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Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

Date post: 20-Jun-2015
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i actually presented this to my friends on William Shakespeare's birth day. i think it is a useful one
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  • 1. Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare

2. William Shakespeare 3. WilliamShakespeare, born on 26 April 1564 was an English poet, playwright and actor, widelyregarded as the greatest writer in the Englishlanguage and the worlds pre-eminent dramatist. He is often calledEnglands national poet and the Bard of Avon. His extent worksincluding some collaborations consist of about 38 plays, 154 sonnetstwo long narrative poems, and a few other verses the authorship of some of whichis uncertain. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed more often than those of any other playwright. Shakespeare was born and brought up in Stratford-upon-Avon. At the age of 18 he marriedAnne Hathaway, with whomhe hadthree children: Susanna, and twins Hamnet and Judith. 4. Between 1585 and 1592, he began a successful career in London as an actor, writer and part-owner of a playing company calledthe LordChamberlains Men, later known as the Kings Men. He appears to have retired to Stratford around 1613 at the age of 49, where he did three years later. Hiscareer Shakespeare producedmost of his known work between 1589and 1613. His earlyplays were mainlycomedies and histories, genres he raisedto the peak of sophistication and the artistry by the end of the 16th century. 5. Introduction The Tragedy of Julius Caesar, also known simply as Julius Caesar, is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1599. It portrays the 44 BC conspiracy against the Roman dictator Julius Caesar, his assassination and the defeat of the conspirators at the Battle of Philippi. 6. It is one of several Roman plays that Shakespeare wrote, based on true events from Roman history, which also include Coriolanus and Antony and Cleopatra. Although the title of the play is Julius Caesar, Caesar is not the central character in its action; he appears in only three scenes, and is killed at the beginning of the third act. 7. Basic information o WHO- Julius Caesar was a roman dictator that gets stabbed and comes back as a ghost to taunt Brutus o WHAT- The play that Julius Caesar is in is the tragedy of Julius Caesar o WHERE- Ancient Rome, toward the end of the Roman republic is where the play is set. It was written in 1599 8. Descriptions About the MainCharacters 9. Calpurnia Born 75 BC Daughter of Lucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus and sister of Lucius Calpurnius Piso A Roman woman and the third and last wife of Julius Caesar. The great-granddaughter of a lieutenant of Lucius Cassius Longinus, whose name was Lucius Piso 10. Brutus Noble Heritage Brutus is a Roman nobleman, as was his father Of Sincere: Brutus truly believes that his role in the assassination is for the good of Rome Honest: He refuses to take bribes Naive: He believes in the essential goodness of those around him Philosophical: His philosophies guide his actions and decisions. 11. Cassius Envious: Cassius has contempt for Caesar and envies Caesar's position Fearful: Cassius is afraid that Caesar has ambitions to be king. He fears what might become of Rome in such an instance. Politically Astute: He advises Brutus to assassinate Antony along with Caesar. Understanding what can happen, he advises Brutus not to allow Antony to speak at Caesar's funeral. Corrupt: Prior to the battle at Philippi, he is accused by Brutus of taking bribes Military Strategist: His battle plan for Philippi is well thought out and based on sound military principles 12. Marc Antony Loyal to Caesar: Antony loved and admired Caesar Clever: Antony pretends to befriend the conspirators and asks that he be allowed to speak at Caesar's funeral A skilled orator: Antony's speech at Caesar's funeral sways the crowd A skilled military leader: Antony has an equal voice in planning the war against the legions of Brutus and Cassius 13. Julius Caesar July 100 BC 15 March 44 BC 14. Gist storyof the The tribunes, Marullus and Flavius, break up a gathering of Roman citizens who seek to celebrate Julius Caesars triumphant return from war. The victory is marked by public games in which Caesars friend, Mark Antony, takes part. On his way to the arena Caesar is stopped by a stranger who warns that he should Beware the Ideas of March. Fellow senators, Caius Cassius and Marcus Brutus, are suspicious of Caesars reactions to the power he holds in the Republic. 15. They fear he will accept offers to become Emperor. Cassius, a successful general himself, is jealous, while Brutus has a more balanced view of the political position. Cassius, Casca, and their allies, visit Brutus at night to persuade him of their views, and they plan Caesars death. Brutus is trouble but will not confide in his devoted wife, Portia. On the 15th March Caesar is urged not to go to the Senate by his wife, Calphurnia, who has had dreams that he will be murdered, and she fears the portents of the overnight storms. He is nevertheless persuaded by flattery to go and as petitioners surround him Caesar is stabbed and dies as Brutus gives the final blow. 16. Against Cassius advice Mark Antony is allowed by Brutus to speak a funeral oration in the market place after Brutus has addressed the people of Rome to explain the conspirators reasons and their fears for Caesars ambition. 17. Brutus calms the crowd but Antonys speech stirs them to rioting and the conspirators are forced to flee from the city. Brutus and Cassius gather an army in Northern Greece and prepare to fight the forces led by Mark Antony, who has joined with Caesars great- nephew, Octavius, and with Lepidus. Away from Rome, Brutus and Cassius are filled with doubts about the future and they quarrel bitterly over the site they prepare to engage Antonys army at Philippi. Brutus stoically receives news of his wifes suicide in Rome, but he sees Caesars ghost as he rests, unable to sleep on the eve of the conflict. Marc Antony 18. In the battle of republicans at first appear to be winning but when his messengers horse seems to be overtaken by the enemy Cassius fears the worst and gets his servant, Pindarus, to help him to a quick death. Brutus, finding Cassius body, commits suicide as the only honorable action left to him. Antony, triumphant on the battlefield, praises Brutus as the noblest Roman of them all, and orders a formal funeral before he Octavius return to rule in Rome. 19. OTHER BOOKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE 20. Presented by SimonMubashir &
