat that, it’s important that you read it again. You are still the great person that you were before those negative things happened.

Judo For The Soul - The Art Of Psychic Self Defense - Jeffry R Palmer Ph.D.

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Don’t believe me? That’s ok. You will. Your spirit knows the truth; your life energy knows the truth. Before long, you will believe what they have to say.

Examine Your Thoughts and Language. Take a very close look at the language that you use. Be on the look out for thought poison. Thought poisoning occurs when your language becomes contaminated with self defeating statements. Before long these self defeating statements begin to affect your beliefs. Belief is the all important tool for increasing your spiritual power and energy. If you believe that you deserve negativity you undoubtedly will receive it. Whenever you find yourself having a negative thought, try replacing it with a positive one. I know this sounds a bit absurd and is tantamount to saying, “Always look on the bright side of life”. Honestly this requires a good deal of introspection and careful evaluation. What is negative and what is realistic? There is a very fine line sometimes between the two and only you can decide which thoughts fit into which category. Instead of saying "I'm no good at this." Revaluate yourself and try saying, "I am getting better at this each time I make the effort.” Pay special attention to thoughts like: • I know I can’t. - Why not? What’s really stopping you? • I hate doing that. - Really, hate? Is it actually that bad? • I can’t do that. • I am not that lucky. • I never win. • This will never work

Every negative thought that you have creates more negative energy. You invite negative influences into your life by hosting these ideas and concepts. Negativity attracts negativity. If your outlook and language reflects negative ideas you will only succeed in manifesting further hardship.

Judo For The Soul - The Art Of Psychic Self Defense - Jeffry R Palmer Ph.D.

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It is very easy to slip into negative thinking. Constantly pay attention to your words and reactions. Examine your reactions to various statements. The following examples illustrate some negative reactions to common statements. You are told that a Jim, a co-worker has just been promoted. What is your immediate response? Do you think, “Jim really deserved that promotion, He’s been working hard for years to get to where he is, good for him.” Or do you think something like… ” That brown-noser Jim! The only reason he got a promotion is because he’s the bosses always sucking up to the boss.” At this stage I’m just asking you to be aware of your thoughts and language, in the next chapter we will learn how to specifically choose beneficial responses to negative input. Examine Your Relationships Just as you have had an objective examination of your own language and thought patterns and have made a focused effort of filtering out negativity, now it’s time to have a close look at the people in your life. Your friends, co-workers and family create a sphere of influence upon your thoughts and responses to negativity. Their reactions and thoughts have an affect on your own. Are they creating negativity? Are they constantly trying to drag you down to their level? If people within your social network are negative thinkers, they act as drain on your spiritual health and well-being. Have you considered the fact that sub-consciously if not consciously, these people are most likely afraid? They fear that you might be growing beyond them and leaving them behind? They fear that your success may diminish their own achievements or their feelings of self-worth?

Judo For The Soul - The Art Of Psychic Self Defense - Jeffry R Palmer Ph.D.

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In an ideal world, you could convert negative thinkers to a positive way of thinking. Unfortunately this is seldom the case. People choose to be negative for a million different reasons, but mostly because it is much easier than maintaining an enlightened view. The best that we can do is take responsibility for own thoughts. We can’t force anyone else to think positively. But we can choose not to allow the negativity and fears of others to diminish our own spiritual strength.It may be difficult to explain to your friends and loved ones that you are in the process of empowering your soul and that negative thinking is a hindrance to that process. Maybe they would understand, or maybe they would look at you like you are speaking a different language: and in a sense you are. Perhaps they will support you, perhaps not. In any case, their acceptance or support of your efforts is not required. After all it’s your mind, your spirit, your energy, your life, your choice, your efforts, your rewards, nobody else’s. You don’t need anyone’s approval to empower your self. You might decide to distance your self from negative influences. I’m not suggesting that you drop out of society and cut off contact with your friends and family. But perhaps if you seem to be receiving a lot of negative energy from particular people, people that tend to instil doubts or project their own fears; you might want to consider limiting your contact with them. At least until you are able to dismiss their negativity without any effort.

Seek Like Minded Company The process of strengthening the spirit is made easier in the company of individuals with similar interests. Try to interact with people with a strong spiritual self. Just being in the company of such people has a healing effect upon the soul. Look for people who are capable of laughing at the small trials of like, who exude a self confidence that is not tainted with egotism and exhibit a sense of personal spirituality that is not dominated by dogma.

Judo For The Soul - The Art Of Psychic Self Defense - Jeffry R Palmer Ph.D.

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Take a Break from the Media

Take a week or so to give your mind a vacation from the sensationalized media. On a daily basis we are bombarded with negative information, war, terror, hurricanes, crime, etc. This information is designed to create a stir of emotions. And most of those emotions can create tension in an otherwise calm life energy firld. Fear, anger, hatred, confusion, mistrust, all of these feelings can interfere with what you are trying to accomplish for your self, a strong spiritual energy. Keep the focus of your mental energy solely on you for awhile. Stay clear of newspapers, TV news, violent music, violent movies, and any type of media that may contaminate your mind with negative thought poison. Practice Meditation

Meditation is a way to connect with the inner self. It is to become quiet: to allow all outside disturbances to fade away, to be comfortable with the stillness. That quiet, or silence, which is allowed in, can calm the mind, restore the body and spirit, and help to define a life path. This is perhaps the most important tool for increasing your spiritual energy. The benefits of meditation are numerous. Meditation improves health, reduces stress, provides insights into complex problems, and there is no better way to enhance your psychic defences against negativity. I am sure that you are familiar with meditation in one form or another. If you are already practice meditation on a regular basis, I suggest that you continue to do so. I also encourage you to practice the techniques outlined in the following paragraphs. Remember there is no “right” way to practice meditation. Nobody owns the process. There are many forms of meditation available and all of them offer similar benefits. You don’t have to be religious or dedicated to any particular belief system to enjoy the benefits of mediation. There is an endless amount of information available

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regarding meditation and I recommend that you learn as much as you can about the various forms and techniques available. Just remember that no one method is right or wrong, but perhaps you may find that they are right or wrong for you. The technique of meditation that I personally consider most beneficial for personal empowerment involves some specific steps that you may not be familiar with. If you are new to the practice of meditation, you will find the following techniques easy to follow. Although these techniques are relatively simple to master, they are an incredibly powerful tool. Meditation strengthens the mind, strengthens the connections between mind, body and spirit, and most importantly, it brings us into contact with our true selves. Begin by designating a time and place to perform your meditation. Put aside 15 minutes each day for meditation. Later you may want to increase the time spent meditating, but in my experience the benefits of meditation are the same whether you spend 5 minutes or 60 minutes meditating. Try to choose a place and time that is relaxing and comfortable. If you choose to practice meditation in your home, remember to turn off the phone and TV and minimize interruptions as much as possible. Many people choose to have soothing music playing in the background during meditation, some are inclined to light incense or use other means of creating a calm space. These elements aren’t absolutely necessary but many find that they help in setting the stage for meditation. Wear comfortable, loose fitting clothing. The goal here is to be relaxed. You may also want to have a little something to eat before meditating, something light. It can be difficult to relax when your stomach is growling. This first exercise is designed primarily to both relax the body and increase awareness. A happy side affect of this meditation is the increase in spiritual energy that comes from being still and open.

Judo For The Soul - The Art Of Psychic Self Defense - Jeffry R Palmer Ph.D.

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The following meditation technique is provided as a starting point for increasing spiritual energy. Further meditation exercises are included in a later chapter dealing with meditation and visualization. Let’s begin. A Simple Meditation Exercise Sit comfortably and keep your posture correct. Close your eyes. Concentrate on your breathing. Breathe through your nose. Take a deep breath through your nose while counting to three. Hold that breath in for a count of three. Now exhale through your mouth for a count of three. Your counting and breathing should be calm and relaxed not rushed. Experiment with this breath counting routine until the timing feels comfortable for you. Listen to the sound of your breathing. Feel the sensation of breathing as the air enters your nose, travels through your breathing passages, into your lungs and out again. Continue this concentrated breathing routine, each inhalation counting to three. Hold the breath for a count of three. Exhale for a count of three. Carry out this rhythm until it feels comfortable, and natural. After some time you may notice that counting is no longer necessary, your body moves into this breathing rhythm very easily. Be aware of your body. Concentrate on the sound and sensation of your breathing. Notice your abdomen rise and fall as you breathe. Imagine with every breath that you are inhaling pure, healing energy. And that while you are holding your breath for a count of three you are giving your body time to absorb oxygen and energy, time to expel any unwanted or harmful chemicals or negative energies that you may have come into contact with. As you exhale you are releasing the negative energies and harmful elements. Your body and mind are cleansing themselves, working together to increase your power; heal your physical and spiritual selves.

Judo For The Soul - The Art Of Psychic Self Defense - Jeffry R Palmer Ph.D.

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Notice the sensations of your skin: heat, cold, the texture of your clothing, the surface beneath you. Move the focus of your attention from your breath to your body. Begin by noticing the sensation of your hands. Move your fingers slowly, opening and closing your hands once or twice. Bring your focus to next your arms, then shoulders, neck and then face. Each time you change the focus of your attention to a different part of the body pay close attention to the sensation of that area. What is that part of your body feeling? Is there discomfort; Warmth; Cold? Move your attention from the face down to your torso, legs and feet. Try to just get a general sense of what each area of the body is feeling. Don’t try too hard, try to force anything or spend too much time any one area. Just simply focus your attention from one place to the next. Remember to breathe properly during this exercise using the counting method spoken of earlier. Spend a few moments being aware of your surroundings. With your eyes still closed, listen to the sounds in your environment. How many different sounds can you make out? What is the temperature? Just casually bring your attention to various elements of your surroundings without getting distracted by them and move on to the next thing. Bring the focus of your attention back to your breath. Continue the breath counting routine described earlier, inhaling energy, exhaling waste and negativity. Bring your focus back to normal awareness. Open your eyes, have a look around, sit still for a little while longer, just being in the moment then stand up and have a good stretch. All life is energy. Everything you look at, every blade of grass or star, everything is made up of energy. Every thought that you have creates energy. Every thought that is ever manifested creates energy; positive and negative. You are a source, a storage vessel, and a conduit of that energy. While you have been meditating you have been changing the way in which you interact with universal energy. You have strengthened your connection with the energy of all things, an energy which you have always been a part of. You have slowed down the rhythm of your life, which allows the body and the mind the time needed to communicate and exchange energy with the spirit.

Judo For The Soul - The Art Of Psychic Self Defense - Jeffry R Palmer Ph.D.

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The following chapter is concerned with the art of defending the spirit. Many people may find the notion of spiritual self defense a strange concept. Most have us are familiar with martial arts which defend the physical body. But the concept of defending the spirit or soul from attack seems to be an idea which is foreign to most people. Develop a Healthy Life Energy

Most of us are unaware of the health of our auras or life energy. We go about our daily business without ever giving a second thought to a very vital part of our lives. For the majority of people auras are intangible, invisible the notion of life energy is purely an idea or abstract concept, not a thing that can be monitored and measured easily like blood pressure or insulin levels. Yet life energy or auras are just as real and important as any other measurement of our health and well being. Just because you can’t see an aura doesn’t mean it isn’t there. You can’t see a radio wave or an x-ray, but you know they exist. The truth is that auras and life energy can be measured with today’s instruments. Modern medicine, being what it is, just hasn’t made the technology widely available. Anyone interested in maintaining a healthy aura today must rely on others capable of seeing or sensing life energies. Fortunately there are many practices available which we can utilize ourselves to help insure a healthy and balanced aura.

Most people go through life with their auras extended far beyond a healthy range. Many of us have been lead to believe that a big, extended aura is a good thing. Actually this isn’t the case. An extended aura is susceptible to all sorts of negative energies. Your life energy becomes vulnerable to any negative energy it may come into contact with. It’s a bit like walking around in cold weather wearing nothing but your underwear. You’re just asking for all sorts of problems. Symptoms of an over-extended aura include; headaches, irritability, depression, stress, anxiety, muscle pain, joint pain, nausea, the list goes on.

Judo For The Soul - The Art Of Psychic Self Defense - Jeffry R Palmer Ph.D.

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A quick and easy solution to an extended aura is a few minutes of focused meditation. You do meditate don’t you? During meditation, visualize your aura as a vibrating energy field around your entire body. Take some deep breaths and imagine your aura moving in closer to your body with each breath. Do this until you feel that your aura is less than a quarter of an inch from your body surface. Try this exercise anytime that you sense your aura may be too “far out” You will know that this is the case if you start having random negative thoughts or begin to suffer phantom aches and pains. Your aura at those times is picking up on any illness or negativity in your immediate vicinity. Another easy fix for an extended aura is to soak in a nice long bath. Water has an amazing ability to rejuvenate life energy. Water also happens to compress the aura to its healthiest size. Ever wonder exactly why a hot bath feels so relaxing? Water rebalances our life energy. It’s no accident that we spend the first nine months of life submerged in water. Water sustains us. Your aura may be positioned perfectly and still require some healing. This is often the case when we spend any length of time with truly negative people or suffer from any kind of shock or turmoil. If you are feeling drained or low on energy take some time to recharge yourself, meditate, drink plenty of water give your body some rest and allow your aura some time to heal naturally.

Another consideration of a healthy aura concerns clothing and color. Color can have a direct affect on the health of our life energy. As a rule of thumb aura energy reacts to color in much the same way as light. Dark colors tend to absorb life energy and lighter colors reflect it. Wearing black or dark colors everyday can attract any type energy, whereas lighter colored clothing reflects the energy of others while keeping our own energy insulated. If you are in constant contact with large groups of people you should consider a lighter colored wardrobe. Otherwise you are likely to absorb the energy of everyone around you, good, bad and ugly. The dark colored business suit really isn’t a good idea where aura energy is concerned.

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Maintaining a healthy and well balanced life energy level is a lot less difficult and mysterious than many might think. It requires no more effort than watching what you eat or monitoring your physical reactions to the environment. As with many other aspects of our health, vigilance is the key to a healthy and nurtured aura.

Defending Your Spirit Spiritual Self Defense Techniques There is no more important aspect of our lives than our spiritual natures. yet most of us are unaware of just how vulnerable our spirits are, until we come under attack that is. Then it becomes painfully clear how terribly untrained we are for dealing with attacks upon our spiritual selves. The damage to an unguarded soul can be devastating and life altering. The unguarded spirit is susceptible to all the negative influences and forces that it comes into contact with. The soul suffers the wounds inflicted by a million knives, each encounter with negativity causing more damage, until eventually, the spirit, left with no other recourse, runs and hides. At other times the spiritual self lashes out in a desperate attempt to defend itself, usually causing more damage to itself in the process.

In each case the spiritual self exhibits a survival instinct; the soul reacts in the same manner as the body if it were to be attacked. And in each case the behaviour of the spirit is mirrored in the physical realm. Negativity is met with rage and anger or withdrawal into depression and isolation. Obviously this is neither a constructive or healthy situation. What is needed then are a set of tools with which to teach the spirit how to defend itself, without retreating, without losing control or power, without lashing out in fury and desperation. The following tools are designed to do just that. These are the self defense techniques used to combat psychic attacks and negative influences.

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Countering Negativity

Take three deep breaths before responding to any negative statement. With each breath formulate a response to the statement. With the first breath consider your immediate response; it’s probably a negative one, and this is a normal reaction, negativity wants to create more negativity, this is how you have been conditioned to respond to negative statements for the majority of your life, this is how you witness almost everyone else on the planet respond to negativity. You know that it harms you to respond this way, it gets you nowhere, and it diminishes your power. So dismiss this first thought response and take a second deep breath. This time try to think of a neutral response, this may be a bit difficult at first, don’t dwell on it too much, just think of a response that won’t illicit more negativity. You might find that neutral responses to negative statements can be disarming and useful, and you might chose to respond with one, here’s an example: Negative Statement: ” You’re not good at anything!” Response: ” I think that I am a pretty good cook, but I admit that I have no skill with tennis” What effect does a response like that have? You have listened to the negative statement but you haven’t given it any power. You have acknowledged the statement without allowing it to create harmful energy. What you have actually done is used the negative statement as an opportunity to examine your strengths and weaknesses. You have disarmed a negative.

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Here’s another example: Negative Statement: ” You will never succeed at anything” First Response - Negative: ”Oh yeah?, And just exactly what have you succeeded at?, You’re nothing special !” Second Response – Neutral: ” You might be right, but I’m going to try anyway “ Third Response – Positive: ” I will succeed in everything I do, regardless of the odds” The second and third responses aren’t arguments and shouldn’t be regarded as such. They are pure statements of fact and intention. People who make negative statements like the ones in these examples are likely to want to carry on with their verbal and spiritual assaults. It isn’t necessary for you to indulge them in their desires. If this happens to you, you can either chose to respond again or just simply walk away. Arguing with negative people isn’t the answer; you are just adding fuel to the fire of negative intentions. Remember this: negative people want to see you ruffled, they want to see you second guess yourself. They would like nothing more than to know that they were responsible for planting the dark seed in your thoughts and spirit which grew into misery. This principle of countering negativity goes beyond simply stating that one must look for the positive in all things. The truth is that some things, some words and some people just don’t have any positive qualities to bother looking for. It’s all about intention. If someone is determined to hurt you, either with words or deeds it’s usually pretty obvious what their intentions are.

Judo For The Soul - The Art Of Psychic Self Defense - Jeffry R Palmer Ph.D.

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They want you to suffer. They want you to feel pain. They want you to fail. They want to see you being miserable. The practice of examining your reactions before speaking them requires discipline. It is very tempting to blurt out your immediate reactions when confronted with hostility or negative remarks. It is tempting, but not wise, most of the time our first reactions are just those; reactionary! Making the effort to examine your thoughts and reactions goes a long way in diffusing the power of negativity. By offering neutral or even better, positive, reactions to negativity you declare without question that you will not be controlled by the negativity of others. Let’s take a look at one more example of negative countering. Imagine that someone close to you, a family member or colleague overhears you discussing an idea for a business venture. Their response is a negative one, they insist on telling you how such an idea is doomed from the start. It feels like no matter idea you might have, this person would find a fault with it, they seem to thrive on pointing out the flaws and weaknesses in your ideas, even if there really aren’t any. In previous situations like this it may have been your habit to respond with more negativity or to be dismissive. They expect you to respond this way. But what if when a person like this insists on being the messenger of doom, you decide to turn the table? What if instead of responding in a negative or dismissive fashion you respond in a positive way? How about, “Thanks for pointing that detail Insert Name; you have had a lot of successes with your different projects how about sharing some of your wisdom and helping me strengthen this idea”?

Judo For The Soul - The Art Of Psychic Self Defense - Jeffry R Palmer Ph.D.

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Throwing Fear to the Floor

The introduction to this book discussed briefly a principle common to Judo and other forms of self defense which deals with the momentum of the opponent. In the case of negative people and negative influences, it is important to understand the driving force behind the momentum of negativity in order to successfully throw it off balance and defend ourselves. The primary force behind most negativity is fear. The energy of fear has some unique characteristics which must be understood in order to offer an effective method of psychic defense. The momentum of fear is perhaps the strongest energy behind most forms of negativity. Fear is a powerful and insidious motivator. Fear is manifested in our lives most often through negativity. It is rare that fear is ever responsible for creating anything positive, except when it is conquered. Fear is to blame for the worst of human negativity, violence, depravation, war. Assaults upon our spirit are most often powered by fear. The negative co-worker fears that we will succeed where they have failed. The negative spouse fears that we will grow as a person while they remain stuck in one place. The negative acquaintance or friend fears that we are a threat to their perceived social order. There is no end to the ways in which fear powers the negativity directed at us. But there are methods available to counter the attack caused be these psychic blows to our spirit. It is not necessary for us to understand why the negative people in life feel fear and decide to direct the resulting negativity at us. It’s more important to defend ourselves from it than it is to try and analyze the motivations. You wouldn’t stop and ask someone that’s trying to kill you were they purchased the gun that’s pointed at your head. So why try to dig around in the garbage heap of someone else’s soul to find answers?

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So how do we defend ourselves from fear-based negativity? Like any form of self defense, true mastery requires practice. I want you to picture a judo student in front of you. On his sleeves are written the words “FEAR”. You know that this judo student intends to attack you; you also know that the student intends to use his arms; he intends to punch you in the face. . Now imagine that this student attacks you this way a thousand times, each time he performs the same maneuver, dances around a bit and then tries to punch you in the face. Each time it’s the same routine, over and over. It doesn’t take long for you to discover a defense, maybe you block the punch, or maybe you simply move out of the way. You may have allowed yourself to be hit in the face the first time the student attacks you, but you wise up pretty quickly when you realize that the attacks are always the same. Unfortunately our spiritual selves usually do not have the opportunity to practice this kind of conditioning. Most of us are psychically knocked out with the first punch our spirit ever receives and every time we try to stand up and defend ourselves we get knocked down again. The punches come too quickly, are too strong and there’s never a warning of when the next one is coming. The good news is that we can train ourselves to recognize fear based attacks. The student of martial arts trains his or her reflexes through repetition. The body and mind are conditioned to react instinctively to an attack or assault. With time and practice the student of martial arts is able to defend himself almost without thought, the body is able respond to attacks, and the physical self remembers the repetition of training. The connection between mind and body is strengthened and quickened. Psychic self defense requires a similar conditioning. However, in this case the connection between the mind and the spirit are strengthened.

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We must learn to recognize and identify fear based psychic attacks, we study their characteristics, and we analyze their weaknesses. We practice focusing our minds on identifying fear based negativity. Recognizing the fear that provides the energy of most negativity allows us to perform a psychic maneuver which throws this form of negativity completely off balance. So what does fear based negativity look like? This is actually a very simple question to answer. Almost all negativity is based in fear. It’s a very safe bet to say that any negativity directed at you is based on fear. It may take various shapes and forms but when traced back to its origins almost all negativity is rooted in fear. Take for example, an abusive and controlling husband. Imagine someone who verbally abuses his wife at every opportunity. Imagine a man who takes great pleasure in reminding his wife how insignificant and useless she is. Imagine a man who does not allow his wife to have friends, severs contact with other family members, controls all the finances, monitors phone calls and generally makes a slave of his wife. Imagine a man who is not above lashing out physically when he feels for any reason that things aren’t as they should be. Now try to understand the fear behind these actions, look beneath the surface of an individual like the one described and you will find a man who is a pathetic coward. A man afraid of losing control, a man afraid of losing respect, a man afraid of a healthy relationship, a man afraid of discovering himself, a man afraid to grow, afraid of answers, afraid of love, a man living in constant fear of a thousand different things, but ultimately afraid, most of all, of being unmasked for the sniveling coward he truly is. Beneath the exterior, whatever it may be, beneath the violence, control, abuse, manipulation or any other type of negativity, beneath it all, is a small and frightened child who has not learned and most likely will never learn to find his way in the dark. The spiritual self of a person like the one described here is a weak and frightened child. This is the true nature of the energy of fear. I will repeat this again since it is critically important to understand. Behind almost all negativity which is created lurks a weak and fearful child.

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When we look beneath the surface of human existence we see that the true source of negativity, our true opponent in this psychic combat is not an all powerful demonic force, but rather a pathetic and pitiful child afraid of its own shadow. In the physical world a child such as this would trigger our sympathy and compassion, but when the spiritual child is dressed in the skin of an abusive husband, domineering boss, or sabotaging friend it is difficult to see the fear and weakness behind the mask. Imagine again our judo student with the words fear printed on his sleeves. Imagine that this opponent represents all manner of hostility, rage, anger, resentment, bitterness or any other type of negativity that you can think of. The opponent blusters and screams and rages, makes all sorts of imposing gestures and advances. He wants us to feel as he does, afraid. He wants us to stand still, paralyzed and be struck. He expects this of us, this is the routine that has worked for him for countless years, and this is the only maneuver he has ever learned. But we understand a few things about our opponent now. We understand the nature of his power. We know that stripped of any imposing outward appearance, stripped of words, stripped of deeds the spiritual self of our enemy is but a frightened child. When he strikes, we simply move out of the way. When he pushes, we pull, when he pulls, we push. It makes no more sense to try and combat this opponent with brute force than it would to stand and trade punches with a child. The negative energy created by fear wants nothing more than to create more fear and negativity. The spiritual coward hides in the darkness waiting for an opportunity to strike when we are most vulnerable. He thrives on the fear and negativity created by his attacks, it sustains him; it is his only source of spiritual energy. However, if when he attacks we do not give him what he wants, that is, more fear and more negativity; he is thrown completely off balance. His attack is side-stepped. His efforts are unrewarded and his energy is depleted. His next attack will carry less power.

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Eventually with very little energy left, he will stop attacking altogether, realizing that to do so would mean making him self much too vulnerable. He may not have enough energy left to scramble back into the darkness. Then what? Lay exposed to the light of the outer world? Not Likely. No, fear-based negativity has a strong survivor instinct; it will creep back into the shadows until someone weaker comes along. At least it isn’t harming you, and perhaps it will be quite some time before it can harm anyone else, if ever. Most importantly do not counter negativity with more negativity. If you do, you are only supplying the source of negativity with more energy. Remember, even a small child can do a lot of damage if we aren’t looking. Negativity can come out of nowhere and slap us down while we were looking the other way. Knowing the fear based nature of negativity makes these instances less dramatic, it’s as if the frightened child just happened to land a little lucky shot, nothing more. Dust yourself off and stay positive.

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Spiritual Protection

In the previous chapter we discussed primarily mental or psychological techniques for handling negativity. Now we will focus on a purely spiritual aspect of combating negative thought forms. All thought creates energy. The energy of thought, both positive and negative, behaves in a reasonably predictable manner. Like attracts like, negative thought energy seeks other negative thought energy, if it can’t find what it is looking for it loses momentum. Positive thought energy behaves in a similar fashion; there are some important differences however. Positive thought energy is a much slower moving form of energy. By this, I mean that positive thought energy takes longer to find other positive thought energy, it is happy to simply exist; it does not necessarily require feeding off of other positive energy to ensure its survival. Positive thought energy is self sustaining, but it is attracted to other positive energy as well. Negative thought energy is frenetic and fast moving; it needs the energy of other negativity in order to maintain its momentum. Negative thought energy is a parasite; it cannot survive without feeding off the energy of others. Negative thought energy seeks a spiritual host which is weak and vulnerable. Positive thought energy seeks a spiritual host which is healthy and strong. This is the nature of thought energy: A weak spirit attracts negative energy. A healthy spirit attracts positive energy. Earlier in this book we discussed the importance of maintaining a healthy life energy or aura. It should be quite obvious at this point how important this truly is in regards to deflecting negative thought forms. Psychic attacks can come in all shapes and sizes, it is important to maintain a healthy spiritual self.

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There are three basic types of psychic attacks to contend with. The basic every day negative comment variety; the malicious and hurtful intentions variety and the full on hex, curse or continuous ill-wishing variety.

Common Negativity

The first of these psychic attacks varieties, the negative comment type, are relatively easy to combat. But they should not be taken lightly. Many a healthy spirit has succumbed to the cumulative effects of repeated exposure to common negativity. Following are some examples of common negative comment attacks. ”Another day, nothing ever changes” ”The world is a nightmare” ” This job is horrible” ”The weather is terrible” ”My life sucks” ”Those lousy neighbors are a bunch of idiots” There’s no end to the list of negative comments that we may be exposed to every day. It’s important to note that many times these types of attacks are not directed at any one person in particular, rather they are just put out into the universe and we happen to be exposed to them. Be on guard against these seemingly innocuous comments, they have a tendency to creep into our spiritual minds without us ever being aware and over time they can pollute our life energy.

When a negative comment crosses your path, imagine a white light surrounding it. Imagine that the negative comment is like a moth flitting around in the air, darting around in circles. The energy of your spirit is capable of nullifying the effects of negative comments. Simply imagine the light of your spiritual energy surrounding these negativity “moths”, effectively trapping them before they have a chance to chew through the fabric of your spiritual clothing.

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Awareness and vigilance are the keys to blocking the effects of these sorts of negative energy bombardments. Listen carefully to the babble going on around you. Most of the time our awareness of negative comments functions in auto-pilot mode; our mind is constantly filtering information. We absorb a great deal of negativity without ever being fully aware of it. Be alert, and zap these pesky thought insects.

Directed Negative Energy The second most common type of psychic attack, the malicious and hurtful variety is different from the random negative comments; these attacks are directed specifically at you. They are designed to cause damage to your spirit; they are designed to instill anger, sadness and misery. These types of psychic attacks can come from any number of sources but most often they are the result of failed relationships or jealous acquaintances. To use the judo analogy once again, attacks of this nature can best be thought of as, hand to hand combat. When under psychic attack, or rather when large amounts of negative thought energy are being directed at us our life energy form usually absorbs the attack just as it would any other energy that it comes into contact with. The spiritual form does not discriminate among types of energy it merely interacts or reacts to whatever energy it comes into contact with. A negative energy attack manifests itself in the physical and mental self as depression, withdrawal, headache, stomach upset and an assortment of other ailments. As always, a strong and healthy spiritual energy is the best defense against any type of spiritual assault. Unfortunately, most of the time we are unable to distance ourselves from the source of spiritual attacks long enough to allow our natural life energies time to rejuvenate. In these cases perhaps the most practical and effective means of psychic protection is the creation of what can best be described spiritual shielding.

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The Curse or Energy of Evil

The third most common form of psychic attack is the hex or curse. These forms of attack consist of universal energy which has been manipulated to cause harm, energy which has been gathered and collected to form what can be considered a negative energy wave. This type of attack is ongoing or perpetual, unlike other forms of psychic assault, which rely on a symbiotic relationship with other energy forms in order to exist, these attacks are self sustaining and powered by a different source than most of the common fear-based negative attacks. Destruction of the spirit is the goal of the curse or continual negative energy wave. This type of energy is known by many names in many cultures but is most commonly known and referred to as “evil”. As already stated, the energy of evil does not require the fuel of other negative thought forms. Instead, it seeks to feed on the energy of the spiritual self directly. It seeks to consume the entire field of the aura and replace it with a mirror image of itself. Those who wish to harm us are sometimes able to combine the emotional energies of any manner of destructive intentions in order to manifest the soul devouring energy of evil. If the manifested energy is not able to cause damage at first strike it will continue to attack until it finds a weakness in your spirit to exploit. Although this form of negative energy is the most destructive of the three common varieties of negativity it is by no means all powerful and consuming. The following chapter details a spiritual shielding technique which deflects this type of energy and delivers it’s destructive intentions directly back to the sender. It is extremely important to resist the temptation to fight negativity with negativity. It is a natural human instinct to call up an aggressive reaction to any type of threat, including those of a psychic nature.

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Spiritual Shielding Technique

The physical body is surrounded with spiritual energy, the aura. The aura is a dynamic living entity, part of the physical self, yet separate to the extent in which it interacts invisibly with our surroundings and other energy forms. The aura is the energetic embodiment of the soul or spiritual self. The physical mind can be taught to reshape spiritual energy form into a psychic shield, a protective bubble which does not allow harmful energy to reach the inner core of the soul where it can do the most damage. The process is quite simple and is strengthened through practice. Begin with the simple meditation routine described on page ten of this book. During the course of your meditation visualize your aura as a vibrating field of light energy. The field of energy extends outward a few inches from the surface of your skin. Your life energy vibrates and swirls around you at all times, coming into contact with all manner of other life energies, both positive and negative. Now imagine the energy of your aura forming the shape of a protective globe of brilliant light. Negative thought and intentions in the form of red light as well as dark energy attempt to corrupt your spiritual existence. Within the protection of your light energy globe, negative influences bounce off, are deflected and returned to their original source. Make a practice of visualizing the creation of your protective energy shield at the start of every meditation session. With repetition the strength of your psychic shield is increased and can eventually be called up at will. Rely on your shield at any time that you feel under the influence of psychic assault. This technique for calling up a protective barrier against even the strongest of negative energies whenever it is needed, involves connecting the mind, body and spirit instantly to create a powerful protective energy barrier. Once you have familiarized your self with the meditative technique of visualizing a protective bubble you should be able to summon this shield without the assistance of meditation.

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Simply focus your mind on the act of creating the shield. While your mind is focused on creating the shield, use your hands to close the energy conduit of your aura. In a very real sense, you and every other living creature are both a source and a conductor of energy. You are in constant and direct connection with the energy of all things. The physical act of closing the hands has the effect of closing a circuit. You are closing the circuit of your life energy while still remaining connected to the energy of the universe. The combination of closing the life energy circuit and creating a protective aura shield is the most powerful tool available for combating a psychic attack. This maneuver not only defends the spiritual self, it sends the negative energy of an attack directly back to its origin. The attacker sees his own negative energy returned only with more momentum and force than was originally created. Practice visualizing the instant creation of an aura shield; imagine with as much detail as possible the protective energy of your spirit blossoming outward to form an impenetrable barrier. Now combine this visualization with the act of closing the hands. Hold your hands a few inches apart, as if you were about to clap or begin a prayer. Try to feel the energy of your aura between your hands. Many people report feeing a slightly warm sensation when performing this procedure. Pay attention to whatever sensations you may be feeling at this moment. Now, press your hands together, and as you do visualize the energy of your aura being compressed between your hands. As you compress the aura it forms a globe which surrounds your entire body. The physical act of clasping the hands to temporarily close your life energy circuit and visualizing the protective aura are instantaneous. Practice this technique until it feels completely natural. One of the greatest advantages of this psychic defense technique is that it can be used discretely. This seemingly simple hand gesture can be used in almost any public situation without drawing attention to the fact that you are combating negative psychic energy. When confronted with any form of threatening energy, this technique offers an incredibly powerful defense.

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Don’t forget to turn off your protective shield when it is no longer needed, use it when feeling confronted or overwhelmed by negative energy and rely on the strength of your spirit for day to day protection.

On Spells and Rituals

In the course of over twenty years of research I have encountered literally thousands of spells, rituals, incantations, amulets and countless other mystical methods of spiritual protection. They all share one common trait. They are all designed to strengthen the bond between the mind, body and spirit; and in so doing, create an energy which shields the practitioner from harm. The shielding technique detailed previously in this book, in my opinion, is the most effective technique available for defending against psychic attack and common negativity that exists. The simple act of summoning a protective shield, combined with the physical act of closing the personal energy circuit, accomplishes quickly and easily what thousands of esoteric teachings claim must require lengthy preparations, bizarre ingredients or divine intervention. Repeated use of the energy shield technique serves to strengthen the connections between mind, body and spirit without the need to rely on charms, complex incantations or antiquated rituals. I do not mean to suggest that spell craft or any other types of magical protection techniques are not effective, I know first hand just how useful they can be. I do believe however, that in modern times a method of psychic defense must be simple, safe and highly effective; the psychic shielding technique described previously, offers just such a method.

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The Push and the Pull The practice of pushing when the opponent pulls is highly effective in martial arts. The concept of using an opponent’s momentum against them is at the heart of all that this book conveys. In the case of psychic attack, the opponent is the energy of negativity. The negative energy opponent attempts to pull us into field of negativity, to lure us if allowed, or force us if necessary. By using the momentum of the opponent’s negative energy against them we strengthen ourselves, our spirit, our energy, the very essence of our existence is strengthened by not succumbing to the will of negative intentions and thought energy. The decision to not meet negativity with more negativity firmly plants our existence in the realm of an enlightened spirit. It is an answer to the question which all forms of negativity must ask, “Will you join me”? “No, I will not” The forces of negative thought seem to be endless, the world at times would appear to be full only of negative intentions, and presently this may indeed be true. The choice to use the energy of your spirit, not as a weapon but as a means of defense to the forces of negative thought becomes an even more important decision in a world such as this. This decision allies you with a universal positive energy, energy responsible for growth not decay, responsible for compassion not violence, for creation not destruction. By choosing to defend yourself in this fashion you declare the worth of an indomitable spirit, a spirit that will never succumb to fear or ignorance. The pull of negative energy is quick and forceful; it seeks to pull us of balance, lure us into its suffocating embrace. It will tempt us with any promise under the sun; exploit any weakness it may find. The strength of the spiritual self provides us with the energy needed to push past the grasping hands of negativity.

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The push of negative energy can be ferocious and frightening. Know that you have all the power necessary to defend against it. Know that negativity is designed to instill fear; fear is the underlying force behind most negativity. The energy of all things, the infinite energy of the universe lies within you, within your spirit. Your spiritual energy has no bounds, no limits to the power contained within, that power is always there when you require it, as much as you will ever need. Practice the spiritual strengthening and shielding techniques outlined in this book and not only will you defend yourself against the power of negativity, you will discover an increase in the number of positive influences in your life. As the spirit grows, so does the circle of energy surrounding it.

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About The Author Jeffry R. Palmer Ph.D. is a graduate of Syracuse University in New York. A lifelong interest and research into spirituality, metaphysics, ritual magic practices, comparative religion, Jungian Psychology, energy healing and other esoteric studies has culminated in a series of works by the author of which this title is the first to be publicly released. A syndicated columnist, Mr. Palmer’s articles have been featured in popular magazines such as Current Living, The Unexplained, Mystica, Natural Bloom, Self Healing and many others around the globe. In addition to being a certified Energy Healer, Reiki Master, and Ordained Minister, Mr. Palmer holds a Doctorate of Divinity from ULC as well as a Ph.D. in Metaphysics.

Information about forthcoming titles by this author may be found at:


© 2005 Jeffry R. Palmer

All rights reserved. This material may not be duplicated or distributed without

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Judo For The Soul - The Art Of Psychic Self Defense - Jeffry R Palmer Ph.D.
