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July 17, 2021

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The Manager (Listing) National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor, Plot No.C/1, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra(E), Mumbai — 400 051 The Manager (Listing) BSE Ltd., 25th Floor, Phiroz Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai — 400 001 au - 01034U clet : 314g14131Te cbidAccre, min trtg, aim - 400 005. .F : (+91 22) 6655 3355, 2218 9111 : (+91 22) 2218 0411 : www.idbi.com IDBI Bank Limited Regd. Office : IDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai - 400 005. TEL.: (+91 22) 6655 3355, 2218 9111 FAX : (+91 22) 2218 0411 Website : www.idbi.com CIN: L65190MH2004G01148838 July 17, 2021 Dear Sir, Unit : IDBI Bank Limited Sub : Notice given to shareholders by advertisement regarding 17 th Annual General Meeting of the Bank Regulation : 47(1)(d) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015 In compliance of Rule 20 of Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, IDBI Bank has given a public notice by way of advertisement in newspapers, in respect of 17th AGM of the Bank to be held on August 10, 2021. In compliance of Regulation 47(1)(d) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, we submit herewith copy of the notice published in newspapers on 17t h July, 2021. You are requested to take the above on record and acknowledge. aratZU, 317- i - Abat #* PI - 48s LPA2, 0 2- I Ili .7411ca all (*EA co
Page 1: July 17, 2021

The Manager (Listing) National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., Exchange Plaza, 5th Floor, Plot No.C/1, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra(E), Mumbai — 400 051

The Manager (Listing) BSE Ltd., 25th Floor, Phiroz Jeejeebhoy Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai — 400 001

au-01034U clet : 314g14131Te

cbidAccre, min trtg, aim - 400 005.

.F : (+91 22) 6655 3355, 2218 9111

: (+91 22) 2218 0411

: www.idbi.com

IDBI Bank Limited Regd. Office : IDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai - 400 005. TEL.: (+91 22) 6655 3355, 2218 9111 FAX : (+91 22) 2218 0411 Website : www.idbi.com

CIN: L65190MH2004G01148838

July 17, 2021

Dear Sir,

Unit : IDBI Bank Limited Sub : Notice given to shareholders by advertisement regarding 17th Annual General

Meeting of the Bank Regulation : 47(1)(d) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015

In compliance of Rule 20 of Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, IDBI Bank has given a public notice by way of advertisement in newspapers, in respect of 17th AGM of the Bank to be held on August 10, 2021.

In compliance of Regulation 47(1)(d) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015, we submit herewith copy of the notice published in newspapers on 17th July, 2021.

You are requested to take the above on record and acknowledge.

aratZU, 317-i-Abat #* PI-48s

LPA2,02- I Ili .7411ca all

(*EA co

Page 2: July 17, 2021

IDBI BANK LIMITED C1N: L6519010(+2004G01148838

Regd. Office: oil lower, WTC Cool** Cufle Parade, Mumble • 490 005 Tel.: (022) 665527111 3147, WebsiIt wwwillbibankan

E-mil id: eMiequity@odbi co in

Notice of 17" AGM, E-Voting for transaction of business & Book Closure

1. Tee Notice of 11 AGM of the Bank to be he on Teesday, Agent 10.2021 at 02:00 p.m., along with the Annual Report for FY 2020-21 comprising of the Directors Report, Auditors Report and Audited Financial Statements, have been mowed to the Members of the Bank at thee resioective •mail addresses registered wen the Deposnonestiegistrars,

2. In view of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic and circulars Issued by Ministry of Corporate Affairs in this regard (Circular No. 14,2020 dated 084)4/2020, Circular No.1712029 dated 13/04/2020. Circular No, 2042020 dated 05495'2020 & Circular No. 02/2021 dated 13/0142021) and by SE8I (Circular No SEBI/HO/CFCKM01/CIRIP/2020/79 dated 12/05/2020 & Circular No SEBIlliG/CFD(CMDMIR/P/2021,11 dated 15/01/2021), (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Applicable Crculars"), the AGM will be field excite:Lively through Video Coalmine* (VC) / Other Audio-Visual Means (OASMIN.

3. Pinged 4) the Appicable Circulars, the requirement ol sondes(' physical copy of the Nolte and Amami Repor (to The Witless has been dispensed with_ The dispatch of Notice tteroigh electronic ne* has been completed on July 16, 2021

4. The Notice is inkblot, Me webalo of the Bank at wwwiegookin, c-voting webs* dINSDL ateninyseggingeksom and die same can also be accessed I r um websites at Me Stock Exctranes I e. BSE & NSE (yr.ww.tr4nbia.cton and wWWAISetrabiSQ111)

5. In terms of Section 108 of the Companies Act. 2013 read with Rule 20 of the Companies (Management & Administration) Rules, 2014, as amended, the Items of Business set out in the AGM Notice shall be transacted through electronic voting system. Accordinly, e-vcOng facility has been provided to the Members who appear In ire Books as Members or Beneficial Owners of shares as on August 03.2021 (End of Dayf, being the Cut ott date fixed for reckoning the voting lights of Members

B. The date and lime at commencement et e-voting is Thursday, August 05, 2021 (09:00 cm. IST) and the dale and one al end of e•vetIng in Monday, August 09, 2021 (5:00 p.m. IST) The co.00ng moode shall be disabled by NSDL for vobng thereafter. Those Members, who w be present m the AGM dirougo VC 1 OAVM forty and have not cast their vote on the Resolutions leach remote s-voting and are otherwise not barred from doing so, shall be eligible to vote tleougt e-voting system during Me AGM.

T. A member who continues to be a member as on the curet! date. I.e., August113, 2021, may participate an the AGM even alter casting vole Through remote voting, but shall not be allowed to vote again during the AGM.

8. The Register of Members and the Share Transfer Books of the Bank will remain closed from Wednesday, August 04. 2021 lo Tuesday, August 10, 2021 (Both days inclusive)

9. Persons who have acquired shares during the period from July 09. 2021 (W-0B date for leckaring eve dispatch of AGM Notice) till August 03, 2021 (014.0B date for recienirig voting rights of members) and are continuing to be Members as on The said cut-off date of August 03, 2021, can exercise there voting right through o-vallag &Ong the e-voIlno period as mentioned in point No. 6 above or during the AGM through VC ! OAVM. Such members may obtain the login 10 and password from NSDL by sending a request to eygpogainstilleao by gonnu tool shareholchng details viz., Name shares held, folio no or CIP10 C1'010110 , tic, floweret. Members who are already registered with NSIX for remote e-voting, can use misting Login ID and password for casting Mee vote electronically

10. Priory will not be overtime to members attending AGM through VC as per MCAs directives

11. Information and instructions composing manner al e-voting by Members noklino shares in dematerialized mode, physical mode and to Members who have not registered their email addresses has been provided In the Notice of the AGM.

12. Members may meter m the FAOs for Shareholders and e-voting user manual for Shareholders available at the download section of tieDS;',,witier_ittegnidfces. Members having queries regarding e-voting may seek assistance from Mr, Anil VLsivaJ, AVP-hiSM. or Ms. Paean Mhalre,

apet-NSDL and those having queries regarding ?Owl) Ineelmtl through VC may seek assistance from Mr SaMem Yaciar, Assistant ManageoNSOL on 1880 1020 990 11800 224 430 / Email :gon(Rr_sd_mi I an, 4' Floor, A Wing, Trade World, !tomato Ws Compound, Senapae Sepal Marg. Lower Parer Mumbar - 400013

For 1061 Bank Limited Place *Nobel Pyollil Bile Nair) Odle July 16, 2221 Company Secretary

FINANCIAL EXPRESS Sat, 17 July 2021 READ10 LEAD https://epaper.financi

Page 3: July 17, 2021

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4111041110 410 _AO ...a. Sat, 17 July 2021 thIC13 11-1‘11 https: //epaper .1oksatta. comic/ IS
