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Judy Parr - Point View · PDF fileThanks!also!to!our!MC’s!on!the!night ... 13 Aug Senior...

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TERM THREE, WEEK 1, 2014 A MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL - EDUCATION REVIEW OFFICE (ERO) REPORT 2014 In March 2014 our latest Education Review Office (ERO) report was confirmed and placed on the ERO website. I encourage you to read the full report on http://www.ero.govt.nz Follow links to ‘Early Childhood and School Reports’. Our review process followed the newly established protocols for schools that had previously been awarded a four to five year review period. In 2009 Point View was one of the first schools in New Zealand to be awarded this ‘four to five year’ status, based on the school’s “capability to effectively use selfSreview to sustain its high performance to improve outcomes for students”. As a result, we were one of the first to be reviewed under the the newly established Arotake Paehiranga protocols, with the school taking a lead in demonstrating its current capabilities and effectiveness. We enjoyed this challenge and set up a very busy week for the review team, where they observed student learning, reviewed documentation and talked in depth to our leaders, teachers, support staff, students, parents and board members. The review team was seeking evidence of the quality of the school’s practices, especially its use of selfSreview to sustain and continue improvement. These practices were deemed to be robust and effective and we were again awarded a four to five year review. Here are just a few of the passages from the report, listed under the headings in the report. Context: What are the important features of this school that have an impact on student learning? “The inclusive culture and the respectful relationships modelled by staff support student learning and wellSbeing.” “High quality leadership by the Principal, the Board of Trustees and senior managers promotes effective selfSreview and ongoing school improvement. Teachers work collaboratively to make the curriculum relevant and engaging.” “ERO’s 2009 review identified strengths in school governance and management that supported high levels of student achievement. These practices have been sustained and further developed.” “Resourcing decisions are made thoughtfully, considering student learning needs, best practice and community aspirations.” Learning: How well does the school use achievement information to make positive changes to learners’ engagagement, progress and achievement? “The school provides an inclusive and responsive learning environment.” “Criteria for success are evident in classrooms and explicit in teacher practice.” “School leaders analyse achievement information, report patterns and trends in the data, and set appropriate goals for improving student outcomes.” Curriculum: How effectively does this school’s curriculum promote and support student learning? “Students benefit from the school’s integrated curriculum model. This interest based planning approach promotes high levels of engagement as it enables students and teachers to develop relevant and authentic contexts for learning.” “CoScurricular activities provide students with diverse learning opportunities.” “An emphasis on eSlearning supports other innovations in the school’s curriculum. The students are highly engaged in using a variety of digital tools and approaches.” “The school’s popular and successful kapa haka group provides evidence of the enthusiasm of parents, community members and staff in supporting tikanga Maori.” Sustainable Performance: How well placed is the school to sustain and improve its performance? “The school is very well placed to sustain ongoing improvement. Distributed and shared leadership, together with systematic self review, are key factors in the school’s continued high performance.” “Developments in teacher practice, curriculum innovation and eSlearning are prioritised and particulary well resourced.” I would like to thank all of you D students, staff and parents D for your hard work and your commitment to learning and to ongoing improvement. Your efforts have certainly been recognised in this report. Judy Parr
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Judy Parr

Page 2: Judy Parr - Point View · PDF fileThanks!also!to!our!MC’s!on!the!night ... 13 Aug Senior speech competition 11am Year 3/4 swimming 14 Aug Rotary Chess competition 15 Aug Assembly


Term! two! was! a! very! busy! fundraising! time! with!something! for! everyone! to!enjoy!! Thank! you! to! all! those!who! supported! these! events! and! to! all! the! wonderful!volunteers,!who!gave!up!their!time!to!help.!The$Disco$raised!$5,648.!!All!the!children!had!a!fun!night.!Special!thanks!go!to!the!DJ’s,!Lisa!Firth!and!Ksenia!Tauroa.!!The$Nigel$ Latta!Evening! raised!$5,813.!The!money!raised!will! go! towards!new! IT!equipment! for! the! children.!Nigel!was! informative! and! amusing,! showing! parents! that! we!are! all! facing! the! same! issues! when! it! comes! to! raising!children.!!We’ve!had!great!feedback!about!the!event.!The$Sausage$Sizzle$raised!$1,880,!which!will!go!towards!a!target!wall.!!We!were!lucky!to!have!three!local!businesses!sponsor! this!event:! thanks! to!GroutPro,!Picasso!Glass!Ltd!and!DVD!conversions!for!their!support.!


Welcome to our new students Esther Huang, Amy Lin, Kobe-Lewis Toia, Gursifat Singh, Cara Tang, Anam Behaire, Maggie Hang, Victoria Shen, Alison Li, Chloe Pareanga, Briar Maclean, Alyssa Hall, Tyler Sinclair, Amber Sue, Ethan Taing, Panya Sethi Adsaya Piratheepa, Federico Hintze, Bosco Mak Rick Tang and Emily Wu.

Please! contact! Family! and! Friends! if! your! business! or!family! is! interested! in! sponsoring! events! around! the!school!in!the!near!future!and!see!your!business!advertised!in!the!school!newsletter.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!$$


A$ special$ thanks$ to$ our$ sponsors$ and$ supporters:$ Dion!Edwards! from! DVD! Conversions! for! tech! support;! Katie!Treneman! from! Paper! Plus! Howick! for! ticket! and! book!sales;! and! businesses! that! donated! prizes! for! the! raffle:!John!Russell!Menswear,! Kelly! Tarlton’s,! Art! and! Framing,!Subaru! NZ,! Paradice! Ice]skating! and! Monterey! Cinemas.!!Thanks!also! to!our!MC’s!on! the!night! ]!Ken!and!Kev! (aka!Mrs!Rivett!and!Ms!Pirie)!who!did!a!fabulous!job.!

WHAT TO LOOK OUT FOR IN THIS ISSUE: - Road Patrol help needed - Travelwise

DATES TO DIARY 29 Jul ICAS English Middle Commonwealth Games 30 Jul APPA choir rehearsal 1pm – 2.30pm 01 Aug Assembly – middle school 04 Aug Year 5/6 swimming Somerville visit Year 6 05 Aug Year 3/4/6 swimming Family and Friends meeting 7.30pm 06 Aug Year 3/4 swimming Dance Festival evening 07 Aug Dance festival evening 08 Aug Assembly – whole school Zoo trip – seniors Junior Commonwealth Games 11 Aug Year 5/6 swimming Maths week 12 Aug Year 3/4/6 swimming ICAS maths 13 Aug Senior speech competition 11am Year 3/4 swimming 14 Aug Rotary Chess competition 15 Aug Assembly – senior school 18 Aug Year 5/6 swimming 19 Aug Year 3/4/6 swimming BOT meeting 7pm 25 Aug Year 5/6 swimming 26 Aug Year 3/4/6 swimming 27 Aug New parents meeting 9.15am Year 3/4 swimming 26 Sep END OF TERM


Road Patrol Help Needed We!desperately! require!more!parent! road!patrol!help! for!our! school! crossings!on!Chapel/Kilkenny!Road! and! on! Kilkenny! Road,! from! 8.45]9.00am!and/or!3.00]3.15pm.!If!you!can!help!on!any!of!these!days!please!contact!the!school!office!on!274!0637.

Colin!Christie!GroutPro!Specialist.!!ProGroup!Franchisee!of!the!Year!2012/[email protected]!!T:!09!274!5060!M:!021!415!612.!!Specialist!Tile!and!Grout!Restoration!Co.!offering!a!full!range!of!services!with!products!for!indoor!and!outdoor!applications.!



Thank You To all our parents who have paid their school donations. We appreciate your support.

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AFTERSCHOOL ACTIVITIES Day$ Activity$ Time$ Contact$ Phone$Monday! All!Star!Band! 3.00]4.00! Shaun! 021!2597042!! Pippens,!Brownies! 4.30]6.00! Tish! 021!02851730!Tuesday! Mandarin! 3.30]5.00! Antia! 576!1198!! Guitar!Lessons! 3.30]5.30! Phil! 021!775581!Wed/Fri! Sportzup! 3.00]5.00! Keri! 027!4228496!Wed/Thu! Violin!and!Singing! 3.00]4.00! Marvin! 021!764849!Wednesday! Performance!Net! 3.30]6.30! Michael! 476!4045!! Basketball! 5.15]6.45! Michael! 027!4450203!! Martial!Arts! 6.30]7.30! Marie! 027!4970499!M,Th,Fr,Sat! Chinese!Program! 3.15]5.15! Winnie! 021!717183!M/T/W/T/F$ After$School$Care$ 3.0085.45$ Simone$ 027$4778651$Saturday! Little!Kickers! 9.00]1.00! Janet! 021!669!330

Point View School entered a nation wide poetry competition run by Paula Green. “Paula Green is one of New Zealand's most highly regarded poets, having published a number of poetry collections of her own for both adults and children.”

We are proud to announce Point View was chosen as a finalist in the Auckland section.

One of our fabulous Year 4 poets, Ashira Mead from Room 29, had her poem selected as one of Paula’s favourites.

You can hear Ashira recite her poem at the middle school assembly on Friday 1 August. Forgotten on a Summer Beach

Chippy packets, cold wet jackets Ripped books, fishing hooks

Ice cream cones, dog bones People getting tanned, leaving coke cans

Kids from class, throwing glass Plastic bags, dirty flags

Tinfoil, sweet oil Glad wrap, sketch map

Cardboard boxes, paper foxes Food scarps, bottle caps

All lying forgotten on a summer beach Tidy up and keep our beaches clean

By Ashira Mead Age 8,Year 4 Point View School

Easy ways to help with fundraising Fundraising plays a major role in running our school and we appreciate all the support we get from our families. It is great when we hear of ways of getting support without it having to come directly from our families and here are a couple of examples. If you work for firms such as Telecom or The Warehouse, you can sign up for their Payroll Giving scheme and they will match your school donation. If you are in the market for a new mortgage, some banks are offering to make a donation to your school when you sign up with them. Our school account number is 12-3040-0730060-01 for Internet banking. Please use your child’s name, room number and reason for payment to ensure it is credited to the correct student (eg John Smith Room 3 Donation 2014). Please also print out the receipt page while online and send it to class.

Travelwise News Late last term the Travelwise awards ceremony was held. Our school was awarded a Silver Award for our first full year as a Travelwise school. This means that all the activities we are working on to create safer roads around our school are being recognised by Auckland Transport. We will keep up our momentum and build on this Silver Award with the aim of gaining a Gold Award next year. We hope our school community will continue to work with us to keep our school motivated to achieve this goal. Thanks Marion Galloway , Safe School Travel Plan Coordinator.

Reminders ARRIVAL$AT$SCHOOL!The!optimum!time!for!students!to!arrive!at!school!is!between!8.20am!and!8.30am.!!After!8.20am!children!can!enter!their!classrooms!and!start!preparing!for!their!day.!!Prior!to!the!8.20am!bell!all!students!wait!outside!the!hall.!!No$child$is$to$be$at$school$before$8.00am$unless$they$are$enrolled$in$the$Before(School(Care(Programme(run$by$Simone$McFarlane.$$To!book!into!this!programme!phone!09!265!2045!or!0274!778!651!or!contact!mcfarlaneclan@xtra.co.nz!!$ABSENCES$Please!notify!the!office!by!8.30am!if!your!child!is!going!to!be!absent.!!Phone!274!0637!ext!1!and!leave!their!name!and!room!number.!The!answer!phone!is!available!24!hours!a!day.!It!is!really!great!that!so!many!parents!do!use!this!means!of!communication.!

Entertainment Books Thank you to everyone who has bought an entertainment book. We still have a few available in the office if anyone would like another one. If you have an entertainment book to return please send it back to the office as soon as possible as we are now closing this fundraiser.

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